Forms of the name Ratibor

Other name options: Ratibor, Racibor, Rabor, Ratsha.

Name Ratibor in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Arabic: راتيبور. Yiddish: ראַטיבאָר (Rʼatybʼár). Ukrainian: Ratibor. English: Ratibor (Ratibor).

Origin of the name Ratibor

Character of the name Ratibor

Ratibor has a wide range of interests, he is ready to take on any business, but for some reason everything always comes down to a lack of time. He loves to travel, invent, and make things, but despite his love of adventure and hectic lifestyle, he also values ​​home comfort.

Astrological features of the name

Zodiac sign corresponding to the name - .
Patron planet- Mars.
Talisman-stone, mineral, metal- bloody
Talisman-color- orange.
Plant talisman- hazel, foxglove.
Animal mascot- ram.
Predisposition to traits such as - strong will, independence, straightforwardness, generosity.

Numerology of the name Ratibor

Those with the name number 4 are prone to exact sciences and a scientific approach to everything in the world. “Fours” are excellent scientists, engineers, and designers. They are stable, reliable and conscientious. They are respected by friends and colleagues. “Fours” rarely quarrel and are not prone to hostility. However, one should not expect any unexpected actions, improvisations, or creative manifestations of character from the “fours”. Their whole life is calculated in minutes and there is little that can displace them from a pre-planned plan. They are stingy with emotions, often cold. However, the “fours” are reliable and you can rely on them in any situation. life situation. They are strict and even harsh parents and very obedient children.


Planet: Jupiter.
Element: Air, warmth-dryness.
Zodiac: , .
Color: Raspberry, blue.
Day: Thursday.
Metal: Tin, electrum.
Mineral: Sapphire, beryl, hyacinth.
Plants: Basil, lavender, violet, oak, pear, apple, mint, chestnut, cinnamon, jasmine, apple of paradise, apricot, eucalyptus.
Animals: Deer, elephant, sheep, swallow, pelican, partridge, peacock, dolphin.

The name Ratibor as a phrase

R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
T Firm
AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
B Buki
Oh He (Oh, Oh)
R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Ratibor

P - the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, desire to act, courage. When carried away, a person is capable of taking stupid risks and is sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.
A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
T - intuitive, sensitive, creative person, a seeker of truth who does not always balance desires and possibilities. The symbol of the cross is a reminder to the owner that life is not endless and one should not put off until tomorrow what can be done today - act, using every minute effectively.
And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
B - spiritual romanticism, constancy, strength, penetration abilities, desire to financially secure one’s life.
O - deep feelings, ability to handle money. To be fully realized, however, a person must understand his purpose. The presence of this letter in the name shows that a goal has been prepared for it and you need to use your rich intuition to highlight it from the bustle of existence.
P - the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, desire to act, courage. When carried away, a person is capable of taking stupid risks and is sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.

Positive traits of the name

Perseverance, integrity, consistency. Ratibor can dominate others in the most natural way, thanks to his strong will.

Negative traits of the name

Ratibor is ambitious and, by any means necessary, is ready to rise above his surroundings in order to excel in everything and over everyone.

Choosing a profession by name

Ratibor can become a good organizer in production, a military commander, or a sports coach. He lives by the principle “the end justifies the means” and can break rules and laws for the sake of the desired result. Ratibor is ready to exhaust himself with backbreaking work just to achieve what he wants.

The impact of a name on business

Ratibor is pragmatic and strives to achieve financial success, but can sometimes be generous to others; if he gets rich, he is ready to donate money to educational or scientific institutions.

The influence of a name on health

In an effort to achieve success, Ratibor neglects his health; he may have spleens.

Psychology of a name

Those who are close to Ratibor need to help him somewhat soften his straightforward character. Instead of trying to hold back his irritation, he needs to try to take life more lightly, trying to understand and accept people as they are. This will save Ratibor from many problems and free up his energy for fruitful work.

