Magical music. The Astrologer comes out (looks through the pipe at the sky):

1.No rain, no snow, no cloudy sky
At midnight cloudless hour.( per viewer):
The sky opens up the sparkling depths
For keen and joyful eyes.

After all, there are such people

They hear perfectly
As a star speaks to a star: ( leaves)

Stars (at different ends of the hall, calling to each other):
- Hello! - Hello.
-Are you shining? - I’m shining.
- What time is it now?
- Twelfth, approximately.
- And on Earth at this hour we are best visible.
- What about the children?
- The children are probably sleeping.

The stars run around the tree and stop in front of it, looking around.

Oh, where have we ended up?

1: We are in a large spacious hall.

2: So this is a kindergarten?..

I don't see any guys here...

1: Everything is ready, what are we waiting for?

We'll call them here

2: Everyone, quickly run here

Gather in this hall

If you want to see

New Year's carnival!

1: We invite only those

who laughs the loudest

who will dance and sing here,

will start round dances.

Play the music louder

Christmas tree, welcome your guests!

Come forward everyone -

See, it's snowing.

Entrance with snowflakes and twigs - WALTZ

Time flies forward and forward,

The New Year is just around the corner.

It's time for us to start the holiday, friends.

Sing, dance, you can't get bored here!

1. What happened? What a miracle! Everything is white all around!

It was at night that a blizzard rushed in and began to snow.

2. And the street is so clean, the sun is shining!

The sparkling snow creaks merrily underfoot.

3. We were looking forward to the first snowball.

Finally, the Russian winter is with us again!

"Snow - snowball"

4. Outside the window there is a blizzard wind

Everything sweeps, sweeps, sweeps,

And our friend is dancing

And a cheerful round dance.

5 . Every year we look forward to

We are waiting for the New Year holiday.

He comes to us with joy

And a sparkler!

6. In the kingdom of Christmas tree decorations

The lights are burning brightly.

Tinsel, balls, crackers

They sparkle and shine so much!

Our Christmas tree"

They sit down.

Presenter. It seems that all the guests have gathered, but Santa Claus is still not there.

We need to invite grandpa to celebrate the New Year with us.

(name of Santa Claus)

Music sounds, Night appears.

I am Fairy black night,
I bring darkness and darkness.
It will be very difficult for Frost
Find a path in the forest.
May the month no longer sparkle
The stars above do not shine,
The lights are fading everywhere
And I like the darkness of the night.

The lights go out, the night goes away.

Presenter: Guys, did you hear what the Night Fairy said? The month is enchanted, the stars do not shine. How will Santa Claus come to us in such darkness? Let's help him. First, let's try to light the lights on our tree to make it a little lighter. I see a lot of gnomes. They will help us.

The gnomes come out to dance

1st gnome . Well, guess who we are?

2nd dwarf. We are gnomes, gnomes, gnomes,

We are good forest gnomes.

We come to you in fairy tales and dreams.

3rd dwarf. We protect the Christmas trees in the forest

And we extract treasures from the ground.

4th dwarf. We are good old gnomes.

Now do you know who we are?

Dance of the Dwarves with the Lamplighters

(at the end of the dance the lights on the tree light up and everyone claps)

Presenter: Thank you, gnomes!
The sad Moon comes out to the music.

A month, a month that you are sad,
Don't you sparkle, don't you shine?

The evil night has cast a spell,
She stole my cheerful shine.

Reb. Let the month smile
We will now drive away the sadness.

« Winter's Tale»

The moon smiles, throws off the dark veil, and the room becomes lighter.

Month: That's it, there is no more witchcraft!
How beautiful is the silver light!

The ominous night music sounds again, and Night appears.

Night ( laughs): It became a little lighter.

But there in the forest the night is thicker and darker.

Santa Claus will not come to you! -

Lost among the birches! ( spinning and running away)

D. M. What happened? I don't understand. I won't find the way.

The forest is thicker, the night is darker. I can’t bear to go anymore!

A cheerful round dance for a month would bring the stars forward...

It would be easier to walk. Who's making such jokes ahead?

We heard that grandpa was in trouble.

What to do? What should we do?

We need to wake up the wind.
So that the stars in the sky
They began to sparkle merrily,
There must be wind clouds in the sky
Disperse with your power.

Presenter: Guys, let's call the Wind:
Wind, wind, help,
Disperse the clouds in the sky!

The Wind appears.
I don't mind helping you.
May Queen Night be strong.
To gain strength for me,
We need to disperse the slumber!

Well, guys, help me out,
Drive away boredom, drowsiness!

Dance of Christmas trees and wind

I drove the sleeper away, and now
Merry round dance of the stars
The clouds in the sky are parting,
Silver and sparkles. ( month goes by)
« Dance of the Moon and Stars"

Towards the end of the dance, Night appears, dances, and with the end of the music remains near the tree.
Night: The light of the sun turned out to be stronger.

I'm leaving... I'm not here!
The night is leaving.

Ved. The night passed, and the dreams flew away, but the wizards remained.

1 child Look around: on the left is a friend and on the right is a friend.

2. And when there are friends around, then the magician is you and me.

To the music Snow Maiden comes out.

