Artist Sergei Yursky: “I have Jewish blood”

Sergei Yurievich Yursky was born in 1935 in Leningrad.
Father - Yuri Sergeevich Yursky (real name Zhikharev) - artistic director of the Moscow Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, director of the Lenconcert. There is a common misconception that Yursky is the pseudonym of the artist Sergei Yursky. This is wrong. In fact, this is the pseudonym of his father, the nobleman Yuri Sergeevich Zhikharev. He took this pseudonym for himself in his early youth while performing in school plays. Yursky is a simple derivative of his name - Yuri. But then Yursky became his second name. Died in 1957.
Mother - Evgenia Mikhailovna Yurskaya-Romanova (1902-1971) - was a music teacher.

Sergei Yursky: “He (the father) was involved in many types of art in his life: he was a silent film actor, a theater actor,” a circus director, a pantomime director, he was a drama theater director, and a variety director. For many years he broke away from creative work and went to work in management: he was deputy head of the Main Directorate of Circuses for artistic affairs, head of the theater department of the Leningrad Culture Department.”

“The pseudonym Yursky was taken by him in his early youth during performances in gymnasium plays and was a simple derivative of his name - Yuri. Then the pseudonym was completely replaced real name“Zhikharev became the second surname of my mother (Romanova-Yurskaya) and my surname.”

What is the nationality of Sergei Yursky? Answer: Jewish genes - from the mother.
On the Jewish website 7:40 the artist’s last name is highlighted in blue (“Know ours!”)

Sergei Yursky himself admitted that he had Jewish genes from his mother.

From the interview:

- (...) I know that Yursky is your father’s stage name. And his and your real name is Zhikharev. A wonderful old Russian surname, especially if you remember “Notes of a Theater Goer” by Pushkin’s contemporary Stepan Petrovich Zhikharev. At the same time, as far as I remember, the Leningrad persecution of you always had a disgusting anti-Semitic odor. When talking about Israeli culture and your future tours in Israel, it would probably be appropriate to ask about your Jewish roots?

- I have Jewish blood. But I am a Russian person and have always considered myself Russian. Being both hereditarily Orthodox and gradually
he himself came to Orthodoxy as the religion of his parents. There are Jewish roots on my mother’s side, but even there they were baptized Jews. Maybe
maybe forcibly baptized, I don’t know. Mother's surname Romanov. Perhaps this surname was given to her ancestors by the king. In any case, it was somewhere far away, because my mother was from St. Petersburg by birth. Did I experience all these problems and feel like I didn't want to be Jewish because it wouldn't do any good? Yes, I experienced it very seriously. But I can be proud of one thing. That in those days he never shouted: “I’m Russian! My dad is Orthodox!” Never. I’m only talking about this now when I’m celebrating my father’s centenary. And when it is more profitable, rather, to be a Jew. And then what was to be done? Should I show my passport at all times? It's kind of awkward. I just had to keep quiet. Tolerate".

Yursky does not provide any details on how the Jewish mother ended up in St. Petersburg and how and why the Russian nobleman married the Jewish woman, how she got the Russian nobleman. He knows something, but has remained silent on this topic all his life.

Although his mother was Jewish, he asserted: “I am a Russian man and have always considered myself Russian.” I meant that he is Russian in spirit. In fact, in spirit he was, of course, a Jew, and the Jews understood this well, considered him “one of their own” and exalted him.

Fragment from an interview.

- On Old Testament and on Vladimir Zhabotinsky, whom, as I heard, you began to perform in your program.

Yes, Jabotinsky is the fruit of my long-standing friendship with Simon Markish. When, after a 14-year pause associated with his emigration, I was able to meet him as a professor at the University of Geneva, and came to visit him and lived with him, he said: “Do you want to read a book?” And he gave me Jabotinsky’s novel “Five.” It was a strong impression. I photocopied it and brought it here. I was then planning to shoot the film "Chernov. Chernov" and thought that maybe I was in danger of becoming a film director? What would I shoot then? Of course, Jabotinsky. This was 15 years ago. I tried to negotiate with different producers, but to no avail. Now Jabotinsky has begun to be published within the former Union. I was on tour in Odessa, and there they gave me his book. This got me excited again. All my relatives and colleagues know that I dream about this
film. But for now I decided to make a reading composition. It’s interesting how, in combination with Brodsky, Shukshin, Kharms and my own essays, a large, thirty-minute piece of Jabotinsky will sound.

- Something like a screen test? And even on tour in Israel?

This is a wonderful novel, wonderful prose. And these, by the way, are the same problems that Bar Yosef has. The novel "Five" was written in the 30s. Jabotinsky writes about 1905, about the assimilation of Jews, about the collapse old family, about the collapse of Eastern Jewry, while himself participating in the Zionist movement. 30 years pass before his death, another half a century before Bar Yosef, and it turns out that the dissolution of Jews in the world does not happen. It was noted by Jabotinsky, who knew how to think on these topics, a hundred years ago. But a hundred years have passed, and through Yosef Bar-Yosef we see that there is something stronger than assimilation. Jews are still the most ancient people on the ground.

