The developed industry and high level of the country's economy are key factors influencing the wealth and well-being of its population. Such a state has great economic opportunities and potential. Manufacturing is a significant component of the economy of many countries.

What is modern production?

It is a type of material production based on the application of science and technology. Intensive changes in traditional production occurred in the mid-90s, when the industry began to use technical innovations and developments of world scientists of the 20th century. All areas of modern production depend on science and information.

Structure of modern production

Modern production is divided into two types of activity:

  1. Material production, which includes sectors of the national economy that produce material goods: agriculture, industry, construction, etc.
  2. which, in turn, is divided into two types:
  • material services are aimed at satisfying the physical needs of the consumer, continuing the production process, and providing the necessary conditions for business activity. These include food production, transportation, communications, trade, storage of goods, tourism, maintenance of processes in enterprises, housing and consumer services;
  • intangible services - actions aimed directly at a person and his surrounding conditions. The result of such services does not take substantive form. These include insurance, social services, health care, scientific activities, spiritual and intellectual services, hospitality, entertainment, education and counseling.

This structure of modern production is due to the rapid development in recent years of various types of services and information technologies.

Features of modern production

Modern production is characterized by the following features:

  • increasing the importance of services in production processes;
  • the ability to satisfy not only the current needs of the consumer, but also his potential requirements;
  • development of information technologies that underlie production processes;
  • The economy of many countries depends significantly on intangible spheres: culture and art.

Factors of modern production

  1. Personnel - an enterprise uses the labor of specially trained people to create goods or change natural objects to meet the needs of society.
  2. Means of labor are various kinds of material things with the help of which goods and services necessary for humanity are created. These include technology (machines, tools, equipment, various apparatus and tools), natural resources (for example, water at hydroelectric power stations). Thanks to the means of labor, natural resources are transformed into useful objects and benefits.
  3. Objects of labor are things or a combination of them that humanity uses to satisfy its needs. They are divided into natural substances that have not been altered (coal seam), and raw materials that have undergone some processing (broken ore).
  4. Information - recently it plays a decisive role in production processes. Even if a company has the first three factors, without information it is doomed to close.

Production technology

The production technology of an enterprise is a set of special techniques and knowledge that are used to produce goods of appropriate quality. The use of technology must be accompanied by documentation describing all the requirements, conditions and quality standards that the enterprise is guided by in the production process.

A manufacturing company applies a set of input factors that shape the technology of the enterprise. For example, the owner of a confectionery shop uses the labor of hired bakers, raw materials in the form of flour, sugar, various additives and capital - equipment, ovens, various techniques for the production of bread, pies and confectionery.

Modern technology is more progressive, and the enterprise can make some adjustments to it in order to increase the volume of finished products with a set of standard production factors. So, the owner calculates what is more profitable: a labor-intensive manual production process or the use of capital-intensive equipment.

Modern production technologies play a key role in operational efficiency. For this reason, the world actively disseminates and exchanges advanced know-how. Thus, economists have identified information as a new special factor of modern production.

Information as the key to success

Information is a set of specific knowledge and information. All areas of modern production largely depend on it. Information plays a vital role, providing programmatic control of equipment, organization of the production process and its control, the ability to quickly make changes, instant dissemination of progressive ideas and technologies, improving the skills and knowledge level of workers.

The importance of knowledge in all areas is growing every day. Economists have identified this trend as a separate process, which they called the information revolution. It was this that caused the transition of developed countries from an industrial type of society to an information one.

Types of modern production

The 21st century is characterized by a great variety of industrial activities. The largest enterprises compete to develop new market niches, creating previously unknown goods and services.

It is very difficult to list all types of production that exist today. But depending on the topic of activity, all of them are combined into the following groups:

  1. Food production.
  2. Construction.
  3. Production of consumer goods.
  4. Recycling.
  5. Production of building materials.
  6. Production of material base for enterprises.
  7. Chemical production.

In each country, the development of these may differ and depends mainly on the availability of the necessary raw materials and production capacity.

Organization of modern production

The organization is the unification of all processes and elements of production, ensuring their interaction, creating conditions for the implementation of the economic goals of the enterprise and the social needs of workers.

Thanks to rapid technological development and the development of new types of activities, the organization of production itself has changed significantly.

Thus, in the era of industrial society, industrial production was considered the main branch of the national economy. It was based on mass production, which went down in history as Fordism - on behalf of Henry Ford, who first used this method of organization at his automobile plant. The key components of mass production at that time were:

  • rationalization - the breakdown of each labor action into the simplest operations and the determination of their sequence that would lead to the fastest production;
  • standardization of parts and processes - reducing the variety of operations in order to reduce time costs;
  • conveyorization of continuous production - increasing the volume of manufactured products and reducing its cost.

Thus, mass production provided a large increase in labor productivity and significant savings in resources.

However, in the future, society faced the first problems of such an organization. Mass production of goods oversaturated the market with similar products, and consumer demand increasingly shifted towards exclusive goods. This individualization of demand forced most industrial enterprises to change and begin to use multi-purpose software controlled equipment, which is still used today.

The widespread introduction of such flexible production systems is the main feature of the organization of modern production. Due to this, production volumes can still be large, but the product has a diverse range.

Problems of modern production

In modern conditions of economic development, manufacturing enterprises face important problems:

  1. Any type of production requires constant technical modernization. For activities to be effective and profitable, it is necessary to ensure production growth, increase competitiveness, and expand markets for goods. To achieve these tasks, technological modernization should be applied.
  2. Lack of funding and material and technical base. In such conditions, enterprises do not have the opportunity to develop, introduce new technologies and innovations, or master the highest level of production.
  3. Insufficiently developed research work in enterprises. This problem negatively affects the state of the industry as a whole. Imperfect knowledge, lack of development and modern research lead to a gradual decline in activity and a decrease in the growth rate of production.
  4. Deterioration of social conditions at the enterprise, which leads to a sharp outflow of qualified personnel. The lack of specialists has a negative impact on the development of industry.

These problems can be solved by investing in modern production technologies. To do this, you can use the internal capital of the enterprise or attract financing from outside.

Modern production and ecology

Manufacturing has a lot to do with nature. Modern industry uses natural resources in large quantities. As a result, nature is depleted, people's health and their living conditions deteriorate. This problem is so urgent that the governments of all countries have set themselves the task of mandatory accounting of the environmental factor.

This decision has made significant changes in the production of modern enterprises. They are forced to switch to non-waste and use protective and purification devices, conduct scientific development and research on environmental protection.

- an important component of the economic complex of the Russian Federation, the leading role of which is determined by the fact that it provides all sectors of the economy with tools and new materials, and serves as the most active factor in scientific and technological progress and expansion in general. Among other sectors of the economy, industry stands out for its complex and area-forming functions.

In 2008, Russia operated 456 thousand industrial enterprises, where 14.3 million people were employed, ensuring production output in the amount of 20,613 billion rubles.

Russian industry has complex diversified and multi-sectoral structure, reflecting changes in development, in improving the territorial division of social labor, associated with scientific and technological progress.

Modern industry is characterized by a high level of specialization. As a result of the deepening of the social, many industries, sub-sectors and types of production arose, which together form the sectoral structure of industry. The current industrial classification identifies 11 complex industries and 134 sub-sectors.

Sectoral structure of Russian industry* (% of total)

Industries 1992 1995 2000 2004
Industry - in general 100 100 100 100
Including: 8,1 10,5 9,2 7,6
14,0 16,9 15,8 17,1
Of which: oil producing 9,0 10,9 10,4 12,1
oil refining 2,3 2,6 2,3 2,1
gas 1,4 1,8 1,7 1,5
coal 1,2 1,5 1,4 1,3
ferrous metallurgy 6,7 7,7 8,6 8,2
non-ferrous metallurgy 7,3 9,0 10,3 10,3
mechanical engineering and metalworking 23,8 0 20,5 22,2
chemical and petrochemical 6,4 19,2 7,5 7,2
forestry, woodworking and pulp and paper 5,0 6,3 4,8 4,3
production of building materials 4,4 5,1 2,9 2,9
light 5,2 3,7 1,8 1,4
food 14,5 2,3 14,9 15,4
flour-grinding and feed milling 4,0 2,0 1,6 1,2

Since 2005, domestic statistics have switched to a slightly different classification of industries, which is designated as dividing the volume of shipped goods of own production, work performed and services into three groups of industries:

  • mining;
  • manufacturing industries;
  • production and distribution of electricity, gas and water.

At the same time, 2/3 is accounted for by manufacturing industries, the share of which is slowly increasing, more than 1/5 is in mining, and approximately 1/10 is in the third division.

The sectoral structure of industry is determined by many social and economic factors, the main of which are: the level of production development, technical progress, socio-historical conditions, production skills of the population, natural resources. The most significant of them, characterizing changes in the sectoral structure of industry, is scientific and technological progress.

Industry is divided into:

  • mining, which includes industries related to the extraction and enrichment of ore and non-metallic raw materials, as well as the extraction of sea animals, fishing and other sea products;
  • processing, which includes enterprises processing mining products, semi-finished products, as well as processing agricultural products, forestry and other raw materials. Manufacturing industries form the basis of heavy industry.

According to the economic purpose of the product the entire industry is divided into two large groups: group “A” - production of means of production and group “B” - production of consumer goods. However, it should be noted that the division of industry into these groups does not coincide with the sectoral structure of industrial production, since the natural form of the manufactured product does not yet determine its economic purpose. Since the products of many enterprises can be intended for both industrial and non-productive consumption, they are classified into one group or another, depending on their actual use.

The sectoral structure of industry in modern Russia is characterized by:

  • the predominance of industries for the extraction and primary processing of fuel and raw materials;
  • low share of the top, most technically complex industries;
  • low share of light industry and other industries focused on the immediate needs of the population;
  • high share of branches of the military-industrial complex.

This industrial structure cannot be considered effective. The sectors of the fuel and energy complex, metallurgy and the military-industrial complex are called “the three pillars of Russian industry,” because they determine its face and role in the international system of territorial division of labor.

During the economic crisis of the 1990s. The largest reduction in production was observed in the manufacturing industries, especially in mechanical engineering and light industry. At the same time, the mining industry and primary processing of raw materials increased their share in Russian industrial production. Changes in the sectoral structure of industry are also due to physical wear and tear and obsolescence of equipment, which affected the upper levels of industry producing technically complex products. At the beginning of 2008, the degree of wear and tear in the group of industries extracting minerals exceeded 53%, in manufacturing - 46%, and in industries involved in the production and distribution of electricity, gas and water - 52%.

With the recovery from the economic crisis, there has been a revival in almost all industries; mechanical engineering, food, pulp and paper industries and certain chemical and petrochemical industries are developing especially dynamically. And yet today the sectoral structure of industrial production in Russia has much more features of a developing country than an economically developed country.

Forms of territorial organization of industry. The spatial combination of industries and individual industries is influenced by many factors. These include the provision of mineral and raw materials, fuel and energy, material and labor resources. The noted factors are closely related to each other, having a certain impact on the location of enterprises and various sectors of the economy. In the process of placing industrial production, various forms of its territorial organization emerged.

Large economic zones are vast territorial formations with characteristic natural and economic conditions for the development of productive forces.

There are two large economic zones on the territory of the Russian Federation:

  • Western, which includes the European part of the country along with the Urals, which is characterized by a shortage of fuel, energy and water resources, a high concentration of industrial production and the predominant development of manufacturing industries;
  • Eastern, which includes the territory of Siberia and the Far East, which is characterized by the presence of large reserves of fuel, energy and mineral resources, poor development of the territory and the predominance of extractive industries.

This division into large economic zones is used in the analysis and determination of the promising territorial proportions of the country’s economic complex.

Industrial areas They are large territories with relatively homogeneous natural conditions, with a characteristic direction for the development of productive forces, with an appropriate existing material and technical base, production and social infrastructure.

On the territory of Russia there are about 30 industrial areas, of which 2/3 are located in the Western zone of the country. The highest concentration of industrial districts is observed in the Urals - 7 (Tagil-Kachkanarsky, Ekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Perm, Verkhne-Kama, South Bashkir and Orsko-Khalilovsky), in the Center - 4 (Moscow, Tula-Novomoskovsky, Bryansk-Lyudionovsky and Ivanovo ) and in the north of the Volga region (Samara, Nizhnekamsk, South Tatar). In the east of the country, industrial regions are mainly located in the Trans-Siberian Railway zone - Kuznetsky in Western Siberia, Irkutsk-Cheremkhovo in Eastern Siberia, South Yakutsk and South Primorsky in the Far East. The Far North is characterized by a focal distribution of industrial regions - Kola in the European North, Middle Ob and Nizhneob in Western Siberia, Norilsk in Eastern Siberia. The specialization of the economy of each industrial region reflects the direction of development of the economy of the region on whose territory it is located.

Industrial agglomerations— territorial economic entities characterized by a high level of concentration of enterprises in various sectors of the economy, infrastructure facilities and scientific institutions, as well as a high population density. The economic prerequisites for the development of industrial agglomeration are a high level of concentration and diversification of production, as well as the possibility of making the most efficient use of industrial and social infrastructure systems.

