April can already be called a summer month, since in the middle of spring the rainy season, which has become boring during the winter, finally disappears. But it is not only the clear sky that gives the second month of spring in Israel the right to be called summer. He can back up his rights to this with truly summer warmth. After all, the daytime temperature in Israel in mid-spring is +18...+31 degrees.

Of course, such diversity allows us to draw the obvious conclusion that the weather in Israel in April is not the same everywhere. The northern regions of the country are not yet quite ready to welcome lovers of the sun, sea and sand, as local temperatures rarely rise above 23 degrees. But they will be happy to open their arms to all those who want to enjoy health resorts and excursions - the weather certainly won’t bother anyone.

But the southern parts of the country will be able to give a real hot summer to everyone who wants to find it here. The local weather in April can rival any summer weather. In Eilat the air warms up to 31 degrees, and on the coast of the Sea of ​​Galilee - up to 26. The warmth that the south can boast of will warm everyone who is tired of winter frosts and misses the sun.

The weather in Israel at this time of year is one of the trump cards of this amazing country. And it will be an excellent addition to the beauty and charm of the places that attract millions of people here.

Where to go on vacation in April 2020? Choose Israel! This country will provide not only a wonderful journey into history, but also treatment in the most modern medical centers Israel, as well as a wonderful holiday at sea. Pay attention to “last minute tours” - this is both a pleasant trip and savings. You can get all the information about prices for tours in the search and selection of tours service at the top of the page.

The Dead Sea is best vacation in April. Famous resorts attract with magnificent hotels with excellent equipment, attentive and even reverent attitude towards vacationers, no matter where they come from, therefore, you should not think about where to relax in April. Of course this is Israel! At the best resorts in the world you can improve your health and soak up the gentle sun.

The best resorts in Israel

No matter which resort you go to, your trip will be unique and unforgettable! No other tour will give you the opportunity to visit three seas at once - the Red, Mediterranean and Dead. This is where people come for comfort and treatment. Both elite resorts in Israel and small, inexpensive ones provide impeccable service.

For nature lovers we offer best resorts– Netanya, Eilat and En Bokek. Fans of diving and all active sea activities come here. This is where you should go in April, it’s Eilat, that’s where the sun shines all year round! Sun and crystal clean water The Red Sea creates all the conditions for an unforgettable holiday in Israel. If you are planning a vacation with children, then this is the best best time. You can teach children to swim, the water in the Dead Sea provides such an opportunity.

Sights of Israel

Where to go on vacation in April will disappear by itself when you see how many interesting things you can see in Israel. After all, people come here not only to relax, but also to venerate Christian shrines. The birthplace of three religions, the Promised Land is rich in historical monuments that everyone living on earth knows about.

All tourists strive to get to Tel Aviv - one of the largest cities in Israel. Nearby is Jaffa - one of the most ancient cities in the world.

The favorite resort of Bat Yam is famous for its excellent sandy beaches, a beautiful park and a large artificial skating rink!

Since everything is close by in Israel, it is not difficult to get to the White Tower Mosque and the Church of Nicodemus and Joseph.

The main attraction of the country is the holy city of Jerusalem and Bethlehem. Every year many pilgrims flock to these sacred places. Every stone in these places is sacred. Nazareth, the city where Christ spent his childhood, is especially revered by Christians.

Visit Israel and not see the Negev desert with its rocky mountains, canyons and lunar craters, Mount Moab! This is impossible!

Climate in Israel

Hot, subtropical, humid in the north, semi-desert and desert in the south. Here there are wet winters and dry summers, spring and autumn are not clearly expressed, so we can say that this country is all summer! A trip to Israel will leave many pleasant memories in your memory.

While in Russia April is marked by the active melting of snow and the gentle rays of the sun, just beginning to warm Mother Earth, in Israel this is the real summer, accompanied by the opening of the swimming season. Find out on the Tour Calendar how good it is to relax in this country at a given time.

