One of the strictest diets is called the drinking diet. After all, those who decide on it will have to accomplish a real feat: practically give up food for a while and replace it with liquid.

When deciding on this heroic endeavor, do not forget to undergo an examination and make sure that you have no contraindications to losing weight in this way.

What is a drinking diet and its types

Drinking diet is a special regime balanced nutrition, during which you consume only liquid foods.

The list of drinking diet products is very diverse

But this does not mean at all that you will drink only water and kefir for a whole month - the list of drinking diet products is very diverse and will appeal to many.

During a drinking diet, a person losing weight drinks smoothies, chicken, vegetable and meat broths, compotes and jelly from fruits and berries, dairy products, teas and water. Without going into details, a diet for someone losing weight looks like this.

Therefore, a drinking diet cannot be called a hunger strike. If the menu is compiled correctly, then the body the right amount gets everything necessary substances and does not feel hungry.

Drinking diets can be “for a week” or “for a month.” The first option is suitable for those who are not ready to give up hard food for a whole month. Those who want to lose a few kilograms also go on a drinking diet.

Those who want to lose at least 5 kilograms choose to go on a drinking diet for a month. Beginners should not immediately go on a monthly drinking diet - this can become stressful for the body.

Drinking day on a diet, what you can drink

The list of drinks that you can drink during a weekly drinking diet is quite varied.

Every day it looks like this:

It is better to find specific recipes yourself. The main thing is not to force your body - if you don’t like tomato juice, replace it with carrots. And if you feel disgusted by smoothies made from vegetables, drink a fruit smoothie.

Contraindications to the drinking diet

Be sure to read

Diets with the first drinking day

Although you can consume nutrient-rich drinks while on a drinking diet, it is not for everyone. If you suffer from stomach, intestinal diseases or diabetes, a drinking diet is contraindicated for you.

After all, a sudden transition to liquid food will be a blow to the digestive system and can provoke complications.

The results of a proper diet

If you follow a diet, you can achieve pleasant results: you will lose up to 5 kg in a week, and up to 10 kg in a month.

Not only will the weight decrease, but the general condition of the body will also improve.

You will forget what heaviness in the stomach and swelling of the face and legs are like. During the drinking diet, the body will be cleansed from the inside, which means the color and condition of the skin will improve, and the hair will become healthier.

During this diet you will not eat butter, fatty meats, flour products, so cholesterol levels will decrease and shortness of breath will disappear. But since you can drink meat broths during a drinking diet, the body will still receive nutrients animal origin.

The introduction of more and more new weight loss programs into the field of dietetics allows modern women to effectively keep their body lines in perfect order, and if something happens, correct them a little using specially developed techniques. Of course, some of them are aimed not only at weight loss, but also at general cleansing of the entire body. One of these methods is a drinking diet, aimed primarily at cleansing the body at the cellular level.

A drinking diet is one of the most effective. Its goal is to reduce the load on the digestive tract, and, consequently, to put all the relevant organs in order. And, of course, let’s not lie – get rid of the notorious extra pounds that are such an eyesore. In addition, such a diet will be useful for people who have a bad habit of constantly snacking and “chewing on the go.” After all, you simply cannot chew while on a drinking diet! Then what should we do? Starve? In no case! The drinking diet involves giving up only solid food, but this does not mean at all that our body will “suffer.” On the contrary, he will receive all the calories due to him.

During the drinking diet, a smooth cleansing of the body occurs: the first 7-10 days are spent on superficial cleaning, the second – “processing” internal organs and the entire digestive tract, and only in the third week does the most important stage– general cleaning at the cellular level. Thus, the duration of the drinking diet should vary from three to four weeks. At such a moment, it is very important not to break down so that the internal rectification mechanism can reach the deep cells, but you shouldn’t go too far either, otherwise you will only bring harm to yourself.

Drinking diet - what foods can you eat?

A drinking diet is not fasting! This is the most important thing to consider. While observing it, it is allowed to consume any liquid suitable for life, except for alcoholic beverages and sweet carbonated water, which is teeming with synthetic preservatives and dyes. For four weeks, you can safely include in your diet liquid yoghurts (without sugar), dairy and fermented milk products, various teas, low-fat broths, natural vegetable and fruit juices, cocoa, thin dietary puree soups, and mineral water. Coffee lovers can occasionally treat themselves to an invigorating drink. Among other things, the daily menu must include pure water (at least 1,000-1,500 grams per day).

