Numerology can provide answers to many questions. Among them is the time of marriage. Based on your date of birth, you can calculate the date of your upcoming wedding. This topic is especially popular among girls, no matter how freedom-loving they are, but they are always worried about the upcoming marriage, because no matter how life turns out, a woman can be fully realized only after starting a family.

In this topic:

In order for girls to be able to answer the question: “When will I get married,” numerology offers a simple method. When finding out the date of marriage, it is necessary to take into account that no method gives an answer with 100th accuracy, so it is better to use several methods and then draw your own conclusions.

Calculation of wedding date by date of birth

To calculate the date of marriage, you should add up all the numbers that make up the date of birth. For example, if a person was born on March 8, 1990, you need to add 8, 3, 1, 9. 9, 0, you get 30, then we bring it to a prime number using addition: 3 + 0 turns out 3.

Next, the numbers corresponding to the coming years are calculated. To do this, add up the numbers included in the year number. For example. 2015 is 2+0+1+5, which makes 8.

Then, using the table below, each girl will be able to answer her own question: “When will I get married?”

Birthday number number of year of marriage

  • 1 — 1,4,5,7
  • 2 — 1,5,6,8
  • 3 — 3,6,7,9
  • 4 — 1,4,7,8
  • 5 — 2,5,7,9
  • 6 — 1,3,6,9
  • 7 — 1,2,4,8
  • 8 — 1,2,6,8
  • 9 — 2,3,6,7

The numbers corresponding to the coming years look like this:

  • 2015 = 8;
  • 2016 = 9;
  • 2017 = 1;
  • 2018 = 2;
  • 2019 = 3;
  • 2020 = 4;
  • 2021 = 5;
  • 2022 = 6;
  • 2023 = 7.

It should be borne in mind that these years are considered the best for marriage. But this does not mean that the wedding day will come then.

The influence of some numbers on fate

Numerologists believe that the presence of certain numbers in the date of birth has an impact on a person’s fate. If the date of birth contains numbers such as 3, 9, 6, 8, then you need to beware of all sorts of difficulties that will interfere with the marriage. But don't be upset about the years you lived outside of marriage. Everything will come in due time. And life in a free state is an opportunity to realize yourself, to stand firmly on your feet. After all, these numbers are the embodiment of freedom and activity.

People with 2, 4, 6 in their date of birth are somewhat opposed to the previous ones. For them, freedom is not a joy. They consider life in a couple to be more correct and harmonious. They also get married earlier because they have the ability to attract partners to themselves. In order to speak for sure about certain inclinations, it is necessary to analyze the number of numbers from the 1st or 2nd group.

The more numbers indicated in the date, the more clearly the indicated properties will appear.

How to choose a wedding date

For couples who decide to tie the knot, an important question is how to choose the most favorable wedding date. To calculate it, you need to find out which number corresponds to the bride and which number corresponds to the groom. To do this, add up the numbers included in their dates of birth.

For example, the bride’s date of birth is October 5, 1995, which means her number is: 5+10+1+9+9+5 = 39 =3+9=12=1+2=3.

The groom's date of birth is October 21, 1996, which means his number is: 2+1+10+1+9+9+6 = 48 = 4+8 = 12 = 1+2=3.

Now the number of the bride and the number of the groom are added: 3+3=6. Therefore, newlyweds should plan their wedding on the 6th of any month.

Wedding date numerology is a form of fortune telling that is very popular among the fair sex.

Practical ladies, who do not want to remain blissfully ignorant, use numbers to try to find out not so much whether I will get married, but rather when exactly the desired celebration will take place.

Meanwhile, there are several ways in which you can calculate your marriage date for free.

Kattakar method

The scientist and mystic Kattakar several decades ago identified the following pattern: the date on which the wedding is scheduled depends on the birthday. The results of such calculations, however, do not claim to be absolute truth. But in half the cases they are actually justified.