Song of the Snow Maiden

Snow Maiden.

In a clearing, at the edge of the forest, I live in my hut,
Call me Snegurochka, all snowflakes are my relatives.

Host: Where have you been, Snow Maiden?

Tell the children.

Snegur. I walked towards you through dark forests.

Big white fields

And finally, you, friends.

Presenter. We are for you. Snow Maiden, we are glad from the bottom of our hearts.

Have fun dancing with us in a round dance.

. Children go to the Christmas tree.

"Winter Song"

Snow Maiden. I felt sad, friends.

I'm very worried

We are already celebrating the holiday.

We don’t know where grandfather is.

Presenter. We've been waiting for him ourselves.

I need to call grandpa.

Let's tell grandpa: Aw!!!

Father Frost. I'm going, I'm going, I'm going!!( included)

Father Frost:

I am sincerely glad to see all the guests and all the guys!
Happy New Year, I wish you a snowy winter!
So that the sleds can roll you around, so that you can play in the snow,

Snow Maiden. So that they are not afraid of frost, so that they grow and harden.

The Christmas tree is glowing and sparkling - let's have fun, children!

Child1. A merry round dance will gather near the Christmas tree.

How wonderful it is that we will celebrate the New Year together.

New Year's round dance

2. I rushed with a silver blizzard past fir trees and birches,

Scattering sparkling snow, kind Grandfather Frost.

3 There is so much light in the hall today, so much laughter and warmth.

Here the children are playing and having fun by the Christmas tree.

Father Frost. Here at the wonderful Christmas tree

Sing a song about me.

"Father Frost"

4. Santa Claus is quite a joker

Leads a noisy round dance.

Looks and everything is smart

A snow spark will remove it!

What do you like in winter?

Mitten Games

“Here you are in our circle”

Ved. Listen, Grandfather Frost,

Freeze the guys' noses!

D.M. I blow a cold wind, I’ll put a spell on all the kids

I'll count one, two, three - a snowy fairy tale, freeze!

Snow and Ice game

X.1 hour - snowflakes are spinning, flying, at the end of the music the children freeze.

D.M. message to parents: “How did I freeze your children? They stand there and don’t move.”

HA.2 hours of music (dance) children dance.

D.M. ( looks around, surprised)Didn't you freeze it?

the game is repeated. The children sit down. Santa Claus sits near the Christmas tree.

1 Reb. Decorating our Christmas tree

Colorful lights

And toys and firecrackers,

And shiny balls.

2. We tried, we crafted

Christmas tree festive outfit.

3. And toys, like children,

They also want to dance.

Candy: I’m a shiny candy, I’m very glad to see you, kids.

Look at the outfit - there are caramels hanging here.

Firecracker: We hung on the beauty tree like needles.

If I clap my hands,

It's going to rain colored rain.

Don't put on your galoshes, he won't flood us with water.

My rain will come from paper confetti.

dance of New Year's toys

Santa Claus. Goodbye! Goodbye!

Goodbye, kids!

We played, had fun,

Well, it's time for us to go.

Snegur. Slides and snowballs are waiting for you,

Sleds and skates are waiting for you.

Dress warmly

And go outside quickly.

Together . HAPPY NEW YEAR! (leave)

Ved. May goodness win in every fairy tale.

Let there be joyful faces everywhere

And if you are sad, magic

To you with a new fairy tale there will be a knock on the door.

Song "Let's be happy"

I hasten to wish you a Happy New Year!
May this year bring you only happiness,
May everything always be within your reach,
So that bad weather is afraid to approach.

Herald: We are starting a winter holiday, it couldn’t be more wonderful!

Come visit us, everyone who is friends with the song!

The New Year opens fairy doors,

Come into the hall quickly, everyone who believes in fairy tales!

New Year's call signs sound.

Music is playing. Children enter the hall. Around the Christmas tree stand girls from the extras in candy costumes. The Sugar Plum Fairy appears. As it passes around the circle, the figures come to life and bow down.

Sugar Plum Fairy: We are glad to welcome guests!

Lots of games and activities await us!

Everyone calls me the Sugar Plum Fairy!

Happy New Year to all of you, friends!

And I came to you from a land of fabulous wonders, where in chocolate-caramel cities there are gingerbread houses, almond rivers flow, candies and even orange rolls grow on trees!

Do you love sweets and all sorts of goodies!

Sugar Plum Fairy: Oh, my sweeties! (The fairy can name children - Almond, caramel, honey, marmalade)

I have a few good questions
You don't have to talk, just clap your hands!
Hlopalka - “New Year’s” activation.
Music Hlopalka

Who's celebrating the New Year here?
Clap your hands!
And who is the old one accompanying you?

Don't be shy either.

Who will sing and not be silent?

Clap your hands
Who will dance?

Don't be shy either.

Which one of you is waiting for gifts?

Clap your hands.
Who are they given to each year?

Don't be shy either!

Well done!

My caramel boys and honey girls!

I’m so happy to see you today, I’ll treat you to chocolate!

Guess it, guys. Who will help us?
Dance with us?

These are sweet coquettes in wrapper dresses.....

Children: Candy!

Candies come out of the circle

Sugar Plum Fairy: These are my favorite candies!

