To fulfill the main task of electronic interaction between government bodies and the population - improving the quality and reducing the time it takes to provide public services - it was necessary to switch to high-quality new level interdepartmental interaction. For this purpose, a system of electronic interdepartmental interaction (SMEI) was created. The key legal act for modernizing the system of providing public services is the Federal Law “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services” dated July 27, 2010 210-FZ, which prohibits civil servants from demanding from recipients of state and municipal services documents that are already in their possession authorities. Such a measure could only become possible thanks to the creation of SMEV. An exception to this list are documents of personal storage.

The regulatory legal framework was prepared quite quickly: already in 2011 there was a provision on SMEV, technical requirements for the interaction of information systems within the framework of SMEV (they mean that all departments will use a single interaction format), regulations for the interaction of SMEV participants and the system operator. SMEV turned out to be fixed in the legal field as a system on the basis of which it is necessary to implement interdepartmental electronic interaction in the provision of public services.

What is SMEV? The definition of this term is presented in the Government Decree Russian Federation No. 697 “On a unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction” and it sounds like this, the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction is a federal state information system that includes information databases, including those containing information about the software and hardware used by authorities and organizations that provide access through system of interaction to their information systems, information about the history of movement in the system of interaction of electronic messages in the provision of state and municipal services, the performance of state and municipal functions in electronic form, as well as software and technical means, ensuring the interaction of information systems of bodies and organizations used in the provision of state and municipal services in electronic form and the performance of state and municipal functions.

Simply put, SMEV is an information system that ensures guaranteed delivery of interdepartmental requests to the supplier’s information system and responses to interdepartmental requests to the consumer’s information system.

In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 697, we will determine the main tasks and functions of SMEV (Fig. 1).

It should be noted that when implementing the tasks of interdepartmental document flow within the framework of providing public services, one way or another it is necessary to solve the problems of interaction with various information resources. Solving this problem requires implementing interaction functions, resource discovery, maintaining a list of available resources, developing interaction standards, etc., which will ultimately lead to either the creation
a separate subsystem of interdepartmental interaction, or to the interaction of systems on the “point-to-point” principle. The latter option leads to an uncontrolled increase in costs for the implementation of new regulations for the provision of public services and a huge redundancy of implemented functions.

Rice. 1. Functions and tasks of SMEV

A system that would allow departments to exchange legally significant data electronically, in a single format, should form the basis of e-government. It was not a person who had to run between officials, but megabytes of information.

Before the creation of SMEV, there were certain problems of interdepartmental interaction. Just a few years ago, a unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction could not even be imagined. The exchange of data between government agencies was unsystematic and chaotic. Each department worked according to its own rules and used its own requirements for technology and level of data protection.

The history of information exchange was not stored - if necessary, it was almost impossible to find out who, when and to whom transferred the data. Some departments did not even get around to creating their own information systems and it was impossible to obtain data from them in electronic form. Of course, there was no unified control and monitoring system, centralized system guaranteed delivery of messages. The role of the system of interdepartmental interaction was played by the citizen - it was he who knocked on the thresholds of departments, collecting the certificates he needed, in order to ultimately take them to the government agency from which he wanted to receive a public service.

We are talking about creating an information resource common to several public services or departments whose areas of interest overlap. Let's say, a resource containing information about the civil status of individuals: usually a citizen can submit information about marriage, divorce, the birth of a child or the death of loved ones to several government bodies for a certain limited period, and then in a variety of situations, submit the same information again each time data in different forms (for buying and selling real estate, receiving an inheritance, applying for subsidies or tax breaks, etc.). When the SMEV functions, once the specified data is entered into the archives of all the necessary authorities automatically, and when a citizen re-applies to any of the government bodies, he is freed from the need to re-report the same data.

These factors led to the aforementioned bureaucratic red tape and confusion. The applicant was required to provide a lot of documents and certificates, many of them several times. As a result, citizens spent a lot of time (and many - money) copying the same papers.

The main problems of interdepartmental cooperation include:

The chaotic nature of the exchange of information, which is organized by each department according to its own rules;

Lack of storage of history of service provision and information exchange;

Excessive costs for protecting “all-to-all” communication channels;

Lack of a unified system for monitoring the performance and availability of information systems.

In 2011, all federal bodies that need to exchange information to provide government services electronically joined SMEV.

The system provides regulated, guaranteed transmission of messages between information systems of government agencies and organizations providing public services connected to it, as well as between components of the e-government infrastructure.

In the process of information interaction between the supplier’s information system and the consumer’s information system, SMEV records in electronic form information about the facts of sending, receiving and the content of interdepartmental requests and interdepartmental responses between suppliers and consumers.

The reliability of the information provided is ensured by each of the information providers within its area of ​​responsibility. At the same time, the e-government infrastructure must ensure the reception of requests, error-free routing and undistorted transmission of information between consumers and participants.

The information listed above is stored in SMEV for 3 years from the date of its recording. After the specified period, the information is deleted.

In Fig. Figure 2 shows the technological process of organizing information exchange through SMEV as part of the process of ordering services and interdepartmental electronic interaction using electronic signatures.

Rice. 2. Technological diagram of the functioning of SMEV

SMEV is based on the technology of electronic services - software, providing request and receipt of structured information and electronic documents from information systems of participants. This technology makes it possible to combine practically any information systems into a single “communication” network, regardless of the time of their creation, their software platform and the structure of information databases.

