In 862, Prince Rurik was invited to reign in northwestern Rus', who became the founder of the new state. What was the activity of the first Kyiv princes - we learn from an article on history for the 10th grade.

Domestic and foreign policy of the first Russian princes

Let's create a table of the First Kyiv Princes.

Starting in order, we should mention not Rurik as the first Russian prince, but his boyars Askold and Dir as the first princes of Kyiv. Having not received cities in Northern Rus' to govern, they went south to Constantinople, but, moving along the Dnieper, they landed at a small town that had a convenient geographical and strategic position.

In 879, Rurik died and Oleg became his successor until his son Igor came of age. In 882, Oleg launched a campaign of conquest against Kyiv. Fearing major battle with a large army of co-rulers. Oleg lured them out of the city by cunning, and then killed them.

Rice. 1. Borders of Rus' in the 9th century.

The names Askold and Dir are familiar to every resident of Kyiv. These are the first martyrs of the Russian land. In 2013, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate canonized them as saints.

Having also captured Smolensk and Lyubech, Oleg established control over the trade route “From the Varangians to the Greeks”, moved the capital of Rus' from Novgorod to Kyiv, creating Kievan Rus - a single principality Eastern Slavs. He built cities, determined the amount of taxes from the subordinate southern tribes, and successfully fought with the Khazars.

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Rice. 2. Map of the route from the Varangians to the Greeks.

In 907, Oleg made a campaign against Constantinople, according to which he was able to conclude a trade agreement beneficial for Rus' with the Romans.

Igor's reign

After Oleg's death, Igor took over the reins. He made two campaigns against Byzantium - in 941 and 944, but neither was crowned with great success. The Russian fleet was completely burned by Greek fire. In 913 and 943, he made two trips to the Caspian lands.

In 945, while collecting tribute from subordinate tribes, Igor succumbed to pressure from his squad and decided to collect tribute in larger size. Returning to the lands of the Drevlyans for the second time, but with a small detachment, Igor was killed in the capital of the Drevlyan land, the city of Iskorosten.

Olga and Svyatoslav

The regent for Igor's two-year-old son Svyatoslav was his mother, Olga. The princess avenged the murder of Igor by plundering the Drevlyan land and burning Iskorosten.

Olga was responsible for the first economic reform in Rus'. She established lessons and graveyards - the size of the tribute and the places where they were collected. In 955, she converted to Christianity, becoming the first Russian princess of the Orthodox faith.

Svyatoslav, having matured, spent all his time on campaigns, dreaming of military glory. In 965, he destroyed the Khazar Khaganate, and two years later, at the request of the Byzantines, he invaded Bulgaria. He did not fulfill the terms of the agreement with the Romans, capturing 80 Bulgarian cities and beginning to reign in the occupied lands. This gave rise to the Byzantine-Russian war of 970-971, as a result of which Svyatoslav was forced to leave Bulgaria, but was killed by the Pechenegs on the way home.

Vladimir Red Sun

An internecine war broke out between the three sons of Svyatoslav, in which Vladimir emerged victorious. Under him, extensive urban planning began in Rus', but his most important achievement lay elsewhere. In 988, Vladimir baptized Rus', moving from paganism to Orthodox Christianity, announcing that Rus' now has to younger sister great Byzantium.

Rice. 3. Baptism of Rus'.

Using the prepared soil for the development of the young state, Vladimir's son, Yaroslav the Wise, will make Rus' a leading state in Europe, which will experience its heyday during his reign.

What have we learned?

The first Kyiv princes were mainly concerned with the expansion and strengthening of the young Russian state. Their task was to secure the borders of Kievan Rus from external aggression and make allies, primarily in the person of Byzantium. The adoption of Christianity and the destruction of the Khazars partially resolved these issues.

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The Old Russian state was formed in Eastern Europe V last decades 9th century as a result of the unification under the rule of the princes of the Rurik dynasty of the two main centers of the Eastern Slavs - Kyiv and Novgorod, as well as lands located along the waterway “from the Varangians to the Greeks”. Already in the 830s, Kyiv was an independent city and claimed to be the main city of the Eastern Slavs.

Rurik, as the chronicle tells, when dying, transferred power to his brother-in-law Oleg (879–912). Prince Oleg remained in Novgorod for three years. Then, having recruited an army and moved in 882 from Ilmen to the Dnieper, he conquered Smolensk, Lyubech and, settling in Kiev for a living, made it the capital of his principality, saying that Kyiv would be “the mother of Russian cities.” Oleg managed to unite in his hands all the main cities along the great waterway “from the Varangians to the Greeks.” This was his first goal. From Kyiv he continued his unification activities: he went against the Drevlyans, then against the northerners and conquered them, then he subjugated the Radimichi. Thus, all the main tribes of the Russian Slavs, except for the outlying ones, and all the most important Russian cities gathered under his hand. Kyiv became the center of a large state (Kievan Rus) and freed the Russian tribes from Khazar dependence. Having thrown off the Khazar yoke, Oleg tried to strengthen his country with fortresses from the eastern nomads (both Khazars and Pechenegs) and built cities along the border of the steppe.

After Oleg's death, his son Igor (912–945) took over, apparently having no talent as a warrior or ruler. Igor died in the country of the Drevlyans, from whom he wanted to collect double tribute. His death, the matchmaking of the Drevlyan prince Mal, who wanted to marry Igor’s widow Olga, and Olga’s revenge on the Drevlyans for the death of her husband form the subject of a poetic legend, described in detail in the chronicle.

Olga remained after Igor with her young son Svyatoslav and took over the rule of the Principality of Kyiv (945–957). According to ancient Slavic custom, widows enjoyed civic independence and full rights, and in general, the position of women among the Slavs was better than among other European peoples.

Her main business was the adoption of the Christian faith and a pious journey in 957 to Constantinople. According to the chronicle, Olga was baptized “by the king and the patriarch” in Constantinople, although it is more likely that she was baptized at home in Rus', before her trip to Greece. With the triumph of Christianity in Rus', the memory of Princess Olga, in the holy baptism of Elena, began to be revered by the Russian Orthodox Church Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga was canonized.

Olga's son Svyatoslav (957–972) already bore a Slavic name, but his character was still a typical Varangian warrior, a warrior. As soon as he had time to mature, he formed himself a large and brave squad and with it began to seek glory and prey for himself. He left his mother's influence early and was "angry with his mother" when she urged him to be baptized.

How can I change my faith alone? The squad will start laughing at me,” he said.

He got along well with his squad and led a harsh camp life with them.

After the death of Svyatoslav in one of the military campaigns, an internecine war occurred between his sons (Yaropolk, Oleg and Vladimir), in which Yaropolk and Oleg died, and Vladimir remained the sole ruler of Kievan Rus.

Vladimir waged many wars with various neighbors over the border volosts, and also fought with the Kama Bulgarians. He also became involved in a war with the Greeks, as a result of which he converted to Christianity according to the Greek rite. This the most important event The first period of power of the Varangian Rurik dynasty in Rus' ended.

This is how the Principality of Kiev was formed and strengthened, politically uniting most of the tribes of the Russian Slavs.

Another even more powerful factor of unification for Rus' was Christianity. The baptism of the prince was immediately followed by the adoption of Christianity in 988 by all of Russia and the solemn abolition of the pagan cult.

Returning from the Korsun campaign to Kyiv with the Greek clergy, Vladimir began to convert the people of Kiev and all of Rus' to the new faith. He baptized people in Kyiv on the banks of the Dnieper and its tributary Pochayna. The idols of the old gods were thrown to the ground and thrown into the river. Churches were erected in their places. This was the case in other cities where Christianity was introduced by princely governors.

During his lifetime, Vladimir distributed control of individual lands to his numerous sons.

Kievan Rus became the cradle of the Russian land, and the son of Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir, Grand Duke of Kyiv Yuri Dolgoruky, who was also the Prince of Rostov, Suzdal and Pereyaslavl, is called by historians the first ruler of Russia.

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According to the preamble to the chronicle, he reigned for 37 years (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 18). According to all chronicles, he entered Kyiv in 6488 (980) (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 77), according to the “Memory and Praise of the Russian Prince Vladimir” - June 11 6486 (978 ) year (Literature Library Ancient Rus'. T.1. P.326). The dating of 978 was especially actively defended by A. A. Shakhmatov, but there is still no consensus in science. Died on July 15, 6523 (1015) (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 130).

