In mid-August, before birth new month, suddenly disgusting weather set in, which is so typical of the northern coast of the Black Sea. Then, for whole days, a thick fog lay heavily over the land and sea, and then the huge siren at the lighthouse roared day and night, like a mad bull. From morning to morning there was a continuous rain, fine as water dust, turning the clay roads and paths into solid thick mud, in which carts and carriages got stuck for a long time. Then a fierce hurricane blew from the northwest, from the side of the steppe; from it the tops of the trees swayed, bending and straightening, like waves in a storm, the iron roofs of the dachas rattled at night, and it seemed as if someone was running on them in shod boots; window frames shook, doors slammed, and the chimneys howled wildly. Several fishing boats got lost at sea, and two never returned: only a week later the corpses of fishermen were thrown up in different places on the shore.

The inhabitants of the suburban seaside resort - mostly Greeks and Jews, life-loving and suspicious, like all southerners - hastily moved to the city. Along the softened highway, drays stretched endlessly, overloaded with all sorts of household items: mattresses, sofas, chests, chairs, washbasins, samovars. It was pitiful, sad, and disgusting to look through the muddy muslin of the rain at this pitiful belongings, which seemed so worn out, dirty and miserable; at the maids and cooks sitting on top of the cart on a wet tarpaulin with some irons, tins and baskets in their hands, at the sweaty, exhausted horses, which stopped every now and then, trembling at the knees, smoking and often skidding on their sides, at the hoarsely cursing tramps, wrapped from the rain in matting. It was even sadder to see abandoned dachas with their sudden spaciousness, emptiness and bareness, with mutilated flower beds, broken glass, abandoned dogs and all sorts of dacha rubbish from cigarette butts, pieces of paper, shards, boxes and apothecary bottles.

But by the beginning of September the weather suddenly changed dramatically and completely unexpectedly. Quiet, cloudless days immediately arrived, so clear, sunny and warm, which were not there even in July. On the dried, compressed fields, on their prickly yellow stubble, an autumn cobweb glistened with a mica sheen. The calmed trees silently and obediently dropped their yellow leaves.

Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina, the wife of the leader of the nobility, could not leave the dacha because the renovations in their city house had not yet been completed. And now she was very happy about the wonderful days that had come, the silence, solitude, clean air, the chirping of swallows on the telegraph wires, huddled together to fly away, and the gentle salty breeze blowing weakly from the sea.

In addition, today was her name day - the seventeenth of September. According to the sweet, distant memories of her childhood, she always loved this day and always expected something happily wonderful from it. Her husband, leaving in the morning on urgent business in the city, put a case with beautiful earrings made of pear-shaped pearls on her night table, and this gift amused her even more.

She was alone in the whole house. Her single brother Nikolai, a fellow prosecutor, who usually lived with them, also went to the city, to court. For dinner, my husband promised to bring a few and only his closest acquaintances. It turned out well that the name day coincided with summer time. In the city, one would have to spend money on a big ceremonial dinner, perhaps even a ball, but here, at the dacha, one could get by with the smallest expenses. Prince Shein, despite his prominent position in society, and perhaps thanks to it, barely made ends meet. The huge family estate was almost completely destroyed by his ancestors, and he had to live beyond his means: to host parties, do charity work, dress well, keep horses, etc. Princess Vera, whose former passionate love for her husband had long since turned into a feeling of strong, faithful, true friendship, tried with all her might to help the prince refrain from complete ruin. She denied herself many things, unnoticed by him, and saved as much as possible in the household.

Now she walked around the garden and carefully cut flowers with scissors. dining table. The flower beds were empty and looked disorganized. Multi-colored double carnations were blooming, as well as gillyflower - half in flowers, and half in thin green pods that smelled like cabbage, rose bushes they still gave - for the third time this summer - buds and roses, but they were already shredded, sparse, as if degenerated. But dahlias, peonies and asters bloomed magnificently with their cold, arrogant beauty, spreading an autumnal, grassy, ​​sad smell in the sensitive air. The remaining flowers, after their luxurious love and excessively abundant summer motherhood, quietly sprinkled countless seeds of future life onto the ground.

Close by on the highway the familiar sounds of a three-ton car horn were heard. It was Princess Vera’s sister, Anna Nikolaevna Friesse, who had promised by phone in the morning to come and help her sister receive guests and do housework.

The subtle hearing did not deceive Vera. She went forward. A few minutes later, an elegant car-carriage stopped abruptly at the country gate, and the driver, deftly jumping from the seat, opened the door.

The sisters kissed joyfully. They are from the very early childhood were tied to each other with warm and caring friendship. In appearance, they were strangely not similar to each other. The eldest, Vera, took after her mother, a beautiful Englishwoman, with her tall, flexible figure, gentle but cold and proud face, beautiful, although rather large hands and that charming sloping shoulders that can be seen in ancient miniatures. The youngest, Anna, on the contrary, inherited the Mongol blood of her father, a Tatar prince, whose grandfather was baptized only in early XIX centuries and whose ancient family went back to Tamerlane himself, or Lang-Temir, as her father proudly called this great bloodsucker in Tatar. She was half a head shorter than her sister, somewhat broad in the shoulders, lively and frivolous, a mocker. Her face was of a strongly Mongolian type with quite noticeable cheekbones, with narrow eyes, which she also squinted due to myopia, with an arrogant expression in her small, sensual mouth, especially in her full lower lip slightly protruded forward - this face, however, captivated some then an elusive and incomprehensible charm, which consisted, perhaps, in a smile, perhaps in the deep femininity of all features, perhaps in a piquant, perky, flirtatious facial expression. Her graceful ugliness excited and attracted the attention of men much more often and more strongly than the aristocratic beauty of her sister.

