1981 is the year of which animal in the Eastern horoscope? I'm interested in getting an answer to this question since my sister was born this year. I would like to know how Chinese astrology characterizes it, and how much the description corresponds to reality. I propose to do this in the next article.

First of all, I would like to note that residents of Eastern countries do not celebrate the New Year at the same time as we do. This is a fundamentally important question, since without knowing this information, you will not be able to correctly determine your animal sign according to the Chinese horoscope.

The Chinese New Year begins not on January 1, but on February 5 and ends, accordingly, not on December 31, but on January 24 of the next year. Therefore, those people who were born before February 5, 1981 belong to the sign of the Monkey. And those born before January 24, 1982 remain Roosters, and not Dogs (as they might think).

Having dealt with this, let's find out what year of the Rooster was distant 1981? Eastern astrology indicates that he was Silver in color and belonged to the Metal element. This moment should also be taken into account, because the same animals change their characteristics depending on the color and element they enter.

Metal Roosters, what are they?

Now we know whose year is 1981, so let's talk in more detail about the traits of these individuals. How can you generally describe them? The most important thing to pay attention to is that they are distinguished by honesty, personal charisma, and have impressive inner strength. It is unlikely that such an individual will fall under the influence of others, because his element is metal, very hard and durable.

Also, Metal Roosters quickly achieve universal favor. Surprisingly, they have no opponents, as well as envious people.

As for the negative aspects, it is worth mentioning the low shutter speed. This person easily loses self-control, takes out his anger on others, and subsequently may bitterly repent of his deeds.

Roosters behave decisively in life. They believe in themselves, in own strength and, it should be noted that they really correctly assess their personality, abilities and talents. It is impossible not to mention that the Rooster, which enters the element of metal, is the most morally stable of its brothers. True, it is often precisely because of this that he himself suffers, since a difficult, inflexible character spoils relationships with others.

The line between a strong personality and a real cruel tyrant is not as big as it seems. Excessive directness, criticism and brutal behavior of Rooster people can easily ruin their reputation. What is the main drawback of representatives of the Rooster sign is the lack of flexibility. But with all this, they quickly experience failures, easily say “goodbye” to the past and maintain a positive perception of the world.

And, of course, the Cockerel is definitely a positive character in the Eastern horoscope. Such a person willingly gives more than he wants to receive in return. Such altruism cannot go unnoticed, which is why he achieves well-deserved recognition from others.


The representative of the sign in question is by nature incredibly purposeful: if he has set a goal for himself, he will confidently go towards it. And no external circumstances can force him to leave his intended path. One can only marvel at the hard work of such individuals. Thanks to this, it is not difficult for them to achieve success in their careers and business.

Let us separately consider the attitude of the Silver Metal Rooster to material wealth. He strives to achieve them, as he adores luxury and pleasure. But at the same time it doesn’t play for him big role high social status. And if the opportunity arises to get a lot of money, but at the expense of dirty work, then, without hesitation, he will take it up.

If the Rooster managed to occupy a leadership position, then it is possible that he will begin to tyranny over his subordinates. On the other hand, all the work is done perfectly, and the enterprise is full of full order and discipline.

Love sphere of life

Having found out which animal’s year is 1981 according to the Eastern calendar, as well as its main characteristics, let’s move on to the personal sphere of life. How can you describe such a person in a relationship? He puts forward very high demands in relation to his chosen one (or chosen one). Pays attention to the appearance of the partner, and his status in society, and financial level.

It is vital for the Rooster that everyone around him is truly delighted with his soulmate. But that’s not all - a picky person will strive to gain complete power over a loved one, and often begins to severely limit his freedom.

True, if the relationship ends in official marriage, the Cockerel will willingly give himself all to his husband/wife, children, and everyday life. But, of course, he will demand the same from his beloved.

Eastern astrologers give representatives of the sign important advice in love: they should be more patient, gentle towards their loved one and get rid of constant criticism. This way you can ensure a successful, happy family life.


