
The participants of the game stand in a circle. The driver is blindfolded. One by one, the guests approach the driver and extend their hands. Based on the hand, the driver must determine whose hand it is - a woman's or a man's. If the driver believes that the hand is female, he says: “Hello, Masha!” If it seems to him that the hand belongs to a man, he says: “Hello, Yasha!”

"Yes" and "no" in Bulgarian

Many gestures have an international meaning, such as most threats. But there are also significant differences in the semantic content of the same gestures in different countries. So, for example, if a Russian shakes his head as a sign of denial, then for a Bulgarian this gesture has the opposite meaning - he expresses agreement. And, conversely, the Bulgarian tilts his head down as a sign of denial. The presenter invites everyone sitting at the table to answer his questions with gestures in Bulgarian, and out loud in Russian. The one who makes no mistakes receives a prize.

Prize in riddles

For this game, the prize is wrapped in paper, and the content of any riddle is glued to the wrapper. The prize is wrapped again. And again the riddle sticks. And so ten times.

The players sit in a circle. The host gives the player a prize wrapped in ten wrappers. The player unwraps one wrapper, sees the riddle, and reads to himself. If he guessed it, he says the riddle, if not, he reads the riddle out loud, and the one who guesses it gets the right to further unwrap the prize, and the game continues according to the same pattern. The winner is the one who, guessing the riddle, gets to the very end.

Opener, pourer, drink...

For this game, two teams of 5 people are organized and props are prepared: a plate with a sandwich, a glass, a bottle with mineral water for each team. All this is placed on chairs, and the teams line up three to five meters from the chairs.

The first player (“opener”), on command, runs to a chair, opens the bottle and returns to the team, passing the baton to the next one.

The second player (“nalivayka”) must pour water into a glass and return to the team.

The third participant (“drinker”) must drink what is poured into the glass and pass the baton to the next one.

The fourth participant (“snack”) runs to the chair and eats the sandwiches.

The fifth player runs to the chair and closes the bottle (he is the “closer”).

The team that completes the task faster and more accurately wins.

Have a drink and a snack

This fun game is best played while the guests are still sitting at the table. You need to prepare for the game in advance. On small pieces of paper you need to write: “Drink...” (and then indicate what the participant in the game will drink from). You prepare the leaves according to the number of people present, roll them up and put them in a separate box. In another box, put leaves with inscriptions beginning with the words: “Have a bite...” (indicating how the participant in the game should have a bite).

The presenter distributes one piece of paper from each box to the players.

Options for notes for the game “Drink and Snack.”

1) From the spout of the teapot.
2) From the palm of your hand.
3) From a saucepan.
4) From the palm of a neighbor.
5) From the lid.
6) From a jar (three-liter).
7) From a plate.
8) From a thimble.
9) From a paper bag.
10) Standing on a chair with one leg.

1) Did you drink? And there will be no snacks!
2) An apple hanging on a branch.
3) Instead of a snack, hop on one leg.
4) With the words: “You need to drink less!”
5) Avoid touching food with your hands.
6) Smell your neighbor's sleeve.
7) Smell the paper.
8) Licking a large spoon.
9) Having chosen a snack with eyes closed.
10) With a song on your lips.


The presenter invites the players to salute with their right hand, and at the same time extend their left hand forward with their thumb extended, saying: “Wow!”

Then you need to clap your hands and do the same, but quickly changing hands.

Every person likes to have an interesting time with friends, but sometimes you want to diversify this leisure time with something. Games and quizzes will help you do this. Thanks to them, the time spent together will fly by more fun, and everyone will be in an excellent mood.

How to organize competitions and games for a group of friends - ideas

To come up with fun, you need to take some details into account. It is necessary to take into account where the party or corporate event will be held: at home, in the country, in a restaurant. It is imperative to take into account whether there will be children, drunk people, or strangers in the company. There are excellent game options for absolutely each of the above formats.