So, to find out when it’s time to go shopping for a wedding dress, you need to perform simple calculations:

  • Find out your birth number. To do this, we add up all the numbers of the date of birth. Take, for example, 06/11/1984. We add all the numbers 1+1+6+1+9+8+4 = 30. Then we add again 3+0 = 3.
  • In the same way, we calculate the values ​​for the coming years to find out which of them will be lucky for you. For example, the number for 2019 is 3: 2+0+1+9 = 12; we bring it to the unambiguous value 1+2=3.
  • Now it’s very easy to find out when I’ll get married. Just look at the table that Kattakar developed and compare the values ​​you get.

The resulting year (based on the sum of all its component numbers) is the most successful year for marriage. In the case of our example, these are years in which the numbers, when added, give 3, 6, 7 or 9. One of these years is 2019, which means that girls born on June 11, 1984 have every chance of wearing a wedding dress in 2019.

It is believed that by signing in the destined year, the couple will be happy. However, often couples whose wedding took place in an undestined year live very happily. In such cases folk wisdom says they cheated fate.

Another way to calculate the date

  • For example, the girl’s name is Anna Ivanova. We count the number of letters and get the number 11.
  • We bring the resulting result to a clear one: 1+1 = 2.
  • We add up the numbers of the day, month and year when fortune telling for marriage is carried out. For example, let's take January 20, 2015: 2+1+2+1+5 = 11. V Once again we bring the value to a clear result: 1+1 = 2.
  • We add the resulting numbers to each other: 2+2 = 4. We find that 4 is the ideal number of the year for Anna Ivanova, who in such a simple way found out the answer to the question that tormented her: when will I get married.

It is believed that it is best to determine the wedding day at the beginning or end of the year, at this time there is a high probability of correctly predicting the future. By the way, numerology recommends performing such fortune-telling no more than three times a year. Otherwise, higher powers will become angry and may deliberately show incorrect results in the future.

The influence of some numbers on fate

Wedding numerology experts are confident that the repetition of the same numbers in the date of birth of a person is by no means accidental and helps predict his fate.

So, if the date when a person was born repeats the numbers 3, 6, 8 or 9, then difficulties may arise when organizing a special event, for example, financial ones. Or one of the partners may be afraid of losing freedom, afraid of future obligations.

To avoid becoming dependent on unfavorable numbers, you should simply choose your partner more carefully. If you love freedom, this is not a reason to categorically declare: I will not marry anyone. Look for a partner with similar character so that after marriage everyone has personal space.

There are also opposing personalities. These are people who need a partner. Loneliness weighs on them. In the date of birth of such a person, there are a large number of 2, 4 and 6.

Calculation for a couple

There are already established couples who need to use numbers to find out when is the best time to have their wedding day. Numerologists assure: you can become spouses in May, contrary to popular wisdom.

  • We write down the date of birth of the bride 12/22/1990, add up the numbers of the date until the birth unambiguous value, as we did above: 2+2+1+2+1+9+9 = 26. Then 2+6 = 8.
  • Add until a single digit value appears for the day, month and year when the groom was born. For example, for those born on December 18, 1989, we get the number 3.
  • We add the resulting values: 8+3 = 11. Then 1+1 = 2.

According to numerologists, for happy marriage The wedding should be planned for the second day of any month.

And yet remember that the main recipe for happiness is in ourselves, and not in a set of numbers. After all unfavorable days for a wedding, in fact, it doesn’t happen. It is enough to believe: I will certainly marry the person I love. And everything will work out in the best possible way. Author: Valentina Levadnaya

A girl can find out when she can get married with the help of numerology, astrology, folk fortune telling and dreams. After all, with the approaching celebration, they will definitely appear secret signs and symbols that you need to be able to decipher. However, it is necessary to understand that with a strong desire to become a bride, a girl can see various symbols in everything, which in fact do not have any magical connotations.

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    Even in ancient times, it was noticed that the date of birth has a great influence on a person’s fate. With the help of figures and figures, you can predict the most favorable years for marriage.