Weather in Israel in April

Due to the fact that most of the territory of Israel, neighboring such “hot” countries as Jordan and Egypt, is dominated by a subtropical climate, spring here passes quite quickly and chaotically, and the first signs of summer appear already in April. That is, when in our homeland the trees are just getting leaves, and the last snow cover is melting under our feet. This month is characterized by a noticeable increase in air warming and a significant reduction in precipitation. Of course, there is no need to talk about their complete absence, however, their volume is so small that you can safely leave the umbrella at home. Summer time here is known for its sultry temperament. For a number of reasons, many tourists find it very difficult to tolerate the standing heat with sky-high temperatures. April is one of the most optimal periods for this category of travelers. The celestial body is no longer lazy and allows you to cover yourself with a golden tan while lying on seashore. At the same time, the weather favors educational trips. When considering a specific meteorological forecast, it should be said that each region has its own. The reason for this discrepancy lies in the heterogeneity of the landscapes, the meridional elongation of the country, as well as the unequal distance from the coast. The coolest conditions (by Israeli standards) reign in the northern mountainous areas - the Golan and Upper Galilee. So, in Safed the thermometer at midday indicates +18..+19 °C, and in the evenings - +8..+10 °C.

Jerusalem Tel Aviv Haifa Eilat

The total number of days with precipitation does not exceed 3. Nazareth is located on the small hills of the Lower Galilee, so it is incomparably warmer here: +13..+15°C at night and +27..+28°C during the day. In the area of ​​Lake Kinerit - up to +26..+27°C. True, after sunset environment cools down sharply to +14..+15°C. This is not surprising, since this situation is always typical for the northern regions. At the Dead Sea, daily temperatures are 1-2 degrees higher, and in dark time It’s much warmer here during the day: in Ein Bokek it’s about +20..+21°C, so you don’t have to pack sweaters and windbreakers. The sky, to the delight of everyone, is cloudless, only occasionally it lets out splashes. You can also bask in the sun in Eilat. This resort is traditionally dry and clear. However, you need to remember about precautions: ultraviolet radiation in the south is extremely aggressive, you should think about protective equipment, a Panama hat and light clothing. Fortunately, at lunchtime it’s +31..+33°C, and after sunset it’s +18..+20°C, which makes walking under the starry night sky very comfortable. As for the rains, you can safely forget about them until November. It's a pleasure to be in Jerusalem. Visiting the shrines will take place at a pleasant +22..+23°C. But since the capital is located on a hill, the effect of contrast between the temperature regime of day and night is much stronger in it than in the coastal regions. Therefore, along with your summer clothes, pack a jacket in your suitcase: as dusk deepens, the mercury drops to +13°C. Sunny days are rarely interrupted by cloudy ones, which is why dark glasses become relevant. The weather along the Mediterranean coast is quite moderate. So, in Haifa, weather forecasters record from +15°C to +22..+23°C. In Tel Aviv, Netanya and Herzliya, the average value of the absolute maximum is +24°C, in the evenings - not lower than +16°C. The chance of rain has been reduced to just 4 days. Compared to winter, this is sheer nonsense.

What to do in Israel in April?

April in Israel promises an unforgettable time on the Red Sea. From this month, its beaches are filled with fans of relaxing holidays in the “relaxed-vegetative” style, as well as fans of spectacular diving. In addition, this month is perfect for promoting health and undergoing rejuvenation treatments at Dead Sea spa centers. Also, mid-spring promotes participation in excursion programs. Those interested in religious heritage need to be prepared for crowds of pilgrims flocking here from different parts of the world, and, as a result, for long queues, since Easter is usually celebrated during this period of time.

Beach holiday

You should think carefully before purchasing a tour to the resorts Mediterranean Sea. The maximum heating of the water near the shores of Haifa is about +19°C, off the shores of Netanya, Herzliya, Ashkelon and Tel Aviv - +20°C. As you understand, this is not at all enough to enjoy swimming to the fullest.

Hastily taking a dip and getting your feet wet is the limit of possibilities. It’s another matter to go and unwind in the vastness of the Red Sea. The winds blowing from the deserts have subsided there, and the water pampers at +22°C (at the end +23°C). With the start of the swimming season, life in Eilat began to sparkle with new colors. The wide coastal strip of the city acquires a rich palette of colors due to bright swimsuits, colorful umbrellas, towels, awnings and other frivolities. Eilat - the center of attraction for fans water element. Only one communicates with her on a sailing board ( best season sailing and kiting lasts until the end of April), taming the well-fed waves blessed by surfers, others - with scuba gear and in a diving suit, looking at the inhabitants of branched coral reefs.

