In connection with repair and restoration work, visitors enter the Kremlin through the Trinity Gate, and exit through the Borovitsky Gate. Visitors enter and exit the Armory through the Borovitsky Gate.

January 21 from 15:00, January 22 until 14:00

The Assumption Cathedral is closed to the public.

From October 1 to May 14

The Moscow Kremlin museums are switching to winter operating hours. The architectural ensemble is open to the public from 10:00 to 17:00, the Armory is open from 10:00 to 18:00. Tickets are sold at the box office from 9:30 to 16:30. Closed on Thursday. Electronic tickets are exchanged in accordance with the terms of the User Agreement.

From October 1 to May 14

The exhibition of the Ivan the Great bell tower is closed to the public.

In order to ensure the safety of monuments during unfavorable weather conditions Access to some cathedral museums may be temporarily limited.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Tulsky state museum weapons– one of the oldest museums in Russia.The museum has a most valuable collection of firearms and bladed weapons, both domestic and foreign. Its uniqueness lies in the ability to trace the stages of development of weapons in the context of the history of society, learn how design ideas were formed and developed, and also focus on man as the creator of weapons.

The museum's fund includes collections of combat muzzle-loading, automatic, sports, hunting weapons, artillery, numismatics and covers the history of the development of weapons production in Russia since the 16th century.The new permanent exhibition of the museum “History of small arms and bladed weapons with XIV century to the present" is housed in a building unique in its architecture in the shape of a heroic helmet of an ancient Russian warrior. The building is located in a historical place where Kuznetskaya Sloboda was previously located.

The exhibition widely uses the latest multimedia complexes (video walls, interactive gaming and educational complexes “Storyteller”, “Life Outside the Window”, “Encyclopedia of Weapons”, holographic display cases, electronic labels). In the peripheral part of the halls there are installations that, in combination with projection screens, provide the effect of presence, for example, in the workshop of a 19th-century arms factory. or in the trenches of the First World War.

The exhibition features interactive zones in which children learn about the history of the creation of weapons in a playful way and can hold models in their hands. various types small arms, get acquainted with the technical features of the structure firearms using specially developed programs in the computer class, take a photo in the “electronic” costume of warriors from various historical eras in the “Imagine Yourself” multimedia complex, and then send the resulting photo by email.

Today, the weapons museum is a major museum center not only in the Tula region, but also in Russia. Interactive programs, master classes by famous Tula masters, cycles of events dedicated to heroic dates in the history of the Fatherland, international conferences, historical holidays, evenings, concerts, special programs for children, history lessons, family New Year's performances, book festivals have become an integral part of cultural and scientific life Tula region.Of particular interest are the theatrical performances of the military-historical theater of the “Indestructible” museum, which became a laureate of the youth event tourism competition in the Central Federal District “Event-2014” in the “Historical Reconstruction” category.

To organize family leisure, the museum operates a school of Tula craftsmen, where classes are held in various areas of traditional Tula crafts and decorative arts: “Artistic processing of metal and wood”, “Artistic ceramics”, “ art", "Pottery art".The museum has a school of dueling and theatrical fencing, a modern airsoft shooting range and a cafe.

The museum on the territory of the Tula Kremlin operates in exhibition mode.

Tula State Weapons Museum– one of the oldest museums in Russia.The museum has a most valuable collection of firearms and bladed weapons, both domestic and foreign. Its uniqueness lies in the ability to trace the stages of development of weapons in the context of the history of society, learn how design ideas were formed and developed, and also focus on man as the creator of weapons.

The museum's fund includes collections of military muzzle-loading, automatic, sports, hunting weapons, artillery, numismatics and covers the history of the development of weapons production in Russia since the 16th century.The new permanent exhibition of the museum “History of small arms and bladed weapons with XIV century to the present" is housed in a building unique in its architecture in the shape of a heroic helmet of an ancient Russian warrior. The building is located in a historical place where Kuznetskaya Sloboda was previously located.

The exhibition widely uses the latest multimedia complexes (video walls, interactive gaming and educational complexes “Storyteller”, “Life Outside the Window”, “Encyclopedia of Weapons”, holographic display cases, electronic labels). In the peripheral part of the halls there are installations that, in combination with projection screens, provide the effect of presence, for example, in the workshop of a 19th-century arms factory. or in the trenches of the First World War.

