(Preparatory group for school)

1. Improve children’s ability to understand the idea of ​​the proposed picture and compose a detailed story based on it, using a mnemonic table.

2. Encourage children to study difficult words and introducing them into active dictionary: long-legged, short-tailed, fleet-footed...

3. Cultivate sense of purpose and desire for self-expression.

Progress of the lesson

I. The teacher's story.

It's late autumn outside. I wonder what's in the forest now? A bare, cold forest, but it is quiet. Those who are supposed to fly away from hunger and cold on wings. And who is left??? (children's answers...). Animals in the forest feel bad in the fall; they become hungry and cold. In an empty forest, it’s easy to spot a bunny, a fox, and a squirrel that have changed the color of their fur.

Animals are in a hurry to fill their pantries and stockpile food for future use. Yes, animals are preparing for winter, making supplies and thanking autumn every day for its gifts.

Do you guys want to visit the autumn forest and watch the animals? (Audio recording with voices of the forest.)

The teacher continues: “For animals, the forest is a home where they hunt, graze, breed - in general, all year round busy with business. They feel good in this house because they are adapted to life in the forest. The forest is big, so what kind of animals are there?” - (coordination of nouns in different cases: wolves, foxes, bears, hares...). (List – summarize: wild animals.)

Why do we call them wild? – (they live in the forest, get their own food, defend themselves from enemies, that is, take care of themselves. And nature took care of them).

Let's think about what helps animals survive in harsh forest conditions?

II. Draw the children’s attention to the painting “Autumn in the Forest.”

What does the artist of this painting want to tell us?” - (children's answers).

Educator: “At every time of the year, animals have their own worries. In spring, the main concern for animals is to breed offspring. They set up a place and raise their cubs. In the summer it’s warm, there’s a lot of food, adult animals have only one concern - to raise their offspring, to teach them a lot.

Another thing is autumn: look at the picture, what is the main concern of animals in autumn? (prepare for winter).

What do animals need to prepare for winter? – (supplies, shelters, some animals change coat color...).

Why do animals need to prepare for winter? – in winter there are frosts, there is no food, which means that the animals will have a very difficult life.

Educator: That’s right, each animal prepares for winter in its own way. And nature ordered to help the animals.

What does the painting hasten to tell us about this?

Problem. - What did we see? - children's answers.

The picture is simply wonderful. Would you like us all to write a story together about how animals prepare for winter? And to make our story complete, let’s remember what we know about the animals that we have just named. Shall we begin???...

III. Let's play the game: “Finish the sentence”: (working with a subject dictionary and a dictionary of adjectives).

1. The bear has small, round ... (ears), clubfoot ... (paws); and that’s why we call him... (clubfooted, clumsy).

2. The fox has a long fluffy ... (tail), elongated ... (muzzle); she likes to quickly cover her tracks with her long tail, so we can tell about her what she is like? (long-tailed, nimble, cunning).

3. The hare has long, fast ... (legs), a short fluffy ... (tail), which means he is ... (swift-footed, short-tailed), he sits under a bush and trembles, is afraid, so he ... (fearful).

4. The moose has branched ... (horns), strong, fast ... (legs), which means it is ... (swift-footed, important, strong).

5. The wolf has sharp, strong...(teeth), far-sighted...(eyes). 0n – toothy, sharp-sighted.

6. The hedgehog has thin, prickly ... (needles), sensitive ... (nose), short legs, so the hedgehog ... (short-legged, nimble, prickly).

7. The lynx has fluffy, spotted...(fur), sharp...(claws) on its legs,...(tassels) on its ears; she loves to hunt other animals, which means the lynx is...(predator), she deftly jumps from tree to tree, which means this animal is...(agile).

8. The squirrel has a beautiful, fluffy...(tail), tenacious...(claws) on its paws,...(tassels) on its ears, it can quickly jump from branch to branch in the forest, which means what a squirrel...(dexterous); with what color fur...(red); - the smallest animal of the forest, it is also necessary to say about it today: the mouse.

9. The mouse has an elongated ... (muzzle), a short thin ... (tail), sharp ... (teeth), loves to gnaw on everything; she is so small that she can fit into the narrowest crack, so what is she like? ... (nimble, dexterous, fast, sharp-toothed, short-tailed).

10. The boar’s body is covered with hard hairs ... (bristles), its nose is like a pig’s ... (snout), with which the boar can quickly dig the ground, on its muzzle there are two sharp ... (fangs), sensitive large ... (ears); on the legs... (hooves).

Educator: That's how much different words we talked about animals! (You can only select a few animals to describe.)

Let's relax, play with fingers:

Hedgehog, bear, badger, raccoon

They sleep in winter every year.

Wolf, hare, lynx, fox

And in winter you will find it in the forest.

Now we need to remember the homes of many of the animals, then it will be easier for us to understand that for animals it is winter?

Game “Whose House”: For winter, all the animals are preparing their homes:

The bear chooses...(den);

The squirrel is looking for... (hollow);

The fox digs...(a hole);

The wolf makes ... (lair);

Mice spend the winter in burrows;

What is the smallest animal you saw? (mouse). What is she so busy with? - (she dragged the spikelet into her hole).

Educator: the mice are especially diligent in getting their supplies. Many of them dug their holes right in the haystacks, in the stacks of grain, and every night they steal grain from the grain fields. We must protect the harvest from them.

And many animals do not arrange any special storehouses for themselves.

They are their own storerooms. They just gorge themselves during the autumn months, become fat - super fat, fat - super fat - and that’s it. Fat is the same food supply.

It lies in a thick layer under the skin, and when the animal has nothing to eat, it penetrates the blood. And the blood carries food throughout the body. Who sleeps like that? (and besides the bear, a badger, a raccoon, the bats). They sleep soundly all winter, and the fat not only nourishes them, but also warms them, it keeps the cold out.

What is the bear doing? The bear carries dry branches, let’s add moss, and builds a den for itself under the roots of a fallen tree.

Pay attention to the protein. In one picture she is red, and in the other she is gray. Who knows why? (changes fur color). For what? (so that it is not noticeable). The fur becomes thick and silky. For what? (it is warmer than summer).

Who else changes their fur color? (fox, hare) – pay attention to the picture.

What does a squirrel store for the winter? (stores nuts and acorns. Puts them in a hollow, and hangs mushrooms on prickly branches to dry.). For what? (in winter he will find it and eat it). Besides food, what is important to prepare for a squirrel? (hollow).

