IN modern world The camera on your phone has become something that is almost impossible to imagine life without. Capture especially important point, scan the text, make a video call to loved ones. Far from it full list ways to use the camera on mobile devices. In many modern gadgets, manufacturers install two (or even three) cameras at once - front and rear. The first one is mainly used for communication or taking selfies. The second is for photographing the surrounding world.

Although today's technologies make it possible to create high-quality, reliable hardware for smartphones that should serve stably and for a long time, users may still encounter certain problems. When an average user discovers that the camera of his device has stopped working, he usually does not know what to do. Honestly, there can be many possible faults. With the help of this article we will try to analyze each one.

Rebooting the equipment is the first thing to do when faced with incorrect camera operation. The gadget could simply have crashed or the application might have frozen. Sometimes such errors can be cured by simply turning the device on and off. After holding down the lock button, a context menu should appear where you need to select “reboot”. If a regular reboot does not produce any positive results, you should be patient and try other methods, which will be discussed below.

Memory card

If the photography application does not launch, there is a chance that the problem is not even hidden in the phone itself. Check the integrity of the memory card on which photos and videos are automatically saved. Be sure to try inserting another memory card and starting the camera again.

The second stage is to make sure whether there is enough free space for recording in internal or external storage, because modern smartphones create very high-resolution images, and this negatively affects the weight of media files.

Mechanical damage

There is always a possibility that the camera module itself has suffered mechanical damage (that is, a hardware problem). Lenses are the most vulnerable and fragile component of mobile devices. A mobile device may stop taking pictures after falling - under such circumstances, the module usually breaks or the cable cracks, the lenses break, or the light sensors are damaged.

But other mechanical damage is also possible: the cable connecting the lens module to motherboard, could burn out, moisture or dust could get into the lens, significant physical damage was caused to the gadget, after which failures and errors begin one after another.

In such a situation, attempts to deal with the breakdown on your own can lead to new negative consequences for the device, so the only thing left to do is contact a specialist or company that carries out certified repairs of mobile equipment. Fortunately, there are many of these today - in any major shopping centers You can find several “workshop islands” where the performance of your smartphone will be diagnosed in a matter of minutes.

Special programs

Of course, you shouldn’t rush into mechanical repairs right away, because the reason could still be software. First, you should try installing an alternative utility for the camera instead of the standard one in order to test the functionality of the old module on it. If everything works as it should in the new application, then the start of the malfunction is most likely the clogged cache memory of your device; to fix this, you just need to delete the old cache from the settings of your favorite application. To delete the cache you need

  • go to “Settings”;
  • select “Memory”;
  • open “Application Data” and find the same utility for the camera among many others;
  • Now all that remains is to click on “Erase data”;
  • confirming your choice.

Reset to factory settings

The second most common software malfunction is an automatically installed update containing certain bugs that prevent the user from starting the camera for various reasons. In this case, we return to factory settings.

  • open “Settings”;
  • We are looking for the item “Restore and reset”;
  • Scroll through the menu to the very bottom, then go to “Reset settings”;
  • select “Erase everything”.

Please note that after resetting to factory settings, all files, passwords, contacts will be permanently deleted from your device, so first make a backup copy of stored important information.


Sometimes a faulty gadget should be checked for viruses. Perhaps they were the cause of all the troubles: the open source Android OS has its own vulnerabilities that can be exploited by attackers, for example, blocking the operation of a mobile camera. On Google Play There is a lot of proven antivirus software (by the way, there is plenty of free one too). Download the applications you like, run the test, and wait for the result.

It is necessary to take into account that malicious files on the gadget itself can interfere with the correct operation of the protective software, so it will be useful to connect your smartphone to a desktop or laptop to perform a more thorough virus scan using computer programs.


The next method is to flash the device, which should absolutely help with the hardware failure of the smartphone. You can do it yourself, but you should be careful: a failure in data transfer or failure by the user to comply with all points of this operation can completely disable the phone. You can download the firmware only from official websites; only this guarantees a real signature of the new software license. Please note that after flashing, your smartphone (even if purchased just a few days ago) will lose mandatory warranty service from the service center.

