Version 3.6.

User guide


User's Guide for “List of Medicines” software 2 Contents Introduction

Notations used

1. Creation of the List

1.1 Creation based on the List for the previous reporting period

1.2 Filling in general data

General information about the List

General information about the organization

1.3 When to fill out the List on a cumulative basis

1.4 Editing the list of activities

1.5 Filling out information about the organization’s officials

1.6 Adding and editing data about departments

1.7.2 Filling out the name list table

1.7.3 Filling out classes of working conditions

1.7.4 Updating work periods

1.7.5 Searching for an employee in the name list

1.7.6 Saving changes and exiting the division window

2. Search for an employee by organization

3. Formation of a list of people retiring

4. Printing the List and statistics

4.1 Printing options

4.3 Generating a name list file for printing

4.4 Generating a report file based on the List for printing

4.5 Generating a report file based on a list of names for printing

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5.1 Saving the List to an XML file

5.3 Combining several Organization Lists into one

5.4 Errors that occur when loading the List from an XML file

7. Additional features

7.1 Using the Wizard to prepare the List

7.2 Working with multiple organizations

7.3 Simultaneous operation of several users

7.4 Automatic correction of pension benefit basis codes

8. Possible problems when working with the program

8.2 “I/O error 123” message when saving the List to an XML file

9. Frequently asked questions

9.1 Completing the List

Staffing number 0.5; What should be entered in the actual number column?

We have 1 surgeon on staff, one person worked for six months, another for six months, we enter this data

The program complains. What to do?

Data checking is disabled, why does the program still show errors?.................................60 The value I need is not in the classifier. What to do?

9.2 Program operation

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Introduction The software “List of preferential occupations of the enterprise” is intended for the preparation by policyholders of a List of jobs, professions, positions, employment in which entitles the insured persons to early pension provision in accordance with Articles 30-33 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ “ About insurance pensions" (hereinafter referred to as the List).

Given software It is intended to be used in the workplaces of HR specialists responsible for maintaining personal records at the enterprise and allows them to perform the following functions:

creation and adjustment of the List of jobs, professions (positions), employment in which gives the right to early assignment of labor pensions;

printing the List in the form of a standard sample;

printing a list of names in the form of a standard form;

obtaining statistics with output to the screen and printer;

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Notations used

This user guide uses the following conventions:

Attention! - you should pay attention to the text following such a word Special attention;

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1. Creation of the List

1.1 Creation based on the List for the previous reporting period The List can be prepared based on available data for another reporting period.

If in stock for past period There is only a List in XML format, load it into the program (for more details, see section “5.2 Loading a List from an XML file”), change the values ​​in the fields “Reporting year”, “Reporting period” and make the necessary changes to the positions staffing table and to the name list.

If the List for the previous reporting period is already available in the “List of Medicines” program, you can start filling out a new List for the same organization, but for a different year (quarter, half-year), by simply copying the existing data. To do this, being in the desired List, select [List] [Start filling out a new List] [For a new reporting period...] (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Creating a List based on an existing one

As a result, a window will open in which you need to indicate for which reporting period the new List will be (Figure 2). The specified parameters will be used, among other things, to automatically update work periods in the list of names. For an explanation of the “Cumulative total” setting, see section “1.3 When you need to fill out the List with a cumulative total”.

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After clicking the “Create” button, the process of generating a new List based on the existing one will begin.

When updating work periods in the name list, the following rule applies:

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if the new List is filled in with a cumulative total, the work periods will be analyzed and if they fall into a new reporting period, the work periods will be retained; if the end of the work period falls on 31.03, 30.06, 30.09, 31.12, the work period will be extended until the end of the new reporting period; Examples of updating periods are given in the tables below;

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Upon completion of the process of generating the List and updating work periods, a corresponding message will be displayed in the list by name and a new List will be opened (Figure 3).

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Attention! Starting from version 3.6, before preparing a list for another reporting period, employees who quit after the end of their work periods can be marked as dismissed (check the box in the “Dismissal” column of the Name List). When preparing a new list, these employees and their reporting periods will not be transferred to the new list.

After this, you can make changes to the data to update it. If necessary, you can switch to the previous List by selecting the menu item [List] [Select List to edit] [Reporting period] (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Selecting a List to edit: switching between reporting years

1.2 Filling out general data If there is no data from previous reporting periods, creating the List begins with filling out general data about the List and the organization (Figure 5).

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General data about the List Type of the List – initial (when filling out for the initial submission of the List) or corrective (when submitting changes to the List annually1);

the reporting year for which the List is provided;

reporting period (first quarter, first half of the year, 9 months, year), information for which will be entered; if the reporting period is not specified, it is assumed that data for the entire year will be entered into the program;

sign of a cumulative total (for more details, see section “1.3 When you need to fill out the List with a cumulative total”);

date of certification of workplaces in the organization;

a sign of agreement with the trade union committee.

General information about the organization name of the organization;

registration number of the organization in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the format NNN-NNN-NNNNNN (for example, 034 list of types of activities of the organization by classifier - to specify the list, you need to click on the button with three dots next to the “Type of activity” field (Figure 6).

For more information about creating and editing a list of activities, see section “1.4 Editing a list of activities”;

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type of organization according to the classifier;

information about the manager, head of the personnel department and chairman of the trade union committee - are filled in in the appropriate fields (Figure 7).

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The difference between the original List and the corrective List is the volume of data provided to the Pension Fund. If the INITIAL list type is indicated, then it must contain information about all positions of the organization’s staffing table, as well as a complete list of employees by name for the reporting period (if necessary). The CORRECTIVE type of the List implies that it will contain only changes in the staffing table that have occurred since the last submission of the List to the Pension Fund. In this case, the type of change must be indicated for each staffing position. Thus, when re-submitting it to the Pension Fund, the choice of the type of List remains with the employer (unless there are other recommendations from the Pension Fund).

User's Guide for the “List of Medicines” software 10 To enter additional information (position name and contact phone number), you need to click the “…” buttons next to the corresponding fields (Figure 8). For more information on filling out this information, see section “1.5 Filling out information about the organization’s officials.”

Figure 8. Buttons for opening a window for entering and editing information about an official; address of the organization;

dates of navigation periods;

dates of heating seasons.

Attention! The fields highlighted in bold are required to be filled out by the policyholder (in the absence of mandatory data, saving is impossible).

To save the entered general data about the List and the organization, you need to click the “Save” button. Before saving, the correctness of the entered data is checked and, if an error is detected, a corresponding message is displayed (for example, “Indicate the type of activity of the organization!”), and saving is not performed. If saving is successful, a corresponding information message appears at the bottom of the window (Figure 9).

Figure 9. Inscription indicating successful saving of data You can also save general data by selecting the [List] [Save general data] menu item or by pressing the F2 button. When you click the “Close” button, saving will not be performed and the program will be closed.

1.3 When you need to fill out the List with a cumulative total The program allows you to work both with Lists and lists of names filled in with a cumulative total from the beginning of the year, and with data reflecting information for a specific reporting period (six months in 2010 and quarter starting from 2011).

Check with the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to which your organization belongs for recommendations regarding the preparation of the List and the list of names on an accrual basis or separately for each reporting period.

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1.4 Editing the list of types of activities The window for selecting types of activities is intended for generating a list of types of activities of an organization or division. The basis for forming the list is a special classifier. An organization (and division) can have several types of activities simultaneously.

The window contains three areas (Figure 11): on the left side there is a classifier of activities (located under the inscription “Possible types of activities”), on the right side of the window there is an area in which the types of activities selected for the organization (division) are placed, and in the center are placed two buttons “Select” and “Remove”.

Figure 11. “Select Activities” window

In order to indicate what type of activity the organization (division) has, find the name of the required type in the left list, select it by clicking the mouse, and then click the “Select” button. The name of the activity will now be in the right area of ​​the window in the list of selected ones (Figure 12).

