Financial assistance to certain categories of citizens is provided for a variety of reasons. different types. These include subsidies, and other types of government-appointed support. Such assistance also exists in the area of ​​school nutrition. Lunches and breakfasts are provided to children of families of certain categories. Who exactly is entitled to such assistance in the near future? academic year and what documents are needed in order to obtain it?

Table of contents:

Types of free school meals

Exactly how much money is spent on unpaid food for children in schools, and who regulates the distribution of finances on this issue, is established in Federal Law. It goes under the number 273-F3. The fourth paragraph states that free meals in schools are organized using revenues from regional budgets. The right to control and regulate this process is transferred to the management of these regions. And the food itself, its composition and the requirements that are put forward for it are regulated by general sanitary standards. Violation of these will result in severe penalties.

There are several types of free food. What type works on certain territory, depends on what budget the regional administration has allocated for social needs.

  • Breakfast is provided at the expense of budget funds.
  • The budget guarantees certain discounts on lunches and breakfasts in schools.
  • The regional office guarantees each student both a free breakfast and a free lunch.

Important fact

The legislation separately identifies families that fall into the category of low-income or vulnerable. For them, both breakfast and lunch are free, regardless of what type of subsidized food is available in the region.

Who is entitled to subsidized meals in schools?

It is worth noting that the legislation does not establish exact lists of categories of children who are entitled to preferential nutritional conditions. Such lists are established at the regional level and, depending on the territory, can differ quite significantly. But, if you do a little research, you can note the most frequently mentioned categories of citizens entitled to free meals in schools:

You can find out exactly which categories of citizens fall under the reduced food program from the administration. educational institution. Also, such subsidies can be assigned to a family that does not fall under any of the categories, but finds itself in a difficult financial situation. To do this, it is necessary to officially notify the school management and indicate exactly what factors led to the fact that it is now impossible to pay for the child’s meals in full. Each such situation is decided on an individual basis. And such a benefit, in the above case, cannot last longer than one academic year.

How to apply for food benefits at school

This benefit, like any other type of financial assistance, does not come into force automatically. The fact that the family has the right to such a subsidy must be notified to the relevant authorities by sending there the necessary package of documents. The deadlines during which people have the right to apply for free meals are set at the regional level. But in the overwhelming majority of cases they last from the beginning of the school year until the end of May.

It is worth noting the case when a family receives the status of having many children in the middle of the year. In this case, documents can be submitted at the time of inclusion in this category, and food benefits will come into force from the beginning of the next month.

In order to apply for free meals, parents must provide the school administration with the following documents:

  • An application drawn up for the director of the educational institution. It needs to notify him of the right to apply for free food.
  • A certificate providing complete information about the current family composition.
  • , confirming the birth of the child and his relationship with the applicant.
  • A copy of the identity documents of the applicant's parents or guardians.

Depending on which category the family applying for benefits falls into, the following papers may be needed:

The entire list of documents that need to be provided to the school administration for free meals can be found in the administration of the educational institution.

Not all students can receive reduced-price meals in Russia educational institutions school type. Let's consider how and who organizes school meals for beneficiaries, who can qualify for free meals at school, and what parents or legal representatives of children must provide to confirm the preferential category.

Also in this article you will learn how to apply for free food, how to get compensation for it - and what to do if your child is refused to be fed for free.

Types of subsidized meals at school and categories of benefit children - who is entitled to eat free?

In Russia, there are no approved federal acts and laws according to which preferential (free) meals would be provided to minor citizens. The decision about who will receive such a benefit is made at the level of local authorities, as well as by the director of the educational institution himself.

In order to find out whether a child is a beneficiary, the parent or his authorized representatives must contact the social security authorities located at the place of residence and directly the director of the school institution.

The list can be approved by local governments or school management. Social workers should know about it.

  1. Children from large families. As a rule, a family must have at least 3 children in order to be included in the category of beneficiaries.
  2. Children from low-income or low-income families. Before receiving benefits, a family must confirm its income level and prove that it needs help.
  3. Schoolchildren from single-parent families. This benefit is not always provided. The family must be registered with social security to receive assistance.
  4. Minors whose parents are disabled. The group must be supported by medical documentation.
  5. Orphans.
  6. Disabled children.
  7. Schoolchildren under guardianship.
  8. Children from families in difficult situations life situation. The director of a school institution can himself meet the family halfway, without waiting for any regulations adopted in the region. An order from the school organization is sufficient.

