Minor bleeding after menstruation in the middle of the cycle is very common, as it occurs in a third of women. Most often it appears a few days before or after the next onset of menstruation. This is not a symptom of the presence of a serious disease in the female body, but if heavy acyclic uterine bleeding occurs, this leads to an acute lack of iron in the body and indicates serious pathologies.

General information about intermenstrual bleeding

This pathology is usually understood as the discharge of blood from the vagina or uterus during an inappropriate period of time between the onset of menstruation. If bleeding in the middle of the cycle occurs quite often, you need to consult a specialist, as this indicates the presence of pathology in the female genital organs.

This phenomenon usually occurs on the fifteenth day after the last menstruation; the discharge of blood itself is not abundant and it is quite possible to get by with the use of daily pills. Bleeding after menstruation continues for no more than three days with the same intensity, but if there is more blood, you should immediately contact a specialist for examination.

It often happens that a woman is pregnant, but her periods continue to go on their schedule or unexpectedly bleeds in the middle of the cycle. This condition indicates an ectopic pregnancy, accompanied by severe pain, which leads to dire consequences such as miscarriage.

If bleeding continues for four days or more, and it occurs without treatment or examination by a specialist, it is necessary to call emergency help, since this fact may well lead to death due to large blood loss.

Bleeding occurs after menstruation due to hormonal fluctuations, in particular estrogen, which is extremely unstable during the ovulation period. In this case, after tests and examination, the gynecologist prescribes hormone-based medications to the woman in order to normalize them.

In the fair sex, there are three types of bleeding between menstruation:

  1. Metrorrhagia, which is profuse bleeding.
  2. Intermenstrual bleeding.
  3. Bloody discharge of various types.

As for the latter, they have rather sparse symptoms and appear a week or two before the very start of menstruation. Their distinctive feature is a pinkish or light brown tint; you can notice them on paper after urinating, since they rarely remain on linen. They are not a pathology and in many cases indicate the possibility of conception, since the egg has matured.

In addition to the above, uterine bleeding in the middle of the cycle occurs in girls and women who often suffer from various diseases of the genitourinary system, and in this case there is copious bleeding. In this case, it is also necessary to contact a gynecologist in a timely manner, who will eliminate pain and infection with the help of medication, which will prevent bleeding in women.

Why bleeding may reappear after menstruation is the question that comes to women’s minds; the main thing here is to understand the reason for their occurrence.

When bleeding appears in the middle of the cycle, the reasons for its presence can be easily identified by undergoing a gynecological examination, after which the following procedures will be needed:

  1. Thyroid examination.
  2. Scraping of the uterine cavity and cervical canal.
  3. Study of hormonal levels.
  4. Hysteroscopy.
  5. Scraping examination.

But that’s not all; often the gynecologist prescribes an examination of the pituitary gland using magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography and radiography.

In principle, slight bleeding in the middle of the cycle is normal, but if it occurs frequently, you should seek help from a specialist.


When bleeding occurs between periods, the reasons may be various processes occurring in a woman’s body, for example:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • miscarriage;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • hypertension;
  • lack of hormones in the thyroid gland;
  • incorrectly installed spiral;
  • endometrial diseases in the uterine cavity;
  • use of drugs based on estrogen;
  • ovarian cyst;
  • stressful situations;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • chronic diseases;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • adhesions;
  • cauterization or biopsy in the uterine cavity;
  • hypovitaminosis C;
  • diseases in the uterine region;
  • use of oral contraceptives;
  • use of certain medications;
  • vaginal injury;
  • infectious processes in the genital organs;
  • formations in the vagina, urethra or cervix that are benign.

If your period ends, but after a few days it resumes with minor blood loss, then there is no point in panicking about this, this is the norm and occurs in half of adult women, and especially in girls during puberty.

It happens that a relatively small discharge of blood may appear immediately after sexual intercourse, this indicates that the cervix or mucous membrane was damaged during the process. The situation that has arisen does not pose a threat to health, but if it is regular, then this is a reason to contact a gynecologist.

Girls should not be afraid that they suddenly have minor bleeding in the middle of the cycle, which is not accompanied by serious pathologies, since it in no way affects the further possibility of getting pregnant.

If the completed menstruation occurs again and bleeds after menstruation with brown discharge from the genitals, this indicates a change in hormonal levels and the presence of infection, often accompanied by endometrial polyps.