How healthy are Roosters? Their violent nature greatly influences general health, especially negatively affects the state of the nervous system. Due to frequent stress and anxiety, the Metal Rooster’s health risks deteriorating.

Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as nervous disorders, cannot be excluded. Adequate rest is extremely important. Periodic courses of relaxation procedures, living in an ecologically clean place, sufficient physical activity. Well, of course, you need to learn to control your negative emotions, constantly work on yourself.

Nutrition has a huge impact on health. The Rooster must definitely give up fast food and any other junk food. It is worth accustoming your body to a certain daily routine and never eating on the go.


What is the compatibility of the Silver Metal Rooster in the love sphere of life?

Eastern astrology says the following about this:

  1. The most favorable alliances develop with partners of the sign of the Ox, Dragon and Snake.
  2. Good compatibility is observed with the Rooster, Rat, Dog and Rabbit.
  3. The Rooster is not advised to unite himself in marriage with Sheep, Horses, Tigers, Monkeys and Pigs.

Please note that you cannot take compatibility according to the Chinese horoscope as the main guideline. A person’s personality is influenced by many different factors, and you certainly shouldn’t focus solely on this indicator.

What should the Rooster work on?

Now we have figured out the main characteristics of Rooster people. Finally, I would like to talk separately about the weak points of the representatives of this sign, which they would do well to work on.

  • Very often the Rooster shows naivety. Because of this, in his youth he constantly finds himself in unpleasant situations. True, over the years he gains life experience and gets rid of this quality.
  • Personalities of this sign are very burdened if someone commands them. They hate feeling in a dependent position and strive with all their might for independence. They often become dictators themselves.
  • And one cannot fail to mention another weak point of such individuals - creating a family. This often poses a huge problem for them, because they do not like routine too much, and family life They get bored quickly.

These are the Rooster people - purposeful, fearless on the one hand, but despotic and arrogant on the other. If you want to learn even more about them, I recommend watching the following video:

A horoscope is another way to get to know yourself better, to understand your “I”. This article will talk about 1981 - the year of which animal. And also about what can be said about people born at this time.

The main rule

First of all, I would like to remind those who know, and tell those who are not yet aware, that in the East the year begins at a slightly different time than here. When figuring out which animal year 1981 is, it is worth remembering that in China it begins not on January 1, as is customary to celebrate in our country, but on February 5. Therefore, the Rooster takes over only from this date. People born in January and from February 1 to 4, 1981 will remain Monkeys. However, the Rooster would not leave his post until January 24, 1982. People born at this time will not be Dogs (as they might have imagined), but will remain under the influence of the Rooster.


When figuring out which animal year 1981 is according to the horoscope, it is worth saying that it will not be just a Rooster, but a Silver or Metal Rooster. This is very important, since additional characteristics will say a lot about people born at this time.

Briefly about Metal Roosters

1981 - what animal does it represent according to the eastern calendar? Metal Rooster. What can you say, in general, about such people? First of all, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that these people are honest, charming and incredibly strong spiritually. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to break such a person (the metallic nature of this sign betrays his strength). An important point: people born this year very quickly endear themselves to others. They have no enemies, there are practically no envious people. However, the negative trait of Metal Roosters is a lack of endurance. These people can get upset over little things, and later repent of it.

About character

We study further the year 1981. We figured out what animal it represents. What can be said about the character of such individuals? So, these are people who are used to acting decisively. They are confident in themselves and their abilities, often truly strong and competently assess their capabilities. It is important to say that the Metal Rooster is the most strong sign among their relatives. However, this often becomes a negative feature of such people. From a strong personality, the Rooster can easily turn into a cruel tyrant, who, with his directness, excessive criticism and aggressive behavior, is able to “drive away” those around him. It must also be said that representatives of this sign really lack flexibility. This is their main drawback. These are also people who easily cope with failures, say goodbye to the past and look positively into the future. Generally speaking, the Rooster is a positive rather than a negative sign. These are people who are ready to give more than to receive in return. This is what mainly attracts the environment of representatives of this sign. eastern horoscope.