Sugar Plum Fairy: Louder, music, play, help us dance!

All together: Let's all dance - old and young - the cheerful dance "Chocolate"!

Dance to the song "Chocolate".

1 hand to the side (east). Another hand.

1 hand up. Another hand up.

1 hand on the hip, 2 on the thigh. We shook it.

Jump with a turn to the side with motor hands and 2 claps.

The same in the other direction. Repeat 2 times.

We twist the handles in front of us from the bottom up and smoothly lower them from top to bottom through the sides. Repeat 2 times.

We gracefully wave our arms - alternately in one direction and the other - 2 times.

We swing our arms in front of us (arms are straight, like legs when swimming).

These movements are repeated twice.

Curtsey (handles in the opposite direction) with one and the other foot.

2 rare claps. These movements are repeated twice.

2 slow turns around yourself.

Sugar Plum Fairy: Well done! And now, marmalade guys,

solve delicious riddles!

Children have long loved creme brulee and popsicles,

Vanilla, strawberry, nuts, blueberry -

Snow cake, what is it? (Ice cream)

What kind of holey suns are they? Very tasty, rosy?

Baked in a frying pan, gilded with butter and honey.

You can't buy Grandma's... (pancakes)

You can bake something for dating and for meetings,

Make friends so I can help you, I’ll bake you a sweet... (pie)

The berries were collected, mixed with sugar,

They cooked and cooked and put them in jars -

Tasty! To everyone's surprise! What do they give for tea? (Jam)

Sugar Plum Fairy: Well done, sweetie kids, you solved all the riddles!

A dance as sweet as jam will lift our spirits!

Meet multi-colored jelly beans!

Dance of "Colorful Jelly Beans"

Sugar Plum Fairy: Boys and girls - chocolates, caramels,

We will not stand still, we will dance together!

General dance. They leave to the music.

Sugar Plum Fairy: Applause to our dancers!

And I wish you more joy,

but take care of your teeth and don’t eat sweets often!

But only on holidays, for communication and for a good mood!

Music is playing.

Pepper Shaker and Salt Shaker appear.

Pepper: Hello!

Salt shaker: Ours for you with a brush! Fairy! Sweeties, you say? Are they really sweet?

Pepper shaker: Sweet, it’s disgusting!

We'll ruin your holiday right away! Small fry, did you recognize us?

Fairy: Oh! Who are you? I don’t know you, I haven’t met you in my land of fairy-tale wonders! Guys, maybe you know who this is?

The children answer. The pepper shaker and salt shaker are talking to the children.

For example: Children: Hedgehog grandmothers! Kikimoras!

Pepper shaker with salt shaker: You yourself are kikimoras! Or “We hear from kikimoras!”

Saltcellar: Actually, we are important people,

Now we’ll tell you about ourselves!

Pepper shaker: I generously sprinkle hot pepper, because that’s what I need!

I pepper everything just out of stubbornness, The more pepper, the tastier!

Saltcellar: On this New Year's holiday, you excite my heart!

If you don't add salt to the soup, you won't eat it!

I really love cabbage, lard and tomatoes,

Look at me, I'm called a salt shaker!

Pepper shaker: Ha, I’ll have some salt too! Salt shaker, ugh! And I am the Pepper Shaker!

Salt shaker: Shake me, dear friend, then I’ll pour the salt onto my pillow!

They grab each other and start shaking them, throwing confetti up at the same time. The fairy begins to cough.

Pepper shaker: There is no interest in pouring salt into the pillow,

It’s better to pickle sweet gifts, girlfriend!

Salt shaker: Santa Claus is bringing gifts... There are sweets - oh, how sweet!

You and I will pepper them and then add salt.

Pepper shaker: Everyone will be very pleased! Who will cry, who will sneeze!

Together: Here's a holiday for you - New Year!

Sugar Plum Fairy: Don't add salt or pepper! Better dance with us!

Pepper: Dance? Well, isn’t it very cool (smart)!

You need salt and pepper to get it going!

Do you want a thrill?

Let us “light up” everything together!

You are very lucky to have us! Explain the game.


All words are pronounced without music.

Pepper shaker with salt shaker: Thumbs up!

Children repeat: Fingers forward! (Do it.)

Pepper shaker with salt shaker: Chucha!

Children. Chacha!

Music is playing, children are dancing. Straight arms alternately up and down.

Pepper shaker with salt shaker: Fingers forward!

Children. Thumbs up! (Do it.)

Pepper shaker with salt shaker: Elbows bent!

Children. Elbows bent! (Do it.)

Pepper shaker with salt shaker: Chucha!

Children. Chacha!

Pepper shaker with salt shaker: They bent their back!

Children. Your back is bent! (Perform movements as if turning the steering wheel of a car))

Pepper shaker with salt shaker: Chucha! (may speak mysteriously, questioningly)

Children. Chacha!

Music is playing, children are dancing.

Pepper shaker with salt shaker: Legs spread!

Pepper shaker with salt shaker: Tongues stuck out!

At the end of the verse they start clapping overhead.

Pepper shaker with salt shaker: Chucha!

Children. Chacha!

Pepper shaker with salt shaker: Chucha! Chucha! Chucha!

