It's not a secret to anybody, religious tourism V Greece is rapidly gaining popularity - hundreds of temples, ancient, Byzantine and modern, annually receive thousands of pilgrims from all over the world. In addition to the world famous and, many believers come to. The temples here may not be so famous, but this doesn’t play a special role in a pilgrimage tour, right?

You don't have to be a deeply religious person to go on a trip like this. The daily routine at work, the noise and dust of big cities, endless traffic jams and traffic are not the least of the reasons why many people pay attention to this type of travel. Lonely and quiet monasteries among the mountains and rocks or on the coast of the azure sea, centuries-old architecture, world-famous icons and hagiographies, the opportunity to “take a break” from the fast pace of life - this is what offers you religious tourism in Crete.

We offer you a list of the most interesting monasteries, churches and temples in Crete. It is not necessary to sign up for an excursion or buy a tour to visit them - you can come on your own, but just in case, it is worth checking the work schedule and services of a particular temple.

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    • Monastery of Our Lady Kuduma is located next to the waterfalls at the foot of the Asterus mountain range and is dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. Due to its challenging location, it may not be easy to visit, but the natural beauty of the region and the architecture of the monastery are certainly worth the effort. It is located 80 km from Heraklion and 24 km from the village. Sternes, the only settlement nearby. Kuduma is one of the most secluded and hermitic monasteries in Crete.
    • Holy Monastery of the Cave Mother of God (Panagia Spigliotissa) located 22 km from Heraklion, near the village of Khudetsi. The monastery is hidden from prying eyes by the large cave of Spigliotissa, in the grotto of which it is located. You can get to the monastery only along a narrow mountain path about 500 m long from the village. Hudetsi.
    • Monastery of St. George Epanositi (Apanositi) is located 30 km from Heraklion and is one of the most magnificent and richly decorated monasteries on the island. Every year on November 3rd it takes place religious holiday"panigiri" with a special service, fair and magnificent folk festivities, as well as a large celebration of St. George's Day on April 23 (if Easter has already passed) and on Easter Monday if Easter is celebrated before the 23rd. The closest settlement to the monastery is the village of Metaxochori Monofatsiou.
    • Ankarafu Monastery situated on high mountain near the village of Episkopi Pediados (23 km from Heraklion). The monastery owes its name to the word “ankarafons” - the local name for sage. According to legend, one day the monks found a miraculous icon under a sage bush and decided to build a monastery on this site. And that same bush grows here to this day! During the reign of Venice, Ankarafu was the richest monastery on the island, and today it is considered one of the most important.
    • Monastery of St. George (Gorgolaini Monastery) you will find in the village of Kato Asides. On a mountain 480 m high, surrounded by plane trees and fir trees, this monastery is one of the most important and ancient in Crete. According to legend, the name of the monastery translates as “filling jugs,” because in ancient times the inhabitants of the area came here for water. Please note that the Panigiri holiday traditionally takes place here on April 23, but only if the Easter holidays have already passed. If Easter is celebrated before April 23, then “panigiri” is celebrated on Easter Monday.
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    • Arkadiou Monastery is located 23 km from Rethymnon and is one of the most ancient monasteries of the island. The monastery was destroyed several times and rebuilt from scratch until it found its modern look. The monastery is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
    • Monastery complex of Perevelis is located 37 km south of Rethymno, at the entrance to the Kourtagliotiko gorge. The complex consists of two monasteries - the Lower Monastery of the Prophet and the Front Monastery of the Theologian, the distance between them is 1.7 km.
    • Arsaniou Monastery is located in the village of Pankalochori, 11 km from Rethymnon. And dedicated to St. George. Opens from the monastery amazing view on the Gulf of Crete, and also has a Museum of Church Art and an exhibition center.
    • Monastery of Salvation and St. Gideon is located in the picturesque village of Margarites. It was built around the 16th century and features classical Byzantine architecture, frescoes and icons.
    • Monastery of Saint Irene - convent built on one of the rocks mountain range Vrisina, at an altitude of 260 m. The monastery is one of the oldest in Crete - it was built in 1362.
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    • Toplou Monastery located 6 km from the village. Palekastro. This is one of the most important and richest monasteries of the island with frescoes and hagiographies from the 14th century and even more ancient icons. Every year on September 26th the monastery hosts big celebration"panigiri".
    • Monastery of Keras Kardiotissas is located in the village. Kera Pediados. Exact date The construction of the monastery is not known, but the earliest records of its existence date back to 1498. The best time The best times to visit the monastery are Easter and Christmas.
    • Monastery of John the Baptist (Kapsa Monastery) built on the top of a mountain overlooking the Libyan Gulf. It is believed that communion in the monastery cures diseases and illnesses. The distance to the city of Sitia and the resort of Ierapetra is 40 km, the nearest settlement is the village of Gudura.
    • Monastery of the Appearing Mother of God (Phaneromenis) is located on the shores of Pachia Ammos beach, 24 km from the resort of Agios Nikolaos and 45 km from Sitia. This Catholic monastery was built right in the cliff where, according to legend, the icon of the Virgin Mary was found.
    • Monastery of Cremaston (Kremastis) is located south of Neapolis, on the way to the village of Vrises. Translated, its name means “floating”, which is associated with the unusual architecture of the monastery.
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    • Golden Step Monastery is located 76 km from Chania (near the well-known coast of Elafonisi). There is a legend that at the entrance to the monastery there is a golden step that sinners do not see, and they constantly trip over it - that is why the name of the monastery. Every summer on August 15, a large festival called “panigiri” takes place here.
    • Monastery of the Holy Trinity (Tzangarolon) located near the village of Melekha. This is one of the most important Cretan monasteries, built at the end of the Venetian rule, and since then constantly visited by pilgrims from different parts of the world.
    • Gouvernetou Monastery is located 19 km from Chania and according to legend was built by monks and ascetics from the nearby monasteries of Tzangarolon and the Catholic Monastery. This is a traditional monastery, modest, neat, imbued with faith and religion, without unnecessary luxuries and riches.
    • Monastery of St. John the Prophet is located in the coastal village of Korakies, near Chania airport. This is a historical convent, also known locally as the Monastery of Nuns (Kalogreon).
    • Monastery of the Holy Seer (Panaias Odigitrias) located on the edge of the Spatas peninsula, 26 km from Chania and 2.5 km from the village of Kolymbari. This is one of the richest monasteries in both material and spiritual terms in the Chania region.