Famous bearers of the name: Ratibor - governor and Kiev thousand, mayor in Tmutarakan and Pereyaslav Prince of Kyiv Vsevolod.

Angel Day named after Ratibor: not celebrated, as it is not included in the list of Orthodox and Catholic holidays.

Compatibility of the name Ratibor

Ratibor's marriage may be unexpected. He is likely to dominate both intellectually and socially. An alliance with, Malusha, Milava, Mila is favorable.

Incompatibility of the name Ratibor

  • I.p. Ratibor
  • R.p. Ratibora
  • D.p. Ratiboru
  • V.p. Ratibora
  • etc. Ratibor
  • P.p. Ratibor

Ratibor — male name, Slavic in origin.
Option for spelling the name in transliteration (Latin): Ratibor

Meaning of the name

Military fighter, defender. "Fearless warrior" (glorified)
Ratibor has a wide range of interests, he is ready to take on any business, but for some reason everything always comes down to a lack of time. He loves to travel, invent, and make things, but despite his love of adventure and hectic lifestyle, he appreciates the comfort of home.

Numerology of the name

Soul number: 4.
Those with the name number 4 are prone to exact sciences and a scientific approach to everything in the world. “Fours” are excellent scientists, engineers, and designers. They are stable, reliable and conscientious. They are respected by friends and colleagues. “Fours” rarely quarrel and are not prone to hostility. However, one should not expect any unexpected actions, improvisations, or creative manifestations of character from the “fours”. Their whole life is calculated in minutes and there is little that can displace them from a pre-planned plan. They are stingy with emotions, often cold. However, “fours” are reliable and can be relied on in any life situation. They are strict and even harsh parents and very obedient children.

Hidden Spirit Number: 9
Body number: 4


Planet: Jupiter.
Element: Air, warmth-dryness.
Zodiac: Sagittarius, Pisces.
Color: crimson, blue.
Day: Thursday.
Metal: tin, electrum.
Mineral: sapphire, beryl, hyacinth.
Plants: basil, lavender, violet, oak, pear, apple, mint, chestnut, cinnamon, jasmine, apple of paradise, apricot, eucalyptus.
Animals: deer, elephant, sheep, swallow, pelican, partridge, peacock, dolphin.

The name Ratibor is a Slavic two-root name, which in Lately is becoming more and more popular. Consists of the root "rat", which comes from the word "army" (army, armed people's militia). The second root "bor" originates from the word "struggle". Unfortunately exact value Linguists haven’t figured out the name, but there are folk versions. So, the most popular version says that the meaning of the name Ratibor is “people’s fighter”". A slightly less popular version is that the name Ratibor means "one who advocates struggle".

The meaning of the name Ratibor for a child

Little Ratibor is growing up as a balanced and intelligent boy. Ratibor is endowed with a surprisingly calm character and it seems that it is completely impossible to anger him. This feature makes life very easy for parents, because such a child does not throw tantrums and easily understands the logical reasoning of adults. It is true that it is worth noting that parents will have to be an example for their child in everything, because it is from them that he will copy his attitude towards the world around him. Moreover, you will have to be an example not in words, but in deeds.

IN school age It becomes especially noticeable that Ratibor is also a smart boy. If suddenly this was not clear before school, then the school will give the most direct confirmation in the form of grades. He takes his school responsibilities responsibly, and therefore has a lot of free time. It would be better, of course, if Ratibor finds himself an additional hobby outside of school. It could be Sport section or something different interesting for a child. Don’t be in a hurry to choose, because often childhood hobbies have a tremendous impact on our adult lives.

Ratibor's health can be called strong, and he gets sick noticeably less than other children. He will not go without a hat for the sake of success among his peers, because already in childhood he understands the stupidity of these actions. If we talk about his vitality, then he is consistently above average and rarely fluctuates. IN mature age Ratibor's health can be harmed by his desire to do everything perfectly, which often leads to overwork and taking the tasks set for himself too seriously.

Short name Ratibor

Ratik, Ratka, Ratya, Bor, Borya.