Children. Chacha! Chacha! Chacha!

Sugar Plum Fairy: Well done, guys! We didn't disappoint!

Tyrolean chants are heard. You can hear the bleating of sheep or the clatter of hooves, and sheep appear.

Sheep: We are the symbol of the year! We see there are a lot of people here!

The Year of the Lamb is at the Door! Welcome us soon!

Sugar Plum Fairy: What are you talking about, it’s not your time yet! Santa Claus has not come yet, the lights on the Christmas tree have not yet been lit.

And since you’ve come, help!

Banish the pepper shaker and salt shaker from the holiday!

Sheep: We, Fairy, respect you, we understand your troubles,

Let's scare the Salt and Pepper shaker and gore it with our horns!

They're surrounding the Pepper Shaker and the Salt Shaker!

Sugar Plum Fairy: Guys, you too will help! Stomp your feet loudly!

Pepper: (resists) Leave me alone! Shoot! Shoo-shoo!

Salt shaker, the sheep are led away by the arms. She sings to a ditty tune:

Salt shaker: If the heart is gnawing at melancholy, the negatives are in the head,

Then make a funny face and say to all the troubles, “Bee!” (on last words turns towards the audience, shows horns)

The sheep echo her: Be-e-e!

Sugar Plum Fairy: My heart has become sweet again,

And it’s time to call Grandfather Frost!

Children call Santa Claus

Santa Claus: Hello! Here I am!
Finally, we are together again, dear children!
I remembered you in the morning with a glorious New Year's song.
You've grown taller in a year, I barely recognize you!

Sugar Plum Fairy: Guys, let's say hello to Grandfather Frost. Together! Hello Dedushka Moroz!

Santa Claus: May the beautiful Christmas tree give us miracles,

Let him send us his greetings, cheerful lights!

Snow Maiden: Our Christmas tree is so fluffy and beautiful!
So that the Christmas tree lights up with colorful lights,
Let's say together: one, two, three!

Snow Maiden: Guys, let’s count everything together!
Santa Claus and children (in unison): One, two, three!

Snow Maiden: And once again, more friendly!

Music for the lighting of the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden: The beautiful Christmas tree smiles at us all!

Guys, let's clap the Christmas tree!

Snow Maiden: Tradition calls us to stand at the Christmas tree in a round dance.

Let's take each other's hand and walk in a circle.

And let’s sing a song together for a decorated Christmas tree!

Santa Claus: And I will reward the children who came to the Christmas tree in carnival costumes with sweets!

Snow Maiden: Guys, hold hands! Let's go in circles!

The song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” plays.

Snow Maiden: Guys, stop in place and clap your hands!

Santa Claus: And now, friends, I’m ready to dance for you,

But you don’t just look at me, you support the dance together!

Snow Maiden: Repeat the movements after us!

Game-dance: First movement: Blizzard “Dzerzhinskaya” (Hands are at chest level and move as if we are winding a ball)

Movement two: Frost draws patterns on the windows (Circular movements with both hands simultaneously to the right 2 times, then to the left 2 times)

Movement three: Firecrackers that “Clap!” and confetti from them flies down the collar.

(Hands are above your head, moving your hands like a fan, spreading them to the sides and down)

Movement four: Launching firecrackers. Guys. Don't forget that firecrackers can only be set off with adults! ( Right hand moves from the left thigh up and diagonally 4 times, then left hand moves from the right hip up and diagonally 4 times)

Movement five: Let's wish each other good health!

Movement six: We wish you happiness and joy!

Movement seventh: Happy New Year!

Be careful, during the dance the order of movements will not be observed! Music! (, etc.)

Snow Maiden: Well done, guys!

Sugar Plum Fairy: Friends, don’t spare your palms, Celebrate the symbol of the New Year as soon as possible!

Sheep dance.
Sheep: Please tell me, are we on time now?

Sugar Plum Fairy: Yes, my sugar sheep!

I suggest you don’t stand and dance with the sheep! (little sheep)

Dance with sheep.
The Sugar Plum Fairy or the Snow Maiden comment on the dance:

One step back and one step forward, (we walk) Smile from ear to ear (we smile)
Shake your head (shak your chin) and knock your hoof (knock your feet)
The Year of the Sheep is a horned year, put your horns forward (we tilt our heads, as if showing horns)

Let's shout along with the sheep!

Santa Claus: New Year is a fabulous holiday!

I’m ready to give you a miracle!

Today in reality we will meet a miracle -
Let the magic happen, to the delight of the children!

Herald: Attention, attention, we are starting the New Year's parade!

We greet Emelya on the stove with applause!

The parade begins fairy-tale heroes. The herald represents each group of fairy-tale heroes.

Herald: What a miracle, let us marvel!

Emelya is rushing towards us on the stove!

Come out: -Emelya on the stove and little Emelechki;

Herald: On this holiday - New Year - fairy tales themselves come to us,

We meet the owner of Copper Mountain and Danila, the master of our friendly round dance!

Mistress of the Copper Mountain, Danila the master with a casket and 4 snakes;

Herald: Let this hall be full of merriment,

Grandfather Mazai himself is in a hurry to visit us at the Christmas tree!