Working career

These are people who are used to setting goals for themselves and achieving them. The rooster will never leave the intended path, even if after a certain time it does not seem so attractive to him. The hard work of these people is simply amazing and even fascinating. Therefore, representatives of this sign of the eastern horoscope can do business without any problems - they are guaranteed success. As for the attitude towards wealth, the Metal Rooster will strive for this, realizing that material resources- this is the path to a good life. However, social position and the opinions of others are not important to him. If you can earn good money through dirty work, the Rooster will take it up without any problems. As for leadership positions, most often representatives of this sign turn out to be tyrants and dictators. However, they do their work to the fullest, and they have order and discipline in their enterprise.

Love and marriage

So, 1981. What animal does he represent according to the horoscope? Metal Rooster. What can you say about these people in terms of love? In relationships, they are very demanding of their significant other. The partner of a representative of this zodiac sign must be well-groomed, he simply must be liked by others. And if in his work career the opinions of others are not important to him, then everyone should admire the other half of the Rooster. Also, a negative feature of such people in relationships with the opposite sex is that they want to control everything, often limiting their partner’s freedom. As for marriage, the Rooster is committed to complete dedication. However, he will demand the same from his other half. What can you advise representatives of this zodiac sign? More patience and tenderness, as well as less criticism - this is the key to a successful family life for Metal Roosters.


Having figured out, 1981 is the year of which animal, the compatibility of the Rooster - that’s what else needs to be said.

  1. Ideal partners: Ox, Dragon, Snake.
  2. Normal relationships: Rooster, Rat, Dog, Rabbit.
  3. Relationships with Sheep, Horse, Tiger, Monkey and Pig are contraindicated.


1981 - we figured out which animal the characteristic will be relevant here: the Metal Rooster. I would also like to say a few words about the health of representatives of this zodiac sign. Since these people are very hot-tempered, they will often be disturbed nervous system. Frequent stress and anxiety - all this will negatively affect the health of Metal Roosters. This is also where problems with gastrointestinal tract. What advice can you give to such people? First of all, get plenty of rest. Also, from time to time, carry out special relaxation procedures that need to be learned in advance. It is also important to say that fast food and junk food are simply contraindicated for the Rooster; this can lead to serious illnesses. It is also not recommended for these people to eat on the run. Eating properly is what representatives of this eastern horoscope sign need to take care of.

Rooster man

Let's look further at the horoscope. 1981 is the year of which animal? Rooster (and a Metal one). What can be said separately about men? So, in the male version, this sign of the eastern zodiac represents logic. However, this often becomes a problem, because it often does not coincide with reality. Hence the main problems strong representatives this sign. It is also important to say that these are active people, they love when their efforts are noticed. In the family, the Rooster man tries to be a hero for his household members. He expects praise and support from them in all endeavors. Also, men of this sign are very conservative and demanding.

Rooster Woman

1981 is the year of which animal? eastern calendar? Rooster. What could this mean for beautiful ladies? So, in this version it is a symbol of constant action. Such women will never sit still. They are characterized by movement. They fully fulfill their responsibilities not only at home (in everyday life), but also at work. In addition, such women are often leaders of various social movements. They have enough energy for this. The Rooster woman really loves the company of other ladies, so she will do things that require maximum contact with people.

However, this often becomes a problem. After all, it is very difficult for a girl, a representative of this sign, to build a successful relationship with a man. She will always try to participate in everything, often missing important points close relationship with a partner. But still, this mother will be the best, she will give her children maximum material support and attention.

Weaknesses of Roosters

So, we have figured out that 1981 is the year of which animal according to the horoscope? Characteristics of the weak points of representatives of this sign are what else is worth mentioning. These are often gullible people, sometimes even naive. Therefore, at the beginning of their career, they may find themselves in unpleasant situations. However, over time this will change, and life will temper the Metal Rooster. A representative of this sign can be incapacitated by the fact that he will be commanded by someone else. And, of course, the weakest point of such people is creating a family. This often becomes a huge problem for representatives of this eastern zodiac sign.

