About what numbers have magical meaning, everyone already knows. Even in ancient times, it was believed that they could be used to recognize the past, present and determine the future. The date of birth and the number of letters in the name determine the main features of personality development. Fortune telling by numbers with crossing out is a fascinating procedure, the results of which even skeptics think about.

Fortune telling by numbers by crossing out

To perform the ritual you will need Blank sheet paper and pen.

You need to write numbers from one to one hundred. The first row contains an arbitrary number of characters. In subsequent ones - the same as in the first. In the latter, there may be an incomplete row.

When writing numbers, zeros are skipped. The picture looks like this:

Then the deletion procedure begins. First of all, all paired values ​​that happen to be nearby are crossed out. Then the total values ​​of “10” of adjacent digits. For example, 5+5, 7+3, 8+10, 6+4 and so on.

There are two options.

In the first, only the vertical and horizontal numbers that are in close proximity are crossed out. In the second option, you can cross out identical numbers through those already crossed out.

Next we write full name guy and under each letter we place the numbers that remain uncrossed out in the table. The sequence is maintained. Liquidation follows the same principle. The result should be one or more numbers. Check the meaning and the fortune telling result is ready.


0 – passionate love;

1 – love is just beginning;

2 – will fall in love if you make an effort;

3 – he just likes you;

4 – selfless and sincere feelings;

5 – ignores you in every possible way;

6 – nothing can happen between you;

7 – friendly relations;

8 – he needs you;

9 – you have a rival;

10 – just having fun with you;

11 – upset by your behavior;

12 – no chance;

13 – the situation will become clearer in the conversation;

14 – there’s a date ahead;

15 – he likes your girlfriend;

16 – you will have to separate for a while because of the trip;

17 – your paths will cross soon;

18 – his friend likes you;

19 – you will be together;

20 – afraid to confess his love;

21 – take the first step yourself;

22 – afraid of your relationship;

23 – is biased towards you;

24 – a pleasant time awaits;

25 – he is drawn to you;

26 – doesn’t pay attention to you.

If you get other values, add them up. For example, 27.2+7=9.

Fortune telling for love

Take a blank checkered sheet of paper and draw a heart with your left hand. Then draw a contour of whole cells. Cross them out four at a time, creating different shapes. Count the remaining cells and see the value.

  1. Loves a lot;
  2. Simply respects;
  3. Sees you as a friend;
  4. He likes you;
  5. Jealous;
  6. Sees you in a dream;
  7. Doesn't feel anything for you.

Medieval fortune telling by numbers

A very simple way. The table contains numbers from one to one hundred. Then one of them is selected at random and the meaning is looked up.

These methods of fortune telling do not require special preparation or concentration. The process takes place in a playful manner. But the values ​​are not entirely complete. They can be used as a hint or direction of activity.

If you get a negative result, do not rush to despair and end your relationship with the guy. After all, in such fortune-telling a period of time is not specified. Now they don’t like you, but in a month feelings will appear. Higher powers often change their views.

And if you want to get more comprehensive information, analyze your first and last names and date of birth using numbers.

Video selection

Fortune telling by numbers online for the future - virtual fortune telling, based on an ancient magical system of divination. Ask your question, and the magic of numbers will manifest itself and give you the result. Fortune telling by numbers online - great way predictions of the future.

1 You will become aware that there is an intrigue against you in your immediate environment or at your workplace. With the help of intuition and prudence, you can change the situation in your favor and emerge from this situation as a winner.

2 You have to “tighten your belt”, as there is a high probability of large losses. An unfamiliar but influential and decent person will help you correct your deplorable financial situation.

3 You will notice that a person has appeared in your immediate circle who is looking for your friendship. Do not be deceived by his speeches and attention - he wants to use you for his own purposes.

4 You have long dreamed of large material profits, and in the near future you will have the opportunity to receive it. Give up laziness, and then luck will be on your side.

