There are many healing techniques designed to improve a person’s well-being, prevent many diseases and help cure them. However, of particular interest are schemes for healing the body based on the gifts of nature. After all, herbal preparations are characterized by a surprisingly rich and balanced composition and ideally satisfy our body’s needs for vitamins, minerals and other elements. Just such amazing remedies include sunflower sprouts, the benefits and harms of which will interest us now. I’ll also tell you how and when to take sunflower sprouts - a kind of green medicine.

Seeds are the source of life

Seeds are essentially preserved building material, which is necessary for the full germination and development of a small plant. Most of their composition is represented by starch, proteins and fats. During germination, these substances change greatly, so starch becomes malt sugar, proteins become amino acids, and fats become fatty acids. Such processes are similar to those that occur in the body when digesting food. Accordingly, “most of the work” in the seedlings has already been completed. In addition, they synthesize vitamins and other useful particles, actively accumulate energy and “mobilize” all the capabilities necessary for the development of plants.

What are the benefits of sunflower seed sprouts?

This product is a source significant amount tocopherol, which is also known to us under the name vitamin E. This substance is necessary to fully maintain the activity of the reproductive organs, the normal functioning of muscle cells, the nervous system and the liver. Such sprouts are also especially rich in B vitamins, which are extremely important for the normal functioning of our nervous system, heart and blood vessels, as well as the visual apparatus and muscles. In addition, sprouted sunflower sprouts are a wonderful source of fiber, which cleanses our body of toxins and other harmful elements, and also stimulates gastrointestinal motility.

Sunflower seedlings contain some amount of chromium and lithium. These are quite rare elements, the deficiency of which is fraught with the development of chronic nervous exhaustion. Potassium from these sprouts is able to maintain optimal acidity in the body, prevent muscle withering and saturate them with elasticity. The beneficial properties of this component also extend to the heart muscle, strengthening it and preventing pathologies.

Sunflower sprouts are also rich in iron, which is extremely important for normal hematopoiesis, and especially for the prevention of anemia. They are the source folic acid, necessary for the health of each of us, this element is necessary for pregnant women, as it ensures the full development of the fetus. They also contain quite a lot ascorbic acid.

Consumption of sunflower sprouts helps optimize and restore many processes that are vital for the human body, regardless of gender and age. This gift from nature increases immunity by an order of magnitude and significantly increases immunity to various types of colds. Sprouts also effectively optimize metabolic processes and ensure normal functioning of the nervous system.
They are able to increase performance, increase libido and normalize sexual functions. Consumption of such a natural product helps improve visual acuity and prevent its decline; such an addition to the diet will help rejuvenate the body, improve the condition of hair, nails, skin and teeth.

Experts say that the systematic intake of sprouts in food helps prevent cancer, improve blood composition and cleanse it, and lower blood counts. blood pressure and reduce the likelihood of having a heart attack. This product perfectly removes so-called “bad” cholesterol from the body, preventing atherosclerosis and helping to eliminate it.

Among other things, sprouted sunflower seeds are easily absorbed by the body, are especially rich in vitamins and minerals, and also contain an optimal ratio of proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats.

Can sunflower sprouts be dangerous? Are there any harm from them?

It should be taken into account that sprouted sunflower seeds are a source of gluten, intolerance of which is observed in some people. They should not be given to children under twelve years of age. Fiber in such foods can interfere with the normal functioning of the digestive tract in case of peptic ulcers.

Systematic intake of sprouts can provoke flatulence or pain that occurs due to the release of sand or stones. To prevent severe gas formation, it is strongly recommended not to consume sprouts together with dairy products.

Treatment with sunflower sprouts. How to use?

To germinate sunflower seeds, you should periodically rinse them with water and leave them damp. After the seeds have sprouted three to five centimeters, the husks should be removed from them - they will separate easily. The resulting raw materials can be added to a variety of salads, pastas, pates, cereals and other dishes. In addition, it can be eaten on its own.

Sunflower sprouts for rejuvenation and against cancer

I will give my story in a story taken from the Internet:

“I (the narrator) met my friend, and at first I didn’t recognize him at all. My friend is over forty, and his skin is clear, wrinkle-free, and pink. How can I ask? This is what it turned out to be... About 3 years ago, in his village, he learned a recipe from an old man. The old man looked 60, but according to his passport he was 97. This old man was diagnosed with stage 3 duodenal cancer at the age of 40. So another ancient grandfather saved him when he was already preparing to leave. The ancient grandfather's recipe was based on the power of sunflower seeds. Everyone knows that after harvesting the sunflower, nothing will really grow on the same land for another three summers, since the sunflower from the soil has absorbed all the power... Knowing this fact is the whole point!

