I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, believe that in order to cleanse and activate your money channel, to enhance the flow of money energy, you need to learn how to do meditations to attract money and good luck. This is a very rewarding and enjoyable experience. Visualizing money is not only beneficial, but also aesthetic. But, main question to those who want to get rid of poverty and become rich: how much money are you willing to let into your life?

Powerful meditation for prosperity and attracting financial luck

Before going to bed, doing something simple and strong in its completeness meditation to attract money and good luck, imagining how money comes into your life in a stream of green or golden radiance, you will fall asleep with a feeling of peace and joy. Peace of mind also means a lot. When a person is calm, he is confident in himself, and confident man thinks positively, works fruitfully and accepts right decisions to attract good luck and prosperity into your life.

There is no doubt that independent meditation on money and luck is good for the cause, helps you to mobilize internally and achieve the desired result. But, the first and most important thing to understand when attracting practical magic and your own inner strength to connect to the egregor of money is how much money are you willing to accept? You will have exactly as much money as you are willing to receive and accept.

This is the law of the magic of attracting money into your life.

Apply beautiful equipment meditation on fulfilling desires and attracting money, and if your intention is to get rich, save what you have acquired and achieve financial prosperity, it will help you realize it.

People desire prosperity and success in all areas of their lives. And if we talk only specifically about money, then this aspect is understood differently by people. The question is what exactly a person prioritizes. For someone financial stability and prosperity -

  1. This successful business and big sales,
  2. for some – peace and comfort,
  3. for others it is professional demand.

In this life, people are not looking for the same thing. Everyone is looking for something of their own, congenial, accessible according to their capabilities. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, believe that in order to move towards your goal, you need to form it. There are many spiritual techniques that allow you to get what you want closer, and meditation on money and luck is one of them.

What music attracts money - listen to meditations on money and luck

Relax. Close your eyes. Get away from the daily hustle and bustle. Breathe calmly, measuredly and deeply. Mentally transport yourself to a place where you feel good, pleasant, where you can stay in complete comfort.

Listen to the melody that attracts money, luck, happy circumstances in your life.

  • Visualize the beauty of the place, the landscape, or your dream home.
  • You no longer experience any negative experiences.
  • Nothing worries you.
  • You exist in a world that is safe and comfortable, in a world where everything is the way you want it.
  • Having calmed down, reconciled with yourself, take the drawing in your hands - mandala to attract good luck and luck, and open your eyes. Look at the drawing, feel how the energy of prosperity fills you.
  • You bathe in this beneficial energy, and your life is transformed minute by minute.

A very powerful mandala for making a wish come true

Without exaggeration, each of us would like to have money matters and in all our endeavors, luck was our companion. Without her support, you have to overcome a lot of obstacles, waste energy and time, and these expenses are not always justified. But with luck, the road is smooth, and everything works out! Drawing a beautiful mandala yourself to quickly fulfill your desires will bring you closer to getting what you want and need.

Mandalas are ancient drawings. One of the types of meditation. There are many mandalas, and each of them has the power to attract good luck and give help in fulfilling desires. It is believed that self-created images have the greatest power. It is believed that by creating an original drawing, a person makes changes to his destiny.

During the creation of a mandala for attracting good luck and luck, he endows it with the energy of goodness and prosperity. There are no rules or restrictions in coloring mystical drawings. You can start from the edge of the pattern, gradually moving towards the center or, conversely, from the center to the edge. Coloring of individual areas of the image is allowed. There are no restrictions on personal creativity.

To create a very powerful mandala for fulfilling desires, while drawing, it is necessary to tune in to the best, think positively, endowing the image with the energy of well-being. It is not advisable to use a stencil. Draw a mandala to attract good luck, arranging the elements symmetrically. Create designs that correspond to success: star, coins, flowers, etc. You also need to know the meaning of colors, since this is the drawing itself.
  • yellow color gives the power of blossoming, wisdom and inspiration
  • orange color gives vital energy, makes a person self-confident
  • red color is used if you want to get luck in love affairs
  • purple color will give inspiration, in addition, it has the ability to unite opposites
  • blue color symbolizes balance, calm and harmony

A very powerful mudra for fulfilling wishes.

What is mudra? Mudra is a magical interlace of fingers. A unique non-verbal language of relationship with the universe. Mudras arose many thousands of years before our days. It is unknown who created them. But, we have legends. And one of the versions says that the authors of the mudras are the gods.