The compact placement of a group of enterprises from various sectors of the economy leads to a reduction in the occupied territory required for industrial construction by an average of 30%, and reduces the number of buildings and structures by 25%. Savings reach 20% of costs for common facilities due to the creation of unified complexes for auxiliary purposes, production and social infrastructure.

The country has large industrial agglomerations: Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg, Yaroslavl, etc. However, excessive development and concentration of production beyond certain limits have a negative impact, significantly reducing the economic effect. This is primarily related to environmental protection issues and the development of the social sphere.

An industrial hub is considered as a group of industries compactly located in a small area. Its main feature is participation in the system of territorial division of labor of the country, the presence of production connections between enterprises, the commonality of the settlement system, social and technical infrastructure. Industrial nodes are planned and developed as elements of dissected spatial structures of territorial production complexes and represent a qualitatively new phenomenon in the regulated process of development of the territorial structure of the economy.

Similar forms of territorial organization of the economy are developing not only in old industrial areas (for example, in Zheleznogorsk, associated with the extraction and enrichment of iron ores of the Kursk magnetic anomaly, and in Cheboksary, the development of which was facilitated by the Cheboksary hydroelectric station, a tractor plant and a chemical plant with related industries), but and in areas of new development (Sayanogorsk, which is being formed on the basis of electric power generated by the Sayano-Shushenskaya and Mainskaya hydroelectric power stations, and energy-intensive industries).

Industrial centers for the most part, they do not have technological connections with each other, so such placement reduces the opportunities for the development of cooperation, and, consequently, their growth efficiency. Regional centers serve as an example.

Under industrial point understand the territory within which one or more enterprises of one industry are located (small towns and workers' villages).

In recent decades, such forms of industrial organization as technopolises and technoparks have developed in Russia, which can be used to rebuild production on a new technological basis, preserve scientific and technical potential and finance science, and attract investment.

In Russia, technopolises and technoparks are created on the basis of educational and research institutes that maintain close ties with industry. They exist in the form of joint ventures (JVs), joint stock companies (JSCs), associations, etc. Such forms of territorial organization of the economy are being developed in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Tomsk. It is planned to create technology parks in Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don, and Chelyabinsk (closed cities of the military-industrial complex).

National economy- a historically established complex (set) of industries in a given country, interconnected by the division of labor.

- an important part of the economic complex of the Russian Federation.

Russian industry has a complex, diversified, diversified structure, reflecting changes in the development of productive forces, in improving the territorial division of social labor, associated with scientific and technological progress.


Fuel and Energy Complex

One of the intersectoral complexes, which is a set of closely interconnected and interacting sectors of the fuel industry and electric power industry, meeting the needs of the national economy and population in fuel and energy resources.

The fuel and energy complex is the most important structural component of the Russian economy, one of the factors in the development and deployment of the country’s productive forces. The share of the fuel and energy complex in 2007 reached 60% in the country's export balance.

Fuel industry. Mineral fuel is the main source of energy in the modern economy. Russia ranks first in the world in terms of fuel resources.

The fuel and energy complex includes such industries as:
  • Gas industry
  • Coal industry
  • Oil industry
  • Electric power industry

Gas industry

- the youngest and fastest growing industry. It is engaged in the production, transportation, storage and distribution of natural gas.

Gas production is 2 times cheaper than oil production and 10-15 times cheaper than coal production. About 1/3 of the world's proven natural gas reserves are concentrated in Russia. The European part accounts for 11.6%; the eastern regions account for 84.4%. Over 90% of natural gas is produced in Western Siberia.

The development of the gas industry is closely related to gas pipeline transport. To transport gas in Russia, a Unified Gas Supply System has been created. Most often, gas pipelines lead from the territory of western Siberia to the west.

Russian gas pipelines:
  • Brotherhood
  • Northern Lights
  • Yamal-Europe (connects gas fields in the north of Western Siberia with end consumers in Western Europe)
  • Blue Stream (under the Black Sea to Turkey)
  • South Stream (under the Black Sea to Italy and Austria)
  • Nord Stream (under the Baltic Sea to Germany)

Oil industry

— engaged in oil production and transportation, as well as associated gas production.

Russia has quite large proven oil reserves (about 8% of global reserves, 6th place in the world)

Largest oil fields:
  • Samotlorskoe
  • Ust-Balykskoye
  • Megionskoe
  • Yuganskoe
  • Kholmogorskoe
  • Varyegonskoe

Coal industry

- is engaged in the extraction and primary processing of hard and brown coal and is the largest branch of the fuel industry in terms of the number of workers and the cost of production fixed assets.

Coal mining. China USA Germany, India

Coal mining in Russia:
  1. Kuznetsk coal basin (Kuzbas) (Kemerovo region) (55%)
  2. Kansk-Achinsk coal basin - open-pit mining and the lowest cost. Tomsk, Krasnoyarsk - cities of consumption (one seventh)
  3. The South Yakut coal basin (9%) is mined by open pit mining, has high quality (hard coal is mined), a significant part of the coal is exported to Japan,
  4. The Pechersk corner of the basin is located on the territory of Yakutia, its share accounts for 7 - 8%, coal is very expensive, and is mined by mining. Used in skull metallurgical plant)
  5. Eastern wing of the Dombass. Mine production. Coal is expensive in terms of production costs. the rock is very thin
Local type coal basins:
  • Carboniferous (Kizelovsky Irkutsk, Burinsky Alexandrovsky)
  • lignite (Moscow basin, Chelyabinsk, South Ural, Nizhnezeysky)
  • Prospective basins (those basins that are not being developed) (Lensky in the Lena River basin and Tungussky in the Yenisei basin)

Electric power industry

— part of the fuel and energy complex, ensuring the production and distribution of electricity and heat.

Russia ranks fourth in the world in electricity production after the USA, China and Japan.

Electricity production is carried out by thermal power plants, hydroelectric power plants and nuclear power plants.


Thermal power plants provide two thirds of the energy in the Russian Federation

They are built relatively quickly and at lower costs and are located either in areas of fuel production or in areas of consumption.

The following is used as fuel:
  • Coal: Nazarovskaya, Irsha-Borodinskaya, Berezovskaya (in the Kansk-Achinsk basin)
  • Mazut: group of Surgut power plants
  • Gas: Konakok
  • Peat: Ivanovskaya

A type of TPP is TPP, which are located only in areas of consumption since their radius of action does not exceed 25 kilometers.


14% electricity

They are built in areas of consumption where there are no energy resources of their own, since one kilogram of uranium replaces 2,500 tons of coal.

The highest density of nuclear power plants is in the European part of Russia.

Russia is a pioneer in the development of nuclear energy.

Nuclear power plants in Russia:
  • Kola
  • Leningradskaya (40 km from St. Petersburg)
  • Kalininskaya
  • Smolenskaya
  • Kursk
  • Novovoroneskaya, Rostovskaya
  • Balakovskaya
  • Beloyarskaya
  • Bilivinskaya (in Chukotka)
hydroelectric power station

15% of total electricity generation.

Hydroelectric power stations are built on large rivers. We have the most powerful hydroelectric power plants. The most powerful former Sayano-Shushenskaya)

  • Sayano-Shushenskaya 6.4
  • Krasnoyarsk
  • Bratskaya 4.5
  • Ust-Ilimskaya 4.3

These are located on the Yenisei. We built less powerful ones on the Volga River. They have different capacities (maximum 2.2 million kilowatts per year)

A type of hydroelectric power station is TPP (tidal power station). It is most profitable to build in rocky areas (for example, on the Kola Peninsula, called Kislogubskaya).

A new type - geothermal power plants - generate electricity from the internal heat of the earth, near volcanoes, for example, in Yakutia, the Paurzhetskaya hydroelectric power station, and the recently launched Maynutnovskaya one.

Metallurgical complex

The metallurgical complex includes ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy.

Ferrous metallurgy includes a full cycle (cast iron > steel > rolled metal) - this is full-cycle metallurgy, and there is also a pigment metallurgy, which does not contain cast iron (steel > rolled metal).

Russia ranks first in the world in ferrous metallurgy and fourth in mining.

The first place in production in Russia is the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly.

Factors that influence the location of iron and steel industry:
  • availability of raw materials
  • Availability of fuel
  • availability of water
  • availability of electricity

In accordance with this, metallurgical plants are located either in raw material extraction areas (Lipetsk, Stary Oskol) or in fuel extraction areas (Novokuznetsk) or between them (Cherepovetsk).

On the territory of Russia it has developed three metallurgical bases. One of the bottom Ural- the most powerful 45% of the metal, and the oldest in terms of time of occurrence. There are four full-cycle metallurgical plants operating here (Chelyabinsk Magnitogorsk, Novotroitsk Nizhny Tagil); all of them are located in the eastern part of the Urals. Conversion plants are located on the western slopes of the Urals (Zlatoust, Chusavoy, Serov).

Central metallurgy produces 37% of metal and allocate two subzones(southern— there is iron ore here, coal is nearby, but the water problem is acute (Lipetsk and Stary Oskol) and northern the subzone is the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant, where iron ore comes from Karelia and coal from Pechora.

Conversion plants are located in Volgograd, Nizhny Novgorod, Vyksa, and Kulebaki.

Third metallurgical base - Siberian(18% ferrous metals) there are two full-cycle plants here - West Siberian and Novokuznetsk.

Raw materials in CM have two features:
  • low metal content in ore
  • multicomponent composition
Production of non-ferrous metals includes:
  • production
  • enrichment
  • concentrate production
  • rough metal production
  • refining
Factors for placement of non-ferrous metals:
  • raw material
  • fuel and energy

Based on their physical properties, CMs are divided into two groups:

  • light metals (aluminium, titanium, magnesium)
  • Heavy metals (copper, lead, zinc, nickel, tin)
Depending on this classification, CM is divided into two sub-sectors:
  • metallurgy of light metals;
  • metallurgy of heavy metals
Metallurgy of light metals

The raw materials for aluminum production are bauxite and nickelite.

Aluminum production includes two stages:
  • alumina production, which is located near the raw materials.
  • production of aluminum metal, which is very electrically intensive and is located near large sources of cheap electricity. (these are Krasnoyarsk, Bratsk, Sayano-Gorsk, Shelekhov - all four of these plants are located in eastern Siberia, Volgograd, Volkhov, Nadvoitsy, Kandalaksha, all of these plants are based on hydroelectric power plants, but Novokuznetsk, Kamensk-Uralsky are based on thermal power plants, which ensure their work.
Metallurgy of heavy metals

Very material intensive. and is usually located near sources of raw materials (the production of one ton of copper requires 100 tons of ore, one ton of tin requires 300 tons of ore)

Copper industry

The main copper deposits are located in the Urals, areas of eastern Siberia and the northern region.

Nickel-cobalt production.

The main reserves are the north of eastern Siberia, the Urals, and the Murmansk region.

Aluminum, copper and nickel - eastern Siberia, the Urals and the northern economic region - they are all produced only here. Tin wests are located in the north 85%.

polymetallic ores (lead and zinc) polymetallic ores are located in mountainous regions along the southern borders (northern Caucasus, northern Ossetia, south western Siberia, south eastern Siberia and in the Primorsky region in the Far East.)

Mechanical Engineering placement factors:
  • Specialization and cooperation of production
  • Availability of highly qualified labor resources
  • Availability of consumer
  • Availability of raw materials
  • Transport-geographical location

Automotive industry

Everything except raw materials has a decisive influence on placement. First place in terms of production volume: economic regions of Togliatti, Ulyanovsk, Engels, Naberezhnye Chelny, second place Volgovyatsky district - Nizhny Novgorod, Pavlovo, third place central regions - Golitsino, Likeno, Serpukhov, Ivanovo, last place Ural - Izhevsk, Kurgan, Miass , new centers.

Car manufacturing

Determining factors:

  • raw materials
  • transport-geographical location

Types of cars:

  • Freight cars: Abakan, Novoaltaysk
  • Passenger cars - Tver, Korolev
  • Tram cars - Ust-Katav,
  • Cars for the metro: Mytishchi, Leningrad plant named after Egorov
  • Electric trains: Riga, Denyukhova district

Locomotive engineering is divided into electric locomotives and diesel locomotives.

Historical factors are added to the factors of placement of electric locomotives. in the USSR the largest was Tbilisi, now Novocherkassk.

Production of diesel locomotives - Kolomna, Lyudinovo, Udelnaya, Murom, Bryansk


placement factors:

  • specialization and cooperation are the most important
  • labor resources
Marine shipbuilding

Large factories: St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Vyborg, in the north Severodvinsk and Arkhangelsk.