The exhibition features interactive zones in which children learn about the history of the creation of weapons in a playful way, can hold models of various types of small arms in their hands, get acquainted with the technical features of the structure of firearms using specially developed programs in a computer class, and take pictures in an “electronic” warrior suit of various historical eras in the “Imagine Yourself” multimedia complex, and then send the resulting photo by email.

Today, the weapons museum is a major museum center not only in the Tula region, but also in Russia. Interactive programs, master classes by famous Tula masters, cycles of events dedicated to heroic dates in the history of the Fatherland, international conferences, historical holidays, evenings, concerts, special programs for children, history lessons, family New Year's performances, book holidays have become an integral part of the cultural and scientific life of the Tula region.Of particular interest are the theatrical performances of the military-historical theater of the “Indestructible” museum, which became a laureate of the youth event tourism competition in the Central Federal District “Event-2014” in the “Historical Reconstruction” category.

To organize family leisure, the museum operates a school of Tula craftsmen, where classes are held in various areas of traditional Tula crafts and decorative arts: “Artistic processing of metal and wood”, “Artistic ceramics”, “Fine arts”, “Pottery art”.The museum has a school of dueling and theatrical fencing, a modern airsoft shooting range and a cafe.

The museum on the territory of the Tula Kremlin operates in exhibition mode.

Tula has long been famous not only for honey gingerbread and samovars, but also for its weapons factory. Production was founded at the beginning of the 18th century, by decree of Emperor Peter I. And as soon as production was established, Tula gunsmiths began to form a collection of samples of their products.

The collection gradually increased, and by decree of Catherine II, a museum was founded on the basis of the collected exhibits, which still exists today. It must be said that the modern history of the museum begins in 1924. Since until this time the collection was not available to the general public, only honored guests of the plant could view it. And only in the 20s the museum opened its doors to the general public.

Nowadays, the Tula State Weapons Museum is a rich collection of unique exhibits, which allows us to observe the evolution of the development of design ideas in the field of weapons creation.


The exhibition is quite extensive, so the museum is located at two addresses. The old building is located on the territory of the historical complex of the Tula Kremlin, and the new one is located in the city, address: st. Oktyabrskaya, house 2.

In the old building there is an exhibition that allows you to observe how technical thought has developed in the field of creating weapons. The new building houses several thematic exhibitions: an exhibition of modern weapons produced at Tula factories, as well as samples of hunting and sporting weapons.

The old museum building is an architectural monument. It was founded in 1855; previously it housed the Epiphany Cathedral. But since the number of exhibits is steadily growing, the area of ​​the old building was clearly not enough to accommodate the exhibition.

The new building has six floors and a sufficient number of halls with a total area of ​​more than 14 thousand square meters. The building was built according to a unique design and its shape resembles protective helmet ancient Russian warrior. The complex has an open area for displaying large weapons.

The storage area is more than 650 square meters, there are technical workshops for carrying out restoration work.

Among other things, the new building houses a library, two comfortable conference rooms, and a cafe for visitors.

The Museum of Weapons today is a modern leisure center where active research and social and pedagogical work is carried out.


During the year of its existence, an extensive collection was collected in the storerooms. It contains a variety of weapons. In addition, there is a unique numismatic collection, as well as an archive containing unique handwritten and printed documents, drawings, graphs, and lithographs.

Samples of muzzle-loading weapons include variants of capsule, flintlock and matchlock rifles and muskets. In addition to the samples produced at the Tula plant, there are also foreign-made weapons.

A significant place is devoted to automatic weapons. The first example of this type to enter service with the army is the Maxim heavy machine gun. This is the invention of an American gunsmith, but its production was established at the Tula plant in 1905. The museum houses a unique exhibit number 1.

The collection of sporting and hunting weapons is of great interest. The exhibits are organized so that visitors can observe how guns have changed and improved. The oldest example of this collection is a flintlock-type gun, produced in 1716.

The collection of bladed and throwing weapons is extensive and varied. Here are samples that entered service in Russian army. These are swords, cleavers, broadswords, checkers. The collection also includes samples of bladed weapons used in European armies– halberds, protazans, etc.

