Of course, man is the most smart creature on our planet. What can you say about animals? Each has its own unique features. Someone might become best friend for humans, some are ruthless predators, some simply touch us, some are the slowest (a sloth with a speed of 30-50 meters per minute), and some are not inferior in speed to transport. In this article we will look at the fastest animals in the world.

Majestic king of beasts

In tenth place in our ranking of the fastest animals is the king of all animals - the lion. Once upon a time these animals could be seen on large areas, but now they are visible only in a limited area. The lion reaches a speed of 80 kilometers per hour. What features do these amazing animals contain?

  • lionesses are faster than males
  • the speed of lionesses over short distances can reach 80 km/h, and that of lions - up to 57 km/h.
  • lions, in turn, are distinguished by their speed of reaction to what is happening
  • Now there are fewer lions in the world, the reason for this is persecution by humanity.

What else should you know about these animals? Of course, you know that they belong to the cat family. But how do they attack? Usually lions act in small groups in order to attack, for example, an antelope. By the way, the antelope also has good speed. But often lions win because they have good acceleration.
Incredible facts about lions:

  1. owners of the smallest heart among predators
  2. claws can reach as much as 7 cm in length
  3. Little lion cubs do not learn to roar until they are two years old.

Small, defenseless, but very fast animal

The brown hare is forced to survive in its environment. After all, predators are chasing him. What is his saving speed?

  • 57 kilometers per hour - sprint speed
  • 80 kilometers per hour – maximum

Nature itself has endowed hares with agility and some cunning. Brown hares can deceive and confuse a predator. The hare will run from side to side, and the charge of energy will simply gradually leave the pursuer.

The incredibly beautiful and graceful zebra can reach speeds from 57 to 80 km/h. It's a shame that the zebra can't act like our previous hero, or simply disguise himself. Therefore, the only thing that gives her a chance to survive is her speed.
Each zebra is completely unique in its own way due to its pattern. It never repeats itself.

Surely, at least once in your life you have wondered what color a zebra is. Scientists have proven after numerous studies that the zebra is a black animal with a white stripe. Why did nature reward them with this color? Everything is much simpler than you think. In fact, white stripes help ward off tsetse flies. These dangerous insects They attack absolutely everything that moves, even a car. And the tsetse fly perceives the color of a zebra as an incomprehensible flashing of different stripes, and not as a reason to eat.

How do zebras distinguish each other? The little foal will still not lose its mother among others. Animals have the ability to distinguish their relatives by stripes. Zebras live on average 25 years. In captivity the situation is different. A zebra can live as long as 40 years.

How do zebras live? During the holidays, some people become real guards of their herd. You might not know, but in some ways zebras are similar to people. They are characterized family values. Some zebras form a union that lasts a lifetime. And their babies are born with red stripes. Zebra mother's milk is not standard White color, but with a characteristic pink tint.

In seventh place in our ranking is an equally unique and spectacular animal, namely the horse. Their average sprint speed is 61 km per hour. But it's not that simple. A record was set in 2008. The maximum speed of the horse was as much as 87 km/h.

Man's best friend and hunter

We're talking about dogs. The greyhound dog breed should be given its due. This is not just a hunting breed. Many people, once they see this grace, slender paws, intelligent eyes, simply cannot help but fall in love. Of course, keeping a greyhound in an apartment and giving it 20-30 minutes of walking time means ruining the animal’s potential. Compare the speed of greyhounds with other dog breeds:

  1. the average speed of other breeds reaches 30 - 50 km/h
  2. the average sprint speed of a greyhound is 63 km/h
  3. speed over a short distance can reach 89 kilometers per hour.

Scientists divide greyhounds into as many as 20 varieties. It is the purebred Russian greyhound that is the fastest and strongest, due to its ideally developed muscles.
Of course, this dog is valued for its speed, energy and athleticism. But in ordinary life, she really becomes a person’s best friend. This is an affectionate, gentle member of the family who simply loves the warm stroking of hands from its owner. A dog needs constant communication and can become your best friend and helper. small child. But the main thing you need to understand when choosing this breed for a home is that you must give the animal freedom of action. The ideal option is to live in rural areas in a private house. It is here that the animal can calmly develop its characteristics and grow healthy and active.

