The curriculum for children in elementary school is significantly different from what and how they learn in kindergarten. Studying at school presupposes a new step in the development of a preschooler’s thinking - his transition from visual, effective and figurative to logical and a little later, in high school, to an abstract-logical type of thinking.

That is why the development of logical thinking in younger schoolchildren is one of the most important tasks at the stage of training in primary school.

A child’s developed abstract-logical thinking will further contribute to his school success in such disciplines as algebra, geometry, physics, and chemistry.

Key stages in the development of logic in preschoolers

Step 1. Master the category “concept”. It is necessary that the child can independently identify the functionally essential features of an object or phenomenon, those features that are directly related to the purpose of the object itself. For example, "milk cow". That is, a cow gives milk - this feature sets it apart from other animals.

Step 2. We teach the preschooler to determine the already known properties of an object, without highlighting more or less significant ones. That is, the child must report the most understandable and memorable features of the described object. For example, “a dog is an animal that lives in a kennel in the yard.” Thus, the ability to analyze and observation is trained.

Step 3. The last stage - we develop in children the ability to generalize and classify, to identify common significant features for a class of objects or concepts.

For example: cat, dog, mouse are animals. Next, we classify them based on their habitat – pets (live in the house).

Fly agaric, boletus, honey agaric are mushrooms. Honey mushrooms and boletus are edible, fly agaric is not (here the classification is used according to the principle of edible - inedible).

The ability for logical thinking in children is not innate; this type of thinking, more than any other, requires special classes and training.

Ways to train logical thinking

Signs of active development of abstract-logical thinking in children

  1. The child draws conclusions by analyzing the essential internal properties, and not the external signs, of an object.
  2. Easily masters the operation of solving problems in the “mind” when the visual part of the task is either completely absent or expressed insignificantly.
  3. He reasons, analyzes, and his reasoning begins to acquire a logically correct structure. That is, the child begins to successfully use such mental operations as analysis, synthesis, generalization, distribution.

Objective signs of the level of development and quality of logical thinking in children are also such parameters as speed, flexibility and depth.

Speed ​​implies the ability to find the right solution in a short period of time. Flexibility is the ability to search for different options for solving a problem (task), if the initially specified conditions have changed. Depth of thinking characterizes the ability to penetrate into the essence of the task and identify the relationship between all its parts.

These three qualities are rarely developed equally well. However, by using them, parents will be able to establish the presence and level of development of logical thinking in their child.

What prevents the successful development of logical thinking in a child?

Recently, teachers and educators have increasingly noted problems in children with constructing logical reasoning and difficulties in analyzing objects and situations. Children's thinking is often chaotic, it is difficult for them to concentrate on one thing, they are able to talk about several topics at once, but are not able to go deeper into the subject of discussion. Often they can only retell what they heard, but are unable to analyze it.

We are talking about the so-called “clip” thinking - as a result of children being overloaded with information technology and television products. Spending a lot of time in front of a computer monitor or TV screen, where some stories replace others every minute, information is presented chaotically and superficially, the child loses the ability for logical analysis and concentration, which, naturally, leads to a general decrease in the level.

The timely development of a preschooler’s logical abilities will be extremely useful not only for his further education, but also in everyday life, and will also help him decide on his future choice of profession after graduation.

Teacher, child development center specialist
Druzhinina Elena

Irina Trilenko
Development of logical thinking in older children before school age using logic games and exercises


Sociocultural, economic and other transformations taking place in modern society require updating the content of education children of different ages, including the education system preschoolers. Searching for new education options focused on development mental abilities, actualize the attention of scientists and practitioners to the processes. Developed logical thinking allows a person to freely navigate the world around him and carry out activities productively and effectively.

It seems most important development of observation skills, compare, highlight essential features of objects and phenomena, classify, draw simple conclusions and generalizations. Acquired as a result logical thinking techniques as methods of cognitive activity are necessary for solving a wide range of mental problems and are intended to serve as the basis of the child’s intelligence.

Well-formed children elementary techniques logical thinking is a condition for successful learning in primary school. The ability to actively process information in the mind using techniques logical thinking, allows the child to gain deeper knowledge and understanding educational material unlike those who, having no high level development of logic, comprehends the educational course, relying only on memory.

Thus, an insufficient level of formation of thought processes reduces the effectiveness of learning and slows down development cognitive processes. Therefore, it is important already during the period preschool age Special attention devote development of logical thinking techniques in children.

“Learn to think by playing,” said the famous psychologist E. Zaika, who developed a whole series of games aimed at development of thinking. Game and thinking– these two concepts have become fundamental in the modern system of mathematical development of preschool children.

Research by scientists (L. S. Vygotsky, A. N. Leontiev, A. Z. Zak, N. N. Poddyakov, etc.) convincingly prove that the main logical structures of thinking are formed in approximately age from five to eleven years. These data highlight the importance senior preschool childhood, support and every possible development of thinking qualities, specific to age, because the unique conditions it creates will no longer be repeated and what will happen "not selected" here, catching up in the future will be difficult or even impossible. It is important to note that in the studies of N. N. Poddyakov it was revealed that senior preschool age sensitive to the formation of basic techniques logical thinking, which are comparison, seriation, classification.

The ability to assimilate some logical knowledge and techniques for children preschool age is shown in psychological studies L. F. Obukhova, A. F. Govorkova, I. L. Matasova, E. Agaeva, etc. In these studies, the possibility of forming individual logical thinking techniques(seriation, classification, transitivity of relations between quantities) at older preschoolers with appropriate age development methodology.

Cognitive activities in kindergarten provide ample opportunities. The results of research by Z. A. Mikhailova, A. Savenkov, A. V. Beloshistova and others are convincing testify to this.

But practical work shows that purposeful formation logical thinking techniques for preschoolers in the process of their cognitive activity, insufficient attention is paid in preschool education. The possibilities of play are not used often enough, namely, play as a leading activity stimulates the mental development of a preschooler, creates conditions for development of logical thinking.

There is a contradiction between the need development of logical thinking techniques in preschoolers in the process of cognitive activity, on the one hand, and insufficient development of content pedagogical work based on the use of the capabilities of the game in solving this problem in a preschool educational institution, on the other hand.

From this contradiction arises problem: how to build a system of pedagogical work based on the use of logic games and exercises.

Target: determination of the content of a set of games and the conditions for their organization for (generalization, comparison, classification, analysis and synthesis) y .

An object: process development of logical thinking techniques in children of senior preschool age.

Item: maintenance of the complex logic games and exercises to develop logical techniques of thinking comparison, classifications children of senior preschool age.

Hypothesis: development of logical thinking techniques in children of senior preschool age will be characterized by dynamics with the purposeful and systematic organization of a complex of games and exercises in progress educational activities.

The purpose of the work and the hypothesis determine the solution to the following tasks:

1. Expand theoretical aspects development of logical thinking techniques in older preschoolers.

2. Describe the contents of the complex logical games and exercises to develop logical thinking techniques in older preschoolers.

3. Select a set of games and determine the conditions for their organization.

4. Experimentally test the pedagogical capabilities of a set of games aimed at development of logical thinking techniques V educational process.

To implement the tasks and test the hypothesis, the following were used methods:

- theoretical level: analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature;

- empirical level: ascertaining, formative and control experiment, statistical methods processing research results.

Theoretical basis of the study are:

Provisions and conclusions psychology and pedagogy about the possibility and necessity development of logical thinking operations in preschool children(L. S. Vygotsky, V. V. Davydov, A. N. Leontiev, Z. A. Zak, N. N. Poddyakov, etc.);

Research results development of logical thinking techniques in older preschoolers(Z. A. Mikhailova, L. M. Fridman, V. V. Danilova, T. D. Richterman, E. Agaeva, A. V. Beloshistaya, etc.);

Principles of approach to development of logical thinking techniques in preschoolers through the inclusion of children into play activities (as the leading activity preschoolers) when they solve problems of a mental nature (L. A. Venger, L. F. Tikhomirova, N. I. Chuprikova, A. Savenkov, M. N. Perova, etc.).

In this work, factual material on the problem is synthesized and generalized development of logical thinking techniques in children of senior preschool age. This is the theoretical significance of the work. It seems that the results obtained empirical research concerning the testing of a set of games for development of logical thinking techniques of older preschoolers in preschool educational institutions, determine practical significance and can be used in practical work.

Main activities

Selection of a set of games and exercises for developing logical thinking techniques in older preschoolers, determination of the conditions for their organization.

Organization of subject matter development environment in the group.

Interaction with parents.

Working with teachers.

brain teaser Dienesha blocks are the most effective aid among a huge variety of teaching materials. This manual was developed by the Hungarian psychologist and mathematician Dienes, primarily for preparing children's thinking to mastering mathematics. brain teaser blocks help the child master mental operations and actions that are important both in terms of pre-mathematical preparation and from the point of view of general intellectual development development. To such actions relate: identifying properties, their abstraction, comparison, classification, generalization, encoding and decoding. Moreover, using blocks, you can develop in children the ability to act in the mind, master ideas about numbers and geometric shapes, and spatial orientation. Working with blocks takes place in three stage:

1. Development skills to identify and abstract properties.

2. Development ability to compare objects by properties.

3. Development of logical abilities actions and operations.

For example, such:

"Find your house". Target: develop the ability to distinguish colors, shapes of geometric figures, to form an idea of ​​​​the symbolic image of objects; learn to systematize and classify geometric shapes by color and shape.

"Complimentary ticket". Target: develop children's skills distinguish geometric shapes by abstracting them by color and size.

"Ants". Target: develop children's skills distinguish the color and size of objects; form an idea of ​​the symbolic image of objects.

"Carousel". Target: develop children's imagination, logical thinking; practice discrimination skills, name, systematize blocks by color, size, shape.

"Colorful balls". Target: develop logical thinking; learn to read code designation logical blocks.

The order of games is determined complication: development skills to compare and generalize, analyze, describe blocks using symbols, classify, encode geometric shapes through negation, etc. These and further complications transform the games into the category of games for the gifted children. They themselves can move into the same category "lagging behind" children, thanks to the attentive and competent attitude of the teacher to the successes of the children and their problems. It is important to make the necessary transition in time children to the next step. So as not to overexpose children at a certain stage, the task should be difficult, but doable.

I would like to draw attention to the fact that, as is known, the development of verbal-logical thinking in preschool age is only concomitant, but games with Dienesh Blocks and Cuisenaire Sticks very effectively contribute to development of this type of thinking, because during these games and exercises children can reason freely, justify the legitimacy of actions as a result of their own search, manipulations with objects.

I have drawn up a long-term game plan for older and the preparatory group, helping to see this work as a whole, allowing "to move" in one direction or another depending on the level development of children's thinking. Besides games and exercises with logic blocks, I widely use “Pythagoras” type puzzles in my work. To ensure that children's interest in these exciting intellectual activities does not fade away, you can give them an unexpected form. For example, the floor version of “Pythagoras” and “Fold the pattern”. An unusual version of a familiar, familiar game was very interesting children and caused a new flow of imagination and fantasy.

As a result of mastering practical actions, children learn the properties and relationships of objects, numbers, arithmetic operations, quantities and their characteristic features, space-time relationships, and the variety of geometric shapes.

A lot of time was spent organizing games in free time. All games were conditionally divided by time periods of the daily routine in kindergarten.

For example, “waiting” situations between routine moments, pauses after games are large physical activity can be used for games "Smart minutes". Such games are played with all children with any level of speech and intellectual ability. development. These can be verbal logic games and exercises like:

1. Recognition of objects according to given characteristics.

2. Comparison of two or more items.

3. Analyze three logically related concepts, highlight one that differs from the others in some way. Explain the reasoning.

4. Logic problems

5. Explain in the most complete and coherent way why the situation is unclear or implausible.

6. According to the drawing or the content stated in the poem.

"Tricky" questions:

Can a table have 3 legs?

Is there sky under your feet?

You, me, you and I – how many of us are there in total?

Why is snow white?

Why do frogs croak?

Can it rain without thunder?

Can you reach your right ear with your left hand?

Maybe the clown looks sad?

What does grandma call her daughter's daughter?

Logical endings:

If the table is higher than the chair, then the chair (below the table)

If two is more than one, then one (less than two)

If Sasha left the house before Seryozha, then Seryozha (came out later than Sasha)

If a river is deeper than a stream, then a stream (smaller than a river)

If sister older than brother then brother (younger than sister)

If the right hand is on the right, then the left (left)

I use riddles, counting rhymes, proverbs and sayings, problem-verses, poems-jokes.

Similar games and gaming exercises provide an opportunity to spend time with children in a more lively and interesting way. You can return to them repeatedly, helping children learn new material and consolidate what they have learned, or just play.

In the morning and evening periods of time I organize games aimed at individual work with children with low scores development and, on the contrary, games for the gifted children, as well as general plot-role plays, dramatizations of poems with mathematical content.

The main indicators of intellectual development child's indicators development such thought processes as comparison, generalization, grouping, classification. Children who have difficulty selecting objects based on certain properties and grouping them usually lag behind in sensory development(especially in younger and middle age) . Therefore, games for the touch development occupy an important place in working with these children and, as a rule, give good results.

Thus, trying take into account the interests of each child in the group, trying to create a situation of success for each, taking into account his achievements in this moment development, the requirements for developmental environment in the group:

Availability of games with a variety of content - to give children the right to choose;

The presence of games aimed at getting ahead in development(for gifted children) ;

Compliance with the principle of novelty – Wednesday must be changeable, updated - children love new things”;

Compliance with the principle of surprise and unusualness.

Nothing is more attractive children, as an unusual-looking box, toy, character. For example, the appearance in the corner of Palochkin-Schitalochkin, Tik-Tak the Gnome, Winnie the Pooh, Kubarik, unusual pictures that surprisingly resemble recently studied numbers; Tentacle Boxes, a pirate treasure chest from the previous lesson; treasure location maps; a letter from the class characters Pin and Gwin with another geometric puzzle, etc.

All of the above conditions ensure effective interaction of the child with this environment and do not contradict the requirements for development environment Federal State Educational Standards for Preliminary Education - subject- the development environment should be:

Ensuring complete and timely child development;

Encouraging children to activities;

Contributing development independence and creativity;

Providing development child's subjective position.

Organized in line with gaming technologies work on the development of logical thinking in children meets the interests of the children themselves, promotes development their interest in intellectual activity, meets the current requirements for organizing the educational process for preschoolers and stimulates teachers to further creativity in joint activities with children.

Interaction with parents

All work on development of logical thinking in children takes place in close cooperation with parents, since the family is the most important area that determines development of a child's personality in preschool years. The survey only confirmed our assumption that parents also need to be equipped with a system of knowledge on this issue. At the meetings, parents were shown the games that children play every day while in a group, and these games were accompanied by tasks that parents should set for themselves when playing this or that game. All this enriches the impressions, brings the joy of communication and develops cognitive interests children. Consultations were held for parents parent meetings in various forms, days open doors. In the corner for parents, material on covering the stages is regularly updated development of logical thinking in children, educational interest, advice to help parents, accompanied by photo reports, illustrations, and literature. As a result, joint work with parents helped expand cognitive interests children; fathers and mothers became active participants in our games, conversations, excursions, they were interested in methods, techniques, topics of classes, testing results, and, of course, successes children. These were already our allies, employees with whom we could easily solve the subsequent stages of training. Parents became more interested in their interests children, they began to understand them deeper, strived to be a friend to their child, and not just senior mentor, and the games we selected played an important role in this. This was one of the main tasks that we set for ourselves when collaborating with the parents of our students.

Forms of interaction with parents:

Questionnaire, survey.

Consultations on selection developing games for children 5-7 years old;

Meetings showing fragments of educational activities (the goal is to draw the attention of parents to the communicative, speech and mental aspects their child's development);

Cooperative games- entertainment with children and parents (after noon);

Competitions between teams of parents and children(entertaining material is used both for children, and for adults);

Collaborative selection and acquisition educational games for groups;

Selection and demonstration of special literature aimed at development of logical thinking.


