The expectant mother's fear of childbirth is exacerbated by the unknown. What will happen outside the walls of the maternity hospital? What procedures will a pregnant woman have to undergo? In our material today, we will try to open the veil of secrecy, consider all the processes step by step and convince our readers that everything is not as scary as it seems.

The way to the maternity hospital

So, how do pregnant women get to the maternity hospital? Everything is very simple. When you start having contractions or your water breaks, you need to call " ambulance“or come to the maternity hospital in your own family car. The main thing is to try not to drive, although there are such precedents.

Advantages of ambulance transportation:

  • with you experienced doctors;
  • in case of a traffic jam, the ambulance has the right and opportunity to drive through with the help of a flashing light;
  • The process of registration in the maternity hospital is accelerated.

It is, of course, more comfortable to drive your own car, but if a nervous husband is nearby, this can complicate the situation.

Our mother, the Chocolate Girl, talks about the advantages of personal transport : “It shakes less in your own car, there are no strangers who give you anxiety, your beloved husband is in the car, you can open the window and it doesn’t stink of gasoline and cigarettes, you can listen to music, you can look out the window, if necessary, you can stop the traffic police and it will go ahead with a flashing light, but at the same time you are in your car.”

The choice of transport is yours, but most importantly in the hustle and bustle, don’t forget the things necessary for your stay in the maternity hospital for you and your baby, and passport .

Some women in labor end up in the maternity hospital in advance, lying down for preservation , if any problems or difficulties arise during pregnancy.

It's another matter if you have water broke . A child can stay in a waterless space for no more than 24 hours, but this maximum term and it is better not to allow it. In case of any development of events, call or call the emergency room of the maternity hospital, and you will definitely be advised what to do next.

Childbirth is a very individual process, each woman experiences it with certain characteristics. From clinic specialists ISIDA extensive experience in managing natural birth, and carrying out caesarean section. Childbirth in the clinic ISIDA- this is a complex that includes: prenatal stay, obstetric care, pain relief, care for mother and baby postpartum period, screening and vaccination of the newborn, if necessary - consultations with specialists, nursing and treatment of the baby.

IN ISIDA Constant sanitary and epidemiological control over the condition of premises and equipment is carried out, disposable materials and tools are used. Individual wards provide excellent conditions close to home, and comprehensive service and excellent food contribute to a comfortable stay for the mother before and after the birth of the baby.

ISIDA specializes:

  • for the management of physiological labor;

  • caesarean section operations;
  • monitoring of mother and newborn in the postpartum period;
  • rendering medical care if complications occur during pregnancy and the postpartum period;
  • diagnosis of diseases in children;
  • nursing and treatment of children born prematurely.

Address: Kyiv, Ivan Blvd. Lepse, 65

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Reception department and doctor's examination

After you arrive at the maternity hospital's emergency department, The reception nurse will begin to process your documents. . The birth history includes passport data, place of residence, date of birth, available allergic reactions, information about the current state. Then your blood pressure, weight and abdominal circumference will be measured, and this information will also be included in the documents. The birth history is stored in the maternity hospital, the progress and outcome of the delivery is recorded in it, and upon discharge, the information is transferred to an exchange card, which is given to the mother in labor.

After filling all necessary documents to determine how dilated the cervix is, a doctor will examine you . The doctor will also listen to the baby's heartbeat. Be prepared to answer questions regarding contractions, their duration, regularity and intensity. After examination, the doctor sends the pregnant woman to prenatal department .

Shaving before childbirth

Also in the maternity ward there are necessary hygiene procedures : shaving the crotch And cleansing enema .

Many expectant mothers are afraid of such manipulations and wonder if it is possible to somehow do without such “pleasure”?

Of course, no one will kick you out of the emergency room if you don’t have shaved crotch , and they won’t force you to do the procedures either. However, to avoid unpleasant questions, disputes and negativity from the medical staff, we advise find out in advance , whether you need to get rid of hair from the doctor who will deliver you.

Each hospital may have its own rules and should also be taken into account individual preferences your obstetrician-gynecologist. Some people can give birth with natural hair without any problems, while others consider the presence of pubic hair to be a factor that can interfere with labor and postpartum rehabilitation.

