Prisushka is a powerful magical effect, characterized by greater accuracy compared to a love spell. The effect occurs within a few days, and drying can be done using a photograph or even without it. This ritual is often needed to make the person at whom its action is directed think about you, but there are even variants of drying only to evoke sexual desire - sexual drying.

Drying is a very strong effect

What is drying

First of all, you need to understand that dryness is the work of witches and sorcerers, it is not harmless and can lead to a series of troubles. But this does not stop a woman who seeks revenge on her offender or abandoned lover; she is driven by revenge, the desire to inflict pain and cause suffering.

The most popular ritual is dryness for melancholy. The feeling evoked is very strong, the dried person loses his appetite, he does not sleep, apathy towards life appears, the effect of the ritual is so strong. It can be compared to a piece of fresh bread, which gradually turns into stale crackers.

Drying can be divided into 2 types, depending on its effect:

  • Damage
  • Love damage

With classic damage, a person often becomes a victim of a ritual due to an offense caused to the customer. The offender simply dries up in a very short time, the reason cannot be understood. As a result of love damage, the object of the ritual is dried to the person. The person under the spell cannot be either physically or psychologically without someone performing the drying, and withers like an apple or some other thing - a conductor between the victim and the customer.

Depending on the strength of the impact on the beloved, there are:

  • simple drying
  • strong drying

The difference between drying and a love spell and a love spell

Dryness is, in a sense, also a love spell, but with a milder effect. For example, a ritual can help if there is discord in a relationship, if the feelings of a loved one have cooled. Drying will strengthen feelings and can rekindle the former fire, passion will return to the relationship, and an irresistible desire to be close to each other will appear. We must not forget that the effect cannot be one hundred percent and weakens over time.

You can bewitch someone once and for all; it is almost impossible to get rid of the effect of a love spell; there is no return. Therefore, it is not easy to carry out a love spell, and it is almost impossible to do it at home. A love spell controls a person completely and completely; the victim not only misses and yearns for the one who ordered the love spell, the longing dries him up like dryness. All his senses become heightened, he experiences incredible sexual desire, and loses his mind during a long separation.

Both the drying ritual and the love spell are all products of black magic, as if reprogramming a person and loading his brain with new files. Even having achieved the desired effect, your lover will never be the same again. Dryness changes the psyche of the victim, he becomes impulsive and nervous. A love spell, in addition to changing the psyche, entails suppression of the victim’s will, worsens the general state of health, and changes a person in all areas of life. Even runic magic rejects prisushki, love spells, conspiracies and lapels, as particularly dangerous and unacceptable types of influence.

Varieties of dryers

Powerful drying, as previously said, is impossible without some kind of conductor object. It is by this criterion that they differ from each other. The place and time are very important for the ceremony; the ideal option is to perform the dry spell in a cemetery, at night, on the waning moon. It is better not to perform the ritual during the day. Let's look at the strongest drying from a distance.

Drying on an apple.

This is the most common method due to the availability of the fruit. It should be said that you will achieve the maximum effect from the ritual if the customer picks the fruit himself.

To carry out the drying ritual, you need to choose the ripest, preferably red apple, then cut it in half and put a photo of the drying object between the two halves.

Important! The photo should not be old, its size should not be too different from the size of an apple.

Next, we tie the apple as tightly as possible with a scarlet thread and pronounce the spell. The fruit must be placed on the sunny side of your house and wait until the apple dries. Then we carefully bury the enchanted object near the house being dried and wait for the result. The strength of the effect will depend on the degree of dryness of the apple.

Gypsy onion drying

Gypsy drying is one of the most effective and fastest options for drying, which helps to take even a married man away from the family, and with his help eliminate his wife as a rival. All you need is an onion, a pot of soil, three candles and a clean white sheet. It is better to perform the ritual on a full moon or a waxing moon. Write your loved one's name on the bow and place it on the sheet.

Problem and solution - general layout

A love spell using candles will help you get the love of a guy or girl if you know how to do it

love spell for money, wealth, luck, happiness

Place candles in the shape of a triangle around the onion. Say the following words like a prayer: “Let him come, let dear (man’s name) come to the threshold, let him desire me, and be exhausted without me.” Then bury the used leaf in the pot and plant the bulb in the ground. If the onion begins to sprout, you know that the ceremony was successful.

Drying to the wind

This ritual must be carried out during the wind, in an open space; moreover, the stronger the wind, the longer the dryness will last. The wind in this case plays the role of a conductor between you and your victim. In the text that is read during the ritual, they ask that the victim bend the way you need, just as the wind bends trees with ease, so that there is no life without your presence, but only sadness and melancholy. A ritual in which the forces of nature are involved is a fairly strong dryness.

Drying on socks

Give your lover socks, you can never have too many of them. Be sure to choose a plain pair, without a pattern, and say the phrase “I dress the legs, I weave the darling” during the purchase. Then turn the product inside out and quietly embroider a small cross on each sock with a thread and a needle. Then take the socks in your hands and read the spell. Now a seemingly ordinary item of clothing is endowed with a magical meaning, and every day it will make your victim think about you.

