1. Hetaeras developed themselves a lot and persistently in many directions, so they knew their true worth and did not allow anyone to humiliate them

(Not to be confused with unreasonably inflated self-esteem and pride, which is a sin and is strictly punished). A proud, self-respecting woman will always delight a man.

2. Hetaeras did not doubt their attractiveness, they firmly knew that each was beautiful in its own way, each had its own charm, its own zest. How you present yourself is how others will perceive you. (Cleopatra was far from beautiful, and men were ready to pay with their lives for her love).

3. Hetaeras were always well-groomed and neat, they could not be taken by surprise. It is impossible to imagine a hetaera in worn-out slippers, a washed-out robe and curlers on her head. Such a woman is unlikely to be able to inspire a man.

4. Getteras were always cheerful, cheerful, and at ease. Their mood was even and calm. They could always calm a man down, relax him, and instill optimism in him. Their smile, illuminated by inner happiness and peace, drove men crazy.

5. Hetaeras have never been proud of their education. In a conversation with a man, they knew how to listen, only maintaining the conversation in the right direction. It is important for a man to have a listener.

6. Hetaeras spoke in a quiet, melodious voice; when speaking, they always noted the man’s virtues and exalted him. They never boasted about their virtues. Heterosexuals never argued with anyone. That is why they were known as excellent conversationalists.

7. Hetaeras knew how to keep their distance, were moderately inaccessible and clearly knew when they had to be soft and compliant. They never forgot the fact that a man by nature always has to achieve something, win someone. Men do not value what comes easily.

8. Hetaeras developed their sexuality, but were not vulgar. A slight hint, understatement in this matter excites more than blatant and undisguised sexual aggression.

9. Hetaeras never revealed all their knowledge and skills to men; they surprised men with them, maintaining their interest in themselves. They tried to be unpredictable. A woman should have her secrets. Even a very interesting book you read ceases to interest you and is put on the shelf.

10. Hetaeras never became attached to men; they were faithful, reliable friends as long as the union made both of them happy. This really turns men on and keeps them on their toes.

There are as many legends about hetaeras as there are about ancient gods and heroes. They are sometimes called kept women and prostitutes, sometimes the most educated and progressive women of their time. The orator Demosthenes, speaking at the trial in defense of the hetaera Neera, argued: “Everyone needs hetaeras for joy!” What joys did they bring to men? hetaeras and what did they actually do?

Translated from ancient Greek, hetaera means “girlfriend.” These women led a free lifestyle, unlike wives who became recluses immediately after marriage and were exclusively concerned with children and housework. Getters were well versed in music, literature, philosophy and art. They could support a dialogue on any topic, their intellectual development not inferior to men's.

Can hetaeras be called prostitutes? The fact is that hetaeras stood at a higher level of the social ladder than prostitutes from brothels, and were respected in society. Prominent people consulted them statesmen, philosophers and writers. In addition, they had the right to choose their companions, refused those they did not like, and stayed for a long time with those they loved.

They became real muses for men. Epicurus remained faithful to the hetaera Leontia all his life and said about her: “She lives with me and in me.” The Athenian commander Pericles was married to the hetaera Aspasia, often consulted with her in solving state problems, she helped him prepare speeches for speeches. The Byzantine Empress Theodora was a heteroa before her marriage. Hetaera Thais of Athens, a friend of Alexander the Great, after his death became the wife of the Egyptian king Ptolemy I.

Phryne, who was called the most famous and beautiful heterosexual of Athens, became the model for Praxiteles, who sculpted the statue of Aphrodite, for which she was accused of blasphemy. She appeared in court, but was acquitted - she exposed herself before the sentencing and captivated the judges. Phryne herself set the price for her services - the king of Lydia, due to the “fee” paid, had to raise taxes in the country in order to replenish the budget, and this did not cost Diogenes the money, since Phryne admired his intelligence.