Our mother- Nest tells : « I’m not a fan of shaving, everything hurts terribly afterwards, and I’m not very familiar with waxing either, so I don’t dare try this innovation before giving birth. Before giving birth with my older children, I did a very short intimate haircut with a trimmer without an attachment - the plus is that there is no irritation and there is no pricking afterwards, and it’s done quickly.”

In fact, doctors have no consensus on this matter: some are confused aesthetic side of the issue , someone insists that pubic hair breeding ground for bacteria , and also if an episiotomy is performed during childbirth, it is better to apply sutures to the skin without hairline. Also, do not forget that after childbirth, a woman secretes lochia, which, in combination with hair and sutures, also constitute an excellent antihygienic triumvirate. But at the same time, other experts insist that while shaving the perineum microscopic cracks form through which infection can enter the body.

Our mother Elena_Chernenko tells : “Of course, a short haircut is much better there than lush vegetation, and in those maternity hospitals where I gave birth, this is exactly how they oriented me at the stage of prenatal observation. So there is no need to shave everything bald there. Regarding the enema, if the mother herself wants an enema because, for example, she hasn’t had a bowel movement for a day, then they will do it. Strictly upon request, they are not forced.”

If the question of “delete or leave” is not worth it for you, you just need to decide on a method how you will do it. If excess hair was removed before pregnancy with a razor - stay true to your principles and boldly begin the task. Considering the size of your belly, it may not be as easy as it seems at first glance, but we are sure you can do it.

If you regularly do waxing at home or in the salon, you can safely stick to your usual procedures, enjoying smooth skin for 2-3 weeks. The main thing is that you feel comfortable in both cases, which we sincerely wish for you.

Enema before childbirth

Now let's move on to the question of enema . Fortunately times have changed and many maternity hospitals no longer insist on the fact that an enema is a mandatory element of childbirth.

Those who are proponents of cleansing the intestines before childbirth say that an enema will help the mother in labor avoid the moment when feces come out during pushing, staining everything around her. Another pro factor is that the absence of feces in the rectum will help the baby move more freely during childbirth. However, if you consider that nature provides natural loosening of the intestines before childbirth , then this fact can be disputed. To avoid problems in the maternity hospital, it is better, as with the question of an enema, check in advance , how it is customary in this institution to resolve this issue and what advice your attending physician will give on this matter.

Our Obolonka mother tells : “Both times they didn’t shave me and didn’t offer me an enema. The second time, however, I asked myself: maybe we can do it? They asked when the chair was in last time, if on the same day, then you don’t have to do it.
Episio both times, but I shaved myself at home.”

In some maternity hospitals, they don’t mind if a woman in labor gives herself an enema at home, on her own, and besides, it is not necessary to pour liters of water into herself “the old fashioned way.” There are special medical enemas that are also approved for use in the maternity hospital.

Our mother KaterionOK15 tells : “I chewed people 2 years ago at the 2nd canopy booth. There they gave everyone enemas, but not Primus. The list of speeches on the curtains had a medical enema, I bathed it.”

So, fortunately, we live in the twenty-first century, and even in maternity hospitals there are no longer any unambiguous strict rules . The expectant mother can choose how she will feel comfortable getting to the maternity hospital - in an ambulance or in her own car. It will not be a problem to consult a doctor and find out whether it is necessary during childbirth. shaving the crotch . If the doctor melts during this hygienic procedure, the woman in labor can decide for herself whether how exactly will she do the depilation? : using a traditional razor, trimmer or wax.

Question with enema It has also ceased to be a traditional “horror story” for pregnant women: in some maternity hospitals, enemas are not given at all, in others it is allowed to cleanse the intestines in the traditional way at home or use special medications.

We are all different, and everyone has the right to their own decisions. The main thing for the expectant mother is the understanding that there is no reason to be afraid of any procedures before childbirth.

We wish that the delivery process goes well, the baby is born healthy, and the mother feels good!

Pregnancy - time pleasant expectations and hassle. Almost every woman looks forward to meeting her baby with joy. In 9 months, a woman needs to do a lot of things, and the last month is especially busy. You need to prepare yourself for the birth process and create all the conditions for the baby. Preparing a woman for childbirth includes both a psychological attitude and preparing the body for a complex process.