User's Guide for the “List of Medicines” software 12

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To remove an activity type from the list of selected ones, select it in the right list and click the “Remove” button. The activity type will move from the right list to the left.

You can move an activity type from one list to another by double-clicking on the corresponding type name. If, when you click the “Select” or “Remove” buttons, the message “Select an activity type!” is displayed. and nothing else happens, this means that you forgot to select the type of activity you need from the right or left list before pressing the button. Close the message box by clicking OK, select an activity from the list, and try again.

Clicking the “OK” button will confirm the changes made in the list and close the “Select Activities” window. The Cancel button simply closes the window without applying any changes.

1.5 Filling out information about the organization’s officials Information about the organization’s officials is entered in a special window, which can be opened by clicking on the “…” button located next to the fields “Head”, “Head of Human Resources” and “PC Chairman” (Figure 8) . As a result, a window will appear in which you can specify the last name, first name and patronymic of the corresponding official, his position and contact phone number (Figure 13).

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Figure 13. Window for entering information about an official (in this case, about a manager) Clicking on the “OK” button will save the entered information and return to the main window to the “General Data” tab.

Clicking the “Cancel” button allows you to simply close this window without saving the changes made.

1.6 Adding and editing data about departments Once entered general information about the List and organization, you can start working with the divisions. The “Divisions (shops)” tab is intended for this purpose (Figure 14).

Here is a table of departments for which information has already been entered. The table contains five columns: unit number, unit name, site name, number of positions (professions) presented for this unit, number of employees indicated in the unit's name list. The order of rows in the table can be changed (sorted). There are special switches for this, by clicking on which you can select the type of sorting: by department number, by its name, by the name of the site (shop), by the number of staffing positions in the department, by the number of employees. By default, departments are sorted by name.

User's Guide for the “List of Medicines” software 14

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You cannot enter data directly into this table. To work with departments, there are buttons “Add department”, “Edit information about department” and “Delete department” under the table and on the toolbar.

The “Add division” button will open a window for adding a division to the List.

If you need to correct any data about an already added division, you need to select the required division in the table and click the “Edit information about division” button. It is also possible to delete data about an earlier entered division (for example, in case of an error).

You can also open the window for editing information about a department by double-clicking on a table row

1.7 Working with the “Division” window

When you click on the “Add division” or “Edit information about division” button in the main program window on the “Divisions (shops)” tab (Figure 14), a window opens for entering information about the division (shop) that has preferential professions.

At the top of the window there are fields for entering general information about the department:

number - required to be filled in; the number can be repeated within one organization only to designate several sections of this unit;

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At the bottom of the window there is a list that indicates any filling errors (for example, a required field is not filled in or there is inconsistency in the entered data, etc.). By clicking on an error in the list, the cursor will be positioned at the place where it occurs (for example, when you click on the message “The Department Number field is not filled in,” the field for entering the number will become active; when you click on the message “The value 754-456-456 44 is not correct insurance number" the cursor will move to the line of the list where the error was made). Correcting the error will automatically remove the message from the list1.

Figure 15. Window for entering information about the department. “General data” tab

The rest of the information about the department is distributed on two “General Data” tabs.

(Figure 15) and “Positions and name list” (Figure 16). “General data” tab

is intended for entering information such as:

characteristics of the unit and its activities;

Correcting some types of errors by the user does not automatically remove the corresponding message from the list (this is due to the fact that dynamically tracking these types of errors requires significant time). Such errors include a discrepancy between the name of the profession in the name list and the name in the positions of the work schedule, a discrepancy between the grounds for benefits and the code according to lists 1 and 2. After correcting such errors, save the information - the entered data will be re-analyzed and, if correct, error messages will be deleted from the list.

User's Guide for the "List of Medicines" software 16 list of types of activities of a division - when adding a division, by default the list of types of activities is set to the same as for the organization as a whole, but can be adjusted by clicking on the "..." button next to the "Type of activity" field (for more information about working with the “Selecting activities” window, see section “1.4 Editing the list of activities”);

unit address – filled in only if the unit address differs from the organization address;

information about the production to which the division (shop) belongs - recommended for completion for organizations with a production division, for others it is not filled out;

information about the section of the department (workshop) (indicated for workshops that have a division of hazardous professions), for others - optional;

dates of navigation periods - are filled in only if the department needs to indicate navigation periods different from the navigation periods of the organization;

dates of heating seasons - are filled in only if the division needs to indicate heating seasons different from the heating seasons of the organization.

Additionally, the tab contains brief statistics for the department:

number of staffing positions;

number of employees (total according to the column “number of staffing” from the position table);

the number of employees indicated in the name list;

number of completed and uncorrected filling errors.

The “Positions and name list” tab contains two tables (Figure 16):

table of staffing positions for preferential professions for this unit;

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Figure 16. Window for entering information about the department. Tab “Positions and list of names”

The height of the tables can be adjusted by dragging up and down the separator - a solid horizontal green strip located under the table of positions in the staffing table and under the table of the name list. Above the table of the name list there are three buttons: “Find an employee”, designed for quick search in the name list (see section "1.7.5 Searching for an employee in the name list"), the "Update periods" button (see section "1.7.4 Updating work periods") and the button for deleting the name list (with a black cross), which allows you to completely clear the department's name list ( delete all employee records).

The window does not close. When you click the “Save and Close” button, the data is saved, the current window is closed and you return to the main program window. Clicking the Close button will simply close the current window without saving changes.

1.7.1 Filling out the table of staffing positions

When filling out the table, you must enter the following data:

name of the profession (position) according to the staffing table;

the number of employees by profession (can be a positive fractional number);

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If you plan to fill out a list of employees by name, then you don’t have to indicate the actual number - it will be calculated automatically when you save information about the department1 at least one basis for a benefit that gives the right to early assignment of a pension; for one position you can specify up to three reasons for the benefit, but it is mandatory to fill in at least one column with the title “Base for the benefit”;

if the profession belongs to Lists No. 1 and 2, you must indicate the profession code; for others it may not be filled in;

date of entry into the staffing table - the date the position is entered into the staffing table.

The following information is also entered into the table:

additional tariff – billed automatically;

Attention! If the Additional tariff field contains “DT*” or “*”, this means that given value was entered automatically and not saved to the database.

name according to OKPDTR - for workers - name of profession according to ETKS; for employees, the title of the position according to OKPDTR, taking into account lists 1 and 2;

You can use the hint when filling out the name according to OKPDTR, if the profession belongs to lists No. 1, 2: first select the basis for the pension benefit (for example, 27-1), then select the profession code (for example, 1071300a-19362):

after that, when filling out the name according to OKPDTR, you can select the name from the classifier:

About how the program calculates the actual number: for each position in the staffing table, a search is made for employees in the list of names who have the same profession name (according to the staffing table). Next, the program checks the coincidence of the working conditions specified for the position and for the found employees. Working conditions in this case are a combination of the grounds for benefits and the code according to lists No. 1 and 2. And finally, the list of found employees is adjusted taking into account the periods of work: only those whose period in this profession fell within the period of validity of the position remain (that is, if the position “teacher” has a date of entry into the staffing table of 01.09.2008, and the period of work of the teacher I. I. Ivanov is 01.01.2008-31.06.2008, then I. I. Ivanov is not taken into account when calculating the actual number for the above position “teacher” will). The number of remaining employees in the list will be the actual number for the position.

User's Guide for the “List of Medicines” software 19 description of the nature of work in this position (profession) and (or) additional factors for early retirement;

the name of the supporting documents - documents that reflect the accounting of the work performed and contain information about the nature and working conditions of workers in this profession;

type of change in the List position – indicated if the List is corrective in nature.

Data entry begins with indicating the profession, the name of the profession according to OKPDTR, and so on from cell to cell. You can move to the next cell by pressing the Enter key.

The grounds for the pension benefit are selected from the list with the mouse (Figure 17) or by pressing the cursor buttons “” and “”. It is also possible to enter data directly into a cell - the main thing is that the entered value is present in the list. The values ​​for the position in Lists No. 1, 2 and the type of change are also selected from the list.