Analysis of scientific and methodological literature made it possible to study the features of manifestation and development of thinking in older preschoolers, which are following:

- senior preschooler may come to a solution logical three situations ways: using visual-effective thinking, visually figurative and logical.

Taking into account development by this age search and planning activities, the ability to analyze and use information obtained during problem solving, the emergence of arbitrariness in behavior and cognitive processes, mental potential senior preschooler turns out to be quite high;

- thinking child is associated with his knowledge. In modern educational technologies knowledge is not considered a core value and can vary widely. The center of gravity shifts from what factual material is given to children to how it is given. This is possible provided that the teacher does not provide ready-made knowledge, samples and definitions, but stimulates each child to search for them, develops cognitive initiative by creating various problem situations, organizing search activities, staging simple experiments, forms the ability to ask and observe. In this regard, the educational process is structured in such a way as to help the child master a high level of logic, i.e., methods of mental activity that allow you to independently obtain the necessary information, understand it, and apply it in practice;

- senior preschool age is sensitive to the assimilation of generalized funds and methods of mental activity, to development of logical thinking techniques: comparison, classification, seriation;

Inclusion senior preschooler in gaming activities when solving mental problems increases the effectiveness of the results development of children's thinking.

An experimental test showed broad pedagogical possibilities for organizing games aimed at development of logical thinking techniques in older preschoolers. Organization games: role-playing, didactic, travel games, riddle games, outdoor games, board games create effective conditions for development of logical thinking techniques in older preschoolers.

Analysis of the results of a control study, as well as a comparative analysis of the results of studies before and after training interventions through organizing a set of games visually testify about the effectiveness of the work performed, as a result of which children study group there were significant changes in development of logical thinking techniques: the number has increased children with a high level of formation logical thinking techniques.

The number has decreased children with a low level of formation logical techniques

Not found children who failed the task.

It can be concluded that the organization of pedagogical work according to development of logical thinking techniques in older preschoolers has shown its effectiveness, because the:

game opportunities were widely used in the process training: role-playing, didactic, travel games, riddle games, outdoor games, board games. Games made it possible to organize a complex process development of logical thinking techniques in a form that is interesting for the child, to give mental activity a fascinating, entertaining character, which helped during the game to solve even those problems that would otherwise preschooler seem impossible. Process development of logical thinking techniques represented purposeful organized activity children subject to the following requirements: direct contact between teacher and children (teacher in a circle children) ; learning new material involuntarily on a play basis; prompt feedback, active interpersonal communication between children and children and the teacher, i.e. subject-subject relationships. The use of gaming techniques was built in accordance with general didactic principles: consciousness; activity ( development of a child's volitional, arbitrary cognitive interest); sequences (from simple to complex); accessibility; visibility; "advanced development» (orientation of the educational process towards "the zone of the closest development» ). To make the games interesting and accessible to children of different levels development, and the tasks stimulated the mental activity of each child, the following organizational principles formed the basis for the organization of games: requirements: differentiated approach in terms of presentation of game material - each level had its own degree of difficulty; complexity and variability of game tasks - the same game material required several game options; “creating informative images”(presentation of information in a compact, aesthetically attractive and entertaining form).

Children were involved in search activities, which created conditions for development their cognitive interests, formed the desire for thinking and searching, evoked a feeling of self-confidence in the capabilities of one’s intellect; various forms of work were used, taking into account age characteristics of older preschoolers: "desire to be competent"; pursuit older preschoolers turn any game into a competitive one, in this age competitions acquire, along with individual, collective character.


1. Bezhenova M. Mathematical ABC. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts. - M.: Eksmo, SKIF, 2005.

2. Beloshistaya A.V. Getting ready for mathematics. Methodological recommendations for organizing classes with children 5-6 years old. - M.: Yuventa, 2006.

3. Gavrina S. E., Kutyavina N. L. School for preschoolers. Developing thinking. – M.: "Rosman", 2006.

Nadezhda Starostenko
Development of logical thinking in preschoolers

Development of logical thinking in preschoolers through logical and mathematical games.

Why should a child logics? The fact is that at each age a certain "floor" on which the mental functions of the body are formed. Therefore, the skills and abilities that a child acquires will serve as the foundation for development abilities at an older age. To the child who has not mastered logical thinking It will be very difficult in further training. As a result, the child's health may suffer. It will weaken, or even completely interest will disappear to learning new things.

Comprehensive development of a preschooler can be carried out on the basis of play activities, during which the child develops imagination and gains experience communicating with peers.

Thanks to the use of gaming technology learning process for preschoolers is presented in an accessible and attractive manner.

And as a practicing teacher, I understand that with development scientific trends are needed "to depart" from standard programs, introducing the best innovative ideas.

The child strives for active activity, but inquisitiveness, understanding and intelligence alone do not are developing, so I based my work with children on play technologies.

“Without play there is not and cannot be a full-fledged mental development. A game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts flows into the child’s spiritual world. The game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity.”

V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

Starting to work with older children, I noticed that they often doubt their answers and cannot concentrate. This alerted me, and I conducted a cross-section of knowledge, with the help of which I was able to identify children who needed my help.

I set a goal: Contribute development of preschoolers' thinking through games. This will allow us to implement the following tasks:

- development the child has cognitive interest, desire and need to learn new things;

Increasing interest in intellectual activity, the desire to play games with mathematical content, showing persistence, dedication, and mutual assistance;

- child speech development, constructive abilities;

- development of spatial thinking and creative imagination, the ability to compare, analyze and contrast.

First of all, I created a subject-specific development environment, about the content of which I will not speak in detail, since I have a co-rapporteur.

Developed a thematic plan development of a child’s logical thinking in play, which included classes, didactic, role-playing, and others educational games like"What where When?", "What changed?" etc.

Starting from the younger group, she took on the main roles in the game, but gave each child the opportunity to speak out and offer their own version of the selection of toys in the game and substitute items. I paid attention to why the child chooses a stick instead of a sausage, a stick instead of a microphone. This forced the child to think, to remember what the object looked like, and a complete answer contributed to speech development.

Verbal methods - the teacher’s explanation, story, introduction to the content of the game, analysis of the achieved result, were a role model.

I used visual methods at an older age. We looked at diagrams and mnemonic tables with the children, and got acquainted with the characters of game situations.

Practical methods - manipulation with games, independent activity in a corner of nature, in experimental activities, when drawing up mini-projects contributed to a more complete consolidation of the acquired knowledge, development of comparison skills, generalize and draw conclusions.

I will give an example of playing and experimenting with various materials, for example, with shadow, with water, with light, with paper, etc. If the sun rises above the child in the morning, then the shadow will be behind, at noon the shadow will be in front, in the evening - on the side. We check all this together with the children practically. Co light: games using shadow theater. They took a white sheet, two children held it, and other children behind the sheet screen showed figures, other children found out which character was shown. What's the point development of thinking? The fact is that the child guesses, comparing the shadow with the image of the character, remembers, imagines an imaginary object, and this contributes development of his thought.

Didactic games: "Fold the picture", "Continue the series", "Find the Differences" etc. Children use these games in everyday life. There are enough of them in the group.

Educational games: Dienesh blocks, Kusener sticks, V. Nikitin cubes, "Columbus Egg"- the most important ones development of logical thinking, because they make you think, turn on the imagination, and teach comparison operations. generalizations, analysis. Let's try together, using simple matches without sulfur, to put together several shapes. (Practical work) .

Any game has a wide range actions: For example, the same game can be played from 3 to 7 years. This is possible because it contains both 1-2 step exercises for kids and multi-step tasks for older children.

For example, "Guess what's hidden", "Pairs of Pictures", "Magic Box". Multifunctionality of one game - can solve a large number of educational problems, the child quietly learns, remembers colors, shapes, trains fine motor skills, improves speech, thinking. Attention, memory, imagination. I invite a child of the younger group to guess what is hidden in this bag. (Practical work with teachers, vegetables and fruits in a bag). Now I propose to find out what is in the bag for an older child. (Task for teachers, in a bag there are pebbles, shells, buttons and other material). you can also complicate the content of games such as "Find your house", “Pick up handkerchiefs for the nesting dolls”, "Find the same one" etc.

Children learn not only through didactic games, but also through independent activities children: for example, in a role-playing game "Family": when playing daughter-mother, the child thinks about where mom went, thereby building further logical chain: what will she do, what will she do next. What will happen when she returns home, etc. This type of activity is very important for child's thinking development. In such games, the child consolidates acquired knowledge, develops intelligence, there is an unlimited opportunity to invent and create, which means develops his mental activity. In senior preschool As you get older, the game becomes more difficult. If a child has certain knowledge about the work of a driver, then he will not only operate the steering wheel, but he will work at a trading base, where he will bring materials, in a repair shop, as a taxi driver, etc. In the game "Fishermen" he will not just sit on the shore and catch fish with a fishing rod, as he can do in the younger group, but will come up with a plot in which he can play the role of a foreman of a fishing crew; together with other children they can weave nets, fish together, feed the fish . For what? For a better catch? To make the fish bigger? Drivers who will take fish to the market, factory, etc. can also work here. That is, the child’s knowledge, his imagination, the ability to think, remember, compare is what helps develop the game's plot. Working this year with children of the younger group, I taught the children to play such role-playing games, How "shop", in which they sell and buy not only toys, but also food, clothing, tools, use the cash register, money, and at the beginning development games were drawn banknotes, today children replace them with simple candy wrappers, leaves from trees, which indicates that the child is already thinking and fantasizing. In Game "Salon" Previously, they just combed each other’s hair, but by the end of the year they wash their hair, put on curlers, cut their hair, do their hair, compare the client before the start of the operation and at the end, saying the following words: which pretty haircut it worked out, you like it, it suits you, etc. In the game "Hospital" It’s not just the doctor who previously only listened and gave injections. Today the doctor does not give injections, but on his recommendation the nurse gives the injection. Before giving the injection, they treat the injection site with imaginary alcohol, use cotton wool, and be sure to will ask: “Aren’t you in pain?”. In addition, despite their small age, children try to create different situations: at an appointment with a dentist, otolaryngologist, even a surgeon. This is so important in development of preschoolers' thinking. And here, the main thing is not to waste time, to do everything possible for development of the game's plot, to increase the level of knowledge of children.

Success in work development of logical thinking children can only be achieved through close interaction with parents, since the knowledge acquired in kindergarten must be reinforced in the family environment. Parents help in making attributes for games, improving development environment. I had a consultation on topic: « Development of logical thinking through sensory education,” I invited parents to create sensorographs at home, come up with variants of flannelographs, and learned a number of didactic games with the parents, which they later used at home with their children.

While implementing work in this direction in the system, I carried out diagnostics of the level of knowledge, skills, and abilities at the beginning and at the end of the year. Having analyzed the data obtained, we can conclude that there is a positive trend in indicators development of logical thinking.

Thus, we can conclude that the game is the main factor development of logical thinking in preschoolers.


The solution to social, economic and cultural problems characteristic of today's reality is determined by the individual's readiness to live and work in new socio-economic conditions, and the ability to carry out lifelong education. The implementation of these requirements significantly changes the order addressed to the modern school. The ongoing changes in the system of higher and secondary education suggest that the school today is really focused on diversity educational needs, on the personality of the student. Variative education helps schoolchildren find different ways of understanding and experiencing knowledge in a changing world. The modern student needs to be conveyed not so much information as a collection of ready-made answers, but rather a method for obtaining, analyzing and predicting them intellectual development personality.

Our society at the present stage of its development is faced with the task of further improving educational work with preschool children, preparing them for school.

But why logic? small child, preschooler? The fact is that at each age stage, a certain “floor” is created, on which mental functions that are important for the transition to the next stage are formed. Thus, the skills and abilities acquired in the preschool period will serve as the foundation for acquiring knowledge and developing abilities at an older age - at school. And the most important among these skills is the skill of logical thinking, the ability to “act in the mind.” A child who has not mastered the techniques of logical thinking will find it more difficult to study - solving problems and doing exercises will require a lot of time and effort. As a result, the child’s health may suffer and interest in learning may weaken or even disappear altogether.

The problem of the development of thinking was illuminated in the heritage of ancient philosophers - Aristotle, Democritus, Parmenides, Socrates, Epicurus. Various aspects of the problem of the development of systemic-logical thinking are reflected in the philosophical works of I. Kant, G. Hegel, F.V. Shellinga, A.V. Ivanova, A.N. Averyanova, Zh.M. Abdildina, K.A. Abisheva, I.D. Andreeva, A.F. Abbasova, N.T. Abramova, V.G. Afanasyeva, I.V. Blauberga, A.A. Petrushenko, E.G. Yudina, A.G. Spirkina. Their works explore the essence and specificity of thinking in the dialectic of everyday and scientific consciousness, reveal its structure, describe the functions of thinking, analyze its operational composition and the nature of its flow.

The interest of psychologists in the problem of the development of systemic-logical thinking is determined by the general theory of thinking (B.G. Ananyev, A.V. Brushlinsky, L.S. Vygotsky, P.Ya. Galperin, A.N. Leontiev, A.M. Matyushkin, S.L. Rubinshtein, K.A. Slavskaya) and the theory of thinking development (D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya, L.V. Zankov, N.A. Menchinskaya, L.A. Lyublinskaya, Z.I. Kalmykova, T.V. Kudryavtsev, I.S. Yakimanskaya). In foreign psychology, the works of J. Piaget, E. de Bonnet, R. Paul, and R. Ennis are devoted to the problems of the development of thinking.

In the works of H.M. Tyoplenka found that a 6-7 year old child can be taught full-fledged logical actions of determining “class membership” and “the relationship between classes and subclasses.”

In his works E.L. Ageeva shows that the use of such visual models as “classification trees” and Euler circles ensures the successful formation of ideas about logical relations in preschool children.

Psychological and pedagogical research by scientists has proven that basic logical skills at the elementary level are formed in children starting from 5-6 years of age. However, almost all of the presented works are aimed at developing individual components of logical thinking, and not logical thinking as a structure.

The question of acceptable and effective forms of teaching preschoolers that allow them to solve the problem of developing logical thinking also remains open.

In this regard, a contradiction arises between the need structural development logical thinking and lack effective remedy, allowing this to be done in practice, the desire to find ways to resolve this contradiction determined the problem research.

In theoretical terms, this is the problem of justifying the structural development of logical thinking in preschoolers in a preschool setting through the implementation of game forms of conducting classes.

In practical terms, the problem of justifying the content of games that promote the development of logical thinking and the psychological and pedagogical requirements for them, the observance of which ensures the development of individual components that make up the structure of logical thinking with their further integration.

Object of study- thinking of preschool children.

Subject of study- psychological and pedagogical requirements for the organization of educational games as a means of developing logical thinking in preschoolers.

Purpose of the study- theoretically justify the use of cognitive games as a means of developing logical thinking, determine the psychological and pedagogical requirements that allow preschoolers to consistently master the elements of the structure of logical thinking, ensuring their holistic functioning.

Research hypothesis:Since logical thinking in preschool age predominantly manifests itself through individual structural components, their holistic development is possible through cognitive games, subject to compliance with psychological and pedagogical requirements that ensure a simultaneous impact on the emotional, cognitive, motivational spheres of the child by solving a system of logical problems: mastering individual features items; penetration into the subject structure; unification of perceived features of objects; verbal analysis of object features; grouping of objects based on clearly suggested signs.

Research objectives:

1. Concretize the scientific idea of ​​the structure of logical thinking of preschoolers.

Determine the features of the manifestation and development of logical thinking in preschool age.

To develop and test a system of educational games that promote the development of logical thinking in preschoolers as a structure of interconnected components.

Research methods:

Review and analytical


observation and conversation


The experimental base of the study was preschool educational institution of a combined type No. 433 in the city of Chelyabinsk. The total number of children was 81, of which 36 were girls and 45 boys. 10 teacher educators, a methodologist and a senior educator took part in the study.