For the Heraklion area - route through the central part of Crete

A mountain monastery turned into a garden of Eden
The journey will begin from the 16th century mountain monastery of Savvatyanon, located near Heraklion. Here, behind the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary and the Forty Martyrs, there are two churches dedicated to Saints Anthony and Sava. You will learn about the history of these buildings and the role of the saints on the excursion. Savvatyanon is not only a place of sacred significance, but also an aesthetically beautiful area for leisurely walks: you will see how local nuns created a real Garden of Eden, planting many beautiful plants, collected from all over Crete. You will also get acquainted with the various crafts that novices do to support the life of the monastery.

One of the oldest monasteries in Crete and the miraculous tree
Going further into the interior of the island, you will visit the church and cell of St. Myron, located in the village of the same name, and hear the legend of the righteous man. And after that I will take you to one of the most ancient monasteries on the island. The exact date of construction of the Panagia Paliani monastery is unknown, but there is evidence of its mention as early as 688. I will tell you about the miracle of the appearance of the icon Holy Mother of God, with which the foundation of the monastery is connected, and an amazing miraculous icon hidden in the branches of a myrtle tree. According to local beliefs, the tree has the ability to heal - on its branches you will find metal objects, personifying different parts of the body. You will also learn about the roots of this tradition during the walk.

Monastery of St. Marina and the fate of the Monastery of St. John the Theologian
The next point of the program will be the monastery, which on the holiday collects a large number of pilgrims not only from the island of Crete, but also from all over Greece. The monastery of St. Marina is one of the most important places of worship of the great martyr and the only monastery dedicated to her in Crete. You will learn about the significance of this saint in Greek history Orthodox Church, as well as about the process of Christianization of the island and the gradual destruction of ancient cults. Finally, visit the Monastery of St. John the Evangelist. The monastery was destroyed twice, but it was rebuilt, preserving the appearance of a fortress - we will talk about the difficult fate of the monastery on the excursion.

