Ozone is the same gas that fills the air with freshness after a thunderstorm. This gas consists of molecules containing three oxygen atoms. The ozone molecule has one free chemical bond, and therefore easily enters into a variety of chemical reactions.

Basic properties of ozone

Ozone has a number of properties that are beneficial to the human body.

Activation of metabolism, elimination of toxins and increased immunity

In the tissues of the human body, ozone saturates cells with oxygen and promotes more active absorption of nutrients.

Acceleration of metabolism inside the cell leads to more active cell division and rejuvenation of organs and tissues. The cell performs its functions better, which has a beneficial effect on the health of the entire organism as a whole.

For example:

  • the liver copes faster with the neutralization of harmful metabolic products;
  • kidneys remove urea and various salts better;
  • connective tissue cells more actively synthesize collagen and elastin, which are responsible for youthful skin and the functioning of joints;
  • cells of the immune system are better able to recognize and neutralize harmful elements, etc.

Ozone has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system at all levels

Microcirculation improves in tissues, which ensures the supply of the required amount of nutrients to cells and the timely elimination of metabolic products.

In large and medium-sized vessels, under the influence of ozone, the blood becomes more fluid and better saturated with oxygen, the level of blood cholesterol decreases and the risk of developing blood clots decreases.

Indirectly, ozone improves the condition and function of the heart muscle by improving its supply of oxygen and nutrients and facilitating the work of pumping more fluid blood.

Antiseptic effect

Ozone has a detrimental effect on bacteria, viruses and fungi. This is the most powerful antiseptic to which harmful microorganisms cannot develop addiction.

In this case, there is no harm to humans, since the antioxidant system protects cells from damage by ozone. On the contrary, by improving the functioning conditions of cells and tissues, the body recovers faster from illness.

Anti-inflammatory effect

Ozone is able to react with molecules of substances that support inflammation in tissues.

Analgesic effect

Reduction and relief of pain at the site of acute injury or inflammation occurs due to the gradual oxidation by ozone molecules of nervous system mediators that respond to the transmission of nerve impulses to the brain, where they are recognized as pain. Activation of blood circulation, immune system and tissue repair processes contributes to faster recovery.

What is ozone therapy?

In recent decades, the search for alternative treatment methods has intensified due to the fact that people's health is increasingly deteriorating due to poor ecology and unhealthy lifestyles, drug therapy has many side effects, and an increasing number of pathogenic organisms are becoming resistant to antibiotics, antivirals and antifungals drugs.

Ozone therapy is the use of ozone for healing, treatment and prevention of diseases.

Photo: ozone therapy for joint treatment

It is the use of ozone that currently makes it possible to treat a number of diseases without the use of drugs or to reduce the doses of medications necessary for treatment in cases where it is impossible to completely abandon the means of official medicine.

What is useful about ozone therapy is the absence of complications that medications can have and a beneficial effect on the entire body of the sick person as a whole.

Now ozone therapy has become such a widespread method of preventing and treating diseases that an ozone therapy center can be found in almost every small city.

Ozone therapy in Moscow and other large cities is often one of the areas of work of beauty salons and large medical centers, which allows you to combine ozone treatment with other methods of influence to obtain a more pronounced and lasting effect.

Video: How is it useful?

Methods of administration

Methods for introducing ozone are divided into local and systemic.

Local methods allow you to act locally on a specific area of ​​the body to reduce inflammation, pain, treat bacterial and fungal diseases, accelerate skin healing, rejuvenate and eliminate cellulite.

Systemic methods allow you to influence the entire body as a whole to improve well-being, mood, performance, stress resistance, normalize sleep, strengthen the immune system and speed up recovery after illness.

Local ozone therapy includes:

  1. Administration of microdoses of ozone subcutaneously and intradermally using a syringe.
  2. Carbonation in a plastic bag.
  3. Ozone-oxygen insufflations are the introduction of an ozone-oxygen mixture into the body cavity (rectum, vagina).
  4. Minor autohemotherapy with ozone.
  5. Application of ozonated oil.
  6. Periarticular and intraarticular administration of ozone.
Photo: carbonation in the hand area Photo: gassing in the head area Photo: carbonation in the leg area

Systemic ozone therapy is represented by the following methods:

Intravenous administration of ozonated saline solution

  1. Major autohemotherapy with ozone;
  2. Taking ozonated water internally;
  3. Intramuscular administration of ozone.

Video: Major autohemotherapy with ozone

Intravenous drip (IVD)

Ozonated saline solution (OSS) is injected intravenously over 30-45 minutes. This method of administration allows for the longest and most effective effect on the human body.

The introduction of a saline solution enriched with an oxygen-ozone mixture is used to treat bacterial and viral diseases, as well as to speed up recovery after a serious illness.

Microcurrent therapy is used in cosmetology, but this procedure is also widely used by doctors to relieve muscle spasms, as well as to treat hair loss, acne, and skin pigmentation. .

Minor autohemotherapy

Photo: ozone

The method is used to treat indolent diseases, to increase immunity, and in the complex therapy of a number of sexually transmitted infections.

To carry out the minor autohemotherapy procedure, 3-10 ml of blood is drawn from the patient’s vein into a syringe, which is mixed with a mixture of oxygen and ozone. The blood is then administered to the patient intramuscularly or subcutaneously.

Subcutaneous injection of ozone

Most often used to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system, in cosmetology and for the treatment of hair and scalp.

To carry out the procedure, a 20 ml syringe is used, with which an oxygen-ozone mixture is injected into pain or acupuncture points, around sore joints, on both sides of the problematic parts of the spine, under the skin of the face or other parts of the body, the condition and appearance of which the client wishes to improve.

Photo: intramuscular injection of ozone

Where is the method applied?

Ozone therapy is used in:

Treatment of diseases:

  • Gastroenterological diseases;
  • Diseases of the genitourinary area;
  • Respiratory diseases;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Diseases of the joints and spine;
  • Diabetes;
  • Allergy;
  • Gynecological diseases, including STIs;
  • Bedsores, gangrene, burns;
  • For trophic ulcers;
  • Dermatoses, psoriasis, eczema;
  • Fungal and viral diseases (for example, herpes).
Photo: ozone therapy for cellulite


  • Treatment of cellulite;
  • Skin rejuvenation;
  • Elimination of various skin defects, such as scars, stretch marks, acne, spots from spider veins and healed rash elements, etc.;
  • Treatment of skin and hair diseases, hair loss.

For prevention:

  • Increased immunity;
  • Improved well-being;
  • Increased performance and resistance to stress.

Ozone therapy in ophthalmology

Courses of procedures for administering an oxygen-ozone mixture, repeated at least twice a year, are effective for treating and preventing the progression of a number of eye diseases, which, without treatment or using other methods, gradually lead patients to blindness. These are keratitis, optic nerve dysfunction, primary open-angle glaucoma, retinitis pigmentosa.

Improvement in the condition or cessation of disease progression occurs regardless of the method of introducing ozone into the body. During the research, both rectal insufflation of an oxygen-ozone mixture and ozone therapy into a vein (minor autohemotherapy with ozone) were used.

In a number of clinics in Europe and Russia, ozone therapy is used in combination with other treatment methods to improve visual acuity in myopia (myopia).