Dryness on a cigarette

The ritual is performed at dawn, in complete silence, without witnesses. You need to write the name of your lover on the cigarette, light it from the flame of a church candle, then smoke it to the end, knocking the ashes into your left hand. You also need to put out the cigarette butt with your left hand, while saying the phrase “when you collect all the ashes, then you will leave.” Blow off the ashes and wait for the result.

Drying on a coin

First of all, you need to find a silver coin. This precious metal is very often used in black magic rituals due to its high magical conductivity. Place the coin in a transparent glass of blessed water and say the text of the drying exactly nine times. Ask your chosen one to drink all the charmed water, and hide the coin under the carpet in the corner.

There are many more options for dryers - for eggs, for milk, for rope, for hair, for a mirror and even for thunder.

Examples of successful drying

The magical effect definitely deserves respect. There are many known cases where dryness helped and did not have any negative consequences. Such reviews can often be found on the Internet. A similar case was described on the online forum of the magician Natalia Stepanova, accessible to everyone. The mother turned to her for help because her son had a desire for same-sex relationships, which is unacceptable for a Muslim man. The situation was solved by the dry spell of Egelet, which uses the famous Alatyr stone. The guy has been married for three years, the couple are raising a wonderful daughter.

The second example of a positive result of dryness is described on the same forum. The guy didn’t know how to win the attention of a girl who everyone liked but didn’t reciprocate. He called the psychic using a video link, where she immediately performed a string-drying ritual. Their relationship is developing rapidly, they have been living together for two months. In this case, payment should be made only upon the fact of the service provided.

Why drying may not work

There are some reasons why drying your loved one may not be effective. Even if everything is done correctly, a strong dry spell has been chosen, all the necessary magical items have been found, the practitioner of dry spell must have some qualities:

  • Iron will and faith in results
  • The strength and will of the customer
  • Some ability to control your energy

All this, on the one hand, is understandable and simple, but for a person far from magic and spells, it still requires explanation. The fact is that the desire and will of the person performing the drying is connected with the feelings of the victim of the ritual. A prerequisite is that the plot is read only for a truly loved one; it is love feelings that should guide a woman, and not a feeling of revenge. Otherwise, the effect of drying will be turned on the person who ordered the ritual.

The strength of the performer is a skill that can only be obtained through many years of practice and experience passed down from generation to generation. The more powerful the power and energy of the magician, the more dramatically he can turn fate in the direction you want.

You also need to be able to manage the energy that is activated as a result of casting a spell. Even having enriched the energy flow with emotions and feelings, one must have considerable skill in order to transfer the charge to the ritual victim. If you have contacted a charlatan or the magician is not experienced enough, then the dryness will not work, and the lover will not have feelings of love.

It should also be remembered that the magician or sorcerer performing drying must be able to protect himself from the consequences of the ritual, and from its reverse effect. Let's consider an example: if the master did everything correctly, the victim found himself tied to the customer of the service, but then the victim turned to a specialist and decided to cleanse his biofield. In this case, the opposite result of the ritual will have an impact on the customer, and its strength is many times greater than the drying itself. And an important point - the stronger the sorcerer who has passed the magic through himself, the stronger the response. But this can be avoided by layering immediately after drying.

Possible negative consequences

It is important to understand that the magic of drying is not a toy and jokes with it are fraught. Therefore, for this reason, you should not perform drying yourself. But, despite all the warnings, there is a category of people who are ready to try to perform the ritual on their own. For example, these are young people who have experienced the feeling of love for the first time. They are not yet able to cope with their emotions and their feelings take precedence over reason, so drying seems to be an excellent way to solve all love troubles, but young people do not have the money to turn to a specialist.

Also, the younger generation, due to their age and not understanding the true difference between a love spell and a love spell, consider the first to be harmless, but as you already know, this is absolutely not the case. Magic rituals that do not suppress a person’s will and do not take power over his feelings and emotions can be called relatively safe.

A non-professional does not fully realize that human life is in his inept hands and it is he who, with the help of the dryness ritual, can change it.

What kind of disappointments can await you and your victim after an incorrect, or as they also call it “crookedly”, drying ritual:

  • Diseases of the genital organs - since dryness is often done to increase sexual desire
  • Respiratory diseases
  • Cardiac diseases
  • Symptoms of mental disorders, neurosis or, conversely, depressive states and others
  • Very rarely does instant death occur after the ceremony.

The worst thing is that all these ailments will not respond to either traditional treatment or traditional medicine. Only in a magical way is it possible to help a person who has become the target of a crooked drought.

In conclusion, I would like to say that love should be mutual, and feelings should be mutual. Not a single magic and even the most powerful drought of melancholy can glue a broken couple together if, by the will of fate, they are not destined to be together. But if you firmly decide to interfere with God’s will, turn the wheel of fate in the right direction and dry out your loved one, use the services of a trusted specialist, do not practice magic at home, so as not to invite trouble on yourself, and remember that the effect of dryness cannot be removed.

In this article:

A special magic for creating feelings and attraction is drying. It belongs to village magic and usually requires a short ritual with a spell to perform. Anyone can cope with such a task on their own, and the effect is guaranteed to be strong. You turn to the forces of nature, which are neither dark nor light. This is the main difference between a love spell and a love spell.

