The constant demand for goods sold by entrepreneurs on the market is one of the main conditions for successful business. Bread and bakery products- just such goods.

That is why it makes sense for novice businessmen to think about drawing up a bakery business plan. This is because baking is a stable and profitable business, even though the income in this business is not the greatest.

This bakery business plan contains information that will help interested entrepreneurs start their small business in the bakery market. After reading, you will be able to find out what difficulties you will encounter.

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What should a ready-made business plan for a mini bakery contain?

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How much money is needed to start a bakery business as soon as possible?

The first thing that is needed in order to implement such a bakery business plan is cash. The required amount will depend entirely on the volume of baking planned. If it is planned to produce baked goods by, then the volume will be approximately 350 kg of baked goods per shift. Therefore, the starting capital should be approximately 200,000 rubles. In the case where there is an idea that will sell larger volumes of products, several million rubles will be needed. The larger the volume of products planned to be produced, the more expensive and productive equipment will be needed.

These amounts, which the business plan contains, are required to purchase equipment, but to create a mini-bakery you will also need to find premises, draw up all the necessary documents, hire the necessary employees, and so on.

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Selection of the necessary premises for a bakery bakery

It is worth noting that the choice of suitable premises is the largest and main problem that must be solved in order to implement the business plan. You should immediately understand that the idea of ​​opening a mini-bakery from scratch is not the best, because you can spend a large number of money and time.

Therefore, one of the possible options may be to use the free space of catering establishments or shops. In order to do this, you will need to conclude an agreement on the possibility of joint activities.

It is important to say that this option may be suitable for those entrepreneurs who have acquaintances or connections with managers or owners of similar establishments. Otherwise, gaining understanding can sometimes be difficult.

The business plan also contains another option. The most common way to solve this problem may be to enter into a long-term lease agreement. In order to open such a small business as a mini bakery, you will need a room with an area of ​​60-120 square meters. m.

It is also necessary to take care of the correct location of the future production of bakery products and products such as pastries. IN this issue An important point is logistics (distance to the intended place of sale, is there parking, and so on). We must not forget about the presence of possible competitors in the selected area. A better solution may be to let marketers choose the right location. This may require additional costs, but you should understand that sometimes it is not easy to achieve success without specialists.

When choosing a room, do not forget about the requirements of the SES:

If the equipment does not meet such requirements, repairs will need to be performed, which will require additional money and time.

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List of necessary documents in order to implement this business plan

There are SES standards for mini bakeries. You need to adhere to them in order to receive a free certificate of “Sanitary and Epidemiological Certificate for Production” from this organization. Without this document, production of products is prohibited.

In addition, you will need the document “Sanitary and Epidemiological Certificate for Products”. This certificate will allow the products to be sold in stores.

You will also need the following permits:

  1. Certificate of conformity from the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology.
  2. Permission from the fire inspectorate.
  3. Permission from environmental assessment.

Only after all permits and certificates have been obtained can production begin. It's worth knowing that you can get them for free.

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Equipment you will need for a pastry shop or mini bakery

To choose necessary equipment, you need to decide on the strategy for the future business project. Simply put, decide what the entrepreneur plans to achieve and what the advantage of the business he is opening will be. Ready business plan implies such advantages as exceptionally high quality baked goods, a large assortment of bakeries, speed and flexibility when switching to the production of other types of bakery products (meaning sensitivity to all market requirements). Depending on which direction was chosen, you will need to select the appropriate equipment.

Next important point- choice of country of origin. Equipment from foreign manufacturers will cost much more than domestic equipment. For example, German baking ovens can cost about 30,000 euros or more. But it is worth noting that their characteristics are quite impressive. In addition, they require less repair and maintenance. The most famous manufacturers of baking equipment are Winkler, Polin, Metos, Giere, Miwe and Bongard.

Opening a mini bakery requires other equipment:

  • dough sheeters;
  • dough mixers;
  • proofing cabinet;
  • baking trolleys;
  • tables for cutting dough;
  • racks;
  • scales;
  • packaging machines;
  • bread slicers;
  • Bakeware.

Therefore, if the idea is to create a mini-bakery with the production of about half a ton of baked goods per day, it will take about 60,000 euros to purchase all the necessary equipment. It is worth noting that this is only the minimum set. If financial resources allow, it makes sense to think about purchasing more productive equipment, which can cost about 80,000-160,000 euros. Equipment from domestic manufacturers can be cheaper.

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Possible sales channels for products

This business plan contains the following possible sales channels for manufactured products:

When the question arises: “which business is better to invest in?”, we begin to search for optimal ways with minimal costs and high financial returns.

