Dryness or dryness- This is a ritual of love, but less action than a love spell. The name comes from the expression “to dry out of love,” which means you can make the chosen one begin to dry up. In the text of dryness spells, these signs of falling in love are often mentioned - so that one cannot eat or drink, cannot sleep, loses interest in friends and girlfriends, so that one’s heart aches and skips a beat, and one does not find a place for oneself, and thinks only about one’s beloved and desired, I only wanted her. In a word, the rite of dryness should cause, if successfully performed, a feverish and excited state, falling in love and fire in the blood, restlessness of the body and mind associated with a hormonal explosion, the predominance of fire and air in the human body. Part love lyrics describes exactly such effects, as it becomes clear, such things can be caused artificially if you skillfully and tastefully create a love spell on your chosen one.

In fact, it is not always possible to determine a clear line where the dryness ends and the love spell begins. There is a strong attachment and a soft love spell, which is almost the same thing. Dryness can give a more vivid effect than love spell work on a person; it is intended as a bright rite with a sharp effect.

Rather, dryness can be determined by what forces are not used in the ritual. More often, drying occurs using the fire element, as well as with the participation of Orthodox components. Cemeteries and dark creatures are almost unsuitable for such rituals. But a love spell can be done using any force. Both the “tone” and the features of the manifestation of a love spell will directly depend on what Forces are at work. From demons they rage and go crazy, from the cemetery they collapse under the yoke of love's melancholy, from fire they burn and burn, etc., but the Supreme Beings give an individual effect

It is better and wiser to start the work of finding a chosen one or a chosen one just with dry ones and it may turn out that a few will be enough for the desired result. Drying on a man is popular - many people are afraid to do a love spell; they believe that drying will have fewer side effects and will have a milder effect.

In general, relatively speaking, many rituals “for melancholy” can be classified as inherent rather than love spells. They are available for candles, for smoke, for water with gravy, and also for lining. There are also dryings with a hint of challenge - for the wind, for smoke, with candles. Many feedings and feedings are also more likely to be dry spells than love spells, if only because the effect of feeding and drinking does not last long.

This section contains additives for every taste, but to understand the issue in more depth, we invite you to the first love spell forum. By asking questions to experienced practitioners, reading comments on rituals posted on the forum, you will learn a lot of useful and important things, you will avoid possible errors. Remember, there is something sapper-like in magic: we need to try to do it right right away, avoid redoing rituals, because mistakes in magic cost us dearly.

How can you be sure that you have cast a love spell that will definitely work? Your observations will show this. They will also help you give a correct assessment of your work, and a forecast of how a guy’s real love spell can affect a specific object in the future. Today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, want to devote a conversation to magical love spells with food. Such drying and effective rituals for a guy's love are technically simple, and therefore they are often performed at home.

Simple love spells for a guy's love through food - the meaning of magical rituals

The tradition of reading a guy’s love spells on food is very old, many magical rituals are not love spells, they are sugars and food fixes that work one-time. The purpose of such witchcraft rituals and love spells is to achieve the desired behavior from a man. And the magician, as a rule, gets his way.

There is a whole series of white love spells for husbands on food, which is charmed and subsequently fed to the spouse. These are, as a rule, light magical rituals of existing relationships. They are performed with an appeal to the White natural Forces; many safe love spells for a guy of this category work on the personal strength of the performer.

Using the same principle, the magician casts an exact love spell on a guy at home with an appeal to the Dark Ones. But no matter who helps the magician, the meaning of the victim’s witchcraft drink is unchanged, and it is that the liquid with which witchcraft manipulations were performed (the carrier of the love spell program) enters the body of the beloved man. It’s the same with food – there’s no difference.

As for the consequences of a love spell on food, they are no different from the unpleasant results that can be obtained from witchcraft rituals love magic other categories. Kickbacks, return and side effects- these are the “charms” that, one way or another, any novice magician encounters. Things are unpleasant, and often dangerous, but this is a kind of natural selection mechanism that works clearly in witchcraft. Those who are not capable of real witchcraft are quickly eliminated. Who has magical abilities, remain, and in the process of practice they gain experience, and, accordingly, knowledge, and develop connections with the Dark Forces.

Love spells for food are suitable for regular use.

Most of those who have independently cast love spells on food give positive feedback about the effectiveness of such witchcraft rituals. We can say that both practicing magicians and people close to witchcraft give good ratings to these simple love spell rituals for a guy’s love.

If you and your beloved husband live together, performing such magical rituals is not difficult. Such, it would seem, keep your spouse close sometimes better than hard black love spells. They have no side effects or negativity. Therefore, do not underestimate love whispers. Let's see how you can make an accurate love spell yourself through a charmed food or drink.

Homemade love spell for your beloved guy for food

A very good love spell for food or drink. The result comes quickly, and the exact love spell on a guy using food at home works great. I recommend sticking to men's days. The number of repetitions when reading the words of a conspiracy to love a guy depends on your feelings. You can read it 3, 7, 9, 12 times. It’s best to talk about food before serving.

“An evil melancholy lies in the field, heavy as a stone board. I would be able to overcome her, lift her up, and send melancholy to my servant (name). Oh, he would grieve, oh, he would yearn, be sad, be tempted, would not have seen enough, would not say goodbye. I, (name) would become for him the red sun, water in the heat, a wall in the wind, mother’s milk, father’s strong shoulder. A broom in a bathhouse, fire in a snowstorm, an icon in a holy church, may the slave (name) always be mine. From now on and forever, there will be no such person to take my word from him, to drive my image away from him. Thoughts were conceived and controlled, neither the devil nor the priest corrected my slander. Oh, you, melancholy, mighty sadness, call (name), drive, lead to me, (name). Amen".

The power of magical lures lies in the belief that this is a love spell for a guy that will definitely work. And it will definitely not give negativity either towards the object or towards the performer.

Love spell on food and blood

In its effect, this love spell on a guy for food is similar to black sexual attachments. Similarly, it evokes in any man a strong love craving, bodily attraction, desire and desire for frequent sexual intercourse. This strong love spell for men on food is done as follows.