Some may find this option a little dangerous due to side effects. But, if there is strong love in your heart, then this method is perfect. Making a kiss on a girl means connecting your souls and bodies. Do you want such an effect for life with your loved one? Then everything is simple - get ready and start the ritual on the specified day, hour, phase of the moon.

Drying or love spell?

You choose what magical effect to use - drying or a love spell. To do this, you need to understand their actions, understand what is closer to you. Both of these methods are suitable for those who are just starting their practices.

Love spell

This is definitely powerful magic. The effect of a black or white love spell depends on the operator:

  • the speed at which love is formed in the head of the person being bewitched;
  • strength of feeling;
  • degree of dependence on the operator;
  • duration of effect.

The more experienced you are, the sooner and more the girl will love you. She will just wake up one day with a strong feeling of need - to see you, to be near you, to talk. This is a good option for timid young men, because you don’t have to take the first step yourself. A love spell uses black or white magic, which means you will turn to Angels or Demons. They will ask for an impact fee. Love spell is a harsh influence. It does not create love, but only creates dependence. It’s not difficult to do, but are you ready for the consequences? Such magic can hit a person hard if he does not put up the right protection. But the victim of a love spell will never be able to recover from it, she will constantly think about you and become annoying. It is difficult to build a personal life with her, because this is a personality that you have deprived of your will.


Prisushka, this is not really a love spell. She does not try to create love, but only reveals the hidden desires of a person. It works by using the magic of nature, which can stir up the desire that is natural for a girl - love, intimacy, sex, tenderness. Prisushka awakens all this in a girl, but in relation to a certain person. Some rituals require photographs, and for some, the girl’s name is enough. You need to be familiar with her, otherwise nothing will work. It is impossible to dry out a complete stranger. There should be at least minimal communication between you. This is the only condition. And so, such a ritual can be performed on any, even the most popular girl. She will be very attracted to you at first, and then she will completely fall in love.

The insidious effect of drying

Strong drying has one side effect, which must be taken into account. Magic is not entertainment of the “I’ll try it once, come what may” kind of entertainment. This is an effect that will affect you too. It is not as destructive as a classic love spell, but it is noticeable. You will also begin to experience strong feelings. The drying unfolds in a spiral - stronger and stronger. Desire, attraction, joy from meetings. This is the only almost complete replacement for love in magic. But, you will also experience all those feelings like your object. There is no point in putting yourself on defense here. She can make you as dependent on the girl as she is on you. It is better to do the drying when you are completely sure - this is her, I want to be with her.

It’s not difficult to carry out all these rituals on your own, but you need to take into account the following features:

  • waxing Moon from the very beginning of the growth period. Thus, as the Moon grows, the power of drying increases;
  • days Wednesday, Friday, Saturday;
  • cannot be done on the 4th day of any month. Numerologically, this is a bad number, dooming your exposure to failure.

Of course, do not forget to learn all the texts of the spells by heart, and perform the ritual in a quiet place where no one will disturb you. Follow the instructions for the ritual exactly. You can't change anything about it!

Spell for your favorite fruit

Girls love fruit. Everyone is different, but there is a favorite one. This spell needs to be made specifically for fruit, and the girl herself must eat it. Make sure she doesn’t share your gift with her friends, because this could end in a real disaster. Both girls, or even several, will fall in love with you. The fruit chosen is the most beautiful, ripe, without wormholes. Wash it thoroughly. Place a saucer without pictures or rims on the table. Place fruit on it. Place around 4 church candles with the girl’s name and yours carved on them. Say to the fruit once:

“On Russian and German soil there is a fiery king, he dried up the rivers and lakes, small Istomin, as in the current winds (dried up), so the servant of God (name) would dry up according to the servant of God (name) for twenty-four hours of the day, night, on the new month, on the closing month, and on all low-water (intermediate) days; the servant of God (name) could neither live nor be, nor exist without me, the servant of God (name): in seventy joints and in seventy veins, in the heel, and in the popliteal vein, and in the spacious vein, and everywhere It would dry out and hurt, for me, God’s servant (name). There is also Theoklist standing in an open field, but everything is dry; during the day in the sun, and at night during the month with frequent stars, with frequent rains in the seventy joints, and in the seventy veins, and in the popliteal housing, in the spacious vein and everywhere the servant of God (name) would dry. Twenty-four hours of night and day, at the morning dawn, at the evening dawn, at the new month, at the old month, at the end of the month on all low-water days, could she, the servant of God (name), without me, the servant of God (name) , neither live nor be. There is a copper stove in an open field with a pile of oak wood; just as from that oak wood, no matter how hot it flares up, so would it flare up for the servant of God (name), for me, the servant of God (name), twenty-four hours of the day and night, in the new month and in the old month, on all low-water days, I could not She, a servant of God, can neither live nor be without me. To all my words - key and lock, amen, amen, amen."

Now, no later than on the third day, offer the fruit to the girl. The effect will come very quickly. In less than a week, she will want to communicate with you and will call you for meetings.

