In search of the secrets of seducing girls, any guy is ready to go to great lengths. Hundreds of articles read, hundreds of acquaintances on the street, dozens of dates - all representatives of the male half of humanity go through all this.

The question is: can everyone master all pickup techniques perfectly and become truly successful?

After all, not everyone is ready to devote half of their life to studying pickup tips, and not everyone is ready to implement them! Different people– different life goals and hobbies, and it’s not a fact that among them is the goal of becoming a professional seducer. But everyone wants to become successful with the opposite sex. :) Understanding that life is not eternal forces you to look for faster ways to happiness in your personal life.

Fortunately, I have a few secrets for you to seduce girls that will be quite easy to implement into your life.

A universal model of seduction “for everyone”

There is a certain set of qualities of a man, as well as features in his behavior that help him seduce 90% of girls. Of course, such effectiveness is achieved only when each of the features of this model is fully developed in him, and not when he thinks that “he already knows it.”

What are these magical pickup techniques that help seduce almost any girl?

Firstly, this ->

"Closer and further"

In fact, this technique was unknowingly “created” by girls and served only one purpose - to tie a man to themselves. Because every woman strives to surround herself the largest number men who are ready to protect her and invest in her, this technique has not lost its relevance to this day.

However, this does not mean that we cannot use it too. ;)

The essence of the technique is to change your attitude towards your object of affection. For a certain period of time, you treat her well, show interest, invite and date her, hug her, etc. And then there comes a period when you suddenly cool off towards her, don’t call, and answer calls and texts dryly.

A particularly good effect is achieved precisely when you do your “further” for no reason, i.e. when everything seems to be going well.

Use this technique and you will see your seduction effectiveness increase.


Try to break common standards of behavior and surprise her. When she expects one thing from you, give her something completely different.

Example: You had a great first date and both of you were happy. How can you surprise her? Don't call the next day (or call, but later in the evening). And after having an interesting conversation, you simply say goodbye (without inviting you on a date). And you don’t even ask if she will be free on any day. Her surprise will know no bounds. ;)

This was just one example. All you have to do is just turn on your imagination and think every time what is the best thing to do, so that she is at least a little amazed and intrigued by the thoughts “what’s next?” If you learn how to intrigue girls, you won't even have to learn special pickup techniques. The ability to create intrigue alone will attract more girls into your life. ;)

As you know, the less she can control you (and intrigue and non-standard behavior on your part will not allow her to use various kinds of manipulation), the better for seducing her.

By the way, about management on her part...


Unfortunately, often a girl strives to seize control in a relationship.

But she does this not for the sake of control itself (she doesn’t need it at all), but in order to make sure that you are not going to give this control to her.

This often manifests itself in the fact that she is offended by you, trying to evoke feelings of guilt, pity and other emotions that will force you to act in a way that is beneficial to her.

Therefore, one of the main secrets of seducing girls is uncontrollability in your behavior.

Try not to be influenced by her, even if she makes pitying eyes or hints that it would be nice for you to start leading the way she likes.

Remember that she may start to get angry with you, or show that if you don't “act normal”, she will stop communicating with you. At such moments, it is especially important to continue to remain uncontrollable. ;)


Yes, my friend, I know that you already know this.

But let's be honest with each other!

Every time a girl does something unexpected, your confidence evaporates. Every time she looks offended and you try to adapt to her, you are showing insecurity. Or when you have a quarrel, and out of fear of losing her, you step on the throat of your beliefs, thereby also showing insecurity.

Your self-confidence should be total! Every action you take must be 100% confident. Even if you are sure that it is wrong, it is important to show the opposite.

Know your target audience!

Like a unique product, you don’t have to appeal to everyone and are only suitable for a narrow target audience.

Think about what kind of girls you would like to seduce and build relationships with.

No, now you don’t need to write down the qualities that are important to you on a piece of paper. Try to find the answer within yourself and imagine the image of such a girl (this will be much better, since emotions, not logic, are responsible for creating images).

Once you have perfected the universal seduction model to a good level, you need to take one more important step. Namely: add to this universal model of seduction those qualities and features that will appeal specifically to your target audience. Then you can become an ideal for such girls on a white horse. ;)

Perhaps this is the point main secret seducing girls. Considering the fact that seducing “everyone and everyone” should not be an end in itself for you, it is better to choose a narrow group of girls for yourself. And focus only on them!