How does she insulate it? (with twigs, twigs, and even a warm bedding, and in cold weather he will cover himself with his fluffy tail and sleep).

The hedgehog collects mushrooms, wild apples, finds a hole in a rotten stump, drags leaves into it - and the shelter is ready for the winter.

You and I have remembered a lot of what we know about wild animals. Do you think it will now be easy to write a story on the topic: “How do animals prepare for winter?

IV. Physical education lesson: “Everyone has their own home”

At the fox in the deep forest

There is a hole - a reliable home.

Snowstorms are not scary in winter

A squirrel in a hollow on a spruce tree.

A prickly hedgehog under the bushes

Rakes leaves into a pile.

From branches, roots, bark

Beavers make huts.

A clubfoot sleeps in a den,

He sucks his paw there until spring.

Everyone has their own home

It's cozy until spring.

V. And what will help us tell it is a plan that will tell us what to say and when. Show the children a mnemonic table (story algorithm):

Here is our plan - drawn. And we will tell it like this:

First, let's say that ... (autumn) has arrived, what is autumn? ...(late).

Then you need to tell what kind of forest it is in the fall... (bare, cold, quiet, empty).

What do you think we'll tell you next? (we will talk about different animals, how they prepare for winter in the fall).

- How to finish our story? (it’s bad for animals in the forest, but if they take care of themselves and prepare for winter, then it will be easier for them to survive the winter).

VI. Writing stories for children. Ask several children sequentially according to the algorithm to get a complete story. Then repeat it with another subgroup of children.

Analysis: Were we able to compose a story based on the picture? Why?

Repeat the physical training session.

Veselova Ekaterina Nikolaevna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MDOBU general developmental kindergarten No. 84, Sochi
Locality: Sochi, Krasnodar region
Name of material: abstract
Subject: How forest animals prepare for winter
Publication date: 21.01.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Synopsis of direct educational activities

in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of DO.
Educator: Veselova Ekaterina Nikolaevna. Topic: “How forest animals prepare for winter.” Age group: preparatory group (6-7 years) Educational area: Speech development PROGRAM CONTENT: Goal: Expand and enrich children’s understanding of the wintering habitat of animals. Educational objectives:  to replenish and consolidate children's knowledge about the living conditions and behavior of animals (changes in fur color, hibernation, winter supplies);  activate the vocabulary using the words: hollow, hole, lair, den;  develop the ability to express one’s thoughts in a way that others can understand, analyze, generalize, and draw simple conclusions; Developmental tasks:  develop the ability to independently put forward hypotheses and assumptions, explaining natural phenomena;  develop the eye, coherence of both hands;  develop the ability to evenly cover a sheet of paper with water;  develop self-confidence based on your own knowledge. Educational objectives:  demonstrate the ability to listen to the interlocutor to the end;  cultivate accuracy in working with paper and brush.
Preliminary work
: 1. Reading fiction: A. Usachev “Once upon a time there were hedgehogs”, M. Prishvin “Hedgehog”. 2. Riddles about animals. 3. Examination of paintings from the “Wild Animals” series. 4. Conversation “Who spends the winter how?” 5. Conducting experiments: “Magic transformations of water” or drawing with a lemon.
Material and equipment:
1. brushes and sheets of paper according to the number of children; 2. sippy cups with a pre-diluted weak iodine solution; 3.lemon juice and cotton swabs for applying an invisible contour silhouette of the drawing. 4. video appeal on behalf of the hero (hedgehog); 5. presentation “Wild Animals”; 6. “needles” (short toothpicks, painted to match the color of the hedgehog’s needles) for the game “Collect the needles.”
I. Creation of a motivational field (organizational moment).
The task of the stage: 1 - to motivate children to engage in speech activity, presupposes the emergence of a desire to work (“I want”) and confidence that everything will work out (“I can”). 2 - introduction to a gaming situation using games and exercises. The teacher draws the children’s attention to the “needles” lying on the floor and asks: What could this be? Expected answers from children: sewing needles, needles coniferous tree, cactus needles, hedgehog needles. As soon as the children gave the correct answer - the assumption that perhaps the hedgehog dropped these “needles”, the teacher offers to play the game “Collect the needles”. Purpose of the game: development of fine motor skills of the fingers. The goal of the game is to grab as many “needles” (toothpicks) into your fingers at one time. The one who has it wins greatest number"needle". The multimedia screen turns on and children are invited to watch a video message on behalf of the hedgehog: Hello Children! Today early - early in the morning I was in your kindergarten, but there were no children yet, so I left you this video message. There's trouble in the forest! I really need your help. It rained in the forest, all the leaves flew off the trees, not a single berry remained on the rowan tree. How can animals spend the winter now? What to eat? Guys, can you help me? Educator: Do you think you will be able to help our guest? (children's answers).Can you really do this? (children's answers).


The teacher uses a system of questions and leads children to understand the problem and topic of the lesson. During the conversation, multimedia presentation slides are used. Let's remember which of the animals, what they store for the winter and where they spend the winter. A conversation is held with children on the topic: “Who is preparing for winter like in the forest”, about the methods of wintering wild animals, their adaptation and nutrition during the winter period (based on a number of illustrative examples of wild animals: squirrel, bear, hare, hedgehog, fox) . Children talk about the habitats of animals, wintering methods, color changes, and ways to prepare winter supplies, using their existing knowledge. The words are introduced: hollow, hole, lair, den. Educator: What animal finds it difficult to spend the winter without human help? To answer the question you need to solve the riddle. Can you guess it? (children's answers). Touching the grass with his hooves, a handsome man walks through the forest, walking boldly and easily, with his horns spread wide. (Moose) Educator: Tell us how this large, strong animal spends the winter? (children's answers). (The moose eats branches of trees, bushes, bark. It sleeps on the snow or in deep snow, hiding its legs under its belly so as not to freeze).
Educator: What does elk eat? (children's answers) (The main food of elk is young shoots of oak, aspen, birch, rowan, and shrubs). Educator: How does a person help moose overwinter in the forest, especially when the ground is covered with snow? (children's answers). (Foresters set up feeders, lay out hay, salt, dry branches with leaves). Educator: Hedgehog, the guys helped you and reminded you that you need to sleep in winter, and not walk, and not look for food.
Physical education minute
. (Children perform movements according to the text). As soon as we entered the forest, mosquitoes appeared. Hands up above your head Hands down, clap or two. We walk further through the forest and we meet a bear. We put our hands behind our heads and waddle. Suddenly we see a chick falling out of the nest near the bush. Quietly we take the chick and put it back in the nest. Someone scared the bunny, the bunny quickly galloped away. We gallop quickly after him and hurry home quickly. Jump-jump, jump-jump, A very joyful day. (M. Myshkovskaya)



