We can happily say that Tigers in 2017 incredibly lucky. Majority key points will occur precisely in the period under review, and, perhaps, will change the life of the Tigers in better side. But to prevent luck from wagging its tail, you must work hard and not sit idly by.

From the very beginning of the year you will notice that people will begin to need you. There will be an offer to work together or spend time together. Such demand will allow you to become a recognizable person and take a fairly significant position in society.

True, astrologers saw the danger that will come from one area of ​​life, so try not to get too carried away with one activity or another. Tigers should learn to harmoniously distribute their time and then they will have time everywhere without causing harm to themselves or others. As for the love sphere, there will presumably be complete calm here.

Horoscope for Tiger women

Women born under this star have always been distinguished by impulsiveness and speed. In 2017, we will have to reduce this activity somewhat and act thoughtfully. To avoid unpleasant consequences, try to simulate the situation in advance, “try on” many different moves - in general, be prepared for anything.

Young girls in the period under review will most likely finally meet the one with whom they want to start a family. As for already married ladies, they should pay more attention to their husband, as well as their children. In 2017, your loved ones will need your help every minute.

Horoscope for Tiger men

Be prepared for the fact that in 2017 you will be offered a responsible position. Your bosses have been keeping an eye on you for a long time and see that you are actively working. In order not to scare away your luck, continue to work at the same pace and very soon you will find yourself in a comfortable manager’s chair.

It is noteworthy that Tiger men will also feel sweet taste victory. The girl you've been pursuing for a long time will finally pay attention to you. Don't miss this chance.

Love horoscope 2017 for Tigers

As the astrological forecast says, at the very beginning of 2017, Tigers will feel an incredible craving for self-development and a desire to begin large-scale social activities. Therefore, the Tigers simply will not have free time for partners. Try to moderate your ardor a little, otherwise by spring you risk being left without your loved one, because few people like it when they are ignored.

In turn, representatives of this sign will be susceptible to affairs and fleeting connections. Such “spares” will not bring any particular harm to the family, but it is better to try not to get into such ridiculous situations. As for single tigers, they also will not worry too much about the fact that they cannot find their other half.

Career horoscope for Tigers

In the coming year of the Rooster, Tigers will easily cope with any challenge associated with professional activity. And all because their performance will be at the maximum level.

Such determination will lead to the resolution of the most difficult problems, and besides, luck will not leave the representatives of this sign for long. Tiger people are not afraid to take risks, although the risk may not always be justified.

Don't miss your chance to show off your diplomacy skills, which will be especially developed this year. This will allow you to establish business in an area where you need to constantly communicate with people and negotiate important contracts.

Finance horoscope for Tigers

Tigers love money very much, so with the advent of the Year of the Rooster, they will try to find additional sources of income. To achieve financial well-being you may begin to act illegally, which in the future will entail criminal liability. Don't take reckless risks to avoid complications in the future.

But taking deliberate risks is not only necessary for the Tigers, but also useful. The stars predict success in money matters precisely in this field. Play the lottery, take part in the prize draw, place bets - you will definitely be lucky! If you decide to take out a loan, then first think carefully about whether you can repay this amount monthly.

Health horoscope for 2017

2017 will differ from previous years in that the Tiger will finally think about his health. Already at the end of February - beginning of March, representatives of this sign will meet a person (or an unexpected incident will happen to them) who will force them to radically reconsider their existing bad habits and get rid of them.

In the summer, you should pay attention to the genitourinary system - it can malfunction. Perhaps an exacerbation of bladder diseases or the appearance of kidney stones. Just don't get carried away with medications to avoid liver problems.

Horoscope according to zodiac signs for Tigers

Tiger - Aries

There is a huge chance that Aries will experience a long-awaited career advancement. True, this offer may not be exactly what you expected. You may have to change your occupation or even your registration address. Before making a fateful decision, listen to your inner voice and consult with your loved ones. In 2017, try not to show aggression, otherwise it will soon return to you with triple force.

Tiger - Taurus

The stars know that you like to take risks and go ahead, but in 2017 you should reduce your ardor a little and think about the future. You should not make rash actions, because they can result in major financial problems. And Taurus’s reputation will be significantly damaged. It is best if there is a close person, which at the moment of choice will tell you the right path.