Drinking diet - what foods should not be consumed

The principle of the diet is a complete abstinence from any solid food. It is also prohibited to add sugar or sweeteners, including natural ones (glucose, fructose, etc.) to drinks. Alcohol, hot spices, canned juices, vegetable oils, fatty broths, full-fat milk and sour cream. It is allowed to add to liquid puree soups minimal amount salt for taste.

Drinking diet - menu examples

The best part is that each person forms their drinking diet at their own discretion, regardless of gender, age and the amount of extra pounds. The only condition is the daily consumption of vegetable liquid puree soups, which should enrich your diet at least once a day. If, in addition to radical cleansing, you plan to get a weight loss effect from the diet, limit the amount of liquid ingredients consumed to 2 liters, plus 1.5 liters of pure water.

Try to think through the next day’s menu in the evening so that there is no unnecessary hassle and running around later. And at lunchtime you can enjoy a dietary soup prepared according to one of the recipes below.

Recipe 1: Vegetable puree soup with potatoes, cauliflower and carrots

Cut the potatoes into large cubes, add water or chicken broth, and put on fire. After boiling, add several cauliflower florets, carrots, cut into slices, and cook the vegetables until tender. If desired, you can add 1 onion and 1 peeled bell pepper. After the vegetables are cooked, cool them and grind them in a blender with the addition of broth. The soup should not be too thick. That's all - the dish is ready!

Recipe 2: Vegetable puree soup with turnips

To prepare the soup we will need the following ingredients: 50 gr. carrots, 70 gr. turnips, 70 gr. potatoes, 50 gr. leeks, a glass of low-fat milk.

Method of preparation: finely chop carrots, potatoes, leeks, turnips and cook them in water or low-fat broth until tender. Then beat the vegetables together with a small amount of broth in a blender or rub them through a sieve. Then add hot milk, a little salt, mix everything thoroughly until smooth. The soup is ready.

To prepare any puree soups, be guided only by your taste. Add your favorite vegetables and some herbs when cooking. Oil, herbs, spices, and sauces are completely excluded.

— The drinking diet should be accompanied by a smooth, slow exit. Over the course of a week, you need to gradually increase the amount of solid food in your diet, otherwise you risk getting caught. serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract. It is forbidden to immediately attack solid food - a lazy stomach will most likely not accept it.

- During the diet, be sure to monitor your stool - it should be daily.

— You should not get carried away with the drinking diet too often (no more than once a year).

With all due respect, the drinking diet entails a number of side effects, which are especially felt during the first stage - superficial cleansing. What women who have experienced the diet in their own skin write to us about them:

Galina, 32 years old, writes: “...the first 6-8 days were especially difficult: depressed mood, reluctance to do anything, lack of interest in everything, apathy. I wouldn't say I was overcome strong feeling hunger or irritability, it was just very unusual, and the body apparently reacted that way. After all, we all by nature should eat by chewing food, but here we have such a sharp refusal. Naturally, this is stress for the body. After a few days it became much easier. You could say that everything was back to normal, and I’ll even say more – some kind of inner lightness appeared, I just wanted to fly...”

This is just one of many reviews about the drinking diet. Galina, by the way, got rid of six extra pounds in a month, and this is far from the limit. But as we already wrote above, you shouldn’t go too far. In addition to the side effects listed by Galina, women indicated the appearance of plaque on the tongue and bad smell acetone from the mouth (these are completely normal phenomena, indicating that the cleaning process is proceeding correctly), which miraculously disappeared on the 8-10th day of following a drinking diet.

To make the first stage of the diet much easier to tolerate, it is advisable to pre-prepare the body by gradually reducing (over five to seven days) the amount of solid food consumed.

And the last, most important piece of advice: before using this method of losing weight, be sure to get examined. Persons suffering from hypertension, edema, heart or kidney failure are prohibited from even thinking about a drinking diet.

As is clear from the name, any drinking diet - be it a weight loss method using kefir, broths, green tea, juices or even plain water - is based on fluid intake. Is at least some kind of food provided during the drinking diet, or should everything that enters the body be exclusively in liquid form? And how long can you keep a drinking diet? And most importantly, what results does this weight loss system bring?