Candle dryer

For this plot you need to buy a thick church candle. It is placed on the table on Thursday and lit with matches. Place a candle and use a new knife to carve your beloved’s name on it. You need to light it and say the text 12 times:

“I, servant of God (name), will get up, blessing myself, cross myself, go out of the hut through the doors, out of the yard through the gates, into an open field, look and look to the eastern side; under the eastern side there are three ovens. Media stove, iron stove, brick stove. Just as they kindled, burned from heaven to earth, heaven and earth and the entire universe are kindled, so the servant of God (name) would kindle the lungs and liver and blood of the servant of God (name) towards the servant of God (name); It would be impossible for her to live, be, drink, eat, sleep, or lie down - keep everything on my mind. Unspoken, overnegotiated, shoot through my words like a sharp knife and a lynx’s claw.”

The knife must have a wooden handle

This is a very strong attachment, so the girl will soon become yours. As soon as you start a relationship, you need to return to the Church where you bought the candle. Leave alms there, light candles and pray. You are starting a new life, you cannot leave unpaid debts. This drying does not carry negative energy, it ignites feelings.

Drying for 7 candles

Buy seven candles:

  • two white;
  • two black;
  • two red;
  • one green.

Place them in a row on the table. Waxing moon, Monday. These are ideal conditions for this drying. She appeals to the forces of all the elements of nature. Air, water, fire, earth, magic itself will be on your side in this matter. You need to do it yourself, without help, and not tell anyone that you are performing this ritual.

Light all the candles with matches. They should be in a row. For each candle say:

“The candle fire burns and glows, the flame flares up,
Let the heart of the servant of God (name) burn towards me, the servant of God (name). Let her feelings not fade away, let her miss me. So that she doesn’t live or drink without me, but only thinks about me and misses me. So that it will always be like this and in no other way. I conjure. Amen!”

Above each candle, whisper the girl's name and your desire to be with her. Everything must be said sincerely, from the heart. Promise that you will love her, care for her and support her in every possible way. Let the forces of nature know that your life will be sweet and pleasant.
Now everything will happen quickly, so don't waste a good chance. The love spell happens almost instantly. If your strength is great, then she can contact you this very evening. Now you need to fulfill all your promises to the forces of the elements, otherwise, you will answer for it.

Drying according to photo

It must be done exactly as written.

  • The photo must be new.
  • The girl's eyes are clearly visible in the photo.
  • She is alone, without other people or animals.
  • The photo is not older than 1 year.

These are important conditions, they must be observed, otherwise nothing will work. You will need two more white candles, a red new ribbon. Place the photo on the table, and place two candles along the edges, right - left. Light the candles. From this moment the ritual begins. Say three times:

“As this ribbon is tied, so our destinies are tied. Love will never leave us, and love will always be with us and in us. Just as a knot is tied and will never be untied, so will my beloved always be with me. Amen!”

All work must be conscious.

Now you need to tie the photo with a red ribbon, make a knot. Drip wax from both candles onto the knot and place your index finger on the warm wax. There should be an imprint.
Candles must be extinguished with your fingers and taken to the intersection. There, throw them over your left shoulder and immediately leave. You can't look back. It will work quickly, but this is a very strong conspiracy. It binds two people forever. Don't do it if you're not sure of the result. If you then leave the girl in a year or two or ten, then the Universe will severely punish you. You changed her fate and left her no choice. Now she is yours.

Is it possible to remove the drying?

It's easy to apply drying, but removing it is not so easy. The fact is that it does not work like a regular spell, which is cast by the operator and removed by him. You influence your destiny - the girl's, your own. They change. Perhaps you were not destined to be together, to get married, to have children. Now, when magic intervened, your paths intertwined and you became halves of a whole. Now unplanned destinies are already appearing - your children. They are already written in the Book of Fate after the drying has taken effect. What now? If you remove this impact, will you ruin your fate again? It is dangerous to do this, because the effect will be unpredictable. You can withdraw if:

  • Both of them fell in love. This happens, because all feelings, even strong ones, can end. Then the action moves away from both of you;
  • both must pray in the Church for the effects of drying. You'll have to tell your girlfriend what you did. She must agree to this;
  • Another option is a lecture from a healer. He will remove the dryness from you in 1-2 sessions of reprimanding.

There are no other options. If you are satisfied with this arrangement, then quickly perform the ritual you like. If not, do not play with feelings, because you yourself may suffer from the action.

Today our conversation will be about how to bewitch a woman at home. Russian witchcraft is varied; its arsenal includes complex demonic and cemetery rituals, and ancient black rituals, which people know or have heard of, even those completely far from magical practices. My theme, for the magician Sergei Artgrom, is still practical magic and Warlocks.

There are also many things that you can do on your own, for example, reading a spell for a woman’s love. Slavic witchcraft also includes other magical traditions that have existed for centuries - the magic of the elements and natural spirits, working with the ancients. And, of course, white witchcraft through the Christian egregor. This is where I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will begin this article.

White plot of a beloved woman for a gift

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, am sure you remember that women cast prisushki, incantations, spells and spells for love on the waxing moon on women’s days. In the evening, before you go to bed, cast a love spell on an expensive gift and place it near your headboard all night. And the next day give it to your mistress.