Well, what kind of Russian in spirit did Simon Markish have as a friend? Simon Markish - Jewish by nationality, translator, philologist. His father, the famous Jewish poet Peretz Markish, was executed in August 1952, under Stalin, in the case of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (One of the demands to Stalin from this Committee was the creation of a Jewish republic in Crimea). In January 1953, the family of this Peretz Markish was arrested and exiled to Kazakhstan. After the end of his exile, Simon Markish worked as a translator at the State Publishing House fiction(1956-1962). Then he went abroad.

Well, what kind of Russian in spirit would make a propaganda film, a dithyramb film about the Jew Vladimir Jabotinsky. What kind of person? Vladimir Evgenievich Jabotinsky at birth - Wolf Evnovich Jabotinsky (1880 - 1940) - leader of right-wing Zionism. A supporter of not only the seizure of power by the Jews in different states, but also a supporter of the creation and strengthening of the Jewish Center and the Jewish state in Palestine.

What kind of Russian in spirit will shove the poems of the Jew Brodsky into the ears of Russians at concerts? And Yursky did this often.

What kind of Russian in spirit would respect the Jewish billionaire Khodorkovsky, whom Putin sent to a labor camp for 10 years for crimes.

What developed Russian would stage a play about the Jewish avant-garde artist Marc Chagall (real name Chagall Moisei Khatskelevich).

Which Russian often travels to Israel?

Which Russian artist often plays Jews.

What developed Russian propagated absurdism so zealously?
“Sergei Yursky harmed Russians and Russified people for many years by pushing the absurdists Ionesok and Kharms into the Russian-language
cultural turnover. He also pushed the sadistic Babel through. And also the pretentiously pompous Brodsky. He supported them all with his authority, confusing the truth-seeking youth.”
(Alexander Buryak. Sergei Yursky, a Jew by life).

What developed Russian claims that “Ukraine is a different country” (as stated by Yursky). The developed Russian claims that the historical task of the Russians is the reunification of the Russian people and the reunification of the Russian Superethnos (Russians, Little Russians, Belarusians, Rusyns).

Which Russian was so loved, loved, exalted and exalted by the Jews...

All his life he was a typical Jewish conformist, he did not like the power of the CPSU, but he successfully made a career and received various benefits from the CPSU.

Studied at the Faculty of Law of Leningrad University. A. A. Zhdanova. In 1955, after the 3rd year of law school, he entered the acting department of the Leningrad Theater Institute. A. N. Ostrovsky (course of Leonid Makariev). After completing the 2nd year, in 1957, Sergei Yursky was invited to the Bolshoi Drama Theater. M. Gorky. Since the mid-1960s, he was one of the leading actors in the troupe of the Jewish Tovstonogov.

Played in 50 films. Among the widely known are the role of Vikniksor in the film by Gennady Poloka “Republic of SHKID” (1966) and the role of Ostap Bender in the film “The Golden Calf” (1968) directed by the Jew Mikhail Schweitzer.
Starred in 10 television plays.

He acted as a reader with programs (15 programs) of classical and modern authors.
In 1978, Sergei Yursky moved to Moscow and became an actor and then director of the Theater. Mossovet.

Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1967).
People's Artist of the RSFSR (1987).
He received the Order of Honor from Yeltsin in 1995. In 2011 he became the Winner of the Theater Star Award.

Since 1996, the Jewish artist Sergei Yursky has been a member of the board of trustees of the St. Philaret Orthodox Christian Institute. Wild, but true.

The first wife is Zinaida Sharko, an actress. The second wife is Natalya Tenyakova, also an actress. Daughter - Daria Yurskaya, actress of the Moscow Art Theater. Grandson - Georgy (born 2002). Grandson - Alisher (born 2009).

Of course there were troubles.
Yursky: “Shortly after my trip to Czechoslovakia, I was summoned to the KGB and informed that such an actor - Sergei Yursky - no longer exists.
Because he "discredited the high rank of the Soviet man." An order came from above, and they immediately closed in front of me
all doors on Lenfilm, radio, television. I had to leave the BDT. I was forced to leave St. Petersburg for Moscow. But they didn’t take me to the Moscow Art Theater, then to Lenkom... And they accepted me to the Mossovet Theater with a terrible creak.”

“I was forced to leave St. Petersburg for Moscow.” What a tragedy. It was as if Moscow was ringing permafrost. It’s as if in Moscow there are only logging sites and mines. And what is this “terrible creaking”?

He had few freedoms under the CPSU, but in fact he wanted freedoms for the Jews and liberal bourgeois. And just as after 1917 the Jews in power called “Great Russian chauvinism” the main enemy, so now the Jews have declared the same Russian people as the main enemy, some for the equal rights of the Russian people, some against the expansion of the Jews into power, into the education system, in the media, especially in TV Box ... Only after 1917 such Russians were called “Great Russian chauvinists,” and after 1991 they were called “fascists” and “Nazis.”

Yursky said that he was Russian, but he did not say a word, like all the Jews, against the collapse of a huge power, against the dismemberment of the Russian people and the Russian Superethnos. Not a word against discrimination and genocide of Russians on the territory of the former Soviet republics, against the extermination of tens of thousands of Russian people. Not a word in defense of millions of Russian refugees.

The dictatorship of the CPSU had to be brought down, but not to destroy the country, but to make it into a greater Power. Do not destroy the Russian Ethnos, the Russian Superethnos and the Union of the Russian Ethnicity and other peoples, but strengthen them. Not to reduce the number of the Russian people, but to increase it. Do not degrade and humiliate the Russian people, but revive them.

