Communication with colleagues, friends and family is a very important part of any person’s life. Losing contact with old friends is always upsetting. But instead of being discouraged, you can try to find a person through the popular social network VKontakte. More than 60 million people are registered on this network and there is a high chance that the person you are looking for has a personal account on this site.

When registering in social network On VKontakte, each user fills out a form with their personal data. In the application form, he usually indicates the school, university and place of work. Most of the fields in the form are optional. In addition to personal data, a person can post his photo to his account. Unfortunately, not everyone fills out the form in detail. Such people are more difficult to find and only a photo with a familiar face can help.

How to find a person on the VKontakte social network?

How to find a classmate or fellow student on VKontakte

To search for a classmate, first click on the “People” button in the top panel of the page. In the search bar that appears, write the first and last name of the person you are looking for. You should not ignore the fact that many people register their name in all sorts of variations: Maksimka, Maksik, Maksimych, Max. This greatly affects search results. Therefore, it would be wiser to first write the last name without the first name. Next, on the right panel you need to find the “School” and “University” buttons. By clicking on any of these buttons, we see the appearance of scroll bars “Any country”, “Year of issue”. When you select a country, a menu appears for selecting a region, city, district, and then educational institutions located in it. In the school or university menu you need to select your class, faculty or department. At the end, select the year of manufacture. After that, we examine the results of your search. There is a high probability that you will see your wanted friend in the search results.

If you could not find your friend in the results obtained, then the search should be made less detailed. Then you can view all the graduates of your school with your friend's last name.

By removing the last name from the search bar, but leaving the school, class and year of graduation in the right menu, you will be able to see your classmates who indicated in the questionnaire the class in which they studied. If you are looking for a classmate, then think about whether she got married, because... many girls don't leave maiden name on your account.

How to find a friend on VKontakte by residential address

If you have information about where your friend lives, use the “Places” button in the right panel. In this submenu you need to select the country, city, street, house and apartment number. The problem is that less than 30% of users indicate addresses in their profiles. Remembering exact year friend’s birthday, you can try to find him by indicating his date of birth and the city in which he lives.

How to find a colleague on VKontakte

In order to find an army comrade, you need to go to the “Military Service” submenu. There you will also have to indicate the country, military unit and years of your service.

How to find a person on VKontakte at their place of work

To find a colleague or former employee your company, go to the “Work” submenu and indicate in the appropriate fields the name of the organization and the position of the person you are looking for.

How else to find a person on VKontakte

Perhaps you still haven’t found the person at his place of education, work, military service or residence. Then there is the last option! You need to remember the people with whom the wanted person can communicate on a social network. Look through these people's pages for lists with friends. It is likely that you will recognize the friend you have been looking for for so long by his photo or name.

If you are lucky and after a long search you find your friend, then be sure to add him as a friend using the “Add as a friend” option and write him a short message.

Appreciate communication and never lose your true friends!

Hello, friends! Today we will be searching for people using photos on the VKontakte social network. Just imagine that we only have a photograph, and from this photo we need to find his page. Perhaps this will only happen if he uploaded this photo to a social network and did not hide it (). This can be done, I tested it in practice, there are a couple of proven methods and now we will look at them.

Search by photos on VKontakte

To use this function of a social network and find a person, we first need to upload a photo, which we will use to search for our account (). Now we go to the album we added this photo and click on the photo itself so that it can be fully loaded.

After the photo is loaded, look at the address bar of the browser and copy the address of the photo. You do not need to copy the entire photo address, but only those numbers that come after the word photo (along with it) and before the % sign. Look at the screenshot and everything will become clear:

Now go to your home page and click on the “News” menu item

Almost at the very top of the page that opens, above the news, we have a photo search window. We insert the word copy into it: immediately after it is the address of the photo that you uploaded and by which you need to find the person.

See screenshot:

Click on Enter. And we load all the exact same photos uploaded to the social network by different users. Naturally, if the photo is unique, then in your case there will be only one such user. All you have to do is click on the photo and follow the link to the owner of this photo:

That's all, we have completed the task.

Search by images from Yandex

Now I am for you, for general development, I’ll show you another way to find a person on VKontakte by photo. But note that it will only work if the user has uploaded it to their profile picture. We will talk about searching by images from the Yandex search engine.

In the next window, click on the “Select file” button to upload the photo to the system for search.