This stage involves involving children in the process of independently searching and discovering new knowledge. The hedgehog continues to address the children from the screen: Children, when I walked to you, it was raining outside, and there were puddles everywhere, there were so many of them and they did not dry up. In the summer I went to visit the hare, where after the rain the puddles quickly dried up. Why can't I understand? Children put forward hypotheses as to why this happens. Educator: Hedgehog, we will explain to you now. Guys, who can tell the hedgehog why puddles dry up quickly in summer, but not in winter? (Children's answers in the form of a generalization: in the summer the sun heats up very much and therefore the water from the puddles quickly evaporates; in the winter the sun shines, but does not heat at all, so the water evaporates very slowly). Educator: Now I will tell you how hedgehogs prepare for winter. In late autumn, owners of scratchy clothing prepare for winter. First of all, they stop eating to cleanse the intestines before a long vegetation. Voluntary hunger strike may “surprise” the former gluttons so much that coordination of movements is disrupted - the hedgehogs sway from side to side. Or maybe they have
dizzy from the memories of how they fervently stocked up on fat in the summer, and also ascorbic acid and vitamin E? In winter, vitamins are needed no less than fat; they help hedgehogs when they go into hibernation and when they come out of it. In autumn, hedgehogs like to roll around in fallen leaves to thread them onto needles. They do this so that the bed in their hole is softer and warmer. Imagine that the animal with the shortest name is sleeping safely. My breathing has weakened, my heart is beating barely. Body temperature dropped from 34 degrees to two. The hedgehog became cold-blooded. Crouching, the insectivorous beast whiles away the winter. He can have up to six such winters. Question for children: If a hedgehog has survived six winters, how old do you think this hedgehog is? (children's answers). Sometimes young hedgehogs - first-year hedgehogs - often freeze. Educator: What do you guys think, why does this happen? (children express their hypotheses and assumptions). Educator: Indeed, finding themselves without parental help, not yet knowing how to properly settle down for the winter, young hedgehogs are unable to survive the long, cold winter. Experienced ones, who have learned the hard way what winter cold is, successfully endure the winter and wake up with the first increase in air temperature and the end of night frosts. In the spring, a hedgehog that has lost fat looks like a rag. The body is flattened, the prickly skin dangles as if on a hanger. And if in the summer he fumbled in search of food in the dark, then in the spring he chews almost around the clock. Wintering of hedgehogs is an amazing property of nature, which you learned about today.
Playing with a ball on the carpet: “Give me a word”
- In the fall the hedgehog is well-fed, and in the spring...... (hungry) - The hare has a short tail, and the ears...... (long) - The squirrel has long hind legs, and the front...... (short) - The hedgehog is small, and the bear....... (big) - The hare is fluffy, and the hedgehog …….(prickly) - The squirrel has a long tail, and the hare …….(short) - The fox has soft fur, and the wolf …….(hard) - The hedgehog sleeps in the winter hole, and the bear…… (in the den) - The hare is gray in summer, and in winter…….(white) - The hedgehog is awake in summer, and in winter…….(sleeping). Educator: Hedgehog, now you know a lot about the wintering of animals and how animals prepare for winter, how they prepare supplies and change their coats.
IV. Independent application of new knowledge in practice.
At this stage, children are involved in the process of independently applying previously acquired knowledge in the course of experimental activities. The guys and I want to show you another amazing property of nature. We want to give you your favorite treats. This will be our gift to you. Guys, let's start the transformation. Children conduct an experiment with developing a picture drawn by a lemon.
The teacher invites the children to use a cotton swab dipped in lemon juice to outline the hedgehogs’ favorite treat on a piece of paper. Then, use a brush to apply “magic” water, prepared in advance, onto it. Educator: Wet your brushes and run them over a sheet of paper. Hedgehog, look what is happening to the guys with their leaves. On the children's sheets, an image drawn earlier with a lemon appears. A chemical reaction occurs when water is mixed with a light iodine solution, which is poured into sippy jars. Educator: Look guys, you all have your favorite hedgehog treats. Hedgehog, did we correctly guess all the things you love? Hedgehog: Yes, thank you guys! It's good to be your guest. It's time for me to return home to the forest for the winter. Educator: Wait, Hedgehog! Guys, what about your drawings? What should we do with them? (Children's guesses about how to send drawings to the hedgehog). Educator: Let's say goodbye to the Hedgehog! Come see us again next year when you wake up.
V. Reflection (result).
At this stage, the lesson is summed up in an emotional and semantic aspect, the result of educational activities with children is determined. Guys, do you think you helped the hedgehog today? Have you completed this task? What is your mood now after helping a forest animal? What was the most difficult thing for you when you helped the hedgehog? What new property of nature did you learn today? What did you handle the fastest?