We need to cook the meat. Pork is best suited for this purpose. Using a new needle, pierce the ring finger on your left hand, place 1 drop of blood on the meat, and apply another 1 drop to your underwear from the wrong side. This piece of underwear must be worn and slept in for 7 nights. Applying blood to meat and linen, read the plot for the love of your husband three times:

“Droplet sisters, red maidens, talk to each other, help me (name) to be with my beloved (name). The key to this matter is now and forever. Amen".

Treat your husband to the charmed food. This exact love spell through food at home will work in 7 days. You will not be deprived of the affection of your man.

How to make your own love spell - a love spell for bread

In the practices of Russian witchcraft there are a number of love spells, including independent ones, where one of the components of the effects is bread. Bread has powerful creative natural energy, which a practicing magician can use in his work.

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, want to offer you 2 options for how to cast a love spell on a man using food, in particular, with the help of enchanted bread. Such additions are made only during the waxing moon. The power of bread drying will increase if you bake the bread for witchcraft yourself.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Easy love spell with a hot loaf

This is an old, working white love spell husband for a loaf of bread; You can also read something else about food. Very good prevention adultery. The words of the love spell are read on hot bread, and then offered to the man. He should be the first to taste your magic bread.

They read the following text of a love plot for their beloved husband.

“I, named (name), will go out early in the morning into an open field, a wide expanse. I’ll stop there and shout loudly, calling on the seventy-seven whirlwinds that curl and walk across the expanses. I will command them that the brothers' windy whirlwinds should go in all directions and cover the expanses from the earth to the heavens. I will ask them to take away the sadness and melancholy from all the lonely and weak, from orphans and unfortunate mothers. Take the melancholy and throw it into the heart of my beloved, (name) betrothed. Let melancholy take root in his heart, let it grow there. Let (name) miss and yearn for me, his wife (name). He won’t be able to cope with the melancholy, he won’t be able to overcome the sadness. He will not know peace either in the sun, or in the moon, or in dim fogs, or in white snow, or in boiling showers. He can’t indulge in loving thoughts about me, he can’t indulge in the bodily languor that wants pleasure with me. Friends won't cheer you up, girlfriends won't console you. I am the only one dear to him, his wife, I am a red peahen to him, the joy of his soul. My lips are like honey, my hands are like a spring. My witcher’s word is strong, stronger than damask steel. My talk forever, now and forever. Amen".

Love spell for black bread

For the magical ritual of a love spell on a guy, the following components are needed:

  • rye flour bread
  • red wax candle

Do this during the waxing moon, Friday evening. It is advisable to bake the bread yourself. In the conditions of a modern city, not everyone can comply, and therefore this homemade independent love spell on bread Can be made with a regular loaf from the store.

Light a candle. Sprinkle a slice of rye bread generously with salt, take it into right hand, and hold a burning candle in your left hand. Stand on the threshold, facing the inside of the house, and read the words of a guy’s love spell on food:

“I conjure with the living flame of a candle, I command the flesh of the earth, let the slave (name) turn to me with his soul and body, let him dry with all his heart, black liver, red blood, wild curls, clear eyes, sugar lips. So that I (name) would be sweet and desirable to him - day and night, early in the morning, and late in the evening during the month. Let him dry up about me, like bread dries up, let him remember about me day and night, early in the morning, and late in the evening during the month. Amen".

The candle should be extinguished with your fingers, and the bread and salt should be eaten. Then take the loaf from which you cut a piece and crumble it for the birds. Look at the birds eating bread crumbs and silently (you can whisper) read the words of the love spell:

“Just as birds flock to feed me, so with longing for love, languor, desire for lustful pleasures, I bind (name) to myself. I put food for the bird of heaven, with love (name) I return the food for myself.”

Love spell - easy love spell on poppy seeds

On the waxing moon, on Wednesday or Friday, speak poppy seeds. That same evening, prepare homemade cakes, sprinkling them with spices and magic poppy seeds. Treat your beloved guy. If it is not possible to feed a man, sprinkle the charmed poppy into the lining of his house, into his clothing pockets, into his shoes, etc.

Read the magic love spell for poppy seeds three times:

“Just as the poppy is varnished and desired, so I (name) will be desired to my beloved (name). My darling will look for me everywhere, love me, caress me, have mercy, and please me on the feather bed. Exactly".

How to remove a love spell on food - free your beloved husband from the conspiracy

To remove a strong love spell on food from a man, you need to do the following. Take food, pronounce the witchcraft words of a conspiracy over it, a guy from complementary feeding, and distribute it to those asking at the church or in the cemetery. Or you can just treat someone. This conspiracy is white, and therefore this transfer ritual is suitable for two-handed people, or those who practice white magic. Warlocks have their own methods of cleansing.

Here are the words of the conspiracy to remove a love spell cast on food.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I speak nine times. Some memories are from bitter tears, the second are from unnecessary dreams, the third are to breathe easily, the fourth are to brush away a bitter thought.

The fifth mention is from ardent desire, the sixth is from heartfelt yearning. The seventh commemoration is for separation, the eighth commemoration is for God's forgiveness. The ninth commemoration is for love liberation. Whoever gets involved in my business, the Angel of the Lord will remember him, take him by the hand, lead him to the holy icon, put him on his knees, and force him to pray for the health of the servant of God (the name of the one being cleansed). As I said, so that everything will come true. The servant of God (name) is given a holy cross, and his enemies are given a nail. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Home love spell on bay leaf with cemetery elements

Ya magician Sergei Artgrom I note, all love love spells for a guy with food, seasonings and spices are magical complementary foods. A real love spell for a guy’s love is not cast through food, it contains elements of cemetery witchcraft, and is full of necroenergy.

To effectively cast a love spell on a man you will need:

  • cotton threads
  • shirt of the one you dare to bewitch
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 3 candles

On the full moon, according to all the rules, buy cotton threads to match the man’s thing that you have chosen to perform the ritual. In addition, you need to buy needles and bay leaves. On the same day, take the threads, 1 needle and 1 laurel leaf to the performer’s personal grave, and bury them at the feet of the deceased for 9 days. Follow the rules of cemetery work.

On day 9, take everything you own from the grave. The ritual of casting a home love spell on a married guy using a bay leaf. Light the candles. Place soap on your right hand. It is with this soap that you will then wash your husband’s shirt. Bay leaf put it on left palm, cover with the right one and read the words of the plot 3 times:

“As young women look in the mirror, but they can’t see enough of their beauty, so my husband (name) would look at me (name), but he wouldn’t see enough. As quickly as the soap washes away, my husband (name) will love me (name). As the shirt on the body is white, so would my husband be bright. Amen".

