Summer riddles Children really like it. These riddles tell about summer, about summer flowers, about the summer months, about all the natural phenomena that occur in the summer. Not only children love to solve summer riddles, but adults also enjoy solving them.



The meadows are turning green,
There is a rainbow-arc in the sky.
The lake is warmed by the sun:
Everyone is invited to swim...


* * *

Warm, long, long day,
At noon - a tiny shadow,
The ear of corn blooms in the field,
The grasshopper gives a voice,
Strawberries are ripening
What month is it, tell me?


* * *

Hot, sultry, stuffy day,
Even chickens seek shade.
The mowing of grain has begun,
Time for berries and mushrooms.
His days are the peak summer ,
What month is this, tell me?


* * *

It flutters and dances over the flower,
He waves a patterned fan.


* * *

The sun is burning,
Linden blossoms.
The rye is ripening
When does this happen?

In summer

* * *

He gives us tomato juice,
Delicious, tender, aromatic.
Signor loves the sun -
Red ripe...


* * *

The field turned red in the summer.
Bright as a victory flag
He waves his head at us boldly
Velvety red...


* * *

If you want to dive into the water,
If you want, play in the sand.
How many castles can you create here!
What kind of place is this? ...


* * *

Jugs and saucers
They don't drown and don't fight.

Water lily.

* * *

Parachutes over the meadow
Swinging on a twig.


* * *

That's what they call little Vasya
And those flowers that are collected in the field.


* * *

I was walking along a path through a meadow,
I saw the sun on a blade of grass.
But not hot at all
white rays of the sun.


* * *

Sometimes purple, sometimes blue,
He met you at the edge of the forest.
They gave him a very sonorous name,
But he can hardly just ring.


* * *

Sisters are standing in the meadows -
Golden eye, white eyelashes.


Bouquet of flowers

Proud MAC blossomed in the valley

A scarlet drop on the plain.

The petals are caressed by the wind,

What is more beautiful in the world?

BELL blue,

Come play with me!

Ring your bell for me

A modest meadow flower!

Whose tender head is there?

Are you awkwardly reaching for the sun?

BUTTERCUPLE, sweet creation, -

A poem about you.

Even the evil THISTLE

It doesn't look too bad,

And the prickly heads

So beautiful, so awkward!

Beautiful summer flowers!

Do you agree with me?

All nature is a marvelous color!

So thank you, SUMMER!

We waited for spring and May -

All nature is blooming

The aroma filled the day -

What smells wonderful? (Lilac)

Near the river on the lawn

In a blue openwork T-shirt

Delicate like a moth

What kind of flower? (Cornflower)

Love does not love, -

Natasha is guessing,

What is she holding in her hands?

Flower - ... (chamomile)

Yellow sun eye,

Snow-white petal.

It's not a rose or a porridge,

What kind of flower? (Chamomile)

There is a bright light in the field,


What is this flaming flower?

Red clove)

The petals are simple,

Baby blue,

Just admire it for a minute -

What will you remember? (Forget-me-not)

After the winter cold

The aroma of flowers attracts.

What kind of flowers are so good?

In the spring forest... (lilies of the valley)

The flower was formed from two names,

And he was very proud of this.

Both Margo and Rita are proud

What bouquet? (Daisies)

The head is a red flashlight -

Suddenly she turned into a yellow ball,

And your green fashionable tailcoat

Who gives autumn? - Ours...(poppy)

Flower on the edge -

Lilac ears,

Oh! I'll be sorry

Rip what? (Violet)

The stem wriggles

Trying to crawl up.

White and pink flower

What will you call it? (Convolvulus)

What is this little yellow flower?

Don't want to be poisonous?

The stalk is like a whip!

Love... (buttercup)

What kind of flowers are they: like daisies,

Although in orange shirts?

The petals shine like satin.

They are simply called - ... (marigolds)

They ran deftly into the field,

Heads like suns,

Little yellow boys.

What are their names? (Dandelions)

The long-awaited time!

The kids shout: "Hurray!"

What kind of joy is this?

It's come... (summer)

The birch trees are scraggly

And they forgot about the frosts,

The flowers bloomed in the garden,

Ducks quack in the pond

We planted a vegetable garden.

What month is it? (June)

The sun is burning,

Everyone is suffering from the heat,

What month is this

In the middle of summer? (July)

The night is longer, the day is shorter,

The rain wets the ground more and more often,

Apples and pears are ripe,

The berries are boiled and dried -

Prepare for future use -

Summer is coming soon!

