GS material

Twenty-third game of the Second Team Tournament.


Peter Kazennov

Sergey Dubelevich

Ivan Starikov

  • Pyotr Kazennov, doctor from St. Petersburg
  • Sergey Dubelevich, teacher of Russian language and literature from Minsk (Belarus)
  • Ivan Starikov, teacher of history and geography from Pushchino, Moscow region

Progress of the game

First round


  • Law is law
  • Skins
  • Brushes and paints
  • What's the price
  • OK.

How much (400)

The Vienna Hotel Imperial was opened 140 years ago by this emperor; The event was celebrated with an Imperial chocolate cake. A portion for two can still be bought today for 15 euros.

Peter answers.
Correct answer: Franz Joseph I

How much (300)

Having inherited Voltaire's property, his niece Madame Denis sold exactly this to Catherine II for 50,000 ecus, or 30,000 rubles in gold.

Peter answers.
Correct answer: Library

How much (200)

At the end of Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Fat Tom tries to throw exactly that into the Thames - worth hundreds of thousands of pounds.

Ivan answers.
Player response: Winning.
Correct answer: Two guns

How much (500)

Last year, this canvas by Norwegian Edvard Munch was sold at Sotheby’s for almost $120 million.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Scream

Ural (300)

The epic of this people tells about the mighty Ural Batyr and his evil brother Shulgen.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Bashkirs

Ural (200)

Russian Expedition Geographical Society to the Urals in 2010 clarified exactly this border.

Sergey answers.
Correct answer: Between Europe and Asia

O.K. (400)

She became the prototype for the heroine of the film “Miracle with Pigtails” and herself performed gymnastic exercises in the film.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Olga Korbut

O.K. (300)

This Russian Van Dyck considered himself a master of grandiose historical canvases, and painted the portraits that made him famous to earn money.

Peter answers.
Correct answer: Kiprensky

O.K. (200)

Question-auction. On the emblem of the artist Artemyev in 1980, they were all red.

Peter plays. The bet is 1,000.
Correct answer: Olympic rings

Brushes and paints (200)

Brushes and paints (200)

While working on a portrait of Charles V, he dropped his brush. The Emperor respectfully picked it up and handed it to the painter.

Peter answers.
Player response: Velazquez.
Correct answer: Titian

Brushes and paints (300)

“But both those that are good and those that are bad disappear after the first rain,” wrote Novella Matveeva about the paintings painted by little-known European artists.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Asphalt

The law is the law (300)

If you even accidentally step on this in Thailand, you can end up in jail for lese majeste.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: On a banknote or coin with the image of the king

Skins (300)

Question-auction. Watching Oleg Efremov’s screen tests for the role of Yuri Detochkin, film designer Boris Memechek described the actor in exactly this way. He had to play the investigator.

Ivan plays. The bet is 1,600.
Player response: Selfish look.
Correct answer: Wolf in sheep's clothing

The law is the law (400)

In the French film "Insurrection/Resurrection" the hero whistles "Internationale". After the film's release, the director was fined for precisely this.

Sergey answers.
Player response: For "Internationale" instead of "La Marseillaise".
Correct answer: For copyright infringement

Brushes and paints (400)

Symbols (100)

Cat in a poke. Subject: Symbols. Moscow gave Washington a bronze Pushkin by Alexander Burganov, Washington gave Washington a bronze by Walt Whitman by the same sculptor. Above the head of each of the poets is this symbol of poetry.

Sergei plays. The bet is 100.
Player response: Lyra.
Correct answer: Pegasus

Skins (400)

This is exactly how many lion skins Tartarin brought to Tarascon from Africa.

Sergey answers.
Player response: 0 .
Correct answer: 5

Skins (500)

Skins (500)

To build this among the Indians North America it took a dozen and a half bison skins.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Tipi

The law is the law (200)

Pennsylvania law prohibits singing there. There is no freedom even in your own home!

Peter answers.
Correct answer: In the shower

Brushes and paints (500)

Brushes and paints (500)

The bas-relief painted by the artist in this one-color technique is difficult to distinguish from the real thing.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Grisal

The law is the law (500)

Applying Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction, this Russian created the first transformer in 1876.

Correct answer: Yablochkov

Ural (100)

In the village of Paris, in the Chelyabinsk region, one of the towers cellular communications made like this.

Peter answers.
Correct answer: Eiffel Tower

Skins (100)

This item with the loud name “Dragon Skin” did not pass field tests, and the Pentagon refused the “Skin”.

Sergey answers.
Correct answer: Body armor

How much (100)

In 1914, Russians could buy this particular “Kopeyka” for a penny.