5 During this period, you will live with thoughts of revenge on your offenders and ill-wishers. You should not make treacherous plans, as they will turn against you. Better forget all the grievances and continue living your life.

6 Be prepared for an entertaining journey, during which you will have the opportunity to make material profits. Do not delude yourself about this money - it will not bring you happiness.

7 On the way to realizing yours cherished desire an eloquent and charming young man will appear who will disturb you. Do not trust him under any circumstances - he can ruin you.

8 In the near future you will meet a person for whom you will have sincere and strong feelings. Don't expect reciprocity - this love will only bring suffering and disappointment. However, don't despair. Continue to follow the plan and you will eventually achieve success.

9 Envious people will weave intrigues that can seriously interfere with the implementation of your plans. Don’t get upset and don’t waste your time on trifles, otherwise you’ll get seriously ill.

10 One friend will unexpectedly help you make your cherished dream come true. But there is no need to delude yourself about her - she will demand payment for her services. Be careful when communicating with her, as she may demand too much.

11 The upcoming trip will bring you success and material profit. This trip will also delight you with a new and interesting acquaintance with a person who will later become your close friend and assistant. You can safely trust him with your secrets and doubts.

12 In the near future, be prepared for a new romantic interest that could bring both grief and happiness. Try to direct the beginning relationship in the right direction, then success awaits you. Take actions only after thinking them through, as a mistake will cost you dearly.

13 Don't give in to the temptation to earn a large sum of easy money. In the future you will pay for this with failures. There is also no need to flirt - this can cause separation from your loved one. Try not to make mistakes, otherwise troubles will haunt you.

14 You will have a chance to do new things. Do not miss this opportunity, as all your endeavors are doomed to success. Listen to your intuition - it will tell you what to do.

15 In the near future, circumstances will develop exclusively in your favor. What you have been doing for a long time will bring success and also open up new paths and opportunities. Everything you dreamed will come true and bring significant material profit.

There are fortune tellings that adult ladies are interested in. And there are also those that are attractive to schoolgirls and older young girls. Among them, the most popular is fortune telling with numbers. This is not such an ancient fortune-telling, but even the great-grandmothers of modern schoolgirls amused themselves with it in their free time.

In this topic:

If girls tell fortunes about teenage boys, then older girls turn to fortune telling with numbers to find out the attitude of their boyfriend or spouse. It is simple, absolutely safe, uncomplicated. Anyone can pass the time by crossing out identical numbers. The interpretation of the results of fortune telling with the same numbers is not particularly pretentious; many people manage to guess directly in class or at lectures at universities.

How to guess using cells and numbers?

The essence of fortune telling with numbers is that on a piece of paper in a box you need to write down the guy’s full name, and then all the numbers from 1 to 99. You cannot enter zeros. You need to write numbers in a row without gaps, as a result there will be several rows on the piece of paper. You just need to make sure that all rows are the same size, each number must be written down in its entirety.

You cannot allow the first digit of a number to be on one line and the second digit on another. The length of the row can be any, it does not have of great importance. As a result, the piece of paper will look like a table. At the end, add the date corresponding to the date when the fortune telling is carried out. Zeros are not needed here either. For example, if fortune telling takes place on November 20, 2015, then the number is written like this: 211215.

There should be only one number per cell. The very last row may contain fewer characters than the top ones. When everything is ready, they begin to guess using the matching numbers.

In this improvised table, you should cross out identical numbers. Numbers are also crossed out if they are nearby, and when added they give 10. This can be done both vertically and horizontally. If values ​​are crossed out horizontally, then it is better to look at the adjacent rows, that is, if there is 7 at the end of the first line, and 3 at the beginning of the next, then they are crossed out. Numbers that add up to 10 must be crossed out after all paired symbols have been crossed out. If there are crossed out elements between the numbers that add up to 10, then they are crossed out anyway. For example, the entry could be: “3 crossed out number 7.” “3” and “7” will also need to be crossed out. Because everything that is crossed out here is, as it were, completely absent.

