Do you think you know how to play Battleship? Well, let's say, which one? Yeah, have you been stumped?

Let's start with the original version, let me remind those who have forgotten it: two people play. Everyone places 10 ships on their 10x10 field:

  • 1 battleship
  • 2 cruisers
  • 3 destroyers
  • 4 boats

The ships should not touch each other either at the corners or at the sides. It is prohibited to move or finish painting ships during the battle.

Field columns have a letter designation (a-k), rows have a numerical designation (1-10). They take turns: the first player names the opponent the square where the shot is fired (for example, b6), the opponent marks this place on his field and reports the result of the shot - missed or hit. If there is a hit, the player shoots again, if it misses, it’s the enemy’s turn. A ship is considered wounded if it has at least one intact hole, otherwise it is sunk. The battle continues until the fleet of one of the players is completely destroyed.

Typically, each player draws an additional field where he marks his shots and their results - this makes it much easier to do tactical analysis. The game through the eyes of one of the players ends up looking something like this (shots are shown as dots, hits are shown as crosses. On the left field the enemy’s shots are marked, on the right field one’s own shooting is carried out, in principle, the enemy’s 4-deck battleship has already been decided - the next move should be aimed at the square g4):

Firstly, you can introduce not only straight ships, we also allowed such bizarre examples of the navy:

Secondly, you can play with three players according to the “Each against all” rule, when a player makes a shot at any of the opponents on his turn. But there is one BUT. Similar games end with two almost always uniting against a third (this is a form of manifestation of a well-known psychological law), first overwhelming his fleet, and then dealing with each other. To avoid this, you can play with four players according to the “pair for pair” rule.

Thirdly, shooting can be carried out in volleys - we played three shots in a volley, but here, as you agree, at least all ten. In this case, the enemy is told the number of hits, but does not say in which cells the hit occurred.

And finally fourthly... I don’t even remember who brought up this option, but honor and praise to him. The field was the size 20x15 cells, was divided by a wavy line into “land” and “sea” (“land” was slightly shaded for clarity). The figures were also special - they were divided into land and sea and were placed on the corresponding part of the field; the plus was also air forces, which could be installed in any cell of the field. Contact between them was not allowed. In total, each had 14 figures:

Ground forces: tanks, battery, anti-aircraft gun

Naval forces: battleship, cruisers, destroyers, aircraft carrier

Air Force: stormtroopers

The battle was conducted according to standard rules. There was scope for tactics - to determine where the enemy’s border between land and sea was and to estimate their size.

Naturally, during the game there were often “clever people” who thought of it not so easy, not to draw the last boat when arranging the ships, but to place it on the field at the last moment on the remaining square. Previously, such people were beaten with candelabra. The game suddenly becomes uninteresting, which is true for all games where winning is ensured by deception. Therefore, be good boys and don’t deceive your people, otherwise they might remember the good old law about the candelabra.

Incredible popular game on paper. And although there are now special gaming kits for “Battleship”, as well as a lot of computer implementations, the classic version on a piece of paper remains the most popular.

The goal of the game is to sink the enemy's ships before he can sink yours.

Rules of the game "Battleship"

Two players play. Each of them needs a piece of paper (preferably checkered), a pencil or a pen. The game begins with preparing the field. Two squares of 10×10 cells are drawn on a piece of paper. On one of them they will deploy their ships, in the other they will “fire” on enemy ships.

The sides of the squares are signed with letters horizontally and numbers vertically. You need to agree in advance which letters will be written (the main debate arises whether or not to use the letter “Y”). By the way, in some schools, instead of the boring alphabet, they write the word “REPUBLIC” - it just contains 10 non-repeating letters. This is especially useful for those who have never mastered the alphabet.

Ship placement

Next, the deployment of fleets begins. The classic rules of naval combat say that there should be 4 ships of one cell each ("single-deck" or "one-pipe"), 3 ships of 2 cells each, 2 of 3 cells each, and one - four-deck. All ships must be straight; curved or “diagonal” ones are not allowed. The ships are placed on the playing field in such a way that there is always a gap of one square between them, that is, they should not touch each other either with their sides or corners. In this case, ships can touch the edges of the field and occupy corners.

When the ships are placed, players take turns firing, calling the squares by their “coordinates”: “A1”, “B6”, etc. If a square is occupied by a ship or part of it, the opponent must respond “wounded” or “killed” (“sunk”). This cell is crossed out with a cross and you can take another shot. If there is no ship in the named cell, a dot is placed in the cell and the turn goes to the opponent.