Apply all these simple (yet powerful) tips to take your truck to the next level.

You can get other pickup secrets and a lot of valuable advice at the “Natural Seduction” training.

Why do men master pickup, who is a pickup artist and what does he achieve? — around this issue, women create a bunch of myths and substitute concepts.

A pick-up artist is a man who picks up women solely for the sake of seduction and seduction. In general, this is the whole essence of a pickup truck, as a method of communication.

The history of the pickup truck basically began with a book called “How to Get the Woman of Your Dreams into Bed.” On the one hand, what’s wrong if a man does everything to get you according to the canons of women’s novels and vanilla melodramas?

With another…

A dream woman is far from being an end in itself for a pickup artist. And no, of course, he doesn’t want to immediately drag you into bed. This can be postponed for a while.

Simply meeting, communicating and seducing women is a way of life for him.

Many men claim that they learn secrets, take lessons and use various pick-up techniques just to learn how to communicate with women easily and naturally.

I won't say that this skill is not useful. It’s just a pity that they most often turn it against women. For them, these acquaintances end in disappointment and tears. He promises you Ararat, but in reality you get nothing.

To prevent this from happening, I will tell you how to recognize a pick-up artist and refuse him if you are not interested in one-time sex and

Myths about pickup artists

For most men, the pickup technique has evolved into a fairly simple "quick take" method. For example, to the question of who a pickup artist is, you can get answers from many:

  • This is a student who is only looking for an easy victim. He often uses free, basic tips for dummies from the Internet. Everything is logical here - he doesn’t have money yet, but he wants sex, and his classmate Lyudka does not fall for his tricks. Myth.
  • It could be a 30-year-old, he just doesn’t want to spend money on a woman.
    His the main objective- sex. Then the girl is no longer interesting to him. For pick-up artists, the process of conquering a victim is important, and sex is already a “reward” for the tricks and skills used.
  • This is a horny psycho. No, I’ll disappoint you, but in many ways it’s just men who aren’t looking now or at all
  • This is a lonely loser who is “not given.” Misconception again. Most often this handsome man, successful in various fields.

So as not to overwhelm your head, a pickup artist is more about behavior and lifestyle. No, this is not a separate “type” of men - just a way to get what you want.

Of the well-known and obvious ones, there are two options: either no one pays attention to the man, or he had a bad relationship experience. Less often - if he is simply bored.

At first, he learns to simply meet girls, practicing classic pickup techniques. And only then he tests his skills on the possibility of getting you into bed before the 3rd date.

When a man is bored, things are a little different. He can only learn some pickup tricks to just find a woman for

If, after several attempts to get sex from a stranger, she refuses, then he gets bored and such a fighter is eliminated.

Only true pick-up artists remain, for whom the very process of seduction and “divorce” into incomprehensible relationships becomes a way of life.

Standard pickup rules

By the way, they are quite simple - that’s why they can be read in the actions of an inexperienced pick-up artist, but more difficult to notice with an already professional one.

Spectacular exit- the appearance of a pickup artist will always be random, extraordinary, will make your eyes meet and will always make you smile.

First impression- they attach special importance: therefore they will make you believe in the magic of your meeting and smile, since a smile is the most sincere manifestation of interest

IN dialogue you will enter into relations with him without noticing it. Whether you like it or not, you won’t notice how easily and naturally a man will start a conversation on an abstract topic. Without even hinting at his true motives.

Then the pickup artist shows genuine interest and care: will be gallant, offer help, a hand, hold doors, etc. In general, it will bring you to the most sincere gratitude.

And the final chord - . Yes, the pick-up artist will be ready to meet you even when you come to the salon for hair removal, no matter how absurd it may sound.

But you will be convinced that fate brought you together and that you read the signs correctly.

The main signs of a pickup artist

Pickup artists aren't that bad, I'll tell you that. If the norm for you is one-time sex, then you don’t have to worry. The main thing is not to take it too seriously. So that the pick-up artist doesn’t sit on your neck.

But if this story is not about you, then I will now teach you how to identify this type of man.

It's very simple only 5 signs. If a pickup truck is about behavior, then we will pay attention to this parameter:

1. He is very attentive, talks little about himself, listens more.

2. He literally reads your thoughts and desires, and will say exactly what he hears.

3. He tries to influence psychologically: look closely into the eyes, touch during a conversation. The beginning of communication is always unusual, for example, “What will you do tonight after dinner with me?”

