Vegetable soup is a wonderful dietary dish. Soups are well absorbed by the body, they are tasty and healthy. A serving of soup satisfies the feeling of hunger, saturates the body with nutrients and vitamins, which are almost completely preserved in vegetables after proper heat treatment, the broth replenishes the necessary fluid reserves in the body, and the low calorie content of soups adds another point to the weight-loss box.

Cooking options vegetable soups variety: soups are boiled in a saucepan on the stove, cooked in microwave oven or in a slow cooker, simmer in the oven; Almost all types of vegetables can be used to make soup.

The most popular soups for weight loss are Bonn, onion, refreshing cucumber gazpacho and cabbage soup, which will be discussed in this article - we will learn how to properly prepare and consume cabbage soup for weight loss.

Principles and rules of the cabbage soup diet

  • For cooking diet soup you can use any type of cabbage: white, red, broccoli, cauliflower, kale and romanesco, Brussels sprouts, Savoy, Peking, kohlrabi, Chinese; You can make soup from sauerkraut (not pickled).
  • You can prepare soup from one type of cabbage or combine different types this healthy vegetable; prepare cabbage soups and purees.
  • You can add any kind of fresh or barrel (fermented) vegetables and herbs to the soup, following one simple rule: 2/3 of the total volume of vegetables from which you plan to prepare the soup should be cabbage.
  • The only vegetable whose consumption it is advisable to limit or completely exclude from the diet is potatoes. This restriction is due to its high calorie content compared to other vegetables. The presence of two small potatoes in the soup increases its calorie content by almost 2 times, thereby reducing the effectiveness of the diet for weight loss.
  • During this diet, you can drink purified water, medicinal mineral waters, teas and herbal decoctions without adding sweeteners. You can add lemon juice to drinks. You are allowed to drink one cup of coffee without sugar per day.
  • Cabbage soup is prepared with water. You can add a little salt and spices.
  • You cannot add pasta, cereals, or legumes to the soup.
  • It is not recommended to skip or disrupt the order of meals, or replace the foods that make up the diet. During the diet, you can eat and drink only what is indicated on the menu.
  • Vegetable oil cannot be excluded from the diet: the body needs the right fats to absorb the necessary nutrients and vitamins.
  • You can follow a seven-day cabbage soup diet once every 45 days.


Losing weight with cabbage soup is contraindicated for people with high stomach acidity, gastritis, stomach or intestinal ulcers.

It is not recommended for women to follow this diet during lactation: all types of cabbage contain substances that provoke increased gas formation in the intestines, and your desire to lose weight after childbirth can result in bloating and upset bowel movements in the baby.

Basic recipe for cabbage soup for weight loss

  • Warm three tablespoons vegetable oil in a saucepan with a thick bottom.
  • Sauté finely chopped onions and carrots (1 large onion, 1 large carrot).
  • Add shredded cabbage (700–800 grams) to the pan and stir.
  • Pour boiling water so that the water lightly covers the vegetables.
  • Cover the pan with a lid and simmer over low heat until half cooked.
  • Add spices and salt (optional) to the pan, pour in three liters of boiled water and bring the soup to a boil.
  • Cover the pan with a lid and let it brew for a while.

The basic recipe uses one type of cabbage and a minimum of additional vegetables. If you want to diversify the taste of the soup with different types of cabbage and vegetables, take into account the different times it takes to cook them and add the ingredients to the soup, observing the order.

White and red cabbage take longer to cook than other types; average cooking time for broccoli, kohlrabi, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, savoy cabbage; leafy types (Beijing, Chinese), kale and Romanesco cabbage are added to the soup at the very end - 5 minutes before the dish is ready.

Cabbage soup diet menu for 7 days

Days 1, 4 and 7 of the diet

During these days of the seven-day diet, you can only eat cabbage soup. You cannot eat other foods these days.

The total volume of soup (3–4 liters) should be divided into 6 servings and consumed throughout the day.

You can drink water, herbal infusions and teas without sugar without restrictions; it is recommended to avoid coffee these days.

Days 2 and 5 of the diet

Breakfast. A large glass of water with lemon juice and honey (one teaspoon each); liquid oatmeal, cooked in water, without sugar.

You can salt the porridge a little, add bran, flax seeds, sesame seeds, poppy seeds, milk thistle meal, a little cinnamon or turmeric.

Lunch. A mug (250–330 ml) of lean broth, 2 rye or whole grain crackers.

Dinner. 750 ml cabbage soup.

Afternoon snack. A serving of semi-acidic fresh fruit or berries without added sweeteners. It can be fresh fruits or berries, fruit salad, freshly squeezed juice, puree, smoothie.

Semi-acidic fruits and berries include: raspberries, strawberries, wild strawberries, blueberries, blueberries, currants, watermelon; apricots, peaches, plums, sour apples, pears, fresh figs.

The cabbage diet is effective, healthy and very budget-friendly. No more excuses for being overweight! Learn how to eat and cook cabbage delicious dishes to lose up to 24 kg in a month!

Many of those whose figure is far from ideal justify themselves by saying that they cannot afford to go on a diet, saying that the products from the diet are too expensive. However, there is a budget and time-tested nutrition program with which you can really achieve a result of minus 24 kg per month. It's about about the cabbage diet.

You can hear a lot of flattering reviews about the cabbage diet. It is not surprising, because this vegetable contains almost everything that is required for normal life:

  • vitamins - B1, B2, B3, E, P, PP, H, carotene, provitamins D, and in terms of vitamin C content, cabbage surpasses even tangerines and lemons;
  • minerals – phosphorus, potassium, calcium, zinc, iron, aluminum, manganese;
  • amino acids – lysine, threonine, methionine;
  • fiber, pantothenic and folic acids.

Despite such a rich composition, white cabbage is a low-calorie product (25 kcal/100 g). Therefore, you can eat it in any quantity and not be afraid that extra centimeters will appear on your waist. In addition, she:

  • inhibits the formation of tumors;
  • helps with liver and kidney diseases;
  • relieves constipation;
  • has a softening effect on bronchitis and pneumonia;
  • normalizes fat metabolic processes;
  • fights digestive disorders;
  • removes toxins.

In addition, you can prepare a lot of dishes from this vegetable crop - soups, stews, salads, etc., therefore, your diet will not be monotonous. But it is worth noting that cabbage that has not been heat-treated brings the most benefit to the body.

  1. Avoid flour products, alcohol, sweet and carbonated drinks, fats, salt and sugar.
  2. Every day you should drink about 1.5-2 liters of liquid - herbal decoctions, green tea, water and black coffee for breakfast.
  3. You need to have at least 5 meals, preferably at regular intervals.
  4. Have dinner no later than seven o'clock in the evening; a couple of hours before bedtime you can drink some water or kefir.
  5. Intense physical, as well as mental, stress during the diet is unacceptable.
  6. The cabbage menu cannot be called balanced, so taking vitamin and mineral supplements is recommended.
  7. After several days of food restrictions, the body will try to gain back the lost kilograms, so strictly monitor your diet, do not abuse fatty, fried, sweet and starchy foods.


It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of cabbage, however, the cabbage diet has contraindications. Thus, such a weight loss program is not suitable for people with high acidity, suffering from enteritis, colitis, myocardial infarction and diarrhea. Overeating can cause nausea, bloating, and heaviness in the stomach. In addition, it is not recommended to eat raw stalks, since they, like a sponge, absorb all harmful substances during growth, including nitrates, cadmium and copper salts. Even if there are no obvious prohibitions on changing your diet, consult a specialist.


For 3 days

The duration of the fastest cabbage diet is 3 days. In such a short period of time you can lose up to 3 kilograms.

For breakfast for 3 days you need to drink only a cup of black coffee without sugar.

For lunch on the first day you can eat a white cabbage salad, on the second - cabbage stewed with vegetables and lean meat, on the third - cabbage soup. Recipes will be offered below.

For dinner, you can steam fish/boil meat or drink 200 ml of kefir. Complete the menu with stewed cabbage.

During attacks of hunger, it is not forbidden to eat cabbage leaves or green apples. Drink plenty of fluids.

For 5 days

A five-day diet will help you lose up to 8 kilograms. The result depends on your initial weight, how strictly you followed the recommendations, physical activity and the body’s reaction.

Approximate diet for 5 days

  • Breakfast: two-egg omelette; 150 g coleslaw; a cup of black coffee.
  • Lunch: 180 g boiled Brussels sprouts.
  • Lunch: cabbage soup; 120 ml green tea.
  • Afternoon snack: 70 g salad.
  • Dinner: cabbage stewed in a slow cooker with seafood; 200 ml milk.
  • Breakfast: 100 g cabbage casserole; a cup of coffee without sugar and milk.
  • Lunch: 150 grams of Chinese cabbage leaves.
  • Lunch: a serving of fish broth with Brussels sprouts; green tea.
  • Afternoon snack: 3 tablespoons of sauerkraut.
  • Dinner: 150 gr. boiled buckwheat; 80 gram piece of boiled beef or chicken; 120 ml green tea.
  • Breakfast: 100 gr. cabbage-carrot-beet salad; the same amount of boiled beef; black coffee.
  • Lunch: 200 grams of steamed broccoli.
  • Lunch: 3 lazy cabbage rolls or cabbage cutlets; tea.
  • Afternoon snack: 100 g boiled broccoli.
  • Dinner: 220 gr. stewed cabbage, garnished with buckwheat.
  • Breakfast: 1 chicken or 3 quail eggs, hard-boiled; 200 ml of smoothie made from cabbage leaves.
  • Lunch: 200 grams of vegetables.
  • Lunch: 250 grams of oven-baked cabbage; 120 ml green tea.
  • Afternoon snack: 85 g of kohlrabi salad, seasoned with soy sauce and sesame seeds.
  • Dinner: 250 g cabbage stew, bell pepper and celery; tea.
  • Breakfast: 170 grams of fresh cabbage, carrots and apples salad with a little lemon juice; black coffee.
  • Lunch: 200 grams of broccoli.
  • Lunch: cabbage soup.
  • Afternoon snack: 100 g of yogurt without additives.
  • Dinner: 200 g chicken meat; 100 grams of seaweed salad; green tea.

