The Dominican Republic, washed by the warm waters of the Caribbean Sea, attracts tourists from all over the world. The holiday season lasts here all year round, but in different months Each year, the weather on the island has its own characteristics, which are important to know before planning a trip.

It’s difficult to name exactly the best time to vacation in the Dominican Republic; it all depends on the preferences of the guest of the island. Traditionally, the most favorable period for recreation is considered to be from mid-autumn to mid-spring.

Seasonal holidays

The Dominican Republic, where the holiday season lasts all year round, is a real paradise for tourists. The air temperature in the Dominican Republic never drops below 20 ° You can swim in the warm sea at any time of the year, so the division into high and low seasons is very arbitrary.

If we compare it with other popular resorts, for example, Turkey, then the boundaries of the high and low seasons are very clear, and people do not swim during the low season.

When choosing a vacation date in the Dominican Republic, you should pay attention to the fact that traditional vacations in the summer months in Russia coincide with the rainy season in the Dominican Republic, so it is better to find out about the climatic features of the resort by season before planning a vacation.

Season in the Dominican Republic for a beach holiday

The Dominican Republic, which has its own unique holiday season, attracts huge flows of tourists during the beach holiday season. Beach season in the Dominican Republic they call the period from mid-autumn to mid-spring.

During this period, there is practically no precipitation on the island, there are no storms or hurricanes, and the air temperature remains at 30 ° WITH, - perfect time for those who like to soak up the warm sand at the edge of the sea.

Holidays in the Dominican Republic are famous throughout the world for diving; the waters of the Caribbean Sea are specially created for it: stunning landscape, clear water and diversity of marine life attract thousands of divers every year. In February-March there comes a period mating games humpback whales, the animals sometimes swim close enough to the shore and the lucky ones get to admire their beauty.

Low season in the Dominican Republic

The low season at resorts is characterized by reduced demand for vacations during this period.

This is explained by various factors:

  • unfavorable weather conditions;
  • decreased demand for leisure due to being busy at work or school;
  • time of year chosen for vacation.

The low season in the Dominican Republic is the period from May to September. The low season also includes hurricane season, which in the Dominican Republic falls in August and September. Despite this name, the low season in the Dominican Republic is in demand among connoisseurs of a relaxing holiday. The period from May to the end of July in the Dominican Republic is the rainy season, but it is a mistake to think that it rains all day and night long.

It rains mostly at night, and in the morning the republic is again illuminated by the gentle warm sun. An ideal time and place for romantics and rain lovers. What could be better than listening to the sound of rain by candlelight while sitting on a hotel balcony or terrace.

The low season has a number of significant advantages compared to the high season:

  1. Due to the decrease in demand for tours, tour operators are providing significant discounts to vacationers.
  2. Wide range of accommodation options.
  3. The absence of large crowds of people in recreation areas and attractions.
  4. Not much hot weather(about 25 C) compared to the high season (about 35 ° WITH).

Even the most heavy rain It won’t hurt to enjoy the luxurious aquariums and zoos of the Dominican Republic, visit historical places and eat plenty of delicious fruits. Low season in the Dominican Republic is an excellent option for a quiet holiday at a very reasonable price.

Dominican Republic: which month to choose for vacation

The Dominican Republic, where the holiday season does not stop for a single day, is ready to receive guests in any month of the year. The choice of month for vacation depends on the preferences of the resort guest and the planned budget. The most favorable period, warm and without precipitation, is from November to April.

Just at this time there is winter and snow in Russia, so a trip to a tropical country would be an excellent choice. But, due to the high demand for tropical holidays during this period, prices for tours are significantly higher than in summer time when the rainy season reigns in the Dominican Republic.

The rainy season is the period from May to the end of July. At this time, the resort experiences a decline in tourists, and prices for tours become significantly lower.


Many Russians come to the Dominican Republic for the New Year and Christmas holidays. The tropical resort provides an excellent opportunity to meet New Year in shorts, T-shirts and swimsuits instead of the heavy winter clothes typical of Russia.

January is considered the coolest month in the Dominican Republic, at night the air temperature can drop to 18 ° C, but by lunchtime it warms up to 29 ° C. The water in the sea reaches a temperature of 25 ° C and ready to accept everyone who wants to swim. January in the Dominican Republic, in addition to beach holidays, is a period of holidays and festivals, the period of the beginning of the mating games of humpback whales.

