Smolensk, April 23 - AiF-Smolensk. Finally, the spring that came to Smolensk exposed not only the city sidewalks and courtyards hitherto hidden under the snow, but also, perhaps, the eternal communal problems of Smolensk residents.

For example, such as leaking roofs and poorly cleaned stairwells. However, in the public utilities sector of Smolensk there are many, the relevance of which does not at all depend on the natural seasons. True, no one calls for passively accepting the blows of communal fate: fighting for your “housing and communal services rights” is not only possible, but also necessary. Well, it explains how to do it correctly to achieve maximum effect. Head of the NP “Association of Independent Lawyers of Smolensk” Oleg Rabushenko.

Scheduled cleaning

How many times a week should the entrance be cleaned? What regulatory act can you refer to when complaining to the housing department about insufficient cleaning?

Poor cleaning of the entrance is a violation of the rights of residents apartment buildings, who pay the management company monthly for the maintenance and repair of common property. The frequency and volume of cleaning are prescribed in the contract with the management company, but they must comply with state rules and standards for the technical operation of the housing stock (Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 No. 170).

So, let's figure out what yours are required to do? Every day, the cleaning lady of the management company must sweep the landings and stairs of the first two floors, do wet cleaning in front of the garbage chute valves on all floors of the house, and wash the floor in the elevator car. At least once a week - clean the area in front of the entrance to the entrance, sweep all flights of stairs and landings with a damp broom, if the house is equipped with elevators. If the residential building is not equipped with a garbage chute and elevators, then the cleaner must sweep the landings and stairs located above the second floor twice a week. Twice a month in houses where there are garbage chutes and elevators, wet cleaning of elevator cabins (walls, ceilings and doors) and washing of staircases and flights in the house should be carried out.

Once a month, the cleaner needs to wash all the staircases and flights in the entrances where there are elevators and. Only twice a year the cleaning lady should wipe the window sills and radiators in the entrance with a damp cloth and once a year wash the windows, wipe the walls, lampshades, doors and mailboxes.

All this constitutes general standards for cleaning entrances. Unfortunately, sometimes management companies, public health departments and housing offices save money on cleaners’ salaries by reducing their cleaning standards. Which, of course, affects the cleanliness of our entrances. Of course, there are also simply unscrupulous cleaners, because their work is rarely checked by higher-ups. So, if your entrance is constantly dirty, you need to act. And first, try contacting your management company, because if the cleaning was done improperly, the residents have the right to demand a recalculation of the maintenance fee. In order to substantiate your demands, draw up an act in any form (with the signatures of several neighbors) and indicate the period when the entrance was not cleaned.

If your appeal remains unanswered, now complain about your management company to the State Housing Inspectorate. Most likely, the management company will be attracted to, and from now on it will be much more responsible in complying with its responsibilities for the maintenance of common property.

Whom to pay?

Since the beginning of the year, we have received two receipts for payment for housing and communal services: one from LLC "UK" Warm house", the second - from LLC "ZhEO "Prigorskoe" (Utility systems "Prigorskoe"). Moreover, the numbers in these receipts do not match. And recently an announcement appeared saying that for January, February and March 2013, we must pay “Warm House” for maintenance and repairs, and “Prigorskoye Housing Establishment” for water and heating. And then follows a note signed by the head of the administration of the Prigorsky rural settlement O.A. Goncharova: “Based on the results of an open competition for the right to lease heating and water supply networks in the village, Management Company Teply Dom LLC was declared the winner. In subsequent months, payments for the services “heating”, “hot water supply”, “cold water supply”, “sewage” should be made to LLC Management Company “Teply Dom”.

I don’t understand what’s going on and who should pay?

Judging by the information on the Internet, the municipal formation “Prigorskoe rural settlement” of the Smolensk district of the Smolensk region, in accordance with the order of the head of the Prigorskoe rural settlement Oleg Anatolyevich Goncharov dated February 8, 2013 No. 17, announced an open competition for the right to conclude a lease agreement for municipal property located in property of the Prigorsky rural settlement.

On March 15, 2013, the results of this competition were announced: LLC " Management Company“Warm House” was declared the winner, the protocol for evaluating and comparing applications for participation in open competition No. 708 dated March 15, 2013 was posted on the official website According to the results between LLC Management Company Teply Dom and Prigorsky rural settlement a lease agreement was concluded for all communications intended to provide residents of the settlement with utilities.

Thus, it can be assumed that Management Company Teply Dom LLC is now the executor utilities in full and is responsible not only for maintenance and repairs, but also for providing consumers with all utilities. In this case, payment for services must be made to this management company. If you continue to receive double receipts, you should contact the prosecutor’s office, which will investigate this fact.