So, here you need to take 5 tbsp. raw medium-sized sunflower seeds and cover in a jar with raw water. Place the jar under the bed. After a day, drain the water and close the jar. Pour 5 tablespoons of new seeds into the second jar and fill with water as before. After another day, it’s time to sow the seeds from the first jar into boxes with soil, and drain the water from the second jar and close the lid for a day. It’s also time to put the “first” can back on.

What does sowing consist of? Just distribute the seeds evenly over the surface of the soil, and sprinkle a little earth on top. Boxes must have drainage holes. After planting, water with a watering can to keep the soil moist. We maintain moderate humidity. After five days, you can cut the greens. Add raw cuts to food. For each day of treatment you need to eat 50 sprouts. Not much, but this is how the grandfather and aunt of the friend with whom the story began were cured.

Mix the seeds remaining in the ground evenly and again you can sow new grains into it, as described above. When there is enough soil in the boxes, simply bury the seeds in it with the sprouts facing up and sprinkle a little. Although we feed our soil with fresh seeds, we still have to change it. Do this twice a year."

In this simple way, sunflower sprouts can bring great benefits to our body. They will treat any disease and immediately rejuvenate.

Of course, I must tell you that you should use this recipe only as an addition to the main treatment prescribed by your doctor. Chemical drugs act quickly and quickly provide relief, which is very important in the vast majority of cases.


P.S. The text uses some forms characteristic of oral speech.

10.12.2016 Vladimir Zuikov Save:

Hello friends! Vladimir Zuikov is in touch. Today we will continue the topic. And in this article I will share with you how to sprout and eat sprouts, how much to eat, how to cook and how to store them correctly. There will be a lot of information, something like mini-instructions on sprouts.

Someone will think that everything seems simple here: sprout it and eat it. But in fact, there are ways to use sprouts that many people don’t even know about. How to make living food not only healthy, but also tasty? This is also discussed in today’s article for beginners and more.

What are the health benefits of sprouts?

Sprouted grains are a mega-healthy food, almost a superfood. Almost everyone has probably heard that this is living food filled with vitamins and microelements. But what exactly are the benefits of sprouts for the body?

Firstly, sprouts have a cleansing, healing and rejuvenating effect. Remove toxins and waste from the human body, protect cells from free radicals, which are main reason rapid aging.

Friends, many different creams and tablets have appeared for beauty now. And many of them are made from sprouts. So why not consume this valuable product in its natural form, rather than processed?

Secondly, sprouts contain a lot of useful substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body. At the beginning of the raw food diet, they replaced many of my usual foods, filled me well and were in my diet every day.

Also, from the experience of my great-grandmother, who survived several famines, I can say that you can even live on wheat sprouts and water alone long time.

So, during the Holodomor after the war, my great-grandmother was in a very difficult situation; she and her children were plump from hunger. Her husband was killed at the front, and she had no one to help her in the post-war devastation. One day in the bitter winter, by some miracle she managed to get a small bag of wheat. What could she do with the grain? That’s right, like any “normal” person, bake bread from it a couple of times. What should we do next?

Great-grandmother acted wiser. I divided the bag into small portions and began to sprout grains for myself and the children. The grain lasted for a long time. As a result, their health improved and they successfully survived the famine when spring arrived.

It is not surprising that my grandmother still reveres sprouts. Why sprouts are useful and whether they are useful is not a question for her for a long time. Actually, it was from my grandmother that I learned this experience when I was just thinking about a raw food diet...

Third For beginning raw foodists and especially for people who eat traditionally, sprouts heal the intestinal microflora, suppress putrefactive processes and dysbacteriosis.

Yes, friends, this is undeniable. Scientific research Much has already been done and new ones are being carried out; the results continue to surprise scientists. Live food works wonders. Look around, even supermarkets now sell muesli with sprouts!

The only point here is that all these studies were carried out on people with a normal diet, and even wheat works wonders for their “killed” microflora. For raw foodists, at each stage of transition, sprouts need to be selected more competently and compatible, otherwise the opposite effect is observed - the adaptation of pathogenic microflora to the new food.

How to easily germinate sprouts

Sprouts can be germinated different ways: ordinary and professional. I recommend using a seed germinator for these purposes. It will save you a lot of time and nerves, believe me.

For beginners who will germinate seeds for the first time, I will give here the simplest and most step by step instructions on germination at home so that everything works out for you.

  • To begin, take the seeds and soak them in a deep bowl for 6-10 hours.
  • After this, drain the water and rinse your seeds well under running water.
  • Now transfer the seeds to a shallow plate or dish. Smooth evenly over the surface.
  • Cover the top with damp gauze folded in several layers so that it is in full contact with the surface of the seeds.
  • Now leave the seeds for 12-24 hours. Monitor the moisture content of the gauze and maintain it throughout this time.
  • Soon you will notice white sprouts. Hooray!
  • Now they need to be washed well, after which they can be eaten.