Nowadays, one of the most popular options for drinking diets is the practice of losing weight with vegetable smoothies (which are often also added leaf salads and berries).

Drinking diet in all its diversity

Obviously, the drinking diet is not some special and specific diet, but only a nutritional principle that determines the form of food consumption, leaving the choice of foods to you. In other words, you should absorb everything only in liquid form, but by this “everything” we mean only healthy, natural and low calorie foods.

You can often meet fans - of course, they also practice drinking nutrition. Like fans, admirers, and even the most “hardy” of all – adherents.

If you are a reasonable, sane person, then you probably understand that a drinking diet cannot be based on milkshakes from a famous restaurant, on alcoholic drinks, on sweet soda, cocoa, coffee, industrial drinking yoghurts and similar products. Strictly speaking, drinking regime will be fully complied with, but there can be no talk of any weight loss here.

What can you drink as part of your diet?

  • Water. With a water drinking diet, you need to drink 2 liters of clean, still water every day. But this technique is strict and complex; few people can withstand it. Since it refers to fasting, it is permissible to sit on it for more than 3 days. The best option for a water drinking diet is fasting 1-3 days a month, when you drink only water. In addition, you need to prepare for such a strict drinking diet by daily reducing the amount of food consumed a week before it starts and just as slowly returning to your usual diet.
  • Bouillon. It can be chicken, fish or beef, as well as vegetable. You need to prepare it yourself and from natural products (no semi-finished products are suitable). It is allowed to add salt during cooking; you can also add carrots, celery, and parsley from greens. It is not advisable to add pepper; it whets the appetite, just like onions.
  • Dairy in liquid form can also be the basis of a drinking diet. If it is kefir, it must be low-fat, just like fermented baked milk, bifidok or drinking yogurt without fillers. You can also use milk with a fat content of no more than 1.5 percent as a basis. But it is believed that milk is not absorbed well enough by the body of adults, so it is recommended to choose fermented milk products.
  • Fresh juice. Orange, grapefruit, apple juices are suitable. It is better to choose unsweetened fruits. Grapefruit is generally considered a first-class weight loss product. But you need to be careful and check if you have any allergies before you start a juice diet. And the main thing when choosing a drinking diet on juices is to remember: freshly squeezed juices should not be consumed in in kind- they must be diluted with still water in a 1:1 ratio.
  • Tea. Choose from green, black, red or fruit teas, but necessarily leafy and good quality. You should drink it unsweetened; you can add skim milk or lemon.
  • Fruit drink or compote. These drinks are also suitable for drinking diet. They are not cooked from sweet fruits and berries. You can also make oatmeal jelly, it is the most satisfying.
  • Vegetable smoothies. In addition to fruit juices, vegetable juices or smoothies are also perfect for your drinking diet. They are not always pleasant to the taste, but if you are patient and experiment a little, you can choose an option that is acceptable to you.
  • Protein shakes. Perhaps this is the most effective and quick option drinking diet. As you know, they are among the most effective. However, in order to consume protein shakes without compromising your health, you need to be sure that you do not have chronic diseases. Moreover, when used large quantity protein, it is necessary to strictly monitor the water regime - drink a lot of still water (otherwise the protein simply will not be absorbed).

It is highly advisable to set yourself a schedule for consuming “food” - for example, 1-1.5 glasses every 2 hours. Or every three hours - a little more. And during breaks, do not forget to drink enough clean water.

How long does the drinking diet last?

The longest of the more or less known drinking diets lasts about 30 days. Its menu cannot be called meager and ascetic, but all products and “dishes” are consumed exclusively in liquid form. In the morning - freshly squeezed fruit juices and green tea(naturally without sugar, syrups and jam), closer to lunch - light broths (always the second or even third) and vegetable smoothies, in the evening - kefir and protein shakes, and throughout the day from morning to evening - also water in quite impressive volumes.

Do you think that a drinking diet, even if you keep it for only 4-5 days, perfectly unloads the intestines, removing toxins and so-called “food waste” and stimulates the body to use already accumulated fat to account for current energy costs (since a liquid diet, if followed correctly, contains relatively low in calories).

However, such a long period - 20-30 or more days - is rather an extreme version of the drinking diet. Whereas no nutritionist, almost certainly, will advise anyone to adhere to such a diet (at least outside of constant hospital observation) for more than 12-14 days.