Cosmetologists assessed the safety and effectiveness of the method and developed many ozone treatment regimens for rejuvenation and elimination of cosmetic skin defects.

Ozone therapy is used to solve facial skin problems such as wrinkles, loss of skin elasticity, pigmentation, acne and bags under the eyes.

The introduction of an ozone-oxygen mixture is used to solve body skin problems, such as stretch marks, scars, cellulite, sagging skin, including those that occur after rapid weight loss.

To smooth out wrinkles

Photo: introduction of ozone-oxygen mixture

Due to the fact that ozone has a pronounced stimulating effect on the activity of metabolic processes in the skin, ozone therapy is used to solve age-related skin problems.

To eliminate wrinkles or to reduce their depth, the method of intradermal or subcutaneous administration of an ozone-oxygen mixture is used.

The gas mixture can be injected both over the entire face, if there are a large number of wrinkles, and locally, in those areas where there are single facial wrinkles.

With the help of ozone therapy, crow's feet in the outer corners of the eyes, creases between the eyebrows, and wrinkles around the mouth are quickly and permanently straightened.

Injecting the entire face with an ozone-oxygen mixture leads to significant lifting of the skin, helps eliminate a double chin, sagging cheeks, and swelling of the eyelids.

Ozone therapy for the treatment of pimples (acne) and post-acne

The introduction of ozone restores the function of the sweat and sebaceous glands. This relieves the skin of excess greasiness and oily shine, facilitates easy emptying of the sebaceous glands and prevents the development of blackheads and closed comedones.

The bactericidal effect of ozone limits the proliferation of bacteria that can provoke the development of inflammation in the sebaceous glands, eliminates the skin demodex mite, which can cause blockage of the mouths of the sebaceous glands with the formation of comedones (acne) in demodicosis.

Acceleration of metabolism in the skin contributes to faster renewal of the skin, which leads to the disappearance of hyperpigmented spots at the site of former pimples, scars at the site of resolved rashes.

To enhance the therapeutic effect, injections of the ozone-oxygen mixture can be combined with the local use of ozonated oil.


Ozone actively saturates the tissues of the human body with oxygen, healing the body. Internal changes lead to improved well-being and appearance. The person receives a charge of vivacity and energy. And this is exactly what we associate with youth.

To rejuvenate the body, procedures for intravenous drip administration of ozonized saline solution are carried out. This method is the most effective and efficient for rejuvenating the body and normalizing the functioning of all organs and systems of the body.

Also, in order to improve the appearance of the skin, local injections of problem areas with an oxygen-ozone mixture are used.

The priority area of ​​ozone therapy today is the use of a method to prevent aging of the skin of the face, neck and décolleté, which gives the best long-term results.

Video: ozone therapy

Smoothing out stretch marks using ozone therapy

The effectiveness of stretch mark treatment depends on how long ago they formed: the older the stretch marks, the more courses of treatment procedures will need to be completed, the more different influences will have to be applied in each course.

Ozone is injected with a syringe under the stretch mark, and the entire location of the stretch marks is injected if they are located in a thin mesh.

Ozone therapy for the treatment of stretch marks can be combined well with peelings and the use of cosmetics in the form of creams and gels.

Ozone therapy method for cellulite

The introduction of ozone into the area of ​​cellulite can increase the metabolic rate in tissues for up to 6 months. This allows the body to locally break down fats, which results in a reduction in body volume and greater smoothness of the skin in problem areas.

The introduction of ozone into the skin of problem areas can be done manually using a syringe. But this is a long and labor-intensive process that requires a large number of microinjections.

Modern ozonizers allow the introduction of a mixture of oxygen and ozone at once through several conductors equipped with thin needles (paths) through a special distributor (multi-injector).

This method of administration allows the introduction of a large volume of gas mixture with a small number of skin punctures, since the speed and time of administration allows the gas to be distributed within the tissues.

A course of ozone therapy can reduce the severity of the “orange peel” or completely get rid of cellulite if its severity was mild.

Video: Ozone therapy on the body

As a rule, hair falls out due to insufficient blood circulation in the scalp.

Depending on the causes of hair loss, how long ago the hair began to thin, thin and fall out, the injection method of introducing ozone can be used, or the method of saturating the skin with ozone in a special chamber can be used.

Ozone therapy for the scalp allows you to prolong the growth phase of even the weakest hair, activates “dormant” hair follicles, has an antifungal effect for seborrheic dermatitis and an antibacterial effect for frequent folliculitis.

Often ozone therapy for men with alopecia turns out to be an effective procedure both in the complex treatment of baldness and as an independent procedure.

In gynecology, ozone is used to treat inflammatory diseases and sexually transmitted infections. Ozone therapy is also used to treat viruses, for example, herpes simplex or human papillomavirus in combination with other methods of treatment.

Ozone is administered by insufflation, when a mixture of ozone and oxygen with small drops of water is sprayed onto the vaginal walls or using a tampon moistened with a saline solution enriched with an oxygen-ozone mixture.

Ozone therapy is especially effective in the treatment of indolent and chronic gynecological diseases, as it stimulates the body's own defenses.

During pregnancy, ozone therapy helps combat fetal hypoxia and fetoplacental insufficiency, improves the condition of a pregnant woman with toxicosis and anemia of pregnant women, and with intrauterine infections of the fetus.

Ozone therapy for infertility

Ozone increases the likelihood of pregnancy during donor insemination or IVF procedures. Therefore, a course of ozone therapy procedures is prescribed to women in preparation for childbirth, before IVF.

To treat inflammatory diseases of the gums and mucous membranes of the oral cavity, as well as to accelerate the healing of wounds after treatment and tooth extraction, local irrigation and rinsing the mouth with water through which a gas mixture of ozone and oxygen has been passed are used.

Normal cells of the human body easily tolerate the effects of ozone thanks to their antioxidant defense system, which neutralizes free radicals formed as a result of chemical reactions and does not allow them to disrupt metabolic processes in cells and the integrity of cell membranes.

Tumor cells do not have the ability to protect themselves from the effects of free radicals, so ozone disrupts the growth of many types of tumors and makes them more sensitive to radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

At the same time, there are types of cancer that can accelerate their growth and metastasis in response to ozone.

Therefore, only an oncologist can prescribe ozone therapy for cancer, who will select the appropriate method of introducing ozone and the optimal number of procedures per course.


  1. viral diseases: hepatitis C, herpes, etc.;
  2. diseases of the digestive system: gastritis, duodenitis, inflammatory diseases of various parts of the large and small intestines, anal fissures, disturbances of intestinal microflora, diseases of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas and biliary tract;
  3. diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  4. diabetes;
  5. dermatology: bacterial, fungal and viral skin lesions, psoriasis and atopic dermatitis, etc.;
  6. cosmetology: treatment of cosmetic defects of the skin of the face and body, prevention of age-related skin changes, rosacea and acne;
  7. obstetrics and gynecology;
  8. diseases of the musculoskeletal system: arthrosis, arthritis, degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine;
  9. ophthalmology.