Grind the bay leaf, lightly cut the seam of the shirt, pour the powder into the hole in the seam, and then sew it up. This is an independent love spell that will definitely work, since it is performed through a grave reserve full of the dead, which envelops the living slowly, gradually, and holds tightly.

The pad will work properly. Possible side effects include melancholy, deep sadness and dissatisfaction. The ritual does not give ardent passion, like demonic dryness, but the husband will forget to think about betrayal.

A love spell on food is most often done then. There is a simple explanation for this.

The fact is that in Rus' from time immemorial it was not customary to eat food from strangers or unfamiliar people, especially the second and first courses.

Therefore, by and large, there was no opportunity to cast a love spell on food for the chosen one.

But when the couple began to live as husband and wife, the situation changed dramatically. In addition to the fact that any woman, putting love into food, essentially makes a soft attachment, with the help of food or drink you can firmly bind your husband to you.

Moreover, such a love spell will not arouse suspicion, because there is nothing more natural than feeding your spouse.

The magic of similarity is also used here, since love spells were made on the most important food products - salt, bread or honey.

Love spell on food: how to make a love ritual on food

In general, a love spell on food is universal - both men and women can do it.

Moreover, men do this even better, since by nature a woman will much more easily approach a man who demonstrates that he is a good owner.

Strong love spell on food: salt

One of the options for a love spell on food is on salt, of which quite a lot are known.

Initially, salt was a rarity, a delicacy, something that was valued very highly. Confirmation of this can be found in numerous proverbs.

In addition, salt has unique energy properties. It can protect, accumulate negativity and other information.

Since a love spell is, in general, a negative program, a love spell on food and salt is indeed the most powerful. In addition, you can do it yourself.

“Just as the servant of God (name) does not eat anything without salt, so without me, the servant of God (name), he could neither eat, nor drink, nor walk around with women. Just as salt is a seasoning for every dish, so I, the servant of God (name), would be suitable for the servant of God (name) for every task. Amen."

Place salt discreetly in the salt shaker from which the husband usually salts food. If there is no such tradition, then randomly “invent” one.

The main thing is for the husband to salt the food himself.

In the process of preparing something sweet, for example, pies, you can make a simple, but very effective and strong love spell on food.

Strictly speaking, this ritual cannot be called a love spell, since it affects both participants, that is, it is binary.

The ideal dish for these purposes are pancakes or pancakes.

The text of the conspiracy uses names Slavic gods, so the pancake, as a symbol of the sun, will allow you to realize your plans in the best possible way.

So, when you knead the dough, add a teaspoon of honey to it. It is better that the honey is liquid. Pour it in a thin stream onto the dough in a clockwise spiral, concentrating on the image of your loved one.

When the honey has completely drained from the spoon, stir it clockwise with the same spoon. At this time, you should read the conspiracy to yourself:

“Just as honest people love sweet honey, so would Dazhbozhiy’s grandson (name) love me (name). My Lado and I are forever connected with red threads, our destinies are now tied. Goy!

This type of love spell on food has been known since the Middle Ages. Of course, now you won’t be burned at the stake for using it, but you need to use it extremely carefully.

The fact is that they are treated with various chemicals, and many species have undergone genetic modification.

As you know, nature does not like it when people interfere with its creations, and for the ritual we will need an absolutely “ecologically friendly” apple.

  1. So, buy fruits at the spontaneous market and bring them home. Try not to haggle during the purchasing process.
  2. When you get home, wash the apple under running water.
  3. Light a red candle and move an apple around the flame three times. Please note that you should not singe the skin.

After this, place the apple on the third eye area and say:

“My thoughts, my thoughts, go to the servant of God (name)”

Again, circle the apple around the candle flame three times and apply the fruit to the heart area. Say:

“My love, my tenderness, go to God’s servant (name)”

Repeat the manipulations and lastly place the apple just below the navel. Read the words:

“My passion, my attraction, go to the servant of God (name)”

Since such a love spell on food on an apple does not last long, the very next day treat the person you want to bewitch. He must eat at least a piece of the offered treat.

This love spell “works” along three energy centers - three chakras. One of the main conditions for its work is your energetic message, your faith that it will work.

Love spells are not just a woman's activity. Of course, most of them are universal and suitable to attract the attention of both men and women.

However, in parallel with them there are also clearly specialized rituals. These include a love spell on a girl's food and drink.

This food love spell is a male version, which is quite strong in its energy.

But here, instead of menstrual blood, simply blood is taken from a finger. To do this, you need to read the spell over a glass of water, and then drop a few drops of your blood into it.

The conspiracy itself:

“My blood comes out of me, my passion goes into water. Just as my blood is hot, so would the heart of God’s servant (name) be hotter. Just as a person cannot live without blood, so God’s servant (name) could not live without me, God’s servant (name). Amen"

The most Full description in all details - a love spell with a drying effect with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

Love magic offers several options for attracting your chosen one. One of these methods is drying - a ritual aimed at emotional attachment. It is very easy to carry out such a ritual yourself at home, but you will not be able to get rid of dryness on your own - you need the help of a powerful sorcerer.

Using this technique, it is possible to influence only one area of ​​desire, which determines its effectiveness. Such a magical ritual takes effect after a short time. It happens that the first signs begin to appear after a few days. The popularity of these rituals is growing due to the ease of execution, but they can cause serious consequences.

With the help of drying spells, it is possible to evoke melancholy in a lover. They are used in cases where you need to remind yourself. The person at whom the ritual was directed will begin to think about the performer and yearn for him. Such magic can also be sexual, aimed at inducing physical desire in the victim. It is not difficult to make such a conspiracy on your own, but it is important to remember that it should be repeated after some time.

An obsessive person is a dried-up person

A strong suction is somewhat different from a regular love spell, but outwardly it can be mistaken for a love spell. You can make dryness yourself using food, sex, photography, thread. How does it work? Anyone who has performed such a ritual at least once in his life knows that this method relies exclusively on the principle of similarity. Under the influence of magic, the energy matrix of what is happening with one object is transferred to another. To make such a “love spell”, you need attentiveness, accuracy, high concentration and accuracy.