Never once did Yursky say at his concerts: “We, the Jews, must still reduce our huge number of Jews in the Theater, Cinema, in the TV Box and destroy the Jewish censorship in the TV Box...

Shoigu Sergei Kuzhugetovich was born in the Tuvan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, the city of Chadan, on May 21, 1955. His father, Shoigu Kuzhuget Sereevich, at that time worked as the editor of the republican newspaper "Shyn" ("Truth"), later served as secretary of the Tuvan regional committee of the Communist Party, first deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Tuvan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Mother, Shoigu Alexandra Yakovlevna (Née Kudryavtseva), worked as a livestock specialist and headed the planning department of the main agricultural department of the republic.

In fact, the family surname of Sergei Shoigu was not Shoigu, but Kuzhuget. This confusion arose when his father received a passport - his first and last names were swapped.

Sergei Shoigu's nationality is Tuvan.

Education of Sergei Shoigu

Shoigu was a good student at school and graduated from the 10-year school in 1972. Afterwards he studied at the Polytechnic Institute of the city of Krasnoyarsk, from which he graduated in 1977 with a degree in civil engineering. He has an academic degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences, for which he defended his dissertation in 1996. The Academy of Civil Defense of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia also became one of Shoigu’s alma mater.

Career: construction trusts - CPSU secretariat - Minister of Emergency Situations

Sergei Shoigu began working as a foreman at the Promkhimstroy trust in Krasnoyarsk. Then he held senior positions in construction trusts of the cities: Kyzyl (Tuvinstroy), Achinsk (Achinskaluminystroy), Sayanogorsk (Sayanaluminystroy), Abakan (Sayantyazhstroy, Abakanvagonstroy).

Since 1989, Shoigu began working in party bodies - as second secretary of the Abakan city committee, and later became an inspector in the Krasnoyarsk regional committee of the Communist Party. A year later he moved to the capital to take up the post of deputy chairman of the RSFSR State Committee for Architecture and Construction.

In 1991, he initiated the idea of ​​forming the Russian Rescue Corps, of which Sergei Shoigu was appointed head. Subsequently, on the basis of this department, in the same 91st, the State Committee of the RSFSR for Emergency Situations was established, which later became the State Committee Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency and Consequence Elimination Affairs natural Disasters. Sergei Shoigu, who sided with Boris Yeltsin during the 1991 coup, headed this committee. And received the “Defender of Free Russia” award.

In 1992, during the armed conflict in Ossetia and Ingushetia, Sergei Shoigu was appointed deputy. heads of the temporary administration on the territory of the conflicting republics.

The Committee, headed by Sergei Shoigu, was restructured into the Ministry in 1994, incorporating the Civil Defense troops; led this ministry until May 2012. In 1996, Minister Shoigu joined the Russian Security Council.

Political career of Sergei Shoigu

Sergei Shoigu began his career as a politician in 1995, when he joined the “Our Home is Russia” association, led by Viktor Chernomyrdin. In 1996 he supervised election campaign in the presidential elections of the Russian Federation in the constituent entities of the federation. In 2000, he became the head of the Unity party, which lost to the Communists during the Duma elections, but bypassed the Fatherland - All Russia bloc of Yu. Luzhkov. After which the parties “Unity”, “OVR” and “All Russia” (Mintimer Shaimiev) united and formed the pro-presidential party “United Russia”.

In the Duma elections (2003, 2007 and 2011), Shoigu’s name was invariably in the top three on the United Russia party lists, thanks to the politician’s high ratings.

Sergei Shoigu - interview with Vladimir Pozner

In March 2012, Shoigu was proposed by United Russia to Russian President D. Medvedev as a candidate for governor of the Moscow region. In April of the same year, the Moscow Regional Duma supported the candidacy, and on May 11, 2012, Sergei Shoigu became governor of the Moscow region. But I didn’t stay in this chair for even a year, because... in November 2012, on the recommendation of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. His predecessor Anatoly Serdyukov resigned due to his involvement in the Oboronservis scandal.

State and public awards

In September 1999, he was awarded the title “Hero of the Russian Federation” (for courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty in extreme situations). Knight of the II (2010) and III (2005) degrees of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland. Order of Honor (2009) and Order “For Personal Courage” (1994). Also – medals: “In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow”, “...300th anniversary of St. Petersburg” and “...1000th anniversary of Kazan”. He carries a personal weapon – a 9mm Yarygin combat pistol.

In 1993, 1996 and twice in 1999. received gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation; in 2000 and 2005 – from the Government of the Russian Federation. He was awarded medals and orders of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, departmental awards of the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Central Election Commission of Russia. For the development of Russian-Kyrgyz relations, Sergei Shoigu was rewarded by the state of Kyrgyzstan with the Danaker Order (2002) and the Dank Medal (1997). In 2012 he received the highest award of the Order of Malta - the Knight's Military Cross "For mercy, salvation and help." He also has a number of spiritual and social awards, and is an honorary academician of several Russian and international academic associations.