The most popular “distance” of any drinking diet is considered to be 7-10 days.

If you choose low-calorie foods for your drinking diet, drink a small amount of liquid at one time (believe me: if you drink broth from dumplings in pots for several days in a row, the desired weight loss is unlikely to occur, although formally no one can blame you for the fact that your the diet has not been a drinking diet all this time), you spend a lot of time in the fresh air, and perhaps even do sports within a reasonable framework, then in 7 days of a drinking diet you can fully expect to lose 5-7 kg of extra pounds.

The most common mistake for those who begin to practice this or that drinking diet, this is neglect of the water regime. As you know, with any diet, the result of losing weight by a third depends on whether you drink enough water per day (after all, any metabolic processes occur in our body only in the presence of water). Drinking diets are no exception! even if during meals you do not eat, but drink, this does not in any way cancel out 1.5 - 2 liters of still water per day.

Diet "Drinking day"

Let us recall the simplest version of the drinking diet - a day on the water. The point is simple: throughout the day you are allowed to drink only clean, still water. Such days are considered fasting, and they can be held once a week or 2-3 times a month. During this time, you can drink only water, in unlimited quantities, but not less than 2 liters per day, or spend the day on freshly squeezed orange, grapefruit or apple juice, mixed with water in a 1:1 ratio, while maintaining water regime– 1.5 liters per day. Drinking days like these, days on the water, give your body a break from the stress of constantly digesting food. Our digestive system needs to be cleansed, and this process is initiated during such fasting days.

You need to prepare in advance. Start eating healthy the week before. If you are a fan of mayonnaise, sauces, sausages and fatty, fried and sweet foods, exclude this food from your diet for a week. A couple of days before starting the “drinking day” diet, eat only cereals, fruits and vegetables. Drink sugar-free drinks all week, and one day before starting the diet, switch to green tea. Also drink up to 2 liters of water daily.

You need to exit the diet gradually, gradually adding low-fat foods - first vegetables, fruits, cereals, then low-fat ones protein products, after a couple of weeks you can gradually return to your usual diet. But, again, you shouldn’t go heavy on flour products, sweets, and fatty foods right away.

After the “drinking day” diet, your stomach will shrink, and in the future you will begin to eat less, while quickly becoming full. Therefore, such fasting days allow you to reduce your appetite and smoothly transition to healthy eating. During this day you will lose 1-2 kilograms of excess weight.

Drinking diet for 7 days

With a weekly drinking diet you can lose up to 7 kilograms. You can use juices from vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy products, and broths as a basis. In addition to liquid food, it is imperative to monitor water - the amount of water you drink per day should be at least 1.5 liters. You can also drink unsweetened green (leaf) tea in unlimited quantities. In order not to get fed up with any one product, you can alternate days of the diet. For example:

  • 1 day – on milk or kefir;
  • Day 2 – on broth;
  • Day 3 – on juices;
  • Day 4 – tea;
  • Day 5 – protein or yoghurt;
  • Day 6 – compote (dried apricots, prunes, raisins, cook without sugar);
  • The last day is juice day.

Quitting the drinking diet

Exiting the weekly drinking diet should be smooth. The next day, after completing the drinking diet, start breakfast with a small portion of oatmeal with water. Lunch and dinner remain drinkable. Follow this regimen for 2-3 days. Then go to new level– for breakfast, eat a dish that you like: an egg, yogurt, cheese, but you don’t need to rely on flour. For lunch, cook porridge and eat an apple or banana. Dinner drinking. And already in the second week, start eating three times a day with the addition of lean protein foods and vegetables. In the third week, increase the amount of carbohydrates in your diet. Gradually introduce salt and Rye bread, pasta, cereals, potatoes.

However, strive to ensure that your daily menu consists of 3/4 natural, healthy, low-fat and healthy foods and dishes. This is the only way to maintain a decent result from the drinking diet. If you believe that a drinking diet will help you maintain slim figure- inevitable disappointments await you...

Nutritionist trainer, sports nutritionist, honored author of Evehealth


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This article is based on scientific evidence, written and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

Losing weight with a liquid diet is easy and simple! It can be classified as a fast-acting diet. But among those methods that give quick results, it is considered the most effective and useful. If you follow all the diet requirements, you can say goodbye to 1.5 kg of weight per day. And if you eat right after a diet, there is no risk of returning to your previous weight.