Tiger - Gemini

Do you want to live hassle-free and not experience financial difficulties? Then work hard in this direction. In 2017, every circumstance will be in your favor. The main thing is not to be distracted by gossip and intrigue that will surround you in a dense ring. The Rooster wants to warn you - don’t trust anyone! Perhaps even an old acquaintance will want to set you up in one matter.

Tiger - Cancer

The coming year of the Fire Rooster will give Cancers a great surge of energy, self-confidence and agility. You will always be in high spirits, which will allow you not to pay attention to minor failures, but to persistently move towards your goal. In this, Cancers will even win over other signs - the Rooster will not be so favorable towards them. The only temptation that representatives of this sign will face is entertainment. You will literally be drawn to celebrations and “doing nothing.”

Tiger - Leo

Despite the fact that the Rooster is a homebody, Leos will not stay at home. Pleasant and exciting travel awaits you. They can be either for work or for your personal reasons. Don't worry that traveling will make your colleagues forget about you or think you're taking too much time off. On the contrary, they will respect you even more for your ability to work. The stars advise Leos in the professional field to take less risks and not commit rash acts.

Tiger - Virgo

In the field and career, Virgos will be extremely driven. Your boss appreciates your work and may offer you a promotion. If you have long dreamed of changing your job, then in 2017 you will have a very real chance to make it happen. In the spring, astrologers advise representatives of this sign to pay attention to the message of their body. As soon as you feel tired and apathetic, urgently put everything aside and rest a little.

Tiger - Libra

In 2017, many of the representatives of the Libra sign will feel the attention of the opposite sex. This will not only increase Libra’s self-esteem, but will also help achieve good financial condition. Perhaps in the middle of the year you will meet a certain patron who will arrange your life in the best possible way. Although Libra will not have problems with money, the stars still warn them against thoughtless spending.

Tiger - Scorpio

Don't take too long to celebrate new year holidays— you need to immediately return to pressing matters. The Rooster will appreciate such zeal and reward you with generous gifts. For those Scorpios whose work involves business trips, 2017 has prepared a lot of exciting and productive trips. As for family affairs, you will have to trust your significant other to take the reins - you simply won’t have enough time for everything.

Tiger - Sagittarius

As the Year of the Rooster approaches, astrologers advise Sagittarius not to give up what they love. If you have any hobby or passion, then there is a huge chance that in 2017 it will bring you stable income. Of course, the amounts will not be large, but additional income has never hurt anyone.

Tiger - Capricorn

Capricorns should put aside all grievances and make peace with friends who have long “gone” from their lives. Perhaps the words spoken in the heat of the moment caused harm to the person, but he is ready to forgive you, he is just waiting for the first step. Admitting guilt is not easy, but you can’t even imagine how you will feel after reconciliation.

Tiger - Aquarius

You were so tired in the previous year that rest asks for itself. Don’t ignore your desires - no one has ever gotten tired of relaxation somewhere on a warm island. On the contrary, after this trip, Aquarians will be full of strength for new achievements. In addition, the financial situation promises to be not only stable, but also profitable. Therefore, Aquarians can afford to travel.

Tiger - Pisces

Representatives of this sign should hide in 2017. Do not make decisions too quickly, do not immediately answer the question asked of you, do not trust new acquaintances.

May you plod along at the end - remember, the time will come when you will receive your reward for such a wait-and-see attitude.

Video horoscope

Today there is something to please representatives of the Tiger sign. The 2017th year of the Rooster for the Tiger woman will be a time of dramatic changes! This is one of the most combative signs. They are always on the alert, ready to rush into the attack and sweep away all difficulties in their path! So, what awaits the Tiger in the Year of the Rooster 2017? 😉

Representatives of this sign have an extraordinary character and are distinguished by:

  • decisiveness:
  • courage;
  • heroism;
  • attractiveness;
  • authoritarianism.

These are real fighters for justice! Tiger is the most strong sign eastern horoscope. No one can resist him. The only one who can somehow compete with him is. Most often, the fate of the Tigers is quite interesting and ambiguous. They experience virtually no fear, so they are constantly on the edge of the abyss. Tigers love to take risks and win because they are leaders by nature.

Irrepressible energy does not give him rest, so it is difficult to keep the Tiger constantly within four walls. Representatives of this sign are cool about fulfilling household obligations. They do only what they consider necessary.

