Many iPhone owners are often interested in the question of how to properly return the phone to factory settings and what will happen if this is done. Naturally, if you did this by accident, then nothing good will happen, since you will lose all your data.

However, information on how to reset an iPhone to factory settings will be useful if your phone contains a lot of personal information, but you plan to give or sell it to someone in the near future. Why delete each photo or each file individually, if you can reset all the information, thereby resetting the device to factory settings.

Reasons for reset and preparation for the procedure

Information about resetting all settings on your gadget will also be useful if you currently have an iPhone 5 or 5 S or an earlier model, but plan to change it to an iPhone 6 or 7. In this case, you need to perform a backup procedure, then reset all settings and data from the old phone, then transfer everything to the new gadget.

Of course, you don’t need to do such a reset without a reason, because each of you probably stores a lot of important and valuable information on your iPhone that you don’t want to lose. Reset settings or Resetting all information is used in the following cases:

Before asking for settings, complete the following actions, if you want to save your data:

  • make a backup in iTunes;
  • copy all your data and applications from iPhone to iTunes;
  • save your contacts on another medium;
  • copy all photos to your computer;
  • transfer videos and music.

Now you don't have to worry about what will happen if you reset your phone to factory settings. The main thing is that all important information is saved. Also, before you start resetting the settings, make sure that after the procedure you will be able to access wireless Internet or iTunes on a computer with network access. Mobile Internet on other media is also suitable. In the case of iPhones, it is very important that the phone is officially unlocked. If it is locked, then you cannot reset the data. If you use iPad and iPod touch, then there is no need to worry, you can get to work.

How to make a backup

Before you reset your iPhone 5 or later and erase all settings, copy everything you need to your computer. This can be done using iTunes or iTools. In addition, you can create a backup copy in the cloud; this will be required if you have an iCloud account configured and the ability to connect your phone via Wi-Fi to the network.

There are many more detailed articles on the Internet about how to back up your data, which will be useful for those who are performing a factory reset for the first time.

How to reset all settings and data on iPhone

If you have moved all your data to a safe place, You can reset your iPhone this way:

When choosing the first option you will be able to save your data, in particular, contacts, music, photos and much more, and simply return your iPhone to its original settings. This type of reset is suitable in cases where work with the device has failed (for example, there are problems with mobile communications or the Internet). In the end, you will return the phone to factory settings, but the data will remain.

Second option choose when you need to reset the entire iPhone. Click to select this option and wait for the reset to complete. It will continue for 2 minutes or longer, depending on how loaded the gadget’s memory is. As a result, all data on the phone will be erased, including settings and personal photos. We can safely give or sell such a phone to someone.

How to reset iPhone using iTunes

If you have a laptop or computer with iTunes installed, you can also reset it this way. At the same time, you can update not only your iPhone, but also your iPad. And remember that when you reset, you will permanently lose all your personal data.

Before you get started, be sure to make sure your version of iTunes is up to date. Download latest version, if you don’t have one, you can on the official Apple website. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

Once you have reset the settings and all the data on your old phone, you will need to transfer it to your new one. For this we use backups that were created earlier. We created them on a computer or in the cloud. The transfer procedure is similar to the process of restoring a phone from a backup.

Also remember that if the phone has previously been jailbroken and you need to update the iOS version, then the only correct solution is not just updating the device’s firmware, but restoring the iPhone. If you just want to update your phone, then it runs the risk of being stuck in restart mode, and nothing good will happen.

Erasing settings on iPhone is required when it is sold or given away, and also when you have problems with its correct operation. You should not do this unless necessary, because you risk losing important data.

Owners of Apple smartphones have more than once encountered problems when the device began to slow down or software glitches appeared. The right way To solve this problem, reset your iPhone to factory settings. Apple developers have specifically implemented several methods for performing a hard reset to implement this function. All options Hard Reset will be described in detail later in the article.

You may need to reset your iPhone to factory settings for several reasons:

  • clear the device of accumulated data;
  • reset all settings to factory level;
  • remove damaged files or software.