  1. hemophilia and any diseases that lead to disruption of blood clotting processes;
  2. bleeding or the presence of diseases and conditions that can lead to bleeding (the presence of a stomach ulcer, which can cause gastric bleeding, tooth extraction less than a day before the procedure);
  3. allergy to ozone;
  4. acute heart attack, stroke are contraindications for ozone therapy during the first 6 months from the onset of the disease;
  5. acute and exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis;
  6. thyrotoxicosis;
  7. epilepsy or a history of seizures;
  8. age under 18 years;
  9. in diabetes with retinal damage;
  10. pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  11. the first 2-3 days of menstruation;
  12. with uterine fibroids, if there has been rapid growth of the tumor recently.

How the procedure is done

Before prescribing ozone therapy, the ozone therapist determines the presence of indications and contraindications for treatment. Before starting the procedures, it is advisable to check the clotting time and the number of platelets in the blood.

If there are no contraindications, the blood counts are normal, then depending on the existing problem and the expected effect, the method of administering ozone, the concentration of ozone in the administered solution or gas mixture, the number of procedures per course, and the frequency of repetition of courses are selected individually.

In some cases, it is advisable to combine ozone therapy with other treatment methods.

There is no pain during the procedure using bags and caps. With all methods that involve injections, there may be a feeling of pain and bloating from the gas injected under the skin. In this case, it is advisable to use a local anesthetic cream.

For most patients, all discomfort goes away immediately after the procedure. Some people may continue to have pain around the gas injection sites for about a day. In those areas where injections were made, the skin may remain swollen, which may make a slight crunching noise when pressed.

After completing the procedure, you can go about your daily activities, work, and perform hygiene procedures.

Problems can only arise when the gas mixture is injected into the skin of the face, since after the procedure bruises may remain at the injection sites.

Procedures can be performed in 1-4 days depending on the doctor’s prescription. On average, there are 10-12 procedures per course. It is advisable to repeat the course 2 times a year with a break between courses of at least 4 months.

Video: Ozone therapy in cosmetology, therapy

Recovery and rehabilitation

A course of ozone therapy cannot be combined with mesotherapy and laser treatment.

After the ozone therapy procedure, it is not recommended to do a massage, visit a sauna, bathhouse, or solarium for 24-48 hours.

Consequences, complications (side effects)

During and immediately after the procedure:

For intradermal and subcutaneous administration:

  • pain that can persist for more than a day and spread to the teeth;
  • Swelling and bruising at the site of ozone injection;
  • The risk of developing complications associated with the presence of diseases that the patient hid from the doctor during the consultation;
  • Allergic reactions;

For intravenous administration:

  • Lack of effect that can be confirmed by clinical studies;
  • Visual impairment;
  • Pancytopenia (a sharp decrease in the content of red blood cells, leukocytes and platelets in the blood as a result of the toxic effect of the administered ozone);
  • Headache;
  • Convulsions;
  • Paraplegia (loss of the ability to move an arm and leg on one side of the body);
  • Mental disorders, most often low-grade depression;
  • Acute hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells) with fatal outcome;
  • Increased risk of cancer due to oxidative damage to cell DNA.

If you inhale ozone:

  • Destruction of lung surfactant (a substance that prevents the walls of the alveoli from collapsing and sticking together);
  • Irritation of the mucous membranes of the airways;
  • Changing the rhythm and depth of breathing until it stops completely.

Oral and rectal ozone therapy:

  • Gas embolism;
  • Sepsis;
  • Gangrene.

Benefit and harm. What are the pros and cons?

The advantages of ozone therapy are its availability, effectiveness for a large number of diseases and a variety of effects on the human body.

Disadvantages of ozone therapy:

  1. There is no evidence base; all the described positive effects have not been confirmed in special medical studies;
  2. Oxygen used for ozonation must be completely free of nitrogen impurities, otherwise the risk of serious complications for the patient’s health increases;
  3. A large number of serious complications;
  4. The financial interest of paid centers to provide services to any person without determining the absence of all contraindications.

Sometimes you can come across statements that the method of removing papillomas is characterized by a complete absence of negative consequences, which is fundamentally false, since complications can develop after removing papillomas with a laser. .

Did you know that lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid also restores the clarity of their contour, fills radial wrinkles and lifts the corners of the mouth? All about it .

Analogues of the procedure

In terms of their properties and effects, mesotherapy and biorevitalization using hyaluronic acid are closest to ozone therapy.

Both methods activate tissue metabolism, which improves not only the appearance, but the condition of the skin and underlying tissues.

It is better not to use mesotherapy if there is a tendency to develop keloid scars and cases of fibrosis in response to previous drug administrations. In this case, it is better and safer to use ozone therapy.

At the same time, injection ozone therapy is not used to increase lip volume or locally fill cosmetic defects where there is a lack of tissue.

Botox and Dysport injections, which can help get rid of wrinkles, can also be considered an analogue of ozone therapy in cosmetology. But after Botox injections, the face at the injection sites loses mobility.

Ozone does not provide such quick and radical relief from wrinkles, but it preserves lively facial expressions and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of skin cells.

Prices for the procedure

The cost of ozone therapy is indicated in Russian rubles for 1 procedure.

Name of service Prices in rubles
ozone therapist consultation 600
face 2200
neck 1200
chin 1200
décolleté area 1200
collar area 1000
hands 1500
breast 2000
stomach 2200
waist 1000
small of the back 800
back 2200
hips 2200
buttocks 2200
knees 800
shin 800
scalp 2000
Hands 1000
Treatment of stretch marks (stretch marks) with ozone
breast 1800
stomach 2000
buttocks 2000
hips 2000
hands 1000
waist 1000
knees 600
vaginal sanitation with ozone 200
urethral instillation with ozone 200
session of minor autohemotherapy with ozone 150
large autohemotherapy session with ozone 600
application of oil with ozone 300
ozone dropper 800
rectal insufflation with ozone 200


How many sessions are needed?

Usually the doctor prescribes 10-12 sessions, the maximum number being 25.

When can you see the effect of ozone therapy?

As a rule, the first improvements appear already on the second or third day after the first procedure. A significant improvement in condition and appearance, noticeable to others, occurs after 3-6 procedures.

How long does the effect last?

The effect of the course of procedures lasts about a year, the most pronounced result lasts for 5-6 months.

Does ozone therapy help with allergies?

Yes. Ozone neutralizes the factors that cause and maintain an allergic reaction in the body, which significantly improves the patient’s condition. The maximum effect is achieved by a combination of ozone therapy and desensitization (a set of measures to reduce sensitivity to an allergen).

Is it possible to carry out the procedure at home?

Yes. Ozone therapy at home is a completely affordable procedure if you have an ozonator or a special hydromassage for a bath with an ozonation function. The effect of one such procedure may be weaker than that of a similar procedure in a medical institution, but quality can be compensated by quantity.

Are there any age restrictions?

Yes. Ozone therapy is not performed on persons under 18 years of age. Ozone therapy is not available for children.

I heard that ozone therapy helps in the treatment of alcohol addiction. Is it so?

Yes. Ozone therapy has a beneficial effect on liver function, helping to cleanse the body of toxins. It also stimulates the nervous system, making it easier for a person to fight the craving for alcohol. The presence of a diagnosis such as alcoholism requires complex treatment; ozone therapy in this case will play a supporting role.