    There is enough simple technique, founded by scientist M. Katakkar, which allows you to calculate the date of marriage. To do this, you need to add the digits of your birthday to a single digit. So, if a person was born on November 11, 1985, then the following arithmetic operations should be performed: 1+1+1+1+1+9+8+5= 27=2+7=9.

    • 2019=3.
    • 2020=4.
    • 2021=5.
    • 2022=6.
    • 2023=7.

    After these steps, the decoding of the result can be seen in the table:

    If the number 8 comes out based on your date of birth, then the most suitable years The years for marriage are 2017, 2018, 2022 and 2024. Numerology can warn about possible difficulties that may arise when building relationships. If the date of birth contains numbers such as 3,6,8,9, then the wedding may long time postponed and not take place at all. People with numbers 2,4,6 easily attract partners and get married early.

    There is another way to determine the date of marriage by first and last name. To do this you need:

    1. 1. Count the number of letters in the first and last name (Petrova Anna = 11 = 1+1=2).
    2. 2. Add the numbers of the year, month and day when the test is carried out (13.06.2018 =1+3+6+2+1+8=21=2+1=3).
    3. 3. Add the resulting numbers in the first and second calculations: = 2+3=5.

    The ideal number of the year for Anna Petrova is 5. Fortune telling is recommended to be carried out at the beginning and end of the year, but no more than 3 times in 12 months.

    Fortune telling

    Exists a large number of simple fortune telling on imminent marriage, which every girl can do.

    By hand

    Using hand fortune telling, you can determine the likelihood of getting married in the near future and the number of unions. It is necessary to pay attention to the special line of marriage, or marriage, which is located on the hill of Mercury under the little finger. It is a small horizontal line extending from the edge of the palm.

    Marriage line

    If the marriage line is located close to the heart line, then this indicates early marriage at the age of 18-24 years, in the middle - 25-28 years, at the top - from 29 years. There may be more than one marriage line on the hand, this indicates that the marriage may be concluded a second time. Depending on their location, you can determine the approximate years of creating a serious relationship.

    Precise and long lines indicate a strong and lasting relationship. If there is a fork at the end of the line, the marriage will not last long, and divorce will be accompanied by scandals and conflicts. A marriage line that looks sharply upward indicates a lack of marriage in a person’s life or a union that will only bring bitterness and problems.

    Several lines of marriage

    Other fortune telling

    The most common items for fortune telling are:

    1. 1. Candles and water. It is recommended to carry out this fortune-telling with your friends on Christmastide. Each girl needs to take half a shell walnut and put a candle in it with your name written on it, and then place the resulting “ship” in a bowl of water. The girl whose candle burns out first will get married faster. The one whose “ship” sinks risks remaining an old maid.
    2. 2. Salt. Before going to bed, you need to eat a pinch of salt and say: “Betrothed, give the mummer a drink.” A man who will later become a husband should appear in a dream.
    3. 3. 3 threads and 3 needles. You need to take a red, white and black thread, thread them through a needle, and then fasten them to the back of a dress or T-shirt. It is necessary to carefully remove one of the threads from the back at random. If a girl pulls out a red thread, she will get married this year, a white thread - in the next 3 years, a black thread - there will be no wedding within 5 years.
    4. 4. Towel. At night, you need to hang a white towel outside the window and pinch it with the window with the words “Betrothed, come to me!” " If it is wet in the morning, it foretells an imminent marriage.

    You can find out whether the time has come for marriage using ring fortune telling. Have to take wedding ring and hang it on your hair so that its ends are clamped. The ring is held over a glass filled 2/3 with running water, then immersed in water for a few seconds, raised and asked a question. If the pendulum moves left and right, the answer is negative; in a circle, the answer is positive.


    You can recognize an imminent marriage from your dreams. So, most often, animals are symbols of marriage in all dreams. If a girl dreams of a lone wolf, then she will soon meet her future groom, and Wolf Pack indicates an imminent wedding celebration. A dog has a similar interpretation, especially if it is red in color.