Today we will look at such an area of ​​investment as your own bakery.

Ready-made bakery business plan will give you a clear understanding of what this production is all about.

Why is a bakery a profitable business?

General consumption products are always in demand. As they say, bread is the head of everything, and therefore it is almost impossible to remain without customers.

Reasons to invest in a bakery business:

    For the production part no highly qualified personnel required.

    Employees receive all knowledge within 2-4 days of practice.

    Quick installation and configuration of bakery equipment.

    To establish the production process, 25-30 calendar days.

    Installation companies can help you set up your equipment and train your staff before work begins.

    Constant demand for bakery products.

    Rising prices for maintaining large enterprises make large factories unprofitable.

    Replaced by small and medium businesses, which can fill this niche fully and provide the market with high-quality goods.

  1. Most bakeries are located close to sales points, so products reach the shelves “only from the oven”, which increases their demand.
  2. A small number of sales points will allow us to study and adjust demand for products, and also easily change the bakery’s assortment depending on quarterly performance.
  3. Direct supplies of raw materials without extra charges.
  4. Bread is a socially significant product, because you can get government support.

    In case of shortage of raw materials or other problems, it will be possible to rely on.

    High turnover indicators, due to short deadlines for the sale of bread, will allow receive payments from buyers within 5 - 10 calendar days.

    Retail sales give you a constant flow of cash.

    According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, for an LLC, the amount of cash at the enterprise’s cash desk should not exceed 2,000,000 rubles.

    Taking into account the constant turnover of funds and payment for raw materials, the bakery’s business plan provides for complete control and freedom from unnecessary financial transactions for withdrawing cash from the current account.

Bakery business plan in detail

Average profit per year: 180 000$
Profitability level of a bakery business plan: 620%
Payback period: 5-6 months.

Where to begin? From an analysis of points of sale and characteristics of food products for which there will be maximum demand.

To decide on the type of goods and production volumes, spend 1 - 2 weeks researching the location and nearby competitors.

Development tactics in a bakery business plan should pursue the following goals:

  • Improving production by realizing the potential of equipment and personnel.
  • Affordable prices without significant damage to the bakery’s profit.
  • Taking into account the wishes of ordinary consumers regarding the variety of bakery products.
  • Increase in sales volumes.
  • Search for a bakery.
  • Employee training and setting up customer feedback.
  • Advertising campaign.
  • Development of competitiveness of production by adjusting price indicators and quality of products.

For your bakery business plan to be successful, all of the above conditions must be met.

Nowadays, the price of the product has become an important competitive condition. Market winning tactics must follow trends to improve the profitability of your business.

1. Marketing tactics.

Any business begins with determining the directions in which production lines and product range will develop.

For a bakery, it is important to analyze the growth/decline trends in demand for different kinds bakery products throughout the year.

A marketing analysis of a bakery business plan should:

    Find out which products are in high demand among customers.

    How much does quality affect the sale of goods?

  • Determine the average sales volumes of various product varieties at your potential distribution points.
  • Consider the sales volumes of goods by competitors located in your region.
  • Determine what criteria are used to order products.
  • Find out the strengths of competitors.
  • Take into account trends in demand for bakery products throughout the quarter.

Information about buyers will make it possible to occupy your own segment of the product sales market, and data on other companies will allow you to adjust the product to the most competitive indicators.

General knowledge of the sales market is aimed at improving the position of the bakery in the future and providing favorable economic conditions for business development.

What methods to use:

  1. Revealing pain points business and strengths bakeries.
  2. Market segmentation.
  3. Positioning of manufacturers and product lines.
  4. Methods of statistical calculations.

The research should be limited by the territorial factor. An analysis of nearby areas of the product sales market is considered optimal.

During the analysis, it is necessary to find out which aspects buyers give more importance to.

The data graph should contain (%):

  • freshness;
  • taste qualities;
  • external indicators of the product;
  • benefits of the product;
  • price;
  • availability of packaging.

The information will allow you to highlight the main points that you should pay attention to Special attention to attract maximum quantity clients.

You also need to take into account the place where customers prefer to buy baked goods. If this is a kiosk, then a reasonable solution would be to conclude contracts with such points of sale.

For a total advantage in a bakery business plan, you should take into account as many market research factors as possible.

Practice has shown that priority areas include advertising and pricing policy.

Expanding the range of bakery products will also have a positive impact on business. Much attention should be paid to the types of baked goods, which are in high demand in other cities, but have so far been little developed in the bakeries of your locality.

2. Production calculations for a bakery business plan.

It is impossible to imagine work planning without a production component.

Although the methods for making bakery products are not a secret, it is worth considering each component in great detail.