  • He began to reign after the death of Vladimir (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 132). Defeated by Yaroslav late autumn 6524 (1016) years (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 141-142).
  • He began to reign in the late autumn of 6524 (1016). Destroyed in the Battle of the Bug July 22(Thietmar of Merseburg. Chronicle VIII 31) and fled to Novgorod in 6526 (1018) (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 143).
  • Sat on the throne in Kyiv August 14 1018 (6526) years ( Thietmar of Merseburg. Chronicle VIII 32). According to the chronicle, he was expelled by Yaroslav in the same year (apparently in the winter of 1018/19), but usually his expulsion is dated to 1019 (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 144).
  • Settled in Kyiv in 6527 (1019) (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 146). According to a number of chronicles, he died on February 20, 6562 (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 150), on the first Saturday of the fast of St. Theodore, that is, in February 1055 (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 162). The same year 6562 is indicated in graffiti from Hagia Sophia. However, the most probable date is determined by the day of the week - February 19 1054 on Saturday (in 1055 the fast began later).
  • He began to reign after the death of his father (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 162). Expelled from Kyiv September 15th 6576 (1068) years (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 171).
  • Sat on the throne September 15th 6576 (1068), reigned for 7 months, that is, until April 1069 (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 173)
  • Sat on the throne on May 2, 6577 (1069) (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 174). Expelled in March 1073 (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 182)
  • Sat on the throne on March 22, 6581 (1073) (PSRL, vol. I, stb.182). Died on December 27, 6484 (1076) (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 199).
  • He sat on the throne on January 1, March 6584 (January 1077) (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 190). In July of the same year he ceded power to his brother Izyaslav.
  • Sat on the throne July 15 6585 (1077) years (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 199). Killed October 3 6586 (1078) years (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 202).
  • He took the throne in October 1078. Died April 13 6601 (1093) years (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 216).
  • Sat on the throne April 24 6601 (1093) years (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 218). Died April 16 1113 years. The ratio of March and ultra-March years is indicated in accordance with the research of N. G. Berezhkov, in the Laurentian and Trinity Chronicles 6622 ultra-March year (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 290; Trinity Chronicle. St. Petersburg, 2002. P. 206), according to the Ipatiev Chronicle 6621 March year (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 275).
  • Sat on the throne 20 April 1113 (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 290, vol. VII, p. 23). Died May 19 1125 (March 6633 according to the Laurentian and Trinity Chronicles, ultra-March 6634 according to the Ipatiev Chronicle) year (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 295, vol. II, stb. 289; Trinity Chronicle. P. 208)
  • Sat on the throne May 20 1125 (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 289). Died April 15 1132 on Friday (in the Laurentian, Trinity and Novgorod first chronicles on April 14, 6640, in the Ipatiev Chronicle on April 15, 6641 of the ultramartian year) (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 301, vol. II, stb. 294, vol. III, p. 22; Trinity Chronicle. P. 212). The exact date is determined by the day of the week.
  • Sat on the throne April 17 1132 (Ultra-March 6641 in the Ipatiev Chronicle) year (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 294). Died 18th of Febuary 1139, in the Laurentian Chronicle March 6646, in the Ipatiev Chronicle UltraMartov 6647 (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 306, vol. II, stb. 302) In the Nikon Chronicle, it is clearly erroneous on November 8, 6646 (PSRL, vol. IX, Art. 163).
  • Sat on the throne February 22 1139 on Wednesday (March 6646, in the Ipatiev Chronicle on February 24 of UltraMart 6647) (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 306, vol. II, stb. 302). The exact date is determined by the day of the week. March 4 retired to Turov at the request of Vsevolod Olgovich (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 302).
  • Sat on the throne 5th of March 1139 (March 6647, UltraMart 6648) (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 307, vol. II, stb. 303). Died July 30(so according to the Laurentian and Novgorod fourth chronicles, according to the Ipatiev and Resurrection chronicles on August 1) 6654 (1146) years (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 313, vol. II, stb. 321, vol. IV, p. 151, t VII, p. 35).
  • He took the throne after the death of his brother. Reigned for 2 weeks (PSRL, vol. III, p. 27, vol. VI, issue 1, stb. 227). August 13 1146 defeated and fled (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 313, vol. II, stb. 327).
  • Sat on the throne August 13 1146 Defeated in battle on August 23, 1149 and left the city (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 383).
  • Sat on the throne August 28 1149 (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 322, vol. II, stb. 384), the date 28 is not indicated in the chronicle, but is calculated almost flawlessly: the next day after the battle, Yuri entered Pereyaslavl, spent three days there and headed to Kyiv, namely the 28th was a Sunday more suitable for accession to the throne. Expelled in 1150, in the summer (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 396).
  • He sat down at Yaroslav's court in 1150, when Yuri left the city. But the people of Kiev immediately called Izyaslav, and Vyacheslav left the city (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 396-398). Then, by agreement with Izyaslav, he sat down in Yaroslav’s courtyard, but immediately left it (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 402).
  • He sat on the throne in 1150 (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 326, vol. II, stb. 398). A few weeks later he was expelled (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 327, vol. II, stb. 402).
  • He sat on the throne in 1150, around August (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 328, vol. II, stb. 403), after which the feast of the Exaltation of the Cross is mentioned in the chronicle (vol. II, stb. 404) (14 September). He left Kyiv in the winter of 6658 (1150/1) (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 330, vol. II, stb. 416).
  • He sat on the throne in 6658 (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 330, vol. II, stb. 416). Died the 13th of November 1154 years (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 341-342, vol. IX, p. 198) (according to the Ipatiev Chronicle on the night of November 14, according to the Novgorod First Chronicle - November 14 (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 469 ; vol. III, p. 29).
  • He sat on the throne together with his nephew in the spring of 6659 (1151) (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 336, vol. II, stb. 418) (or already in the winter of 6658 (PSRL, vol. IX, p. 186). Died at the end of 6662, shortly after the beginning of the reign of Rostislav (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 342, vol. II, stb. 472).
  • He sat on the throne in 6662 (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 342, vol. II, stb. 470-471). According to the First Novgorod Chronicle, he arrived in Kyiv from Novgorod and sat for a week (PSRL, vol. III, p. 29). Taking into account the travel time, his arrival in Kyiv dates back to January 1155. In the same year, he was defeated in battle and left Kyiv (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 343, vol. II, stb. 475).
  • He sat on the throne in the winter of 6662 (1154/5) (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 344, vol. II, stb. 476). Gave power to Yuri (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 477).
  • He sat on the throne in the spring of 6663 according to the Ipatiev Chronicle (at the end of winter 6662 according to the Laurentian Chronicle) (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 345, vol. II, stb. 477) on Palm Sunday (that is 20th of March) (PSRL, vol. III, p. 29, see Karamzin N. M. History of the Russian State. T. II-III. M., 1991. P. 164). Died May 15 1157 (March 6665 according to the Laurentian Chronicle, Ultra-Martov 6666 according to the Ipatiev Chronicle) (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 348, vol. II, stb. 489).
  • Sat on the throne May 19 1157 (Ultra-March 6666, so in the Khlebnikov list of the Ipatiev Chronicle, in its Ipatiev list erroneously May 15) year (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 490). In the Nikon Chronicle on May 18 (PSRL, vol. IX, p. 208). Expelled from Kyiv in the winter of March 6666 (1158/9) (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 348). According to the Ipatiev Chronicle, he was expelled at the end of the Ultra-March year 6667 (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 502).
  • Sat down in Kyiv December 22 6667 (1158) according to the Ipatiev and Resurrection Chronicles (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 502, vol. VII, p. 70), in the winter of 6666 according to the Laurentian Chronicle, according to the Nikon Chronicle on August 22, 6666 (PSRL, vol. IX , p. 213), expelling Izyaslav from there, but then lost him to Rostislav Mstislavich (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 348)
  • Sat down in Kyiv 12th of April 1159 (Ultramart 6668 (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 504, date in the Ipatiev Chronicle), in the spring of March 6667 (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 348). Left besieged Kiev on February 8 of Ultramart 6669 (that is, in February 1161) (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 515).
  • Sat on the throne 12th of February 1161 (Ultra-March 6669) (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 516) In the Sofia First Chronicle - in the winter of March 6668 (PSRL, vol. VI, issue 1, stb. 232). Killed in action March, 6 1161 (Ultra-March 6670) year (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 518).
  • He ascended the throne again after the death of Izyaslav. Died March 14th 1167 (according to the Ipatiev and Resurrection Chronicles, died on March 14, 6676 of the Ultra-March year, buried on March 21, according to the Laurentian and Nikon Chronicles, died on March 21, 6675) (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 353, vol. II, stb. 532 , vol. VII, p. 80, vol. IX, p. 233).
  • He was the legal heir after the death of his brother Rostislav. According to the Laurentian Chronicle, Mstislav Izyaslavich in 6676 expelled Vladimir Mstislavich from Kyiv and sat on the throne (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 353-354). In the Sofia First Chronicle, the same message is placed twice: under the years 6674 and 6676 (PSRL, vol. VI, issue 1, stb. 234, 236). This plot is also presented by Jan Dlugosz (Schaveleva N.I. Ancient Rus' in “Polish History” by Jan Dlugosz. M., 2004. P.326). The Ipatiev Chronicle does not mention the reign of Vladimir at all; apparently, he was not reigning then.
  • According to the Ipatiev Chronicle, he sat on the throne May 19 6677 (that is, in this case 1167) years (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 535). The combined army moved to Kiev, according to the Laurentian Chronicle, in the winter of 6676 (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 354), along the Ipatiev and Nikon chronicles, in the winter of 6678 (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 543, vol. IX, p. 237 ), according to the First Sophia, in the winter of 6674 (PSRL, vol. VI, issue 1, stb. 234), which corresponds to the winter of 1168/69. Kyiv was taken March 8, 1169, on Wednesday (according to the Ipatiev Chronicle, the year is 6679, according to the Voskresenskaya Chronicle, the year is 6678, but the day of the week and the indication for the second week of fasting corresponds exactly to 1169) (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 545, vol. VII, p. 84).
  • He sat on the throne on March 8, 1169 (according to the Ipatiev Chronicle, 6679 (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 545), according to the Laurentian Chronicle, in 6677 (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 355).
  • He sat on the throne in 1170 (according to the Ipatiev Chronicle in 6680) (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 548). He left Kyiv that same year on Monday, the second week after Easter (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 549).
  • He sat down again in Kyiv after the expulsion of Mstislav. He died, according to the Laurentian Chronicle, in the Ultra-March year 6680 (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 363). Died January 20th 1171 (according to the Ipatiev Chronicle this is 6681, and the designation of this year in the Ipatiev Chronicle exceeds the March count by three units) (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 564).
  • Sat on the throne February, 15 1171 (in the Ipatiev Chronicle it is 6681) (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 566). Died May 30 1171 on Sunday (according to the Ipatiev Chronicle this is 6682, but correct date is established by the day of the week) (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 567).
  • Andrei Bogolyubsky ordered him to sit on the throne in Kyiv in the winter of Ultramart 6680 (according to the Ipatiev Chronicle - in the winter of 6681) (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 364, vol. II, stb. 566). He sat on the throne in July 1171 (in the Ipatiev Chronicle it is 6682, according to the Novgorod First Chronicle - 6679) (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 568, vol. III, p. 34) Later, Andrei ordered Roman to leave Kiev, and he left for Smolensk (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 570).
  • According to the First Sofia Chronicle, he sat on the throne after Roman in 6680 (PSRL, vol. VI, issue 1, stb. 237; vol. IX, p. 247), but immediately lost it to his brother Vsevolod.
  • He sat on the throne for 5 weeks after Roman (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 570). Reigned in the Ultra-March year 6682 (both in the Ipatiev and Laurentian Chronicles), taken prisoner by Davyd Rostislavich for the praise of the Holy Mother of God (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 365, vol. II, stb. 570).
  • He sat on the throne after the capture of Vsevolod in 1173 (6682 Ultra-March year) (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 571). When Andrei sent an army to the south in the same year, Rurik left Kyiv in early September (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 575).
  • In November 1173 (Ultra-March 6682) he sat on the throne by agreement with the Rostislavichs (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 578). Reigned in the Ultra-March year 6683 (according to the Laurentian Chronicle), defeated by Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 366). According to the Ipatiev Chronicle, in the winter of 6682 (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 578). In the Resurrection Chronicle, his reign is mentioned again under the year 6689 (PSRL, vol. VII, pp. 96, 234).
  • He sat in Kiev for 12 days and returned to Chernigov (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 366, vol. VI, issue 1, stb. 240) (In the Resurrection Chronicle under the year 6680 (PSRL, vol. VII, p. 234)
  • He sat down again in Kyiv, having concluded an agreement with Svyatoslav, in the winter of the Ultra-Martian year 6682 (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 579). Kyiv lost to Roman in 1174 (Ultra-March 6683) (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 600).
  • Settled in Kyiv in 1174 (Ultra-March 6683), in the spring (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 600, vol. III, p. 34). In 1176 (Ultra-March 6685) he left Kyiv (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 604).
  • Entered Kyiv in 1176 (Ultra-March 6685) (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 604). In 6688 (1181) he left Kyiv (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 616)
  • He sat on the throne in 6688 (1181) (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 616). But he soon left the city (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 621).
  • He sat on the throne in 6688 (1181) (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 621). Died in 1194 (in the Ipatiev Chronicle in March 6702, according to the Laurentian Chronicle in the Ultra March 6703) year (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 412), in July, on the Monday before the Day of the Maccabees (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 680) .
  • He sat on the throne in 1194 (March 6702, Ultra-Martov 6703) (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 412, vol. II, stb. 681). Expelled from Kyiv by Roman in the ultra-Martian year 6710 according to the Laurentian Chronicle (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 417).
  • He sat on the throne in 1201 (according to the Laurentian and Resurrection Chronicles in the Ultra March 6710, according to the Trinity and Nikon Chronicles in the March 6709) by the will of Roman Mstislavich and Vsevolod Yuryevich (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 418; vol. VII, p. 107 ; vol. X, p. 34; Trinity Chronicle. P. 284).
  • Took Kyiv on January 2, 1203 (6711 Ultra March) (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 418). In the Novgorod first chronicle on January 1, 6711 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 45), in the Novgorod fourth chronicle on January 2, 6711 (PSRL, vol. IV, p. 180), in the Trinity and Resurrection chronicles on January 2, 6710 ( Trinity Chronicle. P. 285; PSRL, vol. VII, p. 107). Vsevolod confirmed the rule of Rurik in Kyiv. Roman tonsured Rurik as a monk in 6713 according to the Laurentian Chronicle (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 420) (in the Novgorod first junior edition and the Trinity Chronicle, winter of 6711 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 240; Trinity Chronicle. S. 286), in the First Sofia Chronicle, 6712 (PSRL, vol. VI, issue 1, stb. 260).
  • see Boguslavsky's encyclopedia
  • Placed on the throne by agreement of Roman and Vsevolod after the tonsure of Rurik in winter (that is, at the beginning of 1204) (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 421, vol. X, p. 36).
  • He sat on the throne again in July, the month is established based on the fact that Rurik took off his hair after the death of Roman Mstislavich, which followed on June 19, 1205 (Ultra-March 6714) (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 426) In the Sofia First Chronicle under the year 6712 (PSRL , vol. VI, issue 1, stb. 260), in the Trinity and Nikon Chronicles under 6713 (Trinity Chronicle. P. 292; PSRL, vol. X, p. 50). After an unsuccessful campaign against Galich in March 6714, he retired to Vruchiy (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 427). According to the Laurentian Chronicle, he settled in Kyiv (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 428). In 1207 (March 6715) he again fled to Vruchiy (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 429). It is believed that the messages under 1206 and 1207 duplicate each other (see also PSRL, vol. VII, p. 235: interpretation in the Resurrection Chronicle as two reigns)
