Today I have for you, Armenian lavash and its detailed recipe cooking at home. For a very long time I wanted to cook it, but it seemed to me that it was incredibly difficult, so I never got around to it. But in reality everything turned out to be much simpler. From this quantity of products 14 round cakes are obtained.

Unleavened flatbread made from wheat flour is an excellent alternative to the usual bread. Such flatbreads are popular not only in the Caucasus, as we also love them for their versatility. After all, lavash can be used not only as bread, but also to make wonderful quick snacks and rolls. And if you start listing how many have been invented simple recipes from it, you won’t remember everything at once. Particularly popular holiday dishes with it, so perhaps for someone, this recipe will become with a real stick- a lifesaver.

Therefore, I want to show you a recipe for thin Armenian lavash in a frying pan. Traditionally, it is baked in a special oven, but since this recipe is adapted for all housewives, I will cook these flatbreads in a frying pan. This recipe was sent by Elena, who often has such baked goods on her table.


  • Wheat flour – 350 g + 50 g for rolling
  • Hot water – 200 ml.
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp
  • Salt – 0.5 tsp

Quantity: 14 pcs.

How to cook pita bread at home in a frying pan

To make yeast-free homemade lavash, I prepare everything at once necessary products. I put the water on the fire because we need it hot. And I sift the flour through a sieve. Then I add salt to the flour and mix.

Next, pour in 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, preferably refined, and mix with a spatula.

I pour in the last one hot water and continuing to stir, I knead the dough. The water should be very hot, but not boiling water.

In order for the dough to become elastic, it must be kneaded for about 10 minutes. Do not add additional flour during the kneading process, as the indicated amount is sufficient. When kneading the dough, you need to stretch and wrap it, then it will be saturated with air and, in the end, it will turn out right. After time, it will not stick to your hands, will become elastic and will be easy to work with.

After which, I wrap it in cling film and let it rest for 30 minutes. Its weight is about 540 grams.

Next, I divide the rested dough into equal pieces. I got 14 pieces, 40 grams each.

Then I roll each piece into a ball, press it down a little with my hand, put it on the board and cover it with a napkin.

And at this time, lightly sprinkle the work surface on which I will roll out the pita bread with flour. Then I begin to roll out the dough one piece at a time. Roll out very thinly, the thinner the better. To do this, you will have to make a little effort. For a more aesthetic appearance, you can cut the rolled out dough with a knife, making a beautiful circle out of it. To make this easier, you can use a plate of the desired diameter as a template. Since lavash is prepared quickly, it is better that you have several round pieces rolled out in advance. And to prevent them from chapping, I sprinkle them with a very small amount of flour, which I shake off before frying.

Meanwhile, I put the frying pan on the fire so that it warms up well. There is no need to pour oil into it, because we will bake it in a dry frying pan. When it is hot, I reduce the heat to medium and place the prepared dough piece on it. I bake it without adding oil, about 30 seconds on each side. But this is not the whole recipe for Armenian lavash. Now it is important that the resulting cakes do not become dry. To do this, I put it in a spray bottle drinking water and sprinkle it on each tortilla immediately after frying, on both sides, and then cover with a kitchen towel.

Hot Armenian lavash I put it in a pile on the board and cover it with a kitchen towel on top. As you can see, they turned out porous, thin and layered, which means that we did everything right. I can safely say that it tasted much better than I expected. Fried pita bread in a frying pan better than that what they sell in stores. After all, it happens that sometimes you buy it, but it crumbles or, on the contrary, is somehow rubbery, so making it yourself, in my opinion, is the ideal solution. It is perfect for forming various snacks, shawarma and much more. And some people eat it instead of bread, and for good reason, because it’s so tasty, and it doesn’t take long to prepare. It is best to store it in disposable plastic bags to prevent it from drying out. Try it too, I hope you like it. Bon appetit!

I’ve been meaning to try making Armenian lavash at home for a long time, and now the moment has come. Now I will share with you a recipe without yeast lavash, and soon a version with yeast. As always, we choose what we like best. I have already baked golden brown cakes several times. They are absorbed by household members very quickly, just have time to fry them.