The quality of raw materials will influence both the product itself and its demand. Correct determination of proportions will make it possible to expediently distribute financial flows allocated for the raw material base.

Main stages of the bakery technological process:

  1. Sift the main component – ​​premium flour.
  2. Throw all the ingredients into the dough kneading unit.
  3. Let the mixture stand.
  4. Cut into portions.
  5. Add special components to improve product quality and send to the seaming machine.
  6. Form the product.
  7. Let the dough proof.
  8. Bake the products.
  9. Distribute into trays.

Depending on the type of baked goods that the bakery produces, the production plan may vary slightly. All components must be of the best quality.

a) Accounting for bakery equipment in a business plan

The best option will hire a specialist who will help you choose quality equipment at an affordable price.

*Table above shows average cost equipment throughout the country.

The information in the table is provided in foreign currency for comfort. The inflation rate is constantly changing, so prices in dollars will provide more accurate data on upcoming expenses.

Installation and configuration are usually free. Some supplier companies conduct training courses where your employees will learn how to operate equipment. The cost of classes is usually symbolic.

b) Bakery premises

Depending on the scale of the enterprise, the size of warehouses and other premises may vary upward.

The placement of equipment, taking into account the possibility of its maintenance in the future, will increase the occupied area to 60-70 m 2.

The data in the table shows the average size with a margin of 10 - 20 cm 2. The preferred width and length of the workshop is 7 m × 10 m. Height - within 3 - 4 m.

Apart from the production line, you will face the problem of storing raw materials and finished products. The dough components must also be kept separate from the flour.

Total + 3 rooms.

Additional bakery storage facilities:

    Flour storage.

    A small bakery's business plan must include a supply of raw materials for at least 7 days.

    To meet these needs, a room with a total area of ​​more than 22 m2 and a height of 3.5 m is required.

    Bakery bakery products storage.

    Depending on the operating mode and daily quantity of finished products, a room of the required size is selected.

    Minimum 10 m2.

    Mix element storage(seasonings, grains, dry yeast, etc.).

    An area of ​​7 - 8 m2 can easily accommodate a week's supply of additional raw materials for production.

Taking into account all the premises, yours should be oriented towards 90-100 m2 of production space.

In addition to size, attention should be paid to SES requirements. Without their approval, further business development may stall for 1-2 months.

SES requirements for bakery production areas:

  1. It is prohibited to install a bakery in basements or places with high dampness.
  2. The floor must have a layer that does not allow water to pass through.
  3. The walls must be covered with ceramics or painted.
  4. Availability of hot/cold water + sewerage.
  5. Utility rooms for employees and raw materials.
  6. Proper ventilation.

By taking care of the above conditions in advance, you will save a lot of time in the future and get rid of problems with sanitary services.

c) Documents for the production part of the bakery

The documents that are necessary for equipping the premises and starting production must be collected after purchasing/renting the premises and repairs.

They will point out any shortcomings and give you 1 month to correct them.

The deadlines are variable, it all depends on the number of problematic issues that arise during the verification process.

What documents are needed:

  • An act authorizing the conduct of activities from the SES;
  • Fire inspection approval;
  • Permission to operate from the environmental commission.

Receipt times range from 2 weeks to 2 months.

If all checks have been passed successfully, the bakery business plan can be implemented as quickly as possible.

3. Bakery financial plan.

A critical component of your business plan.

Where will the expenses go, how to bring production to high level profit, where to find raw materials at the lowest price - all these calculations should make your bakery a highly profitable business.

a) Organizational expenses

To get a profit, you will need to draw up an optimal work schedule that will not contradict sanitary requirements.

It is better to focus on increasing equipment productivity, which can lead to additional costs.

Optimal production plan for a bakery:

  1. Work in 3 shifts with a staggered schedule for employees.
  2. 1st shift – 8-hour working day.
  3. In 1 working day, 2 shifts are allowed according to the plan.
  4. A floating schedule will allow you to use the equipment 30 calendar days per month.
  5. The average for baked goods is 6,000 units.
  6. Weight of 1 unit of product (bread) – 400 grams.

Thus, the annual plan for the production of goods will exceed 120 tons.

The calculations did not take into account the production of other bakery products, such as buns, rolls and more.

b) Main cost items

- a costly business. Paying employees, purchasing equipment, and trade certificates are not all of the entrepreneur’s expenses.

Full set of equipment was discussed above and its cost reached 72,000 conventional units.

If we take into account additional elements, such as knives and special clothing, the final amount will increase to $73,000 - $74,000.

In addition to technical equipment, 3 more documents will be required:

  1. Certificate of quality.
  2. Hygienic certificate for the product.
  3. Permission production activities for business.