This operation allows you to reboot the device and return it to all the factory settings that were present when it was released. The following versions of smartphones support system rollback:

  • 4-4s;
  • 5-5s;
  • 6-6s;
  • later models released after 2016.

iOS mobile OS allows you to reset settings to factory state not only on the iPhone, but also on the iPad. The developers have introduced several methods through which users can perform an operation to reset system parameters.

What happens if you reset your smartphone? When performing a factory reset procedure, all data from the phone is deleted. If you completely reset your iPhone and do not back up your files, then after rebooting the data will be destroyed. To select the appropriate option for deleting information, you must:

  1. Go to your smartphone settings.

  1. Select the “Basic” tab.

  1. Scroll through the menu to the “Reset” tab.

After selecting a section, a small menu will appear. The owner of the smartphone will be offered options to choose whether to reset previously made settings to the factory level.

The following types of factory reset are available:

  • reset keyboard dictionary;
  • reset network settings;
  • Resetting the Home setting.

Additionally, the owner of the gadget can reset the location settings to the factory level. You may receive geolocation warnings indicating that you need to turn off Find My iPhone.

You can reset the network settings if the gadget stops responding to available connections. Another reason for carrying out an operation through the settings may be a lack of connection or interruptions when working in Wi-Fi mode. Before carrying out a full system rollback to the factory level, you must reset the password.


It is up to the user to decide whether a backup copy of the data is needed. It is recommended to use special means of storing information when performing a system rollback procedure to the factory level.

To do this, you can choose one of the following methods:

  1. Save to iCloud.
  2. Copy and restore via iTunes.

Actions are completed in a few clicks. Using these data saving methods, all information after a system rollback will be restored to mobile device. At the same time, you do not need to upload files yourself and distribute them into sections.

iOS and services that work with this system allow you to carry out all actions automatically. A complete backup of information is made. When you reset the settings, all data is deleted and the operating system is reinstalled.

When recovery mode is activated, all programs and multimedia files are downloaded to the device again using a PC and a USB cable. Additionally, the iCloud cloud storage service can be used.

Save to iCloud

Via iCloud, saving occurs remotely. You can do everything through your smartphone. The application is a system one.

To activate it, you must:

  1. Go to settings.

  1. The menu that opens should be scrolled to the “iCloud” tab.

  1. To access the online storage, you must enter your Apple ID, password and click the “Login” button.

  1. Immediately after logging in, a notification about merging contacts will appear. To save the information, click on the “Merge” item.

The save mode will begin. Depending on the data transfer speed and volume, you will need to wait from 1 to 5 minutes.

After this, a window will appear where the user can choose from all applications and sources of information, the data of which can be copied automatically.

Saving is activated by swiping to the right. Scrolling down the window, the “Storage and copies” tab will appear.

By clicking on this item, a new menu will open. It displays the total available and occupied volume of copied data.

To create a complete backup of the device in cloud storage, you need to click on the “Create a copy” item.

To quickly copy all the information, it is better to use a stable Internet connection. Provides high speed data upload Wi-Fi network.

How to reconfigure to another user? To do this, simply sign out of your Apple ID and enter other login information. As a result, the gadget will have access to information and programs that the other person used.

Copy and restore via iTunes

What does it mean to restore iPhone in iTunes? This is a standard procedure for rolling back and updating the system, transferring all files from the device to a personal computer.

For this action you will need a PC, a USB cable to connect and software iTunes. After synchronizing the gadget with the software, controls are available that allow you to configure the device from your computer.

To activate the smartphone control system in the main program window you need to:

  1. Click on the mini image of the phone.

  1. To copy all available information on the gadget at the bottom of the screen, click on the “Create a copy now” button.

Restoring through iTunes occurs as follows. To do this, you need to have a copy saved through the program on your PC. Next, you need to click on the “Restore from copy” button. If you reset your iPhone to factory settings, all data on your iPhone may be deleted. Restoration will protect against information loss.