And without water...

Today they called me and said that I have to pay 800 rubles for a new water meter, which costs 56,000 rubles (the amount is divided among all residents). But we already have a meter in our house, and it’s relatively new, it only stood for three years. In addition, as far as I know, according to the energy saving program, funds from the budget of almost all cities should be allocated for the replacement of metering devices. Is Smolensk not covered by this program? And do we even need to change ours after three years?

Indeed, your situation is quite ambiguous. According to the requirements of Gosstandart, the minimum service life of water metering devices is 12 years. But at the same time, during the specified period, such devices must undergo two mandatory verifications with an interval of 5-6 years, and hot water metering devices - three, that is, every four years.

The question of why it was necessary to change the metering device after three years and why this point was not agreed upon with the owners of the house should be asked to those who are responsible for the operation and safety of common house metering devices. This responsibility lies with the organization that maintains the building (for example, your management company). At the same time, the utility service provider is obliged to annually check the presence and integrity of control seals on metering devices and draw up a corresponding report. For information on this issue you need to submit a written application to the management company or HOA. If there is no response, you can submit a statement to. If the residents themselves manage the house, then they should contact the resource supplying organization directly with such a question.

According to current legislation, the costs associated with the installation of communal metering devices fall on the shoulders of the owners of premises in an apartment building. It is they who must initiate a meeting of homeowners and make a decision on the installation of common house meters. From July 1, 2012, resource supply organizations are forced to forcibly install common meters in those houses where they were not installed voluntarily before the specified date. The costs in this case are again borne by the owners.

But in your particular case there was no such need. Therefore, if it ultimately turns out that the meter was replaced without an objective reason (for example, someone decided once again earn extra money on this), there will be a real reason to contact the prosecutor’s office or court.

Article 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation defines common property of the apartment building. Accordingly, the standards for the maintenance of common property apply to inter-apartment landings, elevators, stairs, elevator and other shafts, corridors, technical floors, attics, basements in which engineering systems are located, etc.

IN Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 290 dated 04/03/2013, which came into force on 04/20/2013 (confirmed by the response of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated June 25, 2013), a minimum list of works and services is indicated to ensure an appropriate level of maintenance of common property in an apartment building (apartment building). In this Decree, responsibility for the proper maintenance of equipment, engineering networks and supporting structures of the house is assigned to utility workers. Clause 23 of the List also contains a list of works related to the maintenance of premises belonging to the common property of an apartment building (here we're talking about directly about the contents of the entrances):

  • vestibules, halls, corridors, galleries, elevator landings, elevator halls and cabins, landings, marches and ramps are put in order using dry and wet cleaning;
  • window sills, window grilles, railings, electrical cabinet doors and the cabinets themselves, mailboxes, door frames, doors, door closers, door handles are wiped with a damp cloth;
  • windows are washed;
  • metal gratings, cellular coverings, pits, textile mats are periodically cleaned.

From the above it follows that work on cleaning the entrances to the apartment building is mandatory from April 20, 2013, and the management company of the apartment building is responsible for their organization. She also develops entrance cleaning schedule, which is prescribed in the annex to the MKD management agreement.

Residential service "cleaning of entrances"

Cleaning of entrances and staircases must be done well, and this is the legitimate desire of any owner of an apartment in an apartment building. At the same time, no one can force residents to clean the entrances themselves - this is a function of the housing and communal services. A specialized document regulates the frequency of cleaning.

State standards are designed to regulate the frequency of work on cleaning entrances and their quality, the equipment used and detergents used in the work (depending on the type of staircase). The specifics of the work carried out also depend on whether there is an elevator, garbage chute and other similar objects at the entrance.

Features of work when organizing cleaning of entrances

If the cleaning of the entrances of an apartment building is carried out by the management organization or a cleaning company invited by it, then the management company is required to provide the cleaners with access to water. You can do this in several ways:

  • give them the keys to the basement;
  • bring the water pipe directly into the entrance, usually this is done on the first floor, that is, closer to the same basement.

Each option has its own characteristics. Gaining access to the basement by strangers is an additional reason for concern of the management organization. Its representatives will have to ensure that the cleaning company's employees close the doors and do not allow actions that could harm public property.

If it is possible to take the pipe from the basement to the first floor, then it is better to use this option. Here you need to remember that the tap should not be left in free access, otherwise, sooner or later someone will open it and the entrance will be flooded with water. The correct solution for the management organization in this case would be to limit access to the tap and provide it only to cleaners and its own employees. This issue can be solved simply and inexpensively, for example, by closing the water source with a small wooden box with a padlock.