To obtain a hygiene certificate, you will have to submit several samples for examination to the nearest government laboratory. Product analysis will take no more than 3 calendar days.

The price for this package of documents is about $80. Please note that you will need to update your permits at least once a quarter.

Another important expense item in a bakery business plan is raw materials.

The cost of flour, yeast, seasonings and other baking ingredients should be factored into the calculations financial plan.

More detailed information can be seen in the table below:

TOTAL cost of raw materials per 1 ton of finished products287,8 $

Type of raw material

Raw material consumption per 1 ton of product, kg

Cost of 1 kg of raw materials, USD

Cost of raw materials per 1 ton of products, USD

Premium wheat flour760 0,30 228
Pressed yeast31 0,8 24,8
Salt16 0,15 2,4
Sugar16 0,6 9,6
Margarine9 2 18
Improver5 1 5

The average cost of raw materials per 1 ton reaches $220 - $270. It is better to take the indicators with a margin of 2 - 3% and focus on high-quality raw materials to obtain the appropriate product.

Remuneration of employees of the enterprise depends on the quality of work and calculations included in the business plan of the project.

To support the bakery's production process on a 2-shift, 30-day schedule, a minimum of 27 employees would be required.

The salary should not be lower than the subsistence minimum established by the state.

Fig. 1 - Monthly labor costs.

Monthly deductions include taxation. The bakery will have to count 38% in Pension Fund and to pay the unified social tax.

This will be: 0.38*3620 = $1375.6 per month

Equipment that works day and night will sooner or later become faulty. Fund depreciation takes these factors into account and allows you to prepare the ground in advance for solving such problems.

Calculated as 9% for 1 year of the total cost of purchased equipment.

This will be: 0.75%*$72,000 = $540

Property tax provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation for all production enterprises, which include the bakery.

Currently, this fee is 2.1% per year of the cost of the equipment.

This will be: (2.1%/12) *72,000/100% = $126 for 1 month

Certificate of Quality, which you received at the beginning of your work, should be updated quarterly. This expense item should also be taken into account in the financial part of the bakery business plan.

This will be: 180/3=$60 every month

In addition to the agreed expenses, you should take into account transport and other small expenses for running a bakery, which need to be displayed in advance to the enterprise.

Below you can see a list of all monthly expenses:

Putting everything together, we get a tidy sum of $36,000. This is how much you will have to pay per month to maintain the bakery.

Of course, enterprising people will find ways to save money, but the operations performed should not affect the quality of the product. If sales levels fall, business income will decrease.

c) Calculation of sales revenue and total profit

To calculate the volume of revenue, we will turn to the average cost of bread in the country - $0.22.

Working on a standard schedule, the bakery produces more than 5,500 units per month (only bread is taken into account).

Revenue will be: 5,500*2*30*0.22$ = 66,000$

Taking into account the diversity of the range of goods, production costs will increase, but income will also grow proportionally. It all depends on the priority directions of production lines, which are determined in the marketing component of the bakery’s business plan.

    Bakery gross profit.

    The indicator is the difference between revenue and cost of goods.

  1. All organizations are required to pay to the country's treasury 1% of the salary fund your business.
  2. Taxable income, which is reduced by deducting fees from the bakery's gross profit.
  3. General income tax of 25% on the amount of funds received.

As a result, we will receive residual profit, which is most rationally used to improve the equipment and technological processes of the enterprise, especially at its start.

The financial plan of the bakery business plan should provide for a clear distribution of residual funds from the bakery's income.

Many private bakeries prefer to transfer residual funds to bank accounts at an interest rate of 2 - 3% per annum. Everything needs to be taken into account possible options capital growth.

d) Effectiveness research

How quickly will a business pay off? main question every entrepreneur before Previous calculations were the basis for calculating this particular indicator.

In addition to the main indicator of business growth, there are 4 secondary ones. They should be taken into account in the bakery business plan to adjust and correct problematic production lines.

Additional profitability criteria:

    Product profitability.

    Indicates the ratio of net financial return to one currency unit.

    Thus, the financial plan of the bakery business plan will show information on the quality of use of financial resources.

    Formula: Profitability = Net profit / Cost of goods

    In our case: 17,000/36168.67= 0.47

    Capital productivity.

    Expressed in relation to the quantity of goods to the price per 1 currency unit.

    The value gives an idea of ​​the amount of profit from each ruble spent in your business plan.

    Formula: Return on assets = Revenue from sales of goods / Total price of assets

    In our case: 66,000/ (72,000+100) = 0.915

    For every dollar invested we will get $0.915 in profit.

    Capital intensity.