The golden mean of our rating was the wildebeest. Wildebeest live in Africa and feed exclusively on plants. Unfortunately, they are the best prey for many predators. Antelopes are not agile or cunning animals due to their considerable size. Weight Limit- 250 kg, height - 1.5 meters. The only chance to escape from lions, leopards and other predators is speed. average speed reaches 40 kilometers per hour, and the maximum is 90 km/h.
The wildebeest feeds on plants. Because this animal is very dependent on weather conditions. The alternation of rain and drought forces the antelope to migrate twice a year along with the rains.

Cute and bouncy animal

This is Thompson's gazelle. The animal looks very beautiful. Color, body lines, beautiful eyes will never make you think that a gazelle can accelerate to as much as 95 km/h. Average speed is 87 kilometers per hour. This unique animal lives only in Kenya and Tanzania. It is rare to see Thompson's gazelle in South Sudan. The antelope received its name from the Scottish scientist who first discovered it.
What features does this animal have?

  • maximum weight - 30 kg
  • the height at the withers in some individuals reaches 70 cm
  • Thompson's gazelle prefers to live in a herd. Typically, about 100 animals can be found. But sometimes there were whole flocks of thousands of gazelles.

Honorable third place in the ranking
The South African antelope can run 88 kilometers per hour over long distances, and 114 kilometers per hour over short distances. The animal is distinguished by its endurance. Often predators cannot catch them due to the fact that they are prone to rapid loss of energy, while the South African antelope can maintain a good speed for a very long time.


An amazing creature that can also be classified as an antelope. He lives in North America and Canada. We can say that it is very similar to an ordinary roe deer. This applies to both appearance and dimensions. Unique data about pronghorns:

  1. huge heart. Larger in size than even a ram
  2. a thick trachea that can quickly pump blood throughout the body
  3. reaches a speed of 105 km/h
  4. can jump 2 meters high and 6 meters long.

The highest speed was reached at 115 kilometers per hour. Pronghorns are absolutely rightly called the champions of America among all four-legged animals. But that's not all. It’s interesting to know that pronghorns often run not for their own purposes, but just for fun. They also love to compete in speed with cars. Do not think that this is the reason for getting under the wheels. An agile animal can slip in front of a car's radiator. These animals like to spend the winter in small herds, and closer to spring they begin to divide into even smaller groups.
Where did the name come from? Females and males have horns. For ladies they are thinner and shorter. The most interesting thing is that the horns of these animals tend to shed.

The fastest animal in the whole world

This honorary title occupied by a cheetah. Of course, much more should be said about him, because he is truly worthy. This beast has a very sporty appearance. Some may find the cheetah too skinny. Simply one of the main features of cheetahs is complete absence fat deposits in the body.
Why else is a cheetah capable of developing crazy speed?

  • powerful and strong paws
  • compact head
  • the entire body structure improves streamlining when running
  • weight adult 45 - 67 kg
  • body length 1 - one and a half meters
  • 80cm tail

The cheetah looks not just beautiful, but extremely graceful. Sandy color and black spots characteristically distinguish cheetahs from other representatives of the cat world. Unfortunately, these animals are cruel and cunning predators. The thing is that these cats will not clearly hunt the same antelope, they quietly and insidiously wait and chase it. As a result of the most powerful throw and high speed, any victim simply has no chance.

What speed is inherent in these insidious but graceful predators?

The cheetah easily accelerates to 110 - 115 kilometers per hour. Their maximum throw at a victim is about 400 meters. Even this throw requires a huge expenditure of strength and energy from the animal. But as we have already said, the cheetah leaves virtually no chance for its victims. Therefore, this one throw is quite enough.
Surprising but true. The so-called cat can accelerate up to 75 km in 2 seconds. Not a single most expensive and sports car can boast of such indicators.
If a cheetah has received a large prey and simply cannot eat it in one go, then it will cunningly pull the remains of its prey up a tree. When the animal gets hungry again, it will simply jump onto this tree.
But the cheetah also has its drawbacks. This is weakness. Any leopard and even a cunning hyena can take prey from cheetahs. The reason lies in the rapid loss of energy. Therefore, after receiving prey, every cheetah simply needs rest. As a rule, this rest takes half an hour.