When all the numbers are crossed out, you need to write down all the remaining ones in the same order again. In this situation, you should write as many characters in one row as there are letters in the name of the hidden guy. Thus, the numbers in the line will correspond to the letters of the name of the boyfriend or husband.

If a man’s name is Andrey, then it is necessary to arrange the symbols 6 times, because the name Andrey has 6 letters. Here again the same numbers in the horizontal and vertical rows are crossed out. Fortune telling continues until there are at least some symbols left that can be crossed out. When there are no more of them, you need to look at the designation of the remaining number.

100% fortune telling for a guy!! verified!!

6-get together 7-wants to talk 8-wants to meet



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Do you want to find out who is secretly in love with you? So this is about

Interpretation of numbers

The number resulting from fortune telling has a certain meaning. The answers are given below.

  • 1 – he is in love, just crazy.
  • 2 – relationships are possible, but you yourself must take the first step for the sake of your future, just call and everything will work out.
  • 3 – in his opinion, you are pretty.
  • 4 – his love is still too weak.
  • 5 – in this moment he has other concerns.
  • 6 – there are practically no opportunities to be together.
  • 7 – he has exclusively friendly feelings towards you.
  • 8 – he needs you.
  • 9 – beware of your rival.
  • 10 – he tries to look cool.
  • 11 – resentment towards you lives in his soul.
  • 12 – unfortunately, you are not suitable for him.
  • 13 – get ready, there’s a serious, difficult conversation ahead.
  • 14 – wait for an invitation.
  • 15 – he likes your girlfriend more than you.
  • 16 – a joint trip or trip is possible.
  • 17 – there will be a meeting ahead.
  • 18 – his friend is delighted with you.
  • 19 – you will be together.
  • 20 – he feels true love for you.
  • 21 – he feels awkward in your company.
  • 22 – he feels fear.
  • 23 – his feelings are more like hatred.
  • 24 – wait for an invitation to go for a walk together.
  • 25 – he thinks you are beautiful.
  • 26 and other numbers show that he has no interest in you.

There is another interpretation of the resulting results of fortune telling for the same numbers. This fortune telling by numbers is carried out in a similar way, but when the remaining symbols are selected, the result is interpreted by comparing it with one or another three of numbers.

  • 1, 10, 19 - a man is passionate about you, if this has not happened yet, then you need to make a little effort and everything will be fine;
  • 2, 11, 20 - fortune telling predicts that you will not be together;
  • 3, 12, 23 – relationships are possible, you just need to push him a little;
  • 4, 13, 22 - a man paid attention to you, jealousy boils in his soul when he sees you with another;
  • 5, 14, 23 – fortune telling warns that for now you can’t count on anything other than friendship;
  • 6, 15, 24 - he doesn’t know anything about you yet, but as soon as the opportunity arises, he will show his interest;
  • 7, 16, 25 - he is preparing to establish a relationship, fortune telling advises him to try to take the first step himself;
  • 8, 17, 26 - the results of fortune telling show that the guy has a grudge against you;
  • 9, 18, 27 - these numbers in fortune telling say that you are an ideal couple.

This fortune telling using numbers from 1 to 99 can be done online; now many portals provide this opportunity. In this case, guess the same numbers even simpler, the chances of going astray or making a mistake are almost zero.

Number fortune telling is an excellent way to learn about yourself and also have fun. Modern psychologists claim that the results of this fortune-telling can give people confidence and help them tune in to the right mood.

The principle of fortune telling using prime numbers

This fortune telling was developed by Pythagoras, who believed that the secrets of the entire universe were hidden in prime numbers. His philosophy was entirely based on this idea. He believed that numbers are the fundamental basis of everything that surrounds us. In addition, according to Pythagoras, numbers are decisive for everything that happens in a person’s life.

The numerological system developed by Pythagoras is based on prime numbers - from 1 to 9. Thanks to all sorts of combinations with each other, they are able to create various combinations. In this case, the meaning of fortune telling is to associate prime numbers with certain planets of the solar system.

