Original title of the article: A short course in playing the “fool”, author Nesterov I.V.

There is a very strong shortage of literature about card games, especially regarding the game of “fool”. The author expresses deep regret about his unfamiliarity with research in this area, both domestic and foreign. At the same time, we still take the liberty of starting a conversation about this subject and will try to convince you that spending a few minutes reading the proposed text is not an empty exercise.

So, we put forward a number of theses, and we will immediately try to substantiate them.

1. "Fool" is a game of honest people, a game beyond the control of swindlers

Turning to almost any other card game, we will see how strong the element of chance is and how much scope this leaves for all kinds of machinations. Unlimited possibilities in this area gave rise to the profession of a card sharper - as old as the cards themselves.

And, on the contrary, having mastered the game of “fool” (which, by the way, has a very simple rules), any person will immediately be convinced that cheating is completely impossible here - all cards are revealed during the game, being easily accessible for verification. It is very difficult to quietly insert or discard an extra card, because total there are (36) of them - even, and to carry out such an operation in secret it is necessary to discard (or place) cards in pairs.

Even the famous cheating trick - placing specks on the back (back side) of cards - does not have serious consequences, since a person with average ability is able to keep in memory more than 2/3 of the cards from the deck, including the most important ones.

2. "Fool" - a game of intellectuals

This is one of the few card games in which it is possible to develop a clear plan of action. In terms of the richness of various combinations, the “fool” leaves checkers far behind, and is partly comparable to chess.

3. “Fool” is a game of the mind, not chance

It has already been said above how little importance chance has when playing the “fool”. Even an amateur armed with all his trump cards may not be able to resist a professional whose strength lies in knowledge. Of course, 1-2 times fortune is able to help “dummies”. But nothing will save someone who, without mastering all the intricacies of the game, decides to sit down at a table with a strong opponent for 10 games or more.

4. "Fool" - a game with a great future

Let's remember other card games - what can they offer that is fundamentally new in the design of the game, in expanding its potential capabilities? Their resources have long been running out, while in our case it is enough to take a preference deck and the number of cards will increase by more than 55 percent (from 36 to 56 pieces). The variety of combinations will increase accordingly. And the ordinary “fool” will turn (by analogy with checkers) into an “international fool”.

"Fool", as a game not in a salon, but at home, is relatively rarely mentioned in sources, but is already known quite well in Russian literature of the 19th century. Under the name "fools" it appears repeatedly on the pages of Saltykov-Shchedrin's "The Golovlev Lords" (the action takes place in the middle of the century). In Pushkin’s chapter seven of the novel “Eugene Onegin” we find:

"here under the window, wearing glasses
deigned to play fools"

A phrase that, in context, dates back to the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries.

There is no doubt that the game itself originated much earlier.

Tactics, as a military term, is explained in dictionaries as a set of methods and techniques chosen for combat; strategy - for waging the entire war. Having translated military vocabulary into the language of sports (which we will have to do more than once), we will consider separately the issues of fighting in the party and in the entire match.

Tactics for playing the fool

There is not and cannot be a single tactic for all occasions. There are as many tactics as there are games. This is the beauty of the game, and its difficulty. The choice of tactics depends on a number of circumstances, mainly on the presence or absence of trump cards.

Option A: you have no trump cards, the move is yours

When the situation is unfavorable, it is easy to understand that, going with the flow, one cannot count on a successful ending. In this case, from the first steps it is necessary to act as actively as possible and take control of the deck by any means, i.e. wipe the opponent away from it, sacrificing large non-trump cards in his favor (even having small change in his hands), and in the future - small trump cards, if possible - paired with simple cards of the same name.

By keeping your opponent away from the deck for a long time, you will be able to pick out everything that is valuable from there, and victory is in your pocket.

Option B (worst): the opponent starts and moves with a suit that you do not have

A conversation on this topic is only possible when you have at least one trump card. He is sacrificed. But how soon should you do this? After all, trump cards are expensive!