What month? Guess,

And then see September! (August)

Inseparable from the menacing cloud,

He is her best assistant

He is the leader of her tears,

If you touch a cloud, it cries... (rain)

Hello my friends! Summer has arrived, the children's holidays have begun, school is forgotten until September. That's why I'm on summer time I’m suspending publication and also switching to summer mode. And I’ll start, of course, with summer mysteries. And I’ll also add puzzles about summer to them.

I’ll warn you right away that I didn’t make all the puzzles simple: your child will have to puzzle over some of them (in in a good way words). But don't worry: kids love it - The more complex the problem, the greater the joy of being able to solve it!

Riddles about summer

Riddle Summer (and other seasons)

Yellow old age has overtaken fatigue,

But now everything is blooming with color!

(autumn winter spring Summer)

Riddle Sun

Day after day it shines on us,

And it warms you up.

What is this? Answer, children!

Who will guess the most?

Riddle Sky

It is sometimes blue, sometimes crimson-blue,

It can be covered with wonderful cotton wool.

And at sunset, oh, it’s beautiful!

What it is? Very interesting!

Riddle Grass

In the summer everything around is dotted with it,

There is firewood on it in the yard.

You guessed it, dear friend,

What it is? Speak!.. (Grass)

The Mystery of the Heat

Why are all the people hiding in the shadows?

And someone is pouring themselves from the bucket...

No, don’t think so, everyone loves summer here!

It’s just that summer suddenly attacked... (heat)

Summer puzzles

These are the summer riddles and puzzles about summer that I wrote and compiled for your children, so that at this time they not only play, but also develop their thinking with pleasure. I will be very, very glad if all this is useful to you.

My dears, in addition, I also plan to write more than ten summer-themed riddles for you. Please write down in the comments, do you need this, do you use my author’s riddles or am I writing them into the void? It is very important for me to know this.

Summer riddles: 100 summer riddles with answers for adults and children.

Summer riddles

In the summer, we spend more time in nature with our children and can observe the life of animals and plants together. Alas, speech modern man very far from figurativeness and expressiveness, but how you want to convey in a bright word the impressions of walking in the dew or watching the sunset! This summer, for the first time in several years, I spent the night in nature again and, getting up at 4 in the morning and meeting the sunrise in an open field, walking barefoot through the dew, I piercingly realized: here it is - real life! And no video presentations, even the best ones, can replace our children with such a morning - a real morning of a big happy summer day.

Riddles will help us vividly, originally, expressively and figuratively present all summer phenomena to children. In this article I have made a selection of summer riddles. They will be interesting to both adults and children. Below in the article you will find:
— summer riddles about plants: vegetables, fruits, trees, herbs, flowers, berries,
- summer riddles about the animal world,
- riddles about mushrooms,
- riddles about the summer months,
- riddles about natural phenomena and weather,
- riddles about people's summer activities.

How to work with your child using riddles?

Each riddle is interesting and very useful to discuss with children.

But it is interesting to discuss it in dialogue only if the child already has impressions from life. For example: “What kind of ball, the scarlet ball across the river, lit a fire?” - this riddle will be understood by a child who has seen a sunset on the river, when everything around in nature burns with a scarlet light. It is unlikely that a city child who sees the gray walls of houses instead of a sunset will understand her. For a city child, you can choose beautiful pictures, but they will not replace living life. The best thing is to get out into nature and enjoy it! While watching the sunset, tell your child this beautiful riddle, together with him you will be surprised by the bright, apt words:
– what is the sunset compared to?
— why does the riddle say that the sunset burns like a fire?
- How does a sunset resemble a fireball?

Don't rush to give your children the only correct answer to a riddle. Very often, riddles involve many possible correct answers. If the child doesn’t guess correctly, ask: “Why did you decide that this is...?” Sometimes children give very original answers! The main thing in all riddles is the process of guessing; it is this process that develops thinking, speech, and Creative skills children.

When discussing a riddle, highlight with your children the main signs by which you can recognize the answer. For example, in the text: “The green house is cramped: narrow, long, smooth. There are round kids sitting side by side in the house” there are the following signs: 1) there is something narrow, long and smooth, 2) there are several round parts inside it - “children”. After guessing, ask how peas are similar to a house? Why was he called that in the riddle? What other vegetables or fruits can be called houses in riddles? Come up with your own riddle about another vegetable - a “house for the kids.”

After preparing vegetables for lunch, ask a riddle about them. For example, this riddle about corn: “It grew in the garden, braided its braids. And he hides grains of gold in green scarves.” With your child, find where the corn has golden kernels, where it has a green scarf in which the corn hid its grains.