We welcome all readers of our website “I and the World”. How many of you know the fastest animal in the world? Well, of course, you say: cheetah. And you'll be right! He is the fastest living on land. Today you will read about the top 10 fastest running land animals and we will touch a little on those representatives of the fauna that swim and fly quickly.

Leopard opens our top ten - 58 km/h

Yes, he definitely won’t catch up with the cheetah if they compete. When a Leopard pursues prey, it does not waste energy, but carefully lures it into ambush. Hunts antelopes, rodents, warthogs. Leopards live in Africa and Asia for 10-15 years, unless poachers kill them first because of their beautiful fur. In the 20th century these big cats were included in the Red Book.

The size of forest leopards is smaller than those that live in open places, apparently making their way through the thickets is more difficult and big size It just gets in the way. The weight of the largest males reaches 75 kg. The coloration is very similar to the cheetah and jaguar, and the color varies from pale straw or gray to rusty brown. In Southeast Asia, there are completely black leopards called Panthers.

In 9th place – Coyote – 65 km/h

They are not only sprinters, but also excellent swimmers and fish hunters. They move interestingly, jumping up to 2 to 4 meters in length. In weight they are significantly inferior to real wolves and weigh up to 21 kg, while wolves weigh up to 60 kg. The fur is more brown, and the elongated muzzle resembles a fox. Maybe Coyotes are the children of wolves and foxes, and for some reason became related in ancient times?

Coyotes are inhabitants of the plains and try not to appear in forests. But on the outskirts of large cities they are periodically spotted, where they like to rummage through garbage. They hunt mainly at dusk for hares, marmots, gophers and other small animals. In autumn they like to eat berries and nuts.

Hyena Dog reached 8th place - 70 km/h

Its name translates as “painted wolf”. But there are also black dogs. They were once very common in the African steppes and savannas, but are now found mainly in national parks. And although it is a relative of the wolf, it is very similar to the hyena.

They are short, lean, and weigh up to 36 kg. They hunt during the day and always in packs of up to 15 individuals on ungulates: antelopes, old zebras, wildebeest, reed rats. They do not eat carrion. Everyone in the flock lives amicably, feeds and takes care of the old and sick.

7th place – Elk – 75 km/h

It’s hard to believe that this stately and rather heavy (up to 600 kg) forest beauty is capable of developing such high speed. But it is so! On the plains, Elks run fast, which may be why predators are not always too tough for them. They defend themselves with blows from their front legs, and even bears are afraid to attack Moose in open areas - only among trees or bushes, where Moose are limited in movement.

They live in the forests of the Northern Hemisphere, less often in the forest-tundra and forest-steppe. In total, about one and a half million individuals live on earth, 730,000 in Russia alone. Moose are quite tall, and their highly elongated legs do not allow them to drink water easily. They have to go deeper into the pond or kneel down to drink. Males grow large horns, spanning up to 180 cm and weighing up to 30 kg. In summer, due to the heat, they are nocturnal. They feed on plant foods, lichens and mushrooms, and in winter they nibble on tree branches.

In 6th place – Thomson’s Gazelle – up to 80 km/h

Gazelle is the most delicious prey fast cheetahs, but they can rarely catch up with her due to high jumps while running. Although after 4-6 km of constant running, the Gazelle gets very tired and at this time the cheetahs still easily attack. Gazelles live in the steppes of Kenya and Tanzania.

They live in herds of several hundred or thousand individuals, consisting either only of females or only of males. But there are also single males. They feed mainly on herbs, but can also eat tree shoots. The weight of large males reaches only 35 kg.

5th place goes to Leo - 80 km/h

These strong kings of nature are very mobile animals and at a distance of already 20 meters they develop the highest speed. The weight of some males reaches 250 kg. In captivity, lions reach large sizes, because There is no need to run after prey in a cage. In nature they live up to 14 years, and next to humans up to 20.

White lions are found in national parks. These are not albinos, just a subspecies of Lions. Differing from other cats, they do not live alone, but in families - prides. They feed, of course, on animal food. They hunt at night, sneaking up to prey at a distance of up to 30 meters, surrounding and attacking. Sometimes they attack a person and then become cannibals, trying to kill a person more often.