The trump card from “six” to “nine” inclusive must be given immediately and without any tears. It is better to part with the "ten" no earlier than the enemy's second call, and with the jack - no earlier than the third. You will have to think very seriously about the lady's sacrifice. Never sacrifice your ace and king! (excluding, of course, the final part of the fight)

A single king can become an unsinkable aircraft carrier, capable of getting you out of the worst situation.

By analogy with checkers, the king can be compared to the “golden checker” e1 (d8), which alone controls a decent part of the board.

Option B. If you're lucky

If you are lucky, and from the very beginning (or after 2-3 tricks), you have leading trump cards (for example, a king and an ace) plus a couple of small ones, and another large trump card lies open at the bottom of the deck, you can choose the opposite tactic, playing passively and holding cards, especially paired cards (even not very large ones) and colored cards (jack-ace) in any quantities, but no more than what is left in the deck. In this case, it is useful to create a double or even triple screen for each suit from large non-trump cards, taking into account the possibility that the opponent has the same trump cards.

If this succeeds, your bastions are impregnable, no one can take them. In intermediate options that arise when forces are approximately equal, combined tactics are used. There is already complete scope for your imagination.

Strategy for playing the fool

It develops depending on the duration of the struggle (number of games) and includes mainly its psychology - since, unlike military strategy, individual games in a card game are related to each other only statistically - from the position of probability theory, and nothing more.

Considering that the psychological factor begins to play a significant role only from a certain (sufficiently high) level of skill, we moved its consideration to the chapter “The Game of Professionals,” which see below.

If the gap in the score grows not in your favor, think about changing tactics.

Probability theory. The effect of chance and how to overcome it

A. Zinoviev in his book “Yawning Heights” devoted one of the chapters to discussions about the benefits of theory, convincingly proving its beneficial effect on achieving a certain goal.

Understanding the theory of probability will turn your opponent’s cards from a dense forest into something like a small square, where every bush is familiar

Some statistics: the total number of cards is 36, of which trump cards are 9

When dealing, 1/3 of the deck is laid out at once - 12 cards. Consequently, the opponents end up with an average of 3 trump cards in their hands; in addition - 1 lies open.

In total, the entire remaining deck contains 5 trump cards unknown to you. You yourself have 1-2 trump cards, therefore, you know 2-3. Based on this, already in the first moments of the game it is possible to develop game plan with its subsequent adjustment.

Another important point: taking enemy cards without fighting (especially great importance this happens at the beginning of the game), do not lose sight of the fact that each card you take reduces your chances of getting the next trump card by 43.5%.

The calculation is as follows: in the deck, as we have already found out, there are 5 trump cards for 23 cards unknown to you (36 minus 12, minus 1).

Therefore, there is 1 trump card for every 4-5 cards (23:5=4.6). This means that each card taken from the deck together with your opponent brings you 21.74% closer to the trump card (100:4.6=21.74). But an enemy card taken without a fight removes you from the trump card by the same distance, and the enemy takes new map, and - don't forget - will take another one while you get rid of the extra one. Total 21.74x2=43.48% (≈43.5%). This is the price of passive tactics. Now you understand how great an advantage you need to have to elect her.

Memorizing cards

There are 9 trump cards in the deck. The tenth trump card will be your memory if you manage to use it properly.

It will not be difficult to learn to remember the colored cards and trump cards that come out of the game according to a certain pattern (numeric, alphabetic, etc.).

There are 21 cards in total. You can also add “tens” to this number - with a little training you will learn to remember them too. The total is already 24 (the fourth “ten” is the trump card). Considering that it is simply impossible to forget the 2-3 small cards that come out at the very end, we will end up knowing 26-27 cards out of 36.

About a dozen cards make up terra incognita for you, and all of them are at the bottom of the card hierarchy and only in exceptional situations can they influence the outcome of the fight. Just a small White spot on your well-studied battle map! Will it really stop you from winning? And where is that powerful His Majesty Chance who will try to stand between you and your victory?