The main task of introducing children to riddles– teach the child to think independently, compare, generalize, clearly express his opinion, find original ways out of non-standard situations, and not to memorize as many riddles and answers as possible. You will want to come up with your own riddles for your loved ones and friends - this is a wonderful activity, and children really love such joint creativity. Write down the riddles you and your children have written in a separate notebook.

Wish you have an interesting summer and exciting communication with riddles!

Summer riddles about plants

Summer riddles on the topic “Vegetables. Fruits. Berries"

The green house is cramped:
Narrow, long, smooth.
They sit side by side in the house
Round guys. (Peas)

The girl is sitting in prison, and the scythe is on the street. (Carrot)

A woman is sitting in the beds, covered in patches; whoever looks at her will cry. (Onion)

The grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats. Whoever undresses him sheds tears. (Onion)

No windows, no doors, the room was full of people. (Cucumber).

In the summer - in the garden.
Fresh, green.
And in winter - in a barrel
Delicious, salty. (Cucumbers)

I'm round and strong
Dark red sides
I'm fit for lunch -
And in borscht, and in vinaigrette. (Beet)

The old man jammed
Bright red cap.
The cap is beautiful to look at
Only filled with bitterness. (Red pepper)

A hundred clothes, but all without fasteners. (Cabbage)
She has clothes -
Just undershirts.
I put on a hundred of them,
She herself was white. (Cabbage)

And green and thick
There is a bush in the garden.
Dig a little -
Under the bush - ... (potato)

Round, crumbly, white,
She came to the table from the fields.
Salt it a little.
After all, it’s really delicious... (potatoes)

It looks red. And if you bite through it, it’s white. (Radish)

Round, not a ball,
With a tail, not a mouse,
Yellow like honey
But the taste is not the same. (Turnip)

Rounder and redder than everyone else,
It tastes best in a salad.
And guys from a long time ago
They love... (tomato).

There is fruit in the garden,
He's sweet like honey
Yellow as a roll,
But not round like a ball,
It's right under your leg
Pull it out a little. (Pear)

The scarlet itself is sugar, the caftan is green, velvet. (Watermelon)

Green, striped, and sweet in the middle. (Watermelon)

We are all yellow, like amber.
Round like little balls.
Heavy monists
We hung under the leaves.
Our color comes from the sun, from the ray.
And our name is... (cherry plum).

It was green and small.
Then I became scarlet.
I turned dark in the sun,
And now I'm ripe. (Cherry)

The green garden turned red
Red drops are hanging.
Everyone is familiar with these drops,
They are both adults and children
They eat with pleasure -
Only the bones are flying. (Cherry)

In the heat of the stumps
Many thin stems.
Each thin stem
Holds a scarlet flame.
Unbend the stems -
Collecting lights. (Strawberry)

Alenka grows in the grass
In a red shirt.
Whoever passes
Everyone bows to her. (Strawberry).

You will find materials for classes with children on the topic “Vegetables” in the article. Materials on the topic “Fruits”, speech games and finger gymnastics- in the article

Summer riddles on the topic “Trees. Shrubs. Flowers. Herbs"

She dies in the fall
And again in the spring it comes to life.
The green needle will come out into the light.
It grows and blooms all summer long.
Cows without it are in trouble:
She is their main food. (Grass)

Who will give the bee honey?
Who blooms in the sun?
And a colored head
Do we feel sick in the summer heat? (Flower)

No arms, no legs, but crawls (hops, bindweed).

It looks like a carnation
With a blue head.
You will find him in the field
And you will take it with you.
I can’t understand at all -
They say he's a weed. (Cornflower)

Rye is earing in the field,
There, in the rye, you will find a flower.
Bright blue and fluffy,
It's just a pity that it's not fragrant. (Cornflower)

Near in a row
The bells are hanging.
They sway in the wind,
But they don't ring. (Bells)

I turn white in a clean field.
I was yellow - I became fluffy.
And the wind blew -
A stalk remains. (Dandelion)

They weren't allowed into the garden
That's why it burns. (Nettle)

He grew up angry and prickly in the field,
Needles in all directions. (burdock)

The sisters are standing in the field:
Yellow eye, white eyelashes (Daisies)

A thin stem by the path,
At the end of it are earrings,
There are leaves on the ground -
Small bursts.
He's like us good friend
Treats wounds of legs and arms. (Plantain)

Head on a leg
There are black polka dots in it,
Everyone knows us:
We are bright as a flame. (Poppies)

In the garden by the path
The sun is standing on its leg.
Only yellow rays
He's not hot. (Sunflower)

Green, not a meadow,
White, not snow,
Curly, not a head. (Birch)

What kind of tree is this?
And he gives honey and weaves sandals? (Linden)

It's like a snow globe is white
In the spring it bloomed,
She exuded a delicate scent,
And when the time has come,
At once she became
The whole berry is black. (Bird cherry)

It is bitter in haymaking, and sweet in frost. What kind of berry? (Rowan)

I dropped my curls into the river
And I was sad about something.
What is she sad about?
Doesn't tell anyone. (Willow)

Three chubby sisters
Green in summer
By autumn, one turns white, the other turns red, and the third turns black.
(White, red and black currants).