Some management organizations ignore resolving the issue of ensuring cleaners' access to water. In such cases, the latter call the apartments and ask their residents to fill one or several buckets. It is better not to allow such a practice, so as not to provoke completely justified dissatisfaction among homeowners. Firstly, they pay for water consumption according to meters. Secondly, employees who regularly bother them cause justifiable irritation.

Water for cleaning entrances is a utility resource paid for by residents, therefore its consumption is separately approved and kept under control (KR on SOI). The amount of water required for washing one entrance is approved at a general house meeting, after which it is entered into the ODN. This norm is communicated by the management organization to the employees of the cleaning company. If it is, for example, 40 liters for a one-time cleaning of the entrance, and in reality 100 liters are consumed, then 60 liters is excess consumption.

Residents do not have to pay for consumption in excess of the standard. This is why they discuss and approve a reasonable rate of consumption. Everything above it must be paid by the management company itself.

Each management company resolves the described issue in its own way. Much here depends on the activity of residents. If they really carefully monitor what amounts and under what justification appear in the “general house needs” column, then the management organization will have to toughly deal with overspending. With the small cost of several buckets of water, the amount of water flowing even in one house per month is quite noticeable.

Many management organizations actually manage to write off this excess consumption at ODN . When questions arise, they justify this by saying that

Residents at one of the meetings agreed to pay for all losses arising in terms of maintaining the house. You can use such an explanation, but you should remember that residents can always challenge it if the management company does not have clear documentary evidence of its position.

In most high-rise buildings, residents are completely satisfied with the minimum list of work for cleaning entrances, which is carried out conscientiously in accordance with PP No. 290 of 2013. However, in some cases, residents may request to expand the list of activities regularly carried out by cleaners. The management company is obliged to support their initiative, since the main management body of the apartment building is the general meeting of its residents.

At the same time, the management company will not pay for additional work. If apartment owners want cleaning to be carried out more often or to include measures not provided for by the standard (for example, caring for decorative plants in the entrance), then a meeting is held on this occasion. On it, residents approve the list of additional work and the amount of payment, and also consider candidates for performers. If the decision is made and a contractor is ready to work on the proposed conditions, then the management company enters into an agreement with it and enters the adjusted monthly payment into the receipt.

If there is a back staircase at the entrance, then the same rules that apply to entrances in general apply to its maintenance and cleaning. Some features are introduced only by its purpose.

Back stairs usually don't get dirty as intensely because they are used less. In some houses, residents close the exits to such staircases on their floors in order to block access for outsiders. This is a serious violation, and the management organization needs to pay special attention to it. Ensuring fire safety of serviced high-rise buildings is among its main tasks.

The management company should check the condition of the back staircase regularly, as well as the availability of free access to it on all floors. If residents lock their doors, then explanatory work must be carried out with them. Persuasion does not always work. In this case, the HOA or management companies must enforce the rules fire safety forcibly. In our country, there is a practice of hearing issues in court behind closed doors on the back stairs. The judicial authority, naturally, takes the position of the Criminal Code and obliges residents to stop violations under the threat of serious fines.

Entrance cleaning standards

There is an approved list of services that housing and communal services employees are required to provide. These include sweeping and wet cleaning of entrances and stairwells.

A company engaged in servicing the common property of apartment buildings must comply with the following standards:

  • maintain in good condition building structures, heating devices and pipelines located in staircases;
  • ensure proper sanitary condition of staircases; (Clause 3.2.2 of the Decree of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 No. 170).

According to clause 3.2.4 of the Decree of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation No. 170 of September 27, 2003, simultaneous ventilation of the staircases of the lower and upper floors must be ensured through open vents, windows, transoms or ventilation ducts.

The work schedule for the maintenance of staircases is drawn up in accordance with clause 3.2.7 of the Decree of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation No. 170 of September 27, 2003.

A separate procedure has been established for Moscow, according to which cleaning of entrances in an apartment building is carried out. Standards for cleaning apartment building entrances in the capital include the following points:

  • elevator cabins, flights and landings are swept with a moistened broom and washed;
  • dust is swept from the ceilings;
  • walls, doors, lampshades, window sills, railings, electrical panel doors and mailboxes are wiped down;
  • the area at the entrance to the entrance is also swept and washed.

When servicing a garbage chute, you must: the following types works:

  • the garbage chute must be inspected, if necessary, the garbage must be removed from the garbage receptacle, the garbage receptacle must be removed;
  • loading valves and bins must be cleaned periodically;
  • Garbage collection containers and garbage chutes must be cleaned periodically. Mandatory washing and disinfection of these objects must be carried out;
  • minor blockages and malfunctions must be eliminated in a timely manner.