4. The pickup artist is well-groomed, handsome and wears good perfume. He is self-confident and doesn't get embarrassed.

5. If there was no sex, he will definitely choose the place for the second meeting. And if you try to adjust it “to suit you,” he will never agree.

And yes, they avoid meeting in high-status cafes, cinemas, restaurants, because they try to spend as little money as possible.

Even yours on a quick fix He is sure to compliment a gathered bun or an under-ironed blouse.

If the pick-up artist is already trained, you are unlikely to be able to identify him from the first minutes - everything will look very natural.

The ideal victim of a pick-up artist

Remember: a pickup artist is a player. And he chooses a victim. No, he doesn’t approach the first meeting, but he chooses well.

Yes, it’s not your fault that you are distinguished by your beauty, intelligence and resources. But if you notice the qualities of a future airborne force in yourself, you will be to blame if you do not immediately stop contacting the pickup artist.

In long-term relationships, the techniques do not disappear; on the contrary, they intensify. What does a relationship with a pickup artist lead to:

Psychological consequences. No, you won't go crazy. If he only targets strong and confident girls, then such strong personalities from time to time feel that they are being suppressed.

And, in order to break out of it all, from time to time she has a hysteria. Screams, tears out of the blue. A few years and a strong personality will remain a wimp who endures everything.

Material. Many pick-up artists with a serious face argue that taking money from a girl is not worthy of a member of the pick-up artist community. But come on, honey, let's look at reality.

Girls in such relationships come to him for free, for example, acting as a manager or giving expensive gifts, attracting clients to his business.

Social. Oh, this is the most delicate instrument. He creates the appearance (and only) that he is trying for you.

Well, and most importantly: all pick-up techniques are aimed at lowering self-esteem in girls. In general, a long-term relationship with such a man will not lead to anything good.

How to say “no” to a pick-up artist?

“How do you mean “no”? What if I can change it? Right away - no. Changing a man - namely, wanting and achieving a goal - is the skill of a professional woman.

And then, the main thing in all this is the desire or unwillingness of a man. Remember, dear, that he likes to live this way, and all his techniques are his resources for life.

If he gives up everything, he will have to develop, act and fight. But he doesn’t know how to do that and it’s more convenient for him to strain the other.

I've seen thousands of girls with vague ideas about relationships. Some people realize that they need to forcefully change anyone. And it won't work.

If you realize that a pickup artist is trying to get you together, remember the following recommendations:

  • Ignore and do not express any emotions at all. Do you remember about the careless ponytail and the hastily ironed shirt? He will give you pleasantries, and you pretend that he is simply not there. A couple of minutes and he will leave to look for another victim.
  • Give him in response an unexpected comment from the series “Mom has been waiting for you for a long time, let’s go, honey?” He will be in a stupor, because he was counting on a smile and gratitude, but received a refusal - one of the most unpleasant moments for any man.
  • Wanted to see how the game would play out? Just talk less about yourself and bombard him with questions. Insist on a date in an expensive cafe, emphasize that it matters to you. Pickup artists don't like to spend money.

First of all, avoid any contact with such a man. Each meeting will break the line of adequate that should not be broken.

Ordinary men?

Yes. They are distinguished only by their lifestyle: seduction, seduction and attraction of women. It is unlikely that it will be possible to change such a person, but it is easy to get rid of him.

Share in the comments, have you had any experience with pickup artists and how did it end? Or are you still trying to re-educate one of them?

Don't get hooked
yours Yaroslav Samoilov.

For quick and effective learning seduction must understand and accept a number of rules that distinguish a fool banging his head against a wall from a seducer smoothly rising to highest point. These rules apply not only to pickup trucks, but also to sports, work and hobbies.