River shipbuilding - on the Volga - Nizhny Novgorod Volgograd Astrakhan, on the Ob Tyumen, on the Yenieye Krasnoyarsk, on the Amur Blagoveshchensk, Khabarovsk, Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

Tractor manufacturing

Placement factors:
  • raw materials
  • consumer
Tractors are produced:
  • agricultural - Lipetsk, Chelyabinsk, Volgograd, Rubtsovsk,
  • industrial - Kirovets (St. Pererburg) Cheboksary.
  • skidding tractors - the city of Petrozavodsk (where there are forests)
  • potato harvesters - Ryazan
  • flax harvesting - Bezhevsk, Tver region

Agricultural engineering is located at the consumer's site, but taking into account the specifics of agriculture in a given territory. Rostov-on-Don, Taganrog, Krasnoyarsk.

Timber industry complex


  • predominance of coniferous species (90%)
  • predominance of mature and overmature forest stands (60 years for deciduous trees, 100 years for coniferous trees)
  • uneven placement
The forestry industry consists of three branches: Logging located in forested areas:
  • northern region (Arkhangelsk region, Republic of Komi and Karelia)
  • Ural region (Perm region and Sverdlovsk region)
  • Western Siberia (south of the Tyumen region and Tomsk region)
  • Eastern Siberia (southern Krasnoyarsk Territory, Irkutsk Region and the Far East (Amur Region, Kharabovsky and Primorsky Territories)
Wood industry

It is located in logging areas, in the lower reaches of rafting rivers, at the intersection of rafting rivers with roads, and in consumption areas.

Pulp and paper industry placement factors:
  • availability of raw materials
  • availability of electricity
  • availability of water
Paper production:
  • The first place in production is occupied by the northern region - it produces more than half of all paper - Arkhangelsk, Kotlas, Syktyvkar, Segezha, Kandapoga.
  • The second place in paper production produces paper - they produce special paper - stamp paper - Solikamsk, Krasnokamsk, Krasnovishevsk, Novaya Lyalya,
  • The third place is occupied by the Volgo-Vyatka economic region - Volzhsk, Balakhna, Pravdinsk
  • Fourth place - northwestern region - Svetogorsk
  • Fifth place is Eastern Siberia - Bratsk and Ust-Ilinsk. and the Far East. Amursk city

but in Western Siberia there is no pulp and paper industry.

Chemical complex

Mining chemistry

This is the extraction of chemical raw materials - apatite of the Kola Peninsula (first place in the world in extraction)

Basic Chemistry

Production of mineral fertilizers, acids, alkalis and soda

Mineral fertilizer industry, production potash fertilizers- placed near the raw materials.

Berezniki, Solikamsk, (Perm region, Ural region)

All types of fertilizers are produced in the Ural ecological region.

Phasphate fertilizers, are placed with the consumer since all units of finished products are obtained from one unit of raw materials.

Production of nitrogen fertilizers

It has the freest nature of placement since coal is used as a raw material (Kemerovo)

waste from metallurgical production (sulfur dioxide) Cherepovetsk, Lipetsk, Magnitogorsk, and the third type of raw material is natural gas - the city of Nevinnomysk in the northern Caucasus, Novomoskovsk (Tula region) Veliky Novgorod. Novgorod region, its budget is mostly replenished from mineral fertilizers.

Agriculture and agro-industrial complex

Three areas of education:

  • industries providing agriculture and processing industries with means of production
  • the second sphere is agriculture
  • third area - industries that process agricultural raw materials (food industry)


Industrial production and environmental quality

General trends in production development

Saving fuel and energy resources is the most important area of ​​rational environmental management

Greening the economy

Features of the indicator behavior

Main indicators of environmental hazard of the regional industrial complex

Full title indicator - industrial production index (index of industrial production Index). The abbreviations index of prom production, Indust Product, Industr Produ, Ind Prod, Indu, etc. are usually used. Indicator measures output in industry, extractive industries and consuming industries industries, reflecting the growth of the industrial production and utilities index in the country excluding the construction sector. It is one of the main indicators reflecting the state of the national economy. 39% index is based on physical data of production volume, the rest index based on hours worked by employees and data on consumed energy. It is measured indexically in % - the total value and the change in the index for the month. You should know that industrial production Index is production excluding construction, or otherwise “net production”. The general one taking into account the products of the construction sector is given in the same report and is called the Manufacturing Production Index. Its lesser mention is due to the high volatility of construction data, which reduces the correctness of assessments of the situation in production based on this index. The report is published at 09:15 am Washington time or 17:15 Moscow time, usually on the 15th month following the reporting period by the Federal Reserve Board's analytical department for the previous month.

Relationship with other indicators. depends on the level of capacity utilization (Capacity Utilisation), industrial orders in the previous month (durable goods Orders, Factory Orders), for a longer period period To predict the level of production, business activity indices are used, in particular, managers of the industrial sector (NAPM Index). An increase in production usually leads to an increase in the demand for labor and, accordingly, a drop in unemployment (Unemployment rate); also, the growth of industrial production has a positive effect on company income, GDP, and stock indices. The indicator has a significant impact on. An increase in this indicator leads to an increase in the exchange rate of the national currency.

Social production for the entire historical period Its development went through 3 stages, which correspond to 3 types of division of labor.

An industry is a set of homogeneous enterprises characterized by common unity: consumer or industrial purposes of manufactured products, processed raw materials, used material and technical base, and professional personnel.

At all stages of his development, man was closely connected with the world around him. But since the emergence of a highly industrialized society, dangerous human intervention in nature has sharply increased, the scope of this intervention has expanded, it has become more diverse and now threatens to become a global danger to humanity. The cost of non-renewable raw materials is increasing, more and more arable land is leaving the economy as cities and factories are built on it. Man has to increasingly intervene in the economy of the biosphere - that part of our planet in which life exists. The Earth's biosphere is currently subject to increasing anthropogenic impact. At the same time, several of the most significant processes can be identified, any of which does not improve the environmental situation on the planet. The most widespread and significant is chemical pollution of the environment with substances of a chemical nature that are unusual for it. Among them are gaseous and aerosol pollutants of industrial and domestic origin. The accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is also progressing. Further development of this process will strengthen the undesirable trend towards an increase in the average annual temperature on the planet. Environmentalists are also concerned about the ongoing pollution of the World Ocean with black gold and petroleum products, which has already reached almost half of its total surface. Oil pollution of this size can cause significant disruptions in gas and water exchange between the hydrosphere and the atmosphere. There is no doubt about the importance of chemical contamination of the soil with pesticides and its increased acidity, leading to the collapse of the ecosystem. In general, all the factors considered that can be attributed to the polluting effect have a noticeable impact on processes occurring in the biosphere.

Industrial production and environmental quality

The 20th century brought humanity many benefits associated with the rapid development of scientific and technological progress, and at the same time brought life on Earth to the brink of an environmental disaster. Population growth, intensification of production and emissions that pollute the Earth lead to fundamental changes in nature and affect the very existence of man. Some of these changes are extremely strong and so widespread that global environmental problems arise. There are serious problems of pollution (atmosphere, water, soil), acid rain, radiation damage to the territory, as well as the loss of certain species of plants and living organisms, depletion of biological resources, deforestation and desertification of territories.

Problems arise as a result of such interaction between nature and man, in which the anthropogenic load on the territory (it is determined through the technogenic load and population density) exceeds the ecological capabilities of this territory, due mainly to its natural resource potential and the general stability of natural landscapes (complexes, geosystems) to anthropogenic impacts.

General trends in production development

The main sources of air pollution in our territory countries— machines and installations using sulfur-containing coals and gas.

Significantly pollute the atmosphere from motor transport, thermal power plants, enterprises ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, oil and gas refining, chemical and forestry industry. A large amount of harmful substances enter the atmosphere with vehicle exhaust gases, and their share in air pollution is constantly growing.

With the growth of the industrial production index and its industrialization, environmental protection measures based on MPC standards and their derivatives become insufficient to reduce already formed pollution. Therefore, it is natural to turn to the search for integrated characteristics that, reflecting the real state of the environment, would help to choose the environmentally and economically optimal option, and in contaminated (disturbed) conditions, determine the order of restoration and health measures.

With the transition to the path of intensive economic development, an important role is given to the system of economic indicators endowed with the most important functions of economic activity: planning, accounting, evaluation, control and incentives. Like any systemic formation, which is not an arbitrary set, but interconnected elements in a certain integrity, economic indicators are designed to express the final result, taking into account all phases of the reproduction process.

One of the important reasons for the increase in the environmental intensity of the economy was the wear and tear of equipment exceeding all acceptable standards. In basic industries industry, transport wear equipment, including treatment equipment, reaches 70-80%. With the continued operation of such equipment, environmental disasters are sharply increasing.

Typical in this regard was the oil pipeline accident in the Arctic region of the Komi gas pipeline. As a result, up to 100 thousand tons were spilled on the fragile ecosystems of the North, according to various estimates. black gold. This environmental disaster became one of the largest in the world in the 90s, and it was caused by the extreme deterioration of the pipeline. The accident received worldwide publicity, although according to some Russian experts, it is one of many - others were simply hidden. For example, in the same Komi region in 1992, according to the interdepartmental commission on environmental safety, 890 accidents occurred.

The economic damage of environmental disasters is colossal. With the funds saved as a result of preventing accidents, it would be possible to reconstruct the fuel and energy complex over the course of several years and significantly reduce the energy intensity of the entire economy.

Damage caused to nature during the production and consumption of products is the result of irrational environmental management. An objective need has arisen to establish relationships between the results of economic activity and the environmental friendliness of manufactured products and the technology of their production. In accordance with the law, this requires additional costs from work collectives, which must be taken into account when planning. On enterprise it is advisable to distinguish costs for environmental protection related to the production of products and bringing a product to a certain level of environmental quality, or replacing it with another, more environmentally friendly one.

There is a connection between product quality and environmental quality: the higher the product quality (taking into account the environmental assessment of the use of waste and the results of environmental protection activities in the production process), the higher the environmental quality.

How can society's needs for adequate environmental quality be met? Overcoming negative impacts using a well-founded system of norms and standards, linking calculation methods of maximum permissible limits, maximum permissible limits and environmental protection measures; reasonable (integrated, economical) use of natural resources that meets the environmental characteristics of a certain territory; environmental orientation of economic activity, planning and justification of management decisions, expressed in progressive directions of interaction between nature and society, environmental certification of workplaces, technology of manufactured products.

Justification for environmental friendliness seems to be an integral part of the management system, influencing the choice of priorities in providing the national economy with priority resources and services within the planned volumes of consumption.

The difference in production interests and industry tasks determines the specific views of specialists on the problem of greening production, the equipment and technology used and created.

Attempts are being made, on the basis of a unified methodological approach, by calculating specific and general indicators, to express the relationship between natural and cost characteristics in making an economically feasible and environmentally conditioned (acceptable) decision. The priority of natural parameters and indicators meets the needs of resource provision for social production. Cost indicators should reflect the effectiveness of efforts to reduce (or increase) the anthropogenic load on nature. With their help, environmental damage is calculated and the effectiveness of measures to stabilize the environmental management regime is assessed.

It must be said that in addition to this, measures such as:

Providing the company with the production of new, more advanced equipment and equipment for cleaning industrial emissions into the atmosphere from harmful gases, dust, soot and other substances;

Conducting relevant scientific research and development work to create more advanced apparatus and equipment to protect atmospheric air from pollution by industrial emissions;

Installation and commissioning of gas cleaning and dust collection equipment and equipment at enterprises and organizations;

Exercising state control over work gas purification and dust collection installations at industrial enterprises.

Natural-industrial systems, depending on the accepted qualitative and quantitative parameters of technological processes, differ from each other in structure, functioning and the nature of interaction with the natural environment. In fact, even identical in qualitative and quantitative parameters technological processes Natural-industrial systems differ from each other in the uniqueness of their environmental conditions, which leads to different interactions between production and its natural environment. Therefore, the subject of research in environmental engineering is the interaction of technological and natural processes in natural-industrial systems.

The development of modern production, and above all industry, is based largely on the use of fossil raw materials. Among certain types of fossil resources, sources of fuel and electricity should be ranked one of the first places in terms of national economic importance.

A feature of energy production is the direct impact on the natural environment in the process of fuel extraction and combustion, and the changes in natural components that occur are very obvious.

The time when nature seemed inexhaustible is over. The terrible symptoms of destructive human activity appeared with particular force a couple of decades ago, causing in some countries energetic. It became clear that energy resources are limited. This also applies to all other minerals.

The situation can easily be projected onto the provision of electricity to the country. The question arises: how to compensate for the retiring capacity - repair and reconstruct old ones or build new power plants? Studies have shown that simply replacing equipment and extending the life of power units is not the cheapest way. Experts have come to the conclusion that the most profitable is the reconstruction of existing power plants and boiler houses by introducing modern gas turbine and combined cycle plants with higher efficiency.

According to experts, given the current rate of increase GDP, the situation in the energy industry will sharply worsen in the near future. At the same time, already about half of the energy capacity requires replacement. A significant part of thermal power plants, in terms of their technical characteristics, do not meet current energy consumption needs.

Saving fuel and energy resources is the most important area of ​​rational environmental management

With technological progress, primary sources of electricity obtained from hydro- and geothermal power plants are becoming increasingly important. Growing and getting electricity from nuclear power plants. The potential power of all these sources is large, but so far only a small part of them is economically effective.