People born in 1981 can boast of strength of character, fortitude and perseverance. And for good reason, because the symbolism of the year, according to Chinese calendar The Rooster appears - a proud and stately bird, the true leader of the winged courtyard. The element of the 1981 sign is metal. Leadership qualities can be traced in every person born in the year of the Metal Rooster. Such persons can lead crowds of admirers and are ready to sacrifice themselves for a good purpose.

General characteristics of the symbol

1981 according to the eastern calendar is the period of reign of one of the demanding and persistent animals, namely, the Rooster of the metal element. According to Chinese astrologers, people born under this sign are real thinkers. Roosters are distinguished by intellectual abilities and a sharp mind, thanks to which they can freely cope, for example, with research activities.

Metal Roosters are very hardworking. They have a predisposition to scientific and inventive activities, and show a special passion for in-depth study of the world around them.

Metal Roosters like to lead a fulfilling lifestyle and engage in social work. They easily find a common language with strangers, despite his fighting character traits. In human relationships they show sincerity and honesty. Seeing injustice, they are ready to rush to the defense of the weak.

Despite such an impressive list of positive qualities, there is selfishness in the character of Metal Roosters. People born under this sign are proud and narcissistic. And it is very difficult for these qualities to border on tactfulness and straightforwardness. When contacting other people they can be harsh and express their opinions very sharply. Thanks to their strength of character, Metal Roosters calmly accept loneliness and solitude. These circumstances are considered rest for them. A kind of respite allows you to restore strength and spent energy.

Very rarely, but people born in 1981 may experience the blues, Bad mood and even depression, which causes their life priorities to temporarily fall into the background. When they are in a bad state of mind, Roosters tend to talk about better life, distant paradises and worry about unfulfilled dreams. Metal Roosters by their nature prefer to command others, and not only in professional field, but also in everyday life. It is important for them to have cleanliness and order around them, so their life should be completely organized and clearly planned. Thanks to these character traits, many people born in 1981 achieved good results in the military field and in business.

Character traits

According to the vision of the Chinese calendar, the Rooster is considered the most logical sign. In almost all situations, men are confident in their own rightness and extremely rarely listen to other people’s opinions. Unfortunately, their logical ladder does not always correspond to the result, which confuses the Roosters. Men are distinguished by high self-esteem and have clear confidence in their abilities. One’s own mistakes are most often placed on the shoulders of others.

Rooster men find it very easy to make friends with strangers, they the main objective– occupy the center of public attention, which is why such people feel as comfortable as possible. It is important for them to gain authority among others and their trust. Unfortunately, Rooster men cannot always set their goals correctly, which can lead to unfavorable consequences. Men have a highly developed imagination. They can come up with a fairy tale on the fly and tell it to the child before bed, and then imagine themselves as the main character of the children's story.

Representatives of this sign have a tendency to waste. They often waste the money they earn. For this reason, Rooster men need to receive financial stability you need to collect your earnings bit by bit.

Distinctive feature for men of this sign lies in the ability to properly plan their affairs. They are hardworking and renowned for their mastery in the professional field.

In love affairs for Rooster men, everything rests on top level. Throughout their lives, they can enter into several marriages, and they will not regret a single one. Unfortunately, the breakup of relationships occurs on the initiative of a woman who does not have enough patience for her husband’s high demands. Women who want to join their destiny with a representative of this sign must remember that their spouse needs constant attention and support.

Rooster women born in 1981 are extremely hardworking and active people. They easily cope with women's responsibilities around the house, show themselves with the best side in the work area. Representatives of the fair sex born under this sign sometimes lack soulfulness. This factor has a positive effect on the desire of women to achieve their goals. They will go ahead, regardless of the obstacle, and may even hurt other people.