What seeds are best to germinate?

This issue can be approached from several angles.

  1. You can simply germinate those seeds that germinate easily and without hassle, and that germinate everything. There will undoubtedly be benefits, but in some cases there may be side effects.
  2. You can wisely select the sprouts that will bring maximum benefit to your current diet. But this is a topic for another big conversation for more experienced raw foodists; beginners don’t have to bother at first.
  3. And of course, you should always take into account your sores, because any sprouts are a very powerful cleaner. Graduality is the key to success in this matter.

How some seeds behave during germination:

  • Wheat, rye and other cereals germinate the fastest - in 10-18 hours. There are usually no problems with them.
  • Legumes: mung beans, chickpeas, peas, soybeans, lentils are also quite unpretentious, but they germinate a little longer than cereals.
  • Green buckwheat also germinates quite easily, but you need to skillfully remove harmful mucus from it.
  • Flax, sesame, sunflower and other oily seeds can cause significant difficulties in germination. They may not germinate for a long time or even rot.
  • Brown and black rice (white is not suitable, it is dead) takes a long time to germinate and requires constant attention to yourself.

Which sprouts are the most delicious?

For more than 4 years I have tried many seeds. And in my opinion, the most delicious are the sprouts of green buckwheat, sunflower, flax, hemp and spelt grains. Green lentils, sesame, and amaranth are also good. The rest are somehow not very to my taste. What is your opinion on this matter?

Hemp sprouts are our favorite. For us these are the most healthy sprouts, we simply adore them. Just don’t tell anyone, it’s a big secret. By the way, an article was once written on how to properly germinate edible hemp, read it.

What seeds cannot be germinated?

Despite all the benefits of sprouted seeds, they can cause discomfort or serious harm to health. For example, common mistake For many beginners, buying grains for sprouting in a supermarket or at markets of unknown quality.

As a result, the best thing that awaits you from such seeds is that they simply will not germinate or only 20% of the total mass will germinate. It's sad, but these grains are dead. Many grains are damaged. They are often treated with special chemicals for preservation, pest control and germination. No one expects you to eat them raw, and cooking destroys the chemicals.

Seed grains, which are usually on sale in large quantities in the spring, are also not suitable. They germinate well, but are treated with poisons to protect against insects. Such sprouts can even land you in intensive care.

Well, for the geniuses, I’ll write this. You cannot germinate the seeds of cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and other seeds for food. Use food crops only.

How to use sprouts and sprout dishes

Friends, ready-made seeds can be consumed in several basic ways. Now I will name the ways I know how to cook sprouts, but perhaps you have your own options? Write in the comments to the article, I will be grateful to you. So:

  1. You can add sprouts to various raw dishes, naturally following the rules of compatibility of raw foods. For example, vegetable salads, as one of the options.
  2. Eat sprouted grains raw, without mixing with other foods. I think this method is the most useful, however, not everyone likes the taste and you need to chew them very well and for a long time.
  3. Make porridge from sprouted seeds in a blender and use it as a base for hearty dishes.
  4. Make bread from sprouts (crisps) in a dehydrator. Very relevant for those who cannot get out of the habit bakery products.
  5. Squeeze juice from sprouts. It can be made from green sprouts, or from the sprouted grains themselves. Here you need a screw juicer.

By the way, juice from sprouts and green smoothies made from them provide a lot of energy and significantly rejuvenate the body. Pelagia loves him very much, which is probably why she looks younger than her age

It is a pity that many people do not know this secret, and instead of sprout juice they use various, often unnatural, cellulite creams and anti-wrinkle products.

As you can see, sprouts can be used in different ways, in different dishes. And these dishes also have different tastes. Alive and natural. Once you try sprouted seeds at least once and feel the effect on your health, you will no longer be able to refuse them!

How and when to eat sprouts?

The most important instruction in this matter is gradualism. There is no need to think that if sprouts are so healthy, then for a quick effect on health you need to overeat on them the first time. You can easily provoke the opposite effect.

If your sprouts go well, gradually increase the dose. 3-4 tablespoons. Soon they will become your complete meal. The main thing is not to abuse it. Maximum 100-170 grams per day.

It is best to eat sprouts for lunch, during the main meal. But it’s better not to eat them at night.

More information for those who still eat everything. There is no need to add sprouted grains to any dairy products. I know that everyone recommends this, including nutritionists. But this is a global mistake, friends. The benefit will be minimal. These products are completely incompatible with each other.

Also, sprouts should not be added to hot dishes. There will be very little use from the sprouts; all the beneficial substances are destroyed. What's the point of messing around and germinating them then?