Features of the diet. What can you do on a drinking diet?

The main ingredient of a liquid diet is water. All dishes included in the diet of a person losing weight should have a watery, soft, porridge-like consistency. Doctors fully justify this method of losing weight. And it is quite often prescribed to obese patients. Amazing results come quickly: in just 5 days you will lose up to 10 kg of weight.

The liquid diet consists of various porridges: oatmeal, buckwheat, cooked in water, as well as vegetable and milk soups, vegetables and fruits, and fermented milk products.

Plain water is the main trump card of the technique. Its abundance in food allows you to quickly satisfy your hunger. You can drink a lot of water and in return get 0 calories. Great - right? Since food on water contains sufficient water, the effect of satiety is achieved quickly.

Due to its soft consistency, such food is easily digested by the body, which prevents the accumulation of fat. In addition, with good digestion, the metabolism is activated, which promotes weight loss at an accelerated pace.

The main problem of losing weight is dehydration. Anyone who adheres to a liquid diet is not at risk of this process. As a result of constant consumption of water and watery foods, the body retains water balance. And this, as a rule, affects good health during a diet and rapid weight loss.

Dietary products

During a liquid diet, the entire volume of food consumed should not exceed one glass. Therefore, you can diversify your menu, but watch the amount of food. You can eat it for breakfast oatmeal, drinking yogurt, milk, fruits, vegetables, cottage cheese.

Lunchtime will benefit the body vegetable soups and broths. Moreover, cabbage soup, borscht and beetroot soup are especially welcome. For those who love dairy products, you can prepare milk soups with buckwheat.

To avoid overloading the stomach, dinner should be light. In addition, in a half-starved state, it will burn fat faster, even when the body is sleeping. Therefore in evening time limit yourself to a glass of kefir or an apple.

How to prepare for a drinking diet

Under no circumstances should you suddenly switch to liquid food. After all, this is stress for the body, which can then “come back to haunt” various diseases. Therefore, before you start following a drinking diet, you need to prepare your body in advance.

To do this, over 6-10 days you need to gradually reduce your daily caloric intake to 1200 kcal. At the same time, your diet must include liquid foods. And the more there are, the better.

It is also important during this period to begin to observe the drinking regime. You need to drink up to 1.5 liters of purified water per day. Nothing can replace it.

Very important!

You need to stick to this diet for no more than 10 days. Since a liquid diet involves abstaining from certain foods, it is best to lose weight under the supervision of a doctor.

Drinking diet menu

Each person losing weight makes up their own diet based on their needs and preferences.

The only conditions are to consume liquid puree soups throughout the day to keep the body full and enrich it with vitamins and microelements.

Water -1.5 l. in its purest form.

Several options for dietary soups for lunch:

Vegetable puree soup with potatoes, carrots and cauliflower

Cut the vegetables into cubes and cook in chicken broth without adding salt or other spices. After removing from heat, cool, then grind everything in a blender and use. It is desirable that the soup does not have a thick consistency, so you need much more liquid than other ingredients. You can add half an onion and herbs to the soup.

Vegetable puree soup with turnips and herbs

To prepare the soup you need 50 g of carrots, onions, 70 g of potatoes and turnips, some greens, and a glass of low-fat milk. Finely chop all the ingredients, boil in broth, rub through a sieve or grind in a blender. The soup is ready.

Oil, herbs, spices, sauces are completely excluded!

Exiting the drinking diet should be smooth, slow, and careful.

It is forbidden to attack solid food, you risk getting into trouble with digestive system. Therefore, we distribute dishes wisely and create a menu. We gradually introduce carbohydrates, fats and proteins. We monitor your health. At the slightest exacerbation, consult a doctor!


Like any diet (for example), the drinking diet has contraindications, in the presence of which its adherence becomes impossible, since it can greatly harm the body.