Figure 17. Entering data on the basis of benefits by selecting a value from the list Next to the table of staffing positions there are two buttons. They are designed to add and delete rows in the table. When you click the button, a line is added below the currently selected line. Clicking the button will delete the position (before deleting, the program asks for confirmation of deletion). If you need to delete several positions of the staffing table at once, tick the positions that

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Attention! If there is a position in the department’s work schedule, the work of which requires different working conditions during one period of work (some of the work is according to 27-1, some is according to 27-2), then such a profession is entered twice with different reasons and codes according to lists No. 1, 2, but with the same name and staffing levels (Figure 19). In the future, when printing the List, such a profession will be included in the total number once.

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Attention! Please note that from version 3.5.1 the rules for filling out the List of Medicines have been changed in terms of professions (positions) removed from the positions of the staffing table.

When removing the corresponding profession (position) from positions in the staffing table in the 2nd quarter of 2013 due to non-payment of the additional tariff of insurance contributions to finance the insurance part of the old-age pension, the List of LPs must be completed by the policyholder as follows:

User Guide for the “List of Medicines” software 21 In the List of Medicines for the 2nd quarter in the corresponding profession in the column “Type of position change”

We indicate “DT-NO”, while leaving the profession (position).

1.7.2 Filling out the name list table The name list must contain basic information about the employee and the periods of his work. You can specify several work periods for one employee. Each work period is a separate line in the name list table. For visual distinction, the table rows are colored in two colors - green and white. Green the record of the employee and the first of his periods of work are indicated; The white lines following the green line are the remaining periods of work of the same person (Figure 20).

Figure 20. Entering data into the list of names if the employee has more than one period of work

Thus, the procedure for working with the name list table is as follows:

If the employee worked the entire reporting period without breaks, his insurance number, last name, first name, patronymic and date of retirement are entered into the table. The beginning and end of the work period are indicated, respectively, as the beginning and end of the reporting period or the start and end dates of the work. Enter data about his position according to the work book (optional) and the name of the profession according to the staffing table.

Then at least one basis for the pension benefit is indicated (up to three reasons are allowed at the same time) and the position on Lists No. 1, 2 (if the profession belongs to these lists). The share of the bet may also be indicated (details below) - maybe fractional number, but cannot exceed 2. In the last cells of the line, the number of hours for length of service and a note for this employee are entered. Then you can move to a new line and enter data about the next employee.

If an employee worked intermittently or in different positions during the reporting period, then first enter information about his insurance number, last name, first name, patronymic, date of retirement and the end and start dates of the first of his periods of work within the reporting period. The name of the position according to the work book (optional) and the name of the profession according to the staffing table under which the employee worked during this period are also indicated. Then at least one basis for the pension benefit is indicated (up to three reasons are allowed at the same time) and the position on Lists No. 1, 2 (if the profession belongs to these lists). The share of the rate can also be indicated (details below) - it can be a fractional number, but cannot exceed 2. In the last cells of the line, the number of hours for length of service and a note for this period of work are entered.

User's Guide for the "List of Medicines" software 22 Indication of the rate (share of the rate) is mandatory for the following preferential grounds: 27-GD, 27-SM, 27-SMHR, 27-GDHR, 27-PD.

Indication of the rate (share of the rate) is not required for the following preferential grounds: SPASAV, UCHLET, VYSSPIL, LETRAB, 27-14, NORMAPR, CREACH15, CREACH20, CREACH25, CREACH30, 27-11GR, 27VP, 27-12, 27-1, 27 -2, AIRCRAFT, SPECIALIST, ITSISP, LETISP, INSPECT, EXPERIENCE, ISKLS1, ITSMAV, REACTIVE, NORMSP, 27-15.

At the same time, there are acceptable combinations of values ​​of elements belonging to different blocks in which it is possible to indicate the rate (rate share) (table below):

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In the case of such a combination, a warning is displayed: “The value of the “Bid” field (0.5) is incorrect.

The bet must be a number between 1 and 2.”

When filling out the list of names, you can use the information previously entered in the table of positions.

To do this, select the desired item from the drop-down list in the “Position” or “Profession according to the staff list” column and press Enter User’s Guide for the “List of Medicines” software 24 Information about the basis of the benefit and positions on list No. 1, 2 will be inserted into the necessary cells automatically:

If the positions of the staffing table contain professions that have the same names, but different working conditions, then in the list of professions of the staffing table such positions will be presented in brackets indicating the basis for the benefit and the code for lists 1,2:

Figure 21. Name list table and button for adding another work period

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necessary data, if the employee has another period of work, click the button, a new white line will appear to enter the next period of work. If an employee has no more work periods, you can move to the next (green) line of the table and start entering data about the next employee.

If, when entering data into the name list table, you need to add a period of work, you can simply press the F7 button. If necessary, the actual time worked in the name list is indicated in hours and minutes, or in months and days (recognized automatically, details below). In order for the corresponding fields to appear in the name list table, indicate the basis for calculating the length of service “ACTUALLY-WORKED-TIME”, “DIVER” or “UIK104” (Figure 23). In this case, there is no need to add the letters m. (months) or h. (hours). Only numbers need to be entered in the fields.

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When specifying the basis for calculating the length of service “DIVER”, the values ​​of the “Months or hours” fields

and "Days or minutes" are recognized as hours and minutes.

When specifying the basis for calculating length of service “UIK104”, the values ​​of the fields “Months or hours” and “Days or minutes” are recognized as months and days.

When specifying the basis for calculating the length of service “ACTUALLY-WORKED-TIME”, the values ​​of the fields “Months or hours” and “Days or minutes” are recognized as follows depending on the specified preferential bases (table below):

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Clicking on the “Add employee” button will cause a green line to appear in the name list table for entering employee data below the current highlighted line.

The “Add work period” button is intended to add another work period for the current employee. Using the “Delete line” button, you can delete a line with incorrectly entered data both about the employee (green lines) and about individual periods of the employee’s work (lines white). Moreover, if you delete a line with an employee who has more than one work period, then along with the selected line, the work periods related to this person will also be deleted. In any case, before performing the deletion, the program asks for confirmation of the operation being performed. If you need to delete several employee records, check them and click the “Delete” button.

Attention! All changes you make, including deleting lines, will be recorded only if, after finishing working with the division, you press the “Save and Close” button (or the “Save” button) located at the bottom of the “Division” window (Figure 16 ).

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1.7.3 Filling out classes of working conditions The field “Class of working conditions” contains information about the totality of factors in the working environment and the labor process that affect the performance and health of the employee.

The class of working conditions is assigned through the workplace certification procedure. In the List of medicinal products, the inclusion of the UT class in the staffing table and name list is supported starting from version 3.5.3. Since version 3.5.4, it is supported to assign several UT classes for one position.

In order to add a working conditions class, the following requirements must be met:

1. The position must indicate at least one benefit code that provides for the payment of an additional tariff.

2. The “Additional Tariff” field must be filled in.

After this, when you select the “UT Class” field, it becomes possible to call up a drop-down list filled with values ​​of valid UT classes (Figure 25). You can specify several classes of UT (in the case when for employees with one position, during certification, different classes working conditions due to different conditions of their jobs or for workers changing jobs from different conditions work with the same position).

If the labor conditions classes for positions or periods of work of the roll-call list, marked as subject to payment of labor conditions, remain not specified when filling out information about the department, then as a result of the check the warning “Class of working conditions not specified” will appear.

User's Guide for the “List of Medicines” software 28

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If one or more occupational classes are specified for a position, the drop-down list of positions for auto-completion is replenished with profession options with and without the specified occupational classes (Figure 26), and the “Technology Class” field in the list of names is filled with occupational qualifications available for the selected profession (Figure 27 ).