The direction of information flows within the framework of interdepartmental interaction is presented in Fig. 3.

As can be seen in Fig. 3 the consumer and recipient of data are absolutely all federal, regional or municipal authorities.

Consumer access to SMEV electronic services is provided:

Using participant authentication mechanisms, including using an electronic digital signature;

Through the exchange of information consumers and SMEV, information providers and SMEV with electronic messages of the established format and structure.

SMEV is a completely secure environment - it ensures the security of transmitted information from the connection point of the sender of the message to the connection point of its recipient. The system is based on a data transmission network protected by cryptographic means.

In connection with the transition of interaction between citizens and government agencies and government agencies among themselves from paper to electronic, the issue of developing an electronic signature mechanism has become extremely relevant. Documents transmitted through SMEV must have the same legal significance as paper documents signed with a handwritten signature. In addition, it was necessary to ensure that citizens could use an electronic signature when submitting applications for the provision of government services via the Internet.

Electronic legislation digital signatures, which existed at that time, was imperfect and did not take into account the possibility of using an electronic signature in the provision of public services. In 2011, the regulatory framework governing the use of electronic signatures was radically changed - electronic signatures became an effective e-government mechanism.

On April 6, 2011, Federal Law No. 63-Z of April 6, 2011 “On Electronic Signature” came into force. The law regulates relations in the field of using electronic signatures when making civil transactions, providing state and municipal services, performing state and municipal functions, as well as when performing other legally significant actions. In accordance with 63-FZ, an electronic signature is information in electronic form that is attached to other information in electronic form (signed information) or is otherwise associated with such information and which is used to identify the person signing the information.

The principles on the basis of which the SMEV should be created are:

Ensuring the technological possibility of information interaction between existing and newly created state information systems, municipal information systems and other information systems designed to fulfill government tasks;

Ensuring the technological independence of the SMEV structure and its operating regulations from ongoing technical, administrative, organizational and other changes in information systems connected to the SMEV;

Application of uniform technologies, formats, protocols for interdepartmental information interaction, unified software and hardware; fair use software, use of certified software, hardware and communication tools;

Ensuring the protection of information by taking organizational and technical measures aimed at ensuring the protection of information from unauthorized access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, provision, distribution, as well as from other unlawful actions in relation to such information;

Minimizing financial and time costs when transmitting and receiving information;

Single input and repeated use of information in information systems connected to SMEV;

Ensuring operation in real time; respect for citizens' rights during automated processing of information containing personal data.

SMEV should provide for the possibility of monitoring interdepartmental information interaction on the part of authorized government bodies.

From July 1, 2012, the interdepartmental regime extended to the regional and municipal levels. It is at the regional level that the most massive services are provided, the number of applicants for some of which has exceeded 5 million people. These are services such as child care benefits, subsidies for housing and communal services, benefits for public transport and others.

Such a large-scale project to synchronize the work of departments required the Russian Ministry of Economic Development to develop and implement methods that make it possible to describe and standardize the interaction in the exchange of information between government authorities.

Notable indicators have been achieved in the area of ​​interdepartmental cooperation:

367 federal government services have been transferred to interdepartmental interaction;

Departments must receive 766 documents independently, through interdepartmental channels, without requiring them from applicants;

264 documents were considered redundant, and departments refused to use them.

It is important to note that since Federal Law No. 210-FZ came into force, about 11 million interdepartmental requests have already been sent - so many times citizens did not have to waste time queuing for certificates at government agencies.

Thus, interdepartmental interaction is considered the main way to obtain a significant part of the documents necessary for the provision of public services. Accordingly, special requirements are imposed on the procedure for interdepartmental interaction. In particular, sending an interdepartmental request
and the submission of documents and information is permitted only for purposes related to the provision of state or municipal services and (or) the conduct of basic government information resources for the purpose of providing state or municipal services.

But the creation of SMEV not only increases work efficiency. The described interdepartmental approach makes it possible to prevent a common type of fraud, when a person receives the same benefit several times by applying for it to different authorities. At the same time, different government agencies increasingly need shared access to information about the same organizations and individuals, or access to data on the same issue. For example, medical institutions can quickly provide information to local authorities (social welfare departments), which will help better meet the needs of the population. In situations where there is a risk to the safety of citizens, information may be provided to the police and other law enforcement agencies. At the same time, the use of SMEV in such transactions, in addition to saving money, prevents unauthorized access to personal data by individual citizens, organizations, businesses, etc.

The system of interdepartmental electronic interaction is also necessary for information interaction between executive authorities by increasing reliability, speed and security, to ensure regulated access of citizens and representatives of organizations to state, municipal and other information systems, as well as automation of data exchange between individual state, municipal and other information systems.

The regional stage of development of SMEV will be even more significant for citizens, since it is at the regional and municipal levels that the documents and information necessary for the most common services are stored.

At the conceptual level, SMEV, acting as an integration bus and/or integration broker, does not reject the concept of automating business processes (for government agencies working primarily with documents - creating document management systems), but is complementary to it. The electronic document management system implements the end-to-end process of providing public services; the interdepartmental electronic interaction system ensures the participation of previously unrelated resources in this process, providing a transport and logical environment for the exchange of standardized messages between the document management system (business process execution system) and external information resources. At the same time, by choosing a messaging system based on open standards as a transport, both newly created information systems and existing ones created on various software and hardware platforms can be connected to SMEV.

