On April 27, the famous theater and film actress Marina Levtova could have turned 58 years old, but 17 years ago a tragic and absurd incident caused her sudden death.

This happened the day after the premiere of the film, which became the acting debut of her daughter, Daria Moroz. Having inherited beauty, talent, and charisma from her mother, Daria still regrets only that she did not have time to talk about many things with her dearest person.

Since childhood, Marina Levtova dreamed of being a doctor, like her mother and father. An incident brought her into the acting profession: one day her classmate Lena Tsyplakova, who had already managed to act in films by that time, showed director Dinara Asanova a photograph of Marina Levtova. And after the audition, the high school student was immediately approved for the main role in the film “The Non-Transferable Key.”

Actress Marina Levtova with her daughter Daria

After her acting debut, Levtova moved from Leningrad to Moscow and entered VGIK in the workshop of Sergei Gerasimov and Tamara Makarova. Her creative rise was very rapid: already in her second year she starred in several films. On the set of one of them, Marina met the aspiring actor and future director Yuri Moroz, with whom they soon got married.

Marina Levtova with her husband and daughter

Marina Levtova with her husband and daughter

Their daughter Dasha began acting in films before she was even born: Marina Levtova, in the 7th month of pregnancy, according to her husband, “ran around the set, covering her stomach with her handbag.” At the age of 9 days, Dasha made her film debut: her mother then had to play Madonna with a baby in her arms. And three months later, Dasha became the child who was kidnapped by Olga Mashnoy’s heroine in the film “Darling, Dear, Beloved, The Only...”.

Still from the film *Lyubochka*, 1984

Marina Levtova in the film *Lyubochka*, 1984

Still from the film *TASS is authorized to declare...*, 1984

Both personally and professional life Marina Levtova was accompanied by incredible luck. In the 1980s she was a very sought after actress. Her most famous works were roles in the films " State border", "TASS is authorized to declare", "Visit to the Minotaur", "Dungeon of Witches". Nevertheless, family always came first for Levtova. Their union with Yuri Moroz was very strong and harmonious, which was very rare in the acting environment.

Marina Levtova in the film *Purple Ball*, 1987

Marina Levtova in the film *Dungeon of the Witches*, 1990

Some of her last works were roles in the TV series “Kamenskaya”, “He and Margarita” and “Memories of Sherlock Holmes”. Later, director Yuri Moroz said that his wife seemed to have a presentiment of trouble, she was very worried about him and her daughter and was very nervous, even when they had to part for a short time.

Marina Levtova in the series *Kamenskaya*, 1999

On February 26, 2000, Georgy Danelia presented his new film “Fortune” at the House of Cinema, in which Daria Moroz starred for the first time. The parents were with their daughter at the premiere, and the next day they decided to celebrate this event with friends outside the city. The owner of the dacha suggested we go snowmobiling. Marina Levtova was against this idea, but her daughter wanted it so much that the actress decided to go with her so as not to let her go alone.

Marina Levtova and her daughter, Daria Moroz

Marina Levtova and her daughter, Daria Moroz

In the dark, the driver did not notice a deep ravine under a layer of snow, the snowmobile overturned, and the passengers flew out of their seats. The driver and Dasha escaped with broken bones, but Marina hit her head hard on a tree and received a serious head injury. She was immediately taken to the hospital, but the doctors, alas, were powerless. On February 27, 2000, Marina Levtova’s life suddenly ended. At that time, she was only 40 years old, and her daughter was 16.

Marina Levtova

Theater and film actress Marina Levtova

Yuri and Daria Moroz at the portrait of Marina Levtova

Marina Levtova is an Honored Actress of Russia, who was awarded the title in 1999. In 1982 - actress at the Gorky Film Studio. Talented, lively and sincere Marina won the love and respect of the audience with each new release of the film. Levtova loved to live, always cheerful, cheerful and friendly - this is how Marina Levtova will forever remain in my memory.

The misfortune that happened to the actress shocked almost everyone. The woman died under tragic circumstances, which Marina’s husband and daughter still remember with pain. According to relatives, Marina Levtova felt danger approaching, and after her death, her husband, Yuri Moroz, recalled mysterious signs sent to his wife.

Height, weight, age. Years of life of Marina Levtova

Despite the fact that eighteen years have passed since the death of the actress, fans remember her as a beautiful and talented woman. And questions such as height, weight, age, years of life of Marina Levtova have always interested her fans.

The actress was born on April 27, 1959, and died on February 27, 2000 at the age of forty. With a height of 165 cm, Marina Levtova weighed 62 kg. Photos in his youth and now, looking at latest photos actress, we can say that she has not changed at all, and has even become more beautiful and feminine.

