The most famous civilizations of ancient America, which every educated person has heard of, are the Mayans, Incas and Aztecs. These peoples inhabited the territories of central Mexico (Aztecs), southern Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, western Honduras (Mayans) and western southern (Inca). The grandiose architectural structures of these ancient civilizations have survived to this day. The most famous of them are the pyramids of the American Mayan and Aztec tribes. The Incas, according to scientists, did not build pyramids, although they were able to erect structures of quite impressive size (such as the Sacsayhuaman fortress).

The Mayan and Aztec peoples inhabited America in different time. The Mayan civilization flourished in the 7th - 8th centuries, and the Aztecs in the 14th - 15th centuries. But both these peoples were different high level development. They were building big cities, they used writing, and shipping was developed. The calendars of those times surprise with their accuracy. Religion occupied a special place among the Mayan and Aztec peoples. It is not without reason that the pyramids that they erected were used for various religious rites.

The exact age of the Mayan pyramids is unknown. These structures are made of rough-hewn stones, which are held together with a fairly strong mortar.

The slopes of the pyramids are steps, i.e. They were built in stages - on each platform the next, smaller one, was built. This process was quite lengthy.

One of the most famous pyramids is Kukulkan, named after the main god in the mythologies of the Mayan and Toltec tribes, who was depicted as a snake with a human head. It is located in the ancient city of Chichen Itza (Yucatan Peninsula). This structure is 25 meters high and has 9 platforms. The number 9 is not accidental; it symbolizes the regions of the kingdom of the dead. The pyramid is crowned by a temple. There are wide staircases on four sides, each of them has 91 steps, for a total of 364, which corresponds to the number of days in a year. The stairs themselves are divided into 18 flights - in the Mayan calendar there were exactly this number of months. The Pyramid of Kukulkan has four sides clearly facing south, north, west and east.

This pyramid is very popular among tourists. The thing is that twice a year a very unusual phenomenon can be observed on its surface. On the days of the equinox at 17:00, a huge image of a serpent begins to appear on the north side of the pyramid, becoming increasingly clear. This effect is achieved due to sun rays, and the illusion lasts about 3 hours.

Another pyramid was built in the city of Chichen Itza, the base of which measures 40 x 40 meters.

Another famous Mayan structure is . It is located in the ancient city of Palenque, Guatemala. The pyramid got its name because of the huge number of different designs and hieroglyphs. Scientists are still trying to unravel the meaning of these inscriptions. Only in this pyramid was a tomb with a sarcophagus discovered, the surface of which was also covered with drawings and inscriptions. Before this discovery, it was believed that the Mayans did not use pyramids for burials. The remains of a man were discovered in the sarcophagus, who, apparently, occupied a high position in society.

There is another ancient city on the Yucatan Peninsula - Uxmal. This is where the famous . This is one of the most impressive buildings that has been left to us as a legacy from the Mayan tribes. The 38 m tall pyramid has a flat top. Its corners are rounded. This structure was built over many years. Archaeological research has shown that construction lasted from the sixth to the tenth centuries. There are 5 temples inside the pyramid - according to the number of construction stages.

The most famous Aztec pyramids

Perhaps the most impressive building of the Aztecs is pyramid of the sun, located on the site of the ancient city of Teotihuacan, near modern Mexico City. It ranks third in the world among ancient structures, ahead only of the Pyramid of Cholula, from Toltec times, and the Pyramid of Cheops, which is located in Egypt, near Cairo.

The Pyramid of the Sun previously rose 71 m high (currently 64.5 m), and the perimeter of the base of this grandiose structure is 893 m. About 3 million tons of stones were required for its construction. 300 years after the pyramid was built, a temple was erected on its top, which was destroyed even before the discovery of the city of Teotihuacan by the Spanish conquerors. Currently, many tourists visit the Pyramid of the Sun. To climb to the very top, you have to overcome a difficult climb of 248 steps, which are distinguished by their steepness. But despite all the difficulties, there are many who want to rise to the very top. After all, if you believe the legends, this is where the so-called “place of power” is located. Thanks to positive energy flows, a person can find harmony and peace of mind.