  • He settled in Kyiv in March 6714 (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 427), around August. The date of 1206 is being clarified to coincide with the campaign against Galich. According to the Laurentian Chronicle, in the same year he was expelled by Rurik (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 428), then sat down in Kyiv in 1207, expelling Rurik. In the autumn of the same year he was again expelled by Rurik (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 433). Messages in the chronicles under 1206 and 1207 duplicate each other.
  • He settled in Kyiv in the fall of 1207, around October (Trinity Chronicle. pp. 293, 297; PSRL, vol. X, pp. 52, 59). In the Trinity and most of the lists of the Nikon Chronicle, duplicate messages are placed under the years 6714 and 6716. The exact date is established by synchronism with the Ryazan campaign of Vsevolod Yuryevich. By agreement of 1210 (according to the Laurentian Chronicle 6718) he went to reign in Chernigov (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 435). According to the Nikon Chronicle - in 6719 (PSRL, vol. X, p. 62), according to the Resurrection Chronicle - in 6717 (PSRL, vol. VII, p. 235).
  • He reigned for 10 years and was expelled from Kiev by Mstislav Mstislavich in the fall of 1214 (in the first and fourth Novgorod chronicles, as well as the Nikon chronicle, this event is described under the year 6722 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 53; vol. IV, p. 185, vol. X, p. 67), in the First Sofia Chronicle it is clearly erroneous under the year 6703 and again under the year 6723 (PSRL, vol. VI, issue 1, stb. 250, 263), in the Tver Chronicle twice - under 6720 and 6722, in The Resurrection Chronicle under the year 6720 (PSRL, vol. VII, pp. 118, 235, vol. XV, stb. 312, 314). The intra-chronicle reconstruction data speaks for the year 1214, for example, February 1 of the March 6722 (1215) year was a Sunday, as indicated in the First Novgorod Chronicle, and in the Ipatiev Chronicle Vsevolod is indicated as a Kiev prince under the year 6719 (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 729), which in its chronology corresponds to 1214 (Mayorov A.V. Galician-Volyn Rus. St. Petersburg, 2001. P. 411). However, according to N. G. Berezhkov, based on a comparison of data from the Novgorod Chronicles with the Livonian Chronicles, this is 1212.
  • His short reign after the expulsion of Vsevolod is mentioned in the Resurrection Chronicle (PSRL, vol. VII, pp. 118, 235).
  • He sat on the throne after the expulsion of Vsevolod (in the First Novgorod Chronicle under the year 6722). He was killed in 1223, in the tenth year of his reign (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 503), after the battle on Kalka, which took place on May 30, 6731 (1223) (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 447). In the Ipatiev Chronicle the year 6732, in the First Novgorod Chronicle on May 31, 6732 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 63), in the Nikon Chronicle on June 16, 6733 (PSRL, vol. X, p. 92), in the introductory part of the Resurrection Chronicle 6733 year (PSRL, vol. VII, p. 235), but in the main part of Voskresenskaya on June 16, 6731 (PSRL, vol. VII, p. 132). Killed on June 2, 1223 (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 508) There is no number in the chronicle, but it is indicated that after the battle on Kalka, Prince Mstislav defended himself for three more days. The accuracy of the 1223 date for the Battle of Kalka is established by comparison with a number of foreign sources.
  • According to the Novgorod First Chronicle, he sat down in Kiev in 1218 (Ultra-March 6727) (PSRL, vol. III, p. 59, vol. IV, p. 199; vol. VI, issue 1, stb. 275), which may indicate to his co-government. He sat on the throne after the death of Mstislav (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 509) on June 16, 1223 (Ultra-March 6732) (PSRL, vol. VI, issue 1, stb. 282, vol. XV, stb. 343). He was captured by the Polovtsians when they took Kyiv in 6743 (1235) (PSRL, vol. III, p. 74). According to the First Sofia and Moscow Academic Chronicles, he reigned for 10 years, but the date in them is the same - 6743 (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 513; vol. VI, issue 1, stb. 287).
  • In the early chronicles without a patronymic (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 772, vol. III, p. 74), in the Laurentian one it is not mentioned at all. Izyaslav Mstislavich in the Novgorod fourth, Sofia first (PSRL, vol. IV, p. 214; vol. VI, issue 1, stb. 287) and the Moscow Academic Chronicle, in the Tver Chronicle he is named the son of Mstislav Romanovich the Brave, and in the Nikon and Voskresensk - the grandson of Roman Rostislavich (PSRL, vol. VII, pp. 138, 236; vol. X, p. 104; XV, stb. 364), but there was no such prince (in Voskresenskaya - named the son of Mstislav Romanovich of Kyiv). According to modern scientists, this is either Izyaslav Vladimirovich, the son of Vladimir Igorevich (this opinion has been widespread since N.M. Karamzin), or the son of Mstislav Udaly (analysis of this issue: Mayorov A.V. Galicia-Volynskaya Rus. St. Petersburg, 2001. P.542-544). He sat on the throne in 6743 (1235) (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 513, vol. III, p. 74) (according to Nikonovskaya in 6744). In the Ipatiev Chronicle it is mentioned under the year 6741.
  • He sat on the throne in 6744 (1236) (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 513, vol. III, p. 74, vol. IV, p. 214). In Ipatievskaya under 6743 (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 777). In 1238 he went to Vladimir (PSRL, vol. X, p. 113).
  • Short list princes at the beginning of the Ipatiev Chronicle places him after Yaroslav (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 2), but this may be a mistake. M. B. Sverdlov accepts this reign (Sverdlov M. B. Pre-Mongol Rus'. St. Petersburg, 2002. P. 653).
  • Occupied Kyiv in 1238 after Yaroslav (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 777, vol. VII, p. 236; vol. X, p. 114). When the Tatars approached Kyiv, he left for Hungary (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 782). In the Ipatiev Chronicle under the year 6746, in the Nikon Chronicle under the year 6748 (PSRL, vol. X, p. 116).
  • Occupied Kiev after the departure of Michael, expelled by Daniel (in the Hypatian Chronicle under 6746, in the Fourth Novgorod Chronicle and the First Sophia Chronicle under 6748) (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 782, vol. IV, p. 226; VI, issue 1, Stb. 301).
  • Daniel, having occupied Kyiv in 6748, left the thousand Dmitry there (PSRL, vol. IV, p. 226, vol. X, p. 116). Dmitry led the city at the time of its capture by the Tatars (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 786) on St. Nicholas Day (that is, December 6, 1240) (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 470).
  • According to his Life, he returned to Kyiv after the departure of the Tatars (PSRL, vol. VI, issue 1, stb. 319).
  • From now on, Russian princes received power with the sanction of the khans of the Golden Horde (in Russian terminology, “kings”), who were recognized as the supreme rulers of the Russian lands.
  • In 6751 (1243) Yaroslav arrived in the Horde and was recognized as the ruler of all Russian lands “the oldest prince in the Russian language” (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 470). Sat in Vladimir. The moment when he took possession of Kiev is not indicated in the chronicles. It is known that in the year (his boyar Dmitr Eykovich was sitting in the city (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 806, in the Ipatiev Chronicle it is indicated under the year 6758 (1250) in connection with the trip to the Horde of Daniil Romanovich, the correct date is established by synchronization with the Polish sources. Died September 30th 1246 (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 471).
  • After the death of his father, together with his brother Andrei, he went to the Horde, and from there to the capital of the Mongol Empire - Karakorum, where in 6757 (1249) Andrei received Vladimir, and Alexander - Kyiv and Novgorod. Modern historians differ in their assessment of which of the brothers held formal seniority. Alexander did not live in Kyiv itself. Before Andrei's expulsion in 6760 (1252), he ruled in Novgorod, then received Vladimir in the Horde. Died November 14
  • Settled in Rostov and Suzdal in 1157 (March 6665 in the Laurentian Chronicle, Ultra-Martov 6666 in the Ipatiev Chronicle) (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 348, vol. II, stb. 490). Killed June 29, on the feast of Peter and Paul (in the Laurentian Chronicle, ultramartian year 6683) (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 369) According to the Ipatiev Chronicle on June 28, on the eve of the feast of Peter and Paul (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 580), according to Sofia First Chronicle June 29, 6683 (PSRL, vol. VI, issue 1, stb. 238).
  • He sat down in Vladimir in Ultramart 6683, but after 7 weeks of the siege he retired (that is, around September) (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 373, vol. II, stb. 596).
  • Settled in Vladimir (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 374, vol. II, stb. 597) in 1174 (Ultra-Martov 6683). June 15 1175 (Ultra-March 6684) defeated and fled (PSRL, vol. II, stb. 601).
  • Sat in Vladimir June 15 1175 (Ultra-March 6684) year (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 377). (In the Nikon Chronicle June 16, but the error is established by the day of the week (PSRL, vol. IX, p. 255). Died June 20 1176 (Ultra-March 6685) year (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 379, vol. IV, p. 167).
  • He sat on the throne in Vladimir after the death of his brother in June 1176 (Ultra-March 6685) (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 380). He died, according to the Laurentian Chronicle, on April 13, 6720 (1212), in memory of St. Martin (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 436) In the Tver and Resurrection Chronicles April 15 in memory of the Apostle Aristarchus, on Sunday (PSRL, vol. VII, p. 117; vol. XV, stb. 311), in the Nikon Chronicle on April 14 in memory of St. Martin, on Sunday (PSRL, vol. X, p. 64), in the Trinity Chronicle on April 18, 6721, in memory of St. Martin (Trinity Chronicle. P.299). In 1212, April 15 is Sunday.
  • He sat on the throne after the death of his father in accordance with his will (PSRL, vol. X, p. 63). April 27 1216, on Wednesday, he left the city, leaving it to his brother (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 500, the date is not directly indicated in the chronicle, but this is the next Wednesday after April 21, which was Thursday).
  • He sat on the throne in 1216 (Ultra-March 6725) (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 440). Died February 2 1218 (Ultra-March 6726, so in the Laurentian and Nikon Chronicles) (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 442, vol. X, p. 80) In the Tver and Trinity Chronicles 6727 (PSRL, vol. XV, stb. 329 ; Trinity Chronicle. P. 304).
  • He took the throne after the death of his brother. Killed in battle with the Tatars March 4 1238 (in the Laurentian Chronicle still under the year 6745, in the Moscow Academic Chronicle under 6746) (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 465, 520).
  • He sat on the throne after the death of his brother in 1238 (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 467). Died September 30th 1246 (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 471)
  • He sat on the throne in 1247, when the news of Yaroslav's death came (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 471, vol. X, p. 134). According to the Moscow Academic Chronicle, he sat on the throne in 1246 after a trip to the Horde (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 523) (according to the Novgorod fourth chronicle, he sat down in 6755 (PSRL, vol. IV, p. 229).
  • Expelled Svyatoslav in 6756 (PSRL, vol. IV, p. 229). Killed in the winter of 6756 (1248/1249) (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 471). According to the Fourth Novgorod Chronicle - in 6757 (PSRL, vol. IV, stb. 230). The exact month is unknown.
  • He sat on the throne for the second time, but Andrei Yaroslavich drove him out (PSRL, vol. XV, issue 1, stb. 31).
  • Sat on the throne in the winter of 6757 (1249/50) (in December), having received the reign from the khan (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 472), the correlation of news in the chronicle shows that he returned in any case earlier than December 27. Fled from Rus' during Tatar invasion at 6760 ( 1252 ) year (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 473), having been defeated in the battle on the day of St. Boris ( July 24) (PSRL, vol. VII, p. 159). According to the Novgorod first junior edition and the Sofia first chronicle, this was in 6759 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 304, vol. VI, issue 1, stb. 327), according to the Easter tables of the mid-14th century (PSRL, vol. III, p. 578), Trinity, Novgorod Fourth, Tver, Nikon Chronicles - in 6760 (PSRL, vol. IV, p. 230; vol. X, p. 138; vol. XV, stb. 396, Trinity Chronicle. P.324).
  • In 6760 (1252) he received a great reign in the Horde and settled in Vladimir (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 473) (according to the Novgorod fourth chronicle - in 6761 (PSRL, vol. IV, p. 230). Died November 14 6771 (1263) years (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 524, vol. III, p. 83).
  • He sat on the throne in 6772 (1264) (PSRL, vol. I, stb. 524; vol. IV, p. 234). Died in the winter of 1271/72 (Ultra-March 6780 in the Easter tables (PSRL, vol. III, p. 579), in the Novgorod First and Sofia First Chronicles, March 6779 in the Tver and Trinity Chronicles) year (PSRL, vol. III, p. 89 , vol. VI, issue 1, stb. 353, vol. XV, stb. 404; Trinity Chronicle. P. 331). A comparison with the mention of the death of Princess Maria of Rostov on December 9 shows that Yaroslav died already at the beginning of 1272.
  • He took the throne after the death of his brother in 6780. Died in the winter of 6784 (1276/77) (PSRL, vol. III, p. 323), in January(Trinity Chronicle. P. 333).
  • He sat on the throne in 6784 (1276/77) after the death of his uncle (PSRL, vol. X, p. 153; vol. XV, stb. 405). There is no mention of a trip to the Horde this year.
  • He received a great reign in the Horde in 1281 (Ultra-March 6790 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 324, vol. VI, issue 1, stb. 357), in the winter of 6789, coming to Rus' in December (Trinity Chronicle. P. 338 ; PSRL, vol. X, p. 159) Reconciled with his brother in 1283 (Ultra-March 6792 or March 6791 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 326, vol. IV, p. 245; vol. VI, no. 1, stb. 359; Trinity Chronicle. P. 340). This dating of events was accepted by N. M. Karamzin, N. G. Berezhkov and A. A. Gorsky, V. L. Yanin suggests dating: winter 1283-1285 ( see analysis: Gorsky A. A. Moscow and Horde. M., 2003. pp. 15-16).
  • He came from the Horde in 1283, having received the great reign from Nogai. Lost it in 1293.
  • He received a great reign in the Horde in 6801 (1293) (PSRL, vol. III, p. 327, vol. VI, issue 1, stb. 362), returned to Rus' in the winter (Trinity Chronicle, p. 345). Died July 27 6812 (1304) years (PSRL, vol. III, p. 92; vol. VI, issue 1, stb. 367, vol. VII, p. 184) (In the Novgorod fourth and Nikon chronicles on June 22 (PSRL, vol. IV, p. 252, vol. X, p. 175), in the Trinity Chronicle, the ultramartian year 6813 (Trinity Chronicle. p. 351).
  • Received the great reign in 1305 (March 6813, in the Trinity Chronicle ultramart 6814) (PSRL, vol. VI, issue 1, stb. 368, vol. VII, p. 184). (According to the Nikon Chronicle - in 6812 (PSRL, vol. X, p. 176), returned to Rus' in the fall (Trinity Chronicle. P. 352). Executed on November 22, 1318 (in the First Sofia and Nikon Chronicles of Ultramart 6827, in the Novgorod Fourth and the Tver Chronicles of March 6826) on Wednesday (PSRL, vol. IV, p. 257; vol. VI, issue 1, stb. 391, vol. X, p. 185).The year is established by the day of the week.
  • He left the Horde with the Tatars in the summer of 1317 (Ultra-March 6826, in the Novgorod fourth chronicle and the Rogozh chronicler of March 6825) (PSRL, vol. III, p. 95; vol. IV, stb. 257), receiving a great reign (PSRL, vol. VI, issue 1, stb. 374, vol. XV, issue 1, stb. 37). Killed by Dmitry Tverskoy in the Horde.
  • Received the great reign in 6830 (1322) (PSRL, vol. III, p. 96, vol. VI, issue 1, stb. 396). Arrived in Vladimir in the winter of 6830 (PSRL, vol. IV, p. 259; Trinity Chronicle, p. 357) or in the fall (PSRL, vol. XV, stb. 414). According to Easter tables, he sat down in 6831 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 579). Executed September 15th 6834 (1326) years (PSRL, vol. XV, issue 1, stb. 42, vol. XV, stb. 415).
  • Received the great reign in the fall of 6834 (1326) (PSRL, vol. X, p. 190; vol. XV, issue 1, stb. 42). When the Tatar army moved to Tver in the winter of 1327/8, he fled to Pskov and then to Lithuania.
  • In 1328, Khan Uzbek divided the great reign, giving Alexander Vladimir and the Volga region (PSRL, vol. III, p. 469) (this fact is not mentioned in the Moscow chronicles). According to the Sofia First, Novgorod Fourth and Resurrection Chronicles, he died in 6840 (PSRL, vol. IV, p. 265; vol. VI, issue 1, stb. 406, vol. VII, p. 203), according to the Tver Chronicle - in 6839 (PSRL, vol. XV, stb. 417), in the Rogozhsky chronicler his death was noted twice - under 6839 and 6841 (PSRL, vol. XV, issue 1, stb. 46), according to the Trinity and Nikon Chronicles - in 6841 (Trinity Chronicle. p. 361; PSRL, vol. X, p. 206). According to the introduction to the Novgorod First Chronicle of the younger edition, he reigned for 3 or 2 and a half years (PSRL, vol. III, pp. 467, 469). A. A. Gorsky accepts the dating of his death as 1331 (Gorsky A. A. Moscow and Orda. M., 2003. P. 62).
  • Sat down as a great prince in 6836 (1328) (PSRL, vol. IV, p. 262; vol. VI, issue 1, stb. 401, vol. X, p. 195). Formally he was a co-ruler of Alexander of Suzdal, but acted independently. After the death of Alexander, he went to the Horde in 6839 (1331) (PSRL, vol. III, p. 344) and received the entire great reign (PSRL, vol. III, p. 469). Died March 31 1340 (Ultra-March 6849 (PSRL, vol. IV, p. 270; vol. VI, issue 1, stb. 412, vol. VII, p. 206), according to Easter tables, the Trinity Chronicle and the Rogozh chronicler in 6848 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 579; vol. XV, issue 1, stb. 52; Trinity Chronicle. p. 364).
  • Received the great reign in the fall of Ultramart 6849 (PSRL, vol. VI, issue 1, stb.). He sat down in Vladimir on October 1, 1340 (Trinity Chronicle. P.364). Died 26 April ultramartovsky 6862 (in Nikonovsky Martovsky 6861) (PSRL, vol. X, p. 226; vol. XV, issue 1, stb. 62; Trinity Chronicle. p. 373). (In Novgorod IV, his death is reported twice - under 6860 and 6861 (PSRL, vol. IV, pp. 280, 286), according to Voskresenskaya - on April 27, 6861 (PSRL, vol. VII, p. 217)
  • He received his great reign in the winter of 6861, after Epiphany. Sat in Vladimir March 25 6862 (1354) years (Trinity Chronicle. P. 374; PSRL, vol. X, p. 227). Died the 13th of November 6867 (1359) (PSRL, vol. VIII, p. 10; vol. XV, issue 1, stb. 68).
  • Khan Navruz in the winter of 6867 (that is, at the beginning of 1360) gave the great reign to Andrei Konstantinovich, and he ceded it to his brother Dmitry (PSRL, vol. XV, issue 1, stb. 68). Arrived in Vladimir 22nd of June(PSRL, vol. XV, issue 1, stb. 69; Trinity Chronicle. P. 377) 6868 (1360) (PSRL, vol. III, p. 366, vol. VI, issue 1, stb. 433) .
  • Kyiv princes