If damage or malfunctions of the garbage chute are detected (valves are not fastened tightly, ventilation is impaired, rubber gaskets are worn out or cracks are found in the garbage chute), they must be promptly repaired. This is done by housing and communal services workers.

WITH full list works can be found by studying Appendix No. 8 “Resolution of the Moscow Government No. 465 of 06/04/1996”.

Frequency of cleaning of entrances

Depending on the equipment installed at the entrance, cleaning of the entrances of houses can be carried out at different intervals.

If there is an elevator and a garbage chute at the entrance, the following cleaning frequency is observed:

  • daily
  • staircases and flights of the third and subsequent floors once a week sweep with a wet broom or brush;
  • area near the garbage chute loading valve daily sweep with a damp broom or brush;
  • staircases and flights are washed no more often once a month;
  • The floor of the elevator car is washed daily;
  • walls, doors, lampshades and ceiling of the elevator car twice a month wipe with a damp cloth.

If the entrance is equipped only with an elevator, then the list of cleaning jobs changes slightly (cleaning the garbage chute area is excluded due to its absence), but the frequency remains the same:

  • staircases and flights of the two lower floors daily
  • staircases and flights of the third and subsequent floors once a week sweep with a wet broom or brush;
  • staircases and flights are not washed more often once a month;
  • The floor of the elevator cabin is washed daily;
  • walls, doors, lampshades and ceiling of the elevator car twice a month wipe with a damp cloth.

If there is no additional equipment at the entrance, some types of work are excluded and the frequency of cleaning changes:

  • staircases and flights of the two lower floors daily
  • two times a week sweep with a wet broom or brush;
  • twice a week;

If the entrance is equipped only with a garbage chute, then the list of works and the frequency of their implementation will look like this:

  • staircases and flights of the two lower floors daily sweep with a wet broom or brush;
  • staircases and flights of the third and subsequent floors two times a week sweep with a wet broom or brush;
  • area near the garbage chute loading valve daily sweep with a damp broom or brush;
  • staircases and flights are washed at least less frequently twice a month.

Garbage chutes in the entrances of apartment buildings must be maintained with special care; the types of work and the frequency of their implementation are given below:

  • twice a month Preventive inspection of garbage chutes is carried out;
  • daily garbage collection chambers are cleared of debris;
  • daily garbage collection chambers are cleaned;
  • once a week The loading chambers of the garbage chute are removed;
  • daily Replaceable waste bins are washed;
  • once a month The gate of the garbage chute and its lower part of the barrel are washed;
  • once a month all elements of the waste chute are disinfected and cleaned;
  • once a month waste bins are disinfected;
  • as needed Garbage chute blockages are cleared.

The following types of work, regardless of what equipment is installed in the entrance, are carried out once a year:

  • windows are washed;
  • the area at the entrance to the entrance is being cleaned;
  • the pit and metal grate are cleaned;
  • The following objects are wiped with a damp cloth:
  • walls.
  • attic stairs.
  • window grilles.
  • doors.
  • lampshades on staircases.
  • mailboxes.
  • cabinets for electricity meters.
  • low current devices.

Twice a year dust is swept from the ceilings, window sills and heating devices are wiped with a damp cloth.

Entrance cleaning cost

The price of services that include cleaning the entrance is determined by several factors:

  • salary of the staff cleaning the entrance;
  • time spent by staff on cleaning;
  • execution frequency various types cleaning

An employee classified in the first category (the same cleaner) should not receive a salary that does not correspond to the subsistence level of the category of able-bodied citizens. This is some of the specifics of calculating the wages of the staff cleaning the entrance. Tariff rates for the repair and maintenance of residential premises are established for a period of one year or more, accordingly, during this period the cost of living may increase. Therefore, in order to correctly calculate the planned tariff rate for a cleaner, it is necessary to operate with the cost of living in the second quarter of the current year, which, in turn, will be indexed to the planned indicator of consumer price growth.

When calculating, it will be necessary to take into account compensatory payments that take into account the funds used to pay personal income tax.

Insurance premiums and industry insurance payments are also taken into account when calculating wages and are included in the total amount of expenses. When determining labor costs, it is necessary to take into account the production calendar (number of working days) and cases when the cleaner may simply not show up for work.

When calculating the tariff rate, many other equally important factors are taken into account. These are the detergents used, payment of taxes, cleaning of entrances by the management company, posting payments, generating and delivering bills to residents, etc. To obtain a reasonable cost of work, it is necessary to take into account the totality of all of the above influencing factors and the area of ​​​​the premises in which cleaning is carried out.