Rooster women are extremely sensitive to creating a family. They show seriousness and determination in many matters. Rooster women require accuracy, discipline and order from each family member.

People are often disappointed in romantic relationships, since it is extremely difficult for men to build a harmonious union with a Rooster woman.

And all because of the ladies' demands. For their part, they very often find non-existent qualities in their beloved, and are subsequently disappointed.

By nature, Rooster women are extremely jealous and can even show aggression. In everyday work they are persistent and demanding, and once at home, they create an atmosphere of comfort and coziness. They have a highly developed maternal instinct. They can be called true mothers, as they take maximum care of their own children.

It is very important for the Rooster woman to feel the admiring glances of others. After all, she can be not just a good housewife, but also a lady with an exquisite charm that attracts representatives of the opposite sex. She can amaze you with her oratory skills. Skilled in maintaining any topic of conversation. Despite their impulsive character, Rooster women have very few enemies. Having cooled down from a fit of anger, she instantly forgets unpleasant situations and forgives her offenders.

Friendly relations

Friendship with a representative of the Rooster sign, born in 1981, does not always go smoothly. Considering the sequence of animals in the Chinese calendar, the Rooster is the bravest creature, located after the Tiger. In fact, it is very easy to be friends with Roosters, you just need to understand them inner world. Despite the apparent arrogance, high self-esteem and demanding behavior towards others, at heart representatives of this sign are distinguished by caring and common sense. They will rush to protect their comrade, ready to rush to the rescue in difficult times.

Unfortunately, not all signs are ready to accept the Rooster's temperament. This important bird is capable of making enemies even in the company of the most dear people. The reason for this is primarily the increased love of truth of the sign. In order for friendly relations with the Rooster to develop into friendships, representatives of other signs of the eastern calendar need to know about the intricacies of communicating with such an important bird.

  • People born in 1981 find it very difficult to tolerate criticism. Especially if it happens in a rude manner. For their part, Roosters are ready to criticize others every minute. At the same time, do not feel any guilt.
  • Roosters are extremely harsh in their judgments. They can present a particular situation in a rude manner, without thinking that their words may offend their opponent.
  • Such people love to give advice to people around them, no matter how friendly the relationship between people is.

Love and marriage

IN love relationships Roosters also exhibit an authoritative nature. At the beginning of the romantic period, the Rooster's partner may be slightly discouraged by his demands for punctuality and consistency of actions according to the intended plan. Speaking in simple words, The Rooster makes a plan for the date in advance and wants the meeting to take place according to the planned schedule.

Living together may not seem sweet to the Rooster's partner. He will make high demands on his soulmate. And this applies not only appearance, but also status in society. Roosters pay special attention to the financial independence of their loved one. Such persons have a serious position in life in the love sphere. It is important for them that every moment spent together is remembered for many years.

They are ready to fulfill the wishes of their other halves, to bring them joy and pleasure. But at the same time, they will express some pickiness and want to play a dominant role in the relationship, thereby wanting to gain maximum power over their lover.

There are often cases when Roosters begin to limit the freedom of their partner, thereby scaring the person away from them.

Unfortunately, not every representative of the eastern calendar will be able to get along with the demands of the Roosters. But if the relationship has reached the point of marriage, family life in comparison with the romantic period of the relationship will have a noticeable difference. The rooster will turn from a nagging person into the best husband or wife. He will devote himself entirely to his family, will take an active part in raising children, and will be happy to spend free time to resolve everyday issues. In return, he will demand from his other half a similar attitude towards family values.

Eastern astrologers always recommend that Roosters show patience and tenderness towards their lover. You need to try not to suppress the character of your other half, and not subject your partner to constant criticism. If Roosters listen to these tips, they will be able to turn ordinary relationships into the most friendly and strong family.

What professions are suitable?