    ASKOLD And DIR (9th century) - legendary Kyiv princes.

    The Tale of Bygone Years reports that in 862 two Varangians - boyars of the Novgorod prince Rurik - Askold and Dir, together with their relatives and warriors, asked the prince to leave for Constantinople (either on a campaign or to serve as mercenaries). Sailing in boats along the Dnieper, they saw a small town on a mountain. It was Kyiv. The Varangians liked the town so much that they abandoned further travel, stayed in Kyiv, invited other Varangians to join them and began to own the land of the Polyan tribe. Many Novgorodians dissatisfied with Rurik’s rule also moved to Kyiv.

    In later chronicles it is reported that Askold and Dir, after reigning in Kyiv, successfully fought with the Drevlyans, Ulichs, Krivichs, as well as the Khazars, to whom the glades paid tribute, the Bulgarians and the Pechenegs. According to the Tale of Bygone Years, in 866 Askold and Dir made a campaign against Constantinople. The Rus, who sailed on 200 ships, ravaged the environs of the capital of Byzantium. However, a storm arose and smashed the Russian ships against the coastal rocks. Only a few managed to escape and return home. Chronicles associate the storm with the intervention of higher powers, since the calm sea was agitated after the Byzantines immersed the robe of the Virgin Mary from the church in Blachernae into its waters; Shocked by this miracle, the Russians immediately accepted baptism. Modern researchers believe that this story was completely borrowed from Byzantine sources, and Russian chroniclers added the names of Askold and Dir to it later. Messages from chronicles of the 16th–17th centuries. also based on Byzantine sources. In 882, the Novgorod prince Oleg, appearing in Kyiv, killed Askold and Dir and captured the city.

    Chronicle information about Askold and Dir has long been the subject of controversy between historians. They differ in determining the origin of the names of the princes. Some scientists consider the names Askold and Dir to be Scandinavian, others believe that these are the names of local princes associated with the dynasty of the legendary Kiy. According to some researchers, Askold and Dir were not even contemporaries.

    OLEG VESCHY (? - 912 or 922) - Prince of Kiev from 882.

    Most chronicles consider him a relative of Prince Rurik. According to the Tale of Bygone Years, in 879, Rurik, dying, handed Novgorod over to Oleg and asked him to take care of his young son Igor. In 882 Oleg captured Smolensk and Lyubech. Then he went further south, approached Kyiv, killed Askold and Dir, who reigned there, and became the prince of Kyiv. In 883 he conquered the Drevlyans, in 884 - the Northerners, in 885 - the Radimichi, and fought with the Streets and Tivertsy. The Tale of Bygone Years contains mention of the wars that Oleg waged with the Khazars and Bulgarians.

    In 907, at the head of an army from all the tribes under his control, the prince made a campaign against Byzantium. A fleet of 2,000 ships approached Tsaryrad (Constantinople). Oleg's army landed on the shore and devastated the surroundings of the Byzantine capital. Then, according to the chronicle legend, Oleg ordered his soldiers to put the ships on wheels. Having waited for a fair wind and raised the sails, the ships of the Kyiv prince moved overland to Constantinople. Oleg took a huge tribute from Byzantium (12 hryvnia for each of his warriors, of whom, according to the chronicle, there were about 80,000 people) and concluded a peace treaty with it that was beneficial for Rus'. Leaving Constantinople, Oleg hung his shield on the city gates as a sign of victory. In 911 he concluded another treaty with Byzantium. According to the chronicler, Oleg died from a snake bite. Some chronicles report that he died in Kyiv, others claim that the Kiev prince ended his days in the north, in the city of Ladoga, or even overseas.