Work in other organizations

Since 2003, Sergei Shoigu has been a member of the Maritime Board under the Government of the Russian Federation. Since 2009 he has been heading the Russian geographical society, the oldest geographical organization in the Russian Federation.

Also for Shoigu is the presidency of the International Sports Federation of Firefighters and Rescuers, and the leadership of the editorial office of the website Forum of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Sergei Shoigu became Minister of Defense

Family of Sergei Shoigu

Sergei Shoigu’s wife, Irina Aleksandrovna (nee Antipina) runs the Expo-EM travel agency, which works in the field of business tourism. Father of two daughters: Yulia Shoigu (born 1977) and Ksenia Shoigu (born 1991). Eldest daughter Yulia is in charge of providing psychological assistance at the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, the youngest Ksenia, a student, starred in an episode of one of Nikita Mikhalkov’s films.

The main characters are not in the Kremlin, where dolls who decide nothing sit under heavy security, but calmly walk the streets.

Noisy criticism of fake puppets distracts attention from the Jewish masses, from the “living force.”

It is the Jews in their entirety who are the main executors of the plans they themselves have outlined - each in their own place. The plans are primitive and located in gastrointestinal tract- eat, drink and do nothing ourselves.


Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications - Avdeev Alexander Alekseevich (Jew)

Ministry of Defense - Anatoly Eduardovich Serdyukov (Jew)

Ministry of Regional Development - Basargin Viktor Fedorovich (Jew)
Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications - Shchegolev Igor Olegovich (Jew)
Ministry Agriculture- Skrynnik Elena Borisovna (Jewish)
Ministry of Education and Science - Andrey Aleksandrovich Fursenko (Jew)
Ministry of Industry and Trade - Khristenko Viktor Borisovich (Jew)
Ministry of Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief - Shoigu Sergei Kuzhugetovich (mother - Alexandrya Yakovlevna Shoigu) (Jew).
Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy - Vitaly Leontievich Mutko (Jew)
Ministry of Transport - Levitin Igor Evgenievich (Jew)
Ministry of Justice - Konovalov Alexander Vladimirovich (Jew)
Ministry economic development- Nabiullina Elvira Sakhipzadovna (Jewish)

They live under first and last names converted from Jewish ones or under pseudonyms.


Where Gorbachev M.S., Kasparov G.K., Kasyanov M.M., Savenko (Limonov) E.V., Khakamada I.M., Khodorkovsky M.B. were not included, because “no evidence was found in their actions corpus delicti under Article 357 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.”

Neither the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, nor the Russian Federation itself, of course, but the list may be useful.


Basaev A.-Sh., Baraev M., Bendukidze K., Berl Lazar, Gelaev R., Dudaev D., Zakaev A., Maskhadov A., Yandarbiev Z., Yushenkov and Sobchak.
Dudaev (Surkov) Vladislav Yurievich, Luzhkov Yuri Mikhailovich, Matvienko Valentina Ivanovna, Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich, Savostyanov Evgeniy Vadimovich.