Service center

When none of the above tips bring the desired effect, do not despair: seek help from a qualified specialist or return your phone under warranty to service center, where a complete diagnostic of the device will be carried out free of charge and if a software malfunction is detected, it will be eliminated at the expense of the manufacturer.

Also, if a device is found to have a manufacturing defect that prevents the camera from working correctly, the faulty device will be replaced with a new one. It is important to understand that the warranty does not cover mechanical damage to the mobile device that occurred through the fault of the owner himself, that is, you have every right to refuse repair or exchange.


So, this article listed all possible reasons phone camera malfunction. You should never despair and panic: as you can see for yourself, there are no hopeless situations - there is always a chance to return your favorite phone to full functionality. We hope that this material will remain nothing more than informational for you and you will never personally encounter the problem of the camera not working on your gadget. Happy shooting!


Modern smartphones are high-tech devices that combine many various functions. Today, most smartphones from well-known manufacturers have two cameras at once, one of which is front-facing, as well as many others multimedia capabilities. Despite the usually high build quality of various models of multifunctional phones, during operation one or another function may malfunction. Most often, smartphone owners encounter problems such as a broken charging connector and a malfunction of the front camera. If in the first case, repairing an iPhone is not difficult and can be done at any service center, then if the front camera breaks down, you first need to find out the reasons for its malfunction.

The main reasons why the front camera may not work

The front or front camera is a feature that people need to take pictures of themselves and communicate via video calls. The lens of this device is located on the front panel of the smartphone, and therefore it can be accidentally damaged. If for some reason the front camera does not start, you must first make sure that its lens is not damaged, that is, carefully examine it for scratches, chips and other defects.

If there are no obvious defects on the front camera lens, then a malfunction in its normal operation may be caused by reasons such as:
Updating smartphone software. If your phone settings are set to firmware update by default, then downloading more recent software may cause some smartphone functions to malfunction, including the front camera.

Read also:

  • What to do if the sensor on your phone does not work?
  • What to do if the sound on your phone does not work?

The presence of viruses in the smartphone. If you actively use the Internet through your phone, you can download, along with important data, a dangerous virus that causes some functions to malfunction. In this case, it is recommended to take the phone to a virus removal service.

Damage to internal cables as a result of the phone falling from a height. If there is no external damage to the front camera, then it is quite possible that the cause of the breakdown lies internally.

The front camera sensor is dirty. Since the lens is located on the outside of the smartphone, dust may accumulate in it. To restore normal operation of the front camera in this case, you just need to thoroughly clean the sensor with a cotton swab.

One of the most simple ways To get the front camera working, reset your phone to factory settings and then reboot the device. If this measure does not help, then it is better to contact a specialized phone repair service, where they will not only be able to find out the cause of the camera malfunction, but also fix it as soon as possible. short time. The cost of repairing such a breakdown depends on its cause and the degree of complexity of the troubleshooting work.

Is it possible to improve the front or rear camera in a Samsung Galaxy, Lenovo, meizu m3 note 3 pro, xiaomi redmi 4x, lg k10 2017 phone running on Android 6.0.

These are the questions I get asked most often. If your smartphone or tablet has a bad camera, then there are some things you can improve.

Overall, the camera feature is now being added to many devices ranging from mobile phones.

Just to get good image quality, you need a DSLR camera, although you can achieve really good results easily if you apply the right settings.

To begin with, it’s worth explaining the relationship between matrix size and image quality and refuting the myth about the number of megapixels, which quite often is not a determining factor in quality when shooting.

It happens that a phone camera with 2 megapixels produces much higher quality than a matrix with 12 megapixels.

Firstly, the more megapixels, the larger the picture you will get and the better the lens, the better the image quality.

Another issue is the camera control software that comes from the manufacturer and manages it all.

