Cake Recipes

30 min

200 kcal

5/5 (5)

Kitchen appliances and utensils: To prepare the cake we need a mixer, a blender and a bowl for mixing the cream.

What's the easiest cake to make? Of course the one who no need to bake. Preparing the dough and baking the cakes takes a lot of time. And I’ll tell you how to make a marshmallow cake without baking. If a man wants to surprise his beloved, but does not know how to cook, this recipe is for him. The dessert is prepared very quickly, only 30 minutes.


They say that the ancestor of marshmallow is marshmallow, which has been prepared in Rus' since the 14th century. The marshmallow consisted of applesauce and sugar. Later, egg whites were added there. But it was not whipped because it was added to improve the color, not the shape.

French pastry chefs, trying to reproduce this dessert, added whipped egg whites. And as a result, we got an unusually tender marshmallow. With this interesting story We will start preparing our cake.

Choosing the ingredients

What composition of marshmallows is the most natural and correct? This is applesauce, sugar and whipped egg whites. This recipe is still used today, with only one innovation. They started adding pectin to it. Along with applesauce they use other fruits and berries, which is also quite acceptable. If you buy white marshmallows, then there should be no dyes in it. Marshmallows artificially colored with white dye cannot be natural.

A good marshmallow itself should have white color. The basic rule for choosing marshmallows is one thing - the less chemicals, the better. This applies to both condensed milk and butter. If you want to make a no-bake cake from marshmallows and make cream with sour cream, then you need to choose quite thick sour cream.

Cake with marshmallows and fruits without baking

No-bake marshmallow cake with condensed milk is ready!

Cake making video

This video shows how to make a marshmallow cake with cookies without baking:

Decorating the cake

You can decorate the cake chocolate icing. I usually decorate desserts with strawberries and kiwi, I think this is ideal. These are very beautiful fruits, and they look absolutely beautiful when sliced.

You can put a variety of chocolate decorations on the cake. From chocolate petals to regular candies. To make the cake appealing to children, make it interesting figurines from mastic. Children love it when a dish is not only tasty, but also beautiful.

When I was a child, my mother cooked very tasty food for me. I still remember its taste. The cake just melted in your mouth. I still have recipes for lazy housewives step by step recipe. This is also a very simple and quick cake to prepare.

I heard that some chefs recommend putting marshmallow cake in the refrigerator for several days. Then it will soak in better and taste even better. This good advice, if you have the willpower. Marshmallow is quite dense and takes longer to soak.

There are no essential ingredients in my recipe except marshmallows. Cake ingredients may vary. In a no-bake cake, you can use gingerbread cookies instead of cookies along with marshmallows.

The cream can be prepared as custard, chocolate, sour cream, fruit, etc. Cookies and nuts are also added as desired. Not only walnuts can be used; hazelnuts or peanuts are also suitable here. You can replace bananas with any other fruit or avoid fruits altogether. Marshmallow maybe diverse, any color and aroma.

Our no-bake cake can also be made from chocolate-covered marshmallows. It all depends on your personal preferences.

I hope that my recipe is useful to you. I look forward to your feedback and comments. Bon appetit!

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My husband has a sweet tooth, and it was for him that I made a no-bake cake with cookies and marshmallows today. This cake is prepared quite simply and, thanks to the use of cookies, is very easily divided into portions. I remember when I was a child, my mother prepared a cake for my brother and I from cookies in packs, greased it custard and laid it out directly on the cutting board, due to the lack of a square plate. Marshmallows were in short supply back then and if they found their way into the house, they were quickly eaten. Now times have changed, and the stores are full of both cookies and marshmallows - choose whatever your heart desires.

Well, I won’t bore you, let’s cook!

To prepare a cake from cookies and marshmallows without baking, prepare all the products according to the list.

As in, cut the marshmallows into discs. Depending on how you want to decorate the surface of the cake, set aside required quantity figured washers.

Prepare buttercream. In a bowl, beat cream, sugar and cottage cheese, you can also add vanillin. Beat until the mixture becomes homogeneous and begins to thicken. Place the cream in the refrigerator while we cut the bananas.