    IGOR OLD (? – 945) – Prince of Kiev from 912

    According to the Tale of Bygone Years, Igor was the son of the Novgorod prince Rurik. Many modern scientists believe that this is a later legend. The chronicle reports that in 879, when Rurik died, Igor was a child whose father asked his relative Oleg to take care of him. Together with Oleg, Igor moved to Kyiv and until Oleg’s death (around 912) he served as an assistant to his older relative. In 903, Oleg married Igor to Olga, and in 907, during the campaign against Constantinople (Constantinople), he left him in Kyiv. In 912, Igor became the prince of Kyiv. In 914 he suppressed the uprising of the Drevlyans. In 915 he made peace with the Pechenegs, and in 920 he fought with them. In 940, after long resistance, the streets submitted to Kyiv. In 941, Igor launched a campaign against Constantinople, which ended in the defeat of his fleet in a battle with the Byzantines. Despite the failure, most of the Rus, retreating to the coast of Asia Minor, continued to fight for another four months. Igor himself, leaving his army, returned to Kyiv. In 944, the Rus entered into an agreement with Byzantium. In 945, Igor tried, contrary to the agreement, to collect tribute from the Drevlyans twice. The Drevlyans took him prisoner and executed him, tying the prince to the tops of two trees bent to the ground, and then, releasing the trees, they tore his body in two. The prince was buried near the Drevlyan capital Iskorosten.

    OLGA(in baptism - Elena)(? – 07/11/969) – Kiev princess, wife of Prince Igor, Orthodox saint.

    Only vague legends have been preserved in the chronicles about Olga’s origins. Some chroniclers believed that she was from Pskov, others took her from Izborsk. Later sources report that her parents were commoners, and in her youth she herself worked as a carrier across the river, where Prince Igor, who was hunting in those places, met her. Other legends, on the contrary, claim that Olga came from a noble family, and her grandfather was the legendary Prince Gostomysl. There is also a message that before her marriage she bore the name Beautiful, and was named Olga in honor of the Kyiv prince Oleg, who raised her husband and arranged their marriage.

    According to the Tale of Bygone Years, in 903 Olga was married to Prince Igor.

    After the murder of Igor by the Drevlyans (945), Olga rejected the matchmaking of the Drevlyan prince Mal and brutally dealt with the rebellious tribe. According to the chronicle legend, the princess ordered the first Drevlyan ambassadors to her to be buried alive in the ground, and the participants of the second embassy to be burned in a bathhouse. Having invited the Drevlyans to a funeral feast for Igor, she ordered her warriors to kill the guests she hated. Having besieged the main city of the Drevlyans, Iskorosten, in 946, Olga demanded that the city residents give her three doves and three sparrows from each household, promising to leave if her demand was fulfilled. The delighted Drevlyans collected the birds and gave them to the Kyiv princess. Olga ordered her warriors to tie pieces of smoldering tinder to the birds’ legs and release them into the wild. Pigeons and sparrows flew to their nests in Iskorosten, after which a fire started in the city.

    Having become the ruler of Kyiv, Olga pursued a course towards even greater subordination of the Slavic tribes to the power of Kyiv. In 947, she established fixed tribute amounts for the Drevlyans and Novgorodians, organizing tribute collection points - graveyards. In 955, Olga converted to Christianity and subsequently contributed to the spread of this religion in Rus'. Throughout Rus', Christian churches and chapels were erected and crosses were erected. In foreign policy Olga sought rapprochement with Byzantium. In 957, she visited Constantinople, where she met with the Byzantine Emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus. However, relations between Rus' and Byzantium under Olga did not always remain allied. In 959, Olga asked the Holy Roman Emperor Otto I (the enemy of Byzantium) to send missionaries to Rus' to preach Christianity. However, by 962, when Roman preachers led by Bishop Adalbert arrived in Rus', relations between Rus' and Byzantium normalized. Having met a cold, even hostile reception, Adalbert was forced to return with nothing. Despite Olga's persuasion, her son Svyatoslav never accepted Christianity.

    In con. 10th century Olga's relics were transferred to the Tithe Church. Canonized as a saint. Memorial Day: July 11 (24).

    SVYATOSLAV IGOREVICH (? – 972) – Prince of Kiev from 964

    Son of Prince Igor the Old and Princess Olga. For the first time, the name of Svyatoslav is mentioned in the chronicle in 945. After the death of his father in the Drevlyan land, he, despite the fact that he was still very small, participated with Olga in a campaign against the Drevlyans.

    Svyatoslav grew up as a true warrior. He spent his life on campaigns, spending the night not in a tent, but on a horse blanket with a saddle under his head.

    In 964, Svyatoslav’s squad left Kyiv and, ascending the Desna River, entered the lands of the Vyatichi, who at that time were tributaries of the Khazars. The Kiev prince ordered the Vyatichi to pay tribute not to the Khazars, but to Kyiv, and moved his army further - against the Volga Bulgarians, Burtases, Khazars, and then the North Caucasian tribes of the Yases and Kasogs. This unprecedented campaign lasted for about four years. The prince captured and destroyed the capital of the Khazar Khaganate, the city of Itil, and took the well-fortified fortresses of Sarkel on the Don and Semender in the North Caucasus.

    In 968, Svyatoslav, at the insistent requests of Byzantium, based on the Russian-Byzantine treaty of 944 and supported by a solid gold offering, set off on a new military expedition - against Danube Bulgaria. His 10,000-strong army defeated the 30,000-strong Bulgarian army and captured the city of Maly Preslav. Svyatoslav named this city Pereyaslavets and declared it the capital of his state. He did not want to return to Kyiv.

    In the absence of the prince, the Pechenegs attacked Kyiv. But the arrival of a small army of governor Pretich, taken by the Pechenegs for vanguard Svyatoslav, forced them to lift the siege and move away from Kyiv.

    Svyatoslav and part of his squad had to return to Kyiv. Having defeated the Pecheneg army, he announced to his mother: “I don’t like sitting in Kyiv. I want to live in Pereyaslavets-on-Danube. There is the middle of my land. All good things flow there: from the Greeks - gold, fabrics, wines, various vegetables; from the Czechs and Hungarians - silver and horses, from Rus' - furs, wax and honey.” Soon Princess Olga died. Svyatoslav divided the Russian land between his sons: he placed Yaropolk as prince in Kyiv, sent Oleg to the Drevlyansky land, and Vladimir to Novgorod. He himself hurried to his possessions on the Danube.

    Here he defeated the army of the Bulgarian Tsar Boris, captured him and took possession of the entire country from the Danube to the Balkan Mountains. In the spring of 970, Svyatoslav crossed the Balkans, took Philippol (Plovdiv) by storm and reached Arkadiopol. Having defeated the Byzantine army, Svyatoslav, however, did not go further. He took “many gifts” from the Greeks and returned back to Pereyaslavets. In the spring of 971, a new Byzantine army, reinforced by a fleet, attacked Svyatoslav’s squads, besieged in the city of Dorostol on the Danube. The siege lasted more than two months. On July 22, 971, Russian troops suffered a heavy defeat under the city walls. Svyatoslav was forced to begin peace negotiations with Emperor John Tzimiskes.

    Their meeting took place on the banks of the Danube and was described in detail by the Byzantine chronicler. Tzimiskes, surrounded by his entourage, was waiting for Svyatoslav. The prince arrived on a boat, sitting in which he rowed along with ordinary soldiers. The Greeks were able to distinguish him only by his shirt, which was cleaner than that of other warriors, and by an earring with two pearls and a ruby, stuck in his ear.

    Having made peace with the Byzantines, Svyatoslav went to Kyiv. But on the way, at the Dnieper rapids, the Pechenegs, informed by the Greeks, were waiting for his thinned army. In an unequal battle, Svyatoslav’s squad and he himself died. From the skull of Svyatoslav, the Pecheneg prince Kurya, according to the old steppe custom, ordered a bowl to be made for feasts.

    YAROPOLK SVYATOSLAVICH (? – 980) – Prince of Kiev from 970

    Son of Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich. The name of Yaropolk was first mentioned in the chronicle in 968: together with his grandmother, Princess Olga and his brothers, he was in Kyiv besieged by the Pechenegs. In 970, before setting off on his last campaign against Bulgaria, Svyatoslav placed Yaropolk on the Kiev table as his governor. After the death of his father, Yaropolk became a full-fledged prince of Kyiv. In 977, he defeated his brother, Prince Oleg of the Drevlyans, in an internecine struggle. Pursued by Yaropolk, he fell into the ditch from the bridge leading to the city gates of Ovruch and died. Another brother, Prince of Novgorod Vladimir Svyatoslavich, fearing that the same fate awaited him, fled to the Varangians overseas. In 980, Vladimir Svyatoslavich, who returned from overseas with the Varangian squad, sat in Novgorod, expelling the mayors of Yaropolk from there. According to legend, he wooed the Polotsk princess Rogneda, but she refused Vladimir, saying that she wanted to marry Yaropolk. In response to this, Vladimir captured Polotsk and besieged Kyiv. He managed to expel his brother from the capital by deception. Yaropolk fled to the city of Rodnya. Trying to make peace with his brother, he went to negotiations, where, on the orders of Vladimir, he was killed.

    VLADIMIR I SVYATOSLAVICH(in baptism - Vasily)(? – July 15, 1015) – Prince of Kiev since 980, Orthodox saint, Equal-to-the-Apostles.

    The son of the Kyiv prince Svyatoslav Igorevich and the slave Malusha, housekeeper of Princess Olga. In 969, Svyatoslav, at the request of the Novgorodians, gave Vladimir Novgorod. After the death of Svyatoslav, strife began between his sons. Vladimir, fearing his older brother Yaropolk, who reigned in Kyiv, fled overseas to the Varangians. In 980 he returned to Novgorod with Varangian mercenaries and soon entered into the fight with Yaropolk. Vladimir's first success was the capture of Polotsk, which was ruled by Yaropolk's ally, Prince Rogvold. Rogvold was killed, and Vladimir took his daughter Rogneda as his wife. In the same 980, Vladimir dealt with Yaropolk and captured Kiev. The Varangians from Vladimir’s squad demanded tribute from the townspeople. Not wanting to give the money, the prince played for time with promises and, finally, sent some of the Varangians to the cities as governors, and sent others to Byzantium.

    The first years of Vladimir's reign in Kyiv were marked by the persecution of Christians who supported Yaropolk. Vladimir created a pantheon of pagan gods in Kyiv, in which he placed the idols of Perun, Khors, Dazhdbog, Stribog, Simargl, Mocotti.

    Vladimir was also very active in foreign policy. In 981, Vladimir conquered Przemysl, Cherven and other cities from Poland. In 981 and 982 went against the Vyatichi and imposed tribute on them; in 983, on the Lithuanian tribe of the Yatvingians. In 984 he fought with the Radimichi, in 985 - with the Volga Bulgarians and Khazars.

    By 986, Vladimir Svyatoslavich began negotiations with Byzantium regarding his marriage to the sister of the Byzantine emperors Vasily II and Constantine VIII, Princess Anna. In exchange for Anna's hand, the Kiev prince offered the emperors military assistance, which they really needed; in the end, they accepted the Russian side's offer. To this same time, the Tale of Bygone Years refers to the arrival of missionary ambassadors to Vladimir from the Volga-Kama Bulgars (Muslims), Khazars (Jews), “Germans” (envoys of the Pope) and Greeks (Eastern Christians). Each of the envoys sought to attract the prince by preaching his faith. OK. 987/988 Vladimir was baptized. Meanwhile, the Byzantine emperors refused to marry Anna to Vladimir. In response to this, Vladimir in 988–989. captured the city of Chersonesus (Korsun), which belonged to Byzantium, thereby forcing the emperors to fulfill their promise.

    Returning to Kyiv, Vladimir began to actively spread Christianity. Greek priests were invited to Rus'. After baptism, Vladimir tried to be an example of a Christian ruler. The prince cared about education and built churches, including the Tithe Church in Kyiv (991–996). For its maintenance, Vladimir introduced deductions from the princely income (a tenth - “tithe”).

    After baptism, the foreign policy activity of the Kyiv prince increased. Close diplomatic ties were established with many European countries.