When providing services electronically, technological support for information exchange between federal bodies is of particular importance state power(federal executive authorities), regional executive authorities (ROIV) and local self-government bodies (LSG), which is successfully carried out by the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction.

The starting points in the legal transition to interdepartmental electronic interaction were the adoption of the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 No. 210-FZ “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services” and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 8, 2010 No. 697 “On a unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction".

Relevant resolutions were adopted at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Thus, in the Republic of Mordovia, Decree of the Government of the Republic of Moldova dated June 6, 2011 No. 337-r was approved, which refers to the implementation of an action plan for the transition to interdepartmental and interlevel interaction in the provision of public services.

Based on the standard plan developed by the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Mordovia, corresponding plans for the transition to interdepartmental and interlevel interaction in the provision of municipal services have been developed in municipal areas, in which lists of priority municipal services have been formed, in respect of which it is planned to carry out work on organizing interdepartmental interaction, technological maps of interdepartmental interaction (for each state, lists and composition of information (documents) at the disposal of state executive authorities of the Republic of Mordovia necessary for the provision of public services have been determined, methods of interdepartmental and inter-level interaction have also been determined, necessary changes to the relevant regulatory legal acts etc. .

By order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova dated June 27, 2011 No. 384-r, the executive body of state power of the Republic of Mordovia was determined to be responsible for organizing the “interdisciplinary department” - the Ministry of Information and Communications of the Republic of Mordovia.

The list of public services with elements of interdepartmental and inter-level interaction provided by the Office of the Government of the Republic of Mordovia, the executive bodies of state power of the Republic of Mordovia, was determined by order of the Government of the Republic of Mordovia dated August 8, 2011 No. 507-r.

Analysis of the list of services with elements of interdepartmental and inter-level interaction showed that there are 101 services in total. These services are provided by 18 departments responsible for providing services. Data on the responsible departments and the number of services they provide are given in table. 2.

table 2

Data on responsible departments and services

Responsible agency of the Republic of Mordovia
for the provision of services with elements of interdepartmental
and cross-level interaction

services, pcs.

Ministry of Housing and Communal Services and Civil Protection of the Population of the Republic of Mordovia

Ministry of Health of the Republic of Mordovia

Ministry of Forestry, Hunting and Environmental Management of the Republic of Mordovia

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Mordovia

Ministry Agriculture and food of the Republic of Mordovia

Ministry of Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Mordovia

Ministry of Sports, Physical Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Mordovia

Ministry of Construction and Architecture of the Republic of Mordovia

Ministry of Trade and Entrepreneurship of the Republic of Mordovia

Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Mordovia

Ministry of Energy and Tariff Policy of the Republic of Mordovia

State Committee property and land relations of the Republic of Mordovia

State Committee of the Republic of Mordovia for Youth Affairs

State Committee of the Republic of Mordovia for Transport

Republican Veterinary Service of the Republic of Mordovia

Republican Civil Registry Service of the Republic of Mordovia

State Inspectorate of the Republic of Mordovia for supervision of the technical condition of self-propelled vehicles and other types of equipment

Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Mordovia

As can be seen from table. 2, the Ministry of Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Mordovia has the largest number of services with elements of interdepartmental and interlevel interaction (29), followed by the Ministry of Forestry, Hunting and Environmental Management of the Republic of Mordovia in second place (19). One service each from the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services and Civil Protection of the Population of the Republic of Mordovia, the Republican Veterinary Service of the Republic of Mordovia, the Ministry of Energy and Tariff Policy of the Republic of Mordovia, the Republican Civil Registration Service of the Republic of Mordovia.

This list serves as the basis for organizing work on designing interdepartmental interaction, drawing up technological maps interdepartmental interaction (ITCI), which contains a description of the procedure for providing state (municipal) services, information on the composition of documents necessary for the provision of state (municipal) services, information about suppliers and consumers of data, forms and content of interdepartmental interaction within the framework of providing state (municipal) services services.

As of December 31, 2013, TCMVs were approved for 100 public services and 42 for municipal services (39 standard and 2 unique). Inventory and amendments to the TCMV are carried out constantly as changes are made to the legislation regulating the provision of relevant state and municipal services, as well as as changes are made to the composition of requests posted in the information system “Register of Information” ( /).

By order of the Government of the Republic of Mordovia dated December 20, 2011 No. 807-R, in order to eliminate obstacles to the transition to interdepartmental interaction, a plan for introducing amendments to regulatory legal acts was approved, which includes 50 regulatory legal acts (changes were made to all planned legal acts).

In the Republic of Mordovia, on the basis of Order of the Government of the Republic of Mordovia dated March 14, 2011 No. 135-r, the responsibility for creating and ensuring the functioning of the infrastructure of a regional information system for interdepartmental electronic interaction is assigned to the authorized organization - the State Autonomous Institution of the Republic of Moldova "Gosinform".

The founder of the State Autonomous Institution of the Republic of Moldova “Gosinform” is the Ministry of Information and Communications of the Republic of Mordovia. The goal of the State Autonomous Institution of the Republic of Mordovia “Gosinform” is to promote the implementation of state policy in the field of informatization of the Republic of Mordovia, pursued by the Government of the Republic of Mordovia.