    Dreams with the following animals and birds can foretell marriage:

    • horse;
    • pig (sow);
    • cow;
    • goat;
    • stork, dove and swan.

    In some dream books, marriage is predicted by fish, which usually dreams of pregnancy. If the girl is unmarried, then a new addition to the family may mean the appearance of not a child, but a groom.

    Other harbingers of marriage include plants:

    • carrots and tomatoes;
    • strawberries and strawberries;
    • nettle;
    • oak, apple and plum.

    A dream in which garlic or a bed with it appears may indicate a marriage of convenience. A bouquet of flowers in men's dreams indicates a readiness for a decisive relationship and a desire to start a family. Work in haymaking, cleaning and reinstallation, funerals indicate an imminent marriage.

    Folk signs

    If a girl is soon to become a bride, secret signs foreshadowing the wedding will be present in her life. But they lose their relevance when it has desire to become a wife and is looking around for herself folk signs. Thanks to the signs, it will not be possible to bring the wedding date closer, but you can predict what awaits in the near future.

    The most common signs indicating imminent marriage include the following:

    1. 1. A bouquet of flowers accidentally found on the street.
    2. 2. Ring finger injured by a needle on New Year's Eve.
    3. 3. Place at a celebration between 2 brothers or sisters.
    4. 4. Caught bridal bouquet at a wedding.

    Being doused with champagne or wine at a wedding is also a sign of marriage.

    Since ancient times, in order to ensure a quick marriage, girls have hemmed the hem of their friends' wedding dresses. This ritual will probably work if the bride is a blood relative. If there are no sewing skills, the bride’s shoes are wiped before the wedding.

    Single girls should dance with the groom. You will be especially lucky if the man himself invites you to a slow dance. If it was not possible to do the above, you need to choose dance partners from those who sit as far away as possible.

    Girls who want to get married faster should sweep away trash from the door to the window or table every time they start cleaning. Shoes need to be placed in a special way - the toes of the shoes should point in the same direction, and the sides should touch.

    Superstitions also indicate actions that can delay a happy moment and cause discord in a relationship. The following actions should be avoided:

    1. 1. You should never give or pass anything over the threshold (especially food), as this attracts the fate of an old maid.
    2. 2. You need to be as attentive as possible while putting things in order. Constantly wet floors while washing dishes or cleaning the room can cause future husband will abuse alcohol.
    3. 3. You should not sweep away dust or crumbs from any surface with your hand; you may attract an ugly spouse to you.
    4. 4. Unmarried girls are not recommended to do their hair in the presence of other people, as this can cause energy imbalance.
    5. 5. You should not wear any rings on your ring finger other than a wedding or engagement ring.
    6. 6. Single girls should not wear other people’s clothes. Wedding Dresses, veil or rings.
    7. 7. You should not sit on window sills, tables or opposite corners of tables.
    8. 8. You should not keep a lot of violets or cacti indoors.
    9. 9. There should be no figurines or paintings of single women in the house.


    In many ways, the age of marriage is influenced by the zodiac sign. Thus, some signs tend to get married early, while others are in no hurry to start a relationship.

    Marriage dates according to zodiac horoscope are presented in the table:

    Zodiac sign

    Ideal age to get married

    Suitable zodiac signs for marriage

    Libra, Leo, Aries, Aquarius

    Capricorn, Pisces, Libra


    Capricorn, Aquarius, Scorpio, Cancer

    Taurus, Cancer, Gemini

    Sagittarius, Libra, Aries

    Capricorn, Pisces

    29–32 years

    Aries, Pisces, Taurus


    Pisces, Gemini, Cancer

    Capricorn, Leo, Scorpio

    Taurus, Sagittarius, Capricorn,


    Taurus, Gemini, Aries

    Libra, Scorpio, Virgo, Pisces

    If a girl and a guy are not suitable for each other, the time for marriage will be delayed, and the most ridiculous situations will interfere with the lovers, who may even separate in the future.