    The inverse indicator of capital productivity.

    Indicates how much money from the funds must be invested to receive 1 currency unit.

    Formula: Capital ratio = Total price of funds / Revenue from sales of goods

    In our case: (72,000 + 100) /66,000 = 1.09

    Spending per 1 currency unit of product.

    They display in the bakery’s business plan the amount of funds spent to receive $1 per product.

    Formula: Expenses per 1 unit = Cost of goods / Revenue from sales of goods

    In our case: 36168.67/66,000 = 0.548

Additional components of a financial plan will help you evaluate the correctness of decisions and suggest potential options for business development as a whole.

To see a clear result, use an iterative formula that displays the difference between the funds spent and funds received over 30 calendar days.

Interest charged banking system for taking out a loan0,02

Months of operation of the enterprise

Net profit USD

Business income, USD

0 0 72 100 -72 100
1 17000 73 442 -56 442
2 34 000 74 911 -40 911
3 51000 76 409 -25 409
4 68 000 77 937 -9 937
5 85000 79 496 5 504
6 102 000 81 086 20 914

According to the table above, we can evaluate the profitability and payback of the bakery business plan.

If you did not borrow money, but invested yourself, you can get rid of the extra 2% of the deposit rate, reducing the payback by almost 1 month.

Fig. 2. – Payback of the bakery business plan.

According to the schedule, the first predominance of profits over costs occurs at end of 5th month. This means that our bakery is quite short time will allow you to get your invested money back and get a profit.

If the amount of money spent in a business plan still seems too large to you, you can use an alternative option - renting a bakery.

You will reduce costs by 2-3 times due to the availability of equipment and ready-made premises that meet sanitary standards. The payback for such a bakery business plan will be 2 months.

4. We take into account the environmental component and risk factors in the bakery’s business plan.

Environmental clearance is an important part of running a bakery.

The commission’s report should indicate the main advantages of your business compared to large competitors - this will simplify the process of obtaining a certificate and save you time.

What is the impact on the environment:

  1. Electricity consumption for stable operation of equipment and lighting of production areas.
  2. Use of fuel to transport finished goods to points of sale.
  3. Disposal of secondary raw materials and other industrial waste.

Unlike large-scale production, a bakery causes less harm environment on all of the above points. Rational placement allows reducing the emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere by 50-70% compared to other large enterprises.

It is always worth considering risk factors.

The bakery business plan should contain a separate financial section, which will provide for the allocation of 2 - 3% of monthly profit to insure against possible problems in the future.

Risk factors for a bakery business plan:

    Jumps in prices for raw materials.

    To prevent problems, long-term contracts with suppliers on favorable terms should be concluded.

    High competition.

    No one can prevent another bakery from being built 50 steps away from you. The struggle for sales points will begin.

    To prevent loss of customer base, you should constantly expand the range and monitor the quality of bakery products.

Expanding your bakery and opening new outlets will strengthen your position in the market and make your business even more profitable.

The concept of “bakery” is not always limited to the production of bread.

An excellent example of this is the Bulki establishment:

Whatever area of ​​investment you choose, having a business plan is the most important component of the successful implementation of the project.

Planning expense items and areas of activity will prevent unpleasant surprises that may await you in the future.

We hope the bakery business plan reviewed will help you open a personal business, which will bring stable income for many years.

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The range of manufactured products includes:

  • eight types buns;
  • cupcakes;
  • lamb products;
  • cottage cheese;
  • bagels.


Today in the city of “X” there are two bakeries and three mini-bakeries that specialize in the production of bread and similar products. Based on this, the opened mini-bakery will produce bakery products, which will make up 100% of its assortment. The main competitive advantage here is the sale of exclusively fresh baked goods.

Work format and taxation system

As the organizational and legal basis for business, the option “ individual entrepreneur" A simplified taxation system will be used to pay taxes. A specialized outsourcing company will maintain the company's accounting records. After all production processes are organized, the owner will keep records independently.

Operating mode

The mini-bakery will be open every day. The company's employees, in turn, will work in shifts, from 00.00 to 10.00 and on a two-by-two schedule. This applies to the baker and his assistant.

As for the manager and sales representative, they will work from 7.30 to 16.30 on a five-day schedule working week. In this case, they will have alternate days off.

Payroll fund

There will be one manager and his salary will be 30 thousand rubles per month. There will be two bakers working and each of them will receive 22 thousand rubles per month (44 thousand rubles monthly). Also, the company will employ four baker assistants and each of them will receive 14 thousand rubles per month (56 thousand rubles, respectively). The sales representative's salary will be 22 thousand rubles per month. In total, 156 thousand rubles will be spent on employee salaries per month.