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1.7.4 Updating work periods The list of names regarding work periods can be updated automatically for a new reporting period. For this purpose, there is a special button in the window for editing information about the unit. When you click on this button, the program offers to update the dates of employee work periods in the name list with the reporting period specified for the List (Figure 28). Once confirmed, all work periods will be transferred to this reporting period.

Figure 28. Confirmation of updating the dates of work periods in the name list Attention! The period update will only take effect once the department data has been successfully saved.

1.7.5 Searching for an employee in the name list The window for editing information about a unit provides the ability to quickly search for an employee in the name list using parameters such as insurance number, last name, first name or profession name. By default, search term entry fields are hidden. In order to see them, you need to click on the “Find employee” button located above the name list table (Figure 29). Clicking this button again allows you to hide the search fields.

Figure 29. Button for displaying search fields by name list

To start searching, start typing the desired value into one of the search fields. As you enter text, the cursor in the name list table will be positioned on the first suitable line. If nothing is found according to the specified conditions, the text color in the water field will turn red (Figure 30).

User's Guide for the “List of Medicines” software 30

a) The text “027” was entered in the “Insurance number” field; the cursor in the table is set to the first entry found

b) The text “Subject” is entered in the “Last Name” field; the cursor in the table is set to the first entry found

c) When you enter the next character in the “Last Name” field, the text turns red - nothing was found according to the specified conditions

–  –  –

Next to the search fields there is a button (go to the next line that meets the specified criteria). This button allows you to move to the next found entry. For example, if you select a profession from the drop-down list, the cursor in the table will be on the first employee with that profession. To move to the next employee, click the button.

1.7.6 Saving changes and completing work with the department window You can record the results of creating the List and the list of names for the department by clicking the “Save” button or the “Save and close” button (in the latter case, after saving, the window for editing information about the Software User Manual “ List of drugs" 31 divisions will be closed). If an intermediate save is performed (the “Save” button), then if there are no errors, the inscription on the button will temporarily change to “Successfully Saved” as evidence of the action completed.

Shutting down a subdivision window can end in one of the following ways:

saving entered or changed data by clicking the “Save and close” button located at the bottom of the window; in this case, the current window closes and returns to the main program window;

canceling changes made (or canceling entered data) and closing the current window and returning to the main program window; occurs when you click the “Close” button located at the bottom of the window, or when you click on the standard button with a cross located in the upper right corner of the window.

Immediately before performing the saving operation, the entered data is checked for completeness and correctness. If any required data is missing or the program detects any inconsistencies, saving will not be performed and an error message will appear (Figure 31); After closing the message window, the program will wait for the inconsistencies to be corrected. What exactly needs to be corrected can be found in the list of errors (Figure 16). Clicking on an error message will position the cursor at the location where the error occurred.

Figure 31. Program message if saving data is impossible

Also, before saving, the program checks the uniqueness of the department number and site name. If the uniqueness is violated, a message will appear (Figure 32). This message means that the entered subdivision number and site name have already been entered previously into the List (within the List, the combination of subdivision number/site name cannot appear more than once).

–  –  –

If no errors were found in the data, the “Division” window will be closed, the changes will be saved and you will return to the main program window.

Checking data for completeness and correctness can be disabled. To do this, in the main program window, select [Program] [Options...] (Figure 33).

Attention! It is recommended to disable the check only in extreme cases when working with large amounts of data (for example, a large number of employees in the name list of each department). Failure to check for errors in filling out the List may result in the provision of incorrect information to the Pension Fund.

–  –  –

In the window that opens, on the “General” tab, uncheck the box next to the phrase “Before saving, check entered values ​​for completeness and correctness” and click the “Apply” button (Figure 34).

–  –  –

After completing the above steps, a reminder about the disabled check will appear in the window for editing information about the department (Figure 35). You can enable the check again either in the “Program Operation Options” window (see above), or by clicking on the reminder in the department window (Figure 36).

–  –  –

Figure 36. Message that appears when you click on a reminder about a disabled check Attention! You can disable verification by unchecking the “Check data” checkbox in the upper right corner of the window. This is not a global setting, so this setting will not be saved to the settings file. It is recommended to disable checking only in extreme cases when working with large volumes of data (for example, a large number of employees in the name list of each department). Failure to check for errors in filling out the List may result in the provision of incorrect information to the Pension Fund.

2. Search for an employee by organization The program provides the ability to search for an insured person using the organization's name lists. In order to open the search window, you need to select the “Search” menu item of the main window or click the button located on the toolbar (Figure 37).

Figure 37. Button on the toolbar to open the employee search window

In the window that opens (Figure 38) there are fields for searching by such parameters as insurance number, last name, first name, patronymic, basis of benefit and position code according to lists 1,2. When specifying search criteria, you can use the so-called fuzzy search, when only part of the searched value is indicated, and the missing part is replaced with the “*” (asterisk) sign.

For example, using the condition “027-040-*” all employees whose insurance number begins with 027-040 will be found.

–  –  –

Figure 38. Employee search window. Showing the result of a search for the last name "Ivanov"

If you do not specify any search criteria and click the “Find!” button, the program will display a list of all employees of the organization. Please note that if the List is large, this may take considerable time. The search results can be printed (the “Print” button). When printed, the list of employees is grouped by department.

To clear the fields of the search form and enter a new request, you can use the “Clear search form” button located to the right of the “Insurance number” field (the button with a large black cross). This will clear not only the “Search Terms” form, but also the results of the previous request.

3. Creating a list of people retiring The program provides the ability to create a list of people retiring. To do this, in the main program window you need to select the [Search] [Retiring...] menu item.

In the window that opens (Figure 39), you can specify the period in which the employee’s retirement date should fall. The program searches only among employees for whom a retirement date was indicated in the name list.

–  –  –

The search results can be printed (the “Print” button). When printed, the list of employees is grouped by department.

The “Go to department” button, located at the bottom of the window, allows you to go to the window for editing information about the department to which this employee belongs.

Double-clicking on a line in the search results table produces the same result. When opening the department window, the cursor in the name list table will be on the desired employee.

4. Printing the List and Statistics The program does not print as such, but prepares text files in RTF format, which can later be printed or saved.

After preparing the file, it is opened by the program that is assigned by default to open this file type. The file can now be printed or saved.

Attention! For successful work with generated files, please contact your system administrator to configure operating system to open RTF files with a program convenient for you.

4.1 Printing options Before generating files for subsequent printing of a List or a list of names, you can select the sorting order of departments and employees in the generated files.

This can be done by selecting the [Program] [Options...] menu item. On the “Print” tab

set the desired order (Figure 40) and click the “Apply” button.

User's Guide for the “List of Medicines” software 36

Figure 40. Selecting the sort order of departments when printing the List

Attention! If the list of names is sorted by profession name, different periods of one employee may not go into chronological order, since the determining factor in sorting is the name of the profession. To print periods of work in chronological order, set the sorting by full name or insurance number.

4.2 Generating a List file for printing

You can create a List of preferential professions for subsequent printing in two ways:

by clicking the button on the toolbar of the main window (Figure 41);

–  –  –

4.3 Generating a name list file for printing You can generate a name list for subsequent printing by selecting the [Print] [Print name list] menu item or by clicking on the corresponding button on the toolbar (Figure 43).

–  –  –

4.4 Generating a report file on the List for printing This software tool allows you to receive a report on the List with information on the number of professions of the same name (in total), including by department.

To generate a report, you can use the [Print] menu item [Print report according to the List] or by clicking on the corresponding button on the toolbar (Figure 44).

–  –  –

As a result, the generated file will open.

4.5 Generating a report file on a list of names for printing This software tool allows you to obtain a report on a list of names with information on the number of employees employed in a given position in the reporting period (total) and also by department.

To generate a report, you can select the [Print] menu item [Print report by name list] or by clicking on the corresponding button on the toolbar (Figure 45).