  • Gain and apply knowledge in small portions. Some people are able to prepare very well for a task. They strive to gather every bit of information on a topic before taking action. And although they work hard, in reality this is actually a form of delaying action. The best way to learn pickup is to take one step at a time. You just need to learn only what is required to move to the next level. If you can't approach and talk to a woman, just work on your opening lines. Once you've dealt with them, learn how to continue the conversation. Don't think about advanced sex techniques. You will soon master them if you keep adding one element at a time as you need it.
  • There is no such thing as failure. There is only feedback. Many people lose courage and give up after the first refusal or unsuccessful attempt. They perceive rejection as something personal, seeing it as a reaction to themselves, although in fact rejection is just a form of feedback that conveys a reaction to actions. Whenever something goes wrong when trying to have a conversation with a group of people, you have the opportunity to learn what caused the negative reaction and what you need to do to prevent it from happening again. If you have the ability to learn from own mistakes, then failure does not exist as such, since every failure brings you closer to perfection.
  • It's not her fault anyway. Who do we blame when a dating attempt fails? If you caught yourself thinking that the situation left no chance, that the guys who stood next to her were just freaks, or that the woman turned out to be a real bitch, then you are wrong. It was your fault. It's always your fault. This is how it should be - it means you are in control of the situation. Therefore, never place the blame on someone else or circumstances. Instead, be willing to be self-reflective and accept criticism without attributing it to yourself. Only then will you be able to accurately determine whether you had the opportunity to change the outcome, or whether it was truly inevitable.
  • Learn actively, not passively. Watching matches and participating in Internet football conferences will not teach you how to play football. Similar, the only way Learning to be attractive to women is all about real world experience. Anyone can attend a seminar or buy a DVD and learn the basic principles of pickup, but the winners are those who can put the knowledge into practice.
  • Don't focus on negative results. One of the biggest problems men have when it comes to meeting women is replaying negative scenarios in their minds. Often such actions work as an excuse for one’s own inaction and unwillingness to try something new. And you just need to leave the house and try to approach and get acquainted several times. And if such a development of events really happens in real life, then think about what to do about it. Dating is not a long skydive. Here the risk of getting a real blow due to your own unpreparedness is minimal (if not zero).
  • Try to understand how your mind learns. The four-step training model used by the mind can serve as a measure of your progress in seduction:
    • Unconscious Incompetence: You do something wrong and don't even know you're doing it wrong.
    • Conscious Incompetence: You are doing something wrong and you know you are doing it wrong, but you have not yet been able to solve the problem.
    • Conscious competence: You have learned how to do it right, and you do it right by focusing your attention on it.
    • Unconscious competence: You don't have to think about it anymore or learn how to do it—you automatically do it right. In pickup truck terminology, this is the stage where you become what's called straight.
  • Be prepared to go through painful period. This is not an easy game. You will have to challenge almost everything that defines you - your emotions, every action, every belief. Sometimes you will be wary of meeting a certain woman, trying a new method, or changing your own behavior. What distinguishes a champion from an ordinary amateur is the willingness to go through this fear and do what he has planned at any cost.
  • Don't seek approval from friends or family. Not all of your friends and close relatives will understand your intentions. They may say that they don't like the changes happening to you. They may laugh at your desire for self-improvement. This is fine. When women start liking you and having affairs and adventures, your friends may not be happy about it: they may feel threatened by their prejudices and complacent attitude towards their own shortcomings. Let it be their problem, not yours.
  • Be willing to test new ideas, even if they seem counterintuitive. Before learning pickup truck, I considered myself intelligent and successful person. But the logic that allowed me to get so far in this world did not bring any success with women. To make a difference, I needed to try new behaviors, even if they seemed counterintuitive to me. I said things that I thought would turn women off, but they liked it. I wore outrageous clothes and thought that everyone around me would laugh at me, but this only encouraged women to get to know me. And then I realized that I had never really used logic before, because - and this is known to every scientist - before abandoning a new hypothesis, it must be tested in practice.
  • If a technique works, immediately find out how it works and why. There are some men who are able to achieve success only by following these instructions or repeating learned roles. But the superstars are those who, after a successful series of attempts, try to understand why these particular techniques worked and what makes them work. There is only one rule of pickup, and it says: there are no rules, only general recommendations. Once you understand the principle behind each idea, you will know when to use the appropriate guidelines, when to abandon them, and when to invent new ones.
  • If you don't know what to do, don't give up. You met a woman, but ran out of conversation material - so you just ran away? You can't learn anything that way. Continue the conversation and, even if you have nothing to say, try to talk for another five, ten, twenty minutes. Buy a woman a cocktail or ask questionnaire questions, let it be a form of violence against all recommendations. But in this case it's The best way learn something new.
  • Stay close to those who are better than you. This is the most effective method improvement in any area. Your mentor shouldn't be the best specialist in the world of art, women like it. He should simply be a person whose skills exceed yours. If you don't know anyone vying for this role, one night, instead of going out to meet women, look for someone who knows how to communicate well with them.
  • [If you are ready to put these principles into practice, but at the same time you lack determination, grit and purpose, if you do not have time to learn from your mistakes and do not want to advance in seduction at random, then you can choose the fast and effective way to professional seduction - practical pickup training at the Dating Academy in real conditions using special equipment.]
  • Make sure that the ratio of results obtained to efforts expended increases. When learning new ways to achieve a goal, most people's results initially worsen and only then begin to improve. This is fine. But you'd be surprised how many people continue to put in great effort after this transition period, even though their results remain the same or increase only slightly. Therefore, make sure to increase not only your knowledge, but also your results. If your results aren't growing, take a break, reconsider the rules, analyze what you might have been doing wrong, and push yourself outside of your comfort zone.
  • Finish everything you start. Most people can complete almost any task within a realistic human capabilities. Despite this, they never realize their dreams. They either quit before achieving their goal (and always have a “good” reason) or don’t change their strategy when it doesn’t work. Don't become one of them. Be among the strong in spirit.