Both the former and the latter usually do not refuse to have fun in discos, nightclubs and other “fun spots” in their free time from sea activities.

Entertainment and excursions

A classic beach holiday on the Dead Sea is not possible due to its incredible density and high salt content, so we are discussing it in another section. Swimming in this unique body of water is extremely difficult. Basically, everyone lies on the surface like “floats” (water temperature +24..+26 °C), enjoys the feeling of weightlessness of their own body and contemplates the magnificent biblical landscapes (they say that in ancient times the cities of the Garden and Gomorrah, destroyed by God, stood here ). Due to the mildness of ultraviolet radiation, you don’t have to worry about burns.

A high concentration of oxygen imitates the conditions of a natural hyperbaric chamber, so breathing such air is extremely useful. Those wishing to undergo the course stop at a spa center or a specialized dermatological treatment facility, where clients, among other things, are offered mud baths, black clay wraps and immersion in hydrogen sulfide springs. Nature responds to the winter rains with lush flowering, so visiting nature reserves and national parks leaves behind a lot of positive emotions. The Ein Gedi Nature Reserve, the Garden of Gethsiam, surrounded by green olive trees, the Baha'i Gardens, included in the UNESCO Heritage Fund,

A picturesque oasis in the Negev desert, Ein Avdat - the list of beautiful places in Israel is endless. For lovers of desert landscapes, we recommend taking a jeep safari to national park Timna, striking in its geometry of rock fractures and limestone formations. The Underwater Observatory with the Eilat Dolphinarium is also popular among visitors. Jerusalem with its great shrines does not go unnoticed. In other words, April provides tourists with many options to choose from.


average daily temperature

average night temperature

sunny days


sea ​​water temperature

* Weather in Israel - April

If, in the minds of Russian tourists, April is the height of spring, when the snow melts and leaves are just beginning to appear on the trees, then in Israel, full summer already begins in April. The “wet” season, which lasted from November, is ending, and the number of rainy days is sharply decreasing: on average there are only five in the country. The amount of precipitation in Tel Aviv is 18 millimeters (this is almost three times less than in the previous March), in Jerusalem - twenty-five millimeters, even drier on the Red Sea coast, in Eilat (only two millimeters), the same amount of precipitation - and at the healing resorts of the Dead Sea.

The weather in Israel in April pleases tourists not only with rare rains, but also with warmth. Thus, in the resorts of the Mediterranean Sea (in Tel Aviv, Netanya, Haifa), the average daytime temperature is about twenty-two degrees, but at night the air does not cool down much, to 16°C. It’s even warmer on the shores of the Sea of ​​Galilee, in Tiberias. The daytime temperature here reaches 27 degrees, at night about fifteen degrees. In Israel in April, you will be able to bask in the sun at the Dead Sea (in Ein Bokek 28°C during the day) and, of course, in Eilat, which welcomes swimmers almost all year round. In mid-spring it is already 31 degrees during the day, and up to eighteen at night.

Summer has come into its own, so you need to take everything on your trip required attributes beach holiday- protection cream sunburn, hat, loose clothing and light shoes. However, this advice applies not only to travelers going to the beaches of Israel, but also to those who prefer excursion or pilgrimage tours - the weather in Israel in April is hot not only on the sea coast, but throughout almost the entire territory.

In Jerusalem, Nazareth and Bethlehem, the air temperature is quite comfortable (up to 22°C during the day, about 13 degrees at night), but the sun shines brightly, and long walks under its rays without applying a protective agent can result in dire consequences. In addition, it should be remembered that due to the proximity of the desert, the difference between day and night temperatures is felt here more acutely than in coastal regions, so along with light clothing it is worth taking a sweater on your trip.

The weather in Israel in April, unlike the winter months, allows you to fully enjoy sea swimming. True, the water is not yet warm enough at all resorts. Thus, the water temperature in the Mediterranean Sea (off the coast of Tel Aviv, Haifa, Netanya) averages 19°C, and the Sea of ​​Galilee (Tiberias) warms up at about the same rate. It’s a little warmer in the Red Sea (about twenty-two degrees), in the Dead Sea - twenty-four. It is no coincidence that more and more vacationers spend their time not at heated indoor pools, but on sea beaches, especially in Ein Bokek, where sea baths bring not only pleasure, but also healing.