1. Theoretical approaches to understanding and developing logical thinking in preschoolers

.1 Characteristics of the basic concepts that make up the content logical thinking

logical preschool thinking

The main goal The educational system is to prepare the younger generation for an active life in an ever-changing society. And, since development modern society is permanent and dynamic in nature, so the key task of the educational process is to transfer to children such knowledge and develop such qualities that would allow them to successfully adapt to such changes. The search for effective didactic means of developing logical thinking in preschoolers is an integral part of this task.

To solve this problem at all levels of research (from socio-logical to methodological), a unified conceptual framework and clearly defined starting positions are needed. First of all, it is necessary to determine what logical thinking is, what place it occupies in thinking in general, what its specifics are.

Representatives of various directions of human thought such as Socrates, Aristotle, Descartes, Hegel, M. Berzfai, M. Montessori, J. Piaget, P.P. dealt with this problem. Blonsky, L.S. Vygotsky, P.Ya. Galperin, V.V. Davydov, A.V. Zaporozhets, G.S. Kostyuk, A.N. Leontyev, A.R. Luria, A.I. Meshcheryakov, N.A. Menchinskaya, D.B. Elkonin, N.N. Semenov, B.M. Kedrov, N.V. Grigoryan, L.M. Friedman, N.A. Podgoretskaya and others.

Thinking is the highest cognitive process. It is a form of creative reflection by a person of reality, generating a result that does not exist in reality itself or in the subject at a given moment in time. “Human thinking... can also be understood as the creative transformation of ideas and images existing in memory. The difference between thinking and other psychological processes of cognition is that it is always associated with an active change in the conditions in which a person finds himself. In the process of thinking, a purposeful and expedient transformation of reality is carried out. Thinking is a special kind of mental and practical activity that involves a system of actions and operations included in it of a transformative and cognitive (tentatively research) nature.

Thinking is studied by a number of sciences, including philosophy (theory of knowledge, epistemology), logic, psychology, pedagogy, cybernetics, linguistics, and the physiology of higher nervous activity. Each of these sciences highlights a certain aspect of thinking as its own subject of study. Thus, it is philosophy that synthesizes in itself the most general view knowledge and morality of people, nations, all humanity. Psychological theories of thinking are the most constructive, since they are all directly addressed to the school. By the way, these theories usually combine philosophical, logical, psychological and other aspects of the analysis of thinking. From the point of view of philosophy, thinking is considered as a product of the historical development of social practice, as a special form of human activity.

Considering thinking as a form of human spiritual activity, philosophers revealed its original connection with material production and the practical activities of people. It arises in the process of human interaction with the environment and represents its most complex part. Human senses (vision, hearing, smell, tactile senses) allow us to perceive only the external properties (shape, color, sounds, smells, etc.) of objects and phenomena and help reveal thinking. Human intellectual activity appears to the researcher as a process, as an activity and as communication. A person is involved in the process of intellectual work whenever he begins to solve the problem facing him. Thinking as an activity assumes that, in accordance with the motives, needs that guide a person when solving certain problems, conditions, branched processes are updated - analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, etc. Thinking as communication involves people understanding each other, cognition by the subject the goals of another person, his motives, the course of his reasoning.

A.N. Leontyev, emphasizing the derivative nature of the highest forms of human thinking from culture and the possibility of its development under the influence social experience, wrote: “...human thinking does not exist outside of society, outside of language, outside of the knowledge accumulated by mankind and the methods of mental activity developed by it: logical, mathematical, etc. actions and operations. Each individual person becomes a subject of thinking only by mastering language, concepts, logic, which are a product of the development of socio-historical practice...” He proposed a concept of thinking according to which there are relations of analogy between the structures of external and internal activity. Internal, mental activity is not only a derivative of external, practical activity, but has fundamentally the same structure. “As in practical activity, in mental activity individual actions can be distinguished, subordinate to specific conscious goals... Like practical action, every internal, mental action is carried out in one way or another, i.e. through certain operations." At the same time, external and internal elements of activity are interchangeable. The structure of mental, theoretical activity may include external, practical, actions, and, conversely, the structure of practical activity may include internal, mental, operations and actions.

In modern psychology, thinking is understood as “a process of human cognitive activity, characterized by a generalized and indirect reflection of reality; the highest form of creative activity." Thinking, representing the process of cognitive activity, is characterized by a generalized and indirect reflection of reality. The adequacy of the mental reflection of reality is achieved with a harmonious combination and unity of concrete sensory and abstract logical thinking. Each mental act of reflection includes two moments: an object and understanding, attitude towards it. Comprehension, understanding of what is happening around, discovery of significant aspects, connections and phenomena of the surrounding world is the result of abstract logical thinking. The concept of “Thinking” includes the concept of “logical thinking”, and they relate to each other as genus to species.

Human logical thinking is the most important moment in the process of cognition. All methods of logical thinking are inevitably used by the human individual in the process of cognition of the surrounding reality in everyday life; from a very early age, F. Engels believed that “by type, all these methods - therefore, all the means of scientific research recognized by ordinary logic, are exactly the same in humans and in higher animals. They differ only in degree, in the development of the corresponding method.” The ability to think logically allows a person to understand what is happening around him, to reveal significant aspects, connections in objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality, to draw conclusions, solve various problems, check these decisions, prove, refute in words, everything that is necessary for the life and successful activity of any person.

Logical laws operate independently of the will of people, are not created at their request, they are a reflection of the connections and relationships of things in the material world. From the point of view of content (information), thinking can give a true or false reflection of the world, and from the point of view of form (logical actions and operations), it can be logically correct or incorrect. Truth is the correspondence of thought to reality, and correctness of thinking is compliance with the laws and rules of “logic.”

The ability to think logically, according to N.A. Podgoretskaya, includes a number of components: the ability to focus on the essential features of objects and phenomena, the ability to obey the laws of logic, build your actions in accordance with them, the ability to perform logical operations, consciously arguing for them, the ability to build hypotheses and draw consequences from given premises, etc. .d. Therefore, for her, logical thinking includes a number of components: the ability to determine the composition, structure and organization of elements and parts of the whole and focus on the essential features of objects and phenomena; the ability to determine the relationship between a subject and objects, to see their changes over time; the ability to obey the laws of logic, discover patterns and development trends on this basis, build hypotheses and draw consequences from these premises; the ability to perform logical operations, consciously justifying them.

In general philosophical terms, the idea of ​​​​forming logical thinking, according to N.V. Grigoryan, comes down to presenting information based on the following philosophical laws:

The relationship between the whole and its parts: the identification of a common essence is the law of the structure of the integral world.

Unity of opposites: every phenomenon has its opposite side.

The idea of ​​transformation: any change in any phenomenon always entails consequences.

Arguing the need for the purposeful development of a child’s thinking, scientists pointed out that the perfection of methods of mental activity, even perfectly mastered ones, constitutes only the potential capabilities of mental development, but not this development itself. The realization of these possibilities occurs only with their active use in various types of practical activities. And development is possible only with a certain structure educational activities and deployment of educational material.

The idea of ​​a holistic, systemic organization of higher cognitive processes was the basis for the construction of the theory of intelligence developed by J. Piaget. The works of J. Piaget and his colleagues demonstrate the leading role of internal spontaneous mechanisms of development of logical structures and their independence from learning. Piaget viewed development as an independent process with its own internal laws. The external, including social, environment plays the role of a “condition”, but not a source of child development. Like other external influences, learning only provides “food for knowledge,” material for exercise. Therefore, the only useful role of learning is to create situations that require the active functioning of the subject's action patterns. The effectiveness of training depends on the extent to which external conditions correspond to the current level of development.

When deciding on the relationship between training and development, we share the point of view of L.S. Vygotsky: learning leads to children's mental development. Accepting this point of view poses the problem of identifying the conditions under which training gives the greatest effect of development in general and the development of logical thinking in particular. For this purpose, we turned to psychological and pedagogical analysis.

The problem of developing logical thinking has been widely reflected in psychological and pedagogical literature. Scientific research has been published covering this problem, the possibility and necessity of developing a child’s logical thinking is theoretically substantiated, and ways to solve the problem are outlined. However, the age limits for the beginning of the formation of logical thinking are not clearly defined.

The study of thinking, as a subject of psychological science, is determined by theoretical ideas about it, as well as various specific tasks.

L.S. Vygotsky singled out in the formation scientific concepts Children have three main psychological aspects:

Establishing dependencies between concepts, forming their system;

Awareness of one’s own mental activity;

Thanks to both, the child acquires a special relationship to the object, allowing him to reflect in it what is inaccessible to everyday concepts (penetration into the essence of the object).

With this organization of cognitive activity, the child, from the first steps of learning, establishes logical relationships between concepts and then makes his way to the object, connecting with experience. Here there is a movement from concept to thing, from abstract to concrete. Decisive role at the same time has a word as a means of directing attention to the appropriate common feature, as a means of abstraction.

Based on the teachings of L.S. Vygotsky about the advanced nature of learning and orientation towards the child’s “zone of proximal development”, psychologists and didactics made a significant contribution to the development of the theoretical foundations of developmental education.

In the concept of D.V. Elkonina, V.V. Davydov noted that the formation of specific concepts occurs on the basis of a transition from abstract premises to concrete knowledge, on the basis of a transition from the general to the particular. At the same time, the success of mastering educational material depends on students’ mastery of generalized techniques and methods of cognition.

But the process of development of logical thinking presupposes not only the formation of a certain range of concepts and specific methods of their application, but also the necessary level of development of logical methods of thinking in the cognitive activity of students for the active acquisition of knowledge, the ability to apply it in the creative transformation of reality.

In the psychological and pedagogical literature there is no consensus on when children acquire the ability to form and develop logical operations. In modern psychology, there are two main directions in the study of the emergence and development of logical structures of thinking in children. The first of them is associated with the works of J. Piaget, A. Wallon, and others. In these works, the age boundaries (stages) of the formation of logical structures are determined, reflecting a spontaneous process based on spontaneous mechanisms of development of children's intelligence. These mechanisms are the main factor determining the successful mastery of logic. Piaget limits the role of learning, believing that it is subject to the laws of development. Piaget believed that learning takes on different meanings depending on the period of development during which it occurs. To be successful and not remain formal, training must adapt to the current level of development.

J. Piaget does not completely deny the possibility of teaching logical structures, but at the same time points out two limitations that actually reduce its role to zero. The first is associated with the difference between two types of human experience: empirical and logical-mathematical. Through the first, the child learns the physical properties of objects, without going beyond a simple statement of facts. He can make a logical generalization only on the basis of the second experience. The nature of these two experiences is different, so teaching logic is fundamentally different from any other training. The second limitation is the recognition that teaching logical structures is ineffective because the resulting patterns cannot be applied to different situations.

From the above it follows that training should not begin until the corresponding logical structures are ready for this.

J. Piaget established the main genetic stages of mental development. The period from 2 to 4 years is characterized by the development of symbolic and conceptual thinking. From 4 to 7-8 years, intuitive (visual) thinking is formed, which leads closely to operations. From 7-8 years to 11-12 years, specific operations are formed. The means of cognition at the child’s disposal at this stage are not “formal” enough, not yet sufficiently purified and separated from the matter for which they are intended to act, and therefore do not allow the subject to produce structuring that is independent of the content of what is being structured and is equally suitable for any content. .

The second direction is related to the research of P.P. Blonsky, L.S. Vygotsky, S.L. Rubinstein, A.N. Leontyeva, P.Ya. Galperina, D.B. Elkonina, V.V. Davydova and others. These authors believe that the appearance of logical operations in an individual’s experience is determined by the transfer of knowledge and logical experience in communication and learning. Intellectual activity should appear in the learning process as a subject of special assimilation.

In Russia in the 1920-30s, principles were formulated psychological theory relationship between training and development. This theory was originally developed by P.P. Blonsky and L.S. Vygotsky, and then in the 1940-50s, concretized and clarified by S.L. Rubinstein, A.N. Leontyev, P.Ya. Galperin, D.B. Elkonin, A.V. Zaporozhets and others. The main provision of this theory is the recognition of the fact that human development is determined by his assimilation of samples of socio-historical experience. In the course of history, the role of purposeful influences of upbringing and education increases.

Research conducted under the direction of PYa. Galperin, revealed that for preschool age the gradual formation of concepts opens up greater opportunities than previously imagined. It has been proven that using the method of gradual formation of mental actions, the development of logical operations is possible already at preschool age.

Based on the above we can conclude that psychological aspect the development of logical thinking involves purposeful activity to identify motivations, goals, individual characteristics logical thinking, as well as analysis of mental operations from the position of the subject’s awareness of the underlying logical techniques.

With the name K.D. Ushinsky is associated with the formation and development of educational psychology as a branch of psychological science that studies the laws of teaching and upbringing. His works showed the importance of memory, attention, speech, feelings, and thinking in educational activities. In particular, he noted the importance of developing logical thinking in children. K.D. Ushinsky argued that “development of logical thinking means accustoming children to consistency, evidence, clarity, certainty, independence and accuracy of expression.”

In psychology, there are a number of works devoted to the “development of comparison” (I.M. Solovyov), “development of generalization” (V.V. Davydov), “development of analytical-synthetic activity”, “development of classification”, etc., note also the “insufficient level of development” of these operations in individual students and the need for pedagogical and methodological works on the development of logical thinking techniques in schoolchildren. However, for the period of preschool childhood this problem remains poorly studied.

An analysis of psychological research allows us to come to the conclusion that the development of logical thinking techniques also has a certain sequence. It is clear that it is impossible to start work with an arbitrary operation, since within the system of logical methods of thinking there is a strict relationship, one method is built on another.

A.A. Lyublinskaya proved that preschoolers already master all the operations of thinking, albeit in the most elementary form. Particular attention, in her opinion, should be paid to the order of formation of logical operations.

The movement of knowledge from the sensory-concrete through the abstract to the concrete in thinking is the general law of the development of theoretical knowledge. However, this method only sets the general direction of theoretical research. The method fully realizes its capabilities only in unity with the organization of cognitive activity.

Because of this, one of the central tasks is to determine such types of cognitive activity, the assimilation of which effectively influences development.

It should be noted that labor training plays a special role in solving the problem of developing students’ logical thinking. This is predetermined by the fact that the basis of all human knowledge is objective-practical activity - work.

In recent decades, a number of scientific experiments have been carried out aimed at developing the logical and creative thinking of children (M.A. Danilov, M.N. Skatkin, V. Okon, etc.). The mental development of children, in their opinion, presupposes a high level of mental operations (analysis, synthesis, generalization and abstraction), economy and independence of thinking, its flexibility, the nature of the connection between visual-figurative and abstract components of mental activity. Ya.A. Ponomarev, A.M. Matyushkin, T.I. Shamov, teaching is brought to the fore, mainly focusing on the organization of search activities in the classroom.

Thus, from the above we can conclude that thinking is a process of cognitive activity, characterized by a generalized and indirect reflection

reality. The adequacy of the mental reflection of reality is achieved with a harmonious combination and unity of concrete sensory and logical thinking. Each mental act of reflection includes two moments: an object and understanding, attitude towards it. Comprehension, understanding of what is happening around, discovery of significant aspects, connections and phenomena of the surrounding world - the result

logical thinking. Logical thinking includes a number of components: the ability to determine the composition, structure and organization of elements and parts of the whole and focus on the essential features of objects and phenomena; the ability to determine the relationship between a subject and objects, to see their changes over time; the ability to obey the laws of logic, discover patterns and development trends on this basis, build hypotheses and draw consequences from these premises; the ability to perform logical operations, consciously justifying them.

The development of a child’s logical thinking represents the process of forming logical thinking techniques at the empirical level of cognition (visual-effective thinking) and improvement to the scientific-theoretical level of cognition (logical thinking), which occurs in activity.