Through Explorer, find on your computer desired image, select it and click “Open”.

The system will show your picture and below all similar ones that it could find. With a high degree of probability, the first one will be a photo exactly similar to yours.

Scroll below and see a list of sites where the picture appears. Choose any of the proposed ones. In the example, I chose Right-click on the title and select “Open link in new tab” from the list.

On the site that opens, you can search for a person on any of the social networks that are in the list on the left. We have already selected VKontakte and indicated the full name for which the results are displayed (by the way, I did not enter them, they were already registered when I opened the site. Although I am looking for a person with a different full name, for the purity of the experiment I did not change anything).

The window in the middle displays all available, suitable user pages. We scroll through them and yes, the person I need is there, and his avatar has the photo that I used to search.

Click on the name and on the next page select any photo from the photo gallery. The VKontakte page of the found user will open and you can assume that you have found him.

Google Image Search

The Google search engine has exactly the same service as Yandex. Let's also try to find my VKontakte page from the photo that is on my avatar.

Let's go to home page Google and in the upper right corner click on the “Pictures” link:

We open the image search service, move the cursor to the right corner of the search bar and click on the camera icon. This button is called “Search by image”.

In the window that opens, go to the “Upload file” tab and click on the “Select file” button:

We upload the photo by which we want to search for a VKontakte account and observe the results.

I got queries related to formal clothing (since the photo shows people in black and white). And there was nothing in “Similar Images”.

If this is the case for you, let's refine the search a little. To do this, you need to enter the first and last name of the person you are looking for in the appropriate line (it is advisable that they coincide with how the user is subscribed to VK) and click on the magnifying glass.

As you can see, my VKontakte page has been found again, which means that we have reached our goal again. And with this I finish this article, in which we learned how to search for VK pages using photographs.

Good afternoon friends. In this article we will learn how to find a person on VKontakte in all possible ways.

Here, by default, the first tab is “People”. Let's imagine what we want to find in VK Baba Yaga. Type “Baba Yaga” into the search field and press Enter. A list of all people with the initials “Baba Yaga” that are on the social network will appear.

We see that a list of people with these initials has appeared. At the top next to the word “People” is total number found - in our case, 613. You can also use - to do this, in the field at the top you need to enter the initials of the user we are going to look for.

Press Enter and get to the same search page. Only through the top window is a search possible by all criteria (music, people, videos, communities, etc.). To find specific person you need to select the “People” tab - and then we will go to the list of people with the initials “Baba Yaga”. Or, directly on the page, select the “People” section and click on the “Show everyone” link.

After we moved to general list all found people in VK with similar initials, manually search and select among large number people are uncomfortable. There is an advanced search for this.

Advanced search VKontakte

There are additional tools for quickly searching among people. Look at the right side of the window - there is advanced search menu of people.

Here we can select different filters such as:

  • popularity and date of registration;
  • country and city;
  • school and university;
  • age and gender;
  • Family status;
  • work, military service, etc.

Let's imagine that we need to find a certain Baba Yaga in St. Petersburg. We additionally know that she is female and studied at the Baltic Institute foreign languages(BIYYAMS). We indicate in the left column of the advanced settings all the necessary data: country (Russia), city (St. Petersburg), university (BIYAMS), gender - female, check the box - with photo.

We see that one user has been found. We have entered abstract either, but when you enter real person and you will find several criteria, from which you can identify the desired user by photo or profile data on his page. All that remains is to add him as a friend and...

Sometimes it happens that according to the given criteria there are not 1-2 users, but many. Then in the advanced parameters panel you will have to narrow the circle of people by entering additional data known about the friend you are looking for.

Other ways to find a person on VKontakte

Above we looked at the general and most common way of finding people. But there are other opportunities to find a person on VKontakte.

Search by social circle

Let’s imagine a situation where you can’t find a person on VKontakte using a search, but you know for sure that he may be a friend of your friend. To do this, go to a friend’s page and look at the list of his friends.

You can simply go through the list and find the person you need. But it’s easier to type his initials into a text line:

Let's say we are looking for a certain Pavel Shcherbakov on VK, knowing in advance that this user should be a friend of our friend. We type the initials into the search bar and find the person you were looking for.

By the way, you can immediately use advanced parameters. To do this, you need to open the “Parameters” drop-down list and set the necessary ones.