According to numerology:

  • 1 and 4 are the numbers of the Sun;
  • 2 and 7 - led by the Moon;
  • 3 - belongs to Jupiter;
  • 5 - ruled by Mercury;
  • 6 - under the influence of Venus;
  • 8 - belongs to Saturn;
  • 9 - is under the protection of Mars.

Depending on which planet is responsible for a person at the moment, you can predict the development of events in his life. Fortune telling by numbers is an excellent way to find out what the stars have in store for you both in the near future and in life in general.

Fortune telling by numbers by date of birth

There are several options for fortune telling by numbers. One of the most reliable is fortune telling by date of birth. It always accompanies a person, influencing the rest of his life. The name, place of residence, and any other factors in a person’s life may change. The date of birth cannot be changed. That is why great importance is attached to it in numerology.

The essence of the numerological method of fortune telling by date of birth is to add up the sum of all the numbers that make up the date of birth, namely: the date, the numerical designation of the month and the year of birth. They are summed up until one figure is obtained, which is the number that affects the life of a particular person.

Such fortune-telling allows you to gain a deeper understanding of your own essence and understand the destiny prepared for you by the stars.

Fortune telling by numbers using a name

Another common option for numerological fortune telling is fortune telling by name. To do this, you need to assign each letter of the first and last name a corresponding number and sum them until you get a prime number. It will indicate which planet has a dominant influence in your life. The correspondence between letters of the alphabet and numbers is given in the table.

You can add the numbers yourself and get your number, or use online fortune telling for free. In this case, all the necessary calculations will be made by the computer. This will eliminate the possibility of error and reveal to you all the secrets of the magic of numbers.

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Our whole life consists of many numbers. It is impossible to live a day without them; numbers accompany us literally everywhere. From the very morning after waking up, our eyes come across dozens and hundreds of numbers to which we have long been accustomed and do not pay any attention to them. Meanwhile, each number carries a certain sacred meaning, and if a person knew how to read numbers correctly and was more attentive, then he would be able to protect himself from many major and minor troubles, reveal the hidden potential in himself and bring prosperity and success closer.

Numerologists have in their arsenal of knowledge many ways of fortune telling with numbers. When performing rituals, they start from important dates in a person’s life – dates of birth, wedding, divorce, graduation educational institution. The number of letters in a person’s last name, first name and patronymic is also of great importance. You can calculate a person's destiny by counting the number of letters in the various names of material and intangible objects that surround a person throughout his life.

The science of numerology originated a very long time ago. Even in ancient times, people tried to explain things they did not understand using numbers and numbers. The inexplicable power of mathematical operations made us believe that the mechanism of existence of the universe is based on the numbers from one to ten.

Fortune telling "Hundred"

This method of fortune telling is very common among young girls.

For fortune telling, you need to take a sheet of paper and place on it a series of numbers from one to one hundred. In the first row, the girl determines the number of numbers at her own discretion, but in the subsequent lower rows you need to write no more and no less than in the first. At the end of the bottom number row, you need to indicate the date in numbers: day, month and year.

Next, you need to cross out one digit at a time where adjacent numbers add up to 10 (2 and 8, 9 and 1, 7 and 3). Then cross out the numbers where they are repeated (22, 33, 77). Next, you need to write down the remaining numbers on a separate sheet of paper. Now the lines need to be constructed in such a way that the number of numbers in them corresponds to the number of letters in the name of the guy you like.

Then you need to repeat the same steps as on the first sheet: cross out pairs of numbers and numbers whose sum is ten. You need to do this until you have to cross out a couple of numbers. Next, we look at the final result, which characterizes the guy’s attitude towards the girl. You need to choose from those numbers that are most left uncrossed.

