Have you read comics about a strange teenager who kills everyone? Stories about Jeff the Killer excite many people living in the open spaces of the city. The fact is that it turns out that this is not an invented, but a very real “hero”, from whom you cannot protect yourself from meeting if you make an irreparable mistake. Yes, in order.

Jeff the Killer Story

It is reliably known that he was an ordinary boy, who turned thirteen years old in 2008. Only he had an “extraordinary” accompaniment. There was a demon nearby, just waiting for the right moment to take possession of the teenager’s soul and body. The moment has arrived. A fight ensued, during which the demon pushed Jeff to lose his temper. He committed his first murder and lost consciousness.

It was no longer Jeff Woods who came to his senses, but Jeff the Killer. The demon carried out his terrible plan and took possession of the teenager’s personality. The whole world has become different. Evil lights flashed more and more often in the boy’s eyes. He wanted blood. At the same time, it cannot be said that the features of an ordinary boy completely dissolved into a demonic essence. No, he still loved his mother. But nothing helped. She suffered from his extraordinary appearance. And there was a reason.

Jeff looks like a Guimplen vampire. Pale skin, huge eyes surrounded by scorched eyelids, a cut of a bloody smile (he cut the skin to make his lips smile). Mom cried constantly, and he decided that no one loved him, so he dealt with all his relatives. Now he lives in the urban jungle, killing and torturing those who are careless enough to call him.

Is it possible to call Jeff the Killer?

If you're not scared, then it's worth a try. The killer does not come to everyone, but the one who saw him remains silent, since he has either already died or has become his assistant in a terrible business. No one has ever said that you can escape from the clutches of a killer without loss. Preparations for the ritual must be taken seriously.

Sources say that you need to prepare five pieces of paper. But no one says exactly what to write on them. If you post the phrase “I don’t want to sleep,” nothing will come of it. Jeff needs to be touched before he decides to show up. To do this, on the prepared sheets you need to write the following words:

Not afraid!

On the fifth one you need to draw your image. These leaflets, as with , after midnight you need to stick them with chewing gum on the five floors of your entrance. The top one should have a self-portrait. There you need to draw his scary smile with red lipstick. Now go home, wait an hour.

Ritual to summon Jeff the Killer

It's time to go meet the city ghost, if it exists. Go up the stairs, removing sheets of paper with inscriptions from the wall. In this case, you must say to yourself (or out loud):

“Jeff is his brother's killer! A terrible retribution awaits you!”

The same goes for mother and father. When you go up to the top floor, look carefully at the drawing. If you manage to hit Jeff, there will be a blood-red mark on him. You will smell rot in the air. Quickly erase your lipstick smile!

Precautions during a call

Keep in mind that before you have time to clear the trail, you will run into Jeff the killer in all his glory! We must act at the speed of sound! If you catch movement or a hint of steps, run! There's no need to hide. On the contrary, you need to move to where there are a lot of people: in the subway, in a store or somewhere else. He doesn't like crowded places, you'll be safe there. To prevent him from ambushing you and remembering where you live, you should wander around the city, sticking up houses and benches. You remember that this particular material was used instead of glue. Jeff is guided by them. He smells saliva like an animal!

If you cannot confuse the demon, he will definitely figure you out. It costs him nothing to go into the apartment and deal with his relatives. And then there will be hell! He will want to “play” with you. And this demon’s entertainment in human form is very scary. He can force you to kill those who still want to compete with him in dexterity and cunning.

Recently I was the same normal person, like you, until one day something happened that turned my life upside down, and even Will Smith won’t boast about it.

I'll tell you a little about that day. My brother was at work. I never worked and my brother always asked me to start earning some money, but I took him downstairs and went to watch porn. Ironically, my first job shaped me into what I am today.

The plumbing was terrible. My shower and toilet were stopped at home, so the solution was to buy some of this sulfuric acid and pour some down.