How often can ozone therapy be done? Isn't it addictive?

Ozone therapy is not addictive. Treatment courses can be repeated no more than once every 4 months. The optimal number of courses is 2 per year.

Can she get rid of a double chin?

Yes. Ozone therapy for the double chin stimulates metabolic processes, including the production of collagen and elastin. The skin becomes elastic and tightened, which leads to the elimination of the double chin.

Is it true that ozone therapy helps with spinal osteochondrosis?

Yes. Ozone has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect, and also saturates tissues with oxygen, eliminating oxygen starvation. Under these conditions, tissue regeneration occurs more quickly, and the progression of chronic degenerative diseases slows down.

What is better to choose ozone therapy or mesotherapy?

Different methods have different effectiveness depending on skin type, age, level of skin hydration, problems that you want to solve with injections.

Does it hurt?

Yes. When introducing a gas mixture or solutions enriched with ozone and oxygen, there may be pain of varying intensity.

Is it possible to do ozone therapy during menstruation?

New technologies and techniques in medicine are of interest because they are associated with the expectation of a miracle - healing, rejuvenation, life extension.

Ozone therapy appeared recently - in the 90s of the last century, and quickly gained popularity in medical practice. But discussions about its effectiveness continue.

What it is

The essence of ozone therapy is that ozone is an antiseptic and antiviral agent.

It kills many types of bacteria, viruses and fungi that do not respond to medications. Most healing theories of this type of therapy are based on this.

What is ozone? From the chemistry course we know that this is a molecule consisting of 3 oxygen atoms, having one free bond, this provides the molecule with high activity.

At a temperature of about 20 degrees, ozone is a colorless gas. The smell of ozone is familiar to everyone - This is what the air smells like after a thunderstorm.

The properties of this substance (it is denser than simple oxygen, highly soluble in water) made it possible to create a technology for its intravenous administration.

Ozone therapy methods are varied. Ozone is administered intravenously, intramuscularly, subcutaneously. In a gaseous state, it is used rectally and intravaginally.

Ozone is used for general strengthening purposes, to alleviate conditions (for example, “ozone boots”) and very actively in cosmetology.

The introduction of a solution is becoming increasingly popular for comprehensive weight loss and combating obesity.

The benefit of intravenous ozone therapy is that patients often notice a decrease in fat deposits, the skin is tightened, and small stretch marks are eliminated.

Intravenous administration: method and technique of implementation

Experts interested in promoting such services argue that intravenous ozone is effective treatment method.

How, in their opinion, is the effect achieved, and how is intravenous ozone therapy useful?

When administered internally, ozone enters cells, where it is used to form ozonides, which create oxidation and act on viruses.

In this case, the cells are not damaged; on the contrary, they receive a charge of energy and become stronger, and harmful microorganisms die.

For intravenous therapy, a special ozonated saline solution. The patient’s own autologous blood can be used with the saline solution.

How is a solution created for injection into a vein? There is medical equipment for this - an ozonizer. It is there that the necessary mixture of saline solution and ozone is generated.

Ozone quickly evaporates and the healing properties disappear. Therefore, the substance is prepared immediately before the procedure in the same room.

Ozone is passed into a regular sodium chloride solution - a concentration of 4-6 mg/l is created.

The use of a solution with the patient's autologous blood is called large ozone autohemotherapy. 50-150 ml of venous blood is taken from a person and placed in a container with a substance that prevents the blood from clotting.

Then an oxygen-ozone gas mixture of 50–300 ml is introduced there, with an ozone concentration in the gas of 5–30 μg/ml. Everything is thoroughly mixed, and the blood is injected into the patient’s vein.

Advantages and disadvantages

Typically, such therapy is easily tolerated by patients. It can be used even in pregnant women.

The advantages of the method include the fact that when administered intravenously, ozone enters the blood and acts immediately on the entire body, and not on a separate area, as with other types of this therapy.

Another advantage: quick effect. Within a short time, the body's oxygen conductivity is restored, blood flow in small capillaries improves, the blood is saturated with oxygen, and blood vessels dilate.

The patient feels a surge of strength and vigor, notes increased performance, improved sleep.

The main disadvantage is lack of knowledge of the method. The effectiveness of therapy is demonstrated mainly by the conviction of ozone therapists and the feelings of patients.

There are no reliable clinical trials yet that have confirmed the high level of success in treating diseases.

But it is known that when ozone is introduced into human blood, there is a risk of carcinogenic, toxic and mutagenic effects. And large portions of this gas can cause rapid intoxication and poisoning.

This outweighs ephemeral claims about the benefits of ozone therapy. The American Cancer Society has concluded that there is currently insufficient evidence of the effectiveness of ozone therapy as a medicine.

In most civilized countries of the world ozone therapy is not recognized as a medicinal method, although widely practiced in private medical practice.

Let's add to the disadvantages that not all people enjoy intravenous procedures. Unreasonable intravenous infusions are not indicated for patients with a weak venous system.

As with any intravenous and acupuncture procedures, there is always a risk of infection.

Who is therapy indicated for?

There are a number of diseases for which ozone therapy is used quite actively. There are approximately 130 such diseases.

Ozone treats:

  • cardiac diseases;
  • neurological diseases (migraines, vegetative-vascular dystonia);
  • cerebrovascular accidents;
  • diabetes mellitus in the calm stage;
  • arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • inflammation and diseases of the female genital organs;
  • skin diseases.

Ozone is used intravenously to lower blood pressure and prevent cellulite.

There are also absolute contraindications:

  • bleeding disorders;
  • allergy to injection components;
  • tendency to seizures and epilepsy;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the form of exacerbation;
  • some cardiovascular diseases, including rhythm disorders;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • stroke and cerebrovascular accident.

The use of gas is prohibited for patients under 18 years of age and persons under the influence of alcohol.

It is necessary to know for sure whether the patient is currently taking medications that reduce blood clotting (for example, aspirin).


The procedure is common for any nurse in the treatment room - intravenous infusion or drip.

The patient is placed on a couch or bed, a vein is found, the skin is treated with an antiseptic and a needle with a solution is inserted. The ozone-saturated solution retains its healing properties for no longer than 20 minutes.

The procedure should only be performed in a clinical setting with a special apparatus. The volume of the solution depends on the problem that ozone therapy solves and the physiological characteristics of the patient.

In general, this is 200-400 ml. Procedure time: within 15-20 minutes.

After all the solution has been injected, the needle is removed, and a pressure bandage is applied for several minutes.

Here are the main ones:

  • The procedure is not performed on an empty stomach or immediately after a heavy lunch.
  • You can have a light snack.
  • It is necessary to remain at rest for 15 minutes before and after the procedure.
  • It is not recommended to smoke for half an hour before and after the procedure.

There are no restrictions on driving, physical or mental stress.

Results, number of sessions

Usually intravenous ozone therapy consists of a course of 6-8 procedures. It is allowed to increase them (only if necessary and according to the doctor’s decision) to 10-12.

Treatment can be carried out every day or two to three times a week. Some patients notice improvement and disappearance of symptoms of some diseases after the third session.

After the main course, they are sometimes prescribed control maintenance infusions– no more than once every two weeks.