In the north of Teotihuacan is . This is smaller than the Pyramid of the Sun - its height is 42 m. This five-tier pyramid is located on a small hill. A fairly wide staircase leads to the top - it is a continuation of the path called the Road of the Dead. During archaeological excavations in the Pyramid of the Moon, many remains and burials were discovered. Presumably, various rituals were performed on top of this structure.

Teotihuacan is home to the Citadel, a square that got its name thanks to the Spaniards. It is here that the Temple of the Feathered Serpent is located - a building built in the form of a pyramid. Its walls were decorated with stone ornaments that represented the heads of feathered snakes - from the western part they are well preserved to this day. The remains of animals that were sacrificed during rituals were discovered within the walls of this temple.

The pyramids of the American Mayan and Aztec tribes have not yet been fully studied. The mysteries associated with these structures will continue to attract scientists from all over the world for a long time.

Mexico is the country that stores greatest number ancient ruins, many of which are the subject of ongoing archaeological research, to reveal to us, hidden for centuries under a dense blanket of dense jungle. The provinces of Chiapas, Yucatan and Quintana Ru are known for their archaeological areas with the ruins of Mayan cities, open to tourists.


Located in tropical forest In the province of Chiapas, near the Usumacinta River, the ruins of the city of Palenque are impressive for their size and the splendor of the surviving buildings. At 15 sq. km found on this moment more than a thousand buildings. The archaeological zone includes the “Temple of the Sun”, “Temple of the Cross”, “Temple of the Inscriptions”, palace ruins and many other buildings. Particularly noteworthy is the “Temple of the Inscriptions”, where a sarcophagus was found with the burial of one of the greatest rulers of Palenque - Pacal. The bas-reliefs on the walls of the palace and the decoration of the ball field are amazing. Palenque is considered the most beautiful and impressive open-air museum in Mexico. Whether it's ancient symbols or examples of Mayan art, the ruins of Palenque will certainly give you insight into the development of the Mayan civilization.

How to get there: It is not difficult to get to this archaeological zone. You can take a regular bus to the modern city of Palenque, and from there by another bus to the archaeological complex itself - 10 minutes. Or take a tour offered by your tour operator, which may be a little more expensive, but definitely more comfortable.


The ruins of the Mayan city of Yaxchilan are located a 4-hour drive from Palenque, on the border with Guatemala in the heart of the jungle, on the banks of the Usumacinta River. Yaxchilan is a truly inexhaustible storehouse of a huge number of monuments of architecture and writing of the Mayan people, a significant part of which is exhibited in National Museum Anthropology in Mexico City. Yaxchilan was considered one of the most influential cities in the kingdom of Pachan and rivaled Palenque in influence.

A trip to Yaxchilan will give an unforgettable experience to all connoisseurs ancient history- walls painted with hieroglyphs, reflecting important events kingdoms, altars and steles, ancient temples will not leave anyone indifferent. And the untouched nature surrounding the ruins, with an incredible number of birds, reptiles and howler monkeys, creates a backdrop that will take your breath away.

How to get there: First by bus, then half an hour by boat along the Usumacinta River, which separates Mexico and Guatemala to the archaeological zone of Yaxchilan.

Chichen Itza ​​

Chichen Itza attracts travelers from all over the world as one of the largest archaeological parks on the Yucatan Peninsula with famous pyramid Kukulkan, recognized as one of the seven wonders of the world in 2007. The complex is located on an area of ​​2.5 square kilometers and is visited daily by about 10,000 tourists, mainly from the nearby seaside resort of Cancun.

The most famous structure is the 24 m high Kukulkan pyramid with 365 steps on four sides. Unfortunately, the climb to the pyramid is closed. But there will still be time to see: the Red House, the House of the Deer, the monastery and its annexes, the church, Akab Dzib, the Temple with three lintels and the Pali House, a huge ball field, as well as a deep ritual well of the cenote, which was used for sacrifices to the god rain to Tlaloc.