The cost of school meals and the quality are determined by a special company that organizes school meals. But the school management is responsible for who to provide benefits to.

Reduced nutrition means free food, for which the parents or child do not pay money. There are several preferential food systems in Russia.

Let's look at them and indicate who can count on receiving benefits.

Who can apply?


Or getting breakfast and lunch,

Or receiving lunch and afternoon tea.

From low-income families.

From large families.

Those who have lost one of their breadwinners.

Having parents with disabilities of 1 or 2 groups.

Those who have lost parental care.

Three times a day:

Receiving breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea.

Children studying in:

Cadet corps.

Boarding schools.

Special type boarding schools.

Correctional institutions.

Educational organizations of a special educational nature in which children do not live.

Five times:

Receiving breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner.


Special correctional educational institutions with accommodation.

Cadet boarding schools.

State-funded residential institutions.

Among other things, it can be determined medical indications , on the basis of which the child will have to eat free of charge at school.

This list may be supplemented with other diseases.

A complete list of documents for obtaining preferential school meals for a child

Let's consider certain categories of schoolchildren on benefits and the documentation they must provide.

Name of category of beneficiaries


Children from large families.

Parents should prepare:

Application with a request to provide a child with free food.

Copies of birth certificates of all children.

A copy of a certificate confirming that the family is large.


Children left without parental care (legal representatives).

Children under guardianship (trusteeship).

Children from foster families.

Legal representatives must provide:


A copy of the court order or decision that confirms the appointment of a trustee or guardian.

Disabled children.

Children with disabilities health.

Parents or legal representatives prepare:


A copy of your birth certificate.

A copy of the child's disability certificate.

Children with 1st or 2nd group disability.

The parent or legal representative provides:


A copy of the parent's disability certificate.

Children from low-income families.

The parent or representative must submit:


A copy of the child's birth certificate.

A copy of a document from the district social welfare department confirming that the family has received low-income status.

Children who have lost their breadwinner.

The child's representative must provide:


A copy of the death certificate of the breadwinner.

A copy of the student's birth certificate.

A certificate confirming that the child has received a survivor's pension.

Children from single-parent families.

The parent must prepare the following documents:


A copy of the child's birth certificate.

A certificate from social security confirming that the family requires assistance and that it is low-income.

Certificate of divorce of parents.

The child's parents or authorized representatives must also have the main document with them - a copy of the passport. It will be needed in all of the above cases.

How to apply for free (reduced) meals at school, where to apply - instructions

To apply for a benefit, a parent, representative or authorized representative of a child must follow the following step-by-step instructions:

Step 1. Collect a documentation package to confirm the family’s preferential category. The social security authorities will tell you what you need to bring.

Step 2. Take a certificate or certificate from the social security department confirming your category.

Step 3. Prepare other papers for school. We have listed them above.

Step 4. Write a personal statement addressed to the director of the school institution.

Step 5. Give it to the secretary or to the class teacher child's application and documentation.

Step 6. Wait for the commission to make a decision. A special commission will be created on the basis of the social department under the administration of your city or district to decide whether a certain citizen or his family is entitled to benefits. The period for consideration of applications is 15 days. If there is no commission, you will have to contact the school.

Step 7 The commission's decision must be communicated to the school, after which the child will be added to the list and provided with free meals.

Step 8 The decision can be made by the director of a school-type institution, then the parent will be notified about this by the secretary. It is unknown how long the director will consider the appeal. It’s worth finding out for yourself when the manager will make a decision.

Better Apply for Free Reduced Meals before the start of the school year, or at least at the beginning of the year. Then the child will eat free right away.

If you submit an appeal in the middle of the year, then they will make decisions about nutrition for about 1 month in order to add the child to the list for the next month.

Is it possible to receive compensation for preferential school meals in monetary terms - what is the compensation in Moscow, St. Petersburg and the regions of Russia?

Families can receive compensation every month for free school meals - but then the child does not eat for free at school, and loses his right to this.