Biography and personal life of Marina Levtova

The biography and personal life of Marina Levtova began in the Yakut region, where her father, Viktor Aleksandrovich Levtov, and her mother, Isolda Vasilievna Levtova, worked as doctors, but after the birth of their daughter, the family moved to Leningrad. WITH early age Marina's parents were preparing her to become a doctor, but thanks to her classmate, who later became an actress, Levtova entered the world of cinema.

After school, Marina went to Moscow to enroll in VGIK and was enrolled after the first casting. When the girl was a second-year student, she starred in the film “The Youth of Peter,” where she met her first and last love Yuri Moroz. Subsequently, the couple legalized their relationship, and they had a daughter, Daria, an exact copy of her mother.

Throughout her career, Marina Levtova starred in 75 films, she was in a hurry to live and never missed the opportunity to star in a new film. She loved her profession very much, but never dreamed of her daughter following in her footsteps. But despite everything, Daria Moroz became popular Russian actress, which won the love of the public.

Marina Levtova’s last film was “Fortune,” in which her daughter also played. The family decided to celebrate the premiere of the film outside the city, they decided to go snowmobiling, but a tragic incident led to Marina receiving a traumatic brain injury, from which she died on the same day. Her husband, Yuri Moroz, could not admit to his daughter about her mother’s death, and told her that Marina was undergoing surgery. It was a difficult loss of a loved one, after which it was so difficult to continue living without her.

Family and children of Marina Levtova

The family and children of Marina Levtova are a frequently asked question from fans of the actress. Marina has a daughter, Daria Moroz, from her marriage to Yuri Moroz. For Marina, family was the most important aspect in her life; she was always very sensitive to family life, believing that a woman is the keeper of the hearth. She always took a minute to call her husband and find out what they were doing with their daughter, how they were doing and what they had for lunch.

Although Levtova was completely absorbed in her acting work, she always left time for her family. Attentive, caring, economical Marina enjoyed family happiness and loved life very much.

Daughter of Marina Levtova - Daria Moroz

Marina Levtova’s daughter, Daria Moroz, was born on September 1, 1983 in Leningrad. As a child, her parents often took the girl to the set, where Dasha starred in films at the age of three. The girl followed in the footsteps of her parents and became outstanding actress, which the audience fell in love with for its sincere acting and talent.

On given time Daria Moroz has been married for eight years to Konstantin Bogomolov, whom she dated for several years. They have a daughter, Anna, but this does not stop her from combining her favorite job and family chores.

Marina Levtova's husband - Yuri Moroz

Marina Levtova’s husband, Yuri Moroz, met his lover on the set where the couple was filming the film “The Youth of Peter.” The actress was a student who immediately attracted Yuri. However, the girl did not want to become the actor’s wife, believing that this profession was not for a man. family life. But still, the young man won the heart of the young beauty, especially since Yuri was well received in the Levtova family.

The couple got married, playing a cheerful wedding in the hostel and soon they had a daughter, who was named Daria.

Funeral of Marina Levtova. Cause of death of the actress

In 2000, the funeral of Marina Levtova took place. The cause of the actress’s death shocked all the woman’s relatives and fans. The family and their friends went snowmobiling, but it all ended in a terrible tragedy. The car flew into a ravine at high speed and the snowmobile overturned. Why did Marina Levtova die? There were no signs of danger, but the incident changed everything; Marina received injuries incompatible with life.

Died that same evening famous actress, beloved mother and caring wife Marina Levtova. The actress’s grave at the Vagankovskoe cemetery is always strewn with flowers, and this means that Marina Levtova will always remain in the memory of her family, friends, admirers and admirers.

Wikipedia Marina Levtova

Wikipedia Marina Levtova can tell you in more detail about creative path talented woman and personal life. Her rich filmography and years of film releases will interest any fan of her work. Marina Levtova, in addition to acting, was also involved in dubbing films. She even lent her voice to the much-loved Brazilian TV series Wild Rose.

"Murder by the regime." How Marina Tsvetaeva died

75 years ago – on August 31, 1941 – Marina Tsvetaeva committed suicide. The last days of her life were associated with the small towns on the Kama - Elabuga and Chistopol, where many evacuated Soviet writers ended up with the beginning of the war.