1.2 Features of the manifestation and development of thinking preschool age

Considering thinking as a process that covers the entire life course of a person, it can be noted that at each age stage this process has a number of features. Analyzing the thinking process of preschool age, many authors agree that, based on the specificity and significance of this stage in an individual’s life, thinking must be considered during this period in connection with the mental development of the preschooler. This approach is due to a number of objective reasons. This problem was dealt with by N.N. Poddyakov, E.L. Yakovleva, V.V. Davydov

Preschool age, according to psychologists, is a stage of intensive mental development. At the same time, a feature of this period is that progressive changes are noted in all areas, ranging from

improvement of psychophysiological functions and ending with the emergence of complex personal neoplasms. Based on research materials from the Moscow Brain Institute, a number of scientists agreed that the most complex frontal areas mature completely by 6-7 years of age. In these parts of the brain, there is a rapid development of associative zones in which brain processes are formed that determine the manifestations of complex intellectual actions associated with logical thinking. A significant morphological restructuring of the brain structures of a six-year-old child is accompanied by even more significant changes in brain activity and is reflected in its mental functions.

According to J. Piaget, one can distinguish two simple functions of thought: the function of explanation and the function of inclusion, which constitute the unity of all thought activity rather than two closed areas.

The tendency of children's thought is not only to put in the foreground the intention of explaining what happens, but also to find the reasons for everything. This is where the inclusion function comes from. The direction of the explanatory function is centrifugal, in the sense that thought tries to isolate from intentions the material result, action or event that follows from there. And the direction of the inclusion function is centripetal, since from intention the thought tries to get to the motive that guides it, to the idea. The function of explanation is to strive for objects, the function of inclusion is to strive for ideas or judgments. At first, the child’s thought is equally distant from both ideas and objects—it occupies an intermediate position.

In recent years, the question has arisen of studying the so-called “potentials,” that is, those changes in the electrical activity of the brain that occur in response to the action of any stimulus.

Complication and development early form mental activity leads to the appearance of imaginative thinking, which develops intensively during preschool childhood. Its simplest manifestations are already present in early childhood, however, the tasks solved by the baby in terms of ideas and images are to a greater extent primitive. During the period of preschool childhood, the child faces the problem of solving problems that require establishing dependencies between several properties and phenomena.

According to V.V. Zenkovsky, children begin to look for solutions to such problems primarily in terms of ideas. However, in preschool age, figurative thinking is characterized by the concreteness of images. This is especially clearly manifested in preschoolers’ understanding of allegorical speech.

If we talk about understanding, then it characteristic feature in preschool age, in the case of undeveloped methods of logical thinking, according to G.D. Chistyakova, is the actual absence of searching for connections in the material. The main transformation of information consists of translating individual semantic elements of the material into the language of one’s experience. Thus, the wider this experience, the more connections have to be worked out, the more opportunities there are to move to the level of higher mental operations.

An important prerequisite for mastering scientific knowledge is a gradual transition from egocentrism to decentration, the ability to see objects and phenomena from different positions. In other words, a preschooler, performing different types activity, begins to understand: his point of view is not the only one.

Further development of imaginative thinking brings the child to the threshold of logic. However, the role of emotions in the regulation of activity is still so significant that “emotional-imaginative thinking” remains dominant in the structure of the intellect for a long time. This point of view was shared by L.S. Vygotsky, saying that the unity of affect and intellect is not a lack of thinking, but its specific feature, allowing you to solve a wide range of problems that require a high level of generalization, without resorting to logical formalization. At the same time, the decision process itself is emotionally charged, which makes it interesting and meaningful for the child.

According to Ya.L. Kolomensky, the specificity of a child’s thinking is generalization, however, as the age stages progress, the structure of generalization changes. This explains the transition from one type of thinking to another. However, classically the generalization procedure is a logical category.

As shown by N.N. Poddyakov, at the age of 4-6 years there is an intensive formation and development of skills and abilities that facilitate children’s study of the external environment, analysis of the properties of objects, and influence on them in order to change them. This level of mental development - visual and effective thinking - is preparatory, it contributes to the accumulation of facts, information about the world around us, creating the basis for the formation of ideas and concepts, i.e. precedes abstract, logical thinking.

In addition, a preschool child is sure that “everything depends on everything and that everything can be explained to everyone.” This type of thinking indicates that children are drawn to proof, to justification, to finding reasons. It is this feature of thinking, according to J. Piaget, that is the reason for the emergence of a huge number of children's questions.

In the process of visual-effective thinking, prerequisites appear for the formation of a more complex form of thinking - visual-figurative, which is characterized by the fact that the child can resolve a problem situation only in terms of ideas, without the use of practical actions.

The end of the preschool period is characterized by the predominance of the highest form of visual-figurative thinking - visual-schematic. The advantage of this form of thinking is the ability to reflect significant connections and dependencies between objects in the external world. A behavioral reflection of a child’s achievement of this level of mental development is the schematism of a child’s drawing and the child’s ability to use a schematic image when solving problems. In itself, visual-schematic thinking provides great opportunities in mastering the external environment, being a means for the child to create a generalized model various items and phenomena. Acquiring the features of the generalized, this form of thinking remains figurative, based on real actions with objects or their substitutes. At the same time, it is the basis for the formation of logical thinking associated with the use and transformation of concepts.

There is no consensus among psychologists about when children develop the ability to prove themselves. Some (V. Stern, P.P. Blonsky) believe that this ability arises in preschool age. Others (M.D. Gromov, M.N. Shardakov) attribute the emergence of evidence in children to 9-10 years. J. Piaget dates their appearance to the ages of 12-14, when adolescents move to the stage of formal operations.

There is a point of view that the early development of logical thinking can have negative consequences, since it is carried out to the detriment of the formation of higher forms of imaginative thinking. Therefore, a number of authors believe that senior preschool age should be considered only as a period when the intensive formation of logical thinking should begin, as if thereby determining the immediate prospects of mental development. However, many teachers and psychologists note that the basic foundation of logic and basic logical operations can be formed precisely in preschool age.

Experimental study N.B. Krylova revealed that under favorable learning conditions for preschoolers, deduction can be considered a completely accessible form of thinking, at least within the first figures of a categorical syllogism.

One of the conditions for the formation of logical thinking in preschoolers is taking into account the characteristics of the mental development of children of this age. All psychological neoplasms of children of this period are characterized by incompleteness. This determines the peculiarities of their learning, which should combine the features of play and directed learning, while focusing on established forms of thinking, visual-effective and visual-figurative development of new formations: sign-symbolic function, elements of logical thinking.

A very important prerequisite for the formation of logical thinking is the ability to independently find ways to solve problems. In this case, the ability to control and verify the correctness of one’s actions becomes of great importance.

N.P.’s position seems interesting. Anikeeva about the ways of forming logical thinking. After conducting a series of experiments, the author proves that the type of thinking in question can be formed through a less abstract form, through imaginative thinking. In relation to the preschool period, the proposed strategy is most fully feasible within the framework of gaming activities; thus, when analyzing a gaming situation, the child must resort to logic, using figurative models.

One of essential elements The formation of logical thinking is the child’s acceptance of goals consisting in mastering a generalized method of action. For a child of senior preschool age, the identification of goals is not yet typical: in his actions, as a rule, the method turns out to be merged with the result and is learned in the process of achieving this result (obtaining a given product).

In addition, a necessary condition for the development of logical thinking is the inclusion of children in activities during which their activity could clearly manifest itself within the framework of a non-standard, ambiguous situation.

N.N. Poddyakov points out that “the central point in the formation of the mental activity of preschoolers is the reorientation of the child’s consciousness from the final result that must be obtained during a particular task to the ways of performing this task.” Reorientation to methods of action prepares the child for awareness of his actions, leads to the development of volition and control of his activities, which is one of the premises for the formation of logical thinking. However, such reorientation itself is a very complex process.

In traditional pedagogy, the main attention is paid to the formation of certain knowledge. However, this position is not optimal. On the one hand, the knowledge base on which school education will be built is strengthened; on the other hand, the transition of developing diffuse knowledge into stable knowledge leads to a decrease in mental activity. Therefore, along with the formation of a knowledge base, it is necessary to ensure continuous growth of uncertain, unclear knowledge with the help of specially organized actions.

D.B. Elkonin suggested that an intermediate link between role-playing (in a game situation) and sign-symbolic (in a practical and cognitive situation) mediation can serve as a conditional-dynamic position, taking which the child changes his attitude towards the task, begins to approach it as if from the point of view of another participant in the situation. A conditionally dynamic position differs from a gaming role in its relevance to the task at hand. What unites them is that in both cases the child “reincarnates” into another person.

The conditional dynamic position becomes a means of ensuring internalization—the transition of joint action into individual action. L.S. Vygotsky viewed internalization as a general mechanical mechanism for the formation of higher (that is, conscious and voluntary) mental functions, in particular logical thinking. The conditional-dynamic position ensures that the child, taking the point of view of his partner in performing an action, can “appropriate” this action. Consequently, the condition for the formation of psychological new formations is the child’s ability to accept and maintain the position of another person acquired in play activities.

Analysis of scientific works allowed us to highlight the following provisions:

The problem of developing a child’s logical thinking is one of the most important tasks, the solution of which determines the improvement of the entire educational process of the school, aimed at the formation of productive thinking, internal needs and the ability to independently acquire knowledge, the ability to apply the existing knowledge in practice, in creative transformation reality.

On the other hand, the ability to actively process information in the mind and use logical thinking techniques allows a child to gain deeper knowledge and understanding of educational material, unlike those who, having a low level of logic development, comprehend an educational course relying only on memory.

In modern conditions, no expansion of program material can cover all the accumulated experience of modern society that children need in their future lives. In this regard, the educational process should be structured in such a way as to help the child master a high level of logic, i.e. methods of mental activity that allow you to independently obtain the necessary information, understand it, apply it in practice, etc. independently advance in your chosen field of knowledge.

The introduction of targeted development of logical thinking into preschool practice is far from a solved task. It requires a thorough analysis of scientific literature on the problem of the development of thinking, the foundations of modern sciences, and on this basis the development of programmatic, methodological, didactic and psychological support for the entire preschool education system.

The entire set of methods for the formation and development of logical thinking in preschool children can be divided into two groups: methods that form logical thinking in preschool age when visiting kindergarten, and intellectual training methods that contribute to the complex development of thinking, including logical, in children of senior preschool age, increase their level of readiness for learning in primary school.

1.3 Features of the development environment in middle group preschoolers. Game as a leading activity

One of the most important factors in the development of a child’s personality is the environment in which he lives, plays, studies and relaxes. The space organized for children in an educational institution can be both a powerful stimulus for their development and an obstacle that prevents the manifestation of individual creative abilities. It is important to remember that the child does not remain in the environment, but overcomes, “outgrows” it, is constantly changing, and therefore his perception of him and his environment changes. The developmental environment is always changing: it is created for a long time - the design of offices, music and physical education halls, or more dynamically - when decorating a hall, a group room, a lobby for a specific holiday, an entertainment event, or during the production of a fairy tale. Even more dynamic is the developmental environment of many activities. The microenvironment, including the design of a particular lesson, is determined by its content and is specific to each of them. It, of course, should be aesthetic, developing and versatile, encouraging children to meaningful spiritual communication. The principle of semi-functionality of the objective world is implemented with the help of various modular equipment, which is equipped in all premises of the kindergarten. The use of modules along with construction sets, mosaics, physical education equipment (hoops, balls, jump ropes), objects and games that do not carry specific semantic information contributes to the development of imagination and the sign-symbolic function of preschoolers’ thinking. When organizing a subject-spatial environment in a kindergarten, complex, multifaceted and highly creative activities of all preschool teachers are required. After all, a variety of toys is not the main condition for a child’s development. A purposefully organized subject-development environment in preschool institution plays a big role in the harmonious development and upbringing of a child. The created aesthetic environment evokes in children a feeling of joy, an emotionally positive attitude towards kindergarten, a desire to attend it, enriches them with new impressions and knowledge, encourages active creative activity, and promotes the intellectual development of preschool children.

If we talk about the most effective forms and methods of developing the thinking of preschoolers, then in modern scientific literature this issue remains controversial. Research by A.G. Khripkova, E.V. Subbotsky et al., confirm that the process of socialization goes through the transformation of existing activities, the emergence of new types of activities: play, elements of educational and labor, as well as productive activities.

This forced theorists and practitioners preschool education remember the game. However, the place of play in learning has not been clearly defined. The practice of introducing toys in the classroom does not solve the problem: toys can distract children from classes and may not be taken into account by them, but they cannot turn lessons into games. In kindergarten, there has been a tendency to reduce play to organized mass actions: the teacher “conducts” the game with the children, as they conduct classes, - he directs, regulates, prescribes actions, evaluates them, etc. In other words, a game is a means of developing knowledge. It must be collective in nature. Moreover, each child is not only obliged to obey this game, but also to “want” to play what the whole group is playing.

In order to carry out adequate psychological and pedagogical influences in relation to the game, it is necessary to have a good understanding of its specifics, have an idea of ​​its developmental significance, what it should be like at each age stage, and also be able to play appropriately with children of different ages and in different types of games.

An attempt to select games containing situations similar to the content of the classes was also unsuccessful.

To solve the problem of the relationship between learning and play, a theoretical study of the concept of play and the play form of activity is necessary. In the context of our work, we will use the definition given by N.P. Anikeeva, understanding by game a type of activity in situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience in which self-government of behavior is formed and improved.

Materials from Yu.P. Azarova, N.P. Anikeeva, O.S. Gazmana, S.F. Zanko, B.P. Nikitina and others are devoted to the problem of gaming activity. The following functions of gaming activities can be distinguished: entertaining - to entertain, give pleasure, inspire, stimulate interest; communicative - mastering communication skills; self-realization - to demonstrate and realize personal capabilities; game-therapeutic - overcoming various difficulties that arise in other types of activities; diagnostic - identifying deviations from normative behavior, self-knowledge during the game; correction - making positive changes to the structure of personal indicators; interethnic communication - the assimilation of socio-cultural values ​​common to all people; socialization - inclusion in the system of social relations.

The structure of the game as an activity organically includes goal setting, planning, goal implementation, as well as analysis of the results in which the individual realizes himself. The structure of the game as a process includes:

Roles taken on by the players;

Game actions as a means of realizing these roles;

Playful use of objects (substitution);

Real relationships between the players;

Games should be distinguished according to the type of their activity: physical (motor), intellectual (mental), labor, social and psychological.

According to the nature of the educational process, they are distinguished: educational, training, controlling and generalizing, cognitive, educational, developmental, reproductive, productive, creative, communicative, diagnostic, psychotherapeutic.

The typology is extensive, based on the nature of the gaming methodology: subject, plot, role-playing, business, simulation, dramatization games. By subject area highlight games in all branches of science and technology.

The specifics of gaming technology are also largely determined by the gaming environment: there are games with and without objects, tabletop and indoor, outdoor, outdoor, computer, and also with various means of transportation.

Play is one of the main attributes of childhood. Both three-year-old children and thirteen-year-old teenagers are interested in it, but it literally becomes a lifestyle for a preschool child. According to famous teachers and psychologists, gaming activity reveals the peculiarities of thinking, imagination, and emotional state of each participant and, thus, is an indispensable condition for the healthy development of the child’s psyche.

2. Characteristics of the formation of logical thinking in children of primary preschool age through play activities.

1 Organization and conduct of experimental work on the program for the formation of logical thinking in younger preschoolers

It is advisable to start the process of forming logical thinking techniques at an earlier age - from 3-4 years old, which is justified by several reasons:

Some children are significantly ahead of their peers. They are curious, inquisitive, show great interest in the new, unknown, while possessing a good amount of knowledge. These are children who receive a lot of attention from adults at home. Such children, upon entering kindergarten, must rise to a higher level, training their intellect in play activities. To do this, the teacher needs to create a good developmental environment that best meets the child’s needs.

Taking into account the psychological characteristics of young children (the beginning of the formation of children's relationships), play is given a large role - the role of bringing children closer together when working in pairs and groups. The result should be the receipt of joint results of activities, a feeling of joy for yourself and your peers.

STEPS OF WORK: 1. Get acquainted with the experience of fellow teachers.

Study the scientific literature characterizing the mental characteristics of the development of children in the fifth year of life.

Prepare a developmental environment taking into account the age characteristics of children.

Specifically identify the types of games through which the teacher’s purposeful work will be carried out (games that activate the child’s thinking and contribute to his mastering of individual logical operations).

Make a plan - a scheme for using games in joint and independent activities.

