Veela or Valkyrie? Salamander or drum? Or maybe a pythia? What mythical or mystical creature by zodiac sign, read in our today's horoscope.

Aries (March 21 - April 20)

You are a succubus. Seductive and persistent - you invariably charm and never retreat from conquering the one you dream of calling yours. Tireless in bed and you can drink all the juices out of a man. You love to dominate the souls, bodies and minds of representatives of the opposite sex. Helping your loved ones achieve career heights and strong financial situation, cleverly using sex as a motivation to take action.

Taurus (April 21 - May 20)

You are a flerus, a good home spirit. You can easily cope with the most difficult everyday tasks, however, you demand a certain reward for this, and if you don’t receive it for a long time, you can get very angry, and then woe to the one who did not show gratitude. It is important for you that your efforts are appreciated, and although you have a lot of patience, as well as efficiency, disrespect for your work hurts your pride, you can’t stand working hard in vain.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

You are a drummer. Mischievous and mischievous, doing her pranks not out of malice, but simply so that you, and at the same time those around you, would not have a boring life. True, your antics are not always harmless, but it’s almost impossible to catch your hand if you don’t want to get caught. You love to turn the world upside down, you like it when everything around you is filled with movement and some funny events that make existence varied, even if they somewhat irritate other people.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

You are an undine. You lure into your network, promising peace and comfort, those who are tired of wandering along their path alone and restless, who long to relax and enjoy comfort, are drawn to you. And although, by and large, you only need one thing from men - procreation, a child, you know how to love faithfully and selflessly, sacrificing many of your interests for the sake of your beloved, and in order to be with your loved one, you are capable of feats inaccessible to the understanding of other women.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

You are a salamander. Unable to live without a hot fire, meaning without a flame in the heart. You definitely need to burn with love, in the fire of passions or creativity. To tame you is good luck. However, with all your passion and fiery nature, you can be cold as ice when something doesn’t touch you, doesn’t touch you, and if you are indifferent to some people, then your arrogance and unwillingness to help them are so obvious that make you shiver from the cold.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

You are a sphinx. You are filled to the brim with all sorts of knowledge and you are very proud of it, and so that others also appreciate your intelligence, you periodically ask them sophisticated riddles, give them almost impossible tasks and meticulously make sure that the answers and results are clear and one hundred percent correct. Some people romanticize you and call you “the ultimate truth,” while others are openly afraid, because in pursuit of the ideal you can “devour” those who do not correspond to it.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

You are an elf. A light, airy, friendly creature who loves music and everything beautiful, nature loving and who knows how to appreciate every moment of his life. You create your own world, in which there is no place for wars and hostility, you try to ensure that other people’s strife does not affect your existence, it is important to you, more than anyone else. inner harmony. You dance superbly, you know how to create unique things that are endowed with a kind of magic, and sometimes you read the thoughts of others.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

You are a Veela. It’s almost impossible to resist your sexuality, you attract people to you without even putting much effort into it, and you can make a man lose his head over you with just one look. However, if you don’t like something, if you’re angry or scared, you turn into a most dangerous creature, capable of easily pecking at an offender - your tongue stings no worse than a sharp beak, and the effect of your actions is similar to the blows of huge Veela wings.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

You are a Valkyrie. You respect those who are brave, strong in spirit, skilled in battle (real or allegorical), you are not attracted to pampered men, you are interested in ruling over those who are worth something in this life. You yourself deftly handle tools and devices, the handling of which is more typical of the stronger sex, and not young ladies - with weapons, a blacksmith's hammer, a car and its insides. It is very difficult to get the better of you, and almost impossible to break you.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

You are a phoenix. Your workaholism periodically burns you out from the inside, but time after time you are “reborn from the ashes” to once again do what you consider to be your life’s work. You are able to carry a huge load of worries on your shoulders, although you do not take on anything that you absolutely cannot do; you combine practicality and the ability to sacrifice yourself for great goals in a special way. And you come to the aid only of those whom you find worthy of your attention.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