“Holy Cherub, I turn to you with a prayer, dwell in the servant of God (name). Kindle her blood, melt her heart and mind, so that she thinks about me (name) day and night, keeps it in her thoughts, wants to see me. If I ate, I couldn’t eat; if I drank, I couldn’t drink. And when she went to bed, she couldn’t fall asleep without me (name). She would not have had any fun or joy without me. Holy cherub, from this hour, from my order, let the servant of God (name) suffer for me, suffer, cannot live without me. Key, lock, threshold. Amen".

Read a church conspiracy to love a woman at home

A distinctive feature of all white rituals performed through the Christian egregor is the duration of the ceremony. This way to bewitch a girl’s love yourself was no exception. You need to start it on any women's day (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday) of the waxing moon at the dawn of the evening. Read 9 days in a row. Light a candle bought in the church and, turning your face to the east, read the love plot for a woman 12 times:

“As the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos loves her son Jesus Christ, as she thinks about him with a tender heart, tenderness, a smile and endless love, so you, servant of God (name), will love me, you will think about me, dream about me, look for meetings, with a tender smile meet. If you look at me, you won’t stop looking at me, not in an hour, not in a day, not in your whole life. Amen".

This spell will help you bewitch a woman's love, which you yourself are ready to love, take responsibility and care for. Naturally, in order to do so, you need a clear, clear visualization of how your intention is realized on the physical plane.

How to bewitch a woman from a photo at home

Using this method of bewitching your beloved girl yourself, you can try to remove the discord and return harmony to the relationship. All you need to have for the ceremony is a photo of your beloved. To do it at sunset, stand by an open window, look at the photo and read the love plot in the woman’s photo 3 times like this:

“I will ascend the bright mountain, I will take with me a bright, pure light. He will kindle love in the heart of the slave (name), and leave my name in it. Let the dark night look into your eyes, let the north wind blow in your face, it will not extinguish the light of love, you will not forget me (name) not for a day, not for an hour. My love is strong, and your love is no weaker. It will be so. Amen".

This is a sinless love plot that will work on the personal strength of the performer.

Your attempt to return a woman with conspiracies needs to be supported by strong, stable visualization. Remove the photo until the next time you need to influence the one you like remotely. A simple spell on an ex-girlfriend can work as a challenge, which will give you the opportunity to magically influence directly in contact with your beloved.

Bewitching a woman yourself from a photo is a black conspiracy for love torment

You can bewitch in different ways from a photo. It’s one thing to bewitch the woman you love at home using a safe spell to attract and restore relationships. And, it’s something else entirely – to unleash demonic power, to tightly tie it to yourself. This is of a completely different order. Here is an example of a black love spell for heartache, a powerful magical ritual for return. It is not recommended for strong black magicians and for beginners, but it is not prohibited either. Therefore, be careful...

They charm a girl with this powerful ritual on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. On the growing moon, for independent magical work you need to have:

  • white natural fabric
  • piece of coal
  • church crucifix
  • 13 new needles
  • new spool of black thread
  • photo of someone you like
  • piece of natural wax
  • 3 black candles
  • saucer

You should prepare your own candles for work. Lay out a cloth and draw a circle on it with charcoal in the direction of the sun. Place a photo of the object being bewitched in the center of the circle, face down, and a crucifix on it, upside down. Place a piece of beeswax on top of the crucifix. 13 needles are placed on the left side of the crossbar, and threads on the right side of the crossbar.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Then light the candles and read the love spell for a woman’s love three times, looking at her photograph:

“Thirteen powers of hell, thirteen demons of the underworld, I conjure you, I call you from the chambers of hell. With an inverted cross, with a grave dug up, with blood shed, with a seal of kain, with a witch’s whisper, with a witch’s flight, I open nine doors, I call you to action. You will wander through the crowded world and, with the eye of a falcon, with the wing of a raven (name), find what is during the day, what is at night, above the ground, under water, among the fields, and among the forests. Find you (name), and find her heart. And if you find the heart, then you will enter it with arrows to torment. Wherever I indicate by decree, drive there. With the seal of Caine, the cross overturned over you, thirteen demons, I conjure, I send thirteen powers of hell into the heart of (name). You should torment her, torment her, burn her with fire, torment her with agony, overcome her with melancholy. During the day and with fire, at night and with light, she thinks about me (name), yearns, sobs for me (name). This is my hellish command, a message to the thirteen powers of demons. This hellish, demonic cry for torment (name) according to (name). Amen".

Read the plot three times for your ex-lover, light the photo from candles, put it on a saucer and let it burn. Then knead the wax thoroughly, add ashes to it and give the wax a heart shape. Place the wax back on the crucifix.

  • Stick a needle into the wax and say: (name) suffer torment for me.
  • Second needle: (name) day and night you can’t find peace without me.
  • The third needle: (name) tears flow over me.
  • Fourth: (name) pines for me with black longing.
  • Fifth: (name) is nailed to me with a twist.
  • Sixth: (name) is nailed to me by thirteen demons.
  • Seventh: (name) is sewn to me by the power of hell.
  • Eighth: (name) boiling blood sticks to me.
  • Ninth: (name) I invite you to me with the cry of the underworld.
  • Tenth: (name) will be boiled in a hellish cauldron, and he will torment me with ardor.
  • Eleventh: (name) to indulge his passion for me.
  • Twelfth: (name) yearning for me.
  • Thirteenth: (name) by hellish passage to the mansion, sharing the same bed with (name). Amen".