After this, iTunes will automatically download all saved data to the device. It is worth noting that the copy will replace the information previously posted on the smartphone.

Reset via iPhone

You can reset everything to factory settings on your iPhone through the system menu. How to completely clean the device? For this you will need:

  1. Go to the iPhone system menu.

  1. In a new window, open the “Basic” tab.

  1. In the iPhone menu that appears, click on the “Reset” item.

You can't completely reset your iPhone. There are several methods to choose from to reset the factory settings.

It is worth noting that to completely reset all settings and delete files on the iPhone, you will need to disable the password set in the system. Without this action, the system will not be able to perform a data reset operation.

You can reset your iPhone to factory settings using a key combination. This method is called Hard Reset. A hard reset deletes all data on the device. The operation will be useful if the gadget does not start or a system error appears.

To do this, you must completely turn off your phone. Next, on your iPhone, you need to press the Home and Power keys together and hold them for up to 15 seconds.

The iPhone logo will light up and a loading bar will appear below it. After releasing the buttons, you must wait until the files are uploaded. After this, the iPhone will start with factory settings. When performing such an operation, it is necessary that the battery charge is at least 50%, otherwise the recovery process may be interrupted.

You can reset your iPhone to factory settings through iTunes. To do this you will need:

  1. Go to the main section and select the tab at the top of the “Restore iPhone” window.

  1. The application will notify you that you need to disable the “find iPhone” function, which is located in the main menu. To do this, on your iPhone you need to click on the “Settings” icon.

  1. In the new window, find the “iCloud” section.

  1. To disable the setting in the iPhone menu, you need to move the lever to the left.

  1. The system will ask you to confirm your choice of action. To do this, you need to enter a password for your account Apple ID and click on the “Turn off” button.

  1. You need to return to iTunes and click on the “Restore iPhone” button again. The system will automatically scan the iPhone and reset it to factory settings.

After this, the data from the iPhone will be backed up. There will be a complete rollback of the settings to the factory level and the removal of all system information. The system will download the updated OS version to the smartphone.

After this action, the installation of the downloaded system on the phone will begin. The smartphone will reboot several times. Do not disconnect the device from the USB cable during installation. This may damage the download and the procedure will have to start all over again.

After completing this action, the program will notify you that the download is complete. Telephone last time will restart and load the welcome screen, after which you need to configure the device from scratch.

To download previously copied files, without disconnecting your smartphone from the USB cable, click the “Restore from copy” button in the program.

iTunes will automatically download all files copied earlier and restart the iPhone. After this, the device will be completely updated.

Results and comments

Apple has provided many options for restoring the functionality of its devices. The procedure is not much different on different iPhone models. Resetting to factory settings will help both when selling your phone, in order to delete all confidential data, and simply to clean your smartphone of accumulated software garbage. If you have any problems when trying to perform a Hard Reset or have any questions, ask them in the comments, and our specialists will try to give them the most detailed answer.

Users can draw their own conclusions about which of the methods described above suits them best. Each of the options considered helps reset settings via iPhone. You can also perform this action through a personal computer.

Regardless of the method used to perform a factory reset, it is recommended that you back up your data. It will allow you to save information and quickly load it after resetting your iPhone. The listed methods are suitable for all gadgets running iOS mobile OS version 7 and higher.

Video instruction

You can watch detailed video instructions on how to reset your iPhone to factory settings. The created video will help users better understand the implementation of all the provided actions.

Surely everyone has encountered the problem of an iPhone or iPad not working correctly. Previously, it showed the highest performance, but now it glitches with minimal use. It turns out that fixing this problem is very simple. You need to clear application data, reset some settings to factory settings, reset iOS, or even format the device completely. But how to do it correctly so as not to harm your favorite gadget? Let's find out!

What is a factory reset and is it necessary?

Any device, be it a computer, tablet, phone or even an MP3 player, saves a lot of additional data in addition to the information that the user directly views. This includes the application cache, operating system settings, and launch data for certain files. All this information is needed for the convenience and efficiency of using the gadget. After all, no one wants to configure the program from scratch after each launch or wait several minutes for the device to turn on. operating system saves information that will be frequently used.