Diminutive pet names

Ratiborchik, Ratiborushka, Ratiboronka, Ratiborochka, Town Hall, Ratonka.

Children's middle names

Ratiborovich and Ratiborovna

Name Ratibor in English

IN English language the name Ratibor is spelled Ratibor

Name Ratibor for international passport-RATIBOR

Translation of the name Ratibor into other languages

in Old Russian - Ratibor,
in Polish - Racibor (Rachibor) and Ratibor (Ratibor) in Serbian - Ratibor and Ratibor
in Ukrainian - Ratibor (Ratibor)
in Czech - Ratibor

Church name Ratibor(V Orthodox faith) not certain. This name is not in church calendar, and therefore at baptism Ratibor will receive a name different from the worldly one.

Characteristics of the name Ratibor

An adult Ratibor is a courageous, noble and determined man. He strives for his goals, acting persistently, but without unnecessary fuss. For his family and friends, he will always be not only a support, but also an example. Sometimes you may even get the impression that such men cannot exist in reality, and that he is only the embodiment of a book hero. You can also note his love for active and fun pastime. Of course, he can sit at home for a while with a book, but the irrepressible craving for activity will certainly take its toll.

As you understand, Ratibor is not one of those people who are eternally depressed and unwilling to work. He is just the complete opposite of this image. His active character and high vitality will quickly lead him to success. True, it is worth noting that as soon as Ratibor achieves some goals, he will immediately set others for himself, perhaps only slightly enjoying the moment of triumph. Able to work both in a team and alone. He is often appointed as a leader, which is only welcomed by his new subordinates.

Ratibor is in no hurry to get married, because there are few women who can withstand the rhythm of life in which he lives. At the same time, Ratibor will certainly be popular with women. Only after enjoying all the advantages of freedom, Ratibor decides for a more serious relationship. IN family life Ratibor Ideal husband and a wonderful dad. He knows how to organize the life of his family so that everyone feels loved and needed.

The secret of the name Ratibor

Many people don’t know, but Ratibor’s secret is his penchant for ambition. It has been noticed that many (not all) owners of the name cease to feel the difference between the desire for success in life and nascent ambition. Sometimes even the closest people do not understand the harmfulness of this at first. Ratibor and his loved ones should remember that ambition is one of the eight mortal passions (one of the seven deadly sins).

Planet- Mars.

Zodiac sign- Aries.

Totem animal- Ram.

Name color- Orange.

Tree- Hazel.

Plant- Foxglove.

Stone- Bloody.

The ancient, very masculine name Ratibor is a rarity in modern world. But they still call boys that way, and for good reason.

This name is of ancient Slavic origin and means “valiant warrior.” Literally – “military fighter”. Only the sons of the best warriors, kings, conquerors and heroes were called this way. Those boys who were destined for a great destiny!

There is no name day for this name, because it is not included in the Orthodox or Catholic calendar. It is complete, and in short you can call a person Ratya, Ratik, Borya, Borchik, Rat, Ratka, Borka.

Fate and personality traits

Knowing what the name Ratibor means, you can immediately notice that this boy has been a real fighter since childhood. He is an absolutely fearless, honest, responsible and principled child who is incapable of meanness, betrayal, and cannot offend the weak.

From the very early years It develops amazing willpower, determination and self-discipline. He himself knows that he needs to get the job done and then go play - he doesn’t have to be told.

He respects his parents very much, especially reveres his father, and has tender feelings for his mother; from childhood he tries to be her protector. In general, protecting girls is his favorite thing, and if there is a sister in the family, then Ratibor will become a reliable protector for her.

The bearer of the name Ratibor matures over the years, becomes a stately and simply irresistible young man. He doesn't acquire bad habits since health and strength matter to him great importance.

This man always wants to be faster, stronger, better than everyone else - so he plays sports to the point of exhaustion, strives to break all imaginable and inconceivable records, and in a variety of sports fields. He manages to try all types of sports and forms of competition, but sometimes he chooses one thing and does it seriously.