She was married to a very rich and very stupid man who did absolutely nothing, but was registered with some charitable institution and had the rank of chamber cadet. She couldn’t stand her husband, but she gave birth to two children from him - a boy and a girl; She decided not to have any more children and did not have any more. As for Vera, she greedily wanted children and even, it seemed to her, the more the better, but for some reason they were not born to her, and she painfully and ardently adored her younger sister’s pretty, anemic children, always decent and obedient, with pale, mealy cheeks. faces and with curled flaxen doll hair.

Anna was all about cheerful carelessness and sweet, sometimes strange contradictions. She willingly indulged in the most risky flirtations in all the capitals and resorts of Europe, but she never cheated on her husband, whom, however, she contemptuously ridiculed both to his face and behind his back; was wasteful, loved gambling, dancing, strong impressions, poignant spectacles, visited dubious cafes abroad, but at the same time she was distinguished by generous kindness and deep, sincere piety, which even forced her to secretly accept Catholicism. She had a rare beauty of back, chest and shoulders. When going to big balls, she exposed herself much more than the limits allowed by decency and fashion, but they said that under her low neckline she always wore a hair shirt.

Like a true patriot, ardently and devotedly loving Russia, A.I. Kuprin touches on pressing social issues in his works. Along with the problems of “small” humiliated man, topic hard work Among the craftsmen, the description of the situation of fallen women caused a wide resonance in society.

But there is one topic that the author addresses with care and reverence. For him, “love is the greatest happiness and the greatest tragedy.” The story " Garnet bracelet", a brief summary of which will follow below, is one of the most touching and lyrical works of the Russian writer about love.

“Garnet Bracelet” was written by Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin in 1910.

Note! The plot of the story about love is not far-fetched, it is based on real events.

“The Pomegranate Bracelet” was based on the unrequited love of a simple official for a girl from high society, with whose family the writer was on friendly terms.

Kuprin was presented with an anecdotal story involving letters from a young man in love. And after a daring trick young man With the gift of a garnet bracelet to the object of love, an explanation of the secret admirer took place with the girl’s brother and fiancé. After this, the young man disappeared from the family’s sight forever.

This plot of the story with a bracelet, but with a rethought ending, formed the basis of “Garnet Bracelet”. The summary of the story is capaciously and vividly contained in the words of K. Paustovsky: “One of the most fragrant and languid stories about love ... is Kuprin’s “Garnet Bracelet”

Heroes of the work

The plot of the story about love is a description of the relationship between the two main characters of “The Garnet Bracelet”: Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina and a small employee - telegraph operator Mr. Zheltkov. The premise is that the princess receives a garnet bracelet as a gift from Zheltkov on her birthday. An equally important role in revealing the author’s plan is played by secondary (extra-plot) characters, recreating the environment against which the events unfold, as well as introducing various manifestations of love.

The main characters of "Garnet Bracelet":

  • Princess Vera Sheina is a sophisticated and educated (graduate of the Smolny Institute) young woman who has been married to Prince Vasily Shein for several years. The couple is childless, although the wife dreams of offspring. Princess Vera Nikolaevna is an example of a homely, faithful, loving wife. She inherited her appearance from her English mother, loves to play music, and enjoys card games.
  • G.S. Zheltkov is a poor young man who serves as a telegraph operator. Age no more than 35 years. He rents a modest apartment from an old Polish woman who became attached to him like a son. Sincerely and unrequitedly loves Princess Vera Sheina for 8 years. He began writing passionate letters to her when the girl was not yet married. What were the messages about? About love - sometimes tenderly begging, sometimes frighteningly threatening.
  • Prince Vasily Shein is the husband of Vera Nikolaevna. A calm, balanced man, sensitive, he values ​​his wife. The prince is charming, knows many funny stories, and amuses guests with friendly cartoons.
  • Nikolai Mirza-Bulat Tuganovsky is the brother of Princess Vera Sheina. A serious, emotionally cold young man. Serves as an assistant prosecutor. Not married.

Minor but important characters:

  • Anna Nikolaevna (by her husband Friessa) is the sister of Princess Vera, who resembles her Tatar father in appearance. The woman is flirtatious, cheerful, but completely indifferent to her rich, stupid husband. She adores her older sister Vera.
  • Yakov Mikhailovich Anosov is a general and a longtime friend of the Tuganovsky family. He took part in military campaigns, was wounded in battle, and almost lost his hearing. He adores Vera and Anna as if they were his own daughters. They also treat him with tenderness and love, affectionately calling Anosov “our grandfather.”