Pour milk into a cup, dip cookies in it and place on a plate. I got 10 pieces.

Grease the cookies with buttercream and place marshmallow pucks; the gaps can be filled with small pieces.

Cover the marshmallows with cream and lay out the bananas.

Coat the sides and top of the cake with the remaining cream. Place marshmallows on top.

Make crumbs from the remaining cookies and walnuts and sprinkle them over the cake. I decided to decorate the top with frozen raspberries. The cake should soak in the refrigerator for several hours, then it can be cut into portions and served with tea or coffee.

The no-bake cake made from cookies and marshmallows was a great success!

Bon appetit!

Every housewife constantly tries to surprise her family and guests with new culinary masterpieces. But, unfortunately, in Everyday life, and on holidays women have a lot to do. In this regard, there is not always enough time to prepare a delicious and beautiful cake, because this can sometimes take half a day. This is where no-bake recipes come in handy. They are prepared quickly and easily, while not compromising their taste and appearance baked cakes.

One of the options for preparing such a dessert is a marshmallow cake without baking. An airy and delicate delicacy will save time and effort and will win the hearts of those with a sweet tooth from the first bite. From the many recipes for this dish, we have selected those that are most popular. You can follow them, or, using your imagination, experiment with different ingredients and create exclusive cakes.

Recipe 1. Buttercream and fruit. Ingredients

A cake made from ready-made marshmallows, which does not require baking, has a delicate texture and pleasant taste. You can perform various variations of it, changing the fruits at your discretion. To prepare the dessert you will need:

  • 300 marshmallows;
  • 250 grams of cream;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 80 g nuts;
  • 150 g strawberries;
  • 150 g kiwi;
  • 40 g candied fruits or chocolate.


Initially, all products are prepared. The tops of the marshmallows are cut off and set aside. You will need them to decorate the cake. The rest of the marshmallows are cut into thin slices. To make the task easier, you should wet the knife with hot water.

Fruits need to be washed. Strawberries are peeled from the stems and cut into small pieces. The kiwi is peeled and the fruit is cut into thin slices. The nuts are shelled and crushed.

To prepare the cream, mix the cream and sugar (or powdered sugar) and beat well.

Marshmallow slices are laid out in a dense layer on the bottom. Next comes strawberries. Then again you need to put a layer of marshmallows, lightly press it with your hands. Nuts are sprinkled on top. They are also covered with marshmallows, which again need to be slightly pressed down. The next layer is kiwi. And at the end, the tops of the marshmallows are laid out on the very top.

The finished marshmallow cake with cream is placed in the refrigerator for soaking for 2-4 hours. Before serving, it can be decorated with candied fruits and chocolate chips or icing.

Recipe 2. Cottage cheese and exotic fruits. Ingredients

Recipe 4. Custard. Ingredients

A magnificent marshmallow cake without baking can be prepared for any holiday; it will be an original replacement for already boring biscuits.

The airy texture and pleasant taste will provide the hostess with a lot of compliments about her culinary skills.

To make a marshmallow cake, the recipe for which is described below, you need the following products:

  • 1 kg marshmallows;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 200 g milk;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 300 g sugar;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 500 g walnuts;
  • Cookies - 5 pieces.


The marshmallow is divided into two halves. The top of each is cut off to give the piece a flat shape. Cookies and walnuts are crushed with a rolling pin or blender.

How to make a marshmallow cake with custard? First, lightly beat the eggs with sugar with a whisk and place in a water bath. Next, stirring constantly, slowly pour in the milk. The resulting mass is boiled in a water bath until thickened. Then the cream cools. Meanwhile, finely grate the lemon zest. The butter is whipped with a mixer. Cooled cream and lemon are gradually added to it. Beat until the mixture becomes fluffy.

The springform pan is covered with parchment paper. The first layer is laid out from marshmallows. Apply and sprinkle with chopped nuts on top. Next, marshmallows are laid out again and pressed lightly. Layers alternate as long as there are enough ingredients.