The main activities of the State Autonomous Institution of the Republic of Moldova "Gosinform":

Assistance to public authorities in performing the functions of an expert in approving technical requirements and technical specifications during the implementation of the activities of the Republican target program “Formation of the information society in the Republic of Mordovia in the period until 2015” and other state programs and projects for the creation of state information systems and information resources in accordance with the goals of socio-economic development of the Republic of Mordovia;

Carrying out the functions of the operator of the electronic government of the Republic of Mordovia in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Republic of Mordovia No. 218 of May 24, 2010.

Employees of the State Autonomous Institution of the Republic of Moldova "Gosinform", together with the Ministry of Information and Communications of the Republic of Moldova and the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Moldova, carried out work to create a regional SMEV (RSMEV) and connect it to the federal SMEV. 20 executive bodies of state power of the Republic of Mordovia, 23 local governments, 18 operating MFCs are connected and provided with access passwords. In order to protect personal data, secure communication channels have been organized between the State Autonomous Institution of the Republic of Moldova “Gosinform” and participants in interdepartmental interaction.

The working group of the sector for organizing interdepartmental electronic interaction of the State Autonomous Institution of the Republic of Moldova “Gosinform” carried out an analysis of state and municipal services of the Republic of Mordovia, where it was revealed that out of 349 state and municipal services provided by the executive bodies of state power of the Republic of Mordovia and local governments in the Republic of Mordovia, 128 services have elements of interdepartmental and interlevel interaction (including 87 public services and 41 municipal, of which 39 are standard).

The main indicators characterizing the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction are shown in Fig. 4.

During the analysis of TCMV, 184 electronic services were identified in 128 services. Data on the developed services are given in table. 3.

Developed and tested electronic services in the amount of 7 pieces, they are part of 13 socially significant state and municipal services. Thus, 47 electronic services are in varying degrees of readiness.

Rice. 4. Main indicators characterizing SMEV of the Republic of Mordovia

These electronic services have been sent to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation for registration in the SMEV test environment, and at the moment, 1 of the developed and tested electronic services is registered in the SMEV test environment.

According to statistics provided by OJSC Rostelecom, the number of requests through SMEV channels in the Republic of Mordovia in 2013 amounted to more than 6 million (the number of requests sent in 2012 was 420,982). This suggests that SMEV in the Republic of Mordovia is developing rapidly.

The information system providing interdepartmental interaction in the Republic of Mordovia is the information system “System for the execution of services and interdepartmental interaction”
(IS SIUMVV). It ensures execution following functions(Fig. 5).

Table 3

Data on electronic services in the Republic of Mordovia

Rice. 5. Main functions of IS SIUMVV

The developer of the SIUMVV IS is CJSC KSK Technologies (Moscow), it is a leader in the implementation of portal projects in Russia, actively participates in the creation of Electronic Government, is the main developer of regional portals and registers of state and municipal services, and the KSK SIUMVV platform (Service Execution and Interdepartmental Cooperation System) is currently the leading system in its class.

Employees of the State Autonomous Institution of the Republic of Moldova "Gosinform" in 2012-2013. work was carried out to draw up a schedule for functional testing of p-information in the test and production circuit of RSMEV together with the federal executive authorities, information from the permit for commissioning of a real estate property. Work was carried out on functional testing of electronic services, according to the schedule for functional testing of p-information in the test and production circuit of SMEV, registered in the test circuit of SMEV with federal executive authorities.

It should be noted that in testing electronic services, the republic was among the leaders at all stages of this work. Testing of the so-called F-information, according to which the supplier of the requested information is the federal executive body (or its territorial body in the republic), and the consumer is a republican government body or local government, was completed back in April 2013. And from that moment on, the vast majority of such requests were carried out electronically without direct interpersonal interaction between a person and a specific official. In testing electronic services, where the information provider is the republic and the consumer is the federal government, Mordovia was one of 13 pilot regions and completed testing in 3rd place among 83 constituent entities of the Russian Federation (in terms of timing). This allows interdepartmental interaction to be carried out entirely electronically as part of the development of the information society in the Republic of Mordovia.

Work was also carried out to finalize 56 electronic services necessary to provide information to the Federal executive authorities of the Republic of Mordovia in accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1123-r dated June 28, 2012, to updated version Methodological recommendations for the development of electronic services and the use of electronic signature technology in interdepartmental electronic interaction (version 2.5.6) of electronic services in RSMEV.

The main problems in the development of electronic services that employees of the State Autonomous Institution of the Republic of Moldova "Gosinform" encounter when implementing projects related to the transfer of state and municipal services to electronic view and organization of interdepartmental electronic interaction are presented in table. 4.