Both the Tiger and the ruler of 2017, the Rooster, have a lot in common. Both are militant. But since the main thing in 2017 will still be the Rooster, he will not allow the Tiger to unfold to its full extent. Not all plans will be able to be implemented by the Tiger in 2017. The rooster will try to interfere with him. But when have difficulties stopped the Tiger? The tiger is not upset, he sets new goals and objectives, and throws all his strength into achieving success. He even likes difficulties, because the more difficult the goal, the more significant its achievement.

Astrologers warn Tigers that sometimes they need to moderate their ardor. Do not strive for leadership always and in everything, but be able to give in and compromise. Otherwise, conflict situations cannot be avoided.

What awaits the Tiger man

In 2017, it is difficult for a male Tiger to remain calm. He is used to achieving the most difficult and unapproachable women. The tiger spares neither effort nor opportunity for this. He will move mountains for the woman he likes and will always be able to achieve her. True, having won, he quickly loses interest, so he often remains lonely.

2017 will be rich in new acquaintances and dangerous adventures. Advice from astrologers: choose free women. A new friend's jealous husband can cause you a lot of trouble.

Family Tigers also run the risk of going to great lengths. They will look for bright emotions outside of their family. Therefore, the appearance of a new mistress is possible. But remember that this can destroy even the strongest marriage. Therefore, it is better to direct all your irrepressible energy not to search for a new passion, but to kindle the fire of family passions.

What awaits the Tiger woman?

In 2017, representatives of this sign will have to change their marital status. This applies to those who have not yet managed to acquire their soul mates. Therefore, getting married in 2017 is very likely for the Tiger. You should not be tormented by vain fears and anxieties that the relationship will worsen after registration. This is far from true! Relationships will naturally change. But in what direction these changes will be depends on both spouses.

Tigers love to lead. Astrologers warn that caution must be exercised here. Carried away by the struggle for power, the Tiger risks being left completely alone. Therefore, in 2017, it is better to focus your efforts on organizing your personal life.

Having previously managed to start a family, Tigers will get bored in a quiet haven and want change. You should not follow your desires and look for entertainment on the side. It is better to channel your energy in a good direction and work for the good of your family. Organize a non-standard vacation, make repairs, play sports. By the end of the year, the desire for change will begin to subside and come to naught.


Naturally, a representative of the cat family values ​​​​his freedom very much. But the family-loving Rooster tries in every possible way to push the Tiger to start a family. Tiger partners will have to try hard to keep this graceful animal close to them. They need to show all their imagination, constantly maintain the Tigers’ interest in their person.

Tigers are very sensitive to the spiritual qualities of their partner. If they make the first impression of a person by paying attention to his appearance, then in the process of communication they try to penetrate deeper into the soul. 2017 will be replete with new acquaintances, so the Tiger needs to be attentive and careful so as not to miss the person with whom he will connect his destiny.

In the family, Tigers need to show their diplomatic qualities. Those who like to lead and suppress the will of those who disagree, they risk running into open rebellion. Especially from their adult children. Therefore, you should not interfere so openly in their lives and impose your views. Do not spoil your relationship with your family and friends, because their help will definitely come in handy.


Hardworking Tigers do not experience any particular financial difficulties. They like to work and earn money. And they do it wonderfully. 2017 will generously reward all your efforts. Cash flow will increase significantly and will be able to cover all expenses.

Astrologers warn Tigers that their penchant for adventure may turn against them. You should not give all your money to dubious enterprises that, at first glance, promise huge profits. You risk burning out and being left with nothing.

Do a proven business, continue what you started in 2016, the Rooster will take care of financial stability.


Success and promotion await the Tigers in their career. Tiger leaders need to soften their methods in order to maintain a friendly atmosphere in the team. The Tiger is an excellent leader, but he must not forget about the interests of his subordinates.

In business, you need to be prepared for the fact that in 2017 partners may change and the business will be a little feverish. But when has this scared the Tigers? In any case, everything will be fine with them. You just have to wait out the temporary instability a little.


Tigers are not used to paying attention to their health. They love to eat and drink well and a lot. They spare no effort in their work. Their health rarely fails. But just in 2017 it’s worth giving yourself a good rest and getting good habits. Sport, proper nutrition, routine and good sleep - these are the allies of the Tiger in 2017.

Well, this will be the year of the Rooster for the Tiger woman and man. Now you know what awaits you and can act fully armed. The main thing is to act with a cool head, then everything will work out. 😉

2017 will be a kind of start for the Tigers new life.