As a rule, it is in April that many pilgrims from all countries arrive in Israel, because here on the eve Orthodox Easter During the service in the Church of the Resurrection of Christ, the Holy Fire is carried out from the Holy Sepulcher, which, according to legend, is of divine origin and symbolizes the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Thousands of believers strive to witness this miracle, so it is better to reschedule excursion and study trips to Jerusalem to a more convenient time. In addition, April is usually the month of celebrating Passover - the Jewish Passover, so tourists will be able to see with their own eyes many of the rituals and customs that accompany this ancient holiday, and try the famous matzo and dishes with it.

Israel in April is hospitable and beautiful, accessible and generous.

Let's take a closer look weather conditions what awaits you in this country in April, as well as the cost of your vacation.

If in Russia the second month of spring is characterized only by the beginning of active snow melting, then in Israel April is similar to the beginning of the summer period. It is this month that opens swimming season, and by this time the time of rainy weather is finally coming to an end.

Features of April weather

At the beginning of April, precipitation is quite possible. However, their number is almost three times less than in March. On average across the country, the number of rainy days does not exceed five.

On the coast of the Red Sea ( we're talking about about Eilat) is traditionally dry and warm. The average daily temperature here reaches +28 °C. Open with success beach season and tourists who came to relax at the Dead Sea. During the day in Ein Bokek it also reaches +28 °C. The air in the Mediterranean regions of the country (in Tel Aviv and Haifa), as a rule, has not yet warmed up to more than +22 °C. At night it is around +15°C.

The water temperature is quite suitable for swimming:

  • Mediterranean Sea: + 19°C,
  • Red Sea: +23 °C,
  • Dead Sea: +24 °C.

At the end of April, summer almost completely comes into its own. The average daily temperature in Eilat at this time is +31 °C.

How to relax in Israel in spring

Allows you to fully enjoy all types of recreation. Unlike the winter months, lovers of sea bathing begin to flock to the resort.

Where to relax in April? The Ein Bokek area, located on the Dead Sea, is very popular at this time. Here are the best spa centers and medical clinics that have become famous around the world thanks to healing properties sea ​​water and dirt.

April is the month when people arrive in Israel large number pilgrims from all countries. Thousands of believers strive to attend the service, which is accompanied by a takeaway Holy Fire. On the eve of Easter, similar services are held in almost all churches. The Church of the Resurrection of Christ and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher are especially popular among tourists. To see with their own eyes the Fire, symbolizing the resurrection of Jesus, tourists are ready to stand in queues of thousands.

At the beginning of April, Israelis also celebrate the Jewish Passover (Passover). The ancient holiday is accompanied by various rituals and performances, the participants of which can try traditional Jewish treats:

  • matzo - yeast-free bread cracker-like
  • tsimes - carrots fried with prunes
  • lekah - dough balls fried in honey, etc.

During the Jewish Passover, the world-famous Music Festival takes place. Thousands of music lovers flock here from all over the world.

Perfect for all kinds of sightseeing tours. There are a great many that are recommended to visit. This and ancient city Haifa, and the Garden of Gethsiam, and the Timna Nature Reserve. Tours to the Negev desert, the Massada fortress, and national reserve Ein Gedi.

Despite the fact that there are many tourists in Jerusalem in April, its attractions are no less attractive. The most interesting places and shrines (the Wailing Wall, the Path of Sorrow, the Mount of Olives, etc.) are attractive at any time of the year.

Connoisseurs of contemporary art will definitely enjoy visiting the Diamond Museum.

Price for a holiday in Israel in April

Tours to Israel in April will delight you with fairly affordable prices. There are many different variations of last-minute travel packages. For example, the day before departure you can purchase a tour with savings of up to 50%. It is important to know that the cost of a holiday in Israel at the end of April can be much more expensive than at the beginning.

An increase in prices by 20-30% indicates the actual opening of the beach season.

April in Israel is a fertile time for sunbathing, scuba diving in the Red Sea, and visiting holy places, of which there are more than enough here. This month marks the beginning of the holiday season, so prices go up, especially in Tel Aviv.