The quintessence of the game is the ending. It begins at the moment when the deck is already empty. The ending is the final furious fight. In fact, the rest of the game is just a prelude to it. Here are a few recommendations that may help if you follow them.

1. Control deck thickness. This thesis may sound harsh, but judge for yourself: why be a pawn in a game of chance? Much better to manage it!

Depending on the size of the trump card lying open at the bottom of the deck, you can either find yourself within its reach, or bring your opponent to this position (if you consider it inconvenient).

When the trump card is great and you don’t want to miss it, the surest thing is to make sure that the enemy’s next move begins with 4 cards in the deck (3 plus one revealed). For an opponent in this position to take the last trump card is almost hopeless. It is rare when you manage to pick up 4 cards for an attack at once, and even carry it out successfully - after all, if the attack fails, the defender is left with only two cards and has the right to move. In a position where there are 2 cards left in the deck (1+1), the trump card will certainly become yours. Just think about it in advance - save a pair for one of your cards. If at the same time you have to give up a trump card, but less than the one in the deck, do not regret it - it will pay off.

If the trump card remaining below does not suit you very much, bring your opponent to this position. He will have to either sacrifice the quality, for the sake of a small trump card, remaining with 6 cards against your 4 (even though it will be your move), or leave you a trump card (which will always come in handy), and take the pig in the poke himself.

Just please don’t think that all this will be decided 1-2 moves before the end of the game. Options preceding the ending need to be calculated at least 5-6 moves in advance. After all, the number of cards remaining in the deck (even lying strictly one on top of the other) is not difficult to establish by counting the edges (edges) of the cards - within 7-8 pieces this will always be possible.

2. About the benefits of paired cards.

If fate was favorable to you, giving you the best trump cards during the game, and you squandered your estate like the gospel hero, do not expect good luck. She will not come, for fortune favors the strong and the rich. But don't despair. Even the most inveterate little thing can become an invaluable asset for you - as long as you have cards of the same name of this kind in two, three, and if possible - in four copies. Paired cards are the straw that a drowning man grabs in his last hope.

If the pair you collected is called “king” or “ace”, thank fortune and your foresight, because this is an excellent weapon at the end of the game, and, moreover, a universal one: suitable for both attack and defense. Just let him in on time.

3. Knock out your opponent's trump cards.

If among your trump cards there are no large ones, but there are quite a lot of small ones, throw them in the attack without sparing. After all, each of your cards will cost your opponent several times more. But hurry up! You must take the first step in this operation before the ending begins.

4. Give the enemy time to mature.

If some of the opponent’s cards are known, and these cards are unpaired, and the dominant heights in trump cards are occupied by you, play calmly. The master of the situation is you. You can even take cards from your opponent that are unknown to you. When there are no such cards left, you will take the enemy with your bare hands.

5. Ideas rule the world.

Until now, we have been talking about very specific things - knowledge, certain skills, etc. But there is something else without which it is unlikely that a strong opponent will be defeated. This is the baggage of ideas that you will bring to the final game. The ending should have its own special plan (in addition to the general game plan), and in this plan there should be a place for an idea that can unpleasantly surprise your counterpart.

  • a) “royal” attack (although it could rightly be called “ladies’”).

If you are weak on the flanks but strong in the center, i.e. If you have, say, a jack, a queen and a king against an ace, tens and others like them, choose paired jack (best) or queen (a little worse) for your trump cards. Knowing that the enemy has a queen or king of the same suit as one of your jacks, attack - the enemy will probably bite. Having placed his ace under your trump jack, he will remain defenseless in front of your queen. By retaining the king in the future, blocking all the enemy’s trump cards (except for the ace, giving which, he can surrender), you will achieve success in 2-3 moves,

The most elegant combination looks when, in a hopeless situation for you (of which the opponent is aware), you immediately put on the table the best thing you have - for example, a trump king. If you have about five cards, the opponent will not worry and will take the king (an honest person cannot help but have 5 kings!). By giving him the paired non-trump king you had in addition, you will place the remaining three “sixes” (“sevens”, “eights”, etc.) in front of the annoyed opponent.