Sergey answers.
Correct answer: newspaper

O.K. (100)

The Soviet ruble of 1961 also includes this inscription in Ukrainian.

Peter answers.
Correct answer: One ruble

The law is the law (100)

Picture books (500)

Cat in a poke. Subject: Picture books. In 1935, the great illustrator Arthur Rackham created eerie illustrations for this story, published almost a century earlier.

Sergei plays. The bet is 500.
Correct answer: "Murder in the Rue Morgue"

Round result

  • Peter - 2 200
  • Sergey - 0
  • Ivan - 1 000

Second round


  • Names
  • People and animals
  • Thousand
  • Questions from…
  • Actors and roles
  • First

Questions from… (600)

Questions from Dominic Joker

Singer Dominic Joker asks questions. About my hometown the group “Chizh and Co,” Mark Bernes and, of course, Leonid Utesov sang.

Peter answers.
Correct answer: Odessa

Questions from… (1,000)

In 2012, I released a song called “Goodbye.” It’s curious that 14 years earlier I released an album as part of the group “Twice Two” with a similar name.

Ivan answers.
Player response: "Hello".
Correct answer: "Don't say goodbye"

Questions from… (800)

A rare case, but the text for the song “Farewell” was written not by a songwriter, but by the founder of the Union of Soviet Writers, a world-famous prose writer. Who is he?

Correct answer: Maksim Gorky

Questions from… (400)

The university where I studied was nicknamed “canned food” by my fellow countrymen. In which educational institution did I study?

Sergey answers.
Correct answer: Conservatory

Questions from… (200)

Since 2009 I have been one of the hosts of the popular children's competition"New wave". At first it was held in Moscow, and then moved. Where is it held now?

Ivan answers.
Player response: Jurmala.
Peter answers.
Player response: Sochi.
Correct answer: Artek

People and animals (1,000)

People and animals (1,000

Considering the merits of Prince Charles in this area, they named him after rare view frogs from the tree frog family.

Sergey answers.
Correct answer: Nature Conservancy

People and animals (800)

On the eve of the year, snakes in the Yakut village of Walba created a huge cobra in a standing position. 400 kilograms of this material were supplied by cows.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Manure

People and animals (400)

A resident of Thai Lampang created a unique hospital for them. Over 20 years, almost 3,000 patients were treated.

Peter answers.
Player response: Snakes.
Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Elephants

People and animals (200)

In the Soviet-Indian film about this mongoose, Andrei Mironov voiced the title character.

Peter answers.
Correct answer: Rikki-Tikki-Tavi

First (200)

On March 17, 1861, the 8th King of Piedmont and Sardinia, Victor Emmanuel, became the first king of this united state.

Peter answers.
Correct answer: Italy

First (400)

Despite industrial wastewater, Chelyabinsk residents fish out perch, crucian carp and even peled from this city lake.

Peter answers.
Correct answer: First

First (600)

Auction. The first parade of the workers' and peasants' Red Army took place in 1918 on Khodynskoye Field on the occasion of this holiday.

First (800)

This part Old Testament consists of 31 chapters and is devoted to the history of Israel until the death of King Saul.

Peter answers.
Correct answer: "First Book of Kings"

First (1,000)

Medals (200)

Cat in a poke. Subject: Medals. Here is the Medal of Honor, awarded to Charles Limberg for exceptional heroism in flying across the Atlantic. Whose image was attached to the medal with the block?

Sergei plays. The bet is 200.
Correct answer: Eagle

Names (600)

The hero of the novel “GenerationP” Vavilen Tatarsky got his unusual name in honor of these two idols of the sixties father.

Sergey answers.
Correct answer: Vasily Ivanovich Aksenov and Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

Names (1,000)

“Shall I tell you the name? Ah, the name is simply lovely!”... In the opera “The Barber of Seville” Figaro called Razzini this name of the object of his master’s sighs.

Sergey answers.
Correct answer: Razzina

Thousand (1,000)

Thousand (1,000)

The first thousand-ruble banknote in Russian history, issued under the Provisional Government, received the nickname “Dumka” for the image of this St. Petersburg building.

Sergey answers.
Correct answer: Tauride Palace

Thousand (800)

Buddha gave the goddess Guanyin a thousand of them. So that she can help all those who suffer.

Peter answers.
Correct answer: Hand

Names (400)

Translated from Greek, this name of Dostoevsky’s hero means “Purple.”

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Porfiry

First (600)

In the film A Thousand Acres, farmer Larry divides his estate between his daughters, Ginny, Rose and Caroline. A unique interpretation of this tragedy by Shakespeare...