Summary of a lesson in the preparatory group on the topic: “Bread”
consolidate ideas about the composition of a proposal
improve vocabulary on the topic; improve skills in writing stories based on pictures; improve skills in forming related words; improve the skills of sound-letter analysis, sentence analysis, its scheme
1. Organizational moment
Speech therapist. There are pictures in front of you. What do you see in the pictures?
Children. Bagels, dryers, loaf, bread.
Speech therapist. Today, we will talk about bread, about these wonderful products, and about the people who prepare them. Who knows what these products are called: bun, gingerbread, bagel?
Children. Bakery.
Speech therapist. Right.
2. Game “Which one?”
The speech therapist places a tray in front of the children, and on it are cakes and gingerbread cookies. Offers to try them
Speech therapist. Sasha, what did you try?
Child. Gingerbread.
Speech therapist. Tell us what kind of gingerbread it is.
Child. Firm, tasty, white inside, round, small.
Speech therapist. Guys, does gingerbread make you hungry?
Children. Yes.
Speech therapist. This means that the gingerbread is also delicious!
Speech therapist. Pasha, what about you?
Child. I have a dryer, hard, round, with a hole, looks like a hoop, delicious.
3. Looking at the picture and talking about it.
Speech therapist. How does bread get to our table?
Children. They bake it.
Speech therapist. Here in this picture you can see a field of rye. The rye is ripe, it is yellow, it seems golden. What else can you say about the field?
Children. The field can be called razdolnoe, large, wide, free.
Speech therapist. Also, what is in the picture?
Children. People.
Speech therapist. People are harvesting bread. They are called
Children. Grain growers.
Speech therapist. And there is also special equipment, what kind?
Children. Combine.
Speech therapist. Who operates the combine?
Children. Combiner.
Speech therapist. That's right, the combine operator controls a large machine - a combine harvester. A combine operator has a hard and difficult job.
Speech therapist. Did you like the picture? Why?
Children. In the picture beautiful nature. She also has a large combine harvester that works well.
4. Collective compilation of a story according to the teacher’s plan
Speech therapist. Now listen to what plan you will have to compose the story.
Plan: Description of nature – field, forest, sky Special equipment. Why did you like the picture?
5. Finger gymnastics"Porridge"
The porridge grew in the field, They raise their hands up, move their fingers. It came to our plate. They squat, “walk” with their fingers on the carpet. We’ll treat all our friends. We’ll give them a plate. They stand up and interfere with their index finger. right hand in the left palm. For a small bird, for a hare and a fox, for a cat and a nesting doll, we’ll give everyone a spoon. Bend one finger on both hands for each name.
6. “Family of Words”
Speech therapist. So today we are talking about bread. What is the affectionate name for bread? Children. Bread. Speech therapist. What is the name of the store that sells bread? Children. Bread. Speech therapist. What is the name of the bread storage box? Children. Breadbox. Speech therapist. What is a hospitable person called? Children. Hospitable. Speech therapist. All these words are related, they have one common part - bread.
7. Drawing up a sound-letter diagram of the word “Bread”
8. Analysis of the proposal.
Speech therapist. Name the action word for the word bread. What do they do with the bread?
Children are baking bread. They eat bread. The bread is removed.
Speech therapist. You have got sentences, write them down, remembering that the word-object is indicated by one line, the word-action - by two.9. Bottom line. Assessment of children's activities.

Lesson on speech development in speech therapy group"How animals prepare for winter"

Dunaeva Liliya Grigorievna, teacher-speech therapist, preschool educational institution No. 287, Donetsk, Donetsk region
Description of material: this material will be useful for teachers in working with preschool and younger children school age.
Correctional and educational goals. Consolidating ideas about wild animals, their appearance, lifestyle, habits. Improving the lexical and grammatical structure of speech.
Corrective and developmental goals. Development of coherent speech, attention, fine and gross motor skills, coordination of speech with movement, and orientation skills on a plane.
Correctional and educational goals. Formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative. Fostering a caring attitude towards nature.
Equipment. Attributes for the game “What kind are you? What are you?”, an envelope with riddles, a box of sand, chestnuts, cones, reed sticks, dry leaves, feathers, maple wings, moss, dry tree branches, Christmas tree branches, large and small stones, fake mushrooms.
Preliminary work. Conversation about the life of wild animals. View illustrations, computer presentations, read poetry, riddles about wild animals. Learning finger gymnastics.

Progress of the lesson

Speech therapist: Guys, what time of year is it now? (autumn)
What is the weather today? (cold, cloudy...)
Speech therapist: Cold, wind outside,
Hands get cold in November.
Late autumn brings
First snow and first ice.
What time of year will come after autumn? (winter)
Speech therapist: You are right, it will soon be cold, frosty, snowy winter. I wonder what is happening in the forest now? In winter, it will be difficult for animals to find food for themselves; there will be no grass, no mushrooms, no berries. Do you want to know how animals prepare for winter? To do this we need to go into the forest.

Going for a walk in the forest today
I invite you to go.
More interesting adventures
We guys can't find it.
Stand next to each other,
Hold hands tightly
Along the paths, along the paths,
Let's go for a walk in the forest.
And forest animals we are with you
We'll definitely find it.


Journey into the forest

The recording “Autumn in the Forest” is played (sounds of wildlife)
Here we are in the forest. What soft moss underfoot! We walk along it silently, on tiptoes... There is an impassable thicket ahead. Follow me. Let's go along the narrow path. Don't lag behind, follow me exactly.... After a strong wind, the trees fell down. We will have to climb over them... We've hit a streak spruce forest. Walk carefully, move the thorny branches apart, lift them, don’t prick yourself...
Speech therapist: Guys, look, there is some kind of envelope on the stump. It was the forest dwellers who left it for us. I wonder what's in it? Forest animals want to play with you, they have written riddles about themselves. Which animal can say that about itself?

I won’t stock up on food for the winter; I’ll find something to eat anyway, because I’m very cunning. (fox)
What does a fox eat in winter? (catches hares, mice)
I’ll stock up on food for the winter and insulate my home. (squirrel)
What reserves of protein does it make for the winter? (nuts, mushrooms, acorns)
How does a squirrel prepare its home for winter? (insulates with moss, dry grass)
I’ll put on a white fur coat for the winter and hide deep in the snow. (hare)

What does a bunny eat in winter? (gnaws branches of aspen and birch, eats dry grass)
I won’t stock up on food for the winter because I’ll sleep all winter. (bear)
Where does the bear sleep? (in the den)
What does a bear eat in summer? (berries, nuts, small animals, enjoys honey, fish)
I look like a cat, I can jump on trees and I’m dangerous even for people. (lynx)
What does a lynx eat in winter? (catches birds, hares, mice)
I won’t stock up on food, I’ll insulate my hole, curl up in a ball and sleep until spring. (hedgehog)
What does a hedgehog eat in summer? (fruits, berries, worms, beetles, snails, mice)
Speech therapist: The forest is big house for many animals. Remember what animals live in the forest? (wolves, bears...). Are you right, there are a lot of people in the big forest? (wolves, bears, ...) Why are these animals called wild? (they live in the forest, get their own food, raise their own cubs, build their own homes). Tell me, what is the main concern of animals in the fall? (prepare for winter). Why? (it’s cold in winter, there’s no food, everything is covered in snow).

Game “What are you? What are you like?

Speech therapist: Guys, I suggest you play. I put animal masks on you, and you name the signs of “your” beast.
Speech therapist: Bear, what are you?
Child: I am clubfooted, big, strong, brave, shaggy...

Speech therapist: Lisa, what are you?
Child: I am beautiful, fluffy, cunning, smart, dexterous, elegant, careful...

Speech therapist: Hare, what are you?
Child: I am white, timid, sensitive, careful, dexterous, fast, long-eared...

Speech therapist: Wolf, what are you?
Child: I am gray, angry, hungry, dangerous, predatory, fast...