Imagine the situation - you can't imagine anything worse. Your only consolation is 3 aces, one of which is trump, the rest is trifle (for example, a pair of eights and a seven). The opponent has 6 trump cards. your turn. Where will you start? From the "seven"? From the "eight"? Then you can safely fold the cards.

But try to start with an ace (not a trump card, of course) and - believe me - your hunt will be a success. The opponent, lulled by the power of his trump cards, will make just one careless move - he will place his trump card "seven" or "eight" against the ace - and he is caught (if you did not immediately understand what will happen next, take a few seconds to think about it).

Having a paired trump card (especially a small one), try to act unconventionally when attacking: lay out the trump card first. Sparing his trump cards, the opponent will want to play for sure and will take it, not knowing about the gift that you have prepared for him.

When you don’t have any trump cards, and don’t have any in sight, try (in advance) to select a single number of cards that have the same name as your opponent’s trump cards and 2-3 cards that don’t have such a correspondence, but are paired with each other.

Make sure that in the end the first run is yours. If the enemy fights to the end, you are guaranteed a draw.

Game of professionals

From the history of wars and military art it is known that when we're talking about about opponents, okay knowledgeable friend friend, it is very difficult for any of them to invent something fundamentally new. Keeping a secret as a guarantee of long-term success is even more difficult.

The French diplomat Maurice Paleologue, some of whose statements about the outcome of World War I became prophetic, wrote in December 1914:

"the struggle will be very long, very long and the final victory will go to the most persistent. The war becomes a war of attrition and, alas, inevitably - of complete attrition: depletion of food supplies, depletion of tools and tools for industrial production, depletion of human material, depletion of moral strength. And it is clear that it is these latter who receive decisive importance at the last hour."

With a certain assumption, these words can also be applied to sports, especially professional sports. When playing with an opponent of this class, you need to discard any thoughts about the possibility of a large lead and remember: the enemy can do everything that you can; any most brilliant idea can give only a one-time effect, after which it will be immediately borrowed by the enemy; victory will be gathered in crumbs, and its result lies not so much in the present as in the past. It depends on many factors, including the duration of preparation, which gives, among other things, knowledge of the enemy’s psychology, the stereotype of his behavior in certain situations, etc. Professionals tend to play matches with a large number of games in order to avoid the effects of chance. In a match between equal opponents, chance still has a certain influence. True, this usually does not affect the final result, since the effect of chance is like a pendulum - several games are lucky for one, then several for another, etc. You just need to learn how to control this pendulum.

Don't be complacent, even if the start of the match is more than successful for you. Most likely, too easy success will soon be replaced by a streak of bad luck (according to the same theory of probability), and the opportunities you missed at the first stage, which seemed so unimportant at the beginning, will make themselves felt closer to the end, when each game will be decisive.

If you play a multi-day match and win big, forget about it every time you resume the game. Remember: every new day starts from scratch for you.

The same rule can be useful in case of temporary setbacks. Don’t get excited, don’t rush to get even - such things can only be done with a cool head. In a period of bad luck, any breakdown is experienced more difficult than in normal times. It is important to be able to let go of the past. If things are not going well at all, try to interrupt the game, or, in any case, do not demand it to continue. It wasn't your day. That's all. Don’t look outside for the reasons for defeats, and never complain about bad luck. If the streak of failures has lasted too long, delve into yourself! During the game, and especially at the end, examine every card (yours or your opponent's). Squeeze out of it everything that it can give you, consider the possibility of the most paradoxical solutions. After all, thought can work miracles. Focus and you will find a gap in the enemy's seemingly impenetrable defense. And vice versa: with all the opportunities for easy winning, do not swell like a turkey. The biggest mistake is to forget that in front of you is your equal.

