With poppy seeds and dried fruits. To prepare rich rolls from yeast dough, any sweet dough that is used for sweet pastries is suitable. Unlike unleavened dough for bread, pizza and donuts, this dough is prepared with milk, with the addition of eggs and butter.

Today we will cook yeast dough roll with apricot jam according to a step-by-step recipe with photos.


  • Milk – 1 glass,
  • Yeast – 30 gr.,
  • Eggs – 3 pcs.,
  • Butter – 150 gr.,
  • Sugar – 1 glass,
  • Salt – 0.5 teaspoons,
  • Wheat flour - 4 cups,
  • Jam – 200 gr.,

Yeast dough roll with jam - recipe

Pour milk at room temperature into a bowl.

Break the yeast into the milk.

Whisk the milk and yeast.

Add sugar and salt.

Beat in 2 eggs. Pour in the butter melted in a water bath. Leave the third egg for brushing the yeast roll with jam. Whisk all the dough ingredients again until smooth.

Sift wheat flour (preferably premium) before adding to the yeast dough. After this procedure, it will be saturated with oxygen and the dough will become more fluffy. Add flour to the dough in small portions.

Once the dough becomes thick, knead it further with your hands. The finished yeast dough should be thick. The consistency is similar to dumpling dough.

Leave the dough to rise for 1 hour. After this, knead it with your hands. Sprinkle the table with flour. Roll out half of the dough with a rolling pin into a rectangular layer 1 cm thick.

Brush the dough with jam. To prepare a roll from yeast dough, any thick jam of uniform consistency is suitable. I used apricot jam in this recipe.

Roll the dough lengthwise into a rectangle.

Place the finished yeast mixture with jam, seam side down, on a baking sheet lined with parchment and sprinkled with flour. In a small bowl, beat the egg. Brush it onto the roll using a pastry brush. Use the same technology to make a second roll. Place the form with the yeast dough roll in the oven, heated to 180C.

Bake it for 25-30 minutes. If your oven has a convection mode, you can turn it on while baking the roll. Bake it until golden brown. If you follow all the conditions for preparing a yeast dough roll in the oven, then during baking it should not crack or, in other words, burst in the most inappropriate place.

Remove the finished roll from the mold and place it on a cutting board. Once it has cooled, it can be cut and served. Enjoy your meal. I will be glad if this recipe for yeast dough roll with jam you will find it useful and you will like it.

Yeast dough roll with jam. Photo

A sponge roll can become a real decoration for a holiday table. Properly prepared dough is soft and fluffy and goes well with any filling. Berries, fruits, condensed milk, poppy seeds and any other products can be used as a layer. In winter, it’s worth getting jam from summer stocks - such a pie will definitely come in handy for a friendly or family tea party. In addition, the roll is easy to take with you for a quick snack.

Recipe for sponge dough for rolls

The main condition is to properly prepare the dough for the sponge roll. In cooking, it is considered one of the simplest and fastest, so it is suitable even for beginners. In addition, it will only require those products that are always in the house:

  • 3 or 4 eggs, depending on their size;
  • powdered sugar or sugar - 3/4 cup (to taste);
  • flour - 3/4 cup.

Before starting cooking, turn on the oven at 160-170° C so that it has time to heat up. The dough for sponge rolls is prepared very quickly if you have a mixer at home. If you don’t have it, you can beat the egg whites with a whisk or fork, but the process will take longer.

Cooking steps:

If you prepare several cake layers in advance, you can make a quick sponge roll in 5 minutes. It’s convenient to take it with you to work, and the dough will have time to soak before your lunch break.

The most delicious and original recipes for rolls

Fragrant fresh baked goods are the housewife’s calling card. Here you can experiment with fillings and types of dough, add different spices or cocoa (for chocolate sponge cake). A huge number of very tasty and simple recipes for sponge rolls have already been created, but it’s never too late to add your own twist to an already familiar dish.

Classic recipe with apricot jam and buttercream

On a winter evening, it is especially appropriate to prepare fresh, aromatic pastries and serve them with tea. A classic chocolate sponge roll goes well with apricot jam and rich cream with butter and condensed milk. Prepare the sponge cake according to the standard recipe, but combine the flour with a small amount of cocoa. The powder can be added at the very end, gradually pouring it into the dough until the desired shade is obtained.

To prepare the cream for the sponge roll you will need (store-bought or homemade), 180-200 g of butter and 250 g of condensed milk. You can additionally take a few drops of rum essence for taste, but this is not necessary.