He is physically and mentally very strong, but he will never get into a fight unnecessarily or provoke a conflict. Will fight only when necessary.

Ratibor has little free time because this guy has many different interests. In general, it seems that he wants to find out absolutely everything in this life, try, learn everything, and not miss anything. His life is rich, bright, every day some interesting events happen in it.

Today - football competitions, tomorrow - canoeing, the day after tomorrow - courses Japanese language... In a word, a guy named Ratibor is not just a versatile personality, he wants to do everything. And he succeeds! True, he does not find the main thing in his life right away; it is important for him to try everything in order to decide what to spend the bulk of his time and energy on.

He can choose almost any profession, the main thing is that it is not boring or monotonous. Will never become an office worker. He is prone to activities that involve travel, communication, studying or searching for something, developing something new or inventing, creativity, and experimentation.

His work should be interesting, unpredictable, varied. What is also of great importance to him is the benefit he brings to the world. Ratibor will never engage in useless work, he must feel important, feel that he is doing something for humanity, will leave some kind of mark, make an important contribution.

A man named Ratibor fights not only for goodness and justice, but also for his happiness. He is always the best, this is of great importance to him in the team, at work, in society. To be first is his goal.

And he moves towards this goal quite confidently, calmly, directly, completely not noticing any obstacles, without doubt and without fear. In his work he achieves success incredibly quickly and already at the age of 30 he can provide himself with his own housing, a car and other material joys.

Compatibility with women

As for his personal life, victory in the fight is also important for a man named Ratibor. He is not interested in girls who are actively looking for boyfriends, he wants to conquer. Looking for a very worthy couple. A girl should be both beautiful and smart, and also have kind soul. Ratibor starts a family in adulthood, consciously, and his family is always strong., Svetlana, Natalya.

It is worth remembering that the main thing is not compatibility, but sincere feelings. There are exceptions to every rule! Ratibor is a good family man, and behind him is like behind a stone wall. This man will not only live bright life, filled with interesting events, but will also share this life with those who become dear to him! Author: Vasilina Serova

The name plays an important role in the life of every person. Parents need to take a responsible approach to choosing a name, because it often determines the fate of the child. If mom and dad are expecting a boy, then there are several options to consider. When you want to name something unusual, beautiful and courageous, then you need to pay attention to the name Ratibor. Its meaning and characteristics will tell you a lot of interesting things.

Occurrence and interpretation

Researchers claim that the meaning and origin of the name Ratibor has Slavic roots. This is how in the old days they called the sons of warriors, conquerors, fighters for justice, folk heroes and kings. The sonorously named boys were predicted to have a great destiny. The name consists of two roots “army” - army and “bor” - fight and is interpreted as: “valiant warrior” and “fighter from the people”.

In many languages, the name is written and sounds almost indistinguishable. Relatives and friends often call young man, named so, briefly and affectionately: Ratya, Ratik, Ratiborchik, Town Hall, Borya, Ratka and Bor.

At birth, male children receive middle names: Ratiborovich and Ratiborovna.

General characteristics of Ratibor

For a boy, the meaning of the name Ratibor dictates that he will be calm and balanced from childhood. The child respects his parents and obeys, never contradicts. Whims and hysterics are not characteristic of Ratik’s behavior, because he always tries to behave like a man. He is friendly in communication and will never argue with elders.

From an early age, Ratibor strives for independence and independence. He quickly reaches many things with his mind and tries to find out as much information about the world as possible. Any commitment undertaken is carried through responsibly to completion. He thinks through every action and tries to analyze the consequences.

There are no problems at school, because he is hardworking, neat and diligent. He always completes his homework, which pleases both parents and teachers.

The boy is usually actively involved in public life, so he can often be seen as a leader and organizer at various events. Ratik plays sports with great pleasure, goes to sections and clubs. He prefers martial arts or team sports. Deprived of intuition, therefore in every situation he relies on intelligence and prudence.

