Salary, contract wages, allowances and other concepts are familiar firsthand to each of the military personnel. They are concerned about the frequency of payments, regularity of increases, correlation with inflation, etc.

You can get acquainted with the basic principles of the formation of wages for contract workers in Questions of indexation of base salaries and rates regularly become relevant, which is associated with changes in the economic situation, the adoption of new laws, etc.

What is the salary of military personnel based on?

Regardless of the type of military service, a salary component is provided for each position. As a rule, announced increases relate primarily to salaries; tariffs and coefficients are much less often subject to revision.

The following allowances are also provided for military personnel:

  • behind military rank;
  • for length of service;
  • for class;
  • for work under special conditions, etc.

The salary of contract workers includes several components. Therefore, a change in one of them is immediately reflected in the total payment amount.

Sold in last years federal government programs are designed to modernize military pay and lead to its increase.

What is a military salary calculator?

Changes in the amount of monetary allowance expected in 2019 are associated with tariff adjustments, which means that for an approximate calculation you need to know the formulas by which they are calculated. It's more convenient to use online services called “military salary calculator”, which, based on a minimum set of parameters, are capable of making calculations and displaying the possible amount of earnings. The script of this utility already contains all the changes made and reflects the current state of the sphere of calculating monetary allowances for contract servicemen.

To take advantage online calculator, you must indicate the military position for which the base salary will be automatically substituted. And then they indicate a number of allowances that a serviceman may qualify for. Without knowing these parameters, it will not be possible to get even an approximate calculation.

For comparison, here are the salaries of professions common in the army:

  • engineer – 20,000 rubles;
  • doctor – 16,000 rubles;
  • officer - from 13,000 rubles;
  • pilot – up to 40% increase to the base salary;
  • cadet – 5,000 rubles.

Therefore, knowledge of the position does not allow you to immediately determine the amount of wages; it is necessary to take into account other parameters that affect the final amount of salary.

Are there plans to increase military salaries?

The difficult economic situation has become an obstacle to indexing wages state employees, therefore, remaining at the same level, the real level of military income became significantly lower. The budget financing plans for 2019 provide for an increase in salaries by 5% and no further positive shift is expected in this area.

At the same time, the forecast for inflation growth this year will significantly outpace the indexation rate, so the salary increase will be nominal, while the real level of income will not reach the level of previous years. We should expect a positive change in this situation not in May or October 2019, but from the moment when the Russian economy begins to recover. The expense item providing for the payment of salaries to the military also includes funds for the pensions of officers who have already served.

IN Lately Contract military service is actively promoted. The prestige of this profession has increased significantly. Salaries have increased, conditions have improved, there are more guarantees from the state and fewer delays in wages. IQ Review tried to figure out whether life is so sweet for a professional military man in modern Russia, what their actual salaries are, and whether young people today will want to serve their country for that kind of money.

Military service for money - is it possible to combine the unpleasant with the useful?

Soldier with Kalashnikov assault rifle

How to get hired under a contract

U military service conscription has its supporters and opponents. Conscription service is full of hardships, limits a person’s freedom, takes away a year of life, is not voluntary and applies only to men. There is little pleasant here, especially for those who do not want to join the army. Today we will skip this question.

In light of the existence of a contract service, doing the same thing for free for a year is somehow insulting. Well, that is, not entirely free. How much do conscripts in the army pay per month? The officially declared amount of monetary allowance in Russia is 2,000 rubles for all conscripts (in special zones there are small regional surcharges). Those young people who are thinking about becoming contract soldiers in the future often ask the question: is it possible not to serve under conscription, but to immediately go into contract service?

Viktor Goremykin, head of the Main Personnel Directorate of the Russian Military Department, Colonel General:

“After 27 years, we will only be happy to recruit those who have not completed conscription military service. But if an 18-year-old young man comes to us and immediately asks to become a contract soldier, we will offer him to first serve a year of conscription.”

Who then can sign a contract with the Ministry of Defense and receive money? Who is this advertisement aimed at?

Requirements for those wishing to enter into a contract with the Russian Defense Ministry

“A contract for military service can only be concluded: after receiving a diploma of higher education, after completing conscription service, while in the reserve, in compliance with other requirements of Article 33 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 53 “On military duty and military service.”