The final amount of payment for entrance cleaning services will be based on the proportional share of the owners of apartment buildings in the ownership of common property (depending on the area of ​​the apartment). Next, the resulting amount of annual costs is divided by the total area of ​​​​the premises and by twelve months.

Poor cleaning of entrances. Consequences

Residents of apartment buildings often complain that the cleaning of entrances is done poorly, irregularly, and that the stairs are dirty or dusty (depending on the time of year). Unfortunately, these statements are not unfounded - it is enough to go into most modern entrances. In addition to dirt, you can find cobwebs, garbage, and walls with inscriptions left by a marker. A person gets used to everything, including seeing dirty entrances every day, but there are those who are ready to defend their rights.

Indignant speech, according to many property owners, is a sufficient measure to change something, but this is not entirely true. By paying for utilities, the residents of the house also pay for keeping the entrance clean. That is, you need to contact the housing and communal services on the territory of which the house is located, or the management company to which the house is assigned. In these organizations they should be consulted on all issues related to the cleaning of entrances. In addition, residents are obliged to provide qualified assistance.

Usually, to resolve the issue of cleaning a staircase or entrance, it is enough to write a statement indicating the main claim and requirements. This statement is written in a free form; the nuances that should be taken into account when writing will be explained by representatives of the Criminal Code or Housing and Communal Services.

When making a complaint, you must consider the following points:

  • it is recommended to provide links to the relevant clauses of the contract and/or specific legislative acts (for example, clause 23 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04/03/2013 N 290 (as amended on 02/27/2017));
  • if there are copies of acts and documents (for example, a conclusion from the sanitary and epidemiological service or a certificate of failure to provide services), you must attach them to the application;
  • it is necessary to write a complaint in two copies - one of them, with a note from the organization that the complaint has been accepted for consideration, will remain with the residents, the second is registered with the responsible organization.
  • A situation is possible in which the executor refuses to sign the application or does not want to accept it; in this case, you can send the documents by a valuable letter with a list of the attachments.
  • the statement must end with an indication of the measures that residents will take if the organization does not voluntarily satisfy their demands (for example, filing a complaint with a higher organization or supervisory body).

A special commission is sent from the management organization to assess the quality of implementation of the list of works established for the work called “entrance cleaning”.

If there are no measures to change the situation on the part of the management company or the organization servicing the house, residents can send a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor, the prosecutor's office, city or district administration.

Applications on current issues are considered up to 30 days from the date indicated on the receipt mark, and in cases urgently , the period is reduced to 1–5 days.

Organizing entrance cleaning for residents

Cleaning the entrances of residential buildings can be carried out in two ways.

First option.

Cleaning the entrances in the first option involves hiring a cleaner who will keep order in the entrance and on the landings. This could be one of the residents of the house. Residents collect a fixed amount of money each month to pay the cleaning lady.

It is necessary to appoint a person responsible for contacting the hired employee, handing him the payment and transmitting comments received from residents. Cleaning agencies have become very popular. They provide a wide range of services and maintain apartments, houses and other premises. Residents can enter into an agreement with such a company and pay it money according to the agreement.

This option provides guarantees of high-quality cleaning of the entrance, since the employees are qualified, use professional tools and equipment, strictly adhere to the rules of the contract, and their work is effectively organized. In addition, it is possible to obtain additional services if necessary, that is, flexible terms of cooperation are offered.

For many management organizations, cleaning entrances using specialized companies is the most preferable option. The exceptions are those management companies that have their own cleaning work well established. In this case, they can provide this service themselves, collect payment for it and manage the funds received. To ensure that residents do not have complaints, two basic conditions must be met:

  • carry out cleaning in a quality and timely manner;
  • set a tariff corresponding to the average market prices for this service.

For the rest of the management companies, concluding an agreement with a cleaning company will allow them to relieve themselves of worries about maintaining cleanliness in the entrances. In most cases, residents are also satisfied with cleaning entrances using this option. Few people today are ready to clean the entrances on their own, and specialized companies do it according to a clear schedule and with sufficient quality.

The decision to choose a cleaning company is made at a house-wide meeting. It can take place with or without the participation of the management company. In the first case, the management company proposes a candidate and announces the amount of the monthly fee for his services. Upon receipt of approval from the majority of residents, an agreement is concluded.

The initiative can be taken by the residents themselves or cleaning companies. If they bring the minutes of a general house meeting with a decision to order services from a specific company, then the management company can only accept it and formalize it properly. In both cases, a new line appears in the receipt for housing and communal services for cleaning entrances with a fixed fee.