Please note , that not all regions of our country have the right to receive monetary compensation.

It is worth checking with social security whether you can receive money instead of food in your region of the Russian Federation.

Let's consider what compensation is in major cities Russia, who can receive it - and in what amount.

City name

Compensation amount

Saint Petersburg

70-100 %

Breakfast - 56 rub.

Lunch - 98 rub.

Set lunch - 154 rub.

Citizens indicated in the list above, as well as those children who are educated at home or in programs family education or having health problems.


In 2018-2019, the cost of food is:

Breakfast - 56 rub.

Lunch - 98 rub.

Afternoon snack - 50 rub.

The list includes all citizens belonging to low-income families and who are entitled to benefits.

Nizhny Novgorod

The cost of food for 2018 is:

Breakfast - 66 rub.

Lunch - 80 rub.

Afternoon snack - 30 rub.

Children and low-income families.


The cost of food in 2018 is:

Breakfast - 39 rub.

Lunch - 50 rub.

Afternoon snack - 25 rubles.

Low-income, large families.


Subsidy in the amount of 583 rubles.

The subsidy is provided for some children with certain diseases and medical conditions.

There is no compensation for meals.

Often in regions there is no provision for refunds for meals in schools, but assistance for free, reduced-price meals is provided to children in the form of actual breakfasts and lunches.

Remember , if refunds are made in your region, then there must be a law, act, or regulation approved at the regional level. Without a document, no one will pay compensation.

In addition, the status of the family will be taken into account, whether it falls into the category of beneficiaries.

The school refused to provide your child with free or reduced-price meals - where to go and what to do?

Citizens who were denied without reason to receive free and reduced meals in a school-type institution can prove their case in this way:

  1. Solve the issue at the school level. Talk to the director of the institution, find out the reason for the refusal, how you can correct the situation, where you can get help.
  2. Contact social security authorities. You may not have provided all the documents on the basis of which a decision is made on whether the student will receive meals. Usually you need to get a certificate or certificate from social security confirming your category and family status.
  3. Contact the Ministry of Education. If they refuse without reason, then feel free to go to the Department of Education of your city or district, write a complaint and describe the current situation. The specialists will have to respond to you in writing to your application.
  4. Resolve the issue through the Prosecutor's Office. Workers law enforcement they may even attract directors for failure to comply with regional laws. Therefore, contact the Prosecutor's Office if you know clearly about the legal acts and laws according to which your child can receive food for free.
  5. Contact the regional Ombudsman for Children's Rights. Complete the application and submit it with all the answers from the authorities and the school regarding the solution to the issue.

Educating children, as is known, requires considerable expenditure not only on textbooks and office supplies, but also on lunches, which are provided on a paid basis. Prices are announced by the management of a particular institution, but not all parents know that certain categories of students have the right to discounted meals at school. Children in this group are entitled to payment from budget funds, although they will first need to collect a package of required papers and draw up an application for the privilege.

Legislative regulation of the issue

The content of Article 37 of the Federal Law “On Education” No. 273-FZ states that material issues regarding the organization of catering in educational institutions are assigned to their management. In turn, the rules for providing lunches and breakfasts at the expense of the regional government budget for individual categories children are established by local governments, and not at the federal level.

Get information about which groups of students are entitled to free meals at school You can contact the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, the social security department at the child’s place of residence, or the educational institution itself. Employees will provide information regarding the benefits themselves and tell you about the procedure for applying for them.

Types of food and what benefits depend on

Children eligible for discounts and other benefits may be offered one of the following meal options:

  • standard type - a child is provided with a free breakfast if lunch is paid in full;
  • free breakfast and lunch - a rare type of discounted food;
  • partial payment for lunch from budget funds, when the parent repays the second part of its cost.

Meal types are offered based on availability regional bodies authorities, or rather, their budget and the amount allocated per student. Additionally taken into account categories of beneficiaries, to which the student’s family is included.

For example, in one subject of the federation, a child of a disabled parent of group 1 or 2 may be given a 50% discount on food costs. Whereas in another area of ​​the same category a different form will be offered - full payment for one day and free lunch and breakfast the next day.