For 7 days

Cabbage week is a great way to lose up to 7 kilograms. It is recommended to practice it at intervals of at least 2 months. The main dish that will help you burn excess weight is cabbage soup; their recipe will be offered below; you can eat them in any quantity.

Menu for the week

Allowed: cabbage soup, as well as green apples.

On this day, in addition to cabbage soup, you can add vegetables and a couple of potatoes boiled without adding salt to the menu.

It is allowed to add any fruits and vegetables to the soup, with the exception of bananas and starchy ones.

Your main course is soup. You can also eat 2 more bananas and drink a glass of milk.

The menu is as follows - cabbage soup, 450 grams of lean meat or the same portion of steamed pollock, 4 medium tomatoes.

In addition to soup, you can eat raw cabbage without restrictions; 250 grams of meat would be an excellent addition.

During the day you will have to fill yourself with cabbage soup and 150 grams of buckwheat or brown rice.

Drink 2 liters of liquid daily - water, herbal infusions, green tea, and a cup of coffee at breakfast.

For 10 days

The cabbage diet lasting 10 days is considered classic, on which you are guaranteed to say goodbye to 5-10 kilograms. It is not recommended to practice such a program more than 6 times a year.

Many people are unable to endure 10 days of the cabbage diet, since the menu is monotonous.

  • a cup of green tea or coffee without sugar.
  • white cabbage and carrot salad with olive oil;
  • 200 gr. boiled beef, fish or chicken;
  • fresh cabbage salad;
  • 1/2 chicken egg;
  • green apple.

A couple of hours before bedtime, it is not forbidden to drink 200 ml of 1% kefir. Salad at lunch and dinner can always be replaced with cabbage soup.

For a month

Only a few can survive a whole month on the cabbage menu, but the reward for your efforts will be weight loss - you can often lose up to 10 kilograms. Success awaits those who give up sugar, mayonnaise, mustard, alcohol and spices, including salt, do not neglect physical activity and strictly adhere to the drinking regime.

The menu is drawn up for a week and then repeated. Your nutrition program could be as follows:

  • Breakfast: 150 gr. salad made from sauerkraut and carrots, you can add green peas and olive oil to it; 100 g low-fat boiled fish; black unsweetened coffee.
  • Lunch: 100 gr. cottage cheese with a minimum percentage of fat content; 150 g lean boiled meat; Granny Smith, Simirenko, etc. apple
  • Lunch: cabbage soup; 150 gr. stewed cabbage with carrots; 250 ml apple compote.
  • Dinner: 2 boiled potatoes; 100 g boiled or steamed pollock/hake; 200 ml unsweetened tea.
  • Breakfast: 200 gr. cabbage salad, green peas and onions, dressed with olive oil; 120 ml coffee.
  • Lunch: 200 ml kefir.
  • Lunch: 100 grams of stewed meat, garnished with boiled carrots; 250 ml compote.
  • Dinner: two boiled potatoes; 100 grams of fish, steamed or baked; grapefruit or orange.
  • Breakfast: 1 toast; 1 soft-boiled chicken egg; a cup of tea or coffee.
  • Lunch: 1 serving of buckwheat porridge; 1 apple.
  • Lunch: 200 grams of chicken; a pair of green apples; 1 orange.
  • Dinner: 5 tablespoons of vinaigrette; 200 ml apple compote.
  • Breakfast: 1/2 cup kefir; 1 cracker.
  • Lunch: carrot and cabbage salad, seasoned with vegetable oil.
  • Lunch: 150 g of sauerkraut salad, onions and green peas with a small amount of olive oil.
  • Dinner: vegetable soup with lean meat broth; 100 g cabbage salad.
  • Breakfast: 70 gr. cottage cheese; 150 ml coffee without milk and sugar.
  • Lunch: 2 granny smith or pear apples; 2 oranges or 1 grapefruit.
  • Lunch: red cabbage salad with lemon juice; 1 diet sausage; 200 ml orange juice.
  • Dinner: 150 g stewed lean fish; 100 g red currants; 100 g gooseberries; 100 ml mineral water.
  • Breakfast: 100 grams of sauerkraut; 100 grams of boiled chicken breast.
  • Lunch: 100 gr. low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Lunch: cabbage soup cooked in low-fat meat broth; a piece of rye bread.
  • Dinner: 70 grams of lean beef; 100 gr. beet salad with prunes; 120 ml green tea without added sugar.
  • Breakfast: 100 g of buckwheat porridge, it can be sweetened with natural honey.
  • Lunch: 150 g fruit salad.
  • Lunch: 150 grams of sauerkraut salad with green peas and onions, seasoned with vegetable oil; 150 grams of steamed fish.
  • Dinner: 2 boiled potatoes; 100 gr. lean meat; 200 ml apple compote.


Cabbage cutlets

You will need:

  • cabbage – 1 kg;
  • butter – 50 grams;
  • semolina – 80 grams;
  • milk – 1 glass;
  • chicken eggs – 3 pieces;
  • salt - a pinch.

How to cook

  1. Separate the cabbage leaves, cook in boiling water for 10 minutes and grind in a blender.
  2. Place the cabbage mixture in the heated butter and simmer for 5 minutes.
  3. Pour in the milk.
  4. Add semolina and salt. Stir. Cover with a lid and remove from the stove.
  5. Place 3 yolks and 2 whites into the cooled mixture. Knead the minced meat.
  6. Form into cutlets and, if desired, bread them in breadcrumbs.
  7. Place the cutlets on a baking sheet lined with parchment and brush with beaten egg white.
  8. Cook for 30 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

Cabbage-cucumber salad

You will need:

  • cabbage – 200 grams;
  • medium-sized cucumber – 1 piece;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l.

How to cook

  1. Slice the cabbage thinly.
  2. Grate the cucumber.
  3. Mix vegetables and season with oil. Stir.

Cabbage soup

You will need:

  • carrots – 5 pieces;
  • onions – 5 pieces;
  • green bell pepper – 2 pieces;
  • celery – 4 pieces;
  • tomatoes – 5 pieces (can be replaced with 200 ml of tomato juice);
  • water – 5 liters.

How to cook

  1. Shred the cabbage.
  2. Cut the onion and pepper into half rings.
  3. Cut the carrots into cubes.
  4. Chop the celery.
  5. Cut the tomatoes into several parts.
  6. Place the prepared vegetables in a saucepan, add water and place on the stove.
  7. Cook after boiling for 10 minutes. Then cover with a lid and simmer for 20 minutes (the vegetables should become soft).

Lazy cabbage rolls

You will need:

  • white cabbage – 150 grams;
  • minced meat chicken fillet– 0.6 kg;
  • onion – 50 grams;
  • pre-boiled rice – 50 grams;
  • chicken egg – 1 piece;
  • salt - a pinch.

How to cook

  1. Pass the cabbage and onions through a meat grinder.
  2. Combine vegetables with minced chicken.
  3. Add rice and egg.
  4. Add some salt. Stir.
  5. Form the cabbage rolls.
  6. Place them on a baking sheet and place them in an oven preheated to 190 degrees for 35 minutes.

Cabbage and carrot salad

You will need:

  • white cabbage – 0.5 kg;
  • carrots – 0.2 kg;
  • apples – 0.2 kg;
  • lemon juice;
  • black pepper - optional.

Cooking method

  1. Shred the cabbage.
  2. Grate the apples and carrots on a medium grater.
  3. Combine fruits and vegetables, season with lemon juice and lightly pepper.

Diet options

On cabbage and cabbage juice

Those who want to quickly lose a few kilograms are ready to do anything, even sit all day not just on cabbage, but on cabbage juice. We do not recommend carrying out such experiments, because instead of a luxurious figure you will get serious problems with health. However, if you combine one of the above diets with cabbage juice, you can achieve even better results. The drink neutralizes toxins from food and increases the rate of breakdown of fat deposits. Take the juice half an hour before meals and lose weight.

How to cook fresh

Remove the top leaves from the head of cabbage and the stalk. Pass the remaining leaves through a meat grinder. This must be done as quickly as possible so that the juice does not react with the metal. Wrap the resulting mass in cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice. You can get juice in another way, you need to use a juicer.

Cabbage juice often causes bloating and increased gas formation; to prevent such troubles, we recommend mixing it with carrot or apple juice.


If there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract, once a month you can have a 3-day cabbage-vegetable diet. Already from the name it is clear which products will become the main ones in the diet.

Menu for the day

  • a salad of cabbage, carrots, cucumbers and herbs, and by adding a little olive oil and apple cider vinegar to it, you can make it even tastier.
  • cabbage stewed with zucchini, onions, carrots, tomatoes.
  • cabbage and fruit salad, it is not forbidden to add a little lemon juice and berries to it - currants, raspberries, strawberries.

Drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid daily.

Potato and cabbage

There is another variation of the cabbage diet, which suggests eating potatoes. No matter how attractive the menu may seem to you, sticking to it for more than a week is dangerous for your health, since it may cause nutritional deficiencies.

It is permissible to eat 4 baked potatoes and 0.5 kg of steamed cabbage per day. You should not add salt to dishes. Every other day for dinner, potatoes are allowed to be seasoned with olive oil. On the 3rd and 6th days during dinner, replace the potatoes with low-fat fish, which can be cooked in a double boiler or in the oven.

The diet is strict, but the result will definitely please you - according to reviews, up to 5 kg are often lost in 5 days.

And in any case, before practicing such a nutrition program, consult your doctor.

Carrot and cabbage

Propagandist healthy eating Paul Bragg argued that carrot and cabbage salad is one of the the best means to cleanse the body, and called it a brush for the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is not surprising that eating these vegetables for 3 days allows you to get rid of 1.5 to 3 kilograms. It is permissible to practice such a nutrition program twice a month; during the event, drink plenty of fluids and minimize physical and mental stress.

The basis of the diet is carrot and cabbage salad. We shared the recipe above. It is recommended to prepare it three times a day. A sample menu for the day could be as follows.

  • carrot and cabbage salad;
  • 1 toast;
  • green tea without sugar.
  • carrot and white cabbage salad;
  • 200 grams of boiled chicken meat;
  • tea, but not black.
  • carrot and cabbage salad;
  • 1 soft-boiled chicken egg.


Those who love cucumbers may like the cabbage-cucumber diet lasting 7 days.


  • Breakfast: 1 piece of toast with a piece of cheese; cucumber and cabbage salad; coffee or tea.
  • Lunch: salad; 1 glass of kefir.
  • Dinner: salad; 1 glass of kefir; 1 orange.
  • Breakfast: oatmeal steamed with boiling water with cucumber; kefir or green tea.
  • Lunch: cabbage soup.
  • Dinner: salad of white cabbage and cucumbers; 1 glass of kefir.
  • Breakfast: 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese; a cup of coffee without sugar or cream.
  • Lunch: 180 g of boiled chicken meat; a portion of the same salad that you ate yesterday for dinner.
  • Dinner: 1 glass of kefir with cinnamon.
  • Breakfast: 1 toast; a piece of cheese; cucumber-cabbage salad.
  • Lunch: salad; 100 g cottage cheese.
  • Dinner: 1 glass of kefir.
  • Breakfast: vegetable salad; kefir.
  • Lunch: cabbage soup.
  • Dinner: kefir; apple.
  • Breakfast: 150 gr. baked or boiled white meat; cucumber and cabbage salad; green tea or black coffee.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup; cabbage-cucumber salad; tea.
  • Dinner: toast with cheese; kefir.
  • Breakfast: cereals, steamed with boiling water in the evening; cabbage and cucumber salad; coffee or tea.
  • Lunch: 200 gr. white meat; vegetable salad; tea or herbal decoction.
  • Dinner: cabbage soup; cucumber salad.

You can snack on fresh cabbage leaves, cucumbers and green apples. You can drink kefir at night. Maintain drinking regime.


The seven-day diet of cabbage and eggs is often called magical, because with its help you can lose 5-7 kilograms. The result is noticeable already on the third day. However, keep in mind that lost weight can quickly return if you don't reconsider your diet in the future. The diet is very strict, so please consult with a specialist first, and if you have health problems, please choose a different program.


Breakfasts are not varied - you can drink a cup of unsweetened green tea or black coffee. Lunch and dinner are different every day.

  • Lunch: 2 eggs; slice of Dutch cheese.
  • Dinner: white or red cabbage salad with olive oil.
  • Lunch: 1 egg; 1 green apple.
  • Dinner: 1 glass of 1% kefir.
  • Lunch: 150 gr. cabbage of any variety.
  • Dinner: chicken egg.
  • Lunch: 1 egg; 8 dried or 6 fresh plums.
  • Dinner: white cabbage salad with olive oil.
  • Lunch: red cabbage salad; 1 Granny Smith, Antonovka or Grushevka apple.
  • Dinner: 1 chicken egg.
  • Lunch: 1 quail egg; 1 slice of cheese; 1 green apple.
  • Dinner: white cabbage salad.
  • Lunch: cabbage soup; 50 g cottage cheese.
  • Dinner: 1 chicken egg; a couple of unsweetened apples.

To avoid starvation, have snacks - eat fresh cabbage. Don't forget to drink a lot.


If you need to quickly lose 2-3 kilograms, then the cabbage-apple menu is suitable. The duration of the diet is 3 days.


  • herbal decoction or coffee without milk and sugar.
  • cabbage-apple salad or dietary cabbage soup.
  • boiled meat or steamed fish, stewed cabbage as a side dish.

During breaks, you can have snacks - eat green apples and cabbage.

Cabbage soup is prepared using vegetables and seasonings. By making it the central dish of your daily diet, you can confidently lose several accumulated kilograms in a week.

Cabbage is a low-calorie product, rich in vitamins and nutrients. However, eating cabbage soup exclusively for seven days is harmful: there should be variety.

The diet also includes vegetables and fruits, which will provide the body with the missing substances.

The duration of the diet is only one week. You can repeat it a month after completion.

Interesting! Weight-watching girls can do cabbage every first week of the new month.

During the cabbage soup diet, you should not drink carbonated drinks, store-bought juices (only freshly squeezed), coffee and alcohol.

Cabbage soup for weight loss includes products that can satisfy hunger, while being digested for a long time and having a low calorie content. Given the body's basic metabolism, a person eating this way will burn more calories than he takes in. This will lead to immediate results.

There are many variants of this cabbage soup nutrition system, but they all differ in the degree of rigidity. The low-calorie and most restrictive diet will be one that includes only soup for weight loss. You should not indulge in it for more than 5-7 days, since such nutrition will slow down your metabolism, and without solid food there is a risk of the onset of irreversible processes in the body.

Other diets using cabbage allow the presence of other foods in the diet, for example, fruits, boiled meat and fish, baked vegetables, as well as some cereals and eggs. You can maintain this diet for 2-5 weeks, and in some cases until the desired effect is achieved.

Cabbage soup must be cooked without salt, as it tends to retain water, which greatly complicates the process of weight loss. You can use spices, but remember that they stimulate the appetite and you may end up eating much more than you need. The diet suggests that an alternative solution may be to add small amounts sea ​​salt.

If you decide this diet is for you, don't forget to drink clean water. It includes cabbage soup and protein products, and water will help remove protein breakdown products, and the harm from its large amount will be minimized.

The original cabbage soup recipe from the 50s is almost the same as what is used today. The only difference between the modern version is that less time is spent preparing such soups.

According to original recipe The soup needs to be simmered for an hour, but this is more than enough time for the cabbage and other vegetables to lose almost all their nutrients. In the new version, you need to bring the dish to a boil, then cook for no more than 20-30 minutes.

As always, with such diets, reviews of those who have lost weight on different types of cabbage, as well as the results, vary significantly.

  • “...Friends recommended a cabbage diet. I tried it. Frankly speaking, I barely made it through the week. Although I started with white cabbage, after 3 days I was preparing dishes for Chinese cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, as it is difficult to tolerate monotonous dishes. And even later I started cooking with stewed cabbage. Twice I wanted to quit, but buckwheat helped, after which it became easier. During the “cabbage diet,” my health suffered. Lethargy, apathy and irritability. The result is so-so - minus 3.5 kg. Next time I’ll look for a different diet, because I can’t even look at cabbage soup, much less stand the smell of it”;
  • “... I don’t use a diet, but a fasting day on sauerkraut once a week. I'm very pleased. The body is cleansed well and health improves. I want to switch to kelp, but I don’t know if seaweed can be used on fasting days, I need to consult a nutritionist”;
  • “... On the advice of friends, I decided to try the cabbage diet. But at the beginning I decided to study this diet. Unfortunately, I did not find clear medical recommendations on this diet. Some go to the forest, some for firewood. The fact is that I had a peptic ulcer in the past and I don’t know whether it’s possible to eat sauerkraut on a diet or whether it’s possible to eat stewed cabbage. It’s good that I asked my local doctor, who told me that during periods of exacerbation it is not advisable for me to eat cabbage in any form - neither fresh, nor fried, nor soaked, nor stewed, nor pickled, since it contains a lot of coarse fiber that irritates the mucous membranes stomach. And during the period of remission, you can eat boiled or stewed cabbage in small quantities as part of main courses or soups. You should avoid eating fresh, sauerkraut and pickled cabbage even during the period of remission with a stomach ulcer. But since it contains a vitamin that has a beneficial effect on the process of scarring ulcers, it is better to consume cabbage in the form of freshly squeezed juice before meals.”

To prepare dietary cabbage soup you will need:

  • half of white cabbage;
  • onion(about 300 grams);
  • bell pepper (2 pieces);
  • ripe tomatoes(2-4 pieces);
  • celery (1 bunch);
  • carrots (3 pieces);
  • If desired, you can add fresh mushrooms to the soup (for example, about 250 grams of champignons).