How and where to store sprouts?

Guys, remember that sprouts are living food. They don't last long. Maximum 4-7 days in the refrigerator at a temperature of +2..5 degrees. But in general, I recommend eating them within a maximum of two days.

It is best to store sprouts in a glass jar with a loose lid. Never close the lid completely - they will simply suffocate and have to be thrown away.

And lastly, do not forget to rinse the sprouts well before eating. Some people keep it for several minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection. But as for me, just sprout enough grains to eat in 1-2 times. For example, Pelagia and I usually eat everything in one sitting.

Where can I get good seeds for germination?

I get asked this question often. I already wrote above that ordinary seeds from the supermarket are not suitable, they germinate very poorly, and they are also probably treated with chemicals a hundred times. This is the result you will never get with them:

It is best to buy seeds for germination in specialized online stores for raw foodists. For example, here.

You can also look for seeds at the market. However, they must be viable and, most importantly, environmentally friendly, so it’s better not to waste time and use the Internet.

Well, that's it, I'll finish, the article turned out to be big. Just then Pelagia prepared a delicious juice from green sprouts. I'll go have a drink. Guys, I’m waiting for your comments on today’s article, otherwise it’s kind of boring without them. What thoughts?

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Every person striving for health and longevity pays great attention to proper nutrition. A simple solution is to include 100 percent natural and useful product, accessible to everyone - sprouts. Growing them at home is not at all difficult. All you need is seeds, water, heat and light.

Perhaps the only obstacle to the widespread distribution of sprouts in Russia was the lack of commercially available high-quality seeds and devices for their germination. But the situation changed in better side- now the necessary devices can be found in online stores, and seeds can be found even in pharmacies.

What are sprouts

Seedlings are seeds that have already awakened to life, begun to develop and sprouted their first sprout. The germination process triggers the natural mechanism for the synthesis of all necessary nutrients. For example, the amount of vitamin C in lentil sprouts increases by 16 times, and the content of antioxidants in wheat sprouts increases by 11. Minerals and trace elements pass into a colloidal state, in which they are completely absorbed by the body.
In addition, green sprouts contain plant fiber, enzymes and antioxidants. Living chlorophyll actively participates in the formation of hemoglobin and improves immunity. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals causing damage to healthy cells, disease and premature aging. Thanks to all this, including sprouts in your diet, a person is charged with energy and receives maximum benefits.

What to germinate

Seeds of vegetables, legumes, and grain crops are suitable for germination. Which one to use will be better determined by practice - your individual preferences and physiological characteristics (for example, not everyone immediately assimilates vegetable protein from legume sprouts well). You can experiment by trying different sprouts at different stages of germination: your body itself will let you know what exactly it needs now.

Wheat sprouts, day 4

It is very important to pay attention to the quality of the seeds. Main criteria
in this matter are their origin (where and how they were grown), purity (lack of chemical treatment) and sowing properties (germination, vigor). The manufacturer, the availability of documents confirming the quality of the product, and packaging also matter. Now special seeds for germination, including organic ones, have begun to be sold.

How to germinate

This is quite easy to do. Marleki and jars are a thing of the past. Today there are many different devices to simplify the process. They are called “sprouters” (from the English sprout - sprout) or in Russian - sprouters. They are automatic and manual. Automatic ones are equipped with a watering timer and have a water heating system - indispensable for obtaining sprouts from large seeds (wheat, sunflower, mung bean). Manual ones are ideal for germinating small seeds (amaranth, arugula, etc.), which often require more attention and thorough moistening.

Where to begin

First, the seeds must be washed with running water. After this, they should be soaked at room temperature. Soaking time depends on the type of seeds. For example, green buckwheat seeds in order to gain required quantity moisture, 30 minutes is enough, and for harder wheat seeds this period will be 6-8 hours. Then the seeds are washed again and left wet in the germinator.

Mung bean sprouts, day 3

It is important that at this stage the ambient temperature is
within 18–25 °C. If it is lower, growth occurs more slowly, if higher, souring may begin. Now all that remains is to wait for the sprout to hatch. The growth phase begins.

When can you eat

Here it is! It's finished! It's true - they grow! At this stage, the seeds hatch and begin to grow, and if you don’t eat it all at once out of joy (just like that or adding it to a salad), then they can be stored in the refrigerator. At this temperature (4–8 °C), growth practically stops, and the sprouts can be safely stored for up to 5 days. This is probably the only product that only gets better in the refrigerator, because the process of plant development still continues.