I opened the bottle and poured the contents into the bucket. I don't know why I did this. Maybe because I don’t know anything about plumbing. Well, acid stinks like Hell. And after thinking, I decided to hold my breath, take the bucket to the bathroom and pour the acid into the bathtub.

I carried the bucket into the bathroom, the bathroom was partially flooded due to overflowing water, the soap dish was on the floor and I slipped.

My instinct was to pull the bucket out of the spill, but guess what? The bucket was emptied all over my face and neck.

The pain didn't hit me right away. The shock almost froze, and I realized that I would be in scary world, at that moment the pain hit me. It was very painful, acid dripped into my eyes, my vision is blurry, and I can still see red. I threw myself on the floor, screaming in pain. It felt like my face was being eaten away by millions of insects.

I forgot how long it took before people intervened and tried to help me. I think I passed out because the pain was so severe.

After that, I remember dim lights, hearing conversation and heart rate. I woke up and went to bed. My face throbbed like a mother's excitement, but there wasn't really any pain. I didn't feel afraid because I didn't know where I was. I was just calm.

Then I woke up with bile around my face. I was depressed, like an emo who doesn't have a hot gift for a theme... Yeah, pretty depressing, but I haven't cut myself anything yet.

After some time had passed, my brother took me home. I forgot how long I was in the hospital.

As soon as we got home, I unpacked my things. The doctors did a terrible job: I looked strange, almost like Julia Wetmore. My brother told me everything was fine, but I was angry.

After about a week, my insecurities increased 10-fold. I'm fucked: imagine looking like this for the rest of your life. You look like a pink turtle. I couldn't handle it.

They didn't accept me anymore, I was a freak.

Do they think I'm a freak? I'll show them the freak!

So I grew my hair out and grew a little beard on my lower chin. I changed my face, it was too pink and red, and I recolored it with hydrogen peroxide. Then it became pure white. I looked at Ichi the Killer and saw that his mouth was wide open. I also wanted to change my mouth, and I put hot steel on the wound. Yes, it was painful. So what?

My brother told me I was becoming a monster. Successful mission - my artificial eyelids that surround my creepy eyes. Typically they swell, causing them to curl.

First of all, tonight I'm going to scare that kid whose room light is on. This little bastard needs to go to sleep.

I hope I don't get shot!

Facts (or something like that):

1. Jeff is not Woods, but Hodek

2. Jeff's favorite holiday is Thanksgiving.

3. Jeff and Lew have a good relationship

4. He doesn't kill children (if a child bothers him, he can knock him out)

5. In history he is 25 years old

7. He kills people he thinks deserve it.

8. He's Italian

9. Parents know about what happened, but do not know that their children are killing people.

10. The first person who killed Jeff was some random guy (he killed him for practice)

11. His eyelids are damaged but not gone.

12. Jeff is 2 years older than Lew

13. He tried drugs. He drinks, but not a lot. Smokes.

14. If Lew dies, then so does Jeff.

15. He believes that people are evil, living only through hatred.

16. His phrase is not “Go to sleep!”, but “This is joy!”

Name: Jeff the killer

A country: USA

Creator: Internet users

Activity: maniac

Family status: not married

Jeff the Killer: Character Story

Even people who are far from internet horror stories are familiar with Jeff the Killer - who hasn’t been sent a terrible photo with a noseless face smiling from ear to ear in his bloody mouth, signed with the words: “Go to bed!” Jeff is reminiscent of both and a chilling image from the movie “Saw”. The young psycho appeared in America, but instantly gained popularity around the world. They say it has been spotted near the beds of small children in almost every part of the planet.

History of appearance

The character appeared in the virtual space in the creepypasta format - horror stories distributed online in the form of stories or pictures. Jeff is considered one of the first creepy heroes, who later managed to outshine popular maniacs and strange creatures. For example, this is a successful competitor, although Thin Man It’s not easy to beat the complexity and creativity of ideas.