To organize a mini-bakery, the following set of equipment is required:

  1. Bakery oven – 34,794 rubles.
  2. Proofing cabinet model ShRE 2.1 – 19,760 rubles.
  3. Flour sifter model PVG-600M – 21,780 rubles.
  4. Dough mixer model MTM-65MNA – 51,110 rubles.
  5. Hearth sheets for HPE 700x460 (20 pcs.) – 584 rubles.
  6. Exhaust hood 10x8 – 7,695 rubles.
  7. Washing tub – 2,836 rubles.
  8. Refrigerator cabinet model R700M – 24,420 rubles.
  9. Pastry table model SP-311/2008 – 13,790 rubles.
  10. Wall-mounted food table model SPP 15/6 – 3,905 rubles.
  11. Portion scales model CAS SW-1-5 – 2,466 rubles.
  12. Portion scales model CAS SW-1-20 – 2,474 rubles.
  13. Shelving model SK - 6,706 rubles.
  14. Trolley-stud model TS-R-16 for HPE hearth sheets – 17,195 rubles.

In total, the purchase of equipment will cost 226 thousand 283 rubles.

Product sales channels

The distribution channels here are small grocery stores located in the city “X” and nearby settlements. Sales of products through regional and federal retail chains not expected.

Project development schedule

The time frame for launching a company in this case is two months. All stages associated with starting a business imply the personal responsibility of the business owner.

In the first month, the business is registered with the Federal Tax Service and stamps are ordered. Next, a current account is opened and a lease agreement for the production workshop is concluded. All necessary equipment for running a business is purchased, the premises are renovated in accordance with the requirements of the SES.

Over the next month, the entrepreneur receives approval from the SES to conduct business. The line is installed, commissioning is carried out and test baking is done. The recipe is being agreed upon and technical specifications with Rospotrebnadzor. Recruitment of employees is underway. Agreements are concluded with suppliers and buyers.

Starting from the third month, the bakery is fully operational.

Registration of activities with the Federal Tax Service will cost 15,000 rubles.

The cost of redecorating the premises and bringing it into compliance with SES requirements: 100,000 rubles.

The purchase of equipment will cost 226,283 rubles.

Purchase of vehicles (bread van with 128 trays, GAZ-3302 car): 450,000 rubles.

The purchase of table equipment will require 30,000 rubles.

For creating inventory you will need 50,000 rubles.

As working capital you will need 150,000 rubles.

100,000 rubles are needed to connect to electrical networks, as well as to approve the technical specifications and technical specifications for the products.

The total amount of funds required to open a mini-bakery will ultimately be about 1,100,000 rubles.

Estimated financial performance of the business

Planned revenue for 2018

In accordance with organizational plan, the start of the company's activities is scheduled for March 2018. Self-sufficiency should occur around May of this year.

Planned economic indicators in 2019

The company's activities can be called seasonal, since the peak of sales will most likely be in September - November and from the beginning of March to the end of April. In other months, revenue may decrease.

Estimated payback period for the project: 2 years.

Expense part of the business

The costly part of the business includes the following expenses:

1.Production cost.

This includes the costs required to produce the product. These are, in particular, funds for purchasing flour, margarine, sugar, yeast and other ingredients.

2. Variable expenses.

This implies wage employees, which directly depends on production and amounts to twelve percent of revenue.

3. General expenses.

This expense item refers to expenses required by wages, social contributions, rent, expenses for fuel and lubricants, equipment repairs, utility bills and other expenses.

Project Risk Analysis

The implementation and further operation of the bakery is complicated by a number of negative aspects and risks. To determine the degree of influence of these factors, it is necessary to conduct them detailed analysis. This is determined through an expert threat assessment. Also, a detailed study of the problem allows you to see the degree of influence of risks.

Possible risks when doing business

1.Increasing the cost of raw materials

This problem will undoubtedly lead to an increase in product costs and a decrease in profit margins. This risk can be compensated by increasing the selling price or by revising weight requirements. To prevent this problem, it is important to constantly study the supplier market and look for the most advantageous offers.

2.Emergence of new competitors

If new competitors appear, sales volume may decrease significantly. In order to protect the enterprise from this risk, it is recommended to maintain customer loyalty and try in every possible way to differentiate itself from competitors.

3.Decreased sales during a certain season

The problem can lead to decreased sales and increased employee costs. This risk can be overcome through competent marketing policies.


It is obvious that all external and internal risks in business negatively affect profits. These difficulties are significantly mitigated through the development of a crisis management strategy. It is also important to maintain the company's positioning in the market. Great importance has constant contact with the consumer, studying his preferences for the offered assortment.