Grandfather Mazai and the hares;

Herald: Old women - grandmothers Yozhka and huts - are rushing to visit us!

Grandmothers Yozhki and huts

Herald: With Little Red Riding Hood, guys, the wolf cubs are running towards us here!

Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolves;

Herald: Make way, honest people!

The Swan Princess is swimming towards us!

The Swan Princess and the little girls

Herald: The holiday and nature rejoice! And again the Christmas tree has the symbol of the year!

Sheep (carrying a ribbon with bells sewn on)

D.M. According to the ancient tradition, according to epic legends

We are opening a transition for our friends on New Year's Eve!

Any New Year's music

Sugar Plum Fairy: Guys, grab your hands and go in a circle!

The goat and sheep stand in front of the entrance to the auditorium, holding a ribbon with bells, inviting everyone to pass under it.

D.M. Who will pass through the transition

He will gain health!

S.Who will pass through the transition

He will find good luck...

Sugar Plum Fairy: Who will pass through the transition?

Will be happy all year long!!!

D.M. Welcome to the new 20_ _ year!

25.12.2019 | Looked at the script 50 Human

Snow Maiden: Good afternoon, dear children and dear adults! Were you waiting for me? (answer) Haven't you started the holiday yet? (answer) Do you recognize me? (answer) Great and I recognized you. Has Santa Claus appeared yet? (answer) Apparently he got lost somewhere, he fell behind the Snow Maiden! ...

Scenario for a New Year's party for young children

25.12.2019 | Looked at the script 79 Human

Looks around.
Oh... where is Santa Claus? Something that takes too long to come... Shall we call him?

Three times they shout loudly: Santa Claus!
Santa Claus appears
Santa Claus: I hear, I hear you calling...
Hello both adults and children!
There are so many of you! ...

Script for congratulating Santa Claus at home in verse

25.12.2019 | Looked at the script 38 Human

Santa Claus: (addresses the child and his parents, grandparents, when they are there).

Hello, girls and boys!
Put aside cartoons and books.
Answer me the question, who came to you?

Answer: Santa Claus!

Father Frost: ...

An interesting and theatrical scenario for a New Year's party with the participation of Guidon, Sultan, and other fairy-tale characters

02.12.2019 | Looked at the script 374 person

...(At first, greedy and stupid. He brazenly examines and feels Santa Claus)
"Hello Dedushka Moroz,
Did you bring me gifts?
The swan told me here -
You give it to anyone...
Did you bring it for me or not...?”

(rummaging in the bag)
"Well, ...

An interesting and theatrical scenario for a New Year's party with the participation of Baba Yaga and other fairy-tale characters

24.11.2019 | Looked at the script 1048 Human

Santa Claus: Give it back! This is a very necessary magical thing!
Baba Yaga: I won’t give it up, I won’t give it up!
Snow Maiden: Let's change? What do you like?
Little Baba Yaga: I love it when people ask riddles!
Now for the mind charging
I'll tell you riddles
You can't...

Scenario for Children's New Year

21.11.2018 | Looked at the script 2765 Human

Simple New Year's scenario for children

Father Frost
Snow Maiden
Kind fairy

Hello girls and boys!
And so do their parents! Grandmothers and grandfathers and your grandparents!
We welcome everyone here - at the New Year's show!
I am going to the forest, ...

Scenario of an interesting New Year's fairy tale for children

21.11.2018 | Looked at the script 1786 Human

Scenario New Year's fairy tale for family viewing " Incredible adventures in the city of emerald dreams"
Children's age is 6-10 years.


ELLIE – modern, bright dressed girl(girl), for example, in the style of "College"
TOTOSHKA is a dog, friend...

Scenario of the New Year's production for children of the primary school "Yolochka"

11.11.2018 | Looked at the script 1390 Human

two buffoons,
real tree
fake Christmas tree,
three hares,
snowballs, snowflakes,
grandfather Egor,
Father Frost.

Buffoons run out to the music.

First buffoon:
We are no longer crumbs -
Jokers and buffoons.
Let's have fun honest...

Scenario for New Year's greetings to Santa Claus and Snow Maiden at home

11.11.2018 | Looked at the script 1482 person

Hello adults, hello boy! I am the good winter fairy! That's my name, Winter Fairy! And what is your name?
- Vania!
- Vanya, do you know what holiday is coming soon?
- New Year!
– Do you know who comes to the children on New Year’s Day?
- Father Frost!
- Do you want him...

Scenario of the New Year's party for the preparatory group of the kindergarten

11.11.2018 | Looked at the script 5409 Human

A winter's tale is all about miracles.
Adventures await you, a mysterious forest,
River - frozen banks,
Baba Yaga - bone leg...
It seems that if you touch the Christmas tree
The wizards will all respond immediately...
No one knows what will happen to us...

Svetlana Nekrasova

Characters: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Fairy of Happiness (FS) and Fairy of Joy (FR, Evil Witch, children characters fairy tales, can be varied.

Hall in New Year's decoration. Christmas tree festively decorated. Voice-over with music in the background.

Look, guests, the lights have gone out,

The magic hour has arrived!

Every time on New Year's Eve

A fairy tale goes across the Earth.