Our life path is inseparably intertwined with numbers. Our ancestors also noticed what a strong influence his date of birth has on a person. Character and inclinations were determined by numerical values, and the future was also predicted. Nowadays, the science of numbers has made great progress. And now numerology allows you to calculate even this an important event as the date of marriage.

The most famous and accurate method for calculating the wedding date is the method of the excellent scientist M. Katakkara. Its computing system makes it possible to determine the date of a significant event with an accuracy of up to 60%. In this calculation method, the numbers of the day, month and year of birth of the person wishing to get married are taken as a basis.

How to calculate your wedding day according to M. Katakkar

All the numbers that form her date of birth must be added: 1+8+1+1+9+8+5=33. Then we bring the resulting value to a simple value, again by addition: 3+3=6. At the output we get a number corresponding to the date of birth, in this case it is the number 6.

The year number is calculated in the same way as the date of birth. For example, to find out the numerical value of the upcoming 2018, we do the following calculations: 2+0+1+8=11. If the result is a two-digit number, we perform another addition step: 1+1=2. Two is the number of 2018.

To make it more convenient for you to work with the table, we have already carried out the necessary calculations for the next 10 years. All you have to do is find out the number of your date of birth and see the result.

Numerical values ​​of the year (2017-2026):

  • 2017 - 1;
  • 2018 - 2;
  • 2019 - 3;
  • 2020 - 4;
  • 2021 - 5;
  • 2022 - 6;
  • 2023 - 7;
  • 2024 - 8;
  • 2025 - 9;
  • 2026 - 1.

M. Katakkara's method, of course, cannot become a 100% guarantee of an upcoming marriage. The use of numerology in calculating the date of marriage based on the number of birth makes it possible to find out only the most likely and favorable years for starting a family.

However, many girls who have used this numerical forecast note its absolute accuracy.

The influence of numbers on marriage

Numerology makes it possible to look into the future and find out the date of marriage. But, unfortunately, there are some nuances here too. The root of the stumbling block may be the repeating numbers present in the date of birth.

For example, people whose dates are dominated by the numbers: 3,6,8,9 have a difficult time getting married.

  • This is explained by the fact that these numerical values ​​endow people with a great love of freedom and a rebellious character. For such people, realization, self-improvement and an unlimited sense of freedom come first.
  • It is extremely important for them to find themselves. Until this happens, they are unlikely to look for their soul mate, unless marriage is a cleverly thought out plan on the path to a successful future.

No, this does not mean that these people are bad, they just are who they are. Although they can be happy in marriage if they start a family with a similar person.

A successful union will take place if both partners have a strong character and at the same time do not claim each other’s personal space.

And on the contrary, people whose dates of birth are dominated by the numbers: 2, 4, 6 - absolutely cannot stand loneliness and get married quite willingly. Those with these numerical values ​​in their date of birth get married earlier than anyone else.

After all, it is in the family that they see the full value of their existence. Such people are simply pathologically afraid of loneliness, and only by entering into a legal relationship do they begin to feel like a necessary and harmonious person.

Calculation of a favorable wedding date

The right wedding date can improve your life together and smooth out rough edges in a relationship. And on the contrary, it would seem that the strongest union of a man and a woman is doomed to failure.

First you need to calculate total number couples. To do this, we combine the numbers of the couple’s date of birth separately. How to find out your birth number is described above. When the numbers of both lovers are already known, add them up. If the addition results in a two-digit value, add the numbers again.

For example, the groom’s birth number is 8, and the bride’s is 9, which means 8+9=17. We reduce the resulting amount to prime number: 1+7=8.

For the couple in love in question, the lucky number is 8. This means that for them the best numbers for marriage will be: 8, 17, 26. And also all the numbers, when collapsed, forming an eight, will bring good luck to their couple.

We determine the fate of the future marriage union by numerical value

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to set a wedding date on the day planned by the newlyweds. There may be a lot of reasons for this: overload of wedding palaces, problems with guests and relatives, etc.

However, it is not necessary that if a marriage takes place on an unplanned date of the month, then it is doomed to failure. There is a special calculation scheme that allows you to look into the future and find out what the family life of the newlyweds will be like if they sign on this or that day.