The game is played until one of the players completely wins, that is, until all the ships are sunk.

At the end of the game, the loser can ask the winner to look at his arrangement of ships.


If you think that sea ​​battle- a game built solely on luck and fortune, then you are wrong. In fact, it contains both strategy and tactics, which we will talk about in conclusion. So - about tricks and various honest and not so honest methods of playing sea battle:

  • First of all (and this is the most important thing!), you need to keep your sheet of ships so that the enemy cannot spy on your location;
  • Be sure to keep a record of your own and other people's moves, marking them with dots. This will prevent shots fired at the same cells;
  • After sinking an enemy ship, also surround it with points so as not to shoot at places where there are obviously no ships;
  • You should not place ships in the corners of the field: usually newbies shoot at them first. However, exceptions will be discussed below;
  • It is necessary to develop a strategy for placement. An uneven distribution of ships gives a good result: gather all the “large” ships into one or two dense groups, and hide the remaining “single-deck” ships separately in secret places playing field. In this case, the enemy will quickly identify and destroy the group of large ships, and then will spend a long time searching for the remaining small ones;
  • By killing big ship, the enemy surrounds him with dots. This means that, having found a “four-decker”, the enemy immediately opens (4+1+1)*3 = 18 cells (that is, 18% or almost 1/5 of the field). “Three-decker” gives 15 cells (15%), “double-decker” - 12%, and “single-decker” - 9%. If you place the “four-decker” against the wall, then it will allow you to open only 12 cells (10 for a three-decker, 8 for a two-decker). If you place the “four-decker” in a corner, it will allow you to open only 10 cells (8, 6 and 4, respectively). Of course, if the enemy realizes that all the ships are on the edge, he will quickly sink them. Therefore, it is better to use this advice in combination with the previous one.
  • Shooting tactics can also be different. However, it is best to start destroying enemy ships by looking for a “four-decker”. To do this, you can shoot diagonally, or draw a diamond, or shoot through 3 cells to the fourth. As soon as a four-deck ship is found, we look for three-deck ones, then two. Of course, during the search process you will come across “all sorts of little things” and make adjustments to your plans.
  • Here’s a dishonest way: arrange all the ships except the last single-deck (it will serve as the Elusive submarine). And he will be placed (and killed) only in the last remaining cell. It's quite easy to combat this: let the players place ships in one color and fire in another. It is possible, for example, for players to have pens or pencils different colors and after arranging the ships, simply change handles.

And again Battleship, but this time about the classic school game, which is played on notebook paper. History has not preserved information about who and when invented this amazing game, but the fact that many generations of schoolchildren played it Soviet Union, that's a fact. Legends were made up about this game, poems were written, and different options battles and new rules. It is not surprising that the boom in Naval Battle continues and even gains new momentum; now you can play not only with an opponent, but also with a computer, tablet and even with a phone...

More recently, on our website, we described, and today we’ll talk about classical rules Sea battle games on paper. The classic version of the sea battle game is played by two people. To play, you will need two squared notebook pages and two pencils or pens. The players each take a piece of paper and a pen and sit down so that they cannot see each other’s pieces of paper - this is a real military secret and fate depends on the secrecy of the fleet’s positions the whole company. Next, players draw two squares measuring 10 by 10 cells and number the vertical side, and write the letters of the alphabet on the horizontal side. You should pay attention to the spelling of the same letters by two players, otherwise the game will be ruined. Of course, you can change the arrangement of letters and numbers, you can increase or decrease the size of the playing field, but prerequisite is that this must be done the same way for two players.

After the squares for future military operations have been drawn, you should hide them well from the eyes of your opponent and begin to arrange your fleet, but before that, carefully read the following rules:

  • in the classic rules of the game “Sea Battle”, ships are positioned only horizontally or vertically and cannot be curved;
  • in the classic game “Battleship”, ships cannot touch each other either at their sides or at their corners, there must be a distance of at least one cell between ships;
  • In the classic game "Battleship", each player places ten (10) ships of different sizes:
    • 1 (one) four-cell battleship;
    • 2 (two) three-cell cruisers;
    • 3 (three) two-cell destroyers;
    • 4 (four) single-cell submarines or torpedo boats(whatever you like best).