Everyone who is familiar with this game probably has their own secrets and tricks that help them win. Today we’ll talk about a way to gain an advantage over your opponent, like memorizing cards.

This method will seem very complicated to many, but we will tell you how to remember the cards that came out without much effort.

The essence of the method

So, in a standard 36-card deck there are 9 trumps. Let's count the “pictures” - there are 12 of them (note that we have already counted the trump cards jack, queen, king and ace with trump cards). Total 21 cards. Memorizing them is not that difficult, especially if you use numerical or alphabetic schemes.

With frequent training, you can add dozens to this list. And these are already 24 known cards. At the end of the game, a few more cards will come out, and whether you want it or not, remember them. As a result, out of 36 you will know about 26-27 pieces.

10 cards will remain unknown to you, and some small ones that are unlikely to influence the outcome of the game. They will be dangerous for you if you do not have such a suit and few trump cards.

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How to win at Fool (card game)

Fool for 2 players

Fool is intellectual game, and therefore you can learn to win at it. To do this, we will define 2 stages of creating a winning strategy: 1. determining the opponent’s playing style; 2. creating your own counter-style of play.

Determining your opponent's playing style

How to play this game:

In order to determine what style your opponent plays, you need to play several control games with him. Basically, there are 4 playing styles:

  • 1. player collecting trumps

A player who, during the game, never throws up trump cards, makes the first move with one card and throws up any cards, in order not to overwhelm the opponent, but to discard unnecessary cards in order to take trump cards from the deck.

  • 2. player collecting high cards (aces, kings, queens)

Typically, such a player throughout the game tries to collect 4 aces or 4 kings, provided that the aces are out of the game, or 4 queens, provided that the aces and kings are out of the game. Such a player is usually determined in the final stage of the game, when the cards in the deck have run out and it is necessary to force the opponent to take cards, or, on the contrary, 4 high cards are opposed to the opponent’s cards, with the help of which you can fight off any cards from which you entered. Typically, such a player tries to collect 4 aces and 2 more trump cards.

  • 3. a player throwing small cards at his opponent

Such a player forces his opponent to take all the cards from which he was approached. What does this give? Firstly, there is a greater chance of taking trump or necessary cards from the deck, and secondly, it deprives the opponent of the initiative in the game, comparing him with a baby who can play, but cannot control the game.

  • 4. a player collecting paired cards of different values

A player who, during the course of the game, always makes paired combinations of cards from his cards. Paired cards can give an advantage both when beating off the opponent's cards and an advantage during the first run.

These are the popular and most frequently used styles of playing the fool. To believe this, you just need to register in our gaming zone and play several hundred games there. All other styles, to one degree or another, combine all of the above styles.

Of course, within the framework of this article, the frankly weak game of fools by beginner players, which, as a rule, has no style at all, is not considered.

Creating your own counter-style of play

What can be contrasted with these styles?

  • 1. to the player collecting trumps

Let's divide this game into 2 stages, this is determining the player's weak suit and discarding trump cards in response to calls with cards of a weak suit. Therefore, before the middle of the game, you need to determine your opponent’s weak suit. During the game, try to enter with cards of different suits and as soon as a weak suit is determined, then methodically try to force your opponent to fight back with trump cards. An opponent's weak suit means that suit of cards that the opponent does not have.

  • 2. to the player who collects the highest cards

It is not difficult to play against such an opponent, knowing that he is not collecting trump and that at the end of the game he will use his advantage of four high cards. To do this, you can force such a player to fight back with these cards 2 or 3 hands before the end of the game, this is when there are about 6 cards left in the deck, maybe a little more.