One of the characteristic features of the modern stage scientific and technological progress is increasing for all types of energy. An important fuel and energy resource is. Expense costs for its extraction and transportation are lower than for solid fuels. Being an excellent fuel (its calorie content is 10% higher than fuel oil, 1.5 times higher than coal and 2.5 times higher than artificial gas), it is also distinguished by high heat transfer in various installations. The gas is used in furnaces that require precise temperature control; it produces little waste and smoke that pollutes the air. Wide Application Natural gas V metallurgy, in the production of cement and in other industries, it allowed us to raise it to a higher technical level work industrial enterprises and increase the volume of products obtained per unit area of ​​technological installations, as well as improve the ecology of the region.

Saving fuel and energy resources is currently becoming one of the most important areas of transferring the economy to the path of intensive development and rational use of natural resources. However, significant opportunities for saving mineral fuel and energy resources exist when using energy resources. Thus, at the stage of enrichment and transformation of energy resources, up to 3% of energy is lost. Currently almost all electricity in the country it is produced by thermal power plants. Therefore, the issue of using non-traditional energy sources is increasingly on the agenda.

At thermal power plants, only 30-40% of thermal energy is usefully used to generate electricity; the rest is dissipated in the environment with flue gases and heated water. Of no small importance in saving mineral fuel and energy resources is the reduction in the specific fuel consumption for electricity production.

Thus, the main areas of energy saving are: improvement technological processes, improvement of equipment, reduction of direct losses of fuel and energy resources, structural changes in production technology, structural changes in manufactured products, improvement of the quality of fuel and energy, organizational and technical measures. The implementation of these activities is caused not only by the need to save energy resources, but also by the importance of taking into account environmental issues when solving energy problems.

Replacing fossil fuels with other sources (solar energy, wave energy, tidal energy, land energy, wind energy) is of great importance. These sources of energy resources are environmentally friendly. By replacing fossil fuels with them, we reduce the harmful impact on nature and save organic energy resources. Experts in the field of energy consider the most promising to be the development of energy and resource-saving technologies and the implementation of an energy saving program.

The increased use of local fuel resources, such as oil, associated gas, brown coal, peat, wood, and animal waste, will partially reduce fuel supplies from abroad. But calculations show that the planned measures for energy saving, maximum use of local fuel resources and non-traditional energy sources can increase the supply of own fuel only to 38-40%.

The main reason for the significant deterioration of the environmental situation is the lack of a sustainable mechanism that takes into account the level of excess of MPC and MPE. This is reflected in the economics of sources that pollute the environment, as well as basic (starting) environmental and economic standards that determine the types of economic, moral punishment or reward.

One of the fundamental premises in the formation of environmental and economic standards is the determination of “proportions” between possible areas of use natural resources within the boundaries of a specific territory. Calculation of standards must be carried out taking into account the following provisions:

For each natural complex, there is a certain value of the maximum permissible anthropogenic load, which does not disrupt natural processes, and its effect can be compensated by self-healing processes;

If the anthropogenic load is higher than the permissible value, but does not exceed the limit level specific for each natural system, disturbances in the natural state of this system caused by the action of the anthropogenic factor can be eliminated as a result of eliminating the load and carrying out environmental protection measures;

If the anthropogenic load on the natural environment has exceeded the maximum level, then processes of irreversible degradation develop.

At the current level of development of production forces, almost all territorial elements and components of the environment are involved in turnover, therefore they are exposed to the negative effects of pollutants and physical factors. Therefore, it is advisable to review existing technological processes that are harmful to the environment.

Greening the economy

Greening the economy is not a completely new problem. The practical implementation of the principles of environmental friendliness is closely related to the knowledge of natural processes and the achieved technical level of production. Novelty is manifested in the equivalence of the exchange between nature and man on the basis of optimal organizational and technical solutions for the creation, for example, of artificial ecosystems, for the use of material and technical resources provided by nature. In the process of greening the economy, experts highlight some features. For example, in order to minimize environmental damage, only one type of product needs to be produced in a particular region. If society needs an expanded range of products, then it is advisable to develop waste-free technologies, effective cleaning systems and techniques, as well as control and measuring equipment. This will allow us to establish the production of useful products from by-products and industrial waste. The main goals that we strive for when greening the economy are reducing the technogenic load, maintaining natural potential through self-healing and the regime of natural processes in nature, reducing losses, comprehensive extraction of useful components, and using waste as a secondary resource.

The development of environmentally-oriented business can significantly change the environmental situation in the country, improve environmental protection and use natural resources. It is obvious that it is impossible to solve environmental problems and achieve a sustainable type of development without a general improvement in the economic situation of the country and effective macroeconomic policy. x resources. The more resources are used, the better for the country. The desire to increase the extraction of natural resources and intensify their exploitation can only accelerate the processes of environmental degradation. Fundamentally different approaches are needed. The underdevelopment of manufacturing and processing industries, infrastructure, and distribution lead to colossal losses of natural resources and raw materials. Is it necessary to increase the burden on nature, knowing that a significant part of natural resources will be used irrationally?

Obviously, the point is not in the volume of use of natural resources and production of intermediate products, but in the economic structures that use them. If the existing inertial trends in environmental management, technogenic approaches to environmental management, and technogenic approaches to the economy continue, the country will never have enough natural resources to maintain the current type of development, even with a significant increase in the exploitation of natural resources. In this regard, it is extremely important to create more favorable - compared to nature-exploiting activities - conditions for business development in resource-saving industries related to the development of manufacturing and processing industries, infrastructure, and distribution. And here we need effective selective support for resource-saving activities. Therefore, the most important direction of economic reforms and the transition to a sustainable type of development is environmentally-oriented structural restructuring, which allows for effective resource conservation. We are talking about the global redistribution of labor, material, and financial resources in the national economy in favor of resource-saving, technologically advanced industries and activities. Emerging market mechanisms should play a huge role in such a redistribution of resources.

Of utmost importance for the development of environmentally-oriented business is a radical change in the investment politicians towards environmental priorities. Two aspects can be distinguished in this direction of capital investments.

Firstly, there is currently no well-developed concept for the long-term development of the country's economy. Hopes that the "invisible hand" market itself will create an effective structure of the economy, are untenable due to the reasons noted above. As a result, a rather chaotic distribution of capital investments occurs, perpetuating a nature-intensive type of development.

Secondly, the effects of the transition to sustainable resource-saving development are underestimated. The annual losses of degraded land, forests, and water resources can be estimated at many millions of dollars. With adequate economic consideration of the environmental factor, the efficiency of resource saving turns out to be much higher than increasing the environmental intensity of the economy, as has been proven by the economic development of developed countries in the last two decades.

It is possible to facilitate the environmental-economic transition to a market economy through environmentally-balanced environmental reforms and the creation of an appropriate economic environment at the macro level, conducive to the development of environmentally-oriented business. Here we can distinguish two types of economic mechanisms and instruments depending on the degree of sectoral coverage. Firstly, mechanisms and instruments operating within the entire economy, its industries and complexes. And, secondly, more special mechanisms and instruments, focused primarily on nature-exploiting industries, the primary sector of the economy, as well as on regulating environmental activities in other industries.

Within the entire economy, we can distinguish mechanisms of privatization, reform of property rights, demonopolization, creation of environmentally consistent systems of taxes, loans, subsidies, trade tariffs and duties, etc. All these mechanisms and reforms of inevitable duties affect the environmental situation to one degree or another.

Over the past decade, there has been increasing recognition of the mutual influence of a healthy environment and sustainable economic development. At the same time, the world was undergoing major political, social and economic changes as many countries began programs to radically restructure their economies. Thus, studying the impact of general economic measures on the environment has become a problem of serious importance and requiring an urgent solution.

It should also be said that general economic reforms sometimes lead to unforeseen damage to the environment. The existence of an obsolete politicians, imperfection market and organizational structures elsewhere in the economy may interact in unintended ways with broader economic reforms and create incentives for overuse of natural resources and environmental degradation. Correcting this situation usually does not require abandoning the original economic policy. Instead, certain additional measures are required to correct market imperfections, organizational structures or outdated policies. Such measures are usually not only beneficial for the environment, but are also a critical component of the success of overall economic reforms

Although general economic measures are not aimed at purposefully influencing the state of nature and the environment, they can affect it, both for the better and for the worse. These include changing exchange rates or interest rates, reducing government deficits, opening up markets, liberalizing trade, strengthening the role of the private sector, and strengthening institutional frameworks. They are often accompanied by price reforms and other reforms in key sectors of the economy, such as agriculture and energy. The study of links between general economic activities and the environment is currently based on empirical analysis of materials from specific countries (i.e., focused on case studies). When conducting research to identify such relationships, a set of analytical methods and approaches is used. The analysis shows the difficulty of developing a common methodology to identify all the environmental impacts of policy reforms. However, it also shows that careful consideration of specific cases of significant environmental impacts can help identify better ways to deal with them, and provides some practical recommendations for applying its findings to your work.

Nature conservation is the task of our century, a problem that has become social. To fundamentally improve the situation, targeted and thoughtful actions will be needed. A responsible and effective policy towards the environment will be possible only if we accumulate reliable data on the current state of the environment, reasonable knowledge about the interaction of important environmental factors, and if we develop new methods for reducing and preventing harm caused to nature by humans.

Now the most important thing is for the state to create, through effective, indirect and direct, economic instruments and regulators, a favorable climate for the development of environmentally-oriented business.

It is important to reject and reconsider many stereotypes in decision-making processes. Modern traditional approaches to economic development are based on the amount of natural resources used. The more resources are used, the better for the country. The desire to increase the extraction of natural resources and intensify their exploitation can only accelerate the processes of environmental degradation. Fundamentally different approaches are needed. The underdevelopment of manufacturing and processing industries, infrastructure, and distribution lead to colossal losses of natural resources and raw materials. Is it necessary to increase the burden on nature, knowing that a significant part of natural resources will be used irrationally?

Industries are grouped into inter-industry complexes: agro-industrial, mechanical engineering, fuel and energy

Industry occupies a leading role in the system of the national economic complex because it technically equips the national economy, generates advanced industrial technologies for other industries, it produces > half GDP and national benefits

Industry structure is the ratio of individual industries to each other, expressed in %. The indicator is the share of the industry in total production V( cost fixed assets, headcount...

Disproportions in economic sectors of the USSR:

1. between groups A (34 manufactured industrial products) and B (14) The ratio of A and B in developed countries: 1:2 or 1:3. In 1913 in the Russian Federation, A accounted for 13 and B accounted for 23 industrial products.

2. between money issue military and civilian products About 34 resources of the national economy in the 80s were involved in the military-industrial complex

Stages of development of the national eq:

1913 is the year of the highest level of development of the national economy. 1920 is the year of the lowest level of development of the national economy (= under Peter1)

Development of Belarusian industry in the period 1991-2000

Industrially developed Belarus, due to the established structure of its production and dependence on the Russian Federation as the main source of raw materials and the main market for Belarusian products, suffered from the collapse of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics () perhaps more than all other union republics.

For 1992-1995 industrial production decreased by 40%, by 60%, cargo shipments by 75%, etc. Such a deep crisis led to the growth of official and especially hidden unemployment, constant state budget and balance of payments, high inflation rates (25-26% monthly for 1992-1994). The main reasons for high inflation rates were an increase in prices for food, an increase in wages and other income population without correlation with the level labor efficiency, covering the public finance deficit through credit emission, etc.

A particularly acute problem facing the industry of Belarus arose due to the insufficient amount of its own energy resources, raw materials and supplies. For Belarus, this policy led to the following negative consequences:

energy resources and metals occupied a dominant position in imports from the CIS countries;

Exports of relatively expensive Belarusian products to the Russian market have decreased due to differences in prices for products from basic industries. As a result, many Belarusian machine-building plants have accumulated stocks of finished products equivalent to three to five months of production;

Trade relations with the Russian Federation, unlike in previous years, began to amount to a large deficit, in order to repay which Belarus was forced to cede control over oil and gas pipelines, oil refineries, etc. As of December 1, 1995, the foreign trade debt of Belarusian enterprises mainly to Russian suppliers for goods, works and services amounted to 9.5 trillion. rubles, and minus the debt of other countries to the Republic of Belarus - 4.4 trillion rubles.

Constant dependence on the import of Russian energy resources and raw materials has tied Belarus quite firmly in foreign trade to the CIS countries and the Russian Federation.

The development of Belarusian industry was significantly influenced by the severance of economic ties and changes in the price ratio for raw materials and products. The main export industries (mechanical engineering and light industry) in the first two years after the collapse of the USSR quite successfully resisted the deterioration of the overall supplier situation. However, when economic changes reached a critical point, both export industries “collapsed”, showing in 1994-1995. the highest rates of production decline.