Sergey answers.
Correct answer: "King Lear"

Actors and roles (400)

Having seen him in a restaurant, Basov decided: the type for the role of Heinrich Schwarzkopf is excellent, but probably not an actor - the face is too smart.

Peter answers.
Correct answer: Oleg Ivanovich Yankovsky

Names (200)

This heroine of “Resurrection” in the brothel was called by the name Lyubov: hers was rustic.

Sergey answers.
Correct answer: Katyusha Maslova

Actors and roles (600)

Actors and roles (600)

Filming in leading role in the spy film Salt, she specially learned Russian.

Peter answers.
Correct answer: Angelina Jolie

Thousand (400)

Thousand (400)

The traveler Theodor Solomns named the lake in the Sierra Nevada mountains just like that. If you don't believe me, consider it yourself!

Peter answers.
Correct answer: thousand islands

Thousand (200)

Auction. For Dahl, this word meant “rich man”; for us, more likely, it meant a successful blogger.

Peter plays. The bet is 4,000.
Correct answer: Thousander

Actors and roles (200)

On the set of the film “Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive,” he came out already wearing makeup to keep the secret even from his fellow actors.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Sergey Vitalievich Bezrukov

Actors and roles (800)

Alexey Batalov, who played Tibul in “Three Fat Men,” studied this art for a year and two months. And he did not resort to the services of a stuntman.

Sergey answers.
Correct answer: Walking on a tightrope

Actors and roles (1,000)

According to Ryazanov, Andrei Myagkov did not appreciate the director’s poems “Nature has no bad weather“, so I got a role in this film almost without words.

Peter answers.
Correct answer: "Garage"

Round result

  • Peter - 12 400
  • Sergey - 4 800
  • Ivan - 2 400

Third round


  • Advertising
  • Gate in the photo
  • What from what
  • Awards and prizes
  • Dinner is served
  • About music

Gate in photo (900)

Gate in photo (900)

These predators are depicted on the entrance gate of the Acropolis of Mycenae, and the gate itself is named after them.

Sergey answers.
Correct answer: Lions

What from what (900)

The atmosphere of Mars consists of 95% of this gas.

Peter answers.
Correct answer: Carbon dioxide

Food served (900)

In 1919, the British airline HadleyPageTransport became the first to feed passengers. True, only sandwiches, and even on this condition.

Sergey answers.
Correct answer: For a fee

What from what (600)

What from what (600)

American Molly Bright creates her paintings from them. And where he gets so much, and even different ones, is unclear!

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: From bottle caps

What from what (1,200)

Both the face and the finger of Gogol’s Viy were made from this. Correct answer: Iron

Gate in photo (1,200)

Gate in photo (1,200)

In Marrakech, the 17th-century gate eventually lost two towers and began to be called “bab aguinau” - the gate “Baran without it”... Without what?

Peter answers.
Correct answer: Without horns

Food served (1,500)

In the novel “The Splendor and Poverty of the Courtesans,” this ice cream was served in a glass and decorated with small fruits.

Peter answers.
Player response: Sherbet.
Correct answer: Cream

What from what (1,500)

Having rubbed himself with the ointment, Jason became invulnerable; Medea made the ointment from the juice of a flower that grew in the Caucasus from his blood.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Promethea

Gate in photo (1,500)

Gate in photo (1,500)

The Nam de Mun, or great southern gate, was built in 1398, when the city became the capital.

Ivan answers.
Player response: Beijing.
Correct answer: Seoul

Gates in the photo (600)

Gates in the photo (600)

The Polish name of the gate “Ostra Brama”, or “Sharp Gate” in this Baltic capital was changed to “Ashtriabroma” - “Three Dawns”.

Peter answers.
Correct answer: Vilnius

Food served (600)

According to William Pokhlebkin, this meat dish It can also be baked. Ozhegov's dictionary insists: only fried, in accordance with the name.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Roast

About music (600)

“Amazing, inhuman music, I can listen to it every day,” the leader of the world proletariat admired this creation.

Peter answers.
Correct answer: Beethoven's "Appassionata"

Advertising (900)

Peter answers.
Correct answer: Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky

Advertising (900)

The Harley-Davidson company promised discounts to bikers who made it in the form of the company logo.

Peter answers.
Correct answer: Tattoo

Advertising (1,200)

Question-auction. In a pre-revolutionary advertisement for this product, a crab in a suit is sitting at the table, and the crab waiter is serving a huge dish.