4th place – Gazelle Granta – 85 km/h

At a constant speed they can run quite for a long time without getting tired, weighing up to 65 kg. They live on the open plains of East Africa, avoiding high vegetation, where they cannot see predators in time.

They easily survive where there is almost no water, only on one, even sparse, vegetation. They move in herds, but some males prefer a permanent territory. In some areas the Gazelle has been completely eradicated, but in others it is quite common.

Third place goes to Pronghorn - 89 km/h

Although the normal speed of this Pronghorn Antelope ranges from 60 to 70 km/h, but the maximum speed has been recorded at 89. Therefore, it can easily escape from any predator because it does not need rest. A beautiful, slender animal reaches a weight of 60 kg. They live in the steppes North America from Canada to Mexico.

In autumn and winter they gather in herds with a leader, and in the summer they are divided into pairs until the next winter. Old males usually live alone. They feed on grassy foods: regular and poisonous plants, cacti. They drink little, so if water becomes scarce, they survive on herbs.

2nd place belongs to Jaguar - 93 km/h

The beautiful, spotted cat cannot boast of endurance, and can only develop such high speed over short distances. If the prey notices a Jaguar at a great distance and runs away, the predator does not even try to catch it, because in a few minutes it will run out of steam.

It attacks only when it manages to get very close. Lives in Northern and South America. The Jaguar's weight reaches 113 kg. They live alone on their own territory of up to 50 square meters. km. They hunt small animals at dusk; they can eat snakes, turtles, and fish. They prefer not to attack ungulates.

And we rightfully give first place to Cheetah - 120 km/h

The fastest land animal is the Cheetah, which usually reaches speeds of up to 98 km/h and can run up to 400 m on flat terrain. But when catching up with prey, it can develop in 3 seconds. maximum speed up to 120 km/h, which is almost 2 times the speed of its victims. But he is not able to run long distances.

The weight of an adult male reaches 65 kg. During the day they hunt medium-sized ungulates: gazelles, wildebeest calves, as well as hares or ostriches. They catch up with prey by jumping 6-8 meters. They do not attack from an ambush, because where they live there is simply no place to hide. Lives in Africa and the Middle East.

I would like to dwell on the fastest animals in water and in the air. What place do they occupy among their own? Of course the first!

The fastest sea animal - reaches speeds of up to 130 km/h

Research has shown that the fish's jaw contains oil, which it releases into the water. By spreading around the head, the oil reduces friction with the water.

There is another fast sea animal with the same speed - Black Marlin.

Who is the fastest bird? The handsome Sapsan, accelerating after prey and diving, is capable of accelerating to 390 km/h

When struck with claws at such a speed, it can tear off the head of the prey.

We showed photos and descriptions of the fastest animals on the planet. There are others, but we won’t dwell on them today. Did you like the article? Share information with your friends. In the meantime, we say goodbye until the next entertaining articles.

The animal kingdom amazes with its diversity and possibilities. Some are the best swimmers, some are the best at camouflage, others are the best jumpers, etc. For example, grape snail is the slowest animal, or the peregrine falcon is the fastest bird in the world. This rating also shows the fastest land mammals of our planet. The list is compiled based on the maximum speed of a particular animal ever recorded.

10. Brown hare

The brown hare is a species of mammal widely distributed in most European countries and some areas of the Middle East and Central Asia. Their body length is 55-70 cm, weight 4-10 kg. This is, as a rule, a nocturnal native steppe territorial animal that can reach speeds of 60-70 km/h. Interestingly, they are not afraid of water and, if necessary, can swim and move along inclined trees.

9. Moose

Elk is a large hoofed mammal from the deer family. Distributed in forest, sometimes in forest-steppe natural area northern Europe, northern Asia and North America. It is distinguished by its characteristic horns and elongated limbs. Their body length reaches 2.4-3.1 m, height at the withers is 1.4-2.1 m, and they usually weigh from 380 to 700 kg. Females are smaller. They are good runners and swimmers. When running, a moose can reach speeds of up to 72 km/h.