–  –  –

5. Working with the List in XML format

5.1 Saving the List to an XML file The entered data on the organization’s preferential professions (List) can be saved as an XML file for submission to the Pension Fund. The resulting file will meet the requirements for the List format.

–  –  –

Attention! Before saving the List into an XML file, the program performs some data checking for correctness for early detection of errors (before submitting the List to the Pension Fund). As a result of the check (if errors are found), a list of found inconsistencies will appear (Figure 48). Until all the specified errors are eliminated, saving the List to an XML file will not be possible.

–  –  –

If no errors were found in the List, a window will open to select the folder where the List will be saved (Figure 49). Specify the desired location and click OK.

The saved List will have the following file name:


–  –  –

After the file has been saved, the program displays an information message (Figure

50) about successful saving and offers to view the resulting file.

–  –  –

If you confirm your viewing (click the “OK” button), a program window will open for viewing XML files (Figure 51). After familiarization, you can simply close this window.

Attention! If, after performing the saving operation to an XML file, you made any changes to the List, then before submitting the List to the Pension Fund, save the file again (in order for the changes you made to be reflected in the XML file).

User's Guide for the “List of Medicines” software 40

–  –  –

5.2 Loading a List from an XML file The program provides the ability to load a List from an existing XML file. You may need this function if, for example, you already have a generated List in the form of a file and need to make any changes. In this case, load the List from the file, make the necessary adjustments and save the edited List to a file.

In addition, you may need the download function if you have reinstalled the “List of Preferential Professions of the Enterprise” program and want to continue working with the List available in the file.

To load the List from a file, select the [Actions] menu item [Load List from XML file] or click the button located on the toolbar at the top of the window (Figure 52).

–  –  –

As a result, a window for selecting a file to download will open. Once a file is selected, the file will be checked to ensure it matches the required format and if errors are found, a message will be displayed indicating the location of the error. If the check for compliance with the format was successful, a message will be displayed with information about the name of the organization and the reporting year of the List presented in the file (Figure 53).

User's Guide for the “List of Medicines” software 41

–  –  –

Clicking the “OK” button downloads the file and displays the received information in the main program window.

5.3 Combining several Lists of an organization into one If the List of an organization is prepared on different computers, not related local network, they can later be combined into one. The merging of Lists can be carried out at the division level, that is, if a division is found in the file that is not in the existing List, the program will offer to load them. There is no provision for merging name lists or staffing positions of the same unit.

To merge Lists, you need to select the file with the List to be merged. The program will analyze the file and show a list of departments that can be loaded (Figure 54).

–  –  –

If the units are successfully loaded, the combined List will be displayed.

5.4 Errors that occur when loading a List from an XML file Before performing the download operation, the program checks the specified List for compliance with the format. To scan, the program requires a special component of the operating system. If it turns out that the component was not installed in the operating system, the program will offer to install it (Figure 55).

User's Guide for the “List of Medicines” software 42 Figure 55. Window informing about the absence of a required component in the operating system Click the “OK” button and wait until the installation process is completed. Then try downloading the Inventory file again. If the component was installed successfully and the downloaded List does not contain errors, you will see a corresponding information message.

If you see a message that says that the required component was not found, then:

make sure that the operating system requirements are met - on operating systems Windows systems 98 loading the List is not possible (for more details, see the installation instructions, section “Hardware and Software Requirements”);

if the requirements for the operating system are met, try to install the necessary component yourself: from the “Start” menu of the operating system, select [Start] [Programs] [List of preferential professions] [Install WindowsInstaller update]; After successfully completing the installation of the WindowsInstaller component, start the installation of the MSXML 6.0 component ([Start] [Programs] [List of preferential professions] [Install MSXML 6/0 update]).

If you see a message similar to the one in the figure below, it means there are errors in the List you are downloading. In this case, in the List, the start date of the work period is indicated in the wrong format: the date format for the List is DD.MM.YYYY, that is, the date must use the separator “.” (dot) rather than "/" (slash).

Figure 56. Loaded List format error message: date format mismatch

–  –  –

Such errors can be eliminated if you open the List file (with the XML extension) in any text editor and find the erroneous fragment, and then correct it to the correct one.

To search for a fragment, use the search function available in any text editor. Look for the Russian name indicated in the third line of the error message (for Figure 53 it is “DateStart”, for Figure 54 it is “Rate”) Another type of error is the message shown in Figure 55. It appears when you try to load a List that has already been loaded (or was generated previously). In this case, read the entire error message and act according to the instructions in this window. If you assumed that the downloaded file should contain divisions that were not in the existing List (the Lists were supposed to be merged), then such a message means that either the file does not contain new divisions, or in the downloaded file the numbering of divisions repeats the numbering in the existing List.

–  –  –

6.1 Loading a list of names from an individual information file The program provides the ability to load a name list of employees from a file of previously prepared individual information files in PFR 4.0 format (text) and PFR 7.0 format (XML format). To download, you need to select the [Actions] [Download list of names from IS] menu item.

Attention! You can upload a list of names only after you have filled in information about the divisions and positions of the organization's staffing table.

You can select a file to load a list of names from individual information in XML format by clicking on the button located on the toolbar. After selecting a file from the window that opens, it will be analyzed. As a result, the download window should appear (Figure 59).

–  –  –

At the top of the window there is a table with a list of beneficiaries who were found in the individual information file. At the bottom is a list of employees by department that will be loaded into the List. If packs of individual information were generated by divisions, then after the above window appears, click the “Select All” button, then in the drop-down list, find the desired division and click the “Add” button to indicate that all employees from the top list must be loaded.

After the window looks like that shown in Figure 57, click the “Download” button.

Figure 60. Window for loading a list of names: all employees are distributed among departments. If the file contained information about employees of different departments, then for each employee the department in which he works should be indicated. To do this, select an employee from the top list, select a department from the drop-down list and click the “Add” button. The employee record will move from the top list to the bottom.

For convenience, the window provides the ability to quickly search for an employee in the list of those not yet allocated. By entering one of the conditions (insurance number, last name, first name, patronymic), you thereby activate the search function. The cursor is positioned on the first entry that matches the specified criteria. Red text in the field for entering search terms means that nothing was found for the specified data.

–  –  –

Figure 61. Window in which the reporting year is specified with which the employee work periods will be loaded. After the “OK” button is pressed, the loading of the list of names will begin. You can monitor the loading process in the window that appears (Figure 62). Once the download is complete, the protocol can be saved to a text file (the “Save download protocol” button will become available).

–  –  –

After loading the list is completed, you need to enter the missing data about the employees, such as position according to the work book, profession according to the staffing table, etc. Without this, it is impossible to upload the List to an XML file.

6.2 Loading a name list from a text file The program provides the ability to load a name list of employees from a text file the following type(the data in the file is expected to be in Windows-1251 encoding):

[insurance number],[surname],[name],[patronymic],[start date of the work period],[end date of the work period], [unit number],[site name],[bases of benefit],[position code] ,[position],[Work class],[rate],[actually worked months (hours)],[actually worked days (minutes)],[retirement date],[note],[address],[date of birth ] Field descriptions are given in the table below.

–  –  –

If any of the values ​​contains a comma, that value must be placed in quotation marks.

If you need to specify more than one period for an employee in a file, you can duplicate the line with the first period and change the values ​​characteristic of this period (start and end dates of the period, etc.).

If the file contains the unit number and (optionally) the name of the site, the program will try to find such a unit in the list of units previously entered into the program and, if such a unit is found, the employee record will automatically appear in the table “List of persons who will be loaded into the List LP." In this case, the program will report the successful determination of the unit.

–  –  –

111-111-111 45, Ivanov, Ivan, Ivanovich, 01.01.2009, 01.12.2009, 1,27-1 28-GD, 1010100vChief Engineer, V3.1 111-111-111 45, Ivanov, Ivan, Ivanovich, 01.01 .2009,02/11/2009,4,maintenance area,27worker 111-444-111 66,Petrov,Ivan,Ivanovich,01/01/2009,12/01/2009,28-PD,”teacher involved in child development”,1.3 To To download, select the [Actions] [Load list of names from file] menu item (Figure 63).