The story "The Garnet Bracelet" contains more than twenty characters, despite the limited scope of the short story genre. But each character helps to convey the idea of ​​the work to the author.

Love conquers death - that’s what Kuprin’s story “The Garnet Bracelet” is about.

Useful video: summary - Garnet bracelet

Storyline briefly by chapters

To familiarize yourself with the motives and characters of the story about love, the reader is offered a brief summary of “The Garnet Bracelet.” It would be worth noting that in order to feel all the charm of a work written in the beautiful Russian literary language, it is better to read “The Garnet Bracelet” in the original.

Chapter 1

Unexpectedly for this time of year (mid-August), life on Black Sea coast overshadowed by a chilly cold weather. Princess Vera Sheina could not move, following the example of her neighbors, into a city apartment because of the renovations going on there. But, fortunately, in September clear, fine days set in, and the princess began to prepare for her name day.

Princess Vera Sheina

Chapter 2

On September 17, the princess awaited the arrival of guests, rejoicing that she had to spend her birthday at the dacha - this significantly reduced expenses for festive table. They had to save on everything, because the family estate had fallen into complete disrepair, and the husband’s position in society forced him to live beyond his means.

Vera received pear-shaped pearl earrings as a gift from her husband in the morning and was in high spirits. Her younger sister Anna came to the princess's aid. It was difficult to recognize them as sisters at first glance - how dissimilar the women were in appearance.

Princess Vera, who inherited her mother’s proud, cold Anglo-Saxon beauty, was exquisitely “strictly simple,...slightly patronizingly kind and royally cold-blooded with everyone.”

Squat Anna, in whose veins the Mongolian blood of her father's ancestors predominated, with a high-cheeked but pretty face, was frivolously funny, flirtatious, perky, cheerful, which pleased many men. Anna was married to a rich but narrow-minded man, whom she despised and ridiculed, although, despite her love of flirting, she was faithful to him. She gave birth to two children in marriage, who became the object of adoration and love for her sister Vera, who was childless at that time.

Such striking differences in the appearance and character of the sisters did not affect the sincere affection of the women for each other.

Chapter 3

Having interrupted the efforts of preparing for the dinner party, the sisters decided to take a break by the seashore. Anna continually admired and admired the vast blue expanses of water. Vera was bored with the repeated sights day after day, the princess yearned for pine trees, mosses, the coolness of the forests - everything that was so dear to the hearts of the northerners.

As a gift, Anna presented Vera with an elegant, antique, charming little thing - a notebook in a blue velvet cover with ivory leaves and a filigree pattern on the cover.

Chapter 4

By evening, the Sheins began to receive the arriving guests. Among the guests were the prince’s widowed sister, the hostess’s brother Nikolai Nikolaevich, Vera Sheina’s college friend, musician Jenny Reiter, Anna’s husband and a friend, and several other people accepted in society.

The most long-awaited guest was military general Yakov Mikhailovich Anosov. Almost the entire chapter, even in summary“The Pomegranate Bracelet” is dedicated to the description of the colorful figure of a gray-haired warrior.

The “large” rough-hewn face of the old man was enlivened by the “good-natured, majestic,” even slightly arrogantly calm expression in his eyes, characteristic of people who had seen death closely on the battlefields. An invariable attribute in the general’s hands was a hearing horn, since Anosov was almost deaf as a result of a wound to the head.

The general was a fellow soldier and friend of the late father of the Tuganovsky sisters. Having settled in the town of K., he sincerely became attached to his friend’s family. Anosov knew the girls from childhood (Anna was even his goddaughter), and since his own family broke up in his youth, the man transferred all the unspent tenderness and love to these creatures. The sisters paid him in the same coin and began to get bored if they did not see “their grandfather” for a long time without his stories about military campaigns and battles.

Anosov Yakov Mikhailovich

Chapter 5

The festive dinner was in full swing. The host of the evening, Prince Vasily Shein, who was known as an excellent storyteller with a subtle sense of humor, entertained the guests with regular stories in which reality interspersed with fiction. The hero of the story that evening was the princess's brother Nikolai Mirza-Bulat-Tuganovsky, who made an unsuccessful attempt to get married. The guests, along with the main character, roared with laughter.

Princess Vera, refusing to take part in poker, noted with displeasure the number of those present - there were 13 of them (the woman was superstitious). The maid called the princess into the office, where she handed the hostess a package tied with a ribbon and a note. Out of feminine curiosity, Vera opened the package. It contained a decoration in the form of a garnet bracelet.

The outside of the gold blown solid bracelet was covered with poorly polished garnets. In the center of the bracelet, a green grossular stood out wonderfully, surrounded by five red peas, which, when turned and refracted by light, flashed with “lovely lights.” The princess's heart sank in alarm: these living lights on the bracelet reminded her of drops of blood.

Having unfolded the letter, the princess noted with annoyance that she had received the gifted bracelet and note from an old secret admirer who had once bombarded the young lady with letters expressing his love. In the message, the gentleman, in the most polite and respectful terms, congratulated the woman on Angel Day, wished her happiness, apologized for the long-standing “wild and stupid” letters of love, asked to accept a bracelet from him as a gift - an exact copy of their family heirloom - therefore the stones are clean . She will be the first owner of the bracelet.