In the photo, Marina Tsvetaeva is only 19 years old. At that time, she published her first collection of poems, “Evening Album.” ©/wikipedia.org

During the 15 days of evacuation, she didn’t even have time to unpack her luggage, but how much she survived, how many offices she visited in search of work and housing, how many famous people asked for help. Alas, no one could save her from the last step. Her funeral service took place almost half a century later, calling the tragedy of her death “murder by the regime.”

On the last journey

The chronicle of the Elabuga period of Marina Tsvetaeva’s life was restored only in the 21st century, when researchers gained access to the poet’s archive and the diaries of her son Georgy Efron were published.

Marina Ivanovna and her 16-year-old son, whom she called Moore, arrived in Yelabuga by ship on August 17, 1941. The journey took 10 days; Moore wrote that he had to sleep sitting, in the dark and in the stench. While we were waiting for registration, we spent the night at the library technical school. In a small house on the street. Voroshilova, 10, moved only on August 21

Marina Tsvetaeva - Yesterday I looked into your eyes

The Brodelshchikovs gave the guests not even a room, but a corner - part of the room behind a partition. The owner's name was Anastasia Ivanovna, just like younger sister Tsvetaeva, and the poet took this as a good sign. She just sat down on the sofa: “That’s it, I’m tired. I won’t go any further.”

But I had to walk a lot. The owner recalled that Marina Ivanovna left home every day to look for work. Even on the ship, it became clear that many of the evacuees had support - relatives, money. Tsvetaeva was left alone. Winter was ahead, and she had only 600 rubles with her. What to live on? Where to look for work? She grabbed the words of Flora Leites, the wife of the writer Alexander Leites, like a saving straw. She promised to arrange for registration in Chistopol and inform her by telegram, but there was still no news.

Tsvetaeva was confused. Her knowledge French no one needed it in Yelabuga. Moore described her ordeal in his diary: “...the mother was on the city council, and there was no work in sight for her; The only opportunity so far is to be a translator from German in the NKVD, but my mother doesn’t want this job.” He himself was also looking for work, but they paid pennies everywhere. Evacuated women and teenage children got jobs, and Marina Ivanovna kept repeating: “I can’t do anything, I can only wash the dishes.”

“Her mood is disgusting, the most pessimistic,” Moore continued. - They offer her a position as a teacher; but what the hell will she educate? She doesn't understand a thing about it. She is in a suicidal mood: “the money is melting, there is no work.”

Who needs poetry?

Without waiting for the telegram, on August 24 Tsvetaeva went to Chistopol, where influential writers lived. She talked with Lydia Chukovskaya, visited Nikolai Aseev, whom she later asked in a suicide note to accept Moore into the family and love him like a son, and spent the night with the wife of Konstantin Paustovsky.

She hoped that she would be accepted as a dishwasher, but getting this position was not easy, since during the war many wanted to be closer to the kitchen, to the food. Contemporaries just shrugged, saying, how can I explain to Tsvetaeva that the place of a scrubber in the kitchen is more enviable than that of a poet?

On the road, the poet took a skein of good French wool, which she sold for the price of a kilogram of potatoes. It would never have occurred to her to bargain. She never adapted to Soviet realities: “I won’t be able to live in this country.”

It's only been two years since she returned to Soviet Union. During this time, she survived the arrest of her daughter Ariadne and her husband Sergei Efron. The cup of grief, fear and despair was overflowing, because even since civil war she knew what hunger, cold and the death of a child were. Troubles and suffering led to the fact that at 48 years old she looked like an old woman. Those who saw her in those days said that her hair and face were colorless, she herself was gray.

The tragedy was also that she could not take root even among writers; critics argued that her poems were alien to the Soviet reader. Even Moore wrote: “...the mother’s poems are completely and totally divorced from life.” For her, writing meant living, but: “Who needs my poems now?” She consciously decided: “I wrote my own, I could do more, but I can’t freely…”. Although the creative fire has not died out: “How many lines have passed! I don't write anything down. This is over.”

Flora Leites recalled: “The door opened and a woman walked in, almost unnoticeable, in an old brown suit and a brown beret... It was as if I was shocked... “You are Marina Tsvetaeva!” She leaned back slightly from my attack and asked: “Does anyone here know me?” And I answered: “The mountain grieved (and mountains grieve with clay/Bitter clay in the hours of separation)…”. Her eyes instantly lit up.”

“It will be better without me”

On August 26, the council of evacuees allowed Tsvetaeva to register in Chistopol, all that remained was to find a room. But, returning to Yelabuga, she suddenly changed her mind about leaving. On August 30, Moore wrote: “Mother is like a whirlwind: she doesn’t know at all whether she should stay here or move to Chistopol. She’s trying to get the “decisive word” from me, but I refuse to say this “decisive word”... Let her figure it out herself.”