How to get there: from Cancun 195 km on a good road, travel time about 2 hours.


Located in the state of Chiapas, former city The Maya Bonampak is popular for its preserved murals and the Temple of Paintings. The frescoes are recognized as the best found in the Mayan world and for their sake we suggest visiting this archaeological zone, although it will seem small to you compared to Yaxchilan.

How to get there: When traveling to Yaxchilan, as a rule, all excursions include a visit to Bonampak. We would not recommend getting there on your own, unless you take along local Indians who know their roads well.


Coba is the second most visited ruins of the ancient Mayan city in the province of Quintana Ru (after Tulum). On main pyramid the city is 42 meters high, access is still allowed and if you want to enjoy climbing the pyramid under the scorching tropical sun, then it’s worth coming here!

However, the main vast area of ​​the Coba archaeological zone is immersed in the jungle, through which you can walk from one structure to another or use tourist trains or rented bicycles. On this long walk you can not only see the picturesque ruins, but also admire the beautiful cenotes and the lush vegetation around them.

How to get there: Cancun and Riviera Maya resorts offer excursions, often combining visits to Coba and Tulum. Distance 173 km. There are also regular buses from the bus stations in Cancun and Playa del Carmen.


Tulum is famous as the only known Mayan city built on the shores of the Caribbean Sea. It is also the only Mayan city surrounded by a wall. Typically, the Mayans did not fortify their city-states or build fortifications. The wall was built at the end of the city's existence as a defensive measure against attacks by nomadic peoples from the north, which were very common at that time.

Here you can not only discover the Temple of the Frescoes and the elegantly carved stone pyramid of El Castillo, but also enjoy magnificent views of the ruins of the city against the backdrop of the calm turquoise waters of the Caribbean Sea. This archaeological site ranks first among tourists in the province of Quintana Ru and third place throughout the country after Chichen Itza and Teotihuacan. Therefore, we recommend visiting it in the first hours after opening.

How to get there: Tulum is located 180 km from Cancun and only 60 kilometers from the “capital” of the Riviera Maya, Playa del Carmen. From Cancun Airport, ADO buses depart 3 times a day to the city of Tulum, and from there you can take a taxi to the archaeological zone, travel time is 2 hours. From the resort town of Playa del Carmen you can get to Tulum by bus or collective (local minibus) in an hour.


The ruins of the once huge Mayan city of Uxmal are characterized by architectural splendor and stand on a par with Chichen Itza and Tikal. This archaeological zone is located relatively close to Chichen Itza and the city of Merida. The complex is spread over an area of ​​150 hectares.

Of interest is the inspection of the Pyramid of the Magician, unconventional in its design, the Monastery Square, the Great Pyramid and the “dovecote”. The ruins of Uxmalai are characterized by distinctive ornamental decoration compared to the rest of the Mayan ruins. Well-preserved columns, complex ornamental patterns, figurines of birds and animals, and decorative elements are visible everywhere. From the top of the Great Pyramid there is a panoramic view of Uxmal and the lush jungle that embraces it.

How to get there: From Mérida to Uxmal you can take a bus from the central bus station. Travel time is 1 hour 10 minutes. The bus stops right next to the entrance to the complex.

  • Wear comfortable shoes , because in most cases you will be walking through the jungle, in a tangle of roots and vines, and will also have to climb the stairs of the pyramids.
  • In our rating we mentioned the possibility of getting to the ruins on your own, but We recommend that the first time you visit a Mayan ruin, you do so with a guide, because he will tell you interesting things about these archaeological sites, often not mentioned in guidebooks.
  • Use mosquito repellents while in the jungle.
  • Do not forget sun cream with good protection, after all, a walk through open area, especially in Chichen Itza or Tulum, there is a risk of burns.