  • So, for example, the painting is scheduled for October 18, 2017 - 06/18/2017.
  • First, we calculate the wedding number using the method described above: 1+8+1+0+2+0+1+7=20; 2+0=2.
  • The numerical value of the wedding of this couple is –2.

As you can see, everything is quite simple. All that remains is to look at the decoding of the resulting number and decide whether the date is suitable for painting or whether it is better to postpone the celebration.

Wedding date numbers and their meanings

Number 1

Marriage with numerical value“1” can be described as durable and reliable. People who have created an alliance with the numerical value “1” will experience tender feelings for each other throughout their lives and are unlikely to commit treason.

However, there are stumbling blocks here too.

  • In such a family, both spouses will claim leadership and it will not be easy for them to sacrifice their interests.
  • Although if the couple survives the moment of grinding in and learns to give in, unprecedented harmony will reign in the family.
  • In addition, in families with a wedding number of 1, mutual assistance and support will contribute to increased financial well-being and career success for both spouses.

Advice for newlyweds: to avoid alienation and, as a result, betrayal, become interesting interlocutors and comrades-in-arms for each other.


In the relationship of a married couple with the numerical value of wedding - “2” there will be peace and quiet. These people are not just husband and wife, they are true comrades-in-arms, always ready to lend a helping hand to each other. Their union is built on great respect and tender feelings. However, their marriage can be overshadowed and even destroyed by causeless jealousy.


A difficult fate awaits the union governed by the number “3”. In this marriage, everyone will realize themselves independently, without taking into account the interests of the other half. Communication between a couple can also be called difficult. It will be easier for them to communicate with strangers than with each other. In such a marriage, frequent confrontations and quarrels are possible, and reconciliation will be difficult for both parties.

Advice for newlyweds: in order to reduce all squabbles to nothing and establish mutual understanding among themselves, spouses need to acquire a common hobby or engage in joint creativity.


It must be said that four is not the best number for a wedding date. Both spouses will consider building a career their priority, and the other half will only become an obstacle on the way to the intended goal. By the way? If children appear in such a family, a negative attitude will also spread to them.

Advice for newlyweds: the most correct thing that can be advised here is to move the wedding date to another, more successful day. And if the solemn moment has already happened and your wedding number is 4, try to be more tolerant of each other. Otherwise, divorce is unlikely to be avoided.


This is a very interesting union. The Five promises an interesting and vibrant life together, rich in travel and pleasant surprises. This wedding date is most suitable for a couple who, even before the wedding, had common hobbies, interests and hobbies.


A union with the numerical value “6” is considered very favorable. The relationship between husband and wife throughout their lives will remain as sincere and tender as on their wedding day. Quarrels are rare here, the house is always full, and the children are caressed with love.

Advice for newlyweds: Perhaps there is no need to advise anything here, the six itself knows what it is doing.


The number seven is most suitable for calm and balanced people. Such a union will somewhat resemble a separate cell, where both spouses will be busy strengthening the family hearth and raising children.

Advice for newlyweds: When scheduling a painting for a day with such a numerical value, be prepared for minimal communication with outer worlds, and unlimited dedication to the family.


Such a marriage can be called successful if we make reference to its commercialism. In such a union people will be happy for whom financial side life, occupies a dominant role. If one of the spouses is an incorrigible romantic, you should not expect anything good from such a marriage.

Advice for newlyweds: if money and financial well-being is not in the forefront of your mind, it is better not to schedule painting for this day.


Such a marriage can only become successful if the partners learn to respect and listen to each other. Otherwise, one of the spouses risks becoming a victim of the ambitions of the other and taking on the role of a servant in the family. How can a person who plays the role of a servant in his own family be happy?

Advice for newlyweds: Learn to respect and appreciate each other.

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How Clairvoyant Baba Nina helps change the line of life

The legendary clairvoyant and prophetess, known throughout the world, launched on her website accurate horoscope. She knows how to start living in abundance and forget about money problems tomorrow.