Who is eligible

The Russian Federation does not have a regulatory legal act covering the issue of which students should be provided with preferential meals. Groups of citizens who are entitled to discounts are appointed by the authorities of a specific subject of the Russian Federation. At the same time, an analysis of most regional documents made it possible to identify the main categories of schoolchildren who are eligible for free lunches and breakfasts.

The list of benefit children includes:

  • children from large families families where more than 3 minors are being raised;
  • students left without parental care;
  • disabled children and children with disabilities;
  • orphans;
  • children of disabled parents;
  • children from low-income families, where the monthly income does not exceed the wage rate established in the region;
  • schoolchildren receiving benefits due to the loss of a breadwinner;
  • children of parents raising children alone.

Pupils are also entitled to subsidized meals. specialized institutions– cadet schools, boarding schools, correctional educational institutions.

Registration procedure: documents, application and other points

To register a child as a beneficiary entitled to free lunches, breakfasts or discounts on food, the parent will need to go through a simple procedure. If you have any questions, you can contact the social security authorities or the school management. In this case, the first option is considered the optimal way - school directors are more willing to obey the decision of the authorized bodies, while their own verdict may not be so objective.

First of all, you will need to correctly submit your request for benefits. The application must include information on the following items:

  1. Application header – name of the educational institution, full name. the applicant, series and number of his passport, address and contact information.
  2. Identification of a request for free food.
  3. Who should be given the benefit - child details, including class designation.
  4. Grounds for receiving benefits for school lunches and breakfasts.
  5. List of attached papers.
  6. Agreement to promptly notify school management of changes regarding the family. For example, about its composition, improving the financial condition of parents and other points.
  7. Date of application.
  8. Parent's signature and its transcript.

The application is filled out by the secretary or in the office of the director of a general education organization, and then handed over to the latter.

Copies of papers are attached to the form in accordance with list of documents:

  • student's birth certificate;
  • passports of parents or one of them;
  • income certificate from adult family members;
  • an extract from the social security authorities about the lack of compensation for free meals at school;
  • document on family composition and marriage certificate, if we're talking about on benefits based on having many children;
  • an act on the appointment of a trustee or guardian - for orphans, children from foster families and for schoolchildren left without parental care;
  • a certificate confirming the child’s disability or the presence of a disease - for disabled children and children with developmental disabilities;
  • certificate of disability of parents - for citizens of disability groups 1 and 2;
  • an act on the child’s receipt of a survivor’s pension, if any benefit exists;
  • a certificate from social security confirming the family’s “low-income” status.

Additionally, other documents may be required. The list, in accordance with each individual case, is provided in educational institutions, guardianship authorities or social security.

In addition, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will need to obtain the status of a beneficiary. In this case, before submitting an application for free food, you must complete documents and confirm the grounds for inclusion in a certain category of citizens.

Questions about benefits should be addressed in advance. The best time to submit your application and papers is in September of the new academic year.

In what cases are monetary compensations issued? What is needed for this

The benefit for a student’s school meals can be compensated, but this is practiced quite rarely and in a small number of regions. The main case is the child's education at home.

In order to receive a compensation payment in the future, you will need to indicate this point in the application for benefits. Additionally, you should notify the social security authorities of your desire. Only in this case can a refund be made, but real life This happens extremely rarely.

Benefits for meals for schoolchildren are regulated by regional authorities and are provided only on the basis of an appropriate application and evidence confirming a certain family status. The procedure often takes a lot of time, but it is worth it - discounts on meals at school, or even free lunch and breakfast, can significantly reduce the monthly costs of a child and make the life of a parent easier.

Dear parents (legal representatives) and students!

From May 20, 201 7 The collection of documents for subsidized meals for the 2017-2018 academic year begins. One-time free meals (breakfast) are provided to all students in grades 1-4 at the expense of the Moscow city budget.

Two hot meals a day at the expense of the Moscow city budget are provided to students belonging to preferential categories:

  • children from large families;
  • children under guardianship (trusteeship);
  • children of disabled parents (group 1 or 2);
  • disabled children;
  • orphans and children left without parental care (legal representatives);
  • children from low-income families.