In 2008, a user under the nickname Sesseur presented a video in which he spoke about the events that happened to two brothers named Woods. Over time, the cruel maniac-killer Jeff gained an army of fans, a whole competition flared up, as a result of which the Internet was flooded with amateur cartoons, comics, and stories.

Some tried to explain the mystery of an American teenager in the fan fiction “From a Medical Point of View,” others began to compose mini-stories that were included in a series under the general title “Days after the Murders.” As often happens, the collective fantasy began to unite Jeff with other characters, no less terrible. For example, collections dedicated to the Jeff the Killer/ couple roam the Internet.

The younger generation believes that the idol lives in real life and it is easy to summon, you just need to perform a special ritual. Internet users generously share recipes for a “guaranteed” meeting with Jeff the Killer.

The author of the young maniac endowed his brainchild with a monstrous appearance. The description is truly frightening - a white, noseless (all that remains of the nose are two holes) face, with a smile carved into its cheeks. The scorched eyelids formed a black rim around the eyes. The killer's eyes are wide open even when he sleeps, so he has to wear a night blindfold.

Height, weight and age parameters vary. Some are sure that the character has no age, since he has lost touch with time, he himself does not know how old he is, and therefore remains a puny teenager just over 160 cm. Others prefer to stick to human standards. At the time of the tragedy that happened in an American family, and this is 2009, Jeff was 13 years old. So today he is 23 years old. Height young man is 192 cm.

Jeff's character was also pieced together. The result is a perverted psychopath who is drawn to murder by an unknown force. However, some authors call the hero kind - he loves animals, and in videos he often pets street cats and dogs.

Fans are still arguing about the Jeff phenomenon - is it a fiction, or does it really exist. There is information circulating on the Internet that a boy with a similar biography actually lived, but he was not a killer. And the author of the character allegedly admitted that the first image posted on the Internet was just a face unknown person in a latex mask, slightly touched by photoshop.

Fans are eagerly awaiting a film adaptation featuring this creepy character. The news that a horror film was planned spread across the Internet several years ago. Even a trailer for the new film has appeared online, but things are still there. The premiere was announced in 2015, then in 2017, and now there are rumors that the film will appear only in 2020.


In 2008, the Woods family moved to a new place of residence in the city of Madison (Wisconsin, USA), because his father was promoted and he decided that he should now live in a more prestigious area. In his new place, Jeff began to experience an incomprehensible feeling of aggression when his parents insisted on their opinion. One day, the boy was waiting at the bus stop with his older brother Liu. On this day, life was divided into “before” and “after”. Local teenagers accosted the Woods and a fight broke out. Jeff was overcome with unprecedented rage, and during the scuffle he wounded one of the offenders with a knife and severely beat the other.

The next day, the police came to the Woods' house with accusations of a brutal crime, Jeff did not deny and confessed to everything. However, Lew took the blame for his brother and was immediately taken away by law enforcement officers. The teenager faced a year in prison.

For two days Jeff sobbed into his pillow, feeling guilty and suffering from the inability to speak out, because he had not yet made new friends. A trip to visit neighbors, where they were celebrating the birthday of one of their children, helped me take my mind off sad thoughts. Jeff was enthusiastically playing “shooting games” with the kids, but suddenly the fun was interrupted by the boys, with whom there was a fight at the bus stop, who came to take revenge.

A bloody fight ensued, during which Jeff killed an opponent named Randy. The fight with the remaining two teenagers continued inside the house, in the bathroom, where bleach that had fallen from the shelf was poured onto the young militants. One of the opponents threw a lighter at Woods' face.

Jeff woke up in the hospital. When the bandages were removed, the boy saw with horror his own disfigured face in the mirror - his lips were burnt to the point of flesh, his hair turned black, and his boiling-white skin had lost sensitivity. The young man suddenly realized that on that fateful day something broke in his head, and he turned into a creature born to kill.