Comic tasks for guests at the table

Invite your friends to play table games for fun indoors:

  1. "Acquaintance". A game for a feast where unfamiliar people have gathered. We need to prepare matches according to the number of guests. Everyone draws one, and the one who gets the short one tells one fact about himself.
  2. "Who am I?". Each member of the company writes a word on a sticker. Then the papers are mixed and sorted at random. Each player sticks a sticker on his forehead without reading what is written. You need to guess the word by asking leading questions: “Am I an animal?”, “Am I big?” etc. The rest answer only “Yes”, “No”. If the answer is yes, the person asks further. If you didn’t guess correctly, it’s a turn.
  3. "Crocodile". The most popular competition for a fun company. It turns out especially funny if the players are slightly drunk. One of the participants asks the leader a word or phrase in a whisper. The latter must use gestures to show what is encrypted. Whoever guesses what is shown gets the role of presenter. The word is given to him by his predecessor.

Interesting competitions in nature for a fun company

Adults and teenagers will enjoy being active outside with these games:

  1. "Quest". In the area where you are relaxing, hide “treasures” with small prizes. Place hint notes or pieces of the map in different places so that you also have to look for them. By solving these codes using their intelligence, players will gradually get closer to the treasures. Quests – best competitions for a fun company in nature.
  2. "Stompers." Divide the participants into two teams: red and blue. Tie balloons of the corresponding colors to the feet of the players of each company. Participants must burst their opponents' balloons with their feet. The team that completes the task faster will win.
  3. "Original football" Divide into two teams with an even number of players. Mark the field, mark the gates. In each team, divide the players into pairs, stand them shoulder to shoulder. Tie the player's right leg to the partner's left leg. Playing football like this will be very difficult, but fun.

Music competitions

Fun noisy games for music lovers:

  1. "Relay race". The first player sings the verse or chorus of any song. The second chooses one word from the sung and performs his composition with it. It is advisable that there are no pauses; as soon as the previous person has finished singing, the next one begins immediately.
  2. "Musical Hat" Write a lot of leaves with in different words and place them in a hat or bag. In turn, each player takes a piece of paper. He must remember a song that contains the word indicated on the card and sing it.
  3. "Question answer". To play you will need a ball. All players are located in front of the leader. He picks up the ball, throws it to one of the participants and names the performer. He must sing his composition. If the player does not come up with a song, he becomes the leader. If the latter repeatedly names a performer, he is replaced by the participant who first discovered the error.

Forfeits for a fun company

Everyone is familiar with the classic game, so there is no point in dwelling on it. There are many more fun varieties of this competition for men's, women's and mixed companies:

  1. "Forfeits with notes." Each player comes up with a task and writes it down on a piece of paper. They are mixed and added together. Participants take turns taking out cards and doing what is indicated on them. If young people play who know each other well, the tasks can be vulgar. Those who refuse to carry out instructions must come up with some kind of fine, for example, drinking a glass of alcoholic beverage.
  2. "Forfeits with lots." In advance, players draw up a list of tasks and their order. They are announced in order. Who will be the performer is determined by drawing lots. You can simply prepare several long matches and one short one. The owner of the latter will complete the task. It is advisable to impose a fine for refusal to comply.
  3. "Forfeits with a bank." Suitable for people you know well, whose behavior and imagination will not be a surprise to anyone. It is necessary to organize a process for distributing the queue of participants (preferably by lot), but it is advisable to keep the order of players secret. The first one comes up with the task, the second one either completes it or refuses. For refusal, he pays the previously agreed amount of money to the general treasury. The bank is received by the volunteer who is ready to complete this task (except for the person who proposed it). After the first round, it is better to change the serial numbers of the participants.

Entertaining games and competitions for birthdays

This is a special holiday in which all attention is paid to the birthday person. However, a few competitions for a fun company will never be superfluous. There are a lot good options verbal and active games, which will not distract attention from the hero of the occasion, but will allow you to have fun. They will be especially appropriate for children's day birthday, because it’s not so easy to keep little guests busy.

Fun games and competitions for adults


  1. "Bottle on new way" On the notes, make tasks that the participant will have to complete in relation to the birthday boy (“Kiss on the lips”, “Dance” a slow dance" etc.). The leaves are placed in a bowl or box. Players take turns spinning the bottle. The one to whom the neck points takes the task at random and completes it.
  2. "For the anniversary." A tear-off roll is passed around the circle to people sitting at the table. toilet paper very fast. Each of them tears off as much as he sees fit. Players take turns calling as many interesting facts about the birthday person, how many pieces of paper they hold in their hands. Instead of interesting features There may be wishes, funny stories, secrets from the life of the hero of the day.
  3. "Alphabet". Those sitting at the table should take turns wishing something to the birthday boy. They say one word at a time alphabetical order(complex letters are excluded). The one who does not come up with a word for the dropped letter is eliminated. The one who remains last wins.