While about 2 liters of water are boiling in a saucepan, all ingredients are finely chopped. After boiling, everything is thrown into water and cooked for 20-30 minutes. If desired, you can add salt and spices 10 minutes before cooking. The soup is infused for 30 minutes, after which it can be consumed.

This classic recipe and a method for preparing cabbage soup. There are other options for making soup. Chinese – add during cooking soy sauce And spicy sauce Chile. Bengali soup allows you to add a few fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, as well as spices: turmeric, cumin or saffron.

Attention! It is not advisable to use potatoes in soup, as they create heaviness in the stomach. But during a weekly diet, it can be eaten a couple of times, but in baked form.

During the cabbage soup diet, it should be consumed daily and in unlimited quantities. However, so that the menu is not scarce, it should be diversified. An example of a classic cabbage soup diet:

  • Day 1. Eat fruits (except bananas) throughout the day. A handful of nuts can be used as a snack.
  • Day 2. For dinner, bake 1 potato in its jacket and eat, sprinkle with vegetable oil.
  • Day 3. For dinner, prepare a vegetable salad using fresh carrots, cucumber and celery.
  • Day 4. Drink a glass of milk at breakfast or lunch. Eat 6 bananas during the day.
  • Day 5. Only from today Protein is added to the diet. For lunch, eat boiled chicken, beef or fish, but not more than 400 grams. For dinner, a vegetable salad of carrots and bell peppers.
  • Day 6. No more than 400 grams of protein for lunch. Eat 6 tomatoes throughout the day.
  • Day 7. For lunch, you can cook a portion of rice and prepare freshly squeezed orange juice. Dinner – vegetable salad.

Diet option for 7 days with different cabbage soups:

  • Day 1. Classic cabbage soup and plenty of fruit (except banana);
  • Day 2: Chinese soup and steamed vegetables (no legumes);
  • Day 3. Classic soup, a large amount of fresh vegetables (for example, carrot, cucumber and tomato salad);
  • Day 4. Bengali soup, a liter of milk and bananas throughout the day;
  • Day 5. Classic steamed soup chicken breast or fish;
  • Day 6. Chinese soup, a portion of beef or fish, steamed vegetables;
  • Day 7. Classic soup, fruit juice and a portion of rice.

Important! The first days of the diet will be difficult for those who are not used to eating cabbage in such quantities. However, already on the third day you may like the soup so much that it will become one of your favorites.

To achieve good results, following simple recommendations will help you quickly see the desired reflection in the mirror:

  1. You need to drink a lot of water throughout the day - about 1.5 liters;
  2. There should be at least 4 meals a day;
  3. If there are still a few hours until the next snack, and the feeling of hunger does not give you rest, a glass of water will help solve the problem;
  4. Exercise at home or sign up for fitness or aerobics. Physical activity will help the body quickly lose excess weight and tone the muscles.

A low-calorie diet based on soup for weight loss is of interest to many women who want to get rid of excess weight. However, the key to its success lies in the correct preparation of this dish. And the recipe is not so important here; to a large extent, all the products here contain low carbohydrates.

Stewed cabbage is considered the healthiest, the calorie content of 100 grams is equivalent to 15 grams. dietary chicken. But pickled cabbage is no longer a dietary product, because all marinades contain a large amount of salt and sugar, which, when absorbed into the vegetable, increase the calorie content and nutritional value of the finished product.

If you decide to stick to the cabbage diet, then you first need to create a correct and balanced menu for 5 days or the next three days.

Sample menu for the cabbage diet:

  • Breakfast. For breakfast you can eat cabbage-pumpkin porridge, oatmeal, and skim cheese. As for drinks, it is better to give preference to green or herbal tea, because they increase the speed of metabolic and metabolic processes.
  • Dinner. During lunch, you can treat yourself to cabbage soup with cucumbers and kefir, stewed cabbage, cream soup or classic chicken broths with the addition of cabbage leaves. You cannot eat bread as a snack while following the cabbage diet.
  • Dinner. If you are on a cabbage diet, you can have dinner 5-6 hours before bedtime. You can afford potato and cabbage casserole, fried cabbage (in a ceramic frying pan without adding oil). You can prepare a light salad of cabbage and carrots, as well as cucumber-cabbage mousse of fresh vegetables with the addition of spinach. Eating cereals and beans for dinner is prohibited; consumption of bread is also prohibited.

In addition to main meals, while following the cabbage diet, you can eat during breaks. This can be a diet bread with kefir (5 pieces of 20 grams each), 5 apples, which must be sweet and sour, or 5 raw carrots (if you choose apples, then carrots are not allowed).

If you want your Cabbage Diet to be as positive as possible and with minimal discomfort for the body, you need to study the cooking method low-calorie dishes from fresh cabbage. Those who have already lost weight know that cabbage dishes can be incredibly tasty.

Poles and Italians love cabbage, so they have developed a hundred good recipes preparing this vegetable, recommended for maintaining a figure and productive weight loss. Here are the most delicious of them:

  • Cabbage pancakes with zucchini. This is a seasonal dish that can be prepared from August to November due to the very low prices for zucchini and cabbage. You will need 5 pieces of zucchini with a total weight of 350 grams, 5 slices of cabbage without stalks with a total weight of 400 grams, 200 ml of low-fat kefir and two tablespoons of oatmeal. Grate the cabbage and zucchini on a fine grater until a homogeneous paste is obtained, mix with kefir and stir for 5 minutes. After this, add a pinch of salt and oatmeal (you can peel it), and knead the dough. Place a tablespoon of dough on a hot frying pan with a ceramic coating and fry the pancakes until golden brown. The finished portion will last you 3 days.
  • Italian soup "Smoked cabbage". This is a very unusual and very tasty cabbage puree soup, which contains three types of cabbage. To prepare it, take 200 grams of white cabbage, 150 grams of cauliflower and 100 grams of broccoli. In addition, you will need dill and parsley, as well as a little salt. Place raw cabbage on a baking sheet lined with paper and place in the oven for 25-30 minutes until shallowly fried. When using the dry method of baking raw cabbage, it acquires a smoky flavor, which very effectively sets off the flavor palette of the finished soup. When the cabbage is baked, it is ground in a blender with boiled water, herbs and salt. Makes several full servings. Serve chilled.

This is how you can easily and simply diversify your daily menu and get rid of excess weight.

The first day. Let's call it a fruit day. Eat any amount of fruit you want, with the exception of bananas. If this is not enough, i.e. you feel hungry, then eat the soup prepared according to the above recipe. Today only fruit and soup.

Second day. Today, eat only vegetables - steamed or raw (the quantity is still unlimited). Try to avoid beans, corn and peas, but eat plenty of greens. In a word, eat only vegetables and soup all day. For dinner, you can have a large baked potato with butter (butter or vegetable) if you wish.

Day three. A kind of combination of the previous two days. Eat fruits (bananas are still not allowed), vegetables and soup in unlimited quantities. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to taste potatoes for dinner that day either.

Day four. Today is a wonderful day - you can finally eat bananas without traditional restrictions! Also drink plenty of skim milk and, of course, eat as much soup as you like throughout the day.

Day five. The diet allows you to eat about 300-500 g of chicken or beef. Although you can replace the meat with something high in protein. Also eat fresh tomatoes (no more than six). Ketchup you put on beef doesn't count! Finally, drink plenty of water (seven to eight glasses) to flush uric acid out of your body. As for the soup, use as much as you like.

Day six. Load up on vegetables and proteins! By the way, you can freely replace one of the “protein” days with baked fish, but not both at once. Eat a lot of protein (in fact, it can even be several steaks if you wish), soup and vegetables - if desired. Also eat as many greens as possible, and still avoid baked potatoes.

Day seven. Brown rice, vegetables and unsweetened fruit juices. Eat/drink plenty, but don't forget your soup.

Let us remind you that the secret of any cabbage diet is that it is easily tolerated - you can eat cabbage at any time of the day and in any quantity. As you know, cabbage is a very nourishing product, and with a certain culinary talent you can prepare many different dishes from it: stew, soup, vegetable cabbage rolls, sauerkraut, salads and many others. etc.

Cabbage itself is a very valuable and healthy product: it inhibits the formation of tumors, is useful for diabetes, as well as for liver and kidney problems. For those who have been choosing a diet for weight loss for a long time, there is also good news- cabbage has an extremely low calorie content, but it saturates perfectly and for a long time, and in addition contains a lot of fiber and vitamins.

In the cabbage diet, you can use any type of cabbage - white cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Peking cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli, as well as combinations thereof.

The menu for the cabbage diet (option 1) consists of breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The cabbage diet menu is not strictly defined and depends on the set of products included in the diet. You eat at a time that is convenient and familiar to you, 4-5 times a day, but if you feel hungry, you need to have additional snacks.

Cabbage diet menu for 3 days

Dietary recipes from white cabbage

White cabbage is most often used in dietary recipes. Below are recipes for some of the dishes.

Cabbage soup is very beneficial for the body. Thanks to all its dietary properties, it helps to quickly establish the system intestinal tract and guarantee weight loss of up to 7 kg per week.

Cooking soup.

Ingredients: 600 gr. white cabbage, half a cup of brown rice, green onions, several stalks of celery, two tomatoes, 3 onions, 4 carrots and 2 pcs. bell pepper.

Method of preparation: wash the vegetables well, chop the cabbage, cut the carrots into strips, cut the onion into rings, and cut the pepper and celery into pieces. Scald the tomatoes with boiling water and remove the skin, chop or grind on a sieve. Place all the ingredients in a saucepan and add water, bring to a boil over low heat and cook for another 10 minutes with the lid open.