To receive free two meals a day, you must submit the following documents:


children from large families

2. A copy of the document on having many children (certificate).

3. A copy of the birth certificate of all children.

Orphans and children left without parental care (legal representatives) and children under guardianship (trusteeship), children in foster families

1. Statement from the child’s legal representatives.

2. A copy of the resolution on the appointment of a guardian (trustee).

Disabled children

1. Statement from parents (legal representatives).

2. A copy of the disability certificate.

3. A copy of the child's birth certificate.

4. Certificate of registration of the child.

Children with disabled parents

1 or 2 groups

1. Statement from parents (legal representatives).

2. A copy of the parent’s disability certificate

3. A copy of the child's birth certificate.

4. Certificate of registration of the child.

Children from low-income families

1. Statement from parents (legal representatives).

2. A copy of a document from the district department of social protection of the population, which confirms that the family has received the status of a low-income family.

3. A copy of the child's birth certificate.

4. Notice of the provision of a subsidy to pay for housing and utilities.

5. Certificate of registration of the child.

Application and documents must be submitted from 05/20/2017 to 08/27/2017 to the class teacher or the person responsible for nutrition in the structural unit to consider and approve the issue of preferential nutrition for the child at a meeting of the commission for monitoring the organization and quality of nutrition for students .

For students who do not belong to preferential categories, paid meals are organized at the expense of parents.

On weekdays, children spend most of their time in schools, so parents are very concerned about the issue of nutrition - what, how and how many times students are fed during this time. Breakfasts and lunches that a schoolchild receives in the canteen undergo a special check for energy value, content of vitamins and microelements, so this diet can be called balanced and healthy.

What is free school meals?

At current prices for school breakfasts and lunches, paying for them is a significant part of the cost family budget and not all parents can afford it. For example, the Moscow Schoolchildren Food Factory has been offering the following prices since January 2018:

  • breakfast for grades 5-11 – 82.71 rubles;
  • lunch for grades 1-4 – 134.22 rubles;
  • lunch for grades 5-11 – 152.37 rubles.

Even if high school students limit themselves to lunch only, it will still be a decent amount: 152.37 rubles x 5 days = 761.85 rubles. in Week. This is why providing children from low-income families with free school meals in 2018 has a very important social impact. The Federal Law “On Education” places the issues of financing preferential meals in schools within the competence of regional authorities. They determine what the subsidy for school meals should be from the local budget and monitor compliance with sanitary standards for school canteens.

Who should

The legislation determines the circle of persons entitled to partial payment or completely free school meals in 2018. For example, according to the Order of the Moscow Department of Education, this includes children:

  • from large families with 5 or more minor children;
  • from low-income families (in this case, it is necessary that the income for each family member be less than the subsistence level for this subject Russian Federation);
  • those under guardianship or orphans who have lost one or both breadwinners and receive a pension for this reason;
  • having disabilities or chronic diseases;
  • at least one of whose parents is a disabled person of the first or second group;
  • whose parents were injured in the accident Chernobyl nuclear power plant or participated in the liquidation of this disaster.

Reduced Meal Options

Reduced meals at school can be completely free or involve partial payment - it depends on the social category to which the student or his family belongs. It is also possible to return part of the funds spent at the end of the month or another accounting period. In this case, food intake depends on the regime of the educational institution, and it happens:

  • one-time (breakfast or lunch);
  • two meals a day (breakfast and lunch or lunch and afternoon snack, depending on the school shift);
  • three times a day (afternoon snack in addition to two meals a day);
  • five and six meals a day for specialized educational institutions such as boarding schools.

What exactly free school meals will be like in 2018 depends on the size of the subsidy allocated by the regional administration for social needs for a particular constituent entity of the Russian Federation (in this case, benefits for junior and senior school students may be different). The most common options are:

  • free breakfast;
  • discounts for those in need on school breakfasts and lunches;
  • completely free two meals a day.

How to apply

The first thing to do is to find out whether your child is eligible for this benefit. Free and partially paid breakfasts and lunches of educational institutions are financed from the regional budget and this norm should be established by local legislation, so the list of preferential categories and criteria for different constituent entities of the Russian Federation will differ. For example, school meals are provided to large families if there are five or more minor children, while regional legislation interprets “large families” much more broadly:

  • In Moscow, a family with three children under 16 years of age is considered to have many children. When studying full-time at a university, the age limit increases to 18 years.
  • For the Krasnodar Territory, the age limit is 23 years (for full-time students) and 18 years for other children.