Growing up Ratibor understands better and better that he must solve all his problems himself. He does not avoid responsibility, and always helps close people. Usually he is in the center of attention, so he has many friends and acquaintances who speak only positively about Ratik.

The young man Ratibor is not capable of meanness, deception or betrayal.

He will not insult or humiliate people who are weaker than him. Ratibor is reliable, others can always rely on him.

Girls notice in Ratik not only positive traits, but also an irresistible appearance. The young man takes care of his appearance, so he enjoys success with the opposite sex. He doesn’t try to specially create any unique image; it comes out on its own. In clothes, he prefers high-quality and comfortable things.

The young ratik becomes more calculating, but this does not apply to communication or dating. He shows quality only in everyday life.

A male Ratibor constantly strives for the ideal. I’m ready to spend a lot of time in the gym improving my body. Becomes very strong physically, but does not use his fists, any conflicts are resolved peacefully.

The man has many hobbies. He does not sit still, tries to diversify his life and learn new skills. IN professional activity often achieves success through consistency and perseverance.

Ratibor knows how to provide for himself and his family financially, so he does not experience problems with money.

Strives for fame, considers the goal of life to be recognition and respect, which is why he often appears conflict situations with others. He can “go over his head” if he sees a prospect for himself.

He becomes despondent from his mistakes, but if failures haunt a colleague or acquaintance, then Ratibor will gloat.

He gets girls easily, thanks to his natural charm. He rarely uses their favor for selfish purposes.

Ratibor is sociable and kind.

People around him notice nobility, generosity and empathy in a man. He tries not to meddle in other people's affairs, but if asked, Ratik will always help.

Traits depending on the season

The name Ratibor means that the character of the representative is greatly influenced by the time of birth. The time of year gives a young man unique characteristics:

  • Winter Ratik has a complex character. He often withdraws into himself due to failures, and can be uncommunicative and gloomy. Calm, but a little mysterious. He dreams of becoming a great leader and dominating in all areas of life, and is very ambitious. He needs a persistent and decisive wife who will be able to awaken masculine qualities.
  • Spring Ratibor is endowed with a cheerful disposition. He is open and honest, loves communication and new acquaintances. Attracts people with his charm and ability to speak on random topics. He knows how to win over his interlocutor, so he actively uses this skill. Smart, easy to compromise.
  • Summer Ratik is uncommunicative and suspicious. May be insecure in relationships with the opposite sex. Any important decisions are very difficult for him, so he tries to make them as rarely as possible. Complex nature does not contribute to acquiring large quantity friends. Due to developed creativity has many ideas that he will bring to life if he makes an effort.
  • Autumn Ratibor is vain and charming. He dreams of honors and regalia, is pleasant in communication, but in business he often shows weak character. He doubts a lot before taking an important step, and may show shyness when interacting with others. He rarely defends his opinion and easily makes concessions, which often prevents him from realizing his potential.

Name horoscope

The characteristics of Ratibor depend not only on the time of year in which it appeared, but also on exact date birth. The zodiac sign gives a man the qualities and traits:

  1. Aries. Impulsive and sometimes aggressive Ratik. He does not always finish what he starts, which is why he often loses sight of success. Often not ready to fulfill their obligations. He has difficulty communicating, but he is loyal to his friends and will come to the rescue when needed. Has unshakable principles.
  2. Calf. Kind and attentive Ratibor. Endowed with a subtle sense of humor and a cheerful disposition, therefore he becomes “the guy” in any company. Gifted with a sharp mind and able to calculate his own and others’ steps several steps ahead. With age, he becomes more and more tough, loving to command and dominate, which many people perceive negatively and move away from the man.
  3. Twins. Sociable and erudite Ratibor. He loves making new acquaintances and knows how to quickly interest his interlocutor in a conversation on almost every topic. He loves to be the center of attention, so he tries to do everything for this, and may even behave provocatively. Due to being alone for a long time, he develops depression.
  4. Cancer. A fickle and emotional man. He is very active and active, strives for popularity, but at the same time he can deceive and betray others for his own benefit. He easily forgets promises and has no life principles. He easily changes his point of view on any occasion when he realizes that it is outdated. It is very important for him to marry a devoted and strong representative of the fair sex, who will be an inspiration for him in all his endeavors.
  5. A lion. Ratibor with a unique charm. He always gains popularity and becomes the center of attention of any company, even those where people are opposed. He knows how to interest girls and is very romantic. He is able to envelop his chosen one with attention and care, but quickly cools down. He can break off a relationship with lightning speed and go on a date with another person on the same day. Such a Ratibor dreams of strong relationships, but nature often takes over.
  6. Virgo. A distrustful and lonely man. It has persistent life principles and always relies on himself. Values ​​independence. He has a subtle aesthetic taste and creative intelligence. He likes to fantasize, and at the same time idealizes the people around him, which is why he quickly becomes disappointed in them. In relationships with girls he is romantic, looking for one companion for life.
  7. Scales. Charming, but a little insecure Ratibor. He is shy and often cannot make important decisions when required. He is deprived of strong-willed qualities, so he rarely becomes a leader. He tries not to take responsibility, which is why he may not start a family at all.
  8. Scorpion. Ratibor, standing firmly on his feet. He wants to get the most out of life, so he works hard, sets goals and achieves them. Dreams of glory, always making “Napoleonic” plans. He is confident in himself and makes important decisions easily. He behaves arrogantly in society and always defends his position in a dispute. Often he judges people superficially and equates everyone with the same brush. It is difficult for women to find a common language with him, but the lady who finds an approach will be surprised by his makings of a wonderful family man.
  9. Sagittarius. Cheerful but fickle Ratibor. In business he is not distinguished by commitment, which is why he fails at the beginning of his career ladder. She dreams of becoming a world-famous celebrity, but often cannot make a fateful decision that will open the way to fame. He is very amorous and can build strong relationships with any type of woman, but he constantly idealizes his partner and then becomes disappointed.
  10. Capricorn. Hardworking and responsible Ratibor. He strives to build a career, makes plans and sets goals, which he achieves. Obligatory, always keeps his promise. Has a reputation as a reliable person. He rarely creates a family because he values ​​independence. Always achieves material well-being, and often world fame and glory.
  11. Aquarius. Ratibor, who has big plans for life. He often achieves success thanks to his strong-willed character. He is pleasant in communication, knows how to maintain a conversation on various topics and is capable of empathy. He will not indulge in betrayal and will always help a friend in difficult times.
  12. Fish. Not a serious man. He tries not to take responsibility, and in business he is not distinguished by commitment. Can't speak important topics, always tries to turn the conversation into a joke. He is unstable in relationships with girls, so he rarely marries.

Professional activities and hobbies

Ratibor often makes a good leader. He can achieve success in the career of a military man, lawyer or investigator. Because of his love for sports, he often becomes a coach or fitness instructor.

Thanks to planning, a sharp mind and strong-willed qualities, he can achieve good results, if he organizes his own business. Ratibor does not strive for luxury, so he can donate most of his income to those in need.

In any activity he tries to realize his potential and become a recognizable person. Free time dedicates to sports. Can spend hours outdoors with a fishing rod or gun. Usually likes to read books and enjoys computer games.

Love relationships and marriage

In most cases, Ratibor manifests itself as faithful husband. However, the wife often complains to the man that he rarely says pleasant words. Ratik is not inclined to show emotions violently, so a woman should be prepared for some dryness in a relationship.

A man usually has little free time. Does not visit restaurants and nightclubs, does not specifically seek to find a partner. In building a family, he adheres to conservative views.

To create harmonious relationships, Ratibor can pay attention to compatible female names:

  1. Maria.
  2. Elizabeth.
  3. Catherine.
  4. Alice.
  5. Veronica.

A man’s character is formed under the influence of many factors.: upbringing, environment, time of birth and zodiac sign. Each representative of the stronger sex named Ratibor is a unique personality.

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