How strong mudras affect a person remains a mystery. But, before those who fold mudras, the world opens up! With their help you can heal, get rich, and attract good luck into your life. There are mudras for fulfilling desires. The most cherished desires will become a reality thanks to the intertwining of fingers!

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Money rules the world.

Comment on the article "Attracting money: meditation and 2 exercises. How to become rich"

Attracting money: affirmation and meditation. How to attract money? It is easy to find unskilled home work. You will need to enter a database...


Strangely enough, my work is a mess. Money in the bag in some plastic bags, envelopes, pockets. At home it’s the same here and there, where they were thrown there and are lying there. And all is well.
Soooo, as soon as I buy another beautiful wallet and start to know exactly how much is neatly in the box at home, that’s all. Turn out the lights. A problem arises that can be solved by money(((And they migrate there. From a beautiful box and wallet. I’m already afraid to buy wallets. So I go. With ugly bags. It seems my money is some kind of ideological fringe.

One day, depressed by lack of money, I did a Simoron ritual with banana peels. The money came, but in a very sad way, and almost all of it went to unforeseen and unpleasant expenses. So....
ABOUT! Olga Yurkovskaya has a Great Money Course, and several free webinars to accompany it. Watch and do the recommended exercises. At least this is psychology and not the occult.


I like the second options much better. In fact, unfortunately, we have “thirds”: neither of us has a business (or career) that captures the mind and soul, and there are obvious problems with marital relationships:(

1. Cool feeling! It’s interesting to me that I admire my patients like flowers blooming in my garden (and I still admire them, only while I twitch from time to time, whether I’m creating the right conditions for the flower :)). I have a lot of money - I feel stability, the possibility of varied leisure activities, confidence, security.
2. I lived like this when my husband was making a career. I felt like Cinderella with rose bushes. There was a feeling of protection from external storms, but complete insecurity from his mood swings, from his aggression, criticism, etc. And the feeling of one’s own worthlessness with such and such a star nearby :)).
About my husband - “He lives by all your interests and responds to your slightest desire, trying to fulfill everything you want” - mine 100%. I feel great in this situation, but somehow there are no people who really want to live only in my interests. This is a parental attitude small child, and not the relationship of a man to a woman. I would really like a parental attitude towards myself, my parents no longer exist, and even in childhood I completely lacked them.


Drop the ad address)) I’ll tell you what motivates me

Let me explain - I live in the States. I tried to participate in such trials because I found out about the medicine I needed, which had been invented but not yet approved. I have to wait many years for approval, but I have a progressive disease that won’t wait. Half of the subjects receive a placebo. But there was hope - what if I didn’t get a placebo? They don't pay for this. But - what is important in the USA - they do tests for you for free and, again, they give you this medicine for free. You won’t understand this in Russia - for my current medicine, insurance pays most of $2,000 a month. Millions of Americans do not have insurance, so those who do not have insurance cannot pay this money. Therefore, medications are not for them. MRI is also free if you are a tester. So drug testing is a godsend in the US. In Russia, by the way, my medicine is paid for by the state without any problems.
Nobody pays you for this, There are situations in which So there was a chance. Besides, they didn’t take me because the disease is a treatable disease, which, according to doctors, will inevitably make me disabled. There are medications that can supposedly delay this. But they don’t help everyone and not always. Many people are waiting to invent something more perfect. Many years pass between the development of a drug and its official approval. so what

19.06.2012 04:55:15, I tried to become a tester myself

Attracting money: meditation and 2 exercises. Add to warm water in the bath and say: “Money flows like a golden river and stays with me forever.”


We have the same one - he still runs when we take a shower, jumps on the side and meditates, as soon as we get out, he climbs into the bath. In general, I noticed that he really liked the sound of pouring water-)

“at the sound of a flute, he loses his will” :) even if I water the flowers, the cat rushes across the entire apartment to listen to the water gurgling. Should I buy an indoor fountain?


During the holidays, we went to Gatchina to a festival of choirs - participation there is also paid. But since the choir represented the school, the school paid. Apparently this is everywhere.

Basketball at the Olympic reserve school, we don’t pay for classes or competitions, if the children go to another city, we pay for travel and accommodation with meals. If the competition is within the Moscow region, then they are transported there by bus for free and are also given dry rations. Well, in the summer we pay for 2 shifts at the camp, they are driven there in full.