8. Garna

Garna is also known as the Indian antelope - a mammal that lives in the plains and semi-deserts of the Hindustan Peninsula, as well as in hilly areas with low grassy vegetation. Due to their regular need for water, they prefer areas where water is constantly available. Garna is pretty small view antelopes, their body length is 100-150 cm, height at withers 60-85 cm, weight 25-45 kg. Capable of reaching speeds of up to 72 km/h. It is interesting that in India, fights between male garnas were once held. There was even a special hospital set up for the fighters, where they could heal their wounds.

7. Grant's Gazelle

Grant's gazelle is a species of gazelle widely distributed in East Africa. Prefers to settle on open plains, wooded savannas and areas with low thorny bushes, tall grasses tries to avoid. Their body height is 75-91 cm, weight up to 80 kg. Grant's gazelles can reach speeds of up to 80 km/h, but larger males do not exceed a speed of 72 km/h.

6. Thomson's Gazelle

Thomson's gazelle is a medium-sized species of gazelle that inhabits primarily the savannas of Kenya and Tanzania, as well as Ethiopia, Somalia and Sudan. Their height at the withers is 55-70 cm, weight 15-35 kg. Capable of reaching speeds of up to 80 kilometers per hour. They are social animals that get along well with other herbivorous species. Impalas, zebras and Grant's gazelles are often found socializing.

5. Springbok

Springbok is a small antelope that inhabits open savannas. South Africa. Their body length reaches 120-150 cm, height at withers - 70-90 cm, weight 18-45 kg. The Springbok is distinguished by its vertical jumps (up to 3 meters), which it resorts to in case of danger. It can reach speeds of up to 80 km/h (according to other sources, up to 90 km/h). It is the national animal of the Republic of South Africa.

4. Leo

A lion - carnivorous mammal from the cat family. Inhabits mainly the savannas of sub-Saharan Africa. When hunting, they usually reach a speed of 55-60 km/h. But for short distances they can accelerate to 80 km/h. Along with the tiger, the lion is the largest living cat. Their body length is 200-330 cm, height at the withers is 90-125 cm, weight is 150-225 kg, in some cases up to 240 kg. The largest lion was killed in 1936 in the Transvaal, it weighed 313 kg.

3. Blue Wildebeest

The blue wildebeest is a species of ungulate mammal widely distributed in the savannas of East Africa. This is an extremely agile, cautious and rather large animal with powerful muscles, slender legs and big horns. Their height is 115-145 cm, weight - up to 290 kg, body length - up to 2 m. The blue wildebeest is capable of running at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour. Lives in herds of thousands.

The cheetah is a predatory mammal that lives in Africa, as well as in India and Central Asia. Their body length is 115-140 cm, height at withers 75-90 centimeters, weight 40-65 kg. This is the fastest land animal - over short distances (460 m) it can reach speeds of up to 112 km/h in just 3 seconds. Interestingly, cheetahs are the only big cats that can purr. In Africa they are the weakest of the large predators. Hyenas, leopards, lions, and eagles can take their prey and kill their cubs.

A well-trained athlete can reach a speed of 45 km/h, but most of us run no faster than 30 km/h. When it comes to running, man is by no means the king of nature. Many animals are able to move much faster.

Today we offer Top 10 fastest animals in the world. It includes only land dwellers, although it is worth noting that there are champions on the water and in the air. Thus, a sailfish can swim at a speed of 110 km/h, and a peregrine falcon dives at its prey, demonstrating 90 km/h.

10. Hyena (speed - 60 km/h)

This predator is common in Africa, India and the Middle East. Their impressive speed allows hyenas to hunt even such fast and large animals as zebra and wildebeest. In one sitting, a predator can eat up to 15 kg of meat.

9. Gray fox (speed – 65 km/h)

This species from the wolf family lives in northern Canada, the USA and Central America. The gray fox not only runs fast, but also deftly climbs trees. Its prey includes rabbits, birds and small rodents.

8. Coyote (speed - 65 km/h)

The American wolf is practically omnivorous and extremely unpretentious. The diet is based on animal food: hares, prairie dogs, gophers, small rodents, raccoons, ferrets and beavers, as well as birds and insects. Coyote swims well and catches fish and frogs. In autumn it eats fruits and berries. Occasionally attacks small livestock and rummages through garbage.