What should you do before giving birth?

Preparing the body

This can include a prenatal diet, preparing the perineum, shaving, cleansing the body before childbirth, and more. All these procedures help to protect and facilitate the birth process. Although they are advisory in nature, every woman should understand that this is very important:

Diet before childbirth

Doctors recommend sticking to a certain diet. A month before the onset of labor, you need to reduce your consumption of animal proteins (fish, meat, eggs, milk); you can consume fermented milk products, cereals, and plant foods. After two weeks, it is advisable to remove cereals and bread, leave fermented milk products and plant foods. This will allow the intestines to empty a little. Moreover, women usually experience a decrease in appetite before childbirth, the growing child puts pressure on the stomach and gastrointestinal tract It’s hard to cope with heavy food. On the day of childbirth, when the woman feels contractions and her water has already broken, it is better not to eat. Firstly, the stomach must be empty during childbirth, and secondly, contractions sometimes provoke nausea.

Cleansing the body before childbirth with an enema

It is better to carry out this procedure at home at the very beginning of contractions. It will be less painful. An enema is done to minimize bowel discharge during childbirth.

Shaving before childbirth

Previously, in Russia, shaving was a mandatory procedure before childbirth. But now our obstetricians and gynecologists have begun to focus on the West and do not require women in labor to come to the maternity hospital shaved. So whether you need to shave before giving birth is up to you to decide. If you are not sure whether you can shave neatly without cutting, then it is better not to shave at all, as infection can get through the cuts. You can also ask the maternity hospital administration how they feel about shaving pubic hair.

Sanitation before childbirth

From the 36th week it is necessary to begin cleansing the birth canal. Sanitation is carried out so that a possible infection of the mother is not transmitted to the child during birth. In addition, if there is inflammation in the vagina of a woman in labor, this can cause cracks in the vaginal mucosa. Sanitation of the birth canal before childbirth is carried out with antiseptic solutions, suppositories, and medicinal tampons. There are many methods, the attending physician can suggest the appropriate method.

Perineal massage before childbirth

To prevent ruptures, it is necessary to prepare the perineum for the birth of a child. The massage is performed using oil and is aimed at increasing skin elasticity. Intimate gymnastics will also be very helpful.

Preparing to meet your baby

In addition to the above procedures before giving birth, a woman must prepare to welcome her baby. It is necessary to prepare the room, clothes and everything necessary for care. It is advisable that there is always someone next to the woman at the expected time of birth. If there are children in the house, it is necessary to decide who they will stay with while the woman is in the hospital.

Preparing things needed for the maternity hospital

In the last days before giving birth, it is necessary to pack a bag with the necessary things. Here's what you might find useful:

This list may vary depending on the rules of the maternity hospital. It is necessary to discuss with the hospital administration everything that needs to be done before giving birth and what to take with you. For example, some hospitals do not accept loungewear; they provide their own gowns and slippers. Do not hesitate to ask even about the most insignificant things, perhaps your curiosity will help you ease the birth process and make this day the most joyful and memorable.

To the maternity hospital future mom comes with the onset of labor, whether contractions or rupture of amniotic fluid. However, this is only the very beginning of the process. Before a woman enters the delivery room, it will still pass some time in the maternity hospital is devoted to various necessary procedures. Some of them can be done at home, on your own, while others are carried out only under medical supervision.