Menu for seven days:

  • First day: cabbage soup and fruit, except banana and grapes. Drink plenty of fluids and take a vitamin complex;
  • Second day: cabbage broth and any vegetables except potatoes. Can low-fat kefir and coffee;
  • The third day is like the first;
  • For the fourth cabbage soup again, two bananas are allowed;
  • On the fifth day, in addition to soup, you can eat a piece of boiled lean fish and tomatoes;
  • The sixth day is like the fifth;
  • Seventh: cabbage soup, vegetables and fruit juices.

Who should not use this diet?

  1. If there urolithiasis disease;
  2. Diabetics;
  3. Pregnant women;
  4. Children under 14 years old.

If you have the diseases described above, their condition may worsen. Children under 14 years of age should not choose their own diets at all. During this period, the human body grows and only a specialist can choose the right diet.

Any diet involves dietary restrictions, so before you start, you should definitely consult your doctor.

A diet based on cabbage soup for weight loss is strictly contraindicated for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, diabetes of any type, as well as pregnant and nursing mothers. You can use this nutrition system once every 2 months.

DO NOT allow yourself to suffer from hunger. Eat plenty of other foods intended for that day. If you're hungry, you're not following directions. If you don't follow the directions, you won't get the results you want. All clear?

DO NOT add salt to soup, vegetables, potatoes or other foods. This applies not only to table salt, but also to sea salt, as well as substitutes and salty seasonings.

DO NOT drink anything other than water. You may have seen other diet options on the Internet that allow you to drink, for example, cranberry juice. This is not worth doing: if you want to lose 4 kilograms, not 2, and want to burn as many calories as possible, then drink water - its calorie content is certainly zero.

DO NOT change the soup recipe. If you believe that an additional 200 g of carrots will not harm you, then you will have to be disappointed - this vegetable contains a lot of sugar, and therefore calories.

But you can sometimes drink a cup of weak coffee or tea, WITHOUT adding cream or sugar. The calorie content of these drinks is minimal, so everything is in order here.

Who is it best suited for?

The cabbage soup diet is most effective for two specific categories of women.

  1. For those who can't really spend a lot of time on any other diet. Let's face it, we are a society of people who are constantly chasing something, and you know that in reality you are one of them too. Most diets require you to be on them for five to six weeks before you notice any results. But even before the results appear, you will most likely give up because you believe that losing excess weight is not easy. It's really not easy raising three kids while working two jobs and going to night school. It's not easy living with Parkinson's disease, after all. The essence of weight loss is a simple choice: what do you want - to be healthy and in good shape or to eat another donut?
  2. Those who don’t think about changing their lifestyle, but just desperately want to lose a few kilograms in a week in order to fit in Wedding Dress without experiencing discomfort due to the treacherous folds under the arms.

On a note! Despite the fact that cabbage soup for weight loss provides only a short-term effect, a person who loses significant weight in just a week receives excellent motivation for further action. This is the first step towards making real and lasting changes in your lifestyle.

Cabbage diet menu (diet mode)

Compared to other nutritional principles, the cabbage soup diet for a week has a number of advantages:

  1. Easy to prepare. The recipe for cabbage soup is so simple that even those whose culinary skills are limited to cooking scrambled eggs can prepare it.
  2. Cheapness. The diet is based on vegetables and fruits, which can be purchased without harming your wallet.
  3. Quick effect. In just a week, you can see that the number displayed on the scales has decreased by 3-5 kilograms.

Advantages and disadvantages

Those who regularly practice the cabbage diet note:

  1. The diet will not make sense if after its end you return to junk food. In this case, the disappeared kilograms will quickly return.
  2. Cabbage can cause gas.
  3. Due to a sudden change in nutritional principles, in the first days there may be weakness and headaches.

To achieve a positive effect and minimize negative factors, a week before the diet it is advisable to exclude fried, flour and fatty foods from the diet. During this period, you need to eat cabbage dishes little by little.

As noted earlier, cabbage soup for weight loss contains a lot of fiber, which will make you feel full throughout the course. According to the US Department of Agriculture, 500 g of raw cabbage contains just over 20 kcal, 5.6 g of carbohydrates and a whopping 32 mg of vitamin C, i.e. almost half daily requirement adult.

And thanks to the short cooking time, the bitterness of raw cabbage is softened without losing nutrients or destroying fiber.

On a note! The essence of the technique is this: the more nutritious and low-calorie soup you eat, the more weight you will lose.

We've said this before, but we'll say it again: Most mainstream diets are perceived as a very slow path to weight loss. So slow that many women give up on them even before visible results appear.

And the reason for the popularity of the cabbage soup diet is that the real weight loss that can be noticed occurs in just a week. And this, in turn, motivates women to make longer-term decisions that can lead to even greater weight loss and dramatic changes in their health.

Video - Cabbage-based diets: expert opinion

Now you have all the information you need to lose up to 4.5 kg in just a week. Although success largely depends on your attitude. You can try your luck with the Estonian diet.

The right exercises to improve results

We do not recommend cutting calories as much as possible or getting too carried away. physical exercise, running 12 km every day! It's simply unreasonable. Will you lose even more pounds this way in a week in addition to the cabbage soup diet? Of course, but we still recommend resorting to more gentle exercises - swimming, walking or yoga.

You can safely pamper yourself with aromatic cabbage soup during your weight loss period. Cabbage is rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, but there are no unwanted fats in it at all. Therefore, cabbage soups are included in dietary diets. There is even a .

Diet food

To get rid of extra pounds, you need to reduce the energy volume of food consumed per day, and increase physical activity (energy expenditure). Only a lack of energy forces the body to “burn” fat.

The unit for calculating the energy value of food - kilocalorie (kcal) - allows you to determine which food is dietary and which is not. The higher the calorie content of a product or dish, the worse it is.

Soups can and should even be included in diets, since hot first courses with plenty of liquid relieve hunger for a long time.

In order for them to help melt excess weight, you need to:

  • cook in water or low-fat (chicken, beef) broth with minimal use of oil;
  • use low-calorie vegetables and herbs as ingredients.

Diet cabbage soup is a great example of a daily meal for weight loss. But the weight loss course on this dish is short-term. For a short period of time (up to a maximum of 10 days), dietary cabbage soup becomes the main and main dish of the day. Low-calorie foods are added to it: fruits, vegetables, boiled chicken, Brown rice.

For example, the daily diet looks like this - cabbage soup (without restrictions) plus one of the food sets (calorie content is indicated per 100g):

  1. Fruits with a calorie content of up to 60 kcal (bananas and dried fruits are not allowed).
  2. (vegetables with a calorie content of up to 50-60 kcal, for example, cabbage, carrots, onions, beets, celery, ground pepper, herbs, etc.) with vegetable oil dressing.
  3. Boiled brown rice with or fresh vegetables.
  4. Boiled skinless chicken breast with vegetables, etc.

Important! Cabbage soup is included in any diet that allows vegetables. It will perfectly complement the carbohydrate, vegetable, Brazilian diet. For those who do not adhere to a ready-made food plan, but themselves count the calorie content of their dishes, it will also come in very handy.

Recipes with photos

On a cabbage diet, soup can be cooked in large quantities at once; the dish will not stay in the refrigerator for a long time. The recipes are for a 5-6 liter pan.

Important! Before cooking, vegetables and herbs are thoroughly washed and cleaned. Salt, pepper, and other spices are added according to personal preference.


You will need the following set of products:

  • white cabbage – 1.5-2 kg;
  • celery stalks – 350-400 g (5-6 stalks);
  • turnip onion – 400 g;
  • tomatoes – 500 g;
  • carrots – 400 g (5-6 medium-sized pieces);
  • bell pepper – 200 g (2-3 pcs.).

Use greens at your discretion. Usually, a few green onions and a bunch of parsley and dill are enough.

The process of preparing cabbage soup for weight loss is very simple:

  1. Chop vegetables, greens, add water in a saucepan.
  2. 5-7 minutes after the start of boiling, reduce the heat to low.
  3. The dish is ready when the vegetables are soft.

Peculiarity! Fresh tomatoes can be replaced with canned ones (of the same volume). And add a spoonful of tomato paste to the soup.


The recipe uses red cabbage, but if desired, you can use regular white cabbage.

Ingredients for borscht:

  • red cabbage – 1.5-2 kg;
  • beets – 200 g (2 pcs.);
  • carrots – 200 g (2 pcs.);
  • onion - 3 medium onions;
  • garlic – 2-3 cloves;
  • tomato paste;
  • vinegar or lemon juice.

Cooking process:

  1. First of all, you need to cook the beets. It is grated on a coarse grater along with carrots, placed in a frying pan, and simmered with a little water and 1-2 tablespoons of tomato paste.
  2. Chop all other soup ingredients, add water in a saucepan, and cook until half cooked.
  3. Add beets with carrots, finely chopped greens, Bay leaf, squeeze out the garlic with a garlic press.
  4. After 5 minutes, turn off the stove.
  5. Dietary borscht is infused for 1-2 hours, then it turns out especially tasty.

Important! To make the borscht a rich “beetroot” color, pour lemon juice over the beets and carrots when stewing. An option is to use water with a small amount of vinegar added (a couple of drops in half a glass of water, until moderately acidic). Then the beets will not lose their thick shade.