These are the berries, look
Like small thimbles,
All of them are the color of dawn
Scarlet - very scarlet.
There is also a basket for berries,
Get into it... (raspberry)

More materials on these topics on my website “Native Path”:

Summer riddles on the topic “Cereals”

At first he grew up in freedom in the field,
In the summer it bloomed and spiked,
And when they threshed,
He suddenly turned into grain.
From grain to flour and dough.
I took a place in the store. (Bread)

Was a grain of gold -
Became a green arrow.
The summer sun was shining -
And the arrow was gilded. (Ear)

It stays green for two weeks
It's been earing for two weeks,
It blooms for two weeks
It pours for two weeks,
It dries out for two weeks. (Rye)

Golden sun from the sky
Golden rays are pouring.
In the field as a friendly wall
Golden Mustache. (Wheat)

In the field - with a broom,
There are pearls in the bag. (Wheat)

Grew in the field
Was under the millstone
From the stove to the table
The loaf arrived. (Wheat)

The stem grew without hair,
And overgrown with earrings.
Then they took off these earrings,
We made porridge for the children. (Oats)

It grew in the garden,
She braided her Russian hair.
And in green scarves
Hides grains - gold pieces. (Corn)

But this cereal looks like
For wheat and rye.
But there is one flower in the spikelet -
Be careful, my friend! (barley)

IN warm earth I'll leave
I will rise like an ear towards the sun.
It contains people like me -
The whole family. (Corn)

More about cereals and the work of people who grow bread - interesting materials, videos for children, pictures you will find in the articles:

Summer riddles about the animal world.

It's not a bird, but it flies.
With a proboscis, not an elephant.
Nobody tame
And (Fly) sits on the nose.

He will lower his proboscis into the flower -
Sucks fragrant sweet juice.
And then he will bring it to the hive
Transparent aromatic honey. (Bee)

And he moves his mustache,
And he’ll go for a walk -
Backwards. (Cancer)

Cheren, but not a raven,
A horn, not a bull.
Six legs without hooves. (Bug).

I don't buzz when I sit.
I don't buzz when I walk
If I'm spinning in the air,
I'll have a blast at this point. (Bug)

Not a Christmas tree, but a prickly one.
Not the cat, but the mice are afraid of him. (Hedgehog)

A ball is rolling through the forest,
He has a prickly side.
He hunts at night
For bugs and mice. (Hedgehog)

Found in the water
Born with a tail
And how does it grow?
The tail disappears. (Tadpole)

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up -
I didn't want to sleep anymore.
He moved, he started,
He soared up and flew away. (Butterfly)

Hairy, green,
She hid in the leaves.
She has a lot of legs
He just can’t run. (Caterpillar)

From the branch to the path,
From grass to blade of grass
The spring jumps
Green back. (Grasshopper)

The little animal is jumping.
Not a mouth, but a trap.
Will fall into a trap
Both a mosquito and a fly. (Frog)

One Hundred Skilled Craftsmen
They are building a house without corners. (Ants)

Summer riddles about mushrooms

Antoshka stands on one leg (mushroom)

Small, remote,
Passed through the earth -
I found Little Red Riding Hood. (Mushroom).

Here stands a handsome man
On a white leg.
He's wearing a red hat
There are polka dots on the hat.
Who will take him with him?
He'll take a sip of grief. (Amanita)

There are no more friendly mushrooms than these,
Adults and children know
They grow on a stump in the forest,
Like freckles on your nose. (Honey mushrooms)

Standing in a white hat
He looks down on everyone.
Frill on the leg,
Pale boots.
Although rich and important,
Nobody needs you! (Toadstool)

Gray hats,
Speckled legs
They grow under the birch tree.
What are their names? (Boletus mushrooms)

He will be born in an aspen forest.
No matter how he hides in the grass,
We'll find it anyway:
He is wearing a red hat. (Boletus)

Summer riddles about the months of the year

The ear of corn blooms in the field,
The grasshopper gives a voice,
Strawberries are ripening.
What month? Tell me. (June)

Hot, sultry, stuffy day.
Even chickens seek shade.
These days are the peak of summer.
What month is this, tell me? (July)