Then take a black thread and thread it through the eyes of all the needles. Tie the ends of the thread in a knot and drip wax onto the knot alternately from each candle, creating a fastening, strengthening and securing the reading words spell for a woman's love for a man:

“A black thread walked through thirteen gates, but came to the end, which is conjured with a cry, then called out by the army of hell, then a demonic cry, to the torment of the heart, (name) go out, languish, for me (name) suffer in agony. Amen".

Wrap candle stubs and wax and needles in cloth, go into the forest, and bury everything under an aspen tree. A ransom for demons at a forest crossroads.

In this case, you need to read the text of the bewitching spell on the girl:

“Accept, but do not reject, be filled with pleasure and filled with strength, so that my work will come true, even the words spoken are harder than flint! Prepare this ransom for you, and prepare for me what is indicated. Amen".

Immediately leave without looking back, get home in silence.

The effectiveness of a magic spell for a woman’s love

This homemade way to bewitch your beloved girl is very powerful. It works not so much for love, but rather for the subjugation of the victim. A ritual that works well at home for the love of someone you like. So you can bewitch a woman from a distance for love, but a magical ritual is also suitable for revenge. Before work, so that everything goes as it should, it is recommended to weaken the energy of your mistress. For example, order sorokoust for successful work.

To know how a love spell for a woman works for you, you need to do it. Whatever the details, effective love spells made at home work differently for everyone. This method of bewitching your beloved wife can last up to 3 years. In order to bewitch your beloved woman yourself and avoid any negative consequences, you need to follow the rules of love witchcraft. Before work, make a diagnosis, see what this powerful love spell will bring you. Loosen the victim, clean it, and only then begin the main work.

How can you bewitch a married woman to you?

This is a black way to bewitch the love of the right woman, and this is now in great demand. Even taking into account individual nuances, taking into account the fact that the magician-performer can make a mistake in a witchcraft ritual when performed at home, it still works powerfully. The conspiracy gives quick, strong results. Naturally, there is no need to look for a conspiracy to love a woman, which cannot be removed, because you can cleanse and reprimand a person from any witchcraft. But, even with principles, you can tie her to yourself.

Do it on the waning moon, on Friday.

For a magical ritual for a girl’s love, you need to prepare this:

  • photo of mistress
  • round mirror
  • 2 black candles
  • saucer with cold water
  • ritual knife

Place the mirror on the table, light the candles. Place the photo on the mirror, next to it there is a saucer of water. Cut your finger with a ritual knife and drip more than 4 drops of blood into the water.

“There is a church standing in the gloomy distance. Yes, it’s not a church, but a resting place for secret affairs. The demon sits in that bedchamber. That demon commands the trouble. With black languor, hellish heat, we create an attack on people’s hearts. I cry out to that demon. You, you gloomy devil, send that fool, that black mischief to (name’s) head. Let her be fooled there, let her thoughts bewitch her with black mud, let her languorous black blood amaze her. May she turn away from the deeds she is doing, may she forget the living and the dead, may she not see the light, may she not notice the darkness. He doesn’t follow people’s paths, he doesn’t follow paths. But only the dark one (name) comes to me, (name) only knows the way. In the heart of (name), let only (name) live. Let only (name) take possession of her soul. Either it is a work of black silliness, or it is a evil creation of demonic arrogance. So be it, my words are strong. Amen".

After reading an independent black conspiracy 3 times to bewitch a married woman for fornication, or in this way to return your beloved woman, immerse the photo in water with blood. Place the saucer on the mirror. Leave everything as is for 3 days.

Every day, stir the water over the photo with the tip of a ritual knife, and read the love spell three times, which we read on the first day. On the third day, pour the water into a container with a lid. It will need to be poured under the threshold of the house of the married woman being bewitched, or in another place where the mistress for whom this love ritual was performed at home often visits. You can sprinkle the victim's clothes and personal belongings.

On what day to do this, you decide for yourself; water stores information for a long time. Long, but not endless, so keep that in mind. Take the photo of your beloved away and keep it until you need the woman whom you, with the help of black witchcraft, turned away from the whole world and bewitched to yourself.

In this article:

If disagreements begin in a couple or family, then a good love sip will help. She will not allow betrayal, quarrels and bickering. Now you and your man will live in perfect harmony, and you will forget about the lovebirds. This is a very strong love magic that binds two people with strong bonds, much stronger than stamps in passports. You can do any ritual at home, because there is nothing complicated here.

Your female love will help you complete the ritual and give it sufficient power. A new time in the relationship is coming for you and your man, which means everything will work out. These conspiracies will not harm the partner and will not bind his will. They only remind us why we fell in love with our soulmate, what feelings we experienced at the very beginning. This feeling remains for a very long time, it prevents you from doing stupid things, cheating, breaking up. If there is love in your couple, then drying it will ignite it even more. This way, no one will take your loved one away from home.

Prisushki and love spells

Men and women are very different. Anyone knows this. So relationships in couples develop differently. If a woman is capable of loving one person for many years, her whole life, she gives her heart once and for all. Men are subject to their nature. A male can be with different females, and when he gets tired of one, he looks for new sensations. Of course, we are talking about animals, not people. Unfortunately, nature did not deprive the man of this quality.