In addition, they can be a clear sign of progesterone deficiency or polycystic ovary syndrome; in these cases, be sure to go to the doctor, since the listed conditions often lead to the development of infertility.

Metrorrhagia treatment and prevention

Treatment of such a pathology as intermenstrual bleeding is selected individually, and it directly depends on the severity of the condition and the age of the patient. It can be through surgical intervention or conservative; it is characterized by acyclic discharge of blood from the genital organs and a large loss of blood cells, which is a pathology. The latter involves the use of hormone-based medications to normalize the cycle and stop bleeding.

When acyclic bleeding is profuse, the doctor prescribes the use of iron-based medications. But, despite this problem, a woman needs to have regular sex life and get enough sleep, which will help stop the bleeding after menstruation, which is released due to fatigue of the whole body.

Since metrorrhagia has different symptoms, it is necessary to approach its treatment comprehensively, eliminating not only the cause itself, but also combating the symptoms.

For the purpose of prevention, a woman needs to avoid stressful situations and get more rest. In addition, the gynecologist can also prescribe sedatives. You should also periodically visit a gynecologist, who, if the disease is present, will help begin treatment in a timely manner and prevent the development of serious consequences.

If bleeding between menstruation lasts more than three days and is heavy, then you need to consult a doctor, since this phenomenon often accompanies diseases of the uterus, the same applies to the situation when blood flows immediately after menstruation.

If heavy bleeding occurs in the middle of the cycle, accompanied by pain and cramping in the lower abdomen, you need to lie down and call emergency help.

Metrorrhagia has different causes, as a result of which it is necessary to be examined comprehensively, eliminating the possibility of the development of irreversible processes leading not only to the removal of the reproductive organ, but also to death.

When the bleeding is not so significant, but there is a feeling of discomfort, it is necessary to be examined for the presence of diseases such as:

  1. Erosion.
  2. Cervical cancer.
  3. Myoma.
  4. Chorionepithelioma.
  5. Endometriosis.

The latter is a specific proliferation of cells of the wall of the uterine tissue in the inner layer and is benign in nature. It occurs in the age group from twenty to thirty-five years, and is manifested by severe pain during intimate intercourse, mainly in the pelvic area. Its treatment is possible with the help of hormone-based drugs.

Myoma is also a benign tumor that develops in the uterine region, more precisely on its neck and wall. Most often it is removed surgically, but if it is large, the entire organ must be removed.

Women more often suffer from cancer during menopause, the cause is smoking and infection with the human papillomavirus, which also causes intermenstrual bleeding. Bleeding in this case is profuse, and the only treatment is removal of the uterus.

Erosion is a defect in the mucous membrane of the cervix, on which small ulcers appear. Most often, it is not possible to notice their presence without examination, since the disease does not manifest itself for a long time and only occasionally ache in the lower abdomen and a small amount of blood is released in the middle of the cycle. Without proper treatment, this disease ends with serious complications that can lead to the removal of the reproductive organ.

How to stop the appearance of bleeding in the middle of the menstrual cycle - for this you need to understand the cause of its occurrence. Most often, intermenstrual bleeding in the middle of the cycle occurs due to a sexually transmitted infection.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, the patient will be prescribed antibacterial drugs and topical medications, such as suppositories and ointments. The latter are necessary to eliminate discomfort during urination, as well as itching, discharge, irritation and odor.

Some women, of their own free will, without obvious reasons, go for a routine examination with a gynecologist, which will significantly speed up the process of identifying diseases in the early stages and speed up the recovery process, preventing relapses.

Menstruation in the middle of the cycle can be either a natural physiological process or indicate problems in the body.

Light bleeding occurs on the 14th day of ovulation due to changes in hormone levels. They can take up to 3 days. If it is abundant, lasts longer, and is accompanied by nagging pain in the lower abdomen, this is a reason to consult a gynecologist.

General information

What could be the reasons?

Ovulatory discharge is not abundant, occurs during the period of ovulation and lasts for two to three days. For some women, this is an indicator of the maturation of the egg and its readiness for fertilization.

If we turn to physiology, then during ovulation the female cell leaves the follicle, breaking it, and moves along the fallopian tube.

Discharge during this period, accompanied by moderate nagging pain in the lower abdomen, left or right, is called “ovulatory syndrome.” Symptoms disappear on the 16th–17th days. If this does not happen, you should consult a doctor.