Table 4

Identified problems and solutions in SMEV


Lack of published documentation for electronic services developed by federal executive authorities and its irrelevance (user manuals, test cases for electronic services), posted on the SMEV technology portal and in the information system “Register of Information” ( (Example: Federal Treasury, Information on state duty, SID0003194; Federal Penitentiary Service, Request for information about the presence of a citizen in prison, SID0003444)

Develop electronic services for federal authorities and relevant up-to-date documentation for them

Long-term registration of electronic services, both in the test and productive circuits of SMEV;

the regulations for gaining access to services by the operator of the SMEV by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia are violated in terms of the requirements for sending additional applications directly to the Federal departments (in accordance with the “Regulations for the interaction of Participants in information interaction (version 2.0)” registration of an electronic service in the SMEV test mode is carried out within 5 working days, registration in productive mode, SMEV is carried out within 9 working days. At the same time, electronic services are not checked comprehensively, but until the first error found, which forces you to start the electronic service registration procedure again)

Bring the regulations for obtaining access to electronic services into compliance with the requirements of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation

In the formats of electronic services approved by federal executive authorities, an incomplete composition of the details of request parameters is indicated

Determine the body (organization) that will collect information and formulate a consolidated response

Limited financial resources, including local budgets, which can be used to finance the activities of these projects

Additional funding is needed

The high cost of services of the single e-government operator OJSC Rostelecom in terms of providing the executive bodies of government of the Republic of Mordovia and local governments with access to the RSMEV segment located at the federal level

Cost reduction

Employees of the State Autonomous Institution of the Republic of Moldova “Gosinform” conducted a study of public opinion on awareness of the system of interdepartmental interaction and its work. During the study in the Republic of Mordovia, it was revealed that the awareness of local respondents was 52% (Table 5).

Table 5

Awareness of applicants about the system of interdepartmental interaction, in% of respondents

On July 1, 2012, the norms of 210-FZ came into force, prohibiting government bodies, when accepting documents for receiving state (municipal) services, from requiring from applicants documents available in other government bodies and received within the framework of the system of interdepartmental interaction. At the time of the survey, 52% of applicants were aware of the existence of such rules (Table 6).

Table 6

Compliance with the requirements of interdepartmental interaction,
as a percentage of respondents aware of the ban

Among those surveyed, 81% said that the authorities they contacted for services complied with these standards without requiring unnecessary documents. Thus, over the past year, applicants’ awareness of the system of interdepartmental interaction has increased (primarily due to those who “heard something”). The rate of use of this system by authorities has also increased.

The use of SMEV as the only means of providing information resources for the business process execution system allows us to ensure the independence of the information resources of public authorities and the business process execution system. The process of creating a system of interdepartmental interaction had an impact not only on the technological side of the provision of services, but also made it possible to significantly optimize internal procedures, develop new competencies among department employees participating in the work, and eliminate contradictions in the requirements of authorities when providing services.

We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

interaction is the basis
social support
in social organizations
Olga Ivanovna,
professor, doctor
social sciences

1. Interdepartmental interaction: concept, essence
and tasks in the social sphere
2. Interdepartmental interaction during organization
social support: types and forms of implementation
3. Regulatory grounds for interdepartmental

4. Regulations for interdepartmental interaction
5. Effective technologies social work on
interdepartmental level when organizing social

1. Interdepartmental interaction: concept, essence and tasks in the social sphere

Interdepartmental interaction in the social sphere –
it is a process of pooling resources
public authorities
local authorities
organizations of various departmental affiliations
business structures
to carry out activities to realize rights
The essence of interdepartmental interaction in
social sphere is a complex of interconnected
resources social sphere involved in solving
human problems

Main tasks of interdepartmental interaction

Maximum mobilization (inclusion) of industry resources
Development and implementation of programs, plans, measures, including
interdepartmental resources
Coordination and control of participants’ activities
Coordination of resources and solutions
Participation in monitoring activities and evaluating results
interdepartmental interaction

2. Interdepartmental interaction during organization
social support:
types and forms of implementation
Art. 22
Assistance in providing
– medical;
– psychological;
– pedagogical;
– legal;
social assistance
not related to
social services
Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2013 N 442-FZ "On the fundamentals


Social support
carried out
if necessary, citizens
including parents, legal
representatives of minors
by involving organizations
providing medical,
psychological, pedagogical,
legal, social assistance
(not related to social

Organization of social support
Carried out on
Social support activities
reflected in the individual program
Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2013 No. 442-FZ “On the fundamentals
social services citizens in the Russian Federation"

Types of interdepartmental interaction in
providing social support
Immediate response
(crisis response, emergency assistance)
Joint participation (implementation of activities to
social support)
Attracting specialists
(interdisciplinary teams)
Information exchange
(interdepartmental electronic interaction)

Forms of interdepartmental interaction
with social support
databases (data banks)


3. Regulatory grounds for interdepartmental
interaction with social support
Federal Law of June 24, 1999 No. 120-FZ “On the fundamentals of the system
prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency"
Federal Law of July 24, 1998 No. 124-FZ “On Basic Guarantees of Rights
Federal Law of April 24, 2008 No. 48-FZ “On guardianship and trusteeship”
Federal Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ “On the Fundamentals of Health Protection”
citizens in the Russian Federation"
Federal Law of December 28, 2014 No. 495-FZ “On the Fundamentals of Social
services to citizens in the Russian Federation"
Federal Law of January 8, 1998 No. 3-FZ “On Narcotic Drugs and
psychotropic substances"
Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in
Russian Federation"
Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On Social Protection
disabled people in the Russian Federation"
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 31, 2016 N 1839-r “On approval
Concepts for the development of early assistance in the Russian Federation for the period until 2020
of the year"