7. Moose (speed 72 km/h)

A large and strong elk does not often become the prey of predators, and it is not easy to catch up with it at such speed. Sokhaty is the most big representative deer family. The moose not only runs well, but also swims well. These animals travel 10-15 km a day in search of food.

6. Thompson's Gazelle (speed - 80 km/h)

The gazelle got its name in honor of explorer Joseph Thompson. The main enemy of the gazelle is the swift cheetah. Therefore, to have any chance of salvation, she needs to be able to run fast. Unlike its pursuer, Thompson's gazelle can run quickly for quite a long time.

5. Lion (speed - 80 km/h)

The lionesses take on most of the food-gathering responsibilities in a pride. But if necessary, then lions have no problem chasing down the victim they like. By the way, the lion is the heaviest among all the participants in our speedy Top 10.

4. Kulan (speed – 70 km/h)

As a rule, these equids are leisurely and may even seem lazy. But in a moment of danger, the animal develops speed that allows it to escape from more predators.

3. Wildebeest (speed – 80 km/h)

These antelopes are a favorite delicacy of lions. That is why nature endowed them with such outstanding running abilities. By the way, unlike a heavy lion, the wildebeest can easily carry its light body over much longer distances.

2. Pronghorn (pronghorn antelope) (speed - 100 km/h)

And this antelope is most often attacked by cheetahs. Naturally, it is not easy to compete with such a lightning-fast hunter. The advantage of the pronghorn is its hardy heart, which allows it to run even when the predator is already exhausted.

1. Cheetah (speed – 120 km/h)

The fastest animal in the world from among those living on land. True, the cheetah is not able to run for a long time at such a speed, but more often than not, a few seconds are enough to drive down the prey. The cheetah accelerates to a record speed of 120 km/h in just 3 seconds. But before 100 km/h in just 2.6-2.8 seconds.

For you and me, running is necessary only for sports or maintaining good health. physical fitness, and for the animal world running is necessary to survive, or vice versa, to feed itself. And it’s really interesting, how fast are they? We offer a small selection - the fastest animals of our Mother Earth.

The fastest cat is a cheetah

The fastest ground

The fastest animal in the world is the cheetah; for it, a speed of 100 km/h is not the limit. But such speeds require enormous amounts of energy, so the cat will not run far. The lightning attack lasts several seconds, otherwise the animal's heart will stop.

In second place is the cheetah's prey - the wildebeest.


These animals prefer to stay in a herd, and when migrating they move 50 km/h. But if they are in danger, then a huge herd of up to 500 heads rushes at speeds of up to 90 km/h. Grant's graceful gazelles can reach approximately the same running speeds.

Grant's Gazelle

Lions are also capable of running up to 70 km/h, but they are lazy, preferring to rest in the shade of trees while slower lionesses hunt.

Hyena dogs can afford high speeds over long distances. Their light weight prevents the body from overheating, and they drive the victim to exhaustion at speeds of up to 70 km/h.

wild dog

When it comes to pets, the fastest dog in the world is the Greyhound, but opinions vary and many believe it is the English Hunting Hound.

Hunting greyhound

For them, over a short distance, a speed of 55 km/h will not be difficult. Their domestic cat is the fastest Egyptian Mau, their limit is 50 km/h.

The fastest bird is the peregrine falcon.

Peregrine Falcon

This predator in a diving flight is capable of reaching unimaginable speeds of over 300 km/h. This is the fastest living creature in the world.

Undersea world

It would seem that the density of water will not allow it to develop such speeds, but the sailfish at the moment of attack develops it up to 100 km/h.


Among waterfowl, the record belongs to the leatherback turtle, whose speed reaches 35 km/h.

The fastest turtle

Other speed residents underwater world can reach speeds of up to 50 km/h. These include sharks, killer whales, tuna, mackerel, and the like.

World of insects

In their microcosm, speeds are relative. So the American cockroach can run up to 5 km/h, the speed at which we walk.

American cockroach

But if we translate this speed into our dimensions, it will be at least 300 km/h! This is a record for terrestrial insects. But among the flying ones, the dragonfly is considered the fastest, capable of flying at a speed of 55 km/h.


They are only slightly inferior to horseflies and hawk moths.