The Mayans were an ancient civilization that lived in southern Mexico and parts of Central America for 3,000 years. During their existence, this people created cities in which they were famous temples- Mayan pyramids.

The ancient Mayan civilization is one of the world's oldest cultures. According to history scientists, its history goes back at least 3,000 years. The Mayan ancestor tribes very quickly formed into a real civilization, which began to dominate the continent 500 years after its inception. The Mayans established many trade routes and founded several large cities with a total population of more than 200,000 people.

Mayan civilization

The history of the Mayan people dates back to around 2000 BC. e. At this time, ancient people were actively settling in areas of Central America. The result of this migration was the emergence of a number of tribes and nationalities - both original and related to each other.

The Mayan civilization lasted about 2000 years
at its peak

One of the ethnic groups that emerged during this period was the Maya. Already at the beginning of their development, its representatives began to found cities, build temples, engage in exchange and trade, and develop hunting and agriculture.

In 500 BC. e. on the Gulf Coast the first Mayan temples begin to appear, around which they begin to build big cities. One of them is El Mirador - the city where the largest known Mayan pyramid is located - La Danta, 72 meters high.

Religious ceremonies, rituals and sacrificial ceremonies of the ancient Maya were carried out in special buildings - temples and pyramids. They also housed Mayan burials. Ritual ceremonies and funerals of rulers took place with the participation of huge masses of people, leaving behind almost eternal monuments- pyramids.

Mayan pyramids

The ancient Mayan pyramids are quite complex architectural structures. They mainly consist of large platforms forming huge steps. Almost all Mayan temples were built so long ago that they are currently underground. But not all monuments ancient civilization I was waiting for this to be taken into account: many Mayan pyramids in Mexico have almost completely preserved their original appearance and continue to attract scientists and tourists from all over the world.


What did the Mayan pyramids look like? If the pyramids of Egypt were mostly similar to each other, the same cannot be said about the Mayan pyramids. Thus, the Temple of Stone Altars in Altun-ha is a whole complex of several platforms, pillars, various steps and stairs. In contrast, La Dante from El Mirador consists of large platforms, and in the middle there is a staircase leading up.

The Temple of the Stone Altars is different
from the pyramid of La Dante from El Mirador

But, of course, the Mayan pyramids also have common features:

  • Mayan pyramids are located in the centers of ancient cities;
  • not a single pyramid has a “smooth” side without steps;
  • on each of the Mayan pyramids there are buildings, temples used for sacrifice;
  • The “body” of pyramids in most cases consists of stones, gravel and clay.

Construction Features

Scientists have studied Mayan structures for many years and discovered that there are no large blocks in the design of the pyramids. In addition, as already mentioned, clay and other materials that are easily exposed to the environment were widely used.

This choice of materials was probably due to the fact that the Maya lacked reliable tools and technology for processing hard rocks. This seriously affected the longevity of the Mayan pyramids, which were much worse preserved than their Egyptian counterparts.

The Mayan pyramids really consist
from small blocks of sandstone

The sandstone from which the ancient Mayan pyramids are made is rather poorly processed. But these roughly hewn stones are held together with an unusually dense mortar, the composition reminiscent of concrete. This solution included lime, for which the Mayans cut down and burned vast forest areas. It is believed that the Mayan pyramids have survived to this day largely thanks to this cementing solution.

Applications of the Mayan pyramids

According to one version of scientists, the purpose of building the pyramids was to create a burial place for the Mayan rulers. The tomb, located deep underground, hid the body of the king, decorations and slaves sacrificed with him. In addition, the pyramids were also temples for sacrifices. Thus, the grave of the Mayan king turned into sacred place for his former subjects.

There is also a theory that the Mayan pyramids were used as musical instruments. Many pyramids are built in such a way that the echo of footsteps at the top of the pyramid resembles the sound of falling drops. These peculiar sounds are called “rain music”.

Another use of pyramids is ritual ceremonies and burials. Most rituals and traditions took place at the base of the pyramids or in the temples located on them. Most Mayan rituals involved blood.