It is believed that after the first 3 years of a relationship with one partner, she becomes satiated with the man.

Even strong love can fail the test of time. A man is ready to live with a woman, but he will constantly look for something new, even in terms of simple entertainment. Many men justify themselves by saying that it is their nature. They don’t leave their wife, they don’t leave their house. It’s just that sometimes short, easy affairs happen. These connections can be very dangerous. The point here is not even that a man can bring home unpleasant diseases. Someone might want your husband for themselves.

Women are capable of much to achieve their goals. Love spells are often used. This is very dangerous magic, because in inept hands it destroys the lives of many people. If the one doing the love spell suffered from it herself, that would be half the problem. She herself may suffer from a love spell, but also your husband, you, your children, her children. A love spell suppresses the will, it pumps up your man and his relatives’ strength, desire to live, will. Your children can also suffer from this, get serious illnesses, and become addicted to drugs.

You need to protect your boyfriend or husband at the first sign of his desire to “take a walk.” If he really wants to, then let him walk with you. Drying helps revive relationships. It gives you the opportunity to remember your love, intimacy, feelings. This way you will save your marriage from collapse, and your husband from a homewrecker. Being too dry or dry on love won't harm anyone. If there has never been love between you, then it is unlikely to work. If it was, it will remind you very much of it.

Water spell

With this conspiracy, any guy can be tied to you. Works well for those who have already been together for 1-2 years. If problems start, do this drying immediately. You need to get water, preferably from a spring. Any clean water from a natural source will do. They slander her for three days 12 times:

“I, God’s servant (name), will get up in the morning, wash myself with cold water, dry myself with a white shroud, and worship Jesus Christ. I’ll go through the doors into the gates, out of the gates into the street, under the bright sun, the red sun, about a month young, into a clean field, a wide field. In that field a tree stands, supporting the sky with its branches. Those branches stretch from east to west. May there stand under it a church with a bright throne. There is a board at the throne, and on that board lies melancholy. Throw a thrower at God's servant (name), melancholy, into his violent head, into his zealous heart, into his strong bones, into his hot blood. I will be a servant of God (name) brighter than the sun, more beautiful than the month, dearer to my father and mother, kinder to the whole family of the tribe, dearer to the free light. If he stands by the water, he will want to drown himself from melancholy; if he stands by the fire, he will burn himself. The servant of God (name) will feel sorry for me, not regret it. He will remember me until his death. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Offer water neat or top it up.

A conspiracy so that your loved one does not leave

This method should be repeated from time to time

If there is a danger of losing your boyfriend or husband, then do as this ritual prescribes.
Early in the morning, you need to wash yourself completely with cool water. Collect the water that has drained from you into a basin. Wash the floors throughout the house with this water. Dip a rag into the water and say:

“Three girls were sitting on a bench, three sisters were sitting. Do me good service, sisters. There is a board on the coffin, and on that board there is melancholy. Put this longing into God's servant (name), may he love me more than life itself, so that he follows me, in my footsteps, in my footsteps. Let him not steam in the bathhouse, let him not gorge himself on food, let him not drink water, but he only thought about me, followed me. Amen. Amen. Amen".

This is how you will tie a man to you. Wherever he steps, you will appear to him. Very soon all grievances will be forgotten, and bad thoughts will completely disappear from your head. This is a good, proven remedy that has saved more than a dozen marriages.

Spell for dew in the morning

You need morning dew. It must be assembled carefully. It won't take much. Natural, clean water carries enormous power. This power will come to your aid in performing this ritual. Bring the dew home. Say to the dew:

“Clean water, help me, return my beloved (name) to me. Just as the dew on my skin quickly dries, so my beloved constantly remembers me. His love for me will flare up, his soul will turn to me. The stronger his love for me burns, the sooner he will come running to me. The forces of nature will help me bind you to myself, kindle your love for me for the rest of your life. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Now, when you prepare a drink for your man, add the charmed water there.

Short dryness at will

You need to speak quickly, several times. You can talk to:

  • drink;
  • clothes;
  • a man's personal item.

This is a quick way for those who cannot spend much time together.

“I will tie the knot for passion and lust. The fastener is strong - (Name) sculpted before me.”

Memorize it.

The famous apple pie

You need to take a mature, ripe apple. It should be without wormholes or dents. The fresher the better. Ideally, the apple is picked from the tree, but if this is not possible, then buy the best one. They slander an apple 12 times:

“Just as this red and ripe apple dries up, so the servant of God (name) will dry up and yearn for me, the servant of God (name). Let it be so. Amen!"

Now, hide it in a dry, dark place. The apple will dry out, and so your man’s love will “dry up” for you. A very good method, known from ancient village magic.

Drying so that he returns home

If your man leaves home and does not return, then do the following.
You need to put his photo on the table. Place a church candle on the photo. Light the candle with matches. While it's burning, repeat:

“I (your name) call (husband’s name) to our home. I give you the “Husband’s Name” of four angels, I place them on your sides, in front and behind you. Angels, guardian angels, guiding angels, bring your dear one home, bring him to the white porch. Let him not come back in a dream, let him not forget about me, he loves only me, only he will be happy with me. Amen, Amen, Amen."