Brussels sprouts and cauliflower differ in taste from white and red cabbage. But these varieties have everything beneficial properties of his family.

For a large pot of Brussels sprouts and cauliflower soup you will need:

  • Brussels sprouts – 20-25 pcs.;
  • cauliflower – 1-1.5 kg;
  • ground pepper – 200 g;
  • tomatoes – 200 g;
  • carrots – 100 g;
  • ghee - 2 tbsp.

Cooking process:

  1. Chopped tomatoes and carrots are first stewed in melted butter (it is better to chop the carrots on a grater) with the addition of water. You can add green onions to the mixture.
  2. Place Brussels sprouts and cauliflower into the pan (separate them into inflorescences). Add water, cook for 10 minutes.
  3. Then add the chopped bell peppers to the pan and cook for another 5 minutes.
  4. Add tomato-carrot dressing.
  5. After 5 minutes, turn off the stove and leave the soup to steep for at least an hour.

You can add celery (2-3 stalks) to the ingredients. It is finely chopped and loaded into a pan along with sweet pepper. The finished soup is sprinkled with fresh or dry dill.

Everyone knows how good cabbage is for weight loss: it is low in calories, cleanses the body, improves digestion, and slows down the conversion of carbohydrates into fats.

For those who can consume it in any form, there is a good diet - cabbage soup, which can significantly reduce weight in just 7 days. It is carbohydrate-free, low-calorie, and very similar to drinking water.

It can be followed as a mono-diet, or can be supplemented with other products.

Mechanism of weight loss

You can lose weight with cabbage soup up to minus 10 kg in 7 days. However, this is when choosing a very tough option, so you shouldn’t count on such impressive numbers. As practice shows, the upper ceiling is minus five kg per week. And all thanks to:

  • blood cleansing;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • strengthening the immune system: absence of seasonal diseases + physical activity = intensive consumption of calories and fat reserves;
  • improvement of mood - elimination main reason excess weight (anxiety, stress, emotional tension);
  • improving digestion;
  • fats will not be deposited throughout the week, since they will not be in the soup either.

But the properties of the famous tartronic acid, which is found in cabbage and prevents the conversion of carbohydrates into fats, are not used in this diet. This amazing substance is destroyed during heat treatment.

As a result of these processes, an outflow occurs excess liquid from fabrics. Swelling goes away - weight decreases. Trying to get at least a little energy, the body will not immediately begin to use fat reserves.

Unfortunately, it will begin to break down muscle fibers first. That is why some experts consider this diet not entirely successful.

The loss of several kilograms occurs due to the elimination of fluid and muscle mass, and not the burning of fat.


Depending on the availability of additional products, the cabbage soup diet can be presented in different options.

The most undesirable. The dish is prepared according to the classic recipe in a volume of 1 or 1.5 liters and eaten in small portions throughout the day. The difficulty is that you can’t eat any more foods.

You can only drink water in unlimited quantities. If you choose this mono-diet, stop at 3 days. A weeklong marathon can result in a lack of essential nutrients, exhaustion and loss of muscle mass.

Although the promised result of minus 10 kg in 7 days is possible.

If you don't want to lose muscle mass, include protein foods in your menu. In the morning you can eat a little cottage cheese, at lunch - a piece of chicken breast or low-fat fish, and in the evening drink kefir.

Since cabbage soup is boiled vegetables, most of the vitamins of which will disappear during cooking, you need to take care of fruits in your daily diet. They should be low calorie, unsweetened and minimum quantity. It is best to eat 1 small fruit per day. Results: up to minus 5 kg per week.

Cabbage soup has excellent cleansing properties (blood and body). Therefore, nutritionists recommend doing fasting days and even weeks on it. Suggested schemes: 3 days a month (every 10 days), once a week, every third week of the month.

Compliance Rules

In order for this soup to help you lose weight, you will have to follow a number of rules of this diet:

  1. The less salt you add, the better results you will get.
  2. Daily physical activity is encouraged.
  3. Drink plenty of water (a glass of water every hour).
  4. Eat in small portions 5 times a day: 200 ml of soup for breakfast, lunch, dinner, afternoon snack and dinner.
  5. Despite the abundance dietary recipes soups with kohlrabi, cauliflower, nutritionists recommend taking only white cabbage.
  6. You can't go on a diet for more than a week.

If at some stage a breakdown occurs (you ate a pack of chips or a sandwich), the next day reduce the number of servings and devote an extra half hour physical activity. Or start over.

Exiting the diet should be smooth. 2-3 days after it should be gradually included in the diet healthy foods(proteins, fruits and vegetables). Then - fatty meat and fish in small pieces. By the end of the week you can start frying something.

Advantages and disadvantages

Despite its popularity and effectiveness, the cabbage soup diet has not only advantages. Be sure to familiarize yourself with its shortcomings in advance so as not to be disappointed.


  • cabbage soup is recommended for weight loss for people suffering from diseases of the joints and spine, constipation, tumors, tuberculosis, ulcers;
  • rapid weight loss in the first 2-3 days of the diet (fluid disappears);
  • vitamin A, which is very abundant in white cabbage, keeps nails, teeth and skin in good condition;
  • cleansing of toxins;
  • normalization of digestion;
  • blocking free radicals;
  • cabbage is digested slowly, and a lot of energy is spent on this.


  • lost kilograms come back at cosmic speed (you can avoid the boomerang effect only by regularly playing sports and limiting yourself in food further);
  • frequent side effects: flatulence, colic, abdominal pain;
  • deficiency of some nutrients (you will have to take multivitamins);
  • excess mineral salts are harmful to health;
  • dehydration;
  • laxative effect;
  • the soup quickly becomes boring - there is a high risk of it breaking down;
  • hunger;
  • a minimum of carbohydrates in the diet leads to decreased performance and attention, weakness and headaches.

On the one hand, many shortcomings are unpleasant. On the other hand, they can be neutralized or minimized if everything is done correctly.


Long-term consumption of the first cabbage dish in such large quantities leads to an exacerbation of all kinds of diseases. Therefore, this technique has its own list of contraindications:

  • age: children (up to 18 years) and elderly (after 55);
  • gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • lactation;
  • flatulence;
  • obesity;
  • pancreatitis;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • diabetes;
  • surgery recently performed on the chest or abdomen;
  • the thyroid gland is not working properly;
  • enterocolitis in the acute stage, accompanied by diarrhea;
  • ulcer in the acute stage.

If you have ever encountered such problems, it is better to avoid losing weight on cabbage soup so as not to aggravate the situation. Don't forget to consult with experts.

Sample menu

An approximate daily menu will help you avoid difficulties when creating a diet. It is balanced, so you will not feel a lack of protein and vitamins.

If the feeling of hunger begins to overcome you, you can drown it out with a glass of kefir, a small green apple or sauerkraut salad.


The proposed recipes will allow you to diversify your diet and avoid breakdowns.

Classic, with celery


  • potato;
  • bulb;
  • greenery;
  • 200 grams of white cabbage;
  • carrot;
  • Bell pepper;
  • celery root;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 1.5 liters of water.


  1. Wash and peel the vegetables.
  2. Chop the onion and greens with a knife, and grate the carrots.
  3. Scald the tomatoes with boiling water and remove the skin. Puree them.
  4. Cut potatoes, peppers, celery root into strips.
  5. Place all vegetables (except greens) in a saucepan and cover with cold water.
  6. After boiling, simmer covered for 1.5 hours.
  7. Add salt and sprinkle with herbs.

Nutritionists say that you can lose weight much faster with cabbage soup with celery, because this root vegetable has enviable fat-burning properties.

Dietary, with beans


  • beet;
  • carrot;
  • 200 g cabbage;
  • 100 grams of green beans;
  • bulb;
  • garlic clove;
  • greenery;
  • 50 grams of tomato paste.


  1. Chop the cabbage and boil.
  2. Chop a whole onion with a knife, grate carrots and beets, simmer these vegetables in a frying pan, add a little water and add pasta.
  3. Mix vegetables with cabbage, boil for 5 minutes.
  4. Cut the bean pods into 3 parts and add them to the pan.
  5. Chop the garlic cloves and chop the herbs with a knife. Add them to the finished dish before serving.

If you choose a cabbage soup diet, immediately weigh the pros and cons. Do you love this vegetable so much that you can eat it for a whole week? Aren't you afraid of the pangs of hunger?

Of course, losing 10 kg in just 7 days (as this technique promises and women praise in reviews) is an ideal for many. However, to achieve such results, you need to sit exclusively on one vegetable broth, and portion sizes should be minimal. And don’t forget to take into account health problems after such a powerful mono-hunger strike.


Cabbage soup diet

If you are reading this article about cabbage soup for weight loss, then you most likely need to lose those extra pounds, and quickly. If so, then I have great news for you - here you will find everything you need to know to achieve this goal!

What is known about the cabbage soup diet?

It has long been popularized as a fast and effective method nutrition for weight loss. People manage to lose up to 4.5 kg in just a week. You've probably heard other names for the method - for example, the model diet, the Dolly Parton diet, or the Mayo Clinic diet. Despite the fact that this clinic has nothing to do with cabbage soup at all.

Cabbage soup

To date, there is no consensus regarding the appearance of the technique and the identity of the person who developed it. According to the American Dietetic Association, the cabbage soup diet appeared in the 50s of the last century, but according to another version it happened much earlier. A recipe for something called Doughboy Cabbage Soup.