The stars will be as supportive as ever to the representatives of this sign. All the businesses that the Tigers start will become successful and will quickly make a profit. Brave, independent, active tigers will succeed in all matters. However, despite the general favor, astrologers do not say that 2017 will be generally cloudless for the Tiger. There will be many obstacles on the path to success, but you will be able to overcome any challenge.

It will be impossible to completely protect yourself from problems, since many of them will be a consequence of the Tiger’s temper. Since by nature the Tiger prefers to be a leader, he may face the discontent of other people. Astrologers advise to slightly pacify your ardor and negative qualities in order to avoid many problems. Despite a certain laziness that naturally haunts the Tigers, the results of this year's activities will be simply excellent. Some difficulties await representatives of this year in communicating with loved ones; the stars say that there is every chance of offending someone dear to you, and asking for forgiveness from whom will be quite difficult.

Tigers will have incredible luck in 2017, and many events that will happen this year will change their lives forever. However, all these advantages will not fall from the sky onto your head, and in order not to lose your luck, you will need to constantly work and not sit idly by. The first months of the year will surprise you with a sense of need, all your friends will simply surround you with attention, this will allow you to take a high position, both at work and in society. Let us note that astrologers warn about a certain danger that threatens you from your constant running from one activity to another. In 2017, Tigers should definitely decide on their choice of profession. This year you need to learn to plan your time carefully. After all, disorganization will become your definite enemy. In general, 2017 will bring only good luck and good mood. What to fear

Horoscope for Tiger women

The Tiger woman is impulsive and fast by nature, which sometimes has a negative impact on their life in a not very favorable way. It is in 2017 that women should reduce their ardor a little and act only thoughtfully. Before taking any action, astrologers recommend that Tigers calculate their steps in advance; this will allow you to avoid unforeseen situations.

For those representatives of the Tigers who are single this year, the stars promise a meeting with the one they were looking for to start a family. For those who are married, astrologers recommend paying more attention to relationships within the family. Some troubles can slightly worsen the weather in the house. In general, in 2017 everyone will need your advice and support.

Horoscope for Tiger men

Tiger men have every chance of getting that coveted promotion at work and occupying a high leadership position. Your bosses have high hopes for you and have been thinking about promoting you for a long time. You just need to work hard and your efforts will definitely be rewarded. In addition to victory in the work sphere, Tiger men will also experience incredible success in the love sphere. For someone who for a long time and stubbornly could not attract the attention of a girl, the stars guarantee favor. For men, 2017 promises the most unexpected victories and this will significantly improve their financial condition.

Love horoscope for Tiger for 2017

In the new year 2017, Tigers will have the opportunity to rethink their lives. Some representatives of this sign are simply tired of marriage and want freedom. However, you should think carefully before falling headlong into the pool. The comfort and coziness of home should not be exchanged for the deceitfulness of an arbitrary and short-term affair on the side. In addition, astrologers warn about the possibility of losing contact with relatives, but you will really need the support of loved ones in 2017.

If your sign is Tiger, and you have already found a couple, but are not yet connected by the bonds of Hymen, then in 2017 it is worth doing this. However, you should not put too much pressure on your significant other, otherwise it will lead to a breakup. If you are single, then this year may give you the opportunity to find your match, but you will need to slightly reduce your demands on people. It is very difficult to comply with them, and there is no need. You should surrender to the hands of fate. For those who already have strong family, astrologers have one piece of advice: pay attention to children. They will demand warmth and love from you. The husband should give all his support and take an interest in his affairs, since he is faced with a difficult choice and really hopes for support.

Career and money horoscope for 2017

Finally, all the Tigers’ merits will not only be noticed, but also pleasantly rewarded. You will be able to rise head and shoulders above your colleagues and, thanks to your hard work, get that desired promotion. You should take advantage of this chance, otherwise you will have to wait a very long time for it again. In addition, astrologers talk about a great chance to start your own business. 2017 is a year of risk and will bring you success in your endeavors. Despite the fact that some difficulties will have to be overcome, luck is still on your side. Also, if your job involves traveling, then just enjoy it. The road will be pleasant, and all meetings will be successful.

The financial sector will not please with large infusions of funds, but will be consistently good. You will need to learn how to distribute correctly family budget and be smart about spending money. Still, astrologers say that several risky investments will bring you insignificant profits, but you should not get carried away with such earnings. Favorable times for large purchases are winter and summer, since it is precisely this period that will bring you the greatest replenishment of your budget. Don't waste your money, spend it wisely.