Later, Jeff cut his cheeks with a knife, because his stretched skin prevented him from smiling fully, and he burned out his eyelids so that he could “see his own reflection in the mirror,” because his eyes were constantly closed. The mother who saw such a picture rushed to her husband and asked him to get a gun. The disfigured son stabbed his parents and then his sleeping older brother.

His story of “transfiguration” has another version, not so meaningful and romantic. One day Jeff was getting ready to clean the bathroom. To do this, he brought a gallon of acid, but slipped on a piece of soap and fell. The liquid got on his face, forever changing the boy's appearance. The character did not last long in the hospital, escaped and began killing people.

There are a lot of stories about the bloody deeds of the maniac, some of which are published under the title “A Day in the Life of Jeff the Killer.” A curious milestone in the hero’s biography concerns heartfelt affection: the young man liked a girl named Jane, but his parents prevented the lovers from meeting, then the young psychopath killed them. And Jane swore that she would take revenge.

A young man suffering from severe schizophrenia and bouts of manic depression is especially fond of killing children. First, he watches the victim while sitting by the bed. If the child wakes up, he puts a knife to his throat and persuades him to continue sleeping: “Why aren’t you sleeping? Close your eyes and sleep." The main thing is to obey, then the maniac calms down. Jeff kills those who are intractable with a knife or strangles them. Sometimes a creepy psychopath acts more sophisticatedly - gouges out the victim’s eyes, cuts off body parts.

The question of whether the young man is alive or dead remains open. Fans, of course, believe that a sinister killer is on the loose and lives in the vicinity of Madison. At the very least, scary police reports appear on the Internet and in “newspapers” from time to time.

5 questions.
Jeff the Killer is perhaps one of the most famous Creepypasta characters. In terms of popularity, he is no longer inferior even to the well-known Slender Man. Jeff has a lot of fans, but they also ask a lot of questions. There are some slack in the story about this legendary killer and some translation errors from the comic. Today I will try to answer the most popular questions and analyze the very shortcomings that often worry fans of this character.

Let's start with the most important thing, who is Jeff the Killer? Jeff the Killer Maniac - a psychopath whose psyche went to hell at the age of 13, as a result of severe moral shocks, and not only...
I'll give you a little summary about it:

The name is Jeff.
Last name is Woods.
Age at the beginning of the story (Jeffry) is 13 years old.
Age at this moment(Killer) -18 years old.
Lived in the USA, Wisconsin.
Current location: Unknown.

The story about Jeff appeared in 2008 and still remains very popular. But there are some inaccuracies in it that undoubtedly spoil the experience of this story and call into question the reality of Jeff's existence.
Well, let's begin...

Question 1:-Many people who learned about this character simply do not understand why he became mentally unstable. As a teenager, Jeff felt somehow strange. Some strange thoughts and feelings sometimes overcame him. But he held them back, did not let them break out. And Jeff the Killer needed freedom of action. He always stood behind the teenager, this is even shown in the comic. In some pictures (as far as I remember, it was definitely at the beginning of that fight at a party) there is not even a person standing behind Jeff, but rather a spirit repeating the outline of the boy, but he differs from him with an unnaturally wide smile and round black eyes. Jeff was only 13 years old adolescence the psyche is very shaky. And as I already said, a whole cascade of severe moral shocks fell on Jeff.
Firstly, His brother is taken to a boarding colony, although it is not he who is guilty, but Jeff; Secondly, that fight that happened at the birthday party. It became that turning point, that trigger. Jeff the Killer was no longer just a spirit. He broke out and took over the boy's body. But Jeff recovered anyway. While he was in the hospital, he reasoned quite sensibly and reasonably... until he saw his new face... That’s what it became the last straw, Jeff couldn’t recover from this... He saw his new face. I saw with what horror his relatives looked at him, how his mother cried... All this simply ruined the teenager’s psyche and he became what we were used to seeing him.