In January the weather is conducive to long walks, sightseeing or relaxing time on the beach at the water's edge.


In February in the Dominican Republic the weather becomes warmer than in January; in the morning the air temperature is about 26 ° C. The water temperature at this time is almost equal to the air temperature.

This is an ideal time for lovers of swimming in clear sea water and for divers. February is simply made for long walks: picturesque landscapes, blooming orchids, and sea air will not leave any resort guest indifferent.


In March, the weather in the republic is practically no different from the weather in February. Still the same 30 ° C, water temperature close to air temperature and traditionally high demand for tours among tourists. Tour operators recommend booking a tour in advance during the high season, otherwise there is a risk of being left without the desired vacation.

March is considered the last of the most favorable months in terms of weather conditions in the Dominican Republic. Holidays in March are ideal for people who cannot tolerate heat or suffer from cardiovascular or pulmonary diseases.

March - best season for a holiday in the Dominican Republic.

Starting in April, heat and humidity will increase in the Dominican Republic. March in the Dominican Republic is also a period of luxurious gifts from the tropics. In March, the harvest period for most tropical fruits begins; you can explore the mango bushes on your own and try the fruits with unforgettable taste.


In April, heat comes to the Dominican Republic; by lunchtime the air temperature can reach 32 ° C. Air humidity increases significantly, nature is preparing for the rainy season. Sunbathers are advised to stock up on tanning products with the maximum level of protection so as not to spoil their holiday with burns from the scorching sun.

As the humidity at the resort increases, insects become more active, so mosquito repellent will come in handy when traveling.

Coolness sets in only at sunset; tourists prefer to spend the evening and night time in coastal discos or cozy bars.


The Dominican Republic, which has a stable holiday season, begins to experience a decline in tourist activity in May due to the approaching rainy season. But it is worth noting that stories that the rainy season can ruin a holiday in the Dominican Republic are highly exaggerated. Tourists may be confused a large number of information on the Internet.

In fact, the showers in the Dominican Republic, although very heavy, are short-lived, and the scorching sun very quickly evaporates all the moisture. Water and air temperatures in May are set at 27 ° C, - ideal for sea walks, swimming and diving. Not a single tropical downpour will prevent you from spending time in an aquarium, restaurant or water park.

June July

The Dominican Republic in June-July experiences an even stronger decline in tourist activity than in May. It is believed that summer is the most unfavorable season for vacation. But this statement is entirely controversial. If you analyze the reviews of tourists who visited the Dominican Republic at this time, you will notice that their reviews are very different from what tour operators say when selling a tour.

Tropical showers are short-lived and occur mainly at night, which practically cannot overshadow a vacation in a tropical country.

Therefore, it is better to carefully study the reviews of tourists who visited the resort during this period and draw your own conclusions, and not rely only on the words of tour operator managers who strive to sell tours to other countries in the summer.

Air temperature in June-July can range from 23 ° From to 31 ° C. Such changes are caused by tropical downpours, which can briefly and significantly cool the air temperature. June-July in the Dominican Republic is a period of shopping, museums and tastings.

Aug. Sept

The beginning of August in the Dominican Republic is the beginning of hurricane season. Water and air temperatures remain at sufficient high level- 26 and 32 ° C accordingly. This period is characterized by maximum air humidity and is not recommended for people with diseases of the blood vessels, heart and respiratory system.

High humidity is difficult for small children to tolerate, so it is not recommended to plan family holiday with children during this period. If we talk about the hurricane season, no one can predict whether they will happen or not. In August-September the wind and sea waves increase. Waves wash pieces of algae to the shore, and the water near the beaches becomes not as clean as during the high season.

It's time for surfers. The waves created by the wind on the surface of the sea attract fans of boarding. But the sea is unfavorable for diving during this period; it becomes less transparent due to waves, movement under water is difficult and dangerous.

Hot and humid weather is not conducive to staying indoors (hotels, museums, shops, restaurants), so resort guests prefer to spend time on the beach or in the water park.