Cakes that do not require baking are very easy and quick to prepare. If you replace regular cakes with marshmallows, the result will be incredibly beautiful and Recipes for how to make a marshmallow cake (with photos) are presented above in the article. There are different variations with cream and other fillings, you can choose according to your taste. The finished marshmallow cake without baking is covered with cream and sprinkled with cookie crumbs. Then you need to tighten it cling film and place in the refrigerator overnight to harden.

Enjoy your tea!

Have you ever heard about cakes that do not require baking? If not, then you have lost a lot. It doesn’t matter, because this site contains many simple recipes unusual, but undoubtedly mouth-watering desserts. Their preparation takes a minimum of time and, importantly, money. A cake made from marshmallows and cookies can be made for a small family celebration or treat them to your faithful friends. You never know the reasons to have a great time and give your stomach some relief. So we suggest you get down to business right away.

Simple cake “Slastena”

Most children, and adults too, love sweets. Unfortunately, there is not always time to prepare them, so often busy mothers resort to the simplest option - they go to the nearest supermarket to buy cookies, sweets, cakes and marmalade for their child. It's clear why: cooking sponge cake, “Napoleon” or even “Medovik” will take far from half an hour. And when you return home after a hard day at work, you hardly want to start baking. However, there is one faithful assistant for every housewife - a recipe for a quick dessert, which we will now tell you about. Take it into service, and you will no longer have to stuff your child with store-bought sweets.


  • small cup walnuts (shelled and dried)
  • half a kilogram of dry biscuits
  • 380 grams of full fat condensed milk
  • two hundred gram package of butter
  • 300 grams of white and pink marshmallows
  • eight milliliters of cognac

Cooking method:

Please note that the taste of the cake is directly affected by taste qualities cookies, so buy the freshest and most appetizing ones. It is advisable that the product crumbles well and, of course, under no circumstances opt for salty cookies like Crackers. After all, what kind of cake will you get then? “Pinocchio”, “Short” or, for example, “Baked milk” are best suited.

So, when you have everything necessary products, you can safely start cooking. Record your time - you won't spend even 30 minutes. First, break the cookies into small pieces and place them in a thick plastic bag. The main task is to crush it not into crumbs, but into small sweet cubes. After you have kneaded the product well, put it aside and work on the cream yourself.

To prepare it, the oil should not be very cold, so we recommend taking it out of the refrigerator in advance (at least 20 minutes in advance). Then cut the ingredient into small pieces, which place in a deep bowl. Add a tablespoon of good cognac and condensed milk here. Now whisk all the ingredients using a kitchen whisk, working gently from bottom to top. As a result, you should have a homogeneous thick mass. Combine the cream with the cookies and mix everything a few more times.

Look at your watch. About ten minutes have passed, and the cake is almost ready. So there's little left to do. To make it easier to remove the product from the mold later, cover it with cling film, foil or a piece of plastic bag. Place marshmallows, cut into two halves, at the very bottom; sprinkle crushed and pan-dried walnuts on top. Now it’s the turn of the sweet cookie mass: cover the previous ingredients with it, thus forming a dessert. You can give it absolutely any shape: pyramids, domes, slides or another.

Decorate the dish with the remaining marshmallows, placing it on top of the product. The halves of each sweet should fit tightly together, then the cake will look like a pink and white cloud. Cover it with film and put it in the refrigerator; Now you have to be patient a little. It will take about three hours for the cake to harden. As soon as the food is ready, serve it on the table. It turns out very sweet, so we recommend brewing tea or coffee without sugar. Bon appetit!

Marshmallow cake for real sweet tooths

The main advantage of a quick dessert is its ease of preparation and the small amount of time that the housewife spends on making it. Often such dishes are inexpensive, which is very convenient. We offer one of these recipes: “Marshmallow” cake will appeal to both young and adult sweet tooths. When going to the store, choose crumbly and fresh cookies - then the product will turn out more appetizing.