What you can do yourself
So, when you feel the most important moment approaching, you need to not just put on the first clothes you come across and urgently run somewhere. First, you should call an ambulance or call the doctor with whom you have a contract for childbirth. Next, after checking that all things and documents have been taken with you, you should, if possible, remove nail polish from your nails, wash off your makeup from your face, take a shower, put on clean underwear and put a new pad in your panties. For those who do not want to begin their acquaintance with the maternity hospital with a procedure that is not the most pleasant, you can do an enema yourself. Only in this case we must not forget that uterine spasms may intensify, and the birth process will accordingly accelerate. In addition, before leaving, you should leave all your usual decorations at home. Now, however, doctors allow you not to remove the chain with a cross, but it is better to just take it with you and put it on when the birth is over.
Even the most avid motorists should still take into account that in moments of contractions it is very, very difficult, almost impossible, to control oneself, and therefore, while driving, there is a risk of creating emergency situation on road. Therefore, if you are going to the maternity hospital on your own, you need to agree in advance about who will drive the car, and also plan the route of the trip, taking into account traffic jams. In the car, it is better to take a reclining position, placing a diaper on the seat in case the amniotic fluid breaks. For convenience, you can take with you a couple of small pillows that will help you endure the journey with greater comfort. And, of course, don’t forget a pre-prepared bag at home.
Yes, and you also need to remember that the first birth, as a rule, lasts longer than subsequent ones, so this feature should also be taken into account when planning your departure to the maternity hospital.

In the waiting room of the maternity hospital
The first thing you have to do in the reception department is to change into a robe and slippers. It would be good to find out in advance whether the conditions of stay in a particular institution allow your own clothes and shoes or whether you need to wear official clothes. All things issued in the maternity hospital (robe, nightgown, slippers) are perfectly clean and changed regularly.
While the expectant mother is changing her clothes, the nurse is recording all her data. To do this, she needs to provide documents: a passport and exchange card, an insurance and pension policy, a birth certificate (these documents are required if the birth is planned in a government institution). After this, the woman in labor should be weighed, her height and the volume of the external dimensions of the pelvis measured, the skin examined for the presence of fungal and infectious diseases, the temperature measured, arterial pressure and check for signs of a cold. Those who are fine can give birth in the physiological department. If any problems are discovered or the documents are not in order, the woman will be sent to the observation department. This is required for preventive purposes, so that if she has infectious disease and do not expose healthy patients to the risk of infection.

Not the most pleasant procedures
We have already said that the first thing a woman in labor is given is an enema. Previously, this procedure was mandatory. The question of why to do such an unpleasant procedure as an enema before childbirth worries many pregnant women no less than the birth itself. Firstly, a cleansed intestine ensures normal labor activity, from contractions to direct pushing and the birth of the baby. The body, as a rule, cleanses the intestines on its own before childbirth, but it doesn’t hurt to help. Secondly, the feeling of pushing is similar to the feeling during the act of defecation, which is associated with irritation of the receptors of the rectum during the birth of the baby and leads to a corresponding reaction of the body. Therefore, an enema will help you concentrate all your energy on the birth of a child and make childbirth a more comfortable and aesthetic process.
Another controversial procedure is shaving pubic and perineal hair. On the one hand, to disinfect this area, it is treated with a special bacteriological liquid. On the other hand, after childbirth it is necessary to examine the perineum to ensure there are no tears, and it is more hygienic to do this in the absence of hair. In addition, sometimes during childbirth there is a need for an episiotomy, and the golden rule of medicine states that any tears and cuts, even the smallest ones, should be sutured only on a clean skin surface, so that healing is as fast as possible.

Examination by the doctor on duty
An expectant mother admitted to the maternity hospital will have a conversation with the doctor on duty. After studying the exchange card, he will ask several questions about how the pregnancy proceeded, whether there were any diseases or complications during this period, he will ask when the contractions began and how often they are repeated, whether the waters broke, when and what was the last dose food.
After this, the specialist will conduct a vaginal examination. This is necessary to determine the degree of dilatation and the condition of the cervix, which makes it possible to understand whether labor has actually begun. The doctor will assess the height of the baby's head and its position, listen to the fetal heartbeat, and assess the strength of contractions. All these studies are necessary for a preliminary prognosis of childbirth.
The doctor will also talk about exactly how childbirth occurs. He will calm the woman down and tell her how to behave during childbirth. There is no need to be afraid of appearing ignorant: if you have any questions, you should definitely ask them either to your doctor or midwife. This will help you feel more confident and correctly follow the recommendations of specialists at the most crucial moment.
The outcome of the conversation will be a labor management plan. The woman in labor has the right to get to know him in detail, find out for herself the meaning of procedures that she does not understand, and express her wishes, which, if possible, will be taken into account. In a good maternity hospital, no one will put pressure on the expectant mother, and even in an emergency situation (which is not uncommon in obstetric practice) they will inform you about what is being done at the moment and for what purpose.