Having your period 7 or more days ahead of schedule is possible due to a malfunction in the body.

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • suffered stress;
  • intense sports or physical overload, heavy lifting;
  • use of certain medications;
  • eating disorders;
  • deficiency of vitamins A, E, C;
  • injury to external and internal reproductive organs;
  • rough sexual contact.

Bleeding after examination by a gynecologist can be caused by manipulations using a medical instrument. It should not last more than a day. If the blood continues to flow, you need to go to the doctor again.

In teenagers

Menstruation out of schedule while taking birth control is possible if you stop taking the pills before completing the course (usually 21 days). Intense, breakthrough bleeding occurs. In most cases, medical attention is required to stop it.

Suspicion of pregnancy

Brown or brown spotting may indicate conception. This is implantation bleeding, which occurs when a fertilized egg implants into the tissue of the uterine wall.

Spotting is possible during an already existing pregnancy, which women, as a rule, are not aware of.

To confirm or deny conception, you should take a pregnancy test (but to do this you need to wait until the missed period). A more accurate diagnosis is possible by taking a blood test for hCG levels or performing an ultrasound.

If conception is suspected, the embryo should be excluded.

Bloody discharge early in pregnancy may indicate a miscarriage.

Pathological factors

Menstruation ahead of schedule causes various diseases of the reproductive system. Let's look at their symptoms.

Inflammations and infections

Frequent causes of menstrual dysfunction are infectious and inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs. Failures are caused by sexually transmitted diseases, as well as pathologies such as endometritis, adnexitis, etc.

Characteristic features:

  • Aching, nagging pain in the lower abdomen.
  • General weakness, possible increase in body temperature.
  • Vaginal discharge is white, yellow and other with an unpleasant odor.

Common causes of menstrual dysfunction are infectious and inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs

Uterine fibroids

This is a tumor located in the wall of an organ. Manifestations depend on the type of formation and its location. Localization in the submucosal layer of the uterus leads to bleeding at any time.

Associated symptoms:

  • Abdominal cramps.
  • Pressure and feeling of heaviness below.
  • Anemia due to blood loss.


A pathology characterized by atypical growth of the internal tissue of the uterus - the endometrium - beyond the boundaries of the organ itself. Caused by hormonal imbalances.

Ovarian apoplexy

This is organ rupture and hemorrhage as a consequence. Accompanied by acute abdominal pain.

Other manifestations:

  • dizziness and headache;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • weakness and loss of consciousness.

Urgent medical attention is required.

Video about the causes of intermenstrual bleeding

Threat of miscarriage

Pain and bleeding on days other than expected may result in spontaneous abortion. If a woman of reproductive age is sexually active, this option should not be excluded.

Menstruation is accompanied by:

  • severe cramps in the abdomen and sacral area;
  • urge to defecate and urinate.

You need to call an ambulance.

It is always important to find out why your period started in the middle of the cycle. Only a doctor can determine whether the causes are physiological or pathological.

To eliminate problems in the reproductive system, gynecologists advise:

  • lead a healthy and active lifestyle;
  • maintain intimate hygiene;
  • have one sexual partner;
  • use contraception if pregnancy is not planned;
  • give up bad habits.

It is important to control the menstrual cycle and its regularity. Maintaining a schedule will allow you not to miss unscheduled allocations. In case of failure, you must consult a doctor.

The discharge of blood clots in the middle of the monthly cycle is called. Often women, faced with this phenomenon, mistake this discharge for menstruation and believe that their cycle is too short. A shortened cycle or polymenorrhea is the occurrence of menstruation every 13-15 days. This phenomenon is observed in women with impaired blood clotting, as well as with pathologies of uterine development. But, in most cases, bleeding in the middle of the cycle has nothing to do with polymenorrhea.

In approximately 80% of cases, bleeding in the middle of the cycle is characterized by scanty discharge and only 20% of women complain of heavy discharge. Most often, bleeding in the middle of the cycle does not pose a threat and is caused by a malfunction. Often this situation occurs when taking oral medications incorrectly. For example, if a woman missed taking several pills in a row.

Bleeding may occur in the middle of the cycle and when using an IUD as a contraceptive. If a lot of blood is released or bleeding becomes regular, then you should see a gynecologist and, perhaps, choose another means of protection.