Literally “infantryman’s cabbage soup”) actually exists, and its appearance dates back to the First World War! Although it is assumed that American soldiers created a recipe not to lose weight, but to fight scurvy (you know, the historical disease that killed a lot of people, all because they suffered from a vitamin C deficiency).

And it just so happens that cabbage contains a lot of vitamin C.

After its enormous popularity in the 50s, the diet was forgotten for some time. However, soon - in the early 80s - it was revived. People made photocopies and passed the recipe from hand to hand, and after faxes and the Internet appeared in the 90s, this diet became one of the most popular weight loss methods of all time.

The technique is also known as the Model Eating Technique, the Dolly Parton Diet, or the Mayo Clinic Diet.

Who is it best suited for?

The cabbage soup diet is most effective for two specific categories of women.

  1. For those who can't really spend a lot of time on any other diet. Let's face it, we are a society of people who are constantly chasing something, and you know that in reality you are one of them too. Most diets require you to be on them for five to six weeks before you notice any results. But even before the results appear, you will most likely give up because you believe that losing excess weight is not easy. It's really not easy raising three kids while working two jobs and going to night school. It's not easy living with Parkinson's disease, after all. The essence of weight loss is a simple choice: what do you want - to be healthy and in good shape or to eat another donut?
  2. Those who don’t think about changing their lifestyle, but just desperately want to lose a few kilograms in a week in order to fit into a wedding dress without experiencing discomfort due to the treacherous folds under the arms.

On a note! Despite the fact that cabbage soup for weight loss provides only a short-term effect, a person who loses significant weight in just a week receives excellent motivation for further action. This is the first step towards making real and lasting changes in your lifestyle.

Cabbage soup for weight loss - original recipe

The original cabbage soup recipe from the 50s is almost the same as what is used today. The only difference between the modern version is that less time is spent preparing such soups.

According to the original recipe, the soup needs to be simmered for an hour, but this is more than enough time for the cabbage and other vegetables to lose almost all their nutrients.

In the new version, you need to bring the dish to a boil, then cook for no more than 20-30 minutes.

What is typical is that you can eat such soups in as many quantities and as many times a day as you wish - there are no restrictions.

  • green pepper (1 pc.);
  • a can of tomatoes in their own juice (1 kg);
  • celery stalks (6 pcs.);
  • large onion, chopped (1 pc.);
  • a good large head of white cabbage (1 piece);
  • V8 juice (from eight vegetables - about 1.3 liters, if you can find one);
  • water (4 glasses);
  • olive oil (1 teaspoon, no more!);
  • hot sauce (½ teaspoon or to taste).

Step 1. First of all, take all the previously prepared vegetables and chop them finely.

Step 3. Add the pepper and celery to the onion and fry it all for another four or five minutes.

Step 4. Pour water, juice into the pan, add sauce, bouillon cubes and tomatoes. Place over low heat and cook until the vegetables are soft (if you cut them into small pieces, this will take about 15 minutes).

Step 5. Add chopped cabbage to the pan and cook for another 10 minutes.

Cabbage soup for weight loss

The first day. Let's call it a fruit day. Eat any amount of fruit you want, with the exception of bananas. If this is not enough, i.e. you feel hungry, then eat the soup prepared according to the above recipe. Today only fruit and soup.

Second day. Today, eat only vegetables - steamed or raw (the quantity is still unlimited). Try to avoid beans, corn and peas, but eat plenty of greens. In a word, eat only vegetables and soup all day. For dinner, you can have a large baked potato with butter (butter or vegetable) if you wish.

Day three. A kind of combination of the previous two days. Eat fruits (bananas are still not allowed), vegetables and soup in unlimited quantities. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to taste potatoes for dinner that day either.

Day four. Today is a wonderful day - you can finally eat bananas without traditional restrictions! Also drink plenty of skim milk and, of course, eat as much soup as you like throughout the day.

Day five. The diet allows you to eat about 300-500 g of chicken or beef. Although you can replace the meat with something high in protein. Also eat fresh tomatoes (no more than six).

Ketchup you put on beef doesn't count! Finally, drink plenty of water (seven to eight glasses) to flush uric acid out of your body. As for the soup, use as much as you like.

Day six. Load up on vegetables and proteins! By the way, you can freely replace one of the “protein” days with baked fish, but not both at once. Eat a lot of protein (in fact, it can even be several steaks if you wish), soup and vegetables - if desired. Also eat as many greens as possible, and still avoid baked potatoes.

Day seven. Brown rice, vegetables and unsweetened fruit juices. Eat/drink plenty, but don't forget your soup.

Principles of the cabbage soup diet

How does the technique work?

As noted earlier, cabbage soup for weight loss contains a lot of fiber, which will make you feel full throughout the course.

According to the US Department of Agriculture, 500 grams of raw cabbage contains just over 20 kcal, 5.6 grams of carbohydrates and as much as 32 mg of vitamin C, i.e., almost half the daily requirement of an adult.

And thanks to the short cooking time, the bitterness of raw cabbage is softened without losing nutrients or destroying fiber.

On a note! The essence of the technique is this: the more nutritious and low-calorie soup you eat, the more weight you will lose.

Vitamins in cabbage

The right exercises to improve results

We do not at all recommend cutting down the number of calories you consume as much as possible or getting too involved in physical exercise by running 12 km every day! It's simply unreasonable. Will you lose even more pounds this way in a week in addition to the cabbage soup diet? Of course, but we still recommend resorting to more gentle exercises - swimming, walking or yoga.

While dieting, it is better to do yoga rather than more strenuous exercise.

What can and cannot be done while dieting?

DO NOT allow yourself to suffer from hunger. Eat plenty of other foods intended for that day. If you're hungry, you're not following directions. If you don't follow the directions, you won't get the results you want. All clear?

DO NOT add salt to soup, vegetables, potatoes or other foods. This applies not only to table salt, but also to sea salt, as well as substitutes and salty seasonings.

DO NOT drink anything other than water. You may have seen other diet options on the Internet that allow you to drink, for example, cranberry juice. This is not worth doing: if you want to lose 4 kilograms, not 2, and want to burn as many calories as possible, then drink water - its calorie content is certainly zero.

DO NOT change the soup recipe. If you believe that an additional 200 g of carrots will not harm you, then you will have to be disappointed - this vegetable contains a lot of sugar, and therefore calories.

But you can sometimes drink a cup of weak coffee or tea, WITHOUT adding cream or sugar. The calorie content of these drinks is minimal, so everything is in order here.

Sometimes you can drink tea or coffee, but without sugar and cream

What is the effectiveness of the technique?

We've said this before, but we'll say it again: Most mainstream diets are perceived as a very slow path to weight loss. So slow that many women give up on them even before visible results appear.

And the reason for the popularity of the cabbage soup diet is that the real weight loss that can be noticed occurs in just a week.

And this, in turn, motivates women to make longer-term decisions that can lead to even greater weight loss and dramatic changes in their health.

– Cabbage-based diets: expert opinion

Now you have all the information you need to lose up to 4.5 kg in just a week. Although success largely depends on your attitude. You can try your luck with the Estonian diet.

[Total: 10 Average: 4/5]


Cabbage soup diet

Vegetable soup is a wonderful dietary dish. Soups are well absorbed by the body, they are tasty and healthy.

A serving of soup satisfies the feeling of hunger, saturates the body with nutrients and vitamins, which are almost completely preserved in vegetables after proper heat treatment, the broth replenishes the necessary fluid reserves in the body, and the low calorie content of soups adds another point to the weight-loss box.

There are many options for preparing vegetable soups: soups are boiled in a saucepan on the stove, cooked in a microwave or in a slow cooker, simmered in the oven; Almost all types of vegetables can be used to make soup.

The most popular soups for weight loss are Bonn, onion, refreshing cucumber gazpacho and cabbage soup, which will be discussed in this article - we will learn how to properly prepare and consume cabbage soup for weight loss.

Principles and rules of the cabbage soup diet

  • To prepare dietary soup, you can use any type of cabbage: white, red, broccoli, cauliflower, kale and Romanesco, Brussels sprouts, Savoy, Peking, kohlrabi, Chinese; You can make soup from sauerkraut (not pickled).
  • You can prepare soup from one type of cabbage or combine different types of this healthy vegetable; prepare cabbage soups and purees.
  • You can add any kind of fresh or barrel (fermented) vegetables and herbs to the soup, following one simple rule: 2/3 of the total volume of vegetables from which you plan to prepare the soup should be cabbage.
  • The only vegetable whose consumption it is advisable to limit or completely exclude from the diet is potatoes. This restriction is due to its high calorie content compared to other vegetables. The presence of two small potatoes in the soup increases its calorie content by almost 2 times, thereby reducing the effectiveness of the diet for weight loss.
  • During this diet, you can drink purified water, medicinal mineral waters, teas and herbal decoctions without adding sweeteners. You can add lemon juice to drinks. You are allowed to drink one cup of coffee without sugar per day.
  • Cabbage soup is prepared with water. You can add a little salt and spices.
  • You cannot add pasta, cereals, or legumes to the soup.
  • It is not recommended to skip or disrupt the order of meals, or replace the foods that make up the diet. During the diet, you can eat and drink only what is indicated on the menu.
  • Vegetable oil cannot be excluded from the diet: the body needs the right fats to absorb essential nutrients and vitamins.
  • You can follow a seven-day cabbage soup diet once every 45 days.