There was a need to donate money for needs apartment building. How can I open such an account? In my experience, money can be deposited into the account either by the owner or by...

To achieve financial well-being, many people are sure that initially you need to become rich spiritually. Philosophers from many countries believe that a person’s spiritual development largely affects his potential for achieving wealth.

Disposition of yourself to achieve financial well-being can be achieved different ways. Meditation to attract money is one of the options you can use. There are many methods for money meditation, and this article will present one of the most effective methods.

How to attract money and wealth?

Even before you start meditating, there are several important points to consider:

  1. Meditation is a precursor to action. You must understand that you are starting to meditate not so that money will rain down on you “from the sky,” but so that all your deeds will be accompanied by success.
  2. Meditation should be done regularly. By doing the meditation once, you will only move one step closer to attracting money. To achieve significant results, you need to meditate steadily and develop spiritually.
  3. The right frame of mind. Before you start meditating, you need to tune in positive thoughts. Good mood– this is like the key to the door to spiritual development.
  4. Presentation of goals. Why do you meditate? First, you must have a clear goal for holding these events. Secondly, you need to be clear about the results you want to achieve.

Meditation technique

After you have prepared for meditation and taken into account important points described above, you can begin the process of attracting money and wealth. To do this, find a secluded place and take a comfortable position. Turn on calm music, relax and close your eyes. You need to feel how you turn to the universe, and it answers you by lowering a bright beam directly on you.

In a huge and dark space, you are under a ray of light that warms you and brings you energy. You need to absorb this light and imagine that your aura gradually begins to glow, just like the beam directed at you.

Having been saturated with the energy of the universe, you should feel how much energy has been transferred to you and now you should be much more active.

Not many people believe in spiritual wealth and the need to conduct meditation through connection with the universe. To dispel all doubts, try to conduct such meditations several times a week for one month. The result will be obvious, and a five-minute investment of time will not be a big loss.

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Financial difficulties occur in every person's life. In such a situation, it seems as if luck has run out forever. But this is not so: effective meditation will help you gain success and wealth.

Most people want to have more money, buy expensive things, and travel. But, alas, money always runs out, there is less of it, but more and more desires. The reason for financial difficulties and failures is the blocking of cash flow, which blocks the flow of profits and also deprives you of success in life. You can open and restore this energy channel through meditation.

How to meditate correctly

Meditation does not harm the person who practices it or other people. This is a very effective and useful practice that not only improves your financial situation and attracts good luck, but also replenishes your spiritual balance, filling a person with positive energy. For meditation to start working, bringing profit and good luck, you need to follow simple rules.

1. Comfort. The first thing to do is to take a comfortable position that does not restrict movement, so that the body feels easy and calm.

2. Relaxation. It is necessary to sit or lie down so that the body is in the most relaxed state.

3. Peace of mind. It is very important that during practice nothing constrains not only your body, but also your soul. It is not recommended to start meditation in a state of anger, aggression or sadness. Let go of all thoughts, be calm internally, then meditation will bear fruit.

Meditation “Door to the world of wealth”

This practice allows you to attract financial profit and get rid of money problems for a long time. This is a very simple but effective practice where your imagination plays a big role.

Having taken a comfortable position, you need to close your eyes and imagine a certain door behind which lie all your unfulfilled dreams and desires, all the riches of the world that you can imagine. Imagine everything down to the smallest detail: the color of the door, its shape, the place in which it is located. Then - the most interesting thing: imagine that behind this door you are, rich and successful. Imagine in detail how you approach this door, how you go inside, where all your dreams, luxury cars, mountains of money, gold and everything you desire are waiting for you. Take whatever you want there, because it’s all yours. Take advantage of your luck and grab your desires that you have dreamed of all your life. When you have fully enjoyed this moment, leave, closing the door behind you. Repeat this practice as often as possible, at least twenty minutes a day.

Meditation “Light of the Soul”, attracting good luck

This practice will help you get rid of failures, gain the support of fortune and become successful and successful person. First you need to get into a comfortable position and think about the problems that for a long time you are being followed.