If the procedure is violated, the consequences will not be long in coming, and getting rid of them will be much more difficult. If the ritual is performed incorrectly or there is poor concentration, damage will be sent to the victim (and at the same time to the performer) instead of a love spell, which can only be removed by a powerful magician. That is why, before starting to practice dryness at home, it is necessary to objectively evaluate own strength, no matter how much magic the performer has used before.

People who are addicted show a fixation on a specific thought.

Dried people experience certain symptoms reminiscent of the symptoms of a love spell, which are not difficult to identify. Drying on candles and other auxiliary means evoke a certain set of emotions, on the basis of which the symptoms of the “disease” are formed. Victims lose interest in the world around them and friends, become unable to reason sensibly, and constantly strive to see or meet the performer of the ritual.

Dryness and love spell - what's the difference?

Prisushka is significantly different from a love spell. No matter how much a person loves his chosen one, it is under no circumstances allowed to impose this love by force. This magical ritual is a very strong occult influence, which after a certain time will completely destroy a person. A love spell acts like an attractive agent - it overshadows the victim’s mind, forcing him to love the performer of the ritual against his will.

The hunger for sex, food, photos or some other means/goal completely enslaves the victim. She in literally words dry out over time, like the object about which the conspiracy was whispered. Magic works in such a way that the victim cannot be away from the performer - it begins to hurt, dry out, sink, and independently removing the damage in this case will not help, no matter how much magical powers the person didn't have it. The only thing that can help is to try to stay close to the performer, then the signs of the “illness” will disappear, but the person will not become the same.

Photos, food - indispensable helpers for sex ritual

At home, almost anyone can independently apply dryness to their chosen one, but it is worth remembering that the consequences cannot be avoided. Anyone who has performed such a ritual knows that it takes effect after a short time, while removal takes a fairly long period of time, no matter what removal spell the magician uses. Strong suction is often used to attract a partner for sex.

The most popular types of dry spells are aimed not only at attracting a partner in love, but also at having sex with him. Most often, such rituals are performed on the waning moon, and it is necessary to concentrate on the means of achieving the goal, giving it the necessary emotional condition.

No matter how much the magician prepares, the ritual will drain almost all the energy from him.

Very often, so that they do not have to withdraw after a certain period of time, the performers themselves go through the necessary emotional state. As soon as the performer is prepared, he is allowed to begin the ritual, for example, eating. The ritual boils down to casting a special spell on an object or food during a certain phase of the moon, as well as carrying out a special set of actions.

Consequences: great danger

Like any magical action, drying causes serious consequences, whether it is aimed at awakening love feelings or sex. Most often, the consequences of using such magic are expressed in mental disorder victims, the signs of which are regular depression and being in an apathetic state.

Signs of physical disorder may also appear - the appearance of various diseases, often serious. No matter how much the dried victim tries to get rid of this condition, she will not be able to do this while she is away from the performer.

Differences between drying and love spell

To strengthen relationships, love and physiological attraction, a love spell or sugar spell is usually used. But in what case exactly should a love spell be used, and in what case should a dry spell be used? And how not to make a mistake in choosing a method of strengthening relationships? Before you begin the rituals, you need to arm yourself with knowledge of what is the difference between a love spell and a love spell.

You need to use a love spell if you want a person to love you.

Differences between love spells

In my magical practice, there have often been cases when mostly women, but also men, came in tears, asking to return their love to them, to restore their intact family. But there is no magical ritual that would influence the mind and emotions of a person, which can make a person turn around and leave the one to whom he was bewitched. influenced the human mind negative energy, which destroys his will. And the more you try to bombard a person with conspiracies, the stronger man will look like a zombie and is unlikely to live long. A person loses free will.

Let's consider what a love spell is - a strong energetically magical action aimed at the psyche and emotional state of a certain person. You need to use a love spell if you want a person to love you, or if you want him to return to your family. Before you decide to perform a ritual, you should think carefully about whether you really need this person so much that you are ready to resort to magic. Weigh all the pros and cons, remember that the ritual will not be without consequences, both for you and for your lover.

Differences in drying

If your lover had to go somewhere, or you are simply afraid that he might have an affair at work, then a dryer is what you need. The person on whom the desiccation was applied will not be able to live without you. All his thoughts will be directed only at you, and if he is not with you, he will begin to fade, get sick and miss you. He won't last long in this state. As soon as he returns to you, the person will immediately feel better, he will stop getting sick and will feel better, as if you are his oasis in the desert. But remember that the person who has been put under a love spell does not experience sincere feelings, his thoughts will be about you, but everything that is done against the will of the person mainly brings him harm. If a person initially does not have any warm feelings and emotions for your person, a sugar spell will not work the same way as a love spell. A person will be attracted to you, but there is no guarantee that a person's attraction will develop into true, sincere love.

Do not confuse love spell and dry spell. Usually, when performing such rituals, people believe that love spells and love spells are not much different from each other, which leads to almost irreversible mistakes. You need to be extremely careful, clearly know your goal, know possible consequences love spells and drying spells, and not allow even the slightest mistakes.

Usually they dry a person if he has offended. They no longer dry for the purpose of love or attraction, but for the sake of the suffering of another person.

If you suspect that your loved one has been cheated, you should pay attention to his behavior.

Suggested signs of drying out:

  • your loved one stopped paying attention to you and your words;
  • he has an absent, sickly appearance;
  • often quarrels with you;
  • loss of interest in you, everything that concerns you;
  • loss of meaning in life.

Do not confuse love spell and drying spell

How to determine whether a love spell is on you or a love spell

Usually, if a person has any magical effect, he does not even have the thought of checking whether his fears are true. If such thoughts come to your mind, you can remember your behavior and thoughts, analyze your thoughts and actions. If you began to behave rudely towards a previously close person, do not listen to him and quarrel all the time, and your thoughts are occupied with a completely different person - you are probably influenced by magic.

A love spell is on you if:

  • you suddenly developed a crush on someone you hadn’t even noticed before;
  • as you already know, you have become irritable;
  • you don’t want to be close to someone you previously loved;
  • disagreements have appeared in your family, the former understanding has disappeared;
  • in the end, you divorced your loved one and left for someone else.