Cooking steps:

If you don’t have apricot jam at home and don’t want to use store-bought jam, you can use coffee impregnation. To do this, simply brew strong coffee, strain it and apply to the cake.

Roll “Marble”

A simple and quick sponge roll can look fancy. An original solution is to use two types of dough of different shades to prepare it. If you successfully combine them before baking, you will get a cake with an unusual marble color. The taste will also delight you - the dark areas are prepared with the addition of cocoa powder, so they have a soft chocolate taste and aroma. You can use any jam or cream as a filling for the Marble sponge roll, but it goes best with condensed milk.

For this roll you will need all the ingredients that are needed for regular sponge dough, as well as a few spoons of cocoa powder and a can of condensed milk (to taste):

Marble sponge roll with condensed milk can be decorated with chocolate chips or cocoa powder. However, due to the unusual color of the dough, the dish does not need additional decoration. After the roll has been in the refrigerator for several hours (it is better to leave it overnight), cut it into portions and serve.

Summer roll with berries

In the summer there will never be any problems with how to prepare a sponge roll and what to use as a filling. Any fruit, collected in the garden or bought at the market, is suitable for it. To soak the crust, use last year's jam or take some from a new batch. The fruit and berry roll turns out light and airy, so it’s suitable even for hot summer days.

To decorate a sponge roll with jam and red berries, take a few fresh twigs. Their aroma adds freshness to the dish and eliminates the excessive cloying taste.

Recipe with cottage cheese and oranges

Cottage cheese filling is always appropriate in sponge roll recipes. It complements the taste of berries or fruits and will definitely appeal to those who don’t like too sweet desserts. For one roll you will need a white sponge cake, 2 large ripe ones and 800-1000 g of cottage cheese. If desired, you can add sugar or powdered sugar to the filling.

This is one of the simplest and healthiest homemade sponge roll recipes. It cooks quickly, but should be eaten immediately after cooking. If there are any extra portions left, be sure to put them in the refrigerator, since fresh cottage cheese is not kept warm.

Roll with butter cream and decorations

There is a simple way to bake a sponge roll so that it resembles a real work of art. Butter cream is very high in calories, so it is best to use it only for the holidays. This sponge cake has an unusual decoration - the finished dessert is covered with cream, and edible mushrooms are prepared from its remains. You will need:

  • sponge cake with cocoa added;
  • 300 butter;
  • a can of condensed milk;
  • 50 g chocolate;
  • half a spoonful of powdered sugar and cocoa powder;
  • green food coloring;
  • cookies for mushroom caps (you can buy or bake yourself).

The sponge cake is prepared according to the classic recipe. While it cools, you can start preparing the filling:

Despite the fact that buttercream is too high in calories and heavy, this option is more preferable for the holiday table than store-bought cakes. Homemade roll is prepared only from fresh, high-quality ingredients, so you can safely treat your guests and household members to it.

Biscuit rolls with jam, condensed milk and any other filling can turn an ordinary tea party into a real holiday. Despite the fact that this dough is considered the easiest to prepare, it may also fail. Experienced housewives know the main secrets of how to prepare a really light and airy dough that will not become hard during baking and will be well saturated with the filling:

  1. The first rule is to always take the eggs out of the refrigerator a little in advance. Cold egg whites do not whip well, and the foam quickly settles. Some people advise adding salt, but this component will not help.
  2. Cool the roll while rolled up, so the dough will not crack afterwards. Roll the still hot cake into a tube using a towel or paper and start filling. Then carefully unroll the roll, apply the filling and roll it back - this way it will hold its shape better.
  3. Do not use homemade eggs for sponge cakes - too thick whites are not suitable for light, airy foam. Choose high quality store-bought eggs. It is better to take larger ones, since they contain more protein.
  4. Do not open the oven during the first 10-15 minutes of baking. You can check the condition of the cake simply by turning on the light. If cold air enters, the dough will not rise and will turn out tough.
  5. To prevent the sponge cake from burning, place a container with coarse salt on the bottom tier of the oven. Of course, also take into account the peculiarities of the technology and select the appropriate mode.
  6. Cool the sponge cake gradually. If you take it out into the cold or put it in the refrigerator, it will quickly become dense and hard and will not absorb the filling.