Blood has always had great importance for the ancient Central American tribes, and the Mayans were no exception. The ritual of bloodletting was very common. This is evidenced by clay vessels and ritual instruments found during excavations.

The Mayans also had widespread sacrifices. Not only were sacrifices made simple people or slaves, but also representatives upper strata societies of civilization, as well as captured warriors of other tribes.

The burials of rulers played an important role for the Maya. As an example, let us take the burial of the ruler Pascal in a pyramid called the Temple of the Inscriptions.

An incredible amount of jewelry was found on the ruler; he was dressed in the most beautiful clothes. Near the stone sarcophagus, decorated with portraits of his ancestors, there were clay vessels with water and dishes with food. The Mayans believed that traveling to afterworld require a lot of strength, and the ruler needs to eat during this journey. And rich jewelry and clothing testified that this spirit did not belong to to the common man, but to a leader or ruler.

Secrets of the Mayan pyramids

Some Mayan pyramids have their own secrets and mysteries. For example, the Kukulkan pyramid. In the evening, huge crowds of people gather around it to watch the wonderful spectacle. At five o'clock, at sunset, a pattern of sun rays begins to appear on the steps of the Kukulkan pyramid. Every minute it becomes more and more distinct. The drawing resembles long snake, sliding from the top of the pyramid down the stairs. The spectacle lasts about three hours.

The pyramids of the ancient Mayans fascinate with their age
and the secrets hidden in them

Similar phenomena can be observed in almost every pyramid. The Mayan pyramids in Mexico are especially “rich” in them, being one of the main attractions that attracts millions of tourists from all over the world to the country.

The legacy and significance of the pyramids in world culture

The Mayan pyramids remain one of the oldest monumental monuments on our planet. For three millennia, they have preserved the history and culture of one of the most original world civilizations. Mayan burials are not only educational, but also scientific: along with numerous tourists, archaeologists, historians and numerous researchers work at the sites of ancient Mayan buildings.

Currently, many, but not all, of the mysteries and secrets of the Mayan pyramids have been discovered: scientists still have not come to a consensus on many issues: who built the pyramids, what technologies were used in their construction, for what and by whom they were used. The megalithic structures of the ancient Mayans are reluctant to reveal their secrets, but there is hope that over time we will learn much more about them.

You can find a company that produces tombstones in your area in the Making of monuments section of our ritual directory

Holidays in Mexico is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world and can compete with other countries in the richness and variety of its attractions. One of the main features of this country is, of course, the Mayan pyramids. In fairness, it is worth noting that the authorship of these structures belongs not only to the Mayan Indian tribe, but also to many other peoples of Mesoamerica who inhabited these territories thousands of years ago. The Mayan pyramids were built over the centuries by the Aztecs, Toltecs and other influential tribal groups, but the laurels of their creation went to the Mayan architects.

Pyramids in Mexico They are quite complex structures of the ancient Indians. Most of these buildings remain buried under a thick layer of sand and earth, securely hidden from prying eyes by lush tropical vegetation. Many pyramids look like just an ordinary green hill, but inside there may be multi-layered engineering structures that keep the secrets of history. At the same time, the oldest structure is located inside, and later pyramids and facings were built above it.

The most famous located in Teotihuacan, the ancient capital of the Aztecs. Here are the largest pyramids - the Moon and the Sun, which are preserved in excellent condition, as well as the temple of the Mayan deity - Quetzalcoatl. Other popular attractions include the pyramids at Chichen Itza, Cholula and Uxmal.

Mayan pyramids at Chichen Itza represent a whole complex, which includes all kinds of urban buildings intended for living, observing the movement of the planets, sports games and the entertainments of its ancient inhabitants. are very popular among all those who come to these places. Not far from these places in Tulum are the majestic and mysterious Mayan pyramids. In addition, very close to the ancient complex there is a beautiful view of the sea.

Palenque, Mayan city in Chiapas.