October is one of the most controversial months in terms of weather conditions in the Dominican Republic. On the one hand, the weather is already stabilizing, on the other, the risk of storms and hurricanes still remains. But everything is not as scary as it seems, all the vagaries of the weather can be easily waited out in a hotel room, they are not protracted. The air temperature is quite high and stays at around 33 °C.

In such heat, there are practically no people willing to take long walks around the surrounding area and attractions. Most tourists prefer the beach and warm sea.

Considering that in October there is still a decline in tourists, the holiday can be called relaxing. By the end of October, the air temperature gradually decreases and tourists begin to actively attend excursions and sightseeing.

November December

November marks the end of the vagaries of the tropical climate. The resort establishes stably dry and warm weather, which immediately attracts tourists from all over the world. In November, there is a sharp increase in prices for tours to the Dominican Republic. Water and air temperatures remain at 25-27 ° S. November is simply created for visiting nature reserves, reservations and national parks of the Dominican Republic.

Not a single guest of the resort will remain indifferent to the natural treasures of the country.

December is the period of preparation for the New Year and Christmas holidays and a time of cold and snow in many countries of the world. It is in December that the largest number of tourists come to the Dominican Republic to warm up and spend a vacation with their family. The air temperature in December is about 29 ° C, sea water - about 25 ° WITH.

The approaching New Year envelops the resort in a festive atmosphere for the entire month. Guests who are lucky enough to celebrate the New Year in the Dominican Republic will enjoy stunning carnivals, street dancing and an incredible holiday atmosphere that permeates even the air of the resort.

Rainy season in the Dominican Republic

The rainy season is typical for a tropical climate, so you cannot compare rainy weather in Russia with tropical downpours in the Dominican Republic. A tropical downpour begins suddenly, as if someone had turned on a water tap. A continuous stream of water descends from heaven to earth with enormous force. The tropical downpour ends as suddenly as it begins.

Showers hit the Dominican Republic mainly at night or early in the morning, so showers cannot significantly overshadow your holiday. The sun, appearing immediately after a tropical downpour, dries out all the moisture within 40 minutes and nothing reminds you of the previous downpour.

We can say for sure that stories about incessant round-the-clock rains in the summer are a myth and fiction. Shower in daytime at the resort - a great rarity, therefore, nothing will prevent you from swimming in the warm water of the Caribbean Sea, sunbathing on beautiful beaches and enjoying the sun, fruits and attractions.

The following key features of the rainy season in the Dominican Republic can be identified:

  • enough heat air, average temperatures remain at 30°C;
  • relative humidity air is 90% or higher, this fact should be taken into account by people who do not tolerate wet weather, for example, those suffering from diseases respiratory system;
  • fabulously warm sea - the water temperature is the same as the air temperature;
  • tropical showers may be accompanied by short-term gusty winds;
  • rain and wind can cause small storms, which leads to cloudy water on the beaches;
  • even at night it is quite hot, the thermometer does not fall below 20 ° WITH.

During the rainy season, the cost of tours to the Dominican Republic becomes noticeably lower; this is an excellent option for a luxurious and economical vacation.

Hurricane season in the Dominican Republic

The name itself may paint an apocalyptic picture, but in reality it’s not that scary. Over the past 90 years, there have been destructive hurricanes in the Dominican Republic 12 times. Yes, this is a lot, but they occur mainly in areas of the republic unprotected by mountain ranges, and these are not resort areas.

Hurricanes in the Dominican Republic do not happen every year and are not among the most dangerous in the world. It is important to know that a hurricane will not form in a minute, this process can take from several days to several weeks. First the wind must turn into a storm, only then the storm turns into a hurricane.

Forecasters know how to track this process and know about it in advance. Local communities are also warned in advance through emergency warning systems so that people can prepare for a natural disaster. The resort is protected by the Cordillera Mountains and is considered the most... safe place for hurricane protection in the region.

Local authorities take great responsibility to protect the population and tourists from a possible hurricane. All houses and other buildings are built with increased strength. Hotel staff are trained to deal with hurricanes, and hotel owners have learned how to turn a natural disaster into a show for tourists.

The consequences of hurricanes are often exaggerated in the media, but it is still worth taking precautions and trying not to risk life and health. Of course, traveling to the Dominican Republic during hurricane periods can turn into an unforgettable adventure, taking into account all the safety measures that are taken at the resort, but do not forget about the risk to life and health.