Recipes for sponge rolls with step-by-step photos can be found online and in cookbooks. This dough is prepared in 30-40 minutes using simple and affordable ingredients. As a filling, you can use any products that are in the refrigerator: jams or preserves, fresh fruits and berries, condensed milk or chocolate toppings. If you have time, it’s worth making custard, curd or butter cream. In the video, the sponge roll looks light and airy, and the original decorations will make it an excellent dessert for the holiday table.

Dragon eye sponge roll - video recipe

Didn't you just want some tea? Suddenly there was a whiff so fragrant, gentle and painfully familiar... No, we’re not talking about what the shelves of markets and delis are literally lined with. It’s just that sometimes you can’t help but remember what made your mother happy before. Although I didn’t stand at the stove so often. In principle, you don’t have to start it, you bought a semi-finished product, threw it in the microwave and that’s it, you can eat it. Yes, there are a lot of baked goods today, but when you imagine what they put in it, you won’t even want something tasty. So your hand reaches out to the culinary recipes that your mother or mother-in-law once wrote down.

A roll with jam or preserves is one of those delicacies. Not difficult to prepare . No special products required. Gentle. Fragrant. In a word, incomparable. The only thing is that it is swept off the table in an instant. But any woman will take this as a compliment. The main thing is to know when to stop. And then a delicious rich dessert quickly!

And so, I’m sharing a recipe that I’ve tried more than once, each time using different fillings. By the way, that’s the point! After all, it can be either jam or soaked dried fruits, fruits, berries, citrus fruits and so on. But today we will make a jam roll. At one time I was seduced by the speed of cooking . Almost in 15 minutes. That is, guests are on the doorstep, or the mood has struck, and the biscuit is already on the table. But it’s better not to rush, so that later you won’t be ashamed of the marriage and you won’t have to throw away the food.


  • Eggs - 2-3 pcs.
  • Sugar - two thirds of a glass
  • Yogurt - 200 gr.
  • Vanilla sugar - bag
  • Soda - 1 tsp.
  • Vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Flour - one and a half cups
  • Jam – 1 glass
  • Powdered sugar – 1 tbsp. l.

How to make a delicious sponge roll with jam - step by step instructions

If I'm baking, I start in the oven. Well, if you don’t turn it on right away, what then? The dough is ready, and the oven is blazing with cold. In a word, let's turn on the gas, we need to bring it to 200-220 degrees, and we'll rush to continue. Our task is to beat the eggs into the bowl, add sugar and vanilla. Next, a whisk or, even better, a blender should handle everything - this will take 3-4 minutes.

Step 1. Mix eggs, sugar and vanillin in a blender

In the recipe I wrote baking soda and vinegar for extinguishing. Meanwhile, you can also use baking powder. But I chose the old proven method. Therefore, pour soda into a large spoon and quench it with vinegar. Mix with yogurt and add this mixture to the eggs.

Step 2. Add soda and yogurt to the resulting mixture

Turn on the blender and mix everything well. Then you need to add the sifted flour one spoon at a time and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps. No matter how much is written in the recipe, you must always follow reality. I'm talking about flour. It says glass, but the dough has not reached the desired (flowing) consistency, i.e. more liquid or, conversely, thicker. Therefore, while beating the dough, we monitor its consistency.

Step 3. Gradually add flour, stirring constantly

It is advisable that the baking sheet be deep and wide, but so wide that the dough spreads evenly over it a centimeter high. Having laid the parchment here (having greased it with butter beforehand) so that it extends beyond the sides, pour in the dough. We do it like pancakes, that is, so that the mass spreads evenly. Now it's time to put the raft in the oven, which, I hope, is already heated to the desired temperature.

Step 4. Distribute the dough evenly on the sheet

Attention - do not leave the kitchen for a minute. The matter can be decided in a minute. And the dough will burn or dry out.

You can tell by the smell whether it is ready. In a word, sometimes you can take it out after 7 minutes, and sometimes even ten is not enough. In a word, having taken out the finished dough, and it should look slightly pinkish, remove it from the parchment and gently transfer it to another strip of paper, first sprinkling it with powdered sugar. Very tightly, but also very carefully, roll the roll with the paper, pushing it forward with your fingers.

Step 5. Carefully roll the roll with paper

As soon as the biscuit sheet has cooled a little, straighten it, being careful not to break it, and spread it tightly with jam. We do everything quickly so that the biscuit does not have time to get wet. That’s why the ideal thing here is jam.

Step 6. Spread the cake with jam

So, having greased the entire surface with jam, carefully roll up the roll, helping yourself with paper, and sprinkle it with powdered sugar, chocolate chips, or coconut flakes. Let’s put it aside, no matter how strong the temptation to quickly cut off at least a piece. First, we’ll cut it on the sides – we need to even it out, and then – into even circles. You'll like it!