Health horoscope for 2017 for Tiger

The Tiger's health in 2017 will be his weak side. Constant tension at work and stress in your personal life will lead to large losses of energy, which will be very difficult to replenish. Take a vacation and spend a few days in complete relaxation, engage in active sports, walk more in the fresh air and eat right.

In the spring, you will be tormented by the lack of vitamins, which will help to replenish traditional methods, decoctions and tinctures from different colors and berries. In addition, you should pay attention to nervous system, you may need to take sedatives.

As winter approaches, you will be tormented by a feeling of discomfort in your joints, so you should consult a doctor. Astrologers reassure you: they won’t find anything wrong with you, just mild fatigue against the backdrop of general malaise.

2017 prepared many changes for the Tigers and it can be safely called a springboard into a new life. Naturally, to overcome it you have to fall a few times. This will be the case in the life of the Tigers, several failures will lie in wait on the path to success, and only those who do not chicken out and do not fold their hands will be able to experience all the benefits that will be given to you in 2017.

The horoscope for 2017 will help you find out what the stars predict. The tiger will ride in oil in the coming year if it lays a strong foundation from the beginning of the year. This is exactly the period when you can change your life for the better and enjoy a few more years achieved success. The Fire Rooster patronizes the purposeful sign, but will not support it in the event of expressed aggression.


The carefree Tiger always takes his health lightly, as it rarely lets him down. This will be the case in 2017. Can become a serious threat nervous disorders, entailing a whole list of diseases, but active recreation and exotic methods of relaxation will help you avoid these troubles.

In addition, the Rooster has prepared a favorable period in spring time for those Tigers who want to get rid of bad habits and start healthy image life. In summer, there is a risk of complications of the genitourinary system, so it is recommended to undergo a preventive examination, especially if there are suspicious symptoms. True, abuse medicines Tigers should not do this, as it will immediately affect the liver.

Love and relationships

The Year of the Fire Rooster will add heat to relations with Tigers. The beginning of the period will be somewhat cold, as it will be devoted to other areas of life, but from the summer wild cat becomes more active and understands that routine in her personal life is not for her. In this regard, for family representatives sign there is a risk of having an affair on the side that will not last long. It's better to decide in advance everyday problems with your spouse and bring passion back into the relationship rather than risk it over a frivolous hobby.

Lonely Tigers will also not suffer from lack of attention. Moreover, by the fall they will have a chance to reconsider their worldview, as a result of which they will decide to take serious steps, for example, marriage, children or living together.

Hot-tempered Tigers need to control themselves in 2017, as there is a risk of ruining relationships with relatives. Tiger parents should pay more attention to their children, as they may become more withdrawn and secretive.


Promises success and prosperity at work eastern horoscope for 2017. The Tiger can set even impossible goals for itself, because the Fire Rooster will help in achieving them. This is exactly the period when you need to work hard, and the result will be a hundred times more pleasant than the effort spent. Tigers will have to travel a lot for work; even those whose activities are not directly related to business trips will have this chance.

The coming year for Tigers is an excellent opportunity to radically change their field of activity, especially if it is connected not with routine matters, but with creative projects. The chance to start your own business, which will certainly bring profit, increases. True, the Rooster will not appreciate an unjustified risk, but it will certainly help in achieving a dream.


Tigers and money are inseparable from each other, so representatives of the sign are constantly looking for new sources of income. 2017 promises to look favorably on this love of financial independence, but suggests that the Tigers will be very cautious. Large income can be obtained from real estate or the food sector.

Tigers can try to invest in some project, but do not go into debt. By the end of the year, a loan is acceptable, but you need to be very careful with the agreement, since there is a risk of getting into an unpleasant situation, for which you will later have to answer before the law.

Horoscope for a Tiger man

The strong half of humanity will have to work actively from the beginning of the year, but the invested forces will only turn out for good, as the horoscope for 2017 states. The male tiger always devotes himself completely to his work, and his superiors will more than appreciate these aspirations in the coming year. The first half of the year may seem difficult, but it will lay the foundation for a quick jump up the career ladder.