Regulatory grounds for interdepartmental
interactions during social support:
documents of the city of Moscow
Law of the city of Moscow dated April 7, 1999 No. 16 “On the prevention of neglect and
juvenile delinquency in Moscow"
Law of the city of Moscow dated April 13, 2005 No. 12 “On the organization of activities
commissions on affairs of minors and protection of their rights"
Law of the city of Moscow dated September 28, 2005 No. 47 “On the empowerment of local bodies
self-government of intra-city municipalities in the city of Moscow
powers of the city of Moscow for education and organization of activities
district commissions for minors and protection of their rights"
Law of Moscow dated October 26, 2005 No. 55 “On additional measures of social
support for disabled people and other persons with disabilities in the city
Moscow" (as amended on December 16, 2015)
Law of the city of Moscow dated April 14, 2010 No. 12 “On the organization of guardianship,
guardianship and patronage in the city of Moscow"
Law of the city of Moscow dated July 9, 2008 No. 34 “On social services
population of Moscow"
Decree of the Moscow Government of March 25, 2008 No. 195-PP “On Strategy
Moscow Government on the implementation of state policy in the interests of children
"Moscow children" for 2008-2017."
Decree of the Moscow Government of December 26, 2014 No. 829-PP



4. Regulations for interdepartmental interaction
Regulation - a document containing mandatory legal norms
1. Regulations
executive power of the city of Moscow in organizing social
services and social support for citizens in Moscow
2. Regulations for interdepartmental interaction in the field of identification
family troubles and organizing work with families,
those in a socially dangerous situation or difficult
life situation
3. Regulations
minors and protection of their rights and State
budgetary special educational institution for
students with deviant (socially dangerous) behavior
Moscow professional educational school "Chance"
Department of Social Protection of the Population of Moscow
4. Regulations for interdepartmental interaction in the field of identification and
organizing work with minors who use
narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors

13. Regulations for interdepartmental interaction of executive authorities of the city of Moscow in the organization of social services and social

Regulations on interdepartmental interaction between executive bodies
Moscow city authorities in organizing social services and
social support for citizens in Moscow, approved
by Decree of the Moscow Government of December 26, 2014 No. 829-PP
“On social services for citizens in the city of Moscow”
carried out for the purpose of timely and
quality provision to citizens
social services, as well as assistance in
providing citizens with medical,
psychological, pedagogical,
legal, social assistance, not
related to social services

14. Participants in interdepartmental interaction

Department of Social Protection
population of Moscow
internal affairs of the Russian Federation for
the city of Moscow
City Health Department
services in Moscow
City Education Department
execution of punishments in the city of Moscow
Department of Labor and Employment
population of Moscow
Office of the Federal
services in Moscow
Department of Culture of the City of Moscow. State institution - Branch
Pension Fund of the Russian Federation
Department of Physical Culture and
throughout the city of Moscow and the Moscow region
sports of the city of Moscow
Department of Transport and Development
road transport
infrastructure of the city of Moscow
State institution - Moscow
department of the Social Insurance Fund
Russian Federation.
the Bureau
medical and social
expertise on

citizens in the city of Moscow"

15. Forms of interdepartmental interaction

Exchange of documents and (or) information used for recognition

Providing assistance on issues arising during the recognition process
citizens in need of social services, provision
social services, social support
Creation of coordination and advisory bodies, working groups
in order to implement concerted actions related to
recognition of a citizen as needing social services,
provision of social services, social support
Regulations for interdepartmental interaction of executive authorities of the city of Moscow when organizing
social services and social support for citizens in the city of Moscow, approved by resolution
Government of Moscow dated December 26, 2014 No. 829-PP “On social services for citizens in the city of Moscow”

16. Social support measures are carried out

participants in interdepartmental interaction (bodies
their subordinate organizations
organizations providing services not related to
social services,
service providers
agreements on interdepartmental interaction, other agreements
interdepartmental interaction, their subordinates
organizations and other organizations
Regulations for interdepartmental interaction of executive authorities of the city of Moscow in the organization of social services and social
escort of citizens in the city of Moscow, approved by Decree of the Moscow Government of December 26, 2014 No. 829-PP “On social services
citizens in the city of Moscow"


5. Effective technologies of social work at interdepartmental
level when organizing social support


Specifics of interdepartmental interaction in
solving various problems
Organization of early assistance
preventing social orphanhood
Organization of prevention of child abandonment at birth and (or)
placement in medical institutions
Providing timely assistance to families with children affected by
Promoting family placement for orphans and children left without
parental care
Organization of accompaniment of minors who have entered into conflict
with the law, and their families
Support for families raising a “special child”
Accompanied accommodation
Accompanied employment


Map of interdepartmental social
social support resources
Portrait of a family (categories of citizens receiving services) on
district (district) level
Structure of needs ( general characteristics, most
probabilistic queries, expectations)
Interdepartmental infrastructure (bodies
state administration and local self-government,
organizations of various departmental affiliations, SO
NGOs, business structures, socially active citizens)
Human resource potential of the coordinating organization
interdepartmental interaction in social