1. Alekseeva Lyudmila (Moscow Helsinki group, agent of enemy special services).
2. Albats Evgenia (Russophobe journalist, enemy intelligence agent).
3. Andreev Sergey (Moscow Society for Krishna Consciousness).
4. Ashirov Nafigulla (co-author of the idea to remove orthodox crosses).
5. Barannikov Alexander (former State Duma deputy, supporter of drug legalization).
6. Nikita Belykh (enemy intelligence agent).
7. Berezovsky Boris (Elenin Platon) (especially dangerous criminal).
8. Boguslavsky Mark (author of the law “On the Import and Export of Cultural Property,” which allows private individuals to export any valuables from Russia under the guise of exhibitions, an agent of enemy intelligence services).
9. Konstantin Borovoy (a major official of the Yeltsin administration).
10. Borshchev Valery (member of the Board of Directors of the Russian branch International Association religious freedom, member of the International Non-Governmental Tribunal for Crimes against Humanity and War Crimes in the Chechen Republic).
11. Brod Alexander (Moscow Bureau for Human Rights, agent of enemy intelligence services).
12. Brodsky Artyom (Satanist killer).
13. Burbulis Gennady (major official of the Yeltsin administration).
14. Alexander Verkhovsky (SOVA Center, enemy intelligence agent).
15. Andrey Wulf (former State Duma deputy, supporter of drug legalization and same-sex marriage).
16. Gaidar Egor (former prime minister).
17. Svetlana Gannushkina (“Civil Assistance”, agent of enemy intelligence services).
18. Gelman Marat (enemy intelligence agent).
19. Gerber Alla (Holocaust Foundation, enemy intelligence agent).
20. Grachev Pavel (former Minister of Defense).
21. Grebesheva Inga ( CEO Russian Family Planning Association, enemy intelligence agent).
22. Gref German (an active supporter of the liberalization of migration legislation).
23. Vladimir Gusinsky (fugitive oligarch).
24. Vladimir Gushchin (Head of the Service for Work with Informal Youth Associations of St. Petersburg).
25. Dudayev (Surkov) Vladislav Yuryevich, Deputy Head of Administration of Acting President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin.
26. Deitch Mark (“Moskovsky Komsomolets”, agent of enemy intelligence services).
27. Jemal Heydar (co-author of the idea to remove Orthodox crosses from the coat of arms of Russia).
28. Yeltsin Boris ( ex-president Russia).
29. Erofeev Viktor (Russophobe writer, enemy intelligence agent).
30. Zhanna Zayonchkovskaya (migration laboratory of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, especially dangerous Russophobe).
31. Zurabov Mikhail (author of monetization of benefits).
32. Sergei Kiriyenko (former prime minister).
33. Sergey Kovalev (enemy intelligence agent).
34. Kozlov Grigory (Russophobe journalist, author of publications calling on Russia to transfer to Germany all captured valuables (received through restitution) free of charge, agent of enemy intelligence services).
35. Oleg Kozlovsky (enemy intelligence agent).
36. Andrey Kozyrev (former Minister of Foreign Affairs).
37. Andrey Kolesnikov (Russophobe journalist).
38. Korchinsky Dmitro (fought on the side Chechen militants).
39. Alexander Kosolapov (exhibited so-called “installations” at the Sakharov Museum that deeply offended the feelings of Orthodox believers).
40. Krotov Yakov (enemy intelligence agent).
41. Krylova Galina (lawyer of Jehovah's Witnesses).
42. Vladimir Kulakov (President of the Russian Family Planning Association).
43. Latynina Yulia (a particularly dangerous Russophobic journalist).
44. Livshits Alexander (former Minister of Finance).
45. Linshits Igor (president of the Neftyanoy concern, wanted).
46. ​​Linderman Vladimir (pornographer, wanted in Latvia).
47. Luzhkov Yuri Mikhailovich (active organizer of the storming of the building of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, mayor of Moscow)
48. Matvienko Valentina Ivanovna (Governor of St. Petersburg)
49. Minkin Alexander (“Moskovsky Komsomolets”).
50. Moiseev Boris (promoter of sodomy, agent of enemy intelligence services).
51. Leonid Mlechin (“Special folder”, TVC).
52. Nevzlin Leonid (especially dangerous criminal).
53. Boris Nemtsov (enemy intelligence agent).
54. Novitsky Vladimir (Moscow Bureau for Human Rights, agent of enemy intelligence services).
55. Valeria Novodvorskaya (enemy intelligence agent).
56. Olshansky Dmitry (“Globalrus”, a particularly dangerous Russophobe journalist, agent of enemy intelligence services).
57. Mikhail Oshtrakh (author of the scandalous review of the Duma bill “On the Russian People”, which was unauthorizedly sent to the State Duma on behalf of the entire Congress of National Associations. Initiator of the denunciation against the Ekaterinburg diocese, against the Archbishop of Ekaterinburg and Verkhoturye Vincent, against the Archbishop of Perm and Solikamsk Athanasius) .
58. Pain Emil (adviser to Yeltsin, author of the idea of ​​​​abolishing the “nationality” column in passports, agent of enemy intelligence services).
59. Valery Panyushkin (a particularly dangerous Russophobe journalist).
60. Politkovskaya Anna (“ New Newspaper", agent of enemy intelligence services).
61. Pozner Vladimir (“Times”, Channel 1).
62. Popov Gabriel (former mayor of Moscow, Russophobe writer, enemy intelligence agent).
63. Vyacheslav Postavnin (FMS, author of the idea to legalize 1 million migrants).
64. Vladimir Pribylovsky (president of the Panorama Information and Research Center, enemy intelligence agent).
65. Proshechkin Evgeniy (Moscow Anti-Fascist Center, agent of enemy intelligence services, agent of enemy intelligence services).
66. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (Acting President of the Russian Federation, considers all supporters of the slogan “Russia for Russians” to be criminals and the main organizer of measures aimed at a sharp reduction in the number of indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation (genocide))
67. Pykov Alexander (official of the plenipotentiary mission in the Volga Federal District, supporter of radical liberalization of migration legislation).
68. Radzikhovsky Leonid (“Izvestia”).
69. Rastorguev Alexey (Russophobe journalist, author of publications calling on Russia to transfer to Germany all captured valuables (received through restitution) free of charge, agent of enemy intelligence services).
70. Rybakov Yuliy (agent of enemy intelligence services).
71. Sergey Ryakhovsky (Chairman of the Russian United Union of Christians of the Evangelical Faith (Pentecostals).
72. Savostyanov Evgeniy. (Deputy head of Yeltsin's administration)
73. Svanidze Nikolay (“Mirror”, RTR).
74. Stomakhin Boris (a particularly dangerous Russophobic journalist).
75. Yuri Samodurov (director of the Sakharov Museum, organizer of the anti-Christian exhibition).
76. Sidorov Evgeniy (former Minister of Culture of Russia, then representative to UNESCO. One of the main figures in the case of the free transfer of transferred cultural property to Germany).
77. Sorokin Vladimir (Russophobe writer, kaloed).
78. Natalya Taubina (Public Verdict Foundation, agent of enemy intelligence services).
79. Ter-Oganyan Avdey (Russophobe, publicly abused Orthodox icons).
80. Tishkov Valery (chief theorist of “Russianism” - the theory of turning the population of Russia into “ Russian nation"following the example and model of the "American nation" without any consideration of the specifics of the history of our country and the Russian people).
81. Hanga Elena (creator of the television program “About This,” which destroys national Russian stereotypes in the field of family and marriage).
82. Chernomyrdin Viktor (former prime minister).
83. Chubais Anatoly (author of privatization).
84. Mikhail Shvydkoy (host of the program “ Cultural Revolution", a supporter of the release of the "Bremen collection of drawings" to Germany).
85. Shuster Savik (fugitive Russophobe journalist, enemy intelligence agent).
86. Grigory Yavlinsky (enemy intelligence agent).
87. Yakunin Gleb (excommunicated from the church for anti-church activities).
88. Yasin Evgeniy (former Minister of Economy).