You are a snark. Omnipresent and elusive, catching you, depriving you of free will and choice is as unrealistic as fully describing your character. You gain knowledge in some incomprehensible way, your imagination is unlimited, a lot of worlds coexist within you - parallel, alternative, probable, and this helps you cope well with reality. And at the same time, you can look like a seal when you are lying on the couch and denying the very possibility of doing something.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

You are a pythia. You have the gift of clairvoyance, without particularly straining you predict future events, although mostly not on a global scale, but quite everyday ones, while your statements are sometimes so vague that only someone who knows you very well and has already learned to correctly interpret what you are saying can understand you. What are you saying. You are a little out of this world, the wisdom of centuries lives in you, but you are often naive, like a child, you have a pure, innocent soul.

Or maybe you are a genie from a lamp who grants wishes, or a beautiful fairy who can do anything?

Find out which mythical creature from our fantasies is hidden under your human guise.

Interesting facts about famous mythical creatures of the Slavs


The most famous owner and patron of the house, who helps the family live a normal life. The brownie is usually fed by leaving treats and water on the kitchen floor. If he loves the owners, then he protects the house from all evil, but if the brownie is not treated with due respect, he begins to do various dirty tricks, makes noise, hides things, breaks furniture, light bulbs, etc. He also often chases his owner when he moves.


Night evil spirit in Slavic mythology. This character does not have a specific description, but most often they spoke of him as a lame old man with a large sack, where he took naughty children who did not want to fall asleep.


One of the types of brownies that causes minor troubles around the house. Most often, the kikimora came to the house where the child died. The forest kikimora was often accused of kidnapping children, and instead of them she left an enchanted log. You could tell about the presence of Kikimora at home by finding wet footprints. And if you catch her, you can turn her into a human.


This creature is present in the mythology of many peoples. Rooster head, wings bat, the body of a dragon, and the eyes of a toad, from whose gaze all living things turn to stone. But if the Basilisk, according to legend, sees its reflection in the mirror, it will die immediately. The monster feeds on stones, so its permanent place of residence is caves. He comes out of his hiding place strictly at night, as he cannot stand the crow of a rooster.


Most often, this owner of the waters is kind, but sometimes he drags some onlooker under the water for entertainment. He is the commander of mermaids, drowned people and aquatic inhabitants. At the bottom of rivers and lakes, the waterman grazes his cattle - different fish. Its most common place of residence is whirlpools.


An evil and lustful spirit. This creature is social and most often goes hunting with its own kind. Devils are very attracted to people who abuse alcohol. When they find them, they force them to drink more and more until they reach complete madness. This is where the expression “getting drunk as hell” comes from. If a person stops drinking, the creature begins to gradually waste away, as it does not receive the necessary food.


An evil night spirit with eyes that glow at night. The spirit is especially dangerous on the night of Ivan Kupala, but only in the field, since the Leshy block its way into the forest. Suicides become yrkoy. They love to attack lonely travelers, drinking their blood.

He will not go near the fire, as he is very afraid of fire. You can save yourself from it by running away and not looking back, saying “mind me” three times and reading “Our Father.”


These are the dead who attack animals and people. They rise from their graves at night, suck the blood from a living creature, which after this attack either dies or becomes a ghoul itself. According to legends, those who died an unnatural death became a ghoul (drunkards, sorcerers, murdered people, suicides). People believed that the earth did not accept such people, so they were forced to harm the living while wandering around the world.


These are female spirits with tails who settled along the banks of rivers. They predict the future, protect people from evil spirits, and also save small children who were left unattended and fell into the water.


These little mischief makers appear on Christmas Eve and run around the streets until Epiphany. A drunk person can be pushed into an ice hole, and having turned into black cats, they crawl under one’s feet. At night they are very noisy. After Baptism, these sparrow-sized spirits with horse legs and hooves run underground.