At the same time, Federal Law No. 53-FZ of March 28, 1998 “On Military Duty and Military Service” in its latest edition says:

“The first contract for military service is concluded with a soldier undergoing military service upon conscription, or another citizen entering military service in a military position for which the state provides for the military rank of soldier, sailor, sergeant, sergeant major - for two years or three year at the citizen’s choice.”

Based on the text of the law, you can go to the draft, and then immediately sign a contract. Apparently, if you are drafted you will be forced to serve for a full year, the wording of the law is vague, it is better to check with the local military registration and enlistment office.

In general, everything is clear with the target audience. Now we need to clarify the current level of military salaries for 2015. But first, let’s delve for a couple of minutes into the history of the formation of the contract service in Russia in order to understand where the legs of the numbers come from.

How the salaries of contract soldiers were raised

It's time to protect the boots, the boots won't protect themselves!

Talks about high salaries for the Russian military began in 2008, before the crisis, just at the peak of economic growth. The screenshot shows figures from a 2008 article - how much officers actually received, and how it was planned to increase pay after the reform (this was still under Serdyukov).

Salaries of senior officers under Serdyukov before the reform

Alexander, reserve lieutenant:

“When I studied at the military department in 2008, after graduation, everyone was offered to enroll in service under a contract with a salary of 50 thousand (for a lieutenant with higher education) from next year. Nobody went there. To us, students of a civilian university, 50 thousand then seemed like a very small salary for such conditions - living in some shabby dorm in a military town, waking up at 5.30, eating almost nothing and not having the opportunity to quit at any time. At that time, a sales consultant could earn so much in Moscow.

As I remember, just the next year the budget was “cut”, and the military waited for their “big” salaries right up until 2013. But today the 50-70 thousand that they were given is still a little more than a thousand dollars, and even if we assume that the military does not travel abroad and spends everything in rubles, then inflation over these years has already been 80% percent. From the experience I have with the military, I can say that they think quite straightforwardly and still think that their salaries have increased significantly, although this is only a nominal increase.

The only positive thing about being a military man is a free apartment. But from communicating with officers at the department, every student knew that these apartments had not been given for decades, and to whom they were given - for decent kickbacks and in some hole. Apartments in Moscow, in principle, were not given to anyone with the rank of lieutenant colonel or lower, and 90% of officers never rise above this rank at the time of transfer to the reserve. Therefore, I didn’t really believe in getting an apartment from the state. Well, they will send you to some urban settlement in the Murmansk region and, at best, in 20 years they will give you a one-room apartment there, which is worth a million, and you will be there and drink yourself to death on a military pension of 25 thousand rubles. My arms and legs are in place, I will earn the equivalent of this million in civilian life in 2 years without eating slop and getting up every day before dawn.”

Contract service - salary, benefits, allowances, apartment and pension

Money in your breast pocket

Let's move on to the most interesting part - how much they pay in the army under a contract. It is clear that wages are different for soldiers and officers. There are also quite a few bonuses and coefficients on which the contract worker’s salary will depend.

Salary and bonus system - how a military salary is calculated

The monetary allowance of military personnel in 2015 is determined by the Federal Law of November 7, 2011 No. 306-FZ “On the monetary allowance of military personnel and the provision of individual payments to them.” It consists of monthly salary and additional cash payments. The salary depends on the military rank and position held.

In more detail it looks like this:

  • monthly bonus for length of service - from 10% to 40% of the salary;
  • monthly bonus for excellent qualifications- from 5% to 30% of the salary for a military position;
  • monthly bonus for secrecy - up to 65% of the salary for a military position;
  • monthly bonus behind special conditions military service
  • monthly bonus for performing tasks directly related to the risk to life and health in Peaceful time , as well as for participation in exercises, ship voyages, practicing combat and combat training tasks in field conditions outside the permanent deployment points of a military unit - up to 100% of the salary for a military position;
  • monthly bonus for special achievements in service- up to 100% of salary for a military position;
  • bonus for conscientious and efficient execution job responsibilities - up to three salaries per year;
  • annual material aid- at least one salary;
  • monthly bonus for qualifying level of physical fitness military personnel;
  • monthly bonus for knowledge of foreign languages;
  • lifting when moving to a new duty station- in the amount of one salary per serviceman and 25% - for each family member;
  • payment of compensation for rental housing according to the standards established by law Russian Federation(for Moscow and the Moscow region - 15,000 rubles);
  • lump sum allowance upon discharge from military service: with a total length of service of less than 20 years - 2 salaries, more - 7 salaries.