Before you start a conversation, you need to create a good atmosphere. A man who evokes good emotions attracts a woman. It is easier to build a conversation if there is mutual interest. If a man causes antipathy in a woman, the conversation will not work. A man's task is to interest a woman. The easiest way is to smile. The smile should be sincere and open so that the woman understands real interest and smiles back.

It is worth starting a conversation only when eyes meet. Neither will like intrusiveness and persistence, but impudence can generally frighten her. Before you start a conversation, you need to get her attention. It is enough to walk next to her, but not very close. The comfort zone is the distance of an outstretched arm, so she will understand that the man is not just walking, but with her.

It is better to conduct the conversation on neutral topics. You shouldn’t bring up personal topics in the conversation; it’s better to talk about the weather, the environment, and ask where the girl is going. You can’t be too intrusive or burden the girl with unnecessary questions, this can scare her.

You shouldn’t be afraid to show your interest; a girl should understand the young man’s intentions. The girl will be very pleased if she understands that he is attractive to him. Even beauties are usually unhappy with their appearance, which means compliments are always appropriate. However, you shouldn’t constantly talk about her appearance. You can pay attention to yourself, tell something interesting about yourself.

You can meet women everywhere. Many pick-up artists choose the same places to meet: restaurants, cafes, nightclubs. It makes sense to choose some neutral place: a street, a park, shopping mall, bus stop, metro. The chances of meeting a woman in a neutral place increase.

Female pickup rules

Pickup rules don't just apply to men. Seduction lessons are now being actively learned by women who want to succeed in communicating with the opposite sex.

First of all, it should be noted that women are still different from men. If a man must learn to be the first to take a step and get acquainted, then the girl needs to create all the conditions so that she has a desire to establish contact. It is important to show the man that you are interested and ready to talk.

Naturally, to do this, you will first need to attract the person’s attention. It's easy to do. You need to make eye contact with him and then smile charmingly. You shouldn’t be shy about exchanging glances with a man, so the girl can give him an assessment herself. It is also very important to be able to correctly present yourself in a favorable way, demonstrate yourself in the best light and emphasize your strengths. It is unlikely that this will leave a man indifferent. By the way, some embarrassment suits girls, but only to a small extent.

When a man can no longer take his eyes off the girl, it is worth looking away to the side, supposedly in light thoughtfulness. Such a quick change of mood will arouse a man's interest. The girl will seem mysterious and mysterious to him. However, there is no need to frown. You need to be relaxed, not tense. By the time a girl shows with her eyes that she is bored alone, the guy is most likely already fully “ripe” for dating.

Of course, there is an easier way - talk to the man first. As a rule, guys do not refuse dialogues with girls. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to have any serious conversations at the first meeting. The word “” is quite enough. Next, you can give a minor compliment, for example, noting how well he chose a tie for his suit. Of course, the main thing is not to forget to smile charmingly. By the way, you can start a conversation if you turn to young man and with some small request, say, to show the way.

What factor has biggest influence on your success in your personal life?