Second option

Cleaning the entrances according to the second option is more difficult, since activities related to cleaning the entrance are organized by the residents. This issue must be resolved by general meeting, in this case, decisions made there will be valid throughout the entire common area.

This option is implemented according to the following algorithm:
  1. A house-wide meeting is organized, before which the apartment owners must be convinced of the need to attend.
  2. The person who will take on the control functions is determined. It is better if he is trusted, since he will be responsible for resolving controversial situations.
  3. The volume of necessary work related to cleaning the entrance is discussed. Usually, this means cleanliness of the floor and walls. Sometimes there will be a need for general cleaning with washing of windows, radiators and lighting fixtures. If there is an elevator, then its cleaning also needs to be taken into account.
  4. 5 (100%) 2 votes

State standard Russian Federation“Housing and communal services. Are common technical specifications» clearly stipulates how often it is necessary to clean entrances, elevators, and so on. If you don’t see anything like this in your entrance, feel free to file a claim with the organization that provides housing and communal services to your home.

Related materials:

You left the apartment on the landing in the morning - and your mood immediately deteriorated? Or, on the contrary, they returned in the evening - and with guests too! - and almost got into a pile of garbage right in front of the elevator? What to do if a person whose responsibilities include cleaning the entrance (including eliminating annoying advertising in elevators) neglects these responsibilities? What standards exist for cleaning entrances and staircases and what document regulates them?

This document, which clearly regulates all the actions of the cleaner, is called.

The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 290 dated 04/03/2013, which came into force on 04/20/2013 (confirmed by the response of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated June 25, 2013), specifies a minimum list of works and services designed to ensure the proper level of maintenance of common property in an apartment building (apartment building). Clause 23 of the List contains a list of works related to the maintenance of premises belonging to the common property of an apartment building. Cleaning work on entrances to apartment buildings is mandatory, and since April 20, 2013, the management company of the apartment building is responsible for their organization. She also develops a schedule for cleaning entrances, which is prescribed in the annex to the management agreement for apartment buildings.

Frequency of cleaning work on entrances and staircases

Type of work

Type of equipment on staircases

no equipment

garbage chute


garbage chute and elevator

Wet sweeping of landings and flights of the lower 2 floors





Wet sweeping of staircases and flights above

2nd floor

Wet sweeping of areas in front of waste chute loading valves



Washing staircases and flights

Cleaning the elevator car floor



Wet wiping of walls, doors, lampshades and ceilings of elevator cabins

Window cleaning

1 time per year

Cleaning the area in front of the entrance. Cleaning the metal grate and pit.

1 time per week

Wet wiping of walls, doors, lampshades, etc.

1 time per year

Wet wiping of window sills and heating devices

2 times per year

This document also sets out standards for cleaning garbage chutes in the entrances of residential buildings. Here's what cleaners are required to do:

Frequency of maintenance work for garbage chutes


Type of work


Preventive inspection of garbage chutes

2 times a month

Removing garbage from garbage collection chambers


Cleaning waste chambers


Cleaning the loading valves of garbage chutes

1 time per week

Washing of replacement waste bins


Washing the bottom of the barrel and gate of the garbage chute

1 time per month

Cleaning and disinfection of all elements of the waste chute

1 time per month

Disinfection of waste bins

1 time per month

Clearing the blockage

as needed

The following types of work are carried out once a year:

  • window cleaning;
  • cleaning the area at the entrance to the entrance;
  • cleaning pits and metal gratings;
  • wiping the following objects with a damp cloth: walls, attic stairs, window grilles, doors, staircase lamps, mailboxes, cabinets for electric meters, low-current devices.

Twice a year, dust is swept from the ceilings, window sills and heating devices are wiped with a damp cloth.

If you haven’t seen anything like this on your staircase for a long time, if the last cleaning of the entrance was done in the last millennium, feel free to submit it to the organization that services your home. If this doesn’t help, go complain to higher authorities.

Not all owners are satisfied with the quality of cleaning of the entrances to their home. Someone says that the entrance is cleaned only by the residents. Management organizations always have arguments for owner dissatisfaction: lack of funds, lack of employees.

A situation like this should not happen. Today we will tell you who is responsible for cleaning the entrances of apartment buildings, what cleaning standards exist and how to calculate the cost of cleaning common areas.

Who should clean entrances to apartment buildings?

Just a few years ago, the owners of the premises cleaned the entrances of apartment buildings themselves. Some created a duty schedule, others hired contractors for cleaning.

Frequency of cleaning of entrances

According to this document, the frequency of cleaning entrances to Moscow apartment buildings depends on the type of equipment located in the entrance.