The appearance of spotting during the cycle can be caused by various reasons. These include disruption of the endocrine system, overwork or stress, the presence of an inflammatory process and pathologies of the pelvic organs, as well as factors of a psychogenic nature. Women often experience dysfunctional bleeding during periods of serious hormonal changes. That is, in youth, when the cycle has not yet been established and the period preceding menopause.

However, you need to know that uterine bleeding in the middle of the cycle may indicate a serious illness. This condition may be a symptom of endometriosis or tumor formation. It is especially dangerous if severe uterine bleeding occurs in women who have already entered menopause. This phenomenon often indicates the presence of neoplasms, so you should immediately consult a doctor.

If bleeding in women is observed in connection with sexual intercourse, this may indicate that the mucous membrane or cervix was damaged during intercourse. Of course, this condition cannot be called normal, therefore, if blood stains appear regularly on your underwear after sexual intercourse, you should definitely tell your gynecologist about the problem in order to rule out the presence of any diseases.

It happens that in the middle of the cycle there is a slight discharge of blood; it does not stain the laundry and is usually detected when using toilet paper. This phenomenon most likely indicates the passage of ovulation. This condition is not a pathology and occurs due to a hormonal surge caused by the release of an egg from the ovary. About a third of women experience this phenomenon and no treatment is required in this case. However, if such bleeding causes discomfort, sometimes doctors prescribe medications that contain estrogens to normalize hormonal levels. In addition, a woman is recommended to get more rest and, if possible, avoid stressful situations.

If the bleeding does not stop within two to three days or the bleeding begins to intensify and is accompanied by pain, you should not postpone your visit to the gynecologist, and if your condition suddenly worsens, call an ambulance. Such bleeding may indicate a serious problem, such as an ectopic pregnancy that was not detected in a timely manner. In this case, the woman requires emergency surgical assistance.

When any inflammatory processes of the reproductive system appear in a woman’s body, or simply a disruption in its functioning, this may be the cause of bleeding in the middle of the menstrual cycle. If a woman notices slight bleeding a couple of weeks after her last menstruation, this is often a consequence of ovulation, which is what happens at this time.

Another reason that may result in bleeding is the woman’s stressful condition. Doctors believe that this kind of bleeding can be stopped with the help of estrogens.

The phenomenon of bleeding in the middle of the cycle is not uncommon for women, but she really should worry when the bleeding is uterine. This indicates that the woman has problems with the uterus. Thirty percent of girls have this bleeding, which is considered normal if it is not prolonged.

Blood in the middle of the cycle

Bleeding of this nature is heavy discharge, both uterine and vaginal, which occurs both before the expected menstruation and in the middle of the cycle. Gynecologists do not recommend being particularly nervous about this, since the reason for this may simply be a hormonal imbalance.
As a rule, it is observed on the fifteenth day, after the last menstruation. It is practically unnoticeable and lasts from twelve to several days. And as a result, estrogen rises and falls when the endometrium weakens and bleeding occurs.

But still, gynecologists distinguish two types of such bleeding: intermenstrual and heavy, non-cyclical uterine bleeding.

Causes of intermenstrual bleeding

  • Miscarriages.
  • Stress.
  • Problems with the thyroid gland.
  • Hormonal surges.
  • The intrauterine device can often cause bleeding.
  • Time to start and stop taking estrogen.
  • Vaginal infections.
Therefore, doctors often recommend avoiding stress and getting more rest. But still, if the bleeding is profuse and painful, you should immediately contact a gynecologist.

Light bleeding

This kind of discharge occurs even more often in women, which makes them worry and worry more and more. This bleeding is practically not noticeable, moreover, it is not even always capable of staining the laundry. Typically, the mucus is pinkish-brown in color, rarely smells, and does not cause any discomfort.
This discharge occurs two weeks before the start of menstruation. This occurs during ovulation, which indicates that the egg is ready for fertilization. Therefore, this “bell” foreshadows a favorable period for conception.

The reasons why discharge may occur also include: the presence of uterine polyps, the use of oral contraceptives, as well as all kinds of medications that could provoke the appearance of blood, or the release of an egg from the follicle, which also leads to bleeding.

So, the occurrence of bleeding is not always a reason to panic. After all, these can be completely natural processes in the female body, such as ovulation, or the readiness of the egg for fertilization, etc.

But if the discharge is abundant, prolonged and sometimes painful, this may indicate serious disorders, problems and diseases, the cause of which can only be determined by a qualified specialist. Then you need to urgently consult a doctor in order to avoid serious consequences. Do not put off going to the doctor for too long, because if you identify the disorder in the early stages, this will eliminate the occurrence of possible complications.