This detailed description It is no coincidence that the garnet bracelet appears in the novel. According to legend, pomegranate favors lovers, protects the family hearth, bringing peace, love and harmony to the home. G.S.Zh explains this in his note: “Green pomegranate is able to impart the blessing of foresight to women, drive away bad thoughts, and protect men from attacks on life.”

Princess Vera, having read the letter, is in doubt: whether to show her husband the bracelet given by the stranger.

Chapter 6

The evening continued. Some of the guests moved to play vint, some listened to the singing of the invited ball regular to the accompaniment of Jenny, some huddled around Prince Shein, who entertained those around him with humorous stories.

Today, despite Vera’s protest, the story was about a poor telegraph operator who had long been unrequitedly in love with the princess. The story was supplemented by humorous drawings in which the young man appeared in different images. The story comically ended with a picture of the death of a poor employee from unrequited love and a broken heart.

Chapter 7

After tea, the guests began to leave. The rest sat on the terrace. The sisters, as in childhood, listened to the stories of old man Anosov. He told them the story of his fleeting love with a Bulgarian girl during a military campaign. Everything was chaste - the young people did not cross the cherished line, but the memories, like a sweet aftertaste, left a mark on the heart. “Was it love or another feeling” - no one will answer.

Having gone to see off her “grandfather,” the princess asked her husband to read the letter he had received from the young man.

Chapter 8

Seeing off the old general, Princess Vera continued to ask him about the vicissitudes of love. Anosov told the sad and at the same time tragicomic story of his marriage. After six months of marriage, a pure and innocent girl turned into a quarrelsome, unkempt, shrill woman - a desperate coquette and simpering woman.

Having run away with a handsome actor, she subsequently tried to return to her husband, but Anosov did not accept her, although he did not refuse to support her until the death of his ex-wife.

In his time, the general had seen extreme cases of painful love. The first was dictated by stupidity and ended in tragedy, the second by softness and inappropriate pity.

Most likely, Anosov noted, he was unable to meet true love. In the general’s view, “love is tragic - this is the greatest secret in the world.”

Having asked the princess about the mysterious admirer, the noble elder said that it was probably vital Vera’s path was crossed with a golden thread by “that all-consuming, self-sacrificing love that demands nothing,” which every woman longs to meet.

Chapter 9

At home, Princess Vera joined in the discussion of the action of the unknown admirer. The brother sharply insisted on the immediate suppression of the “nonsense” of his secret admirer. And he considered the bracelet to be an inappropriate insolence that could affect the family’s reputation. It was decided to go to Mr. J. the next day, return the gifted bracelet and demand that the married woman be left alone.

Chapter 10

A day later, Nikolai Nikolaevich and Vasily Lvovich visited the anonymous lover. Mr. Zheltkov was hiding under the initials G.S.Zh. He looked no more than 35 years old. The face, framed by long fluffy hair, seemed childish and artless. Thin fingers nervously fiddled with the sides of his short jacket; he himself was tall and awkward. The furnishings of the room were simple and sparse, indicating the guest’s low income.

Nicholas, without long prefaces, announced the purpose of the arrival - with his gift in the form of a bracelet, the young man insulted the lady, showing disrespect not only to the princess, but to the entire family. Zheltkov, for the most part turning to Shein, agreed with all the claims made, but asked to keep in mind that he did not have anything bad in his thoughts.

The man explained that he loved Vera Nikolaevna, that this love was stronger than him, and he was unable to forget the woman. He sees only one way out - to accept death in any form. Then Zheltkov asked permission to leave for a while to talk on the phone with the princess.

During the explanation of the poor admirer, Vasily Shein continuously watched the face of the young man, in whose eyes there was not a shadow of guile. “He is completely incapable of lies and deceit... Can you really blame him for love, because love is uncontrollable..." The prince was imbued with sympathy for the young man, unlike Nikolai, who behaved arrogantly and arrogantly towards Zheltkov.

Upon his return, the young man promised to disappear from the Sheins’ lives forever, especially since Princess Vera Nikolaevna herself asked to “quickly stop this story” with the bracelet.

At home, all the details of the visit were conveyed to the princess. “This man will kill himself,” Vera realized.

Chapter 11

The next morning the princess, tormented by bad forebodings, read in the newspapers about mysterious death Mr. Zheltkov. The reason for the suicide was allegedly embezzlement of government money. Vera was pierced by the thought that that true love that General Anosov had previously told about had happened in her life.

Later, the postman handed Princess Vera Nikolaevna a farewell letter from a fan. In the message, Zheltkov thanked Princess Vera “for the great happiness - love” for her and repented for having burst into her destiny with an “inconvenient wedge.” The refrain in the letter repeated the phrase “Hallowed be your name" The letter ended with a modest request: in memory of the poor lover, listen to Beethoven's Sonata No. 2.

Princess Vera, with the permission of her husband, decided to say goodbye to the man who loved her so devotedly.

Chapter 12

Having easily found Mr. Zheltkov’s apartment, the princess listened to words of regret from the landlady. Elderly woman She became very attached to “Mr. Jerzy” and considered him almost her son. She spoke about the man’s last hours, about his request to hang a garnet bracelet on the icon of the Mother of God.