Ships should be placed on the left square, and the right one will be used to mark your shooting, analyze the situation and fire at enemy ships. The figure shows an example of the arrangement of ships. Attention, if you decide to change the rules of the game to increase the number of ships, then you must also increase the size of the game squares, otherwise there simply will not be enough space to arrange the ships.

When the ships are positioned, the time comes to begin the naval battle and one of the admirals, according to the lot, fires his first shot. This is done like this: the player looks at the right square and selects any place available for a shot and names it out loud. For example: “e2” or “i9”. The second participant in the naval battle looks at his left square, where his ships are located, finds the indicated point and reports the result of the shot:

  • by (miss) - if this point is empty, in this case both players mark a point at this place, which means that they have already shot at these coordinates and there is no ship there;
  • wounded - if this is one of the places where the ship stands and this ship still has whole fragments of the hull, in this case a mark is made with a cross with the beginning of the lines in the corners of the square;
  • killed (sank) - if in this place there is a one-cell submarine or another ship, in which all fragments of the hull are already damaged, in this case a cross is placed and the entire ship is surrounded by dots, because the ship is sunk, its coordinates are completely determined, and according to the rules of naval combat, no other ships can be located on adjacent cells. In this way, a mark is made and no more fire will be fired at these coordinates.

Please note that according to the rules of the classic game of sea battle, the player who fired an effective shot and wounded or killed the enemy ship continues the game and fires another shot. He continues to fire until he misses. The game continues until all the ships of one of the fleets go to the bottom, that is, until one of the fleets is completely destroyed.

Attention, if you wish, you can change the rules of the game and add your own elements. For example, some people introduce one or two sea ​​mines. When hit by such a mine, the shooting player must name the coordinates of any of his unsunk ships. In addition, you can play with three players, then the players draw three squares and fire at one squadron at once, and then at the other. In addition, you should mark not only your own shots, but also your opponents' shots when they shoot at each other. The introduction of new rules into the game will diversify it and make it more exciting, but these rules need to be carefully thought out and tested in practice.

In the following articles, we will definitely analyze tactical techniques for deploying fleets and the correct strategy for firing at an enemy squadron. Have a nice time.

On our website you can find others that you can play with your friends.

Sea battle - simple and exciting board game, which does not require special knowledge and special devices. To play together with a friend or family member, just take two checkered pieces of paper and two pencils. The game not only allows you to have fun, but also contributes to the development of intuition and strategic thinking. How to play sea battle at home?

Rules of the game

The essence of the sea battle game is that two people take turns blindly calling out the coordinates on the enemy’s map (on a piece of paper in a box). The named point should destroy the ship or catch part of it. The sooner a player sinks the opponent's fleet, the faster he will win.

Playing field

It is a checkered sheet on which a square measuring 10 x 10 cells is drawn. Each side of the figure has its own coordinates. The vertical side is numbered from top to bottom (from 1 to 10). Horizontal from left to right is indicated by the letters of the Russian alphabet (from “A” to “K”, skipping “Yo” and “Y”). Ships are placed in the drawn square.

Sometimes the words “Republic” or “Snow Maiden” are used instead of letters.

The opponent's field is drawn on paper next to your field. It must have identical coordinates and dimensions. The plane remains free and is used to mark your shots.

Number and location of ships in the sea battle game

Submarines consist of several tubes or decks. The playing field should contain:

  • 1 four-deck battleship – 4 cells;
  • 2 three-deck cruisers - 3 cells each;
  • 3 double-deck destroyers - 2 cells each;
  • 4 single-deck ships - 1 cell each.

Vessels should be arranged according to certain rules. They cannot touch each other with corners or sides. There must be at least one empty cell between them. It is equally important that they are located only horizontally and vertically.

There are options for sea battles with a different arrangement of ships - the letter “G”, zigzags or squares. Their structure and quantity may be different. For example, 2–3 four-deck and 1 five-deck (aircraft carrier). Using more ships will require a different field size (15 × 15).

Conditions and order of moves

To choose who will go first, players cast lots. When making a shot, you name the coordinates (letter and number). For example, B8. The opponent looks at the playing field with his submarines and answers:

  • past;
  • wounded;
  • killed.

In the first case, he makes it clear that you are in an empty cell. The turn goes to the opponent.

The second option means that you are in a multi-deck ship (consisting of 2, 3 or 4 cells). Mark this place on your map. You have the right to the next shot. To finish off someone else's ship, use nearby coordinates. For example: B7, B9, A8 or B8. You can temporarily leave the wounded ship alone and look for another. The move lasts until you miss.