For children

The little birthday boy will enjoy the following competitions for a fun company:

  1. "Fairy tale". The birthday boy sits in the center of the hall. The guys take turns coming up to him and showing him what they like to do. The player whose task the child fails to complete receives candy.
  2. "Colors". The birthday boy stands with his back to the children and names any color. Those who have this color in their clothes hold on to the corresponding item and remain standing. Those who don’t have the right color run away. The person caught by the birthday boy becomes the host.
  3. "Chamomile". Cut out a flower from paper, write funny easy tasks on each petal (“Crow”, “Dance”). Let each child pick a petal at random and complete the assignment.

Regardless of the occasion for which a cheerful adult company has gathered - an anniversary or just a birthday, it does not hurt the birthday person to prepare in advance. Undoubtedly, good menu, appropriate drinks, appropriate music are an important part of spending time together. But fun competitions For adult company at the table or in nature will allow you to achieve a special effect.

The company may include both long-time friends and unfamiliar people. It is possible that informal communication is organized for people who are seeing each other for the first time. It could be people of different ages- men and women, boys and girls. No matter how the communication is supposed to be, having at least a conditional plan of action, including competitions for young people, quizzes for adults, funny jokes and theatrical performances, means ensuring the success of any event!
So, competitions for young people: students, schoolchildren, adults, young at heart!

Fun competition at the “Thoughts” table

A musical selection is prepared in advance, where desires are expressed in songs or funny sayings. For example, “I’m a chocolate bunny, I’m an affectionate bastard...”, “And I’m unmarried, someone really needs it..”, “It’s great that we’re all gathered here today..”, etc. The host simply approaches each guest and puts a magic hat on his head that can read thoughts.

Carbon Contest “Milk the Cow”

On a stick, chair... (whatever is more convenient for you) attach 1 medical ordinary glove for each participant in the competition, make tiny holes at the end of each finger and pour water into the glove. The participants' task is to milk the glove.
The delight is indescribable for both participants and spectators. (Especially if no one has seen how to milk a cow and the company drank a little). The mood will be through the roof!!!

Competition “Guess the Animal”

It is necessary to prepare several photographs of famous stars in advance. Only one person participates in the competition - the presenter. The presenter selects a player from the audience, the player turns away, the presenter says - I show the audience a photo of the animal, and you ask leading questions, and we will all say yes or no. Everyone except the player sees the photo (for example, Dima Bilan in the photo), everyone starts laughing, and the player thinks that this is a funny animal and starts asking crazy questions:
– does he have a lot of fat or not?
-does he have horns?

Mobile competition for the company

Two large but equal teams are participating. Each participant ties an inflated balloon IR colors of your team. The thread can be any length, although the longer the better. The balls must be on the floor. On command, everyone begins to destroy their opponents’ balls by stepping on them at the same time, preventing them from doing the same with their own. The owner of the burst ball steps aside and stops the battle. The winner is the team whose ball remains the last on the battlefield. Fun and not traumatic. Verified. By the way, each team can develop some kind of strategy and tactics for combat. And the balls may not be the same color in a team, but to successfully fight you need to know your partners well.

Competition for those who are thirsty (can be held outdoors) -)

We need to take about 10 plastic glasses, fill them in front of the competition participants with various drinks (both tasty and intentionally “spoiled” with the addition of salt, pepper or something like that, but most importantly compatible with life). Glasses are placed in a pile. Participants take turns throwing a ping pong ball into glasses and whichever glass the ball lands in, the contents of that glass are drunk.

Competition “Make a Wish”

Participants collect one item of each, which is put into a bag. After which, one of the participants is blindfolded. The presenter pulls out things one by one, and the blindfolded player comes up with a task for the owner of the pulled out thing. Tasks can be very different: dance, sing a song, crawl under the table and moo, and so on.