Over the entire period of time, observe the peculiarities of the formation of logical thinking skills (visual and figurative) in each individual child.

The goal of the work being carried out is for children to master at an elementary level some techniques of logical thinking.

Objectives: 1. Teaching children operations: analysis - synthesis; comparisons; using the negation particle “not”; classification; orderliness of actions; orientation in space.

Development in children: speech (ability to reason, prove); arbitrariness of attention; cognitive interests; creative imagination.

Upbringing : communication skills; desire to overcome difficulties; self-confidence; desire to come to the aid of peers in a timely manner.

As a means of achieving the set goal and objectives, it is advisable to choose games for the development of logical thinking, creative and spatial imagination; they can be divided as follows:

1. Subject:didactic - (desktop-printed) - to find size, color, shape, to classify objects, etc. Developmental: DYENES blocks, Cuyser sticks, etc.

Working with this material is described in detail in the book “Logic and Mathematics for Preschoolers.” The didactic material “Logic blocks” consists of 48 three-dimensional geometric shapes, differing in shape, color, size and thickness. In the process of various actions with logical blocks (dividing, laying out according to certain rules, rebuilding, etc.), children master various thinking skills that are important both in terms of preparation and from the point of view of general intellectual development. In specially designed games and exercises with blocks, children develop basic algorithmic thinking skills and the ability to perform actions in their minds. With the help of logic blocks, children train attention, memory, and perception.

Cuisenaire sticks. This is a universal teaching material. Its main features are abstractness and high efficiency. Their role is great in implementing the principle of clarity, presenting complex abstract mathematical concepts in a form accessible to children. Working with sticks allows you to translate practical, external actions into an internal plan. Children can work with them individually or in subgroups. The use of sticks in individual correctional work with children lagging behind in development is quite effective. Sticks can be used to perform diagnostic tasks. Operations: comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification act not only as cognitive processes, operations, mental actions, but also as methodological techniques that determine the path along which the child’s thought moves when performing exercises.

Games for the development of spatial imagination: these games develop spatial imagination, teach children to analyze a model of a building, and a little later - to act according to the simplest scheme (drawing). IN creative process logical operations are included - comparison, synthesis (recreation of an object).

Games with counting sticks develop not only fine hand movements and spatial concepts, but also creative imagination. During these games, you can develop the child’s ideas about shape, quantity, and color. The following tasks are offered (for children 3-4 years old): lay out; count the number of sticks in each figure; name the geometric shapes that make up the figure; count the geometric shapes that make up the overall figure (how many triangles? squares?); count the angles included in the figure; build a figure according to the model; come up with and put together the figure yourself.

Games with sticks can be accompanied by reading riddles, poems, nursery rhymes, rhymes, suitable for the theme.

2. Verbal:- puzzles.

Children of the fourth year of life are offered a wide range of riddles: about domestic and wild animals, household items, clothing, food, natural phenomena, and means of transportation. The characteristics of the subject of the riddle can be given in full, in detail; the riddle can act as a story about the subject. The characteristics of objects in riddles must be defined specifically and clearly, expressed in words in their direct meanings. They should reflect the original appearance and distinctive properties of the subject of the riddle. For children of the younger group, riddles with simple comparisons and transparent metamorphoses are recommended. A rhyming answer also makes the task easier. Teaching children the ability to solve riddles begins not with asking them, but with developing the ability to observe life, perceive objects and phenomena with different sides, to see the world in diverse connections and dependencies. The development of a general sensory culture, the development of a child’s attention, memory, and observation skills is the basis for the mental work that he does when solving riddles. The main conditions that ensure correct understanding of riddles and their correct guessing:

Preliminary familiarization of children with the objects and phenomena that will be discussed in the riddle (through observation)

Additional knowledge that specifically guides children to guessing

Knowledge of language, ability to understand the figurative meaning of words

Reading fiction.

Finding guessing techniques and using them means understanding the logical mechanism of the riddle and mastering it. To solve the riddle, you need to carry out the following operations in the following sequence: identify the signs of an unknown object indicated in the riddle, i.e. perform analysis; compare and combine these features in order to identify possible connections between them, i.e. produce synthesis; based on the correlated features and identified connections, draw a conclusion (inference), i.e. solve the riddle.

Thematic selection of riddles makes it possible to form elementary logical concepts in children. To do this, after solving riddles, it is advisable to offer children generalization tasks, for example: “What is the name of the forest inhabitants in one word: hare, hedgehog, fox? (animals), etc.

3. Finger games:These games activate brain activity, develop fine motor skills, promote speech development and creative activity. “Finger games” are the staging of any rhymed stories or fairy tales using the fingers. Many games require the participation of both hands, which allows children to navigate the concepts of “right”, “up”, “down”, etc.

For children to successfully master logical operations, work in the system is necessary. Considering the educational function of classes, thematic planning is preferable. Each week contains information material on each topic (“clothing”, “toys”, “transport”, etc.). This makes it easier for children to learn the classification operation.

Class work in the first week is planned as follows: :

Cognitive development - enter: or 1 object for detailed study (story, explanation by the teacher, examination of the object, its external signs, functions - detailed analysis); or 2 objects at once, having common and distinctive features.

On development there's talk the process of synthesis - compiling a short story about an object based on acquired knowledge. Supporting diagrams are used effectively to facilitate storytelling.

In a visual arts class, knowledge is consolidated on the basis of synthesis - first mental, then practical combination of parts into one whole.

In the second week, to consolidate the material, they take : Puzzles; using the games “What’s extra?”, “Guess by the description”; verbal games, including those for developing imagination (using the TRIZ method).

Appropriate didactic and developmental material is introduced into joint activities. Classes are conducted as a whole group or in subgroups. Working in pairs is very effective. Classes are divided into: educational; classes - observations; research; securing. Visual material is used - paintings, cards with images of objects, the objects themselves. In classes on mathematical development, DYENES Blocks, Cuisenaire sticks, tangrams, and counting sticks are introduced. Construction kits are taken for construction - tabletop, floor-mounted. The simplest diagrams are included - drawings of buildings. We are working with the designer. Material can be borrowed from the experimental corner to conduct research activities. The properties of objects can be studied - on cognitive development, mixing paints and obtaining shades - on drawing.

During the lessons the following gaming techniques are used:

Game motivation, motivation to action (including mental activity);

Finger gymnastics (stimulating brain activity, in addition, it is an excellent speech material). Unlearns every week a new game.

Elements of dramatization - to increase children's interest in the material presented by the teacher, creating an emotional background for the lesson.

The preliminary error method is also effective, especially when securing material.

When planning pedagogical activities for a week, the following plan is included - a scheme for organizing playful joint and independent activities (it can be adjusted by the teacher throughout school year).

Table 1. Plan for organizing joint and independent gaming activities

JOINT ACTIVITYINDEPENDENT ACTIVITYMonday · Board/printed educational games; · Riddles (to reinforce a previously studied topic) Games for the development of fine motor skills: · Mosaic; · Lacing; · Games with loose material. Tuesday GYENESHAN blocks tabletop/printed - didactic games Wednesday Cuisenaire sticks - GYENESHA blocks; - Games in the experimental corner Thursday - work with building materials (according to the scheme and without); - work with counting sticks. - Cuisenaire sticks; - cubes “Fold the pattern”, “Unicube”. Friday - games for the development of creative imagination (elements of the TRIZ methodology); - introducing a new didactic game (developmental) - working with building materials (with and without a diagram); - work with counting sticks.

Joint activities are carried out frontally, but more often - in groups (3 - 5 people) and in pairs. The competitive nature of the games is used. Thus, the knowledge acquired by the child in class is consolidated in joint activities, after which it passes into independent and, after that, into everyday activities. It should be noted that elements of mental activity can be developed in all types of activities.

The development of logical thinking in children is a long and very labor-intensive process; First of all, for the children themselves - the level of thinking of each is very specific. A special approach is necessary for “weak” children. Taking into account their mental and physical characteristics, it is necessary to instill in them self-confidence and lead them to independently solve simple problems. In case of rapid fatigue, the type of activity is changed. “Strong” children play a special role: having coped well with a specific task, at the request of the teacher (or on their own) they “connect” to those who are experiencing serious difficulties. Extensive consultation work is carried out with parents. This form of interaction between teacher and students is very effective. It helps to unite the team, gives the opportunity for high-achieving children to assert themselves and for weaker ones to feel confident in their abilities.

2 Characteristics of the experimental program for the formation of logical thinking in children of primary preschool age

Games made it possible to organize activities in a form that was interesting for the child, giving mental activity a fascinating, entertaining character.

However, one cannot but agree that, along with play, work and educational activities are no less significant for a preschool child. Therefore, the condition for achieving a successful result in training should be their harmonious combination.

The idea of ​​combining elements of work, study and play in teaching preschoolers formed the basis for the development of didactic games held in kindergartens. To ensure that the games are interesting and accessible to children with different levels of development, and that the tasks stimulate the mental activity of each child and bring him to a new conceptual level, the following organizational requirements form the basis:

a differentiated approach in terms of presenting game material - each level had its own degree of difficulty;

complexity and variability of game tasks - the same game material required several game options. In addition, the teacher himself could develop a number of additional exercises arising from a specific task;

In order to improve the process of consolidating knowledge, the games were designed to activate various senses, as well as to attract sensory motor skills.

Being in the group most of the time, the child could at a convenient moment take the material he was interested in and work with it without the help of an adult, and then make sure that the task was completed correctly on his own.

Since the sensory development of a child in didactic play occurs in inextricable connection with the development of his logical thinking and the ability to express his thoughts in words, in this regard, the instructions presented tasks in which it was necessary to compare the characteristics of objects, establish similarities and differences, generalize, draw conclusions.

Thus, the ability to reason, think, and be able to apply one’s knowledge in different conditions developed. This became possible because the children had specific knowledge about the objects and phenomena that made up the content of the game. This knowledge was acquired in an interesting and accessible form during game classes.

During the age period under consideration, the final task in the game consists of three: gaming, didactic and developmental. The effectiveness of the game is ensured by a rational combination of three tasks, when the child learns and develops while playing. After all, if the first of them predominates, then the activity loses its educational and developmental significance. If the second game turns into an exercise. Moreover, it is worth noting that the tasks of learning and development in the game can be combined into a single psychological and didactic one, since we can only talk about “training” preschoolers in a specific sense. This is explained by the fact that educational activity is not dominant, or, moreover, sufficiently developed, in the age period under consideration. However, educational programs designed for preschool children, like no other, require a psychological basis, since “learning” here can only be considered in the context of development. Therefore, the games offered in the educational process for preschoolers can be called psychological and didactic.

Another feature of the proposed games was that the cognitive task was posed to the children not directly, but indirectly, through the game. Therefore, we designated the tasks solved in the process of using games as psychological and didactic and classified them from the point of view of cognitive processes, methods and means of cognition.

A system of developmental tasks was created, taking into account central and auxiliary tasks, which stimulated the child’s mental development. Thus, we understand the educational tasks of psychological-didactic games not only as the development of sensory systems, but also the formation of observation, arbitrariness of mental processes, moral-volitional sphere, which ensures continuity between sensory cognition and thinking.

We emphasize that the specificity of the games used is the unity of gaming and educational tasks, through the solution of which a complex effect is exerted on the child’s psyche. It is aimed at stimulating the main areas of cognitive development. The first is represented by the development of arbitrariness of cognitive processes. The second direction is associated with the formation of methods of mental activity - mental operations and means of mental activity. The latter include voluntary attention, coherent speech and self-control. The third direction involves the formation of mental actions that are formed on the basis of external practical actions in the process of their internalization.

The main functions that the rules in the games we use must perform:

They direct the game along a given path, combining a gaming and didactic task, gaming and didactic actions.

They determine the sequence of game actions, since without rules the game develops spontaneously, and the main tasks are not solved.

They make the game more entertaining and help children develop interest in it.

They allow you to influence children, to direct the game, but directly, but indirectly.

They regulate the relationships between the participants in the game, form interpersonal relationships, and develop the moral and volitional sphere of the child’s personality.

Based on this, when determining the rules in didactic games, we were guided by the following: the rules must correspond to the age of the children. In early and early preschool age, they are specific, associated with objects or pictures, consist of 1-2 elements, directly follow from the activities of children, and are often common to all children. There are usually no additional rules. The function of distributing roles and determining priority is performed by an adult. The competition element can only be used with children 4-7 years old. This is due to the fact that children of primary preschool age do not understand what it means to win, do not know how to evaluate themselves, and their actions are often aimed at results. Younger preschoolers prefer to act together; it is difficult for them to resist prompting, which is due to deficiencies in the development of arbitrariness of behavior and imitation. In addition, we took into account the fact that in early and early preschool age, play actions should be objective and specific.

At 3-4 years old, children are more attracted to action and material. The result is not considered significant unless it is presented visually, for example, in the form of a assembled nesting doll. It is achieved primarily individually, since children do not know how to coordinate actions. And their behavior is situational. A more general result - the formation of logical thinking - is achieved only with the systematic use of didactic games. Children usually don't realize this overall result, the achievement of which is assumed by an adult. Younger preschoolers are aware of the game result, while older preschoolers are aware of the game result and partly didactic. The goal that we set during the research process related to a series of games was to develop logical thinking, therefore it was assumed that by the end of it children should be able to determine the composition, structure and organization of elements and parts of the whole and focus on the essential features of objects and phenomena; determine the relationship between the subject and objects, see their changes over time; obey the laws of logic, discover patterns and development trends on this basis, build hypotheses and draw consequences from these premises; perform logical operations, consciously arguing for them, that is, be aware of the process and essence of logical thinking.

2.3 Methods for diagnosing the formation of logical thinking in children of primary preschool age

Of the three types of thinking: verbal-logical, figurative-logical and visual-actional, the last two types are sufficiently developed and predominate in preschool children. As for the first - verbal-logical, this type of thinking is only just beginning to develop in preschool childhood. Therefore, when diagnosing the intelligence of preschool children, it is first necessary to pay attention to figurative-logical and visual-effective thinking.

The main principle adhered to by the developers of diagnostic methods is the principle of natural behavior of the child, which provides for minimal intervention by the experimenter in the usual everyday forms of behavior of children; often to implement this principle, various methods are used to encourage the child to play, during which different age-related characteristics of the development of children are manifested. Since preschoolers are already mastering speech and reacting to the personality of the experimenter, it becomes possible to communicate with the child and, in the course of it, carry out diagnostics logical development. However, a preschooler’s speech is still in its infancy, and sometimes this limits the possibilities of using verbal tests, so researchers give preference to nonverbal methods. When conducting and evaluating the results of diagnostics of the development of a preschooler, one should take into account the characteristics of personal development at this age. Lack of motivation and interest in tasks can reduce all the efforts of the experimenter to nothing, since the child will not accept them. This feature of preschoolers was pointed out, for example, by A.V. Zaporozhets, who wrote: ... even when a child accepts a cognitive task and tries to solve it, those practical or playful moments that encourage him to act in a certain way transform the task and give a unique character to the direction of the child’s thinking. This point must be taken into account in order to correctly assess the capabilities of children's intelligence (10, p. 204). And further: ...differences in solving similar intellectual problems of younger and older preschoolers are determined not only by the level of development of intellectual operations, but also by the originality of motivation. If younger children are motivated to solve a practical problem by the desire to get a picture, a toy, etc., then among older children the motives of competition, the desire to show intelligence to the experimenter, etc. become decisive. (10, pp. 214-215). These features should be taken into account both when conducting tests and when interpreting the results obtained.

The time it will take to complete the test should also be taken into account. For preschoolers, a period of time for testing of up to an hour is recommended, taking into account the establishment of contact with the child (J. Shvancara).