Another group of industries that uses imported raw materials and semi-finished products (fuel, ferrous, chemical and petrochemical industries), had a slightly different trend of decreasing production volumes. In 1992-1994 Among all industries, these industries were the leaders in the rate of decline in production. However, in 1995, when prices for imported raw materials stabilized and a rigid exchange rate was determined for the American dollar, sales were established currencies the state (taken away from the enterprises themselves) created very favorable economic conditions for importing industries. And as a consequence - stabilization of production in black metallurgy and significant increases in production in the fuel, chemical and petrochemical industries.

Radical changes in prices, the cooperation system, and foreign trade conditions that occurred in 1992-1995 affected the structure of Belarusian production. Along with the shifts caused by changes in the ratio of prices for products of different industries, processes were taking place in the economy to transform the sectoral structure of employment, means of development and production. As can be seen from Table 1, along with the fuel industry, such high-tech branches of mechanical engineering as instrumentation and machine tool building found themselves in the “disaster zone.” The growth in these industries was due not only to a reduction in supplies of components from other CIS republics, but also to the saturation of the markets of the former USSR with imported computers, household goods, etc., to which Belarusian goods are significantly inferior in terms of quality. The deterioration of production conditions in these industries had a negative impact on the level of wages. If in 1990 the average wage, for example, in instrument making was higher than in industry as a whole by 4%, then in 1993 it amounted to only 75.7% of the average industrial level. The result of this situation was an intensive departure of workers from high-tech mechanical engineering industries to other areas. With a general decrease in the number of industrial production potential in 1992-1993. by 7.1%, the reduction in the number of employees in instrument making was 17.4, in the electrical industry - 16.5, in machine tool building - 14.3%. It should also be noted that since the Republic of Belarus acquired state sovereignty there was an uncontrollable reduction and structural transformation of scientific and technical potential. If in 1990 the number of workers in science and scientific services exceeded 102 thousand people, which accounted for 2% of the total number of people employed in the national economy, then in 1995 these figures decreased to 45.7 thousand people and 1%, respectively.

During 1992-1995. The government of the Republic of Belarus quite consistently fought against the structural changes that were taking place by subsidizing potentially bankrupt enterprises. It was precisely this policy of the protectorate of state-owned enterprises that set back the development of market relations in the republic for a good ten years. However, financial support for unprofitable enterprises without their radical reconstruction only delayed, but did not eliminate, the danger of collapse of a significant sector of Belarusian industry. Attempts to maintain the previous structure led to teams of unprofitable enterprises “eating up” both their own working capital and government subsidies and loans, which could have been used to modernize at least a small number of export-oriented enterprises. The opportunistic nature of enterprise support, the lack of a long-term development strategy and the rejection of unpopular but necessary measures to modernize the economy should sooner or later lead to the degradation of production. Already in 1996, at most enterprises in the republic, production technology was clearly outdated. According to rough estimates, only about 18% of the total fleet of machinery and equipment in industry corresponded to world standards. Of these, only 4% were involved in technological processes that have international standards. The rest was used in lower level technological processes, production capacity industries are largely underutilized. One of the reasons for this was that in Belarus the process of privatization and denationalization of industrial enterprises took place more slowly than in other countries with economies in transition. Thus, in 1995, the share of the non-state sector in the total number of industrial enterprises was 65%, in the total volume of industrial production - 40% and in the total number of industrial production potential - 36%.

One of the serious problems for the Belarusian economy has become the complication of relations with international financial organizations. In recent years, small numbers have been periodically sent to the republic. loans, mainly of a stabilizing nature. However, these amounts are not enough to modernize the economy. Borrowers do not want to risk larger amounts of money. They take into account that since the mid-90s, Belarus has been chronically running a deficit and steadily increasing its debt to Western financial and credit institutions. In other words, borrowers they do not consider our republic to be a reliable borrower capable of repaying large debts in a timely manner. It is the credit and financial policy of our authorities“contributed” to the fact that the total influx of foreign investment into our economy, for example, is 50 times less than into the economy of the Russian Federation (as a percentage of the GDP of these countries).

Very high financial risks in Belarus, tax oppression, and low protection of non-state producers have led to the fact that the Western investor began to simply ignore Belarus.

In addition, industrial enterprises cannot count on financial injections from the country’s internal reserves. Income republican and local budget fall, and the share of investment in budget costs is reduced. Private banks do not risk investing a significant part of the funds they have accumulated in projects to modernize production. It should also be taken into account that a significant number of enterprises operate at a loss; many of them, due to non-payments and inflation, are deprived of working capital and depreciation funds, and are unable to independently finance the reconstruction of their facilities.

All these reasons brought industry and the national economy of the republic as a whole to the brink of collapse. The question of developing a strategy for the country's development has become more pressing than ever. The ruling circles of developed countries, unlike ours, have long realized that it is extremely important for private banking to develop the country as a whole and to contribute to its implementation in a centralized manner, relying on the capabilities of the state. The main idea of ​​the economic strategy of the 60s of many countries was to create a powerful advanced industry and thereby ensure a strong foreign economic position. A similar task faces Belarus today.

In 1996, the Main Directions of Social and Economic Development of the Republic of Belarus for 1996-2000 were adopted. Their implementation was defined in two stages. At the first stage (1996-1997), it was supposed to carry out macroeconomic stabilization and create conditions for the resumption of economic growth. To this end, it was planned to reduce inflation, strengthen payment and financial discipline, and ensure the sustainable development of industrial and agricultural production. At the second stage (1998-2000), economic growth was supposed to resume. The main tasks of the first stage: overcoming the systemic crisis in a short time; creation of a mechanism to stimulate entrepreneurship and business activity; carrying out small and medium privatization; reducing dollarization of the economy, strengthening the national currency; reduction of budget costs and reduction of tax pressure; improving the financial situation of enterprises, overcoming the non-payment crisis, creating a bankruptcy mechanism, etc.

The main tasks of the second stage: stabilization of GDP growth of at least 5% per year; intensifying the process of structural restructuring of the economy based on knowledge-intensive resource-saving technologies, reducing the share of inefficient production; creation of an effective mechanism for investing in the economy, primarily stimulating highly effective investments; protection of domestic producers in the domestic and foreign markets on the basis of appropriate patronage and stimulation of exports: deepening integration with the CIS countries; development of economic infrastructure, etc. It should be noted, however, that already at the first stage it was not possible to solve a number of tasks, which did not allow a radical change in the situation in the economy. Growth occurred for the reasons already stated above.)

It is also of interest to analyze the structure of the industrial complex at the present stage, its problems and development prospects.

At the beginning of 1998, there were 2,170 industrial enterprises in Belarus that were on their own balance sheet. Compared to 1990, their number increased 1.4 times, which is explained by the disaggregation of state enterprises and the development of entrepreneurship. The average number of personnel at an industrial enterprise during this time decreased from 909 to 447 people.

The structure of the industrial complex is represented by mechanical engineering and metalworking, chemical and petrochemical industries, electric power, light and food industries. These industries are mainly focused on the production of finished products. The building materials, forestry, timber and food processing industries tend to use local resources. Enterprises of mechanical engineering and metalworking, chemical and petrochemical industries, electric power, fuel and light industries, integrated into the economies of the countries of the former USSR, operate on imported raw materials and fuel and energy resources.

What are the main directions and priorities of economic development by industry and inter-industrial complexes?

The most important structural component of the national economy of Belarus is the fuel and energy complex. It includes systems for extraction, transport, storage, production and distribution of all types of energy resources. The fuel and energy complex accounts for 32.4% of all capital investments in industry, a sixth of fixed production assets, and 15.3% of all industrial products.

The core of the fuel and energy complex is the electric power industry, which includes 22 large power plants with a total capacity of 7.3 million kW. Electricity generation priorities power plants in 1997 reached 26.1 billion kWh, which amounted to about 78% of the country's needs. The most important problem in the power system is the obsolescence of active equipment in power plants. Almost 60% of it has exhausted its resource, and large-scale technical re-equipment of power plants will be required in the coming years. Recently, a multi-level automated computer-based dispatch control system has been introduced into the energy system, and operational information and control complexes have been created. Hello to the teacher who is reading this!!! Power lines and equipment are equipped with relay protection and emergency automation devices.

The fuel industry of Belarus is represented by enterprises for the extraction and refining of oil and peat, among which the largest oil refineries dominate. Their capacities have recently made it possible to process about 25 million tons of black gold annually. However, in 1997, due to a lack of raw materials, only 11.9 million tons of black gold were processed.

There are 42 peat mining and peat processing enterprises in the republic, employing about 11 thousand people. They annually extract 3 million tons of peat, including 2.8 million tons used for the production of peat briquettes and 0.2 million tons for preparing peat nutrient mixtures and sending them to. The machine tool industry includes enterprises and firms producing technological equipment - metal-cutting and woodworking machines, forging and pressing machines, automatic lines for metalworking and assembly, machining centers, technological equipment and tools.

The country's mechanical engineering complex consists of 34 sub-sectors including over 600 enterprises. The largest share is occupied by, where new species have been created in recent years cars MAZ, BelAZ, the range of models for a specific customer has been expanded, the production capacity of light-duty vehicles has been modernized, and the production of buses and cars has been created. On the territory of the Russian Federation and other CIS countries, Belarusian automobile enterprises have created trading houses and technical service centers for the sale and service inspection and repair of equipment during operation.

The production association of enterprises "Minsk Tractor Plant" produces 22 models of universal industrial tractors, 6 models of small-sized tractors, 8 models of walk-behind tractors and mini-tractors, 15 models of special machines for industrial use: utility, loading, forestry and mining. Besides, in mergers of enterprises The production of agricultural machinery is organized. At the Smorgon Aggregate Plant, part of merger of enterprises By MTE, agricultural machines and implements for various purposes are already being produced for the MTZ-06/12 walk-behind tractors and MTZ-082 mini-tractors produced at the plant. In the future, it is planned to produce other agricultural machines, deficit which is felt in Belarus.

The Minsk Motor Plant has launched the production of especially powerful engines for automobile factories in Belarus and the Russian Federation.

At the Gomel Starting Engine Plant it is expected modernization capacities for the production of small-sized engines 10-16 and 16-18 hp, which are in high demand in the domestic and foreign markets.

By 2000, the Minsk Motorcycle Plant was supposed to master the production of new, improved products, including children's two-wheeled and tricycles, cargo bicycles, as well as multi-speed high-class bicycles of the "Mountain" type, "Krokha" motorbikes and electric bicycles. The production of Rial motorcycles for sports competitions and a cargo three-wheeled motorcycle with a body will also be mastered. It is planned to produce several modifications of wheelchairs for patients with musculoskeletal disorders. All these seemingly good undertakings are overshadowed by the fact that in the republic greenhouse conditions for development have been created for precisely such “selected” enterprises, while others are forced to fight with an army of officials and “misunderstanding” authorities who see in any enterprise only a source for replenishing the state budget. The industrial potential of the knowledge-intensive sub-sectors of mechanical engineering - the radio-electronic and instrument-making industries - is a complex of enterprises, research and design organizations. Once created within the framework of the military-industrial complex of the USSR, these sub-sectors maintain production at the world technological level, however, in the absence of demand for their products, they are forced to draw on budget funds. But there are still exceptions: new competitive production in the electronic and optical-mechanical industries that arose during the conversion process, for example, "Integral", etc. Within the framework of joint programs with the Russian Federation, the production of optical-mechanical and control-measuring equipment is being developed and mastered . High-quality updating of technologies and existing equipment increases the competitiveness of industries and their export potential.

The chemical and petrochemical industry produces more than 14.5% of all industrial products. This is one of the industries that is now developing quite well. About 9.5% of industrial production personnel are employed at 77 independently owned enterprises. Production assets in the value of fixed production and industrial assets (FPIF) of industry amount to 21.7%.

The largest industrial enterprises and associations of enterprises specialize in the production of potash, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers (PO Belaruskali, Azot, Gomel Chemical Plant), chemical fibers and threads (Mogilev, Grodno, Svetlogorsk production trusts "Khimvolokno"), high-density polyethylene , acrylic fibers and organic synthesis products (PO " "), tires for trucks, cars and agricultural vehicles (Belarusian Tire Plant), which produce 82.6% of the products of the entire chemical and petrochemical industry. More than 60% of potash fertilizers, chemical fibers and threads are exported to non-CIS countries. In the republic's export structure, the share of chemical products reaches 12%. The share of products certified according to international standards is 5.6%.

According to official statistics, the chemical and petrochemical industry has emerged from the crisis. The growth in production that began at the end of 1995 has become sustainable. The growth rate of the industrial production index amounted to 107.2% in 1996, and 117.6 in 1997.

Light industry occupies a significant place in the structure of the Belarusian economy. There are more than 1,150 enterprises and industries operating in it. In 1997, industry enterprises produced products worth 29.9 trillion. rub. (in actual prices), or 8.5% of the country’s total industrial production index.

The Belarusian concern for the production and sale of light industry goods "Bellegprom" includes 84 largest enterprises. They produce more than 85.6% of light industry products. As of January 1, 1998, only 18 enterprises concern remained state-owned. Production capacities for the production of the most important types of products are characterized by the following data.