Then the hostess left the princess alone with the deceased. Vera was amazed at the calm, peaceful, almost happy expression on the man’s face, as if before his death “some sweet secret was revealed to him, which immediately resolved his life.” Vera could not hold back her tears - bitter, and at the same time cleansing.

The princess next to the deceased

Chapter 13

Finding only Jenny Reuter returning home late in the evening, Princess Vera immediately asked her to play something, without any doubt that her friend would choose that very melody on a whim. And indeed: the sounds of Beethoven’s second sonata poured into my soul like a balm.

Vera cried, regretting at the same time that she had missed Great love and calming down from the immortal melody. And in the woman’s head the phrase “Hallowed be Thy name” sounded. With the last chords, peace came to her.

To her friend’s question about the reasons for her tears, Princess Vera answered with a phrase incomprehensible to Jenny: “Everything is fine. Now he has forgiven me."

Useful video: “Garnet bracelet” – in 8 minutes!


Familiarity with the narrative of “The Garnet Bracelet” even in summary will encourage the reader to plunge into the sweet world of unrequited, but sinless and selfless love. And then, to receive true pleasure from the pen of the great master, you will want to read the story about love in full - without cuts or abbreviations.

Kuprin himself admitted in a letter to Batyushkov: “It seems that I have never written anything more chaste than The Pomegranate Bracelet.” After the work was published in 1911, critics greeted the story with rave reviews. “The Garnet Bracelet is a gift to a new generation, it is a call to true great love.”– wrote literary critic V.L. Rogachevsky. “I’m glad,” M. Gorky echoes him, “Good literature is beginning.”

In contact with

In Kuprin’s work “The Garnet Bracelet” the main characters are the married couple Sheina.


Vera Sheina has been living with her husband for a very long time, which suits her quite well. There are no children in the family, Vera often regrets this. The author says very little about appearance. Kuprin only shows that she has a beautiful and attractive figure. It is said about her face that it is gentle and kind, but at the same time proud and cold. There is practically no mention of Vera’s character. Kuprin describes the characters very unevenly; the author even describes the appearance of the main character only by comparing her to Anna, whom the author described in some detail, but she does not play a special role in the story.

In the work “Garnet Bracelet” the character and inner world the hero can be understood thanks to short phrases what the heroes say. To reveal the main theme of the work, the author uses his characters, and the main theme of the work is love.

Vera has a secret admirer who has been sending her letters for 8 years, but she never answered him and did not love him. This fan's name is Zheltkov. Only after his death does Vera begin to understand that since he loved her, no one will love her, and therefore she has lost true love, which, perhaps, will never exist again.

When the woman comes to Zheltkov’s house, she repents and feels ashamed, since she did not answer Zheltkov’s letters. It is also worth noting that Vera knows how to sympathize with others, and the fact that she has a conscience is shown by the scene when she says goodbye to Zhelkov.

Kuprin's story is a story in which the character of the main characters is fully revealed only at the end, while the main characters stand in the background until the very end.

Vasily Shein

Vasily is Vera’s husband, about whom the author says even less than about Vera. Kuprin does not show either his appearance or his character, only at the end does he show his best qualities, like all the main characters of the story “The Garnet Bracelet”. When Vasily meets Zhelkov, and also finds out that he was in love with his wife for 8 years, he does not mock him, as any other person could do. After Zhelkov’s death, Vasily understands his wife’s desire to say goodbye to her admirer and lets her go, he also says that this man has loved you for 8 years, and he was not crazy. This shows that he feels the pain of other people and knows how to behave tactfully with them.

Negative traits of Vasily and Vera

No matter how the author shows their kindness and tact at the end of the work, still, in the process of reading, the reader gets the feeling that both of these heroes are too arrogant, although this can be explained by the fact that they belong to upper strata society. For these layers of society, arrogance was quite natural at that time. Vasily, for example, shows too much irony towards Zhelkov. Perhaps this is precisely the reason why Zhelkov commits suicide. Faith also shows arrogance. Although, some may call this condescension, but it depends on what you think.


In fact, Zheltkov is the most main character in Kuprin's story "The Garnet Bracelet". It is around him that the main events revolve, and it is he who helps the author reveal the main theme. However, very little is said about this hero. Kuprin only says that this hero is about 30-35 years old, his hair is curly and soft. Tall but thin build. His fingers constantly run along the edge of his jacket, fiddling with the buttons. The author also describes his strong feelings that he has had for Vera for 8 years.

This hero lives very poorly. He works as a petty, unremarkable official, and lives on rented apartment from one old lady. In his character one can note the kindness and honesty that are constantly manifested. When Vera's family, as well as she herself, asked this hero to leave them alone, he, unable to bear it, commits suicide.


Anosov in Kuprin’s story “The Garnet Bracelet” is a military general who went through many wars. During one of them he was wounded, after which he became practically deaf. After being wounded, he is assigned to the fortress to serve as commandant. His attitude towards war was this: there is no need to be a coward, if you are called to war, you will have to go, but if you are not called to death, then it is better not to ask for it.