Search for people on VKontakte by place of work, study, military service, interests, etc.

Many have personal page the profile indicates: date and year of birth, hometown, place of work or study, school or university where the person studied, military unit where he served in the army, interests, etc. If you noticed, any information in these fields is formatted as links:

If you click on any of these links, you will be taken to a list of people on the search page who have set exactly the same settings in their profile information. If you click on “Kazan” opposite “City”, you will go to a list of people living in Kazan or who consider Kazan their hometown. So you are looking for a friend around the city. If in the section marital status you click on “in active search”, then VK will give you a list of all the people who have assigned themselves this status. So you can look for a girl/boyfriend to meet, then sorting people by gender, age and city. If you select Gymnasium No. 17 in the “School” item, you will see a list of people who study there or who once studied there. This way you can find your school friends.

In the same way, you can find people on VK by place of work or former colleagues by military unit number. Sometimes it happens that people automatically fill out profile information, and then accidentally click on a link (for example, “Military unit No. 63791) and find their colleagues a few years later.

Searching for a person on VKontakte by photo

The first way to find a person on VKontakte by photo is use Yandex or Google image search. Let's look at the example of Google.

1. Type Ivan Ivanov on VKontakte into Google, select the “Pictures” tab and view the photos. Well, we immediately found the person we needed.

2. We select the photo we need and follow the photo link to the user’s page on the social network.

As you can see, sometimes this way you can quickly find people based on photos.

But it’s not always possible to find people quickly. In this case, we try to search by thematic groups. It often happens that many schools, universities, companies, towns and even cities have their own groups. Imagine what you are looking for former classmate at school No. 22 in the city of Cherepovets, and you have his photo.

Let's try join the group and offer news(if the wall is open for group members): for example, I’m looking for so-and-so, name is so-and-so, studied during (indicate years), attach a photo. If someone knows the person you need, he can unsubscribe in the comment, or maybe your classmate himself will respond. 🙂

How to find a person through advanced search in Yandex or Google

You can try searching for people on VKontakte using the advanced search of Yandex or Google. Let's see how to do this using Yandex as an example.

1. Without filling out the search engine line, click the “Find” button or simply follow the link Next, select advanced search.

2. We fill in the required fields: indicate the region and website, enter the friend’s initials in the field and see that Yandex has found the right person on the site.

How to find a person on VKontakte without registering on the site

The site allows you to search for a person without logging into the site (or without registering). But if you simply type the link in the address bar of your browser, you will be taken to the login page. You need to immediately paste the link into the address bar:

Now we get to the VKontakte search page without authorization on the site. Now we enter the initials of the friend we are looking for, and in the advanced parameters column we set all the required filter parameters.

Then we simply go to the page of the person we found and look at information about him. You can find out everything you need about him if his page has the information you need, or copy the link to later add him to your friends. Until you , you will not be able to add the user to your friends or , and a warning “Please log in or register to write a message” will appear under the avatar.

That's all for today. Now you know how to find a person on VKontakte different ways. I wish you good luck and pleasant communication!

The social network VKontakte has the largest database of residents of the CIS countries, so it is very convenient here to look for friends and strangers. Today we will tell you how to find a person in contact without resorting to using third-party software.

Finding any person on a domestic social network will not be difficult, if at least approximately navigate the social network interface and know the basic capabilities of the local search. You can even, without knowing a person’s name, find him from a photo, but for this you will need to use other information: age, place of residence, place of education, gender, etc.

However, searching for a person will allow you to do the opposite: having his first and last name, you can find out where he studies, where he lives, how old he is, find out information about his friends, etc. The main thing is to find exactly the right person, and not his double or namesake - and for this you need to be able to look for a small needle in a big haystack. So, let's go.

To find a person in the VK search, you need to click on the search field located in the upper left part of the screen, right next to the portal logo. After you enter the person's first and last name, a page with tabs will appear in front of you: People, News, Communities, Audio Recordings and Video Recordings. We are only interested in People, so click on this tab. Next we will see a list of people with similar names - here you need to find a specific person, which will not be easy at all.

In order to find a friend you will need use special filters, located to the right of the list. Here you will find the main filters:

  • Region;
  • School;
  • University;
  • Age;
  • Family status.

AND additional filters:

  • Life position;
  • Job;
  • Military service;
  • Additionally.