In any case, during hurricane periods the Dominican Republic is open to receive guests.

Season for a beach holiday in the Dominican Republic

The season for beach holidays in the Dominican Republic lasts all year round. There is a decline in tourists during the rainy and hurricane seasons. Judging by the experience of tourists who visited the resort during these periods, nothing overshadowed their vacation and did not become an obstacle to swimming in the warm Caribbean Sea.

Flight price calendar

Prices for flights to the Dominican Republic depend on the time of year chosen for travel. In the autumn-spring period they are higher than in the summer. The highest prices for flights to the Dominican Republic are during the New Year and Christmas holidays. The prices in the table are for one-way flights (round-trip flights will be cheaper).

Moscow is chosen as the starting point for the data in the table:

Departure month Economy class price Business class price
January From 39,500 rub. From 154,000 rub.
February From 27,000 rub. From 120,000 rub.
March From 28,500 rub. From 115,000 rub.
April From 26500 rub. From 115,000 rub.
May From 32,000 rub. From 138,500 rub.
June From 25500 rub. From 114,000 rub.
July From 38,600 rub. From 117,000 rub.
August From 43,300 rub. From 116,800 rub.
September From 28,600 rub. From 116,800 rub.
October From 33500 rub. From 115800 rub.
November From 45,700 rub. From 145,500 rub.
December From 38,500 rub. From 116,000 rub.

Cost of trips to the Dominican Republic

Today, you can buy a trip to the Dominican Republic from almost every tour operator in the world due to the high popularity of the tropical resort among tourists. The price of the tour depends on the time of year chosen for the holiday, the number of days of rest, the hotel and services included in the tour.

It is most profitable to purchase a last minute ticket. Last minute tours are sold at a discount of 30 to 50%. The price for a last minute trip to the Dominican Republic in December ranges from 55,000 rubles. up to 65,000 rub. for 10 days per person. Prices for trips in January-March are already higher and range from 60,000 rubles. up to 75,000 rub. for 10 days per person.

The lowest prices for trips to the Dominican Republic are from May to the end of October. If you are lucky enough to find a last minute trip in the summer, you will be able to have a very profitable vacation by paying about 40,000-45,000 rubles for the trip.

The Dominican Republic is a paradise with tropical nature, luxurious beaches, warm sea, incredible plants and attractions. The holiday season lasts all year round, the resort is ready to open its warm arms to its guests at any time.

Article format: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about the holiday season in the Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic is the season of rains and hurricanes. When is the best time to rest:

The Dominican Republic is an ideal place for a beach holiday. We tell you where it is better to relax and which resort to choose. Description and comparison of resorts: weather, prices and entertainment.

Map of resorts and beaches of the Dominican Republic

If you have not yet decided which resort to choose in the Dominican Republic, take a closer look at Punta Cana. The noisy and cheerful city is located in the center of the resort area of ​​the same name in the southeast of the country. Couples and businessmen come here to relax.

Beach holiday. According to reviews, Punta Cana is one of the best resorts in the Dominican Republic. There are several areas here. In the center there is an urban area with an airport. A little further is the fashionable Cap Cana area with expensive hotels and the more affordable Bavaro area, where there are shops, a hospital, pharmacies and banks.

The coastline stretches for 32 km. The beaches of Bavaro are considered the best in the Dominican Republic. The shore is covered with white sand, the entrance to the water is gentle, and the swimming area is separated from the shore by coral reefs. Hotel beaches have the necessary infrastructure, but municipal beaches do not. In free places you usually won’t find changing cabins, toilets or showers.

(Photo © Mustang Joe / / License CC0 1.0)

Things to do. Rich in Punta Cana undersea world, so diving is developed. The resort's fish restaurants are reputed to be the best in the country. In the vicinity there are two national parks and a marine reserve.

Prices. Most coastal hotels are 4-5*. On average, a double room costs from $80. It is much cheaper to live in a guesthouse - $25-35 per night.

Punta Cana in high season (winter):

(Photo © / @joelcasilla)

Where is the best place to relax in the Dominican Republic? If you are not limited by budget, we recommend going to the elite suburb of Punta Cana - Cap Cana. This is a young resort designed for wealthy clients.