Bloody discharge in the middle of the cycle is an important symptom that can help identify dangerous gynecological diseases. Bloody discharge that appears in the middle of the menstrual cycle may indicate damage to the uterus and appendages. Similar symptoms occur in physiological conditions.

Why does blood appear in healthy women?

Discharge in healthy women changes over the course of a month: initially scanty and odorless and abundant with a sour tint before menstruation. Heavy discharge in the middle of the cycle occurs for the following reasons:

  • Presence of an intrauterine device.
  • Taking oral contraceptives.
  • Diagnostic procedures – biopsy, curettage, probing.
  • Initial period of pregnancy.
  • Rough sexual intercourse.
  • Medical or instrumental termination of pregnancy.
  • Violation of the integrity of the hymen.

Medical interventions

An intrauterine device is a contraceptive method in which a special plate containing hormones is inserted into the uterine cavity. It is used in women who have given birth after excluding inflammatory and infectious diseases. Against the background of chronic infections, there is perforation of the uterus, damage to blood vessels, and loss of the IUD. Because of this, in the middle of the cycle, there may be discharge mixed with blood.

Biopsy, probing and curettage are methods for examining the uterus and its cervix, which are carried out in a hospital setting. Before the procedure, the woman is warned about possible consequences: bloody discharge, pain, the need for strict hygiene. If the coagulation system is in good condition and there are no neoplasms, bleeding stops after 5-7 days.

Oral contraceptives are drugs with various combinations of female sex hormones. They affect ovulation, endometrial thickness, and the menstrual cycle. Brown discharge on the 13th day of the cycle is normal.

“Addiction to hormonal contraception lasts 3 months. There should be no further brown discharge."


The initial period of pregnancy is the stage at which the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus. The formation of new vessels that nourish the egg is accompanied by brown discharge. Drops of blood in the middle of the cycle are a sign of pregnancy. Such symptoms occur when the level of human chorionic gonadotropin has not yet increased, and the test does not confirm pregnancy.

Termination of pregnancy is carried out before 22 weeks of pregnancy at the request of the woman or for medical reasons. After the intervention, bloody discharge appears, similar to menstrual discharge. They last from 10 to 14 days and are profuse. The discharge should not be accompanied by an unpleasant odor. The intensity of blood loss does not exceed one pad in 2-3 hours.

Sexual intercourse

Sexual intercourse is sometimes accompanied by the release of a small amount of blood. If a woman has been examined and is somatically healthy, bleeding indicates a lack of lubrication or rough sexual intercourse. The delicate mucous membrane is easily injured and microcracks appear on it. By the next coitus, symptoms should disappear.

During the first sexual intercourse, a small amount of blood is also released. It appears on underwear or sanitary pads within 24 hours. The next day there should be no discharge. The next two contacts may also cause bleeding. It is due to the fact that the mucous membrane has not had time to recover.

All of these conditions do not require medical intervention. Subject to personal hygiene and normal immune activity, they proceed without complications. It is necessary to undergo diagnostics if the dark discharge is accompanied by discomfort, fever, or severe malaise.

What pathology causes bleeding in women?

Discharge with blood in women of menopausal age, pregnant women, and adolescents should be alarming. The symptom occurs when the following structures are affected:

  • External genitalia.
  • Vagina, urethra.
  • Anus and rectum.
  • Cervix.
  • Uterus and appendages (fallopian tubes).
  • Circulatory system.

The localization of the lesion is determined after examination in mirrors, bimanual examination, and taking smears.

Diseases of the external genitalia

With vulvitis and vulvovaginitis, purulent plaques and ulcers form that bleed on contact. Diphtheria vulvitis is accompanied by swelling of the skin, the presence of hard films, when removed, bleeding occurs. The inguinal lymph nodes are sure to enlarge. With trichomonas vulvitis, bleeding is less common. Typical symptoms are itching and burning, foamy discharge.

Dark discharge occurs with cancer of the labia. Malignant cells originate from the mucous membrane. At the initial stage, the affected area thickens and turns red. At night I am bothered by itching and burning. The discharge resembles leucorrhoea with the inclusion of blood. With a long course of the disease, body weight decreases (by 10 kg or more). The labia majora are most often affected.

Read also on the topic

What discharge after ovulation is considered normal?