Moore wrote that in last days the mother was not herself, she asked to be released. The hostess heard them quarreling, but did not understand the reasons: they were talking in French. Tsvetaeva, who still had the trail of a White emigrant and a White Guard, the wife and mother of enemies of the people, was afraid of harming Moore, who was thin and weak, but who did not allow himself to complain. She believed that if she was not in her son’s biography, then it would be better for him, because “children are not responsible for their parents”...

Marina Tsvetaeva Prediction

On August 31, Marina Ivanovna remained alone in the Brodelshchikovs’ house, saying she was unwell. Georgy and his hostess went on Sunday to clear a place for an airfield. The owner and his little grandson went fishing.

It was discovered by its owner, returning from work, in the entryway of the house on a beam. There is a legend that on that fateful day the poet used the rope that Boris Pasternak gave her to tie up her luggage.

There were three suicide notes addressed to the evacuated writers, his son and Nikolai Aseev, but they do not reveal the reasons: “<ПИСАТЕЛЯМ>Dear comrades! Don't leave Moore... Don't bury him alive! Check it thoroughly." She was buried on September 2, and a couple of days later Moore was in Chistopol. Critic Yuri Osnos helped the young man get there.

Every year new talents, actresses, artists, comedians and other genres appear in the world. But how many of them become famous and achieve success in their activities? One of those who during her lifetime managed to demonstrate her acting abilities and at the same time earn public recognition is Marina Levtova. This world-famous actress lived her life completely devoting herself to the stage, and even after her death, fans do not forget her work.

Height, weight, age. Years of life of Marina Levtova

Marina Levtova died on February 27, 2000, at the age of forty, due to an accident. This incident was a real tragedy for her fans and, of course, her family. Height, weight, age. Years of life of Marina Levtova, this question interests many who are familiar with her work, but the press was unable to find out the actress’s parameters during her lifetime, so the numbers remain a secret. But as you can see from the screen and photographs, Marina was a very fragile woman with good appearance and always looked young, slender and attractive.

Biography and personal life of Marina Levtova

The girl’s parents were doctors and hoped that their daughter would also follow in their footsteps, but Marina chose a completely different path for herself. While still a schoolgirl, she became an actress. Her classmate at that time had already begun to take part in the filming and her name was Elena Tsyplakova. One day, the directors asked Elena to find them actors for a popular role, and the girl brought them a joint photo with her classmates. Professionals immediately noticed Marina and since then she began to take part in episodic roles.

Immediately after graduating from school, Maria decided to enroll in a theater institute and, due to her already decent experience at that time, she passed the training at VGIK without any problems.

Already as a student at VGIK, the girl took part in famous films. She got it the main role in the comedy “My Anfisa”, as well as roles in the films “Last Chance”, “On the Eve of the Premiere”, “Choice”.

Then, in her second year at university, she was given a role in the film “At the Beginning of Glorious Deeds,” where she met her future husband, Yuri Moroz. Yuri liked the young girl and for a long time he sought reciprocity from her. Marina was unapproachable, but, like all people, she also had her weaknesses, namely the authoritative opinion of her father. That is why Yuri asked to meet the girl’s father at the dacha, where he showed himself to be a real man, Marina’s dad liked him, and after that the couple got married. The biography and personal life of Marina Levtova is largely filled only with pleasant and good moments.

Family and children of Marina Levtova

The Hippocratic Oath was not just a professional saying for Mary, because the actress’s family is steeped in medical practice. Father and mother are both doctors and were even classmates for some time. It was at this moment that they met. Father, Viktor Aleksandrovich Levtov, was far from the last place in the medical field. He is the author of many monographs and scientific articles, candidate of medical sciences. Mother Isolda Vasilyevna Levtova, just like her husband, connected her life with the craft of a doctor, although not as successfully.

The family and children of Marina Levtova have moved far away from the roots of the actress herself and connected themselves with creativity, namely with the acting profession. Her husband, Yuri Pavlovich Moroz, is a famous Soviet actor, as well as a director of several works. In marriage, Marina gave birth to a daughter, Daria, who also subsequently followed in the footsteps of her parents.

Daughter of Marina Levtova - Daria Moroz

Marina Levtova’s daughter, Daria Moroz, followed in her parents’ footsteps and became an actress. She has already won the title of Honored Artist of Russia and has twice been a laureate of the Nika Award. At the moment Daria is a member happy marriage, and since 2010 she has been raising her beautiful daughter Anna. During her short career, Daria managed to take part in 74 works and projects. As a child, the girl dreamed of becoming a gymnast and even went to a special section, but fortunately the coach did not notice her talent, he forced Daria to pay attention to other areas of art, which later led her to a brilliant acting career.