Interdepartmental interaction at various
stages of social support
Diagnostic and search stage: identifying the problem, collecting complete information
Negotiable stage
designing the actions of specialists, determining the area of ​​responsibility for
problem solving, including drawing up individual program and her
approval at the interdepartmental working group, conclusion of an agreement on
social support
Activity stage - stage of “professional support”
taking action to solve the problem in accordance with the approved
individual program and agreement on social support, conducting
intermediate diagnostics and monitoring in order to adjust further
actions against a citizen (family)
Reflective stage
conducting final diagnostics and monitoring the effectiveness of social
support in order to determine the need for further social
support or its termination with the development of further recommendations e
“Supporting stage” – post-support stage
monitoring the situation after the provision of the necessary government assistance


Regulations on interdepartmental interaction between bodies
executive power of the city of Moscow during the organization
social services and social support
List of participants in interdepartmental interaction
Types of activities carried out by executive bodies
state power within the framework of interdepartmental interaction
The procedure and forms of interdepartmental interaction
Requirements for the content, forms and conditions of information exchange, including
number in electronic form
Mechanism for implementing social support measures, including
including the procedure for attracting organizations to its implementation
The procedure for state control (supervision) and assessment
results of interdepartmental interaction

1. Interdepartmental analysis and interdepartmental forecasting are used to collect information (information) necessary to identify problems in organizing preventive work with families in a socially dangerous situation.

Interdepartmental analysis is aimed at joint analytical development of subjects (participants) of interdepartmental interaction, where, based on the results obtained, further forecasting of the effectiveness of preventive work with families in a socially dangerous situation can be built.

The combination of information flows organized by various subjects (participants) of interdepartmental interaction makes it possible to anticipate the emergence of new problems in the family that is the object of interdepartmental interaction (for example, possible conflicts between a minor and his parents [other legal representatives]).

It seems necessary to analyze the totality of the data obtained by the body organizing and coordinating interdepartmental interaction (commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, territorial [municipal] commission) from the point of view of forecasting options for the development of events, which predetermines the arrangement and tactics of using various professional forces.

2. Conducting meetings of the commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, territorial (municipal) commissions, as well as the advisory bodies created by them (if any): working groups, councils, headquarters, consultations and other bodies.

3. Joint development of guidelines, rules, procedures, regulations, mandatory for implementation by subjects (participants) of interdepartmental interaction during their joint work, the establishment of which before the start of joint work with families in a socially dangerous situation affects the final result of interaction.

4. Coordination of documents necessary both for the organizational aspects of the implementation of interdepartmental interaction, and for the implementation of the joint professional activities themselves.

5. Carrying out joint comprehensive targeted activities, inspections, projects, operations, etc.

This form can have two varieties.

Firstly, this is a set of measures designed for a long period of time with the consistent accumulation of information, professional experience in working with families in a socially dangerous situation, and the gradual introduction of forces and means of various subjects (participants) of interdepartmental interaction (implementation of interdepartmental programs for the social rehabilitation of minors and families in socially dangerous situations).

Secondly, these are short-term, single joint actions of subjects (participants) of interdepartmental interaction (for example, an examination of the living conditions in which a family lives).

When implementing this form, the body organizing and coordinating interdepartmental interaction (commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, territorial [municipal] commission), in agreement with other subjects (participants) of interdepartmental interaction, can determine the circle of participants in the event who have the professional skills necessary to complete the assigned tasks.

6. Development of a unified strategy for joint interaction (for example, in the field of preventing neglect and juvenile delinquency).

The results of joint strategy development can be implemented in proposals in the preparation of various organizational and tactical measures, complex operations, joint work plans, departmental acts (orders, resolutions) or local decisions.

7. Working meetings of managers or other representatives of subjects (participants) of interdepartmental interaction, which are organized to increase the efficiency of mutual information and response to the problem that has arisen (for example, the fight against neglect, homelessness and juvenile delinquency).

At such meetings, agreements are reached on coordination of actions and information exchange, and plans for joint activities are prepared.

8. Information interdepartmental interaction, which is implemented through information exchange between subjects (participants) of interdepartmental interaction, including using modern technologies(for example, the information and telecommunications network "Internet", local interdepartmental networks, databases and others).

This form allows you to conduct online consultations, webinars, conference calls, and teleconferences.

When organizing interdepartmental interaction, various forms of interdepartmental interaction can be used simultaneously.

Sections: School administration

Childhood is a complex multidimensional phenomenon that is of critical strategic importance for the sustainable development of any society. This phenomenon is mediated by many cultural, socio-economic, environmental and other factors. Raising a growing person as the formation of a developed personality is one of the main tasks of modern society.

The multipolarity and diversity of the process of growing up and a child’s entry into adulthood is associated with various kinds of difficulties. Today's socio-economic reality is such that there is a vast array of problems that a child has to face on the way to entering society, and sometimes is left alone with them.

IN modern society Many state, commercial and public organizations and institutions of various ministries and departments include in their activities the task of educating the younger generation. However, the effectiveness of solving such problems by a separate group of specialists is significantly lower than the possible results of team work.

The creation of a system of interaction between educational subjects and social partners of other departments should be addressed to the child’s personality, aimed at its development, revealing potential, originality and spiritual strength, leveling the negative consequences of the influence of an often hostile social environment. In short, there are plenty of problems, and we need to actively work to resolve them, using the emerging opportunities of interdepartmental interaction between health care, education, physical education and sports, social protection of the population, environmental services, and various public organizations.