You have been dried out if you notice:

  • the person who previously attracted you is of no interest to you;
  • you want to be close to the person who attracts you physiologically all the time;
  • you are literally drying up, you have lost sleep and appetite;
  • Features of rituals for drying and love spells

How to make a love spell

You can perform love spell rituals yourself, without the help of a magician. You must be focused on your goal, clearly imagine what you want. You should not tell anyone that you are going to perform, are performing or have performed a love spell ritual. The ritual must be performed on the waning moon in complete solitude. Focus on the result. After performing the ritual, immediately try to forget that you performed it and live as if the desired result has already happened. Don't forget about rituals to protect against rollback.

How to do drying

The drying ritual is an element of black magic and in this it is no different from a love spell, so the help of an experienced magician is recommended. But you can also do it yourself if you are confident that you can do everything correctly. Drying is carried out using various items and even on the weather.

If during drying you are not focused on the goal, if you are distracted, then the effect of drying will fall on you. Drying made with an admixture negative emotions or offense against a person is tantamount to damage. Do not forget, the slightest mistake and damage will be on you. In no case do not forget about rituals to protect against reverse negative effects, which, if you try to remove the drying or perform incorrect actions when applying the drying, will hit you. It is best if you turn to a magician for help so that there is no trouble. A person who tried to cast a spell and did not succeed, having cast a spell on himself, begins to suffer severely and painfully for a long time. Most often these are heart diseases and psychological diseases. Doctors here are unlikely to help you, just to muffle the symptoms of illness a little. Only an experienced light magician who has never practiced and is not involved in love spells or drying, casting damage and similar kind of black magic can remove damage from you.

The drying ritual is an element of black magic

Examples of rituals

Ritual for drying to the wind. It is recommended to carry out the ritual in a well-ventilated room or on the street, in places where there are no people and the wind is blowing. Your task is to conjure a wind that will blow on the person, blowing it towards you, causing the person to cling to you and pine for you.

A plot to dry out using new socks brought as a gift.

Buying socks that you will talk about and end up giving to a person, which is main goal your ritual, there should be no one in the store except you and the seller. When paying the seller for socks, say to yourself

“I’ll buy socks and tame (person’s name).”

When you get home, turn your socks inside out and embroider a small cross on each of them using threads of the same color as the socks. Then turn your socks inside out, place them on your palms and concentrate on the person you are going to dry. Imagine the desired effect that ultimately affects the person. Then give him these socks.

Love spell ritual using a broom. Take an old, reused broom. Take out two twigs from it, representing the object of your love. Clearly set yourself the purpose for which you are resorting to this ritual. Imagine how your lover began to love you too, how you live happily with him. After that, read the prayer “Our Father” twelve times on the twigs, and at midnight, place the twigs on the threshold of your beloved’s house so that in the morning he will step over or step on them.

love spell effects

Prisushka is correctly chosen words, a love spell, energetically directed at the object of desire in order to bind it to oneself on a subconscious level. Is drying harmful? This action is ambiguous and a controversial issue. Drying at a distance for a short time gives confidence that a young man or beautiful lady definitely won’t go “to the left” of his soulmate. Upon returning home, such dryness disappears without a trace. Drying against a person’s will does not often produce positive results. The need to be close to a person who is not interesting and not loved leads to aggression, drives you crazy and runs counter to a person’s destiny. Doing such drying is sinful and fraught with great serious consequences. Often husbands, crushed by naive wives, in a fit of anger, kill their women. There are other cases when, after drying, a woman changes her mind and understands that feelings cannot be called love; rather, she liked love from a distance, and the love spell was done in vain. But the job has already been done and the man is doomed to be energetically tied to at least for a long time. Such an action must be performed only with a sober head and without anger, so before performing the drying ceremony, think seven times whether you really need the person whose will you want to go against.

What are the known symptoms of dryness?

If a person is addicted, he changes greatly in his behavior, this happens to everyone. He needs to be with the one who dried him up. Tell your every step. Communication with the opposite sex almost disgusts him. I want to lock myself at home with the object of desire, turn off all phones and not let anyone into the house, hide. However, if in the real world before the drying, this person was indifferent, the craving disappears as soon as the dried one approached the one who made the love spell. Scandals, irritation, anger, and a desire to urgently leave the premises begin. But as soon as the dried-up person leaves the threshold, he begins to regret that he quarreled with his loved one and wants to go back.

Another symptom of drying, how a love spell works: frequent sexual dreams with the person who dried you. If you had never thought about such a connection before, but now you are increasingly beginning to gravitate towards the person with whom you were connected only by fleeting communication, then this is probably one of the additives at work. This is not difficult to check. It is enough to remember your first love or your last. If your heart no longer skips a beat, and it’s impossible to remember good memories, because you think that the person you think about now is the best, then this is a dry spell.

How can you dry a person?

You can dry a person or cast a love spell on him in different and sophisticated ways. Drying agents affect people both at a distance and in close contact:

Through food and drink;

Remotely by photograph;

Through a code word spoken into your eyes;

Attachment for personal belongings;

Drying for embroidery on clothes.

Having properly prepared for the ritual and uttered the right words, even a minor schoolgirl can dry. Moreover, young energy is much more powerful than that of a middle-aged woman, who is dying out of impotence to make her life happy without the intervention of magic, using a love spell. The consequences of drying have already been discussed in this article and they are the same for everyone. The universe does not choose age and intentions. She sees the essence of what was done and everyone will be equally responsible for their actions, regardless of gender and age.

Spells for drying

So that a guy thinks and doesn’t sleep without his betrothed:

I, servant of God (name), will rise and go from door to door, from door to gate, into an open field. Fire and flames and a violent wind are coming towards me. I will stand up and bow to them low and say this: “Hey art thou, fire and flame! Do not burn the green meadows, but the wind is violent, do not fan the flames, but perform a faithful, great service; take out of me (name) the melancholy and weeping dryness; carry her across the seas and rivers, do not drown, but put her in the servant of God (name), in the white chest, in the zealous heart and in the lungs, and in the liver, so that she yearns and grieves for me, the servant of God (name), , night and midnight; I wouldn’t overeat on sweet foods; I didn’t drink it in mead, beer or wine. May you, my words, be strong and sculpted from now on and forever. I put a strong lock and the key in the water.