Marina Levtova's husband - Yuri Moroz

As already mentioned, the girl met her husband on the set of a joint film. As a result, the man’s acting career did not succeed as gloriously as his wife’s, but he became a first-class producer and director. After the death of his first wife Marina Levtova, Yuri initially for a long time could not decide to inform his daughter about the tragedy, and then, gathering his courage, he began new life. Two years after the death of his wife, he met his “outlet”, theater actress Victoria Isakova, and remarried. Daughter Daria took the changes quite painfully and new love father, but still tried to do everything so that her mood did not affect the general mood of the house and household members. Marina Levtova’s husband, Yuri Moroz, experienced another tragedy in addition to the loss of his first wife, namely the loss of his four-month-old daughter from Victoria.

Funeral of Marina Levtova. Cause of death of the actress

“Funeral of Marina Levtova. Cause of death of the actress" - this topic was on everyone’s lips for a long time after the tragedy happened in 2000. Unfortunately, Marina, like her entire family, suffered grief. On February 27, 2000, the Moroz family was vacationing in the village of Razdory, where they rode snowmobiles. A snowmobile and a family ran into a ravine covered with a thick layer of snow and they fell down. Daria and Yuri were able to escape with broken bones, which cannot be said about Marina herself, even who arrived in time soon ambulance could not save the actress. Many people are concerned about the question: why did Marina Levtova die, but this is not a secret, and everything became known immediately. When she fell, the girl flew off and hit her head on a tree; it was the traumatic brain injury that caused the actress’s death. “Marina Levtova, grave at the Vagankovsky cemetery,” such headlines in newspapers became not uncommon after the death of the actress and are true, which is why she was buried in Moscow at the Vagankovsky cemetery.

Wikipedia Marina Levtova

Marina Levtova's Wikipedia contains little information, but you will certainly learn the main points. The main thing you can see on Wikipedia is a list of films in which the actress starred in order to arrange an evening of quality and soulful cinema. The actress died at a very young age, she had her whole life ahead of her, but fate decreed otherwise. But during her life, she managed to leave a real, strong mark on the earth by which she will be remembered not for years, but for entire generations, looking up to and admiring her beloved actress.

Honored Artist of Russia (1999)

Marina Levtova was born on April 27, 1959 in the Neryuktay nasleg of the Megino-Kangalassky district of the Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

Her parents were doctors working in a Yakut village. free education, and soon after Marina’s birth the family returned to Leningrad. Marina herself dreamed of becoming a doctor since childhood, but her classmate Elena Tsyplakova intervened in her plans, who starred in the film “The Woodpecker Doesn’t Have a Headache” directed by Dinara Asanova, and when the director needed high school students to film in the film “The Key Without the Right of Transfer,” Lena showed Asanova a photograph of Marina Levtova. Asanova invited Levtova to star in the film, and the role in this film became Marina’s film debut. Later in an interview, Marina Levtova said: “When Dinara started looking for guys school age for the film “The Untransferable Key,” Lena showed her a photo of our ninth grade class. Dinara immediately chose me and another boy... But an incident arose. I was already at that age when I want to embellish myself. That's why I came to Lenfilm with a new hairstyle, without a long ponytail. Dinara was terrified. She asked me to bring the cut off tail to the studio, and all the days while filming was going on, it was attached to me. By the end of the film, I had already changed my mind about being a doctor. I realized that I wanted to work in cinema, not necessarily as an actress, I just wanted to live in this coordinate system. Dinara Asanova literally infected me with cinema. A talented, original director... She never said that I was born for cinema, nor did she utter loud words about creative prospects. She introduced me to the difficult and fascinating mystery of cinema. I will never forget the first reading of the script in front of us, the candidates for the roles. I won’t forget the debate (it was a screen test!) that Dinara and I had, arguing until we were hoarse, defending our understanding of problems, ways modern youth. All this captivated me immediately, completely. And the very atmosphere of relaxedness, improvisation, truly joint creativity on the set. Yes, all this was the kind of happiness that does not always fall to the lot of a teenager who finds himself on the set. I'm lucky."