Of course, it is hardly possible to judge all hetaeras only by the most famous and worthy representatives of this type of occupation. In the era of antiquity, the idea of ​​corrupt love was treated without prejudice. At the temples of Aphrodite in Greece and Venus in Rome, hundreds of heterae served, providing intimate services.

However, even in antiquity, hetaeras had opponents. The Cynics (philosophical school) often opposed them. Crates said that the statue of Phryne was a monument to Greek debauchery and ridiculed her love of gold and coldness. Diogenes, in a dialogue with another philosopher, was indignant: “How can you be close to sh..ha? Either become a cynic or stop using it.”

You can call them whatever you like, but you cannot deny the role that hetaeras played in ancient history and culture. More or less than - it's up to you.

Known all over the world, charming and eternally young “priestesses of love” - they were ready to make any sacrifice in order to preserve their beauty forever. Some of the products they used are today incompatible with the requirements of modern cosmetics, but who said that a modern woman is not ready for “madness” in the name of beauty?

Aspasia - the greatest hetaera of Athens

In the mornings her face looked strange, reminiscent of an old, cracked theatrical mask, because the famous hetaera before going to bed put a special mask on her face, prepared according to own recipe beauty. Aspasia perfectly mastered not only rhetoric and philosophy, but also the art of beauty. Her "Treatise on the Preservation of Beauty" reveals the rich experience of a woman who knows everything about what is useful for rejuvenation.

Aspasia slept until late. And then the slaves led her to a huge bowl-shaped vessel. They washed the hetera, dried it thoroughly and applied fragrant oils to the skin with a sponge. Aspasia, sitting on a marble chair, carefully examined her reflection in the mirror. A 40-year-old woman looked at her, still beautiful despite her double chin and slightly protruding neck veins. Stormy life and night vigils could not help but leave marks on his face. Then a specially trained slave twirled the still wet hair, giving it the shape of curls with the help of golden needles. The beautician applied fish paste to the wrinkles with a thin needle, covered the face with a layer of lead white, and applied blush to the cheeks. Lips and chest were painted with carmine...

Courtesans were required to dye their hair yellow. But Aspasia did not like to use saffron juice. She preferred to wear a wig. The slaves carefully attached the straw-colored wig to her head. Aspasia rose majestically from her chair and put on a tunic decorated in Asian fashion. She did not forget about fresh flowers. At such a moment she was a woman without age, or, more precisely, at the age of love. The hour was approaching when her lover Pericles came with congratulations...

Queen Cleopatra's last toilet

Cleopatra is the refined product of a decaying dynasty that existed thanks to Rome. The last representative of the Ptolemies spoke with a melodious voice, mastered many languages ​​and the art of being beautiful, having inherited it from her Greek ancestors. The toilet was a ritual, and Egypt offered an abundance of products to rejuvenate the body and face. Alabaster powder or salt mixed with honey helped fight wrinkles. Used to strengthen hair Castor oil. The balm “for turning an old man into a young man” was difficult to make, but it really destroyed the traces of the years lived.

Cleopatra possessed all these secrets, ancient secrets world, and opened others. Unfortunately, the “Treatise on Beauty” written by the queen has been lost.

Dressing in last time, the queen settled on a combination of blue, green and golden colors, which was supposed to give a touch of holiness to her mythical beauty. She bathed in donkey milk softened with honey. Faithful slaves Charmion and Iras rubbed a balm into their skin, which included an extract from teak and acacia seeds. They carefully smoothed out barely noticeable wrinkles - Cleopatra was 40 years old - and covered them with a paste of fresh peaches. Finally, the whole body, according to the custom of the pharaohs, was anointed with incense. On the dressing table there was a bottle of perfume in the shape of a hawk with a miter, a spoon for applying makeup - a naked swimming girl pushing a duck. The queen held a silver disk in her hand - a mirror, to observe the actions of the slaves. In Egypt when applying makeup Special attention was given to the eyes. A black or green line not only lengthened them, but also protected them from disease and gave them special expressiveness. The skin tone was highlighted with pale pink blush.