Figure 63. Menu item for loading a list of names from a text file. Otherwise, the loading procedure is similar to that described in paragraph 6.1 of this manual.

7. Additional features

7.1 Using the Wizard to prepare a List The program provides the ability to use a special Wizard to prepare a list. The Wizard window appears when you first start the program or by clicking on the button located on the toolbar of the main program window (Figure 64).

–  –  –

Filling out the List using the Wizard occurs in several stages:

collection of general data about the List;

collecting data about the organization;

collecting data on the types of activities of the organization;

collecting information about departments;

saving the list in an XML file.

–  –  –

At the stage of collecting data about a department, you are asked to enter data first about one department, then about the next, and so on. Data about the unit includes the collection of information about the unit’s preferential professions (staffing positions, Figure 66) and information about the unit’s employees working in preferential positions (Figure 67).

You can refuse to provide a list of employees by name.

User's Guide for the “List of Medicines” software 50 Figure 66. Collecting information about staffing positions using the Wizard Fields highlighted in red are required. Until you provide all the required information, the “Next” button, which allows you to move to the next step, will not be available.

–  –  –

Particular attention should be paid to entering the insurance number in the name list. The fact is that the insurance number is immediately checked for correctness. And if you entered your insurance number in full, but the “Insurance Number” field is still highlighted in red, check that you entered the number correctly, you may have made a mistake. If entered correctly, the red highlight will be removed as soon as the last digit of the number is entered.

You can move from field to field by pressing the Enter key. The “Next” button is intended to move to the next step. If you want to add a position on the staff list or an employee to the list of names, you should click the “Add another profession” or “Add another employee” button, respectively.

Both when specifying positions in the staffing table and when compiling a list of employees by name, if necessary, you can delete unnecessary or erroneously entered positions (or, in the case of a list of names, information about employees). To do this, there are buttons “Delete this profession” and “Delete this employee”.

When filling out a list of names for each employee, it is necessary to indicate periods of work. To do this, click the “Working periods...” button. In the window that opens (Figure 68), in the fields under the period table, enter the required data and, if there is more than one work period, click the “Add work period” button; if there is only one operating period, click the “Close” button to return to the Wizard window.

–  –  –

When working with the Wizard, you can return to the main program window. To do this, click the “Cancel” button. All data you entered will not be lost, but will be saved. Thus, you can continue preparing the List without using the Wizard.

After all stages have been completed, the “Close” button appears at the bottom of the Wizard window. Clicking this button will return you to the main program window.

7.2 Working with several organizations In most cases, work is carried out with only one organization and one List. However, sometimes there is a need to work with Lists of several organizations.

The program provides this opportunity. You can create and load Lists of various organizations into the program and work with them. To do this, use the menu item [List] [Start filling out a new List] [For another organization] (Figure 69).

Figure 69. Menu item that allows you to start filling out a List for another organization Using this menu you can create a new List. In order to open another List available in the database, use the [List] [Select List for editing] [Select from list..] menu (a quick call to the window with a list of Lists available for editing is also possible by pressing “F4” in the main program window) . The menu item “Delete List” removes information about the current document from the program (the current List is the one about which information is displayed in this moment in the main program window). Before performing the deletion operation, the program asks for confirmation to protect against accidental deletion.

7.3 Simultaneous operation of several users It is possible to ensure simultaneous operation of several users with the “List of Preferential Professions” program if there is a local network. In this case, you need to install the program on one of the computers and provide shared access to the folder in which the program is installed (for Windows XP: from the folder context menu, select “Sharing and Security” (Figure 70), in the window that appears, specify “open share this folder" (Figure 71)).

User's Guide for the “List of Medicines” software 53

–  –  –

After this, you can work with the program over the network. To do this, on the required computer, through a network environment, access the computer where the program is installed, go to the “List of preferential professions” folder (Figure 73) and run the file list.exe (Figure 74).

–  –  –

Attention! If work on the formation of the List is carried out on different computers that are not connected by a local network, then you can prepare different parts of the List in separate files, and then combine them into one file (see section “5.3 Combining several Lists of an organization into one”).

7.4 Automatic correction of pension benefit grounds codes In accordance with Federal Law dated December 30, 2008 No. 319-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in Russian Federation» changes are being made to the Classifier of parameters used in the forms of individual (personalized) accounting documents in the compulsory pension insurance system regarding the following codes of the grounds for pension benefits: 28-OS, 28-PZH, 28-SP, 28-PD, 28-PDRK, 28-GD, 28-SM, 28-GDHR, 28-SMHR. For automatic conversion in the completed List and name lists of old codes into new codes (27-OS, 27-PZh, 27-SP, 27PD, 27-PDRK, 27-GD, 27-SM, 27-GDHR, 27-SMHR, respectively) You can use the menu item [Actions] [Correct codes of benefit grounds...] (Figure 75).

Figure 75. Menu item for automatically updating benefit basis codes During the process of updating codes, the program creates a protocol (Figure 76), which can later be saved to a file.

–  –  –

When performing an update, the program focuses on the reporting year of the List and brings the codes into accordance with the list of those that were relevant in a given reporting period. So, for example, when automatic update The list for 2007, containing the position of a doctor with code 27-GD, will be changed specified code on 28-GD.

User's Guide for the “List of Medicines” software 56

8. Possible problems when working with the program

8.1 Message “Data type mismatch in the selection condition expression”

Since the database of the “List of Medicines” program uses the MS Access format, in some cases additional configuration of the operating system parameters is required for the program to work correctly.

Figure 77. Error message in case of inappropriate operating system settings If, when you try to open a department for editing, a message similar to that shown in Figure 74 appears, you must perform the following actions: Select [Start] [Control Panel] [Regional and Language Options], "Regional Options" tab, "Settings" button. In the window that opens, on the “Numbers” tab, in the “Integer and fractional part separator” field, put “.” (dot); on the “Date” tab in the “Short date format” field

select "dd.MM.yyyy", "Date Component Separator" "." (dot). Save the specified settings and continue working with the program.

8.2 “I/O error 123” message when saving the List to an XML file If, ​​when saving the List to an XML file, the message “I/O error 123” appears (Figure 78), the Medicine List program you launched is probably installed on another computer. In this case, you need to connect the directory where the program is installed as a network drive.

–  –  –

In the window that opens, select any free drive letter and in the “Folder” field, specify the path to the directory where the LP List program is installed (Figure 80).

–  –  –

After connecting a network drive, the program should be launched from this drive (for example, if the drive letter is selected “Z”, as in the example, to launch the LP List program you need to run the file Z:\list.exe).

8.3 Message “The number of shared file locks has been exceeded. Increase the MaxLocksPerFile registry value."

Below is a fragment of an article from the official Microsoft technical support website at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/815281.

Important! This article contains information about modifying the registry. Before making changes to the system registry, it is recommended to create a backup copy of it. Make sure you know how to repair the registry if a problem occurs.

Problem When one or more users process big number transactions in a multi-user environment, processing may fail and the following error message may be displayed:

–  –  –

Solution Attention! If you modify the registry incorrectly using Registry Editor or another method, you may experience serious problems. These problems may require you to reinstall the operating system. Microsoft does not guarantee that these problems can be resolved. It is the user's responsibility to modify the registry.

To resolve this issue, increase the maximum number of locks per file.

To do this, use the method described below.

Increase the maximum number of locks per file using the MaxLocksPerFile registry setting.

1. Click the Start button and select Run from the menu.

2. Type regedit and click OK.

3. Do one of the following:

If you are using Microsoft Access 2000, Microsoft Access 2002, or Microsoft Office

Access 2003, locate the following key in Registry Editor:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Jet\4.0\Engines\Jet 4.0

–  –  –

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Access Connectivity Engine\Engines\ACE\MaxLocksPerFile

4. In the right pane of the Registry Editor window, double-click the MaxLocksPerFile parameter.

5. In the Edit DWORD Value dialog box, select Decimal.

6. Change the Value field as required and click OK.

Note. This method changes the parameter Windows registry for all applications using the Microsoft Jet database engine version 4.0.