Naturally, the internal memory of any gadget is not endless. Despite the fact that auxiliary data takes up little space, sooner or later a lot of it will accumulate. And when the memory is overloaded, problems will begin. That is why resetting application data and settings of your phone or tablet is a necessary measure. Even if your device is working fine now, it is still worth clearing it of unnecessary information. This will help you avoid serious mistakes in the future.

What to do before completely cleaning your iPhone

So, if you decide to reset the settings (it doesn’t matter whether you want to completely format the device or clear the data of some programs), you first need to make a backup copy. This copy will save all your data and settings, as well as files and programs. In general, it is recommended to do backups periodically. If you want to “start with clean slate", just skip this step.

Officially, Apple devices can back up using two programs: iCloud and iTunes. In the first case, your data will be placed in the cloud on the company’s server. So you can only access them via the Internet. The second option allows you to save a backup copy on your computer. Choose the one that suits you best.

Create a backup in iCloud

To back up your device to iCloud, you will need Wi-Fi connection. In Settings, find iCloud and select it.

At the bottom of the list that opens, find the “Backup” item and turn on the “iCloud Backup” option.

Click on “Create a backup” and wait for the process to complete. Do not turn off Wi-Fi until the copy is complete.

To check if you were able to create a backup, go back to the Settings section called iCloud, then go to Storage -> Manage. Select your device. In the window that appears, you will see the time the copy was created.

iCloud provides automatic backup creation. It will update periodically if the iCloud Backup option is turned on in Settings. However, by default only 5 GB is available to the user free space on server. If you want to save more data, you'll have to purchase a subscription that costs about $1.

Creating a Backup in iTunes

To back up your Apple device to your computer, do the following:

  1. Launch iTunes and connect your device to your PC.
  2. Enter the device password on your computer (if you have one installed).
  3. Select your device in the program interface (it will appear in the main window).
  4. In the window for working with the device, check the box next to the words “Encrypt backup”; set a password.
  5. Click "Make a copy."

To check your backup, go to the iTunes app options and under the Devices tab you will see a list of copies with the corresponding dates.

Using iTunes does not require a network connection. In addition, the amount of available memory is unlimited. However, you will have to create backups yourself each time.

How to reset iPhone to factory settings

So, the backups have been created. Now you can proceed directly to resetting the settings. We will consider all popular methods and options. The specific one you choose depends on your situation. For example, if the browser is faulty, you need to reset the cache and cookies; if the music plays poorly, clear the player data; if the desktop freezes, clean it, etc. But first of all, let's talk about a complete reset as the most radical measure.

Reset all settings

To perform a full reset procedure, go to “Settings” and find the “Reset” item in the “General” subsection.

A window will open for you to select a reset option. In this case, we are interested in the first two: “Reset all settings” and “Erase settings and content.”

In the first case, the device settings will be reset to factory settings. In this case, all your data and files will NOT be deleted. This option is suitable for those who have problems finding a network, parameters cellular communication, synchronizing applications, etc. If you want to completely format the device, select the second option: “Erase settings and content.” After this, you will need to enter the gadget lock password.

If your device is jailbroken, this formatting method is not suitable for you. You need to use iTunes.

A reset warning will appear in front of you. Tap the “Erase iPhone” (or any other device) button twice.

If your phone is synced with iCloud, you will need to enter the appropriate password for your AppleID.

After entering the password, the formatting process will begin. An Apple icon and a loading bar will appear on the screen. It will take no more than 20 minutes.

Please note that for the formatting process to be successful, the phone must be charged at least 25%.

Video: how to reset settings on iPhone?

Reset all settings via iTunes

The exact same reset procedure can be done through iTunes. Connect the device to your computer and find it in the program interface. On the Overview tab, click the Restore Device button. Again, if you synced your gadget to iCloud, you will need to enter a password. After this, the formatting process will begin.