Social package and “free” apartment upon retirement

In addition to bonuses, the military has other benefits to its salary.

Getting housing for military personnel regulated by Federal Law No. 117-FZ of 2004 “On the savings and mortgage system of housing for military personnel.” You will find all the details in the text of the law. In short, you can get an apartment in two ways.

  • After 20 years of service or upon dismissal after 10 years of service due to age or health conditions, you can use the accumulated funds in the savings-mortgage system. This is enough for an apartment in any city except Moscow (money is not issued in kind, but through the issuance of state housing certificates).
  • Through the military mortgage system. In 2015, the savings contribution is 245,880 rubles per year and is indexed annually.

In the first case, you save virtual money and then buy an apartment. In the second case, you take out a mortgage on the apartment, and the state pays it off - in a certain amount (about 20 thousand rubles per month today).

Important: when receiving a mortgage loan everything associated costs- for real estate valuation, life and health insurance of the borrower, insurance of the collateral - is borne by the NIS participant.

In addition to the apartment, there are other types of helpmilitary personnel :

  • higher or secondary vocational education;
  • free treatment in hospitals and clinics of the Ministry of Defense for servicemen and members of their family;
  • nutrition;
  • outfit;
  • free travel to a new place of duty, on a business trip, to a place of vacation and back once a year (for military personnel serving under a contract in the Far North and equivalent areas). One family member and a container (20 tons) with personal belongings also travel free of charge;
  • preferential pension from the age of 45, subject to 20 years of service;
  • payment of compensation to relatives for death while on duty - 3 million rubles. For disability - 2 million.

It is interesting that the military pension is calculated based on salaries by position, rank and bonus for length of service. That is, it is calculated only from half of the real salary.


Salaries of soldiers and sergeants

From complex system allowances and bonuses, you can understand that you cannot find out the salary of a contract worker without knowing his base salary. These are the salaries tariff schedule among privates, sergeants and foremen (former warrant officers) at positions up to platoon commander. These are positions for people without higher education. This infographic shows the numbers with bonuses in the “salary to accrual” column.


To verify the information, we randomly interviewed military personnel.

Nikita, instructor at a contract military service recruitment point:

“The monetary allowance consists of a salary according to military rank, the military position held and other allowances established by Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of 2011 No. 2700, approximately from 17,000 to 60,000 rubles.”

Sergey, contract soldier with 10 years of experience:

“I have the fifth tariff category. Secret - 1 form. Salary - 26 thousand rubles in hand. But this includes deductions for housing, trade unions, and so on.”

Alexey, serves in the North:

“I serve in the Murmansk region, our foreman receives 100-110 thousand rubles with 5 bonuses for “polarity” plus an apartment anywhere after many, many years. Without “polarity” the foreman receives 60 thousand, his duties include receiving allowances and taking him to meals in the canteen. Lieutenant, deputy platoon commander - 120 thousand a month, there is nothing to spend it on. I earn 25 thousand as a medical registrar in the forensic medical examination, working 6 hours, before that I received 25-30 thousand in a call center.”

And here is a graph that clearly shows the growth of wages and the timing of repayment of military mortgages. The figures are given from the table above, already with allowances.


Attention! Don’t let these beautiful figures mislead you: the basic salary of a private in the first two years of contract service is only 15 thousand rubles before paying 13% personal income tax.

How much does an officer earn in the Russian army?

Service under a contract with higher education implies officer rank and an officer position. Officers get paid pretty decently, especially with the “northern” allowances. Moreover, without allowances, the salary of a lieutenant in his first year of service is only 30 thousand rubles.

Tatyana Shevtsova, Deputy Minister of Defense for Financial Affairs:

“The average level of pay for military personnel today is more than 62 thousand rubles. This is 10% higher than the average salary in the oil and gas sector.”

Here salary table for officers - from lieutenant to army general.