Other manipulations
In addition, during the entire time from admission to the maternity hospital until the baby is born, other manipulations may be required. For example, during the entire period of labor, cardiotocography is performed, which allows you to monitor the entire process and evaluate the fetal heart rate against the background of contractions and pushing. The woman in labor is attached to two sensors on her stomach, one of which registers the fetal heartbeat, the other measures the intensity and duration of contractions. All data is displayed on the monitor. According to the chart, the intrauterine state of the fetus is assessed, which allows timely diagnosis of incipient hypoxia in the child and avoid serious complications during childbirth.
In exceptional cases - for example, if there is a danger of deviation from the normal course of labor - the expectant mother is given a catheter for intravenous administration of drugs, if necessary. For example, in case of fetal hypoxia or weakness of labor, it is necessary to correct the complications that have arisen in a timely manner, which allows in many situations to avoid an emergency cesarean section.

All these procedures are done some time before the baby is born, that is, in the first stage of labor. And then the actual attempts begin, the result of which is the birth of a new person.

If a pregnant woman is “in labor”, this means that the woman arrived either with contractions or with broken amniotic fluid and will have to give birth in the next few hours. In this case, the sequence of the procedure is as follows:

  • conversation with the midwife, with the doctor on duty who fills out the documentation - the birth chart;
  • determining the weight of a pregnant woman;
  1. A pregnant woman changes into maternity hospital clothes or her own clothes.
  2. A cleansing enema is performed. If a pregnant woman is admitted in the period of pushing, an enema is not performed; she is immediately transferred to the delivery room.
  3. If necessary, the genital area is treated (shaving), followed by a shower.
  4. The pregnant woman is sent to the department - physiological or observational.

If bleeding or other conditions are detected, life-threatening and requiring immediate delivery, the pregnant woman can be sent to the operating room directly from the emergency room with only minimal or no processing.

In this case, the pregnant woman is sent to the pathology department or home. The procedures that are carried out in this case are as follows:

  • If the pregnant woman is not hospitalized, she is given an advisory report with further recommendations.

A pregnant woman may be in the pathology department, her birth may be planned, or contractions may begin at any time. In this case, she expects the following:

  • CTG recording - fetal heartbeat.
  • Cleansing enema and shower.

Cardiotocography (CTG)

If a woman is planning to have a caesarean section, the procedure is the same. The evening before is allowed light dinner, in the morning you can only drink a little clean water.

In the delivery room the woman is assigned to one of the prenatal wards, where she will be monitored and CTG monitoring of the fetal condition will be carried out. The doctor clarifies the woman’s complaints and medical history, studies the birth chart and, if necessary, conducts an examination in the chair.

All the time contractions the woman is in the prenatal ward, she is also allowed to move along the corridor and take a shower (as a method of pain relief).

With the beginning of the pushing period, the woman lies down on a chair in the delivery room, the doctor monitors the condition of the fetus by heart rate (listened to with a stethoscope or CTG monitor).

After the birth of the child, the birth canal is examined for rupture. For another two hours, the woman is under close supervision of medical personnel for timely detection of complications, after which the postpartum woman is transferred to the ward.

If an emergency or planned caesarean section is performed, then immediately after the operation the woman is transferred to the intensive care unit for observation - for at least two hours, most often for 12-24 hours.

What else will happen after childbirth

  • after a natural birth, women stay in the postpartum department for 3-5 days, after a cesarean section - up to 10 days;
  • treatment of sutures twice a day - perineum (for natural childbirth), postoperative scar(after caesarean section);
  • dispensing tablets for concomitant diseases;
  • installation of intravenous infusions - after gestosis, cesarean section, after heavy blood loss or other complications;
  • if necessary, women are talked to about breastfeeding and taught how to latch on to the baby;
  • in case of complicated labor, a woman may be referred for additional examinations or procedures.

Procedures before discharge from the hospital include:

  • blood and urine tests, biochemical examination, if necessary, in-depth urine tests;
  • inspection of seams and their treatment;
  • vaginal examination on a chair;
  • examination of the mammary glands;
  • Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.