Reset all settings via iCloud

If your device is synced with iCloud, you can clear all its settings directly from your computer browser. However, your phone or tablet must be connected to the Internet. Otherwise, the formatting process will simply be configured and will begin the first time you connect.

Log in to the iCloud website and enter your personal information. Then go to the Find My Device app.

In the “All devices” list at the top, select the one you need and click on it.

A control panel will appear on the right. Select Erase iPhone.

A warning message appears. Click Erase.

Then you will need to enter your AppleID password again.

If you want, you can enter a message in the field that appears. It will appear on your device before formatting. Then click "Done".

The formatting process will begin instantly.

Please note that after formatting, you will not be able to track the gadget using the Find My Device function. It will need to be reconnected. Therefore, clear data through iCloud only if you know the exact location of your phone or tablet.

Reset advanced settings

Full formatting of the device is, of course, a radical measure. If you know exactly what the problem is, you don't have to erase everything. Apple devices provide the ability to reset specific settings. You can access it via the familiar path “Settings” -> “General” -> “Reset”.

Resetting network settings

This feature allows you to clear connections and passwords to Wi-Fi access points. Additionally, resetting your network settings will remove all connected VPN servers. Select the appropriate option and enter the device password to perform cleaning.

Resetting the keyboard dictionary

The keyboard on Apple devices can remember frequently used words. Subsequently, when typing, the program will offer you the desired word if you start typing it. Resetting the keyboard dictionary allows you to clear your word memory data.

Reset Home Setting

This function allows you to return the original appearance of the first page of your desktop. After the reset, shortcuts to standard programs installed by default will appear on it. The remaining icons will be moved to another page.

Reset location warning

Each program that uses data about the geographic location of the device, when first launched, requests permission to process the corresponding data. If you want to reset these permissions, reset the location alert.

Removing apps and support data

It may well be that an application is taking up too much memory. Or you want to delete a program that you haven't used for a long time. One way or another, this can be done in several ways.

Removing from desktop

To uninstall a program directly from your desktop, do the following:

  1. Go to your desktop.
  2. Press your finger on the touchscreen for 2 seconds.
  3. Click on the cross that appears next to the program shortcut and confirm deletion.

Please note that you cannot remove standard programs.

Removing from the "Storage"

In the “Settings” of your device, in the “General” -> “Statistics” subsection, there is a “Storage” application. It contains information about all installed programs ah, including the amount of memory they occupy. So here you can determine which application is taking up too much memory.

To remove a program, click on its name and select “Uninstall a program” in the window that opens.

Uninstall via iTunes

iTunes is used to control your Apple device through your computer. Accordingly, you can use it to remove programs. Connect your device to your PC and sign in to iTunes.

The connected device will appear in the upper right corner of the screen. Click on it.

Go to the Applications (or Programs) tab. A list of installed programs will appear on the screen. Next to each there is a “Delete” button.

Once clicked, it will change to “Will be deleted”. This way, you can select several programs to remove. Then click "Apply" and the specified steps will be completed.

Video: working with files in iTunes

Cleaning Safari Browser

If you notice that your default browser has become incorrect or glitchy, it makes sense to clear cache data and cookies. Go to the Settings section called Safari.

Select "Delete cookies and data" to clear temporary files from your browser.

A warning message appears. Click the appropriate button.

Video: Cleaning Safari

You can also scrape data from specific sites. Go to the "Add-ons" subsection and select "Site Data".

You will see a list of all saved data, as well as the amount of memory occupied by them. Click "Edit" to start cleaning. A circle with a minus sign will appear next to each site.

After clicking on the corresponding circle, select “Delete”. The data will be erased.

Resetting your Apple device (both individually and all at once) is not difficult to do. Moreover, such cleaning has a positive effect on the operation of the gadget. Just don't forget to make a backup copy in case you suddenly delete something you need. Although you can find many “magic” applications online that will do everything for you, using them is not always a good idea. Better to do the cleaning yourself. This way, you will know exactly what is happening with your device.