Radish sprouts, day 4

If you decide to get green sprouts from sprouts, then every 4–8 hours, depending on the type of seeds, you need to moisten them (remove the mesh on which the seeds lie from the sprouter and rinse it under running water).
Further germination time depends on what you want to get in the end. For example, mung bean, radish or mustard sprouts, when they reach 3–4 cm, have a juicy taste and are an excellent addition to salads. You will have to wait about five days for this. Wheat sprouts in an automatic germinator grow to 12–14 cm in 6–8 days.

You should start eating sprouts in small portions and preferably in the first half of the day - this is an active food. It is especially useful to grow and use them in the spring, when the supply of vitamins in the body is already running low, and fresh vegetables and fruits are not yet ripe.
Over time, you will develop favorite sprouts. The main thing is to act and not be afraid to experiment. For example, by germinating a mixture of bare grain oats, green buckwheat and flax, we get an almost ready-made dish. Add spices or soy sauce, vegetable oil- and it will make a great side dish!
By mixing sprouts with raisins, cinnamon and honey, you can get an excellent treat for tea.
From sprouted wheat, banana, persimmon, cloves, frozen wild berries and water in a powerful blender you can prepare an energy cocktail that will give you incredible energy throughout the day.
Sunflower seedlings grown up to 15 cm amaze with their taste and juiciness, not to mention their benefits.
Fresh radish sprouts are far superior in value to their underground sister.
Sprouts are a unique product that completely refutes the popular belief that healthy means tasteless. And believe me: it takes much less time to create dishes with their “participation” than to prepare traditional food. Just take some seeds, add water - and in just a few days you will reap your first tasty and healthy harvest!
We thank Artyom Zakharov and the Green Vitamin online store for their help in preparing the material and for the photographs provided.

IN Lately On the shelves of large supermarkets you can increasingly see a product that is unusual for us - sprouted grains. It turns out that this is not just a newfangled Western trend, but a real elixir of health, youth and longevity, which was actually familiar to our ancestors several thousand years ago. A wave of interest among scientists and the public in green medicine swept the world in the twentieth century, starting in the 20s and 30s, and continues to this day.

The process of grain germination is an amazing magic created by nature . Just as a caterpillar turns into a butterfly, so when grain germinates it turns into a real concentrate of vitamins, micro- and macroelements, and becomes the leader among all products in terms of enzyme content. In addition, young sprouts are a source of proteins and antioxidants. They are very nutritious, cleanse the body of toxins, improve intestinal function, strengthen the immune system, energize, prolong youth and beauty, and even help defeat cancer, as Anne Wigmore writes in her book - it was thanks to this American that eating sprouted grains has become popular again.

Sprouts and shoots - what's the difference?

To improve the health of the body, they eat not only shoots - the greens themselves - but also the barely hatched seed - sprout, or sprout. At present, debates are not subsiding as to what is more useful - shoots or sprouts, and in fact it is difficult to answer this question correctly, since both types of living food (as sprouted grains are called throughout the world) have their own unique composition and both types bring to our body great benefit.

Green sprouts contain a large amount of chlorophyll, which is considered an internal deodorant - it cleanses the body and removes all unpleasant body odors, suppresses fungi, improves blood counts, normalizes intestinal function and has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole.

And although in general composition sprouted grains are identical, and each type has its own characteristics. Here are 10 very tasty and incredibly healthy grains for sprouting.

1. Chia sprouts

When germinated, these exotic Spanish sage seeds occupy a leading position due to their unique medicinal properties and have a rich ancient history. The first mention of chia seeds dates back to 2600 BC. They were not only the basis of the Aztec diet, but also a means of exchange - they were used to pay tribute and taxes, and they were sacrificed to the gods.

Chia sprouts are especially famous for their high content of fatty acids and tryptophan, an essential amino acid for health. In addition, not every product can compare with chia in terms of calcium content.

Especially loved chia seeds among those who want to gain slimness - green sprouts help to lose excess weight, remove toxins and normalize intestinal function. And thanks to its rich composition, including vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants, chia seeds help strengthen the immune system and calm the nervous system.

2. Quinoa sprouts

Quinoa is an exotic grain made from South America, gaining popularity in Russia. And, quite unexpectedly, according to the botanical classification, it is not a cereal at all, but a fruit with a pleasant creamy-nutty taste. In the Inca civilization, the quinoa plant was considered sacred and served as a staple of the diet along with chia seeds.

Quinoa sprouts have a balanced composition. In terms of the amount of phosphorus, quinoa is a worthy competitor to fish, and also contains a large amount of potassium and a lot of magnesium. Regular consumption of these sprouts has a positive effect on digestion and nervous system, and quinoa also helps lower cholesterol, enhances calcium absorption and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

3. Unjut sprouts

ABOUT beneficial properties Our ancestors knew sesame back in 1500 BC. There were legends about sesame that it gives immortality. And in principle it’s clear why - sprouted sesame is considered a unique product because it contains a large amount of calcium, which is easily absorbed human body , and in this sesame is superior to many other products, and that is why the use of sesame sprouts is indicated for diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

In addition to the fact that sesame has long been proven effective in restoring the body after depression, beneficial substances contained in sesame sprouts have a positive effect on the condition of everything gastrointestinal tract, endocrine and reproductive system in women, and also increase potency in men. Sesame seedlings have a slightly bitter taste, so they are most often consumed with honey.