Question 2:-Is there a nose or not? Eat! Jeff definitely has a nose! There was nothing written in the story about the fact that he disappeared. It did not fall off or become covered with skin after the operation. Just because our character’s skin is boiling white and doesn’t create much of a shadow, it seems like he doesn’t have a nose, but in fact he hasn’t gone anywhere.

Question 3:- I want to talk about that same Creepy Photo where Jeff allegedly looks into the camera lens with his signature creepy smile. So... It's not Jeff. This photograph belongs to a completely different story and is assigned specifically to it, the name of this creation is Wild Face and the photograph actually shows a girl! So it's not Jeff, even though she looks like him with her white face and "beautiful" smile.

Question 4:- Why didn’t Jeff lose his sight when he burned (yes burned, not cut off) his eyelids? - There’s just a translation error here. He did not burn them, but burned them a little, which is why they folded into a dense black accordion around his eyes and formed that same edging around them. Jeff knows how and can blink, but in order to blink we need to relax our eyelids, but on the contrary, he needs to tense them. In a relaxed state, Jeff's eyes are wide open and therefore he sleeps with a blindfold. Because in his sleep he relaxes and his eyes open wide and he wakes up.

Question 5:-Why did Jeff kill his family? - Jeff saw how his family reacted to him, he didn’t want to watch his mother cry at the sight of him. He thought that it would be better if he always smiled, but the hard skin hurt his cheekbones and we all know what Jeff did to always smile at his mother... But his mother did not appreciate these efforts. Jeff, no matter what he is, he is still a child, and his mother looks at him like he is a monster! And she even ran for the gun! It was self-defense, if Jeff had not killed them, they would have killed him. But why did he kill Lewis? Jeff didn't actually kill him with a knife. After killing his parents, the young killer realized that no one in this world needed him. And then he remembered his brother. Maybe he even needs it? Jeff went to check it out. Lewis woke up and felt that someone was looking at him. He didn’t immediately see Jeff, but when he finally noticed him... Woke up, still not understanding anything, he saw his brother with a slit mouth and crazy eyes, but the only thing he asked was: “J.. Jeff? What?” with you? Have you been attacked again?" A lump rose in Jeff's throat. "Needs... He needs me..." But what Lewis doesn't know is that Jeff just made him an orphan. And Jeff was scared, what if the only person who needs him, who cares about him, hates him?!
Perhaps this is all I wanted to tell you about this incomparably awesome killer. I'll leave it at that, but if you have any questions regarding Jeff the Killer, please leave a comment and I'll try to answer them. Thank you for taking the time to read this article.
“Well, no... It’s better that he die loving me than live and hate.” Jeff thought, closing his hands around his brother’s neck. Jeff strangled Lew.

How to call Jeff the Killer at home and is it really worth doing? The legendary killer Jeff is known to almost everyone today. to modern man. This fictional hero has seemingly incompatible qualities and is incredibly cruel. A skinny boy becomes a ruthless killer. Under the cover of darkness, he carries out his dark deeds and kills even his closest people in cold blood.

It is believed that if you perform a special ritual, you can summon the Jeff killer. or fiction, it is not known for certain. Many people have tried to call the Jeff killer. And everyone who dared to perform the ritual experienced incredible emotions. How to call Jeff the Killer and stay safe? The main thing is to strictly follow the rules of the ritual.

The Story of the Sinister Teen

Before you ask the question: “How to call Jeff the Killer?”, you should get acquainted with the history of this unique hero. Perhaps it contains clues that may be useful if this strange character decides to come.

Little Jeff grew up in excellent conditions, with loving parents and brother, but behind him there was always a bloodthirsty demon who was patiently waiting for the right moment to take the boy’s pure soul for himself. When the hero of world-famous comic books turned thirteen years old, his life changed dramatically.