Such contraindications include the following diseases and conditions:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • liver pathologies;
  • inflammatory and infectious processes in the kidneys;
  • gastrointestinal and intestinal disorders.
  • During the diet, we monitor the stool; it should be daily and not too liquid.
  • The drinking diet should be followed no more than once a year; this will be quite enough to cleanse the intestines of toxins and harmful substances.
  • During a diet, it is possible to observe many side effects that may not have a very favorable effect on the functionality of many organs, so before such a weight loss system, you should consult with a specialist. Monitor your symptoms, if it gets really bad, take pity on yourself and step back from the diet. This means this technique will not be for you! Try a different weight loss system; fortunately, today there is room for your imagination and fantasies to run wild.
  • Must be accepted!
  • After finishing any drinking diet, a return to the usual diet occurs, which should be done with extra caution.
  • Alcohol is not recommended as it will interfere with the cleansing process of your body.

Lose weight correctly, let a nutritionist provide you with all the necessary recommendations, always be attentive to your health!

A drinking diet is ideal for cleansing the body and getting rid of extra pounds, because you will not feel hungry, since your stomach will be constantly filled with liquid, but without harmful calories. During the first period of the diet, complete cleansing of all organs occurs. You may feel slight discomfort in the kidneys and liver. IN last days diet, cleansing will occur at the cellular level.

The drinking diet gives simply amazing results. In just a few weeks you can! In addition to active weight loss and reduction in overall volume, this diet also has other positive features. These include:

  • complete cleansing of the body from toxic substances;
  • restoration of intestinal flora and normalization of its functioning;
  • reduction in the volume of the stomach, after which saturation occurs after eating food in small quantities;
  • reducing the main load on the digestive tract;
  • the appearance of additional energy that was previously spent by the body on digesting solid food;
  • improvement general well-being, the appearance of a feeling of lightness and cheerfulness (occurs on days 7-9 of following the diet);
  • the ability to independently create your own diet, alternating between different foods.

However, it is worth noting that in the latter case, food can only be consumed in liquid form. For example, in the form of soups (including milk), purees or juices.

Disadvantages of the diet

The drinking diet has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. And there are also a lot of them. Firstly, at first there is a constant desire to chew something. There is a feeling of extreme hunger. However, in this case, it is mostly a psychological problem.

Therefore, if you want to achieve your goal with this diet, then you need to set yourself up in a positive way in advance. In addition, rapid weight loss will certainly make you happy. You only need to hold out for a few days, after which your body will quickly adapt to the new conditions and the discomfort will disappear.

Secondly, only completely healthy people(contraindications have already been discussed above). Thirdly, while following a diet, “ side effects", for example, fatigue, apathy, physical and mental weakness.

Fourthly, most people following this diet have a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, which leads to deterioration of the condition of hair, nails and skin. However, this can be easily avoided by simply taking special diets from the very first day. vitamin complexes, which can be easily purchased at any pharmacy.

And another drawback of the drinking diet is the need to follow a special one from it. At the end of the diet, you should not suddenly introduce solid foods into your diet. The thing is that your gastrointestinal tract will suffer greatly from this. He simply will not be able to digest roughage during this period.

And besides, if you immediately return to your usual diet and eat a lot, the weight can easily return, which will lead to the need to follow the diet again. And you can stick to it only once a year.

Hollywood drinking diet

One of the options for a drinking diet is the so-called Hollywood diet. It is designed for one to three days. Essentially, these are “liquid” fasting days on juices and vitamins. It is very important to select juices in such a way that they include all essential vitamins and microelements. Special ready-made mixtures are ideal for this, including superfoods, vitamins and essential oils for effective fat burning. The complex cleanses the body, removes toxins and helps weight loss. Such a day can be held from time to time to consolidate the results of a drinking diet or to enter into a diet.

The concentrate can be purchased in packaging or. The concentrate is mixed with water in a one to one ratio. Taken during the day in four doses.

Quitting the diet

Quitting the drinking diet should occur gradually. Only one solid product can be introduced into the diet per day. For the first 9-10 days, your menu should be dominated by liquid dishes, to which solid foods are added. For example, you can not chop the potatoes in the soup or eat them with a small slice of black bread.

Then you can introduce small pieces of boiled meat or fish, as well as fresh vegetables and fruits into the diet. And at night it is recommended to eat only liquid food, for example, oatmeal jelly or kefir.

If you gradually expand your diet, quitting the diet will occur with minimal health risks. At the same time, it is very important to observe the body’s reaction to “innovations”.