The newborn undergoes separate examinations and examinations. If any abnormalities or complications are discovered, the mother and child may be left for some more time in the maternity hospital. In some hospitals, in such cases, transfer to another department is assumed.

As soon as mother and baby are ready for discharge, all documents are drawn up: discharge summary, documents for the child, and others if necessary.

Read more in our article about procedures in the maternity hospital.

Read in this article

What will happen immediately after admission to the maternity hospital?

A maternity hospital is for many a medical institution full of mysteries, because since Soviet times it has been customary for pregnant women and women in labor not to be allowed out even to relatives from the moment of admission until discharge, but to communicate “through the glass window.” In order to feel calm and be prepared for all manipulations, it is useful to know what procedures are carried out in the maternity hospital at different stages.

Pregnant women enter the maternity hospital for two reasons:

  • by referral from a antenatal clinic doctor;
  • on your own or in an ambulance with some complaints.

If a pregnant woman is “in labor”

This means that the woman arrived either with contractions or with broken amniotic fluid and will have to give birth in the next few hours. In this case, the sequence of procedures that will be performed upon admission to the maternity hospital is as follows:

  • conversation with the midwife, and then with the doctor on duty, who fills out the documentation - the birth chart;
  • examination by a doctor, listening to the fetal heartbeat;
  • measuring the abdominal circumference and the height of the uterine fundus;
  • determining the weight of a pregnant woman;
  • blood pressure measurement.
  1. The pregnant woman changes into clothes (robe, slippers, underwear) from the maternity hospital or her own clothes - depending on the institution.
  2. A cleansing enema is performed. If a pregnant woman is admitted while pushing, an enema is not performed and she is immediately transferred to the delivery room.
  3. If necessary, the genital area is treated (shaving), then you should take a shower.
  4. The pregnant woman is sent to the department - physiological or observational, based on the clinical situation.

Expert opinion

Daria Shirochina (obstetrician-gynecologist)

If bleeding or other conditions that are life-threatening and require immediate delivery are detected, the pregnant woman can be sent to the operating room directly from the emergency room with only minimal or no treatment.

If there are signs of labor or other problems

In this case, the pregnant woman is sent to the pathology department or home (for example, if she refuses hospitalization or her condition does not require inpatient care). The procedures that are carried out in this case are as follows:

  • Conversation with the midwife and doctor, preparation of the necessary documentation.
  • Examination on a gynecological chair.
  • Measuring weight, blood pressure, parameters of a pregnant woman.
  • If the pregnant woman is not hospitalized, she is given an advisory report on her condition with further recommendations.
  • If necessary, the woman is sent to the pathology department or the delivery room for observation.

Procedures to prepare for the day of birth

If a woman enters the maternity hospital with contractions or broken waters, the algorithm of actions and all procedures before childbirth are described in the previous paragraph.

But a pregnant woman may be in the pregnancy pathology department and her delivery may be planned, or contractions may begin at any time. In this case, she expects the following:

  • Examination by the attending or duty doctor, and, if necessary, by the head of the department.
  • CTG recording - fetal heartbeat.
  • Cleansing enema and shower.
  • Transfer to an observational or physiological maternity ward.

If a woman is planning a caesarean section, the procedure is the same. A light dinner is allowed the night before; in the morning you can only drink a little clean water.

Also, the pregnant woman must collect all her things if she was previously in the pathology department. Some can be taken with you to the delivery room, the other will need to be put in a storage room.

Watch this video about preparatory procedures before childbirth:

In the delivery room

The maternity room includes an examination room (usually several), prenatal wards where women are during contractions, as well as the maternity rooms (halls) themselves - they contain special chairs, a table for treating a newborn, as well as equipment and tools that may be needed during childbirth, everything is sterile, and Consumables— disposable (diapers, etc.).

The delivery room also includes an operating room, where, if necessary, a woman can be sent urgently during childbirth.

After admission to the delivery room, the woman is assigned to one of the prenatal wards, where she will be monitored (including video), and CTG monitoring of the fetal condition is carried out. The doctor, who is in charge of the delivery room at this time, clarifies the woman’s complaints and medical history, studies the birth chart and, if necessary, conducts an examination in a gynecological chair.