Then imagine yourself from the outside. How do you want to see yourself? Ask yourself this question and answer it. Think about why luck suddenly turned away from you and for what purposes you want to bring it back into your life. Try to mentally overcome all your failures that haunt you, cut them with light, the rays of your kind soul without letting them ruin your dreams and plans. Slowly you will free yourself from everything negative, allowing success and luck into your life again. The most important thing is not to reproach or blame yourself, but to praise yourself for every, even minor, victory. After all, our success is made up of them.

When you feel that luck is turning away from you and negativity is returning, repeat this practice without allowing success to leave you.

Meditation on wealth “Rain of money”

This is a very simple practice, especially for those who have developed imagination. Everything is very easy: just imagine that you are covered in a shower of large denomination banknotes, which pours and pours, forming a mountain of money, and all of it is yours. Imagine that the wind carries bills into your pockets, imagine that all this money will make you financially independent and rich. This practice lasts about 15 minutes. Repeat it every day for two weeks, and your financial problems will disappear for a long time.

Meditation - great way attract wealth, happiness and luck into your life. Remember that the most important thing is positive thinking, then many problems will disappear on their own. We wish you prosperity, high prosperity and good mood. Good luck in everything,and don't forget to press the buttons and

14.09.2018 04:58

Many conspiracies are most effective to carry out at the beginning of the month. They can not only enhance the flow of life...

Since the era of natural exchange has sunk into oblivion, representatives of active humanity have been trying to increase their monetary wealth. Once upon a time, income depended on the amount of work performed, and any meditation on money and cash flow related to secret knowledge, accessible and understandable only to a certain circle of initiates.

New era - new principles for receiving funds

“Work hard and diligently, then you will get rich,” the majority of the planet’s population was convinced of this until the beginning of the 20th century. People earned their living by hard work in factories, peasant labor, planting and harvesting crops.

Around the middle of the 20th century, another law came that said: “Use your mind.” People studied and gained knowledge at institutes and universities, choosing interesting professions that could provide them financially.

The beginning of the 21st century brought new principles, revealed secret, unknown knowledge that says: “Use feelings and passion in your work.” This will give not only satisfaction, but also money and wealth. Understanding and applying the laws of the subconscious, this “ eminence grise» our inner world, certainly leads to success. Meditation on money and cash flow is one such accessible means of improving your life.

How negative attitudes limit access to wealth

There is a lot to be said about how Cash Flow meditation can change a person’s well-being. It has been proven that a negative, outdated attitude towards money greatly delays its entry into a person’s life. Of course, in parallel with mental actions, real ones are also necessary. However, it is quite difficult to overcome both your habits and the usual suggestions of close relatives who have negative life experiences. Such habitual attitudes that influence the improvement of material condition include the following statements:

All rich people are scoundrels and scoundrels;

Money is evil;

Where there is wealth, there is also misfortune (how good it is that I am poor);

You can’t earn a lot of money honestly, but I’m honest;

and other similar statements.

There are individuals who use similar statements to cover up their own laziness, as excuses to justify their inaction.

The traditional attitude to everyday work developed over centuries for the benefit of oneself and the family is often an obstacle to the movement towards real wealth. Therefore, a person who really wants to enjoy life and be wealthy simply must change his attitude towards money!

How to correct wrong attitudes and become rich and happy

In order to correct the situation, you need, first of all, to harmonize your own. To do this, use the power of love and joy. What does it mean? You just need to stop regretting the money you gave for services or goods - after all, in return you received a lot of useful and necessary things. Envy of a wealthier person simply kills your own success! Fate always shows us examples of richer people, arranging a kind of test for readiness to accept a large income. If you learn to sincerely rejoice in their well-being, their achievements, meditation on money and cash flow will work much more effectively.

The amount of income depends very much on self-love. How better person relates to himself, the more he is valued by those around him and the world with all its possibilities.

A little about mental attraction of wealth

It is important to join in, to resonate with the movement of people, observing (without judging!) its participants. Having felt a kind of excitement, a drive from what is happening, you need to go to where there is a lot of money turnover: a busy market, shopping mall, bank. And do the same there.

Then take any vessel with water and mentally convey your feeling to the moisture. An energy drink charged in this way should be drunk throughout the day. Such meditation on money in the flow of money will not work in the case when there are so-called “counterthoughts” that block and inhibit any desires.

Confidence that problems can be solved, a positive attitude and radiating joy, real actions in the right direction - this is what attracts success into the life of any person.

Live healthy and be rich!