As part of the organization of interdepartmental interaction, the educational institution should take into account the variety of functional connections and their mutual expediency. The most relevant options for the development of social contacts are presented in the following diagram, where in the subtext some options for tasks solved through the interaction of certain structures and departments are presented.

Thus, the definition of specific task, for the solution of which the need to build contacts with one or another department or institution is identified. Further work is built step by step in accordance with the task.

Stages of interdepartmental interaction in the educational institution:

  1. Development of a program to expand the institution’s social connections, taking into account the educational policy of the region.
  2. Creation of mechanisms for interdepartmental interaction between program implementers.
  3. Development of legal and regulatory framework and improvement of the organizational and management framework for the implementation of mechanisms of interdepartmental interaction.
  4. Creation and implementation of interdepartmental projects aimed at solving specific problems (integration of children with developmental problems into the general education school and society; formation healthy image life and health of the population; involving the population in classes physical culture, sports and tourism; prevention of deviant and addictive forms of behavior in children and adolescents, etc.)

It is important to note that if the task is determined by national educational policy and/or socio-economic factors in the development of society, then responsibility for the formation of the regulatory framework and interaction mechanisms falls on the administrative block of the educational institution. At the same time, employees and students of an educational institution should also actively work to one degree or another to expand social contacts, establish partnerships, and create and implement interdepartmental projects.

Interdepartmental interaction in the formation of a safe educational space

The modern school, in fact, being the most important link in the formation of the personality of the 21st century, protects the child from the aggressive influence of negative manifestations of the social environment, since children today are the most vulnerable part of society, open to all dangers and threats. Teenage crime, drug addiction, vagrancy, mental and physical health disorders, the weakening influence of parents on raising children, socio-economic polarization, and the growing negative influence of the media on children and adolescents create considerable difficulties in working with them.

Today it is difficult for the school itself. She has a huge number of problems. Therefore, even with a strong teaching staff, good material equipment, and favorable territorial location, the school cannot alone solve the problems of educating, training, preserving the health, and sometimes even the life of the younger generation. An objective vital need was the formation of a relatively new direction of social activity - the formation of a safe educational space. The most important component of this activity is the accumulation of experience in interdepartmental interaction of an educational institution with the aim of creating a mass culture of safety for all participants in the educational space.

To ensure more effective and targeted work within the framework of the assigned task while expanding the social contacts of an educational institution, it is advisable to develop a scheme and plan of activity in this direction.

For each area, activities are expected with different structures and in different forms:

Interaction in the education system involves increasing the professional competence of educators in institutions for further training; organization of continuous basic and additional education through the interaction of the school with institutions of additional education for children and adolescents, including those specializing in physical education and health, tourism and local history work, artistic, aesthetic, heroic and patriotic education; protection of the rights of students with the help of the inspectorate for the protection of children's rights in education authorities.

Interaction between educational institutions in the healthcare system involves the organization of medical support of the educational process in interaction with children's territorial clinics, reproductive health institutions (antenatal clinics, medical diagnostic centers for marriage and family issues, etc.); assessment of the health of young men of pre-conscription age by medical commissions at military registration and enlistment offices; ensuring sanitary and hygienic well-being under the control of state sanitary and epidemiological inspection bodies.

Office of Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief organizes and carries out course training for the command staff of civil defense facilities (educational institution), teachers-organizers of life safety, life safety teachers, class teachers on emergency protection issues, promotes the organization of specialized classes “Young Rescuer”, the activities of the children’s and youth movement “Safety School” .

Department of Internal Affairs interacts with educational institutions through crime prevention departments, juvenile crimes, territorial police departments, and security companies.

Department of State Fire Service carries out course training for educational workers according to the fire-technical minimum program, participates in teaching children fire safety rules, using the opportunities of the fire-technical exhibition, organizing exercises and training with students, and contributes to the organization of specialized classes “Young Firefighter”.

State Road Safety Inspectorate promotes teaching children traffic rules through the organization of children's youth centers, towns, the organization of "Safe Road" competitions, posts of young traffic inspectors in educational institutions, etc.

Military commissariats organize the work of conscription commissions, facilitate the organization and conduct of pre-conscription training for high school boys, including five-day training camps for 10th grade boys, and participate in the vocational guidance of students.

Social Security Administration promotes the organization of social assistance to children through the work of social protection services of local governments, through the organization of social assistance to children left without parental care, and the organization of specialized work with low-income families. Communication between the educational institution and social protection authorities is carried out by social educators.

One example public organizations, actively interacting with schools, the All-Russian Water Rescue Society should be noted. OSVOD provides course training for rescue specialists on the topics “Swimming and water rescue instructor”, “Water rescue squadron”. Joint events with public organizations dealing with the problems of disabled children, etc. can be productive and interesting.

Prosecutor's office exercises supervision over the implementation of basic legislative acts regulating the activities of educational institutions in the field of protecting children's rights.

Thus, we can say that the educational institution has taken on the mission of uniting society in educating the younger generation, our future.

As a conclusion, I would like to note two main features of interdepartmental relationships:

  1. They objectively necessary for the full implementation of the tasks of general education in modern conditions.
  2. This relationship is mutually beneficial for both sides. On the one hand, government organizations see the school as the most suitable structure, uniting a large organized part of the population, through which it is possible effective solution their departmental tasks. On the other hand, the school gets the opportunity to attract material, organizational and other resources of departmental organizations to solve its problems.