Short form of the name Sergei. Seryozha, Serge, Serenya, Seryoga, Sergeyka, Sergulya, Gulya, Sergusya, Goose, Sergusha, Gusha, Sergunya, Gunya, Serhito, Chucho.
Synonyms for the name Sergei. Sergius, Sergius, Serge, Sergio, Sergi, Sergi, Sergiush.
Origin of the name Sergei. The name Sergei is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic.

The name Sergei has different versions of its origin. According to the first, most common version, the name Sergei comes from the Roman generic name Sergius, which is a Roman generic name that comes from Sergius. The Sergii are an ancient Roman patrician family, which, according to legend, traces its ancestry to the Trojans. Translated from Latin it means “high”, “noble”.

According to the next version, the name Sergei is modern form the obsolete name Sergius, which comes from the Latin “servi dei”, translated meaning “servant of God”. As one of the variants of this version, the name Sergei comes from the Latin “Servus”, which translates as “servant”.

You rarely meet people so sociable and open to the world, like Sergei. He has depth of feelings and sometimes behaves unpredictably. Sergei can be a good creative person - he easily puts forward new ideas and is able to independently implement each of them. You can be sure that everyone he involves in the incarnation process will undergo careful selection on his part. Sergei does not tend to hide or try to present in a different way all the facets of his character, therefore both the good and the bad in him are always visible.

However, Sergei tries to keep his feelings to himself. It is more pleasant and easier for him to act than to show any emotions. The ability to participate and tact appears in this man only at an advanced age. Sergei considers himself a cunning person, but he often underestimates his opponent and gets into trouble. Seryozha’s life is well known, but it is difficult for him to understand an individual person.

For an employer, Sergey is a valuable employee. He is very obliging and conscientious. His first desire upon successful employment is to arrange and adjust the work process. However, with his opinion, he will not interfere with everyone.

It’s not difficult to offend Sergei; even a small thing can ruin his mood. He often tries to cope with problems alone, without relying on anyone. Sergei values ​​his friends very much and is always ready to help them. Women and cheerful feasts are at the center of the hobbies of a man with this name, but he does not show this to others.

Sergei's fate is composed, like a mosaic, of bad and good deeds, excessive trust and gentleness and, on the contrary, steadfastness and firmness in decisions. It is not common for him to lose hope in the most dead-end situations. It is at these moments that hidden forces appear in him. Sergei lacks brilliance in his life, and he strives for it in every possible way. This man will definitely remain in people's memories.

Sergei has a talent for finding a way out of the most confusing situations. In this he is helped by his thinking abilities, which are capable of paying attention to both the whole and the particulars.

Living with Sergei is very difficult. His actions are unpredictable. He himself easily evaluates a person with one glance and has a highly developed intuition. When Sergey is around, it’s difficult not to quarrel with him, but when he disappears from life, all the positive moments of life with him come to mind, and there are quite a few of them. Sergei's behavior often does not fit into the social framework of morality and ethics; they are too narrow for him.

Sergeevs make the best fathers and husbands, and these men, as a rule, choose calm and balanced women as life partners. He listens to his wife in everything, but does not forget about his opinion.

When it comes to pleasure, Sergei often knows no limits. He is interested in music and loves going to the movies. He was the leader and joker in the company, and was not averse to participating in performances and productions. The desire to embody and considerable creative potential often force Sergei to choose a career as an actor or composer. Even if a man’s choice did not fall on creative professions, he will strive to become a manager or advertising worker. Only in such positions will he be able to fully realize his potential.

Sergei's birthday

Sergey celebrates his name day on January 6, January 15, January 27, February 17, March 5, March 8, March 11, March 22, April 2, April 5, April 14, April 25, May 8, May 10, May 26, June 1 , July 1, July 11, July 18, July 20, August 2, August 13, August 25, September 10, September 22, September 24, October 1, October 7, October 8, October 11, October 20, October 30, 31 October, November 2, November 13, November 14, November 16, November 27, November 29, December 2, December 10, December 11, December 15, December 18, December 20, December 31.

Everyone knows that male name Sergey does not have a female pair (like, for example, Alexander-Alexandra or Valery-Valeria). But it was not always so. IN Ancient Rome the name Sergei had several paired female names. They were formed from related cognomen.

Noble Roman women from the Sergius family could be called Sergius, Sergiana or Sergilla. Modern women only occasionally receive the derivative name Sergin (the French version of the name). On French it is written as Sergine. It is worn by Sergin Desjardins, a writer and essayist from Quebec, and Serguine André, an artist from Haiti.