Speech therapist: Squirrel, what are you?

Child: I am red-haired, small, dexterous, fast, thrifty, timid...
Speech therapist: Hedgehog, what are you?

Speech therapist: I am cautious, prickly, small, sensitive...
Speech therapist: Listen carefully to the music and show the movements of the animal depicted on your mask. As soon as the music ends, you must find the tail of “your” animal on the stump and say whose tail it is (bear, fox, hare, wolf, squirrel, hedgehog)

Speech therapist: How interesting the animals told about themselves and correctly found their tails. I suggest you remember once again what animals live in the forest.

Speech with movement

From your fingers, my friend, make a tower. (palms folded into corners)
This is the gate, (palms in front of you)
This is the castle, (“castle”)
This is the window, (“window”)
This is the pipe. (raise your hands up)
All wild animals, hurry up here. (arms forward, grasping movements)
And the elk is horned here, (palms crossed)
And the shaggy bear, (clench and unclench your fingers)
And a prickly hedgehog, (interlace your fingers)
The little squirrel is jumping. (2 claps)
Here is a little white bunny (“ears” from the fingers of the left hand)
Here is a red fox, (“muzzle” from the fingers of the right hand)
And the gray wolf cub, (“claws” from the fingers of the left hand)
And a gray mouse. (“muzzle” from the fingers of the right hand)

Speech therapist: Guys, it’s very difficult for wild animals to prepare their homes for winter. Tell me who lives where.
The bear is looking for ... (den).
The squirrel insulates...(hollow).
The fox is looking for ... (hole).
The wolf makes ... (a lair).
The hare is sleeping...(under a bush).
The hedgehog insulates ... (mink).
Do you agree to help wild animals build homes for the winter?

Junior group Topic: “Who is preparing for winter” Program content: 1. Getting to know characteristic features late autumn and the changes that occur in connection with this in the life and activities of adults and children.2. Introduction to the concepts of “wild” and “domestic” animals.3. Expanding knowledge about wild animals. Acquaintance with some features of the behavior of forest animals and birds in autumn.4. Learn to establish simple connections between seasonal changes in nature and animal behavior.

Preparatory group topic: “Who is preparing for winter?” Program content: 1. Consolidation of knowledge about autumn, the seasons, the sequence of months in the year.2. Formation of generalized ideas about the adaptability of plants and animals to changes in nature.3. Expanding and enriching knowledge about the characteristics of autumn nature (observation of such natural phenomena as frosts, first snow, strong winds, rain, frost, hail, fog).4. Expanding knowledge about the relationship between living and inanimate nature and seasonal types of work. Final event: quiz “In the world of animals”.



Junior group Topic: “Who is preparing for winter” Program content: 1. Acquaintance with the characteristic features of late autumn and the changes that occur in connection with this in the life and activities of adults and children.2. Introduction to the concepts of “wild” and “domestic” animals.3. Expanding knowledge about wild animals. Acquaintance with some features of the behavior of forest animals and birds in autumn.4. Learn to establish simple connections between seasonal changes in nature and animal behavior.

Day of the week


Group, subgroup




Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Morning exercises.“Animal exercise” (record library)

D\Game “Whose Children” is to consolidate children’s knowledge in naming the cubs of domestic and wild animals.

“Who lives in which house” Purpose: to teach how to build simple crafts made of paper based on a new design method for folding paper in half.

Printable board games: Lay out the pictures

Goal: to teach children to apply their knowledge about wild animals and act in accordance with the task.

“Who eats what? » Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about domestic animals (what they eat) to develop thinking, attention, memory

D\game: “Assemble a picture” - exercise the ability to create a whole from parts

encourage children's participation

in joint games, create game situations that contribute to the formation of attentive, caring attitude to others.

Strengthen washing skills, facilitate the implementation of the skill consciously and with pleasure follow the rules of washing.

enter: illustrations on the topic: “Hares in the snow”, Bear in a den”, “Squirrels on a tree”, etc.;

animal attributes for the corner of role-playing games;

D. game “Whose mother”

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents.

Cognitive development

Conversation “Late Autumn”. Encourage children to establish causal connections: autumn has come, the sun is weak, it is blowing strong wind, leaves have fallen from the trees, the grass has withered - people put on warm clothes, birds and animals are preparing for winter. Talk about the peculiarities of the condition of specific animals in different seasons(“Bears and hedgehogs hibernate, birds gather in flocks and fly away”).


“Teddy Bear” (TRIZ_RTV)

Goal: Continue to develop children's ability to draw with paints. Strengthen the ability to pick up a small amount of paint on a sponge and paint the entire object without moving the template. Cultivate accuracy in work.


social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Observing the behavior of birds (sunny weather - they chirp happily, sunny weather - they sit motionless on the branches for a long time)

P/game: “Sparrows and Cars” - dexterity, ability to act on a signal.

Labor activity: feeding birds on the site.

Transformation game "Fox"

Goal: To develop children’s ability to imitate the movements and actions characteristic of an animal, to apply their knowledge and motor experience. Develop imagination, help relieve emotional stress.

Teach children to dress properly and quickly for a walk, carefully put things in their locker before and after a walk.

Outdoor game: “Sun and Rain.”

Goal: to develop the ability to follow the basic rules of the game.

encourage children's participation

in joint games, create game situations that contribute to the formation of an attentive, caring attitude

to others.

Remote material

Brooms, spatulas, dolls, dressed according to the seasonSandbags, balls, hoops, small toys, molds, signets, pencils, sticks, buckets, scoops.

Work before bed

social and communicative development;

listening to the music album: “Seasons”


social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Health-improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths to music

Reading and Comprehension fiction: E. Trutneva “Belkin’s Pantry” prog. sod: teach to listen carefully to a literary work, understand the content of the poem. Bring up careful attitude to animal labor.

Examination of an album (with a subgroup of children) on the topic “Wild Animals.” Ts.: continue acquaintance with wild animals

Role-playing game: “hospital for animals” (game situation: a doctor examines animals in a zoo)

Develop the ability to speak out without interrupting each other, to speak calmly. Encourage children's attempts to talk about what is depicted in the picture, answer the teacher's questions, and promote the formation of phrasal speech.

Drawings “Who eats what?”, “Find out by the contour”

Construction based on the fairy tale “Teremok”. Learn to use parts in construction different color; stimulate play with the building and its inclusion in the game.