Salary table by position and rank for officers

The salary table for rank and position was compiled in 2012, and since then the salaries of officers have not changed significantly. If you need accurate salary data for a certain military rank, taking into account all allowances, you can use the military salary calculator. It allows you to calculate the expected salary with all allowances in accordance with your position and rank. The numbers given there take into account indexation for 2015.

Interesting facts about the contract army

  1. The 2015 budget included an indexation of military pay by 5.5%, but the Ministry of Finance proposed canceling it, citing the fact that there would be no money to pay.
  2. The staff strength of the Russian Army since 2008 has been 1 million people.
  3. Today there are about 250 thousand contract soldiers in the army.
  4. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation plans to staff the army with contract servicemen by more than 50% by 2022.


In general, we can say that the wages of military personnel today are quite high. The difference with ordinary hard workers in civilian life is especially strong due to the fact that it is very difficult to work independently in Russia. In fact, many positions are complete scams, and salaries for small towns where there is no work are simply fabulous. Whether it is worth going to service under a contract, everyone decides for himself. The work, of course, pays money, but it is tedious and dangerous, taking into account the political situation and professional risks. Do not forget that the risk to life is initially “included in the price.”

The online calculator for military personnel allows you to calculate the amount of monthly allowance for persons undergoing military service under contract in the RF Armed Forces. A user-friendly interface, high speed and accounting for allowances, bonuses and incentive coefficients ensure an accurate calculation of the payment amount. The military calculator provides for salary indexation for 2018, announced by the Ministry of Defense for the period until 2021.

The increase in army pay in 2018 occurred for the first time in the last five years. For this purpose, budget allocations have been increased by 18 billion rubles. A significant amount, at first glance, is distributed among active military personnel and retirees. Moreover, in the first year of implementation of the decision, the military pay calculator in 2018 will not show a significant increase. Its increase will be approximately four percent. Until 2021, indexation will be carried out three times, so by the time the program is completed, the salary calculator will show an increase in payments within twelve percent for privates and command personnel.

How does the military salary calculator work?

The salary consists of several payment items. Basic – monthly salary in accordance with:

  • military rank;
  • position held.

The second part, almost equal in size to the first, consists of incentives designed to increase the military’s interest in the performance of official duties. These include payments for:

  • qualification category(coolness);
  • special conditions of service;
  • performing tasks that involve risk to life in peacetime;
  • work with information constituting a state secret.

As the length of service increases, the online calculation of a soldier's pay includes an allowance for length of service. Every five years it increases by five percent, and begins to be calculated from the second year. Already in the second to fifth year it is 10%, in the fifth to tenth year it is 15%. The amount for length of service after 25 years of service is 40% of the official salary.