Knock on our window,

Shakes off the snow from your feet,

Quietly the doors will open

AND the story will begin...

(Doors creaking, steps).

The lights turn on, magical music, two fairies:

1. Miracles are not accidental, believe me!

2. We will open it for you fairy tale door...

1. I am the Fairy of Happiness!

And I bring happiness to everyone!

2. I am the Fairy of Joy

And I give everyone joy!

1. Which one holiday of the year, the happiest?


Parents:- New Year!

2. Who rejoices the most? New Year?

Parents:- Children!

Fairies together: Where are they?

Children: Here!

Fairies - Where?

Children (from behind the Christmas tree)- Here!

Two columns behind the Christmas tree, dramatization of the song"Jingle Bells" in Russian.

The first verse is from behind the tree, on the second exit.

That's New Year's holiday!

We all had to meet.

Lots of fun today.

Hello, Christmas tree - dear guest!

Multi-colored toys

They hung it on it for us,

And we look at the Christmas tree,

And we have fun today.

She thawed in the warmth,

Fluffy needles,

And a funny song

We sing to our Christmas tree.


Happy New Year!

We wish you all good health!

Don't get sick or sneeze

And dance at the Christmas tree.

Our Christmas tree is calling

IN New Year's round dance!


After the round dance, the children go to their seats.

FR is rolling a snowball.

FS – Fairy of Joy, what are you doing?

FR – I like to play with snow,

I want to build a snowman!

FS – We don’t need to sculpt a snowman, but a granddaughter for Santa Claus!

He dreamed about her for a long time!

They roll snow behind the Christmas tree and come out with a toy Snow Maiden.

FS - What a beautiful granddaughter!

FR - My soul sings.

FS - Children, look at her,

FR - Tell me what to call it.

Children (in unison): Snow Maiden!

Terrible music, the appearance of an evil Fairy.

Yeah! Everything is in place, everyone was invited here,

Have you forgotten me, the Fairy of Evil?

Have fun, prepare gifts for Santa Claus!

Well, so, I don’t forgive offenses,

I'm depriving you of the holiday!

I'm taking the Snow Maiden!

FZ disappears with thunder and laughter.

FS - Children, don’t be sad!

We can save the holiday,

The Fairy of Evil is not stronger than us!

FR - B the land of fairy tales we will go

And we will save the Snow Maiden!

FS - Will they help us?

Yours kind hearts!

FR - And the magic book fairy tales! (place on music stand, cover)

IN transport us to a fairy tale!


Mole, Beetle, Prince of the Elves.

FS - Hello, friends!

FS - In yours there is one in a fairy tale?

Yes, in ours in a fairy tale there is a flower,

When you open the petal,

You will see baby

Unprecedented beauty!

Thumbelina's exit, song,

Back-up dancer Mole, Beetle, Prince of the Elves.

Mole - Thumbelina, I am the richest mole in the world, marry me!

Beetle - Excuse me, I'm a gentleman! Marry me!

Inch. - Mole, I love the sun very much, why do you need such a wife?

The mole waved his hand and left.

Inch. - Beetle, I have no antennae and only two hands!

Beetle - Yeah, excuse me, you don't suit me!

Prince - Thumbelina, I am the prince of the elves, I invite you to my flower city, to flutter over the flowers!

Inch. - With pleasure!

Let's invite everyone!

Guys, come to us!

The game is a round dance.

FS – Yes, it’s fun Thumbelina's fairy tale!

FR – But she – (CHILDREN IN CHORUS) not the Snow Maiden!

FS and R - Book, book, help!

To another transport us to a fairy tale!


To the song "Bye-bye-swaying the feathers on their hats.", the musketeers ride out on ball horses, make a circle, leave the horses

and to the song "About the Sword" perform a DANCE.

Musket. - Bonjour, Madame!

FS - Hello, friends!

FR – We are looking for a little beautiful girl.

FS - In yours there is one in a fairy tale?

In the ancient castle of the king

Fun, New Year's ball!

Cinderella beauty

Dancing with the prince there!

FS – Yes, it’s fun Cinderella's fairy tale!

FR – But she doesn’t (CHILDREN IN CHORUS) Snow Maiden!

FS and R - Book, book, help!

To another transport us to a fairy tale!


Pinocchio's entrance to the music.

Boer. - Hello, Fairies!

Are you looking for a field of miracles?

FS - Hello, Pinocchio!

FR – We are looking for a little beautiful girl.

FS - In yours there is one in a fairy tale?

Boer. - Of course have!

This is my friend, the most beautiful girl with blue hair!

Malvina: My friend is the cheerful Pinocchio.

Always accompanies me.

I don't know if it's true or not, but

He says he loves it! (curtsies)

FS – Yes, it’s fun fairy tale at Pinocchio's!

FR – But Malvina – not (CHILDREN IN CHORUS) Snow Maiden!

FS and R - Book, book, help!

To another transport us to a fairy tale!


DANCE: Gnomes with shovels.

FS - Hello, friends!

FR – We are looking for a little beautiful girl.

FS - In yours there is one in a fairy tale?

1 gnome - We fabulous gnomes live in a dense forest.

Our house is located among birches and fir trees.