Anosov can be called a real Russian warrior. He never humiliated his subordinates, but lived honestly and according to his conscience. Even in the fortress, he ordered food from his table to be carried to those who could not come themselves. Anosov did not have children, since his wife ran away from him, but later asked to return, but Anosov had a highly developed sense of self-esteem, so he did not let his howling wife back into the house, since he did not want to live with a wife who was not faithful to him. However, it cannot be said that he abandoned her on the street, since he paid her money until his death.

Perhaps due to the absence of his own family, as well as children, Anosov devoted a lot of his time to Vera and Anna. He often told them various stories from his life and also played with them. Children sometimes called him grandfather.


Anna is Vera’s sister, and although she does not play a special role in the work, the author nevertheless described her more than Vera. The father of these sisters had Tatar roots, which Anna inherited. An Asian-type face, not tall, broad shoulders, as well as wide cheekbones and narrow, Mongolian eyes - these can all describe Anna. Due to her myopia, the girl constantly squinted, and her already narrow eyes became even more invisible.

Anna is a real set of contradictions: she liked to flirt with men, she was very popular in the world, but at the same time she never cheated on her husband, with whom, by the way, she was not very happy. Also, the girl by nature had beautiful figure, she had beautiful and broad shoulders, chest and back. At the ball, she constantly exposed herself more than the girls of that time did, but at the same time, everyone said that she had a hair shirt hidden under her dress.


Nikolai is the brother of Vera and Anna. He works as a deputy prosecutor. His character can be described as stingy and strict. Nikolai's role in the work is to find Zheltkov and ask him not to pursue Vera anymore.

Option 2

“Garnet Bracelet” is the most romantic and popular work by Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin. Since 1910, this story has been a symbol of all-consuming love, the same one that girls dream about and that men fear.

The story “The Garnet Bracelet” is based on real events. Kuprin learned this story from his friend and decided that it had the right to be heard by hundreds of other people. Alexander Ivanovich changed the names and gave the story an artistic treatment. This is how a masterpiece of Russian literature appeared.

Vera Nikolaevna Sheina is the main female character in the story “The Garnet Bracelet”. She is a classic representative of high society. And Vera’s appearance, manners, and character meet all the requirements of aristocrats.

Vera was beautiful - a proud look, sloping shoulders, large hands, tall stature and a flexible figure. The woman was educated, faithful and caring. Vera loved gambling and music.

The girl was kind, calm, and at the same time sincere, open and funny. Vera was prudent, and such qualities as affectation and coquetry were not characteristic of her.

Prince Shein Vasily is a character in the story “The Garnet Bracelet”, the husband of Vera Nikolaevna. He is a very noble, gallant, pleasant, honest and talented person.

Vasily Lvovich was a wonderful storyteller and had a good sense of humor. Prince Shein is a caring, gentle, calm, sensitive and good husband.

Vasily Lvovich treated all people mercifully and compassionately, regardless of their position. The prince was a cordial and hospitable person. He loved his wife, although passion had long since left their relationship.

Georgy Zheltkov is a young man, a minor official, a secret admirer of Vera Nikolaevna. He was tall, thin, with long, soft, fluffy hair.

Zheltkov was shy and meek, sincere and honest. Georgy Stepanovich was not crazy, he only selflessly loved a married woman and could not and did not want to tear her out of his heart.

General Anosov Yakov Mikhailovich is a friend of Vera Nikolaevna’s father. He is a very kind, fair, wise, sensitive and honest person. Thanks to the experience accumulated over the years, he knows human thoughts and actions well.

Mirza-Bulat-Taganovsky Nikolai Nikolaevich is the elder brother of Vera Nikolaevna. He is a very strict, serious and honest person. He is pragmatic and decisive, a classic realist.

Nikolai Nikolaevich is absolutely not romantic and does not recognize any manifestations of feelings. He is quite stingy, serves as an assistant prosecutor and, albeit indirectly, pushed Zheltkov to commit suicide.

Anna Nikolaevna Frisse is the sister of Vera Nikolaevna and Nikolai Nikolaevich. She is a very cheerful and at the same time religious woman. She loves to flirt, but within the bounds of decency.

Anna is very close to her sister, although she is radically different from her. The woman is carefree, cheerful, funny and wasteful, but at the same time she is sincere and generous.

The main theme of Alexander Kuprin’s story “The Garnet Bracelet” is love, which could have given happiness, but instead brought only pain.

Essay The main characters of the work Garnet bracelet (characteristics)

Prince Vasily Lvovich Shein

A person who has status and wealth. Every resident in the province knows him. However, on this moment The prince's position is very difficult, a little more and he could lose his wealth. At the same time, he remains the same as he was before. He is just as cheerful, open and hospitable. Vasily Lvovich has a subtle sense of humor. Shein knows very well that his wife has a secret admirer. However, despite this, the prince does not make a scene. He understands that any person can be overcome by feelings.

Vera Nikolaevna Sheina

The prince's wife. Tries any possible methods to even out the difficult financial situation of the family. Previously, the woman loved her husband with all her soul, but now their relationship has turned into a strong friendship. Vera Nikolaevna does not hide from her husband the fact that the telegraph operator writes letters to her. The woman painfully experiences the tragic death of Zheltkov, realizing that love has passed by.