When conducting examinations of preschoolers, ESTABLISHING CONTACT between the subject and the experimenter turns into a special task, the successful solution of which will determine the reliability of the data obtained. As a rule, to establish such contact, the examination is carried out in an environment familiar to the child. It is necessary to create conditions under which the child will feel comfortable, for which work with the child can begin with play and only gradually, imperceptibly for the child, include the tasks required by the test. Of particular importance is constant monitoring of the child’s behavior during the examination - his functional and emotional state, manifestations of interest or indifference to the proposed activity, etc. These observations can provide valuable material for judging the child’s level of development and the maturity of his cognitive and motivational spheres. Much in the child’s behavior can be explained by the explanations of the mother and psychologist, so it is important to organize the cooperation of all three parties in the process of interpreting the results of the child’s examination.

All diagnostic methods developed for preschoolers should be presented individually or to small groups of children attending kindergarten and having experience in group work. As a rule, tests for preschoolers are presented orally or in the form of practical tests. Sometimes a pencil and paper can be used to complete tasks (provided they are simple to operate).

Methods for assessing figurative and logical thinking

“Nonsense” technique

Using this technique, the child’s elementary figurative ideas about the world around him and about the logical connections and relationships that exist between some objects of this world: animals, their way of life, nature are assessed. Using the same technique, the child’s ability to reason logically and express his thoughts grammatically correctly is determined.

The procedure for carrying out the technique is as follows. First, the child is shown a picture in which there are several rather ridiculous situations with animals. While looking at the picture, the child receives instructions approximately as follows: “Look carefully at this picture and tell me if everything is in its place and drawn correctly. If something seems wrong to you, out of place or drawn incorrectly, then point it out and explain why it is wrong. Next you have to say how it really should be.”

Both parts of the instruction are executed sequentially. First, the child simply names all the absurdities and points them out in the picture, and then explains how it really should be. The time for exposing the picture and completing the task is limited to three minutes. During this time, the child should notice as many absurd situations as possible and explain what is wrong, why it is not so and how it really should be. Evaluation of results:

10 points- this assessment is given to the child if, within the allotted time (3 minutes), he noticed all 7 absurdities in the picture, managed to satisfactorily explain what was wrong, and, in addition, say how it really should be.

8-9 points- the child noticed and noted all the existing absurdities, but from one to three of them he was not able to fully explain or say how it really should be.

6-7 points- the child noticed and noted all the existing absurdities, but three or four of them did not have time to fully explain and say how it really should be.

4-5 points- the child noticed all the existing absurdities, but did not have time to fully explain 5-7 of them in the allotted time and say how it really should be.

2-3 points- in the allotted time, the child did not have time to notice 1 - 4 of the 7 absurdities in the picture, and the matter did not come to an explanation.

0-1 point- in the allotted time, the child managed to discover less than four of the seven available absurdities.

Comment. A child can score 4 or higher in this task only if, within the allotted time, he has completely completed the first part of the task, as defined by the instructions, i.e. I discovered all 7 absurdities in the picture, but did not have time to either name them or explain how it really should be.

Conclusions about the level of development:

points - very high. 8-9 points - high. 4-7 points - average. 2-3 points - low. 0-1 point - very low.

Methodology "Seasons"

This technique is intended for children aged 3 to 4 years. The child is shown a drawing and asked, after carefully looking at this drawing, to say what season is depicted in each part of this drawing. In the time allotted for completing this task (2 minutes), the child will have to not only name the corresponding season, but also justify his opinion about it, i.e. explain why he thinks so, indicate those signs that, in his opinion, indicate that this part of the picture shows exactly this, and not any other time of year.

Evaluation of results:

10 points- within the allotted time, the child correctly named and associated all the pictures with the seasons, indicating on each of them at least two signs indicating that the picture depicts this particular season (in total, at least 8 signs for all pictures).

8-9 points- the child correctly named and associated all the pictures with the right seasons, indicating 5 signs confirming his opinion in all the pictures taken together.

6-7 points- the child correctly identified the seasons in all the pictures, but indicated only 3-4 signs confirming his opinion.

4-5 points- the child correctly identified the time of year in only one or two pictures out of four, named only 1-2 signs to confirm his opinion.

0-3 points- the child was unable to correctly identify any season and did not accurately name a single sign. A different number of points, from 0 to 3, is given depending on whether the child tried or did not try to do this.

Conclusions about the level of development:

points - very high. 8-9 points - high. 6-7 points - average. 4-5 points - low. 0-3 points - very low.

Carrying out any diagnostics is always associated with questions: for what purpose is it carried out? How will its results be used? Diagnostic data allows teachers and parents to monitor the progress of the child’s development and provide an individual approach. This is the positive role of diagnostics in the preschool education system.

The use of diagnostic techniques allows the teacher to take a reflexive position, analyze the effectiveness as his own pedagogical activity, and the implemented educational program of preschool education.

Diagnostics is of great importance for the targeted and effective implementation of the educational process. It allows, through control (monitoring) and correction of the entire system of education and training and its components, to improve the process of education, training and development of children.


As a result of studying psychological and pedagogical literature, we have established that thinking is a function of the brain, the result of its analytical and synthetic activity. The objective material form of thinking is language. Through words, people communicate with each other, passing on cultural and historical experience. Thanks to thinking, a person learns about objects and phenomena, as well as connections and relationships between them.

Numerous researchers have established (L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.N. Leontyev, D.B. Elkonin, Yu.T. Matasov, etc.) that thinking is inextricably linked with sensory cognition, since the sensory basis is the main source of thought. That is, with the help of such mental processes as sensation and perception, a person receives information about the surrounding reality. At the same time, human thinking is aimed at knowing the unknown, and for this the sensory basis of thinking is too narrow.

The formation of thinking is important in the mental development of a child. It is in the preschool period that not only the main forms of visual thinking arise - visual-effective and visual-figurative, but also the foundations of logical thinking are laid - the ability to transfer one property of an object to others (the first types of generalization), causal thinking, the ability to analyze, synthesize, etc. .

In didactic games that promote the formation of thinking, two directions are distinguished: from perception to thinking and from visual-effective to visual-figurative and logical thinking.

An important condition for the effective use of didactic games in teaching is consistency in the selection of games. First of all, the following didactic principles should be taken into account: accessibility, repetition, gradual completion of tasks.

The results of the ascertaining experiment confirmed the need to carry out targeted pedagogical work on organizing a system of game classes using didactic games aimed at developing logical thinking.

Thus, the formation of logical thinking in children of primary preschool age with the help of didactic games included in educational work is possible if the following conditions are met:

Creation of a specially selected system of exercise games with didactic content.

Purposeful development of logical thinking should be carried out throughout the entire preschool period.

The joint activities of the teacher, music worker, physical education director, and parents should be aimed at developing logical thinking.

Games aimed at developing logical thinking should be varied.

The system of play activities should be included in all types of children's activities.

With the correct organization of children's activities in a preschool institution, intellectual, emotional and personal development occurs. Children gain self-confidence and learn to express their thoughts and feelings. All this will be a good help in preparing them for school.


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« children preschool oh age"

Karaganda 2015

WITH holding a mini-project

1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………….. 3

1.1 Summary. Relevance................................................. ..... 3

1.2 Purpose and objectives of the project.................................................... ............................... 4

1.3 Expected result.................................................... ..................... 4

2. Main content of the project

2.1 Theoretical part................................................... .................................. 5

2.2 Basicetasks for the development of logical thinkingin preschool children.................................................................. .................................... 7

2.2.1 Types of thinking. Forms of thinking. Components and structure of thinking.................................................... ........................................................ ....... 8

2.2.2 Work plan for the implementation of tasks.................................................. .......... eleven

2.2.3 Methods and techniques of work.................................................... ..................... 12

2.2.4 Zentertaining math material .................................... 13

2.3 Tasksorganizing entertaining mathematics corners.......................... 13

2.4 Instructions for guiding children's independent activities............... 14

2.5Working with parents.................................................... ................................... 15

2.6 Conclusion, conclusions.................................................... ........................................ 16

2.7 Project implementation plan.................................................... ........................... 17

3 . Glossary .................................................................................................. 18

4 . Literature ............................................................................................... 19

5 . Applications .............................................................................................. 20

5 .1 logic games................................... 20

І Introduction

Brief summary of the project

The development of logic and thinking is an integral part of the harmonious development of a child and his successful preparation for school. Children already in preschool age are exposed to a variety of shapes, colors and other forms of objects, in particular toys and household items. And of course, every child, even without special training of their abilities, perceives all this in one way or another. However, if assimilation occurs spontaneously, it often turns out to be superficial and incomplete.Preschoolage is the beginning of a sensitive period in the development of the sign-symbolic function of consciousness; this is an important stage for mental development in general and for the formation of readiness for schooling. INpreschool ageSign symbols and models are actively used to designate objects, actions, and sequences. It is better to come up with such signs and models together with children, leading them to understand that they can be denoted not only with words, but also graphically. Therefore, it is better that the process of developing cognitive abilities is carried out purposefully.


At the present stage of modernization of preschool education, special attention is paid to ensuring the quality of education in preschool age, which necessitates the search for ways and means of developing logical techniques of mental action, taking into account the needs and interests of preschool children.Therefore, in order to find a solution to this problem, there was a need to develop a system for the development of logical thinking using entertaining mathematical material, which will lead to an increase in the quality of logical thinking in the classroom and in the everyday life of children.

Why does a small child need logic? The fact is that at each age stage, a certain “floor” is created, on which mental functions that are important for the transition to the next stage are formed. Thus, the skills acquired in the preschool period will serve as the foundation for development at school age. The most important of them is logical thinking, the ability to “act in the mind.” A child who has not mastered the techniques of logical thinking will find it more difficult to study and solve problems. As a result, the child’s health may suffer and interest in learning may fade.


TARGET: Pincreasetheir professional level, enriching and deepening knowledge in the development of children through games of entertaining mathematics and logic in preschool age.

Objectives: 1. Study and analyze psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the research problem.

2. Develop a system for using games that develop logical thinking in preschool children.

3. Analyze the effectiveness of the work done

Expected result:

    ANDuse at worklogicalgamingtasks, logical-mathematical, educational games;

    Creation of logical and mathematical corners in all groups;

    Rexpanding mathematical knowledge, skills and concepts using multimedia;

    The ability and ability of children to independently perform simple logical actions (perform groupings - combine actions and objects according to their similarities and differences, analyze them)

    Increasing the interest, activity, and creative participation of parents in the lives of their children, strengthening the cooperation of preschool teachers and families in preparingpreschoolersto schooling.

II Main part of the project

Theoretical part

Preschool childhood is a very short period in a person’s life, only seven years. During this period, development is more rapid and rapid than ever. The child’s environment of activity expands - from communicating only with his mother, he moves on to communicating with peers and adults. He develops certain skills, abilities, abilities and personal qualities (perseverance, organization, sociability, initiative).

During this period, cognitive development occurs intensively. The baby masters his native language, he learns not only to understand speech, but also masters the phonetics and grammar of his native language.

The perception of color, shape, size, space, time is improved, and the foundations of personality are formed. The child begins to become aware of his “I”, his activity, activity, and begins to objectively evaluate himself.

The child learns, within certain limits, to control his behavior and activities, to foresee its outcome and to control its implementation. There is a development of visual forms of thinking, as well as mental operations. Elements of logic appear that develop in all types of activities.

Subsequently, logic will be of great importance at all stages of the child’s life until he enters adulthood.

Recently, the words “logic” and “logical operations” are often used in relation to the child and his thinking. But what is logic and does a small child need it? To answer this question, let's look into history.

The word “logic” comes from the ancient Greek “logos”, which is translated as “concept”, “reason”, “reasoning”. Currently it is used in the following basic meanings.

Firstly, this word denotes patterns in the change and development of things and phenomena of the objective world. They are called objective logic.

Secondly, logic is the patterns in connections and development of thoughts. These patterns are called subjective logic.

The word “logic” is also used in a third meaning. Logic is the science of patterns in connections and development of thoughts. It is used in this meaning most often.

So, logic is the science of the laws of correct thinking, of the requirements for consistent and demonstrative reasoning.

Formal logic is one of the most ancient sciences. Separate fragments of logical science began to be developed in the 6th century. BC e. VDmore jealous than Greece and India. The Indian logical tradition later spread to China, Japan, Tibet, Mongolia, Ceylon and Indonesia, and the Greek tradition spread to Europe and the Middle East.

Initially, the logic was developed in connection with queries oratory as part of rhetoric. This connection can be traced in Ancient India, Ancient Greece, Rome. Thus, in the social life of Ancient India, during the period when interest in logic emerged, discussions were a constant phenomenon. The famous Russian orientalist academician V. Vasiliev writes about this: “If someone appears and begins to preach completely unknown ideas, they will not be shunned and persecuted without any trial: on the contrary, they will willingly recognize them if the preacher of these ideas satisfies all objections and will refute old stories.”

Discussions were also common in Ancient Greece. Outstanding speakers were highly respected. They were elected to honorary government positions and sent as ambassadors to other countries.

The overwhelming majority of people think and reason without turning to a special theory for help and without counting on this help. Some people tend to consider their thinking a natural process that does not require analysis and control, such as breathing or walking. Of course, this is a fallacy. Our spontaneously developed and unconscious ability to think logically correctly is not always sufficient. We all know how to speak correctly, but this does not make learning grammar unnecessary. Logical intuition needs clarification no less than grammar. Understanding the principles of logical activity is one of our most valuable knowledge. It makes the mind as precise and exquisitely subtle in its analysis as possible.

Without knowing logic, a person may feel that either he himself or someone else is reasoning incorrectly. But what is the mistake? How to find an error in the substantiation of a position? Moreover, how can you prove that the other side is wrong? After all, a simple statement “you are wrong” will not convince anyone. It is necessary to show where a person is wrong.

Knowledge of logic not only helps convince people of the fallacy of their beliefs, but also speeds up the discovery of errors in reasoning.

Having studied typical errors and mastered the skills of detecting them, errors are noticed instantly, almost automatically. As a theoretical science, logic explains why a particular way of reasoning is right or wrong. This makes it possible to analyze ways of reasoning that a person has not previously encountered.

As a science, logic is studied in higher and specialized institutions. Knowledge of the laws of logic is important when developing solutions in complex, confusing situations, when managing simple and complex systems.

Logics – the ability to think and reason consistently and consistently. It is required of us in many ways life situations, starting from persuading the interlocutor, choosing the shortest route to work and shopping in a store, to complex technical tasks.

Logic helps to find justifications for many phenomena and situations, meaningfully evaluate facts and competently formulate your judgments.

Like any other skill, logical thinking must be constantly trained. This is important to do at any age.

Logical thinking – this is a type of thinking process in which ready-made concepts and logical structures are used.

Every day we have to face many tasks, the solution of which requires our ability to think logically.

Think logically , this means highlighting the most important and separating it from the unimportant, finding relationships and deducing dependencies, and drawing appropriate conclusions.

Development of logical thinking is a purposeful and organized process of transferring and assimilating knowledge, techniques and methods of mental activity.Its main activity isnot only preparation for successful mastery of mathematics at school, but also the comprehensive development of children.

With the help of thinking we gain knowledge, which is why it is so important to develop it from childhood.

Thinking is one of the highest forms of human activity. Some children are already able to logically formulate their thoughts by the age of 4. However, not all children have such abilities.Logical thinking is one of the most important tasks of education small child. The development of his mind, the formation of such thinking skills and abilities that make it easy to learn new things.Logical thinking needs to be developedAndIt's best to do this in a playful way.

The main tasks for the development of logical thinking are:

*Formation of mental operations techniques for preschoolers

*Development of variable thinking in children, the ability to give reasons for their statements, and build simple conclusions.

*develop creative and intellectual abilities through logical and mathematical games, didactic, educational games to develop spatial imagination.

*Developing children’s ability to purposefully master volitional efforts, establish correct relationships with peers and adults, and see

yourself through the eyes of others.

The development of logical thinking is directly related to the age characteristics of children.

There are the followingtypes of thinking:

Subject-effective thinking;

Visual-figurative thinking;

Verbal and logical thinking.

In childrenjunior preschool age main type of thinkingsubstantively– effective: 2.5-3 years old, leading until 4-5 years old.

At the same time, the transformation of situations in some cases is carried out on the basis of targeted tests, taking into account the desired result. Preschoolers are able to establish some hidden connections and relationships between objects.