Queen Cleopatra's last toilet was completed. She wore a sheer dress that was gathered into pleats under her left breast, leaving her right breast bare. She lay down on a low bed, extending her hand in the direction from which the enemy was approaching. The choice of poison did not matter. The only important thing was the gesture “worthy” of a queen.

Donkey milk for Poppea

Nero really was in love with Poppea. To marry her, he killed her mother Agrippina and his wife Octavia. Poppea, who was older than her husband, according to Tacitus, had “everything except honesty.” Brown hair with a copper tint, smooth matte skin, white as cambric. Poppea had her own mask to preserve her beauty, which included rye boiled in olive oil. She gave her her name, but gossips they preferred to call it a “mask for the spouse.”

The bathing ceremony was very important for Poppea. She lay down in a marble bath filled with donkey milk. A herd of 500 Donkeys accompanied Poppaea on all her trips. Small alabaster vases contained everything needed to nourish and whiten the skin. A paste made from ox dung, sunflower oil and vegetable glue was especially effective. The slave rubbed the makeup with saliva. Another slave was carefully applying black eye shadow to her mistress's eyelids with tweezers. And a complex mixture of... dead ants was applied to the eyebrows. According to the fashion of that time, the eyebrows were almost connected in one line. The hairdresser skillfully combed Poppea's hair. And at the end, small crescent-shaped skin patches were applied to the face - the ancestors of the famous flies...

Madame de Pompadour makes her face

The sickly pale Pompadour wore a lot of blush. In the evening, she cleansed her face with a mixture of sugar and egg white, which gave the skin whiteness and a special shine. Veal chops or a balm made from beeswax, cucumber juice and spermaceti were applied to the cheeks. In the morning, makeup was applied to the face “rejuvenated” in this way, providing the necessary effect for several hours. Madame Pompadour painted in Blue colour veins on the neck to emphasize the whiteness and tenderness of the skin. Not a single toilet was complete without flies.

Today I will tell you about the beauty secrets of hetaeras Ancient Greece, some recipes of which have survived to this day.

In Greece they were highly valued vegetable oils with lotus and white lily juice, which gave the body shades of mystery. Breadfruit roots and leaves were finely grated and added to the mixture. river sand- this is one of the first peeling recipes! Women in Greece used this quite often simple recipe to cleanse the skin and give it a soft and smooth texture.

Traditionally, Greek women hid their skin from the sun, enjoyed massages, groomed their hair, and used rare incense brought from Asia. The standard of representatives of Greek female beauty were expressive faces with large eyes, broad shoulders with a thin waist, large hips and slender, long legs. Women's makeup in Greece was natural - they lightly powdered their faces, inked their eyelashes with soot and fixed them with egg whites. Acrid iris juice was used for blush, as it irritated the skin and caused slight redness. Mint and lemon balm were used to scent rooms, and aromatic oils and rose petals were added to various ointments.

In Ancient Greece, the keepers of recipes were cosmetologists - slaves and slaves who mastered the art of massage, makeup and body and face care.

The anti-wrinkle cream was invented by the heterosexual Phryne from Athens. Hetaera (from Greek - friend, companion) is a woman leading an independent lifestyle, a free woman, a public woman, a courtesan. Hetaeras were worthy friends of the greatest minds and artists of the time. Social status the heter was very tall. For hetaeras, it was important to preserve the freshness of the skin and prolong it as long as possible.

How much Greek women valued the whiteness of their skin is evidenced by Phryne’s nickname, “Toad,” given to the famous hetaera by envious women for her face, which had a yellowish tint. Phryne's cream contained donkey milk. And Nero’s wife (Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus December 15, 37 - June 9, 68, Roman Emperor from October 13, 54, the last of the Julius-Claudian dynasty) Poppaea took a daily bath filled with donkeys’ milk. And even if she went on a trip, she took a herd of donkeys with her. It is worth noting that this ingredient is used in cosmetics to this day.

Another hetaera, Aspasia, wrote two treatises on the art of grooming the skin and putting on makeup. Getteras thickly lined their eyebrows with antimony, and it was fashionable to connect them in one line; they painted their cheeks with mulberry juice.