The oldest and most proven drying plot. Read on the water before taking a photo

I, (name), will get up, blessing myself, and cross myself, from the hut to the door, from the yard to the gate. I’ll go to an open field, towards the east. On the sub-eastern side there is a hut, among the hut there is a board. There is melancholy under the board. Melancholy cries, melancholy sobs, waits for white light, White light The red sun is waiting, rejoicing and having fun. So, (name), waited for me, rejoiced and had fun, could not live without me, nor be, nor drink, nor eat, neither at dawn nor at evening, like a fish without water, like a baby without mother’s milk, without the mother’s womb cannot live, so (name) without (name) could not live, neither be, nor eat, neither at dawn, nor in the evening, nor in everyday life, nor at noon, nor at frequent stars, not with violent winds, not on a day with the sun, not on a night with the moon. Dig in, melancholy, eat into, melancholy, the chest, the heart, the whole belly of (name), grow and give birth through all the veins, through all the bones with aching and dryness in (name).

How to rid yourself of dryness and protect yourself from it

If you feel that you have been dried out, you need to take a photograph of that person, light a candle in front of it and say the following words:

“Just as a candle burned in front of you, so all your words and slander addressed to me will burn without a trace. So be it."

Go to church if it pleases your heart. Every day before going to bed, take a shower from head to toe and say:

“Just as water flows and changes everything in its path, so misfortunes and slander flow away from me. Just as one cannot swim against the current, one cannot return to conspiracies.”

Are families with married people happy?

If you are going to build your family on dry land, this is not good. A husband or wife who is covered in sugar will change in character and will soon stop liking you. In a family where a person is forcibly immobilized, there is no peace and quiet. He is always drawn to adventure and has an inherent desire to free himself from your shackles.

Consequences after using a love spell

All people seek happiness, love, success and all other blessings of life. Nobody wants to be left out of life. But quite often some people try to achieve these benefits in less than honest ways. Someone steals, someone deceives, someone betrays friends for profit, profit, because of the thirst for power and wealth.

But the worst thing is that modern world There is an opinion that even love and other sublime feelings are bought and sold. Sometimes, when the object of desire for some reason is inaccessible to a person, he finds nothing better than making a love spell, without thinking about what it is and what the consequences of love spells may be. If people thought more about others and a little less about themselves and their selfish desires, studied this issue more deeply, they would begin to behave more cautiously and think about whether they need a love spell and its consequences, which are mostly negative and even dangerous.

One of the main supporters of turning to conspiracies and other magic are abandoned wives or husbands. Many women think that if their husband regularly brings in his salary, eats the food prepared for him and lives in an apartment where there is everything for a comfortable life, then he will not escape them. And if he suddenly leaves the family for another woman, then it means that the husband has been bewitched. Men have the same thoughts about their wives: “if I chose her and have endured her for so many years, then we will grow old together.”

A wife's leaving her husband is generally perceived as something surreal. Naturally, thoughts are only about a love spell. But this is far from true. In addition to comfortable coexistence on the same territory, each person also needs understanding from the outside loved one, trust, heart-to-heart conversations, joint walks in the park, etc. If a person does not get it in the family, it is likely that he will find it on the side and really fall in love with the person who gives it all to him. He will love you sincerely, and not at the will of others. So if suddenly they have lost interest in you, you should not immediately plan a love spell, especially at home, on your husband or wife. Think about what they might be missing and start behaving as you did at the very beginning of your romance: tenderness, romance, sincerity and support from your other half will have an effect better than any drying.

Whatever your motives for turning to fortune-telling grandmothers and shaman-healers, or, even worse, conspiracies and drying at home, know that the consequences of a love spell will make you regret what you did.

In general, a love spell (with the help of a magician or at home) is a magical effect in which a person’s will is suppressed and an artificial energetic connection is created with the one who performs this action. Like any other type of love magic, suction is the imposition of someone else's will on a person, i.e. the birth of insincere feelings.

In general, energy connections between people arise constantly. These are not just threads that connect people, they are channels through which energy constantly circulates. If you suddenly stop intersecting with some person and thinking about him, then the channel ceases to function and the connection may be severed. If the relationship is mutual, then the exchange of energy is equivalent: this connection nourishes both one and the other energetically. If the feelings are unrequited and the relationship, as they say, is “one gate,” then the connection is one-sided and is fueled only from one side. This explains that a person who is unrequitedly in love often becomes depressed, gets sick, becomes physically weaker, and cannot even do things he previously loved, while the object of his love is energetic, cheerful and successful.

With magical bindings and dryings, energy connections appear, but they differ from those that arise naturally. The energy in the channels still comes only from one person who performs the love spell. That is, instead of a two-way connection between people, two one-way ones appear: one is sincere from a person, the second is from the same person, but aimed at imposing one’s will on another – the bewitched object.

The meaning of these actions is to cause the object love addiction. This can only be done when a person cannot get something from another source. This is energy. That is, in order to carry out a spell, you need to block all the energy connections that exist in a person. It is for this purpose that during the implementation of a love spell, a person’s relationships with others, family and friends, who sincerely do not understand what is happening to their friend or relative and how to behave with him, deteriorate.

Due to the consequences that arise after a love spell, it is often classified as black magic, damage, since such an effect on a person deprives him of the opportunity to live and develop normally, interferes with his full freedom and makes him completely dependent on the one who performs the love spell.

Possible consequences

A love spell has a huge number of consequences, and along with some positive ones, the majority are still negative.

If you want to dry a person at home with strong will, the process may be long and may not bring results, since he will have enough strength to resist the imposed desires. But in any case, both you and your object of passion will, to a greater or lesser extent, experience some of the consequences of the love spell. It is not true that a love spell has no consequences! Although now there are more and more advertisements that a love spell without consequences is possible, you should know that all this is for the sake of advertising and making money. Unscrupulous healers and numerous shamans can write anything to attract clients.

In any case, a love spell disrupts the natural circulation of energy in the human body, suppresses his will, i.e. changes his energetic or spiritual essence. In this case, naturally, his physical condition is also disturbed. So before you turn to sugar or use any spells, study how dangerous a love spell is and what negative consequences it can cause for you and your chosen one.

And the most dangerous and threatening to all your loved ones and those close to the object of the love spell are love spells and conspiracies made by self-taught magicians, at home, in violation of all the rules of magic and morality. If you yourself suddenly decided to make a love spell and chose for yourself The best way How to better bewitch your chosen one at home, this is also fraught with huge additional troubles both for you and for the object of the love spell.