Peter plays. The bet is 5,100.
Player response: Beer.
Correct answer: Candies “Cancer necks”

Advertising (1,500)

Correct answer: Public toilets

About music (900)

Jean-Philippe Rameau created 3 collections of pieces for this instrument, for example “Roll Call of Birds”.

Sergey answers.
Player response: Harp

Awards and prizes (1,500)

A golden copy of his “David” has been awarded annually by the Italian Academy of Cinematography for more than half a century.

Sergey answers.
Player response: Michelangelo.
Correct answer: Donatello

Awards and prizes (1,200)

This astronaut and honorary member Russian Academy Arts received the Lenin Komsomol Prize for the book-album “Man and the Universe”.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Alexey Leonov

Awards and prizes (900)

This Russian service awards prizes for the creation of highly artistic images of its employees in literature and art.

Sergey answers.
Correct answer: FSB

About music (1,500)

Question-auction. According to D. D. Shostakovich, in order to love music, you must first do this.

Sergei plays. The bet is 2,100.
Correct answer: Listen to her

Awards and prizes (600)

Among the laureates of this country's Imperial Prize are composer Sofia Gubaidulina, ballerina Maya Plisetskaya, and musician Mstislav Rostropovich.

Peter answers.
Correct answer: Japan

Advertising (900)

In the 19th century Russian entrepreneur Ludwig Metzel first called advertising its engine.

Peter answers.
Correct answer: Trade

About music (300)

In musical notation, this clef is the second most common after the treble clef.

Sergey answers.
Correct answer: Bass

Food served (300)

Residents of Calabria are sure: a girl is only ready for marriage when she learns to do 15 various types this.

Ivan answers.
Player response: Pizza.
Sergey answers.
Correct answer: Paste

Awards and prizes (300)

According to legend, the inventor of this game asked for an unprecedented reward, starting the countdown with a grain of wheat.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Chess

What from what (300)

Substitutes for this are made from acorns, barley, chicory and even dandelions.

Peter answers.
Correct answer: Coffee

Gate in photo (300)

Gate in photo (300)

Players of mini-football or similar try to score a goal into such a goal.

Peter answers.
Correct answer: Handball

Round result

  • Peter - 12 100
  • Sergey - 4 800
  • Ivan - 6 300

Final round

Subject: Countries and peoples

The historian Tacitus dedicated this small book to tribes living outside the Roman Empire. The manuscript was discovered only in 1455, and the Germans felt flattered. Mentions of drunkenness and laziness of the Germans' ancestors did not bother them. What was the name of the book?

Peter's answer: "History of the Germanic Tribes"
The rate is 543.

Sergey's answer: "Annals"
The bet is 4,200.

Ivan's answer: "Teutons"
The bet is 6,000.

Correct answer: "Germany"

Game summary

  • Peter - 11 557
  • Sergey - 600
  • Ivan - 300

Peter Kazennov is declared the winner of the game.

X-ray "Dragon Skin"

The body armor has a scaly design protective elements, fastened together in such a way as to provide both a high area of ​​protection and comfortable wearing. The "scales" are 50mm diameter, 6.4mm thick ceramic plate discs made from silicon carbide. A number of tests have shown that the "Dragon Hide" can successfully withstand multiple hits from bullets fired at close range from the HK MP5, M16 and even AK. “Dragon Skin” can withstand up to 40 hits from the above types of weapons and a hand grenade blast.

The body armor is available in the following versions: SOV-2000 (III level of protection) and SOV-3000 (IV level of protection). SOV-2000 costs from $5,000 per unit as of 2011.


The bulletproof vest consists of a cover and a protective package placed in it. It should be noted that in design and layout the body armor is very similar to the Soviet body armor ZZL-74 (lightweight protective vest), consisting of aluminum plate disks of a similar shape.


  • High area of ​​bulletproof protection
  • Comfortable to wear - the protective bag is relatively flexible
  • High survivability of bulletproof protection - if the adhesive composition on which the discs are attached (see disadvantages) can hold the discs in place.
  • Light body armor weight - from 6 to 8 kg.


  • A high rate of CLCT (closed local contusion injury), which can lead to injuries and injuries to the user, even if the striking element does not penetrate the protective composition of the body armor.
  • The adhesive fastening of the Dragon Skin ceramic discs does not withstand long-term use when high temperatures, and after some time of use in hot climates, when a bullet hits the vest (or other impact), it is possible for the ceramic discs to separate from the substrate, which leads to a critical decrease protective properties body armor.

Field tests

Results of field tests of the “Dragon Skin”: The body armor failed official tests conducted by the US Army, which resulted in a ban on its use by US military personnel.