Although rare, there are still cases when it is necessary to return the iPhone or iPad to its original, factory state: reset all settings or network settings, erase all content, return the Home screen to its default appearance. To do this, you do not need to carry the device to service center, it’s very easy to do it yourself.

In the article “under the cut” I will tell you about all the options for resetting an iPhone and their consequences.

Recently, in one of the comments, we were contacted by an iPhone owner who encountered a problem connecting her phone to a cellular network. The device could not determine the cellular operator (the “Searching for network” notification was displayed in the status panel) and, as a result, cellular communications were unavailable.

The solution to the problem was simple: the network settings were reset, after which the cellular connection was restored.

On the official Apple website in the “Support” section, a case is described when the Wi-Fi switch in the iPhone settings may become inactive, i.e. You cannot turn on the wireless network module. The company does not name the reasons for this, but there is a solution; resetting the network settings should solve the problem.

There are many different cases when resetting the iPhone helps solve the problem on your own, which means it’s free.

When you need to reset your iPhone:

  1. Before selling or donating the device to another person. It is not appropriate to transfer confidential data and user settings with the device.
  2. When deleting all content (music, photos, videos, contacts, calendar, applications from the App Store) from the iPhone memory.
  3. To return the device to factory settings.
  4. If you have problems connecting to Wi-Fi or cellular networks.
  5. If you have problems with your VPN connection.
  6. When deleting your own words from the keyboard dictionary.
  7. To return to the original arrangement of icons on the desktop.
  8. To reset location alert settings.

So, if you are selling or giving away your iPhone, want to completely clean it, or have problems connecting to wireless or cellular networks, or for “cosmetic” repairs of iOS (resetting the dictionary, Home screen, and location warnings), you need to go to the “ menu Reset" in the device settings.

Options for resetting iPhone and iPad

  1. Reset all settings at once.
  2. Erasing content and settings.
  3. Reset network settings.
  4. Reset the keyboard dictionary.
  5. Reset Home settings.
  6. Reset location warnings.

How to reset all iPhone settings

This method allows you to immediately reset all device settings to factory settings in just 3 taps: network settings (Wi-Fi, VPN, cellular), dictionary settings, Home screen, geolocation alerts, alarm clock and lock password.

All content: calendar, notes, videos, podcasts, and iCloud will remain untouched.

Resetting all settings has no effect. After the reset is complete, Cydia and all the tweaks installed in it will not go anywhere; you will still be able to access the system partition of the device through the iFunbox and iTools and iFile file managers.

To reset all settings in one fell swoop:

In terms of time, resetting all settings takes about 2 minutes, depending on the model of the device.

Erasing content and settings

Another way to return an iPhone or iPad to factory settings, only unlike the previous one, it affects the entire memory of the device, or rather the content stored in it. After erasing the content, all data from the device will be permanently deleted, and the settings will be reset to factory settings.

If the “ ” function was enabled in the iCloud menu in the device settings, you must first disable it; to do this, enter the password for the one specified in the “Account” field. record" Apple ID. Without this, you will not be able to erase content and settings.

Advice: Before erasing content and settings, be sure to do this. This will save all your data.

Resetting network settings

Resetting network settings helps you fix problems connecting your iPhone to wireless and cellular networks.

If your device refuses to connect to Wi-Fi networks or does not “find” the cellular network, or there are problems with the mobile Internet, feel free to reset network settings, most problems will disappear after this.

When resetting network settings, the data in the device’s memory is not affected, the reset has no effect on jailbreaking iOS, all previously known wireless networks will be “forgotten” (you will need to connect to them again), cellular settings will be reset (you will need to re-enter the settings mobile internet and MMS), no other settings are affected.

How to reset iPhone keyboard dictionary settings

If the dictionary on your iPhone contains a large number of incorrectly spelled words (it remembers them automatically when writing, i.e. self-learning), auto-correction, instead of helping, turns into a real nightmare: it replaces it with misspelled words.