This month is hot
Gives gifts to everyone:
Plums, apples and pears,
We cook the fruits, we dry the fruits.
It's the last month of summer
Autumn is nearby, close somewhere. (August)

I am made of heat,
I carry the warmth with me.
I warm the rivers
I invite you to swim.
Everyone loves me for this.
My name is, of course... (summer)

The sun is burning
The linden blossoms
The rye is spiking,
The wheat is golden.
The fruits are ripening.
When does this happen? (In summer)

Summer riddles about weather and natural phenomena

Smooth, not field. Blue, not the sea. (Sky)
They fly without wings
They run without legs
They sail without a sail. (Clouds)

The rain passed, but I stayed
On the paths in the yard.
Sparrows bathed in me
For the amusement of the kids.
But until tomorrow
The sun will dry me out. (Puddle)

The red girl looks out the window (the sun).

A multi-colored rocker hung across the river. (Rainbow)

We have a kraft hanging over our yard (Moon).

Was a horn - became a circle. (Moon)

As soon as the sun went out and it became dark,
As if someone scattered grain across the sky. (Stars on the sky)

The entire path is strewn with peas (stars in the sky).

Without arms, without legs, but the gate opens (the wind).

Howls, whistles,
Dust rises
Knocks everyone off their feet.
Can you hear him
Don't you see him? (Wind)

There are no legs, but he walks.
There are no eyes, but tears are shed.
How he comes and how he bursts into tears,
Everyone immediately hides under the roof. (Rain).

Who beats on the roof all night,
Yes he knocks
And he mumbles and he sings,
Lulls you to sleep? (rain)

What kind of ball, scarlet ball
Was there a fire across the river?
The river turned reddish
From the evening... ? (sunset).

It made a noise, it made a noise,
I washed everything and left.
And gardens and orchards
It watered the whole area. (Storm)

What knocks without hands? (thunder)

Here's a horse rushing across the sky -
Fire flies from under my feet.
The horse hits with a mighty hoof
And splits the clouds.
So he runs hard
That the earth is trembling all around. (Thunder)

What burns without fire? (Storm)

Falls to the ground, but does not fly away from the ground (rain)

Zarya-Zaryanitsa, I lost my keys. A month went by and I couldn’t find it. The sun has risen and found. (Dew)

Rooted into the ground for a minute
Multi-colored miracle bridge,
The miracle master made
The bridge is high without railings. (Rainbow)

Either from the roof, or from the sky -
Either cotton wool or fluff.
Or maybe snow flakes
Appeared suddenly in the summer?
Who is stealing them?
Is it pouring out as if from a bag? (Poplar fluff)

We walk along the carpet with you,
Nobody wove it.
He spread himself out
Lies by the blue river -
And yellow, and blue, and red. (Meadow)

Frowns, frowns,
Will burst into tears,
There will be nothing left. (Cloud)

In winter they walk on it, and in summer they drive. (River)

Summer riddles about vacation and summer activities

And from the wind and from the heat,
It will protect you from the rain.
How sweet it is to sleep in it!
What is this? (Tent)

I rule with an iron horse,
If this horse
I won't put you up against the fence,
He will fall without me. (Bike)

In calm weather
Not anywhere.
The breeze will blow-
We are running on water. (Waves)

It walks along the sea, reaches the shore, and then disappears. (Wave)
Tell me what kind of bird it is
Sees off ships
Catches fish and spins
A white ribbon in the distance?
The answer is hidden in the riddle!
Did you guess it or not? (Seagull - hidden in the word “answer”)

- I don’t understand, guys, who are you?
Fishermen? Birders?
What kind of net is there in the yard?
- Wouldn't you interfere with the game?
You'd better go away.
We play.. (volleyball).

The racket hits the shuttlecock,
Again he should fly behind the net,
It's high time you called
What kind of game is this? (badminton)

Interesting material about summer awaits you in the articles:

And at the end of the article for you and your children - "Summer Riddles" in the children's TV show “Visiting Dunyasha” (Elena Blaginina’s riddles about summer)


"Speech development from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

Good riddles, but they were for 9+. Thank you, we laughed while we read! How do you get your child to solve riddles? For example, about an Antoshka on one leg or a pear hanging, you can’t eat... Many folk riddles are familiar to literally everyone, because everyone in childhood was told about “Antoshka on one leg” and about “gold coins” that fall from a branch. But other Russian riddles are undeservedly forgotten, but they are built on interesting, complex images, perfectly develop a child’s imagination and even instill a literary taste. Riddle them for your baby more often, it will bring pleasure to both you and him!