For the cake:

  • two eggs
  • kilogram of regular pink or white (without chocolate) marshmallows
  • two packs of shortbread cookies
  • half a glass of granulated sugar
  • 200 grams of butter
  • cup of pasteurized milk
  • one lemon (you only need the zest)

For decoration:

  • 50 grams of marmalade
  • 30 grams of nuts

Cooking method:

First, divide each marshmallow into two halves. Then break the eggs into a deep bowl, add granulated sugar and mash the ingredients well with a fork. Crumble the cookies here and pour in the milk. Place the resulting mixture over low heat and cook, stirring regularly until thick. When the cream has cooled, add the finely grated zest into it and add the soft butter cut into pieces. Whisk a few more times to remove any lumps and begin to shape the cake.

The product will be much easier to remove from the mold if it is lined inside. plastic bag or foil. Once you have done it, place the marshmallow halves on the bottom of the dish, and then spread the cream on top of them. Make a few more of the same layers and put the dishes in the refrigerator. Ideally, the dessert should infuse for ten to twelve hours, but if you don’t have time to wait, keep it in the cold for at least 180 minutes. Before serving the dish, peel and chop the nuts, then fry them in a dry frying pan. Sprinkle the food with them and decorate the top with cubes of marmalade.

Dessert “Sugar” with marshmallows and chocolate

On this site, every cook will find a dish to their liking. Are you planning a lavish reception with many guests? Then you probably can't do without snacks, original salads, vegetable and meat, as well as hot dishes. For everyday use, dishes that are simpler and quicker to prepare are suitable, because working people simply do not have time to get carried away with delights. It is for such cases that we have prepared this recipe for you. It will come to the aid of all lovers of sweets who do not have time to cook.


For the cake:

  • glass of granulated sugar
  • ten marshmallows
  • 400 grams of hazelnuts
  • 125 milliliters pasteurized milk
  • 100 gram pack of sugar cookies
  • butter- 200 grams
  • two domestic eggs
  • a pinch of vanillin

For decoration:

  • a bar of milk or dark chocolate (take regular chocolate, without any additives like raisins or nuts)
  • 10 grams butter
  • two large spoons of sour cream or cream
  • sugar - optional

Cooking method:

We suggest starting with the simplest thing: using a knife, cut each marshmallow into four equal round parts. Peel the nuts, wrap them in a clean towel and beat them with a meat mallet or rolling pin to crush them. If you have a blender, that's great - blend the product in it. This way you will spend much less effort and time. Now you need to prepare the cream. To do this, carefully grind the sugar with chicken eggs to a homogeneous thick mass, then pour the milk into it and place in a steam bath.

Please note that the cream should not be brought to a boil - it should simmer. Therefore, turn the heat to low and stir the egg-milk mixture regularly until it begins to thicken. Set it aside for a while to cool, then add vanillin and butter, after cutting it into small pieces. Beat the cream with a blender, mixer or regular whisk and move on to the next level.

Cover the form in which you plan to serve the dish with special cling film or foil, you can use parchment or a plastic bag. Now place marshmallows in an even layer at the very bottom of the dish, brushing it with a delicious sweet sauce. Gently press the cookies on top, pressing lightly to seal the products together. Make several more layers of the dish in the same way. When finished, cover it with film and refrigerate for 60 minutes.

While the product is hardening, prepare the ingredients that will be needed to decorate the dish. So, break the chocolate into small pieces and place it in a bowl, which you place over low heat. When it has melted a little, add butter, sour cream or cream, depending on what you decide to use. Cook the mixture with constant stirring; if desired, add a little - one or two tablespoons - of sugar or powder. Then cool the cream and pour it over ready cake. Sprinkle the product with chopped nuts on top, cut it into portions and invite everyone to the table.

Cake with fruits, marshmallows and shortbread cookies

This recipe gained popularity back when everyone famous program“Smak”, hosted by Andrei Makarevich. Then Laima Vaikule was invited to visit, and she shared the secrets of making a delicious cake with fruit, cookies and fluffy marshmallows. Since then, the dessert has been named after the singer. Thanks to its delicate taste, it has forever entered the everyday life of many housewives.