INaverage memory increases in age and visual-figurative attention begins to develop– from 3.5-4 years, leading up to 6-6.5 years.Children are able to use simple schematic images to solve simple problems. Preschoolers can build according to a diagram and solve maze problems. Anticipation develops. The main achievements of middle age are associated with the development of play activity: improvement of perception, development of imaginative thinking and imagination; development of memory, attention, cognitive motivation, improvement of perception.

INsenior At preschool age, children’s ideas are systematized, developingeverbal-logical thinking– is formed at 5.5 – 6 years old, becomes dominant from 7-8 years old and remains the main form of thinking in most adults.

Children are able not only to solve a problem visually, but also to make transformations of an object, indicate in what sequence the objects will interact, etc. However, such decisions will turn out to be correct only if children use adequate thinking tools. Among them we can highlight schematized representations,

Basic forms of thinking are concept, judgment and inference.

Judgment – true and false

General, private and


Affirmative and


Concept - everyday







Logical thinking includes a number of components:

Ability to determine the composition, structure and organization of elements and parts;

the whole and focus on the essential features of objects and phenomena;

The ability to determine the relationship between a subject and objects, to see their changes over time;

The ability to obey the laws of logic, to detect patterns and development trends on this basis, to build hypotheses and draw consequences from these premises;

The ability to perform logical operations, consciously justifying them.

Into the structure of thinking includes the following logical operations:

Comparison – based on establishing similarities and differences between objects. The result of the comparison can be a classification.

Analysis – separation of a complex object into its constituent parts or characteristics, followed by their comparison.

Synthesis – allows you to mentally recreate a whole from given parts.

Typically, analysis and synthesis are carried out together.

Abstraction – separation of essential properties and connections of an object from non-essential ones.

Generalization - a soapy association of phenomena and objects according to their common and essential characteristics.

Classification - this is a meaningful order of things, phenomena, dividing them into varieties according to some important characteristics.

Specification – replacing a word with a more specific meaning.








As a result of mastering practical actions, children learn the properties and relationships of objects, numbers, arithmetic operations, quantities and their characteristic features, space-time relationships, and the variety of geometric figures. In preschool didactics there is a huge variety of teaching materials.
The success of a child’s mastery of certain types of educational activities largely depends on the level of development of logical thinking. As is known, a child exhibits special mental activity in the course of achieving a gaming goal, both in direct educational activities and in everyday life. Game entertaining tasks are contained in various kinds of exciting mathematical material.
Working in a kindergarten
WewatchingwhetherThe next thing is that children in the older group have poorly developed logical thinking, they find it difficult to solve simple problems, they do not know how to prove their solution, compare, and classify according to several criteria. And all this affects the further development and education of children at school.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “Without play there is no, and cannot be, full-fledged mental development. A game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts flows into the child’s spiritual world. The game is the spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity.”

Given the situationuniversalpedagogy and psychology that play is the leading activity of a preschooler, I believe that it is in it that it is possible to find reserves that allow for the necessary development of thinking child.

The means of developing thinking are different, but the most effective isetsyafun math activity.

Understanding the importance of the development of logical-mathematicalththinkIFor preschool children, it is important not only to teach the child to compare, calculate and measure, but also to reason, draw his own conclusions, justify his answers, and find a way to solve a particular problem. Using geometric material in games, children develop not only logic, but also creative imagination, constructive skills, and visual memory.

Therefore the goalourwork was the development of cognitive activity, logical thinking, the desire for independent knowledge and reflection, the development of mental abilities through logical and mathematical games.

It is known that in play a child acquires new knowledge, skills and abilities.

Therefore, initially, when selecting and conducting logical-mathematical games, I setAndThe task is to develop, along with mathematical concepts, the creative abilities of children aimed at mental development in general. To develop certain mathematical skills and abilities, it was necessary to develop the logical thinking of preschoolers, attention, and increase the ability to assimilate mathematical connections.

To solve the assigned tasks, the following work was carried out:
an appropriate developmental environment has been created (a logical and mathematical corner has been created in the group, where educational games of logical content and individual handouts for the development of logical thinking are located);

a model of the pedagogical process has been developed: a long-term plan on this topic for preschool children;

a card index of logical and mathematical games has been compiled,didactic, educational games to develop spatial imagination;

When selecting and conducting logical-mathematical games, I took into accountAndthe following conditions: work with children should be carried out in a system, activities should be linked with work in everyday life, the individual and physiological characteristics of children should be taken into account, various forms of work should be used (games, observations, leisure, etc.)

When conducting logical-mathematical games, useeatfollowingmethods and techniques:

Game methods:

entering an imaginary situation;

performing practical actions to obtain the necessary

Dialogical methods:


formulation of conclusions;

problematic issues.

Teaching methods:

showing the method of action;

problematic situation;


When creating a developmental environment, i.e. organizing a math corner andwhen selecting material, I triedAndtake into account the age characteristics of children.PredostavLyalichildren have the opportunity to choose during their free timeAndtake a game that interests them, a manual with mathematical content, and play individually or together with other children, in a small subgroup.

In the process of various actions with logical blocks (dividing, laying out according to certain rules, rebuilding), children mastered various thinking skills. These include the ability to analyze, abstract, compare,synthesis,classifications, generalizations,specification, as well aslogical operations “not”, “and”, “or”.

We triedcreate conditions for the child’s mathematical activity in which he would show independence in choosing gaming material, games, based on his developing needs and interests.

During the game, which arises on the initiative of the child himself, he becomes involved in complex intellectual work.

The creation of a corner is preceded byselection gaming material, which is determined by the age capabilities and level of development of the children in the group. A variety of entertaining material is placed in the corner so that each child can choose a game based on their interests.

When organizing an entertaining mathematics corner, we must proceed from the principle that games are accessible to children at the moment, and place in the corner such games and gaming materials that children can master at different levels. From mastering the rules and game actions in the form specified in the game, they move on to inventing new game options and showing creativity. As you master games, you should expand their range, introduce new, more complex ones, and diversify the types of entertaining gaming material.

Entertaining math


1. Mathematical (logical) games, tasks, exercises

    games for plane modeling (“Tangram”, “Pentamino”, “Leaf”, etc.)

Three-dimensional modeling games (“Corners”, “Cubes and Color”, etc.)

Games - movements (formations and changes with counting sticks, matches)

Educational games (“Checkers”, “Chess”, “Dominoes”, etc.)

    Logical-mathematical games (blocks, sticks, cubes) to turn on, find.



    tasks are jokes




    questions - jokes

    mathematical squares

    math tricks

3. Didactic games, exercises

With visual material


younger age

Signets, stencils, templates;

Natural and waste material;

Board and printed games

2 – 3 sets of cut pictures from 2 – 4, 6 – 8 parts;

Various plastic construction sets

Large mosaics

Games - inserts

Multifunctional panels by topic;

Games to familiarize yourself with color, shape, size.

Logical and mathematical environment in the group:

younger age

- cards with heuristic tasks;

Sets in 3 dimensions: geometric shapes, geometric solids;

Templates, stencils, seals of geometric shapes and signs;

Models, layouts, mnemonic cards;

Collections of non-traditional tasks and questions;

Crosswords, puzzles,

Graphite and plastic boards;

Exercise books;

Sets of pencils, felt-tip pens, ballpoint pens;

Sticks, matches without sulfur;

Number sets

Sets made from natural and waste materials for practical and mathematical activities (threads, cords, buttons, ribbons, etc.)

Game didactic material.

Tasks organization of logical and mathematical corners:

    Purposeful formation of children's interest in elementary mathematical activities. Formation of qualities and personality traits of a child necessary for successful mastery of mathematics in the future: purposefulness and expediency of search actions, desire to achieve a positive result, perseverance and resourcefulness, independence.

    Instilling in children the need to occupy their free time not only with interesting games, but also with games that require mental stress and intellectual effort; the desire to ensure that entertaining mathematical material in preschool and subsequent years becomes a means not only of organizing useful leisure time, but also of developing creativity and improving one’s professional skills.

The success of gaming activities in a logic corner organized in a group is determined bythe teacher's own interest in entertaining tasks for children . The teacher must have knowledge about the nature, purpose, developmental impact of entertaining material, and techniques for guiding the development of independent activity with elementary mathematical material. The interest and passion of the teacher is the basis for children to show interest in mathematical problems and games.

Development management independent mathematical activity in the entertaining mathematics corner is aimed at maintaining and further developing their interest in entertaining games. The teacher organizes all work in the corner taking into account the individual characteristics of the children. He offers the child a game, focusing on the level of his mental, moral and volitional development, and manifestations of activity. The teacher involves inactive, passive children in games, interests them and helps them master the game. Cultivating interest in games is facilitated by children’s awareness of their success in mastering games. The child who made an interesting silhouette solved the problem; strives for new achievements. The teacher’s guidance is aimed at the gradual development of children’s independence, initiative, and creativity.

Instructions for guiding children’s independent activities:

    Explaining the rules of the game, introducing general methods of action, excluding telling children ready-made solutions. Stimulation by the teacher of manifestations of independence in games, encouraging children’s desire to achieve results.

    Joint play between a teacher and a child, with a subgroup of children. Children learn game actions, methods of action, and approaches to solving problems. They develop confidence in their abilities, an understanding of the need to concentrate and think hard while searching for solutions to problems.

    Creation by the teacher of an elementary problem-search situation in joint play activities with the child. The teacher plays, makes a silhouette, guesses the riddle, the moves of the labyrinth, and at this time involves the child in evaluating his actions, asks him to tell him the next move, give advice, make an assumption. The child takes an actual position in a game organized in this way, masters the ability to reason, and justify the course of the search.

    Uniting children who have mastered it to varying degrees in joint play, so that there is mutual learning of some children by others.

    Usage various forms organizing activities in the corner: competitions, competitions for the best logic problem, labyrinth, silhouette figure, organizing leisure evenings, mathematical entertainment.

    Ensuring the unity of educational tasks solved by the teacher in mathematics classes and outside of them. Purposeful organization of independent children's activities in order to ensure stronger and deeper assimilation by children of program educational material, transfer and use of it in other types of elementary mathematical activities, in games. Implementation comprehensive development children, solving problems of individual work with children who lag behind their peers in development, and children who show increased interest and a tendency to practice mathematics.

    Promoting among parents the need to use entertaining mathematical material in the family in order to solve the problems of the comprehensive development of children during preschool childhood, preparing them for school. The teacher recommends that parents collect entertaining material, organize games together with their children, gradually create a home toy library, make games, and purchase industrially produced games. Unity in the directions of work of the kindergarten and family according to this issue will contribute to the development of children's interest in entertaining material and mental abilities.

Working with parents

    Introducing parents to the content of the program.

    Development of consultations for parents on this topic.

    Involving parents in the production of visual material (selection of illustrations).

    Trainings,joint games - activities with children and parents (in the afternoon);


Logical thinking can be compared to a long intellectual laddereth,and games are its kind of steps. The child must climb each of these steps. If any of them are missedb, then they will make itbIt will be much more difficult for him until the next one. If he runs up the stairs very quickly, it means he has already “outgrown” these steps - and let him run. But there will definitely appear one ahead of which he will pause, and perhaps here he needs help.


The development of logical thinking occurs gradually. One child is more characterized by visual-figurative thinking, another - visual-effective, and the third easily operates with concepts.

Logical-mathematical game is one of the forms of development of logical thinking. During the game, various mental processes are activated and take on a voluntary nature.

The use of mathematical games increases the efficiency of the pedagogical process; in addition, they contribute to the development of memory, thinking, attention, and imagination in children, having a huge impact on the mental development of the child

Thus, we can conclude: the pedagogical possibilities of logic games are very great. Games and logic exercises develop all aspects of a child’s personality and activate hidden mental and intellectual capabilities. As a result of mastering spatial and practical actions in games, children learn the properties and relationships of objects, numbers, arithmetic operations, and time relationships; learn to make inferences, classify, generalize, and solve logical and problematic problems. All this will allow the child to study more successfully at school.

Project Implementation Plan

III Glossary

Modernization (English) modern - updated, modern, rapid growth of scientific knowledge) is:

I) Updating the facility, bringing it into compliance with new requirements and standards, technical specifications, quality indicators.

Sensitive period of development (there is also a sensitive period) - a period in a person’s life that creates the most favorable conditions for the formation of certain psychological properties and types of behavior.

Sensitive period - the period of highest opportunities for the most effective development of any aspect of the psyche.

M modeling - visual and practical method, involving the creation of models and their use to form ideas, concepts and generalized methods of action. Models are considered as an effective didactic tool.

Variable thinking – the ability of a living being to choose different options for behavioral programs to achieve the same goal.

І V Literature

1. Myers B. Developing thinking. The best logic games - Trans. from French O.Yu. Panova. – M.: Eksmo, 2012.

2 . Wenger L.A., Dyachenko O.M. Games and exercises to develop mental abilities in preschool children. – M.: Education, 1989.

3 . Loginova V.I. Formation of the ability to solve logical problems in preschool age. Improving the process of forming elementary mathematical concepts in kindergarten. - L.: 1990.

4 . Shchedrovitsky G.P. Methodological notes on pedagogical research of the game. // Psychology and pedagogy of preschoolers’ play. – M.: 2003.

5. Games and exercises for the development of mental abilities of preschool children / Ed. L.A. Wenger. - M.: Education, 1999.

6. Starodubtseva I.V., Zavyalova T.P. Game activities to develop memory, attention, and thinking in preschoolers. - M.: ARKTI, 2008.

7. Beloshistaya A.V. Development of logical thinking in preschool children. - Vlados Publishing House, 2013.

8. Lebedeva S.A. Development of logical thinking in children.Ed.- in Ilexa2009

9. Internet resources

V I Appendix

Mathematical, developmental and logic games.

Games for younger children:

Games with counting sticks nand the construction of simple figures; to build complex figures; to transform shapes (puzzles - add/remove sticks).

Practical activities.

Increasing the complexity of the content of game exercises is associated with three groups of tasks:

Tasks for constructing simple figures:

For example, build a triangle from 6 sticks.

Tasks on constructing complex figures: (composed of several simple ones, having either a common vertex or a common side, nested or inscribed into each other).

How to build 2 triangles from 5 sticks, or 3 triangles from 7 sticks?

Shape transformation tasks:

Fold 10 sticks into 3 squares.

Remove 3 sticks so that 2 squares remain.

Remove 2 sticks so that not a single square remains.

Intelligence tasks:

Joke problems.

These are entertaining game problems with a mathematical meaning that I use in joint activities. To solve them, you need to show resourcefulness, ingenuity, and an understanding of humor. The result of solving joke problems depends on the life experience of children, the development of ideas about the world around them, objects and phenomena. A joke task promotes the development of logical thinking, observation, reaction speed, and mastering search approaches to solving any problem.

Practical activities.

1. How many ends does the stick have? Two sticks? Two and a half? (2, 4, 6)

2. There are three sticks in a row on the table. How to make the middle one the outermost one without touching it? (Move the last one.)

3. Behind the fence you can see 8 hare’s legs. How many bunnies? (two)

1 Here comes the bear
He leads his cubs.
How many animals are there in total?
Count it quickly! (3)

2 Here are the mushrooms on the lawn
They are wearing yellow caps.
2 mushrooms, 3 mushrooms.
How long will it be together?..? (5)

3 Four ripe pears

Swung on a branch

Pavlusha picked two pears,

How many pears are left?

4 The turnip sat firmly in the ground,
One can't do it alone.
And after the old grandfather
The tail is long and stretches.
Everyone came, one by one.
How many were there in total? (6)

1. At what time of year do the leaves turn yellow?
2. At what time of year does it snow?
3. At what time of year does all the snow melt and the streams run?
4. At what time of year can you sunbathe and swim in the river?
5. At what time of year do apple trees bloom?
6. At what time of year can you run barefoot on the grass?
7. At what time of year do strawberries ripen?
8. At what time of year do we wear felt boots?
9. At what time of year do they plant a vegetable garden?
10. At what time of year is the harvest harvested?
11. At what time of year can you build a snowman?
12. At what time of year do snowdrops appear?
13. At what time of year can you pick mushrooms in the forest?
14. At what time of year do we put Panama hats on our heads?