The third option indicates that the enemy submarine has been destroyed. If this happened with a single shot, then it was single-deck (occupied one cell). If the ship is killed on the second turn, then it was double-decker, etc. After the ship is destroyed, you can walk until you hear the answer “past.”


Well-planned tactics will help you win the game of sea battle. A winning strategy offers:

  • Disguise yourself carefully. Your companion should not see your playing field on the checkered piece of paper.
  • Take into account the method of play and the skill of the opponent. For example, if this is a novice player, then you should not place your fleet in the corners of the field. Beginners start with them. With an experienced competitor, it is better to break the pattern and hide two or three ships in such a place.
  • Think about the placement of your ships. Single-cell vessels can be placed scattered, far from each other. Large – compactly in one place. Your partner will quickly find you large objects. However, he will spend much more time searching for small submarines. This will give you a chance to get even.
  • Mark your shots. Place crosses in the right empty square. This way you won't call these coordinates a second time. Record both hits and misses. This will avoid conflicts in case of any errors.
  • Cross out the cells around the destroyed enemy ship. The rules prohibit building ships in them. This will save you time.
  • Shoot while moving diagonally. This increases the chances of hitting large submarines. In search of a battleship, you can go through three cells to the fourth.

What not to do

If the rules are not followed, the sea battle game may end early. The following are considered unacceptable violations:

  • Missing a move due to inattention.
  • Incorrectly drawn field: incorrect coordinate system or dimensions of the sides of the square.
  • The number of vessels exceeds the required number.
  • One of the players spied the placement of another's submarines.
  • Hits are hidden.
  • The opponent places the last single-deck ship during the game in the last free cell. To avoid deception, draw the ships and the field on a piece of paper in one color, and mark the shots with a different pencil or pen.

Sea battle - enough exciting game. It is familiar to many adults and children. Its rules are simple, anyone can remember them. You can play almost anywhere. All you need for this is a checkered piece of paper and a pen.

To the game "sea battle" The game is played by two people who take turns calling the coordinates of ships on the enemy map. If the coordinates are occupied, then the ship or part of it is “sinked”, and the one caught has the right to make another move.

The game takes place on a field of 10x10 cells for each player, on which a fleet of ships is located. Horizontals are usually numbered from top to bottom, and verticals are lettered from left to right. In this case, letters of the Russian alphabet from “a” to “k” are used (the letters “ё” and “y” are usually skipped) or from “a” to “i” (using the letter “ё”), or letters of the Latin alphabet from “ a" to "j". Sometimes the word "republic" or "snow maiden" is used, since in these 10-letter words not a single letter is repeated. Since there are various options for specifying a coordinate system, it is better to agree on this in advance.

The fleet consists of

* 1 ship - a row of 4 “four-deck” cells

* 2 ships - a row of 3 cells "three-balloon"

* 3 ships - a row of 2 cells "double deck"

* 4 ships - a row of 1 cell "single-deck".

When placed, ships cannot touch each other at their corners.

Ship decks should be built “in a line” and not in curves. The main thing: you cannot build the decks of one ship diagonally.

Before the start of hostilities, players cast lots or agree on who will go first.

The player making the move makes a shot - calls out loud the coordinates of the cell in which, in his opinion, the enemy ship is located, for example, “K1!” .
If the shot lands in a cell that is not occupied by any enemy ship, then the response is “Past!” and the shooting player places a dot on someone else’s square in this place. The right to move passes to the opponent.
If the shot hits a cell where a multi-deck ship is located (more than 1 cell in size), then the answer is “Wounded!” The player who shot puts a cross on someone else's field in this cell, and his opponent puts a cross on his field also in this cell. The player who shot is entitled to one more shot.
If the shot hits a cell containing a single-deck ship or the last unhit cell of a multi-deck ship, then the answer is “Sunk!” or “Killed!” Both players mark the sunken ship on the sheet. The player who shot is entitled to one more shot.

The winner is the one who is the first to sink all 10 enemy ships. The loser has the right to ask the opponent to study the playing field after the end of the game.


The player has his field drawn incorrectly: the number of ships does not correspond to the rules; ships touch each other; incorrect field dimensions and incorrect coordinate system.

The player made changes on his playing field that were not provided for by the rules of the game (during the game you can only put dots and crosses and only according to the rules), for example, he completed the drawing of the missing ship, the player spied the location of the enemy ships or missed his turn.