If at the end of the diet you have problems with digestion, be sure to consult a specialist and undergo a comprehensive examination. Remember that repeat adherence to this diet is possible only after the body has fully recovered, that is, after 10-12 months.

To consolidate the result after a drinking diet, you can try diet pills, which, depending on the method of influencing human body are divided into the following groups:

  • Fat burning pills, for example, the thyroid hormone triiodothyronine, which increases heart rate and causes an increase in body temperature.
  • Means with and. Quite effective inexpensive tablets are those containing natural ingredients, promote rapid fat burning by improving drainage, accelerating metabolism and reducing appetite. The only nuance in taking them is to drink at least 2 liters of water per day to prevent dehydration.
  • Drugs that reduce appetite (anorectics): Fenfluramine, Trimex, Subitramine.
  • Tablets containing microcellulose, which create a satiating effect due to their swelling in the stomach.
  • . These drugs come in two types: carbohydrate blockers and fat blockers. , aimed at blocking fats, works only in the intestines, without being absorbed into the body at all, without affecting the heart, brain and temperature.
  • , supporting activity.

Before trying any pills, be sure to consult your doctor.

Marina, 32 years old, writes:

“The first five days were very difficult: fatigue, apathy, reluctance to do anything, increased nervousness, discomfort in the abdominal area, etc. But I didn’t experience any particular feeling of hunger, I drank enough fluids, I cooked broths for lunch, so my stomach was full. Afterwards everything got better, there was lightness and airiness, well, I just wanted to fly. I lost 8 kg in a week, it was just great. Now I’m slowly and surely coming out of the diet.”

Nutritionists advise you not to get too carried away with such a diet, it is very strict, there are a lot of restrictions and prohibitions. And in order to make the first days of the drinking system for weight loss easier, you need to first prepare the body for the diet, reducing the amount of solid food consumed.

Persons suffering from hypertension, edema, heart or kidney failure should not even think about such a diet, the same applies to pregnant and breastfeeding women.


The drinking diet is a unique system aimed at weight loss. The mottos of the drinking diet can be formulated as follows: when we are thirsty, we drink, when we are hungry, we drink too. The regimen of this diet eliminates the chewing reflex, and if you still decide to follow this diet, you must understand that in 1-15 days you only need to drink, even all vegetables and fruits must be converted into a liquid state and drunk like juices. Eating in liquid form is not, you are simply replacing solid food with liquid food. Many recipes for broths and puree soups are very tasty and healthy for the body, especially during a drinking diet.

Any similar diet, including, means rest for gastrointestinal tract, this happens due to the fact that solid food is excluded from the diet. This regime will not be characterized by sudden weight loss, elimination of the feeling of heaviness in the digestive tract, overload and other symptoms.

For efficiency this method it is necessary to reduce the amount of food previously consumed in order to effectively lose weight and. Absolute refusal of food is impossible, so we can increase the amount of fluid. If your desire is to lose weight, reduce the size of the stomach, get rid of harmful substances, then any drinking diet, including kefir, milk - the best option for the proper functioning of internal organs, including the liver, kidneys, heart, and respiratory system.

Already from the name it is clear that the main components of the diet are liquid components intended not for food, but for drinking, and although it appeared relatively recently, it already has quite a lot of adherents. True, in order to lose weight, you will have to make some efforts, since you will have to drink both when you are thirsty and when you are hungry.

Pros and cons of a drinking diet

The effect of the drinking diet may not be obtained immediately: according to those who have tried it on themselves, a clear change in figure and weight loss can be expected in about a month. During this entire time you cannot eat, you can only drink, which means that the person losing weight will need maximum effort and endurance. At the same time, both positive and negative sides this method of weight loss. The advantages include:

  • cleansing the body for quite a long time, when it is freed from poisons, toxins, and fecal debris;
  • feeling of lightness, improved mood;
  • reduction in the size of the stomach in the absence of discomfort;
  • weight loss.

Like any diet, this is not a panacea and has its disadvantages:

  • many believe that a too strict drinking diet does not relieve the constant feeling of hunger, which is a severe stress for the body;
  • a long period of time can lead to loss of energy, weakness, and increased fatigue;
  • there is a danger of a “lazy stomach” effect;
  • the diet is poor in vitamins, so you have to take them additionally;
  • Weight loss results are difficult to maintain.