You can "boost" the software to get best quality Images. Get acquainted with programs that improve the quality of the built-in camera.

Settings to improve the webcam in a smartphone or tablet

To improve the quality of photographs taken with mobile phone, there are a few important issues to keep in mind.

Lighting – try to keep things well lit – the weaker the lighting, the more “noise” will be visible in the picture, and if your phone is equipped with an LED flash, then it’s good to turn it on.

Although the built-in flash can't illuminate the entire subject, it can always help a little (LED flashes are more of a marketing ploy than a powerful flash tube).

Contrast - this parameter should be considered when photographing indoors, where there is artificial lighting - thanks to it you can preserve natural colors.

Digital Zoom – Definitely avoid using this option as nothing ruins image quality more than digital zoom.

Image stabilization - Some phones offer digital image stabilization, which you shouldn't trust entirely.

Auto focus - should be used when there is a problem with sharpness when trying to capture objects.

ISO - Noise in images is often the result of overusing ISO settings, which impart artificial light from low-light conditions - more high values ISOs can take sharper photos in low light.

Improve the camera using the engineering menu

I am often asked how to improve the camera using the engineering menu? I’ll tell you how to enter it, but don’t count on super improvements, and not every smartphone will be able to run it.

NOTE: if your smartphone or tablet runs on a Qualcomm chipset, then there may not be an engineering menu, but for those that use a MediaTek processor there will certainly be one.

To open the engineering menu, enter the command: *#*#3646633#*#*. If this code does not work, try another one: *#*#4636#*#* or *#15963#*.

NOTE: On a Xiaomi smartphone, you need to click on the “Kernel Version” option several times in a row.

Using the engineering menu you can make some changes and check the sensors and perform component testing.

If the code does not work, you can try using the MobileUncle Tools or MTK Engineering applications - you can download them from the play market.

After logging in, you should be interested in the “Camera” option - setting various parameters.

After the transition, the settings will open.

The engineering menu is preferable for experienced users and should be used very carefully so as not to create tragic “miracles”.

Programs that improve captured video

If you already have a video shot, but of poor quality, then you can also improve it using computer programs.

Movavi Video Editor is a powerful yet simple video editor. When using it, the following tools will become available to you: trimming video edges, rotating, adding audio, effects, filters and others

vReveal is a great assistant if you like to shoot videos using your phone. Then, most likely, you get a video that is far from ideal.

vReveal has quality enhancement technology to improve the quality of video files and clips.

Video Enhancer - this program can increase video resolutions. You can significantly improve the quality of photos or videos using Video Super Resolution technology.

Using frame detailing technology, you can increase the resolution to the HD standard.

NOTE: all programs have a drawback - they are paid, and I could not find worthy free analogues. Good luck.

The camera is very important element modern mobile device. It is needed both for entertainment and for preserving memorable moments, and for many it helps to simplify and speed up work processes on a daily basis. This is why so much attention is paid to the quality of the camera in smartphones, both budget and flagship models.

It is not surprising that in cases where the camera does not work, the owner of the phone begins to feel discomfort. We want to describe several ways self-diagnosis smartphone camera failure and repair.

  • Camera conflict with updated firmware. Even though the new firmware is designed to improve the performance of the phone, sometimes updating the software can lead to some malfunctions. If your camera does not work on Android, you should “reset” the system to default settings. Perhaps the firmware conflicts not with the camera itself, but with some of the user settings. If these steps do not help, the most obvious thing would be to “roll back” the system to an old working version. If you do not know how to do this yourself, contact our service center.
  • Virus infection. Another popular reason for camera malfunction may be the presence of viruses on the phone. Installing antivirus programs on mobile devices has not yet gained widespread popularity. Basically, people have learned to protect only their computers and laptops. Therefore, if you do not have any antivirus installed on your smartphone, do it immediately. If cleaning your phone yourself does not lead to the desired result, you will have to contact a service center, where qualified employees, using special skills and software, will be able to cure your phone of any virus.
  • Mechanical damage to the smartphone. If bumped or dropped, the camera or one of its parts may break, or the connector contacts may come off. Therefore, after bumps and falls, you will most likely have to take your smartphone straight to the service center.
  • Camera conflict with Skype application. The reason for the camera not working in Skype is most often associated with incorrect settings, so in this case you should worry least. Check your camera settings in the Skype app and the settings of the camera itself. Surely, after this everything will work as expected.
  • Also, quite often the cause of camera failure can be the ingress of liquid or condensate. In this case, it is impossible to do without anti-corrosion cleaning during service conditions. The primitive “dry” will not help here.