Only the attending physician or medical specialist can make a decision and prescribe ozone therapy intravenously.

The patient should be aware that there is no scientific evidence of the success of such treatment.

Complications and consequences

Like any medical intervention, intravenous ozone therapy, along with its benefits, can cause complications or side effects:

  • weakness or drowsiness;
  • renal colic;
  • increase in liver enzymes;
  • frequent urination;
  • a harmless feeling of warmth in the lower abdomen, a temporary increase in temperature during pregnancy;
  • hematomas, a feeling of pain in the area where the solution was administered;
  • dizziness.

Side effects usually go away on their own and do not require treatment. But if you feel discomfort, it is better to consult a doctor.

More serious violations, provoked by therapy:

  • anaphylactic shock;
  • infection with HIV, hepatitis, syphilis;
  • development of sepsis;
  • visual impairment;
  • growth of cancer cells (especially at risk of leukemia);
  • long-term depression.

In these cases, immediate medical attention is needed.

Learn about the procedure for lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid and the possible consequences after it.

We have prepared a lot of useful information about caring for your skin! Find out about yellow peeling and reviews from those who have tried it.

Opinions of those who have tried it

Marina Petrovna, 47 years old:“I have been suffering from high blood pressure for several years. Recently I discovered an increase in blood sugar, the doctor suggested that I undergo ozone therapy intravenously. I made up my mind. The blood pressure returned to normal, and the sugar also returned to normal.”

Irina, 55 years old:“They put in 5 IVs. I don't see any results yet. I have vascular dystonia, interdiscal hernias. I don’t know if it’s worth continuing?”

Natalya, 29 years old:“A friend works in a hospital. And now they have ozone therapy. She suggested it to me too, because I was already suffering from skin problems - either dermatitis or allergies. They gave me a course of IV drips. After the third dropper, the skin began to improve.”

Vladimir, 34 years old:“I read on the Internet that except for Russia and Cuba, ozone therapy is not recognized by official medicine anywhere else. They are done only in paid private clinics (very cost-effective: large profits at low costs - the price of one intravenous ozone therapy procedure is from 1000 to 1500 rubles).

And during the session they told me that it is widely used abroad.”

Experience shows good tolerability of procedures and effectiveness, especially with an integrated approach to treatment.

But there is still debate about the effectiveness of ozone therapy. For some reason, this new method is considered as a panacea for all diseases at once.

Find out the opinions and reviews of doctors about ozone therapy, how many sessions of intravenous administration of the drug are needed, indications for use and contraindications:

Any medicine or physical procedure has pros and cons. Before subjecting your body to a procedure with unproven benefits, you should weigh all the pros and cons, and only then make a decision.

With the intravenous administration of drugs enriched with an ozone-oxygen mixture, longer contact of ozone occurs with the internal environment of the patient's body.

This circumstance makes it possible to achieve significant positive therapeutic effects in various diseases with its low concentrations and doses.

Intravenous ozone therapy is a treatment method that allows you to quickly eliminate the resulting oxygen starvation, sharply increase the consumption of glucose by cells and the production of biologically active compounds, normalize the processes of lipid peroxidation and balance the functioning of organs and systems.

What is the procedure and where is it used?

Intravenous therapy is carried out in three main ways. This:

  1. Intravenous drip administration of saline solution enriched with ozone;
  2. Major autohemotherapy with ozone-oxygen mixture;
  3. Intravenous administration of a gas mixture of oxygen and ozone.

Ozonated saline solution (OSS) is obtained by passing a gas mixture of oxygen and ozone through a container with liquid.

The half-life of ozone is about 30 minutes. Therefore, the OPR is prepared immediately before the procedure and the time of administration of the solution should not be more than half an hour.

Large or massive autohemotherapy with ozone-oxygen mixture (BAHT) is a method in which a certain volume of the patient's whole blood is mixed with an O 2 /O 3 mixture.

To carry out BAGT, 100-200 ml of blood is taken from a vein, which is mixed with an ozone-oxygen mixture, which returned intravenously to the patient.

Ozone is found in the blood in a free state for only a few seconds, then it enters into various reactions with components of plasma and blood cells.

To carry out this procedure, it is very important for the medical center to have the necessary equipment for precise dosing of the O 2 /O 3 mixture, since its excess in the blood can lead to irreversible damage to blood cells with their subsequent destruction.

Intravenous administration of a gas mixture of oxygen and ozone is currently carried out extremely rarely, since in this case the risk of developing side effects increases.

Intravenous ozone therapy is used to treat more than 130 different diseases, as well as to prevent diseases, rejuvenate the body, and increase the body's resistance to aggressive environmental factors and stress.

Video: Ozonation of saline solution


The effect in the treatment of viral hepatitis is due to both the direct toxic effect of ozone on the virus and its immunomodulatory effect. The method of choice in the treatment of chronic viral hepatitis is major autohemotherapy with an ozone-oxygen mixture.

They start with the introduction of minimal amounts of ozone with the blood, then the dose of the gas mixture is increased from procedure to procedure.

Treatment of chronic hepatitis of toxic origin (alcohol, drugs, etc.) with the use of intravenous ozone improves liver function and protects hepatocytes from damage by harmful substances coming from the digestive tract and formed during metabolism.

Treatment of toxic hepatitis is often carried out by intravenous drip infusion of ozonized saline solution.

Gynecological diseases

Ozone therapy carried out intravenously in gynecology allows preserving a woman’s menstrual, reproductive and sexual function, reducing the risk of complications and relapses of diseases of the female genital area.

Typically, intravenous administration of the solution is used in combination with vaginal irrigation or the placement of tampons soaked in ozonated distilled water. Respiratory diseases accompanied by shortness of breath, attacks of suffocation and the development of respiratory failure (bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive bronchitis, pneumonia)

Intravenous ozone therapy saturates the blood with oxygen and makes the blood more fluid, which eliminates oxygen starvation of tissues, which inevitably occurs in the presence of lung diseases.

A sufficient supply of oxygen and the stimulating effect of ozone normalizes the functioning of organs and systems and activates the body's immune response to infection.

In such conditions, the patient’s condition is alleviated, recovery occurs faster, and the severity of exacerbations and attacks is reduced.

Photo: ozone therapy - treatment of blood vessels

In the treatment of lung diseases, the therapy is used in combination with other treatment methods. Both major autohemotherapy and droppers with an ozonized solution can be used.

The use of ozone treatment is especially indicated for those patients who have intolerance to a number of medications, weakened immunity, low effect of antibiotics, and frequent exacerbations of the disease. For bronchial asthma, in some cases it allows you to reduce the dose of hormonal drugs.

The development of coronary heart disease is based on the process of blockage of the arteries of the heart with atherosclerotic plaques, which narrow the lumen of the vessels and reduce the amount of blood that flows to the heart. As a result of oxygen starvation of the heart muscle, attacks of pain first appear in response to physical activity and emotions. Then, when blood flow in the coronary arteries decreases to almost zero, myocardial infarction develops.

In this case, active oxygen immediately affects all mechanisms that lead to damage to blood vessels and disruption of the nutrition of the heart muscle. With intravenous administration of an ozone-oxygen mixture, lipid metabolism is normalized with an increase in the amount of high-density lipoproteins in the blood plasma.