Competition “Fairy tales with a modern twist”

Among the people invited to the birthday party, of course, there are representatives of various professions. Each of them is a professional in his field, and, of course, has a full set of terms and specific vocabulary, inherent in people his profession. Why not make sure that instead of boring and uninteresting professional conversations, guests make each other laugh? This is done simply.
Participants are given sheets of paper and given tasks: to present the contents of well-known fairy tales professional language.
Imagine the fairy tale “Flint”, written in the style of a police report or a psychiatric medical history. A " The Scarlet Flower» in the form of a description of a tourist route?
The author of the funniest fairy tale wins.

Competition “Guess the picture”

The presenter shows the players a picture that is closed large sheet with a hole two to three centimeters in diameter in the middle. The presenter moves the sheet across the picture. Participants must guess what is shown in the picture. The one who guesses the fastest wins.

Writing competition (fun)

The players sit in circles and give everyone blank sheets papers and pens. The presenter asks the question: “Who?” Players write the names of their heroes at the top of the sheet. After this, fold the sheet so that what is written is not visible. After this, they pass the piece of paper to the neighbor on the right. The presenter asks: “Where did you go?” Everyone writes, folds the paper and passes it to the neighbor on the right. Presenter: “Why did he go there?”…. And so on. After this, the fun reading begins together.

An incendiary game “Let's dance!?”

Preparation is simple: a neckerchief and a presenter responsible for musical accompaniment are selected. The main task of the presenter is to provide the competition with fast, fiery melodies that can excite the participants so that they want to perform the most fiery steps and pirouettes.

Everyone taking part in the entertainment stands in a large circle. The first dancer is chosen. This may be the hero of the occasion; if there is none, you can decide by drawing lots or counting. The player stands in an improvised circle, a scarf is tied to him, the music is turned on, and everyone dances. After making a few or many movements, the dancer must transfer his attribute to another person standing in a circle. The scarf must be tied in a knot around the neck, and the “heir” must also be kissed. The new dancer takes the place of the previous one and performs his steps. The dance lasts as long as the musical accompaniment lasts. When the leader turns it off, the remaining dancer in the circle is taken by surprise and is forced to shout something like “ku-ka-re-ku.” The more unexpectedly the music stops, the more fun those present will have.

Competition “Dress each other”

This team game. Participants are divided into pairs.
Each couple chooses a pre-prepared package containing a set of clothes (the number and complexity of items must be the same). All participants in the game are blindfolded. On command, one of the pair must put clothes on the other from the package he received by touch in one minute. The winner is the couple that “gets dressed” faster and more correctly than the others. It's fun when there are two men in a couple and they get a bag of purely women's clothing!

Competition “Boar Hunting”

To play you will need several teams of “hunters”, consisting of 3 people and one “boar”. The “hunters” are given cartridges (this can be any piece of paper) after which they try to hit the “boar”. The target can be a circle of cardboard on which a target is drawn. This circle with a target is attached to the “boar” on the belt in the lumbar region. The task of the “boar” is to run away and evade, and the task of the “hunters” is to hit this very target.
A certain time is recorded during which the game is played. It is advisable to limit the space for the game so that the game does not turn into a real hunt. The game must be played in a sober state. It is prohibited to hold a “boar” by teams of “hunters”.


There are many balls scattered on the floor.
Those interested are invited. And on command, to the accompaniment of fast music, each participant must take and hold as many balls as possible.

Competition “Try and Guess”

The participant stuffs a huge piece of bun into his mouth in such a way that it is impossible to speak. After that, he receives a text that needs to be read. The participant tries to read it with expression (preferably it is an unfamiliar verse). The other participant needs to write down everything that he understood, and then read aloud what happened. As a result, its text is compared with the original. Instead of a bun, you can use another product that makes it difficult to pronounce words.

Competition “Overcome the Obstacle”

Two couples are invited to the stage. Chairs are placed and a rope is pulled between them. The guys' task is to pick up the girl and step over the rope. After the first pair does this, the second pair does it too. Next you need to pick up the rope and repeat the task again. The rope will rise until one of the pairs completes the task. As has already become clear, the pair that falls before the other pair loses.

Competition “Potato”

To participate in the competition you need 2 players and two empty packs of cigarettes. Ropes are tied to the players' belts, with a potato tied at the end. The essence of the competition is to quickly push an empty pack to the finish line with these same potatoes, which are dangling at the end of the rope. Whoever reaches the finish line first wins.