The cameras of modern smartphones are complex optical devices, and if you are afraid to take responsibility and get inside the phone, and even more so if the phone is under warranty from the manufacturer, it is better to contact a service center.

Buying a modern tablet or smartphone allows you to get at your disposal not only a device for making calls, but also a compact pocket computer, and even a photo and video camera. However, it is last element devices sometimes fail and do not turn on at the most inopportune moment. There are many reasons why this problem arises. And some of them the user can solve independently, without contacting the service.

Software problems

Software errors are one of the main problems that lead to the inability to use the camera. These include:

  • infection operating system viruses. The increasing popularity of the Android OS several years ago led to the spread of malicious code specifically designed for it. The problem can be solved by installing an antivirus application and scanning the device;
  • overflow random access memory. If the RAM size is less than a certain value (usually about 50–80 MB), some applications, including the camera, stop running. By clearing RAM of unnecessary data, you can restore functionality to all programs;
  • The camera cache is filled with data, which also needs to be cleared periodically. To do this, go to the settings menu, find the “Camera” application and click on the “Clear cache” button;
  • lost application settings. This situation often occurs if an SD card was selected as the location for saving photos and videos, which was subsequently removed.

    Not the most popular, but quite serious cause of problems is the conflict of applications installed on the system. The situation can be corrected by uninstalling the last few programs one by one, checking that the camera starts after each one. Sometimes you even have to uninstall the program itself, designed for taking photos and videos, and install new version– preferably from trusted sources.

    If the cause of the problem is an update or flashing of the operating system, a message like “Error/camera unavailable” will appear on the screen instead of the application starting. The solution to the issue comes down to restoring factory settings (via the Recovery menu) or rolling back the installed firmware to the previous version. To reduce the likelihood of such a situation, it is recommended to install only official firmware from the manufacturer.

    Hardware problems

    Causes of problems with the camera include physical damage to the tablet or smartphone. For example, flash memory that has failed due to wear and tear and has a certain service life. You can find out that the problem with launching the Camera application is caused by a damaged microSD card by testing it for errors on another device (on a laptop with a card reader or on a desktop PC with a microSD-USB adapter).

    A dirty camera lens can cause startup problems. Liquid or dust that gets on the glass spoils the focusing of the device, making it impossible to adjust the image. Although in such cases the application still starts, but then freezes or closes back. To correct the situation, the lens should be carefully cleaned with a special cloth (microfiber) and liquid used to clean the monitor.

    Additional ways to resolve the issue

    To restore the functionality of the camera, when you try to launch it, the message “Camera failed Error Callback.on Error(1)” appears on the screen, you can use the following alternative method:
    1. Remove the device battery;
    2. Lightly press the camera with your finger (carefully wiping off the fingerprint, which may interfere with shooting);
    3. After waiting a few minutes, install the battery back;
    4. Launch the application again. Despite the fact that the method seems strange, as the experience of users on the Internet shows, sometimes it turns out to be effective.
    If neither conventional nor alternative methods of dealing with camera problems have led to a positive result, the only option is to contact the service. Although, if the cause of the problem with the camera is contact of this part with water or a broken sensor as a result of an impact (fall), you should contact a specialist immediately. Moreover, most problems associated with external influences on a smartphone or tablet can lead to failure of not only the camera, but also other important components.