This leads to a reduction in the risk of cholesterol deposition on the walls of blood vessels with the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. Improving blood fluidity, saturating it with oxygen, reducing blood clotting leads to better blood supply to organs and tissues, including the heart muscle, and facilitates the work of the heart to pump blood throughout the body.

More often, intravenous administration of an ozonized solution is used to treat coronary disease. Treatment is carried out simultaneously with taking previously prescribed medications. As the condition improves, the dosage of drugs is gradually reduced.

Heart rhythm disturbances

Therapeutic doses of ozone help reduce the risk of developing arrhythmia, improve the well-being and increase the performance of patients.

Ozone therapy for the treatment of cancer

At the moment, there is an ambiguous attitude of doctors towards prescribing ozone for the treatment of benign tumors and cancer. On the one hand, there are studies that indicate that the sensitivity of tumors to radiation and chemotherapy increases after a course. On the other hand, many types of cancer accelerate their growth with additional oxygen supply and easier glucose absorption.

Therefore, only an oncologist and an ozone therapist can prescribe it for oncology after familiarizing themselves with all the indications, contraindications and risks of such a procedure.


Photo: blood test for sugar (diabetes)

Medical ozone stimulates the absorption of glucose by cells and its oxidation in cells to final products.

This solves two problems at once: blood glucose levels are reduced and cell nutrition is restored.

By normalizing the processes of respiration and cell nutrition, the likelihood of developing complications of diabetes mellitus such as damage to the retina with the gradual development of blindness, nerves and vascular walls is reduced.

The immunomodulatory effect of ozone reduces the risk of suppuration of small wounds and accelerates the healing process of tissues after injuries.

For the treatment of diabetes mellitus, droppers with an ozonated solution are used.

Photo: rheumatism

Administration for rheumatic diseases normalizes the functioning of the immune system and reduces its aggression directed at its own cells, which it once recognized as foreign. Activating the body's antioxidant system prevents damage to body tissue.

For the treatment of rheumatic diseases, extensive autohemotherapy is used. If joints are damaged, BAGT can alternate with procedures for intra-articular injection of ozone with oxygen or injection of joints with a gas mixture.

Narcological practice

In the practice of narcologists, medical ozone is used due to its ability to stimulate the synthesis of biologically active substances, such as catecholamines, serotonin, histamine, etc. and activate the body systems responsible for cleansing the body of toxins and metabolic products.

This helps improve the patient’s mood and well-being, strengthens the person’s will to give up bad habits, and relieves or significantly facilitates the course of withdrawal syndrome.

Nervous system diseases

The procedure, performed intravenously, in neurology is used for a number of diseases of the peripheral nervous system, which are caused by impaired blood supply to the nerves or as a result of damage, spasm or compression of blood vessels, degenerative diseases of the spine, etc.

Ozone improves the delivery of nutrients and eliminates tissue hypoxia, helps restore the conduction of nerve impulses along damaged nerve fibers, and removes or reduces the severity of symptoms of the disease. Typically, intravenous administration of OPR is used to treat neurological diseases.

Here we have considered only the most common diseases for which ozone injection into a vein is prescribed. It should be remembered that intravenous ozone therapy can be carried out as an auxiliary procedure when performing local ozone administration to enhance the effect of local therapy and provide a restorative effect on the body as a whole.

During a course of intravenous ozone therapy, it is advisable to take antioxidants such as vitamins C, A and E.


  1. Diseases of internal organs, except for cases of acute and/or chronic pancreatitis;
  2. Diseases of the joints and spine;
  3. Diabetes mellitus, except in cases of severe disease and developed diabetic retinal damage;
  4. Allergic diseases;
  5. Diseases of the female genital area;
  6. During pregnancy to improve the well-being of the pregnant woman and eliminate fetal hypoxia.
  7. Sexually transmitted infections, infectious and viral diseases;
  8. Surgical diseases accompanied by suppuration, including bedsores, burns, trophic ulcers;
  9. Dermatological diseases such as fungal diseases of the skin and nails, hair loss, psoriasis, eczema;
  10. In cosmetology to eliminate various skin defects, treat cellulite;
  11. To increase immunity, stress resistance, and improve well-being.


  1. Hemophilia, as well as a number of diseases in which there is a blood clotting disorder;
  2. Continued bleeding from internal organs, as well as stopped bleeding in the first 3-4 days after stopping;
  3. Allergic reactions to the introduction of medical ozone;
  4. Heart attack and stroke in the first 6 months after the onset of the disease;
  5. Acute pancreatitis, the presence of chronic pancreatitis;
  6. Increased thyroid function;
  7. Head injuries in the past, episodes of seizures in the past, even if the seizures were isolated, epilepsy;
  8. Age up to 18 years;
  9. Severe diabetes mellitus with damage to the retina;
  10. The first 2-3 days of menstruation;
  11. Taking medications that reduce the rate of blood clotting;
  12. Alcohol intoxication;
  13. The presence of tumors, benign neoplasms, cancer.

How does the procedure work?

The patient can receive a referral from his/her attending physician. It is also possible to attend a consultation with an ozone therapist at an ozone therapy center or at a medical center that provides similar services.

During the consultation, the doctor gets acquainted with the client’s complaints, determines indications and contraindications for prescribing treatment, selects the optimal method of administration and frequency of procedures, and the number of procedures per course.

It is always worth remembering that the introduction of ozone can cause a fairly large number of serious complications, so always tell your doctor about all the health problems that you currently have and have had in the past, otherwise intravenous ozone therapy may harm your health and well-being .

In some cases, it may be prescribed in combination with drug treatment and physiotherapy. The procedure for intravenous administration of an ozonized solution or major autohemotherapy with an ozone-oxygen mixture, just like other manipulations, is usually carried out by a nurse. It takes more than 30 minutes. After its completion, the patient is asked to rest for 10-15 minutes.

Photo: treatment room

The procedure can be carried out at any time of the day, as it does not reduce performance and concentration, does not affect the ability to drive a car, and does not impair falling asleep.

After the manipulation, small bruises may remain at the injection site, so it is advisable to press the skin puncture site well for 10 minutes to stop the bleeding, and on the day of the procedure, choose clothes with long sleeves or three-quarter length sleeves so that the sleeve covers the area of ​​the elbow (most frequent site for intravenous infusions).

Do you want to know what fatty lumps of bisha are? Go.

Are you wondering what the effect might be after a Botox procedure on the forehead? See before and after photos.

How many sessions are needed and how often?

If standard intravenous ozone therapy is prescribed, the number of procedures can be from 6 to 8. Less commonly, the number of procedures can be 10-12. For a number of diseases, it is possible to prescribe maintenance sessions after the main course of treatment, the number of which can only be determined by a doctor.

The frequency of procedures can be constant for the duration of the entire course and amount to 1 procedure every two to three days. A more flexible therapy regimen may be used, with the first sessions taking place daily or every other day, and subsequent sessions can then be scheduled once every two to four days.

Maintenance sessions can be conducted once a week or once every two weeks. After the first procedures, there may be an improvement in the condition, both subjective and confirmed by laboratory tests.