From the indicated quantity, approximately 10 to 13 pieces are obtained. The thinner the cake, the lavash is better Therefore, we will hone the skill of thinly rolling out dough together. Each time the cakes turn out thinner, and the result is better.

What to strive for?

We need to make thin Armenian lavash, which a) is completely baked, b) has a layered structure, c) has nothing to do with rubber.

Therefore, the dough must be kneaded very well, without using additional flour. The specified amount in the recipe is quite enough. We try to roll out a thin, thin cake, they fry quickly, so first we made the preparations, and only then we started frying. If everything is done correctly, when frying in a frying pan, lavash will swell into one large ball or many small bubbles, this is what you need. This means that then we will get a thin layered cake.

On a note: Initially, you need to make all the blanks and ensure that they do not become windy or stick together. To do this, dust each pita bread with flour and you can stack it one on top of the other. Flour will prevent the dough from drying out and the cakes from sticking together. Before sending the pita bread to fry, shake off the flour a little.

How to cook thin Armenian lavash


  • Flour - 3 tbsp
  • Hot water – 1 tbsp
  • Salt - half a teaspoon


Before the start... My glass is 250 ml, now let's get started.

A budget option for bread made from practically nothing. Interestingly, it can be attributed to healthy eating? No yeast, no fat, even frying in a dry frying pan? Okay, let's move on to the recipe. This worries me, after all, this moment, who can tell me, huh? This will be useful for us who are losing weight.

Initially, I suggest putting the kettle on to warm up. In the meantime, take your work bowl and sift 3 cups of flour into it, make a well.

Meanwhile, the water has already boiled, pour it into a glass, add salt and stir. Let it sit for 3 minutes, cool a little, we need hot water, but not boiling water.

Now pour water into the flour and stir with a spoon at the same time. The dough begins to form, we don’t try too hard to knead it with a spoon, but immediately onto the work surface and begin to assemble it with our hands and knead it very well.

Stretch the dough with your hands and roll it into a roll. Knead again and stretch again. With these simple steps we saturate the dough with air, which is only good for it. Don't add extra flour, that's enough! The dough behaves perfectly and does not stick to your hands or work surface. This procedure takes about 15 minutes.

Afterwards, cover the dough with a bowl, film or napkin and go drink tea; don’t go near the dough for half an hour.

The rested dough becomes elastic and pliable, making it a pleasure to work with. Divide it into about 10-13 parts and roll out the cakes. I take the bowl in which I made the dough, turn it over, dust it with flour and put my Armenian lavash on it. Don’t forget – we use flour for each flatbread.

All the ingredients are ready, let's start frying.

Heat the frying pan; we don’t need any oil. What I want to say about the frying pan, do not use a ceramic one for this purpose - then it will be difficult to wash it from small brown stains from lavash. I used an old pancake maker for this purpose and it worked perfectly!

The pita bread is fried very quickly, put the flatbread on and watch, bubbles should appear. As soon as beautiful brown (precisely beautiful brown, not burnt) dots or spots appear on one side, immediately turn it over.

Fry the second side in the same way as the first.

Prepare a clean towel and water in advance. We removed the pita bread from the pan and onto a towel, sprinkled it with water and covered it with the second part of the towel. We fry everything according to the same scheme.

Let the pita bread cool and rest in a towel, and then you can eat it, just like that, or make rolls and snacks.

Homemade Armenian lavash is so simple and delicious, I recommend making it, you won’t regret it. Soon there will be many recipes using it, tasty and healthy. When you get tired of baking thin lavash, you can try to make it easier, but of course the taste is different. Easy work and bon appetit.

Sincerely, Margarita Sizonova.

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There are many recipes for making lavash at home. But how to make lavash soft, elastic, and so that the sauce does not leak out if you want to make shawarma from it? This pita bread recipe is ideal for making homemade shawarma.

So, to prepare pita bread for shawarma at home, we will need the products according to the list - as you can see, the simplest ones are always on hand. I prefer to weigh the ingredients for baking on a kitchen scale, then the result is perfect.

Boil the kettle. Sift the flour, add any vegetable oil and salt. Pour in hot water. Knead the dough first with a fork or spoon.