"An oak tree hid in a golden ball"- does your child know what this is? But this is one of the simplest riddles in our collection!

We have compiled another selection of folk riddles. There are some very cunning ones!
For example:

Sits on a stick in a red shirt.
The belly is full, full of stones.

But guess what it is!

You might like this selection of folk riddles:

What a miracle! It's tasteful
Can eat dust and debris!
And it buzzes like a hundred wasps,
Hard worker..... (vacuum cleaner)

From whom, my friends,
Is there no way to escape?
Obsessively on a clear day
Walking next to us... (shadow) The color is green, without a doubt,
It will lift everyone's spirits.
There is a laugh in the swamp -

Yellow color, please note
Adults and children love it.
Look out your window:
What will you see in the sky?....the sun. It’s round and striped.
The boys are growing in the melon patch
It tastes very sweet
It's called.....watermelon

There are different stars
In the morning the stars in the sky melt
And in the seas without knowing worries
A star floats. ...sea

I was drawing today
Paint an oval on a sheet
And my friend Vitalik said
It's a balloon... a riddle balloon - good entertainment for children and adults. Great! New Year's riddles

***The tablecloth is white, covering the whole world. (Snow)
A white blanket lay on the ground. Summer has come - It's all gone. (Snow)
*** The white carrot grew all winter. The sun warmed up and ate the carrots. (Icicle) *** Transparent, like glass, but you can’t put it in a window. (Ice)
*** From the sky - with a star, On the palm - with water. (Snow)
*** The old man at the gate took away the warmth. He doesn’t run and doesn’t tell him to stand. (Freezing)
*** The children sat on the ledge and grew down all the time. (Icicles)
***There is a mountain in the yard, and water in the hut. (Snow)
*** It grows upside down, It grows not in summer, but in winter. But the sun will bake her - she will cry and die. (Icicle)
*** Without arms, without legs, But he can draw. (Freezing)
*** At night, while I was sleeping, he came with a magic brush and painted sparkling leaves on the window. (Freezing)
*** He built skating rinks for us, Covered the streets with snow, Built bridges from ice, Who is this?.. (Santa Claus)
*** Everyone is afraid of him in winter - he can bite painfully. Hide your ears, cheeks, nose, Because outside... (Frost)
*** We looked out the window - I can’t believe my eyes! Everything around is white and white And it’s sweeping... (Blizzard)
*** In winter, during hours of fun, I hang on a bright spruce. I shoot like a cannon, My name is... (Clapperboard)
*** Name it, guys, the month in this riddle: Its days are shorter than all days, longer than the night of all nights. Snow fell on the fields and meadows until spring. Only our month will pass, We meet New Year. (December)
*** It stings your ears, it stings your nose, The frost creeps into your felt boots. If you splash water, it will fall. Not water, but ice. Even a bird can’t fly, The frost freezes the bird. The sun turned towards summer. What month is this, tell me? (January)
*** Snow is falling in bags from the sky, There are snowdrifts around the house. Then snowstorms and blizzards flew into the village. The frost is severe at night, and the ringing of drops can be heard during the day. The day has noticeably increased. Well, what kind of month is this? (February)
*** What kind of stars are there on the coat and on the scarf? Everything is through, cut out, and if you take it - water in your hand? (Snowflakes)
*** The needles glow softly, The coniferous spirit comes from... (Christmas tree)
*** He is always busy with work, He cannot go in vain. He goes and paints white everything he sees on the way. (Snow)
*** You will always find her in the forest, Let's go for a walk and meet her. Stands prickly, like a hedgehog, in a summer dress in winter. And when she comes to us on New Year's Eve - The guys will be happy, The cheerful ones are full of trouble: They are preparing her outfits. (Christmas tree)
*** Someone from the forest will come to our house on New Year’s Eve, all fluffy, covered in needles, and that guest’s name is... (Yolka)
*** She was born in the forest, grew and blossomed there. And now she has brought us her beauty for Christmas. (Christmas tree)
*** It’s snowing, the streets and houses are hidden under the white cotton wool. All the guys are happy about the snow - It has come to us again... (Winter)
*** He comes first in the count, the New Year will begin with him. Open your calendar soon, Read! Written... (January)
*** I won’t tolerate heat: I’ll spin snowstorms, I’ll whiten all the glades, I’ll decorate the spruce trees, I’ll sweep the houses with snow, Because I... (Winter)
*** At first he was a black cloud, He lay down on the forest like white fluff. He covered the whole earth with a blanket, and in the spring he completely disappeared. (Snow)
*** The star spun in the air a little, sat down and melted on my palm. (Snowflake)
*** We made a snowball, put a hat on it, attached a nose, and in an instant it turned out... (Snowman)
*** He appeared in the yard in cold December. Clumsy and funny, he stands by the skating rink with a broom. Our friend is used to the winter wind... (Snowman)
*** Who sweeps and gets angry in winter, Blows, howls and spins, Makes a white bed? This is a snowy... (Blizzard)
*** If a cat decides to lie down, Where it’s warmer, where there’s a stove, And covers its nose with its tail - It’s waiting for us... (Frost)
*** Small, white, Jump-jump through the forest! One snowball at a time! (Hare)
*** In winter there are apples on the branches! Collect them quickly! And suddenly the apples fluttered, After all, this is... (Bullfinches)
*** We stood all summer, We waited for winter, We waited for the time - We rushed down the mountain. (Sled)
*** Two birch horses carry me through the snow. These horses are red, and their name is... (Skis)
*** In winter he sleeps, in summer he stirs up the hives. (Bear)
*** I can’t feel my legs with joy, I’m flying down the snowy hill! Sports have become dearer and closer to me. Who helped me with this?.. (Skis)
*** Come on, guys, Who can guess: Two fur coats are enough for ten brothers. (Mittens) *** They fray them, roll them around, and carry them around in the winter. (Felt boots)
*** He brought a Christmas tree, gifts, and sweets for us. This is our kind and cheerful beloved... (Santa Claus)
*** Who, guys, doesn’t get tired of having fun on New Year’s Eve? Who gives gifts to children? Who brought the Christmas tree from the forest to all the children in the world? Guess it! (Father Frost)
*** He comes on a winter evening to light candles on the tree. He has grown a gray beard, Who is this?.. (Santa Claus) Maybe we can put together a collection?
About winter, about animals, about fruits, about vegetables, about spring soon...