Georgy Stepanovich Zheltkov

George is open, honest and not afraid of his feelings. The hero has a simple and inconspicuous appearance. His job is simple, an ordinary employee. Zheltkov has a small income. As soon as I saw Vera Sheina, I immediately lost my head. All his life the hero was in love with the princess. The hero did not count on anything, but he understood that he could cause inconvenience to his beloved. He remembered very well that she had a husband. Therefore, in order to avoid problems, the hero decides to commit suicide.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Mirza

Nikolai Nikolaevich – assistant prosecutor. This person is guided in everything by reason. He is absolutely far from sensuality and romance. His realism sometimes has a detrimental effect on those around him. The hero is distinguished by determination and confidence in the correctness of his actions. With his intrusion into life and description of some of the nuances associated with the princess, Zheltkova leads to suicide.

General Yakov Mikhailovich Anosov

The old general has a great understanding of people. He has seen a lot and understands the motivations and reasons for people’s actions. Yakov Mikhailovich is an honest and fair person. He is a very good-natured and wise old man. In his judgments, the old man is distinguished by objectivity and independence. The general sees a moral decline and condemns the consumer behavior of humanity. The old man's expressions are often used as catchphrases.

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  • Alexander Kuprin wrote the story “The Garnet Bracelet” in 1910. The story of unrequited love told in this literary work, is based on real events. Kuprin gave it the features of romanticism, filling it with mysticism and mysterious symbols. The image of the princess occupies a central place in this work, so we should dwell in more detail on the characterization of Vera Nikolaevna Sheina.

    Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina, a young married woman, celebrates her name day. On this day, she receives a garnet bracelet as a gift from a secret admirer. Remaining a stranger to her, he writes letters to her for eight years, telling her of his love for her.

    In the evening, Vera Nikolaevna told her husband about the gift. The next day, her husband and her brother Nikolai found a secret admirer. It turned out to be a young official Zheltkov. He admits to the prince that he saw Vera two years before his marriage and since then has not been able to forget her. Nikolai persuades him not to write to his sister, using threats. Zheltkov asks permission to call Vera Nikolaevna. In a conversation with him, she tells him that if he were not there, she would live more peacefully. In response, Zheltkov asked her to listen to Beethoven’s second sonata.

    After a conversation with his beloved, Zheltkov locked himself in his room and shot himself.

    The princess learned about the death of her admirer from the newspapers. With her husband’s permission, she went to Zheltkov’s apartment. Upon returning home, she listens to a Beethoven sonata and cries, realizing that true love has passed her by.

    Portrait of the main character

    Princess Vera Nikolaevna - young beautiful woman. Her father is a Tatar prince, her mother is a British woman of extraordinary beauty. Eldest daughter Vera grew up very similar to her mother. She had pale skin, dark hair, a face with delicate features, tall stature, and a slender, flexible figure. Vera dresses in a manner typical of aristocrats. Before her marriage, she received her education in St. Petersburg, at the Smolny Institute for Noble Maidens.

    She does not have friendly conversations with anyone and demonstrates her independent nature. The princess speaks in an authoritative tone. Outwardly, she always looks arrogant and condescending. She is kind to everyone, royally calm and cold. Nothing touches the heroine deeply. All emotions and feelings of Vera Nikolaevna are at rest. It seems that the fire of life has gone out in her. Already at the beginning of the work, when the author describes the fading autumn landscape, the reader subconsciously draws a parallel with the fading state of mind of the heroine. Her whole life is measured and predictable. It is based on habitual activities and responsibilities.

    Anna and Nikolay

    Vera has a younger sister, Anna. This is its complete opposite. Anna is not as beautiful as elder sister. She is married to a man she doesn't love. But feelings and emotions are alive in her, she is able to perceive life as bright.

    The princess's brother Nikolai is a prim and serious young man. He works as a deputy prosecutor, has good connections. He is courteous, dry and polite with people.

    Hobbies of the princess

    Vera Nikolaevna loves music. She is especially close to Beethoven's sonatas. She often goes to concerts.

    The princess is quite gambling. Her passion became playing poker with her sister Anna in the afternoon.

    Vera Nikolaevna's attitude towards children

    Despite years of marriage, the heroine does not have her own children. She is very worried about this. However, the princess transfers her unspent maternal feelings to her nephews - the children of her younger sister Anna. She happily helps her sister raise and educate them.

    The princess's family difficulties

    The Shein family occupies a high position in society. However, their well-being leaves much to be desired: they are on the verge of ruin. After all, both the estate and the inheritance passed to the prince in a state of decline. Nevertheless, the spouses are forced to observe all the external decency that confirmed their status and corresponded to their position: host receptions, do charity work, keep horses, dress expensively, in fashion, while being on the verge of bankruptcy. The princess is trying her best to help her husband prevent complete ruin. She saves on household expenses as much as possible and denies herself many things. However, she does not tell her husband about this, not wanting to upset him. Giving a brief description of Vera Nikolaevna Sheina, we can talk about her as a sensitive person, always striving to help, compassionate towards her loved ones.