Diseases of the vagina and urethra

Specific and nonspecific vaginitis lead to a decrease in quality of life and changes in discharge. Women are concerned about scanty bleeding, unpleasant odor, pain and discomfort in the vaginal area. Bloody discharge occurs with chlamydial, ureaplasma, and trichomonas vaginitis. Bacteria lead to erosion of the cervix and affect the endometrium.

A separate group includes atrophic vaginitis, which most often occurs in women aged 45-50 years. The disease is caused by a sharp decrease in estrogen levels. They are accompanied by bleeding upon any contact, dryness, and burning. Dark discharge occurs both on the 14th day of the cycle and on other days.

Urethritis is an acute or chronic inflammatory process in the urethra. If it is caused by gonococcus or trichomonas, which damage the mucous membrane, brown discharge appears. Droplets of blood can be found in polyps and angiomas of the urethra. They imitate vaginal discharge.

Diseases of the rectum

Anal fissure is a pathology accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane and underlying tissues. Blood discharge is greater during bowel movements, but can also occur during physical stress. Drops or streaks of scarlet blood can be seen on toilet paper.

Hemorrhoids are a disease in which the hemorrhoidal veins become enlarged. In addition to discomfort in the anus, dark discharge appears. With hemorrhoidal thrombosis, a dark clot is released, and then scarlet blood. Discharge from the genital tract mimics internal hemorrhoids, since it has no other symptoms. The disease occurs more often in women who have given birth due to increased intra-abdominal pressure during pregnancy.

“During self-diagnosis, a woman may mistake discharge from the rectum for blood from the genital tract. This is due to the fact that diseases of this localization do not always have clear clinical signs.”

Why do tumors cause spotting? Blood in oncological diseases appears due to damage to blood vessels. This symptom occurs with cancer, rectal polyp. A polyp is a benign tumor. It can be single or multiple. A pedunculated polyp may fall out and become pinched, causing bleeding. With multiple polyps, mucous discharge with blood is observed. Cancer manifests itself at stages 3-4, when the uterus and bladder are involved in the process. In addition to brown discharge, menstrual irregularities, weight loss, and anemia are of concern.

Cervical lesions

Erosion is a defect in the mucous membrane located on the vaginal part of the cervix. In the early stages, the disease does not manifest itself. Further, the duration of menstruation increases and aching pain appears during sexual intercourse. With this disease, blood appears on the 10th day of the cycle and after coitus. The appearance of discharge with clots is an unfavorable sign. He talks about the formation of deep erosion.

If erosion is not eliminated, it can develop into malignant pathology. Cervical cancer is a disease that is accompanied by bleeding in the middle of the cycle. They appear after examination by a doctor or coitus. When the lymphatic capillaries are destroyed, abundant transparent discharge is disturbing. Its symptoms are similar to erosion. Therefore, if a malignant process is suspected, a biopsy is performed.

Pathology of the uterus

Endometritis is a pathological process localized in the inner lining of the uterus. In an acute process, in addition to bloody discharge, there is hyperthermia and pain in the lower abdomen. The chronic form of the disease occurs with minor bleeding on the 14th day of the cycle and smoothed general symptoms.

Endometrial hyperplasia is a disease accompanied by excessive growth of the endometrium. It is manifested by the following symptoms: spotting in the middle of the cycle, dyspareunia, irregular periods or their absence, pain. Adenomyosis is a type of hyperplasia. It manifests itself as scarlet or dark discharge on days 11-15 of the cycle. The color of the discharge depends on the form of adenomyosis.

Benign tumors can form in the uterus - fibroids, polyps, fibroids. A polyp may be discovered accidentally during an ultrasound examination. When it reaches a large size, brown discharge and pain appear in the projection of the uterus. Menstruation becomes heavy and irregular. Uterine fibroids also grow asymptomatically. If the nodes are large, bloody discharge appears on the 16th day of the cycle. Menstruation occurs with severe pain.

“With large fibroids, urination becomes more frequent and stool retention occurs.”

Fibroma is a neoplasm of connective tissue. It has symptoms in only 20% of women. With fibroids, uterine bleeding appears and the menstrual cycle is disrupted. Sexual intercourse is often painful and may be accompanied by brown discharge. The tumor causes severe pain in the pelvic area due to compression of the nerve endings. On the 13th day of the cycle, clots may appear. This process is accompanied by pronounced spasm.