Invite parents to talk with their child about what wild animals live in our forests


Observing frosty patterns Goal: observe frosty patterns on the window.Removable material Wooden spatulas.

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments



social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Problem situation: “Why does the hare need another fur coat?” - continue to introduce animals to life in winter forest, learn to do the simplest logic. conclusions

D/i “Who has what kind of fur coat” (in the experimentation corner)

Outdoor game - “We hear - we do” (Nishcheva N.V. Mobile and didactic games on a walk.)

D.game “Whose Tail”

"Game with a bear." Goal: education of KGN through story game with a toy, developing the ability to distinguish body parts, find and name care items.

D\game “Describe the picture” - compiling a short descriptive story of 3-4 sentences. (development of monologue speech)

Game situation “Let’s teach a bear to make soap suds", "Let's show the bear how to wipe his hands dry"

Review of thematic albums: “Winter”, “Wintering Birds”. illustration “Squirrel’s Pantry”, “Who is the spruce tree friends with?”

Examination of the plot pictures that depict different quantities objects (one large ball and many small ones)

Conversation “Clothing of children in a group.”

carrying out hardening procedures with children at home and morning exercises, regular walks in the fresh air in order to improve the habit of health-saving behavior

Direct educational activities

Physical development

According to the plan of the physical instructor Preserve and strengthen physical health children while performing various exercises.

Social communicative


“How do animals prepare for winter?”Karpukhina N.A. Lesson notes for the second younger group kindergarten. Introducing preschoolers to the world around them.Ts: continue to encourage children to make simple connections between seasonal changes in nature and animal behavior


social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development; physical development

Observing footprints in the snow - develop observation skills, show ingenuity.

P\game: “Hunter and Hares” - educates. speed of reaction, dexterity, orientation. in space

Outdoor game “Bird and Chicks” - learn the rules new game; develop the ability to follow basic rules, coordinate movements, and navigate in space.

Base game "Shaggy Dog"

P.game Sparrows and the cat"

P.game Mice dance in a round dance.”

self-control of children; control and evaluation of their activities; sequence of undressing.

Conversation “Why you can’t pet someone else’s dog”

Conversation “Fight or negotiate”: develop children’s communication skills in various life situations.

Formation of ideas about safe behavior in Everyday life(do not touch or put unfamiliar plants in your mouth...)

Remote material

Shovels, pencils, masks for games, molds for playing with snow, a doll dressed for the weather, children's toy sleds.

Labor activity: clearing paths from snow.

Work before bed

social and communicative development;

Reading literature: “Two Greedy Little Bears” Goal: to develop in children the ability to listen carefully to a fairy tale, to find illustrations that correspond to a given passage. Promote the development of interest in reading.


social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Health-improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths. (card file)

Reading: L. Kondrashenko “Whose footprints are in the snow” - teach him. listen, develop thinking.

D/s on speech development: “Compare different bear cubs”

Goal: teach to compare different animals, highlighting opposite characteristics. (Ushakova, 15)

Sketch “We were scared of the bear” Goal: to teach children to portray themselves using pantomime.

S/r game "Bear Cubs"

Goal: to develop in children the ability to take on the role of an animal.

(Krasnoshchekova, 71)

create the need to share your impressions with educators and parents, encourage the desire to ask questions to the educator and peers, and develop a dialogical form of speech.

Exhibition of books in the book corner about animals

“Blocks of Dienesh”, “Puzzles”, “Find a Pair”

Bear hats

Manual labor: “bird feeder” - learn to use waste material for making feeders


Situational conversation “Do you need to know how to dress yourself?”. Reinforce the sequence of dressing and undressing. Organization of outdoor games: “Recognize by voice”, “We are funny guys”;Cognitive and research: Observations in nature with the onset of autumn. Observing the trees: leaves of different colors.

Junior group Topic: “Who is preparing for winter?”

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments



social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Morning exercises “Animal exercises” (record library)

AND game-dramatization based on the fairy tale “Teremok”, sketches “Wild Animals”, development of pantomime

Finger gymnastics “A squirrel is sitting on a cart...”

(N.D.-Y.U.) The teacher leads the children to the conclusion: What is the life of a squirrel in winter (features of nutrition and habitat). How can people care about them?

The teacher suggests preparing food for the squirrels so that they can be fed in the winter.

Making a magic book about animals.Update and enrich children’s nominative and predicative vocabulary on the topic “Wild Animals”

d\i: “What can animals do?” - created. various phrases

d\i: “Wild or domestic” - classification of animals

While playing with toys, develop children’s interest in the world around them and introduce them to their native culture.

Discussion “How animals prepare for winter” (setting up seasonal changes).

Examination of illustrations to the story by K.D. Ushinsky “Animal Dispute”

Didactic games: folding a geometric mosaic pattern, tactile examination of an object with eyes closed(“Guess what it is?”).

Memo for parents “Children’s safety is the concern of adults.”

Selection of finger and breathing exercises; outdoor, didactic and speech games; articulation exercises.

Direct educational activities

Cognitive development (FEMP)

Game “Pick up toys for the little bunny and the big bear.” Develop the ability to compare objects by size and correlate them. Exercise in developing the ability to navigate the location of parts of your body and, in accordance with them, distinguish spatial directions from yourself (above - below, in front - behind, right - left); distinguish between right and left hands.

Artistic-aesthetic development (music)

According to the music director's plan


social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development; physical development

Observation of trees. Purpose: To form ideas about the seasons.

Reading a nursery rhyme and performing the corresponding movements (N.D.-Y.U.)

“The legs started walking - tramp, tramp, tramp!

Right along the path - top, top, top!

Come on, more fun - top, top, top!

That's how we do it - top, top, top!

Boots stomp - stomp, stomp, stomp!

These are our legs. Goal: To develop the ability to monitor the development of action; create conditions for memorizing nursery rhymes.

Outdoor games: “On a Level Path”, “Mice in the Pantry”

Goal: Creating a cheerful, joyful mood.

Work activity: feeding birds on the site

Goal: To develop various types of movements in children; learn to perform movements according to the model.

A game to harmonize relationships “Call me affectionately” to strengthen psychological comfort in the group

Independent activity during a walk.

Games with external materials. Steering wheels, shovels, molds, toys, cars

Labor activity: placement of bird feeders in the garden area

Work before bed

Teaching children how to neatly put things in a locker.Round dance game “We are walking through the forest” Goal: To continue to develop children’s ability to play round dance games. Develop the ability to walk in a circle holding hands. Strengthen the ability to clearly pronounce the words of the game.


social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Health-improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths.Awakening gymnastics: “I’m lying in the sun” (card index)

Reading: A. Yashin “Feed the birds in winter” - instilling a desire to take care of our little brothers.