Famous people named Sergei

  • Sergius of Radonezh ((c.1314 - 1392) in the world - Bartholomew; monk of the Russian Church, founder of the Trinity Monastery near Moscow (now the Trinity-Sergius Lavra), transformer of monasticism in Northern Rus'. Sergius of Radonezh is revered by the Russian Orthodox Church in the ranks of saints as a reverend and is considered the greatest ascetic of the Russian land.)
  • Sergey Ozhegov (linguist, lexicographer, Doctor of Philology, professor, Russian linguist, historian literary language, author of the world famous “Dictionary of the Russian Language”)
  • Sergei Prokofiev ((1891 - 1953) Soviet composer, conductor and pianist. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1947). Laureate of the Lenin (1957 - posthumous) and six Stalin Prizes (1943, 1946 - three times, 1947, 1951). One of the largest, most influential and the most performed composers of the 20th century.)
  • Sergei Rachmaninov (outstanding Russian composer, pianist and conductor)
  • Sergei Yesenin ((1895 - 1925) Russian poet, representative of new peasant poetry, and in a later period of creativity and imagism)
  • Sergei Korolev ((1906/1907 - 1966) Soviet scientist, designer and organizer of the production of rocket and space technology and missile weapons USSR, founder of practical cosmonautics. The largest figure of the 20th century in the field of space rocketry and shipbuilding. S.P. Korolev is the creator of Soviet rocket and space technology, which ensured strategic parity and made the USSR an advanced rocket and space power. Is key figure in man's exploration of space, the creator of practical astronautics. Thanks to his ideas, the first artificial Earth satellite and the first cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin, were launched. Twice Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Lenin Prize, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences.)
  • Sergei Witte ((1849 - 1915) Russian statesman. Minister of Railways (1892), Minister of Finance (1892 - 1903), Chairman of the Committee of Ministers (1903 - 1906), Chairman of the Council of Ministers (1905 - 1906). Member State Council(since 1903). Count (since 1905). Actual Privy Councilor (1899).)
  • Sergei Aksakov ((1791 - 1859) Russian writer, government official and public figure, literary and theater critic, memoirist, author of books about fishing and hunting, lepidopterologist. Father of Russian writers and public figures Slavophiles: Konstantin, Ivan and Vera Aksakov. Member - correspondent of the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.)
  • Sergei Vernov ((1910 - 1982) Russian and Soviet physicist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1968), specialist in the field of cosmic ray physics. One of the participants in the discovery of the Earth’s outer radiation belt. Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Stalin and Lenin Prizes.)
  • Sergei Obraztsov ((1901 - 1992) Soviet Russian actor and puppet theater director, theater figure. People's Artist of the USSR (1954), Hero of Socialist Labor (1971). Laureate of the Lenin Prize (1984) and the Stalin Prize of the second degree (1946).)
  • Sergei Bondarchuk ((1920 - 1994) Soviet actor, film director, screenwriter, teacher. People's Artist of the USSR (1952). Hero of Socialist Labor (1980). Laureate of the Stalin Prize of the first degree (1952), Lenin Prize (1960), State Prize of the USSR ( 1984), winner of the Oscar and Golden Globe film awards.)
  • Sergei Botkin ((1832 - 1889) Russian physician and public figure, created the doctrine of the body as a single whole, subject to the will. Professor of the Medical-Surgical Academy (since 1861). Participant of the Crimean (1855) and Russian-Turkish (1877) ) wars. Founder of the school of clinicians.)
  • Sergei Filippov ((1912 - 1990) Soviet comedian, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1974))
  • Sergei Solovyov ((born 1944) Soviet and Russian film director, screenwriter, producer, People's Artist of Russia (1993))
  • Sergei Bubka ((born 1963) Soviet and Ukrainian pole vault athlete, the first person in the world to jump above six meters. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1983). Champion Olympic Games 1988, world (1983, 1987, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1997), Europe (1986), USSR (1984, 1985). Winner of the World and European Cups (1985) in pole vault. Silver medalist of the international competition “Friendship - 84”.)
  • Sergei Eisenstein ((born 1898) Soviet theater and film director, artist, screenwriter, art theorist, teacher. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1935). Professor at VGIK. Doctor of Art History (1939), author of fundamental works on cinema theory.)
  • Sergei Diaghilev ((1872 - 1929) Russian theatrical and artistic figure, entrepreneur, one of the founders of the World of Art group, organizer of the Russian Seasons in Paris and the Diaghilev Russian Ballet troupe)
  • Sergei Prokudin-Gorsky ((1863 - 1944) Russian photographer, chemist (student of Mendeleev), inventor, publisher, teacher and public figure, member of the Imperial Russian Geographical, Imperial Russian Technical and Russian Photographic Societies. Made a significant contribution to the development of photography and cinematography. Pioneer of color photography in Russia, creator of the “Collection of Landmarks of the Russian Empire.”)
  • Sergei Lukyanenko ((born 1968) is a popular Russian science fiction writer. He calls his genre “hard action fiction” or “fiction of the Path.”)
  • Sergei Lemeshev ((1902 - 1977) Russian Soviet opera singer (lyric tenor) and opera director, teacher. People's Artist of the USSR (1950). Laureate of the Stalin Prize, second degree (1941).)
  • Sergei Shoigu ((born 1955) Russian statesman, governor of the Moscow region (since 2012). Army General (2003). Hero of the Russian Federation (1999). Chapter State Committee RSFSR and the Russian Federation for civil defense, emergency situations and disaster relief (1991-1994), Minister of the Russian Federation for civil defense, emergency situations and disaster relief (1994-2012).
  • Sergei Yursky ((born 1935) Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, theater director, screenwriter. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1987).)
  • Sergei Nikolsky ((1905 - 2012) Soviet and Russian mathematician, academician Russian Academy Sciences (1991; academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences since 1972). In 2012 - the oldest among living Russians - personalities of the Russian Wikipedia with verified age data.)