1 – the girl will be lonely,
2 – the guy and the girl will be together,
3 – the guy loves another,
4 – the guy loves you,
5 – ardent love,
6 – will love another,
7 – jealous of you
8 – the road will lead him to you,
9 – separation,
10 – receive a letter from him,
11 – there will be a meeting with him,
12 – there will be a conversation,
13 – there will be a wedding soon,
14 – he loves you very much,
15 – misses you,
16 – he doesn’t need you.

This is a simple and harmless fortune telling that any girl can handle.

Watching the numbers throughout the day

Try to be more attentive to the numbers and dates that surround you throughout the day. It happens that the same numbers often catch your eye in the most unexpected places. Such coincidences can occur so often that even those who have never believed in magic and fortune telling may feel as if they are being “haunted” by certain numbers.

In fact, there is no accident here. Each number is charged with a certain code and carries some information.

Pythagoras was already aware of the amazing properties and characteristics of numbers. He compiled a special table in which he gave an unconventional designation for each number.

0 – world emptiness.
1 – the beginning of something new. The unit is ruled by the sun.
2 – designation of dualism. Symbolizes good and evil, the struggle between the dark and light sides. The number is ruled by the Moon.
3 – designation of three-dimensional thinking. Three is ruled by the planet Jupiter.
4 – an additional unit is added to three-dimensional thinking. She balances the ratio of good and evil in the universe. The number is ruled by the planet Jupiter. The number also denotes the four cardinal directions, four types of temperament and four weeks in a month.
5 – pentagram. Designation of the five elements under the auspices of the planet Mercury.
6 is the number of Venus, denoting harmony.
7 – symbolizes seven planets and seven days in a week. The number is ruled by the planet Uranus.
8 – designation of infinity. Eight is ruled by Saturn.
9 is a magical number that is very closely related to alien energy.
10 – this figure can also be interpreted as one.
11 – the designation of this number is equal to the designation of two.
13 – symbolizes isolation and cyclicality. Such a number cannot be divided, therefore it gives rise to superstitions.

Fortune telling by numbers with photos

If a girl has several admirers, each of whom evokes sympathy to varying degrees and it is difficult to make a choice, then you can tell fortunes using their photographs. This fortune telling will not help in determining, but will tell you what awaits the girl in the future with one or another chosen one.

You need to lay out photographs of suitors on a table covered with a white tablecloth. Each photo is assigned a certain number from one to ten, depending on how many guys the fortune-telling takes place. Next, you need to place a church candle next to each photo. After sunset and the appearance of the young moon in the sky, the girl must lock herself in a room, let her hair down, and dress in a loose outfit (without belts or belts).

Before starting fortune telling, it is necessary to draw a cross over the window and door with holy water so that negative energy does not penetrate into the room during magical ritual. The girl herself is also recommended to drink a few sips of water and cross herself three times. After this, you can start reading the plot:

“The universe is mother, share is share, show me future destiny mine. Reveal the secret, tell me what awaits me and guide me on the right path. I will be forever grateful and will not forget your help. I duck low and wash myself with water. I light a candle and glorify you.”

After reading the plot, you should quickly light all the candles. You need to make sure that they start burning almost simultaneously. Next - sit and watch: whichever candle burns out first - you will have to live with that person. You need to pay attention to what number indicates his photograph. The information that the number carries will help you understand whether she needs this person or not.

1 – the beginning of a new life.
2 – uncertainty and doubt.
3 – the presence of a third factor (a third extra in a love triangle or a symbol of a mediator in something).
4 – peace of mind and satisfaction.
5 – upcoming magical intervention or financial wealth.
6 – misfortune in personal life or tragedy.
7 – happy family life.
8 – very long and uncertain relationship.
9 is a magic number that can mean both financial wealth and ruin. It also marks the imminent arrival of a child in the family.

To ensure that the ritual does not drag on for too long long time It is recommended to buy thin candles. After finishing the ritual, you must thank the Universe for this answer, and then read the prayer to the Mother of God three times so that she will protect you from evil forces. After all this, you need to ventilate the room, and burn photographs with numbers and candle stubs.