Beach holiday. The coastline extends for 8 km and is covered with white, very fine sand. The beaches of Cap Cana are clean, with a gentle entrance to the water. Some of them belong to hotels. The most beautiful beaches are located in the southwest of the resort.

Things to do. Cap Cana has a modern port for 200 yachts and 200 boats, as well as excellent golf courses. Swim in outdoor swimming pools With sea ​​water, go to a fitness center or spa. During your vacation, go on an excursion to nature reserve Manati and watch exotic birds on the tropical island of Cayo Levantado.

Prices. Cap Cana has the highest prices among other resorts in the Dominican Republic. There are five luxury hotels and a boutique hotel. They serve guests on an all-inclusive basis, so tours are expensive.

Cap Cana in high season (winter):

(Photo © / Green Village 03)

When asked where to go to the Dominican Republic for a holiday with small children, many answer unequivocally - to Boca Chica.

Beach holiday. One of the best resorts in the Dominican Republic is located in a natural lagoon and is reliably protected coral reef from waves and large predators. The beaches are covered with white powdery sand. The swimming area is shallow - no more than one and a half meters. The main city of the Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, is 30 km from the resort, so on weekends the beaches of Boca Chica are crowded with vacationers from the capital.

Things to do. Popular with tourists water activities: diving, yachting, surfing and sea fishing. Take an excursion to Santo Domingo and visit the small tropical islands.

Prices. Accommodation is cheaper than in Punta Cana: there are no 5* hotels and many 3-4* budget hotels.

Boca Chica in high season (winter):

(Photo © / whala!boca chica)

Where to go to the Dominican Republic if you want a relaxing holiday? Tourists recommend Juan Dolio - this is a quiet resort in the Dominican Republic, compared to neighboring Boca Chica. Located on the Caribbean coast, 50 km from the capital.

Beach holiday. The beaches of Juan Dolio are in no way inferior to others. Everything is as advertised: small White sand, turquoise water, rows of high coconut trees. There are almost no waves near the shore, and the depth is small - 1.5-2 m. In some places, corals are located close to the shore, and there are fragments of them - take special shoes.

Things to do. Play golf or bowling, ride horses, go diving and snorkeling. Go see the sights of Santo Domingo: Aquarium Park, Columbus Lighthouse and Ozama Fort.

Prices. Juan Dolio is a budget resort in the Dominican Republic. The cost of a holiday there is approximately the same as in Punta Cana.

Juan Dolio in high season (winter):

(Photo © / Marbella Juan Dolio I)


Many people believe that the best place to relax in the Dominican Republic is at the Samana resort. It is located on a protected peninsula, far from large cities.

Beach holiday. Samana is called ideal place for connoisseurs of individual recreation, newlyweds and lovers of eco-tourism. Tourists enjoy the beaches in the southern and northern parts of the peninsula, as well as on the island of Cayo Levantado.

Things to do. Horseback riding excursions, jeeping, diving, snorkeling and deep-sea fishing are popular. Admire ancient rock paintings in deep caves, visit the 30-meter El Limon waterfall, watch dolphins and manatees. From mid-January to March you can see the migration of humpback whales.

Prices. Accommodation in 3-4* hotels will cost from $40 to $80, and a double room in a guesthouse will cost $20-30.

Samana in high season (winter):

(Photo © Einfach-Eve /

A large recreation area is located in the north of the country, on the shore Atlantic Ocean. It unites three resorts at once - Playa Dorada, Cabarete and Sosua.

Beach holiday. The coastline is more than 100 km. Hotel beaches are equipped. Here ideal conditions for water sports because the ocean waves are higher than in the Caribbean.

Things to do. It is better to go to this Dominican Republic resort for those who like to diversify beach activities with excursions and active recreation. In Puerto Plata, all attractions are located compactly. The coastal city has preserved the colonial style of the era of the conquerors - neat houses decorated with carvings, defensive structures and Catholic churches. Visit the ruins of Columbus's home, visit the Amber Museum and the Brugal Distillery.

If you like to be active, take the cable car to the top of Isabel de Torres. Take a windsurfing school, play golf and ride horses. Watch spectacular cockfights at the Gallistico Club.