Step 7. The roll is ready. Bon appetit!


  • 1 cup flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 3-4 table. spoons of sugar;
  • 100 ml kefir;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 0.3 teaspoons of soda without a slide;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 4-5 table. spoons of seedless jam.

Cooking time - 30-35 minutes.

Yield: 12 serving pieces.

We advise you to prepare a sponge roll with jam, the recipe with photos, step by step, is outlined below. This homemade jam roll is in no way inferior in taste to store-bought, but it is prepared from natural products, and very quickly and simply. Agree, it’s not often that you come across recipes for delicious baked goods that can be prepared in just half an hour. Apple or apricot jam, raspberry jam, plum or currant jam are good fillings for this simple jam roll. Choose any jam to your taste, the main thing is that it is thick enough and, preferably, with sourness.

A sponge roll with jam, the recipe with a photo of which you will see, will be a good help for housewives who not only love to cook delicious and beautiful dishes, but also value their time.

How to make sponge roll with jam

First you need to bake the sponge cake. To do this, you need to very carefully separate the egg yolks from the whites. Grind the yolks with sugar, then add kefir, melted butter and gradually add pre-sifted flour and soda. If you don’t have kefir, then this quick roll with jam can be prepared with sour cream (the amount is the same as indicated in the recipe for kefir). In this case, you don’t need to add butter to the dough.

Pour a little salt into the whites and beat them with a mixer until they form a stable foam. In order for the whites to whip better, they must be chilled, and the container in which they will be whipped must be dry and fat-free.

Carefully mix the protein foam into the rest of the dough. Heat the oven to 180 degrees. Line a baking tray with baking paper greased with refined sunflower oil and heat slightly. In this recipe, the internal size of the baking sheet is 34x34 cm. Pour biscuit dough onto the baking sheet in a thin layer (the thickness of the dough should be no more than 1 cm, otherwise the roll will be difficult to roll).

Gently level the dough with a spoon and distribute it evenly throughout the baking sheet.

Bake the biscuit for 10-15 minutes at 180 degrees. The main thing is not to bake the sponge cake too much, otherwise it will be too dry and difficult to roll.

Remove the finished biscuit from the oven and quickly spread with a thin layer of jam.

While the biscuit is still hot, you need to carefully roll it into a roll, carefully separating it from the paper.

Leave the roll to cool until it is well soaked. The top of the roll can be sprinkled with powdered sugar or coconut flakes, poured over melted chocolate, sugar icing or coated with boiled condensed milk. Serve with tea, coffee or cocoa.

As you can see, this jam roll has a simple recipe. It can be varied with different fillings. For example, you can make butter, chocolate, protein or curd cream. It turns out to be a delicious, sweet roll. A simple recipe with jam can be replaced with boiled condensed milk, or you can grease part of the sponge cake with jam, and part with condensed milk. The scope for creativity is unlimited!

You can also experiment with roll dough: it can be not only biscuit, but also rich (with sour cream and butter) or yeast. Unlike biscuit dough, butter and yeast dough must be kneaded by hand. Then roll out into a thin layer, grease with filling, roll into a roll and bake in the oven. These options are somewhat more complex than a sponge cake roll, so they are suitable for more experienced cooks.

Now you know how to bake a jam roll quickly and easily. The homemade jam roll recipe is ready, we wish everyone a bon appetit!

Craving some simple sweet homemade baked goods? So that the appearance is appetizing? And with a minimum of ingredients? Without extra time costs? Then try baking a wonderful jam roll! It's simple, tasty, fast! A good dessert for tea or a light sweet snack during the day.

In this article I will share the most popular recipes for rolls with jam. Everything is described in as much detail as possible, step by step with photos, and somewhere in the recipe I also added a video. All you have to do is choose the option you like and start repeating all the cooking steps.

As a filling you can use jam, marmalade, marmalade and the like. I recommend choosing homogeneous jam so that there are no large fruits or pieces. Cherry, strawberry, raspberry, currant - choose based on your taste preferences. The cooking technique is the same.

Step-by-step video recipe

Yeast dough roll with jam

Let's start with a simple recipe for a yeast roll filled with jam or marmalade. Yes, since the dough is made with yeast, it will take a little more time to prepare, but the process itself is as simple as possible.