Western Crete route

Panoramic views and the Monastery of St. Irene
This tour will start from a viewpoint near Rethymnon, from which you will have a magnificent view of the sea. You will visit the ancient monastery of St. Irene - it is believed that it was founded in the early 13th century. Like many other temple buildings on the island, it was repeatedly destroyed, fell into disrepair and was rebuilt. Moving further west you will reach the monastery of Chrysopigi, dedicated to the Virgin Mary. I will talk about the founder of the monastery - a philosopher and doctor from the city of Chania - and the centuries-old history of the monastery.

Shrines of Chania
In the city you will meet two temples. Visit Trimartiri Church - the cathedral of the Kydonia and Apokorona diocese of the Cretan Orthodox Church. central part The cathedral is dedicated to Our Lady, the northern one to St. Nicholas, and the southern one to the Holy Trinity. And also examine the Russian church on the outskirts of Chania and find out for whom it was built, what is remarkable about this architectural project and to whom it is dedicated.

Monastery on the Akrotiri Peninsula
The next stop will give you another beautiful view of the island's landscape and a meeting with the last object in this program - a significant shrine, the Tzagarolon (Holy Trinity) monastery. You will learn about the origin of the name of the monastery, get acquainted with its layout and architectural appearance.

Organizational details

  • The excursion is designed for 1-4 people, for groups of 5 to 8 people the additional payment will be 90 euros per group.
  • The excursion is carried out in a Toyota Avensis car, it is possible to upgrade the category of the car.
  • If you are vacationing not in the Heraklion area, but in the Lasithi or Rethymno areas, the surcharge for gasoline will be 20 euros.
  • Not included in the price: lunch; some monasteries also charge a nominal entrance fee.
  • What to take with you: comfortable shoes, headdress. When visiting temples, shoulders, knees, and chest should be covered.


Book a tour on any of the available days on the calendar

  • This is a private tour in Russian, the guide will conduct it for you and your company.
  • On the site you pay 20% of the cost, and the rest of the money goes to the guide on the spot. You can

Made an invaluable contribution to European culture. Literature, architecture, philosophy, history, other sciences, state system, laws, art and myths of ancient Greece laid the foundation of modern European civilization. Greek gods known all over the world.

Greece today

Modern Greece little known to most of our compatriots. The country is located at the junction of West and East, connecting Europe, Asia and Africa. The length of the coastline is 15,000 km (including islands)! Our map will help you find a unique corner or island, which I haven’t been to yet. We offer daily feed news. In addition, for many years we have been collecting photo And reviews.

Holidays in Greece

Acquaintance with the ancient Greeks in absentia will not only enrich you with the understanding that everything new is well-forgotten old, but will also encourage you to go to the homeland of gods and heroes. Where, behind the ruins of temples and the debris of history, our contemporaries live with the same joys and problems as their distant ancestors thousands of years ago. An unforgettable experience awaits you rest, thanks to the most modern infrastructure surrounded by pristine nature. On the site you will find tours to Greece, resorts And hotels, weather. In addition, here you will learn how and where to register visa and you will find Consulate in your country or greek visa center.

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Russian Greece

Subject immigration remains relevant not only for ethnic Greeks living outside their historical homeland. The immigrant forum discusses how legal issues , as well as the problems of adaptation in the Greek world and, at the same time, the preservation and popularization of Russian culture. Russian Greece is heterogeneous and unites all immigrants who speak Russian. At the same time, in last years the country does not meet the economic expectations of immigrants from countries former USSR, in connection with which we are seeing a reverse migration of peoples.

Already 7000 years ago people lived here and built stone houses. In 2600, people settled on the island, creating the preconditions for the Minoan civilization.

2000 BC There were 4 kingdoms on Crete, and the Minoan civilization developed. Magnificent palaces were built here, statues were created, and crafts flourished. This was the period of the highest prosperity of civilization, which was destroyed by a devastating earthquake.

In 1200 BC. The Achaeans came to Crete in the 10th century BC. they were replaced by the Dorians, then the Romans, the Byzantines, the Arabs, the Byzantines again, followed by the Genoese and Venetians.

In 1645, as a result of the Cretan War, the Turks captured the island, and the Ottoman period of Crete began for more than 3 centuries.

For Orthodox Greece, this is the most tragic period in its history. Muslim Turks destroyed Orthodox churches, oppressed the Greek Orthodox population in every possible way, pogroms and massacres accompanied the period of Turkish rule.