Of course, the longer we have information about this person, the better, because then it will be possible to find it with an accuracy of ten the necessary person. But if you do not have accurate information, try to fill out all the filters as much as possible, then the list will be reduced from tens of thousands to hundreds of people, and there it will be easier to find a person.

Other search methods

If you are not sure of the accuracy of the first and last name of the person you are looking for, you can simply use a search engine Google or Yandex- fortunately, social network pages are indexed by search engines. To do this, you just need to enter your intended first and last name in a search engine, adding the query “VKontakte” for accuracy. For example, Vasya Pupkin on VKontakte.

It is also easier to find a person on VKontakte through his friends. If you know a friend of this person, then it’s better to go to his friends list - there in local search it will be much easier to find the people we need. Such a search is much more accurate than a global search and often requires much less time to find the required person.

He who seeks finds

As you can see, searching for people on the social network VKontakte is very, very simple if you know all the subtleties and specifics of the local search. Look for people everywhere, meet people, make new friends and just learn new information about people- it's always useful.

This page will help you quickly and without registration find and open a person’s VKontakte page if you know his first and last name, and even better, his address (country, city), age (or year of birth), place of study or work.

Enter your first and/or last name here and click "Find". Search results will open with all VK pages that match this data. Then clarify your request: select a location in the right column - country and city. To narrow your search and quickly find a person, you can specify age or date of birth, school, university, place of work.

Any VKontakte page can be opened and viewed by clicking on the person’s name. But some pages are accessible only to authorized users - this means that you must first log into VK with your name and password.

If you haven't registered yet, do this:

If you can’t find a friend on VK, but you know for sure that he has a page, ask him for a link to the page or his ID (id, page number). And it’s very easy to find a page by ID:

or even from a photo if you don’t know the name:

How to find a person on VKontakte by mobile phone number

Usually such information is a secret, because the VK administration cares about the safety of its users. But you will find a person by phone if he himself indicated the number on his page (opened to everyone). Try it directly from here:

Search for a person on VKontakte by phone number

If the phone number was indicated on the page, enter it here (for example, +79001234567 ) and press "Find".

There are also ways to search on VK using a linked phone number (through “possible friends”), but they do not guarantee that you will find a person. After all, the page may be linked to his other number, which you do not know. In addition, he could prohibit finding it by number. However, here are the ways:

Search by number via the VK mobile application

You can try to find a person by number using mobile app VK on Android:

  1. Write down the person’s number in the phone book on your phone (in “Contacts”).
  2. Install the VKontakte application for Android on your phone.
  3. Go to the application.
  4. Go to the menu "Friends".
  5. Click on + (plus) up.
  6. Click "Contacts - Find friends in your address book."
  7. A confirmation will appear - click "Yes".
  8. Wait a while and you will see all the people whose numbers are saved in your phone and who are not yet your friends on VK - the person you are looking for should be among them.

How to get through a person on VK by number (another method)

VK offers you possible acquaintances from your phone contacts. IN this method You are using a blank smartphone with an empty contact list.

  1. Take your smartphone (after resetting).
  2. You buy a SIM card.
  3. Enter the phone number you want to dial into your address book (contacts).
  4. Install the official VK application.
  5. You give him access to your phone contacts.
  6. Register a new page.
  7. You wait, and after a while VK will begin to show you in “possible friends” the page of the person who is in your contacts. Since he is alone, there is no need to guess.

Search through VK password recovery

There is also a small opportunity to find a person by cell number through VKontakte password recovery. But for this you need to know the last name. If you exit VK, press "Forgot your password", then correctly enter the person’s phone number and last name, the site will show the first name, last name and city. Previously, it was possible to immediately find out the link to a person’s page, but this feature was removed long ago. Therefore, such a search will not give anything new - if you know the number and last name, then you probably know both the city and the name - which means you can find the person, as described above, at the very beginning.

How to find a person on VKontakte by residential address

As for the address, VKontakte users usually indicate their country and city (some also indicate their hometown where they were born), and at the top you can search using this data, just first indicate the person’s first and/or last name at the top and click "Find". When the search window opens, select your country and city. There is no more precise data - street, house, apartment - on the VK website.

How to find a person on VKontakte by university

The full version of VK when searching for a person does not allow you to select a university (HEI) until the country and city are selected. If you don’t know where exactly a person lives, but want to search only by the university from which he graduated, you can do this through mobile version VC.