According to the ratio of the number of the richest people to the share in the population of Russia, the championship in wealth is held by Mountain Jews (Tats) - two percent of the Forbes list to 0.00005 percent of all Russians

Private property is our everything. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev recently spoke in this sense when talking about what kind of economy needs to be built. And what is the elite that owns and manages this private property, the masters of life and the economy - the Russian oligarchs? Interesting research Sociologists from Kazakhstan conducted research on this topic.

Scientists have primarily researched National composition oligarchy, correlating it with the ethnic structure of the entire population of Russia. The criteria chosen were very democratic, taking into account the self-identification of billionaires. In particular, the presumption of “Russianness” and “Ukrainianness”. Everyone who had Russian and Ukrainian surnames was considered Russian or Ukrainian. Also, unlike halakhic rules, Jewish mothers were not taken into account when determining the nationality.

In total, persons of 20 nationalities were recorded among the oligarchy.

The object of the study was a sample of the richest Russians from Forbes magazine in 2013: a total of 200 people who collectively own $488.6 billion in various forms and control more than half of the non-state economy of Russia.

In terms of the number of billionaires, Russians are ahead. There are 91 people on the list, or 45 percent, with a share of the Russian population of 77.7 percent. Total wealth: $172 billion, average per person: $1.89 billion. The poorest is $0.5 billion, the richest is $14.3 billion.

In second place in number are Jews, 38 people, 19 percent, with a share of the Russian population of 0.11 percent. Total wealth is $109 billion, the average per person is 2.87 billion, the poorest is 0.5 billion, the richest is $16.5 billion.

The third are Ukrainians, 29 people or 14.5 percent, share of the population 1.35 percent, total wealth 98.5 billion dollars, average wealth - 3.396 billion, the poorest 0.5 billion, the richest 14.4 billion.

Then, according to the list - three Georgians, Ingush and Azerbaijanis, two Uzbeks and a German, one Avar, Arab, Kabardian, Kurd, Latvian (Peter Aven), Lezgin, Lithuanian, Moldavian and Ossetian.

The Volga region peoples (including Bashkirs), Kazakhs, Belarusians, and Chechens remained unrepresented.

Perhaps convinced anti-Semites will be disappointed, but the Jews are significantly ahead of the Uzbeks in terms of average per capita capital - 13.5 billion per person. This is obviously an absolute record among billionaires not only in Russia, but throughout the whole world.

In second place are Azerbaijanis with 5.78 billion, in third are Ukrainians with 3.396 billion dollars.

In terms of the ratio of the number of oligarchs to the share of the population, the championship is held by Mountain Jews (Tats) - two percent of the Forbes list to 0.00005 percent of all Russians. In total, there are 762 Tatas in Russia, and if the fortune of the four representatives from Forbes is divided between them, then in terms of wealth, no nation in the world can compare with the Mountain Jews, including the Monegasques and Bruneians: more than 10 million for each, including the elderly and children , a nation of millionaires.

Other data is also interesting - higher education And academic degrees have 90 percent of the oligarchy, while almost all groups have 100% higher education, excluding Russians and Ukrainians. True, according to researchers, higher education and academic degrees in approximately half of the cases were obtained already in the status of millionaires and billionaires.

Problems or friction with the law in the past and present have been recorded among a third of the oligarchs. The leaders here are Jews and representatives of Caucasian peoples.

About 40 percent of the oligarchs formed their fortunes in the fuel and energy sector, exploiting the subsoil - a national property, as written in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Wealth also came from property transactions, financial speculation, including during privatization, and banking business. The manufacturing sector is represented by export-oriented metalworking, chemical and food industries, as well as housing construction.

The general image of the Russian oligarch, therefore, can be characterized as follows: half-Slav with strong admixtures of Jewish, Tatar and Caucasian blood, slightly thieving, having problems with the law in the past and present, well educated and prefers to receive huge and quick incomes not in the sphere of material production, and by reselling within the country, or better yet for export, the fruits of other people’s labor.

But you can easily get acquainted with the results of the activities of these “kings of private property” by studying the state of the domestic economy, which is managed by their like-minded people from the Russian government. The budget deficit continues to grow, and the GDP growth rate, as is known, is projected at three percent, which is completely insufficient for increasing development.

The share of revenues in the state budget from the export of fuel and raw materials is about 50 percent, which indicates the absence of a complex mechanical engineering and electronics industry - the basis of any modern economy. This structure of the formation of the state budget is typical, by the way, for some African countries, in which almost one hundred percent private property still remains.

And in developed countries of the West, including the USA, “pure” private property has long been an anachronism at the level of small industries; in key areas of the economy it has long been supplanted by the collective and corporate form of ownership with the highest level socialization.

Maybe there is someone who can explain these well-known truths to high ranks?