Ingredients (per 500 grams of marshmallows):

  • pack of shortbread cookies
  • half a liter of heavy cream
  • one glass of nuts
  • 50 grams of granulated sugar
  • banana - one piece
  • 500 grams of white marshmallows
  • two small kiwis
  • one large orange

Cooking method:

Absolutely any fruit is suitable for this cake, so feel free to choose the ones you love most. You can buy bananas, apples, oranges or tangerines. In the summer, try making a cake with fresh berries, for example: strawberries, black or red currants, raspberries or blueberries. Here the cook's imagination is not limited. The main thing is that the dish turns out delicious, and it’s simply impossible to spoil it. After all, preparing dessert is easier than ever. Now you will see this from your own experience.

So, first pour sugar into the cream and whisk the products into a thick, homogeneous, fluffy mass. Chop the nuts with a knife or grind in a blender. Now peel the fruits and cut them into thin slices; the orange can be divided into cubes. Assembling the cake is as follows: moisten in hot water knife and cut each marshmallow into four pieces, leaving the figured tops with a pattern for decoration. Take a large flat plate and place half of the fluffy treat on it. When the foundation of the future cake is laid, pour whipped cream over it, sprinkle with nuts, then cover it with cookies on top and press down firmly with your hands.

The next level of the dish consists of fruits. Place bananas in the center, oranges around them, and kiwis around the edge. Cover everything with cream again, sprinkle with nuts, add marshmallows. Then, in the same way as described above, make several more tiers of food. When you've used up all the ingredients, decorate the dish with the remaining curly marshmallow tops. Place the dessert in the refrigerator for at least three hours.

The cake can be made to any height - two, four, five tiers. In this case, just purchase a little more products than indicated in the recipe. If you want to diversify it a little, try making a different cream, for example, whip heavy sour cream with powdered sugar and a pinch of vanilla. Some people sprinkle the dish with grated chocolate or coconut between layers. If you come across hard cookies that are not too crumbly, soak them in warm milk for 60 seconds and only then form the cake. Then it will come out juicier and more tender.

You can fantasize about desserts as much as you like, because there are a lot of recipes, from the most complex to the incredibly simple. Would you like to congratulate your child on graduating? school year? Do delicious dish with kiwi, juicy oranges and bananas. To avoid repeating yourself, next time fasten the layers with raspberry, currant or other jelly. In general, once you have mastered one dessert, do not stop there and develop your talents. We wish you success!

Marshmallow cake without baking - extraordinary delicious dessert for those with a sweet tooth. To be honest, I’m not a fan of marshmallows and as a stand-alone product it doesn’t appeal to me at all. But it’s a completely different matter when marshmallows are one of the components of a cake or dessert! Then I eat it with pleasure! Marshmallow is a very sweet product, so we can’t do without fruit. A very good combination is obtained from strawberries and bananas, but in winter time You can’t find strawberries, so you can take kiwi, for example. I also suggest preparing for the cake sour cream http://www.. This time I added only 3 tbsp to the cream. sugar so that it is not cloyingly sweet.

And so on in order. Prepare all the necessary ingredients for the cake.

Cut each marshmallow half into two pieces. Leave the shaped parts for the top layer.

Prepare sour cream: place homemade thick sour cream in a bowl, add sugar and beat well until smooth. The cream can be put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes so that it holds its shape better.

Place a layer of marshmallows on a plate. Slice bananas and kiwi.

Grease a little with sour cream and lay out a layer of kiwi. Then cover with sour cream again.

Add another layer of marshmallows, sour cream and a layer of bananas.

Coat the bananas with sour cream, add another layer of marshmallows and again kiwi.

Place a layer of bananas on top of the kiwi and finish with a layer of marshmallows. Place the cake in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

After this time, pour the chocolate topping over the cake and sprinkle walnuts. Delicious cake made from marshmallows without baking, ready to eat.

Bon appetit!