Salary for a military position (tariff category for a full-time military position) Specify the tariff category for the military position: 1 tariff category (shooter, camouflage, road worker) 2 tariff category (machine gunner, sniper) 3 tariff category (senior grenade launcher) 4 tariff category (tank commander) 5 tariff category (squad commander) 6 tariff category (paramedic ) 7th tariff category (deputy platoon commander) 8th tariff category (interpreter) 9th tariff category (sergeant major, senior technician) 10th tariff category (platoon commander) 11th tariff category (engineer in battalion management) 12th tariff category (deputy company commander) 13th tariff category rank (senior regiment officer) 14 tariff rank (company (battery) commander) 15 tariff rank (officer in division control) 16 tariff rank (deputy battalion commander) 17 tariff rank (chief of reconnaissance) 18 tariff rank (battalion commander) 19 tariff rank (officer in the army department) 20 tariff level (officer in the command department) 21 tariff level (senior officer in the army department) 22 tariff level (senior officer in the command department) 23 tariff level (regiment commander) 24 tariff level (chief of a department in the department command) 25 tariff level (deputy brigade commander) 26 tariff level (senior General Staff officer) 27 tariff level (senior inspector in the command department) 28 tariff level (brigade commander) 29 tariff level (deputy division commander) 30 tariff level (deputy head of department General Staff) 31 tariff level (division commander) 32 tariff level (commander of a brigade of surface ships) 33 tariff level (chief of the General Staff department) 34 tariff level (air base commander) 35 tariff level (corps commander) 36 tariff level (deputy head of the training center) 37 tariff category (deputy army commander) 38 tariff category (deputy head of the Main Directorate) 39 tariff category (commander of a squadron of ships) 40 tariff level (first deputy army commander) 41 tariff level (deputy commander of the troops) 42 tariff category (chief of the Main Directorate of the General Staff) 43 tariff category (Deputy Chief of the Military Military District) 44 tariff category (army commander) 45 tariff category (chief of a military educational and scientific center) 46 tariff category (Deputy Commander-in-Chief of a branch of the Armed Forces) 47 tariff category (commander of the military district troops) 48 tariff category (Commander-in-Chief type of aircraft) 49 tariff category (deputy of the RF Ministry of Defense) 50 tariff category (first deputy of the RF Ministry of Defense)
Salary according to military rank Indicate military rank Private, sailor Corporal, senior sailor Junior sergeant, sergeant major 2 articles Sergeant, sergeant major 1 article Senior sergeant, chief sergeant Major Petty Officer, chief ship sergeant Warrant officer, midshipman Senior warrant officer, senior warrant officer Junior lieutenant Lieutenant Senior lieutenant Captain, lieutenant commander Major , captain 3rd rank Lieutenant Colonel, captain 2nd rank Colonel, captain 1st rank Major General, Rear Admiral Lieutenant General, Vice Admiral Colonel General, Admiral General of the Army, Admiral of the Fleet Marshal of the Russian Federation
Allowance for the qualification category of flight personnel Specify the qualification category (for flight personnel) Pilot (navigator) second class, pilot (navigator) - instructor second class Pilot (navigator) first class, pilot (navigator) - instructor first class Pilot (navigator)-sniper Airborne specialist second class Airborne specialist first class Onboard specialist-master /option>
Long service bonus Please indicate length of service from 2 to 5 years - 10% from 5 to 10 years - 15% from 10 to 15 years - 20% from 15 to 20 years - 25% from 20 to 25 years - 30% from 25 years or more - 40 %
Bonus for qualifying class: Please indicate your class qualification Third class - 5% Second class - 10% First class - 20% Master class - 30%
Bonus for working with information constituting state secrets: Indicate the level of security clearance Secret - 10% Top secret - 20% Special importance - 25%
Allowance for special conditions of military service:
Award for conscientious and effective performance of official duties: 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%
Bonus for work experience in structural units for the protection of state secrets: Select length of service in HRT departments from 1 to 5 years - 10% from 5 to 10 years - 15% from 10 years and above - 20%
Bonus for work experience in encryption authorities: Select work experience in code agencies and class up to 3 years (2 grades) - 5% up to 3 years (1 grade) - 15% from 3 to 6 years (2 grades) - 10% from 3 to 6 years (1 grade) -20% from 6 years and more (2 grades) -20% from 6 years and more (1 grade) -30%
Allowance for military personnel with a higher legal education: Please indicate your military position Military positions in formation directorates - 15% Military positions in military command and control bodies - 30% Military positions in the central apparatus - 50%
Allowance for performing tasks associated with a risk to life and health in peacetime, incl. diving, parachute jumping: 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100%
Monthly bonus for special achievements in service, incl. for FISO: 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% Specify the regional coefficient 1.1 1.15 1.2 1.25 1.30 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 2.0
Allowance for military service in the Far North and equivalent areas, as well as in other areas with unfavorable climatic or environmental conditions, including remote areas 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 0.60 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100%
Standard tax deduction: No deduction sub. 1 clause 1 art. 218 Tax Code of the Russian Federation - 3000.00 rub. subp. 2 p. 1 art. 218 Tax Code of the Russian Federation - 500.00 rub.
Tax deductions for children of a taxpayer: No children 1 child income up to 350 thousand rubles per year 2 children and income up to 350 thousand rubles per year 3 children and income up to 350 thousand rubles per year 4 and income up to 350 thousand rubles per year 5 and income up to 350 thousand rubles per year 6 and income up to 350 thousand rubles per year Income more than 350 thousand rubles per year
Deductions under executive documents:
rubles percent
Other deductions (enter amount): rub.
TOTAL AMOUNT OF CASH ALLOWANCE, taking into account income tax (personal income tax) - 13% (rub.)

Calculate salary taking into account incentives

Indexation of the salaries of officers and ordinary soldiers will not affect the system of additional payments. The Ministry of Defense promises to keep revenue-generating allocations unchanged until 2021. Targeted additional payments for the class remain, which increase by 10% from third to master. As well as monthly payments in the amount of 100% of the initial salary.