    At the same time, Vladimir fought with the Khazars, and in 990–992, with the Polish prince Mieczyslaw. In 992 he made a campaign against the Croats. To repel the Pechenezh raids, Vladimir Svyatoslavich in the horse. 980s founded several border fortified lines with a system of fortresses on the river. Desna, Sturgeon, Trubezh, Sula, Stugna, and resettled the Ilmen Slovenes, Krivichi, Chud and Vyatichi to the southern border.

    In 992, Vladimir Svyatoslavich repelled a Pecheneg raid near the city of Pereyaslavl, and in 995 he was defeated by them near the city of Vasilyev, and he himself barely escaped. OK. 1007/1008 The Kyiv prince managed to make peace with the Pechenegs, but in 1013 their raids on Rus' resumed.

    The cities of Vladimir-Zalessky, Vladimir-Volynsky, Belgorod and Vasilev were founded by Vladimir. Wanting to emphasize his power, Vladimir began pouring gold and silver coins. The prince's generosity and hospitality, the wealth of feasts and celebrations he organized were included in the epics, in which he is called Vladimir the Red Sun.

    Vladimir Yaroslavich died in the midst of preparations for a campaign against Novgorod, who refused to pay tribute to Kyiv.

    Already in the 11th century. Vladimir Svyatoslavich was revered as a saint, but he was officially canonized in Rus' in the 13th century. Memorial Day: July 15 (28).

    SVYATOPOLK THE CURSED(in baptism - Peter)(ca. 980 - 1019) - Prince of Kiev from 1015

    Son of the Kyiv prince Yaropolk Svyatoslavich, nephew of the Kyiv prince Vladimir I Svyatoslavich. According to the Tale of Bygone Years, in 980, having captured Kyiv and killed his brother Yaropolk, Vladimir Svyatoslavich took his brother’s pregnant wife, a Greek woman, whom Svyatoslav had brought back from a military campaign. Vladimir adopted the child born to her. In con. 10th century Svyatopolk received control of the city of Turov from his adoptive father and married the daughter of the Polish king Boleslav the Brave. In the beginning. In the 11th century, according to information preserved in the Chronicle of Merseburg Bishop Thietmar, Svyatopolk was accused of treason and imprisoned along with his wife and her confessor Bishop Reinburn, who came with her from Poland.

    In 1015, after the death of Vladimir, Svyatopolk became the prince of Kyiv and enjoyed the support of the people of Kiev. Fearing his many half-brothers, he ordered the murder of three of them - Prince Boris of Rostov, Prince of Murom Gleb and Prince of Drevlyan Svyatoslav. Having decided to subordinate all the lands dependent on Kyiv to his power, Svyatopolk lost in the fight with his half-brother, the Novgorod prince Yaroslav the Wise, who occupied Kyiv in 1016. Having received help in Poland, Svyatopolk again captured Kiev in 1018. However, his father-in-law Boleslav the Brave decided to subjugate Rus' to his power. Supporters of Svyatopolk began killing Poles in the city, and Boleslav, having robbed Kyiv, was forced to leave it. The Cherven cities went to Poland. Yaroslav the Wise, at the head of an army of Varangians and Novgorodians, expelled Svyatopolk from Kyiv. Svyatopolk found help from the Pechenegs and in 1019, at the head of a huge army, appeared in Rus'. In the battle on the Alta River, Yaroslav the Wise inflicted a crushing defeat on the army. Svyatopolk fled to the “Pechenegs” and, far from his homeland, “ended his life miserably.”

    YAROSLAV VLADIMIROVICH THE WISE(baptized George)(approx. 978 - 02/20/1054) - son of Vladimir Svyatoslavich and Rogneda; Prince of Kyiv from 1019

    After baptism, Vladimir sent his sons to the largest ancient Russian cities. Yaroslav was sent to Rostov. After the death of the eldest Vladimirovich, Vysheslav, who was sitting in Novgorod, the reigns were redistributed. Now Yaroslav received Novgorod. However, in 1014 he refused to pay tribute to Kyiv, which angered his father. He began to prepare for war with his rebellious son, but the sudden death of the Kyiv prince prevented this clash. After the death of Vladimir Svyatoslavich, a fierce struggle unfolded between his sons. The Tale of Bygone Years tells that power in Kyiv was first seized by Svyatopolk the Accursed. He killed Boris and sent assassins to Yaroslav and Gleb. Sister Predslava informed Yaroslav about this. Without wasting time, he warned Gleb about the impending danger, and he himself began to prepare for war with Svyatopolk. Meanwhile, Svyatopolk’s killers dealt with Gleb, as well as Svyatoslav Vladimirovich, who was trying to find salvation in Hungary.

    In the fall of 1015, Yaroslav set out on a campaign against Kyiv. The detachments of the Kyiv and Novgorod princes converged near Lyubech. The regiments of the Kyiv prince were defeated and scattered, and he himself fled to Poland to his father-in-law and ally King Boleslav the Brave. Boleslav's army, consisting of Poles, the Russian squad of Svyatopolk, as well as mercenary detachments of Germans, Hungarians and Pechenegs, in the battle on the river. Bug was defeated by Yaroslav's army. Kyiv was captured by Svyatopolk and Boleslav, and Yaroslav fled to Novgorod. There, having gathered a large army, he again moved to Kyiv. In the battle on the river. Alta (according to legend, on the very spot where Boris was killed) Svyatopolk suffered a crushing defeat.

    Yaroslav finally occupied Kyiv in 1019. However, this reign was not calm. In 1021, he had to fight with his nephew, the Polotsk prince Bryachislav, who captured and plundered Novgorod. In 1024, the brother of the Kyiv prince Mstislav Vladimirovich the Brave (Tmutarakansky), having won the battle of Listven, forced Yaroslav to conclude an agreement with him on the division of the entire Russian land along the Dnieper. Mstislav took the eastern half and sat down to rule his inheritance in Chernigov, and Yaroslav took the western half, with Kiev. Only in 1036, after the death of the Chernigov prince who was left without heirs, Rus' was again united under the rule of Yaroslav.

    Yaroslav made a lot of efforts to turn his capital into some kind of “new Constantinople”. The Golden Gate was erected here, the road from which led to a new temple - the Cathedral of St. Sofia. The monasteries of St. George and Irina.

    Yaroslav managed to stop the Pecheneg raids on Rus'. Yaroslav's squads went on campaigns against the Finns, Yatvingians, and Mazovians. His son Vladimir in 1043 made the last campaign in the history of Ancient Rus' against Byzantium (which, however, ended in failure). In 1051, Yaroslav (apparently without the consent of the Patriarch of Constantinople) first installed a Russian metropolitan in Kyiv, Hilarion.

    During the reign of Yaroslav, intensive urban construction was carried out: Yaroslavl-on-Volga, Yuryev (now Tartu) in the Baltic States were built. Under him, new monasteries were opened. The majestic Cathedral of St. Sofia was erected in Novgorod. The prince also cared about the development of “book teaching” in Rus'. Gathering scribes at his court, he entrusted them with the translation of Greek books into Slavic language. Under Yaroslav, ancient Russian chronicles were born and the first set of laws was compiled - Russian Truth.

    Yaroslav was married to the Swedish princess Irina-Ingigerda, daughter of King Olaf Skotkonung. One of Yaroslav's sisters, Maria Dobronega, was married to the Polish king Casimir I Piast, another (Premislava) to the Hungarian Duke Laszlo Sara, and the third to the Norman margrave Bernhard. Eldest daughter Elizabeth became the wife of the Norwegian king Harald III the Bold. Hungarian King Andrew I was married to Anastasia Yaroslavna. Youngest daughter Anna married the French king Henry I. Izyaslav Yaroslavich was married to the daughter of the Polish king Mieszko II, Svyatoslav Yaroslavich was married to the daughter of the German count Leopold von Stade, and Vsevolod was married to the daughter of the Byzantine emperor Constantine Monomakh.

    Yaroslav was buried in Sofia of Kyiv.

    IZYASLAV YAROSLAVICH(in baptism - Dmitry)(1024 - 10/03/1078) - Prince of Kiev from 1054.

    The second son of the Kyiv prince Yaroslav the Wise and Irina (Ingigerd) - the daughter of the Swedish king Olaf. He reigned in Turov. In 1039 he married the sister of the Polish king Casimir I, Gertrude, who took the name Helen in Orthodoxy. After the death of his father in 1054, he became the prince of Kyiv. In the first years of his reign, he acted in close alliance with his younger brothers - Prince Svyatoslav of Chernigov and Prince Vsevolod of Pereyaslavl. In 1058 he made a campaign against the Golyad tribe. In 1060, together with his brothers and the Polotsk prince Vseslav Bryachislavich, he defeated the Torks. In 1064, he repelled the Polovtsian invasion near the city of Snovsk.

    In the winter of 1067, taking revenge on Vseslav Bryachislavich for the robbery of Novgorod, in alliance with his brothers he ruined the city of Minsk. On March 3, 1067, in the battle on the Nemiga River, the Yaroslavichs defeated Vseslav himself, and in July of the same year, during peace negotiations near Smolensk, breaking the oath given to the Polotsk prince, captured him and imprisoned him in Kiev. In September 1068, the Yaroslavichs were defeated by the Polovtsians on the Alta River. Izyaslav Yaroslavich fled to Kyiv, where he refused the demands of the townspeople to distribute weapons to them and lead a new militia to fight the Polovtsians. On September 15, an uprising began in Kyiv, Izyaslav was expelled from Kyiv and fled to Poland. The Polotsk prince Vseslav Bryachislavich, released from prison, was put in his place. In May 1069, with the support of his relative, the Polish king Boleslav II, Izyaslav Yaroslavich returned to Kyiv. Before entering the city, he promised his brothers and the people of Kiev not to take revenge on the inhabitants of the Kyiv land for his exile; he sent his son Mstislav ahead of him, who executed 70 people and blinded many. The oppression by Izyaslav Yaroslavin continued after his return to the Kiev throne. Dissatisfied Kiev residents began to beat the Poles who came with Izyaslav. In the same year, Izyaslav expelled Vseslav from Polotsk and installed his son Mstislav as prince there. In 1072, he, together with the brothers Svyatoslav and Vsevolod, participated in the solemn transfer of the relics of Sts. Boris and Gleb to the new church in Vyshgorod. During the reign of Izyaslav, the “Truth of the Yaroslavichs” was also compiled.

    In March 1073, Izyaslav Yaroslavich was again expelled from Kyiv, this time by the brothers Svyatoslav and Vsevolod, who accused him of conspiring with Vseslav of Polotsk, and again fled to Poland, where he unsuccessfully sought support from King Boleslav II, who preferred an alliance with the new Kyiv Prince Svyatoslav Yaroslavich. In the beginning. In 1075, Izyaslav Yaroslavich, expelled from Poland, turned to the German king Henry IV for help. The king limited himself to sending an embassy to Rus' to Svyatoslav Yaroslavich with a demand to return the Kiev table to Izyaslav. Having received expensive gifts from Svyatoslav, Henry IV refused further interference in Kyiv affairs. Without waiting for the return of the German embassy from Kyiv, Izyaslav Yaroslavich in the spring of 1075 sent his son Yaropolk Izyaslavich to Rome to Pope Gregory VII, offering him to accept Rus' under the protection of the papal throne, that is, to convert it to Catholicism. The Pope turned to the Polish king Boleslav II with an urgent request to help Izyaslav. Boleslav hesitated, and only in July 1077, after the death of Svyatoslav Yaroslavich, with the support of Polish forces, Izyaslav Yaroslavich returned to the Kiev table. A year later, he died in battle on Nezhatina Niva, fighting on the side of his brother Vsevolod Yaroslavich against his nephews, princes Oleg Svyatoslavich and Boris Vyacheslavich, who captured Chernigov.

    SVYATOSLAV YAROSLAVICH(in baptism - Nikolai)(1027 - 12/27/1076) - Prince of Kiev from 1073.