Relevance of a mini-bakery business plan

The main message in the bakery market is healthy eating, naturalness and freshness. Today, the most in demand are bakeries operating in supermarkets, where sales are quite high due to good traffic. According to information from the Information and Analytical Center "Informconfectioner", since 2010, the popularity of private mini-bakeries has been growing due to a wide range and exclusive products.

Even if we take into account the intense competition in the industry as a whole, the niche of bakery and butter products is still poorly filled. This is due to the fact that large enterprises are focused more on the production of bread rather than bakery products. At the same time, they cannot cope with competition in supermarkets where their own baked goods are sold. Along with this, the latter cannot present a wide range of products, since this is of secondary interest to buyers. At the same time, the products of large factories are not sold in full in supermarkets.

As a result, private mini-bakeries benefit significantly, since they sell a sufficient amount of bakery products and are able to satisfy the needs of even the most sophisticated customers. Having understood the value of the consumer and established a sales system, an entrepreneur with the help of a private mini-bakery can receive consistently high profits with minimal risks.


Using non-traditional (even borrowed) recipes for baked goods, you can successfully conquer a certain market segment. The niche for such products is now quite free, so any mini-bakery has all the prerequisites for development.

What could be more pleasant in the morning than the aroma of freshly baked bread? What’s tastier than a gorgeous cake with a huge fluffy top of whipped cream? Yes, it's just a dream! But you can realize your dream and make money from it. To do this, you should open a mini-bakery and build a successful business.

Fresh bakery

Business plan

If you decide to take up such a noble cause as baking bread, then you should think about the upcoming costs. Let's draw up a business plan for a mini-bakery with calculations. Here are the costs ahead:

  • purchase of equipment from 550 thousand rubles;
  • bringing the premises in accordance with the requirements for food production from 75 thousand rubles;
  • rent from 50 thousand rubles. per month;
  • utilities from 80 thousand rubles. per month;
  • salaries for employees from 280 thousand rubles. per month;
  • advertising of products from 35 thousand rubles. per month;
  • purchase of raw materials from 100 thousand rubles. per month.

Let me make a reservation right away that it is better to buy the premises rather than rent them. Otherwise, relocations are possible, which will not have the best effect on your business. The amount of initial investment in your future business will be 625 thousand rubles - this is subject to renting premises. The amount of monthly expenses will be at least 545 thousand rubles.

Mini-bakery as a business, from personal experience For those who have been and are doing this, it pays off noticeably in a year. The profitability of such a business is at least 30%, which is a good indicator.

The greatest profit can be made by producing confectionery or luxury products, for which you can make a large markup. Then the profitability can be 50%, and the payback period will be about 6 months.


Since the bakery is a food production facility, it is necessary to obtain a “Sanitary and Epidemiological Certificate for Production.” In addition, on finished products You also need permission from the SES - “Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for the product.” Without these two documents, neither production nor sale of products will be legal.

In addition, you will need:

  • documents defining ownership;
  • permission from the fire inspectorate;
  • certificate of conformity;
  • hygiene certificate.

Since this is the production of essential food products, it is very important to obtain all permits. Otherwise, when conducting inspections, you may face a significant fine and closure of the proceedings.


Small bakery space

As mentioned above, it is still preferable to buy premises rather than rent. From the experience of those who run such a business, it becomes clear that any premises for food production must be brought in accordance with sanitary standards. This is quite expensive, and if you rent a room, then when you move to a new one, you will have to do it again. If your funds do not allow you to buy a premises, then the only acceptable solution may be long-term rent for at least 2-3 years.

A mini-bakery is an enterprise that produces bakery products and carries out retail sales.

Mini bakery concept is baking fresh bread using unique recipes, as well as creating a homely and warm atmosphere in which visitors can eat without leaving the cash register.

The bakery's target audience is residents of neighboring houses, as well as people who care about their health and prefer bread without artificial additives.

Basics competitive advantage The bakery is an advantageous location that allows it to cover two residential areas with a population of approximately 30,000 people.

The mini-bakery’s assortment includes three main areas: standard products, exclusive bread, and French croissants. Each direction consists of three product names. This structure allows you to satisfy the demand of the entire target audience, as well as cost minimum quantity production equipment.

The average bill for a mini-bakery is 100 rubles. Traffic during the day can be up to 1000 people, which guarantees reaching full production capacity within 3 months of operation.

2. Description of the business, product or service

The obvious advantage of opening a bakery is that despite the general decline in household spending on goods and services, the demand for bread remains stable. In addition, similar imported products increase in price, and products from domestic bakeries are not able to compete with bakery products in terms of taste.