Prices for domestically produced goods are 15-28% lower than world prices. In 1997, exports of light industry goods amounted to 410.4 million. American dollars, including to foreign countries - 181.1 million. American dollars(this data should be considered subjectively, because the conversion into American dollars was not carried out at the market rate, and some of these goods were supplied at inflated prices to our account debt Russian Federation). The increase in exports in 1997 was 22.4%. Light industry goods of Belarus are supplied to foreign countries, mainly to Germany, Italy, Holland, the USA, Pakistan, and the UK.

Timber industry includes 291 enterprises with legal status. persons, more than 4 thousand auxiliary industries, which are on the balance sheet of industrial, construction, agricultural and other business entities, which employ 101.9 thousand industrial and production personnel. In 1997, the main enterprises of the timber industry produced products worth 19.8 trillion. Belarusian rubles, which amounted to 5.6% of the total industrial output against 4.4% in 1990.

In the intra-industry structure of the timber industry, growth is dominated by the wood processing industry. It accounts for 61.3% of total production. This is followed by the pulp and paper industry - 22.9%, logging - 13.6% and the wood chemical industry - 2.1%. In the structure of the woodworking industry, furniture production plays a key role - 70% of the volume of securities issued by the sub-industry, or 43% of the production volume of the industry as a whole.

The structure of exported goods is dominated by furniture (49.1%), wood and trade items made from it (29.9%), paper, cardboard and trade items from them (21.0%).

Positive changes in the export of forest products in 1997 compared to 1996 include an increase in the supply of furniture by 129.9 million US dollars (2.2 times) and trade items made of paper (mainly wallpaper) by 22 .1 million US dollars (28%) due to supplies to Russia. What is important is that this is one of the industries that attracts private sector, more than 15% of wood processing enterprises are non-state, and the share of these enterprises in the industry turnover is close to 35%.

Exports of industry products to the CIS countries are dominated (95.5%) by supplies of finished trade items: furniture, wallpaper, cardboard containers, trade items of wooden building materials, wood boards, matches. Of the total volume of exports of the industry's products, 81% goes to the CIS countries, including about 70 to the Russian Federation and 19% to non-CIS countries. However, in this industry there is strong government regulation, until enterprises are managed through the market, there will be no talk of any real growth, for example: “the program for the development of exports of forest products until 2000, approved by the government of the republic on October 22, 1997 ., it is planned to implement two large investment projects. At JSC "Borisovsky DOK" it is planned to create a production of medium-density fiberboards with a capacity of 30 thousand m2 per year, half of which will be exported, and the second half will be used in the furniture industry, which will significantly increase the competitiveness of domestic furniture. The Pinskdrev trust plans to master the production of large-format plywood that meets the requirements of European standards. The workshop capacity is 30 thousand m2 per year, of which two thirds of the products are expected to be exported to foreign countries." Although there are already private enterprises that produce similar products. It has been proven in practice that any state planning system is not able to ensure acceptable growth in industry , it’s bad that our “rulers” have not yet understood this. More than 150 types of trade items are produced by enterprises in the building materials and structures industry. Among them are cement, wall and roofing materials, sanitary items, etc. More than 20% of manufactured trade items and structures are exported.The production of equipment and accessories for the emission of building materials is concentrated at the Mogilev plant "Strommashina", the Gomel plant "Stromavtoliniya" and the Minsk association of enterprises "Strommash".

The industry is working to modernize enterprises, expand the range, improve the quality and competitiveness of products. In 1997, the increase in industry production volumes to the 1996 level. reached 28.1%, consumer goods - 18, labor efficiency -24.1%.

One of the best light metal structures factories in the CIS operates in Belarus (Molodechno). Equipped with high-performance equipment, the enterprise produces sets of light metal structures for the construction of civil and industrial buildings. The plant has mastered the production of spatial structural coverings, multilayer wall panels with effective insulation. Most of the country's industries are undergoing structural transformations, the most important of which is the reform of state ownership. As of January 1, 1998, 2,690 state facilities were reformed in the republic, of which 756 are in republican and 1,934 in communal ownership. The transformed enterprises employ 588 thousand people, or 16 70 of the number employed in the national economy.

Today, GDP growth is 18% annually.

The reform of republican-owned enterprises is carried out mainly through their transformation into joint-stock companies, and in public utilities - through auction sales. Of the total number of republican-owned enterprises reformed as of January 1, 1998, 466 were transformed into joint-stock companies, 133 were bought out by labor and rental collectives, 23 were sold at tender and at auctions, 134 were alienated by other means.

The Republic has stepped into the twenty-first century. And the further development of Belarus depends on the choice of path. The previous ten years were among the most difficult in its history, the next decade will be no less serious in terms of economic and political reconstruction. Already now we see everything bankruptcy management systems, economic bodies. And although there is an end to the decline in production and the emergence of positive developments in the social sphere, this does not mean that we are on the right path of development. Currently, the republic is developing due to the consumption of accumulated means and resources of production, support from the Russian Federation, and very cheap labor. The taxation system allows you to “rob like crazy” enterprises and firms that are still somehow staying afloat. The share of private business entities in the republic is negligible, less than 7%. Economics is dominated by “command” and “plan”.

The authorities do not want to admit the failure of the created system and continue to stubbornly blame everyone, from ordinary “hard workers” to “American spies.” Right now, the republic needs significant reforms in the field of economics and politics; small changes will not give the desired result; to get out of a protracted crisis, it is necessary to rebuild the entire management system. Need to create a new one taxation system, change the negative attitude of the authorities towards small business and begin to develop it in every possible way. In foreign economic activity, it is high time to turn our gaze to the West; today, the republic needs foreign investment more than ever. It is imperative to complete privatization and achieve the denationalization of most enterprises. Only such bold and deliberate steps can give rise to the economic rise of the Republic of Belarus in the 21st century.

Technical Translator's Guide

industrial production- Monthly statistics published by the Federal Reserve Board on the total production of all U.S. factories and mines. These data are key economic... ... Financial and investment explanatory dictionary

GOST R 54198-2010: Resource conservation. Industrial production. Guidance on Best Available Technologies for Energy Efficiency- Terminology GOST R 54198 2010: Resource conservation. Industrial production. Guidelines for the application of the best available technologies to improve energy efficiency original document: 3.2 state register of BAT: Systematized bank... ...

GOST R 54197-2010: Resource conservation. Industrial production. Guidelines for planning energy efficiency indicators- Terminology GOST R 54197 2010: Resource conservation. Industrial production. Guidelines for planning energy efficiency indicators (indicators) original document: 3.2 state register of BAT: Systematized data bank with BAT,... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

GOST R 54196-2010: Resource conservation. Industrial production. Guide to identifying energy efficiency aspects- Terminology GOST R 54196 2010: Resource conservation. Industrial production. Guide to identifying energy efficiency aspects original document: 3.3 energy efficiency aspect (energy aspect): Element of an activity, or product, or... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms for normative and technical documentation - 4.39 production: Preliminary preparation of text for its translation into photo templates, finished reference texts or interactive documentation.

economic indicator of the process of processing raw materials into a product suitable for human use using specially designed equipment

Information on industrial production, types and forms of organization of industrial production, world industrial production and the industrial production index, the relationship of the industrial production index with other indicators

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Industrial production is, definition

A complex technological process that consists of production and technological units involved in the production of parts, components, semi-finished products using specially designed industrial equipment from raw materials, as well as the subsequent assembly and sale of finished products that meet market needs from manufactured elements.

Industrial production is processing of raw materials into a form suitable for human consumption.

Industrial production is the basis of the Russian economy

Industrial production is a highly complex mechanism that includes both the actual production and technological units that produce semi-finished products, parts, components, assembly units from raw materials and materials, and then the assembly of finished products from these elements, as well as a large number of auxiliary units, which are often combined under a single name "infrastructure" of production.

Industrial production is production in which raw materials, basic materials or semi-finished products are transformed into a finished product using industrial equipment.

Industrial production as a market indicator

Industrial production is a process in which people, being in certain production relations, using tools and objects of labor, create the products of production and personal consumption necessary for society. Industrial production is divided into primary, auxiliary and service. Basic industrial production is a set of production processes in which raw materials, basic materials or semi-finished products are transformed into a finished product. Auxiliary industrial production is a set of production processes associated with the manufacture of tools, fixtures, dies, etc. Servicing industrial production - carrying out in-plant transportation and warehouse operations of all types.

Industrial production is the stage of the innovation process following the stage of mastering new equipment (technologies). In production, knowledge materializes, and research finds its logical conclusion.

Industrial production in the Russian economy

Industrial production is production (manufacturing) of goods, using specially designed industrial equipment, in serial and mass quantities, for the purpose of their further sale and profit.

Industrial production is FRS statistical report G.17, containing an indicator of changes in the total volume of industrial production by enterprises in the country. Includes an indicator of the degree of utilization of production capacity.

Estimates and prospects of industrial production in Russia

Industrial production is the complex process of transforming raw materials, semi-finished materials and other items of labor into finished products that meet market needs.

Industrial production is activities related to the production of products, which includes all stages of the technological process, as well as the sale of products of own production.

Program Postscript on industrial production

Production and stages of its development

Production is the process of creating products (products, energy, services) regulated by people. Production involves the use of production factors (labor, technical equipment, materials, energy, various services). It requires compliance with technical conditions and rules, as well as taking into account social and ethical norms. Production theory as a branch of the science of national economy and enterprise economics studies the functional relationships between the costs of production factors and product output.

The process of production of material and intangible goods is the basis for the development of an economic entity, in particular, and the nation as a whole.

Industrial production in Russia

Production is the starting point for the creation of material and intangible goods. But the initial one is only within the framework of the obvious truth that in order to live, a person must eat, drink, have a home, etc. In a market economy, production will take place only when the sphere of exchange gives the producer an appropriate price signal. The goods created in the production process complete their movement in consumption. But it is important to emphasize that consumption is the direct goal of production only in non-market economic systems. And in a primitive community, and in a slave society, and under feudalism, consumption is the goal of production.

However, in a market economy system, the main goal is not consumption, but making a profit from production activities.

There are three stages of production development: pre-industrial, industrial and post-industrial.

Industrial production in China

Pre-industrial stage of production development

The pre-industrial stage of production is characterized by the following:

Agriculture plays a predominant role in the economy;

Most of the population is engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding;

Manual labor predominates in all areas of activity;

The main form of labor organization is subsistence farming;

Underdevelopment of the social division of labor.

Industrial revolution of the late 18th - early 19th centuries. caused the transition of production to the industrial stage.

Industrial stage of industrial production

The industrial stage of production is characterized by the following features:

The predominant role in the economy is played by industrial production with the massive use of technological machines and equipment;

The bulk of the working population is employed in industrial sectors of production;

Activation of the process of social division of labor;

Acceleration of the rate of urbanization of the population.

The scientific and technological revolution that occurred in the middle of the 20th century led to the transition of production to the post-industrial stage.

Post-industrial stage of production development

The post-industrial stage has the following features:

The predominant role in the economy is occupied by the service sector, which employs the majority of the population;

Science occupies a central place in the system of productive forces;

On the basis of high technologies, the production of goods that previously did not exist in nature is mastered;

Mass information and automation of all sectors of the national economy.

Types of industrial production

Type of production - a classification category of production, distinguished on the basis of the breadth of the product range, regularity, stability of the volume of production of products, the type of equipment used, personnel qualifications, labor intensity of operations and the duration of the production cycle. Typically, a distinction is made between single, serial and mass production.

Single production

Unit production is characterized by a wide range of products and a small volume of production of identical products. Patterns either do not repeat or are repeated irregularly. Jobs do not have deep specialization. Unit production is characterized by the presence of significant work in progress, the lack of assignment of operations to workstations, the use of unique equipment, frequent changeover of equipment, highly qualified workers, a significant proportion of manual operations, the overall high labor intensity of products and a long production cycle, and the high cost of manufactured products. A diverse range of products makes unit production more mobile and adaptable to fluctuations in demand for finished products.

Unit production is typical for machine tool building, shipbuilding, the production of large hydraulic turbines, rolling mills and other unique equipment.

Mass production

Serial production is characterized by the production of a limited range of products. Batches (series) of products are repeated at certain intervals. Depending on the size of the series, small-scale, medium-scale and large-scale production are distinguished.

In serial production, it is possible to specialize individual workplaces to perform similar technological operations. The level of production costs is reduced due to the specialization of jobs, the widespread use of semi-skilled workers, the efficient use of equipment and production space, and a reduction in wage costs compared to single production.

Batch production products are standard products, for example, machines of an established type, usually produced in larger quantities (metal-cutting machines, pumps, compressors, equipment for the chemical and food industries).

Mass production

Mass production is characterized by the production of certain types of products in large quantities in highly specialized workstations over an extended period. Mechanization and automation of mass production can significantly reduce the share of manual labor. Mass production is characterized by a constant range of manufactured products, specialization of jobs to perform one permanently assigned operation, the use of special equipment, low labor intensity and duration of the production process, high automation and mechanization.