It will not be easy for the wife or girlfriend of a Tiger man who expects complete dedication from his partner in a relationship. Wild jealousy or the desire for self-development can disrupt harmony. However, a slight affair of the Tiger can also add fuel to the fire in 2017.

Horoscope for the Tiger woman

Impulsive tigresses should not make instant decisions - this is what the horoscope for 2017 warns. The female tiger often acts spontaneously and is always successful, but not in the coming year. Excessive risk can play a cruel joke. Women of this sign are recommended to pay more attention to family and children than to work, although this year is considered successful for work.

Always bright and stylish girls of the Tiger sign will experience close male attention, because it is impossible to pass by such persons. From the middle of the year, single women have a chance to meet their soulmate and literally in a matter of months change their usual way of life in connection with a new relationship, which will bring only positive emotions in the future.

Horoscope according to Zodiac signs for Tiger

Tiger – Aries

The Year of the Rooster will bring promising progress up the career ladder, but not every representative of the sign will be able to grab luck by the tail. To achieve the long-awaited success, you will have to significantly change your lifestyle, for example, change your place of residence or field of activity. It will not be easy to get support from loved ones in this matter, but Aries should not make a rash decision. Also this year, you should refrain from aggression and excessive arrogance, as the Rooster will menacingly punish the intemperate representatives of the sign a hundredfold for the unrestrained behavior.

Tiger – Taurus

Although Taurus-Tiger is used to going ahead in any situation, 2017 will not bring “gifts of fate” to the stubborn sign if its representatives do not give up their stubbornness. Otherwise, they will face a colossal financial collapse, which only a close person who can be trusted on any issue will help them survive. In addition, the Rooster can significantly undermine the reputation of Taurus, so in the coming year you should be careful and compliant even in small things.

Tiger – Gemini

Success and rapid advancement will be easily achievable for Gemini, but only if they put a lot of effort into moving towards their goal. Working hard, representatives of the sign will notice a rapid increase in capital, but such luck can quickly change if Gemini succumbs to the provocations of ill-wishers. Even close friends are capable of setting up active and purposeful Geminis or shrouding them in dirty gossip. In an attempt to get out of the intricate machinations, two-faced Tigers can dissipate their strength and passion to complete large-scale projects.

Tiger – Cancer

The main gift of the Rooster for Tigers-Cancers will be an energy charge, which will be enough to fulfill all planned goals. Only through personal motivation will representatives of the sign have the opportunity to reach the top in all areas of activity. True, the coming year promises to shower Cancers with a lot of temptations, as a result of which it is easy to get drawn into the world of entertainment, indulge in laziness and miss the chance given by the Rooster.

Tiger – Leo

The horoscope for 2017 promises many pleasant trips. Leo-Tiger will be able to visit the desired places either with at will, or by order management team. In any case, frequent travel will not have a negative impact on your career, but, on the contrary, will raise Leo in the eyes of his colleagues. True, the Rooster advises active Leos to moderate their ardor in matters related to risk, and also carefully calculate the results decisions made, since spontaneity can turn against representatives of the sign.

Tiger – Virgo

A long-awaited improvement is expected in your career. It can be associated either with an unexpected promotion, or with an offer to change the type of activity, accompanied by many excellent bonuses. Virgos will certainly take advantage of the chance prepared for them by the Fire Rooster, but they must be careful with their health, especially in the spring. During periods of excessive stress, you should not go against your needs; it is better to take time for yourself and proper rest, so that later you will not only find peace of mind, but also gain strength for new achievements.

Tiger – Libra

Well, no matter who, not a single representative of the Libra-Tiger sign will be bored from lack of attention from the opposite sex. 2017 promises continued interest in both men and women, which will ultimately have a beneficial effect on your financial situation. There is no need to look for patrons, because they themselves will respond and settle all the affairs of the contradictory Libra. True, despite such success, the Rooster really does not like spendthrifts, so you should refrain from thoughtless spending, otherwise such obvious popularity may quickly dissipate.

Tiger – Scorpio

In 2017, you will have to work tirelessly. This year will bring a lot of good things, but only if Scorpios immediately roll up their sleeves after the holidays and work hard. Both physical and intellectual work are encouraged. The Scorpio-Tiger will often pack his things for his next business trip. Due to such busyness, 2017 will require representatives of the sign to weaken their influence in family matters and to trust their significant other in resolving important issues, since it will not be possible to control all areas at once.