2nd gnome - We are the masters of the forest, we have countless worries.

And there is a beautiful girl in our castle!

3dwarf - We found her in the forest

And they saved us from the Evil Fairy!

FS and FR - So lead us to her!

Gnomes: Do you think we're just

The snow was shoveled here.

We are the key to the castle

Lost in the snow!


Boer. - Don't cry, friends!

My key - take the gold one,

Fairy doors

Unlock it for them!

They go to the castle and bring out the Snow Maiden.

Dwarf - Here she is - Snow White!

Dwarf - No, she is Snow!

Boer. - No. She - (Children in chorus)- SNOW MAIDEN!

SONG of the Snow Maiden.

Snegur. - We need to call grandpa

It's time to celebrate the New Year!

Children call Santa Claus:

Santa Claus, come out,

For children give a holiday!

Exit of Santa Claus.

Father Frost:- Eh-hey-hey!

Happy New Year! Here I am!

Hello my friends!

Here is my granddaughter!

It's a mess, friends!

It's time to light the Christmas tree!

Now we'll fix everything!

Light up, magical star!

Make all the children happy!

Let it sound on holiday

Cheerful, ringing laughter!

(The Christmas tree lights up)

Father Frost:

Hey kindergarten people,

Join the round dance!

ROUND DANCE with Santa Claus

A GAME- "Musical Pairs"

It doesn't matter that there is not enough space,

Let's warm up first.

If the music sounds -

Everyone is frolicking and having fun.

Well, if he shuts up,

You need to get together in pairs.

Father Frost:

Oh, and the people who gathered were smart...I even felt hot!

Now, as soon as I blow on you.

(children sit on chairs)

Father Frost:

So you children were dancing and having fun, but your parents didn’t stay too long?

Competitions for children and parents for the New Year in kindergarten:


To conduct this competition you will need a table or any flat surface. You need to lay a line in the middle - you can use bright tape or regular thick knitting threads. Two children squat on both sides of the table. A small cotton pad is placed in the middle where the line is drawn. "snowball".

Task - "to blow" snowball on the opponent's side.


Three families who will collect it faster: snowflakes, snowballs and unbreakable toys.


Dads and children, whose family will build a snowman faster, move the balls from one table to another, placing them one on top of the other, the child takes the ball, and dad holds it in his arms.


There are children and mothers in a circle, a snowball is being passed along to the music, the music has stopped, whoever has the snowball is dancing.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, haven’t you forgotten about the gifts?

Father Frost:

I have a bag -

I'll hide anyone in it:

Both a girl and a boy,

And a bear and a bunny.

And today I brought it in

Santa Claus gifts for you!

Looks around.

Oh, where's my bag?


Grandfather Frost, look!

We brought your bag!

They bring a bag of gifts from behind the tree.

Santa Claus is trying to untie.

Father Frost:

That's the knot, woo-hoo...

I can't untie...

Snow Maiden:

Grandfather Frost, but we didn’t sing the main song New Year's song.

The bag won't come undone!

Father Frost:

So get up

Sing a song!

"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

Father Frost:

The knots are all untied

And everyone got gifts!

It's over good fairy tale,

But let the holiday never end.

Let us say goodbye in our hall

Everyone gets smiles!

DM – Hold my gifts tightly and come take a photo!

After photo: Hold your gifts tightly and go to your mothers!

Happy New Year!

Scenario New Year's holiday

Ved. Here on the New Year's tree
We welcome everyone today!
New Year is coming,
He will bring joy to everyone!

Today you will find both fun and jokes,
You won't be bored here for a minute!

Let's joke and laugh

Let's celebrate the New Year!

Let's open our arms wider,

Let faces shine with kindness,

Let happiness settle in the world,

And joy will enter every home.

1 lesson Happy New Year
Both hosts and guests,
We wish everyone happiness and good luck
And nice clear days.

2 lessons Hello, New Year's holiday!

So we had to meet.

We all have fun today

Hello, Christmas tree, dear guest!

3 lessons Santa Claus knocks at the entrance and shakes the snow off his hat.

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

How much joy everyone has!

4 lessons Near the Christmas tree today

Hello, New Year's holiday,

Hello, beautiful Christmas tree!

5 lessons It will be joyful and bright

There will be dancing and a round dance.

There will be gifts for everyone,

In a word, it will be New Year!

Ved. Get into the circle quickly, songs and music are calling. Hold your hands tightly, let's begin the round dance.

(Music plays, the Evil Fairy appears)

Evil Fairy : I am very angry and cunning, mean and grumpy. I don't do good, and that's why I'm happy. A hundred devils! My grandmother Yaga told me that I can’t do magic today, but today I have to ruin the holiday. After all, I am the Evil Fairy. Need urgent advice. But with whom? Yeah! I'll call management now Evil spirits, friend Kikimora. She'll definitely come up with something.

Hello! Management of Evil Spirits. Call Kikimora.

Hello Kiki! Help me ruin the holiday! No, it doesn't fit. Help me, come up with something.

(Music sounds, the Good Fairy enters)

Kind fairy: Good afternoon, children! I am the Good Fairy. What are you doing here?