9. Frequently asked questions

9.1 Filling out the List Staffing number 0.5; What should be entered in the actual number column?

Question: If the staffing level for a position is 0.5, and there is 1 person working in this position, what should I write in the actual number column: 0.5 or 1?

Answer: The actual headcount column should reflect the number of people working during the reporting period for this position. The actual number is always an integer User's Guide for the “List of Medicines” software 59 (since the unit of measurement is people). If several people worked for a position during the year, for example, in the first half of the year one employee worked at 0.5 rates, in the second half another at the same 0.5 rates, then the actual number will be equal to 2.

We have 1 surgeon on staff, one person worked for six months, another for six months, we enter this data - the program curses. What to do?

Question: We have 1 surgeon on staff, one person worked for six months, another for six months, we enter this data - the program curses and does not save, it says that it is an error that the staff is not equal to the actual number. What to do in this situation?

Answer: It's about about the following situation: discrepancy between the actual number indicated in the positions of the staffing table and the number calculated by the program based on the list of names (Figure 81).

–  –  –

The staffing level can be 1 (1 rate), but the actual number must reflect the number of employees employed during the reporting period in a given position (in this case - 2).

Therefore, in the table of staffing positions (top table) in the column "Number of staffing" you need to indicate 1, and in the column "Actual number" - 2 (Figure 82) User's Guide for the "List of Medicines" software 60

–  –  –

How to correct an error: with a corrective or with the original List?

Question: An error was made when filling out the initial List, but it was discovered after the List was submitted to the Pension Fund. What type of List should I choose to correct the error?

Answer: in this case, it is better not to change the List type (original); It is recommended to make the necessary adjustments and upload the corrected original List in XML.

Is it possible not to use the “List of Medicines” software to prepare the List?

Question: Is it possible to prepare the List in another program? Or is it necessary to use the “List of Medicines” software?

Answer: You are not required to use the PS “List of Medicines” to prepare the List. Any other suitable software may be used. The main thing is that the List you prepared corresponds to the required format and follows the recommendations for filling out your territorial PFR office. A description of the format can be obtained either from the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, or upon request to the address [email protected](Leonov Nikita Sergeevich), indicating “Format of the List of Medicines” in the subject of the letter. A utility for checking the List for compliance with the format is included in this software tool ([Start] [Programs] [List of preferential professions] [Checking the List format]).

Data verification is disabled, why does the program still show errors?

Question: Checking data for completeness and correctness when entering data about a department is disabled, but the program still looks for errors and does not allow you to save information without saving them. Why?

Answer: Even when checking is disabled, the program performs the minimum necessary checks of the input data. This is necessary so that this information can then be saved and displayed correctly. The minimum required checks include monitoring the “List of Medicines” software User Guide 61 date format in the table of staffing positions and in the list of names (start and end dates of the work period).

The classifier does not have the value I need. What to do?

Question: The classifier of profession codes according to lists No. 1 and 2 does not contain the code I need. When I enter it myself, the program does not save the data. What to do?

Answer: Contact your territorial Pension Fund office with a comment. Based on comments of this kind, changes are made to the classifier only if the absence of a code is confirmed by PFR specialists.

Appendix 5 1. Goals and objectives of practice Educational practice is an integral part of the educational process of preparing bachelors. During practice, the results of theoretical training are consolidated and concretized, students acquire practical skills and competencies in their chosen... "

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In order to realize and respect the right of citizens to preferential pension provision, rules have been established on the application of Lists 1 and 2 of harmful professions of the Russian Federation, according to which a certain category of workers has the right to retire earlier than the majority of other citizens. If there is documentary evidence of the fact and period of work in special conditions classified by Lists 1 and 2 as harmful (difficult) working conditions, the employee can contact the department Pension Fund with an application for the appointment of an early old-age insurance pension.

Hazardous professions according to Lists 1 and 2

Explanations on how to determine special work experience and apply Lists 1 and 2 of hazardous occupations in the Russian Federation are contained in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 665 dated July 16, 2014. For convenience, let us briefly formulate the main points:

  • List 1 is applicable if the employee was employed at underground works, as well as work with hazardous working conditions, or work took place in hot shops with high temperature ambient air or direct contact with sparks/fires;
  • When employed in jobs where working conditions are recognized as work with difficult working conditions, you should look at List 2.

In practice, a situation is possible when an employee is simultaneously employed in several jobs from different Lists (for example, is a part-time worker); in this case, List 2 must be applied.

To ensure that when assigning an early insurance pension to an employee there are no problems with the Pension Fund, the employer should take into account the requirements for the names of hazardous professions provided for by Lists 1 and 2. Therefore, even at the stage of hiring and paperwork, including the staffing table, work book, employment contract with the employee, his personal card, the employer should familiarize himself with the procedure for applying the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 665 of July 16, 2014 and indicate the name of the position (profession) and the employee’s labor function as indicated in Lists 1 and 2.

If the job title (or job function) does not match, there is a risk of negative consequences for the employee: the Pension Fund of Russia employee may be denied early retirement. In this regard, the employee can be recommended to try to prove the identity of the names by enlisting the legal support of the Russian Ministry of Labor, set out in letter No. 3073-17, No. 06-27/7017 dated 08/02/2000. Government bodies recognize the employee’s right to preferential pension provision if the necessary requirements for the emergence of such a right are met, despite the different names of the same profession.

List 1: particularly hazardous conditions

Establishing the fact that the nature of an employee’s labor function for a particular employer is associated with particularly harmful or particularly difficult working conditions, as required by List 1, is carried out through workplace certification.

The employer, as well as the relevant state (municipal) bodies, at the request of the employee, are obliged to provide him with a certificate about the nature and period of work. These documents are subsequently submitted to the Pension Fund and are the basis for calculating the employee's preferential length of service and early retirement in old age.

The right to an early preferential old-age pension according to List No. 1 with particularly harmful conditions is granted to an employee whose profession is identical to the profession from List 1, subject to the conditions that:

  • the employee has full-time work (that is, at least 80% of his working time, the employee performs work in particularly harmful and particularly difficult working conditions) and
  • fact of work in special conditions can be documented.

The main, but not the only document confirming the fact of work in special conditions is employment history. The legislator does not limit the employee’s right to provide other documents, which the Pension Fund is also obliged to accept to calculate the insurance period to establish a preferential pension. This can be a certificate from the employer about the period and nature of the work, the employee’s personal card, an employment agreement drawn up according to the rules in force at the time of its conclusion, salary certificates, orders and other documents. The employee’s right to provide additional documents is enshrined in paragraph 11 of the Rules for calculating and confirming the insurance period for establishing an insurance pension, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 2, 2014 No. 1015.

Work experience in a position included in the list of preferential professions with hazardous working conditions is at least 10 years for men and 7 years and 6 months for women.

List of 2 preferential professions

An employee’s work will also be counted towards special length of service if his work (position, profession) and indicators with harmful and difficult working conditions are included in List 2.

When including work from List 2 in special experience, one should take into account the explanations of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated May 22, 1996 No. 5 on the procedure for applying preferential Lists 1 and 2.

The pension fund is obliged to grant the employee an early preferential old-age pension, including special work experience in the calculation, if:

  • position of an employee from the lists 1 and 2 of hazardous professions of the Russian Federation,
  • the employee has a full-time job (that is, at least 80% of his working time, the employee performs work in particularly harmful and especially difficult working conditions, including business trips, sick leave, vacations (annual, additional), time for lunch breaks).

Special rules for calculating special work experience provide that:

  • when production volume is reduced and the employee is transferred to part-time work ( working week) length of service should be calculated based on the time actually worked;
  • The periods of work during which study leave was granted shall not be included in the calculation of special length of service.