Preparing for a drinking diet

This type of diet cannot be started at any time. The complexity of its course requires a serious preparatory period, which must begin at least a week in advance. Entering a drinking diet is marked by bans on the consumption of a number of foods and a transition to a different diet. Sweet carbonated drinks, alcohol, sweets and fatty foods should be excluded from the menu, but liquid cereals, soups, soft fruits and freshly squeezed juices should be included. The transition to a new diet should be carried out gradually, since any sudden change leads the body to stressful situations.

How much can you lose on a drinking diet?

Naturally, with so many restrictions and strict implementation, those who use a drinking diet have the right to count on significant weight loss, so many people have a very reasonable question about how much weight can be lost on it. Practice shows that if you strictly follow the requirements, you can get rid of more than 15 extra kg in a month, and “lose” about five within a week. However, the consequences of a drinking diet, if carried out without prior consultation with a specialist, may be unpredictable.

How long can you stay on a drinking diet?

The drinking diet is designed for a course of 30 days, although those who were on it claim that the effect can be obtained as early as 3-4 days. When starting a drinking diet, you need to understand that only a few will be able to cross the finish line in thirty days. Options have been developed full course, which are designed for three days, a week, ten days and two weeks, depending on the state of health and willpower of the person who decided to lose weight on this diet. Its creators insist that if you know how to properly follow a drinking diet, you can get excellent results without serious losses to your health.

How not to fall off the drinking diet?

If we do not take into account the difficulties that those who nevertheless decide to use this method will have to overcome, it is worth noting that within a reasonable time, depending on individual characteristics, you can lose weight without experiencing much discomfort. To do this, you need to use dishes that are close in consistency to the state of thin sour cream and can be used in nutrition.

The drinking diet allows liquid porridges, fruit and berry jelly, skim cheese, whipped in a blender with the same kefir. That is, the choice of dishes on the diet menu for drinking is not at all small, so it is not necessary to starve here, but the main thing driving force Any nutrition system is the desire to lose weight and the confidence that this will definitely happen. In this case, there will be no problem with how to maintain a drinking diet.

Drinking diet - what can you drink?

Since the diet is related to liquids, the question reasonably arises of what you can drink on a drinking diet. The answer was received not only from its creators, but also from those who sat on it. You can drink everything except sweet soda and alcohol, regardless of its strength. Otherwise, there are no restrictions. It is possible to transform solid products into liquid and semi-liquid states. During the diet it is recommended:

  • clean drinking and mineral water without gas;
  • low-fat or low-fat fermented milk products;
  • chicken and vegetable broths and fruit (sugar-free) soups;
  • natural clarified juices;
  • black, green and ;
  • rosehip infusion;
  • jelly-like drinks, compotes;
  • coffee with milk, cocoa (without sugar).

Drinking diet - menu

This method involves the use of not only liquids as such, but also products of a denser consistency, which are brought to a liquid state when cooked. Anyone who begins to lose weight can choose what he likes, not forgetting about the restrictions that are provided. Recommended products include:

  • lean meat, except pork - for preparing broths;
  • steamed fish;
  • natural yoghurts;
  • fruits and vegetables.

This option is not salt-free - a little salt can be used when cooking, but you will have to give up sugar, as well as seasonings. The use of starch is also not recommended. Most often, you have enough strength and patience to use it for a week, so a special menu has been developed for this period. Here's what a drinking diet might look like, a menu for 7 days:

  • all types of dairy products with reduced fat content: kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, natural drinking yoghurts and milk - if the body accepts it;
  • puree soups with vegetable or low-fat meat broth bases;
  • fresh juices;
  • green and black tea;
  • fruit and berry jelly;
  • or fresh fruits;
  • oat jelly.

How to get out of a drinking diet?

It is important not only to enter the diet correctly, but also to exit it correctly, so as not to subject the body to additional stress. Leaving the drinking diet should be done gradually, just like entering it. The transition to traditional nutrition involves the gradual introduction of solid foods:

  1. For this, oatmeal is recommended, thicker than it was during the diet.
  2. Then cheeses and cottage cheese, bread and eggs are introduced into the menu.
  3. By the end of the first transition week, you can carefully introduce fresh vegetables and fruits, and in the middle of the next week, meat and fish dishes.
  4. The last to return are foods rich in carbohydrates: potatoes, pasta, a variety of cereals.