Soon after filming with Asanova, Marina Levtova moved to Moscow and entered VGIK in the workshop of Sergei Gerasimov and Tamara Makarova. While studying in her second year, Levtova starred in the film “Peter’s Youth” with director Sergei Gerasimov, and during filming she met her future husband Yuri Moroz, who said in an interview: “We stood on the set - Mitya Zolotukhin, Kolya Eremenko and me - three handsome men in costumes from the Peter the Great era. Suddenly we see that girls from the Gerasimovsky course arrived and walked past us. Eremenko also joked: “Where are you going? Girls don’t just walk past us.” Two grinned, and one threw something biting in response, so much so that even the playboy Eremenko choked. It was Marina." Frost's friends joked: “Me too, femme fatale found!". But he really liked the combination of Levtova’s unfeminine mind, her feminine fragility and the fact that he could not conquer Marina. “As a smart girl, she understood - well, an artist, a handsome boy. Why contact an artist? She treated this soberly and like a woman, so she didn’t take me seriously. I had to make a cunning move - to act through her father: I invited myself to visit Marina’s parents’ dacha and skillfully nailed down three boards, showing that I could do something with my hands, and not just “fuss around with my face.” The authority of the parents was won. And then... then we were lying in bed, excuse me, it was in a hotel in St. Petersburg, and I said: “Manya, let’s get married.” And she answered me: “Do you promise mountains of gold?” - "I promise". - “Are you lying at your feet?” - “I’m lying around.” - “Well, then I agree.”

A student wedding took place, at which the arranged parents were teachers Gerasimov and Makarova, after which the newlyweds received a room in the dormitory of the Lenkom Theater, where Yuri Moroz was invited to work at that time. Soon they had a daughter, who began acting, practically from infancy. Yuri Moroz said: “Marina was seven months pregnant, running around the set, covering her stomach with her handbag. Then, at the age of nine days, she (Dasha) starred with Dinara Asanova in documentary film, where a screensaver was needed - Madonna with a baby in her arms. Marina played Madonna, Dasha played the baby. A couple of months later there was a film “Darling, dear, beloved, the only one...”, it was she who was kidnapped by the heroine of Olga Mashnoy. And finally, “Fortune” by Georgy Danelia!” This is how the real one appeared acting family.

In 1982, Marina Levtova graduated from VGIK and became an actress at the Gorky Film Studio. In the 1980s, she actively acted and played roles in the television films “Rafferty”, “State Frontier” and “A Visit to the Minotaur”. She was offered roles by directors Vladimir Grammatikov, Viktor Tregubovich and Eldor Urazbaev. One of Levtova’s notable film works was her role in the fantasy film “Dungeon of the Witches,” directed by Yuri Moroz based on the story by Kir Bulychev.

But, despite their active creative careers, Marina and Yuri were convinced that family was the most important thing in their lives, and it should be protected. “Marina didn’t need anyone except me, I know that for sure,” said Yuri Moroz, “Not because I’m such a wonderful man, she just had this kind of disgust towards everything that was foreign. Therefore, I understood that if something happened, she would not forgive the betrayal.” But in addition to the loss of her family, Marina was afraid that life was passing, almost no films were made after the collapse of the USSR, and she had almost no roles. She was also very worried about her loved ones. When her mom and dad were alive, she called St. Petersburg every day to find out if everything was okay with them? And when her daughter Dasha was born, she worried about her every minute and did not like it when Yuri went on business trips.

Yuri Moroz said: “Mashka really didn’t like to leave. She was extremely sensitive about this. And it has always been like this. The most tragic moments of our family life were associated with our parents, when first Mashka’s father died, then mine, then Mashka’s mother, then my mother... In a short period of time we lost all our parents. Moreover, the parents were born in the 29th year. Mothers died hard. My mother and I took turns sitting - Masha for a month, me for a month, because she required such care. (Pause.) These were the most strong blows. I only now understand who her father was to Mashka. What is it to lose loved one. This does not appear outwardly. You may not even understand how serious this is, how destructive it is for life - the loss of a loved one. This is not visible from the outside. It's all... into the pillow. She probably partly protected us from this too. And so we lived very friendly. I have no worries about this, no understatements. The only thing, like most men, I now have the feeling that something is missing. We could have given more flowers, spent more time together. Say more good words... I can only regret this.”