It may also be that after the first procedures, an exacerbation of the disease will occur, especially if there was a chronic or sluggish course of the pathological process in the body. In this case, after consulting a doctor, it is necessary to supplement treatment with medications or change the ozone therapy regimen.

Consequences, complications and side effects

  1. Pain along the vein through which the ozonized solution is supplied. Pain may persist for some time after the procedure.
  2. Allergy to medical ozone up to the development of anaphylactic shock;
  3. Hematomas at the injection site;
  4. The risk of contracting viral hepatitis, HIV, syphilis during intravenous administration of a solution or performing BAGT in case of violation of the rules of asepsis and antisepsis during the procedure;
  5. The risk of developing sepsis when pathogenic bacteria enter the blood (a similar risk exists with any intravenous infusion and increases in people with weakened immune systems);
  6. Visual impairment;
  7. Seizure attack;
  8. Toxic effect of ozone on blood cells with their subsequent destruction (pancytopenia);
  9. Headache;
  10. Subsequent development of sluggish depression, acute psychosis;
  11. Acute hemolysis with fatal outcome;
  12. Increased risk of developing or accelerating the growth of existing cancer as a result of DNA damage in human tissue cells.

Video: Ozone therapy for diseases


Prices are indicated for 1 procedure in Russian rubles. If you pay for the entire course, the cost of each procedure can be significantly reduced. Always check with your medical center for discounts. In some clinics, consultation with an ozone therapist can be obtained free of charge.


Can it be done during pregnancy?

Can. There are a fairly large number of indications for intravenous administration of an ozonized solution, both for the health of the mother’s body and for the correction of problematic conditions of the fetus and the uteroplacental system.

Is the procedure painful?

The process of vein puncture itself is usually painful; the subsequent administration of an ozonized solution, as a rule, does not cause discomfort. In rare cases, rawness or pain may occur along the vein through which the solution is injected.

Does it help with psoriasis?

Ozone therapy is an alternative method of treating psoriasis and allows you to stop an exacerbation or prolong remission with regular courses of ozone treatment 1-2 times a year.

What effect should you expect?

If ozone therapy is performed intravenously, the effect can be positive immediately: improvements in well-being and mood, appetite and sleep can be observed after the first procedures and gradually only increase. In some cases, a temporary deterioration in the condition is possible, which is associated with the activation of a disease process in the body before the body finally copes with it. And only after this recovery will gradually begin.

Is it effective for treating pimples (acne)?

It all depends on the reasons that cause the appearance of skin rashes on the face and the severity of the disease. If there is a small number of rashes, the cause of which is the presence of demodicosis, improper care, or the presence of oily or combination skin, then local subcutaneous injections of a mixture of oxygen and ozone will be effective.

Intravenous ozone therapy for acne helps when there are diseases of the endocrine system, female genital area, digestive organs or other internal causes that support the process of the appearance of new pustules on the face. The combination of intradermal injections with intravenous administration of an ozonized solution helps with severe acne with the presence of confluent purulent foci that resolve with the formation of scars.

Can it be done for children?

For children, ozone therapy is carried out in the form of rectal insufflations. Intravenous therapy is allowed from the age of 18.

How long after can you drink alcohol?

Not earlier than in a week.

Does it help you lose weight?

On the one hand, ozone accelerates metabolism, which can be used to lose weight and cleanse the body of toxins if you follow a diet and give the body adequate physical activity.

On the other hand, ozone therapy can cause an increase in appetite, which, if eaten uncontrolled, can lead to weight gain. Therefore, it is worth approaching the issue of using intravenous ozone therapy for weight loss with an understanding of the capabilities and limitations of the method and a clear awareness of your motives. Ozone therapy can be a good help in achieving your ideal weight, but it cannot do all the work for you.

Ozone therapy appeared in the list of services of medical and cosmetology clinics and offices not so long ago; this is a relatively new direction that predicts colossal positive changes and a cure for many diseases.

Everyone knows about the benefits of oxygen. Doctors' recommendations to take more walks in clean, fresh air are heard by people of all ages - pregnant women, mothers of babies and schoolchildren, teenagers, middle-aged office workers, pensioners and others. Modern people spend very little time outside, and in a big city it is simply impossible to find that pure and healthy oxygen, and in the right quantity, every day. Many diseases and conditions develop from its deficiency, the most common being headaches, chronic fatigue, hypertension, and depression. With oxygen deficiency, changes occur in the blood, which lead to inadequate functioning of all or some internal organs and systems of the body.

Ozone is a highly reactive form of oxygen that is produced when oxygen comes into contact with high voltage electricity. Ozone has a characteristic smell - this is what the air smells like after a strong thunderstorm and rain. Lightning thus acts as a source of high voltage and the atmosphere is filled with ozone - this is the only natural way to obtain it. Something similar is done in laboratory conditions for ozone therapy.

What exactly does ozone therapy do?

According to the latest scientific data, ozone affects the human body as a bactericidal, antiviral, immunomodulatory, healing, rejuvenating, and cytostatic agent. Ozone effectively fights pathogens of many diseases, saturates the blood with oxygen, removes toxins, and strengthens the immune system.

Ozone is an unstable active form of oxygen; once the substance enters the body, it tends to change and take on its previous form. To do this, it comes into contact with the molecules of proteins and lipids of viruses and bacteria. This violates their integrity and destroys them.

Indications for the use of ozone therapy

There are many indications for this type of therapy, since exposure to ozone can be beneficial in almost all areas of medicine. But, despite the apparent versatility and usefulness of the procedure, it can only be performed as indicated or with the approval of a doctor. Since ozone therapy has contraindications and its use in certain conditions can cause deterioration in well-being and lead to undesirable negative consequences.

— A course of ozone therapy will be useful for those who cannot break the vicious circle of colds. Any viral and bacterial infections, ENT infections, diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract and others can be treated with ozone. Therapy is recommended as prophylaxis or at the final stage of treatment.

— For headaches and migraines of unknown etiology, you can try using ozone therapy. Often it leads to lasting results, and the patient forgets about pain and pills.

Ozone will be effective against various bacterial and fungal infections, including skin ones. The severity of the disease does not matter; in this case, ozone therapy is auxiliary to the main drug treatment. It can also be used for chronic, indolent infections.

Recipe for the occasion::

— Ozone is necessary for the treatment of many neurological diseases, for example, circulatory disorders in the brain or any other organ, insomnia, and vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Ozone is used to treat obesity in the form of injections- under its influence, fat cells are burned much faster, and also for recovery after surgery, for example, liposuction.

— Ozone treatment is prescribed for the treatment of gynecological inflammatory diseases, rheumatism, arthritis, varicose veins, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, vascular system, thyroid gland.

Ozone therapy is approved and beneficial for pregnant women. If, outside of pregnancy, ozone is effective in the treatment of endometritis, salpingoophoritis, colpitis, vulvitis, kraurosis, vulvar dyskeratosis, then in obstetrics it is used for the prevention and treatment of intrauterine infection of the fetus, toxicosis, gestosis, anemia, fetoplacental insufficiency, threat of miscarriage and premature birth, postpartum infections.