These include surcharges for:

  • special conditions of service;
  • performing tasks involving risk to life;
  • special achievements in service.

Work outside the Russian Federation, in the conditions of the Far North, localities equated to it, territories with unfavorable climatic and environmental conditions, is paid in accordance with coefficients and percentage allowances, which are “based” on the total amount of salary with applicable allowances, which takes into account the military personnel’s calculator for our website.

The total number of bonuses provided to stimulate interest in military service exceeds one and a half dozen. Some are paid monthly, others are paid periodically, once throughout the year. They form an additional material package that officers and soldiers receive for public holidays and vacations. We are talking about annual financial assistance, the amount of which is not determined by law, but cannot be less than a month’s salary. And bonuses for conscientious performance of duties - no more than three salaries, taking into account their volume in the current year. The military salary calculator in 2018 does not take these payments into account, since their amount is calculated individually.

In Russia, various types of benefits and allowances are provided for military personnel. But often the amount of monetary allowance for them is a small amount.

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And you need to be able to independently calculate the pay for military personnel in the Russian Federation in 2019. This is the only way to calculate an underpayment or an error.

Key Aspects

Monetary allowance is a special type of salary. Because when forming such a payment, the accountant takes into account several salaries.

So, the size of the amount is influenced by what salary a person has in accordance with his position and what is assigned to him by rank. As a result, these two indicators are added and the standard salary is obtained.

But when making calculations, it should be taken into account that all kinds of bonuses are added to such figures for various merits and the number of years of experience.

Important Concepts

In this area, the central concept will be the term military personnel - this is a person who is in state military service.

Monetary allowance This is a military salary, which consists of several indicators
Length of service This is an indicator of the serviceman’s length of service, which is continuous and meets the established standards for the threshold of years worked. Therefore, benefits and allowances are provided for this type of pension.
Salary This is the amount of wages for each month. Another designation for this concept is tariff rate. This is the same salary that is calculated in accordance with the employee’s position. But there is also such a variation of this salary as payment for military rank
Online calculator This is an online service that allows automatic calculations of military salaries. There are both standardized systems and those specifically designed for the military.

What are these payments?

Monetary allowance is the payment for the work of a military personnel in the Russian Federation. The manual itself contains different components.

So, the main ones will be:

  • salary for the position held;
  • salary in accordance with military rank.
For length of service They can range from 10 to 40 percent
By qualification From 5 to 30%
When working with secret government materials The bonus increases to 65%
Special working conditions Make up 100%
Exercises, special assignments and working conditions 100% of salary
For achievements in service Up to 100%
Bonus payments for perfect labor achievements No more than three salaries per position per year
Benefit for help In the form of salary every year
Allowances based on qualifications In terms of physical fitness and knowledge of different languages

Legislative regulation

If questions arise in the field, you should refer to various regulations.

The main document in this regard is the Federal Law.

Pension benefits for military personnel are regulated in accordance with the provisions of Federal Law No. 166-FZ “On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation”. It talks about the methods of calculating a pension and the conditions for its establishment.

Features of calculation

When making any calculations, you should rely only on accurate and reliable numbers. Since any inaccuracy will lead to an incorrect value.

Plus, you should understand that there are many different provisions among the components of the calculations. Therefore, all of them should be taken into account.

Thus, calculations may vary depending on the working conditions of the military man and the category of employees to which he belongs.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that special formulas are used for calculations. From them it is possible to obtain the most reliable values ​​​​in relation to the required allowance for the military.

To simplify the procedure, you can use special calculators on the Internet. They allow you to quickly and only by substituting the coefficient in the fields to find out the exact indicator of allowance.

Components of payment

Cash allowance has several components. They cannot be ignored when making calculations. Therefore, you should understand their nature and know how to apply them.

These two components may be followed by bonuses and other benefit payments:

Title of the manual Peculiarities Salary percentage, %
Length of service from 2 to 5 years
from 5 to 10 years
from 10 to 15 years
from 15 to 25 years
from 20 to 25 years
from 30 years old
By class third
Working with state secrets 65
Work specifics determined under state supervision 100

This is a standard list used in most military units of the Russian Federation. It is based on these indicators that additional payments are assigned.