Edged weapons of the second half of the last century are represented by a collection of daggers, which are a mandatory attribute of the dress uniform of an officer of some branches of the military.

The collection of protective weapons used in the army is also extensive. Here you can also see Knight armour, and chain mail of Russian warriors. Throwing weapons are represented by bows and crossbows of various types.

The part of the exhibition dedicated to artillery weapons is represented mainly by weapons produced at Tula factories. The collection contains rare examples that took part in hostilities.

The numismatic part of the collection includes awards and souvenir badges. And the collections of documentary sources contain royal charters and documents describing the activities of famous weapons designers. The collection of graphics, drawings and albums are also interesting.

Permanent exhibition

The museum periodically presents new exhibitions. IN this moment The permanent exhibition is not only a unique collection displayed in showcases, but also an interactive platform.

So, by entering the “Imagine Yourself” complex, you can transform yourself into the image of a warrior from different eras. You can dress up as a dashing hussar or a fearless Bashkir cavalryman, put on a Cossack uniform or dress up in the uniform of an imperial grenadier.

Those who want to test their knowledge of history can take part in the quiz. Questions and answer options are presented on the touch screen. Not everyone will be able to correctly arm and equip a warrior of the chosen era the first time.

Children especially love time travel. Games that reenact historical battles were developed specifically for the museum. Those interested can try themselves as a gunsmith. Sitting at the touchscreen candy bar, you can try to disassemble and assemble various types of weapons, as well as find out Interesting Facts about the history of the creation of this or that type of weapon.

The constant admiration of museum guests is the collection of miniature weapons. In Tula, there has long been a tradition of making exact miniature copies of their products. For example, visitors can see pin-type six-shot revolvers with a caliber of 1 mm; such a revolver easily fits in a matchbox. Moreover, this is a real weapon, equipped with special cartridges.

A separate section of the permanent exhibition is dedicated to weapons used during the First World War. Here are presented both samples of domestic rifles and imported weapons, which the empire was forced to purchase, since its own resources were sorely lacking.

On the third floor of the new building there is a composition reflecting the labor exploits of the population during the Great Patriotic War. On the diorama you can observe the environment of the production workshop, allowing you to understand the difficult conditions in which the workers worked.

In addition to the permanent exhibition, visitors have the opportunity to view thematic exhibitions, which are regularly organized by museum staff. The schedule of current and upcoming exhibitions can be found on the official website of the museum.

Helpful information

Both museum buildings have the same opening hours. Guests are welcome every day from 10 to 18, on Friday and Saturday, opening hours are extended to 21 hours. The museum closes for a public health day on Monday in the last week of the month.

Tickets can be purchased on site; the cost of admission depends on the chosen program. Children under 18 years of age can visit the exhibition for free; pupils, students and people of retirement age purchase discounted tickets.

Additionally, you can order the following services:

  • accompaniment of the inspection with an audio guide;
  • There is a fee for filming on the museum grounds. Amateur photography is paid for when purchasing a ticket; the cost of bringing one unit of photographic equipment is 500 rubles. Professional photographs using museum exhibits can be obtained by first agreeing on the conditions with the museum (if preparation of exhibits for filming is required);
  • consultations with museum research staff;
  • visit to the play area (free for children);
  • interactive theatrical program (for groups of visitors by prior agreement);
  • visiting an airsoft shooting range;
  • visiting a school of theatrical and dueling fencing (possibly a one-time lesson or taking a course of 4 or 8 lessons).

Every week on Fridays, visitors are offered an evening program held in the new building. Visitors will be able to interact with interesting people, competitions, interactive games. On Saturday evening you can attend a themed excursion.

The Armory Museum takes part in the increasingly popular Museum Night event. In 2015, the thematic event was dedicated to the 70th anniversary Great Victory. During the promotion, you do not need to purchase tickets to enter the museum.

In the new building of the museum there is a theater offering performances of a military-historical nature, the most plausible reconstructions of historical events, concerts and theatrical performances. The theater creates projects designed for different age categories of guests. The program of performances is updated regularly. Performances are subject to preliminary requests for groups of 20 people or more, the time of the performance is to be agreed upon.