Dangerous consequences

After a successful love spell, including at home, it becomes clear to the person that he did not get what he wanted. He wanted a sublime feeling, true love. And he got next to him, in fact, a zombified creature: a person who is with him against his will, who does not love him, but depends on him, who after the love spell is no longer so desirable and loved.

Perhaps the realization that drying is not a solution, that the result of a love spell is not what you really wanted, is the most important negative consequence of a love spell. From a moral point of view, a love spell is terrible: after a love spell, a person is left without a choice. Even if you achieved your goal and started a family with the one you tried so hard to get, living with the knowledge that your husband or wife’s love for you is not real, insincere, and caused only by your desires and your will, is quite difficult, if not impossible.

You should also know other negative consequences that arise after love spells, which are dangerous (especially when conspiracies are carried out at home) not only because of morality, but also because of the threat to the life and health of the target:

  • Energy metabolism within a person is disrupted, and his health is undermined.

At first this is expressed in general weakness of the body, then various chronic diseases can occur: from the cardiovascular system to the musculoskeletal system. It is often mentioned that the subject’s bones are broken, sleep is disturbed, fatigue increases, men have problems with potency, women have gynecological problems, etc.

  • Another consequence of a love spell is a mental disorder in the target, as his subconscious tries to fight desires imposed from outside.

    He is subject to frequent mood swings: today he can carry you in his arms, and tomorrow he can hit you. There are stories of people influenced by magic ending up in psychiatric hospitals.

  • Human consciousness also changes.

    The part of him that was previously occupied with something else is now completely filled with thoughts of who committed the drying. Thus, a person has problems in business, since he cannot keep track of everything he did before. Problems arise in work, business, a person has problems with money, up to complete ruin. He also thinks less about self-preservation and often finds himself in dangerous and life threatening situations that sometimes lead to a person dying an unnatural death. Stories of the target committing suicide are also not uncommon.

  • The relationship with others of the person who has been bewitched deteriorates.

    People who were previously dear and important to a person now mean nothing to him, because they do not understand his sudden love for the one who performed the love spell. Moreover, if close people suddenly realize that a person has been bewitched and tell him about it, he becomes aggressive, which can lead to dire consequences. Cases of murders of relatives for unknown reasons are also mentioned quite often.

  • All these reasons, as well as the fact that a person’s will is suppressed, often lead to the fact that the object of the love spell begins to behave immorally: he finds a way out in alcohol and other bad habits to drown out what is going on in his soul. He has poor self-control and shows weaknesses in his character. The most common story about turning to magic is a love spell, the consequence of which is alcoholism of the bewitched husband or wife.

    Since a love spell is based on the fact that the energy of the bewitcher is aimed at maintaining an energetic connection between the subject and the object of influence, the energy field of the one who is bewitching also weakens and all the consequences that arise after the love spell can equally be attributed to the subject.

    Another, probably the saddest consequence of a love spell is that by carrying it out, you deprive yourself and your object of violent love of the opportunity to meet the person who suits you and with whom the most sincere and warm feelings would be possible. But your partner is dependent on you and his true love will pass by, even if he feels your soul mate. Also, you become dependent on the one you have dried up, thereby preventing yourself from finding and loving a worthy person.

    In this situation, people begin to search for options to turn away their husband or wife and the opportunity to untie their hands and theirs, but nothing passes without a trace, and problems will still haunt you and your attached love.

    Before you ruin the lives of yourself and others by performing spells or spells at home, think about the consequences of love spells and other forms magical influence. And only then decide for yourself whether you really need a “robot” attached to you, whether you really want them to “crawl on their knees and confess their love,” or should you just wait for your person, with whom everything will be natural and sincere.

    Of course, if things suddenly go wrong in the family, you quarrel, and all the neighboring grandmothers shout with one voice that your husband (wife) was not just taken away, but rather bewitched, in the first minute you are ready to do anything to save the family. You shouldn’t immediately look for a method on how to get your spouse back, especially such a unique one, but you just need to understand yourself. Do you need a person who will constantly have to be held back, does he love you and, most importantly, do you love him, or have you been living for many years out of habit, for fear of destroying your family and harming your children? Believe me, children will be much more comfortable if their parents are happy, even if they are not together. If your marriage has reached its end, start new page your life and let your precious half arrange your life.

    One-sided love, devoid of reciprocity, dries up the soul and breaks fate. But people do not agree to give up the object of passion. More often women, less often men, cast a love spell on food. This is a magical remedy that affects the feelings of the subject of lust, changing reality for both the customer (performer) and the victim. However, you should understand how a strong love spell works, when it is permissible to use it, and in what cases you should restrain yourself and stick to weak magic. Let's look at everything in order.

    What is a love spell on food for a loved one?

    Magic allows you to take over the psyche of another person for a while or forever. If the sorcerer's goal is to inspire love, then a love spell is used. This is the name of a special ritual that creates a special world for the victim. Rituals are black and white, contact and distance, they use the forces of nature, the afterlife, things, trees, stones, images and much more. A love spell for food in villages was called feeding or drying out. It differs from other rituals in that it is performed using food or drink. Schematically it looks like this:

    • The sorcerer charges the medium with his intention.
    • The food is given to the victim.
    • When the food enters the body, the program begins to work, enveloping the person with the energy of the sorcerer.
    • The customer waits for the first result and begins to influence the victim using non-magical methods (court).

    Getting ready for the ritual

    We will discuss how to cast a love spell on food yourself. By the way, if you’re interested, in villages such rituals were considered the norm. Every girl and young woman knew how and what to do. Whispering a few words over bread or drink was a common occurrence for a woman. She and her children depended on the breadwinner, so his interest in the family was supported in all sorts of ways, including light magic. After all, if a man was lured by some visiting beauty, the woman had a hard time. They turned to healers and witches only when a strong love spell was needed.

    But that's not what this is about. To carry out the ritual, you need to prepare everything you need in advance (as indicated in the description). There's no point in interrupting the magic. In addition, it is recommended to increase your energy level. This post is quite suitable for this. Reasonable restrictions on food and entertainment lead to the accumulation of forces that will increase the effectiveness of the love spell. The time of divination also matters.