However, the body armor is used by: PMCs operating in Afghanistan, some special forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, nine senior officers and their bodyguards, the Secret Service. The CIA also uses body armor in its operations.

Defense is an area that has always powerfully propelled scientific and technological progress forward.

Today, technological progress “in gratitude” offers the military the most daring developments, bordering on outright fantasy. Before you are only the five most “promoted” areas of such research.

5. Dragon Skin Body Armor


Developed and manufactured by the American company Pinnacle Armor in Fresno (California). It features a lightweight scale design of protective elements fastened together in such a way that it simultaneously provides a high area of ​​protection and is comfortable to wear. The “scales” are ceramic plate-like discs with a diameter of 50 mm and a thickness of 6.4 mm. Tests have shown that the Dragon Skin can successfully withstand multiple hits from bullets fired at close range from the HK MP5, M16 and even AK. The body armor can withstand up to 40 hits from the above types of weapons and the explosion of a hand grenade.

4. Non-lethal microwave gun ADS


The ADS (Active Denial System) system is designed to minimize future damage during military and police operations. It has already been nicknamed the “heat ray” and the “microwave gun.” The “shot” of such a “gun” produces the effect of a wave of very hot air released from a hot oven. At the same time, the person receives a very noticeable electric shock. Tests have shown that everyone who falls under the influence of ADS shows the same reaction - they flee. The range of ADS is about one kilometer.

3. HULC exoskeleton


This device is designed to enhance human muscular efforts through an external frame. The exoskeleton follows human biomechanics to proportionally increase effort during movement. The main direction of development of exoskeletons is military (the desire to combine the firepower of a tank, which means heavy weight weapons and protection, with the mobility and size of a person). Lockheed Martin's HULC (Human Universal Load Carrier) system is equipped with a two-kilogram lithium battery. The prototype shown recently during testing already allows you to carry a load of up to 90 kg for 1 hour with average speed almost 5 km/h and the possibility of short-term accelerations up to 16 km/h.

2. Nanotechnology for security forces


Thanks to the potential of nanoassembly and molecular engineering, which is already underway in different countries world, it will become possible to create invisible types of weapons that will be more dangerous than chemical and biological ones. During military operations, armies will destroy people, not military equipment or industrial enterprises. This type of engineering makes it possible to create a wide range of systems for law enforcement agencies: from effective bulletproof fabrics and materials, all kinds of microcharges of “gaseous” explosives, combat atomic flying robots the size of a mosquito for the army, and to special molecular systems that recognize long-outdated fingerprints and codes DNA and performing the functions of wiretapping and covert tracking - for law enforcement agencies.

X-ray "Dragon Skin"

The body armor is distinguished by a scaly design of protective elements fastened together in such a way that it simultaneously provides a high area of ​​protection and comfort of wearing. "Flakes" are ceramic plate-like discs with a diameter of 50 mm and a thickness of 6.4 mm made from silicon carbide A number of tests have shown that the Dragon Hide can successfully withstand multiple hits from bullets fired at close range from HK MP5 , M16 and even AK. “Dragon Skin” can withstand up to 40 hits from the above types of weapons and a hand grenade blast.

The body armor is available in the following versions: SOV-2000 (III level of protection) and SOV-3000 (IV level of protection). SOV-2000 costs from $5000 per unit as of 2011.


The bulletproof vest consists of a cover and a protective package placed in it. It should be noted that the design and layout of the body armor is very similar to Soviet body armor ZhZL-74(lightweight protective vest), consisting of similar shaped aluminum plate disks.


  • High area of ​​bulletproof protection
  • Comfortable to wear - the protective bag is relatively flexible
  • High survivability of bulletproof protection - if the adhesive composition on which the discs are attached (see disadvantages) can hold the discs in place.
  • Light body armor weight - from 6 to 8 kg.


  • High rate of CLCT (closed local contusion injury), which can lead to injury and injury to the user, even if the damaging element does not penetrate the protective composition of the body armor.
  • The adhesive fastening of the Dragon Skin ceramic discs does not withstand long-term use at high temperatures, and after some time of use in hot climates, if a bullet hits the vest (or other impact), the ceramic discs may separate from the substrate, which leads to a critical decrease in the protective properties of the body armor .

Field tests

Results of field tests of the “Dragon Skin”: The body armor failed official tests conducted by the US Army, which resulted in a ban on its use by US military personnel.

However, the body armor is used by: PMCs operating in Afghanistan, some special forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, nine senior officers and their bodyguards, the Secret Service. The CIA also uses body armor in its operations.