Whitewash dates back to Ancient Greece - it was made from lead. This whitewash was harmful, Galen wrote about this, but women did not even want to hear about it, they were ready to make any sacrifice for the sake of whiteness - a sign of beauty and aristocracy.

Over time, cosmetics reached the gloomy ginikei - noble women and young maidens began to imitate heterosexuals. In pursuit of fashion, they began to paint their eyes brightly, whitened their faces, painted lips and eyebrows so that the face acquired expressive features and brightness. The first lipstick was made with iron oxide and ocher, which made lips attractive. Note that cosmetics were available only to the ancient Greek nobility.

I have already mentioned the name Galen. This is the greatest doctor and researcher of that time.

Galen created the aromatic facial care mixture Galia, which included beeswax, rose water (the juice of rose petals) and almond oil. The aromatic mixture was very popular among noblemen. I will tell you how to make such a mixture at home.

Amazing cream recipe from Galen:

Beeswax - 5 g

Almond oil - 20 g

Rose hydrolate (rose water) - 20 g

Rose absolute - 5 drops

Melt the beeswax in a water bath, add almond oil, rose water and rose absolute, mix well.

Thank you for reading my column, see you soon!

Sincerely, Kristina Kovaleva

Top makeup artist, founder of Kristina Kovaleva's Style Studio

It will be difficult to find a woman on Earth who would not ask herself questions: how to conquer men, how to become the only and beloved for the desired man. And this is natural, because a woman is monogamous by nature, she can be happy and fulfilled next to a single man. So they look for answers on the Internet and books, trying to unearth the secrets of seduction. And there they are mainly stuffed with seduction techniques. And in order to seduce a man, you don’t need a lot of intelligence and work, and you don’t need to know more than 1-2 techniques. This is how Mother Nature ordered that the process of reproduction of humanity not stop, and made a man sexually unprotected: firstly, he is polygamous, and secondly, his sexual chakra is always “hungry” and dependent on women.

So all seduction techniques work on these two male weaknesses. But men, as a rule, use seductresses as a one-time recharge and nothing more. They not only do not admire such women, but, most likely, treat them with contempt and do not want to connect their fate with them. Therefore, you need to think not about how to seduce, but about how to conquer a man and become the one and only for him, how to capture his heart and mind. This is what I want to talk about with you, based on my observations and life experience.

So what are these notorious secrets of seduction? Many women mistakenly think that the main thing here is to have a beautiful appearance and a slim figure. This erroneous opinion was instilled by those who are now making huge money from this. Model agencies growing by leaps and bounds. Plastic surgery is developing at an unprecedented pace. Women exhaust themselves with newfangled diets, strength training, just to fit yourself into the beauty standard artificially created by glamor magazines. Sometimes you look at modern girls and you are amazed, there is no zest, they are all like cloned dolls.

But Nature is wise and God creates us different, endowing each with its own “zest” and its own unique talent. Every woman is already endowed by Nature with everything she needs to conquer “her” man once and for all. I, too, used to envy beauties, thinking that they were the happiest, the most desirable. But life showed something completely different. I realized that everyone should have a book with proverbs and sayings at home. They contain all the secrets of this World on all issues. So here it is folk wisdom This question is answered briefly and clearly: “Don’t be born beautiful, but be born happy.”

I looked back into the past for analysis and found confirmation of folk wisdom. The first of our class to get married, and very successfully, were the ugliest of us. One of my classmates, who had suffered from polio and had a very severe limp, was among them, and her husband literally and figuratively carried her in his arms. But our beauties, around whom a mass of fans always crowded, almost all were unable to build their female happiness. Some didn’t get married at all and remained “old maids”; others got married unsuccessfully and soon divorced. And again the popular wisdom is right: “Humming, humming, and passing by.”