Obstacle course “Forest path” Purpose: To develop children’s ability to overcome the obstacle course. Develop agility and endurance. Strengthen the ability to walk on a limited surface while maintaining balance, the ability to crawl under an arc. Improve health (in the sports corner)

Game “Hide the animals in their houses”

Where can we hide the fox? (into the hole).

Where can we hide the hare? (in the thickets).

Where can we hide the wolf? (to the lair).

Where can we hide the bear? (in the den).

Where should we hide the squirrel? (into the hollow).

Foster friendly relationships between children, the habit of playing together, and engaging in independently chosen activities.

After playing, teach children to dismantle buildings and put building materials back into place, carefully folding them.

Design of the development zone “Animal Forests”

Di on sensory development:“Let’s build animals for exercise” Goal: to teach children to arrange many similar objects linearly, in ascending (descending) order


Observing the behavior of birds at the feeder P\game: “Birds and a cat” (by analogy with Sparrows and a car)

Junior group Topic: “Who is preparing for winter?”

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments



social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Morning exercises “Animal exercises” (record library

Conversations about the life of animals in the forest “Who lives next to us?” Examination of pictures - slides “Animals”.

Didactic games: “Guess who it is” (toys of wild and domestic animals), “Who is screaming” (the recording “Travel with Chevostik” is used)

Didactic game “Name the mother and baby”

Goal: To develop children’s ability to recognize and correctly name wild animals and their young. Develop attention and memory.

Didactic game “Collect a picture. Wild animals” Goal: To develop children’s ability to put together a picture of three or four parts on their own. Develop logical thinking, memory, fine motor skills. Strengthen knowledge about wild animals.

Watering plants Involving children in showing the method of watering. Form an understanding that plants need light and water and need to be looked after. Together with the teacher, teach how to prepare equipment: bring watering cans, pour water into watering cans. Cultivate a desire to care for plants.

Performing CG procedures to the song: “We know how to wash cleanly”

Goal: Developing interest in music and performing cultural and hygienic procedures.

To form a stable desire to observe cultural and hygienic skills.

Examination of illustrations for books by E. Charushin, V. Bianchi.

Role-playing game: “Family” (game situation: collecting cereals to feed the birds)

Models of forest, domestic and wild animals

Examination and comparison of animals. Lay out masks for theatrical performance.

Talk with parents about the well-being of their children.

Memo “How to teach a child the rules of behavior on the street.”

Direct educational activities

Speech development

Conversation on the painting “Squirrels in Autumn.” Learn to look at pictures of animals, develop the ability to distinguish and name significant features and parts of the body, discuss the picture. Exercise in developing an understanding of a general word (wild animals); stimulating the use of singular and singular nouns in speech plural(bear - bears, hare - hares). Expand and activate lexicon children based on enriching ideas about wild animals.

Artistic-aesthetic development (music)

According to the music director's plan


social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development; physical development

Outdoor game “At the bear in the forest.”

Goal: Continue to develop children’s ability to play the outdoor game “Bear in the Forest.” Strengthen the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text of the game, clearly pronounce words.

Observation of the behavior of dogs and cats (purging their paws from the cold, rolling on their backs - to the cold)

Didactic game “What did the janitor do (do)?” (children call labor actions: cleaning paths, removing garbage, etc.)

Didactic game: “I dress myself” Purpose: To enrich children’s understanding of the processes of dressing in the autumn; develop the ability to dress and undress, take care of your belongings.

Take-out materials: Sandbags, balls, hoops, small toys, molds, signets, pencils, sticks, buckets, scoops.

Work before bed

social and communicative development;

Performing movements corresponding to the Russian text folk song“Bunny, walk around...” (N.D.-Y.U.)


social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Game rhythmic gymnastics “Barbariki” - promote quick awakening, strengthen children’s health, develop motor activity, practice performing simple movements together with the teacher to rhythmic music.

Theater and play activity: “There is a tower in the field”

Goal: education of emotional responsiveness, desire to perform imitative actions.

(Makhaneva, 42)

Game situation “Mom teaches the little bunny how to behave at the table”

Target: to develop children’s cultural and hygienic self-service skills, teach them how to sit at the table correctly, and use cutlery.

Encourage children to independently select toys and attributes for play and use substitute items

Independent games for children: Offer children skittles, ring throws, balls.

Goal: Learn to independently develop motor activity, strength, and agility.

Design of the parent's corner: Memos to parents “Prevention of the flu”, “Flat feet and how to avoid it.”


Children's games with external materials. Role-playing games of children's choice.P\game “Shaggy Dog” - teach to move in accordance with the text, practice running.“A clever couple” Goal: to develop the eye, achieving good results. children’s play activities according to their interests

Junior group Topic: “Who is preparing for winter?”

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments



. social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Morning exercises “Animal exercises” (record library)

Teacher’s story “How animals in the forest prepare for winter” Goal: to develop the ability to establish simple connections between seasonal changes in nature and the behavior of animals (changes in fur color, hibernation, winter reserves) (Voronkevich, 30)

Computer presentation “Wild Animals”

Goal: to enrich children’s understanding of the appearance of animals, their habitat, and nutrition.

“We must, we must wash ourselves in the mornings and evenings...”Continue to develop hygiene skills; wash your face, comb your hair; wipe your face only with your own clean towel; cultivate a desire to be neat and tidy.

Repetition of basic rules of conduct in kindergarten: play with children without disturbing them or causing pain; leave kindergarten only with parents.

Didactic games “Wonderful bag”, “Find a yellow (green, red) object.”

Design option using logical blocks of Diene-sha: “Find the right figure”

Talk with parents about the well-being of their children.

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents

Direct educational activities

Physical development

According to the physical instructor's planHelp build foundations healthy image life, needs to engage physical culture and sports. Fix the name of some sports

Artistic-aesthetic development


Productive activity “Carrots for the Bunny” Goal: To continue to develop children’s ability to sculpt from plasticine by rolling it between their palms. Develop creative imagination, fine motor skills. Strengthen the ability to roll out plasticine with straight movements. Cultivate perseverance and accuracy in work.


social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development;physical development

Observation of seasonal phenomenon- frost, frost Goal: to form an idea of ​​frost as one of the states of water.