Prices the cost of holidays in the northern resorts of the Dominican Republic is slightly lower than in Punta Cana.

Puerto Plata in high season (winter):

(Photo © / Playabachata Resort)

A large resort center is located in the southern part, between Punta Cana and the capital of the country. La Romana is considered one of the best Dominican Republic resorts in the Caribbean.

Beach holiday. Tourists like silence and cleanliness. Shady coconut groves grow on the shore, and hotels have excellent beach infrastructure.

Things to do. The main entertainments are tennis, golf, diving, spearfishing, fishing, yachting, horse riding and jeeping. Tourists are in demand for excursions to the city of artisans and artists of Altos de Chavon and boat trips to the islands of Saona and Catalinita. Visit Central Park, admire the City Hall building and the ancient Catholic Church of Santa Rosa de Lima.

Prices. The cost of a holiday in La Romana is the same as in Punta Cana. For independent budget holiday choose 3* hotels - accommodation costs $50-80 per night. Guesthouses are even cheaper - $30-40.

La Romana in high season (winter):

(Photo © / Luxury Bahia Principe Bouganville)

Determining which Dominican Republic resort is better is not easy. According to reviews, an unusual option is a holiday in the capital of the country.

Beach holiday. The city has a rocky coastline and no beaches. Swimming spots are located around Santo Domingo - Boca Chica and Juan Dolio. They are conveniently accessible by public transport. Locals and tourists also enjoy the picturesque sandy beach of Guayacanes.

Things to do. Santo Domingo is the first city of the New World, which was founded by Europeans at the end of the 15th century. Today it is the cultural and economic center of the country. Most of the city's monuments and museums are concentrated in the so-called “Colonial Zone”.

Connoisseurs of architecture and history love to relax in the capital. Santo Domingo is popular with fans of shopping, as there are many markets here, shopping centers and boutiques. If you want to see natural attractions, go to the Three Eyes Cave, the National Botanical Garden, the Zoo, Mirador Suri and Enriquillo Parks.

Prices in the capital of the Dominican Republic, prices are no higher than in other popular resorts in the country, and there is a greater choice of inexpensive accommodation.

Santo Domingo in high season (winter):

(Photo © / Catalonia Santo Domingo)

The best resorts in the Dominican Republic receive the most flattering reviews from tourists from different countries peace. Holidays on the coast of the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean are ideal for anyone who is not afraid of long flights and relatively high prices.

According to reviews, a universal place for tourists with different needs is Punta Cana. Youth groups and families with small children prefer Boca Chica or La Romana. Those who want to spend their holidays alone come to the Samana Peninsula. Whatever the choice, at any resort in the Dominican Republic you can count on clean beaches, comfortable hotels, water activities and interesting excursions.

Introductory image source: © Playabachata Resort /

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5.2. Cancellation of booking and provision of Services by the Buyer:

5.2.1. The Buyer has the right to cancel the booked Services. Cancellation is made by sending a message by email or other means of communication specified in the contacts section. A previously unpaid excursion must be canceled at least two days before it takes place. If the excursion or service has been paid for in advance (as required internal rules company and a cooperation agreement with the contractor “Two Bananas”), a 100% refund is possible if there is a valid reason for canceling an excursion or service, as well as informing “Two Bananas” in advance (at least 4 days).

5.2.2 If on the start date of the tour/trip the Buyer does not appear at the appointed time at the meeting point, then “Two Bananas” reserves the right to withhold the full cost of the Services.

6. Responsibility of the parties and resolution of disputes

6.1. For all issues not regulated by these Terms and Conditions, the Parties agree to be governed by the laws of the Dominican Republic.

6.2. Any complaints from the Buyer must be voiced to the leaders, guides or managers of “Two Bananas” immediately and must include arguments regarding the inconsistency of the Services described on the website and the Services provided to the Buyer. The Buyer agrees to cooperate with Two Bananas and wait for its justified complaint to be resolved locally, and to accept the proposed solutions to continue providing the Services. If the Buyer’s complaint cannot be resolved immediately and on the spot, then the Buyer has the right to send it along with documents confirming his innocence, by email or other means of communication. Two Bananas will consider the complaint within a reasonable time and in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. Refunds, after consideration of the complaint, can be made in an amount equal to the unprovided part of the Services, according to the calculations of “Two Bananas”, but cannot exceed the full cost of all Services provided.