In the work sphere, Roosters are distinguished by their special diligence and unique intelligence. Representatives of this sign have determination, ambitious character and courage, which allow them to solve the most difficult problems. difficult questions. These factors entirely influence the growth of the career ladder, along which the Roosters rapidly climb. It is important for them that each work question has a high level of complexity. They are not interested in office routine and monotony.

According to the eastern calendar, it is very important for representatives of this sign to know what society, in particular their colleagues, think about them. In order to have the highest rating, Roosters are ready to do even dirty work, as long as it brings financial income and social recognition. Roosters can make wonderful leaders of large enterprises. And there is nothing strange in this, since their main requirements are order and discipline. The subordinate will try to contribute to the development of production, because the boss Rooster knows how to properly motivate employees.

In addition to leadership positions, representatives of this sign can become good lawyers and jurists. Their tenacious grip and desire to win will allow them to achieve better results.

In addition to jurisprudence, Roosters can go to a logistics company, where in a short period of time they can gain a lot of experience and, for example, turn a small office engaged in domestic transportation into a world leader in the logistics industry.

Roosters can make a wonderful politician. Their oratorical skills, ability to persuade others and perseverance will make things move according to staffing table. In addition, Roosters can consider working in the financial sector. For example, become an accountant. They will be able to manage the financial issues of a large holding without much difficulty, where such a characteristic as demanding order will play an important role.

Roosters by nature love to earn large sums, but at the same time they waste money very quickly. And all because Roosters need to surround themselves with expensive gadgets and branded items. Only if they find themselves in a difficult financial situation, their pride will not allow them to turn to friends or acquaintances to borrow a certain amount of money. In a similar pattern, they do not like to lend money to other people. But if the question concerns the financing of serious events or the transfer of personal earnings to accounts charitable foundations, Roosters will give the required amount without question.


Questions of compatibility of the rooster with other representatives Chinese horoscope based on known personality traits of partners. To obtain a complete picture of compatibility, it is necessary to draw up individual horoscope, taking into account the zodiac sign, exact date and time of birth.

Rooster and Rat

In such a pair, two aggressive and strong-willed personalities collide. They have radically different views on the world And family relationships, because of which constant conflicts arise in the couple. In order to preserve the marriage union, each of the partners will have to compromise and jointly find a common goal to which they will strive.

In friendly and working relationships between representatives of these signs, differences can be seen, which can be eliminated by bilateral concessions.

Rooster and Bull

Compatibility between representatives of these signs is extremely high. Both are distinguished by hard work and responsibility. At first romantic relationships They try to support each other and help in solving serious issues. In the family, there are no disagreements between the Rooster and the Ox. A situation that could cause a conflict, for example, if one of the spouses forgot to put the cup in its place. But the most interesting thing is that the time interval of this peculiar quarrel lasts no more than 2 minutes. In working and friendly relations, the union between the Rooster and the Ox is almost ideal. They will form a productive duet, where the Rooster will occupy a leadership position, and the Ox will be the “performer”.

Rooster and Tiger

At the very beginning of a romantic relationship, it may seem to others that the union between representatives of these signs has developed extremely successfully. The lovers themselves hold a similar opinion. The Rooster will be surprised every day by the Tiger’s independence and self-confidence, but after some time these positive traits turn into anger and aggression. The tiger will initially rejoice at the appearance in his life of a person as impetuous and hardworking as himself. Only after some time will he begin to be irritated by the Rooster’s self-confidence and harsh straightforwardness. A marriage will only work if both compromise. Otherwise, the relationship will end almost before it even begins.

As for business and friendship, a positive outcome from such unions is extremely rare.

Rooster and Rabbit

The family life of such a couple rests only on the shoulders of the Rabbit. He will need to show special patience and attention to his soulmate, thanks to which family life will proceed happily and prosperously. To save marriage ties, The Rabbit will have to come to terms with the arrogance and excessive wastefulness of the partner. In matters of friendship and business, the Rabbit will be extremely unpleasant about the Rooster's constant publicity. Such relationships will flourish as long as the Rabbit has enough patience.