Blitz tournament

- if the table is higher than the chair, then the chair...? (below)

- if a river is wider than a stream, then the stream...? (already)

- if the barbell is heavier than the pillow, then the pillow...? (easier)

- if a sister is younger than a brother, then the brother...? (older)

- If there is more water in a jar than in a mug, then in the mug...? (less)

- how many tails do four cats have?

- How many legs does a sparrow have?

- How many ears do five cranes have?

- How many paws do two have?

- What are there more daisies or flowers on the field?

- Who are more bears or animals in the forest?

- the duck laid an egg. Who will hatch from it: a chicken or a rooster?

- What do they put in soup and not eat?

Fish - worm

The game teaches you to give reasons for your answers and broaden your horizons.

Necessary equipment: pictures of animals, birds

How to play: First the poem is read:

The bunny loves carrots

Bear - raspberry,

Sparrow - mountain ash,

Fish - worm,

Avoid the hook, fish.

You name the animal, and the child needs to quickly and correctly say what it eats, for example: cow - hay, dog - bone, mouse - cheese, cat - milk, etc.

You can play with two or more participants. Periodically change roles with your child, this is a great incentive for him.

We consolidate: ask your child questions: “What does Carlson like? Cat" etc.

Let's complicate things: can a chicken chew a bone? Does a dog peck grain? Ask your child to justify his answer; if the child finds it difficult, find an explanation together.

One, two, three extra go away

Play helps develop conceptual thinking; cut off the unnecessary (analysis - synthesis)

Required equipment: pictures.

How to play: show pictures with objects of the same class, but of different groups, for example:mug, ladle, teapot - table; armchair, sofa, chair - bear; duck, chicken, goose - dogetc. Which of the four pictures is the odd one out? Why?

We consolidate: switch roles. You can also play the verbal version of this game. It is advisable to take various concepts familiar to the child, for example: “clothes”, “shoes”, etc. Help the child, if he finds it difficult, justify his answers.


The game helps to develop logical thinking and creative imagination

Required equipment: ball.

How we play: it is better to play this game as a whole group, then the child will master it faster.

The presenter throws the ball to the player and says a phrase. If this phrase is a fable, then there is no need to catch the ball, for example: “A wolf is walking through the forest,” - the player catches the ball. “A wolf is sitting on a tree” - no need to catch the ball. “The girl draws a house” - the player catches the ball. “The house draws a girl” - no need to catch the ball, etc.

Try to come up with as many funny, absurd phrases as possible.

The one who never makes a mistake will win.

Play this game more often, because a child of this age loves to come up with shapeshifters and fables.

We consolidate: play “Tall Tales” using short stories. For example: “For Vanya’s birthday, the children ate apples, ice cream, cookies, etc. salty sweets." The child must correct your mistake and explain why it is wrong.

Do you cook cabbage soup in the kitchen? Use this situation to play as well. “I put onions, carrots, cabbage in the cabbage soup. pear." Laugh with your child and switch roles.

You can play with the pictures. For example: the picture shows winter: sun, snow, snowflakes, snowman, etc. butterfly. Ask your child why the butterfly is extra, what could happen to it? What can we come up with so that she doesn’t die?

Next time you can come up with up to 3-4 fables in a story. For example:

The sparrow sat down on the house,

The roof collapsed.

Under a birch tree with a cat

The mice are dancing the polka.

The flies ate the spider.

The fish catch the fisherman.

The horse sat on the cart,

Urges the rider.

Sweet tooth

The game helps to develop visual control; develops the perception of size

Necessary equipment: drawings of jars of jam, bitten apples.

How to play: show your child several drawn jars of jam of varying degrees of filling. Ask, from which jar did Carlson eat the most jam? Ask him to explain why he made such conclusions? Show pictures of bitten apples. Ask him to answer which apple, in his opinion, was bitten by the bear, hare, sparrow, caterpillar? Why did he decide this?

We fix it: draw the tracks of a bear, a hare, a mouse.

Where are whose traces? On the street, ask your child to determine where in the snow or sand the footprints of an adult are, and where are the footprints of a child? Where are the tracks of the bird and the dog?

“We sat on the sleigh”

The game teaches you to select the right items for each season; defend your opinion

Necessary equipment: pictures of the seasons, accompanying items.

How to play: Show pictures of the seasons and items associated with this season. For example: sleds, skis, ice skates, ice skates, rubber boots, umbrella, ball, net, basket, bucket, spatula, molds, etc. The child must correctly match the objects with the seasons. Ask to explain why the sled cannot be placed with the summer picture, and the bicycle cannot be placed with the winter picture, etc.

We consolidate: remember the poems and songs about the seasons: “Let's go through the raspberries to the garden. "," We sat on the sleds and took skates. " When you go for a walk, ask why you took these particular toys with you today?

Let's make it more difficult: play the word game "On the contrary." Name the season first, then its attribute. For example: summer - a scooter, winter - a sled, spring - a paper boat, and what in the fall? And so on.

A game "Geocont"

At the first stages of the game, in the first junior group, the children and I learned to simply pull rubber bands onto nails, I invited the children to walk with their fingers along the red, blue, etc. paths. Then we built long and short paths, wide and narrow, stretched large and small squares, and built houses. In the second younger group, I offered the children the simplest diagrams, which depicted paths, a square, a triangle, a rectangle, a house, etc. The children were asked to come up with a pattern themselves. A prerequisite for playing is to name the shape and size of the objects being created.

Game "Draw a Path"

The multifunctional manual can be used both in group classes and in individual work with children 4 - 7 years old. The game “Stretch the Path” can be used by speech pathologists, speech therapists, educational psychologists, educators, and parents.

Didactic tasks:

- development of fine motor skills, purposefulness of actions;

- formation of visual-motor coordination;

- development of the tracking function of the eyes;

- formation of a sense of space on a microplane;

- development of thought processes;

- development of speech components;

- consolidation of knowledge.


Stacked plastic canvas (40 x 35 cm) with transparent pockets (12 x 30 cm) on the right and left sides, and holes for colored laces (30 cm).

Suggested game options:

    “Do the math.”

    “Which tree is the leaf from?”

    "Who lives where?"

    “Who needs what for work?”

    "Treat the animals."

    “Determine the shape of the object.”

    “Find the outline of the object.”

    "Vice versa".

    “Let’s clarify the color of the objects.”

    “Find the mother of the cubs.”

    “Connect two objects that start with the same sound.”

    “Match the picture to the diagram.”

    “Connect similar objects.”

    “What was - what will be.”

    “What will we give to whom?”

    "Pcount it out»

    “Which tree is the leaf from?”

    "Who lives where"

Game g puzzle "Rainbow basket"

refers us to the fairy tale about the Ryaba Hen. This time, the Ryaba Hen laid many colorful eggs, and the grandfather and woman collected them and put them in a basket (on a board). In the basket (on the board) all the eggs are intact, but they can be “broken,” that is, separated into parts by removing them from the frame. Give your child the task of assembling a “golden” egg from separate parts, “so that grandpa and grandma won’t be upset that the mouse broke it.” Then you can invite him to collect other “broken” eggs. In this task, the child will be helped by colorful eggs (all colors of the rainbow).
The set includes puzzles of different difficulty levels: 6 eggs divided into 2 parts, and 6 eggs divided into three smaller parts. By completing these tasks, the child will become familiar with the concepts of part-whole, big-small, and the colors of the rainbow. The Rainbow Basket puzzle also develops fine motor skills.

Didactic game “Beads for mom (girlfriend)”

Purpose of the game: Development of constructive praxis and fine motor skills. Consolidating knowledge of primary colors, shades and the ability to distinguish them. Consolidating knowledge of numbers. Development of quantitative counting skills, the ability to correlate numbers with the number of objects. Development of attention and thinking.

To make the game, we used a modeling board purchased from a store. Cut-off necks from plastic bottles were used to screw on colored plastic caps. The writing on the caps can be erased using nail polish remover (nail polish).

You can invite the children to “assemble” the beads themselves, or you can offer a sample. There is a plastic pocket on top for this purpose. If it works for you lexical topic“My family” you can put a photo of his mother in front of the child. Children of older preschool age can be offered a sample with numbers.

Games for older preschool children

For children of older preschool age, I can already offer games for composing silhouette figures and geometric figures from special sets. The set of elements of such games consists of figures obtained by cutting any geometric figure according to certain rules: a square - in the games “Tangram”, “Pythagoras”, “Mongolian game”; rectangle - in the games “Pentamino”, “Sphinx”; oval – in the game “Columbus Egg”; circle - in the games “Magic Circle”, “Vietnamese Game”, etc.

Practical activities.

These games are designed to develop children's spatial imagination, logical and intuitive thinking. Games of this type improve the visual and figurative thinking of preschoolers and create conditions for the development of logical components of thinking.

To develop mental activity, I suggest that children plan the course of search actions: “Tell me how you will make the figure.” Children must reason, prove, refute.

In the future, I invite the children to compose images according to their own ideas. Creating a silhouette based on imagination presents a problematic task for the solver. In this case, it is necessary to find a way to solve the problem, discarding false approaches that do not lead to a solution. Such a search is preceded by the emergence of an assumption, an idea, a plan. In games for creating silhouettes, conditions arise for training the ability to independently and creatively solve interesting, simple problems.

Games - puzzles. « Tangram»

One of the first ancient puzzle games. Motherland occurrence –China, age - more than 4,000 years. The puzzle is a square cut into 7 parts: 2 large triangles, one medium one, 2 small triangles, a square and a parallelogram. The essence of the game is to collect all kinds of figures from these elements according to the principle of a mosaic. In total there are more than 7,000 different combinations. The most common of them are animal and human figures. The game promotes the development of imaginative thinking, imagination, combinatorial abilities, as well as the ability to visually divide a whole into parts.


The Pythagorean puzzle is a square divided into seven parts - 2 squares, 4 triangles and a parallelogram. The visual possibilities of the game are quite large - you can create silhouettes of varying degrees of complexity and complex geometric shapes reminiscent of household items, animals, birds, etc. The game can be played at the table, but if you make large-sized parts, you can assemble the silhouettes directly on floor, you can attach tailor's Velcro to the parts, then they can stick to the carpet on the wall.


The relatively simple Sphinx puzzle includes seven simple geometric shapes: four triangles and three quadrangles with different aspect ratios.The essence of the games is to construct various silhouettes from flat geometric shapes - animals, people, plants, objects of the surrounding world. The game develops the perception of shape, the ability to distinguish a figure from the background, highlighting the main features of an object, the eye, imagination (reproductive and creative), hand-eye coordination, visual analysis and synthesis, and the ability to work according to the rules.


A geometric figure of complex configuration, reminiscent of a schematic image of a human heart or a leaf of a tree, divided into 9 elements. The elements of this puzzle make especially good silhouettes of various types of transport. The resulting images resemble children's drawings (dogs, birds, people). By constructing simple figurative figures, children learn the perception of shape, the ability to isolate a figure from the background, and identify the main features of an object. The puzzle develops the eye, analytical and synthetic functions, imagination (reproductive and creative), hand-eye coordination, and the ability to work according to rules.

"Columbus Egg"

The essence of the game is to design various silhouettes on a plane, reminiscent of figures of animals, people, all kinds of household items, vehicles, as well as letters, numbers, flowers, etc. This game develops spatial imagination, intelligence, ingenuity, combinatorial abilities, perseverance and fine motor skills. Kolumbovo the egg is an oval that must be cut into 10 parts. The result will be triangles and trapezoids with smooth and rounded sides. It is from these parts that it is necessary to create the silhouette of an object, animal, person, etc.

"Vietnamese Game"

A circle of 7 parts, of which 2 parts are equal to each other, resembling a triangle; the remaining 3 parts are different in size and shape. The rounded parts obtained as a result of the cut guide children to create silhouettes of animals, birds, and insects. The essence of the game is to construct on a plane various object silhouettes resembling animals, people, household items, vehicles, letters, numbers, flowers, etc. Thanks to the complexity and variety of geometric shapes, this develops spatial imagination, combinatorial abilities, intelligence, ingenuity, as well as perseverance and fine motor skills - regardless of the child’s level of preparation and his inclinations.

"Mongolian game"

The puzzle is a square, divided into parts according to the principle “in half each time”those.into 11 parts: 2 squares, one large rectangle, 4 small rectangles, 4 triangles. The essence of the game is to collect all kinds of figures from these elements according to the principle of a mosaicthose.buildeof flat geometric shapes are differentXsilhouetteov– animals, people, plants, objects of the surrounding world.

To begin with, the child must learn that as a result of combining two or more geometric figures, a completely different geometric figure can be formed. For example, from 4 triangles you can make 1 square. Children learning how to attach two parts to each other and form a new one is a necessary initial stage in mastering the game. Children should be able to create new geometric figures from existing ones and imagine what kind of figure will result from addition and transfiguration. After this, children can be shown samples of silhouette figures.GamesAdevelopinget perception of shape, ability to distinguish a figure from the background, ability to identify the main features of an object, eye, imagination (reproductive and creative), hand-eye coordination, thinking, visual analysis/synthesis, ability to work according to rules.

« Archimedes' game or Archimedes' puzzle »

Since ancient times, the game has been known, which history associates with the name of the great Greek mathematician Archimedes. This puzzle game is very similar to . In ancient Greece it was called Stomachion. The main difference lies in the number and shape of the pieces from which they are composed. A set of elements obtained by dividing a rectangle into 14 parts. The essence of the game is to construct various object silhouettes on a plane: images of a person, dog, camel, chicken and others. The variety and varying degrees of complexity of geometric constructors makes it possible to take into account the age characteristics of children, their inclinations, capabilities, and level of training. The game develops spatial imagination, combinatorial abilities, intelligence, ingenuity, resourcefulness, as well as sensory abilities.

"Magic Circle"

A circle of 10 parts: among which there are 4 equal triangles, the remaining parts are equal in pairs, similar to triangular figures, but one of their sides is rounded. The game is designed to develop mental and creativity children of senior preschool and primary school age. The essence of the game is to construct on a plane various object silhouettes resembling animals, people, household items, vehicles, letters, numbers, flowers, etc.
Goal: to learn to analyze, divide the forms of a composed object into parts, and also look for ways to connect one part to another; develop in children spatial imagination , imaginative thinking, combinatorial abilities, ingenuity , practical and mental actions , perseverance and fine motor skills .


The “Pentomino” puzzle was patented by Solomon Golomb, a Baltimore resident, mathematician and engineer, professor at the University of Southern California. The game consists of flat figures, each of which consists of five identical squares connected by sides, hence the name. There is also a version of Tetramino puzzles, consisting of four squares; the famous Tetris originated from this game. The game set “Pentamino” consists of 12 figures. Each figure is designated by a Latin letter, the shape of which it resembles.

Didactic games with colored caps.

Didactic games with lids are a unique material in its didactic capabilities. “Why lids? " - you ask.

The lids are easy to handle and do not break, so they can be used for a long time.

Food lids are therefore approved by sanitary standards.

You can play with lids both at the table and on the carpet.

We used didactic games with colored lids in classes on the development of elementary mathematical concepts, in construction, in joint, individual activities.

With young children, it is appropriate to start learning colors, stringing and attaching lids, which is useful for the development of fine motor skills. Having learned to distinguish colors and sizes, children can move on to “designing” simple patterns and ornaments.

Games with colored caps will help children develop memory and logical thinking, teach them to reason and analyze.

Practical activities.

1. “Pick the colors” - introduce children to five colors by matching them according to a pattern, enrich their active vocabulary with the names of colors.

2. “Let’s decorate a napkin” - strengthen children’s ability to select shapes, focusing on color.

3. “Fill in the boxes” - continue to teach children to solve logical problems based on visually perceived information. Develop the skill of self-control and self-esteem (learn to logically explain your actions).

4. “Arrange the figures” - continue to teach children to solve logical problems based on verbal instructions:

5. Arrange the circles so that red is between blue and green, and green is next to yellow.