Not all zodiac signs will be lucky. Only those born under 3 of them will have a chance to suddenly get rich in July, and it will be very difficult for 2 signs. You can get a horoscope on the official website

For thousands of years, people have conducted research to identify patterns in this world, systematize data and knowledge, with the help of which they tried to predict the course of events. It was during such manipulations that science was born. Numerology gives you a chance, based on information about your date of birth, to lift the veil of the future and find out your destiny.

Happiness for a woman is home, family and a loved one nearby, so among fortune-telling the most popular topic is wedding. To find out the future, many turn to professional fortune tellers, but this is not necessary. However, you can guess by date of birth for marriage at home.


Carry out calculations, adhering to following rules.

  1. Believe in what you are doing and in the forces that help you look beyond the veil of the future.
  2. It is advisable to carry out magical procedures during the full moon.
  3. Before fortune telling, it is better to fast for a day or two.
  4. Don't tell anyone about the ritual.
  5. True and obtained in baths or wooden houses. Natural material is the best conductor between worlds.
  6. The most favorable period is holidays, birthday or full moon.

To find out the future, they use simple or complex calculation methods. For simple ones you will need a clean one White list and a writing aid, and for complex ones - a calculator. You will also need a manual for the procedure and a table with information on the interpretation of the obtained values.

Fortune telling by date of birth for marriage

Method one - calculate the probability of a wedding

You will need to do some arithmetic.

Take the fortuneteller’s date of birth and the year for which you need to calculate the probability of a wedding. After this, multiply the numbers together.
10/25/1988, let's calculate the probability for 2018

25*10*1988*2018 = 1 002 946 000

The probability of marriage is assessed by the presence of eights (the last digit of the desired year) in the result. In our example there is no such probability.

Method two - when will I get married?

Will need Blank sheet, pencil and attention.

Write your first and last name on the paper and count the number of letters.

➦ For example:

  1. Utinovina Ekaterina – 17 letters. We reduce it to a simple number: 1+7=8.
  2. We write down the date on which the fortune telling is performed: December 21, 2017: 2+1+1+2+2+0+1+7=16 ⟹ 1+6=7.
  3. We add the two resulting numbers: 8+7=15 ⟹ 1+5=6. The fortune telling number is 𝟞.

After this, we look at the meaning of the result obtained in the following transcript.

  • 𝟙 - Portends a very quick marriage, but either a marriage of convenience, or due to pregnancy or for other reasons. The union may be long-lasting, or it may not, everything is in your hands.
  • 𝟚 – The expected event will occur in 1-1.5 years. Show patience and wisdom, and then the union will be happy.
  • 𝟛 - This number does not foretell a quick marriage, but when it happens, you will be the most happy man in the world.
  • 𝟜 – You don’t know why you want to get the information you are looking for, because you yourself are not eager to get married.
  • 𝟝 – It all depends on the fortuneteller. If there is a desire, the event will happen soon.
  • 𝟞 – A person is looking for an ephemeral ideal that does not exist. Don't look for people without flaws - they don't exist.
  • 𝟟 – It is possible to conclude an alliance at any time, but do not rush things, there are other goals that require attention.
  • 𝟠 – After my friend’s marriage, the wedding will take place soon.
  • 𝟡 - The fortuneteller is one of those people who get married late. The reason lies within themselves.

☞ Video story

What age will I get married by date of birth?

First method

  1. Date of birth: 10/25/1988. We calculate the number of birth (Nr). Chr = 2+5+1+0+1+9+8+8=34 ⟹ 3+4=7.
  2. Let's find out the meaning of each coming year - the number of the year (Ng). For example: 2018 ⟹ 2+0+1+8=11 ⟹ 11=1+1=2; 2019 ⟹ 2+0+1+9=12 ⟹ 1+2=3; 2020 ⟹ 2+0+2+0=4, etc.
  3. We determine the date according to table 1.