Unique pyramids in mexico are a real architectural miracle. They are large, majestic and very beautiful. Millions of travelers from different parts of the world come to America for only one thing - to see the legendary buildings that were built hundreds and even thousands of years ago. Mexico also attracts our compatriots; anyone can book an excursion tour of interest right now.

Palenque is an ancient Mayan city; visiting it is included in the 5-day itinerary.

Top facts about pyramids

There are many legends associated with the Mexican pyramids. Often, architectural structures did not serve as tombs and burial vaults of local rulers, but served as places where the most important events were held. religious ceremonies. Here, large sacrifices were often carried out on the altar, in which not only animals, but also people became victims.

The first to build such structures were the Omelk tribes - representatives of the first large civilization in the territory ancient mexico. They designed the giant heads and jadeite masks. Later, only a couple of centuries later, the dawn of the Mayan civilization began. Some striking masterpieces ancient architecture have survived to this day. Popular among tourists are the majestic abandoned cities. Architectural style mayan pyramids has virtually no analogues.

Tulum is a Mayan port city.

Famous scientists tried to unravel the secrets of the ancient inhabitants of modern Central America. It was never possible to do this completely. Travelers listen with delight to various amazing legends.
Where are the Mayan pyramids in Mexico? There are several hundred similar buildings throughout the country, but only a few of them can be touched by anyone. Some cultural monuments are still hidden in the dense jungle.

The most popular pyramids

  • Teotikuan

This ancient “City of the Gods” (this is how the word “Teotikuan” is translated) can be found 50 kilometers from the largest metropolis in the country - Mexico City. The first stones were laid around the beginning of the first millennium. Already in the 5th century AD, more than 200,000 people lived here. The main cultural monument of the settlement is the Pyramid of the Sun. This name was invented by the Aztecs, who saw an abandoned city in the 13th century. They believed that here the gods fed on the energy of the cosmos. Travelers have a unique opportunity to enjoy the most beautiful view. This pyramid is the third tallest in the world. Anyone can climb to its top.

  • Chichen Itza

Pyramids in Yucatan also very popular among tourists. Ancient city Chichen Itza is located about 200 kilometers from the resort of Cancun. This village was founded in the 6th century, and after some time it became a real cultural and political center. Several architectural monuments that were found as a result of archaeological excavations open before the eyes of tourists. This city is included in the list of the new seven wonders of the world. The most famous pyramid in Yucatan The temple building of Kulkan is considered to be. The height of the building is 24 meters, at the top there is a special place for various rituals. In ancient times, the building also served as a calendar.

The descent of the shadow of the serpent in Chichen Itza is visible only on the days of the equinox

Features of the best excursion programs

Mexico – this is an amazing land where, while traveling on Yucatan or to another region of the country, you will see how pyramids, and enjoy the unique local culture. The following tourist routes are very popular:

  1. Mexico City and the Pyramids of Teotihuacan.

During the tour, you will visit the multi-million capital of Mexico, and then travel to the archaeological zone of Teotihuacan. For those coming to Mexico City for just a couple of days, this is an ideal option. The entire program will take only 8 hours.

  1. "Bold Tour" in Mexico.

The duration of this adventure is two days. Tourists will enjoy the ancient city of Chichen Itza, watch the life of animals in biosphere reserve Rio Lagartos, visit the colonial city of Merida and swim in the cool waters of Ik-Kil.

  1. United Chichen Itza Program.

This tour allows tourists to see ancient cities Mayan, find out what it is Mexico from the inside, and also see the most popular attractions. You will visit the most Famous places on the Yucatan Peninsula. Among them are Chichen Itza, the lost village of Cobu, the port of Tulum and the underground lake Ik Kil. A trip like this will only take one day!

Useful information for tourists

You can order your favorite tour at any convenient time. Be sure to come to Mexico and visit our pyramids. You can ask any questions you are interested in and clarify all the necessary information on the website. Excursions are held weekly, book your spot and go on an amazing adventure!

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