The pursuit of various seduction tricks will be successful only in 1/3 of the cases. In the rest, even despite the presence of these very chips, you do not get any results.

Because What matters most is understanding and seeing the big picture. For example, you may try to somehow react to “minor” obstacles on the part of a girl (which, in your opinion, interfere), but the real reason for failure may lie in something completely different.

What else can a correct understanding provide than the correct pickup lessons?

There are a great many lessons. But there are those without whose knowledge any of your attempts will end in failure. That's what we'll talk about today.

Lesson #1. The mood is changeable!

If a girl refuses you, then she did not act stupidly. Stupid is when you begin to take her refusal seriously and leave without a meal.

For example, when meeting someone, she may say that she is not, or that she has a boyfriend.

How to react to refusal?

Banal persistence does not work!

This has already been tested hundreds of times: even those guys who show banal persistence and do get a phone number, then still fail (she doesn’t pick up the phone, doesn’t agree to a date, and so on).

The fact is that a girl can succumb to such insistence because of the desire to get rid of him as soon as possible. Or he hopes that he will further show his attractive side (and he continues in the same spirit).

But if you react to failures correctly, the situation can change even with a bad start.

Most effectively, positively and freely, regardless of whether there was a refusal on her part or not. Perhaps she managed to tell you that she has a boyfriend. And you, instead of saying “It’s not the wall that will move,” try to switch her attention to something else. For example, sharply. Ask her how long it took her to choose the colors for her clothes. Or offer to go and have coffee right now.

By realizing that you are not even focusing on her refusal, she will allow you more than if you tried to logically convince her that she should come to the meeting.

Or, even better, start blatantly teasing her. When she realizes that you are not dependent on her rejection and that you remain confident and positive despite the obstacle, your attractiveness will skyrocket.

Flexibility also plays a significant role.

Lesson #2. Do it contrary!

Did you hear information from a girl about what kind of men she likes?

Start behaving in the opposite way!

In a woman’s understanding, a man who does not behave naturally, but adapts to the girl’s tastes, is weak and has little potential in life.

You've probably observed situations in life where a man tried to meet a girl's expectations 100%, but always encountered some problems. Or how a guy ran after an offended girl, promised to improve or gave gifts as reconciliation, and then again saw discontent, resentment and even attempts to break off the relationship. And why all? Because I tried to live up to her expectations.

On the other hand, there is a certain percentage of guys who do not try at all to adapt to the girl and set their own conditions. And most importantly, they show that they are ready to lose her if she does not agree to accept their rules.

Do you want me to tell you the main secret of what holds you back from success the most?

You're just afraid that she won't like you.

For example, you start a conversation with a girl not the way you want, but the way it should be. You call not when you want, but when, as it is written in the pickup lessons. You kiss a girl not when you have a desire, but when it is “right”, so as not to scare her off and not seem like a sexual maniac.

And throughout the entire seduction, your behavior depends 100% on her reaction. The fear of losing a girl is what leads to you ultimately losing her.

This dependence on the result is very well felt by ALL girls.

And perhaps the main (and very powerful) pickup lesson I can give you is this: challenge her!

Don't be afraid to take risks. Don’t be afraid to act so cheerfully and provocatively that the girl may want to end the conversation. On the contrary, this will give her the right impression of your confidence and demand from the opposite sex.

Lesson #3. Keep a seduction diary!

You must write down every word, every action and every reaction of the girl on paper.

The fragmentation of theories and a huge number of pickup lessons can simply confuse all your thoughts. When you think about exactly what you should do in each situation, uncertainty in actions is born.

And when you don’t know what should be done correctly and don’t see practical confirmation of the theories you’ve read, there can be no talk of any effectiveness in teaching.

Therefore, your task is to write down EVERYTHING in your seduction diary! Even your own feelings. This way you can more accurately see what mistakes you are making.

And ultimately, this will lead to you completely stopping making these mistakes. And most importantly - you will have an understanding.

And the correct understanding, as we have already found out, is for any girl.

In all my articles, I always focus on how it happens in life. Thanks to this, my readers quickly grasp the essence of articles and video tutorials. And they get results!

Do you also want to receive effective pickup lessons that will give you a correct understanding of short time? Then subscribe to my newsletter, and lessons will start coming straight to your inbox that will quickly give you skills and the right direction in development.

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