The standard incentive is a bonus in the form of a bonus. It can be prescribed no more than three times a year. And its size is 100 percentage points of the soldier’s salary.

Typically, such payments are made together with vacation pay, daily allowances, and allowances. This allows you to increase their volume.

Accrual procedure for different categories

It is worth understanding that in Russia payments for different military personnel will differ radically.

The main indicators for calculating benefits play a role here:

  • military experience;
  • category of employee;
  • presence of a title.

That is why, before making calculations, it is worth establishing all these indicators and, based on them, choosing a tariff schedule.

By contract

When concluding, it should be understood that the calculation formula will be based on the legislation that was adopted back in 2011.

In accordance with this document, it was established that those citizens who have not previously undergone military training will receive minimum wage rates.

So, for military personnel of different ranks, salaries will be as follows:

But it is worth noting that over time, such employees begin to be provided with additional payments for various achievements in the service, etc.

By call

In case of compulsory military service, payments are also provided. There are some features to consider here.

Thus, the salary for conscript military personnel includes:

  • salary size;
  • additional amounts based on qualifications and level of training.

There may also be additional payments for knowledge of foreign languages ​​and difficult service conditions. The percentages for these allowances are standard and their size is established by the leadership of the military unit or assigned by the general.

After the employee undergoes emergency training, he can expect to receive his full monetary benefits.

As for the monetary allowance itself, it is paid twice as much.

Upon dismissal

Provides for the payment of several monetary allowances to him. Usually this is two employee salaries - for those who have spent up to 20 years in service. But all the exact indicators also depend on how many years the military man spent serving in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Those military personnel who served in the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for more than 20 years can receive significantly larger payments. So, such amounts sometimes reach up to seven salaries of a military personnel.

Here it is worth taking into account such an indicator as military rank. The higher the rank, the greater the employee’s salary.

As a result, when the calculation of separation pay begins, a military man with a higher rank and fewer years of service will have a higher benefit than those who did not improve their qualifications.

A bonus in the amount of three months' salary may also be paid. But the size of this amount depends directly on the merits that the employee has performed.

What documents are needed

When calculating your allowance, you do not need to submit any documents. The accounting department of the military unit independently processes wages.

And it is based on:

  • protocol of hours worked;
  • tariff schedule;
  • or making other payments.

Documents will be required only in case of dismissal from the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

  • passport document;
  • employment history;
  • certificate of payment amount;
  • awards for achievements.

These papers will be sufficient for the standard procedure for registering a pension benefit for service in the relevant military department.

Is it possible to calculate a military man's allowance online?

Yes, such a procedure is quite easy to carry out. It is enough to find out such salary indicators as:

  • salaries;
  • availability and amount of additional payments.

You can also use the tariff plan to have a general idea of ​​the amount of payments. Next you need to find an electronic calculator.

They usually look like this:

For calculations, it is important to use only current information and check calculations for errors. Plus, it’s worth entering all additional payments.

Despite the fact that there may be quite a lot of them. After all, the final result of the calculations depends on this.

Payment procedure

Military personnel receive their salaries using the standard payment method. So, all accruals are a monthly payment.

You can receive them in the middle of the month. In this case, payment, for example, for January, will be made in February. Thus, accrual is carried out for the actual days worked.

But it is worth considering that accruals are not made in December. The benefits for this month are received together with the other month - it turns out that two wages are paid on one day.

Typically, bank accounts attached to the cards are used for payments. But sometimes cash payments may also occur at the employee’s place of work. Deductions for payments are also made there.

Last changes

It is worth noting that recently there have been quite negative changes in the provision of monetary allowances to the military.

Thus, by government decree, the calculation of indexation for such payments for the military was changed.

This is due to the fact that the economic situation of the country does not allow these benefits to be fully modernized. Therefore, it was decided to freeze such options.

What to pay special attention to

When calculating your salary, the most important thing is to constantly check the data. Since the accuracy of all operations performed will depend on them.

If these factors are not taken into account, the result will be a rather controversial figure. Plus, a service member should know whether his salary is subject to the inclusion of additional payments.

Because there are also many exceptions and features here. Without taking them into account, one cannot count on the accuracy of wage indicators.