This is where resetting the keyboard dictionary will help; all words automatically saved from the start of using the device are deleted from the dictionary during the reset.

To do this, go to “Settings -> General -> Reset” and tap on “Reset keyboard dictionary”, and then confirm the request.

The process happens instantly, now, even if auto-correction is enabled (“Settings -> General -> Keyboard”), there should be no replacement errors.

How to reset your Home screen settings

If suddenly you want to return the iOS desktop, or rather the location of application icons to their original form (the way they were located immediately after flashing), doing this is as easy as shelling pears. Just tap on “Reset Home settings” in the Reset menu and the native iOS icons will be moved to the first desktop screen and arranged in the order in which the developer defined it.

Icons for third-party applications (purchased and downloaded from the App Store) will be moved to other screens, second, third, etc.

If application icons were grouped into folders, after the reset the grouping will be canceled and there will be no more folders on the iPhone desktop. Now you can rearrange the icons in random order.

You can return your iOS desktop to a “custom” look by restoring your data and settings from a backup.

How to reset location warnings

Information about location alerts from the official Apple website:

“Location alerts are requests from apps (such as Camera, Maps, and Compass, as well as third-party apps that use location data) to use location services.
The first time you try to access location services data, the program displays a warning. By clicking OK, you can allow the program to use location services as needed. If you click the “Deny” button, the program will not be able to access geolocation services data, either now or in the future.”

If you have defined the settings for using geolocation services data for individual applications (tapped “OK” in the corresponding warning window), for example: allowed the determination of your current geographical location program "Camera" and want to change your decision, you can do this for individual applications in the menu "Settings -> Privacy - Location Services", or reset the geolocation settings for all applications in one motion: "Settings -> General -> Reset -> Reset warning . geoposition".

After performing the reset, you will need to re-define whether to allow individual programs to use location services data or not.

This was the last item in the “Reset” menu and as you can see, the menu is functional, it allows you to reset the settings of iOS devices to factory settings all at once or individually, as well as completely delete content.

Video instructions on how to reset iPhone

If you have any problems or questions about the topic of the article, we will be happy to answer them in the comments.

The need to reset settings on Android can arise in completely different situations: the device has started to freeze, or you simply cannot unlock it. And if no actions help solve the problem, Hard Reset is real opportunity restore the functionality of the device. From the article you will learn what to do.

(!) If you forgot graphic key, PIN or password, please read these instructions first: and .

Well, if after these manuals you still need help with unlocking or you have other problems with the device, read this article carefully. It is worth noting that after a Hard Reset, only data from the internal memory will be deleted from the phone or tablet. SD files, photos, music, videos, etc. will remain untouched.

Method 1. How to reset settings on Android via Recovery

The first method is relevant for those whose device does not turn on at all, is malfunctioning, or needs to regain access to the smartphone system:

1. Turn off the device.

2. Now you need to get into Recovery mode. To do this, you need to press and hold a certain key combination until the screen lights up. Depending on the device manufacturer, the combination may differ:

  • Volume down + power button
  • Volume up + power button
  • Volume up/down + power button + home button
  • Volume up + volume down + power button

How to enter Recovery Mode on phones of various brands is written in.

Using the volume up and down buttons you can move up and down respectively, and confirm your choice with the power/lock button. In newer devices, the Recovery menu may be touch-sensitive.

3. Select “wipe data/factory reset”.

This way you agree to clear the internal memory of your smartphone/tablet.

5. And at the end “reboot system now”.

The whole process will take no more than a minute. After all actions Android phone or the tablet will reboot - factory settings will be restored. You will receive the device as it was when you first started it.

Meizu Recovery Mode

Meizu made their own recovery mode instead of the classic Recovery. To get into it, use the combination “ON” + Volume “UP”. Check only the “Clear data” item and click “Start”.