The cost of mass-produced products is minimal compared to single and mass-produced products. This type of production is economically feasible with a sufficiently large volume of output. A necessary condition for mass production is the presence of a stable and significant demand for the product. In conditions of economic crisis, mass production becomes the most vulnerable.

Forms of organization of industrial production

A distinctive feature of industrial production enterprises is not only a high technical level of development, but also constantly evolving forms of organization, which have a great impact on both the economy and location.

The main forms of organization of industrial production are: specialization, cooperation, concentration and combination.

Specialization of industrial production

Specialization is a form of organization of production in which there is a separation and isolation of industries, enterprises, organizations focused on the production of a certain type of product or part of it, as well as on the implementation of a separate technological operation. There are subject, detail, technological (stage) specialization.

Subject specialization is specialization in the production of a certain type of finished product (tractor plant).

Detailed specialization is specialization in the production of part of the product of individual parts (motor, bearing plant).

Technological specialization is specialization to perform a specific production operation (foundry).

The level of specialization is higher, the narrower the range j of manufactured products, and the fewer technological operations the enterprise performs. Increasing the specialization of production requires the use of high-performance equipment; introduction of new methods of technology, mechanization and automation of production processes; increasing the level of personnel qualifications and increasing labor productivity - this reduces costs while simultaneously improving quality, which leads to increased sales, increased profits and profitability.

Cooperation of industrial production

Successful development of specialization is impossible without cooperation. Cooperation is understood as close production ties between individual industries or enterprises jointly participating in the production of a specific finished product.

Cooperation promotes better use of the production capabilities of each enterprise, increases labor productivity, and reduces production costs. Industrial cooperation requires standardization of technological processes and certain types of supplied products. Standardization ensures the production of products with strictly defined properties, quality and size, and ensures the interchangeability of parts and assemblies. Enterprises are required to produce products in strict accordance with approved standards (GOST).

Standardization is inextricably linked with product unification. Unification means the use in the production of a machine and other products of the same type of parts, assemblies, and homogeneous grades of materials.

Reducing the number of used types and sizes of parts, assemblies, and mechanisms simplifies and reduces the cost of machine design, production, and operation.

Concentration of industrial production

An important form of organization of industrial production is the concentration of production.

Concentration is the concentration of means of production, labor, and, consequently, output in large enterprises.

A market economy is characterized by a combination of enterprises of various sizes. The presence of large, medium and small enterprises in the economy ensures the greatest production efficiency. When using modern technology, proper specialization and cooperation, they are cost-effective.

Combination of industrial production

Combination is the highest form of industrial organization. When organizing production, enterprises producing various types of products are united into one enterprise - a plant. There are three types of combination:

Based on successive stages of raw material processing (textile, metallurgical plants);

Based on the use of industrial waste (cement production from blast furnace slag);

Based on complex processing of raw materials or fuel (extraction of several metals, fuel oil, gasoline, diesel fuel from the same ores).

Combination as a form of production organization is widespread in the chemical, woodworking industries, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy. Combination reduces capital costs for the construction of enterprises, reduces transportation costs for transporting raw materials and fuel, speeds up production processes, reduces labor costs, ensures an increase in labor productivity and reduces production costs.

Industrial production index

Index of Industrial Production, abbreviated as IPI, is an indicator of the dynamics of the volume of industrial production, its rise or decline, is determined as the ratio of the current volume of production in monetary terms to the volume of industrial production in the previous or other base year. Determined by selecting representative goods, characterized as the most important types of industrial products.

The index shows fluctuations in production volumes in the mining and manufacturing industries, and in the public services sector (not including the construction sector).

The industrial production index has a direct impact on economic growth indicators. The growth of this indicator contributes to the growth of the national currency and has a fairly large impact on the market.

The growth of this index means the strengthening of the economy as a whole.

At the same time, the capacity utilization indicator (Capacity Utilization) is calculated, which means the ratio of total production output to the potential value. This indicator is of no small importance for the foreign exchange market, due to its close connection with the dynamics of the business cycle, with the help of which, in difficult moments of anticipation of changes in the policies of central banks, it becomes another reference point for the market, suggesting possible future actions of the Central Bank.

These data are based on work history records, which correspond to the number of hours worked by workers in the industrial sector. All U.S. industrial output for each month is expressed as a percentage of gross output over the previous year;


Manufacturing industries;

Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water.

That is, this index characterizes the change in GDP due to fundamental sectors of the economy.

Companies representing fundamental industries form the basis of the capitalization of the entire stock market of the Russian Federation. Such companies include: Gazprom, Lukoil, RusHydro, the largest machine-building manufacturers and so on. An increase in IPP indicates an increase in production, which, in turn, increases profits, which can be reflected in the rising value of shares of companies associated with industrial production.

If the IPI decreases, the reverse process will not necessarily occur, since inflation increases the revenue and profits of producers even if real production does not grow. Let's consider a hypothetical situation that could have arisen in May 2010.

These indicators can be interpreted as follows:

In the first 4 months of 2010, 25% of the goods and services accepted for calculation were produced more than in the first 4 months of 2009;

Moreover, in April 2010, 15% more was produced than in April 2009;

However, in April 2010, production was 23% less than in March of the same year.

If we compare this information with changes in GDP for the same periods, we can draw a conclusion about how the volume of production in fundamental industries has changed relative to all other areas of production and services. That is, if the GDP grows faster than GDP, this indicates a faster pace of development of fundamental industries. In a situation where the IPI lags behind GDP growth, the opposite trend is observed.

This is a purely hypothetical situation, but, nevertheless, it allows you to understand what the index of industrial production (IPI) represents.

Forex brokers and traders consider IPCU an important tool when assessing future performance and assets in the market. The report may at times cause an increase in sales or purchases as an impact in certain industries and the Forex market.

Industrial production accounts for approximately 40% of the US economy. There is a fairly high correlation between the level of production and the size of GDP. The advantage of this indicator is that it measures output rather than monetary value.

Changes in GDP may be more concentrated in a given sector of the economy.

Thus, IPCU provides information that suggests the likely course of upcoming inflation.

The index is expressed by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System as a percentage of 1992.

The media usually publishes its change in relation to the past month.

The report is published at 09:15 am Washington time or 17:15 Moscow time, usually on the 15th month following the reporting period by the Federal Reserve Board's analytical department for the previous month.

Relationship with other economic indicators

The indicator depends on the level of capacity utilization (Capacity Utilisation), industrial orders in the previous month (Durable Goods Orders, Factory Orders), for a longer period, business activity indices are used to predict the level of production, in particular the optimism index of industrial sector managers (NAPM Index) . An increase in production usually leads to an increase in the demand for labor and, accordingly, a drop in unemployment (Unemployment rate), and an increase in the industrial production index has a positive effect on company income, GDP, and stock indices. The indicator has a significant impact on the market. An increase in this indicator leads to an increase in the exchange rate of the national currency.

Features of the indicator behavior

Fluctuations in the industrial production index are significantly correlated with fluctuations in the business cycle, with strong gains during the recovery period. During a recession, industrial production declines on average by 0.8% m/m with a normal range of -1.3 to 0.3%. During the recovery phase, production tends to increase by 0.9% per month and then the growth rate settles at 0.4% during the expansion phase. Since employee hours directly account for about one-third of the industrial production index and indirectly reflect monthly business conditions, using employment report data can help predict the industrial production index.

Industrial production of the world in 2006-2013

An update on global industrial production for the past two months, February and March. Canada has been added to the general list.

Kazakhstan set its own record (151% of March 2005). It is clear from history that the surge is seasonal, but looking ahead, I will say that in April (data is already available) the level remained the same. So you can be happy for your TS partners. The main contributors to growth were the gas sector and concrete production.

Because of China, we again had to change the maximum value on the axes. New record - 238% from March 2005.

Data for Italy has returned; last time it was unavailable. However, they didn’t show anything new. After a surge in January, the country continued to move downward within the trend.

Germany and Brazil swapped places again. Both countries show a decrease in industrial production (this is clearly visible on the trend chart), but the rate of decrease month to month is different.

Ukraine has rolled back to 2009 levels. More than 5% drop over the year.

But Russia managed to change the winter recession into growth in March.

TOP20 countries by industrial production volume

List of countries in the world with data on industrial production

China - industrial production volume

USA - industrial production volume

Japan - industrial production volume

India - industrial output

Russia - volume of industrial production

Germany - industrial production volume

Mexico - industrial production volume

South Korea - industrial production volume

Brazil - industrial production volume

Indonesia - industrial output

Italy - volume of industrial production

UK - industrial output

Iran - industrial production volume

France - industrial production volume

Türkiye - volume of industrial production

Thailand - industrial output

Egypt - industrial production volume

Nigeria - industrial output

Pakistan - industrial production volume

Philippines - industrial output

Countries with high production growth rates

List of countries in the world with data on industrial production growth

Azerbaijan - industrial production growth

Angola - growth of industrial production

Sudan - industrial production growth

Slovakia - growth of industrial production

Cambodia - industrial production growth

Bulgaria - growth of industrial production

China - industrial production growth

Georgia - growth of industrial production

Rwanda - industrial production growth

Uzbekistan - growth of industrial production

Laos - industrial production growth

Lesotho - industrial production growth

Chile - industrial production growth

Ethiopia - growth in industrial production

Romania - industrial production growth

Vietnam - industrial production growth

Panama - industrial production growth

Turkmenistan - growth of industrial production

Equatorial Guinea - industrial production growth

Mozambique - industrial production growth

Industrial production and the environment

The 20th century brought humanity many benefits associated with the rapid development of scientific and technological progress, and at the same time brought life on Earth to the brink of an environmental disaster. Population growth, intensification of production and emissions that pollute the Earth lead to fundamental changes in nature and affect the very existence of man. Some of these changes are extremely strong and so widespread that global environmental problems arise. There are serious problems of pollution (atmosphere, water, soil), acid rain, radiation damage to the territory, as well as the loss of certain species of plants and living organisms, depletion of biological resources, deforestation and desertification of territories.

Problems arise as a result of such interaction between nature and man, in which the anthropogenic load on the territory (it is determined through the technogenic load and population density) exceeds the ecological capabilities of this territory, due mainly to its natural resource potential and the general stability of natural landscapes (complexes, geosystems) to anthropogenic impacts.

General trends in production development

The main sources of air pollution in our country are machines and installations using sulfur-containing coals, oil, and gas.

Significantly polluting the atmosphere are motor transport, thermal power plants, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, oil and gas refining, chemical and forestry industries. A large amount of harmful substances enter the atmosphere with vehicle exhaust gases, and their share in air pollution is constantly growing.

With the growth of industrial production and its industrialization, environmental protection measures based on MPC standards and their derivatives become insufficient to reduce already formed pollution. Therefore, it is natural to turn to the search for integrated characteristics that, reflecting the real state of the environment, would help to choose the environmentally and economically optimal option, and in contaminated (disturbed) conditions, determine the order of restoration and health measures.

With the transition to the path of intensive economic development, an important role is given to the system of economic indicators endowed with the most important functions of economic activity: planning, accounting, evaluation, control and incentives. Like any systemic formation, which is not an arbitrary set, but interconnected elements in a certain integrity, economic indicators are designed to express the final result, taking into account all phases of the reproduction process.

One of the important reasons for the increase in the environmental intensity of the economy was the wear and tear of equipment exceeding all acceptable standards. In basic industries and transport, wear and tear on equipment, including wastewater treatment equipment, reaches 70-80%. With the continued operation of such equipment, the likelihood of environmental disasters increases sharply.

Typical in this regard was the oil pipeline accident in the Arctic region of Komi near Usinsk. As a result, up to 100 thousand tons of oil spilled onto the fragile ecosystems of the North, according to various estimates. This environmental disaster became one of the largest in the world in the 90s, and it was caused by the extreme deterioration of the pipeline. The accident received worldwide publicity, although according to some Russian experts, it is one of many - others were simply hidden. For example, in the same Komi region in 1992, according to the interdepartmental commission on environmental safety, 890 accidents occurred.

The economic damage of environmental disasters is colossal. With the funds saved as a result of preventing accidents, it would be possible to reconstruct the fuel and energy complex over the course of several years and significantly reduce the energy intensity of the entire economy.

Damage caused to nature during the production and consumption of products is the result of irrational environmental management. An objective need has arisen to establish relationships between the results of economic activity and the environmental friendliness of manufactured products and the technology of their production. In accordance with the law, this requires additional costs from work collectives, which must be taken into account when planning. At an enterprise, it is advisable to distinguish between environmental protection costs associated with the production of products and with bringing the product to a certain level of environmental quality, or with replacing it with another, more environmentally friendly one.

There is a connection between product quality and environmental quality: the higher the product quality (taking into account the environmental assessment of the use of waste and the results of environmental protection activities in the production process), the higher the environmental quality.