— In some cases, ozone therapy can be effective in the treatment of alcoholism, in the general improvement and strengthening of the body that was under the influence of harmful substances (alcohol, chemicals, medications, work in hazardous industries, etc.)

Ozone is useful in treating scars, stretch marks, burns and other skin damage. Under its influence, more correct and rapid formation of healthy tissue occurs.

— Dermatitis, acne, psoriasis, eczema, allergies can also be caused by various pathogens that ozone can destroy. In this case, ozone therapy is indicated as a cosmetic procedure that helps restore clear and healthy skin.

— Ozone is also used in cosmetology for rejuvenation. Through its influence, aging skin is renewed, freed from toxins, filled with oxygen, which leads to the smoothing of wrinkles.

— Ozone is effective in the fight against cellulite. It normalizes blood flow in tissues, eliminates stagnation of water, removes decay products and the skin becomes smooth and velvety.

Types of ozone therapy

To achieve maximum effect, it is necessary to choose the right type of ozone therapy. Each of them will be most effective for certain health problems.

— Autohemotherapy with ozone

With this type of ozone therapy, the patient’s blood is mixed with ozone - the blood is drawn, enriched with ozone and then transfused back. Blood saturated with ozone has an effect on the entire body as a whole and delivers ozone to the most remote areas.

— Droppers with ozone;

— Enemas with ozone.

— Massage with ozone-rich preparations.

— Subcutaneous administration of drugs with ozone.

There is also a distinction between general and local ozone therapy, the first has a complex effect on the body, the second solves specific local problems.

Contraindications to the use of ozone therapy

Not all people are allowed to perform ozone therapy procedures; they are contraindicated for:

- any bleeding, including gynecological bleeding. It is believed that ozone therapy is allowed during menstruation, but it is better to abstain to prevent the opening of more severe bleeding;
- blood clotting disorders;
- thrombosis;
- myocardial infarction;
— severe cardiovascular pathologies;
— convulsive syndrome, epilepsy;
- severe hypotension;
— alcohol intoxication and acute alcoholic psychosis;
- thyrotoxicosis, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
- acute pancreatitis;
— allergy to ozone and individual intolerance.

It should be noted that not all doctors and scientists share the opinion about the benefits of ozone therapy. This type of impact on humans has not yet been studied enough. There is reason to believe that the influence of ozone on the body produces free radicals, which have carcinogenic and mutagenic effects and can harm healthy tissues. The theory of ozone therapy has been subject to many criticisms.

You've probably heard that ozone is used in the treatment of many diseases. Although toxic when inhaled, this gas is nevertheless actively used in medicine. Treatment with ozone is called ozone therapy. And devices that produce ozone are called ozonizers. Currently, these devices are no longer a luxury, but are widely available in most public and private clinics.

What is ozone therapy?

Ozone therapy is one of the most effective treatment methods, used by leading Western specialists for more than 100 years. In the CIS countries, this field began to be explored in the late 70s of the last century. And, of course, the new healing technology has successfully passed clinical trials in advanced research institutes.

Ozone therapy eliminates the use of medications. The ozone-oxygen mixture, which has strong life-giving qualities, is the main component of this type of treatment. It rehabilitates metabolism, fills the blood with oxygen and slows down the aging process. It also kills bacteria, fungi and viruses. At the same time, ozone increases the immune defenses, improves vascular tone and blood movement in the capillaries. There are no side effects.

Types of ozone therapy

There are two basic types of ozone therapy: general and local. The first (systemic) type is used to restore the patient’s body as a whole. And the second is to influence certain organs. But let’s look at specific ways to use therapy. Here are the options for how fabrics are saturated with ozone:

Mixing human blood with ozone;

Enemas with ozone composition;

Massage oils saturated with ozone;

Ozonated solutions and droppers;

Subcutaneous administration of ozone.

Ozone has fast-healing properties. Moreover, ozone mixtures treat inflammatory processes and have a softening effect on the central nervous system.

How is ozone treated?

Ozone healing techniques are varied. They depend on the nature of the disease and the task that the patient and the doctor set for themselves.

Minor autohemotherapy

The doctor takes venous blood and mixes it with ozone-oxygen composition. He injects ozonized blood into the patient’s muscle tissue.

Intravenous injections

The saline solution is ozonized by the mixture and injected into the patient’s vein through a dropper.

Subcutaneous injections

A gas mixture of ozone and oxygen is injected into the area of ​​pain or lesion. Or in the area of ​​large joints. Low concentration ozone can be injected into acupuncture points.

Rectal injections

These procedures are carried out for intestinal diseases after preliminary intestinal lavage. They have a disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effect, restoring the microflora.

Irrigation, rinsing and drinking

Produced with distilled water or saline solution for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, urological diseases and sore throat.

"Ozone Boot"

The doctor prescribes this method for diabetes, varicose veins and atherosclerosis. The affected limb is moistened with water and placed in an impenetrable plastic bag. Meanwhile, a gas mixture is supplied to the hole.


The indications for the use of ozone procedures are innumerable. The most well-known areas of use of ozone therapy are presented below.

Surgery: infected and bleeding wounds, soft tissue necrosis, burns, inflammatory processes of the brain and peritoneum, cardiac surgery, ulcers in the digestive tract, clogged blood vessels in the legs.

Cardiology: coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis.

Gastroenterology: liver cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis, gastritis and peptic ulcers.

Rheumatology: rheumatism, arthritis and arthrosis.

Endocrinology: diabetes mellitus.

Pulmonology: asthma and diseases of the upper airways.

Infectiology: viral and venereal diseases.

Ophthalmology: necrosis of the optic nerve or retina, corneal injuries.

Gynecology and Oncology: anemia in pregnant women, developmental delay and infection of the fetus in the womb, toxicosis, fetoplacental insufficiency, inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.

Urology: inflammatory diseases of the urinary system.

Dermatology and cosmetology: inflammatory diseases and skin lesions, dermatitis, psoriasis, bullous dermatoses, lichen, acne, cellulite, hair loss.

Neurology: inflammatory diseases of the peripheral nervous system, ischemic stroke, migraine, transient ischemic attack.

Resuscitation: destruction and neutralization of toxic metabolic products and stabilization of the internal environment of the body.

Dentistry: pulpitis, stomatitis, periodontal disease.

It is important to note that menstruation does not interfere with the procedures. Ozone therapy is also prescribed for children, since the treatment has no side effects.


Despite all the advantages of ozone therapy, there are contraindications for this treatment method:

Acute phase of myocardial infarction;

Allergy to ozone composition;

Poor blood clotting;

Internal bleeding;

Alcohol intoxication;

Convulsive syndrome;


Acute pancreatitis;





Therefore, you should undergo all the necessary tests and consult a doctor before undergoing the procedures. If the doctor does not offer to undergo an examination, refuse the services of a specialist. Trust someone else who is more competent.

In general, ozone therapy has many advantages. Undoubtedly, it is clearly distinguished by its absolute painlessness and excellent tolerability. And also no side effects. Due to this, this effective treatment method is used not only in hospitals, but also in cosmetology centers. A pleasant plus is the affordability for anyone. Therefore, if you have no contraindications to therapy, start taking the course to soon experience wonderful results!

Ksenia Denisenko spoke about the indications and contraindications of ozone therapy.