The difference in interpretation also changes the conditions under which free meals are provided to large families at school in different regions(this also applies to other categories of students). Situations are quite possible when the administration secondary school may not be aware of all regional subsidies, so parents should study this issue thoroughly. If you find out that your child is entitled to this benefit (for example, meals for disabled children at school), then the further algorithm will be as follows:

  1. Write a statement addressed to the school principal notifying that your family has the right to this form of social support.
  2. Prepare documentation that will confirm these rights.
  3. Provide this package of documents to the school administration.
  4. Next, the documents are sent to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, where a decision is made on the provision of benefits.

An application for discounted meals must be submitted in advance, usually in the previous academic year. In other words, in order to receive the benefit in 2017-2018, a package of documents must be provided before June 2017. But situations are also possible when the right to a benefit appears during study (change in family composition, etc.) or the child moves to another school - in this case, the student will have the right to use the next calendar month after submitting the application.

How to write an application

The application is written in any form, the main thing is that it contains data on which a discount on the cost of school meals will be provided. A properly drafted appeal consists of three parts:

  • “Hats”, which indicates who this document is intended for and who compiled it (the surname and initials of the director of the educational institution are given, and below - the applicant’s data). Below you need to write “Application” in the middle of the line.
  • The content of the main part of the application depends on the specific reason (large family, disability of parents, etc.) that must be indicated. The accompanying documents that are attached to the application are also mentioned here. For example, for low-income families, the text will be as follows: “I ask you to provide free meals to my son Ivan Maksimov, a 7b grade student. Our family is poor. The monthly income for each family member is 8,234 rubles (a certificate from the Social Security Department is attached).”
  • In the final part, you can indicate that during illness or other valid reasons for the student’s absence, meals remain with the class. The applicant's signature, surname, initials and date of application are placed last.

Documents for free meals at school

The submitted documentation is reviewed by the school administration, and if the decision is positive, the child is added to the list to receive preferential meals. The basic package of documents should include:

  • Application addressed to the director.
  • Child's birth certificate.
  • A copy of the passport of the parent submitting the application.

Depending on the situation, a family or child may fall into different categories for free (or partially paid) school meals. Therefore, additional documents must be attached to the basic package. For example, for large families the list will be as follows:

  • Certificate informing about family composition.
  • A copy of the birth certificates (passports) of all minor children (or up to 23 years of age if studying full-time at a university, for regions where a similar age limit is adopted).
  • A copy of the document confirming the status of a mother of many children.

If a disabled child is entitled to receive benefits, the list will be different. The package of documents for this situation contains:

  • A copy of the medical report on the assignment of disability due to physical limitations.
  • Certificate of family composition.

If a schoolchild has at least one parent who is disabled, he also has the right to preferential feeding. To receive this benefit, prepare:

  • A copy of the passport of the parent with disabilities.
  • A copy of the medical and social examination certificate (MSE) about the parent’s disability.

If a child’s family has low-income and/or single-parent status, then he/she also has the right to free school breakfasts and lunches. To do this, add to the basic package of documents:

  • A certificate stating that the family belongs to the category of low-income people, that is, each family member has an income less than the subsistence level. If there is an adult non-working family member, a registration document with the Employment Center or an ITU conclusion on the impossibility of labor activity for health.
  • The act of examining the living conditions in the family is carried out by the class teacher.

Having lost one of the breadwinners, a student also falls into the preferential category. Additionally you need to prepare:

  • A copy of the death certificate of one of the parents.
  • A document stating that the student receives a survivor's pension from the state.
  • Certificate of family composition.

The school canteen will also feed orphans who have ended up in foster families or received guardianship for free. For this purpose the following papers are prepared:

  • A copy of the resolution of the social service (guardianship and trusteeship authorities) on the appointment of a guardian.
  • Family composition document.

If one of the parents is a victim of Chernobyl accident, then this is also the basis for social nutrition. The school administration is additionally provided with:

  • A copy of the parent’s passport, which gives rise to the right to the benefit.
  • A document that he is a victim of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