In entrances where there are elevators and garbage chutes, the management organization:

  • daily sweeps the cages and flights of the first two floors and the area near the loading valve of the garbage chute with a wet broom or brush, washes the floor of the elevator car;
  • once a week sweeps the staircases and flights of the third and subsequent floors with a wet broom or brush;
  • washes staircases and flights once a month;
  • twice a month, wipe the walls, doors and ceiling of the elevator car with a damp cloth.

If the entrance is equipped only with an elevator, the frequency of work remains the same. Cleaning the waste chute area is excluded from the list of works.

When there is no elevator at the entrance, but there is a garbage chute, the frequency of cleaning changes. The staircases and flights of the first two floors are swept daily with a wet broom or brush. Twice a week, the cages and flights of the third and subsequent floors are swept with a wet broom or brush. Stairwells are cleaned at least twice a month.

There is a separate schedule for cleaning the garbage chutes themselves:

  • Every day, garbage collection chambers are cleared of debris, they are cleaned and replacement garbage containers are washed;
  • once a week, the loading chambers of garbage chutes are cleaned;
  • once a month a preventive inspection of garbage chutes is carried out;
  • once a month, the gate of the garbage chute and the lower part of its barrel are washed, all elements of the garbage chute shaft are disinfected and cleaned, and garbage containers are disinfected;
  • If necessary, blockages in the garbage chute are cleared.

If there is neither a garbage chute nor an elevator at the entrance, the amount of work is noticeably reduced, and the frequency of completion increases. In this case, you will have to sweep the staircases and flights of the upper two floors every day with a wet broom or brush. Twice a week it is necessary to carry out the same work on the third and subsequent floors. And at least twice a week - wash the staircases and flights.

There are also types of work that are performed regardless of the type of equipment in the entrance. For example, once a year the management organization needs to wash the windows, clean the area at the entrance to the entrance, clean the pit, metal grating and wipe with a damp cloth the walls, attic stairs, window grilles, doors, lampshades on staircases, mailboxes, cabinets for electric meters, low current devices.

Twice a year, the management organization must ensure that dust is swept from ceilings, and wet cleaning of window sills and heating radiators.

Calculation of the cost of cleaning entrances

The owners ask where the price for cleaning the entrance came from. The management organization must be able to justify the cost of the service.

To clean the entrance of the management organization you need:

1. Hire employees.

The wages of first-class technical personnel must not be lower than the subsistence level. To determine the tariff rate that will be needed for an employee’s salary, the management organization should take the cost of living for the second quarter of the current year and index it to the planned consumer price growth index.

We also must not forget about compensatory charges, payment of insurance premiums and industry target payments, the annual balance of working hours and the standard absenteeism rate of working personnel.

2. Purchase materials.

The management company can use inexpensive detergents, rags, and gloves, but the area of ​​common property cannot be compared with an apartment that the owner cleans himself. Therefore, it is worth explaining to residents that a large amount of money is spent annually on materials.

3. Pay taxes.

4. Pay paying agents.

All payments go through banks, mail or other payment systems. Typically, they charge a fee for transferring the payment.

5. Pay contractors for maintenance services personal accounts, preparation of payment documents and their delivery to residents.

To calculate the tariff, first determine the area to be cleaned. It is equal to the area of ​​common areas indicated in the technical passport.

The calculation can be performed using different methods. The simplest is the unit pricing method: multiply the cleaning area by the frequency of work, and you will get the annual volume of services in physical terms.

Then, to obtain the annual cost of services, multiply the annual volume of services by the unit price. As a basis for a unit price, we recommend using the collection “Costs of work and services for the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building,” developed by the Center for Municipal Economics and Law.

The last step is calculating the tariff. To do this, divide the resulting annual cost of work by the sum of residential and non-residential areas and by twelve months.

What happens if the building authority does not clean the entrances well?

The first negative consequence of poor cleaning is the dissatisfaction of residents. First, residents make verbal complaints to the management organization. If they are not heard, they begin to submit written complaints to the Administrative Office.

If the management organization receives a written complaint, it must organize a special commission to assess the quality of cleaning of entrances. If the commission confirms that the entrances are poorly cleaned, the management authority must take measures to eliminate the deficiencies and notify the owners about this.

It also happens that the management office does not respond to either oral or written complaints from residents. This could turn out negatively for her: the residents will conduct an OSS and choose another method of managing the apartment building or contact the State Housing Property Inspectorate, Rospotrebnadzor, the prosecutor's office, city or district administration.

Based on complaints from owners, the controlling body has the right to conduct an unscheduled inspection. If it is proven that there are violations in the work of the management organization, it will be given an order to eliminate the violations. In particular, they may be required to make a recalculation for those types of services that were provided poorly.