Drying from a photo using a candle is simple and effective

You need to talk all the time until it burns out completely.
Very soon the man will show up first and then return. This is a strong method, but it is better to combine it with some other one. It only lasts for a few days, and during this time you will use it in another way forever.

What to do if conspiracies don't work?

It happens that not a single conspiracy works. The man continues to leave you, his love fades away every day. This is a very bad sign. It says that a love spell has been cast on the husband or boyfriend, which is disturbing him. In this case, contact a qualified healer. He will be able to remove the love spell and return your man to you.

It’s better not to delay here, because a love spell has a destructive effect. There is another reason why your spells don't work. Initially, the couple lacked the main thing - love, reciprocity, support. Prisushka - love magic. They incite feelings rather than create them. Love cannot be created at all using magic or anything else. It either exists or it doesn’t exist at all. If it is not there, then love magic will not work.

If your marriage was built on mutual benefit, and not on love, then do not be surprised - love magic conspiracies will be powerless against all your misfortunes. Love should be in a couple, then you won’t be afraid of anything, any problem can be dealt with.

How to independently induce love longing and love attraction on a person with the help of drying. A strong attachment will bind your loved one to you for a long time, causing her to have a strong feeling of love for you. . This is a fairly simple and very effective way of lovingly attaching a girl or woman to yourself, which has been successfully used for centuries. Girls love the lovestruck for its quick action and ease of execution by any unprepared person. It is customary to read the text of the prisushka at a distance from your beloved, early at dawn. To evoke loving feelings of longing for oneself in a girl or woman need to wake up early. At sunrise, looking at the dawn, read these three times words of conspiracy - dryness :

Dawn Marya, disintegrated, roll across God's sky,
Take hold of the heart of God's servant (name),
So that she is for me,
God's servant (name), baked,
I missed you, I would look for meetings everywhere,
She suffered like a martyr.
Longing for her heart for me too,
Servant of God (name), strive,
According to my word, submit to me forever.
My words cannot be washed down with holy water,
The healers cannot wash my words from her.
Be strong, my word,
And the other healer's word fell off.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.


If you don’t know how to bewitch a girl on your own so that she falls deeply in love, read this spell in a whisper - a spell at home, if you can see the dawn through the window or on the street. The love spell will act instantly and on the same day you will see the consequences of the love spell in the behavior of a bewitched young girl or adult woman.

© Copyright: Magician

  • To prevent the young bride and groom from being jinxed at the wedding and from causing damage to divorce, before the wedding ceremony you need to read a special charm charm for the young bride and groom. Before the ransom, before the young man - the groom goes to the bride's house to take her to the registry office or for the wedding, the groom's mother must pin a safety pin to the inside of the jacket at home, cross her son and say a wedding charm. No less important is a wedding amulet for the bride, which will protect her from the evil eye and damage at the wedding. The mother of the bride must perform this amulet ritual by pinning three safety pins on the wedding dress to a glass of water to read the amulet plot, which will protect the bride from the evil eye all day at the wedding ceremony and celebration. The words of the protective spell are read over plain water, with which the bride subsequently washes herself (this is done before the groom arrives).

  • You can cast dryness on a person with a conspiracy while being at a distance from him. To induce dryness, a photo of a person and knowledge of the words of the spell are enough - a spell that will quickly bring severe dryness to a person. Take in your left hand a photo of the person you want to bring dryness to and, covering it on top with your right hand, read the words of this conspiracy:

  • White magic and a simple spell over water will help you stop loving a person after a breakup. It happens that people break up and it doesn’t matter who the reason for the separation was, a man - a husband or a woman - a wife, a conspiracy will help relieve the severity of the separation and stop loving a loved one and relieve the suffering of love. The text of the conspiracy is suitable for everyone without exception, you just need to change the words in it from slave to slave. To stop loving someone forever, you need running cold water. This could be tap water, a river or stream. Near running water, say the words of the spell seven times to cool down the feeling of love and help you stop loving a person:

  • Love drying made using this method is very strong and has a long-lasting effect. The following love spell is equated to the effect of a light love spell, but it is very convenient that the magic words of the spell - love spell are spoken when meeting a person and do not require special preparation other than memorizing the short text of the love spell. If you decide to attach your loved one to you so that he will “pine for you”, yearn for you and fall head over heels in love, use this particular love attachment after which your loved one will begin to dry out and miss you on the same day, experiencing a craving for communication and meeting. To make a love sip yourself when meeting a person, tell him the text of the love sip, it’s better, of course, if it happens outside so that there is wind:

  • This is perhaps the most powerful and fastest-acting love spell that you can read on your own at home. To read a love plot, you need to have a photo of your loved one, which will be rendered unusable during the love spell ritual, so take this into account when choosing a photo for a love spell. Rituals using a person’s photo are very common and you can read a variety of love conspiracies, but the one that the conspiracies tell today does not have the strongest and fastest impact on your loved one - a man or a woman. This particular love plot is suitable for all occasions, because it can be read any day and at any time of the day while at home, yes, the love plot in the photo should be read at home.