4. Flax sprouts

Very pleasant and tender, with a nutty flavor - flax sprouts are simply necessary for all pregnant and lactating women, as well as for those who value beautiful velvety skin, After all, flax is rich in calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and also contains B vitamins, in particular folic acid.

Particularly strong influence Flax sprouts have an effect on the gastrointestinal tract due to the large amount of oils and mucous substances – flax has no analogues in this. In terms of fatty acid content, flax can compete with many products, and the phytoestrogens it contains help fight breast cancer.

5. Lentil sprouts

Lentil sprouts taste similar to fresh green peas - they are sweetish and juicy, so they will especially appeal to lovers of salads and vinaigrettes. When lentils are sprouted, the amount of vitamin C increases, which makes the product an excellent assistant in the fight against flu and colds. In addition, lentil sprouts contain a lot of potassium, which is useful for arrhythmia, and also contain iron, which helps increase hemoglobin in the blood.

Despite the obvious health benefits, Lentil sprouts should not be consumed more than 2 times a week, since their abundant consumption can affect the body's absorption of iron and calcium.

6. Mung bean sprouts

Mung bean is a plant from the legume family that came to us from India. From the point of view of Ayurveda, mung bean cleanses the body and gives strength. It is an excellent source of protein, has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects, which is why mung bean sprouts are effective against colds.

The uniqueness of mung bean sprouts also that they contain a full range of essential amino acids, which activate metabolism and increase the production of growth hormones, as well as B vitamins, which calm the nervous system. Just like lentils, mung beans taste very similar to green peas.

7. Green buckwheat sprouts

We are all accustomed to traditional brown buckwheat, which gets its color by roasting. But You can only germinate green buckwheat that has not undergone heat treatment. Although many people think of buckwheat as a grain, this edible seed is actually related to sorrel and belongs to the same family.

Buckwheat is famous for its high content of rutin, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels and enhances the contraction of the heart muscle. Due to its properties, rutin, or vitamin P, is sometimes called the anti-sclerotic vitamin.

Regular consumption of green buckwheat sprouts also helps increase hemoglobin levels, cope with obesity and prolong the youth of the body due to the content of phospholipids and fatty acids in the sprouts. The taste of buckwheat sprouts is sweet, with a slight herbal flavor.

8. Alfalfa sprouts

Alfalfa sprouts are the oldest healing remedy, which was mentioned by the ancient Greeks. And in the twentieth century the world's first dietary supplement was created based on alfalfa, which was sold on the principle of network marketing.

The composition of alfalfa sprouts is truly unique: they contain saponins - substances that lower cholesterol levels,plant fluoride, beneficial for dental health, and vitamin K, necessary for internal bleeding. Sprouted alfalfa is also useful for the prevention of cataracts and light blindness, is a powerful adaptogen, and is used to prevent breast cancer.

Alfalfa sprouts will delight supporters of a healthy diet with their delicate, juicy, crunchy taste; they make excellent salads.

9. Milk thistle sprouts

Milk thistle sprouts are used in folk medicine for more than 2000 years. The uniqueness of this plant lies in the presence in its composition silymarin – a complex of biologically active substances that protect liver cells from adverse effects.

Besides Milk thistle sprouts are absolutely necessary for maintaining youthful skin and longevity – they contain valuable vitamins and powerful antioxidants. Milk thistle also has a positive effect on reproductive function.

We must not forget that milk thistle is a powerful choleretic agent and is primarily a medicine, therefore You can consume no more than 7-8 sprouts per day.

10. Wheat sprouts

Wheat is a classic for sprouting among devotees healthy image life. Scientists have proven that wheat sprouts are able to dissolve gluten in the intestines, thereby protecting the body from cancer.

Wheat sprouts are rich in vitamins and minerals, dietary fiber, enzymes, and also contain the amino acid lysine, which helps fight viruses. So regular consumption of sprouted wheat helps to normalize the functioning of almost all body systems.

Wheat sprouts are consumed not only in salads, but also in vitamin drinks, for example, rejuvelac - a non-alcoholic fermented drink similar to kvass, as well as wheatgrass - a healing green smoothie. Well, to get the maximum benefit from sprouted wheat, You should consume no more than 100 grams of green sprouts per day.