    The son of the Kyiv prince Yaroslav Vladimirovich the Wise and Princess Irina (Ingigerd), daughter of the Swedish king Olaf Skotkonung. During his father's life, Svyatoslav owned Vladimir-Volynsky. In 1054, he received the Chernigov, Murom and Tmutarakan lands and sent his son Gleb to reign in Tmutarakan. In 1060, Svyatoslav, together with his brothers and the Polotsk prince Vseslav Bryachislavich, went to the torks. In 1064, Svyatoslav’s nephew, the rogue prince Rostislav Vladimirovich, expelled Gleb from Tmutarakan. Only after his death in 1065 did Gleb Svyatoslavich occupy this outlying Russian land. In 1066, in retaliation for the destruction of Novgorod, Svyatoslav and his brothers Vsevolod and Izyaslav made a campaign into the possessions of the Polotsk prince Vseslav Bryachislavich and ravaged Minsk. Chroniclers note that Svyatoslav Yaroslavich committed atrocities in Minsk more than others. Then the brothers defeated the squad of the Prince of Polotsk, and he himself, having invited him to negotiations on the advice of Svyatoslav, was captured. In 1068, the brothers were defeated by the Cumans on the Alta River. Svyatoslav Yaroslavich fled to Chernigov, gathered a new militia and defeated the Polovtsy, who were four times superior to him. The victory of the Chernigov prince became known in all Russian lands.

    In 1072, Svyatoslav participated in the transfer of the relics of Boris and Gleb to a new church in Vyshgorod. The compilation of “The Truth of the Yaroslavichs” is associated with his name. In 1073, Svyatoslav called his brother Vsevolod for help, relying on the support of the people of Kiev, expelled his elder brother Izyaslav from Kyiv and took the princely throne. Izyaslav Yaroslavich tried to win over the Polish king Boleslav II and the German king Henry IV, but Svyatoslav Yaroslavich managed to convert all of Izyaslav’s patrons into his allies. For his second marriage, Svyatoslav was married to Oda, the daughter of the Margrave of the Hungarian mark Lutpold, a distant relative of the German king Henry IV. The embassy sent by Henry IV to Svyatoslav, in order to convince him to return the Kiev throne to his elder brother, was headed by Oda's brother Burchard, rector of the Cathedral of St. Simeon in Trier. In 1075, Burchard returned to Germany, bringing gold, silver and precious fabrics to the king as a gift from the Kyiv prince, and dissuaded him from interfering in Russian affairs. Svyatoslav assisted the Polish king in the war with the Czechs, sending his son Oleg and nephew Vladimir Monomakh to the Czech Republic in 1076.

    VSEVOLOD YAROSLAVICH(in baptism - Andrey)(1030 – 04/13/1093) – Prince of Kiev in 1078–1093.

    The fourth son of the Kyiv prince Yaroslav Vladimirovich the Wise. After the death of his father, he received the cities of Pereyaslav-Yuzhny, Rostov, Suzdal, Beloozero and lands in the Upper Volga region. In 1055, Vsevolod Yaroslavich fought with the Torks, repelled the attack of the Polovtsians, and negotiated peace with them. In 1060, together with the brothers Izyaslav of Kyiv, Svyatoslav of Chernigov and the Polotsk prince Vseslav Bryachislavich, he inflicted a significant defeat on the Torks, who no longer tried to threaten Rus'. But the very next year Vsevolod was defeated by the Polovtsians. In 1067, he took part in the campaign of the Yaroslavichs against the Prince of Polotsk Vseslav Bryachislavich, who captured Novgorod; The allies ravaged Minsk and defeated Vseslav in the battle of Nemiga, and then took him prisoner by deception. In September 1068, Vsevolod and his brothers were defeated by the Polovtsians in a battle on the river. Alta. Together with Izyaslav Yaroslavich, he fled to Kyiv, where he witnessed the uprising of the townspeople against Izyaslav and the approval of Vseslav Bryachislavich, freed from prison by the rebels, on the Kiev table. In 1069, Vsevolod and Svyatoslav acted as mediators in negotiations between the people of Kiev and Izyaslav.

    Vsevolod was one of the compilers of the Yaroslavich Truth. In 1072 he participated in the transfer of the relics of the holy princes Boris and Gleb to the stone church built in Vyshgorod. The brothers' union was fragile. Already in March 1073, Vsevolod helped Svyatoslav expel Izyaslav from Kyiv. Together with Svyatoslav, Vsevolod helped the Polish king Boleslav in his fight against the Czechs. In January 1077, after the death of Svyatoslav, Vsevolod occupied Kyiv, but already in July of this year he ceded the capital city to Izyaslav Yaroslavin, who relied on the support of the Poles, and took Chernigov for himself. In 1078, he was expelled from Chernigov by Svyatoslav's son Oleg and nephew Boris Vyacheslavich. Vsevolod turned to Izyaslav for help. In the battle on Nezhatina Niva, Oleg and Boris were defeated, and Vsevolod not only returned Chernigov, but also acquired Kyiv, since Izyaslav fell in the same battle. Having become the prince of Kyiv, Vsevolod gave Chernigov to his son Vladimir Monomakh. His reign was not calm. The children and grandchildren of his deceased brothers Vladimir, Svyatoslav and Igor Yaroslavich were deprived of their possessions and constantly fought with him, demanding the return of hereditary inheritance. In 1079, Vsevolod Yaroslavich repelled the invasion of the Polovtsy, led by Oleg and Roman Svyatoslavich. The cunning Kiev prince bribed the nomads, and they betrayed their brothers, and Roman was killed. In the same year, Vsevolod managed to annex Tmutarakan, the refuge of the exiled princes, to his possessions, but already in 1081 the young princes Davyd Igorevich and Volodar Rostislavich again occupied this remote region. During these years, his eldest son Vladimir Monomakh became an assistant to the aging Vsevolod. Vsevolod Yaroslavich was a very educated man, he knew five languages. In his old age, he preferred to consult with young warriors, neglecting the advice of more experienced boyars. Vsevolod’s favorites, having received important positions, began to commit abuses, about which the sick prince knew nothing, but which caused discontent with him among the people of Kiev.

    SVYATOPOLK IZYASLAVICH(in baptism – Michael)(08.11.1050 - 16.04.1113) - Prince of Kiev from 1093. Son of the Kyiv Prince Izyaslav Yaroslavich and one of his concubines. In 1069–1071 Svyatopolk Izyaslavich was the Prince of Polotsk, in 1073–1077. was in exile with his father in 1078–1088. reigned in Novgorod, 1088–1093. - in Turov. In April 1093, after the death in Kyiv of his uncle, the Kyiv prince Vsevolod Yaroslavich, he took the Kiev table. Having decided to start a war with the Polovtsians, Svyatopolk Izyaslavich ordered the capture of the Polovtsian ambassadors who came to him with the intention of making peace. In response, the Polovtsians made a devastating raid on Russian land. In 1095, Svyatopolk Izyaslavich, in alliance with the Pereyaslavl prince Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh, attacked the Polovtsian lands, seizing “cattle and horses, camels and servants.”

    In 1096, Svyatopolk and Vladimir Monomakh fought with the Chernigov prince Oleg Svyatoslavich. They besieged Oleg first in Chernigov, then in Starodub and forced him to make peace, imposing their terms. In May 1096, the Polovtsians again attacked Rus' and besieged Pereyaslavl. On July 19, Svyatopolk Izyaslavich and Vladimir Monomakh defeated the enemy. Many Polovtsian princes fell in the battle, including Svyatopolk’s father-in-law Tugorkan and his son. In the same year, the Polovtsians devastated the outskirts of Kyiv.

    In 1097, by decision of the Lyubech Congress of princes - descendants of Yaroslav the Wise - Svyatopolk Izyaslavich received Kyiv, Turov, Slutsk and Pinsk. Immediately after the congress, Svyatopolk and Prince of Vladimir-Volyn Davyd Igorevich captured Prince of Terebovl Vasilko Rostislavich and blinded him. Princes Vladimir Monomakh, Davyd and Oleg Svyatoslavich opposed Svyatopolk. The Kiev prince made peace with them and pledged to start a war against Davyd Igorevich. In 1098, Svyatopolk Izyaslavich besieged Davyd Igorevich in Vladimir-Volynsky. After seven weeks of siege, Davyd left the city and ceded it to Svyatopolk. After this, Svyatopolk Izyaslavich tried to take the Cherven cities from Volodar and Vasilko Rostislavich. In 1099, Svyatopolk invited the Hungarians, and the Rostislavichs entered into an alliance with their former enemy, Prince Davyd Igorevich, who received help from the Polovtsians. Svyatopolk and the Hungarians were defeated, and Davyd Igorevich again captured Vladimir-Volynsky.

    In August 1100, Svyatopolk Izyaslavich, Vladimir Monomakh, Davyd and Oleg Svyatoslavich gathered for a congress in Vetichi and entered into an alliance with each other. A few weeks later, Davyd Igorevich arrived in Vetichi. The princes forced him to hand over Vladimir-Volynsky to Svyatopolk Izyaslavich. Svyatopolk handed over Buzhsk, Dubno and Chartorysk to Davyd Igorevich, and placed his son Yaroslav in Vladimir-Volynsky. Later, Svyatopolk exchanged the cities of Davyd Igorevich for Dorogobuzh, where he died in 1112, after which Svyatopolk took Dorogobuzh from his son. At the congress in Vetichi, the princes made another decision - to take Terebovl from Prince Vasilko Rostislavich and hand it over to Svyatopolk, but Vasilko and Volodar Rostislavich did not recognize the decision of the congress, and the allied princes did not dare to start a war with them. In 1101, his nephew, Prince Yaroslav Yaropolkovich, who laid claim to Vladimir-Volynsky, began a war against Svyatopolk Izyaslavich. Having suppressed the speech, Svyatopolk put his nephew in prison, but soon released him; in 1102 he was again taken into custody and killed in captivity.

    Svyatopolk Izyaslavich sought to maintain an alliance with the Pereyaslavl prince Vladimir Monomakh and even married his son Yaroslav to his granddaughter. He married his daughter Sbyslava to the Polish king Boleslav, and his other daughter Predslava to the Hungarian prince. Having reconciled, the princes joined forces in the fight against Polovtsian raids. Back in 1101, on the Zolotich River, the Russian princes made peace with the Polovtsians. In 1103, Svyatopolk and Vladimir Monomakh, at a meeting near Lake Dolobsky, agreed on a joint campaign to Polovtsian steppes. In the same year, the united Russian army defeated the Polovtsians, capturing huge booty. Hiking Russian princes against the Cumans were repeated in 1108, 1110 and 1111.

    Was less successful domestic politics Svyatopolk. In the memory of the people of Kiev, he remained a money-loving and stingy prince, who embarked on all sorts of adventures for the purpose of profit. The prince turned a blind eye to many of the abuses of Kyiv moneylenders and did not disdain speculation with salt. During his reign, many Kiev residents were ruined and fell into debt bondage. After the death of Svyatopolk, an uprising broke out in Kyiv, during which the townspeople destroyed the moneylenders' yards.

    VLADIMIR VSEVOLODOVICH MONOMAKH(in baptism - Vasily)(1053 – 05/19/1125) – Prince of Kiev from 1113.

    Son of Prince Vsevolod Yaroslavin. Nicknamed Monomakh after his maternal grandfather, who was the daughter of the Byzantine Emperor Constantine Monomakh.