It is in the interests of the management organization to correct all the shortcomings specified in the order on time.

Social utopias existed at all stages of social development. All utopian ideas are beautiful, like a perpetual motion machine. And all the beautiful social ideas are broken against one, but very weighty and hard stumbling block - human essence. Mutually beneficial relationships between individuals and groups, based on the principle of voluntary cooperation of all members of society, remain only in the dreams of anarchists of all stripes.

An apartment building is a small society, the life of which can be very good or unbearable depending on how well the rules of the hostel are followed by all members of the society, including the housing office. One of the aspects of life in any home is cleaning staircases in residential buildings.

From utopia to practice

It is impossible to live in society and be free from society. Human nature is such that it is not worth relying only on the reason and conscience of all members of society in fulfilling the rules of society. To ensure an acceptable existence for all members of society, it is necessary to introduce clearly defined rules and instructions. Decree of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation No. 170 approves the rules and regulations for the technical operation of the housing stock. This document, adopted in September 2003, contains a lot of useful information regarding what responsibilities and rights the companies in charge of the housing facility and those living in this facility have. The frequency of work on cleaning staircases is also described there.

The entrance area is common to residents of apartment buildings. A kind of large hallway for all the apartments in the entrance. Naturally, all residents would like this hallway to be kept clean. How and how often the landing should be cleaned depends on the type of house, the number of residents, the time of year and the type of coverings to be cleaned.

What's in the bottom line

Housing stock may vary. Therefore, the requirements established in Resolution No. 170, as in all documents of this kind, are vague and vague. A brief extract from the long text of the document shows that the standard for cleaning staircases consists of:

  • sweeping and washing floors in the entrance;
  • dust removal of walls and ceilings;
  • sweeping with moisture;
  • wiping lamps, window sills, doors, mailboxes, walls, stair railings, window bars, radiators, electrical panel cabinets;
  • glass washing;
  • garbage chute maintenance;
  • porch cleaning;
  • cleaning the pit from dirt;
  • disinfection and deratization measures.

A typical entrance to a Stalinist building

The basis for proper maintenance of a residential property is to observe the frequency of cleaning of entrances and staircases. The regulations for carrying out sanitary measures are also clearly stated in the law. The cleaning schedule for staircases is drawn up taking into account the type of equipment installed in the entrance. Under installed equipment It is understood that there is an elevator and a garbage chute in the house. For houses that do not have elevator equipment and a garbage chute, the following standards are established:

  • sweeping with moistening of staircases and landings of the first two floors - daily, except for weekends and holidays;
  • sweeping with moistening of flights of stairs and landings of the upper floors - twice a week;
  • washing stairs and landings - every other week;
  • washing the porch and cleaning the pit - weekly;
  • glass washing – annually;
  • wet wiping of radiators and window sills - twice a year;
  • wet cleaning - wiping walls, doors, lamps, stair railings, window bars, electrical panels, mail boxes and sweeping dust from ceilings - annually.

The presence of additional equipment - an elevator - increases the load on the cleaner with daily washing of the floor in the elevator and wet wiping of the walls, lamps, ceiling and cabin doors twice a month. True, on the floors located above the first two in houses with an elevator, you need to sweep with moisture and wash twice as much - once a week and once a month, respectively. When the house has a garbage disposal system, then in addition to the procedures described above, daily washing of the areas on the floors in front of the garbage loading hatches will be added.

The presence of a waste disposal system in a household also requires its regular maintenance. The cleaner servicing this equipment must daily remove waste from the waste collection area and clean the area itself, including washing replacement containers. Garbage loading hatches are cleaned weekly. All elements of the garbage chute and garbage receptacle chambers are washed and disinfected monthly.

These are the rules. And if you, as a resident of an apartment building, observe non-compliance with the required frequency and quality of cleaning of the entrance, you have the right to sue the Management Company involved in the maintenance and operation of your building.

Your claims may be based on government decree No. 491 on the rules for the maintenance and operation of property in apartment buildings.

Sometimes it works out

When filing a claim in court with a claim against the work of the housing office, the court will make a decision on whether the standard for cleaning staircases is being observed. Sometimes the tenants' claim is satisfied. Please note: even if there is no clause on cleaning in the Agreement, the Management Company that has concluded this agreement with you is obliged to carry out cleaning activities, guided by the law on the maintenance of the property of an apartment building - Resolutions No. 491 and 170.

Just do not forget that you have the right to demand timely sanitary measures at your entrance only after you have fulfilled the duties described in the same documents. For example, timely payment of utility bills.