6.3. "Two Bananas" is not responsible for services/products provided by third parties.

6.4. "Two Bananas" is not responsible for injuries, damages, losses, accidents, delays or deviations from the schedule, expenses or other problems incurred by the Buyer in connection with the violation of obligations on the part of the hotels, transport companies or other companies and persons providing services included in the Services purchased by the Buyer.

6.5. If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is determined to be unlawful, void or unenforceable under the laws of the Dominican Republic, it will be deleted from the Terms and Conditions and the remaining provisions of the Terms and Conditions will remain in full force and effect and continue to be binding.

When is the best time to vacation in the Dominican Republic? What can I say? Holidays in the Dominican Republic can be called a vacation in paradise. The high season in the Dominican Republic begins when cold, wind, snow and sub-zero temperatures arrive en masse at the native latitudes. It lasts from November to April. During these months, the daytime temperature is approximately +27ºС, and at night it is around +23ºС.

The water temperature at this time is usually +26ºС. The coldest time in the Dominican Republic is in January. During this period, the air can warm up to only +24ºС. Which, as we understand, is very good.

Summer reigns here from May to October. And it is precisely during this period that the notorious tropical rains and even typhoons occur. The air temperature does not fall; moreover, it increases to +31ºС.

And although it’s warm here, we can talk about the low season in the Dominican Republic. Few people want to get caught in a storm, get wet in a tropical downpour, or swim in a real storm. Although this doesn’t scare some people, of course.

In general, the climate in the Dominican Republic is very comfortable, mild and convenient. The waters of the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic are always warm and welcoming and you can not only swim in them or sunbathe on the sandy beaches, but also engage in water sports.

Holidays in the Dominican Republic in winter

The weather in the Dominican Republic is dry and cool in winter. There is almost no precipitation, the sea is calm, many confidently swim in the warm water. Even at this time, they admire the whales that swim to the shores of the island. You can visit any of the cities in the country, starting from Santa Domingo and ending with all kinds of resorts like Cabarete. This good time for excursions around the island, conquering the mountains in the heart of the country and numerous adventures in cities and nature reserves. In Rio San Juan winter time It’s especially cool, so if you’re worried about a sudden climate change coming from mid-latitudes and cold winters, this is the place for you.

Holidays in the Dominican Republic in spring

Spring on the island of Haiti is quite welcoming. The first noticeable rains begin towards the end of the season, in May. So you can safely sunbathe and swim in both March and April. The weather in the Dominican Republic is warm in spring. In Azua and Santo Domingo, for example, there is almost no rain throughout the season. By the way, carnivals may take place here around the beginning of spring. And Samana and Las Terrenas are good all year round. By mid-spring, a slight decline in tourists begins, as it becomes too hot for many. But if this doesn’t bother you, then spring is the ideal time to travel.

Holidays in the Dominican Republic in summer

People with cardiovascular diseases and other serious health problems are not recommended to fly to the Dominican Republic in the summer. It is very humid here and it rains. The weather in the Dominican Republic in summer will please those who prefer a hot climate, so it is a matter of personal choice. Towards the end of the season, noticeable storms begin, and the rainfall here is tropical. Monte Cristo and Barahona have the least rainfall. So even at this time there will be something to do and where to go. And choose better the southern coast with its resort areas, or small lagoons in the Samana Peninsula area, there is less risk of encountering truly terrible typhoons.

The Dominican Republic is a country where summer never ends. However, it should be noted that there are more comfortable seasons for holidays in the Dominican Republic.

When is the best time to go to this country?

Although the thermometer does not fall below +25ºC, there are distinct seasons: the rainy season, the hurricane season and the beautiful season with favorable conditions for recreation.

Summer in the Dominican Republic is the rainy season, which lasts from May to September. The highest temperatures are in August (up to +31ºC). It is worth noting that the heat is tolerated quite well in this corner of the planet thanks to the wind that blows from the sea. Therefore, there are no conditions for sweltering heat.