How can society's needs for adequate environmental quality be met? Overcoming negative impacts using a well-founded system of norms and standards, linking calculation methods of maximum permissible limits, maximum permissible limits and environmental protection measures; reasonable (integrated, economical) use of natural resources that meets the environmental characteristics of a certain territory; environmental orientation of economic activity, planning and justification of management decisions, expressed in progressive directions of interaction between nature and society, environmental certification of workplaces, technology of manufactured products.

Attempts are being made, on the basis of a unified methodological approach, by calculating specific and general indicators, to express the relationship between natural and cost characteristics in making an economically feasible and environmentally conditioned (acceptable) decision. The priority of natural parameters and indicators meets the needs of resource provision for social production. Cost indicators should reflect the effectiveness of efforts to reduce (or increase) the anthropogenic load on nature. With their help, environmental damage is calculated and the effectiveness of measures to stabilize the environmental management regime is assessed.

It must be said that in addition to this, measures such as:

Ensuring the organization of production of new, more advanced equipment and equipment for cleaning industrial emissions into the atmosphere from harmful gases, dust, soot and other substances;

Conducting relevant scientific research and development work to create more advanced apparatus and equipment to protect atmospheric air from pollution by industrial emissions;

Installation and commissioning of gas cleaning and dust collection equipment and equipment at enterprises and organizations;

Exercising state control over the operation of gas cleaning and dust collection plants at industrial enterprises.

Natural-industrial systems, depending on the accepted qualitative and quantitative parameters of technological processes, differ from each other in structure, functioning and the nature of interaction with the natural environment. In fact, even natural-industrial systems that are identical in qualitative and quantitative parameters of technological processes differ from each other in the uniqueness of their environmental conditions, which leads to different interactions between production and its natural environment. Therefore, the subject of research in environmental engineering is the interaction of technological and natural processes in natural-industrial systems.

Energy and environmental protection

The development of modern production, and above all industry, is based largely on the use of fossil raw materials. Among certain types of fossil resources, sources of fuel and electricity should be ranked one of the first places in terms of national economic importance.

A feature of energy production is the direct impact on the natural environment in the process of fuel extraction and combustion, and the changes in natural components that occur are very obvious.

The time when nature seemed inexhaustible is over. Terrible symptoms of destructive human activity appeared with particular force a couple of decades ago, causing an energy crisis in some countries. It became clear that energy resources are limited. This also applies to all other minerals.

The situation can easily be projected onto the provision of electricity to the country. The question arises: how to compensate for the retiring capacity - repair and reconstruct old ones or build new power plants? Studies have shown that simply replacing equipment and extending the life of power units is not the cheapest way. Experts have come to the conclusion that the most profitable is the modernization and reconstruction of existing power plants and boiler houses through the introduction of modern gas turbine and combined cycle plants with higher efficiency.

According to experts, given the current rate of GDP growth, the situation in the energy industry will sharply worsen in the near future. At the same time, already about half of the energy capacity requires replacement. A significant part of thermal power plants, in terms of their technical characteristics, do not meet current energy consumption needs.

Saving fuel and energy resources

With technological progress, primary sources of electricity obtained from hydro- and geothermal power plants are becoming increasingly important. The production of electricity from nuclear power plants is also growing. The potential power of all these sources is large, but so far only a small part of them is economically effective.

One of the characteristic features of the modern stage of scientific and technological progress is the increasing demand for all types of energy. Natural gas is an important fuel and energy resource. The costs of its extraction and transportation are lower than for solid fuels. Being an excellent fuel (its calorie content is 10% higher than fuel oil, 1.5 times higher than coal and 2.5 times higher than artificial gas), it is also distinguished by high heat transfer in various installations. The gas is used in furnaces that require precise temperature control; it produces little waste and smoke that pollutes the air. The widespread use of natural gas in metallurgy, cement production and other industries has made it possible to raise the work of industrial enterprises to a higher technical level and increase the volume of products obtained per unit area of ​​technological installations, as well as improve the ecology of the region.

Saving fuel and energy resources is currently becoming one of the most important areas of transferring the economy to the path of intensive development and rational use of natural resources. However, significant opportunities for saving mineral fuel and energy resources exist when using energy resources. Thus, at the stage of enrichment and transformation of energy resources, up to 3% of energy is lost. Currently, almost all of the country's electricity is produced by thermal power plants. Therefore, the issue of using non-traditional energy sources is increasingly on the agenda.

At thermal power plants, when generating electricity, only 30-40% of thermal energy is usefully used, the rest is dissipated in the environment with flue gases, heated water. Of no small importance in saving mineral fuel and energy resources is the reduction of specific fuel consumption for electricity production.

Thus, the main areas of saving energy resources are: improving technological processes, improving equipment, reducing direct losses of fuel and energy resources, structural changes in production technology, structural changes in manufactured products, improving the quality of fuel and energy, organizational and technical measures. The implementation of these activities is caused not only by the need to save energy resources, but also by the importance of taking into account environmental issues when solving energy problems.

Replacing fossil fuels with other sources (solar energy, wave energy, tidal energy, land energy, wind energy) is of great importance. These sources of energy resources are environmentally friendly. By replacing fossil fuels with them, we reduce the harmful impact on nature and save organic energy resources. Experts in the field of energy consider the most promising to be the development of energy and resource-saving technologies and the implementation of an energy saving program.

The increased use of local fuel resources, such as oil, associated gas, brown coal, peat, wood, and animal waste, will partially reduce fuel supplies from abroad. But calculations show that the planned measures for energy saving, maximum use of local fuel resources and non-traditional energy sources can increase the supply of own fuel only to 38-40%.

The main reason for the significant deterioration of the environmental situation is the lack of a sustainable mechanism that takes into account the level of excess of MPC and MPE. This is reflected in the economics of sources that pollute the environment, as well as basic (starting) environmental and economic standards that determine the types of economic, moral punishment or reward.

One of the fundamental premises in the formation of environmental and economic standards is the determination of “proportions” between possible areas of use of natural resources within the boundaries of a specific territory.

Calculation of standards must be carried out taking into account the following provisions:

For each natural complex, there is a certain value of the maximum permissible anthropogenic load, which does not disrupt natural processes, and its effect can be compensated by self-healing processes;

If the anthropogenic load is higher than the permissible value, but does not exceed the limit level specific for each natural system, disturbances in the natural state of this system caused by the action of the anthropogenic factor can be eliminated as a result of eliminating the load and carrying out environmental protection measures;

If the anthropogenic load on the natural environment has exceeded the maximum level, then processes of irreversible degradation develop.

At the current level of development of production forces, almost all territorial elements and components of the environment are involved in turnover, therefore they are exposed to the negative effects of pollutants and physical factors. Therefore, it is advisable to review existing technological processes that are harmful to the environment.

Sources and links

Sources of texts, pictures and videos - a resource with articles on many topics, the free encyclopedia Wikipedia - dictionaries and encyclopedias on Academician - website of VertiFX Limited - information and legal portal Garant - online portal World of dictionaries - site about trading on the Forex market - online portal for traders - information portal Red Tips - online electronic library - portal with educational materials - electronic library with educational materials – website about the economic and legal activities of the enterprise - information site about law - blog about economics in figures and facts - online resource about countries of the world

Links to Internet services - YouTube, the largest video hosting in the world - the largest search engine in the world - search for videos on the Internet using Google - translator from the Google search engine - maps from Google to search for places described in the material - the largest search engine in Russia - a service from Yandex that allows you to analyze search queries - search for videos on the Internet via Yandex - image search through the Yandex service - maps from Yandex to search for places described in the material - question and answer service - service of economic indicators of countries of the world - economic indicators of the world's countries

Application links - website of Microsoft Corporation, which created the Windows OS - website of the corporation that created Microsoft Office - a frequently used browser for working with websites - website of the creators of the HyperSnap screenshot program - free software for working with images

Manufacturing industry is a set of industries for processing industrial and agricultural raw materials obtained by the extractive industry in nature (mining, agriculture). This industry includes ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises, woodworking enterprises, oil, gas and chemical products refining, metalworking and mechanical engineering, food, textile and pulp and paper production, clothing and footwear industries, and production of building materials.

Geography of the manufacturing industry

The leaders of the manufacturing industry in the world are economically developed countries, which focus on the knowledge-intensive production of more expensive and innovative products. The leadership, despite the weakening share in world production in recent years, is held by the US manufacturing industry, followed by Japan and the EU countries led by Germany. The industrial countries of Asia, in particular the industry of China and South Korea, demonstrate ultra-fast growth rates. Manufacturing industries in Russia, after a significant decline in the 90s of the 20th century, are now demonstrating stable growth in many industries.

Types of manufacturing industries

This type of production involves the physical and/or chemical processing of substances and materials in order to transform them into new products. The exception is waste recycling. Products from manufacturing industries can be ready for consumption or semi-finished for further processing. Thus, the product of purification of non-ferrous metals is subsequently used for the production of primary products (for example, aluminum or copper wire), which, in turn, will be used for the production of equipment or machine components.

Structure of manufacturing industries in Russia and the main types of products produced by volume:

  • Food products, including the production of tobacco and beverages (meat, vegetable and animal oils, bread and bakery products, confectionery, granulated sugar).
  • Production of petroleum products (gasoline, motor gasoline, diesel fuel, fuel oil).
  • Metallurgy, including finished products (steel, finished rolled ferrous metals).
  • Chemical production (mineral fertilizers, synthetic resins and plastics, paints and varnishes).
  • Production of rubber and plastic products (tires for various vehicles, pipes and pipeline fittings made of thermoplastics).
  • Processing and production of finished wood products (lumber, plywood, chipboard, fiberboard).
  • Mechanical engineering (production of machine tools for various purposes, industrial equipment).
  • Pulp and paper production (paper, cardboard).
  • Textile and clothing production (fabrics, shoes).

Importance of Manufacturing Industry

The manufacturing industry accounts for the vast majority of the world's output. About 40% of the value of all industrial products in the world comes from mechanical engineering. Chemical and food processing industries are significantly inferior. The share of these industries in total industrial output is approximately 15%. The woodworking and pulp and paper industries produce about 9-10% of all world products, and 5-7% are accounted for by metallurgy and electric power.

In Russia, shares of output volume between manufacturing industries are distributed approximately as follows:

  • Mechanical engineering - 22%.
  • Oil refining industry - 21%.
  • Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy - 16%.
  • Food industry - 16%.
  • Chemical - 10%.
  • Production of building materials - 5%.

Metallurgy in the manufacturing industry of Russia

Manufacturing industries of the metallurgical complex cover almost all stages of the technological process (except for the extraction of raw materials) to obtain final products in the form of metals and alloys. This is a mutually influencing combination of processes:

  • Preparation of raw materials (agglomeration, enrichment, production of concentrates).
  • Metallurgical processing – production of steel, cast iron, and various rolled products.
  • Production of alloys.

The specificity of metallurgical production is the scale and complexity of the technological cycle. The production of many types of products involves 15-18 stages.

Ferrous metallurgy as part of manufacturing

In terms of the volume of ferrous metals produced annually, Russia is significantly ahead of many countries in the world. Each of the eight largest enterprises in the country produces over 3 million tons of products every year. Ferrous metallurgy serves as the foundation for the development of the largest manufacturing industry - mechanical engineering. The technological process for the production of ferrous metals as a type of manufacturing covers all stages, from the preparation of raw materials and auxiliary materials to the production of rolled products and further processing. The metallurgical manufacturing industry, which is characterized by production combinations, in Russia covers a large number of enterprises, eight of which are particularly large:

  • Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk, Nizhny Tagil, Orsko-Khalilovsky metallurgical plants (Ural).
  • Cherepovets plant.
  • Novolipetsk (Central Black Earth region).
  • Kuznetsk and West Siberian plants.

These enterprises process more than 90% of iron ore and 40% of secondary raw materials.

Mechanical engineering

Machine-building manufacturing industries are the largest consumers of products produced by ferrous metallurgy. The territorial proximity of these industries gives metallurgical enterprises the opportunity to specialize in accordance with the needs of mechanical engineering and use their waste as recyclable materials.

Machine-building enterprises producing difficult-to-transport products are located in consumption areas. Products produced by the industry include: agricultural machines, mining equipment, turbines, machines and mechanisms for other industries. Features of the location of heavy engineering enterprises play a big role in the supply of finished products.

Oil refining industry

Part of the country's oil industry. Since oil, unlike other types of fuel, requires mandatory primary processing for its further use, the oil refining industry is quite large in scale. The resulting main products after oil processing are: kerosene, gasoline, diesel fuel and fuel oil. Refining takes place at refineries (oil refineries), the totality of which makes up the oil refining industry. In Russia there are 32 large and 80 small refineries with a total production capacity of about 300 million tons. In terms of processing scale, Russia ranks third in the world. Transportation of 95% of all crude oil from production sites to refineries in Russia is provided by main oil pipelines.

Bottom line

The manufacturing industry reflects the degree of industrial development of a country. It is a leading sector of global industry, accounting for the majority of the value of all products. Manufacturing production is closely interconnected with other industries. In many countries around the world, this industry has always experienced advanced growth rates, and the share of total production often reaches 90%.