Sprouted grains are a truly unique natural product in its properties. To get the maximum benefit from it and avoid unpleasant consequences in the form of poisoning, Use only fresh chilled sprouts for food, read the possible contraindications and increase their amount in food gradually.

Today, few people do not know about the benefits of sprouted wheat; those who use it regularly talk about improved health, cure of many diseases and even the appearance of new teeth. The last fact has not been proven by scientists, but it is regularly written about on many forums about healthy eating. Yogis, naturopaths and scientists studied sprouted wheat grains; none of them doubted the exceptional healing effect of sprouts on the human body.

Why is sprouted wheat beneficial?

Wheat grains contain a large amount of useful substances, but most of these substances are in an inactive, “preserved” phase. At the moment when a sprout is ready to hatch in the grain, it mobilizes all its contents in order to put into the sprout all the necessary substances for active growth. Moreover, the active substances are balanced in such a way as to ensure maximum absorption. Therefore, sprouted wheat is not just a healthy product, it is a biologically active natural supplement that has virtually no contraindications and is completely absorbed by the body.

At the moment of germination, fats are converted into healthy fatty acids, and starch becomes maltose. Protein substances found in grains break down into amino acids, then into nucleotides. What is not absorbed by the body is again broken down into various bases, which are necessary for the construction of nucleic acids, which in turn are the basis of genes. Our body acquires the material to restore and cure certain diseases.

Along with these transformations, enzymes, vitamins and minerals are actively synthesized. Thus, our body receives material that is ready for absorption, it does not need to break down proteins, carbohydrates and fats itself, and vitamins and minerals come to us in a balanced, easily digestible form, unlike similar complexes from the pharmacy.

What is sprouted wheat rich in?

The nutritional value of sprouted wheat grains is enormous. The highest concentration of biologically active substances is found in grains with a sprout of 1–2 mm. They contain various fatty acids, ash, soluble and insoluble dietary fiber, 8 essential amino acids and 12 non-essential ones. They are rich minerals, including rare ones: potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper, selenium and zinc. Eating sprouted wheat saturates the body with many vitamins; B vitamins, youth vitamins C and E are especially important for us; in addition, sprouts contain a lot of vitamin PP. Sprouted wheat does not contain sugars, which makes it especially useful for people with diabetes.

The benefits of sprouted wheat for the body

Sprouted wheat grains, when consumed for a long time, can create a real miracle for the body. Live food improves the proper functioning of organs and metabolic processes in organism. The overall tone improves, the body's resistance to infections increases, immunity increases, and metabolism normalizes. Living food fills the body with energy and strength. Eating sprouted wheat is beneficial for everyone from young to old age. Its use is especially recommended in the following cases:

  • In case of exhaustion, reduced immunity, after illness. Sprouts restore well vitality and increase the body's resistance to many infections. They are recommended to be eaten during periods of flu epidemics, as well as after illnesses for quick recovery body.
  • For long-term stress and depression. Sprouted grains contain a large amount of substances that have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  • In case of decline or disturbance of sexual function. In some cases, long-term use can cure impotence.
  • With elevated blood cholesterol levels. Sprouts are rich in magnesium, which helps lower blood pressure and remove cholesterol from the blood.
  • For disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. A large number of insoluble fiber stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, relieves constipation, cleanses the body of waste, radionuclides and toxins. Soluble fiber restores intestinal microflora and absorbs bile acids, and also promotes the removal of cholesterol.
  • For metabolic disorders and obesity. Sprouted wheat is not very high in calories. It balances metabolism, which promotes better absorption of food. This product quickly fills you up and relieves you of hunger for a long time. But when consuming sprouted grains, it is advisable to avoid baked goods.
  • In the presence of various neoplasms in the body. Sprouted wheat is a good prevention of development cancerous tumors. The experience of many people suggests that long-term use of sprouts promotes the resorption of cysts, fibroids, fibroids and polyps.
  • For various inflammatory processes in the body.
  • For poor vision. After just a few months of daily consumption of sprouted wheat grains, vision improvement is observed. In many cases, vision is completely restored within a year.
  • For diabetes. The absence of sugars in sprouted wheat makes this food absolutely safe for diabetics; in addition, sprouted grains normalize the function of the thyroid gland and ease the course of the disease.

Sprouted wheat grains this is unique whole body rejuvenation complex, since they stimulate restoration and cleansing processes in our body. This is also facilitated by the rich content of youth vitamins and enzymes in the sprouts. 50–100 g of sprouted wheat per day will return you healthy skin and complexion, strengthen your hair, nails and teeth. They will give you strength and energy.