Vacationers should not be afraid of the rainy season on Dominican beaches. Heavy but short-lived showers usually occur in the evening and at night. And in daytime hours there is nothing stopping you from having a great time on the beach. According to statistics, the most precipitation falls in May and September-November. At the same time, the most rain falls on the northern coast of the Dominican Republic, which is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. But in the south, where you can enjoy swimming in the waters of the Caribbean Sea, there is no such abundance of rain. The tourist season continues.

The average indicators of the rainy season, characterizing weather conditions, indicate that at this time the territory of the island state is warm and moderately hot (during the day the temperature does not fall below +28ºC, and at night the average is +22ºC). Sea water temperature is not lower than +27ºC. Air humidity is naturally high – it stays at 90%.

During the rainy season in the Dominican Republic you can have a great time, especially since prices are compared to high tourist season are decreasing, so a trip to this amazing state, located in tropical climate, starting from May and ending in November, becomes more affordable.

Rainy weather is a wonderful opportunity to spend a holiday for those who engage in extreme sports. The fact is that the Yaca del Norte River becomes full-flowing, and its rapids are perfect for rafting and kayaking.

Diving during the rainy season is not very good, but for deep-sea fishing off the coast of the Dominican Republic there are excellent conditions at any time of the year. Many species of fish live in coastal waters throughout the year. And some species, such as barracuda, swim to these shores only during the rainy season.

The end of summer in the Dominican Republic is a time when the wind increases and typhoons become likely. The holiday season comes to a standstill. Travel agencies Tours for this time are sold carefully, warning customers about adverse weather conditions.

Hurricanes can be expected starting in August. This unfavorable season for holidays lasts until November. During hurricane season, the sea becomes very stormy and the wind gusts are very strong. Severe hurricanes cause serious destruction. They happen quite often, but not every year. In the last 80 years, the Dominican Republic has been damaged by hurricanes 11 times. Hurricanes occur on the southwest and west coasts. At the center of the typhoon, wind speeds reach 320 km/h.

Of course, the risk of experiencing a hurricane in the Dominican Republic is quite high. But you should know that currently personnel are well prepared to act quickly and effectively in extreme situations. At the same time, during the construction of hotels, the danger of destruction from storm winds is taken into account, and therefore special attention is paid to ensuring the strength of structures.

There is a protected place on the island at this time of year:

  • The famous resort of Punta Cana is conveniently located under the protection of a fairly high mountain range.
  • Even during hurricane periods, the weather is calm here, so when choosing a vacation in Punta Cana, you don’t have to worry that your vacation will be ruined by unfavorable weather conditions.
  • A beach holiday in Punta Cana is a wonderful opportunity to recuperate and get a boost of energy even during the rainy season in the Dominican Republic!

From November to April, you can relax on the beaches of the wonderful tropical state of the Dominican Republic. This time is called the dry period and high season. For vacationers, this time of year can be compared to the idea of ​​paradise. Coastal beaches, warm waters The Caribbean Sea in the south, as well as the Atlantic Ocean in the north of the island - all this allows you to enjoy a wonderful vacation. There is very little precipitation at this time. Humidity, however, is high (at 80%). At this time, vacation in the Dominican Republic is amazing! The expanses of the sea delight you with tranquility. The gentle sun provides a bronze tan. Diving, fishing, snorkeling - for all this, the Dominican Republic has fabulous conditions during the dry season!

The average temperature during the day is +27ºC, at night - +24ºC. The water during the holiday season is gentle - its temperature does not drop below +26ºC. It is quite cool in the mountains at this time - on high peaks even sub-zero temperatures. The likelihood of typhoons occurring is extremely low. Despite the fact that the construction of hotels is changing the local landscape, there are still many beautiful beaches. Clear water on the coast, sand and wonderful sun - a holiday at this time in the Dominican Republic is truly unforgettable!


Rain season

May – September. Precipitation is short-lived. The highest air temperature is observed in August, but rarely exceeds +31ºC. The water is quite suitable for swimming - not lower than +27ºC. The wind brings coolness from the sea. There is no sweltering heat.

September – November. The wind is picking up. There is a high probability of typhoons forming. The sea is very stormy.

Holiday season

November – May. Dry period. There is very little precipitation, but at the same time the humidity remains quite high, up to 80%. The sea is calm and great for surfing, fishing and swimming. Daytime temperature: +27ºC, night: +24ºC.