In one of the fights, Jeff lost his composure and committed his first murder. Of course, the boy was possessed by a demon waiting in the wings, but the essence of this fact did not change in any way. The once positive and ordinary character has become brutal killer, and the knife became his main friend.

After the demon's possession, the boy still retained love in his heart for his mother and the rest of the family, but the thirst for blood took over, and then the bloodthirsty demon completely took possession of Jeff's soul. Now the demon boy walks through the vastness of cities and kills everyone who dares to call him.

How to call Jeff the Killer and is it worth it?

Each person decides for himself whether to summon the sinister hero. In any case, this can become an unforgettable, albeit very scary adventure. According to legend, those who personally saw the bloodthirsty demon in the body of a boy are already dead. Or they became his assistants, who would never talk about the dark side of their lives.

Many people are interested in how to call Jeff the Killer. A photo with a cold-blooded maniac has a hypnotic effect. The image of a teenager seems to beckon you to call him and see him with your own eyes. It is necessary to prepare for the ritual with special care, because a mistake can even cost your life...

Everything you need for the ritual

So, how to summon Jeff the Killer at home? The most important thing is to prepare everything you need and try to create a suitable environment. And decide whether it is possible to withstand the incredible tension that will certainly appear immediately after the ritual.

To summon a legendary hero, you must prepare five clean sheets paper, pencil or special coal, lipstick (you can use bright red lip gloss), chewing gum or tape and, of course, strong nerves.

Features of the ritual

Ideally, the ritual will be carried out on each piece of paper with the inscription should be hung on different floors. If the ritual needs to be carried out in country house or cottage, you can try hanging signs in different rooms.

Someone says that in order to call a murderer, you need to write the following phrase on four different pieces of paper: “I don’t want to sleep!”, but the traditional phrase has ceased to work in Lately. For greater probability, it is better to write another phrase, namely: “Jeff, I am not afraid of you.”

Each word is written on a separate piece of paper. On the fifth sheet of paper you need to draw your own self-portrait. It is this image that will indicate to Jeff exactly who is calling him.

Step by step instructions

How to call Jeff at home? First you need to make an inscription, which is intended to provoke Jeff to come. The inscription is made with charcoal or pencil. Then you need to draw your self-portrait (also with a pencil or charcoal). In a self-portrait, you definitely need to add an ominous, bloody smile. To do this, you can use red lipstick or lip gloss (bright).

The second stage is more exciting. Inscriptions and drawings should be hung on different floors or in different rooms. The wait will be tense. Next hour you need to try to distract yourself. You can play games or watch a movie. After sixty minutes it is necessary to mandatory remove all inscriptions and self-portrait. At the same time, you should say the following phrase over and over again: “Jeff, you are the murderer of your mother, father and brother, a terrible reckoning awaits you today!”

If red marks of unknown origin appear on the self-portrait or an unpleasant putrid smell is felt in the air, this means that a bloodthirsty monster is somewhere nearby and is waiting for the moment to attack.

Escape from the killer

Escaping from the killer will not be easy. You need to move very quickly to a crowded place. If chewing gum was used for the ritual, you need to stick them in different places. This way you can confuse your trail and escape from Jeff. Under no circumstances should you hide! Otherwise, a terrible reckoning will not keep you waiting!

How to call Jeff the Killer during the day

It’s worth saying right away that summoning a monster with a sharp knife daytime much safer. However, the ritual is intended for night time. It may also happen that Jeff was called during the day, and his arrival will happen in the evening or at night. Therefore, after the daily ritual you should not sleep under any circumstances!

A meeting with the hero of famous comics can be interesting, but one cannot neglect the danger that comes from the demon that has settled in the boy’s soul. Jeff won't spare anyone. Relatives, close friends and closest people may suffer. A dangerous undertaking that stirs the blood! Are you still wondering how to call Jeff the Killer at home? Or are you planning to leave this idea?

Are you still wondering how to call Jeff the Killer at home? Or are you planning to leave this idea?