Competition “Clothespins”

Couples take center stage. All participants are given 10-15 clothespins on their clothes. Then everyone is blindfolded and fast music is played. Everyone needs to take pictures greatest number clothespins from their rivals.

Competition “Who is the fastest?”

Two teams of five people each are recruited. A pot of water is placed in front of each team; the water in both pans is at the same level. Whichever team drinks water from the pots using spoons the fastest, that team wins.

Competition “Diver”

Those wishing to take part in this competition are invited to wear fins and look reverse side through binoculars, cover a given distance.

Competition “Associations”

The participants of the game stand in a row or (everyone sits in a line, the main thing is to make it clear where the beginning is and where the end is). The first one utters two completely unrelated words. For example: wood and computer. The next player must connect the unconnected and describe the situation that could happen with these two items. For example, “The wife got tired of her husband constantly sitting at the computer, and he settled in a tree with him.” Then the same player says the following word, for example, “Bed.” The third participant must add this word to this situation, for example, “Sleeping on a branch has become not as comfortable as sleeping on a bed.” And so on until the imagination is enough. You can complicate the game and add the following. The presenter interrupts any of the participants and asks them to repeat all the words spoken; the one who fails to do this is eliminated from the game.

Competition “How to use?”

The competition requires 5 – 15 people. Any object is placed on the table in front of the players. Participants must take turns saying how the item is used. The use of the item must be theoretically correct. Anyone who cannot come up with a use for the item is eliminated from the game. The one who remains last in the game is the winner.

You can complicate competitions and make them more creative and creative. Be happy not only on holidays. Give laughter and smiles to your friends, family and loved ones.

Whatever the occasion, at the holiday there is always support Have a good mood you can play different games. Stock up on everything you need in advance and go for it! You can play pranks on the guests present at the party, the main thing is that these pranks do not offend anyone.

Prank games

This is a raffle competition. You will have to stock up on plenty of milk, juice or any other drink in advance. Those who want to play are called up. Everyone is brought out a huge mug of drink (also take care of the required container in advance. It is best if they are identical in size appearance containers, such as liter mugs). According to the terms of the competition, the first one to drink his mug wins. This is where the practical joke begins.

After the first stage, only part of the participants is eliminated. The rest “reached the finish line” supposedly almost simultaneously, and it is impossible to understand who really was first. The remaining participants are given a second mug of drink (“happy” faces are already provided for them, they have just swallowed a liter of liquid in one gulp!). After this stage, another part of the participants is eliminated. In the end there are only two of them left. And finally, the winner is awarded a prize... As you probably already guessed, it will be... a liter of his “favorite” drink (along with a mug).

My sweet

You will need: sweet candy (chupa chups, or toffee, or any other).

A man and a woman are called. The woman is seated on a chair and a sweet candy is placed on her lips. The man is blindfolded and must approach the woman and, without using his hands, take the candy from her mouth.

The joke is that when the man is already blindfolded, the woman on the chair is replaced by another man.


You will need: a blanket.

A “victim” is selected, he (or she) is taken to another room, where they are covered with a blanket and explained that now in the next room the other guests will make a wish on him (her) for some item of clothing. The “victim” is required to guess which item of clothing was wished for. If the player guesses correctly, the next one goes out the door; if not, then he takes off the item of clothing that he himself named.

At this time, the rest of the guests make a wish... a bedspread!

The host takes one of the guests out of the room and explains the task to him. You need to depict some animal (for example, a kangaroo) so that others can guess who it is.

At this time, those remaining in the room are warned that the “chosen one” will now portray a kangaroo, and they must all pretend that they do not understand and name any animals, for example, a monkey, a frog, etc. The one showing, suspecting nothing, returns into the room... The main thing is to choose a non-offensive person with a sense of humor for this role.

You will need: a piece of wallpaper, a blindfold. Wallpaper is spread on the floor. All women who will participate go into another room and are called in one by one. A woman must blindfolded walk along such a “stream” without getting her feet wet, that is, spreading them wide apart. After the woman has walked the entire length of the path, the man lies face up on the strip of wallpaper. Then the woman's blindfold is removed... Can you imagine the reaction?

Then the next participant comes in, the situation repeats, and the first one laughs heartily.


The presenter calls two people - volunteers (a man and a woman). The remaining participants must wait their turn in the next room. The presenter puts the remaining two in some position, for example, forces them to hug each other. Calls the next player (a man and a woman are called each time in turn).