And not snow, and not ice, but with silver he will remove the trees.

The trees stand in frost, sometimes white, sometimes blue.

There are pillars of bluish smoke above the huts.

And everything in the world is covered in frost - sometimes white, sometimes blue.

Take-out material: Shovels, molds for playing with snow, signets. Outdoor game “On a difficult path.” Goal: to develop coordination of arms and legs when moving, a sense of balance, dexterity

Learn the rhyme: A bunny is running along the road,

Yes, my legs are very tired.

The bunny wanted to sleep,

Come out and look!


developing the skills to dress quickly and neatly, to put on shoes correctly - with a subgroup, individual. (every day)


children's activities on

area, games with external materials - development of joint skills

play activity

Elementary work assignments - collecting toys in a basket after a walk.

Work before bed

social and communicative development;

“People really need sleep.”To develop children's interest in their health; learn to take care of yourself; consolidate knowledge that sleep is necessary for a person, remember the rules of behavior before bedtime; develop the ability to make simple conclusions.GAME "LET'S PUT THE BEAR TO SLEEP"

Goal: to introduce the child to object-game actions with a bear, the functional purpose of the bed, to form imitative actions


social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Health-improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths

Game for children: “Repeat after me” (children walk, step (step, jump, dance, squat, run, etc.) Purpose: To develop in children various types of movements; to teach how to perform movements according to a model.

Reading fiction: V. Bianchi “How animals prepare for winter”, viewing the presentation “How animals prepare for winter”, conversation on the content of the story;

Assignments related to household work Arranging toys. Goals:Strengthen children's knowledge of the order in which toys are stored. Cultivate neatness, independence, careful attitude towards toys and objects, desire to work

When going home in the evening, continue to form the habit of saying goodbye to teachers and children.

Didactic games: folding a pyramid of 5-8 rings of different sizes; folding a geometric mosaic pattern.

Place paper, pencils, and templates in the drawing corner.


Children's games with external materials. Role-playing games of children's choice. Labor activity Target: teach how to use brooms and spatulas correctly. P/i “Cat and Mice” Target: teach coordinated actions at the teacher’s signal, practice running.


How to help birds survive winter

In the second half of winter, when most of the winter berries and fruits have been eaten or disappeared, additional feeding is especially important for the survival of birds. In harsh winters, the availability of special fatty, high-calorie food truly becomes a matter of life and death for many birds."

If you spend the winter in country house or in the country, make sure that winter food is always laid out in your garden. If you live in a city apartment, then take care of the birds in the yard, in the nearest park or near a nearby pond. If you have children in your community, involve them in making food and feeding the birds, as this is a great opportunity for them to learn about wildlife and the world around them, as well as a great practical lesson in compassion.
Ready-made winter food can be purchased at garden centers or in specialized bird stores, or you can make it yourself - it’s not at all difficult or expensive.

Winter Bird Pie

This is how you can make a real “winter pie” for birds, the main ingredient of which is fat. In a deep frying pan, melt the interior fat or lard cut into pieces, add unsalted black sunflower seeds, peeled unsalted nuts, dried fruits, raw cereals, grated(any of these ingredients, one of them or all together - your choice) in the proportion of 1/3 lard or fat to 2/3 the rest. Mix and place in convenient containers: yogurt containers, coconut halves or special bird pie feeders.

When the “pie” hardens, the bird treat is ready and can be placed in the garden, mounted under a window or on a tree. If you have a special bird table (a flat open feeder) in your garden, you can simply place the “pie” on it. You can also place it in small plastic nets (these are sold in, for example, garlic or tangerines); they are very convenient to attach to nails or tree branches. However, some studies have shown that such nets can cause broken limbs in birds and, for example, the British Royal Society for the Protection of Birds ( RSPB ) does not recommend their use. A good way to place the "pie" is to fill it, like putty, into the hollows of tree trunks in the garden or yard, or smear it over uneven bark surfaces. An option for birds that prefer to feed on the ground (such as blackbirds or wrens) is to place fatty food under the hedge where they look for food and shelter.

Always place feeders or food in such a way that the birds have a clear view of their surroundings. This will help them react in time to approaching danger (for example,cat , fox or bird of prey). Don't forget about fresh water, which birds need even in winter. This is especially important for regions that do not receive snow.

“You’re walking down the street and suddenly - quiet trills... You raise your head - and there they are, the crested inhabitants of the forests... Waxwings fly to our region only twice during the winter: at the beginning, flying to the south, and at the end, flying to the north - summer place of residence. They stay in the city for a day or two, eatrowan and apples from China and fly further..."

Other winter treats for birds

These can be ready-made winter mixtures for wild birds from specialized stores or homemade treats for birds that you prepare yourself from available and inexpensive products - such products are usually found in any home. And finally, before you throw away unnecessary food scraps, think about the birds, who desperately need high-calorie food in the winter. Here are foods that will help birds survive until spring:


To complete the work you will need:
- cardboard (purple or blue);
- colored paper (green, brown);
- White paper;
- metallized paper yellow color;
- cotton wool;
- curly and regular scissors;
- PVA glue, glue brush;
- a simple pencil; black felt-tip pen.

Work order:

1. The teacher prepares blanks for the child: Christmas trees of different colors (two made of green colored paper and two of white; white Christmas trees should be 5 mm larger in size); white paper snowdrift; the face of a sleeping bear made of colored brown paper;
moon and stars made of yellow metallized paper; strips of white paper, cut with curly scissors, 1 cm wide and of different lengths for gluing them along the edges of the future postcard.

3. In the middle of the snowdrift, stick the face of a bear who sleeps in its den in winter.
"Under a snag in the windfall
The bear sleeps as if in a house.
He put his paw in his mouth,
And, like a little one, he sucks"
(To Berestov)

4. Having smeared a snowdrift around the bear’s face with PVA glue, we lay out a voluminous snowdrift of cotton wool lumps.

5. Then we take green and white Christmas trees. Spread glue on the green Christmas tree and place it on the white Christmas tree. Glue it so that the edges of the white Christmas tree are slightly visible (snow on the branches of the tree).

6. Bend the Christmas trees evenly in half lengthwise. The teacher helps.

7. The child spreads PVA glue: at the first Christmas tree left side, the second has the right one and glues them next to each other to get one voluminous Christmas tree. Then glue the middle part of the tree.

8. Glues the moon and stars.

9. Glue cut-out white stripes along the edges of the cardboard to decorate the postcard.