The museum souvenir shop will help you preserve the memory of your visit for a long time. In the store's assortment you can buy famous printed gingerbread cookies, bright Filimonov toys, samovars and, of course, miniature copies of weapons and thematic literature.

And you can take a break from the impressions in the museum cafe; you can order it right there special program"Birthday at the Museum."

Exhibition "Weapons of the 19th - 20th centuries from the collection of the State Central Museum modern history Russia" was prepared as part of the museum's events dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory Soviet people in Great Patriotic War. The exhibition presents many previously unexhibited unique examples of domestic and foreign long-barreled and short-barreled firearms.

The collection of weapons in the museum has been formed over more than 70 years. The time range of the collection in terms of the time of manufacture of weapons is 250 years. The Museum of Contemporary History of Russia collected primarily those weapons that reflected the history of the revolutionary movement and military history our country. That is why most of the museum objects relate to the revolutionary events of 1905, 1917, Civil War 1918-1922, Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. Each item in the collection is valuable as a witness and participant in historical events.

Flintlock pistols, paired. Albania, XVIII century. Gift from I.V. Stalin on his 30th birthday October revolution from the Albanian people.

Double-barreled center fire pistol of the Remington system, model 1877. Belgium, Liege. Pistols of this system (single-barrel) were tested in Russia with a view to introducing it into service. Trophy of the Red Army during the annexation of Bessarabia to the USSR in 1940.

Caucasian dagger. Gift from M.I. Kalinin from the workers of Dagestan, 1920s.

Revolver of the Nagan system, model 1895, soldier. Russia, Tula, Tula Arms Plant. Belonged to V.M. Panov, participant in the revolutionary events of 1917. and the Civil War in Russia 1918-1920.

Small-caliber sports pistol of the Margolin system in a case. Gift from I.V. To Stalin on his 70th birthday from the staff of the Tula Arms Plant.

Revolver model Velodog. Belgium. Civilian revolver. Gift from the statesman and politician, People's Commissar of Heavy Industry of the USSR G.K. Ordzhonikidze to his wife Z.G. Ordzhonikidze.

Revolver model Kobold. A civilian revolver, named after a brownie from Scandinavian folklore. Weapons of participants in the Russian Civil War of 1918-1920 in the Far East.

Three-line rifles

Self-loading pistol TK model 1926. Korovin systems. Belonged to a Hero Soviet Union A.E. Kleshchev, commander of the partisan unit of the Pinsk region of Belarus during the Great Patriotic War.

An invaluable contribution to the military successes of our country was made by famous domestic gunsmiths - designers of firearms, who preserved and increased the heritage of technical thought. G.S. Shpagin, F.V. Tokarev, M.T. Kalashnikov are names known throughout the world.

Carbine, self-loading rifle of the F.V. system Tokarev

On the battlefields of numerous wars of the last two centuries, Russian soldiers won truly historic victories - largely thanks to the weapons with which they fought.

Battalion mortar, 1983. USSR

Company mortar model 1938.

Weapons of the Red Army in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945.

Pneumatic pistol, sports, Tell model (Germany, Venus company, Zella-Mehlis)

Sports and training weapons P.S. Rybalko, Marshal of the Armored Forces.

An interactive information stand where you can familiarize yourself with the weapon, read its history and characteristics. The most convenient thing about the stand is that the view of the next weapon is switched using hand gestures

Automatic system M.T. Kalashnikov, paratrooper, AKS-47 (Weapon of the Soviet Army)

Formation training. Solo training. Gun techniques

Shooting techniques. Preparing to shoot. Firing a shot.

Visitors to the exhibition are given a small bonus in the form of a master class on disassembling and assembling weapons

The master class is conducted by a senior Researcher GCMSIR, keeper of the weapons collection - Sheparev Roman Mikhailovich

The exhibition can be visited with museum tickets.

The museum is open:

Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday from 10.00 to 18.00, ticket office until 17.30
Thursday from 12.00 to 21.00, ticket office until 20.30
Saturday, Sunday from 11.00 to 19.00, ticket office until 18.30
Monday is a day off.
Ticket prices
Full ticket: 250 rub. Discount ticket: 100 rub. (for students, university students of the Russian Federation, pensioners).

The museum and especially the exhibition will be of interest to boys and men