    He reigned in Rostov, Smolensk, Vladimir-Volynsky. In 1076 he took part in the war of the Polish princes against the Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV. During the princely feud, in 1078, he took part in the battle on Nezhatina Niva, as a result of which his father received Kyiv, and Vladimir Vsevolodovich himself received Chernigov. He fought with the Polotsk princes, Polovtsy, Torques, and Poles. After the death of his father (1093), he was called by the people of Kiev to reign, but, observing the rule of seniority in the clan, he ceded the capital city of Rus' to his cousin Svyatopolk Izyaslavich. A year after the war with the Polovtsians and another cousin, the Tmutarakan prince Oleg Svyatoslavich, who relied on their support, was forced to cede Chernigov to him and settle in the Pereyaslavl principality. Since it was the Pereyaslavl land that was most often subjected to raids by the Polovtsians, Vladimir Vsevolodovich most actively advocated ending civil strife in Rus' and uniting in the fight against the Polovtsians. He took the initiative of the princely congresses of 1097 (in Lyubech), 1100 (in Vitichev), 1111 (on Dolobsky Lake). At the Lyubech congress, the princes tried to agree on assigning to each the possessions of their fathers; Vladimir Vsevolodovich, in addition to the Pereyaslav Principality, received the Rostov-Suzdal land, Smolensk and Beloozero. At the Vitichevsky Congress, Vladimir Monomakh insisted on organizing joint campaigns against the Polovtsians, and at the Dolobsky Congress, on an immediate campaign against the steppe people. In 1103 the united Russian army defeated the Polovtsians in the Suten tract, in 1107, on the river. Sula, in 1111, - on the river. Children and Salnitsa; After these defeats, the Polovtsy went beyond the Don and Volga and temporarily stopped raiding Rus'.

    During the uprising in Kiev that began in 1113 after the death of the Kyiv prince Svyatopolk Izyaslavich, Vladimir Vsevolodovich was invited to the Kiev table. In order to normalize the situation, Vladimir issued a Charter, which somewhat improved the situation of the lower strata of the population (the text of the Charter, which is an outstanding monument of ancient Russian law, is included in the lengthy edition of Russian Pravda).

    The reign of Vladimir Vsevolodovich became a period of strengthening the economic and political positions of Rus'. Under the rule of the Kyiv prince, most of the lands of the Old Russian state were united; the majority of princes recognized him as the “oldest prince” in Rus'. Vladimir placed his sons to reign in the most important Russian lands: Mstislav in Novgorod, Svyatopolk, and after his death, Yaropolk in Pereyaslavl, Vyacheslav in Smolensk, Yuri in Suzdal, Andrey in Vladimir-Volynsky. By persuasion and force, he reconciled the warring princes. Family ties connected Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh with many ruling houses of Europe. The prince himself was married three times; one of his wives was Gytha, daughter of the last Anglo-Saxon king, Harald.

    Vladimir Monomakh went down in history as a thinker. His “Instruction” for children and “others who read” is not only an example of ancient Russian literature, but also a monument to philosophical, political and pedagogical thought.

    Of significant interest is the “Chronicle” he compiled, containing a description of the prince’s military and hunting exploits. In these works, as in all his activities, Vladimir Vsevolodovich advocated the political, religious and military unity of the Russian land while maintaining the right of each prince to independently govern his “fatherland.” During the reign of Vladimir Vsevolodovich, a new edition of “The Tale of Bygone Years” was compiled in the Kiev Vydubitsky Monastery, which included the legend of the baptism of Rus' by the Apostle Andrew and a revised version of the description of the events of the end. 11 – beginning 12th centuries, highlighting the activities of Vladimir himself; “The Tale of Saints Boris and Gleb” was created, their church veneration became widespread (in 1115 the relics of Boris and Gleb were solemnly transferred to a new stone church in Vyshgorod). Little information has been preserved about the prince’s town planning and other peaceful affairs. Chronicles only report the construction of a bridge across the Dnieper in Kyiv during his reign and the foundation in the Rostov-Suzdal land, on the river. Klyazma, the city of Vladimir, which later became the capital of the Grand Duchy of Vladimir.

    The activities of Vladimir Vsevolodovich have already earned recognition from his contemporaries. The chronicles call him “the wonderful prince,” “ glorious victories for the Russian land”, “merciful beyond measure”, are awarded with other flattering epithets. A legend arose that Vladimir Vsevolodovich was crowned king by Metropolitan Neophyte, who placed on him the signs of royal power brought from Byzantium: a crown and barmas (later the crown, an indispensable attribute of the crowning of Moscow sovereigns, was called the “Monomakh’s hat”).

    MSTISLAV VLADIMIROVICH VELIKY(in baptism - Gabriel)(1076–1132) – Grand Duke Kiev from 1125, the last ruler of the united Old Russian state.

    Son of Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh and the Anglo-Saxon princess Gita. During his father’s life, he ruled the Novgorod land, the principalities of Rostov and Smolensk, and after his death he inherited the grand-ducal throne.

    In 1129, when a large Polovtsian army came to Russian land, Mstislav Vladimirovich gathered all the Russian princes under his arm. The Polotsk princes were also called upon to participate in the all-Russian military campaign. But the senior Polotsk prince Davyd Vseslavich with his brothers and nephews refused to help Mstislav Vladimirovich. Having defeated the Polovtsian hordes, “driving them beyond the Don, beyond the Volga and beyond the Yaik,” the Kiev prince ordered the capture of his offenders. No one stood up for the apostates from the common cause. Davyd, Rostislav and Svyatoslav Vseslavich were captured and with their families deported outside of Rus' - to Constantinople (Constantinople).

    After the death of Mstislav Vladimirovich, new strife began, in which his brothers, sons and nephews were drawn. The once united and powerful Kiev state was fragmented into dozens of independent principalities.

    VSEVOLOD OLEGOVICH(in baptism – Kirill)(? – 01.08.1146) – Prince of Kiev in 1139–1146.

    Son of Prince Oleg Svyatoslavich (d. 1115), grandson of the Kyiv prince Svyatoslav Yaroslavin. In 1127, Vsevolod expelled his uncle, Prince Yaroslav Svyatoslavich, from Chernigov. The Kiev prince Mstislav Vladimirovich (the Great) (son of Prince Vladimir Monomakh) was going to stand up for Yaroslav Svyatoslavich, but limited himself to threats against Vsevolod. True, Vsevolod Olgovich admitted his dependence on Mstislav Vladimirovich and even married his daughter, after which Yaroslav Svyatoslavich lost hope of returning Chernigov and finally established himself in Murom. In 1127, Vsevolod Olgovich took part in the campaign of the Russian princes against the Polovtsians. After the death of Mstislav Vladimirovich (1132), the energetic prince of Chernigov intervened in the struggle for appanages between the new Kyiv prince Yaropolk Vladimirovich (brother of Mstislav) and his nephews (sons of Mstislav). In 1139, when the third Monomakhovich, Vyacheslav Vladimirovich, a weak and weak-willed man, became the prince of Kyiv, Vsevolod gathered an army and drove Vyacheslav out of Kyiv. His own reign was not calm. He was in constant quarrels either with the Monomakhovichs, or with his relatives and cousins ​​- the Olgovichs and Davydovichs, who ruled in Chernigov. In 1143, Vsevolod intervened in the strife of the Polish princes, helping his son-in-law, Prince Vladislav, fight his younger brothers. During the reign of Vsevolod Olgovich, the situation of the people of Kiev sharply worsened. The princely tiuns ravaged Kyiv and other cities of the Kyiv land, and he himself constantly carried out unjust justice. The dissatisfaction of the people of Kiev with Vsevolod was one of the reasons for the failure of his attempt to transfer Kyiv to his brother Igor Olgovich and the unrest of the townspeople that broke out after his death. In 1144, Vsevolod Olgovich fought with the Galician prince Vladimir (Vladimir) Volodarevich, into whose lands he made two successful campaigns. Vsevolod returned sick from his last campaign and soon died.

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    Appendix 1. Rurikovich - the great princes of Kyiv The basis is taken from the list “Kyiv senior princes of the 10th - mid-13th centuries.” from the book: Podskalski G. Christianity and theological literature in Kievan Rus (988 - 1237). St. Petersburg, 1996. pp. 472 - 474, compiled by A. Poppe.1. Igor Rurikovich 912 -

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    d) Metropolitans of Kyiv 1. Varlaam (Yasinsky) (1690-1707).2. Joasaph (Krokowski) (1708-1718).3. Varlaam (Vonatovich) (1722-1730) (archbishop).4. Rafail (Zaborovsky) (1731-1747) (1731-1743 - archbishop, since 1743 - metropolitan).5. Timofey (Shcherbatsky) (1748-1757).6. Arseny (Mogilyansky) (1757-1770).7. Gabriel

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    3. Grand Dukes of Kyiv, Lithuania, Kings of Poland and Kings of Russia 1. Igor, son of a Scandinavian and founder of the All-Russian Empire - Rurik. 913 - 9452. Olga, his wife 945–9573. Svyatoslav Igorevich. 957 - 9724. Yaropolk Svyatoslavich 972–9805. Vladimir Svyatoslavich the Saint,

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    Kyiv postmen Beginning in March 1667, the rapid chase from Moscow to Putivl began to be called mail in official documents. But this in no way affected its structure. As before, royal letters and voivodeship reports were delivered by trubniks, archers, gunners and others

    Grand Dukes of Kyiv, rulers of Kievan Rus Askold and Dir (864,882) Prophetic Oleg (882,912) Igor Rurikovich (912,945) ... Wikipedia

    Grand Duke of Kyiv. Remaining a three-year-old child after the death of his father, who was killed in 945 by the Drevlyans, S. grew up among his father’s warriors. Already in 946, he was at the head of a squad that opposed the Drevlyans with revenge for the death of Igor;... ...

    - (Dimitri) eldest son of Yaroslav I, Grand Duke of Kiev; genus. in 1024. During his father’s life he reigned in Turov. According to Yaroslav's will, he received the Kiev table and seniority among the princes. Apparently, I. was not loved by the people of Kiev. In 1068, the Cumans... ... encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    Igor (year of birth unknown, d. 945), Grand Duke of Kiev from 912 (the chronicler attributes I.'s origins to the semi-legendary Rurik). I. continued the activities of his predecessor Oleg, during the years of his reign he subjugated... ...

    - (in baptism Vasily) revered Orthodox Church led for the baptism of Rus' as saints and equals to the apostles. book Kiev, son of Svyatoslav Igorevich from Malusha, housekeeper of St. Olga, b. at the beginning of the second half of the 10th century. Chronicle tales about him, as well as about... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    The title of the head of Russian princes in the Old Russian state (Kiev Grand Duke) since the 10th century. Since the 12th century, the rulers of the largest principalities, which included vassal appanage principalities (the Grand Dukes of Vladimir,... Political science. Dictionary.

    1) In historiography, the head of the Old Russian state and a number of principalities in Rus' in the 10th-15th centuries. and the Russian state of the 15th mid-16th centuries. 2) Part of the title of the princes of Vladimir, Moscow, Tver, etc.; title of the head of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. 3) Part... encyclopedic Dictionary

    North Eastern Rus'← 1157 1363 … Wikipedia

    In Kievan Rus and during the feudal period. fragmentation in Rus', a title that originally belonged to the feud. overlord of all princes (V. K. Kyiv), and from the 12th to 14th centuries. also to the heads of the largest fiefs. kn v, which included the vassal appanage kn va (grand kn va ... ... Soviet historical encyclopedia

    In Kievan Rus and during the period of feudal fragmentation, the title belonged to the head of all princes (from the 10th century V.K. Kiev, from the 13th century V.K. Vladimir), and from the 12th to 14th centuries. also to the owners of the largest principalities, which included vassal appanages... ... Big Soviet encyclopedia


    • Svyatoslav I Igorevich, Grand Duke of Kiev and All Rus', M. D. Khmyrov. This book will be produced in accordance with your order using Print-on-Demand technology. Historical and characteristic essay. Reproduced in the original author's spelling of the 1871 edition...
    • Blessed Igor Olgovich, Prince of Novgorod-Seversky and Grand Duke of Kiev. , M.N. Berezhkov. Historical essay by M. N. Berezhkov. Reproduced in the original author's spelling of the 1894 edition (publishing house 'Chernigov, type. Provincial Board').…