Rooster and Dragon

Both signs are distinguished by their love of public attention and fame. Thanks to these interests, lovers will be able to form a strong and strong marriage union. From the first minute of meeting, the Dragon and the Rooster will find a common language, discover similar character traits and common interests. Representatives of these signs have good prospects for friendly communication and business relationships. The dominant Rooster in the couple will guide the Dragon in the right direction, and he will be able to become a strong shoulder of support and support in difficult matters.

Rooster and Snake

The ideal marriage union. Next to the Rooster, Snakes feel extremely cozy and comfortable. There are no disagreements or quarrels in these relationships. The partners immediately come to a common agreement and make concessions to each other. various issues, make compromises. Even if minor disagreements arise, the resourceful Snake will be able to find an opportunity to smooth out the flaring conflict. Friendship and work relationships follow a similar pattern. All undertakings of such a union will be successful.

Rooster and Horse

Not a very successful combination of representatives of the eastern calendar. In relationships, they will show constant competition, trying to prove their own superiority. But at one point, both will get tired of the competition, which will cause a breakup. Friendly and business relationships follow a similar scenario.

Rooster and Goat

Representatives of these signs of the eastern calendar have different views on the world around them. One partner needs silence and regularity, the other needs noise and loud fun. It will not be possible to form a lasting alliance from such radical preferences. But friendly and working relationships between these signs can develop extremely successfully. The main thing is that both partners meet each other halfway.

Rooster and Monkey

Initially, the Monkey will take a leading position in the relationship and will even begin to manipulate the Rooster, but after some time he will discover the catch and want to change the situation in his favor. It is possible to achieve mutual understanding between these signs, but only superficially. Friendships and working partnerships will follow a similar pattern.

Rooster and Dog

Not the best option for couple compatibility. It is very difficult for Dogs to come to terms with the carelessness and vanity of the Rooster, and attempts to remake his inner world are perceived extremely negatively, which is why the relationship immediately ends.

Working communication between these signs cannot be called ideal. But if everyone does their job well, they will be able to form a strong union.

Rooster and Pig

These individuals will be able to get along with each other from the first minute of meeting. The Pig will appreciate the sincere feelings and excessive honesty of his partner. And the Rooster will be delighted with the kindness and mental capabilities of the Pig. The building of relationships will occur both on an emotional wave and on an intellectual one. They will always come to each other's aid and lend their strong shoulder in difficult matters. In work and friendship, these representatives of the eastern calendar signs will be able to form a harmonious duet. Together they are ready to move mountains.

Rooster and Rooster

In work, love and friendships it's simple perfect couple. They are comfortable and comfortable being together. They are, as they say, “on the same page.” And even after a long period of time, such alliances only become stronger.

In the next video you will find additional information about the sign of the Rooster.

Zodiac sign Rooster, birth years of men and women: 1909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029.

Metal Rooster, Year of birth of the sign: from 02/08/1921 - 01/28/1922; from 02/05/1981 - 02/25/1982;
Water Rooster, Year of birth of the sign: from 01/26/1933 - 02/14/1934; from 01/23/1993 - 02/10/1994;
Wooden Rooster, Year of birth of the sign: from 02/13/1945 - 02/02/1946; from 02/09/2005 - 01/29/2006;
Fire Rooster, Year of birth of the sign: from 01/31/1957 - 02/18/1958; from 01/28/2017 - 02/16/2018;
Earth Rooster, Year of birth of the sign: from 02/17/1969 - 01/27/1970;

Metal Rooster, year of birth: 1921, 1981, 2041.

Metal Roosters work hard and with great responsibility. Knowing clearly what they want from life, representatives of this sign act persistently and confidently. Progress towards a goal sometimes makes Roosters of this type of sign too harsh people. They are very well versed in finance and business issues. Being very devoted to their friends, they devote a lot of energy and time to them.
It would be good if the Metal Roosters did not defend their opinions at all costs, but more often compromised.