  • 3. to a player throwing small cards at his opponent

The following can be done against such a player. Firstly, fight back at the beginning of the game only with high cards: aces, kings, queens. It is necessary to collect high cards at the beginning of the game in order to be able to fight back at least once or twice during the game. You can try to collect all the high cards before the middle of the game, and from the middle of the game start an attack with smaller cards, with each hand, moving to the high cards, thus, the player who throws his opponent with small cards (hereinafter larger) will end up in your own trap. In the middle of the game, he will not want to discard his trump cards, as a result of which he will take them.

  • 4. a player collecting paired cards of different values

It is difficult to play against such a player, since he will always have a couple of cards, both for moving and for clearing. You can only oppose such a player with the same game, that is, play with paired cards and fight back with paired cards.

"Take it all" game tactics

If at the beginning of the game you get 2-3 large trump cards (you can also use small trump cards), then during the game you do not beat off your opponent’s cards, but accept them until there are at least eight to ten of them left in the deck (you can find out how many cards are left , if you count them during the game), then you start playing with the smallest cards, of which there should be 3 or 4 of the same value. In this case, the opponent will have to either fight back (then in any case you will have cards that you can throw to the opponent) or accept cards.

If the opponent fights back, then when drawing cards from the deck, he will probably take non-trump cards, since he fought back with them; and then, having repelled his move, you will easily win.

But if your opponent accepts cards from you without fighting back, then he will have a chance to beat you using the same tactics (as you played) (the opponent will accept cards from you for the time being, after which he will fight back and overwhelm you with the same cards that I received from you).

Most often, few people know about this tactic of playing the fool and, after playing once, they lose, but an experienced player immediately understands what’s going on and will try to interrupt the game in the middle by changing their behavior tactics.

Fool for 3 players

In such a game you need to collect trump and pair cards. To do this you need to try to fight back. The most important thing in such a game is to never throw cards at the player you are following. This can only be done at the end of the game, when the cards in the deck have run out and you see that this player can be the first to leave the game. This is explained by the fact that if you throw cards at this player, then the next move will be made for you by the next player and you will not be able to discard unnecessary cards again and throw cards at a player who may come to you.

You can even cheat, take the card with which they came to you, and then the next player will go to the player who will have to come to you. You will have a chance to throw cards at this player.

Fool for 4 players

In this game you need to decide whether you are playing against everyone or against two, that is, pair against pair. If the player sitting opposite you plays at the same time with you, then the game will become much easier. This game is usually called pair-on-pair. The player to your left is paired with the player to your right, and you are paired with the player opposite you. In such a game it is necessary to throw players left and right. To do this, it is recommended to go to the player on the left at the beginning of the game with low paired cards. If there are none, then choose the lowest card of the suit that you have the most. If this is not the case, then you can make a pair of low cards, for example: a trump six of diamonds and a six of clubs.

If you managed to overwhelm the player to your right and the turn has passed to you, then it is advisable for you to play from those cards that the player to your left or right does not have. After the first round of the game, you can already guess what cards these are. For example, during the rebound process, the player illuminated cards 8, 10, B, and the player on the left illuminated 7 and D, in this case it is recommended to go with 6, 7, 9, since the chance that your partner has these cards is high.

If the player to your left or right takes cards and among these there is a card of higher value, for example, a queen or a king, then try to get rid of it, since you will not be able to fight back with it (since they will immediately throw the rest of the paired cards to you) and you will have a chance to draw a pair or trump card from the deck. If the player to your right couldn’t fight back and takes cards and you are sure that you can take down the player to your left, then you don’t have to throw in the highest card, since obviously the player to your right may be the one to fight back with when your partner moves and you can already throw it up.

When playing as a pair, you should never throw your player. You can only throw cards to him when he takes them, and then only of the highest value and so that they make up a combination of 3 or four cards for him, so that the likelihood that he will fight back next time is high.

If you are playing against everyone, and not pair against pair, then it is recommended to use the lowest card that they came to you to take, otherwise you risk taking a large number of low cards. For example, you hit a six with an eight, and accordingly all the sixes and eights will fly to you. Otherwise you will only take sixes.