Soft and fluffy, sweet and aromatic roll will not leave any lover of dessert baking indifferent.

  • Fresh yeast – 25 g (or dry yeast 8 g);
  • Milk (or kefir) – 500 ml.
  • Wheat flour – 1 kg.
  • Salt – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Sugar – 160 g.
  • Sunflower oil – 2.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • Apple cider vinegar (5%) – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Jam – 500 g.
  • Raw yolk for greasing;

First, let's dilute the yeast. Mash them in a bowl, add a spoonful of sugar and a few spoons of warm milk. Stir and leave for 15 minutes until foam appears. Then stir again until all the yeast pieces have dissolved.

Sift the flour 2-3 times. Pour a bowl of diluted yeast into it, add salt, add the remaining sugar. Mix well.

Now pour in the milk, add 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, mix everything again.

When the mass becomes thicker, we begin to knead with our hands.

Knead and knead for 10 minutes until you get a dough like this. Soft, elastic and non-sticky.

Divide the dough into 8 equal parts, then each will make a small roll. Cover the pieces of dough with a towel so they don't dry out.

Take one piece, knead it into a ball, and then roll it out into a thin, wide layer.

Spread this layer of dough evenly with jam.

Grease it, carefully roll it up, and pinch the edges. You also need to fasten the seams on the roll itself. We do the same with other pieces of dough.

Line a baking tray with baking paper and carefully place the rolls on it. Cover the rolls with a towel and leave to rise for one hour.

The rolls will become 1.5-2 times larger. Turn on the oven at 180 degrees. While we beat the egg yolk, brush all the rolls with it. Then put it in the already hot oven for 40-45 minutes until golden brown.

This is how the rolls turn out. It doesn't seem like anything special, but it's so delicious! Moreover, without any chemicals, like in a store-bought confectionery.

Sponge roll with jam

I highly recommend making this homemade sponge roll with jam. He is extremely tender and sweet! It just melts in your mouth! And if you decorate it somehow, then in general, not a single store-bought equivalent can be compared with this miracle!

The recipe is very simple and versatile. In addition to the same jam, you can add anything you like to the filling: sour cream, cottage cheese, nuts, some kind of cream, etc.

I note that a mixer is very desirable here, and you should definitely have baking parchment.

  • Chicken eggs – 6 pcs.
  • Sugar – 6 tbsp. spoon;
  • Wheat flour – 6 tbsp. spoon;
  • Jam (or marmalade, jam) – 1 glass;
  • Powdered sugar for sprinkling;

We already have the filling ready, which means we just have to make a sponge cake for the roll.

The first is separating the whites from the yolks. Pour the egg whites into one cup and the yolks into another. The white should be pure, without a single drop of yolk. You can separate in a small bowl using a tablespoon, or you can carefully break the eggs and distribute the ingredients into cups. Do what is most convenient for you.

Immediately turn on the oven and let it heat up to 180 degrees. Line a baking tray with baking paper. In this example, a baking tray measuring 40 by 40 centimeters was used.

Pour 3 tablespoons of sugar into the whites and 3 into the yolks. We begin to beat the whites until fluffy white foam. The most convenient way to do this is with a mixer.

Now beat the egg yolks in the same way until white. The mixer whisk does not need to be wiped clean of whites.

Now we begin to knead the dough. Pour a third of the volume of yolks into the whites. Add wheat flour, mix well. Add the remaining yolks and mix thoroughly again until smooth.

We distribute this fluffy dough throughout the baking sheet. The layer should be about 1 centimeter, no more. Level it well with a spatula.

Place in the oven for 13 minutes until golden brown.

Carefully cover the top of the finished biscuit with a sheet of parchment, and place a baking sheet or some other flat object on top. It is important for us now that the roll cools completely, but does not have time to dry out. That's why we cover it.

Carefully turn the biscuit over and carefully remove the top layer of paper. Now take any jam and generously coat the entire biscuit.

Leave in this position for about five minutes so that the biscuit is soaked in jam.

All that remains is to carefully wrap the biscuit in a roll. First, we carefully bend the edge inward, separate the paper, then fold it in a little more, and also tear off the paper from the bottom. Part of the biscuit may come off and remain on the paper - it’s okay, it will all go inside, and we’ll decorate the top with powdered sugar later.

This is how the roll turns out. Very beautiful and no less tasty.

From puff pastry

And if you have a pack of puff pastry, then you can very quickly and easily make a wonderful puff pastry roll with jam at home. Sweet and crunchy.