Later, working as a women's doctor, with whom women always share their sorrows and joys, I understood a lot. The main thing I realized is that the source of women's happiness is not in external beauty and not in slim figure, this is not what you need to think about in order to become loved and desired. U beautiful women, surrounded by attention since childhood, pride begins to go off scale, they consider themselves the center of the Universe and only want to receive everything in life. If a person strives only to receive, then what he dreams of will be forcibly taken from him, both for the harmony of energy and for life lessons. There is also an opinion that only a very kind woman who sacrifices her life for the sake of her beloved man, who is ready to forgive him everything, even disrespectful attitude towards herself, will be able to conquer a man. This is also a fundamentally wrong tactic. The secret of seduction lies elsewhere.

Our Higher Teachers always give us hints, we just need to learn to see and hear them. Let us turn our gaze to an ancient historical era, when the position of women was much worse than it is today. The woman was completely powerless. Her destiny was to give birth to offspring and serve men. A woman at that time could not study; she could only leave the house with her husband if he deigned to do so. Not only can you not talk about love here, there was not even basic respect for women. (). And it was at this time that, as an example, women appeared who literally accomplished a feat.These women rejected the institution of marriage that existed at that time, deciding to remain independent from men, but desired by them. These women were called HETERAS.

Many of our contemporaries have a distorted idea of ​​Hetaeras; they associate them with elite prostitutes. But this is a misconception. Prostitutes sell their bodies and get paid for it. Hetaeras never traded themselves and their love; they themselves chose a man among a huge crowd of people who wanted to be close to them. There is a known case when a ruler was in love with Getera, ready to throw all the wealth of the country at her feet, but she chose a poor, unknown sculptor, who later became famous, thanks to Getera. Hetairas knew how to inspire men. Hetaera (translated as friend), having conquered a man, could raise the man to unprecedented heights. Naturally, these men ensured the material well-being of these women for this, and Heteras at that time were very respected and rich, practically remaining just women. They proved that being a real woman is the most honorable and highly paid profession for women. So we need to take an example from them.

Feminine strength and the secret of seduction of Heterae are in their expressed and fully revealed femininity. Challenging existing injustices in attitudes towards women, they received a diverse and deep education. Hetaeras understood science, art, politics and could carry on a conversation with men on any topic. They did not pump up their muscles, but learned to move gracefully, dance, they sang, drew, learned to play various musical instruments. They mastered the art of makeup and makeup artistry. They mastered the art of eloquence. They had something to conquer and surprise men with. When Hetaera, well-groomed from head to toe, dressed in a long flowing dress that emphasized her figure, walked down the street with her light and regal gait, men froze in admiration for such a woman. They were ready to throw the whole world at her feet.

A modern woman today does not need to perform a feat in order to become a dream woman for men. She has already achieved a lot on the path of liberation from male slavery. It is enough for her to make friends with her feminine essence (and begin to improve herself, following the example of Hetera. However, at the current level of development of society, Hetera must learn to realize herself in a family where she can not only inspire and improve a man, but also raise a worthy generation.

The main secrets of seduction of Hetaera.

1. Hetaeras developed themselves a lot and persistently in many directions, so they knew their true worth and did not allow anyone to humiliate them (Not to be confused with unreasonably inflated self-esteem and pride, which is a sin and is strictly punished). A proud, self-respecting woman will always delight a man.

2. Hetaeras did not doubt their attractiveness, they firmly knew that each was beautiful in its own way, each had its own charm, its own zest. How you present yourself is how others will perceive you. (Cleopatra was far from beautiful, and men were ready to pay with their lives for her love).

3. Hetaeras were always well-groomed and neat, they could not be taken by surprise. It is impossible to imagine a hetaera in worn-out slippers, a washed-out robe and curlers on her head. Such a woman is unlikely to be able to inspire a man.

4. Getteras were always cheerful, cheerful, and at ease. Their mood was even and calm. They could always calm a man down, relax him, and instill optimism in him. Their smile, illuminated by inner happiness and peace, drove men crazy.