    Rules for performing love spells

    In order not to make mistakes, you need to know some subtleties. So, a love spell on food, like any other, should be carried out on the waxing moon. This period is favorable. The full moon is also suitable for the ritual. But caution should be exercised at this time, especially for male wizards. The full moon has a strong effect on emotional sphere person. There may be negative consequences from rituals that affect the psyche. Women's days for a love spell - Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. As a rule, on Sunday it is customary to avoid magic. Sorceresses are allowed to use alcohol in rituals. Experts recommend investing the magic program in those foods that the victim likes. A food that a person enjoys increases the likelihood of a positive outcome. for a love spell - Monday, Thursday and Tuesday.

    Light impact

    There are rituals whose purpose is to arouse the victim’s interest in the customer. It is recommended to carry them out first. Perhaps black witchcraft will not be required. Consider, for example, a love spell on drinking. You don't need anything special to carry it out. Prepare for the moment of any feast. This means charging with additional energy. Wait until it is appropriate to offer the victim a drink. When pouring it into a glass or mug, cast a spell on the liquid and pass it into the person’s hands. Don't let the magic potion get into the hands of someone else. This is the only drawback of this love spell. It is not personal, therefore, it will affect anyone who drinks the charmed liquid. The words of the spell are as follows: “Water - into the blood, into the soul - love. Amen!" The ritual does not lead to negative consequences; it begins to work as soon as the person drinks the magic potion. The effect of the ritual is limited and completely disappears in about a week to ten days.

    Powerful Ritual

    Let's consider another kind of feeding that will instill in the victim a passion for the customer. Dough is traditionally used for it. Start, for example, a pie or just bake homemade bread. And as you begin to knead the dough, think about your loved one and read the words of the conspiracy. Naturally, you will have to work with your hands; it is undesirable to use modern mechanisms in magic. The words of the conspiracy are as follows: “As flour and water are kneaded and gathered into a lump, so the love between the Lord of slaves (names) flares up. The pie (bread) melts in your mouth and fills your heart with passion and longing. Sweet food, be mine forever! Amen!" You should treat your loved one to your cooking as early as possible. Just take it out of the oven - bring it to the victim.

    How to speak sweetness (male ritual)

    Not every knight in love is ready to stand at the table and prepare the dish himself. Don’t bother, you can start talking about the finished product. Buy a sweet that your sweetheart will definitely eat. Love spells on food are a simple matter, just choose the day according to the above recommendations. In the evening, take a photo of your loved one, place a treat on it, light two wax candles and place it on the sides. Create a mental form of your mutual happiness (that is, imagine it). Guide her towards a treat and accompany her with the words of the conspiracy. This is done like this:

    1. Imagine that there is a ball hanging in front of your forehead.
    2. Fill it with pictures of desired events, scenes of mutual happiness.
    3. Concentrate on the pleasure and good emotions the victim receives from communicating with you.
    4. Point the filled ball into the treat.

    The words of the conspiracy are as follows: “A sweet share for God’s servant (name), this is my will. I fill her with food, I instill love in her soul. How sweet food is, so be with us always. The love of fate will fall, no one will ever break it. Amen!" In the morning, give your beloved a magical gift.

    Love spell on a man forever for food

    Black rituals, unfortunately, are in particular demand among home sorceresses. But they are the most dangerous. We'll sort it out first, forever, and then we'll talk about the risks. For the ritual, use any dish or drink. Alcohol is best. It itself clouds the consciousness, therefore, reduces the victim’s resistance. But alcohol also has its disadvantages. It is quickly absorbed into the blood and leaves the body at the same speed. Strong man will remove magical energy with alcohol. That’s why experts recommend using a spell on food served with alcohol. You should prepare it yourself. As soon as you start cooking, light six dishes, preferably meat, season well with pepper and salt. At the same time, read these words: “Behind the black mountain there is a wall of darkness. Melancholy sits underneath her, looking sadly into the distance. Chained to the mountain with black shackles. I will satisfy melancholy, I will show her freedom. I’ll send them to my dear friend and force them to be friends. Go, melancholy, to the threshold, I’ll show you the way. Let the dear one suffer, know neither light nor darkness. As soon as he sees me, his grief will leave him. And far away the soul will be drunk, the body will be in captivity, and the soul will be in a dark place. Amen!"

    When can you use the black ritual?

    This type of exposure is not recommended for young people. If you really need it, then entrust it to a professional. The sorceress will make protection to reduce the risks of negative consequences. Home wizards, as a rule, do not know how to protect themselves and the victim. Ladies who already have children can try to cast a spell on their own. Before and after the ceremony, you cannot visit the temple. Avoid contact with religious symbols for at least a month. Experts strongly recommend not to practice black rituals (those that are forever). Firstly, they change the fate of the victim, tying him to the share of the customer. It will be extremely difficult to change this circumstance and return everything to its place. Secondly, a man loses a number of his advantages, becomes dependent, and therefore less successful.

    Consequences of an illegal love spell

    The ritual leads either to success, which every sorceress desires, or to grief. The negative consequences are that troubles begin to happen in life, to put it mildly. They come in different forms and, as a rule, affect the most important areas of life. Let us list some of the troubles that it is advisable for those who practice black rituals to prepare for:

    • loss of health for both;
    • childlessness;
    • a lack of money;
    • quarrels and scandals, despite affection;
    • development of bad tendencies in the victim (alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.).

    How to protect yourself

    To prevent a love spell on food from causing harm, a payoff is used. This is a common addition to any black ritual. We charmed you, did what was necessary to achieve the magical goal, please pay. The buyout is being carried out different ways, but it is important to give something valuable and important. For example, shy girls are advised to buy sweets and treat everyone. At the same time, you are not giving away candy, but your fear of communication. Such a ransom will be accepted, and no troubles will follow. Brave witches need a different ritual. Take a sufficient (not small in your situation) amount and take it to the intersection. Drop it there, saying “Paid,” and go home. Sometimes giving up a habit or a favorite thing is used as a payoff. The main thing is that what you give as payment is valuable to you.

    The best, strongest love spell

    No matter what sorcerers and witches say, the sincerity of feelings towards a loved one cannot be compared with magic. There is so much magic in them that a person will not be able to resist. Only one condition: no selfishness! This is the most real, invincible magic, the consequences of which are always positive and lead to mutual happiness. Good luck and love!