Fool for 5 or more players

In such a game, of course, everyone plays for themselves, so try not to take away the low card they came to you with, just take it.

If they come to you with a higher card, and you see that you cannot fight back, then fight back with a higher card, so that these higher cards are thrown to you and you have best cards in relation to the cards of other players.

If the opponent fights back with trump cards at the beginning of the game, then we can definitely say that he plays cards poorly, since at the beginning of the game there is no point in discarding the trump card. It is recommended to take the bounce cards along with the trump cards, but next time it is better to try to fight back.

If you're going to fight back. In this case, your cards should not contain low cards and more than two cards of the same suit, with the exception of trump cards. Otherwise you risk drawing cards.

How to force your opponent to fight back with trump or high cards. If it is your turn and your cards contain several cards of the same non-trump suit, and if you hit one (lower) of these cards, then your opponent at the beginning or middle of the game will most likely take this card, and if it is at the end of the game, then the opponent will be forced to fight back with a trump card.

Bluff in the game

Don't forget to bluff. For example, a situation at the end of a game with several players, when you have 3 trump cards (king of clubs, 10 of clubs, 6 of clubs,). They made a move to you from the Ace of Diamonds, in this case you must fight back with 10 clubs, then they come to you from the Ace of Spades, here you must fight back with the King of Clubs. Why, you ask? Because players may think that your highest card is the king and will not throw you a trump ace, but will throw you an ace of diamonds, which you will beat off with 6 clubs. Do not overuse bluffing, otherwise you will always be thrown an ace of trumps.

Instead of aces, there may be lower cards, so bluffing often can lead to you losing.

Memorizing cards

Well, the most important thing you need to learn is to memorize cards. You must know which cards came out of the game and in what order.

Knowing which cards are coming out gives you information about what cards your opponent might have, and knowing what order the cards are coming out in gives you information about where the expected card is. For example, an opponent entered with a ten of hearts, so we can assume that the nine of hearts is still in the deck (store), but this statement can only be done with ordinary players, a professional can go with a ten, having a nine in his hands, since he has several tens, but only one nine.

Read various ways memorizing playing cards to be savvy in this matter.

Which card player wouldn't want to know what cards his opponent has left in his hand? But remembering all the cards outright is almost impossible. But mnemonics can do this.

Why are lost cards difficult to remember? Because it is meaningless, “unnamed” information. However, if we give each card a meaningful name and select a visible image for it, then it will be much easier to operate with this kind of information.

You can adopt this, for example, recoding method. Each suit will be designated by a letter: crosses - “K”, spades - “P”, diamonds - “B”, hearts - “H”. The “names” for each card of the corresponding suit will begin with these letters. We will encode cards that do not have numerical designations with numbers: let the ace be “1”, the jack “11”, the queen “12”, the king “13”. Then the nine of crosses, for example, will be encoded as K - 9 = KZ = KoZa. And the king of hearts will be the “devil” (H - 13 = CHRT). And so on.

If you want to try this system for strength, then, firstly, the “names” of each card need to be remembered. This is not difficult to do, since the “names” are derived from the digital designation. The main thing is that each card evokes the corresponding image in you VERY QUICKLY. Now you need to remember the outgoing cards during the game. Can be used different ways, but the next one is simpler.

Once a card leaves play, you CHANGE its image. What does it mean to change the image? It is best to break it, destroy it, drown it, set it on fire, etc. And immediately visualize it. By the end of the game, such an eidotechnique will change the images of all cards except those left in the opponent’s hands. Now the most important thing: you need to quickly “run” through all the “names” of the cards and see which images remained unchanged. With a two-week training, you can increase this time for full deck up to a maximum of 1-2 minutes. Let's see how this method works.