Water Rooster, year of birth: 1933, 1993, 2053.

The Water Rooster is intelligent, well-read, and loves discussions. His persuasive speeches and accessibility make it easy for him to establish contact with any person. This type of sign is characterized by a huge reserve of energy, the ability to work day and night.
People born during these years are respected by their acquaintances, including due to their developed sense of humor. Water Roosters often worry about little things and waste a lot of time because of this. For them, this is a simple reinsurance.

Wood Rooster, year of birth: 1945, 2005, 2065.

The Wood Rooster is characterized by reliability, honesty, and good intentions. Ambition does not prevent him from gravitating towards working as part of a team. For the most part, these are successful people, but this sign tends to periodically set unrealistic goals for itself. Representatives of this sign are very kind to their loved ones, have diverse interests and love to travel.
To improve their lives, Wood Roosters should learn to set themselves clearly achievable goals.

Fire Rooster, year of birth: 1957, 2017.

Fire Roosters have excellent organizational skills, leadership qualities, and enormous willpower. A strong character allows them to succeed in life and achieve their goals. However, they are sometimes hindered by excessive straightforwardness. If the representatives of this type of sign were more tactful, more attentive to the feelings of others, they managed to make all their cherished dreams come true.

Earth Rooster, year of birth: 1909, 1969, 2029.

Earth Roosters are characterized by insight and deep intelligence. Their great hard work and perseverance earn the respect of their colleagues. Being very intelligent and persistent, they, as a rule, achieve all their goals. Representatives of this sign are quite competent in matters related to finance and business.
The Earth Rooster is an excellent worker. However, he cannot neglect rest either.

1981 who? 1981 is the year of which animal? - Year of the White Metal Rooster. The 1981 White Metal Rooster is a true thinker. He prefers long thoughts. The sign is distinguished by its talent in the branches of classification, analysis and justification of things. The Rooster of 1981 is distinguished by the presence of developed intellectual abilities and a sharp mind. Thanks to these qualities, he can easily cope with sorting, research and concentration in various areas of life.

The Metal Rooster is overly hardworking, practical, and predisposed to scientific and inventive activities. Shows a special interest in matters of metaphysics, there is a passion for significant knowledge outside world and yourself.

The White Rooster of 1981 is endowed with intellectual aspirations. He likes to conduct full-fledged and interesting social activities. The Metal Rooster easily comes into personal contact with people and gets along well with others, despite the presence of true fighting qualities.

People born under the sign of the white metal rooster in 1981 are real, devoted friends. They are sincere and honest in their relationships with people. All white animals strongly feel the surrounding injustice. This sign sincerely wants to protect weak people, shows a keen interest in them.

But a small percentage of selfishness is still present in the character of the 1981 white metal rooster. They are proud, narcissistic natures. All this heavily borders on a moderate sense of tact and excessive directness in communication. Often people born under this sign are quick-witted, do not pay attention to external changes, easily adapting to circumstances. They can be “lone wolves”, hermits.

The white metal roosters of 1981 experience loneliness and solitude quite easily. This is a rest for them, a short break for recovery. vitality and energy. This sign has chastity and a strict, reserved character. His expressions can be caustic and overly direct.

Sometimes, the metal roosters of 1981 are attacked by blues, depression and bad mood. They can be overly sad, gloomy and gloomy. Reasoning about a better distant life significantly influences the metal rooster. They often tend to think about distant things, paradise lost, regret unfulfilled dreams.

They love the earth and strive for it. Externally, owners of this sign have a strong skeletal system and strong structure.

White metal roosters of 1981 prefer to give orders, to command as in professional activity, and in the personal field. They love order and cleanliness, so everything is organized and clearly planned for them. Among them a large number of military personnel and commanders.

White roosters of 1981 are hardworking natures. They are conscientious, responsible and diligent people. They know what they want to get out of life and clearly go towards their goal. This sign is endowed with insight and calculation in financial matters and trade.