Evil Fairy: What do you care about that? What cloud brought you here on? I'm leaving, otherwise you'll mess with my head with your good ideas.

Kind fairy: Well, the Evil Fairy is gone, and we need to celebrate. Look how beautiful the Christmas tree is.

Children's poems about the Christmas tree:

    Come on, Christmas tree, brighten up

Shine with lights.

We invited guests

Have fun with us.

    What a Christmas tree, it’s just amazing

How elegant, how beautiful.

The branches rustle faintly,

The balls shine brightly.

    How beautiful the New Year tree is!
    Look how dressed she is!
    Dress on the Christmas tree of green silk,
    Bright beads on her, confetti!

    How fun, how fun
    How joyful it is all around!
    We will greet the Christmas tree with song,
    We'll sing her a song!

(The Evil Fairy runs in)

I, I know the song about the Christmas tree.

A Christmas tree was born in the forest, with only one needle. Water it or don’t water it – the harvest will still fail.

Kind fairy: Is it possible to sing such songs to children? Join us in a round dance and sing a good song.

Round dance near the Christmas tree.

Presenter: A telegram arrived.

Kind fairy: From whom? Let's watch!

Telegram (read by presenter)

The Snow Maiden is in a safe place.

You won't have a holiday! Ha ha ha!

Management of Evil Spirits.

Presenter: Kind fairy! What should we do now? New Year is coming soon, Grandfather Frost will come to us for a holiday, and if he doesn’t see his granddaughter, he will be upset. What is a holiday without the Snow Maiden? What to do?

Evil Fairy: What, did I ruin your holiday? But if you show how cheerful, dexterous, and attentive you are, then perhaps your Snow Maiden will appear.

Evil Fairy: I'll see how attentive you are.

Game "Confusion" (played by the evil Fairy)

You need to finish the line by choosing a word: girls or boys, girls or boys, boys or girls. You must answer in unison.)

Dandelion wreaths in spring

Of course, they only weave...

Bolts, screws, gears

You will find it in your pocket...

Skates on the ice drew arrows,

We played hockey in the morning...

We chatted for an hour without a break

In colorful dresses...

Test your strength in front of everyone,

Of course, they only love...

Cowards are afraid of the dark

All as one, they...

Evil Fairy: And dexterous, are you skillful?

Relay race (conducted by the presenter)

Presenter: Evil Fairy, release the Snow Maiden!

Evil Fairy: I also need to come to an agreement with my friends, with the robbers. They protect the Snow Maiden. And here they are!

1Robber: Hello, kids! Hello little ones! What do you want, Snow Maiden?

2 Rogue: Our friend was amused and we are amused. Come play with us. And we will see how cheerful, dexterous and skillful you are.

Games, relay race. (conducted by the presenter)

Rogue: Have a good holiday. Well done! We won't spoil it for you. Evil Fairy, let the Snow Maiden go.

(Snow Maiden comes out)

Snow Maiden.

Oh, so many kids:

And girls and boys,

And dear guests.


Happy New Year,

May fun come to you

I wish you happiness and joy

All the guys and guests!

Snow Maiden: Where are my snowflake friends - light fluffs?

Let's dance to warm up.

And we are not afraid of frost.

Dance of Snowflakes

Snow Maiden. Where is my grandfather? Let's call Grandfather Frost.

Santa Claus comes out. How many familiar faces are there?
How many of my friends are here!
I feel good here, like at home,
Among the gray fir trees.
I visited you a year ago,
I'm glad to see everyone again!

Snow Maiden: Let's sing and dance for Grandfather Frost. And you, Grandfather, stand in a circle with us.

Song "New Year"

Presenter: Grandfather Frost, we also know poems about you.

Children's performances

Snow Maiden: Guys, let's play and make Santa Claus happy.

Game, (relay races)

Santa Claus : Can you sing, play, and solve riddles?


SANTA CLAUS: Someone from the forest will come to our house for the New Year,

All fluffy, covered in needles, and the guest’s name is... (Christmas tree)

SNOW Maiden: Everyone is afraid of him in winter - he can bite painfully.

Hide your ears, cheeks, nose, because it’s outside... (Frost)

SANTA CLAUS: It’s snowing, the streets and houses are hidden under the white wool.

All the guys are happy about the snow - it has come to us again... (Winter)

SNOW Maiden: He comes first in the count, the New Year will begin with him.

Open your calendar soon and read it! Written... (January)

SANTA CLAUS: He comes on a winter evening to light candles on the Christmas tree.

He starts a round dance - this is a holiday... (New Year)

Presenter : Santa Claus, haven't you forgotten anything?

Snow Maiden: Children! What did Santa Claus forget?

Santa Claus: Where are my gifts?

Snow Maiden. Here comes the New Year's holiday
It's time for us to finish.
Much happiness to you today
We wish you, kids.
Father Frost . Be kinder, smarter, braver,
Give joy to everyone.
And now everyone: “Goodbye! It's time for us to leave!
See you again!

Presenter. Painted bells,The ringing is carried to all ends,Overflowing bell,He prophesies a new meeting.Happy New Year, long-awaited!Young, snowy and desirable!Everything is spinning like serpentine,Let the 15th come,Happy New Year, happiness, people!