For simplicity, let's take only one suit. Let it be baptisms. Let's say seven comes out first. You imagine how a long beautiful braid is cut off. Next comes five. The top bunk in the compartment falls on your head. Nine - the goat's horns break. Two - imagine torn sneakers. Troika - huge whale lies on dry land and breathes heavily. Ten - your bathroom faucet has broken and water is flooding your apartment. Lady - you went into a bowling alley, and a bounced pin hits you in the head. Four - you stepped on some kind of pile in the dark. Valet - the courier lost his briefcase with documents and is now in prison. Eight - represents a slave breaking his shackles. The blind mole king crawled out of the hole and was immediately grabbed by the cat.

Your opponent now has two cards in his hand. Look at the table and run down the column of crosses. You can easily identify unchanging images. This is an ace and a six. The method works, but so far it’s slow. Its only inconvenience is that it cannot be abused. If you apply it 3-4 times in a row, the images can be layered on top of each other. Therefore, resort to this method only in the most critical cases, no more than 2-3 times in one game and not in a row.

However, a slight complication of the system avoids this drawback. To do this, you need to come up with several names for each card. For example, take spare letters to indicate suits. Then the crosses will begin, for example, with a “T” (i.e., “k” is a three, and a three is a “T”). Then you will have a spare row of names for the crosses.

This simple technique will help you learn to memorize any number of necessary cards or items, the main thing is to learn it only 1 time :)

The technique of memorizing cards requires practice, but if you learn to memorize cards while playing, then you are guaranteed to have luck in games. That is, it will no longer be luck, but a very clear perception of the game situation leading to success in the game.

The technique is so simple and understandable that it can be applied to memorizing any number of heterogeneous objects. For example, having mastered only it, you will stop writing long lists shopping to the store, but you will simply use this useful system.

How to quickly memorize cards?

1. Assign numbers to each card from Ace to Ten first. Numbers consist of two meanings: letters and numbers.

If an ace is a one, the letter A, then a two is a B, a three is a C, etc.

Suit is the second letter, and there are only 4 types: T - clubs, H - hearts, B - diamonds, and P - spades.

Ace will cross AK, ace of spades - AP, for example, and the jack of spades - VP.

2 BT BP BB Warhead
7 ZhT ZhP reinforced concrete ZhCh
8 ST Salary ZB AF

2. Now link the card to famous person, for simplicity and convenience, select friends or stars. In the example above, you can come up with the following: AK = Anna Kournikova, AP = Alla Pugacheva, VP = Volya Pavel.

This is an intermediate stage. Subsequently, when you get used to your card images, you will find that specific people you associate with actions.

For example, Pavel Volya performs on stage at the Comedy Club, and Anna Kournikova plays tennis with characteristic cries :).

3. The next step is to assign an action to the person. Only here you need to remember some rules.

Clubs- this is aggression, peaks- this is doing your job, diamonds- wealth or money, and worms- Love.

Of course, it’s easier to come up with actions related to the profession of the hidden person. For example,

AK= Anna Kournikova with a powerful aggressive “Ha!” gives a pass to an opponent in a match;

AP= Alla Pugacheva sings “Madame Broshkina” on stage;

VP= Will Pavel makes a sparkling joke.

If it’s difficult for you to remember the name, just replace it, don’t waste your energy on memorizing unnecessary information, it’s better to choose a person who is obviously known to you, even if it’s your neighbor Vasya Pupkin (that’s right! Jack of Spades).

4. Now let's move on to the route. There should be 52 places in total. It seems complicated, but think about it - you visit 52 places every day. What places could these be?

— Kitchen in the morning;

- Entrance;

- Bus stop;

— Bus to work;

- Job;

— Shop, etc.

Remember this background, mentally draw a map with 52 points, empty for now, without personalities, just a ghost town where you will place your heroes. But not now! Now remember the route.

Well, now the most interesting part. Place your imaginary heroes, make a story for them in your route. For example,

AK= Anna Kournikova with a powerful aggressive “Ha!” passes to your opponent on the bus you're on your way to work;

AP= Alla Pugacheva sings “Madame Broshkina” at your entrance;

VP= you come to work, and there Volya Pavel makes a sparkling joke.