When the flour and water are completely mixed, take out the fork and start kneading the dough with your hand; it will still be very warm, but not hot.

The dough will be very soft and elastic, not sticking to your hands.

Cover the dough cling film and leave for 30 minutes.

After 30 minutes, remove the film and you can work with the dough.

Divide the dough into 6-7 or 8 parts, depending on the diameter of the pan. I repeat, the dough will be elastic and very pleasant to work with, like plasticine.

Rolling out the dough is easy; you don’t even need to add flour when rolling. I rolled it out on the kitchen work surface. The thickness of the dough should be 1.5 mm.

Heat the frying pan. Place the dough on a hot frying pan and bake the pita bread for a few minutes on each side. As soon as bubbles appear on the surface of the dough, the pita bread can be turned over.

Place the finished pita bread on a wooden board and sprinkle with water from a spray bottle. Cover with a clean linen towel. Do the same with all the tortillas. Leave under a towel until completely cool.

Store the finished cooled lavash in plastic bag so as not to become stale.

The homemade pita bread for shawarma was a success. Enjoy!


  • flour - 600 g
  • ayran or water - 300 - 400 g
  • egg - 1 pc (you can do without eggs at all)
  • salt to taste
  • vegetable oil - 3-4 tbsp.
  • mix everything
  • knead the dough
  • divide into balls, roll out as thin as possible
  • bake in a dry frying pan

Surely many will think, why post a recipe for regular pita bread? After all, it consists of flour, water and salt! What to do there?)))) If you live in the Caucasus, then you probably don’t need this recipe! Your mother or grandmother will tell you better than all the Internet bloggers how to make this flatbread! However, I am sure that many who tried to make thin pita bread at home encountered difficulties.

Difficulty number one - what kind of dough should you make, hard or soft? If you make it hard, it will be very difficult to roll it out thinly! This leads to the next question.

How to make really soft and elastic dough so that it is easy to roll out? So, I will devote this article to this issue. I will be based on my experience. If someone knows a better and more correct way, write in the comments!

Also, I would like to note that in this recipe naturally not there is talk no mention of yeast or raising agents. The effect you see in the photo (bubbles) occurs on its own when the dough is well kneaded and rested for a while. So let's start cooking Thin lavash at home.

Let's try! It’s nothing complicated, but it’s delicious, especially when it’s fresh and still crispy! Over some recipes you rack your brains and nerves, translate expensive ingredients, but what comes out is some mediocre crap))) Here it’s a different matter! The only point is that they need to be stored in a plastic bag so that they do not dry out. Some even spray them with water before putting them in the bag. I didn't have to do this. Bon Appetit everyone!

Ruddy, aromatic, with a crispy crust and airy crumb, lavash will undoubtedly appeal to lovers of homemade baked goods. To make lavash you will need the simplest and most common products that are found in every family and a little of your patience. From the amount of ingredients given in the recipe, you can prepare two pita breads with a diameter of about 25 cm or one large pita bread. You can sprinkle sesame or sunflower seeds on top of the pita bread.

Prepare the necessary products.

Sift the flour. Leave a little flour for mixing.

Combine flour, salt, sugar and dry yeast. Stir.

Pour in a thin stream warm water and use a wooden spatula to knead the dough.

Pour in vegetable oil.

Knead the dough with your hands.

Grease the bowl vegetable oil, transfer the dough, cover with a towel and place in warm place for 1 hour.

Then punch down the dough and put it in a warm place again for 30-40 minutes.

Grease your hands and baking sheet with vegetable oil, divide the dough into two parts. Cover one part with a towel. Place the other part on a baking sheet, form into a round cake, flatten it and make grooves with your fingers. Sprinkle with sesame seeds if desired. Leave the dough to rise for another 10 minutes. Sprinkle with water.

Bake the pita bread in an oven preheated to 210 degrees for about 30 minutes until golden brown. Focus on the features of your oven. The baking time may need to be increased/reduced.

Sprinkle the finished pita bread with water, cover with a towel and leave to cool completely.

Rosy and delicious lavash ready.

Delicious experiments to you!

And Bon Appetit!