How to properly germinate wheat grains

When choosing grain for sprouting, pay attention to the fact that it must be sufficiently ripe, without foreign impurities, completely healthy, stains on the grain or the presence of pests are unacceptable. Then, separate the wheat from the chaff. Fill the required amount of grain with water, rinse it and drain off any debris and floating wheat. There should not be many dead grains, otherwise, most likely, all the grain from this batch is old or weak, and it will not bring much benefit. From one part of dry grain after germination, two are obtained, that is, if you put a tablespoon to germinate, then you subsequently eat 2 tablespoons of sprouted wheat grains.

For germination, use dishes made of natural materials, glass, clay or porcelain. Don't eat unsprouted grains, they have no benefit.

Pre-soaking is usually done in the evening or morning. The grain lies in the water for 5–8 hours, then this water must be drained, the grains must be rinsed thoroughly until light, clean water begins to flow from them. The first water is always poured out; it contains poisons that were used when growing wheat, as well as those that are formed when the grain is activated in water before germination.

The water you drain during subsequent washes is very beneficial. You can wash your face with it, you can drink it and add it to soups, it will be very useful for indoor plants.

When sprouting, you should wash the grains at equal time intervals 3-4 times a day with cool water. This is necessary in order to prevent the growth of mold fungi and provide the grains with fresh moisture. Grains with sprouts of 1–2 mm are considered ready to eat. At night, germination is more intense, take this into account before soaking.

There are several ways to germinate wheat:

  • Lay several layers of gauze in a deep plate, sprinkle wheat grains on top in an even thin layer after pre-soaking, and then another layer of gauze on top. Then you need to pour cool boiled water so that it slightly covers the grains. Place the plate in a light room warm place, but not in the sun and do not forget to change the water so that the grains are moist all the time, in clean water. There should not be too much water, otherwise the wheat will begin to mold. Depending on the variety, the grains will germinate in 1.5–2 days.
  • It is even easier to germinate wheat in a small strainer. To do this, lay one layer of gauze in it and pour in the grains. Place the strainer on a glass with clean water so that the grains touch the water, but do not float in it. The water in the glass needs to be changed 3-4 times a day.
  • And the easiest way. There are several types of grain sprouters available in natural food stores these days.

How to properly eat sprouted wheat grains

The daily recommended intake of sprouted grains is 50–100 g. They are consumed raw, preferably immediately after germination. It is permissible to store sprouted wheat in the refrigerator for no more than a day. It is better to eat a daily portion in the morning to get a boost of energy for the whole day. 100 grams of sprouted grains can also be an excellent lunch, but do not eat them at night, it will be difficult for the stomach to cope with such food during sleep.

Sprouted wheat can be eaten as part of salads or cereals, or you can leave it as an independent dish. It is very important to chew it thoroughly until it becomes a liquid paste. If this seems difficult, you can grind it in a blender or meat grinder.

Sprouts go well with any food except dairy products. In combination with bee products, an allergic reaction is possible over time. It tastes best to add wheat to green salad or grind together with dried fruits or nuts.

Recipes with the addition of sprouted wheat

  • Kissel. Jelly made from sprouted wheat grains is very useful. Pass the grains through a meat grinder and fill with water. Boil for 2-3 minutes, then let sit for half an hour. Strain and enjoy the healthy drink.
  • Cookie. Pass sprouted grains, dried fruits and nuts through a meat grinder. Form cutlets from the resulting mass and roll them in poppy or sesame seeds. Place in the oven for 15–20 minutes.
  • Infusion of sprouted wheat grains. The infusion can be added to soups and porridges; it is very beneficial for the skin of the face and hands; you can also make hair masks with it. Infusion with honey mixture good remedy for respiratory diseases. To prepare, pour a tablespoon of sprouted grains into a glass of boiling water. After 2 hours, boil the infusion for 15 minutes, then strain.
  • Rejvelac. This Italian “kvass” is prepared from half a glass of ground sprouted wheat and 6 glasses clean water. Fill the sprouts with water in a glass decanter or jar, cover the decanter with gauze and leave for 2-3 days. When the kvass is ready, strain it from the grains. For the next serving, use the same grains.
  • Bread. Pass the sprouted wheat through a meat grinder and add a little water. You can add ground seaweed, sautéed onions or nuts. Form the loaves and fry them in a frying pan with a little olive oil.
  • Wheat milk. Pour one glass of sprouts with 4 glasses of clean water and stir the mixture in a blender. You can add raisins or nuts to the milk. Strain the liquid. Store it in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.


There are not many contraindications for sprouted wheat.

  • It is not recommended for use by patients with stomach or duodenal ulcers.
  • It should not be given to children under 12 years of age.
  • Sprouted wheat is contraindicated for people with allergic reaction for gluten.
  • At the beginning of the course of treatment, dizziness, weakness, and loose stools may occur. These symptoms should subside within 2–3 days. Increased gas formation is also possible, especially when combining wheat with dairy products.