If childbirth proceeds without complications, then the frequency of vaginal examinations is as follows:

  • every four hours during labor;
  • after the rupture of amniotic fluid;
  • if complications are suspected.

The woman is in the prenatal ward throughout the contractions; she is also allowed to move along the corridor and take a shower (as a method of pain relief).

With the beginning of the pushing period, the issue of transfer to the delivery room itself is decided. Here the woman lies down on a chair, the doctor monitors the condition of the fetus by heart rate (listened to with a stethoscope or CTG monitor).

After the birth of the child, the birth canal is examined for rupture. If necessary, the doctor performs suturing, as well as additional manipulations. For another two hours, the woman is under close supervision of medical personnel for timely detection of complications. After which the postpartum woman is transferred to a ward with the baby.

If an emergency or planned caesarean section is performed, then immediately after the operation the woman is transferred to the intensive care unit for observation - for at least two hours, most often for 12-24 hours. After this, she is also transferred to the postpartum ward.

Watch this video on how to care for a suture after a caesarean section:

What else will happen after childbirth

As soon as doctors are confident that the woman’s condition is stable, she is transferred to the postpartum ward. After a natural birth, women stay here for 3-5 days, after a cesarean section - up to 10 days. If necessary, the period may be extended. What procedures a woman will undergo after this depends on how her labor progressed.

If necessary, conversations are held with women about breastfeeding, teach how to properly attach the baby.

If the course of labor is complicated, a woman may be sent for additional examinations or procedures (for example, physical therapy), which are done directly in the maternity hospital.

Features before discharge from the hospital

Depending on the condition of the postpartum woman, the doctor determines the time of her discharge. The day before you need to undergo a minimum examination and examination. Procedures before leaving the hospital include the following:

  • blood and urine analysis, if necessary - a broader study, including biochemical examination, in-depth urine tests;
  • inspection of seams and their treatment;
  • vaginal examination on a chair - the rate of uterine contraction and the nature of discharge from the genital tract are determined;
  • examination of the mammary glands;
  • The newborn undergoes separate examinations and examinations. If any abnormalities or complications are discovered in the baby, mother and child may be left in the maternity hospital for some more time. In some hospitals, in such cases it is assumed that the patient will be transferred to another department (rehabilitation) or even a children's hospital.

    As soon as the mother and baby are ready for discharge, all documents are drawn up - discharge summary, documents for the child, and others, if necessary. The woman should subsequently provide some of them to the pediatrician, and the other to the gynecologist at her place of residence.

    Preparation for childbirth is universal and is performed in all maternity hospitals, but each medical institution has its own approaches and nuances. For example, in some places visiting relatives is allowed during the entire stay in the maternity hospital and even during childbirth. In others, this is strictly prohibited and even wearing your own clothes is not allowed. Therefore, when sending to a hospital on a scheduled basis, you should find out such nuances in advance.

    Useful video

    Watch this video about the features of the postpartum period:

Contractions have begun, and the expectant mother arrives at the maternity hospital. But before the woman ends up in the delivery room, she will spend some more time in the emergency department of the maternity hospital. And it is there that she will undergo some standard preparatory procedures. Let's tell you more about them.

medical examination

As soon as a woman in labor crosses the threshold of the emergency department, she will be immediately referred to the obstetrician-gynecologist on duty. First, the doctor will ask the expectant mother about the contractions, asking when they started, how often they are repeated and how strong they are. At the same time, the doctor will examine the exchange card, ask several questions about how the pregnancy proceeded, and find out if the woman has any diseases or allergic reactions. After this, the obstetrician-gynecologist will conduct a vaginal examination. It is needed in order to determine how dilated the cervix is ​​and to understand whether labor has really begun. The doctor will assess the height of the baby's head and its position, listen to the fetal heartbeat, and assess the strength of contractions. The doctor or midwife will then measure the mother's weight, blood pressure and pelvic dimensions. If the dilatation of the cervix indicates that the process is underway, that is, labor has begun, the doctor will send the woman to the maternity ward. In other cases, the expectant mother will be allowed to return home or will be recommended to go to the pregnancy pathology department.