Yesterday we were preparing about fruits.
What did they find?

The size of a fist, a red barrel,
Touch it - smooth, bite it - sweet.
Answer (Apple)

Balls hang on the branches,
Turned blue from the heat.

Well, something like this:
Far in the south somewhere
It grows in winter and summer.
Will surprise us
(a pineapple)

Yellow citrus fruit
It grows in sunny countries.
But it tastes sour,
And his name is...

He looks like a red ball
Only he doesn’t rush at a gallop.
In him healthy vitamin -
This is ripe...

Twins on a thin branch
All vines are native children.
Everyone in the house is happy to have a guest.
This is sweet...

Boxers know everything about her
With her they develop their blow.
Even though she's clumsy
But it looks like a fruit...

Children know this fruit
Monkeys love to eat it.
He comes from hot countries
Grows in the tropics...

From June to August a rather difficult time begins for parents. Usually at this time children do not go to kindergarten or school. Therefore, mothers and fathers are faced with a difficult task: to entertain their child and at the same time interest him in new horizons in exploring the world. Riddles for children about summer are ideal for this, most of which will delight the child.

Why is it worth paying attention? Special attention riddles about this time of year?

In our time of computers and tablets, it is not surprising if you constantly see your son or daughter playing games, cartoons, or communicating with their friends through social networks. Offer them funny children's riddles about summer - and it is likely that virtual communication will become real. After all, coming up with answers to them is always fun and funny, while watching the expression on your neighbor’s face and his attempts to figure out what was meant. Stormy positive emotions And great mood your child and his friends are guaranteed.

However, in addition to creating a fun atmosphere, children's riddles about summer will help:

  1. Develop in the baby logical thinking, because in order to figure out what we're talking about in a riddle, he will have to use all his knowledge about the world around him.
  2. Improve your baby's concentration and memory. As a rule, most children's riddles about summer with answers, especially folklore ones, are very figurative, so only child prodigies can instantly understand what they meant.
  3. Introduce a young researcher to an inexhaustible treasure trove folk wisdom, which will definitely be useful to him in the future when accumulating his own life experience.
  4. Use your imagination in any situation. After all, children's riddles about summer are very diverse both in content and style, and this contributes to the development of imagination.
  5. Expand lexicon and instill a love for their native language.
Examples of riddles about the summer season

Theme of riddles about summer for kindergarten very wide. After all, at this time many flowers bloom, fruits and vegetables ripen, and the weather often changes. The riddle may also contain the name of one of the summer months.