In the production of baked goods, we place the main emphasis on the quality of the products used and preserving the unique recipe of each product.

Bread sold in large stores is usually tasteless and contains a lot of vegetable fat and sugar. As for similar bakeries, they focus on making pies and have virtually no dietary products in their assortment.

The assortment is presented in three areas of baking: French pastries, specialty bread for those who adhere to healthy eating, Russian bread. In each direction we produce three types of products.

3. Description of the sales market

The target audience of the project is divided into two segments:

  • residents of nearby houses who find it convenient to buy fresh baked goods in our bakery;
  • people who adhere to a healthy diet, watch their figure and are interested in buying branded bread with unique recipes.

The bakery competes with similar companies in the following parameters:

  • Product quality: it is necessary to use high-quality ingredients and a unique preparation recipe.
  • Price of products: standard products are sold at the average market price.
  • The assortment is presented in three areas of baking: French pastries, branded bread for those who adhere to a healthy diet, and original Russian bread.
  • Location: residential area (yard type bakery), convenient parking (accessible from the main street).
  • The presence of a window into the workshop, which allows the consumer to observe the process of preparing products

SWOT analysis of a mini-bakery

Project strengths

Vulnerabilities of the project

  • Product quality
  • Range
  • Package
  • Location
  • Ability to change product range and respond flexibly to demand
  • Single point, unrecognizable brand
  • Lack of wholesale discounts from suppliers due to low production volumes
  • Lack of proven supply channels

Opportunities and prospects

External threats

  • Population of the area will ensure an increase in demand
  • The size of the rented premises allows in the future to increase production volume, purchase additional equipment, and also introduce a tasting room
  • Lack of stable relationships with inspection authorities
  • Increase in prices for raw materials and primary products

4. Sales and marketing

5. Production plan

The sale of goods is carried out in the sales area. Delivery of goods at the project launch stage is not provided.

6. Organizational structure

At the stage of launching a bakery, as well as at the initial stage of operation, you can get by with a minimum number of staff.

Manager monitors the organization of the production and sales process, is responsible for continuous work bakeries and timely troubleshooting. In addition, he performs the functions of a forwarder, manages document flow, receives cash on a daily basis, and determines the company’s development strategy. Since the bakery’s turnover at the initial stage will be relatively small, it can be assumed that combining these responsibilities is possible within one position. This position involves a 6-day work schedule from 10.00 to 19.00 with a 1 hour lunch break.

Salesman-cashier Handles customer service and cash register operations. Every evening, the salesperson-cashier fills out a special journal in which he records cash, and also keeps records of all transactions supported by the presence of checks. In addition, the cashier-seller receives finished products from the workshop, places the goods on shelves, and keeps order in the sales area. The working day of the cashier-seller coincides with the bakery's opening hours and lasts from 8.00 to 20.00. There is no lunch break in the work of a salesperson-cashier, but since the flow of customers is not uniform, he has time to rest. Work schedule - 2 days of work alternate with 2 days of rest.

Baker starts working at 6.00 and ends at 16.00. The baker has complete control over the product production cycle: from keeping records of available raw materials to the production of finished products. His responsibilities also include maintaining cleanliness in the workshop, timely disposal of spoiled products, and maintaining hood cleaning logs. The baker's work schedule is 2 days of work alternated with 2 days of rest.

The salary of each employee consists of two parts: salary (fixed amount) and piecework (percentage of revenue).

In the future, the possibility of introducing additional non-financial motivation for key personnel is being considered - additional training for cooks.

To maintain records, we plan to use the services of an accountant outsourced.

With an increase in production volume, as well as the expansion of services provided, new vacancies will arise in the company: driver, cleaner, administrator, pastry chef.

A detailed calculation of the payroll, taking into account the bonus part and insurance contributions, is presented in the financial model.

7. Financial plan

Let's calculate the initial investment required to start a bakery. They amount to 1,589,811 rubles. Let's take a closer look at their composition.


Name Quantity Price for 1 piece. Total amount
Cash machine1 15 000 15 000
Glass showcase1 25 000 25 000
Cabinets for GP1 15 000 15 000
Safe1 3 000 3 000
Bake1 250 000 250 000
Fridge1 40 000 40 000
Dough mixing machine1 50 000 50 000
Proofing cabinet1 40 000 40 000
Flour sifter1 25 000 25 000
Dough cutting table1 35 000 35 000
Dough sheeter1 45 000 45 000
Baking trolley1 40 000 40 000
Visitor table2 10 000 20 000
Chairs for visitors6 2 500 15 000
Fire-fighting equipment1 50 000 50 000
Other equipment1 50 000 50 000

718 000