They explain to the person who enters: “This is a figure (statue) of love. Maybe you see her somehow differently? You can make any changes."

Usually no one refuses to “make fun” of others, so any changes are made to the figure. Then the “sculptor” is invited to take the place of one of the participants in the sculpture (a man replaces a man, a woman replaces a woman).

And the next player is called.

I love - I don’t love

The presenter invites everyone sitting at the table to name what they like about their neighbor at the table sitting on the left, and what they don’t like. When everyone has been named, the presenter now offers to kiss his neighbor on what the player likes and bite on what he doesn’t like.

For example, say: “I love my neighbor’s nose and don’t like his hands.” Accordingly, you need to kiss your neighbor on the nose and bite his hand.

Push ups

You will need: strips of wallpaper the size of a person (according to the number of participants), blindfolds.

Men who want to demonstrate their strength are called up. They are asked to do push-ups on the floor - supposedly who can hold out longer. At the leader’s command, they begin to do push-ups. They are interrupted in order to be blindfolded, and they continue doing push-ups. Then they are interrupted again, pre-prepared strips of wallpaper are laid on the floor, and the contestants continue doing push-ups, and the audience is dying of laughter. The fact is that on each strip there is a naked woman drawn and push-ups resemble a well-known process. When the winner is determined, everyone's blindfolds are removed. Competitors can be given this wallpaper as a souvenir.

If only there was a sea of ​​vodka...

You will need: transparent glasses or glasses, drinking straws.

Everyone is invited to attend. Each person is given a glass with liquid poured into it and a straw. It is announced that all glasses except one contain water. The only one is filled with vodka. Players must drink all the liquid through a straw so that no one can guess what is in their glass. Spectators are invited to guess which of those present got a glass of vodka. The secret of the game is that vodka is poured into all glasses.


The presenter invites everyone to play the game. He slowly, so that no one hears, tells each player his animal, then everyone stands in a circle and the presenter begins to tell a fictitious story about how he went, for example, to a zoo or a circus. He must name the animals. If he names one of the animals that someone has wished for, that person must quickly sit down on the floor, and other players try to prevent him from doing this.

So, the presenter “distributed the roles” and tells the story:

“I once went to the circus. It was fun there, strongmen lifted weights, clowns entertained the audience, riders performed all sorts of tricks while sitting on... horses. Then the tamer spoke with his... tigers. But the main number of the program was... a hippopotamus!

The point of the draw is that all the players are given a hippopotamus and the whole company plops down on the floor as one.


You will need: a long rope (skein), a blindfold.

In the room (it is advisable to remove excess furniture from it in advance to avoid injury) a long rope is pulled so that when moving around the room you have to, for example, step over, crawl, bend down, etc.

Participants are called one by one.

The person who enters is asked to remember the location of the ropes and, with his eyes closed, walk the entire room from beginning to end (with the condition that the presenters will tell him how to walk).

Once the player is blindfolded, the rope is removed and the player moves forward... through an empty room! It is advisable to film this entire show.

Then the rope is pulled again and the next volunteer is called, and the first player has a lot of fun with the presenters.

It's dusty

You will need: an inflated balloon, a plate of flour, two blindfolds.

Two volunteers are called, sit opposite each other, and a balloon is placed between them. Players must, blindfolded, blow on this ball as hard as possible so that the ball flies to the opponent's side.

Competitions are the best pastime when a cheerful company has gathered. To avoid any hiccups, you should prepare in advance. When choosing, consider the location, availability of props and the preferences of the participants.

Outdoor games

VIDEO: Outdoor competitions for adults

Find the pin

The presenter selects 5 people and puts blindfolds on everyone. Afterwards, he randomly attaches pins to the players’ clothes. The music turns on.

Participants begin to look for pins on each other. At the same time, you can’t give any hints. The one who finds the most of them wins.

All pins must have clasps. Only adults can compete.

Big cleaning

For such a game you will need the same amount balloons two colors. You need to draw a large circle on the ground and divide it in half. All those present are divided into two teams.

At each site, a ball is scattered in a random order. Their color corresponds to a specific team. The winners are those participants who throw all their balls into their opponents' territory.


This competition is perfect for starting a picnic. Two teams are armed with matches, cauldrons, the same number of knives and potatoes.