According to people who knew Marina, she loved life very much and always made plans for the future. In one of her interviews, she said: “Still, I believe that we will achieve a lot and that everything is not over for us yet.” Together with her friends and husband, Levtova opened a club for filmmakers and took an active part in the work of the Association of Young Cinematographers. Several television performances were recorded with Levtova’s participation and entertainment programs, simultaneously with filming, the actress actively participated in Russian and international festivals and created a project for her own radio program. Actor Dmitry Kharatyan said: “She was the soul of any company. I remember once we were sitting with Marina and Yura Moroz in their kitchen, discussing some recent matters. Suddenly Marina says: “We need to start something urgently, otherwise it’s somehow boring!” - I immediately came up with the idea of ​​​​creating an acting club. Later, from this idea, the Kino club emerged, which quickly became popular. Everything in this club was based on Marina’s enthusiasm, her charm and undying energy. She was amazingly tireless, loved to play pool with friends, loved to roller-skate with her daughter, and dashingly rode horses with me. It even seems to me that she just went somewhere to film and suddenly calls and says: “I’m back and I still intend to gallop over you today!” According to friends, Marina was very gambling. When did the first slot machines, she could play for hours - not for the sake of winning, but for the sake of rapture, risk, for the sake of playing with fate.

In one of his interviews, to the question: “Why do you love your profession?” - Marina Levtova replied: “I think she’s wonderful! It allows you to enjoy your work, it is varied, and this is creativity - anyone who is familiar with this feeling understands that there is simply nothing better! This is not a profession, but a way of life. “Are there any downsides?” - “And here the minuses and pluses are interconnected. Because this is one of the cruelest professions - they can forget you, despite the fact that you have already learned and played something. At some point, fate simply turns its back on you - some kind of injury, a scar on your face - and that’s it! The profession is very dependent: today the fashion is for such faces, and tomorrow for others. So, as good as she is, she is also terrible. You understand this quite quickly - after graduating from college and appearing in theaters where you will be refused. At the institute they fussed with you, tried to find even what was not in you - but adult life has begun, and no one needs you!”

Among latest works Marina Levtova had roles in the series “Kamenskaya”, in the series “He and Margarita”, where she played the head teacher of the school, and a role in the series “Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes”.

On February 26, 2000, the premiere of Georgy Danelia’s new film “Fortune” took place at the House of Cinema, in which Daria Moroz starred in the main female role. Her parents were the center of attention in the room at this event and also accepted congratulations. And the next day, February 27, Marina, together with a group of actors who starred in this film, went out of town to celebrate her daughter’s success. There, the owner of the dacha invited the guests to ride a snowmobile. Yuri Moroz said: “Marina was against this idea, as if she had a presentiment that trouble might happen. But Dasha was eager to try the newfangled entertainment. Marina went only because of her, so as not to let her daughter go unattended.” Dasha sat behind her mother, but at the last moment Marina moved her forward, more safe place. Next, on the second snowmobile, were Dmitry Pevtsov and Olga Drozdova. It was dark, and the snow that had fallen the day before hid the roughness of the road from the eyes of snowmobile drivers. At some point, the snowmobile driver did not notice a deep ravine under a layer of snow and lost control. The snowmobile overturned at high speed and passengers fell from their seats. The driver and Dasha Moroz escaped with fractures and bruises, and Marina hit her head hard against a tree. Pevtsov, who was driving behind him, miraculously managed to slow down. The tragedy occurred near the village of Razdory, Odintsovo district, Moscow region. Dmitry Pevtsov called for help, and Marina Levtova was taken to the Odintsovo hospital, but they could not save her. Doctors found her with multiple bruises and fractures, as well as a serious open head injury, which caused the actress’s death.

Yuri Moroz was unable to tell his daughter about his mother’s death. He said: “She kept asking: “Where is mom?” - and I lied that mom was in another hospital, that she was supposed to have an operation. Psychologists advised to wait with the sad news until the girl recovered, but I understood that I could not hide my grief for so long.” After Marina’s funeral, Yuri Moroz decided that everything in the house should remain unchanged, as if Marina had left for a while. Her things and photographs remained in their places. Yuri Moroz said: “It’s very difficult, something always reminds me of Masha. Call it a game of giveaway, yes, we are trying to push back reality. There were simply three continents, three continents: Masha, Dashka and me. And suddenly one disappeared - an entire continent. The point is not who will cook the food, who will iron the shirt - this is not a problem, but who will replace it for us? Nobody. We ourselves must try to somehow replace it with each other...”

Marina Levtova was buried in Moscow at the Vagankovskoye cemetery.

Marina's daughter Dasha Moroz has become no less famous an actress than her mother, and acts a lot in films and also plays in the theater. In an interview about her daughter, Marina Levtova said shortly before her death: “I think that Dashka is very lucky. Because if at the beginning of the profession there is an opportunity to work with great masters, this, of course, is happiness. Because this is a school. I watch her, right from her school desk she immediately got to the playground of Georgy Nikolaevich Danelia. And speaking professionally, you can dream of working with such a master all your life, and it may never come true. She doesn’t even understand, she understands theoretically that she was very lucky because Vakhtang Konstantinovich Kikabidze, Alexey Vasilyevich Petrenko, Volodya Ilyin were nearby. She theoretically understands that there were great masters nearby who advised her on something and she tried to do something. And she will truly understand later.”

