The church ritual of lighting candles and lamps is very ancient. Christians have always had a fire burning in front of the Gospel, not for ease of reading, but as the personification of unity with heavenly powers, as a particle of the eternal fire of Jesus Christ.

Lighting a candle in front of an icon is a tribute to love and respect for the Lord. IN residential buildings In tsarist Russia, lamps were always burning in front of the faces of saints or rich icon cases, which were a special lamp - church oil was poured into it. Since the 5th century BC, this name has meant a flammable liquid obtained from olive trees. Its second name is oil. For thousands of years, oil from the fruits of only this tree was used for the needs of the church. It is environmentally friendly, burns without residue, without forming resins. Of course, one of the main purposes of a burning lamp is to cleanse the air of filth. But possessing strong healing properties the oil can also kill germs.

Church Oil Aromas

As a rule, oil contains aromas. About himself and about the fragrant medicinal herbs that fill him as a the best gift it was said in the Bible. There is a specially recommended set of herbs added to spruce trees for scent. Church oil, that is, olive oil, is of the highest standard - Provençal - and more common, known as “wooden”. The lamp is a lamp with a floating wick; most lamps have a partition to secure it. Its meaning in Russian life is evidenced by the number of sayings, poems and synonyms for this word - fir tree, fat man, kaganets, luminary. Lighting a lamp means literally and figuratively turning your soul to God. To extinguish it means to finish the job. So the church oil itself, or oil, has become overgrown with proverbs, sayings and legends about its miraculousness.

The meaning of oil in the sacrament of Anointing

Church oil is used not only for lighting lamps. One of its most important functions is anointing, the greatest Sacrament of Catholicism and Orthodoxy, a sign of the transfer of God's grace to the person over whom this rite is performed. Oil is part of the Holy Chrism - a product necessary for anointing, which, in addition to the church oil itself, contains from 34 to 74 elements. Due to the antiquity of the ritual, the origin of some ingredients is no longer known, but in Orthodox churches When performing the Digestion, the clergy try to deviate minimally from the divine recipes. The church oil itself is always supplemented with a number of traditional incense - myrrh, sandalwood and frankincense (resins from trees that have been growing on the Arabian Peninsula since ancient times), spikenard - the roots of plants of the valerian family (mentioned by Solomon in his Song), rose and other aromatic substances. The smell when burning lamp oil is simply divine! The initiation of a new person into the Church begins with the Sacrament of Baptism and ends with the Sacrament of Confirmation. Thus, the oil in church ceremony plays a dominant role.

Modern substitutes

In the Soviet Union during the years of atheism, expensive olive oil For church needs, they stopped ordering from countries where these trees grow altogether. The clergy was forced to use some kind of substitutes that had undergone the rite of consecration. Now this problem has been completely removed, but another one has arisen - modern surrogates are being persistently offered. The main one is petroleum jelly, “liquid paraffin”. In some respects it is superior to church oil - oil of divine origin. However, its effect in the combustion process has not been fully studied. In Orthodox rituals, Vaseline oil is often used, although this violates cult canons. It is strictly forbidden to use low-quality technical oil to light lamps, because this poses a threat to the health of believers.

In every large cathedral or temple you can find vessels with oil. What it is and what it is used for is not known to everyone. Although this liquid is famous for its healing properties, in churches it is used only for anointing. The meaning of the word "oil" translated from ancient Greek is olive oil. It was this type of oil that was originally used for anointing rituals. Later, any vegetable oils, including Vaseline, were used for this procedure.

What's happened?

Oil is called sacred oil. They get it in a very difficult way. First you need to collect the myrrh that exudes from some icons and relics of saints. After this, it is added to vegetable (olive) or vaseline oil. In addition, lamp oil is dripped into these compositions from undying lamps located strictly next to the icons. The resulting viscous liquid is poured into consecrated vessels and sold.

Most often, believers use oil for healing from various ailments. It can be used to treat both children and adults. To achieve a positive effect, you need to know how to use oil correctly.

The healing power of oil - what is it?

Oil can be any oil that has been blessed. Now you need to learn about its properties. Firstly, blessed oil improves physical condition, relieves pain, and relieves headaches. Secondly, it calms you down. The effect of using this oil comes very quickly and lasts for a long period of time.

The oil obtained after the consecration of oil has the most powerful healing properties. Many people suffering from illnesses come to church on the day of the ceremony in order to then experience its miraculous effect on themselves.