Tiger – Sagittarius

The Year of the Fire Rooster will patronize Sagittarius in promoting their favorite business. This is exactly the period when a hobby can grow into something more, up to a full-fledged business structure. Of course, not every Sagittarius will be able to make a huge income from their hobby, but additional income has never hurt anyone. In general, the year promises to be stable, but no global changes should be expected.

Tiger – Capricorn

Capricorn-Tiger is known to everyone for his touchiness and stubbornness. 2017 is a chance to overcome yourself and improve relationships with a friend or relative with whom you have lost contact for a long time. In the coming year, a loved one will already thaw from the wounds inflicted on him and will expect the first step towards reconciliation from the obstinate Capricorns. Representatives of the sign are advised to make concessions and overcome their inner self, because finding an “old” friend will bring not only peace of mind, but also a lot of pleasant bonuses.

Tiger – Aquarius

Last year was not easy for the sign in terms of the abundance of work, so it’s time to relax and enjoy the work done. Your financial situation will contribute to an abundance of holiday options, so you can afford a long trip to the sea. Such a pastime will fill Aquarius with energy for new achievements, which will certainly bring profit, making the trip not seem expensive.

Tiger – Pisces

This year can be successful, but for this you need to turn into a very cautious person who will thoroughly think about every issue, keep a distance from new acquaintances and make a decision only after a thorough and multilateral analysis. All this will take a lot of time and, perhaps, will form an opinion of you as a slow person and even “not of this world,” but only such an approach will be appreciated by the Rooster and will bear fruit by the end of 2017.

The year 2017 of the Red Fire Rooster will be successful for the Tiger. The owner of the year will like the enthusiasm and efficiency of this sign. However, you will have to get rid of some negative qualities character - laziness, rudeness, arrogance and conflict.

In 2017, the Tiger will be able to make his wildest dreams come true. Opening a new business or transition to new job will be successful. At the same time, it is important to focus on one activity and not rush to extremes. The Rooster will require optimization of his time - the Tiger will learn to manage everything and not rush anywhere.

An unacceptable quality for 2017 is laziness. The tiger often gives his all at the beginning of an activity, and then lets everything take its course. This trick will not work with the Rooster; you will have to work for a whole year. Such hard work will give stunning results by the fall.

Love, relationships

In 2017, the Tiger will disappear all day at work and will devote less time to his loved one. This can lead not just to a quarrel, but to a break in the relationship. Therefore, he needs to try to find an opportunity to communicate with his soulmate.

The Year of the Red Fire Rooster is a good period for starting a family. Tiger is a freedom-loving and independent sign that does not dare to deal with everyday life and routine for a long time. family life. At the same time, the family will give him peace and complacency, will become a strong stronghold and a reliable rear.

Single representatives of the sign will have the opportunity to find love. All you have to do is not get hung up on work, but find time for communication and walks.

The Rooster will not tolerate the Tiger's aggressiveness and rudeness. Therefore, in case of conflicts with relatives, it is better to behave calmer, otherwise you may quarrel forever.

Work, finances

The owner of the year favors those who are not afraid to take risks. The Tiger should try his luck in new areas of activity or open his own business. Any project will be successful, you just need to make an effort and not give in to difficulties.

It is recommended to devote a lot of time to work - this will give a successful result. If you don’t take advantage of the opportunity and don’t work “to the fullest,” you will have to wait several more years for a good chance. Activities related to creativity and diplomacy will be especially successful.

Money in 2017 of the Red Fire Rooster will flow unevenly. In this regard, you need to learn how to plan a budget and expense items. It is possible to spend money on unnecessary things, so it is worth considering the necessity of each purchase. It is advisable not to ask relatives for a loan; it is better to get a loan. Playing on the stock exchange or investing in innovative projects will pay off with a high percentage.


In 2017, the Tiger needs to pay full attention to his health. It is recommended to get rid of bad habits and buy a gym membership. This will benefit not only your well-being, but also improve your reaction, memory and ability to work. Active sports: roller skating and flyboarding will transform the Tiger’s natural aggressiveness into active movement.

The year of the Red Fire Rooster will be tense and full of stress. Therefore, it would be optimal for the Tiger to take a vacation several times during this period: go to a winter ski resort, take a vacation in spring and autumn.

The weak point of the Tiger in 2017 is the genitourinary system. It is recommended not to get too cold and not to miss scheduled check-ups with a doctor if you have chronic diseases.