A documentary film was made about Marina Levtova.

Used materials:

Materials from the site www.marina-levtova.narod.ru
Materials from the site www.proekt-wms.narod.ru

Starred in films:

  • Non-transferable key (1976) role: Julia
  • Awakening (1977)
  • Old Friends (1977) role: Darling, schoolgirl
  • Trouble (1977) role: girl on the train
  • Grasshopper (1978) role: Nina
  • On the eve of the premiere (1978) role: Lera, Patov’s daughter, medical student
  • Last Chance (1978) role: Nadya Nikolaeva, vocational school student, Komsomol organizer
  • My Anfisa (1979) main role: Anfisa Tokareva, plasterer-painter
  • Native Business (1979) role: Raiska
  • Choice (short) (1979)
  • Quiet C-grade students (1980) role: Alina Vadimovna, teacher, class teacher
  • Youth of Peter | Peters Jugend (1980) role: Olga Buinosova
  • At the beginning of glorious deeds (USSR, East Germany) (1980) role: Olga Buinosova
  • Every third (1980) role: Masha
  • Rafferty (1980) role: Anne Rafferty, daughter
  • At someone else's holiday (1981) role: Larisa
  • Three times about love (1981) role: Elena Ivanovna, librarian
  • Vladivostok, year 1918 (1982) main role: Shura, Sukhanov’s wife
  • Traffic Inspector (1982) role: Ekaterina Ivanovna, history teacher
  • Life of Berlioz | La vie de Berlioz (USSR, France) (1982, 1983) role: Lyuba
  • Bribe. From the notebook of journalist V. Tsvetkov (1983) role: Masha Mikhova
  • From the life of the head of the criminal investigation department (1983) role: judge
  • The Boys (1983) role: Kostya’s friend
  • A Cage for Canaries (1983) role: station telegraph worker, sister of a policeman
  • Taiga Sailor (1983) role: Anya
  • Lyubochka (1984) main role: Lyubochka, Vetkina Lyubov Sergeevna, pianist-teacher in kindergarten
  • Dear, dear, beloved, only (1984) role: mother of a kidnapped child
  • TASS is authorized to announce (1984) role: Olga Vronskaya, Trianon's bride
  • Faith. Hope. Love (1984) role: Sonya
  • I still love, I still hope... (1985) role: Lucy
  • Picture (1985) role: Lisa Kislykh
  • Alarm at dawn (1985) role: Nina
  • About a cat... (1985) main role: Princess
  • A second for a feat (USSR, North Korea) (1985) role: Raisa
  • State Border (1986) role: Olga Belova, film “The Year Forty-First”
  • Award (posthumously) (1986) role: Irina Alekseeva, Yuri’s girlfriend
  • Approaching the Future (1986) role: Sasha Krapivina
  • Children of Strife (1986)
  • The Secrets of Madame Wong (1986) role: blackmailer
  • A Visit to the Minotaur (1987) role: Francesca, the first wife of Antonio Stradivari
  • Somersault over the head (1987) role: Nina Maksimovna, Asina’s teacher
  • The Lilac Ball (1987) role: The Frog Princess
  • Let me die, Lord... (1988) role: former orphanage
  • In the lingonberry forest (1989) role: Lena, the young wife of Mikhail, the middle son of the Egorovs
  • Imprisonment (1990) role: Nina, Valerian’s wife
  • Dungeon of the Witches (USSR, Czechoslovakia) (1990) main role: Belogurochka
  • Wasp Honey (1991) role: Tatyana, mother of Boris and Gleb
  • Three days outside the law (1992) role: Olga, Andrei’s sister
  • Tear of the Prince of Darkness (Estonia, Poland, Russia) (1992) role: the baron’s assistant
  • These old love letters | Need vanad armastusskirjad (1992) (Estonia)
  • Lube zone (1994) role: Lena, television journalist
  • The time of sadness has not yet come (1995) role: Lyalya / Sonya
  • The President and his woman (1996)
  • Awakening (short) (1998)
  • Charming Rascals (1999)
  • Kamenskaya (1999-2000) role: Svetlana Paraskevich, film “Alien Mask”
  • Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes (2000) starring: Q
  • Fortune (2000) episode