Executing Wipe from Recovery on Xiaomi

The Xiaomi engineering menu loads when you hold down the Power and Volume “+” keys. It is available in several languages ​​- to switch from Chinese to English, click:

1. Select "Recovery"

2. Click “OK” if you are going to enter Recovery mode.

3. Click "Wipe data". Here the sensor does not work, use the Power and Volume keys to select and move.

5. Confirm by clicking "Confirm".

6. The device will inform you that Wipe has been successfully completed. Open the main menu.

7. To reboot your smartphone, select “Reboot”.

8. Then “Reboot to System”.

Method 2. How to do a Hard Reset through settings

1. Go to Android settings.

2. Open the “Backup and Reset” item. Don't forget to complete.

3. Select Factory Reset.

4. Then click "Reset phone (tablet)".

5. If a pattern or password is installed, you need to enter it.

6. Finally, click “Erase everything.”

After this, all data from the internal memory of the device will be reset.

On Android 8.0 Oreo and higher

The Settings menu in Android 8.0 has undergone major changes. Now the “Reset to factory settings” function is located in the “System” → “Reset” section.

On Meizu

In Flyme OS, the path to the function is different from stock Android: go to “Settings” → “About phone” → “Storage” → “Reset settings”.

Check "Delete data" and click "Recover".

On Xiaomi

In MIUI, the developers hid the Factory Reset function in “Advanced Settings” - watch the video instructions:

On Xiaomi smartphones, the USB drive is also cleared, so take care of creating a backup in advance if you want to save photos, audio and other files.

Method 3: Factory reset on Android

This method is even simpler than the previous ones. In the dialer, dial one of the following. Perhaps none of them will work, it all depends on the manufacturer:

  • *2767*3855#
  • *#*#7780#*#*
  • *#*#7378423#*#*

Also try entering these codes into “Emergency Call”.

4. Perform Hard Reset from Fastboot mode

Clear internal Android memory devices using the Fastboot utility for PC when the device is loaded in the mode of the same name (if there is one on the smartphone). Installation and launch of the program, as well as ADB and USB drivers, is described in. On devices such as Nexus, Pixel, Huawei, HTC, Sony, Motorola, the latest LG, you must first unlock the bootloader:

  • On Nexus - with fastboot oem unlock command
  • On Nexus 5X, 6P and Pixel – activate the “OEM unlock” option in the “Developer options”, use the fastboot flashing unlock command
  • For others, you additionally need to obtain an individual code on the manufacturer’s website

(!) Unlocking Bootloader is done via Fastboot and immediately makes Wipe. In the future, to reset the phone, just follow the steps in the instructions.

Put the device into Fastboot mode. There are 2 ways:

First. Turn off your smartphone. Then press and hold the “ON” + volume down buttons until Fastboot mode appears. This keyboard shortcut may vary depending on the manufacturer.

Second. Carefully study how to work with ADB and Fastboot, the link to the article is above. Connect your phone to your computer by activating USB debugging (see). Then enter the adb command via command line(or PowerShell on Windows 10) running as administrator and press “Enter”:

To have Windows PowerShell run this command, add the following at the beginning:

It will turn out like this:

The device is loaded in firmware mode. To erase data, just run one of the commands (don't forget to add .\ when using PowerShell):

To reboot the device use:

5. How to delete data from your phone using the Find Device service

Google has developed a special service "Find device", with which you can not only track your phone, but also reset its settings. To do this, the device must be connected to the Internet.

2. Google will find devices linked to this account. Click Erase Data.

4. Confirm your selection by clicking Clear.

As a result, the internal memory on the smartphone or tablet will be cleared.

6. If TWRP Recovery is installed

Unlike the standard recovery mode, custom recovery mode allows you to reset specific partitions, and not all settings at once.

To do this, open “Wipe” in the main menu.

If you just want to do a Factory Reset, drag the slider to the right.

If you want to format specific sections, select "Advanced Wipe".

Mark the sections that need to be cleaned and swipe to the right.

To reboot Android, click "Reboot system".

That's all. In fact, there shouldn’t be any difficulties with resetting settings on Android; the whole process will take no more than 5 minutes.

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