Where: Chr – number of birth; Chg – number of the year

Table 1.

date date date
1 One, four, five and seven4 One, four, seven and eight7 One, two, four and eight
2 One, five, six and eight5 Two, five, seven and nine8 One, two, six and eight
3 Three, six, seven, nine6 One, three, six and nine9 Two, three, six and seven

According to the data from the table, it can be seen that the birth number 𝟟 corresponds to years with Hg equal to 𝟙, 𝟚, 𝟜 or 𝟠 - this is 2018; 2020, 2021 and 2024, 2028, etc. It is believed that marriages created in these years are the most durable.

Second method

  1. Find out the number of the name by adding the number of letters in the first and last names (Chi) ⟹ Chizhova Anna ⟹ 6+4=10 ⟹ 1+0=1.
  2. We calculate the value of the number we are guessing at Ch 12/22/2017 = 2+2+1+2+2+0+1+7 = 18 = 1+8 = 9.
  3. We print the sum of two numbers Chi+Chg ⟹ 1+9=10 ⟹ 1+0=1. The result obtained corresponds perfect year for Wedding. We add the number 𝟙 to the end of the year - 2021, 2031, etc.

Fortune telling how many marriages there will be

To find out how many marriages a woman will have, it is enough to divide the number of her month of birth by 2 (we give the number in a simple form). For example, if she was born in November (10th month = 1+0=1), there will be one marriage.

To determine the characteristics family life, let’s define several required quantities.

Marriage number (Nb) = Chi (name number) + Zhp (number life path)

Chi is calculated as follows: find out what number each letter in the first and last name corresponds to. The table will help with this.

A, I, S, B, K1 G, L, F, E4 Yo, O, Shch, Ch, K7
B, J, T, S2 D, M, X, Yu, K5 F, P, W8
B, K, U, L3 E, N, C, Z6 Z, R, Shch9

➦ For example:

Yana Belova ⟹ 6+6+1+2+6+4+7+3+1=36 ⟹ 3+6=9

We look for the date of birth by adding the numbers of the date of birth.

➦ For example: 11/15/1988

  • 1+5=6
  • 1+1=2
  • 1+9+8+8=26 ⟹ 2+6=8
  • 6+2+8=16 ⟹ 1+6=7

Bw (number of defects) = Chi + Chzhp ⟹ 9+7=16 ⟹ 1+6=7

☞ Meaning and interpretation of characteristics of family life

B&WFor womenFor men
1 Headship in the familyLoyalty to work
2 Boring marriageShowing concern for the family
3 Cosiness, home, loyaltyEntertainment
4 Smoothing out or ending conflictsEqual position in the family of both spouses
5 Talks about success in career and businessCarefree life
6 Fickle behavior, rash actionsThe desire for comfort and homeliness
7 Showing care and affectionHaste in everything and incompleteness
8 Attacks of jealousy and anxietyCunning, lying and dishonesty
9 Loyalty and finding loveMelancholy and sadness
  1. Consider net worth spirit and health of the body before fortune telling. You should be in good shape and feel energized.
  2. It is better to tell fortunes on Friday night - this day is ruled by Venus, and at night the world of spirits is as open as possible.
  3. During the procedure, maintain silence, preferably alone and without distractions. Concentrate completely on the process.
  4. Truthful or days of power.
  5. Don't guess more than three times a year.

In what cases will fortune telling not come true?

  1. There was no mood, we didn’t feel a connection with another world.
  2. The procedure was carried out under conditions of stress or emotional upsurge.
  3. They were looking for confirmation of expectations, not truth.
  4. An overly dynamic or stagnant life.
  5. They guessed too often.
  6. Not very interested, and desire is at a low level.
  7. You don't trust the result or don't believe in it.

For many centuries, girls have dreamed of a happy marriage and love. During the development of civilization, a lot of ways to find out the future appeared - numerology, fortune telling playing cards and Tarot, ritual or not – there are many methods to look beyond the edge. However, remember that whether the prediction comes true or not depends only on you. Your destiny is in your hands.