These pagan evil spirits are dangerous because they can inhabit a person in old age, especially if this person lived a life without love and did not have children. They can turn into a poor old man.


Another unclean spirit that lives in the forest and attacks random people in order to gnaw their bones. Loves to make noise. According to another belief, it is a restless house spirit that mocks a person who does things without praying.

Greek myths were written to explain to our ancestors mysterious phenomena and give them an understanding of their place in this world. The authors endowed the creatures described in legends with both good and bad human traits. Our conscience, gluttony, pride and fear are reflected in various mythological characters.

Interestingly, most of the zodiac signs came to us from ancient legends. Therefore, it is quite logical that each sign corresponds to a certain mystical creature. We will tell you which one below.

Believe it or not, but, for example, the fire animal of Aries is a werewolf. But the creature of Scorpio, who, in essence, is the main seducer, does not cause such surprise. This is a dark, passionate and sexy vampire. Find out which mythical creature corresponds to your zodiac sign.


Werewolves, also known as lycans. According to legend this is ordinary people, which, if desired, could transform into humanoid wolves. Other myths say that some people were cursed and unwillingly turned into werewolves during the full moon.


Dryads, or tree nymphs. These are tree spirits with incredibly beautiful appearance. According to legend, if you cut down the tree from which a dryad was born, she will die with him. It's no wonder that Taurus loves nature so much and is attached to it.


Fairies. These are small magical creatures that most often have a human appearance and butterfly wings. They are very mischievous by nature. Fairies have the gift of persuasion and always tell the truth.


Sirens. Many people confuse them with mermaids. And all because sirens also live by the sea. Only, unlike mermaids, they have wings. In some legends, they appear as beautiful women who mesmerize sailors with their singing, as a result of which their ships crash into rocks and drown. According to other legends, sirens also lured sailors by singing, but only in order to eat them.

a lion

Nephilim, or giants. They were born from the connection of people and angels. In some myths they appear as giants, who are much stronger, but stupider than people. In other tales, they are beautiful creatures with large, easily retractable wings. They are characterized by passionate and ruthless behavior. Well, this is quite suitable for a strong, vain and luxurious lion.


Elves. These mythical creatures often live separately from society. But sometimes they can both help and hinder people. Elves are incredibly peaceful and beautiful. First of all, they are logical-oriented and live exclusively by their values.


Sylphs, or spirits of the air. The alchemist Paracelsus first wrote about them. In his writings, sylphs appear as Air elementals. In medieval folklore, these creatures are protectors of beauty and patrons of vanity. They say sylphs can gain appearance those who are patronized. They are also responsible for the formation of clouds.


Vampires. Dark, passionate and sexy creatures. They have a powerful attractive aura that is very difficult for people to resist. They cannot force a person to do something against his will, but they are very convincing in their arguments. It will take quite strong will to answer them “no”.


Centaurs. Half people, half horses. They are the physical embodiment of logic in the animal world. On the one hand, they are great sages and philosophers, and on the other, they are forced to indulge their natural lustful nature.


Satires. IN Greek mythology these are humanoid creatures with horns, a goat (horse) tail, a beard and two hairy legs with hooves instead of fingers. Being companions of the god of wine Dionysus, they indulged in lust and fun in the same way as their master. As they grew older, some satyrs abandoned their debauched lifestyle and took responsibility for preserving the wild.


Androids, or robotic people. Much more attractive, stronger and smarter than a person. However, androids are stingy with emotions and are not adapted to creative activity. It is known that they are tired of people's mistakes and periodically raise uprisings. In short, androids can be described in three words: intelligent, emotionless and revolutionary.


Mermaids. These half-humans/half-fish are perhaps one of the most popular characters in world folklore. Mermaids live in the sea and are considered more spiritual creatures compared to humans. And they also have very beautiful voices.