Losing weight with cabbage soup is contraindicated for people with high stomach acidity, gastritis, stomach or intestinal ulcers.

It is not recommended for women to follow this diet during lactation: all types of cabbage contain substances that provoke increased gas formation in the intestines, and your desire to lose weight after childbirth can result in bloating and upset bowel movements in the baby.

Basic recipe for cabbage soup for weight loss

  • Heat three tablespoons of vegetable oil in a thick-bottomed saucepan.
  • Sauté finely chopped onions and carrots (1 large onion, 1 large carrot).
  • Add shredded cabbage (700–800 grams) to the pan and stir.
  • Pour boiling water so that the water lightly covers the vegetables.
  • Cover the pan with a lid and simmer over low heat until half cooked.
  • Add spices and salt (optional) to the pan, pour in three liters of boiled water and bring the soup to a boil.
  • Cover the pan with a lid and let it brew for a while.

The basic recipe uses one type of cabbage and a minimum of additional vegetables.

If you want to diversify the taste of the soup with different types of cabbage and vegetables, take into account the different times it takes to cook them and add the ingredients to the soup, observing the order.

White and red cabbage take longer to cook than other types; average cooking time for broccoli, kohlrabi, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, savoy cabbage; leafy types (Beijing, Chinese), kale and Romanesco cabbage are added to the soup at the very end - 5 minutes before the dish is ready.

Cabbage soup diet menu for 7 days

Days 1, 4 and 7 of the diet

During these days of the seven-day diet, you can only eat cabbage soup. You cannot eat other foods these days.

The total volume of soup (3–4 liters) should be divided into 6 servings and consumed throughout the day.

You can drink water, herbal infusions and teas without sugar without restrictions; it is recommended to avoid coffee these days.

Days 2 and 5 of the diet

Breakfast. A large glass of water with lemon juice and honey (one teaspoon each); liquid oatmeal, cooked in water, without sugar.

You can salt the porridge a little, add bran, flax seeds, sesame seeds, poppy seeds, milk thistle meal, a little cinnamon or turmeric.

Lunch. A mug (250–330 ml) of lean broth, 2 rye or whole grain crackers.

Dinner. 750 ml cabbage soup.

Afternoon snack. A serving of semi-acidic fresh fruit or berries without added sweeteners. It can be fresh fruits or berries, fruit salad, freshly squeezed juice, puree, smoothie.

Semi-acidic fruits and berries include: raspberries, strawberries, wild strawberries, blueberries, blueberries, currants, watermelon; apricots, peaches, plums, sour apples, pears, fresh figs.

Dinner. 750 ml cabbage soup.

Days 3 and 6 of the diet

Breakfast. A large glass of low-fat kefir.

Lunch. 750 ml cabbage soup.

Dinner. 150 grams of boiled or baked poultry fillet (chicken, turkey, duck); a mug of lean broth.

Afternoon snack. Salad of fresh carrots and apples with the addition of a small amount of raisins.

Dinner. 750 ml cabbage soup.

The cabbage soup diet is considered one of the simplest and most effective seven-day diets.

Low cost and all-season availability of products included in the diet; good result for weight loss a short time make this diet incredibly popular. Despite the monotonous menu, it is easy to follow the regime: all you need to lose weight is a little willpower and following a few simple rules.

As a result of the cabbage soup diet, you can lose an average of 5 kg. Diets clear in a week internal organs and metabolism accelerates; Eating cabbage soup has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Following the principles of rational nutrition after the cabbage seven-day period, long time weight gain does not occur.


Slim body as a gift! Cabbage soup diet for 7 days: menu, reviews and weight loss results

Mono-diets have always been famous for their effectiveness. The cabbage soup diet lasts 7 days. During this time, you can lose up to 5 kilograms if you follow all the rules and recommendations.

The basic principle of any diet is to avoid harmful foods in favor of healthy foods. By properly planning your diet, you can relieve your body and lose weight. Physical activity while dieting will help not only lose extra pounds, but also improve your body's health.

Diet came into everyday life from medicine. Doctors prescribed patients to follow a strict diet so that the body could more easily endure the painful condition. It was only later that the principles of planned nutrition began to be used for weight loss.

Interesting! And although diets have been especially popular over the last 10-15 years, the first mentions of them date back to the 4th century BC. The ancient Greek philosopher and physician Hippocrates introduced them into medical practice, prescribing patients to follow a certain diet.

The essence of the weight loss program

Cabbage soup is prepared using vegetables and seasonings. By making it the central dish of your daily diet, you can confidently lose several accumulated kilograms in a week.

Cabbage is a low-calorie product, rich in vitamins and nutrients. However, eating cabbage soup exclusively for seven days is harmful: there should be variety.

The diet also includes vegetables and fruits, which will provide the body with the missing substances.

The duration of the diet is only one week. You can repeat it a month after completion.

Interesting! Weight-watching girls can do cabbage every first week of the new month.

During the cabbage soup diet, you should not drink carbonated drinks, store-bought juices (only freshly squeezed), coffee and alcohol.

Who shouldn't

  1. If you have urolithiasis;
  2. Diabetics;
  3. Pregnant women;
  4. Children under 14 years old.

If you have the diseases described above, their condition may worsen. Children under 14 years of age should not choose their own diets at all. During this period, the human body grows and only a specialist can choose the right diet.

Benefits of the power system

Compared to other nutritional principles, the cabbage soup diet for a week has a number of advantages:

  1. Easy to prepare. The recipe for cabbage soup is so simple that even those whose culinary skills are limited to cooking scrambled eggs can prepare it.
  2. Cheapness. The diet is based on vegetables and fruits, which can be purchased without harming your wallet.
  3. Quick effect. In just a week, you can see that the number displayed on the scales has decreased by 3-5 kilograms.

Disadvantages of methods

Those who regularly practice the cabbage diet note:

  1. The diet will not make sense if after its end you return to junk food. In this case, the disappeared kilograms will quickly return.
  2. Cabbage can cause gas.
  3. Due to a sudden change in nutritional principles, in the first days there may be weakness and headaches.

To achieve a positive effect and minimize negative factors, a week before the diet it is advisable to exclude fried, flour and fatty foods from the diet. During this period, you need to eat cabbage dishes little by little.

Healthy recipes

To prepare dietary cabbage soup you will need:

  • half of white cabbage;
  • onions (about 300 grams);
  • bell pepper (2 pieces);
  • ripe tomatoes (2-4 pieces);
  • celery (1 bunch);
  • carrots (3 pieces);
  • If desired, you can add fresh mushrooms to the soup (for example, about 250 grams of champignons).

While about 2 liters of water are boiling in a saucepan, all ingredients are finely chopped. After boiling, everything is thrown into water and cooked for 20-30 minutes. If desired, you can add salt and spices 10 minutes before cooking. The soup is infused for 30 minutes, after which it can be consumed.

This is a classic recipe and way to make cabbage soup. There are other options for making soup. Chinese - soy sauce and hot chili sauce are added during cooking. Bengali soup allows you to add a few fresh cucumbers and tomatoes to the pan, as well as spices: turmeric, cumin or saffron.

Attention! It is not advisable to use potatoes in soup, as they create heaviness in the stomach. But during a weekly diet, it can be eaten a couple of times, but in baked form.

Menu for the week

During the cabbage soup diet, it should be consumed daily and in unlimited quantities. However, so that the menu is not scarce, it should be diversified. An example of a classic cabbage soup diet:

  • Day 1. Eat fruits (except bananas) throughout the day. A handful of nuts can be used as a snack.
  • Day 2. For dinner, bake 1 potato in its jacket and eat, sprinkle with vegetable oil.
  • Day 3. For dinner, make a vegetable salad using fresh carrots, cucumber and celery.
  • Day 4. Drink a glass of milk at breakfast or lunch. Eat 6 bananas during the day.
  • Day 5. Only from today protein is added to the diet. For lunch, eat boiled chicken, beef or fish, but not more than 400 grams. For dinner, a vegetable salad of carrots and bell peppers.
  • Day 6. No more than 400 grams of protein for lunch. Eat 6 tomatoes throughout the day.
  • Day 7. For lunch, you can cook a portion of rice and prepare freshly squeezed orange juice. Dinner – vegetable salad.

Diet option for 7 days with different cabbage soups:

  • Day 1. Classic cabbage soup and plenty of fruit (except banana);
  • Day 2. Chinese soup and steamed vegetables (no legumes);
  • Day 3. Classic soup, plenty of fresh vegetables (for example, carrot, cucumber and tomato salad);
  • Day 4. Bengali soup, a liter of milk and bananas throughout the day;
  • Day 5. Classic soup, steamed chicken breast or fish;
  • Day 6. Chinese soup, a portion of beef or fish, steamed vegetables;
  • Day 7. Classic soup, fruit juice and a serving of rice.

Important! The first days of the diet will be difficult for those who are not used to eating cabbage in such quantities. However, already on the third day you may like the soup so much that it will become one of your favorites.

To achieve good results, following simple recommendations will help you quickly see the desired reflection in the mirror:

  1. You need to drink a lot of water throughout the day - about 1.5 liters;
  2. There should be at least 4 meals a day;
  3. If there are still a few hours until the next snack, and the feeling of hunger does not give you rest, a glass of water will help solve the problem;
  4. Exercise at home or sign up for fitness or aerobics. Physical activity will help the body quickly lose excess weight and tone the muscles.