After the signal, each team begins to light a fire, peel potatoes and install a boiler. The winners will be those whose potatoes cook the fastest. The competition can be changed, for example, to the most quick cooking kebabs.

Siamese twins

Players are divided into twos. Each couple has two arms and two legs tied together. Now they can't be used.

The essence of the game is for the “Siamese twins” to perform some tasks. For example, peel potatoes. The couple who completed the most tasks wins.


In this game, participants are also divided into pairs. Each team is given five balloons. Couples need to burst them in the following positions:

  • back to back;
  • sideways to each other;
  • between the hands;
  • belly to belly;
  • sitting down at the same time.

The competition looks very funny. After all, it’s ridiculous for the participants to move and squeal when the balloon bursts. So the game will appeal to both players and fans.

We ate and drank

For the competition you will need: sausage, a bottle of drink, a plate, a knife, a fork and a glass. Next, you need to select two teams of three people. Everyone moves away from the table at an equal distance.

First, participants are offered something to eat. The first player on the team runs to cut off a piece of sausage. The second one pricks it on a fork. The third one must eat.

Now the teams must drink. Now all participants take turns opening the bottle, pouring it into a glass and drinking. The team that completes the tasks faster wins.

Hungry Beast

To play you will need two volunteers and some food. For example, chopped sausage.

Participants take turns putting food in their mouths and pronouncing the phrase “hungry beast” to their opponent. At the same time, you should not swallow. The player who laughs first is considered the loser.

In search of treasure

For such a competition, preparation is necessary. The presenter needs to hide the treasure in advance - a box of beer.

Catch the ball

Participants are divided into four teams. By drawing lots, two of them become leaders, and the rest become followers. The leading teams are opposite each other, and the slaves are located between them.

Participants from the leading teams take turns throwing the ball. The task of the wingmen is to intercept him. If they succeed, then the teams switch places.

Get me drunk

For such a competition you will need 6 players, 4 glasses and a pair plastic bottles. You need to make one hole in each of their lids using a nail. The players are divided into two teams.

Captains, without opening the bottle or using their hands, must pour water into two glasses. The rest of the participants quickly drink it. The team that completes the test faster than its opponents wins.


For this game you will need a lot of bags. The presenter leaves the gift at a certain distance from the start. Participants stand with their feet in the bag and begin to jump on command. The one who gets to the gift first will be able to keep it.

Find the bottles

This game will not only help lift your spirits, but also cool your drinks. Perfect for those who are bored while preparing barbecue. The presenter hides a bag of bottles in the river.

Players begin to walk around the pond and look for drinks. The presenter can suggest “hot” or “cold”. The winner is allowed to be the first to choose a kebab stick.

Get dressed and undressed

Participants are divided into two teams and stand on one line. After a certain distance from them, a hat, a T-shirt and pants (preferably large sizes) are left.

After the signal, each player must run to the things, put them on, take them off and pass the baton to the next one. The team whose members complete the test the fastest wins.


For this competition you will need spoons, raw eggs and sheets of assignments. The presenter draws a “corridor” on the ground.

One by one, participants take a spoon in their teeth, place an egg on it and walk through the “corridor.” The rest are trying to distract him, shouting “drop it”, “you won’t make it.” The player who drops the egg must complete the task.

Chocolate temptation

This game is suitable for the warm season. Participants must wear swimsuits and swimming trunks. The presenter ties blindfolds for the men. He breaks the chocolate and places it on the girls.

The guys have to find the sweets with their lips and eat them. When everyone has completed the task, the boys and girls change places.

Only adults who are not in the love relationships. Otherwise, conflicts may arise.

Save the ball

For such a competition you will need a lot of balloons, which should be inflated and tied to one leg of each player. A large circle is drawn on the ground. After everything is ready, the presenter turns on the music.

While the song is playing, the participants, without leaving the circle, begin to pop each other’s balloons. When the music turns off, those who were unable to keep their ball intact are removed from the circle. The action continues until there is only one winner left.


This game will continue throughout the time the company spends outdoors. Near the feast, he chooses one tree. A scale is attached to it, with 40 degrees written at the bottom and zero at the top.