Numerous Greek uprisings were brutally suppressed. Only in 1898, under the influence of the international community, Crete was annexed to Greece. In 1899, the last Turkish soldier left the island.

In 1913, as a result of the Second Balkan War, Crete officially joined Greece. At this time, 90% of the island's population were Greek. In 1922, the Cretan Turks left Crete, and the Greeks from Asia Minor returned to their homeland.

Since that time, the Orthodox shrines of the island began to be revived: restored, converted from mosques, and built anew. Rethymnon and its surroundings become the largest center of Orthodoxy not only in Crete, but throughout Greece.

A huge number of churches and monasteries were built in Rethymnon and its surroundings. In essence, this construction never stopped: both during the period of early Christianity and the Byzantine periods.
During the Turkish yoke, most Orthodox churches were closed or converted into mosques.

In total, there are 300 churches and 30 monasteries in the prefecture of Rethymno. Many of them were built anew, but many very ancient ones were restored.

The style of churches of the early Christian period is basilica, which usually has 3 wooden naves, one of which is higher than the others. Churches are usually richly decorated inside with frescoes and mosaics. Many of them have great cultural and religious significance.

The story about all the Orthodox churches of Rethymnon and its surroundings will take a whole book. Here we will talk about the most famous and significant of them.

This cathedral was built during the reign of the Venetians, and was then a small temple, which was demolished in 1844 due to the fact that the temple was seriously damaged during the liberation of the island from the Turkish yoke.

Construction of a temple dedicated to the Mother of God began at this site. It was completed in 1956. The modern appearance of the temple is a three-nave basilica without a vault.

The wooden iconostasis of the temple is unique - the icons in it are movable.

The rarest and most revered icon of Panaiatou Pafus - miraculous icon Mother of God.

Temple address: Greece, o. Crete, Rethymnon, yew Theotokou.

The history of the Church of the Four Martyrs is connected with the tragic period of the Ottoman period. In 1824, four Greek Christians were beheaded by the Turks and then hanged from plane trees.

These martyrs converted to Islam, but secretly remained Christians. Not far from this place, a church was built in the 20th century, which houses the relics of three of the four martyrs.

The relics of the fourth martyr are in Orthodox church St. Petersburg.

The church was built in the Baroque style, has three naves, and has a cross-shaped plan.

Church address: Char. Daskalaki 2, Rethymno 74100.

The Greeks call this temple the Church of the Little Virgin Mary. It was built by the Venetians in 1606 as the main Catholic church.

It was built by Dominican monks. The church is really very small and intimate.

Its interior decoration is very modest, but inside there is an amazing atmosphere, you can feel the “praying” of the place.

The simplicity and classicism of its architectural forms sets it apart from the surrounding buildings.

Church address: Thessalonikis, Rethymno, Crete.

Church of the Holy Mother of God Harakyanis (Atalis-Bali Monastery)

The restoration of this church has recently been completed, which is the most important event in the life of the Orthodox community of Crete.

The church is located east of the village of Bali, on the road between Heraklion and Rethymnon. The church is separated from Rethymno by 32 kilometers. The construction of the church dates back to the 15th century, the Venetian period of the island.

The church is single-nave, on the pediment you can see the coat of arms of the famous Kalergis family. The church was first restored from ruins in the 1980s, then in 2015 the second restoration gave it a modern look: a new bell tower, cornices on the facades.

Address: Bali, Crete, Greece.

The Arkadi Monastery, 23 kilometers from Rethymno, is one of the most significant Orthodox shrines on the island of Crete, national symbol Greece. The first buildings of the monastery in the form of a fortress date back to the Venetian period of the island.

It is no coincidence that the monastery is considered a symbol of Greece. In 1866, the struggle for Greek independence from Turkish rule led to another uprising. Since March, rebels began to gather in the monastery. By November, 259 men, 705 women and children had gathered here. Colonel Coroneos arrived at the monastery and declared himself commander.

Despite the presence of walls around the monastery, the monastery was not suitable for defense. But the monks, led by the abbot, refused to leave the monastery. Turkish army, which approached the monastery, numbered 6,000 infantry, 200 cavalry and 30 cannons.

The attack on the monastery began on November 8. On the second day the defense was broken. Everyone who took part in the uprising, including women and children, was taken prisoner, locked in a powder magazine, and burned. As a result of the fire, all the barrels of the powder warehouse exploded.