Preferential pension provision according to Lists 1 and 2

Despite the next pension reform currently being carried out in the country, aimed, among other things, at increasing the retirement age, which already from January 1, 2017 affected some citizens who are state and municipal employees, as well as persons employed in political positions, the order preferential pension provision remained the same.

The essence of preferential pension provision is that men can retire at old age not at 60, and women when they reach 55, but several years earlier.

This means that those employees whose work (position, profession) is included in Lists 1 and 2 of hazardous professions of the Russian Federation, subject to the requirements:

  • about work experience in the specified jobs for men at least 10 years and for women - 7 years 6 months, and also
  • having at least 20 years of insurance experience for men, 15 years for women,

then these employees are entitled to preferential pension benefits. This means that men can retire at age 50, and women at age 45.

When working at least half of the required period in jobs included in the list of preferential professions with hazardous working conditions, and subject to compliance with other requirements of the law (including the required minimum insurance period and the period of work in harmful and dangerous working conditions), men and women can also count on a special procedure for assigning an insurance pension - the generally established retirement age for all Russian citizens is subject to reduction by one year for each full year of such work.


Scroll can be prepared based on data provided for the previous reporting period. If this data is generated in an xml document, upload the document into the program, and then make some changes: reporting year, reporting period, roll-call and staffing positions. Click the "OK" button. You will see the process of forming a new list. Once it is generated, you will be able to see it in a new window.

If you do not have a list of benefits professions for previous periods, form it from scratch. First, fill in the necessary information about the company itself: name of the organization, registration, type of activity, type of organization, manager, head of department and others necessary to fill out the field. Once all the details are entered, click the “Save” button.

After that, proceed to filling out other intuitive fields. The program is designed in such a way that mastering it is not difficult. All you need is the ones in mandatory available in the HR department. For example, to fill out the staffing table, fill out the following lines: , name according to OKPDTR, basis for the benefit, position on the list.

Next, fill out the list of names: insurance number, full name, date of retirement, beginning and end of the period, position, profession and basis for the benefit. If there is a need to make changes to the list of names, find the employee you need using the “Find Employee” button. Program " Scroll preferential professions" is built in such a way that you only need to fill in the required fields, which it compiles independently.

The legislation of the Russian Federation specifies a list of citizens who may qualify for a preferential pension. It is not difficult to obtain this type of pension; the main thing is to follow the established procedure and provide all the necessary documents to the Pension Fund.


Check out the list of citizens who may qualify to receive. This list is laid out in the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”. Basically, the following can count on receiving benefits: those employed in heavy or hazardous production, who have large family, working in the North, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, employees of the medical industry working with people deprived of liberty, people of creative professions working in educational institutions and much more.

Collect all the necessary documents to receive a preferential pension. These include standard documents: passport, income certificate, work book. In addition, you must obtain a preferential certificate from your place of work, which will indicate the date of work, position, professional number and profession code. This document will allow you to prove your right to receive a preferential pension. It is also necessary to collect copies of various orders related to work experience. When you receive the corresponding extract from the registry office.

Submit the package of documents for consideration by the commission of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Within a month, the authenticity of the provided data will be verified, orders will be verified and wages with pension contributions in your name, and a decision has been made to assign a preferential pension. If denied, you will receive written notice stating the reason. If it consists of a lack of documents, then submit the missing certificates to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation within three months.

Remember that pension payments will be accrued from the date of application. In this regard, it is recommended to start collecting all necessary documents a month before release pension. Also, when applying for preferential pension check that the employee of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation has set correct date incoming correspondence.


  • what are the documents for preferential pension

Receive preferential pension may be certain categories of citizens who performed work in difficult conditions or work that led to premature loss of ability to work.


First, find out whether you belong to the already mentioned category of citizens. A preferential pension is provided for workers who work all day in underground work. In this case, the man must be 50 years old and have at least 20 years of work experience, of which 10 years in hard work. For women, the indicators are slightly lower: you need to reach 45 years of age, work for 15 years and 7 and a half, respectively. A preferential pension is also granted to people who worked as machinists, tractor drivers or drivers of passenger transport, trucks and so on. Full list all the conditions necessary to enter pension, is described in the law “On Labor Pensions”.

List of preferential professions - these are legally approved lists of professions that give the right to certain benefits. The basis list of preferential professions The following criterion was formed - the nature and level of exposure to harmful factors (noise, physical, chemical, climatic, etc.) on the worker’s body that may arise in technological and production processes. About legislative regulation this issue Read the article about the essence and features of the lists of preferential professions.

Lists of 1 and 2 preferential professions

The Decree of the USSR Cabinet of Ministers “On approval of lists of production, work, professions, positions and indicators giving the right to preferential pension provision” dated January 26, 1991 No. 10 was put into effect List 1 professions with particularly dangerous and particularly difficult conditions labor activity And List 2 professions with dangerous and difficult working conditions. The purpose of introducing these lists is to provide citizens employed in relevant jobs with the right to early retirement in old age (by age).

In addition to preferential retirement, these citizens have the right to additional annual leave (Article 117 Labor Code RF), increased wages (Article 147 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), reduced working hours, receiving free vouchers to health resorts, etc. Such benefits may be provided for in legislative and local (industry) regulations. The latter cannot cancel or reduce benefits provided at the national level.

By approving the relevant lists, the state guarantees to persons whose work is related to negative impact to health from hazardous production (technological) factors, the right to special pension and social security.

2 lists of preferential professions - what is the difference?

Draw a clear line between list No. 1 And list No. 2 It is quite difficult without resorting to legislation, since professions are repeated in them. The main difference between the lists is the degree harmful influence production factors on the worker’s body. IN list No. 1 the concept of “particularly dangerous and difficult conditions” appears, while in list No. 2 hazardous/hard professions are reflected without the “particularly dangerous” characteristic.

It follows from this that professions from list No. 2 pose less danger to worker health than professions from list No. 1. Accordingly, benefits for professions from different lists differ.

Professions and benefits according to list No. 1

Download list No. 1

All professions included in the list are united by one main factor - the presence of particularly dangerous and harmful working conditions in such industries. Professions included:

  1. Mining workers.
  2. Workers engaged in the production of metals (ferrous and non-ferrous), gas and petroleum products, chemical, construction, glass materials and medicines.
  3. Workers in the field of healthcare, transport, printing.
  4. Other professions.

According to list No. 1 Employees have the right to preferential pension benefits if the following conditions are met:

  • For men - having a special experience (at the relevant job) of more than 10 years, general insurance experience - 20 years, reaching the age of 50 years. If a pension on general terms requires a man to reach the age of 60, then on preferential terms it is reduced by 10 years.
  • For women - having a special experience (at the relevant job) of more than 7.5 years, general insurance - 15 years, reaching the age of 45 years. If a pension under general conditions requires a woman to reach the age of 55, then under preferential conditions it is reduced by 10 years.

Professions and benefits according to list No. 2

Download list No. 2

Professions included:

  1. Mining workers.
  2. Workers engaged in the production of refractories, hardware, metals, chemicals.
  3. Workers involved in the processing of metal, coal, slate.
  4. Workers in the field of communications, food industry, health and social security, and railway transport.

According to list No. 2 Employees have the right to special (preferential) pension benefits if the following conditions are met:

  • For men - special experience (at the relevant job) of more than 12.5 years, general insurance experience - 25 years. The retirement age for this group of workers is reduced to 55 years.
  • For women - special experience (at the relevant job) of more than 10 years, general insurance experience - 20 years. The retirement age for this group of workers is reduced to 50 years.

Thus, list of preferential professions provides guarantees for citizens who worked (or are still working) in heavy and hazardous industries for preferential pensions and social security. However, the legislation establishes certain requirements for receiving benefits: having a citizen’s profession in one of the lists of preferential professions (1 or 2), reaching a certain age and having a certain length of service (insurance and special).