    Unexpected gift

    The denouement of this dramatic story began with a gift. The birthday girl receives a package from a secret admirer. A garnet bracelet was included in it for Vera Nikolaevna. She received messages from this fan for eight years. The gift was received for the first time. The heroine is confused. She is irritated by these signs of attention and the importunity of the admirer. A gift given by a stranger puts the princess in an awkward position in front of her husband. This contradicts her concepts of honor and dignity married woman. The princess considers her admirer crazy and obsessed. She wants only one thing from him - to stop the persecution and leave her alone. Therefore, Vera Nikolaevna returns the garnet bracelet to her admirer through her husband and brother.

    The attitude of those close to the princess's admirer

    Vera Nikolaevna's relatives do not take the princess's secret admirer seriously. Her husband, Prince Shein, for the sake of entertainment, invents a story for the guests about Princess Vera and the telegraph operator. This amuses them greatly.

    When meeting with Zheltkov, Prince Shein and Nikolai return the garnet bracelet, which, as it turned out, was a family heirloom of the Zheltkov family and was inherited from his grandmother. When the embarrassed young man talked about his long-time love for the princess, about his vain hopes and unattainable dreams, Vera’s husband even felt sorry for him.

    Brother Nikolai, having learned about the persecution of his sister, becomes furious and demands that Zheltkov stop this madness.

    Secret admirer

    Zheltkov is a pale young man of about thirty to thirty-five. This is a minor official, not rich. He does not have his own home, so he lives with his mistress in a poor house, renting a room from her. He is pleasant to talk to, tactful and unusually modest. At first, Zheltkov hoped that his beloved would answer his letters. However, as time passed, the hero realized that he would never receive an answer, and stopped hoping for reciprocity. He began to write less often, reminding Vera Nikolaevna of himself only on holidays and her birthdays. The princess does not even suspect that he is constantly next to her, pursuing her. He keeps and protects things that belonged to his beloved and accidentally ended up in his possession as a relic. However, he does not consider his state of mind to be manic, explaining his actions strong feeling To her.

    Zheltkov is a person with a fine mental organization. He cannot bear his beloved's indifference. But the hero is ready to do anything for her; he loves her with true, selfless love. That is why he commits suicide: after all, she asked to leave her alone, and this was possible for him only in the event of his death. Her answer in their only fateful conversation, which became the last, kills him.

    Love in the heroine's life

    In the characterization of Vera Nikolaevna, the relationship with her husband plays a special, decisive role. The princess herself believes that her marriage was quite successful. She has known him since childhood, but has never felt true love for him. She was unfamiliar with love excitement and hot passion. The married couple of the Sheins are connected by warm friendly relations, mutual respect and habit.

    For Vera Nikolaevna, love is an abstract concept. Without love in her life, the princess does not see it in her surroundings. The younger sister Anna does not love her husband at all, she simply tolerates him. Brother Nikolai is not married at all and does not plan to get married in the near future. My husband's sister Lyudmila is a widow. An old friend of the Shein family, General Anosov, in a conversation about love only confirms the fact of its absence in their environment.

    The heroine’s usual peace is disturbed only by Zheltkov. Only after the signs of his attention shown to him, Vera’s soul seemed to open up to something new, unknown. As events develop, the heroine’s internal tension grows. The culmination of their failed relationship can be considered the scene of the princess’s farewell to the deceased Zheltkov. It was then that she realized what a deep, real feeling was very close. A feeling that every woman dreams of. Vera was afraid to be happy, so love and happiness passed her by.

    The music of Beethoven's second sonata, which she listens to at the end of the work, became another revelation for the heroine. It sounded to her like Zheltkov’s declaration of love. And after listening to her, she talks about his forgiveness and calms down.

    The main character in the film adaptation

    For the first time a film adaptation of this amazing story took place in 1915. This silent black and white film lasted four hours. It consisted of four acts. The role of Vera Nikolaevna Sheina was performed by actress Olga Preobrazhenskaya. This film has not survived to this day.

    In 1964, the film “Garnet Bracelet” was released.

    This melodrama was shot by the director. The role of Vera Sheina was played and the role of Kuprin himself was played by Grigory Gai.

    Kuprin with his Garnet bracelet will be interesting for our reader's diary, which tells the story of an official and his love for a society lady. Kuprin's work, The Garnet Bracelet, touches on the theme of love, based on a plot from life.

    Kuprin's story Garnet bracelet history

    The history of the creation of the story Kuprin's Garnet Bracelet began in the fall of 1910, when the writer conceived his work, which was supposed to be a story. But Kuprin got carried away with writing and did not notice how the work grew and grew, and here the story of the creation of Kuprin’s Garnet Bracelet suggests that the story grew into a story. The story brought success to the author. What plot was taken from life?

    Once Lyubimov told Kuprin a story about an official who fell in love with his mother. He constantly wrote letters, and then in one of the letters he sent a garnet bracelet, which was a daring act at that time. So Lyubimova’s fiance went to the fan’s home, where he wrote another letter. In the conversation, the men asked the fan not to write again and not to appear in the life of Lyubimov’s mother. The fan disappeared and no one else knew about his fate. Kuprin, having heard this story, decided to write his own work with his own ending.