If labor proceeds as usual, there is nothing urgent and the woman is left in the maternity hospital, then after the examination the midwife of the emergency department will begin to draw up documents. The expectant mother must present a passport, exchange card, insurance policy and birth certificate. The midwife will fill out the “birth history” and enter into it all the data from the exchange card. While a woman is in the maternity hospital, the birth history will be her main document. It will record all the tests and examinations performed here, information about how the birth took place and data about the newborn.

personal items

After the documents are completed, the woman in labor will need to change clothes. The expectant mother will either return her clothes to those accompanying her (husband, relatives), or hand them over to a storage room. Instead, they will give you a government-issued nightgown and robe. You will also be given slippers, although it is more convenient to take your own to the maternity block; it is much more comfortable to move around the maternity hospital in them (especially since you are allowed to take your own slippers in all maternity hospitals). The main thing is that shoes should be rubber or any other washable material. There is no need to be afraid of official things - they will all be clean and disinfected, in addition, they can always be changed as needed.

You can also take some personal items with you to the maternity unit; each specific maternity hospital has its own list of such items. Usually you are allowed to take water and a telephone everywhere; in addition, in many maternity hospitals you can take wet wipes, a tablet, a player, an icon, and a needle massager to the maternity block. Some places even allow you to change into your personal belongings (robe, shirt) during childbirth, but you need to find out about this in advance.

intimate procedure

In the emergency department of the maternity hospital, a woman in labor may be offered to remove hair in the intimate area. Moreover, if a woman does not want to, then she can refuse this procedure. Previously, in Russia, all pregnant women had to shave their pubic and perineal hair before giving birth. It was believed that hair in these places collects various bacteria, which is not at all necessary during childbirth, especially for a child. Now many doctors claim that these fears are too exaggerated, and allow hair removal not to occur. intimate place. To prevent infection, instead of shaving, the perineum is treated with an antiseptic.

On the other hand, hair removal has its advantages. If the vegetation in the intimate area is abundant, then it is more difficult for the midwife to control the change in color of the perineum during childbirth, and this important point. Sometimes when the baby's head erupts, the skin of the perineum becomes too tight and may rupture. Before the rupture, the skin turns very pale, and seeing this, you can prevent perineal ruptures and perform an episiotomy. In addition, suturing tears in the external genitalia and an incision after an episiotomy is much more convenient if there is no hair in the intimate area. So if doctors in the maternity hospital recommend removing vegetation on the genitals, you should listen to their advice. Some people remove hair at home in advance (shaving or epilating). Well, if it’s difficult for a pregnant woman ( big belly blocks the view), then the hair will be removed by the midwife of the emergency department (with a disposable machine).

cleansing procedure

Another not very pleasant procedure that can also be offered in the emergency department is a cleansing enema. Previously, it, like shaving the perineum, was also performed on all women in labor; it was believed that the cleansed intestines ensured normal labor, from contractions to direct pushing and the birth of the baby. In addition, during pushing, spontaneous passage of feces is possible, but after the enema this will no longer happen. Today you can also refuse an enema. Firstly, very often before giving birth, the mother’s stools become more frequent and the intestines become empty. Secondly, if the stool does pass during pushing, the midwife will immediately lay out a clean diaper and clean everything up. Although most women still prefer to do an enema and give birth comfortably, without worrying about various “surprises.”

final point

If a woman gives birth with a partner (husband, sister, girlfriend, personal midwife, psychologist), he must show the results of the tests necessary for joint childbirth. Then he is taken to a special room where he can change clothes. In some maternity hospitals, partners are offered medical suits, in others they are allowed to take their own clothes to the birth (they must be made of cotton). And of course, the partner needs to take with him a change of shoes and some personal items (phone, water, light snack). The list of permitted things must be found out in advance.

After examination, registration and completion of all hygiene procedures, the expectant mother, together with the midwife, goes up to the maternity ward. And that’s where her main work in the maternity hospital takes place.

A woman in labor has the right to find out why this or that examination or procedure is needed, to express her wishes, and even to refuse some manipulations

Everything that the expectant mother plans to take with her to the maternity unit should be placed in a separate, clean plastic bag(you will not be allowed to take cloth or leather bags for childbirth)