Throughout the entire feast, each participant undergoes a breathalyzer. To do this, he stands with his back to the tree, bends down and sticks his hand with a pencil between his legs to leave a mark on the piece of paper. Passing the test will be more difficult and funnier each time.

Games at the table

VIDEO: The best table games


TOP 5 fun games for company at the table

No entry allowed

This kind of fun is great for starting a feast. Before each guest sits down, he must complete some task. It doesn’t have to be complicated, like giving the presenter a compliment.

Drunk couple

For the competition you will need several bottles of drinks and glasses. Those wishing to participate are divided into two. One of the couple takes the bottle, and the second takes the glass.

According to the sign, everyone tries to fill the glasses as carefully as possible. However, it is prohibited to take the bottle with your hands. Victory goes to the couple that copes faster and more conscientiously.


Several teams with a small number of participants are chosen at the table. Everyone's raising right hand, clenched into a fist. After the command of the leading “telepath”, the players unclench an arbitrary number of fingers.

The point of the game is for one of the teams to show the same number. Talking is prohibited. But participants can try to negotiate in a different way, for example, by coughing or knocking.


One of the participants turns his back to everyone. The presenter points to anyone present and asks the question “what should this phantom do?” The tasks should be very funny, for example:

  • raise your hands to the sky and ask the aliens to take you back home;
  • congratulate people passing by on some holiday;
  • drink a glass of highly salted water;
  • print out a photo of the caterpillar and ask everyone you meet if they have seen your runaway pet;
  • sing a whole song at a bus stop.

The most interesting thing is that the person who gives the tasks can randomly choose it for himself. Although the game is already old, it guarantees a festive mood.

We shared an orange

For the next fun you will need oranges, knives and any number of commands. Each group must choose a captain. He is the one who starts the game and ends it.

At the leader’s signal, the group must take turns peeling the orange, dividing it into slices and eating it. The captain needs to start the process and eat the last slice. The fastest team wins.


The presenter plays a song everyone knows. When he raises his hand, everyone sings; when he lowers it, everyone is silent. Participants who make a mistake leave the game.

Victory goes to the most attentive. To make the game more intense, the presenter can move his hand very quickly. He can confuse everyone by continuing to sing when he shouldn't.

The fastest

For such fun you will need alcoholic drinks and glasses. The latter should be fewer than the participants. The presenter pours alcohol and gives a signal, turning on the music.

When everyone sitting hears the song, they dance around the table. As soon as the music stops, the participants take away the glasses. Those who are left with nothing are out of the game.

After the first round, the game continues again. For variety, the strength of the drinks can be gradually increased. The competition ends only when there is one winner left.

During the game, remove unnecessary items from the table. Otherwise, the dishes standing on the edge may be broken.

What will you do if?

The host asks various questions to the players. For example, what would you do if:

  • you were stolen by aliens;
  • you spent your entire salary in three days;
  • you will not be able to use the Internet for a month;
  • you will be locked in the office.

The more ridiculous the questions, the funnier it will be. The winner can be determined by general voting.


To play this game you will need two participants, printed stories from the Internet, juice, paper and a pen. The first player puts a small amount of juice into his mouth, but does not swallow it. He is given a sheet of paper with a story and asked to dictate it.

The second participant tries to write down what he heard. After the competition, everyone listens to the resulting story. Usually this game turns out to be very funny.


One of the guests sitting at the table stands behind them. The rest take the candy and quickly pass it to each other. The driver's task is to catch the one in whose hands the sweet is.


This game should be played when everyone has had enough to drink. The host gets up from the table and warns that in one minute he will identify the drunkest of the guests.

After this, the presenter explains that it is necessary to give the object he named a more affectionate shade. For example, sausage - sausage, tangerine - tangerine. All guests think that sobriety is determined by the speed of the response.

At such a moment, the presenter says the word “water”. Usually at such a moment the answer is “vodka.” The guest who made a mistake is awarded a diploma “having reached the required condition” amid general laughter.


For the competition you will need spoons and two large bowls filled with water. All those present are divided into two teams.

At the signal, each person drinks a spoonful of water and passes the container to the next person. You should not splash water while playing. The first group to scoop out the contents in the bowl wins.

Useful item

The leader gives the person sitting next to any object. The guest must say how he can use this thing and pass it on to the next one. The one who cannot figure out what benefits this item brings loses.

You don't even have to leave the table to have a great time