The oil that was consecrated at the lamps in places great power, is also considered potent. The same is said about the sacred oil, which was brought along with the relics of Orthodox saints and icons.

To get rid of headaches you need to apply it to your temples. For severe allergies, eczema and skin rashes, damaged areas of the skin are treated with gauze or a cotton swab dipped in the sacred composition. After this, the tampon or gauze must be burned! Throwing them away is strictly prohibited.

Church oil is suitable for the treatment of all diseases. It can even heal infertility. To do this, just apply it to the lower abdomen.

The oil should be kept at home next to the icons. It is important to remember when using oil that such oil should not be placed in the refrigerator or near strong heat sources (stove, radiator, heating devices), but this is true. This may negatively affect its properties.

How to use blessed oil?

Apply the composition in medicinal purposes First of all, true Christian believers can. Since healing comes not only from the oil itself, but also from faith and prayers. People who follow God's path will most quickly experience the miraculous properties of the oil. If the illness is severe and for a long time does not let go, it is important to attend all communions and confessions, read prayers before bed and in the morning, and also study the Bible.

You need to apply the oil to the affected area of ​​the body before going to bed. This should be done in a cross pattern, starting from the right side to the left, clearly above the place that needs healing. After application, rub in the oil until completely absorbed. You can also apply oil using a consecrated church brush or the wick of a candle purchased in the church.

Oil symbolism

Biblical understanding and a clear answer to the question of what it is deserves special consideration. Olive oil was called oil in the Holy Scriptures. He is mentioned 20 times in the book. In the Old Testament it was used to anoint the head of the High Priest and his descendants, to sprinkle the Tabernacle, and to mark the saints and the elect.

In the New Testament, anointing with oil occurs only four times. The reason for all these procedures remains unclear, although it is said that the sacred oil was applied to the head during periods of prosperity, prosperity, abundant harvest, festivals and celebrations. A person with oil on his head was considered blessed and successful.

Oil was also applied in order to gain joy, strength and protection from God, his blessing and favor. Such oil had to be renewed every day through anointing.

The process of anointing itself was the act of transferring supernatural powers and abilities to a specific person.

If we talk about whether the use of oil is important for modern believers, then there is no clear answer. There are no clear instructions in the Bible regarding this, although it is prohibited this ritual also no.

Blessed oil is used in all Orthodox rites. What it is? What is church oil made from, and how to use it correctly? Let's try to understand this topic in detail.

Church oil.

What is church oil

In various sources you can find the terms: lamp oil, oil, myrrh and myrrh. However, the latter is not a sacred oil, as many believe.

Oil is olive oil. Fragrant oils without a strong odor, such as rose, are added to it. While preparing the oil, the clergyman reads prayers. Mixtures prepared on the relics of saints have the greatest power.

There are several types church oils. They differ in composition, method of preparation and purpose.

Miro is an oil mixture with fragrant herbs and incense. It can include up to 40 ingredients, one of which will definitely be high-quality oil. The head of the church prepares the ointment. It is cooked for three days. To prevent the oil from catching fire, grape wine is a mandatory component.

Lamp oil is high-quality olive oil, sometimes with added incense.

Myrrh is the resin of trees native to the Arabian Peninsula and Somalia. It has a persistent aroma and spicy taste. Less common is myrrh oil. Has nothing to do with church rituals.

The use of church oil

In the house, any consecrated oil is stored near the iconostasis. You cannot place it near household items or among cosmetics. Lamp oil is poured into the lamp and placed in front of the icons. This is its only purpose.

Oil is used in church rituals, such as baptism, unction, anointing of important guests.

Miro - most often used during baptism.

If you are sick or have any concerns:

  • add a few drops to food;
  • anoint your forehead or part of the body that is bothering you in a cross-shaped motion;
  • in case you don’t know the prayers, pray in your own words. If the oil is prepared on holy relics, it will be more effective to read prayers turning to the saint on whose relics the ceremony was performed;
  • blot a small piece of cloth with oil and apply it to the sore spots. When it becomes unusable, it must be burned.

The most healing oil is the one that is consecrated during litia or unction.

Myrrh oil and resin have many healing properties and are often used in folk medicine and cosmetology.

When asking yourself the question of how to use church consecrated oil, do not forget about the power of faith. This is the only way to get a positive result.