Answers to riddles are sometimes given not in the form of a word or words, but in the form of a picture, which you can draw yourself or print from a computer. This allows the baby

If you prefer to spend most of your time from June to August in nature (or hiking), the best way to spend time away from civilization for little fidgets would be to tell them children's riddles about summer for preschoolers or primary school on the topic weather conditions: rain, hail, rainbows, thunderstorm, sun, fog, dew, etc. They will help the child learn to clearly differentiate natural phenomena around it, classify them, compare and highlight features. For example:

Well, which one of you will answer:

It’s not fire, but it burns painfully,

Not a lantern, but shining brightly,

And not a baker, but a baker? (Sun)

In the morning the beads sparkled,

They covered all the grass with themselves,

And we went to look for them during the day,

We search and search, but we won’t find it. (Dew)

A fiery arrow flies.

No one will catch her:

Neither king nor queen

Neither the red maiden. (Lightning)

Sister and brother live:

Everyone sees one

Yes, he doesn’t hear

Everyone hears the other

He doesn't see it. (Lightning Thunder)

What a wonderful beauty!

painted gate

Showed up on the way!..

You can't drive into them,

Neither enter. (Rainbow)

He makes noise in the field and in the garden,

But it won't get into the house.

And I'm not going anywhere

As long as he goes. (Rain)

Look: from the sky in summer

Ice floes flew!

Refreshed with white color

Grass and paths.

A black cloud has arrived

I brought these pieces of ice. (hail)

In a separate group, it is worth highlighting riddles about summer for children, mainly built on the child’s subconscious desire to choose a rhyme that suits its sound, even if it does not fit in meaning. Thus, already with early years You can teach your child to think critically about the reality around him, which will definitely be useful to him in the future. Examples of such riddles are:

To my little sisters

Bought for summer... (not felt boots, but sandals)

Let's pick up an armful of flowers

And now we will weave... (not a hat, but a wreath)

Put your ear to the flower,

And it buzzes and sings (bee)

And collects honey.

The lion's share of such riddles are puzzles for the mind, the answer to which is the very name of this time of year or the names of plants, animals, birds or insects for which the warm season is the time of greatest activity:

I don’t feel sorry for warmth for you,

From the south I came with the heat.

Brought flowers, fishing,

A ringing swarm of mosquitoes,

Strawberries in a box

And swimming in the river. (Summer)

The sun is burning,

Linden blossoms.

The rye is ripening

When does this happen? (In summer)

Emerald meadows,

There is a rainbow-arc in the sky.

The lake is warmed by the sun:

He invites everyone to swim... (Summer)

Warm, long, long day,

At noon - a tiny shadow,

The ear of corn blooms in the field,

Strawberries are ripening

What month is it, tell me? (June)

Hot, sultry, stuffy day,

Even chickens seek shade.

The mowing of grain has begun,

Time for berries and mushrooms.

His days are the peak of summer,

What month is this, tell me? (July)

The maple leaves have turned yellow,

Flew to the countries of the south

Swift-winged swifts.

What month is it, tell me? (August)

I'm on the hot beach

I'm waiting for the guys in the hot summer.

And, escaping from me,

A baby is splashing in the river.

And the animals these days

Take cover in the shadows. (Heat, heat)

We've been sitting in the hut for a long time -

In a warm, tight shell.

How do we hatch?

Let's quickly get started. (Chicks)

We weave them very cleverly

We are from dandelions.

We put it on the heads

Girls and boys. (Wreaths)

In the summer I work a lot,

I'm circling over the flowers.

I'll pick up nectar and shoot

I'll fly to my hive house. (Bee)

Rye is spiking in the field.

There, in the rye, you will find a flower.

Bright blue and fluffy,

It's just a pity that it's not fragrant. (Cornflower)

On a green fragile leg

The ball grew near the path.

The breeze rustled

And dispelled this ball. (Dandelion)

Often such riddles also talk about summer leisure, which is usually remembered by children for a long time:

It is sandy, waiting for us in the summer,

Warm rays shine.

And on the warm shore

Children make Easter cakes. (Beach)

In the summer me and my friend

We run to the shore.

We always get up at dawn

Spinning, take fishing rods,

Worms in a tin can.

This is needed for bait.

What are we passionate about?

What are we called? (Fishing, fishermen)

He's a swing and a bed,

It's good to lie on it,

Is he in the garden or in the forest

Will sway on the weight. (Hammock)

In calm weather

We are nowhere

And the wind will blow

- We're running on the water. (Waves)

Children really like riddles about the gifts of summer - berries, mushrooms, etc., as well as those natural phenomena that can be admired strictly during this season:

Here's someone important

On a white leg.

He has a red hat

There are polka dots on the hat. (Amanita)

Red beads hanging

They're looking at us from the bushes,

Love these beads very much

Children, birds and bears. (Raspberries)

She was green, small,

Then I became scarlet.

I turned black in the sun,

And now I'm ripe. (Cherry)