5. Hetaeras have never been proud of their education. In a conversation with a man, they knew how to listen, only maintaining the conversation in the right direction. It is important for a man to have a listener.

6. Hetaeras spoke in a quiet, melodious voice; when speaking, they always noted the man’s virtues and exalted him. They never boasted about their virtues. Heterosexuals never argued with anyone. That is why they were known as excellent conversationalists.

7. Hetaeras knew how to keep their distance, were moderately inaccessible and clearly knew when they had to be soft and compliant. They never forgot the fact that a man by nature always has to achieve something, win someone. Men do not value what comes easily.

8. Hetaeras developed their sexuality, but were not vulgar. A slight hint, understatement in this matter excites more than blatant and undisguised sexual aggression.

9. Hetaeras never revealed all their knowledge and skills to men; they surprised men with them, maintaining their interest in themselves. They tried to be unpredictable. A woman should have her secrets. Even a very interesting book you read ceases to interest you and is put on the shelf.

10. Hetaeras never became attached to men; they were faithful, reliable friends as long as the union made both of them happy. This really turns men on and keeps them on their toes.

Of course, there are many other qualities in women that conquer men’s hearts, but we will talk about them in our next conversations. I would like to read your thoughts on this topic. You, undoubtedly, also have life experience, share it, because not all women today have been able to build a harmonious union with their man, many have not even met him yet, and our advice will help them avoid mistakes.

The main thing I would like to convey to you today, my readers, is that a real woman should not work on relationships like: how to captivate, how to attract, how to keep a man. She must work on herself to become the kind of woman you want to be around and enjoy her company.

Many modern women dream of a “prince on a white horse”, but they themselves do nothing to become a princess. Many modern women have no interests or hobbies after graduating from school. They only attend trainings on how to attract and attract men only for sexual relations. And then they repeat that all men are “goats”, they only need sex from women. Real woman must conquer a man's heart, surprise his mind, delight his feminine nature, the breadth of their worldview and interests, and not to play on the sexual instincts of men.

Many young girls today have one dream - to marry an oligarch. Therefore, today the most popular topic is: “How to attract an oligarch.” They think that where there is a lot of money, there is happiness. This is a misconception. Men with low spirituality have big money, so for these men, the topic of how to prove that you are THE MOST is at the forefront of the scale of values... They should have the most expensive car, watch, tie, the most beautiful and young woman. As soon as something better appears on the horizon, they change their things and the woman too without regret. If you want to be a temporary toy for an oligarch, then know that there are millions of you like you, and there are not enough oligarchs for everyone. In pursuit of illusory happiness, do not miss your true happiness. After all, youth and beauty quickly fade.

There is another problem in modern world. There are many different magicians and sorcerers who are ready to help lovers of an easy life to bewitch the desired man for a lot of money. A lot of literature has appeared with similar practices. I would like to warn these women that by doing this, they are violating the main Law of our Universe. This is the Law of Free Will, even God does not violate it. Violators of this law immediately activate a self-destruction program. Most often, the function of childbearing is blocked. And the woman's race is subject to destruction. And the bewitched man will be unhappy himself and will never be able to make this woman happy. Think about whether such a game is worth the candle, it’s too full of holes.

Work on yourself, improve, build a space around yourself filled with light and love, and your man will definitely find you. In the Age of Aquarius, powerful streams of love energy descend on the earth, accept them, absorb them and charge everything around you with this energy. Remember that today there will be different requirements for the union of a man and a woman. This union must be sealed with love. All other unions are doomed to collapse and do not resist this, it is inevitable. If this happens to you, take it for granted and let it go. You just took someone else’s place, you need to vacate it and take your place next to your man.

In subsequent meetings we will talk about how to conquer your man, how to build a harmonious relationship with him, how to become loved and desired by him. To do this, you don’t need to have several diplomas, model appearance, or wealth. To do this, you just need to know the laws of the Universe and discover in yourself what is already inherent in every woman by Nature at birth. Every woman should be happy, but she has forgotten about it. Let's remember together.

Sincerely. Tatiana.